April 2013
A publication supporting the rights, safety and freedom of all motorcyclists through education and legislation
Nonprofit Org US Postage Paid Permit #1662 Phoenix, AZ
we will try again
And our own Charity Stuart recieved a Hometown Hero award for her service in Operation Enduring Freedom. Dee and I were both there to show support. We are all proud of her.
Well, I'm back again with more news about what is going on in our world.
ABATE of AZ. 7509 N. 12th St, #200 Phoenix, AZ 85020
First the good news, StillRay is being inducted into the Sturgis Freedom Fighter Hall of Fame, congratulations StillRay.
Now the sad news as we are all mourning the passing of Pops of the Limey Riders M/C.. Condolences have poured in from across the state and we will all miss him.
On to what's happening at the capitaol, SB1086, the anti-profiling bill, went down in flames.We needed 16 votes on the Senate floor and only got 14. There were 14 for 14 against and 2 who did not vote. So we will start again for
next year, and again I can not say this enough: time to talk to your legislator and let them know how you feel. If you get pulled over for any reason document it. Most new cell phones take incredible video, that it's no longer “he said, you say”.
We are still looking for a sponsor for the Lane Advancement bill. The threat of toll roads is still there, one more item to take to your legislators. We need every rider’s help to achieve these things. Victor Grady Designated Lobbyist for ABATE of Arizona Coordinator Phoenix/Shadow Mtn Chapter ABATE of Arizona
Mission Statement
We will lobby and educate the government and the general public to promote
motorcycling in a safe and positive image. We will endeavor to enlist the cooperation and participation of all organizations and individuals who share
a similar interest in preserving our American tradition of
We will involve ourselves in fund raising to achieve our goal.
President’s Report
President’s Report (continued)
Pops didn’t feel comfortable riding his new bike and side car. He was hesitant because riding the bike didn’t feel like second nature to him, and until it did he said he wasn’t comfortable riding in traffic. Pops had the distinct privilege of attending the 1st, 2nd and 50th. Sturgis motorcycle rally. It’s believed he attended some more over the years but those were the important ones too him. Pops out lived all his relatives. His mom died at age 82 in 1979. Although Pops didn’t have any blood relatives, he had a very close knit family within the motorcycle community. His Club Brothers and
State Officers Meeting Minutes OFFICERS:
Motorcycle Day at the Dome 2013 was shall we say different! This year won the prize for 3 different seasons in one day here in the Valley. I asked that this year be a memorable MDATD. So we started off with heavy rain then sunshine and finally snow. I had fo rgotten how much fun it is since I moved here from Chicago. All things considered we had a good turnout of bikers. Many who had made appointments with their legislators met with them under the tents or in their offices. I would like to congratulate and thank everyone who attended this year’s event. A very Special Thank You goes out to ALMA MC and Hooligans MC who helped direct the parking of the bikes on the street in front of the Senate & House. Limey Riders MC, ABATE and MMA members, for their assistance signing in attendees and helping locate legislators.
American legend Sonny Barger presents DEAD IN 5 HEART BEATS the movie. April 5th,6th and 7th The movie has 5 Showings per day at Super Saver 8 Cinema 2710 W. Bell Phoenix. For more information, www.deadin5heartbeats
I was very fortunate to attend a private showing, along with 200 + other bikers. I am by no means a movie critic however I very much enjoyed the movie. The movie has many Brothers and Sisters from clubs throughout Arizona. I recommend seeing the movie and see how many people and places you recognize. Bikers, Babes, Bikes and Beer it’s all there what more could you wish for? Treat yourself and a friend go see the movie. Goodbye “Pops”
Limey Riders MC has lost a Brother, Mentor, friend and legend. As far as I know he was the most elder biker in Arizona. Pops died peacefully at his home last month.
Everyone who knew Pops instantly liked him. His warm smile and friendly demeanor welcomed old friends and new acquaintances. Pops was born in 1921 and named, Glen Richards. Pops later attended York College in York, Nebraska. After graduation he continued to do graduate work at the college. In 1933 Pops first started riding from Lincoln Nebraska to his work 45 miles one way.
When WWII broke out Pops enlisted in the Army. He was assigned to the Aleutian Islands with the Army Corp of Engineers. Pops later had other assignments until his discharge. Pops returned to Nebraska and continued his love for motorcycles. He joined the White Spots MC which later evolved into the Modern Knights MC.
Sometime in the late 40’s Pops had an Enfield motorcycle that he used to race and also use for transportation. After riding the bike in a race, the next day he started a journey from Nebraska to California, which I’m sure took him to many interesting places.
Pops later found his way to Arizona settling in the Phoenix - Glendale area. He worked for the State of Arizona as a Social Worker until he retired at age 62. Well his retirement didn’t last long. Pops started working for the distributor of the Arizona Republic Newspapers. He delivered pallets of papers to distribution centers until he turned 80. Pops never had a bike with an electric start until he turned 87. Pops then had an electric starter put on the bike as an option. The bike still had the original kick starter but as Pops was getting older it seemed it wasn’t starting a fast as it used to. When Pops turned 88 he bought a newer Enfield in 2010, this bike had an electric starter. Pops rode until September 17, 2010. That was the day that Pops’ was hit while riding his bike which put him in the hospital for a lengthy recovery. After the accident
Ride Forever Free my Friend
Remember Democracy begins with you, and Democracy only works when you get involved. Drive now text later, you can’t do both! Tim O’Reilly ABATE of Arizona State President
State Officer Meeting Minutes
March 3, 2013
Hello to all my Brothers and Sisters,
Sisters were his immediate family and the rest of us were just, very privileged to have known him. Pops was truly a very good man and a legend, who shall not be forgotten soon. Pops you will be missed.
President - Tim O’Reilly, Vice President - Paul Pendergast - absent, Secretary - Casey Yates, Treasurer Matt Brown, PAC - Jim Page, Run Coordinator - Darin Yates - absent, Membership - Tina Benoit, Merchandising – OPEN, Safety Officer - Jean Cooper, Designated Lobbyist – Vic Grady - absent, Sergeant at Arms Joe Ferrucci - absent, Communications – Charity Stuart
MDATD was an OK turnout probably would have had more in attendance had it not been for rain and snow. ACMC Bill – Elimination of emission testing for motorcycles. There was a problem with the information sent to EPA from ADEQ. EPA requests the information be sent again. New target date is May 1st 2013 for EPA to dissolve motorcycle emission testing in Maricopa County.
Guests: None
SB 1086 Discrimination Bill - The bill was brought up for a vote which was a tie vote. Lobbyist tried to save Bill by asking for a voice vote but that also failed. Bill 1086 has been declared dead. Lobbyist will try again next year.
Membership - Tina Benoit
Call to order: 10:17 AM Pledge of Allegiance and moment of silence led by: Jimmy Page
Secretary unable to make notes Please be courteous as Robert’s Rules apply. Secretary minutes from February 3, 2013:
Motion to waive reading of Minutes: ___ Tina _ 2nd:__ Jimmy All in favor: yes X Officer reports:
Treasurer report - Matt Brown
Motion to accept treasurer report: Charity Second: Jean Pac Report - Jimmy Page
How to Reach Us
480-256-9237 For Advertising Rates Email Eric at themasterlink@abateofaz.org Or Mail Your Ads to: MasterLink, ABATE of Arizona 7509 N. 12th St, #200 Phoenix, AZ, 85020 MasterLink Advertising Rates:
Size Monthly Quarterly Yearly Business Card Size (3-1/2”w x 2”h): $20.00 $60.00 $200.00 1/8 Page (5-1/8”w x 4”h)
$50.00 $150.00 $500.00 1/4 Page (5-1/2”w x 8”h) $70.00 $210.00 $700.00 1/2 Page (10-1/4”w x 8”h) $100.00 $300.00 $1,000.00 Full Page (10-1/4”w x 16”h) $200.00 $600.00 $2,000.00 Full Color Back Page (10-1/4”w x 16”h) $400.00 $950.00 $3,300.00
Jimmy Page would like to step down as State PAC Officer. If anyone is interested please submit your desire to any State Officer or BOD member. Pre-Bike Week: Trifecta at Steel Horse Saloon April 7, 2013, Membership table. Safety report - Jean Cooper
*GOHS / Arizona Motorcycle safety Advisory Council meeting was a closed meeting. The original date for this meeting was changed the new date was not posted on their web site. Jean will attempt to contact Alberto Gutier to have this problem resolved. Ron Kool is back and doing MAP training in southern Arizona. Jean will contact Gov. Brewers Office for a Proclamation declaring May as Motorcycle Safety Month. Designated Lobbyist report – Vic Grady – absent Authorized Lobbyist - Kat Grover absent Communications report - Charity Stuart
Will research locations for safety table, sell ABATE shirts for $5.00 and promote PSA’s during Bike Week.
Run Coordinator report - Darin Yates: absent – Tri-Fecta April 7th.
TBFS Report – Paul Pendergast - absent Laura, CCF response letter was read by Tim.
State Officer Meeting Minutes (continued)
State Officers reaffirmed not to utilize CCF. Too Broke For Sturgis event will be kept at MLL.
Question as to who is Charmin of the TBFS Committee? Tim O'Reilly is the Chairman of the committee final approval of negotiations and contracts are sole responsibility of the president. OLD BUSINESS
P & P Committee members: Tim O’Reilly, Paul Pendergast, Jim Page and
February 26, 2013 Officers:
Chair - Eric Hampton, East Valley Redbone Schneider, High Country -Billy Hensler, Phoenix - Shadow Mtn - Eric Hampton, So. Arizona - Sean Pinder, Yavapai - Still Ray Fitzgerald - absent, Yuma – Rick Breadwell - absent
Guests: Matt Brown, State Treasurer, Charity Stuart, Communications, TBFS Committee, Mary Kay Donnay, V. Coordinator EV, TBFS Committee
The purpose of this special teleconference is registration of the Too Broke for Sturgis trademark. This is a time sensitive issue. The previous attorney handling this has retired and referred ABATE to the new attorney.
NCOM BIKER NEWSBYTES Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish, National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM)
LEGISLATION WOULD PROHIBIT E15 GAS PENDING FURTHER INVESTIGATION Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI) has introduced H.R. 875, which would require the Environmental Protection Agency to stop the use of gasoline containing 15% ethanol (E15) until its harmful effects are investigated further.
H.R. 875, introduced on February 28, would repeal the EPA’s waiver decision approving the use of E15 and the authority of the agency to grant further decisions until the EPA seeks an independent scientific analysis of the effects of the E15 blend.
“There have been several tests and warnings highlighting E15’s harmful effects on engines and their components, but they have all been dismissed by the EPA. Therefore, we must force the EPA to stop the use of E15 fuel until the serious safety, durability, performance and environmental concerns have been addressed,” announced Rep. Sensenbrenner.
Sensenbrenner has introduced several bills to address the risks associated with E15, and his latest legislation to halt the sale of the 15% alcohol blended fuel until further studies are completed, came less than a week after witnesses from automobile and motorcycle industry and consumer groups testified before the Science, Space and Technology Committee that more testing is needed. “We have a responsibility to ensure that Americans using gas-powered machinery – whether it be cars and boats or chain-
Casey Yates. Review of purposed change to P & P regarding minimum number of Officers and Members to start Chapter. Matter is on hold Pending BOD approval. TABLED until committee an meet and decide on specifics. Mohave Chapter: Close Chapter. Matt has Cancel checking account.
Tina will contact the now closed Mohave Chapter members asking them which chapter they would prefer to be assigned to.
BOD approved perusing and continuing TBFS trademark.
New chairs for State Office were ordered and will be picked up shortly. New Business
Motion to financially assist Johnny Dreyfus (AZCMC Lobbyist and ABATE member) expenses for Bikers on the beltway. Amount not to exceed $300.00. Johnny will give his report the first Phoenix – Shadow Mountain meeting
BOD Teleconference Minutes
The question brought forth is it in the best interest of ABATE to continue seeking our Too Broke for Sturgis trademark? (Matt Brown) How much has ABATE actually spent pursuing the TBFS trademark?
(An approximation of $2000 to date. Matt Brown to verify. ) Is there an actual cost benefit from the trademark? Yes (Redbone Schneider)
Will this new attorney, will our trademark be a slam dunk? No (Billy Hensler)
Legal back ground history, NO copyright NO trademark, NO profit. (Charity Stuart)
to come in and use our name.
Motion made by Redbone Schneider to approve additional $850 to obtain a new attorney to proceed with trademark application. 2nd: Bill Hensler All in favor motion passed
Amended motion made by Billy Hensler that if additional monies are needed, that another special teleconference be made at that time. 2nd: Sean Pinder All in favor motion passed
Motion made by Sean Pinder to approve Kat Grover as our Authorized Lobbyist.
This leaves the door open for promoters
2nd: Redbone Billy Hensler abstained
saws and lawnmowers – are not put at risk due to faulty fuel that has not been adequately vetted,” Sensenbrenner said.
the group will work with Beall to amend the language, and vows “…our goal is to ultimately submit a bill that addresses the concerns of the motorcycle community; a bill that can be supported and endorsed by the ABATE membership. If the final bill doesn’t meet ABATE’s requirements, ABATE will vigorously oppose the bill and try to kill it.”
Coast to Coast
No sooner had the California Highway Patrol published guidelines on how to safely maneuver your motorcycle between lanes of slow-moving traffic, than SB 350 was introduced by State Senator Jim Beall (D-San Jose) to codify the rules into law.
