A publication supporting the rights, safety and freedom of all motorcyclists through education and not legislation. AUGUST 2011
Nonprofit Org US Postage Paid Permit #1662 Phoenix, AZ
were expecting to have news from ADEQ (Arizona Dept. of Environmental Quality) that the EPA was satisfied with the documentation provided, and that Maricopa would be approved during the first part of this year. During our last meeting, ADEQ was confident that all requirements were met.
ABATE of AZ. 7509 N. 12th St, #200 Phoenix, AZ 85020
Hope everyone had a great time at Too Broke for Sturgis and that their trip home was uneventful. Whew, I know that I’m exhausted, (or I expect to be since this is written before Too Broke)! Since there isn’t much going on right now, I’d like to offer some follow-up information on a few issues. Motorcycle Emission Testing in Maricopa County - The lobbyists recently received an update on the elimination of motorcycle emission testing in Maricopa County. We
ADEQ heard from the EPA and unfortunately they are revising the ozone standard to.075 parts per million as opposed to the .080 that was achieved. Rep. Jerry Weirs is helping us and ADEQ address the problem. He is working to schedule a meeting with Gov. Brewer to discuss possible options available. I will keep you informed as this issue progresses and if there are any open meetings scheduled. Scottsdale- Red Left Turn Signals – Most signalized intersections allow left turns on the green light for through traffic when the left turn arrows are first installed. At locations where there was a history of accidents involving left turning vehicles, the signal is modified to have red left turn arrows. The
intersections of Hayden/Thomas, Hayden/McDonald, Scottsdale/Doubletree, and Scottsdale/Shea are examples of this situation. US Defender Program – The Defender Program is a vehicle to activate our members, when needed, to contact either local, state or national legislators and ask their support for issues pertaining to Motorcyclists Rights. If you’ve signed up to participate previously, please call or email me with your contact information as I do not have an updated list. Whether you’re a Defender, a Lobbyist or a Motorcyclist you need to be, (dare I say it) INVOLVED. All of us should have an ongoing dialog with our legislators. If you don’t know who yours’ are, contact me with your District # and I’ll look it up in the Legislative Handbook. When the legislature reconvenes it would be great if you contacted your reps, just to introduce yourself and let them know that you are interested in what’s going on at the Capitol. Great practice for Motorcycle Day at the Dome 2012!!
Mission Statement We will lobby and educate the government and the general public to promote motorcycling in a safe and positive image. We will endeavor to enlist the cooperation and participation of all organizations and individuals who share a similar interest in preserving our American tradition of
FREEDOM. We will involve ourselves in fund raising to achieve our goal.
State Officer Meeting Minutes July 10, 2011 Present: Margie Ferrucci, President, Tim O'Reilly, VP/PAC, Casey Yates, Sec/Comm, Carole O'Reilly, Des. Lobbyist, Jess Method, Asst Treas, Joe Ferrucci, Sgt at Arms, Ron Kool, Membership, Jean Cooper, Safety Guests:
President’s Report
Darin, Phx-Smtn run coord, J.R., TBFS Committee, Vic, Phx/Smtn Sgt at Arms Call to order: Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence led By Joe Ferrucci Sgt at Arms. Motion to waive Secretary minutes from May, 2011 By: Ron Kool 2nd by: Jean Cooper. All in favor, none Opposed
I hope this month’s paper finds everyone safe and healthy. I noticed that we are all about making sure everyone sees us on the roads so we will be safer, but I wonder how many of us really watch out for ourselves. What I mean is that with the weather changing, there are things that we need to check and watch out for ourselves. For instance, check your tire pressure often and adjust as necessary, using an accurate tire gauge. Motorcycle tire manufacturers recommend checking pressure at least once a week. However, many motorcycle safety experts recommend checking tire pressure and tread wear every time you take your bike out, how long can that possibly take compared to what you could possibly lose, like your life. Another really important thing is hydration. Now, I think I am so tough sometimes - lol - but when it comes to heat stroke, no one is tougher than that. Heat stroke is a form of hyperthermia, an abnormally elevated body temperature with accompanying physical symptoms including changes in the nervous system function. Heat stroke is a true medical emergency that is often fatal if not properly and promptly treated. A dehydrated person may not be able to sweat fast enough to dissipate heat, which causes the body temperature to rise. Different people may have different symptoms and signs of heatstroke. Common symptoms and signs of heat stroke include: high body temperature, the absence of sweating,
with hot red or flushed dry skin, rapid pulse, difficulty breathing, strange behavior, hallucinations, confusion, agitation, disorientation, seizure, and/or coma. Victims of heat stroke must receive immediate treatment to avoid permanent organ damage. First and foremost, cool the victim. The most important measures to prevent heat strokes are to avoid becoming dehydrated and to avoid vigorous physical activities in hot and humid weather. Take frequent breaks to hydrate yourself.
Treasurer report, given by Jess Method *Returned checks - what is policy? *Membership renewals paid by check - procedure for getting them to Ron Kool, Membership *Abate office telephone is not really necessary for $139 a month a cell phone can be substituted. Plans being researched this tabled until next meeting. Membership report, Ron Kool *back ordered Too Broke bandanas are in. *Bumper stickers logo not yet decided tabled until next meeting. *New Yuma Chapter. A ride to Yuma to attend their meeting. *President, Margie Ferrucci has been in contact with riders from Flagstaff to get a Northern Arizona
We really need to take a few moments before riding to make sure we look out for ourselves because we all know that there are plenty of people out there not watching out for us. Now don’t get me wrong I am by no means saying we don’t have to make the cagers more aware of us, I’m just saying we have to look out for ourselves as well. Till next month, when I should have an exciting announcement, ride safe and watch out for those who are not watching out for us!!! Margie F State President ABATE of AZ
How to Reach Us 602-867-9829 For Advertising Rates Email Eric at themasterlink@abateofaz.org Or Mail Your Ads to: MasterLink, ABATE of Arizona 7509 N. 12th St, #200 Phoenix, AZ, 85020 MasterLink Advertising Rates: Size Monthly Quarterly Yearly Business Card Size (3-1/2”w x 2”h): $20.00 $60.00 $200.00 1/8 Page (5-1/8”w x 4”h) $50.00 $150.00 $500.00 1/4 Page (5-1/2”w x 8”h) $70.00 $210.00 $700.00 1/2 Page (10-1/4”w x 8”h) $100.00 $300.00 $1,000.00 Full Page (10-1/4”w x 16”h) $200.00 $600.00 $2,000.00 Full Color Back Page (10-1/4”w x 16”h) $400.00 $950.00 $3,300.00
Chapter up and running. It does not neccessarily have to be in Flagstaff, just somewhere that Flag people can get to without feeling like they are taking a major road trip. Safety , Jean Cooper *CPR Class at AI July 16, 2011 *CPR Class in Tucson July 30, 2011 *ABATE will subsidize 50% of the cost of the First Responder Class for 20 ppl, not to exceed $499.. Classes at AI. Lobbyist report, Carole O'Reilly *Uniform lights throughout Maricopa County. *Defenders Program feedback is not being used. *Carole to supply information to the legislation and the motorcycle community. New Business: Advertising on school buses was discussed including what it would say? Jean to research how effective this type of advertising would be. Tabled until next meeting. Adopt a Highway program put on hold for further research. JR provided an update on TBFS - still looking for volunteers for the bike games and the people games. Next State meeting August 7, 2011 at A/I Motion to adjourn: Ron
Meeting adjourned 10am
Bandit’s News from Bikernet.com MANDATORY ABS set for GERMAN motorcycles Legislation to come into effect from 2017--
metal engine covers, only time will tell.
ACCORDING to German component suppliers, Bosch, ABS looks set to become mandatory on all machines from 2017.
European Parliament is likely to sanction the legislation before they break for their summer recess at the end of July. The imminent decision follows a long consultation process with industry bodies, manufacturers and trade associations. It's expected that the law will insist that all new 125cc+ motorcycles manufactured after 2017 will have to be fitted with OE ABS braking systems in a bid to increase rider safety. Posted: 8 July 2011 by Visordown News --from Rogue
--Uncle Monkey
NY motorcyclist dies on ride protesting helmet law-- ONONDAGA, N.Y. (AP) — Police say a motorcyclist participating in a protest ride against helmet laws in upstate New York died after he flipped over the bike's handlebars and hit his head on the pavement.
The metal over plastic debate has been raging for years between Harley riders and metric cruisers but a recent comment left me scratching my head. The dispute was on a bagger forum that I lurk from time to time and it was hot and heavy but I was stopped when a Harley owner proudly proclaimed that "You'll never find a piece of plastic on a Harley. Never have, never will." It is a bold statement but as I said this was a bagger website and the commentor's signature listed owning a 09 Ultra and a RoadGlide. No plastic? Perhaps he was splitting hairs between polycarbonates and isomer composites and the million other different composites but few would argue that they are not plastics. Yes, the FatBoy is all steel but the touring bikes have long been covered in plastic, maybe not to the extent of Goldwings but still nicely covered. To say Harley never uses plastics is very near sighted. Yes, there are skilled sheet metal workers who could pound out the beautiful complex curves of an ElectraGlide but why would you? In my mind there is nothing better then cold hard steel to be sprayed, dripped, and powdered. Chromed and candies are the way to go when building a bike. But plastics have come a long way and chroming plastic has certainly advanced since the peeling chrome on the dash of my 66 Ford Galaxie hard top. Imagine steering an ElectraGlide with a heavy metal batwing, or hard case metal bags like the BMW riders bolt on. No, the plastics we find on Harleys today offer form and function without the weight and corrosion of metals. Plastic is the way of the future; the intake on my decade old half ton is plastic. I wouldn't be surprised to see a lot more plastic on the next generation of Harley-Davidson as they try to reach tighter emissions and weight reductions. Vrods already have plastic fuel tanks and it would take very little for the “tank” air intake to be in plastic (check out the muscle). Composite intakes are the norm in automobiles and will be on bikes sooner rather then later and now that the inner primary is no longer a structural part that will follow. As for those chrome
Zarbatany, who runs Florida’s largest motorcycle training school and who is an industry leader hopes that by bringing safety to the forefront, drivers will be more alert and aware of motorcycles when behind the wheel. He is hoping that these types of events are duplicated in other areas.
But catching them is difficult when the plate number is blocked, authorities said. It's unclear why the people try to beat the toll, since fines can be a lot more than the tolls, authorities said. "Maybe it's economic reasons. Maybe they just don't want to pay," Florida Highway Patrol Sgt. Mark Wysocky said. "It's quicker than sitting in line to go through [the toll plaza]."
The accident happened Saturday afternoon in the town of Onondaga, in central New York near Syracuse.
Why is the fine for Not Paying a toll in Florida in a car a Maximun of $168.00 and for a motorcycle $1,000.00--
Troopers warn that they're on the lookout for daredevil toll runners. Intentionally blocking a license plate carries a maximum $168 fine for car drivers. It's even more for those creative motorcyclists, with fines up to $1,000.
State troopers tell The Post-Standard of Syracuse that 55-year-old Philip A. Contos of Parish, N.Y., was driving a 1983 Harley Davidson with a group of bikers who were protesting helmet laws by not wearing helmets.
People will do some strange things to save a buck. Or maybe as little as 25 cents.
That's because there have been chronic problems with motorcyclists blocking their plates, troopers say.
To block their license plates, turnpike toll runners do all sorts of things that almost have to be caught on camera to be believed.
Some plazas see repeat offenders trying to beat the system.
=========================== PLASTIC OVER METAL?--
and trucks. This event is really open to just about any land-based vehicle with an engine. We are hoping to gather in excess of 500 bikes and other vehicles.”