California is the only state that allows “lane sharing” or “lane splitting,” precisely because there are no laws against it; though officers have a variety of charges they can levy against a reckless rider such as unsafe lane change or too fast for conditions. Beall’s bill would restrict the practice by prohibiting motorcycles from splitting lanes unless specifically allowed; “…when a highway has been divided into three or more clearly marked lanes for traffic traveling in the same direction, a person operating a motorcycle shall not pass another vehicle in a portion of a lane occupied by that vehicle unless the following conditions are met: (1) The passing occurs during traffic congestion. (2) The passing occurs at a safe speed.”
Following furious feedback from motorcyclists opposed to over-regulating an act that 87% report doing almost daily during crowded commutes, Sen. Beall soon pulled his proposal and turned it into a two-year bill for future reconsideration. In the meantime, although ABATE of California did not initiate the measure,
For motorcycle riders, people in "cages" bear a disproportionate share of the blame for the high number of motorcycle crashes, while car drivers feel careless motorcyclists careening in and out of traffic are putting their own lives at risk. So who's mostly to blame when fourwheel and two-wheel vehicles collide? According to a recent Florida Department of Transportation study, bikers are right. Motorists driving cars and trucks are mostly at fault, often failing to yield the right of way to the smaller vehicles. In analyzing 10 years of Florida motorcycle crashes, Chanyoung Lee, a senior researcher at the University of South Florida's Center for Urban Transportation Research, found that 60% of the time motorists in other vehicles are at fault when they collide with motorcycles.
But the study uncovered more: When looking at all motorcycle crashes, motorcycle operators bear a lot of responsibility as well. They have a significantly higher number of single-vehicle crashes than other drivers. Some 34% of motorcycle crashes involve one vehicle, according to the study, compared to only 19% of car crashes involving one vehicle. When looking at really severe and fatal motorcycle crashes, 50% involve just the
after his return. Motion: Charity 2nd: Jimmy. Congratulations Kat Grover Newly appointed Authorized Lobbyist for ABATE.
Next State Meeting: April 7, 2013 10:00 at State Office
Motion to adjourn:
Jimmy 2nd: Jean
All in favor time: 12:11
Motion passed
Vic Grady - Designated lobbyist
Deb Buittita – Authorized Lobbyist
There is no limit to the amount of lobbyists that ABATE can have.
Congratulations Kat!!
Congratulations!!! to Stillray Fitzgerald for be inducted into The Sturgis Freedom Fighter Hall of Fame
Motion to adjourn: Billy Hensler 2nd: Redbone Schneider Meeting Adjourned: ALL IN FAVOR
motorcycle and no other vehicle, but when multiple vehicles are involved, greater blame falls on four-wheeled drivers. And most motorcycle crashes involve other vehicles.
But it's also a matter of awareness, according to Lee, who is part of FDOT's Motorcycle Safety Coalition. In driver surveys, FDOT has asked people how often they see motorcycles. Those with motorcycle endorsements on their driver's licenses report seeing motorcycles all the time, while those without endorsements who live in the same area report occasionally seeing motorcycles.
Due to minimal levels of protection to their riders, approximately 80% of motorcycle crashes result in injury or fatality, according to the Network of Employees for Traffic Safety, while only 20% of passenger car crashes injure or kill the vehicle occupants. MMA HELPS DEFEAT SOUND WARRANT IN YARMOUTH, MA
The Massachusetts Motorcycle Association (MMA) is pleased to report that a town bylaw proposal has been successfully defeated in Yarmouth. With short notice, the MMA in concert with the Yarmouth Chief-of-Police and Deputy Chief attended a recent Board-ofSelectmen meeting and were successful in convincing the board that such a Bylaw would be unsuccessful. Armed with prior testimony used successfully around the state, including used to overturn a similar bylaw passed in Falmouth and subsequently struck down by the Commonwealth Attorney General,
MMA Legislative Director Rick Gleason
continued page 12
Chapter Reports
East Valley Chapter
High Country Chapter
Hello my Brothers and Sisters,
Here up in the high country the weather is getting so much better here as i write this report on 3/15/13 the temp. is 80 degrees out come up here enjoy the high country's beautiful views and great riding times. Enjoy our many eateries, our business member are just waiting for you to enjoy their services. Like our newest business member the Flying Grizzly . Stop in, enjoy their food and spirits.
Now for our big up coming event WILD IN THE WEEDS is coming up in May . It is on the first weekend of the month May,3rd 4th and 5th. At Jake's Corner Bar. This is A.B.A.T.E. s first camp out. It is only $15.00 for a single and $25.00 for a couple with free camping. The owners of Jake's Corner are going to serve us a free breakfast on Saturday and Sunday , i was told by myactivities officer. Come up and enjoy the two bands. Live music by the MODS Friday night and Soul Ever on Saturday night Please brothers and Sisters come up and support our this great event it is our 9th annual HIGH COUNTRY CHAPTER Coordinator CHICKNBONE
Phoenix/Shadow Mountain Chapter
sentatives. You can also find US Congressmen and Senators at www.house.gov and www.senate.gov. The congressional district, from azleg.org can be use to determine your US Congressman.
Another important meeting topic is police are getting tough on motorcycle endorsements. Insurance companies may also reduce or deny a claim if you have no endorsement. Statistics show that 70% of motorcyclists currently have their endorsement.
We also welcomed two new members. I do not currently have their nams but will post them in the next Masterlink.
Our next meeting will be held on April 14th at the Arizona American Italian Club, located at 7509 North 12th Street Phoenix, Arizona 85020. Breakfast, served by the Arizona American Italian Club staff, starts at 10:00 AM for $5/per person, Meeting begins at 10:30. Steve Palmer Phoenix-Shadow Mountain ABATE Communications Officer
Southern Arizona Chapter NO REPORT
Yavapai Chapter
Our March meeting was held on Sunday, March 10th at the Taj Mahal Restaurant in Prescott, AZ. We had a good turnout and several issues were discussed for the coming months, including:
Our meeting started out on a disappointing note. SB1086 failed to pass the Arizona Senate (14-14-2). I have contacted my Senator again and expressed my disgust of his decision. If you do not know who your state representatives are, you can find them on the Arizona Legislative website www.azleg.org. Use the Legislative District to determine your state repre-
Our membership run will be held on Saturday, March 23rd. We will have registration at Roberts Market off Hwy. 89a from 8-10am. KSU at 10am. Cost is $10 per person and will have several stops at business members across the Hwy. 69 then on to Wilhoit and the Burro Inn. All riders will receive a free poker hand during the ride and there will be a fashion show and raffle at the Burro Inn.
The AIM Attorneys are helping with the legislation to deal with the elimination of Motorcycle Only Check Point Stops. Luckily for us here in the Western US we have not yet had to personally deal with this issue and are thankful and hopeful that we never will.
Motorcycle Rights Issues is Our AntiProfiling Bill SB 1086. At last count we were only one or two votes from getting our Bill to continue moving forward. We did have a really great show up of Motorcyclists for the Senate Hearing with over 250 Bikers signing in to give Testimony about their specific Harassment they had to endure for basically wearing Biker Atire while riding their Motorcycles. During the same time period we also had our Motorcycle Day at the Dome, (MDATD) set up for Motorcyclists to Visit with their local Legislators to let them know what our current Issues are and what they can be doing for us, as OUR elected Officials. we are asking for Bikers to make their phone calls and send their emails to get several of the Legislators on the committee to change their votes, and I'm hoping this has gotten done.
For the past several years now our AZ Motorcycle Lobbyists have been running Lane-Splitting or Lane-Sharing Bills to safely move Motorcyclists forward in heavy congested traffic situations. Unfortunately without enough practical background statistics and not enough positive feedback from our local Traffic Authorities, the Bills didn't go anywhere. Some of the reasoning behind wanting to get this type of legislation signed into Law is that we, Arizonian's live right across the Border from CA, where Motorcyclists freely skirt the Lane lines on a regular basis. Finally after many years of allowing CA Motorcyclists to scoot through traffic CA Officials are to unveil LaneSharing Rules. Basically what is being addressed is: You should Lane-Split no faster than 10 MPH over the speed of traffic around you, and recommend riders not split at all if the Traffic is faster than 30 MPH. Now with specific Rules in place for Lane-Splitting hopefully we will be able to get this done here in AZ during our next Legislative Session.
You should All know that the biggest thing we have going here in AZ for our
Our next major NCOM National Convention will take place at the Silver Legacy Resort-Casino in Reno NV. The Convention will take place May 9th May 12, 2013. Rooms are filling up fast so if you are planning on attending, Reservations can be made by calling: 800-687-8733
We hope to see you there, and until next time . . . . . MUSKRAT - Steve Musgrave NCOM, Region 9 Board Member
Our annual Run to the Hills event is on June 1st in Jerome, AZ at the Gold King Mine. Our live music on the event day will include: The Persuaders, Voodoo Sex Cult and Moondog. More being added. We also agreed as a chapter to support and attend the Jester’s run on May 18th in Cottonwood, Az. The event will be a tribute to Pat Fitzgerald. We invite all our members to ride with us to the event. Details on a group meet-up and ride for the event will be sent out soon. Yavapai chapter will be organizing our service commitment to TBfS at our next meeting.
We are calling for anyone that knows of patch holders out east to try and get them to attend the Beast of the East on April 19th. Also anyone that is going and wants to ride with Still Ray, let him know ASAP. Our next meeting is on Sunday, April 14th at the Taj Mahal.
Yuma Chapter
Call to Order – 6:30
Minutes of Last meeting – Brad Peyree/ Patty Peyree Treasure Report - we have ordered checks, Patty Peyree/ Daniel Medina
Officer Report – N/A
New Member / Guest – Terry Slider (Grumpy)
Old Business – Membership run April 6th
We have Bobby’s HD to donate for High Hand, Abate Members need to place flyers around town, and also bring in Raffle Prizes equal to about $20.00, Prizes can be kept at Frank’s House. Next Run Committee meet March 27 @6:30 location Frank’s Man cave
We will have a mystery stop, and looking for sponsor for the mileage guess Need release forms, and members to man stops, 6. New Business – SB1086 – has been died, we need to bring it back to life, Please contact your local Representatives. Around Table – N/A
Next Meeting - April 9, 2013 @6:30 Ihop
Adjournment – Daniel Medina / Brad Peyree
MASTERLINK APRIL 2013 by Rod Taylor - ABATE Legal Services
Every year since 1994, bikers have gathered together to support Riley Hospital for Children. And every year since then they have ridden by the hospital and out to the the track of the famous Indianapolis 500 - courtesy of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway and the Hulman/George family. One of riding’s biggest rushes is to enter the Indy 500 track and head down the main stretch with around 8000 other bikers on your tail. Holy mackerel; it only takes about an hour for all of them to get around it. Amazing to go two and half miles around the track before you see the rest of your pack entering the turn you started on. It is hard to keep your speed down, but you must. As you head into the first turn, recall names and events that make the track what it is today -
What Is ABATE?
ABATE Of Arizona, Inc. is a non-profit motorcycle rights organization that is dedicated to freedom of the road for all motorcyclists.
ABATE is a volunteer organization that fights discriminatory legislation aimed towards the motorcycling community. ABATE's position is that all motorcycle riders have the right to choose not only the machine that they ride, but also the riding gear that they choose to wear or not to wear, (i.e. leathers, gloves, boots and helmets.) ABATE promotes rider education for all motorcycle riders and motorcycle awareness for all automobile drivers. ABATE needs the support of all motorcyclists.
Arizona Motorcycle Rights Organizations Need Your Help!
Ask Our Lawyer
Foyt, Unser, Mears, Andretti (all of them), Peske, McLaren, RahalLetterman, Patrick, Borg-Warner Trophy, and of course Parnelli Jones, who led the Miracle Ride a few years back. And what about the Red Bull MotoGP, with Kentucky native Nicky Hayden, and Casey Stover? Or the Brickyard 400 with Gordon, Stewart, and Johnson or the United States Grand Prix with Montoya and Villeneuve? This ride happens at the Holy Grail of racing - of every kind. And you can be part of it and help the kids at Riley.
those who operate the poker run sites, Miracle Ride Board of Directors, Miracle Ride Committee, Bob & Tom, Gino Johnson (the world’s best CPA) and the folks at Rock Solid. Finally, we couldn’t do without Lucas Oil, Tucker Rocky, IMS and Riley Hospital stalwart Cassie Martin. DID YOU KNOW THAT THE FIRST RACE AT THE INDY 500 WAS A MOTORCYCLE RACE? AS SUCH, BIKERS SHOULD OWN IT.
Motorcyclists need to own the Red Bull Indianapolis GP Race - emotionally of course. One of the best motorcycle events to hit the tracks is the Red Bull MotoGP and has been since 2008. Upwards of 100,000 riders crowd the streets of downtown Indy with nothing but motorcycles. But not enough of us take the next step and go to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway to take in the actual race. Why? With hard core racing, Nicky Hayden, pit walk abouts, IMS Kid’s Club, vendor marketplace, camping and tailgating there is something for everyone, so it is hard to understand why more of us don’t go. Did I mention Motorcycles on Meridian?