Troopers say Contos hit his brakes and the motorcycle fishtailed. The bike spun out of control, and Contos toppled over the handlebars. He was pronounced dead at a hospital. Troopers say Contos would have likely survived if he had been wearing a helmet. This breaks my heart, since the safety freaks will use this against us. There are a handful of cross-purpose facts regarding helmet use. Some 20 percent of injuries in motorcycle accidents are to the head. Whereas 90 percent of auto accident injuries are head related. So, wear a helmet, which could cause you to get into an accident because of a lack of peripheral vision. It could cause you to crash because you can't hear. It could cause you severe spinal injuries. It could cause you to ride in an over-confident mental state and perform hazardous maneuvers. So, what's it going to be, have all your faculties available to avoid an accident, or…? Let's let the rider decide which dice he wants to roll.-Bandit =========================== Bikers Prepare to Gather to Set a World Record -Conyers, GA , July 9th, 2011– Bikers and motorsports enthusiasts are always trying to set world records but they are usually speed related. Not this weekend! Mountain Motorsports in Conyers GA is hosting a record-setting event to establish the record for the world’s largest safety presentation! Steven Zarbatany, President of Motorcycle Training Institute, Inc. (MTII.com), one of the event’s sponsors says “As a safety-oriented organization, we’re excited to be involved in this event! As bikers, safety -- as well as fun – is always on our minds, and we’re pleased to see so many people willing to participate.” Alicia “AJ” Jones, of #1 Stunnas Motorsports Group, the organizer of the event says she got the idea by wanting to set SOME type of non-speed record but the Guinness Book of World Records was crowded with records. After speaking with the people at Guinness Book she contacted Dr. Mike Cosgrove of MTII and together they planned this event. Says AJ “All motorcycles are welcome, as are 3-wheelers, 4-wheelers, cars
A man hung out of a car trunk, holding his hand over his tag number; a motorcyclist twisted around, reaching back to block his plate as he sped through the toll gate; another motorcycle rider hopped up, stretched his legs back and crossed his feet over his tag to block the camera. These oddball images and more were caught on the cameras that photograph license plates and generate bills for drivers who zoom through the toll gates without either paying cash or using a SunPass.
"Sometimes they do it routinely through the same plaza and we catch them," said Nichole Kalil, spokeswoman for Florida's Turnpike Enterprise, a division of the state Department of Transportation. If a plate is blocked, Kalil said, the photograph is analyzed for the vehicle's make and model to try to identify the owner. Area troopers can be alerted about a vehicle that beats the same toll every day, she said. Troopers often wait at toll plazas to look for scofflaws.
continued page 21
Chapter Reports East Valley Chapter NO REPORT
High Country Chapter Hello brothers and sisters, Well up here in the high country the weather is great, the monsoons are upon us ! Please be prepared for the rain and the hail! Because it hurts, you get wet and its slippery when riding ! Enough of that now huh ? Well we changed our meeting day to the 3rd Sunday of the month! The same place , the same time! Chicknbone H.C.C. Coordinator
Mohave Chapter NO REPORT
Phoenix/Shadow Mountain Chapter Whew! We made it it’s time for Too Broke! Man was it a beautiful sight members from all over the state showed up to stuff the run packets, I think in record time too! The excitement is building…everybody loves TBFS it’s time to party! Thank you to all of the members that attended this months meeting, with a last minute change we still had a great turnout. For the next few months we will not be having our monthly meeting there due to remodeling. Heads up! We already have the location of next months meeting. The meeting will be held at the Cave Creek Café 14620 N. Cave Creek Rd. August 14th 10:30am. There will be a breakfast buffet for us too. The plans are in the works for our Annual Moon Mullins Run October 29th it’s a night ride and with Halloween just a few days away we found it fitting to end at a haunted house. We have some great ideas of getting The ABATE name out there, advertising on school buses, the Adopt a Highway program, just to name a few. If you have any idea that you would like to share with us, bring it up at a meeting. Safety officer Jean Cooper is having 2 CPR classes this month the one in Phoenix was July 16th at the American Italian Club she is having a 2nd class in Tucson check the website for more details. Want a free year or a lifetime membership? It’s easy! Refer any person or business to ABATE that’s all. See Ron Kool for details. Short and sweet this month…getting ready for TBFS, see you there or until next month… Casey Yates Communications Officer
Southern Arizona Chapter The meeting was called to order by Ron at 9:05 am. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Ron Kool with a moment of silence for all those in harm’s way and all of the bikers recently lost. Our secretary Rich was not present. He is back from running to the wall but his home is in the evacuation zone for the monument fire east of Sierra Vista. Dawn and I took the notes for this report. Between the two of us we get about half of what Rich does. Our members like the new 3rd Saturday meetings. We had 17 members present. We didn’t do the post cards or reminder phone calls this month Our new start time of 9 am seems to agree with everyone as well. When winter comes around we might look at a later start for our members that have to chip the ice off of their seats in the morning. We enjoyed seeing some of our members that are at church on Sundays. Renewal notices have been sent to our charter members and we have received many renewals back in the mail. Ron
reported we have 120 active members and six business members. Sean was recovering from working out of state the last week so no BOD or PAC report. Brian Williams won the Dollar Jar but wasn’t present to collect the $17 pot. The $17 rolls over to the July meeting. The 50/50 was again won by Jim DeYoung. Proof the more tickets you buy the better your chances. By now TBFS is history. Due to the cut off we will have info and pictures in the September Masterlink. Speaking of September all of you wanting to run for a state officer position need to let us know by September 15 so you get on the ballot in the October Masterlink. The elections are in November at the general membership meeting. All officer positions are open including my membership position. I have done my 2 years and it’s time for new blood. Also it’s not too soon to think about a chapter officer position. These are only one year terms. Everyone needs to do their year and then let someone else have a go at it. Just like run coordinator every new person brings something new and different to the job. We had our first Accident Management scene class on July 9th. It went very well after Bruce provided IT experience to get the projector to work. This is a seven hour class and very well presented participants practice removing a helmet and minimal CPR training. For Southern Arizona Chapter members the $50 class is free for the first 20 students. The class resulted in two new members to get the discount. We have a CPR class scheduled for July 30 and can accommodate up to 15 members. That is a 4 hour class and costs $15. It was a lively meeting with loads of information exchanged. Our meetings are usually around an hour. This was no exception running just 56 minutes. Ron Kool Southern Arizona Coordinator.
Yavapai Chapter The month of July in the Prescott area brings a mixed bag for bikers. It is a great time for riding, if you can dodge the monsoon activity in the region. Sometimes they are difficult to avoid, but something impossible to avoid are the left turn arrow issues rampant in our region. It is still another example of discrimination perpetrated on all manner of 2-wheel riders. The weight of even the heaviest bagger, does not trip the signal (Vespa or Gold Wing/Ultra, no difference), and bikers end up sitting for long periods of time, until a cage pulls up. All the different cities in Arizona make their proclamations for motorcycle safety awareness, every month of May, but refuse to recognize this “safety “issue. Okay, just had to get that out of my system. The Yavapai Chapter is planning a great ride for October 8th. It will be our scenic Oak Creek Canyon run. Look for our flyer for more information in the Masterlink. Another activity being sponsored by our chapter is a Friday night bike night at an A.B.A.T.E. business member, The Drunken Lass. We are promoting A.B.A.T.E.'s mission, recruiting new members, and fund raising while a good time is had by all. Way to go Ralo, and Longhair James. Speaking of those two hard working officers, they will be representing our chapter at the 27th annual “Meeting of the Minds” in Romulus, MI, September 22-25. There is a lot to be gained and shared with the membership by attending this meeting. Thanks to both of them for stepping up. Until next month, ride free, but aware of what's on the road and why you can enjoy the wind in your face. Mike “Dawolf” Ruddell Communications Officer Yavapai Chapter A.B.A.T.E. of Arizona
Safety Report to have been happening….. East Valley Chapter members attend Mesa Bike Night held on the first Friday of every month. They have an ABATE Booth at the event and promote our organization and message of safety and education.
Hope you all had a great time at the 20th Too Broke for Sturgis and returned home safely! Just to let of some Safety Events
Southern Arizona Chapter sponsored a “Crash Course in Accident Scene Management” in July. ABATE of Arizona paid for half the cost of the course ($25) and the participants paid the other half ($25). $50.00 per person is a screamin’ deal for the 6 hour presentation. Your Chapter can do the same thing. Your Chapter can do the same thing. Contact Ron Kool to learn how it was done. Phoenix-Shadow Mountain Chapter and the Too Broke
Committee sponsored basic CPR & First Aid for several of its members in July. The course lasted about 3 hours, including hands-on skills training. Please contact me for more information at azjkc@aol.com or call me at 602616-9855.
initial training and about 1 hour a month during the school year, this is your opportunity to support the mission of our organization. GET INVOLVED! Please contact me for more information at azjkc@aol.com or call me at 602616-9855.
Our mission is Motorcycle Safety and Education. What better way to promote the mission than to arrange or sponsor a class!
It is summer in Arizona. DRINK WATER!!!
Another way we promote our mission is to provide the Motorcycle Awareness Program (MAP) to high school students taking driver’s education within the schools. MAP is a statewide program that coordinated by ABATE of Arizona and is taught by motorcyclists from several organizations. More instructors are needed badly. If you can spare about 3 hours for
That’s all for now. Have a great August. Stay cool and safe. Jean Cooper Safety Officer – State and Phoenix-Shadow Mountain Chapter
Join A.B.A.T.E. What Is ABATE? ABATE Of Arizona, Inc. is a non-profit motorcycle rights organization that is dedicated to freedom of the road for all motorcyclists. ABATE is a volunteer organization that fights discriminatory legislation aimed towards the motorcycling community. ABATE's position is that all motorcycle riders have the right to choose not only the machine that they ride, but also the riding gear that they choose to wear or not to wear, (i.e. leathers, gloves, boots and helmets.) ABATE promotes rider education for all motorcycle riders and motorcycle awareness for all automobile drivers. ABATE needs the support of all motorcyclists.
Arizona Motorcycle Rights Organizations Need Your Help!
along with an events section to inform you of *Do you like emission testing your motor- up-coming motorcycle runs and events. cycle? The Motorcycle Rights Organizations in *Do you like the choice to wear a helmet or Arizona are run by volunteers. Anyone that not? does volunteer gives their time freely to fight the fight. Please help us to pass on our ability *Do you like noise ordinances? to ride free. *Do you like the ability to modify your motorcycle?
Benefits Of Membership
*Do you know that there are dollars available for motorcycle safety and awareness? Please help the Motorcycle Rights Organizations in Arizona to prevent our Governments from restricting our ability to ride free. With your help, we can eliminate the emission testing of motorcycles in Arizona, fight our National-level battles with the EPA and NHTSA, and effectively watchdog the Arizona Legislators who, on a yearly basis, have entertained the idea of introducing a mandatory helmet law in our state. You can help by joining in the fight. The cost is only Twenty-five Dollars a year. Although you are not under any obligation to volunteer your time, any time you choose to give to our cause is always appreciated. With your membership you not only help our cause, but you will receive our newsletter as well. "The MasterLink" contains local happenings and national motorcycling news
Individuals ·ABATE membership card ·ABATE patch on first year ·Year pins thereafter ·One year subscription to the MasterLink newsletter ·Lifetime members get all that without the hassle of renewing Business ·Two annual memberships ·Business card size advertisement and alphabetical listing in the MasterLink for the length of your membership. Circulated throughout Arizona ·Benefit of a run stop or event participation to support your business ·Addition of your business listing on our web site with a link to your business
JOIN ABATE NOW! ABATE Of Arizona provides a unified voice for all motorcyclists in Arizona. Add your voice to ours. Join ABATE now, for the preservation of your ability to ride a motorcycle with the freedom that's your right!! © 2009 ABATE Of Arizona
7509 N. 12th St, #200 Phoenix, AZ. 85020 Website: www.abateofaz.org To join our discussion group, send email to Abate-request@abateofaz.org
ABATE OF ARIZONA LOCAL CHAPTERS A.B.A.T.E. BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS FOR 2011 - 2012 Chairman..............................Eric Hampton East Valley………………….Rick “Animal” Henry High Country........................Billy Hensler Mohave……………………..Don Russell Phx / Shadow Mountain…...Eric Hampton Southern AZ.........................Sean Pinder Yavapai……………………..”Still Ray” Fitzgerald Quarterly Board meetings are held on the first Sunday in January, April, July and October at 1:00pm @ the AZ American-Italian Club, 7509 N. 12th St, Phoenix. Please make sure your Chapter has representation.
A.B.A.T.E. State Officers For 2011 President………..............……Margie Ferrucci Vice President.....……………Tim O’Reilly Secretary……………………Casey Yates Treasurer…………………….Matt Brown Asst. Treasurer........................Jess Method Membership…………………Ron Kool Run/Events………………….Margie Ferrucci Safety Coordinator………….Jean Cooper Sergeant-at-Arms……………Joe Ferrucci P.A.C………………………...Tim O’Reilly Communications…………….Casey Yates ABATE Products……………Ron Kool MasterLink Editor................ Eric Hampton TheMasterlink@abateofaz.org www.abateofaz.org and www.toobrokeforsturgis.com Mailing address 7509 N. 12th St, #200, Phoenix, AZ 85020. State Officers meetings are held the 1st Sunday of every month, 11:30 am at the AZ American Italian Club, 7509 N. 12th Street Phoenix, AZ.- OR in conjunction with the quarterly BOD meeting.
High Country Chapter 209A E. Juniper St. Payson AZ 85541 Coordinator............................Jim “Chicken Bone” Mazzone Vice Coordinator...................Billy Hensler Secretary................................Kristen Blakeslee Treasurer...............................Debbie Fickel Membership...........................Becca (Vine) Holyoak Run Coordinator....................Jonathan Lucero Safety Coordinator.................Steve Leonard Sgt. At Arms.........................Ed “Hollywood” Holyoak P.A.C.....................................Johnathan Lucero Communications....................Billy Hensler Merchandise..........................Kristen Blakeslee
High Country Chapter meetings are held on the 3rd Sunday at 10 a.m. at The Moose Lodge in Star Valley. Contact: chicknbone@live .com or 928970-1134
Mohave Chapter 2620 Miracle Mile Bullhead City, AZ 86442 Coordinator...........................Joe Monfredo Vice Coordinator...................Eric Faggard Secretary................................Mary Smith Treasurer................................Mary Smith Membership..........................Don Russell Run Committee....................Vacant Safety Coordinator................Vacant Sgt. At Arms.........................Reggie Ingram P.A.C.....................................Don Russell Merchandise..........................Vacant Communications...................Vacant
Mohave County Chapter meetings are held the 1st Sunday of each month at 12 PM at the Moose Lodge #1860, 2620 Miracle Mile, Bullhead City, AZ 86442 Phone: 928-763-1860.
Phoenix-Shadow Mountain Chapter East Valley Chapter c/o Jeff Gorall, PO Box 20433 Mesa AZ. 85277 Coordinator............................Joe Ferrucci Vice Coordinator...................Jack Batty Secretary................................Jess Method Treasurer................................Jess Method Membership...........................Rick Henry Run Coordinator....................Jack Batty Safety Coordinator.................Joe & Jim Silk Sgt. At Arms.......................... Robert Vasquez P.A.C......................................Jeff Gorall Communications....................Alex Gorall Merchandise........................... Whole Chapter
East Valley Chapter meetings are held the fourth Sunday of the month at 11:00, At the Mesa Tri city Eagles Club. 2314 E. APACHE BLVD Tempe Az. 85281.
P.O. Box 54041 Phoenix, AZ 85078-4041 Coordinator...........................Jim Page Vice Coordinator....................Sandy Hassinger Secretary................................Connie Johnson Treasurer................................Carole O'Reilly Membership...........................Mikki Aaronson Run Coordinator....................Darin Yates Safety Coordinator.................Mike Falcone Sgt. At Arms..........................Victor Grady P.A.C......................................Tim O’Reilly Communications....................Casey Yates Merchandise...........................Vacant
Phoenix/Shadow Mountain meetings are held on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 10:30am at the AZ American Italian Club, 7509 N. 12th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85020. FMI contact Jim Page at 602570-6839 or email jpage30@cox.net
Southern Arizona Chapter 1339 N. Golden Palomino Pl. Tucson, AZ 85715 Coordinator............................Ron Kool Vice Coordinator....................Jim DeYoung Secretary................................Rich Montgomery Treasurer................................Dawn Detelj Membership...........................Ron Kool Run Coordinator....................Ken Lamb Safety Coordinator.................Jimmy Clark Sgt. At Arms.........................Jim Butsback P.A.C......................................Sean Pinder Communications....................Vacant Merchandise...........................Dawn Detelj
The Southern Arizona Chapter will meet the third Saturday. We will gather at the Kettle Restaurant, 748 W. 22nd St, Tucson. Breakfast will be available at 7:30 a.m. with the meeting beginning at 9 a.m. FMI contact Ron Kool by phone at 520-2032323 or email koolron@hotmail.com
ADDRESS CHANGE The email address for submitting items to the Masterlink has changed. We have some bored little kid on the other side of the planet spamming the hell out of us. The new address for submitting pictures, run flyers, etc is now: TheMasterlink@abateofaz.org
Yavapai Chapter P.O. Box 3377 Prescott, AZ 86302 Coordinator............................ Rich Kocar Vice Coordinator....................David “Doc” Pratt Secretary................................ Linda “Gabby” Kocar Treasurer................................ Paul "Wizbang" Pendergast Membership........................... Patrica Fitzgerald Run Coordinator......................“Longhair James” Venegas and Lora "Ralo" Heiniemi Safety Coordinator..................Vacant Sgt. At Arms...........................JD Fillingim P.A.C...................................... Lynda Marie “Handi” Barnett Communications.................... Mike “Dawolf” Ruddell Merchandise...........................Lora "Ralo" Heiniemi
Yavapai Chapter Meets 2nd Sunday, 11:00 AM; The Taj Mahal Restaurant, 124 N. Montezuma St. Prescott, AZ 86301. FMI contact Rich Kocar 928-771-9293 or email grayghost17@cableone.net.
EDITOR’S NOTE: If any of the Officers are listed here incorrectly, please send corrections to: TheMasterlink@abateofaz.org I will be sure everything is accurate for the next Issue and on the web site.
ABATE of Arizona Business Members AAA Always on Time Locks & Security Prescott Valley 928-775-5772
Gila County Chopper Strawberry 480-789-2933
Rim Liquor Payson 928-472-2200
The Drunken Lass Irish Pub Prescott 928-778-4211
All Clene Carpet Cleaners Payson 928-468-1358
Gold King Mine & Ghost Town Jerome 928-634-0053
Smoke This, Wear This Payson 928-474-3090
The Hog Pit Smoke House Tucson 520-722-4302
Amon Builders Payson 928-474-0689
GraphicsGraphics Web Design & Development Phoenix 602-595-4740
Spirit Room Jerome 928-634-8809
The Jerome Tattoo Company Jerome 928-649-2143
Sportsman's Chalet Strawberry 928-476-2411
The Maverick Saloon Phoenix 602-943-5680
Sutures Embroidery Phoenix
Walt’s Lock and Safe Phoenix 623-780-0490
Taj Mahal Prescott 928-445-5752
Wear This Smoke This Payson 928-474-3090
The Butcher Hook Tonto Basin 928-479-2226
Wild West Junction Williams 928-635-4512
Bedmart Phoenix 623-878-0536
Gurley Street Sports Pub Prescott 928-778-2491
Big John’s Garage Tucson 520-322-9933
Gyro Tym Phoenix 480-497-6896
Big Sky Motorcycles Tucson 520-886-7388
Hardtailz Biker Outlet Chino Valley 928-642-4562
Biker Babes and Beyond Prescott 928-778-7494
Jakes Corner Bar Payson 928-474-0679
Biker Information Guide Phoenix 602-843-8907
Jerome Tattoo Company Jerome 928-649-2143
Bobby D’s Bar-B-Q Pit Jerome 480-703-0045
Kitty For Tax Camp Vercde 928-567-0224
Brown & Little, P.L.C., Attorneys at Law 480-299-2093 Buchanan Construction, LLC 928-978-3291 Buffalo Bar & Grill Payson 928-474-3900
La Gitana Cantina Arivaca 520-398-0810 Law Offices of Richard A. Cruz Phoenix 480-628-1511
Cactus Flats Tonto Basin 928-479-2233
Law Tigers 888-529-8443
Capsurz www.capsurz.com
Lyzzard's Lounge Prescott 928-778-2244
Cathiez Leather Bullhead City 928-758-6592 Cleopatra Hill Jerome 928-634-6701
Desert Lightning Motorcycle Apparel Lake Havasu 928-505-2453 Doreen’s Backstreet Bar & Grill Chino Valley 928-636-0309
East Valley Chapter East Valley Chapter meetings are held the fourth Sunday of the month at 11:00, At the Mesa Tri city Eagles Club. 2314 E. APACHE BLVD Tempe Az. 85281.
Phoenix / Shadow Mountain Chapter
High Country Chapter
Southern Arizona Chapter
Phoenix/Shadow Mountain meetings are held on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 10:30am at the AZ American Italian Club, 7509 N. 12th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85020. FMI contact Jim Page at 602-570-6839 or email jpage30@cox.net
High Country Chapter meetings are held on the 3rd Sunday at 10 a.m. at The Moose Lodge in Star Valley. Contact: chicknbone@live .com or 928-970-1134
Punkin Center Bar Tonto Basin 928-479-2627
The Southern Arizona Chapter will meet the third Saturday. We will gather at the Kettle Restaurant, 748 W. 22nd St, Tucson. Breakfast will be available at 7:30 a.m. with the meeting beginning at 9 a.m. FMI contact Ron Kool by phone at 520-203-2323 or email koolron@hotmail.com
Mohave Chapter
Red Garter Bar & Grill Tucson 520-325-0483
Mohave County Chapter meetings are held the 1st Sunday of each month at 12 PM at the Moose Lodge #1860, 2620 Miracle Mile, Bullhead City, AZ 86442 Phone: 928-763-1860.
Red Hot Threads Cave Creek 480-945-3458
Yavapai Chapter
Yavapai Chapter Meets 2nd Sunday, 11:00 AM; The Taj Mahal Restaurant, 124 N. Montezuma St. Prescott, AZ 86301. FMI contact Rich Kocar 928-771-9293 or email grayghost17@cableone.net.
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Are you a member of a state motorcyclist’s rights organization? Yes No If yes, name ____________________________________
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ABATE of Arizona
Renewal (Member #______________)
Renegade Classics Biker Outlet Tucson 520-647-9312
Join and Support Motorcycle Riders Foundation‌ REGISTER, VOTE, AND RIDE!
Famous Sam’s Payson 928-468-0407
Petersen Johnson Accident & Injury Law Phoenix 602-650-1200
El Rancho Restaurant Payson 928-474-3111
Performance Specialists Kingman 928-692-6601
Annual Individual Membership ...........$30 3-Year Individual Membership .............$80 Annual Joint Membership .....................$50 3-Year Joint Membership .................... $130 Annual Sustaining Membership ....... $100 Freedom Fighter Donation: $10 $25 $ ___________________
Eagle Rider of Sedona Sedona 866-392-0747
ABATE of Arizona Chapter Meeting Times and Locations
Mother Road HD Kingman 928-757-1166 North Health Center Scottsdale 480-657-9202
Continence Center of America, Inc. Phoenix, AZ (623) 977-1212
It’s time you did something more to protect your rights!
The Law Office of Alfred McDonald Tucson 520-884-5201
PAC Report
Hello to all my Brothers & Sisters; Thank you all for attending this years’ “Too Broke for Sturgis” event. The weather sure is a lot cooler and most enjoyable riding up north. The Arizona Legislature is on Summer Break, and right now, nothing is happening down at the State Capitol. News from the AMA. The Consumer Product Safety Commission--all 2 members of it--voted today to reduce the amount of lead in toys for kids 12 & under to less than 1ppm, the strictest in the world! If "Kids Just Want to Ride" doesn't pass, it's the end of kids' dirt bikes for sure. I am all in favor in removing all lead
from children’s toys, but as I see it a dirt bike is not a toy, it’s an off road motor vehicle. Have they taken all the lead out of automobiles??? No they haven’t. Kids who ride dirt bikes usually don’t suck on their bikes or eat the paint chips. I have been riding for a very long period of time and I have attended some really bazaar biker rally’s, and no matter how twisted some of those parties get, I have never seen a kid trying to eat any part of a motorcycle. This is just one unfortunate example on how our lawmakers misinterpret an attempt to make toys safer for children, and then incorporate this to a motor vehicle (OHV). Update on Elimination of Emission Testing for Motorcycles in Maricopa County. The repeal of the law requiring motorcycles to be tested by ADEQ in Maricopa County is still awaiting Federal EPA approval. The Motorcycle Lobby Team has been following up with representatives from ADEQ concerning this matter. ADEQ also has been monitoring EPA’s progress in elimination of the testing. EPA has asked for more details and at this time our Lobby Team has some concerns if it will be completed this year if at all.