Since 1994, around 4 million dollars have been raised for the kids at Riley, and 99.9 percent of those funds have been raised by volunteers. The Miracle Ride Foundation has just a skeleton staff that is paid for their work. So many thanks to those who volunteer time, dollars, motorcycles and expertise. I am tempted to start naming names of those good hearted volunteers that make this event happen, but I would do so at the risk of leaving some unrecognized (and it would be one long list). Safely, I acknowledge the HOG Chapters, Harley Davidson dealerships - South Side, West Side, Mann, Bloomington and all of
What more can you ask for? Here is the issue as I see it. Many of us are boulevard bikers, pleasure/country cruisers and the like. Let’s face it, we just like to ride. While some of us have developed a taste for flat tracks and hill climbs, the plain truth is that we are mostly riders. This leads me to the following. I have concerns that the best race in the country will go away unless we bikers support it. Sure, there are 100,000 of us that show up on Meridian Street in downtown Indy. And no biker could ever have a better time than at that event. But by the time the crowd gets out to the Speedway, there are fewer than 65,000 of us left. We and the IMS need 100,000 to make this race one of the greatest spectacles in motorcycle racing. How do we do it? Just go. And remember that there are over 1,000,000,000 registered bikers if you just include the surrounding states. Unfortunately, some of us have not taken the time to increase our motorcycle parlance from flat tracker talk to MotoGP talk. From there, it is simply a matter of education - old bikers, learning new
continued page 7
Join A.B.A.T.E.
along with an events section to inform you of *Do you like emission testing your motor- up-coming motorcycle runs and events. cycle? The Motorcycle Rights Organizations in *Do you like the choice to wear a helmet or Arizona are run by volunteers. Anyone that not? does volunteer gives their time freely to fight the fight. Please help us to pass on our ability *Do you like noise ordinances? to ride free. *Do you like the ability to modify your motorcycle?
*Do you know that there are dollars available for motorcycle safety and awareness? Please help the Motorcycle Rights Organizations in Arizona to prevent our Governments from restricting our ability to ride free. With your help, we can eliminate the emission testing of motorcycles in Arizona, fight our National-level battles with the EPA and NHTSA, and effectively watchdog the Arizona Legislators who, on a yearly basis, have entertained the idea of introducing a mandatory helmet law in our state. You can help by joining in the fight. The cost is only Twenty-five Dollars a year. Although you are not under any obligation to volunteer your time, any time you choose to give to our cause is always appreciated. With your membership you not only help our cause, but you will receive our newsletter as well. "The MasterLink" contains local happenings and national motorcycling news
Name_____________________________________ Name #2 __________________________________ Address __________________________________ City _____________________________________
Benefits Of Membership
Individuals ·ABATE membership card ·ABATE patch on first year ·Year pins thereafter ·One year subscription to the MasterLink newsletter ·Lifetime members get all that without the hassle of renewing
Business ·Two annual memberships ·Business card size advertisement and alphabetical listing in the MasterLink for the length of your membership. Circulated throughout Arizona ·Benefit of a run stop or event participation to support your business ·Addition of your business listing on our web site with a link to your business
Or turn in your membership application to an officer of the chapter of your choice. East Valley High Country
Southern Arizona Yavapai
Phx/Shadow Mtn
State___________ Zip ___________ Phone(s)___________________________________
Office Use Membership # ____________________________ Expiration Date___________________________
Email address _____________________________ make checks payable to: ABATE of AZ and mail to: 7509
N. 12th St, #200, Phoenix, AZ 85020
DONATIONS Motorcycle Awareness Program (MAP) $ _____ Legislative Efforts $____ General Fund $_____ MasterLink Newsletter $______
ABATE Of Arizona provides a unified voice for all motorcyclists in Arizona. Add your voice to ours. Join ABATE now, for the preservation of your ability to ride a motorcycle with the freedom that's your right!! © 2012 ABATE Of Arizona
7509 N. 12th St, #200 Phoenix, AZ. 85020
Website: www.abateofaz.org To join our discussion group, send email to Abate-request@abateofaz.org
Type of Membership (check one) Single……………$25____ Charter $15 ____ Couple………......$40 ____ Charter $25 ____ Life/Single………$350 ______ Annual Business Membership $125 ____ Annual Club Membership $125 ____ If a business member, please enclose business card for publication in our newsletter, The MasterLink. Renewal
Membership #_____________
New Member Referred By: Business Membership: ABATE of Arizona Business Membership is a substantial value at just $125.00 per year and includes (12 issues) of business card size ads, an annual membership for two people and an ABATE of Arizona Business Member Certificate for display in your business.
Chairman..............................Eric Hampton
East Valley………………….Redbone Schneider High Country........................Billy Hensler Mohave……………………..Don Russell Phx / Shadow Mountain…...Eric Hampton Southern AZ.........................Sean Pinder Yavapai……………………..”Still Ray” Fitzgerald Yuma....……………………..Rick Breadwell Quarterly Board meetings are held on the first Sunday in January, April, July and October at 1:00pm @ the AZ American-Italian Club, 7509 N. 12th St, Phoenix. Please make sure your Chapter has representation.
A.B.A.T.E. State Officers For 2012
President………..............……Tim O’Reilly Vice President.....……………Paul Pendergast Secretary……………………Casey Yates Treasurer…………………….Matt Brown Membership…………………Tina Benoit Run/Events………………….Darin Yates Safety Coordinator………….Jean Cooper Sergeant-at-Arms……………Joe Ferrucci P.A.C………………………...Jim Page Communications…………….Charity Stuart Designated Lobbyist...............Vic Grady ABATE Products……………Vacant MasterLink Editor................ Eric Hampton TheMasterlink@abateofaz.org
www.abateofaz.org and www.toobrokeforsturgis.com
Mailing address 7509 N. 12th St, #200, Phoenix, AZ 85020. State Officers meetings are held the 1st Sunday of every month, 11:30 am at the AZ American Italian Club, 7509 N. 12th Street Phoenix, AZ.- OR in conjunction with the quarterly BOD meeting.
East Valley Chapter
c/o Jeff Gorall, PO Box 20433 Mesa AZ. 85277 Coordinator............................Joe Ferrucci Vice Coordinator...................Mary K Donnay Secretary................................Jeff Gorall Treasurer................................Jess Method Membership...........................Mike Shearhart Run Coordinator....................Jess Method Safety Coordinator.................Jim Silk Sgt. At Arms..........................Richard Dalton P.A.C......................................Mary K Donnay Communications....................Cheryl Vasquez (Mary K until she gets a computer) Merchandise........................... Vacant
EAST VALLEY CHAPTER meetings are held the 4th Sunday of the month at 11:00 a.m. at Fraternal Order of Eagles (F.O.E.) 1712 W. Broadway Road, Mesa AZ 85202 FMI contact Mary K. at 602-751-3180.
High Country Chapter
209A E. Juniper St. Payson AZ 85541 Coordinator............................Jim “Chicken Bone” Mazzone Vice Coordinator...................Billy Hensler Secretary................................Dee Schultz Treasurer...............................Debbie Fickel Membership...........................Becca (Vine) Holyoak Run Coordinator....................Deb Smith Safety Coordinator.................Steve Leonard Sgt. At Arms.........................Wayne Slocum P.A.C.....................................Vacant Communications...................Bill Hensler Merchandise..........................Wayne Slocum
High Country Chapter meetings are held on the 3rd Sunday at 10 a.m. at The Moose Lodge in Star Valley. Contact: chicknbone@live .com or 928970-1134
Phoenix-Shadow Mountain Chapter
P.O. Box 54041 Phoenix, AZ 85078-4041 Coordinator...........................Vic Grady Vice Coordinator....................Kat Grover Secretary................................Dee Grady Treasurer................................Tina Benoit Membership...........................Melissa Everest Run Coordinator....................Paul Grover Safety Coordinator.................Ernie Lizarraga Sgt. At Arms..........................Jerry Davis P.A.C......................................Darla Hampton Communications....................Steve Palmer Merchandise...........................Mike Schneider
Phoenix/Shadow Mountain meetings are held on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 10:30am at the AZ American Italian Club, 7509 N. 12th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85020. FMI contact Vic Grady at 602-300-4115 or email hellfireguitarphxaz@gmail.com
Southern Arizona Chapter
6888 N De Chelly Loop Tucson, AZ 85741 Coordinator............................Jim Butsback Vice Coordinator....................Don Boule Secretary................................Marie “Lou” Baker Treasurer................................Dawn Detelj Membership...........................Art Burke Run Coordinator....................Teresa Davidson Safety Coordinator.................Jin DeYoung Sgt. At Arms.........................Robert Guenther P.A.C......................................Sean Pinder Communications....................Jim Clark Merchandise...........................Vacant
The Southern Arizona Chapter will meet the third Saturday. We will gather at the Kettle Restaurant, 748 W. 22nd St, Tucson. Breakfast will be available at 7:30 a.m. with the meeting beginning at 9 a.m. FMI contact Jim Butsback by phone at 520247-3051 or email abateofazsac@yahoo.com
Yavapai Chapter
P.O. Box 11319 Prescott, AZ 86304 Coordinator............................ Lynda Marie “Handi” Barnett Vice Coordinator....................David “Doc” Pratt Secretary................................ Mike “Da Wolf” Ruddell Treasurer................................ Beth Ladd Membership........................... Dave ‘Chino’ Pinney Run Coordinator......................“Longhair James” Venegas and Lora "Ralo" Heiniemi Safety Coordinator..................Dan “44Dan” Lemond Sgt. At Arms...........................JD Fillingim P.A.C...................................... Deborah Buttita Communications.................... Mike “Havok” Ladd Merchandise...........................Lori Lutz
Yavapai Chapter Meets 2nd Sunday, 11:00 AM; The Taj Mahal Restaurant, 124 N. Montezuma St. Prescott, AZ 86301. FMI contact Handi at 602518-0878 or lmbarnett@hotmail.com
Yuma Chapter
11316 S. Glenwood Ave. Yuma, AZ 85367 Coordinator............................ Frank White Vice Coordinator....................Daniel Medina Secretary................................ Mikkie Melanson Treasurer................................ Virginia Nielsen Membership........................... Diane Gouge Run Coordinator.....................Jerry Allison Safety Coordinator..................Ray “PeeWee” Grier Sgt. At Arms...........................Terry “Gunner” Longworthy P.A.C...................................... Vacant Communications.................... Vacant Merchandise...........................Lisala White
Yuma Chapter meets the second Tuesday evening monthly at 6:30 PM at the IHOP located at 575 East 16th Street Yuma, AZ 85365. For additional information contact Frank White (Hound) at 209327-0814.
If any of the Officers are listed here incorrectly, please send corrections to: TheMasterlink@abateofaz.org I will be sure everything is accurate for the next Issue and on the web site.
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MASTERLINK APRIL 2013 Alcock & Ogborne, PLC Phoenix 602-337-8735
ABATE of Arizona Business Members Continence Center of America, Inc. Phoenix, AZ (623) 977-1212
Kitty For Tax Camp Vercde 928-567-0224
Square Peg Promos LLC Phoenix 602-549-1044
Eaglerider of Flagstaff Flagstaff 928-637-6575
Landmark at the Creek Payson 928-478-4587
Taj Mahal Prescott 928-445-5752
El Rancho Restaurant Payson 928-474-3111
Mountain Pass Prescott Valley 928-899-7663
Alexander Toyota Yuma 928-344-1170
Doreen’s Backstreet bar & Grill Chino Valley 928-636-0309
Big Sky Motorcycles Tucson 520-886-7388
Eclectic Café Tucson 520-885-2842
Brett Miller’s Upholstery Prescott 928-778-5565
Gold King Mine & Ghost Town Jerome 928-634-0053
Big John’s Garage Tucson 520-322-9933
Billy Jack’s Saloon & Grill Humboldt 928-632-8689
Brown & Little, P.L.C., Attorneys at Law 480-299-2093 Buffalo Bar & Grill Payson 928-474-3900
Burro Saloon Bar & Grill Kirkland 928-442-3287 Cleopatra Hill Jerome 928-634-6701
Gurley Street Sports Pub Prescott 928-778-2491
Harley Davidson of Scottsdale 480-905-1903 Havok Cycles Chino Valley 928-239-5303 Jakes Corner Bar Payson 928-474-0679
Ask Our Lawyer (continued)
tricks for a good race in the heart of America. RED BULL BULL MOTO GP AUG. 18, 2013 - MARK IT DOWN, AND SAVE A RACE. We only need 35,000 more of us to make it perfect and to make it stay. So if you love Motorcycles on Meridian and want it to stay, you better go to the races. I guarantee that you will have a great time.
Q: I got a speeding ticket recently. The cop asked for a cash payment of $50.00 on the spot. When I informed the officer that I didn’t have $50.00 cash, the cop asked if I had any money at all. I only had a couple of bucks with me, so the cop took my license and told me I would get the license back after the ticket was paid. I think this sounds bogus. Have you heard of this? ABATE MEMBER
A: Surprisingly, the law supports the officer. Most states are members of an interstate compact for enforcement of traffic tickets - if you don’t appear in court and pay the fine, your home state will be notified and suspend your license
until you deal with the out-of-state ticket. The Driver License Compact (DLC) also provides that the home state would treat the offense as if it had been committed at home, applying home state laws to out-of-state offense. The action taken would include, but not be limited to, points assessed on a minor offense such as speeding and suspension of license for a major violation such as DWI/DUI. It is not supposed to include non-moving violations like parking tickets, tinted windows, loud exhaust, etc. All states are members except for Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Tennessee. Nevada repealed the authorizing legislation in 2007, though it still generally conforms to the agreement through regulations.
Michigan is not a member of the interstate compact. Pursuant to MCL 257.749, the officer is empowered to receive from the offender a cash bond to secure the offender’s appearance in court to answer for the ticket. If the offender cannot post the bond (in cash,
continued page 13
La Gitana Cantina Arivaca 520-398-0810
Law Tigers 888-529-8443
North Health Center Scottsdale 602-421-2730
Paul’s SE Arizona RV Rentals LLC Whetstone 877-728-5778 Pincus & Associates, PC Tempe 480-777-2599 PT's Bar Winslow 928-289-0787
Punkin Center Bar Tonto Basin 928-479-2627
Tailwinds Hauling Phoenix 623-463-2187
The Drunken Lass Irish Pub Prescott 928-778-4211 The Flying Grizzly Bar Strawberry The Maverick Saloon Phoenix 602-943-5680
TMA Precision Tube LLC Glendale 623-221-4922 Top End Specialties Phoenix 623-258-2092
Y’all Come Back Saloon Rio Rico 520-781-3730
Roberts Marketplace Prescott Valley 928-722-8920 Spirit Room Jerome 928-634-8809
ABATE of Arizona Chapter Meeting Times and Locations
East Valley Chapter EAST VALLEY CHAPTER meetings are held the 4th Sunday of the month at 11:00 a.m. at Fraternal Order of Eagles (F.O.E.) 1712 W. Broadway Road, Mesa AZ 85202 FMI contact Mary K. at 602-751-3180.
High Country Chapter High Country Chapter meetings are held on the 3rd Sunday at 10 a.m. at The Moose Lodge in Star Valley. Contact: chicknbone@live .com or 928-970-1134
Phoenix / Shadow Mountain Chapter Phoenix/Shadow Mountain meetings are held on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 10:30am at the AZ American Italian Club, 7509 N. 12th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85020. FMI contact Vic Grady at 602-300-4115 or email hellfireguitarphxaz@gmail.com
Southern Arizona Chapter The Southern Arizona Chapter will meet the third Saturday. We will gather at the Kettle Restaurant, 748 W. 22nd St, Tucson. Breakfast will be available at 7:30 a.m. with the meeting beginning at 9 a.m. FMI contact Jim Butsback by phone at 520-2473051 or email abateofazsac@yahoo.com
Yavapai Chapter Yavapai Chapter Meets 2nd Sunday, 11:00 AM; The Taj Mahal Restaurant, 124 N. Montezuma St. Prescott, AZ 86301. FMI contact Rich Kocar 928-771-9293 or email grayghost17@cableone.net. Yuma Chapter Yuma Chapter meets the second Tuesday evening monthly at 6:30 PM at the IHOP located at 575 East 16th Street Yuma, AZ 85365. For additional information contact Frank White (Hound) at 209-327-0814.
ABATE of Arizona
The PAC Rant
to those that did make it out to the event. We did have a fairly decent crowd there, but it wasn’t the rumblefest I was hopin’ for but it got the job done.
Jim Page State PAC Officer Well Guys
We had Motorcycle Day at the Dome and it was mixed bag as far as successes go. On one hand the weather didn’t cooperate with us and half of the state was snowed in. We even got graupelled here in Phoenix. Yep That’s the first time I‘ve heard that word too. I guess it means slushy snow. On the other hand though, a lot of representatives came out to say hi
We were pushing SB1086 that would change the way cops were being trained to look at and treat bikers. As of this writing the bill has stalled. And it doesn’t look like it’s going anywhere. But we are still trying to get just one vote that would get it out of committee and onto the floor. By the time you read this it will either be passed or shot down. As you can imagine the legislature is being undated with all kinds of firearms bills this year and we need to make a little noise to let them know that we are here. That’s where you can help. Contact your representatives and let them know that you are concerned about motorcycle related legislation. That’s it!! Easy Breezy Lemon Squeezy!! Your phone call or email will go a long way towards your freedom. A little good news for those that live in
Maricopa County. It looks like we will finally be exempted from taking our bike through emissions like the rest of the country. At this time it looks like May will be the month it will go into effect. (OF course my bike’s registration is up in April.)
Well Guys, This will be my last article for a while. I’m stepping down from being State PAC for a bit. No, no don’t read anything to it. Nothing is wrong and it’s nothing to do with anyone or anything. There are a few reasons. One is because of my working situation. I’m pretty much incommunicado from five in the morning till six at night. In today’s politico world something can start and be over in that amount of time. By the time I see something going on and am able to get the information to you guys. It’s too late or already reported in spades. Also having two full time lobbyists makes the PAC position a little redundant. So I thought I might do something in the
organization that isn’t so time sensitive.
I think what I’d really like to do is help Charity with the communications job. One of the things I’d like to do is bring our methods of communication up to date. I want to make it easier for folks in the outlying parts of the state to do State Officer and TBFS committee jobs. So don’t think just because I’m not PAC, I’m going to be on a beach somewhere, sippin’ Mai Tais. Wait a minute that sounds like fun. What am I sayin’? A-lo-ha amigos.
It’s been a lot fun writing to you guys. I’ll miss it immensely. Although Mr. Editor might not think so from all the cattle prod use that he has to inflict to get my articles in on time.
Rubber side down my friends. See ya on the road Jim
Arizona Town Has Photo Enforcement Lobbyist Conduct Audit
Reprinted from thenewspaper.com
In response to allegations of wrong doing with its photo enforcement system, the town of Prescott Valley, Arizona turned to industry insider John D. Wintersteen to conduct an audit. The results were published earlier this month. In December, Prescott Valley officials had tasked Wintersteen with investigating an anonymous tip that police officers were dismissing photo radar tickets issued to family members. The allegation was taken seriously because it was copied to the Arizona Peace Officers Standards and Training (AZPOST) board, and the complaint turned out to be well founded. Wintersteen gathered from Redflex copies of any tickets for vehicles registered to town police officers that were rejected. In most cases, the citations were intercepted long before they could be dropped in the mail. "It is clear from interviews of the traffic lieutenant, sergeant and corporal that incidents for which a citation could not be legitimately issued and mailed, and filed with the court, by Redflex, were in fact being 'rejected' at the first review or later in the process within the police department, on incidents involving vehicles registered to police employees," Wintersteen wrote. "Both the traffic lieu-
tenant and sergeant confirmed to the chief that they customarily electronically 'rejected' incidents in SmartOps when they involved a vehicle registered to a Prescott Valley police officer in which the police officer was not driving." The officers involved referred to letting off family members as being an example of "officer discretion" mirroring the special treatment afforded such drivers when pulled over by a live police officer. Chief Bill Fessler, who claimed he had no prior knowledge that this was going on, ordered the practice stopped. Wintersteen assumed this was a factual statement. "I did not detect even the slightest indication any of the four involved in reviewing incidents or dismissing citations electronically were not being truthful; to the contrary, all four had been particularly open and relaxed during the entire interview," Wintersteen wrote. The officers explained they never would have paid the tickets had they been mailed. "He stated that besides police discretion as a reason all seven incidents were rejected, the main reason he rejected the incidents in which his wife was driving a vehicle registered to him is that had an NOV [Notice of Violation] been issued, he would have declined to respond to it by nominating his own wife, as is the
right of every registered owner who receives a NOV," Wintersteen wrote. "Thus, he said, there was no purpose to having a NOV issued in any of the incidents." Wintersteen has been a spokesman for American Traffic Solutions through its front group, the National Coalition for Safer Roads. Wintersteen has also lobbied the courts on behalf of Redflex Traffic Systems of Australia. As a result, Wintersteen's primary concern was the negative impact on his industry of the officers' conduct.
"It is also clear to me based on my interviews that they did not consider public perceptions of this practice, that many outside the police department would regard this practice as inappropriate and unfair, and thus potentially have an effect on public support for the photo enforcement program in Prescott Valley," Wintersteen concluded. The report included a number of recommendations designed to increase the number of tickets issued and to collect $26 in "service fees" from motorists whose citations were dismissed.
of Ohio in welcoming the
28th Annual to Columbus, Ohio September 26-29, 2013
Ave., ve., Columbus, OH 43229 Crowne Plaza Columbus North, 6500 Doubletree A Call 614-885-1885 for room reservations ($95 inc. breakfast). Cut-off date: August 26, 2013 (Room amenities: hairdryer, coffee maker, indoor pool, airport shuttle) Conference Information: Pre-registration for conference through the MRF, 236 Massachusetts Ave. NE, Suite 510, Washington, DC 20002. Pre-registration (must be received by Aug. 26th): $70.00 Current, Individual member / $80.00 Non-MRF member. Registration rate after Aug. 26th: $80.00 Current, Individual member / $90.00 Non-MRF member. Registration includes all workshops, workshop materials, and Saturday banquet. Registration questions call the MRF at 202-546-0983 or Carol Downs at 303-204-6939, downs@mrf.org.
Hosted by ABATE of Ohio, PP.O. .O. O. Box 1658, Hilliard, Ohio 43026, 1-800-25BIKER, stateoffice@abate.com, www.abate.com
April 2013
Friday April 5, 2013, Loners MC Easter Bash, : Loners MC Easter Bash at Winkelman Flats. More info to follow.
Saturday April 6, 2013, Huns MC-SV Spring Blastoff, Sierra Vista Chapter. The Huns MC Spring Blastoff. Location TBA. FMI: (www.thehunsmc.com).
Saturday, Apr. 6th, Event_Title: Colon All Angels Ride a Bike, Save a Butt, Event_Time: 12:30 pm, Event_Location: United States, Event_Description: Please join the Colon Cancer Alliance, Chapter of Central Arizona, and the motorcycle riders of the Valley in riding to raise money for the Blue Note Fund that provides financial assistance to Colon Cancer patients currently in active treatment. Our run will start at 1230 at Connollys who will be providing lunch for all our riders then we will head thru some amazing Arizona Back Roads and stop at a Post #58 then ride into town with a stop a Renegade Tap & Kitchen then pack up and head out to Chesterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Backstage Biker Bash Pre-Rally Kickoff to Arizona Bike Week 2013!! First 150 preregistered will receive run pin.
Events Calendar
www.colonallangels.webs.com The Colon Cancer Alliance, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)3 Corp. We are the leading national patient advocacy organization dedicated to increasing screening rates & survivorship. Colon Cancer is the 2nd leading cancer killer of men and women combined in the U.S. Each year, nearly 150,000 Americans are diagnosed with colon cancer and/or colorectal cancer. It is the most common forms of cancer, yet few people know about it or feel comfortable talking about it. The Blue Note Fund, a program through CCA, was established in January, 2011 to provide financial assistance to colon & colorectal cancer patients currently going through treatment. With your help, we can increase rates of screening , survivorship, provide patient support, education, research and advocacy for those suffering from this terrible disease. Colon cancer is PREVENTABLE, TREATABLE AND BEATABLE!!!!
April 7, 2013, Event_Title: 18th Annual Trifecta Custom Bike Show and Blowout, Event_Time: 10:00 AM, Event_Location: Steel Horse Saloon,1818 W. Bell Rd. #100 Phx., Az., Event_Description: The 18th Annual Trifecta
Custom Bike Show and Blowout will take place April 7th, 2013 during the Arizona Bike Week PreRally Days This event will be located at the Steel Horse Saloon in Phoenix, Arizona. For your enjoyment, there will be vendors, live music, food & drinks, cool bikes, hot babes, contests, and more! We hope to see you there! For more information about this event, Please visit or call us. 602-942-8778 info@steelhorse.com http://www.steelhorsesaloon.com
April 6, 2013, Event_Title: Colon All Angels - Ride a Bike, Save a Butt, Event_Time: 12:30 pm Event_Location: United States, Event_Description: Please join the Colon Cancer Alliance, Chapter of Central Arizona, and the motorcycle riders of the Valley in riding to raise money for the Blue Note Fund that provides financial assistance to Colon Cancer patients currently in active treatment. Our run will start at 1230 at Connollys who will be providing lunch for all our riders then we will head thru some amazing Arizona Back Roads and stop at a Post #58 then ride into town with a stop a Renegade Tap & Kitchen then pack up and head out to Chesterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Backstage Biker Bash
Pre-Rally Kickoff to Arizona Bike Week 2013!! First 150 preregistered will receive run pin. www.colonallangels.webs.com The Colon Cancer Alliance, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)3 Corp. We are the leading national patient advocacy organization dedicated to increasing screening rates & survivorship. Colon Cancer is the 2nd leading cancer killer of men and women combined in the U.S. Each year, nearly 150,000 Americans are diagnosed with colon cancer and/or colorectal cancer. It is the most common forms of cancer, yet few people know about it or feel comfortable talking about it. The Blue Note Fund, a program through CCA, was established in January, 2011 to provide financial assistance to colon & colorectal cancer patients currently going through treatment. With your help, we can increase rates of screening , survivorship, provide patient support, education, research and advocacy for those suffering from this terrible disease. Colon cancer is PREVENTABLE, TREATABLE AND BEATABLE!!!!
April 7, 2013, Event_Time: 10:00 am, Event_Location: 6403 W. Chandler Blvd. Chandler AZ 85226, Event_Description: Ride & Rock with the crew from
Independent Motorcycles and Mogollon. This ride is brought to you by the Beard Brothers of Independent Motorcycles and sponsored in part by Chuck Franklin Law. Stops include: Jolie’s Place, Dirty Dogg Saloon, and AJ's Baseline Grill. This ride is bound to be one of the best rides and parties of Arizona Bike Week Pre-Rally’s days. There will be live music, great people and a kickback ride, all for a great cause “Sounds of Autism”. So get your groove on support a local shop a local charity and play with us! $20 per person. Check in at 10am at: Independent Motorcycles in Chandler.
April 10, 2013, Event_Title: Peace Out Prostate Cancer, Event_Time: 10:30 am, Event_Location: 8909 E. Indian Bend Road Scottsdale, AZ 85250, Event_Description: Join us in the fight against Prostate Cancer! The event is in loving memory of Miss Arizona Bike Week 2012 Miss Shelley Martin's Dad, James Martin and her Grandpa, Louis Rivetts. This ride is to honor those who have lost their loved ones to prostate cancer. Together we can support those who have fought and/or are fighting prostate cancer! Ride Fee: $ 25pp Ride includes Free Wings at Hooters entrance into Arizona Bike Week Concert and wristband for Dirty Dogg Party after 10pm ( Wednesday Only) , Stops include: Hooters, Dirty Dogg Saloon, Renegade Tap & Kitchen, Harley Davidson of Scottsdale ending at Arizona Bike Week. Check in at Hooters day of from: 10:30am12:00pm. Last Bike OUT by 12. Last Bike in by 4:00pm.