ADEQ to determine what else can be done. Mick Degn, MMA Designated Lobbyist and Representative Weiers will attempt to speak to Governor Brewer further about how to resolve the matter. The Lobbyist Team will continue to keep their respective organizations and members informed as to any updates on this matter. On Sunday July 10,2011 at the Board of Directors meeting I was appointed as State Vice President in addition to my State PAC Coordinator duties. I want to Thank our State President, my fellow State Officers, and Board of Directors for nominating and appointing me to Vice President of ABATE of Az. I don’t need to tell everyone here in the valley that it’s still hot, and will be for a while longer. Next time you stop at a gathering place, no matter whether you are ordering an adult beverage or a soft drink, ask for a glass of water. Drink the water first, then your drink of choice. Remember to stay hydrated. Tim O’Reilly ABATE of Arizona State Vice President State PAC Coordinator
The Lobby Team is working very closely with Representative Jerry Weiers and
Ask Our Lawyer by Rod Taylor - A.B.A.T.E. Legal Services
other than a highway as designated in division
(A)(1) of section 4519.40 of the Revised Code, whenever the crossing can be made in safety and will not interfere with the movement of vehicular traffic approaching from any direction on the highway, and provided that the operator yields the right-of-way to any approaching traffic that presents an immediate hazard;
Q. I am President of Crawford County Illinois ABATE and have a question about ATV & UTV riding on public roads. We are trying to get our county board to start issuing permits so we can ride certain ATV & UTV's on county roads. We realize there would be certain requirements we would have to follow. Can you give me your opinion on how we can get this done? Thanks. - Warren Salesman, President, Crawford County ABATE of Illinois A. While this question comes from Crawford County Illinois, I will answer this so as to apply to Ohio and Indiana as well. A few years back many states ceded the right of the state to regulate ATVs and UTVs to the counties. The counties that allow ATV travel on county roads have some restrictions, e.g. authorizing stickers, insurance requirements and age restrictions. In most instances there are negotiations with the state concerning crossing rights over state highways. Here is a typical statue in summary. This one regulates ATVs in Ohio. Illinois and Indiana laws are similar. § 4519.41. Snowmobiles, off-highway motorcycles, and all-purpose vehicles may be operated as follows: (A) To make a crossing of a highway,
(B) On highways in the county or township road systems whenever the local authority having jurisdiction over such highways so permits; (C) Off and alongside a street or highway for limited distances from the point of unloading from a conveyance to the point at which the snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle, or all-purpose vehicle is intended and authorized to be operated; (D) On the berm or shoulder of a highway, other than a highway as designated in division (A)(1) of section 4519.40 of the Revised Code, when the terrain permits such operation to be undertaken safely and without the necessity of entering any traffic lane; (E) On the berm or shoulder of a county or township road, while traveling from one area of operation of the snowmobile, off- highway motorcycle, or all-purpose vehicle to another such area. Now, let’s talk about how to get your county to go along with legalizing ATVs on county roads. These five rules should be the basis for your strategy:
1. Form a committee of interested movers and shakers in the county. Pack the committee with as many as you can, so that when you meet with the county authorities they can start counting votes in your crowd. Select a well-respected member to be your mouth piece. Make sure all are represented: farmers, recreational land owners, ATV enthusiasts, police officers and the like should be on the committee. Educate your committee on issues and experiences of other areas that have successfully passed laws allowing ATV use. Get testimonials from counties that have passed ATV use on county roads - especially elected officials and police officers to show that there are no unusual problems and that the ATV use on county roads is a good thing for the citizens. 2. Most rural counties have excellent safety records regarding ATVs and UTVs, golf carts are not far behind. Several Indiana and Illinois towns are now “golf cart” communities, and they love it. Use that record to convince the county authorities that the proposal in your county will not increase accidents, but will actually decrease them if well regulated. 3. In days of $4 dollar a gallon gasoline, economics should drive home the argument. It is cheaper to fire up the ATV than the F350 Ford to check the south 40, or go over to the corner grocery (on county roads of course). Preach the environmental benefits. 4. Since most ATV owners run the county roads at some point, legal or not, argue that regulations requiring insurance and drivers licence creates a responsible envi-
ronment. Without this regulation, it is the wild west. 5. Let the county know that fees for registration can be charged by the county. Pointing out mutual advantages always helps. With these five simple rules, you should be on the way to victory. Let me know how you come out. CHIP AND SEAL-NO FRIEND TO
continued page 14
Calendar - Courtesy of Kirk & Lady Jewells at Phoenixbikers.com August 2011 AUG 3 {Wed} - PHOENIX, AZ*Top Shelf and Crusaders for the Children Bike Night!! Event time: 7-9PM Event Location: Top Shelf Mexican Cantina, 3301 West Greenway Rd. Phx, AZ 85058 Description: Join the Crusaders for the Children the 1st Wednesday of each Month for Bike Night. Food & Drink Specials, Music, 50/50, and more . AUG 4 {THURS} - SIERRA VISTA, AZ* BIG BAD BIKE NIGHT AT RENDEZVOUS – Event time: 6PM Event Location: Rendezvous Nightclub (520-4582902) info@svrendezvous.com. Description: Presented by Harley Davidson of Sierra Vista. All riders and colors are welcome to Rendezvous' Big Bad Bike Night on the 1st Thursday of every month! We block off the parking lot for you to show off your bike and we have 2 for 1 drink specials and giveaways all night long. The best bike night in Southern Arizona only at Rendezvous! 6:00 pm at Rendezvous Nightclub (520-458-2902) info@svrendezvous.com. AUG 4 {{THUR} – TUCSON, AZ* ALR Post 36 Bike Night Event Description: Presented by ALR Post 36. Benefits American Legion Riders Post 36 Soldiers Fund. Come out and join us for a
fun new East side Bike Night. $2.25 Domestic Long necks; $2.50 Domestic Pints; Bike Night Food Special $5.00 per plate (menu varies). Vendors and 50/50. Located at Beer Belly's Pub (the old hide-out East side). North side of 22nd St. behind the 22nd St. Thrift Store. East on 22nd St., 2nd North turnout after Pantano. 5:30pm. Beer Belly's Pub, Sherwood Village Dr. in Tucson, AZ. FMI: Lyle11128@yahoo.com AUG 5 {FRI} - Tucson, AZ * HD of Tucson Hosts HOT SUMMER NIGHTS. Event time: 5PM to 9:30PM Description: Harley Davidson of Tucson presents "Hot Summer Nights" featureing a "Battle of the Bands", a FREE Car and Bike Show with Trophies, Live Music, Raffle Prizes, Food and Beer Garden with Proceeds going to ADA, plus Bike Wash by the Harley Girls. Sponsored by Sir Veza's and Ripe Bad Ride. Event Location: Harley Davidson of Tucson 7355 North I10 Eb Frontage Road in Tucson, AZ (520) 751-3380 or see website www.tucsonharley.com (to sign your band up e-mail: mhains@ridenow.com) Winning band gets $1000 in cash. BEER Garden with proceeds going to The American Diabetes Association. 5 to 9:30pm Aug 5 {Fri} – MESA, AZ* Chester’s Harley-Davidson hosts
Motorcycles on Main Bike Night Ride Description: 6-10pm in Downtown Mesa, AZ every 1st Friday. Join us for Bike Night Sturgis-style. Cruise Main Street in Downtown Mesa. Beer Gardens, Live Bands, park & show your bike. Meet for a group ride at Chester's {922 S Country Club Dr} in Mesa 6pm; depart 6:30pm. FMI: 480-894-0404, http://www.chestershd.com/ Aug 10 {WED} – TUCSON, AZ* Los Vatos MC & Buffalo Wild Wings CoHosts Hot Wednesday Biker Night Event Time: 6pm – 11pm Event Location:1390 W. Irvington Rd. Tucson, AZ. Description: Presented by Los Vatos MC. Bike Night 2nd Wednesday of every month starting at 6pm. Live Music, Vendors, Food and Drink Specials, Door Prizes. Any Money made Benefits various Tucson charities. For more information Please contact Jim Maldonado to confirm at 520-2350690 Aug 6 {SAT} – GLOBE, AZ * Globe Loners High Hand Run Event time: 4pm – 10PM Event Location: Starts at Pumpkin Center [on Hwy 188 about 10 mi South of Jakes Corner & 24 mi North of Roosevelt Dam] (Event Description: Join the Loners MC of Globe for an evening of fun. Sign-in at Pumpkin Center, next stop is Butcher Hook, then on to
the Shamrock, then to the Huddle and the last stop is the Copper Parrot [598 N Broad St in Globe, Az]. Sign in at 4 pm to beat the heat and run ends whenever Aug 6 {SAT} – MAYER, AZ * 7th Annual Moonlight Madness Presented by Vietnam Vets/ Legacy Vets MC ~ Chapter “P” Event time: Noon to 4pm Event Location: Smokin’ Harley’s Bar and Restaurant located at 11255 Highway 69 (Next to Grand Canyon H-D) Event Description: Drive on over for a Wonderful day of FUN. All riders welcome. Join us Noon to 4PM at Smokin’ Harley’s, $5 donation = 1 raffle ticket, Music, raffle drawings, door prizes, BBQ Meal, Live band, Tattoo Contest, and Great food. For More Information call PJ at 928.775.0992 Aug 12 {FRI} – HAUCHUCA CITY. AZ * Bike Night Event Time: 7:00pm - 10:00pm. Details: "S" Chapter Viet Nam Vets/Legacy Vets MC and Dusk Till Dawn Present BIKE NIGHT Second Friday of each Month. $3 cover w/ Food & Bar specials. There will be special bike parking and plenty of giveaways. Proceeds Benefit The Wounded Warrior Foundation. Event Starts at 7:00pm. Event Location: 830 Arizona Street in Huachuca City, AZ. For more information: call 520-234-6599 or visit www.super-
Calendar - Courtesy of Kirk & Lady Jewells at Phoenixbikers.com sierra.com Aug 13 {SAT}- QUEENCREEK / TEMPE, AZ* 1st Annual R and R Ride. Event Location: Sign-in at the Queen Creek Café (22002 South Ellsworth in Queen Creek, AZ). Ends at Revolution Club House in Tempe (1505 West Weber in Tempe, AZ) Event time: Registration 4pm -6pm at QC Cafe (address?) Details: Join the Renegades and the Revolution Riders for some FUN. Sign-in between 4PM - 6pm at Queen Creek Cafe. Tickets are $10 for a Single or $15 for a couple. A run map of the ghost stops will be provided at sign-in. After a tor of the valley, the ride ends at the Revolution Club House in TempeWhere the Fun includes (???) (But with the Revolution and Renegade Riders the fun never really ends. Come out and enjoy the night. For more information please email renegadesqc@hotmail.com or call Mr. Script at 480 772-8103 for pre-event tickets Aug 14 {SUN} - SCOTTSDALE, AZ* Every 2nd Sunday BIKE BLESSING AT THE GARDEN CHURCH – Event Time: Service starts at 10AM Event Location: 8th Street & McDonald in
Scottsdale, AZ. Description: Senior Pastor Gene James and Motorcycle Minister Rick Black conduct a “Bike Blessing” after service (service starts at 10:00 am) every 2nd second Sunday of the month. You’ll receive a decal and patch; then ride off in our gorgeous weather on a random ride, then a bite to eat and fellowship at a restaurant chosen by the group. The Garden Church located at 86th Street and McDonald. For more info: santaeglide@yahoo.com
Party. Event Time: At 1900 hours (7:00 P.M.) Event Location: at the VFW Post #1433 - 63rd Ave, south of Northern Ave. Event details: New 2010, 883 Iron Harley-Davidson Raffle! Bike to be given away at 10th Anniversary Party on the 20 August. $20.00 per ticket. Only 2000 available! Bike Raffle Tickets on sale now! See any RRMC member to purchase! For more info contact: Warhead at 623-340-3708/Swett at 928-503-1764 or email warheadrrmc@cox.net
Aug 18 {THUR} –TUCSON, AZ* Branding Iron North presents Bike Nite. Event Description: Join us every 3rd Thursday of each month at 6pm. Special attractions will be best bike burnout contest, and a hot legs contest with 1st, 2nd and 3rd place cash prizes for both events. $2.00 Domestic Beer. Also free door prizes: Detail and oil change from Knuckleheads detail. Prizes also by Heavy Metal Designz. everyone welcome. 6pm. Branding Iron North, 2660 W. Ruthrauff in Tucson, AZ (520) 888-9452
Aug 20 {SAT} - GLENDALE, AZ *Rough Riders M/C Inc. (Papago Chapter) 10th Anniversary Party!! Event time: Starting at 1800 hours (6:00 P.M.) Where: DAV Post #20, 8447 N. 61st Ave (1/2 mile north of Northern Ave). $10.00 (Singles) $15.00 (Couples) Pre-Sale. $15.00 (Singles) $20.00 (Couples) At the Door. $5.00 discount for ALL Military ID card holders! Pre-Party on Friday, 19 August 2011 at 1900 hours (7:00 P.M.) At VFW Post #1433 (63rd Ave, south of Northern Ave) New 2010, 883 Iron Harley-Davidson Raffle! $20.00 per ticket. Only 2000 available! Bike Raffle Tickets on sale now! See any RRMC member
Aug. 19 {FRI}- Glendale, AZ * Rough Riders M/C (Papago Chapter) 10th Anniversary Pre-
to purchase! *LIVE MUSIC * PAPAGO CHILI * 50/50 * RAFFLE DRAWINGS* Proceeds to support Arizona Veteran’s! For more info contact: Warhead at 623-340-3708/Swett at 928-5031764 Aug 20 {SAT} –CORNVILLE, AZ* 2nd Annual"Bikers for Biofuel" . Event time: Sign up @ 9:30am-Kick stands up@ 10:30am. Event Location: Starts @ KC's Korner in Cornville, Az Details: Biodiesel U.S., Inc. presents the 2nd annual "Bikers for Biofuel" Poker/Casino Run. Starts @ KC's Korner in Cornville, Az., Thru Jerome, Prescott, then back to Cornville @ the Old Corral Bar for beer, food, Keg Toss, Car Bash, and Casino tables.(craps, tx holdem, black jack, roulette, etc.) High/Low hand cash prizes and many Casino prizes! Sign up @ 9:30am-Kick stands up@ 10:30am. $20 per rider/ $10 passenger. All proceeds help the Cottonwood/Oakcreek, Jerome/Clarkdale, & Mingus school districts. Free lunch, $500 chips included. FOR More Information: Mike 928-963-0042
ABATE of ARIZONA All Bikes... All Riders. ABATE Works for You!