Thursday April 11, 2013, HAMC PHX 1st Babez N Bikez, HAMC Phoenix hosts the 1st Annual BABEZ N BIKEZ on April 11th at Fox's Cabaret at 35th Ave and Indian School Road. Sarts at 6pm till Midnight. Babes, Bikes, Food, Drinks, Vendors, Entertainment, and more..... FMI about Vendor spots call Juan HAMC PHX at 623570-8797.
Saturday April 13, 2013, LCMC 2nd Annual Run to Miami, Miami Run hosted by Loose Cannons MC. Sign in at 9am at Loose Cannons Clubhouse on 3695 E Apache Trail (Hwy 88) Apache Junction,
Events Calendar
Post 1433, Glendale, AZ, Event_Description: ROUGH RIDERS M/C INC. Papago Chapter Hosts their annual “In Memory” Party To benefit the Veterans of Arizona When: Saturday, 20 April 2013 @ 1800 Sunday April 14, 2013, Sonny hours (6:00 P.M.) Where: VFW Anniversary Run & Party, Cave Post #1433 (63rd Ave, south of Creek Crew hosts Sonny 55th Northern Ave) Admission for the Anniversary Party and Run. Party: $10.00 per person *Live Ends at Road Runner SteakHouse. Fore info to follow. Music by “HARD RIDE”*Food* *50/50 and RAFFLE DRAWINGS*SUPPORT Friday April 19, 2013, MRF Beast of the East, MRF Beast of SHIRTS* For more info contact Rabbit @ 623-764-2111/For the East Conference in Vendor info contact Fumes @ Chelmsford, Massachuetts on 602-469-0145 The Rough Riders April 19-21st 2013. Radisson M/C is a Veterans Motorcycle Hotel 10 Chelmford Dr., Chelmsford MA For room reser- Club dedicated to Veterans’ vations call 978-256-0800. Rate causes and POW/MIA issues and awareness. The RRMC is desig$89 (includes high-speed nated a Public Charity under Internet, indoor pool, and inInternal Revenue Code 509 room coffee).Rooms must be (a)(2) by the IRS and is Tax reserved by March 19, 2013. Must mention Motorcycle Riders Exempt under Internal Revenue Code 501 (c)(3). Our EIN is 20Foundation BEAST of the East Conference to get the conference 2739186 and DLN is 17053047020017. All contriburate. Conference cost if registions made to the RRMC are Tax tered by March 19, 2013: MRF Exempt and deductible under Members $60, Non-MRF section 170 of the Code. Gifts Members $70. Conference cost made to the RRMC are Tax if registered after March 19, 2013: MRF Members $70, Non- Deductible under section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the Code. MRF Members $80. Registrations are accepted Sunday April 21, 2013, SONS through the MRF website at www.mrf.org (Visa, MasterCard, OF AESIR SCAVENGER HUNT, GREG (email: greg @ AmEx & Discover), by aaatruckrecyclers.com) mail:MRF, 236 Massachusetts Ave NE, Suite 204, Washington, Saturday, April 27th 2013, DC 20002, or call the MRF Event_Title: 5th Annual Office: 202-546-0983. 2013 Robbie's Ride, Event_Time: 8 BEAST of the East Pream, Event_Location: 206 N. Registration (Must be received Gilbert Rd, Gilbert AZ, by March 19, 2013 to receive Event_Description: Join the discount after March 19, regisGilbert American Legion Riders tration fee increases $10.00) as they host their 5th Annual Robbie's Ride on Saturday, April Saturday April 20, 2013, 27th 2013. Minimum donation is HAMC TUCSON TK PARTY, $25 and is open to all motorcyHells Angels MC Tucson TK cles and cages (cars) and will Memorial Benefit Poker Run receive 1 t-shirt per registration. and Party. Tucson Clubhouse at Pre-registration is available and 2819 S 12 Ave Tucson, AZ. the deadline to pre-register is Sign-in from 1-3pm. $20 donaSaturday, April 13th. Go to tion includes Memorial Run www.robbiesride.com for more Shirt for the first 200 information and to download a Participants. Good Food. Fun registration form. Hope to see Times. Great Friends.Ride With The HELLS! Partial Proceeds to you there! Families in Need South Tucson. Free Chance to win $500 Tucson Saturday April 27, 2013, SRMC-Glendale Annual Fish HD Shopping Spree. OPEN TO Fry, Spartan Riders MC THE PUBLIC. All Vehicles Glendale- ANNUAL FISH FRYWelcomed. FMI: 5964 West Maryland Ave www.hamc2son.com Glendale AZ. Starts at 4pm. Serving between 5pmApril 20, 2013, Event_Title: Rough Riders M/C (Papago) "In 9pm..Fried Fish, Fried Taters,Fried Hushpuppies, Memory" Party, Event_Time: 6:00 PM, Event_Location: VFW Coleslaw, Green Salad, and
AZ. The Party starts at 11am at Shamrock Bar 4169 E US Hwy 60 Miami, AZ 85539. Door Prizes, 50/50, and our infamous food! $10 single/$15 couple.
Good ol American White Bread. NOTHING OUT OF A CAN!! $10 single-$15 couple.. Beverages available and a good time.
Saturday April 27, 2013, MMA Casa Grande Biker Rodeo, All invited for a day of Fun, Food, Music, Drinks, Biker Rodeo Games, 50/50, Raffles and More. Details and Info to follow. Sunday April 28, 2013, DTMCVV April Fools Run, DTMC Verde Valley April Fools Run April 28 2013.This run is to benefit Autism and Cri Chat Sa. The benefits will go to Rusty’s Morning Star Ranch in Cornville AZ. $10.00 a rider/$5.00 a passenger. Sign ups @ 9:30 am. Kick stands up at 10:30am. Run Starts at Nate’s Cowboy Café 206 s main st Cottonwood AZ 86326. FMI Nate 928-639-3838 or 8ball 928-202-9753
PAGE 12 joined the Chief and Deputy Chief of the Yarmouth Police Department in their argument that Town Bylaws cannot exceed State Law, and that such a measure would essentially be meaningless.
The MMA has long held strong opposition to the use of the OEM EPA Stamp on stock exhausts as an enforcement tool, because it is a consumer protection mechanism and not meant to be used against the consumer. It is also hard to locate on many models of motorcycle, hidden under seats on sport bikes, under saddle bags of cruisers, or simply facing the wrong way for aesthetic reasons. Most critically, per the very regulation that entitles it, it expires in one year or 3,729 miles, whichever comes first!!
Instead, the MMA (www.MassMotorcycle.org) continues to hold a firm belief that the existing laws on the books are sufficient if properly implemented and enforced, specifically that simple test procedures do exist for muffled exhaust, whether replaced with after-market or not, with a reasonable sound level.
First came red light cameras attached to traffic lights to catch drivers trying to beat the light; then came speed cameras along the roadway to ticket lead-footed speeders; but now police are deploying cameras in their cruisers to scan our license-plates in order to get instant feedback on unpaid tickets and other warrants.
It also allows authorities to monitor where average citizens might be at any particular time. That bothers some privacy advocates and organizations like the ACLU that oppose public intrusions into individual privacy. The groups are becoming more alarmed about license plate tracking as a growing number of police departments acquire the technology for
Coast to Coast (continued)
electronic surveillance of traffic on public streets.
Little Rock, AR Police Chief Stuart Thomas said the law enforcement benefits outweigh any concerns about possible abuse of the information, which, as a public record, is legally available for anyone to see.
Lawmakers in several states, including Minnesota and Utah, have suggested setting a time limit for their departments regarding how long such data can be collected and stored, but many places like Little Rock have no set policy and have a growing archive of license plate photos, along with time stamps and the locations, showing where motorists were at certain times.
Privacy advocates worry about the potential uses for such outside law enforcement, from snooping by stalkers and private investigators to businesses that sell personal data. "Given how few rules are currently on the books to protect our privacy, it's plausible that private investigators and data-mining companies could acquire this location data," said ACLU staff attorney Catherine Crump, adding that the organization has requested more information from government agencies, but hasn't filed any lawsuits.
Since last Nov 19, the Australian State of Queensland in Northeastern Australia has banned the distribution of the monthly newsletter “Brothers Behind Bars” in its prisons. Brothers Behind Bars is a digest of biker club and motorcycle news edited by retired Sons of Silence patch holder Iron Mike Davis, and is an outreach program supported by the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM). BBB is specifically aimed at motorcycle club members and is stubbornly non-partisan.
Mike Davis was notified that the words he publishes were illegal in Oz with a peremptory, unsigned form letter from the government of Queensland that read in full: “On 7th of November 2012 Queensland Corrective Services issued a directive from head office that all correspondence between prisoners who are members of an Outlaw Motorcycle Gang (OMCG) & OMCG members & associates was to cease immediately. As a result the author of this letter has been identified to be either a member or associate of an OMCG as such your mail has been returned to you.”
Iron Mike recently told The Aging Rebel (www.agingrebel.com), “Something I’ve said for years: ‘Australia today, Canada tomorrow, and the U.S.A. the day after.’ I truly believe countries like Canada, Germany, U.S.A., and others are watching to see what works in Australia to outlaw motorcycle clubs – starting with the 1%er ones.”
The Aging Rebel article went on to describe “Anti-Bikie Laws” down under: “Queensland has been trying to outlaw motorcycle clubs since 2009 when the state passed legislation formally called the Criminal Organisation Act of 2009. These anti-bikie laws give police the power to declare which organizations are criminal & which are not. Similar sets of laws have been passed in the Australian states of New South Wales & South Australia, and have been challenged in the courts by the Hells Angels, Finks & Rebels MCs. Australia’s strategy has been difficult to implement in the United States because the U.S. Constitution specifically guarantees citizens’ & visitors’ rights to move freely, assemble peaceably, to keep & bear arms & to express themselves freely in numerous ways including the right to wear a patch on your back. Various Fed police forces in America including the FBI, the ATF & increasingly the Dept of Homeland Security have attempted to subvert these Constitutional guarantees using the Racketeer Influenced And Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) & in
MASTERLINK APRIL 2013 several recent cases trademark law.”
Premier Brad Wall says “maybe mistakes were made” and the Saskatchewan government will revisit motorcycle insurance rate hikes proposed recently by Saskatchewan Government Insurance. “Our MLAs are reporting a lot of feedback on the issue, not just from those who are riders or have motorcycles, but others in general who note that these increases seem to be very high,” Wall told reporters. When the legislature reconvenes for its spring session next week, the Saskatchewan Party caucus will discuss its next steps, Wall said. He said he’s not convinced SGI has exhausted all of its options to help eliminate a $9-million deficit between crash injury payouts and fees charged to motorcyclists. “Obviously, what’s being proposed by SGI for the rate rebalancing means huge increases and immediate increases, if approved, for riders,” Wall said. SGI’s proposal to the Saskatchewan Rate Review Panel would mean a sudden 73% jump in insurance costs for the average motorcycle owner, compared to an overall vehicle insurance rate increase of 1.03%. The move prompted a backlash from bike enthusiasts and business owners, who fear a big blow to new and used bike sales which could devastate the motorcycle industry. If approved, the rate increases would take effect in August, but Wall said the chance is “slim” the proposal will stay as is. He wants the government and SGI to look at other creative options, such as using better price incentives to reward motorcyclists who have taken training courses.
QUOTABLE QUOTE: “I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.” Stephen R. Covey (1932-2012) author,
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The other is new and upcoming
on the roadside) the officer is empowered to retain the offenderâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s license to guarantee appearance. The cash bond cannot exceed $100.00. Payment of the bond is not an admission of the offense, and you are free to return to the county of the infraction to contest the ticket at the time of the scheduled hearing, which of course is not much of a remedy if you live 500 miles away. With modern technology, why not a Skype trial? We will talk about that one in a later column.
Q: My husband had a bad crash on his motorcycle, but is recovering. The insurance company has agreed to pay us for the damage to his bike and has allowed us to keep it less the salvage value. We are paying a fair price for a wrecked bike (salvage) and can fix it for a reasonable amount. Is that normal policy for an insurance company to do that? Also, the insurance premium is due soon. Is it okay to cancel the policy? Is there any downside to cancelling? We need to save all the dollars we can until my husband recovers from his injuries and gets back to work, but we do not want to jeopardize the settlement funds and the deal for the bike. Rod, we need your advice. ABATE MEMBER
The letter is from Skylar, this is a little boy who at his bigger sisterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s instruction throws a rock at us while we were riding through a neighborhood. Darin stopped his bike immediately and sent the boy for his parents (I admit it, I left the scene!). That little boy was in tears, when he crossed the street to his home, head hung low â&#x20AC;&#x153;Dadâ&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;Ś.the rest resulted in a lesson on motorcycle safety.
A few days later, Darin was given thisâ&#x20AC;Ś.
Ask Our Lawyer (continued)
cally inclined, this may be an opportunity to get a â&#x20AC;&#x153;good dealâ&#x20AC;? if the motorcycle is repairable. The insurance company will deduct this salvage amount from the value of your motorcycle and send you a check for the balance. Be sure and investigate the effects of a â&#x20AC;&#x153;salvage titleâ&#x20AC;?, especially as to the insurability of your bike. If you still have questions call or email me.
Regarding your other question, you can cancel your policy and it will not affect your motorcycle settlement or the other obligations of the policy in effect at the time of the crash. The greater portion of the premium you pay on your policy goes toward liability coverage for the other guy if you are involved in a crash. Since your bike is not road-worthy, continuing to pay the liability part of the coverage is a waste. Your policy may have theft coverage so you will lose that for the bike upon cancellation. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t count on theft coverage because the insurance company may consider your bike personal property and not a â&#x20AC;&#x153;vehicleâ&#x20AC;? for coverage purposes. But some policies do provide theft coverage for a stored bike in damaged condition - and some donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t, so be sure to ask your agent. If you do not have theft coverage, get a big chain and a bad dog because the economy has made your kind of bike a prominent theft target.
A: First, try to work out an agreement
Ride Safe and Free,
Rod Taylor ABATE Legal Services
Remember, injured ABATE members pay only 28 ½% of total recovery and expenses as approved by client, consistent with and conforming to applicable state law. Elsewhere, you may pay 33 â&#x2026;&#x201C;%, 40% or even 50% of your recovery. ABATE members are not charged for recovery of damage to your motorcycle, and have access to a 24-hour tollfree telephone number. Call us at (800) 25-RIDER. Questions? Submit them to RodTaylor@abatelegalcom. Š 2013.
Biker kkeer ers rs IInnssid ide idde tthe he Be ellltwa twaayy
Q: I have a problem with getting my motorcycle repaired. The mechanic who is supposedly fixing it has had it for many weeks now and is not fixing it even though I have paid him over $1,000.00. What can I do? ABATE MEMBER.
that works for both of you. If that fails, the fastest way to address this problem is to file a complaint in your countyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s small claims court, or as the lawyers say, â&#x20AC;&#x153;sue the bastards.â&#x20AC;? Visit the court and introduce yourself to the court personnel. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be bashful - ask for help. Most court staff enjoy introducing the public to the legal process. The court will, after a relatively short period, set your case for trial. Bring your witnesses and documents that support your claims and present your case chronologically. Small claims courts are designed to work without lawyers, but we will be happy to give you some guidance in the process.
A: Most Insurance companies allow its insureds to â&#x20AC;&#x153;buyâ&#x20AC;? the salvage, so buying the salvage is normal. When a company totals your motorcycle, they are obligated to pay you the â&#x20AC;&#x153;valueâ&#x20AC;? of the motorcycle. At that point, the insurance company owns the wrecked and totaled motorcycle (salvage). You can then negotiate with your insurance company as to the salvage. If you are mechani-
Even with our focus on riding motorcycles, there is still an education gap. It is the ages 3-15. It is the ages when kids are most impressionable. Kids do stupid things when they see a motorcycle from fascination to rock throwing. With that being said we also need to educate them with responsibility and being responsi-
ble for their actions. That is the next targeted area. Kidsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; bike night.
T , D IO N C
Motorcycle awareness SHOULD start at home. It doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t, that is for sure. It is also obvious that most families actually think that any form of education doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t even begin until school age. There in lies the problem. Whenever my kids friends around, they are just amazed by our bikes and ask loads of questions and I personally think that is awesome, after all they may be future riders themselves. ABATE is EDUCATION that is why we focus so hard on motorcyclist rights and regulation. Two great programs that are available are; ABATEâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Motorcycle Awareness Program (MAP) is awesome and aimed toward educating young drivers who are ready to hit the streets. Volunteer instructors take this program right to driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s education classes. To see if your childâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s school has the program, you can call the district or any MAP Instructors, see our MAP ad.
ABATEâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Rider Advantage. This program designed to teach new riders the basics of motorcycle training which includes both a understanding of the rules of the road and safety both on and off the road. ARA Doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t stop with the new riders, there will be brush up classes as well. I have heard so many times, that â&#x20AC;&#x153;When I got my license there wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t even a courseâ&#x20AC;? as if that is a good thing, those are the drivers who really would benefit! The awesome part is the state of Arizona requires these classes to get your endorsement. Plus taking this course qualifies for the Motorcycle Safety Foundation, and you receive a break on your insurance.
2013 BIK
Isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t that a funny statement?
Motorcycle Awareness Starts at Home
A R D 1 6 C YC UN O N , 2 LE RI DERS FO G T 01 3 â&#x20AC;˘ WASHIN
PAGE 14 13NR06 - MRF News Release - House Subcommittee Holds Hearing on Mid Level Ethanol Blends FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 27 February 2013
Contact:Jeff Hennie, Vice President of Government Ralations and Public Affairs House Subcommittee Holds Hearing on Mid Level Ethanol Blends
On Tuesday, February 26th, the United States House of Representatives Committee on Science, Subcommittee on Environment held a hearing entitled "Mid Level Ethanol Blends: Consumer and Technical Research Needs." The hearing panel consisted of three witnesses, the American Automobile Association (AAA), the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) and the Coordinating Research Council (CRG). Vice Chairman Chris Stewart (R-UT) chaired the hearing.
Vice Chairman Stewart had this to say, "Unfortunately, the more E15 is studied, the more concerns are identified. Besides potential widespread impacts on vehicle engines, the EPA has led a haphazard transition to E-15 usage marked by regulatory confusion, bungled implementation, and a lack of consumer education."
The hearing covered a lot of ground but all panelists endorsed one common theme, the need for more research when it comes to using E-15 as a common fuel. E-15 is fuel that has 85% fossil fuel and 15% ethanol or distilled corn fuel.
The Clean Air Act (CAA) allows for up to a 10% blend of ethanol. In 2010 the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a waiver of the CAA allowing for up to a 15% blend of fuel in model years 2001 and newer. The EPA did this after the Department of Energy (DOE) did a study and found the blend to be acceptable, sort of.
The study did not do any testing on a power train or the fuel delivery systems. The only aspect that was tested was the emissions control system, which is troubling to the Motorcycle Riders Foundation.
Ethanol was first introduced to the marketplace in the early 1990's. It was found that the higher oxygen content was able to help bring down carbon monoxide in the tailpipe exhaust of carburetor fed internal combustion engines and therefore, the reduction of smog. Todays modern fuel injected engines can self adjust using oxygen sensors, basically eliminating the need for ethanol.
One witness went into detail about how ethanol is detrimental to engines both large and small. One witness went so far to say that 95% of all vehicles on the road should not use E-15. Two passenger vehicle manufactures have retooled the power train of their vehicles to work well with E-15, the rest have not.
AAA said that there are 169,000 gas stations in the US and just around 20,000 are selling E-15. They went on to emphasize that this is why we need more research now before it's a more wide spread problem.
All three witnesses also agreed that the environmental impact and cost savings are a wash when it comes to using E-15. The biggest problem with E-15 is the fact
News from the MRF
that it can harm the engine and the negative side effect of lowering the miles per gallon.
Draft legislation was also unveiled at the hearing, authored by long time motorcycle defender and a MRF Champion, Mr. James Sensenbrenner (R-WI). The Sensenbrenner bill would halt the use of E-15 until proper, real world testing is conducted on the effects of E-15 on cars, trucks and motorcycles.
Another issue that was revealed in the hearing was the fact that no one seems to want to take responsibility for any damage done by E-15. Most auto and motorcycle manufactures will not honor warranties when the engine is damaged by E15 and the fuel providers, who were not at the hearing, do not seem to be standing behind their product.
In June 2011, Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner sent letters to 14 automobile manufacturers inquiring as to the relationship between vehicle damage resulting from the use of E-15 and vehicle warranties. All 14 companies responded with letters outlining their concerns with E-15 use and affirmed the potential for E-15 to negatively impact their vehicles and cause engine damage. Furthermore, the manufacturers indicated that their vehicle fleets were not designed to operate on E15, and stated that the warranties would not cover damage resulting from E-15.
This is not the first time this country has dealt with a change in the fuel supply. When this country switched from leaded to unleaded fuel we had a similar fuelmislabeling problem. That was fixed when gas stations and auto manufactures agreed to change the filler tube on the vehicle to a different size. This made it nearly impossible to fill a car not designed for leaded gas. No one is suggesting that type of a fix this time around.
One of the witnesses was asked how other countries, such as Brazil have been able to fuel the countries cars with blends up to 50% ethanol. The answer was shocking. He said that the higher blend essentially "ate the cars apart" and left Brazil unable to import cars. They had to completely redesign the power train and now Brazilians can basically only buy Brazilian made cars. He also added that it would take a decade for the US to completely turn over the entire nation's fleet of cars to work perfectly with E-15.
The Motorcycle Riders Foundation strongly supports the Sensenbrenner bill that calls for more research before wide spread use of E-15 should be allowed. While that bill is yet to be formally introduced, the text can be found here: http://science.house.gov/sites/republicans.science.house.gov/files/documents/H HRG-113-SY18-20130226-SD002.pdf Sensenberenner is looking for cosponsors for this important legislation. Please call your member of the House of Representatives and ask them to sign onto the "Sensenbrenner Ethanol Bill". You can reach the United States Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121. The Motorcycle Riders Foundation will keep you updated on this issue. ===========================
13NR07 - MRF News Release - United States Senator Frank Lautenberg to Retire FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
7 March 2013
Contact:Jeff Hennie, Vice President of Government Ralations and Public Affairs United States Senator Frank Lautenberg to Retire
Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) has announced he will not seek re-election next year. Lautenberg has served five 6year terms in the US Senate and at the age of 89 is the oldest member in the Senate.
Lautenberg has been a thorn in the side of motorcyclists for decades. He has been the chief champion of mandatory helmet laws serving in government today.
In 2005 he introduced an amendment that would have put mandatory helmet law in place for the entire country, trampling on the States rights. Due solely to the work of the Motorcycle Riders Foundation and its members that amendment was defeated 68-29.
Lautenberg said; "While I may not be seeking re-election, there is plenty of work to do before the end of this term, and I'm going to keep fighting as hard as ever for the people of New Jersey in the US Senate".
"This is not the end of anything, but rather the beginning of a two-year mission to pass new gun safety laws, protect children from toxic chemicals and create more opportunities for working families in New Jersey."
Politicians are much like the end of March in the Midwest, as the old saying goes, "it can go out like a lamb or out like a lion". Many politicians spend there final days helping staff find new jobs, raising money to pay down any campaign debt they may have or simply just walk away. Others use there time to fight any last political fights or take on controversial issues that may have otherwise cost them tremendous political capital. "While motorcycle helmet laws are not on his laundry list we would be naive to not remain vigilant with Lautenberg to insure that the freedoms of the American motorcyclists are kept in place," said Jeff Hennie, Vice President of Government Relations and Public Affairs for the Motorcycle Riders Foundation. ============================
13NR08 - MRF News Release - PreRegistration Deadline for BEAST of the East is approaching fast. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 11 March 2013
Contact:Carol Downs, Director of Conferences & Events
Pre-Registration Deadline for BEAST of the East is approaching fast.
April 19th is the pre-registration deadline for BEAST of the East. By registering early you will save the $10.00 late registration fee. In addition, the cut-off date for reserving your room is on March 19th. We have a great line up of speakers for this Conference. We will have general sessions that include information about the Intelligent Transportation System and the latest from the Centers for Disease Control. Our workshops include
MASTERLINK APRIL 2013 Developing Relationships Outside the Legislation, Motorcycle Only Checkpoints, Wooing Your Legislator and many more. You can view a copy of the agenda on the MRF website, www.mrf.org; click on 2013 Conference Information.
The Massachusetts Motorcycle Association (MMA) will host this year's Conference. The dates are April 19th 21st at the Radisson Hotel in Chelmsford, Massachusetts. This year there will be a few changes to the way things are usually done for Beast of the East. The MMA will be opening a hospitality suite on Thursday evening beginning at 6:00 pm and host an informal meet and greet. Many attendees and MRF Board Members arrive on Thursday and usually spend big money in the hotel restaurant and bar renewing old acquaintances and making new ones. We thought this would be a great way to enjoy a relaxed atmosphere and spend some quality time with our fellow freedom fighters from around the country. There will be finger sandwiches, light snacks, and your favorite beverages available. On Friday morning, the MMA invites all attendees to meet in the hotel lobby to depart on a scenic ride/drive to the Lexington/Concord battlefield. As a historical note, the date for this ride is on April 19th which is the exact 238th Anniversary of the battle that started the American Revolution and our quest for freedom as an independent nation. In honor of this Anniversary, the ride/drive will be named the Nathan "Buck" Kittredge ride. Buck is one of the early founders of the MRF and a former President. He was truly one of our leading freedom fighters. A small donation for the MRF A & E will be requested. There will be a private guided tour of the battlefield for Beast of the East attendees and we will stop for lunch. We plan on returning to the hotel by 3:00 pm for the afternoon breakout sessions. ============================= 13NR09 - MRF News Release Sensenbrenner Introduces Ethanol Legislation FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 15 March 2013
Contact:Jeff Hennie, Vice President of Government Ralations and Public Affairs Sensenbrenner Introduces Ethanol Legislation
Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI) introduced HR 875, a bill that would require the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to conduct a thorough independent study of the effects of gasoline/ethanol blends above 10%. Currently the EPA is allowing the use of blends up to 15%. Sensenbrenner had this to say, “There have been several tests and warnings highlighting E15’s harmful effects on engines and their components, but they have all been dismissed by the EPA. Therefore, we must force the EPA to stop the use of E15 fuel until the serious safety, durability, performance and environmental concerns have been addressed.”
The bill would halt the sale of E-15, the 15% blend, until the studies findings have been completed.
MASTERLINK APRIL 2013 The Motorcycle Industry Council (MIC) has cautioned owners against using the blend.