Coast to Coast NCOM BIKER NEWSBYTES Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish, National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM) FRANCE PARALYZED BY PROTESTING BIKERS Despite pouring rain, nearly 100,000 angry motorcyclists brought every major city in France to a standstill in protest of unfair proposals including requiring every rider to wear a fluorescent yellow high visibility vest, banning traffic filtering (lane splitting), and increasing the size of motorcycle registration plates. Organized by the Federation Francaise des Motards en Colere (FFMC – French Federation of Angry Bikers) through its highly efficient network of regional and local offices, Paris alone saw more than 15,000 bikers blocking the heart of the capital, with thousands more paralyzing dozens of cities across the country for hours with demonstrations against the French government and interior minister Claude Guéant for their anti-motorcycle policies and proposals. “Bikers in France are just fed up with Guéant’s stupid proposals and his ’I can’t see you, I can’t hear you’ attitude, to the extent that almost 100,000 of them have today stood up against their government and paralyzed the whole nation,” reported www.ukfrancebikers.com. In response to the largest motorcycle protest in France’s history, road safety director Michèle Merli said on national radio that bikers misunderstood the proposed obligation to wear a high visibility vest but would rather propose to riders that they wear a little yellow strap around their arm so that they can be better seen by motorists. UK France bikers.com says they believe that “it is not the bikers who have misunderstood the latest government’s proposals but rather the French government who continue to severely misunderstand and under-estimate the safety of riders.” CONGRESS CONSIDERS ALCOHOL PROHIBITION Recognizing that higher levels of ethanol in gasoline can cause engine damage and void warranties for motorcycles, all-terrain vehicles and many other small gaspowered motors, U.S. Representative Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI) has introduced H.R. 748 to prohibit the EPA from authorizing the use of gasoline containing greater than 10% ethanol. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recently approved E15, gasoline containing 15% alcohol, for use in 2001 or newer cars and light duty trucks, though most on- or off-highway motorcycles and all ATVs are not approved for its use, and using the hotter-burning fuel could void the manufacturer’s warranty. Motorcyclists should be concerned about the availability of compatible fuel supplies if gas stations primarily provide E15 gasoline for the majority of their customers, and riders are urged to contact their Congressional Representative to support H.R. 748. FEDERAL EFFORTS TO HALT “LEAD LAW” Congressman Denny Rehberg (R-MT) successfully inserted language into an appropriations bill on June 17 to prevent the government from using federal funds to enforce a ban on the sale of kids’ dirtbikes and ATVs due to the lead content of certain components.
A so-called “Lead Law” was passed by Congress in 2008 to protect children from the toxic metal typically contained in cheap imported toys, but the sales ban has also been enforced by the Consumer Product Safety Commission against youth-sized cycles which contain lead in certain components like batteries and brakes. If passed with the Rehberg language intact, the federal funding measure would prohibit the CPSC from using money to enforce lead-content limits on off-highway vehicles intended for sale to children 12 and under. In other developments in opposition to the “lead law”, a key Congressional subcommittee has approved a bill to exempt dirtbike and ATV battery terminals and other lead-content parts from the CPSC enforcement, voting on May 12 to send the Enhancing CPSC Authority and Discretion Act on to the full Committee on Energy and Commerce for further consideration. NORTH CAROLINA PROHIBITS MOTORCYCLE-ONLY CHECKPOINTS “HB 381 an Act to Prevent Law Enforcement Agencies from establishing patterns for vehicle stops at checking stations based on a particular type of vehicle is now Session Law 2011-216,” reports Doc Ski, legislative director for CBA/ABATE of North Carolina and a member of the National Coalition of Motorcyclists Legislative Task Force (NCOM-LTF). The legislation passed unanimously through both houses of the legislature, and was signed into law on June 23 by Governor Beverly Perdue, making North Carolina the second state in a month behind New Hampshire to enact such laws in response to NHTSA funding of motorcycle-only checkpoints to stop motorcyclists en route to major biker events to check equipment and paperwork. This bill, sponsored by Rep. John A. Torbett (R-Stanley), provides that a vehicle checkpoint pattern designated by a law enforcement agency shall not be based on a particular vehicle type and must include all types of vehicles, but does not restrict any other type of checkpoint or roadblock which is otherwise lawful. In addition to preventing motorcycle-only roadblocks, Governor Perdue also signed HB 113 to increase the minimum penalties for violating the right of way of a motorcyclist. The previous fine for this infraction was a mere $25, but this bill sponsored by Rep. Ric Killian (R-Raleigh) calls for a $200 fine for a driver who causes a motorcyclist to leave his travel lane. The fine is increased to $500 if there is property damage or personal injury sustained from this violation. STATES GREEN-LIGHT RED-LIGHT LAWS Motorcyclists in a growing number of states are being allowed to go through red lights when sensors aren't able to detect they are there. Effective July 1, Virginia became the tenth state since 2002 to give motorcyclists license to proceed with caution after stopping when the device that causes the light to change from red to green doesn't activate, while a similar bill in Illinois sits on the governor’s desk awaiting his signature. HB 1981 by Virginia State Delegate Thomas A. Greason (R-Potomac Falls) allows riders of motorcycles, mopeds and bicycles to treat red lights as stop signs provided they come to a complete stop for
two cycles of the light before proceeding with due care when safe to do so. Illinois Governor Pat Quinn has until August 29 to sign or veto HB 2860 by Rep. Dan Beiser (D-Alton) which would permit motorcycle operators to proceed through a steady red signal that fails to change to green within a “reasonable period of time”. In order to garner support for the measure, the city of Chicago was exempted from the proposed new law. Kansas also recently passed a "dead red" law that allows motorcyclists to run inoperable red lights without risking a ticket, and similar legislation has passed in Minnesota (2002), Tennessee (2003), Arkansas (2005), Idaho (2006), Wisconsin (2006), North Carolina (2007), South Carolina (2008), and Missouri (2008). Texas and California have addressed the problem by passing laws to require stoplights to be fitted with sensors that can detect motorcycles. PENNSYLVANIA OKAYS SUNDAY BIKE SALES Governor Tom Corbett marked the midpoint of the 2011 legislative session in July by signing dozens of new laws, including legislation allowing Sunday sales for motorcycle dealers. Effective in sixty days, licensed Pennsylvania motorcycle dealers will be allowed to sell, buy or trade bikes on Sunday. Current law allows the sale of motorcycle parts and other merchandise on Sunday, but not bikes. SB 419 is designed to give Pennsylvania dealers a level playing field with neighboring states that allow Sunday sales. Supporters have said sales have fallen in southeast Pennsylvania stores and have grown in New Jersey and Maryland since Sunday sales began recently in those states. HARLEY-DAVIDSON AUTOMOBILE LICENSE PLATE DEBUTS IN WISCONSIN The first-ever Harley-Davidson license plate for automobiles is now available to Wisconsin drivers to help fund safety initiatives. The new license plate is the first and only Harley-Davidson branded plate available anywhere in the United States, and it is only being offered in Wisconsin - the birthplace of Harley-Davidson. Harley-Davidson Motor Company is partnering with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation to make the HarleyDavidson/Share the Road plates available for automobiles, light trucks and motor homes as of April 13, 2011. The cost of the plates will include a $15 issuance fee, and an annual $25 donation that will help support safety initiatives throughout the state. The car-size license plate was designed in collaboration with the Harley-Davidson Motor Company Styling Team. The words "Share the Road" are displayed to emphasize the importance of motorcycle safety. DELAWARE GOVERNOR VETOES HELMET LAW REPEAL Governor Jack Markell has vetoed HB 95 which would have repealed the requirement that persons operating a motorcycle in Delaware carry a safety helmet. Since 1978 when the state repealed their mandatory helmet law, Delaware has one of the most unique helmet laws on the books by requiring riders to have a helmet in their possession on the bike, but not requiring those over 18 to actually wear one. Even as Delaware riders hear of their gov-
ernor’s decision, all eyes are on Michigan where a bill to repeal their 42-year old helmet law appears destined for their governor’s desk, where its fate is no more certain. The Michigan Senate recently voted 24-14 to approve a measure that would allow motorcyclists 21 or older to go lidless if they have been licensed to operate a motorcycle for at least two years or have passed a safety course, though ABATE of Michigan opposes an amendment requiring $100,000.00 in medical coverage to ride without a helmet, calling it excessive and noting that many insurance companies don’t offer such coverage, and if they did the cost would be prohibitive. ABATE says they will fight to have the insurance requirement removed as the bill moves through the house, but though republican Governor Rick Snyder remains noncommittal he has hinted to the Detroit News that he’s willing to consider the elimination of Michigan’s motorcycle helmet law in the context of general auto insurance reforms that he’s preparing to propose to lawmakers. Three previous attempts to repeal the helmet law have been vetoed by prior governors, twice by Snyder's immediate predecessor democratic governor Jennifer Granholm. JUDGE UPHOLDS PATCH-HOLDERS RIGHTS “A federal judge has rejected an unprecedented bid by the U.S. government to seek control of a gang's name and its identity via its logo - through a court order in a case involving the notorious Mongols motorcycle club,” according to the Associated Press report regarding an eight-page ruling by U.S. District Court Judge Otis Wright, II who wrote on June 28, 2011 that he must "regrettably" rule in favor of the Mongols because the group itself was not named in a 2008 racketeering indictment. To summarize the Court’s findings, Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) Attorney Boyd Spencer of Pennsylvania wrote: Since the Mongols Nation Club was never indicted, much less ever convicted of any criminal act, then the criminal forfeiture of the trademark owned by the Mongols Nation was in total error. The Mongols Motorcycle Club, or Mongol Nation, owned the trademark of the club colors since 1969. Any assignment made by any member of the club to himself or any other individual was void. This is because the trademark was a collective membership mark which can only be owned by the organization for which the Mark stands. Only the Mongols Club, or Mongols Nation could have a property interest or own the patch, colors, or trademark for the patch or colors. Since the Mongols were not indicted in the criminal action, the property of anyone other than the defendants in a criminal action, cannot have their personal property forfeited. This order, and the prior litigation that led up to this order, is a victory for the rights of motorcycle clubs to own, display, and fly their colors, without forfeiture by the government. QUOTABLE QUOTE: “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) American Poet & Philosopher
Angry In France FFMC - the Fédération Française des Motards en Colère (The French Federation of Angry Bikers) are getting hot under the collar, in fact they are getting very angry. The reason is that their government is planning to introduce a raft of legislation in the name of safety that will not only affect motorcyclists in France, but other French road users as wells as riders and drivers visiting France. The reasons given by the French government is to reduce the number of road accidents. Motorcycle journalists and organisations in the UK have focused on the issue in the proposed legislation for the mandatory wearing of fluorescent (day-glo) jackets and reflective clothing involving motorcyclists and how (according to them) these proposed French regulations could spread across Europe. View our document providing evidence that Hi Viz jackets (and AHO) do not make any difference - Motorcycle Conspicuity In Europe – pdf 347kb – http://www.righttoride.eu/virtuallibrary/ri dersafety/MotorcycleConspicuity160611. pdf The Motorcycle Action group (MAG UK) have just launched a Facebook page ‘Say No To Day Glo’ supporting the French riders “who are lobbying vigorously against this intrusive proposal and will fiercely resist any moves to make high visibility clothing mandatory in this country.” MAG as sees this issue as open season on bikers, not just in France but in the UK.
includes: Within the French government’s plans are other issues, including the fitting of much larger than normal registration plates and making filtering in congested traffic illegal. FFMC report that after many unsuccessful attempts to turn the situation around, including meeting with the Minister of the Interior, Claude Guéant, they have decided to cut all communication channels with the French government and have already organised protests in all cities and towns nationwide, for example 4,000 motorcyclists protested in Paris in May. They have used these protests to express their anger and disgust at their government’s inability to introduce effective measures to increase safety and motorcycle awareness among all road users. Riders in France also face the prospect of the possible prevention of access to eight French cities to two-wheelers produced before 2004. Announced by their Minister of Ecology, to preserve the quality of air in these cities, which would exceed the pollution limits decreed by the European Union. However these motorcycles not only meet the standard of Euro3 Emissions since 2003, but as we know, regardless of year of manufacture, motorcycles help alleviate the impact of emissions in congestion due to their ability not to be stuck in traffic. However the raft of regulations does not only affect motorcyclists, the legislation and action of the French Government
All electronic devices, even smart phones and GPS systems, will be banned if they are able to warn of radar speed checks. Sanctions are draconian and might go up to 30.000 Euros or 2 years prison for the sale of such devices, while its usage will be punished by a fine of 1.500 Euros plus the loss of 6 points of the French traffic account system. 4 million speed detection devices have been sold in France over the last few years. The removal of speed trap warning signs. Immediate jail terms for those caught doing more than 30mph (50kph) over the speed limit The French, who appear to be very good at organising demonstrations, have announced nationwide demonstrations, under an umbrella organisation for all road users, “The Union des Usagers de la Route” on Saturday the 18th June 2011, to denounce the road safety policy of the government and law enforcement as inadequate and unfair.
to be treated like children when all road users are punished for the irresponsible actions of a few and consider that the government has failed to take into account the real causes of road accidents. So if you happen to be heading to France this weekend and see a few thousand bikes riding down the road you may wish to join in. Full lists of the demonstrations are available on the “The Union des Usagers de la Route” website and for riders coming to the UK the closest would appear to be “Demonstration 59” near Lille organised by FFMC59 www.ffmc59.org Sources www.ffmc.asso.fr www.ffmc.asso.fr/uur/default.html Google Translate www.translate.google.com www.ukfrancebikers.com www.fema-online.eu
This association is calling government to demand the respect of drivers and citizens; a real road safety policy; refocus priorities and come to a constructive and intelligent long-term road safety solution. The Union des Usagers de la Route no longer supports the increasing criminalization of ordinary citizens and refuses to be treated as such and reject the constant threat of disproportionate penalties. Their representatives state that they do not want
www.mag-uk.org Leave comments on Right To Ride EU http://www.righttoride.eu/?p=7362 Issued by Trevor Baird www.righttoride.co.uk
Protest against motorcycle checkpoints rides through Congress Written by Digits The latest moves by the motorcycle advocacy group the AMA and congressional lawmakers ride all over the road in an effort to prevent bike-only checkpoints and one part of government lobbying another. Federal lawmakers have sent a bipartisan letter to the leadership of a key U.S. House committee to urge support for a bill that prohibits federal funding for motorcycle-only traffic checkpoints, the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) reports. The lawmakers are also urging support for a measure to retain a ban on lobbying at the state level by a federal traffic safety agency.
Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.) and his colleagues sent the letter on May 25 to the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure as well as to the panel's Subcommittee on Highways and Transit. The letter asks the panels to include H.R. 904 and H.Res. 239 in the surface transportation reauthorization bill now being considered by Congress. H.R. 904 would prohibit the U.S. Transportation secretary from providing grants or any funds to a state or local government to be used for programs to check helmet usage or to create motorcycle-only checkpoints. H.Res. 239 would support efforts to retain a ban on the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's (NHTSA's) ability to lobby state legislators using federal tax dollars and urges the agency to focus on
motorcycle crash prevention and rider education and training. "These important pieces of legislation would ensure that the Department of Transportation (DOT) and NHTSA focus on proven methods of motorcycle safety," the letter said. "NHTSA's Motorcycle Law Enforcement Demonstration Program has not proven to be an effective use of taxpayer dollars. "Through this program, the state of Georgia was provided a $70,000 grant to create motorcycle-only checkpoints to inspect rider compliance with DOT-compliant helmet regulations," the letter said. "The checkpoints are not a proven method of ensuring motorcyclist safety, and have certainly not been an effective use of limited federal taxpayer dollars.
In addition to Sensenbrenner, others who signed the letter include Reps. Tom Petri (R-Wis.), Leonard Boswell (D-Iowa), Reid Ribble (R-Wis.), Ron Paul (RTexas), Walter Jones (R-N.C.), Roscoe Bartlett (R-Md.), Adam Kinzinger (RIll.), Bob Filner (D-Calif.), Aaron Schock (R-Ill.), Randy Hultgren (R-Ill.), Joe Wilson (R-S.C.) and Mike Ross (D-Ark.) "We take motorcycle safety seriously and want NHTSA to focus its safety efforts on proven lifesaving methods," the letter said. "Including H.R. 904 and H.Res. 239 in the surface transportation reauthorization bill would set the record straight, that the House of Representatives supports rider education, driver awareness, training and proper licensing as the best methods of preventing motorcycle crashes, not mandatory federal helmet laws."
Ask Our Lawyer (continued) BIKES - AND NOT A WAY TO STRIKE OIL Q. I was riding and had to travel a road that had recently been resurfaced using chip and seal. It made a mess of my bike and was dangerous to ride on. What can I do? - Steven A. Steven: encourage all to send a notice to ROADHAZARD.ORG like you have in your case. Our office has been in contact with the officials having jurisdiction over this state road. Chip and seal is not a friend of any vehicle much less a two wheeler. If chip and seal is used, warning signs are a must for the traveling public, especially motorcyclists. It is not a fair fight traveling 60 mph only to run onto fresh chip and seal without notice or warning. Our members have had some bad mishaps with chip and seal in both Ohio and Illinois. We have requested a formal response from Indiana, Illinois and Ohio regarding the procedures to be used by highway contractors when chip and seal is applied, especially as to proper warnings and detours. And it seems they always chip and seal at the worst times. The coefficients of friction and motorcycle tires simply do not work well with temperatures that we are having this summer. I have requested ABATE lawyer George Tinkham, a former lawyer for the Illinois State Highway Department, to weigh in on this one as well. We’ll keep you posted on this issue. THE SPOT LIGHT ON MODULATING HEADLIGHTS - FEDS WIN VS. THE STATE Q. I have been stopped by the police for the modulating headlamp on my motorcycle claiming the mod headlamp was illegal according to state law. Will you set the record straight on this issue and give us something we can show the cops? - Eddie Bell, Eleven year ABATE mem-
ber. A. A number of local law enforcement officers seem confused by the law on modulating headlights, and object to them on the basis of various state statutes dealing with use of flashers or lights which simulate emergency vehicle lights. There are specific requirements as to the frequency of the modulation and minimum power present on each cycle. The idea is to prohibit flashing lights. However, modulating headlights are legal and in some states modulating tail lights are allowed. Even where mod taillights are not I have not received objections from the local law enforcement officers. Under S7.9.4 Motorcycle headlamp modulation, of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 108, 49 CFR 571.108 Lamps, Reflective Devices and Associated Equipment, specifies that a headlamp on a motorcycle may be wired to modulate, provided that it does so in accordance with the requirements prescribed in S7.9.4. With respect to Federal preemption of state laws, 49 U.S.C. 30103(b) provides in pertinent part that: b) PREEMPTION - (1) When a motor vehicle safety standard is in effect under this chapter, a State or a political subdivision of a State may prescribe or continue in effect a standard applicable to the same aspect of performance of a motor vehicle or motor vehicle equipment only if the standard is identical to the standard prescribed under this chapter. This means that, under 49 U.S.C. 30103(b)(1), a State may have its own standard which allows a motorcycle headlamp to be wired to modulate in the same manner as prescribed under S7.9.4. However, since the Federal standard specifically allows a modulation of motorcycle headlamps, a State may not establish or continue in effect a standard prohibiting a headlamp that modulates in accordance with S7.9.4 of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 108. When in doubt the Feds win over the state every time on this one.
FIXING THE GUY THAT “FIXED” MY CAR - SAME RULE APPLIES TO YOUR MOTORCYCLE Q. I had a head gasket replaced on a Chevy Trailblazer and the head gasket still leaks. The shop had the car for a month and damaged the passenger side rear. They also did 5 or 6 unauthorized repairs that had nothing to do with the head gasket and were not needed. They said they would pay for the $886.00 damages but want me to pay the $1886.00 invoice. My question is, am I liable for the repair that still is not right, and am I liable for all the unauthorized parts they replaced? Would your same advice apply to my motorcycle? - Daniel Johnson, ABATE of Illinois member A. Daniel: Thank you for sharing your legal issues with other ABATE members that read this column. Your question is a common one that we get and it applies to motorcycles as well. The quick answer to your questions is no and no. More specifically, the garage has to fix what they have damaged. (You should check your insurance policy to see if you have coverage for the damage to your Blazer. If you do and the deductible is low, you have the option of turning it over to your carrier for payment. Get advice from your agent as to your options. If the insurance company pays they will go after the garage for reimbursement on their nickel.) This will take you to the issues of failed head gasket repair and unauthorized parts. Your insurance company will not help you with these issues. Clearly, the garage can not charge you for parts that were added without your agreement. And you should not pay for the failed repair on the head gasket. You should be suspicious that "other repairs" have been added to offset the cost of repairing your vehicle, but it also could be a case of bad communication. All legitimate repair facilities define the work
they will do and usually provide an estimate. I understand that the garage did not prepare an estimate. This creates a "he said; she said" scenario. But I believe the court will give you the benefit of the doubt, especially since you have been using this garage for many years. They are in charge of clearly defining the work to be done. I know that they may have meant well when they put on the additional parts that they thought were needed, but their problem is that you did not want this work done. They should have called you to confirm; they did not. Point out that the head gasket still leaks and that was the only repair that you wanted done. Make an appointment with the contact person at the garage and go armed with the points above. Good business people will want to address your concerns in a constructive way. The facts are: they damaged your vehicle while doing a failed repair and put on unrequested parts. Something is wrong here. If they fail to do the right thing, contact the Consumer Protection Division of the state Office of Attorney General. If they can’t help, Small Claims Court may be your only remedy. My bet is they will want to keep your business and make you a satisfied customer. Remember, injured ABATE members pay only 28 ½% of total recovery and expenses as approved by client, consistent with and conforming to applicable state law. Elsewhere, you may pay 33 1/3%, 40% or even 50% of your recovery. And, ABATE members are not charged for recovery of damage to your motorcycle, and have access to a 24-hour toll-free telephone number. Call us at (800) 25-RIDER If you have any questions you would like to ask the lawyer, please submit them to ASK OUR LAWYER, at rodtaylor@abatelegal.com. © 2011, A.B.A.T.E. Legal Services
More Coast to Coast NCOM BIKER NEWSBYTES Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish, National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM) NEW HAMPSHIRE PROHIBITS MOTORCYCLE-ONLY CHECKPOINTS In an unprecedented victory on the motorcyclists’ rights front, New Hampshire became the first state to bar motorcycle-only roadside checkpoints. HB 148, co-sponsored by longtime biker activist State Rep. Sherm Packard, prohibits the acceptance of federal funding for the discriminatory roadblocks.