At a recent hearing held by the US House Science Committee all witness’s agreed that more testing was needed into the effects of E-15 on internal combustion motors of all sizes. The Motorcycle Riders Foundation supports this legislation and strongly urges you contact your US Representative and
Reprinted from http://azcapitoltimes.com
By Ben Giles - ben.giles@azcapitoltimes.com
A bill requiring police to be trained on the wrongs of profiling motorcyclists fell today in the Senate Committee of the Whole. Sen. Steve Yarbrough, R-Chandler, and Sen. Rich Crandall, R-Mesa, voted with the Democratic caucus to kill SB1086 in a 14-14 roll call vote. Yarbrough led the effort to kill it, arguing that to pass the bill would open the door for the Legislature to decide on other protected classes.
“Once we start down the road of trying to micromanage the syllabus for the police academy, we will indeed regret having done so,” Yarbrough said. “How about persons who wear military uniforms? Certainly they ought to be protected as a class. What about young people, or what about little old ladies with gray hair? All of those might be worthy of being a protected class so they’re not profiled by the police.”
The bill’s sponsor, Sen. Judy Burges, RSun City, said she will have to discuss whether to bring the bill back with bikers and the Arizona Citizens Defense
News from the MRF
ask them to cosponsor HR 875 as soon as possible. Its important to have a large number of cosponsors to pass this legislation. You can reach the US Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121
============================= 13NR10 - MRF News Release - Road America Update
Remember, that ABATE stands for EDUCATE. Our purpose is to spread the word about safe motorcycling and promote a positive image of motorcyclists. What better way than to speak to the future drivers of our state. The students hopefully, will not only be better equipped car and truck drivers but will also be more aware and watch out for us.
To become an instructor you must:
1. Be available during the day: The presentations in the high school driver’s education classes last about an hour during the school day. There may be as many as 5 classes in one day.
2. Be willing to stand up in front of a group of about 30 high school students and speak: That sounds easier than you think. You need to be able to gently maintain control of the group.
3. Know the material being presented: There is an outline for all presenters to follow so there is uniformity in
Contact:Jeff Hennie, Vice President of Government Ralations and Public Affairs Road America Update
The agreement between Road America and the Motorcycle Riders Foundation will terminate on April 13, 2013. Until that time, they will accept new or renewed business in accordance with the
Biker Profiling Bill Killed in Senate League, which lobbied for it.But John Dreyfus, a lobbyist with the Arizona Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs, said his group will push for another bill next year.
“We’re not going away,” Dreyfus said. “They’re looking at us and saying, “Hey, they got it out of committee.’”
Dreyfus said he was unhappy with Democrats because some showed him his support and turned around to vote in a bloc.
The bill created a big splash when more than 100 bikers wearing their leathers and club insignia roared in on their Harley Davidson motorcycles Feb. 7 for a hearing in Senate Committee on Public Safety.
Bikers gave personal anecdotes of how police targeted them as outlaw bikers based on nothing more than their attire and fact they were riding a motorcycle. They said police use the pretense of legitimate traffic stops to interrogate them on the roadside about their motorcycle clubs and tattoos and inspect their motorcycles before letting them go without a citation or a citation for a minor infraction. One biker told how he was interrogated at gunpoint.
Call for MAP Instructors
The Motorcycle Awareness Program (M.A.P.) is an educational program aimed at the target audience of high school students in driver’s education classes. There has been a small group of instructors who have volunteered to present the M.A.P. to students throughout the state. But, we need more instructors.
the material presented.
4. Commit to teaching at least 2 classes per school year: We hope to have at least one volunteer instructor in each ABATE Chapter. That person will attend and instructor class (about 4 hours), attend a M.A.P. with an experienced instructor, teach a class with an experienced instructor in attendance. When the new instructor is comfortable and the experienced instructor assesses him/her to be ready the new instructor may begin teaching alone. The mentor program assures that everyone is teaching the same material and everyone has support.
5. Provide record of teaching to the M.A.P. Coordinator on a consistent basis.
This is your opportunity to get the word out to new drivers about the importance of sharing the road with motorcyclists. This is your opportunity to support the mission and vision of ABATE in your community. Call me 602-616-9855 or email me azjkc@aol.com for more information and to register to become a M.A.P. Instructor. Jean Cooper ABATE State Safety Officer ABATE M.A.P. Coordinator
But some bikers showed up sporting Nazi symbolism, spurring Sen. Steve Gallardo to draft an amendment allowing police to use “hate symbols” as criteria for a stop. He also drafted a second amendment to add requirements for lessons on racial profiling, but he didn’t offer either one.
PAGE 15 existing contract. After that date, they will continue to service all members but will not accept any new members. Anyone who would like to continue a road service plan that includes motorcycles may want to investigate a program called Rider Rescue. You can find the program at riderrescue.com
Dreyfus said bikers missed an opportunity when rain kept away large numbers of them Feb. 20 for a planned rally at the Capitol. He said if something isn’t done, then a motorcyclist will probably be killed by police.
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M. LESTER Founder, Aid to Injured Motorcyclists
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Organization Or ganization
Silver Spoke ke A Award ward Banquet) $80.00 Convention Convention Registration( Registration( includes Sil ver Spo course Beeff Vegetarian Please check main cou rse preference: Chicken Chicken Bee V egetarian beeff entree will be provided dinner.r. IIff yyou ou do not choose - a bee provided ffor oor yyour our dinne $45.00 Registration ONLY (Banquet (Banquet not included Registration ONLY Make Ma ke cchecks hecks payable payable aand nd mail mail to: Richa Richard rd M M.. L Lester, ester, 77334 334 T Topanga opanggaa Can Canyon yon B Blvd., lvd., Sui Suite itte 200 200,, Ca Canoga nogaa P Park, ark, CA 9130 913033 Must be received received by by April April 30th or pay pay at at convention convvention
Your Y our Rights During Durin A T Traffic raffic Stop
Anti-Profiling Laws Laws
Motorcy Motorcycle cle Resource Resource Teams Teams (MRT) (MRT)
P atch Holder Meeting Patch
Center upd ates Fusions Center updates
Prayer P rayer / Fellowship Fellowship Meeting
SPECIAL MEETINGS 1.W omen in Motorc ycling Women M Motorcycling
Your Y our Rights A Ass A V Veteran eteran
H ow NCOM and the local COC How work ttogether ogether with St ate Motorcycle Motorcycle Rights Organizations Organizations State
2.Clean & Sober Round Round T able Table 3. W orld ooff Spo rts Bi kes World Sports Bikes
PLUS P L US M MORE..... O R E .... .
House Roster Name John Allen Lela Alston Brenda Barton Sonny Borrelli Paul Boyer Kate Brophy McGee Chad Campbell Minority Leader Mark A. Cardenas Heather Carter Doug Coleman Lupe Chavira Contreras Andrea Dalessandro Jeff Dial Juan Carlos Escamilla Karen Fann Eddie Farnsworth Tom Forese Rosanna Gabald贸n Ruben Gallego Assistant Minority Leader Sally Ann Gonzales Doris Goodale David M. Gowan Sr. Majority Leader Rick Gray Majority Whip Albert Hale Lydia Hernandez John Kavanagh Adam Kwasman Jonathan Larkin Debbie Lesko David Livingston Phil Lovas Stefanie Mach Debbie McCune Davis Juan Mendez Javan "J.D." Mesnard Speaker Pro Tempore Eric Meyer Catherine H. Miranda Darin Mitchell Steve Montenegro Justin Olson Ethan Orr Lisa Otondo Jamescita Peshlakai Warren Petersen Justin Pierce Frank Pratt Mart铆n J. Quezada Bob Robson Macario Saldate IV Carl Seel Andrew Sherwood T.J. Shope Steve Smith Victoria Steele David W. Stevens Bob Thorpe Andy Tobin Kelly Townsend Michelle Ugenti Bruce Wheeler
District 15 24 6 5 20 28 24
Party R D R R R R D
Email jallen@azleg.gov lalston@azleg.gov bbarton@azleg.gov sborrelli@azleg.gov pboyer@azleg.gov kbrophymcgee@azleg.gov chcampbell@azleg.gov
Room 131 332 111 310 309 304 320
Phone (602) 926-4916 926-5829 926-4129 926-5051 926-4173 926-4486 926-3026
Fax (602) 417-3150 417-3115 417-3010 417-3003 417-3153 417-3170 417-3037
19 15 16 19 2 18 4 1 12 17 2 27
mcardenas@azleg.gov hcarter@azleg.gov dcoleman@azleg.gov lcontreras@azleg.gov adalessandro@azleg.gov jdial@azleg.gov jescamilla@azleg.gov kfann@azleg.gov efarnsworth@azleg.gov tforese@azleg.gov rgabaldon@azleg.gov rgallego@azleg.gov
122 303 308 325 118 110 126 316 302 113 117 321
926-3014 926-5503 926-3160 926-5284 926-5342 926-5550 926-5872 926-5874 926-5735 926-5168 926-3424 926-3042
417-3048 417-3107 417-3151 417-3106 417-3169 417-3120 417-3112 417-3001 417-3122 417-3021 417-3129 417-3117
3 5 14
sgonzales@azleg.gov dgoodale@azleg.gov dgowan@azleg.gov
116 313 206
926-3278 926-5408 926-3312
417-3127 417-3103 417-3130
7 29 23 11 30 21 22 22 10 30 26 17
ahale@azleg.gov lhernandez@azleg.gov jkavanagh@azleg.gov akwasman@azleg.gov jlarkin@azleg.gov dlesko@azleg.gov dlivingston@azleg.gov plovas@azleg.gov smach@azleg.gov ddavis@azleg.gov jmendez@azleg.gov jmesnard@azleg.gov
129 119 114 344 124 222 341 130 125 322 120 220
926-4323 926-3376 926-5170 926-5839 926-5058 926-5413 926-4178 926-3297 926-3398 926-4485 926-4124 926-4481
417-3160 417-3176 417-3108 417-3026 417-3015 417-3109 417-3154 417-3004 417-3126 417-3014 417-3017 417-3152
28 27 13 13 25 9 4 7 12 25 8 29 18 3 20 26 8 11 9 14 6 1 16 23
emeyer@azleg.gov cmiranda@azleg.gov dmitchell@azleg.gov smontenegro@azleg.gov jolson@azleg.gov eorr@azleg.gov lotondo@azleg.gov jpeshlakai@azleg.gov wpetersen@azleg.gov jpierce@azleg.gov fpratt@azleg.gov mquezada@azleg.gov brobson@azleg.gov msaldate@azleg.gov cseel@azleg.gov asherwood@azleg.gov tshope@azleg.gov stsmith@azleg.gov vsteele@azleg.gov dstevens@azleg.gov bthorpe@azleg.gov atobin@azleg.gov ktownsend@azleg.gov mugenti@azleg.gov
334 329 307 218 306 337 123 323 345 112 223 324 217 115 330 121 338 335 318 312 331 221 342 339
926-3037 926-4893 926-5894 926-5955 926-5288 926-3235 926-3002 926-5160 926-4136 926-5495 926-5761 926-5911 926-5549 926-4171 926-3018 926-3028 926-3012 926-5685 926-5683 926-4321 926-5219 926-5172 926-4467 926-4480
417-3111 417-3116 417-3012 417-3168 417-3161 417-3030 417-3124 417-3002 417-3222 417-3019 417-3023 417-3171 417-3157 417-3162 417-3006 417-3038 417-3123 417-3167 417-3147 417-3146 417-3223 417-3085 417-3018 417-3155
Senate Roster Party Email D eableser@azleg.gov R nbarto@azleg.gov R abiggs@azleg.gov D dbradley@azleg.gov R jburges@azleg.gov D ocajerobedford@azleg.gov
Room 303A 307 205 213 302 314
Phone (602) 926-4118 926-5766 926-4371 926-5262 926-5861 926-5835
Fax (602) 417-3224 417-3261 417-3022 926-3429 417-3104 417-3262
rcrandall@azleg.gov ccrandell@azleg.gov adriggs@azleg.gov
306 304 212
926-3020 926-5409 926-3016
417-3252 417-3105 417-3007
sfarley@azleg.gov sgallardo@azleg.gov ggriffin@azleg.gov
311 313 300
926-3022 926-5830 926-5895
417-3128 417-3268 417-3025
24 7 27
khobbs@azleg.gov jjackson@azleg.gov llandrum@azleg.gov
308 315 213
926-5325 926-5862 926-3830
417-3136 417-3099 417-3148
8 11 30 21 4 1 23 13 19
bmcguire@azleg.gov amelvin@azleg.gov rmeza@azleg.gov rmurphy@azleg.gov lpancrazi@azleg.gov spierce@azleg.gov mreagan@azleg.gov dshooter@azleg.gov atovar@azleg.gov
313 303 311 305 315 301 303 200 314
926-5836 926-4326 926-3425 926-4444 926-3004 926-5584 926-5828 923-4139 926-3392
417-3131 417-3159 417-3114 417-3009 417-3179 417-3101 417-3255 417-3024 417-3013
5 25 17
kward@azleg.gov bworsley@azleg.gov syarbrough@azleg.gov
304 310 309
926-4138 926-5760 926-5863
417-3165 417-3091 417-3258
Name Ed Ableser Nancy Barto Andy Biggs David Bradley Judy Burges Olivia Cajero Bedford