“No law enforcement agency of the state or a political subdivision of the state may accept federal funding the purpose of which is to establish motorcycle-only roadside checkpoints,” states the new law, which takes effect 60 days after passage. Packard was one of the first biker-legislators in the country, and as an original member of the NCOM Legislative Task Force he literally wrote the book on “Getting Elected To Public Office”, a pamphlet that can be ordered free of charge through the National Coalition of Motorcyclists at (800) 525-5355 or via the internet at www.ON-ABIKE.com. On the flipside, however, Virginia
recently joined New York, Georgia, Utah and Maine in conducting such controversial roadblocks, with the Arlington County Police Department setting up a motorcycle-only checkpoint on May 28th during the annual Rolling Thunder POW/MIA rally in Washington D.C. over Memorial Day weekend. Also, on May 16th ABATE of New York held their annual Freedom Rally/Ride to the Capitol and as participants departed in small groups to return home, law enforcement units pulled over many of the riders and issued numerous citations of dubious legitimacy, primarily for helmets and exhausts. “This ride has been held without incident for 15 years,” said Robert
“Prospector” Boellner, a member of the NCOM Board of Directors representing the New England states, adding; “It is believed that this action by New York State Police was retaliation for a classaction lawsuit filed by AIM Attorney Mitch Proner against state police and DMV to stop the practice of motorcycle-only roadblocks.” CONGRESSWOMAN GIFFORDS CONTINUES MIRACULOUS COMEBACK In what many have dubbed a miracle recovery, Arizona State Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) continues to make amazing progress after being shot in the head at a political rally during a shooting spree that left six dead and 19 oth-
More Coast to Coast ers wounded. Her doctors credit her “will to live” with keeping her alive, despite initial news reports that she had been killed, and she is now expected to leave the hospital soon to continue her outpatient therapy and treatment from home. Giffords remains seated in Congress and among her many duties she serves as co-chair of the Congressional Motorcycle Caucus along with U.S. Rep Michael Burgess (R-TX). The bipartisan caucus is comprised of motorcycle-riding reps who promote motorcycling interests in Congress. She and fellow rider Rep. Allen West (R-FL), newly-elected Congressman from Florida who also now sits on the motorcycle caucus, were selected by the NCOM Board of Directors to receive the Silver Spoke Award - Government at the National Coalition of Motorcyclists annual NCOM Convention in Albuquerque, NM this past May. MICHIGAN POISED TO REPEAL HELMET LAW After decades of protesting Michigan’s 42-year old helmet law at rallies at the State Capitol, motorcyclists converged on the statehouse on Wednesday, June 8 for a "Call To Victory Rally" in anticipation of a repeal bill making it to the desk of newly elected Governor Rick Snyder. Gov. Snyder has not committed either way, but he replaced Jennifer Granholm who twice vetoed repeals that were approved by the state legislature in 2006 and 2008. It appears that lawmakers are once again poised to approve legislation that will allow freedom of choice for many of Michigan’s 241,000 motorcyclists. The Senate Transportation Committee recently passed a repeal measure that will soon go before the full Senate, while a similar bill is pending in the House of Representatives. The Senate bill would allow those 21 and older to ride without a helmet if they have had a motorcycle endorsement for two or more years, or have passed a safety course. The House bill would allow those 21 and older to ride without a helmet if they have a $20,000 medical policy in place. Vince Consiglio, state director of ABATE of Michigan, said there are enough votes in both chambers to change the helmet law. "We're not opposed to helmets, but it should be a choice," Consiglio says, adding that the issue ought to be the education of motorcyclists and drivers of other vehicles to avoid collisions in the first place. ABATE pushes motorcycle training and education for riders, and awareness for those in other vehicles. The battle over helmets has also been waged in courtrooms across the state, with A.I.M. Attorney Larry “Katman” Katkowski challenging the enforcement of the law on behalf of ABATE and the Michigan Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs. BILL WOULD ALLOW SUNDAY
MOTORCYCLE SALES IN PENNSYLVANIA In the past, Pennsylvania "blue laws" prohibited the sale of nearly all products on Sunday because of religious reasons associated with the Sabbath, but a new bill is aiming to allow motorcycle dealers to open their doors seven days a week. Right now, you can only buy parts and accessories on Sundays. "We always joke that you can sell all the parts to build a motorcycle but that you can't sell the motorcycle itself," said a spokesperson for State Senator Tommy Tomlinson (R-Bucks) who introduced legislation that unanimously passed through the Senate and now moves to the House. Many dealers are eager for the change, especially since neighboring New Jersey recently lifted their ban on Sunday cycle sales and have posted positive sales figures. Motorcycle businesses in Indiana and Wisconsin have also been trying to overturn prohibitions on Sunday bike sales. ALABAMA MAY EXPAND MOTORCYCLE LICENSING REQUIREMENTS Alabama is the only state where a person can get a motorcycle license without ever sitting on a motorcycle. Wouldbe motorcyclists as young as 14 don't have to take a skills test to obtain a license, just a written one. Rep. Allen Farley, R-Jefferson, and eight co-sponsors are behind the House version of a bill (HB-576) to require graduated licenses and mandate testing that includes riding. It would require future motorcycle licenses to include a written test and a skills test for ages 1417. It also would introduce a graduated driver's license law that would restrict motorcycle operations for ages 14-17. “Issuing a motorcycle license with a written test and no skills test is just setting people up for failure. The lack for a mandate of training and education can be directly linked to reports of accidents,” said Richard Randolph, Alabama Motorcycle Safety program manager. “Sixty-nine percent of all motorcycle-involved accidents, the cause was the motorcycle operator. That's steady year in, year out.” Currently, there are 47 state-legislated rider training programs in the United States and all but five US states waive motorcyclist license testing for graduates of rider training courses. Only 15 states require completion of a rider ed course to obtain a motorcycle endorsement, usually for riders aged 18-21. VERMONT TO CREATE MILITARY LICENSE PLATE FOR MOTORCYCLES Vermont will soon have a special motorcycle license plate to honor Vermont's veteran and active duty members of the military who ride. Governor Peter Shumlin signed the bill into law on Tuesday, May 24, and it takes affect on July 1. The new law also allows members of the military to get
veteran license plates before they retire. The governor's office says in the past military personnel who have made a career of their service would have had to retire to receive the plate. Adrian "Andy" Megrath, president of the Vietnam Veterans of America Rutland Chapter, told The Republic newspaper that the motorcycle plate is another way of showing "how proud we are of veterans, and how many of us there are." TRAFFIC FINES BOLSTER BUDGETS The economic downturn has put loads of stress on state and municipal budgets across the country, and with strong public pressure against raising taxes lawmakers are raising traffic fines instead. Communities and state governments are looking to balance their budgets on the backs of drivers, using the boost in revenue from traffic tickets to help pay their bills. “Police are having a quick trigger finger,” says Gary Biller, executive director of the National Motorists Association. “There’s less tolerance, and tickets are being issued much quicker. We know the pressure being put on governments, but it doesn’t justify what’s going on.” Speed limits were originally intended to conserve fuel during the energy crisis of the 70s, but have evolved into a $4.5-$6 billion industry according to NMA estimates. FoxNews.com recently reported that looming budget gaps have turned the roadways into a jungle for motorists, and cite the following examples of over-exuberant penalties across the country:
Oregon AIM Chief of Staff Gunny Hutcheson, who was honored at the recent NCOM Convention with the Ron Roloff Lifetime Achievement Award, wrote about the new DVD in his monthly Gunny’s Sack column: “It features information about the annual NCOM Conventions, the various groups and committees within NCOM, bike insurance and accident info and more. Get with your AIM Rep or AIM Attorney in your home state, or contact AIM/NCOM directly at (800) ON-ABIKE, and they will make sure you get your free copy to view with your own groups. Watch for AIM/NCOM booths at the biker runs – they should have some available there as well. The DVD is nicely done and very informative.” Gunny further noted that “Every year we are faced with more and more losses of our right to ride our machines, and the industry has to comply with ever more restrictive directives that control the manufacture of our rides. These are the reasons national organizations like the NCOM exist. My hope is that this DVD will encourage more rider groups to send representatives to every national NCOM Convention. They are held every year in a different city, so more can attend. It’s always over Mother’s Day weekend, and the 2012 NCOM Convention will be in Indianapolis, next May 10-13.“
QUOTABLE QUOTE: SPREADING THE GOOD NEWS (The following is quoted from the Editor’s Column of the June issue of Quick Throttle Magazine, Rocky Mountain edition, and we appreciate the shout-out):
“Some More Good News * Parking in a fire lane in Pensacola, Fla., will cost you $100, up from $10. * Georgia recently added a $200 surcharge for anyone driving more than 85 miles per hour. * Colorado increased fines for speeding from $50 to $135. * Portland, Ore., increased fines for parking in a handicapped spot from $190 to $450.
- Motorcycle fatalities are down 2% - Motorcycle sales are up 7.2% - Laws are being enacted all over the United States to prevent police profiling and the singling out of motorcyclists for checkpoints and traffic stops - Someday soon it may be legal to run those pesky red lights that don’t turn green because your motorcycle isn’t heavy enough to trigger them
* Parking fines in Boston doubled to $40. * Speeding in Florida just 10 miles over the legal limit will cost you $196, up from $154. Despite the increase in traffic citations, along with increased fines and fees, an estimated 95% of motorists simply pay up and don’t bother to fight their tickets in court. AIM/NCOM INFORMATIONAL DVD AVAILABLE The National Coalition of Motorcyclists and Aid to Injured Motorcyclists have a new professionally produced DVD available to bikers and biker groups free for the asking.
For more related news, be sure to check out the AIM/NCOM website (AIMNCOM.com or ON-A-BIKE.com) and sign up to receive their free monthly enewsletter. AIM/NCOM is a nationwide organization founded to bring motorcycle clubs together and protect the rights of motorcyclists.