District 26 15 12 10 22 3
Rich Crandall Chester Crandell Adam Driggs Majority Whip Steve Farley Steve Gallardo Gail Griffin President Pro Tempore Katie Hobbs Jack Jackson Jr. Leah Landrum Taylor Minority Leader Linda Lopez Assistant Minority Leader John McComish Majority Leader Barbara McGuire Al Melvin Robert Meza Rick Murphy Lynne Pancrazi Steve Pierce Michele Reagan Don Shooter Anna Tovar Minority Whip Kelli Ward Bob Worsley Steve Yarbrough
16 6 28
9 29 14
Rider Ed Courses in AZ
To Print a Copy, Go To: http://nm.msf-usa.org/msf/ridercourses.aspx?state=AZ Locations Zip County Email Phone Site Website City Motorcycle Rider PHOENIX 85012 MARICOPA Click Here (623) 979-1839 View Training RIDE SMART M/C View PHOENIX 85023 MARICOPA Click Here (623) 877-5425 TRAINING T.E.A.M. Arizona View GILBERT 85233 MARICOPA Click Here (480) 998-9888 Chandler/Gilbert GILBERT PUBLIC View GILBERT 85234 MARICOPA (480) 894-0404 SCHOOLS (PARKING LOT) T.E.A.M. Arizona View SCOTTSDALE 85260 MARICOPA Click Here (480) 998-9888 Scottsdale CHANDLER View (480) 496-6800 TEMPE 85283 MARICOPA HARLEYDAVIDSON T.E.A.M. Arizona View GLENDALE 85302 MARICOPA Click Here (623) 939-9888 Glendale DEER VALLEY View GLENDALE 85308 MARICOPA (623) 247-5542 HIGH SCHOOL LUKE AIR FORCE LUKE AFB 85309 MARICOPA (623) 975-6264 BASE Motorcycle Rider View PEORIA 85345 MARICOPA Click Here (623) 979-1839 Training VEHICLE SAFETY YUMA 85367 YUMA Click Here (928) 376-7489 View INSTITUE T.E.A.M. Arizona FT View 85613 COCHISE Click Here (520) 733-9888 Sierra Vista HUACHUCA Pima Community View TUCSON 85707 PIMA (520) 206-3981 College T.E.A.M. Arizona View TUCSON 85714 PIMA Click Here (520) 733-9888 Tucson RIDE NAZ -View BELLEMONT 86015 COCONINO (928) 443-0111 FLAGSTAFF Ride Northern PRESCOTT 86301 YAVAPAI Click Here (928) 443-0111 View Arizona - Prescott T.E.A.M. Arizona View PRESCOTT 86301 YAVAPAI Click Here (928) 771-2500 Prescott MOHAVE (928) 757-0825 View KINGMAN 86401 MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE MOHAVE LAKE View (928) 505-3321 COMMUNITY HAVASU 86403 MOHAVE COLLEGE CITY MOHAVE JB'S 86440 MOHAVE Click Here (866) 668-6462 View VALLEY RESTAURANT
Important Phone Numbers
Aid to Injured Motorcyclists - A.I.M. - (800) 521-2425 24-Hr. Legal Assistance for all accidents
Aid to Incarcerated Motorcyclists A.I.M. - (800) 235-2424 24-Hr. Legal Criminal Defense
National Legislative Hot Line - (800) 300-NCOM 24-Hr. Motorcycle Legislative Alerts
National Coalition of Motorcyclists NCOM- (800) 525-5355 Fighting for Bikers Rights
Confederation of Clubs. - (800) 531-2424 Motorcycle Clubs Fighting Against Discrimination
Motorcycle Riders Foundation Washington D.C. Office (202) 546-0983
ATTENTION - ALL RIDERS: =======================
It has come to our attention that business establishments in Arizona may still be discriminating against motorcyclists. Please carry copies of this form with you at all times. Discrimination can range from a sign stating "No Colors" or "No Motorcycle Parking" or "No Motorcycle Attire" etc., to simply being asked to leave a place of business, just because you are on a motorcycle or because of your riding apparel. If anything like this happens to you, PLEASE fill out this form in its entirety and send it to the address noted. Your lobbyists cannot get sponsorship for "equal access" legislation, without evidence of this type of discrimination. Documentation of Discrimination DATE: ______________
Business Phone _______________
NAME OF ESTABLISHMENT: __________________________________ BUSINESS PHONE (with area code): __________________________________ BUSINESS - FULL ADDRESS: ___________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ NAME / POSITION OF PERSON ENFORCING POLICY: ________________ ________________________________________________________ WRITTEN STATEMENT OF DISCRIMINATION (use back if needed): _____ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ YOUR NAME (please print): ______________________________________ YOUR PHONE (with area code): __________________________________ YOUR SIGNATURE: ____________________________________________ *** INCLUDE ANY PICTURES OF DISCRIMINATING SIGNS POSTED *** Mail To: Ray Fitzgerald 1634 West Pine Cone Way Prescott, Arizona 86303
Home Care Medical Equipment
Electric Hospital bed with new motor, mattress and electronic inflatable Bariatric pad, shower chair, elevated toilet seat. All in excellent condition. Worth $3000 will take $1500 for all OBO Delivery and set up available. Will consider renting bed . Call for info 602-228-6830 Melissa or e-mail me@sideswipe.me Play Pool
Good condition, good motor and pump. $200.00 You take down and move. $400.00 we can take down and deliver within 50 miles. Emailme@sideswipe.me WANTED 7' x16' enclosed utility trailer. 7000 lb GVW 2 axle w/electric brakes. Drop tailgate for loading motorcycles. James Schultz 928-783-5378 Yuma
Your Classified Ad
could be here... It’s Free to ABATE Members. submit your ad online at www.abateofaz.org
2000 HD Custom (623) 374-5510 $15K OBO
Garage Sale – FMI Call Sean at 520-841-3830 Sean_Pinder@yahoo.com Industrial Rack Shelving 30”D X 53”W X 72”H $150.00 (2) Folding Horses $15.00 Metal HD Car Ramps $20.00 Patton High Velocity Fan – PAB06 $20.00 VersaLadder folding lock hinges 50.5” X 4 ~ 16.5’ $130.00 HP Pavilion Flat Screen Monitor $30.00 Minifridge Haier 19.5”W X 18”D X 34”H $100.00 Whirlpool Dryer Lg Capacity $150.00 Fire Pit 22” Dia 34” w/ shelf $25.00 2001 ElectraGlide Spoke Rim $200.00 Craftsman 125-PSI 3gal Air Compressor - 15310 $60.00 Wts [2-25 & 4-5], Curling & Dumbell Bars $60.00
AzTech Flatbed Trailer (Car/ATV Hauler) $2200 obo 2008 STS Cadillac for sale, 23K miles $28,000 obo Call 928-718-6296 Cell 928-716-7289
2006 H-D Dyna Street Bob 11,000 miles, $22,000 invested, selling for $16,000. Contact Pete @ (602) 315-6950
2003 Harley- 100th Anniversary FXDX Dyna Super Glide Sport
Has added – 100th Anniversary Gold Key Package Stored- Like New -Driven less than 200 miles Black Textured Paint - This Model Highly Rated – Built for speed. Judy Rovno 928-234-2969 2002 V8 Trike
Chevy 350c.i. engine. Automatic Transmission. Harley Davidson Fatboy Front End. Very comfortable ride -- Adjustable Air Shocks. AM/FM, Tape, CD Player. Great sound system. Harley Davidson "Luxury Rich Red" paint. Blue and Gold Ghost Ribbons. Beautiful Tank Mural of Pegasus. Lots of Chrome. Loaded. Prize Winner. A real beauty. Easy Maintenance. $19,000 o.b.o. 928-445-3992
One-Piece DayTripper motorcycle seat
New - never used - In box Retails for $359 model 76189 fits Honda VT 750 Spirit 2001-2006 & VT 750DC 2007-2009. The detailed stitch work in the highly durable, synthetic glove-leather makes the DayTripper a show winner. $150.00 Call Bob @ 602-463-0544
2008 Harley Davidson Road Glide- 6,240 miles-lowering kit-travel packageAM/FM/WB/CD- 6 speed-Dark Blue Pearl-Corbin Solo and Stock Seat- asking $17,000. e-mail serious inquiries to: momac99@yahoo.com.
2003 Kia Optima, Gold Exterior, Beige Interior. Great condition $5495.00 Only about 43K miles and gets about 30 MPG, Power Windows, Mirrors, and Locks, Tinted Glass, AC, CD/AM-FM Radio, Passenger and Driver Air bags, Manual, Cruise Control, and Front Wheel Drive FMI: Call Sean at 520-841-3830 or email at sean_pinder@yahoo.com
Gas Tank from an 05 Springer Classic.
Black/Lave Red. Taken off my bike in 2005 with approx 9,000 miles on it. Excellent Condition, $300.00. Located in Chino Valley (near Prescott). 928-830-4505.
2-1/2" Santee® 50 caliber pipes
exhaust for Harley 1986-2006 softail 84-06
Loud Loud pipes.. deep throaty base lets everyone know your there. Lightly used and in excellent condition. Retail on this set is 479.00 dollars. Pipes are stacked low and feature full-radius heat shields embossed with Santee's® distinctive logo. These pipe sets are the best combination of performance and looks with a 1-3/4"-diameter inner pipe and a 2-1/2" outer cover. Chrome billet end caps with integral baffles are included. Pipes are Chrome and have no dings or scratches they are in excellent condition... even the inner 1 and 3/4 pipe has little bluing... I just wanted to add this since i have had many questions as to the condition of the pipes.. Price: $150.00 James Osborne 623-692-5597
2003 Honda Shadow A.C.E. 750 for sale.
This bike has been very well maintained and is in excellent condition. Runs like a top, looks amazing-beautiful black paint, no dings or scratches. Has many upgrades including a removable windvest, upgraded mirrors, rear tiedown chrome rack, aftermarket Kuryakyn ISO grips with chrome accents and Throttle Boss, plus a Kontour custom seat. Passenger seat and foot pegs included. Great first bike! This is a wonderful bike for anyone who wants to ride without constant wrenching. 31,000 miles, regular maintenance done professionally. She is worth $4,000 with all the extras and the condition, but will take 3,200. Relocating, advertising in southern Arizona, serious buyers only-call 520-490-4548 or send email to bbthestilter@gmail.com
For Sale 2 chaps, 1 men’s coat, 1 women’s vest, 1 pair women’s boots, 2 outback dusters. call Bill for info. 928-443-1528 Prescott AZ 86301 FINALLY!! A motorcycle themed paperback book for the young reader. The Adventures of Olive Pearl and Hammy Davidson features Olive Pearl; a green and black motorcycle and Hamrietta (Hammy) Davidson her stuffed piggy passenger. They experience the joy of motorcycling on a 1700-mile road trip to meet new people, see new things, and learn life lessons along the way. Their adventures are wrapped inside the love story of husband and wife characters, “The Man” and “The Lady”. Sprinkled throughout with pictures, social observations, and humor, adults will also enjoy reading this story to younger children and are sure to get a laugh or two themselves. Get more info and place an order at: www.OliveandHammy.com Let’s Ride!!
2000 Softail Springer FXSTS Harley Davidson $ 8,500.00. Original owner. Only 15 K miles. Detachable windshield and sissy bar. New $500.00 leather saddle bags. McKunie Carb. New (small) bullet front and rear turn signals and brake lights. Screamin Eagle baloney-cut pipes. Recent all-chrome (solid) rear wheel with Dunlop 150/80 wide rear tire. Factory installed lowering kit. Lots of small extras too many to list. Has never been in a wreck. Always garaged. 480.209.7352 mdroz@hotmail.com
Motorcycle Hearse
COPD diagnosis forces SALE! $50,000.00 www.eagleswingscarriages.com visit this website to view complete set of equipment. Equipment included: 1999 Harley Davidson Road King Trike (6045 miles) modified with reverse gear & fifth wheel hitch, detachable 18th Century styled Hearse Carriage, full size casket with full cover flag, cherry wood Urn Ark with panoramic glass & folding stand, Encased Memorial Flag, 2007 22ft. flatbed transportation trailer with winds/bug shield, Honor Flags, pre-printed magnetic Carriage name plates & misc office supplies. Call Bill or Phyllis 623-386-8281
2000 H-D Sportster 4 plug heads, K&N air filter, larger gas tank, forward controls, straight drag pipes, windshield, sissy bar, saddlebags, new battery. NOT ABUSED. Always garaged or covered. Original pipes, battery minder and Clymer book included. $4500 in Payson. Call (928) 474-5287 For Sale - Cave Creek Home REDUCED - $79,797
.97 acre lot with older mobile 2/1 in great condition with 2 car detached garage & storage. Lot located in Saguaro West. Great lot for a new home/land package, on improved lot. Great Mountain views. Great location. Great Deal. Contact: Call Casey for details. #602-434-2222
JUNE 8-9, 2013 â&#x20AC;¢ BILLINGS, MONTANA BILLINGS BILLINGS HOTEL HOTEL AND AND CONVENTION CON NVVVEENTION CENTER CENTER 1223 Mullowney Lane, Billings, MT 59101 â&#x20AC;¢ 800-537-7286 â&#x20AC;¢ www.billingshotel.net For room reservations call 800-537-7286. Rate $79. Rooms must be reserved by May 9, 2013. Must mention Motorcycle Riders Foundattion Best of the West Conference to get the conference rate. Conference cost if registered by May 9, 2013: MRF Members $60, Non-MRF Members $70. Conference cost if registered after May 9, 2013: MRF Members $70, Non-MRF Members $80. Registrations are accepted through the MRF website at www.mrf. org (Visa, Mas MasterCard, AmEx & Discover), by mail: MRF, 236 Massachusetts Ave NE, Suite 204, Washington, DC
2013 BEST of the W West e Pre-Registration est
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