Although most of us think of them as just a club entity, the truth is they provide lobbying services and information that benefits all of us.” ~ Deb Mountain, QT Editor
Hamstertime Good Morning America. Robert Brault once said "Today I bent the truth to be kind, and I have no regret, for I am far surer of what is kind than I am of what is true" . Have you ever heard of "The Golden Rule" ? You know the one that states" Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". It's sad more people don't follow that simple and sage advise. In my mind I have rewritten that rule because in today's fast paced world, you may never have that chance to do something good, something to make a difference, to effect people in a positive way. So, I made up my
own rule and it goes like this; " treat people better than they expect you to treat them, be kind and never expect anything in return, that way you can never be disappointed". For the better part of 40 years I have ridden motorcycles and lived by that very rule. I also have immersed myself in the Biker lifestyle and culture. A culture that has endured without ever following a trend. It's an interesting paradox isn't it? Many people only see the bad side of Bikers, even though for the past 40 years most Bikers have done so much to improve our community. Sadly,
Hamstertime (continued) anything we do that could be deemed as positive is not "Newsworthy". The old adage around TV and Radio stations is ; If it bleeds, it leads..... The media does it's level best to drag Bikers down any chance they get. If something goes wrong within the Biker community on a slow news day, watch out ! Bikers have always been the brunt of jokes at least when the person telling the joke is sure the Biker is out of ear shot . Good thing Bikers don't hear those jokes too, A lot of Bikers I know have several thing in common long memories and short tempers. Karma has a way of coming back on you. Karma...., its kind of God's way of saying " It's payback time. The media always has a field day when something happens in the Biker community that can garner a cheap headline on a slow Newsday. The talking heads on the nightly news will add anything they can to incite the public into believing that all Bikers are bad. Most of the Biker community are your everyday, blue collar, tax payers. Hard working people who are drawn together by one common interest... Motorcycles. I guess it's all a matter of perspective. What is perspective as it relates to Bikers? The same thing it is in any walk of life. Bern Williams once said; "The average man will Bristle if
you say his father was dishonest, but he will brag a little if he discovers that his great- grandfather was a pirate. Yep, the grass may be greener on the other side of the fence, but you still have to mow it. One of my all time favorite quotations about perspective comes from Albert Einstein, he said;" Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by it's ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid... My old friend unknown author had a great perspective about people. He said " People are more violently opposed to fur than leather because it's safer to harass rich woman than motorcycle gangs...I've just returned from another Honor Flight to Washington DC this past weekend.Every time I visit our nations capital I come away more and more impressed and motivated . It a good thing to because the cannon project over at my local cemetery has taken on a life of it's own and is really coming together. New flag poles, lights, landscaping and a plaque..... Have it all wrapped up by 11-11-11 Veterans Day. We will keep everyone informed. Take care my friends and make the best out of the rest of the summer. Peace............................Hamster
House Roster Name Andy Tobin Majority Leader Karen Fann Tom Chabin Albert Hale Doris Goodale Nancy McLain Judy Burges Jack W. Harper Chester Crandell Brenda Barton Amanda A. Reeve Carl Seel Heather Carter David Burnell Smith Michelle Ugenti John Kavanagh Rick Gray Debbie Lesko Majority Whip Jim Weiers Kimberly Yee Eric Meyer Kate Brophy McGee Steve B. Montenegro Speaker Pro Tempore Jerry Weiers Anna Tovar Richard Miranda Debbie McCune Davis Chad Campbell Minority Leader Lela Alston Katie Hobbs Ruben Gallego Catherine H. Miranda P. Ben Arredondo Eddie Ableser Cecil P. Ash Steve Court Kirk D. Adams Speaker of the House Justin Olson Jeff Dial Bob Robson Tom Forese Javan "J.D." Mesnard Eddie Farnsworth Steve Urie John Fillmore Frank Pratt Russ Jones Lynne Pancrazi David W. Stevens Peggy Judd Terri Proud Vic Williams Sally Ann Gonzales Macario Saldate IV Bruce Wheeler Steve Farley Assistant Minority Leader Matt Heinz Minority Whip Daniel Patterson Ted Vogt David M. Gowan Sr.
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10 10 11 11 12
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219 339 121 123 218
926-4173 926-3024 926-3037 926-4486 926-5955
417-3153 417-3110 417-3111 417-3170 417-3168
12 13 13 14 14
jpweiers@azleg.gov atovar@azleg.gov rmiranda@azleg.gov dmccunedavis@azleg.gov chcampbell@azleg.gov
131 323 332 322 320
926-5894 926-3392 926-5911 926-4485 926-3026
417-3012 417-3013 417-3171 417-3014 417-3037
15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19
lalston@azleg.gov khobbs@azleg.gov rgallego@azleg.gov cmiranda@azleg.gov barredondo@azleg.gov eableser@azleg.gov cash@azleg.gov scourt@azleg.gov kadams@azleg.gov
325 122 333 329 120 119 313 217 221
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19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 28 28
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341 125 112 344 342 302 337 331 223 304 324 312 126 309 110 116 115 118 321
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29 30 30
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117 307 130
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Senate Roster Name Paula Aboud Minority Whip Sylvia Allen President Pro Tempore Frank Antenori Nancy Barto Andy Biggs Scott Bundgaard Majority Leader Olivia Cajero Bedford Rich Crandall Adam Driggs Steve Gallardo Ron Gould Linda Gray Gail Griffin Jack Jackson Jr. Lori Klein Leah Landrum Taylor Assistant Minority Leader Linda Lopez John McComish Al Melvin Robert Meza Rick Murphy John Nelson Russell Pearce President Steve Pierce Majority Whip Michele Reagan David Schapira Minority Leader Don Shooter Kyrsten Sinema Steve Smith Steve Yarbrough
Party Email
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30 7 22 4
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304 303A 200 212
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417-3269 417-3261 417-3022 417-3248
27 19 11 13 3 10 25 2 6 16
ocajerobedford@azleg.gov rcrandall@azleg.gov adriggs@azleg.gov sgallardo@azleg.gov rgould@azleg.gov lgray@azleg.gov ggriffin@azleg.gov jjackson@azleg.gov lklein@azleg.gov llandrum@azleg.gov
314 305 308 315 306 300 302 315 302 213
926-5835 926-3020 926-3016 926-5830 926-4138 926-3376 926-5895 926-5862 926-5284 926-3830
417-3027 417-3252 417-3007 417-3113 417-3165 417-3253 417-3025 417-3291 417-3270 417-3148
29 20 26 14 9 12 18
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312 307 303 313 311 301 205
926-4089 926-5898 926-4326 926-3425 926-4444 926-5872 926-5760
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8 17
mreagan@azleg.gov dschapira@azleg.gov
303 213
926-5828 926-3028
417-3255 417-3038
24 15 23 21
dshooter@azleg.gov ksinema@azleg.gov stevesmith@azleg.gov syarbrough@azleg.gov
304 313 311 309
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Fax (602) 926-3429
MASTERLINK AUGUST 2011 ATTENTION - ALL RIDERS: =======================
It has come to our attention that business establishments in Arizona may still be discriminating against motorcyclists. Please carry copies of this form with you at all times. Discrimination can range from a sign stating "No Colors" or "No Motorcycle Parking" or "No Motorcycle Attire" etc., to simply being asked to leave a place of business, just because you are on a motorcycle or because of your riding apparel. If anything like this happens to you, PLEASE fill out this form in its entirety and send it to the address noted. Your lobbyists cannot get sponsorship for "equal access" legislation, without evidence of this type of discrimination. Documentation of Discrimination DATE: ______________
News from the MRF 11NR21 - MRF News Release - National Transportation Safety Board Updates "Top Ten Most Wanted" List FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 23 June 2011 Contact: Jeff Hennie, Vice President of Government Ralations and Public Affairs National Transportation Safety Board Updates “Top Ten Most Wanted” List
Business Phone _______________
NAME OF ESTABLISHMENT: __________________________________ BUSINESS PHONE (with area code): __________________________________ BUSINESS - FULL ADDRESS: ___________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ NAME / POSITION OF PERSON ENFORCING POLICY: ________________ ________________________________________________________ WRITTEN STATEMENT OF DISCRIMINATION (use back if needed): _____ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ YOUR NAME (please print): ______________________________________
The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) released its yearly update to its "Top Ten Most Wanted" list Thursday, June 23rd. The list is a targeted group of the safety board's ten priorities for the year. Last year for the first time, motorcycle safety was a target. However, the safety board missed the mark. Their answer to motorcycle safety, at the time, was to ask each State to pass mandatory helmet laws. This was not acceptable to the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF).
YOUR PHONE (with area code): __________________________________ YOUR SIGNATURE: ____________________________________________ *** INCLUDE ANY PICTURES OF DISCRIMINATING SIGNS POSTED *** Mail To: Ray Fitzgerald 1634 West Pine Cone Way Prescott, Arizona 86303
The NTSB has an extremely brief and inexperienced history with motorcycle safety, so the MRF led the charge with educating their board members and staff. The agency has investigated just 6 motorcycle accidents in their 44 year history of surface transportation investigation. Compare that to the 60,000 other surface transportation incidents and their lack of expertise is obvious. The MRF is pleased that the new recom-
Rider Ed Courses in AZ To Print a Copy, Go To: http://nm.msf-usa.org/msf/ridercourses.aspx?state=AZ Locations Zip County Email Phone Site Website City Motorcycle Rider View PHOENIX 85012 MARICOPA Click Here (623) 979-1839 Training RIDE SMART M/C View PHOENIX 85023 MARICOPA Click Here (623) 877-5425 TRAINING T.E.A.M. Arizona View GILBERT 85233 MARICOPA Click Here (480) 998-9888 Chandler/Gilbert GILBERT PUBLIC (480) 894-0404 View GILBERT 85234 MARICOPA SCHOOLS (PARKING LOT) T.E.A.M. Arizona View SCOTTSDALE 85260 MARICOPA Click Here (480) 998-9888 Scottsdale CHANDLER View (480) 496-6800 TEMPE 85283 MARICOPA HARLEYDAVIDSON T.E.A.M. Arizona View GLENDALE 85302 MARICOPA Click Here (623) 939-9888 Glendale DEER VALLEY View GLENDALE 85308 MARICOPA (623) 247-5542 HIGH SCHOOL LUKE AIR FORCE LUKE AFB 85309 MARICOPA (623) 975-6264 BASE Motorcycle Rider View PEORIA 85345 MARICOPA Click Here (623) 979-1839 Training VEHICLE SAFETY View YUMA 85367 YUMA Click Here (928) 376-7489 INSTITUE FT T.E.A.M. Arizona 85613 COCHISE Click Here (520) 733-9888 View HUACHUCA Sierra Vista Pima Community (520) 206-3981 TUCSON 85707 PIMA View College T.E.A.M. Arizona TUCSON 85714 PIMA Click Here (520) 733-9888 View Tucson RIDE NAZ -View BELLEMONT 86015 COCONINO (928) 443-0111 FLAGSTAFF Ride Northern PRESCOTT 86301 YAVAPAI Click Here (928) 443-0111 View Arizona - Prescott T.E.A.M. Arizona PRESCOTT 86301 YAVAPAI Click Here (928) 771-2500 View Prescott MOHAVE View KINGMAN 86401 MOHAVE (928) 757-0825 COMMUNITY COLLEGE MOHAVE LAKE View (928) 505-3321 COMMUNITY HAVASU 86403 MOHAVE COLLEGE CITY MOHAVE JB'S 86440 MOHAVE Click Here (866) 668-6462 View VALLEY RESTAURANT
mendations for motorcycle safety no longer call for a helmet law. What the NTSB is now asking for is voluntary helmet use and puts equal importance on crash prevention. The MRF has been key in getting all government agencies to focus on crash prevention over injury reduction for decades. "Of course, the NTSB has a long way to go before they can even be considered amateur motorcycle safety specialists, but this is certainly a step in the right direction" said Jeff Hennie, Vice President of Government Relations and Public Affairs for the Motorcycle Riders Foundation. "This should be considered a victory for motorcycle rights groups who have engaged on this issue" he added. To read the entire "Top Ten Most Wanted" click here: http://www.ntsb.gov/news/2011/110623.h tml To read the specific motorcycle recomendations click here: http://www.ntsb.gov/safety/mwl-10.html The NTSB is an independent government agency charged with determining the probable cause of transportation accidents and promoting transportation safety, and assisting victims of transportation accidents and their families. Formed by Congress in 1926, their original charter was to investigate only airline and airplane accidents. In 1967, that charter was expanded to include; marine, pipeline, railroad and highway modes.
The August meeting of the Phoenix/Shadow Mountain Chapter will be held at the Cave Creek Cafe 14620 N. Cave Creek Rd. Phx. AZ @ 10:30
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Bandit’s News from Bikernet.com (continued) ties for every 100,000 users? "If you're running the tolls, you may get away with it once or twice, but eventually it will catch up with you," FHP Sgt. Kurt Hardley said. Tolls that are as low as 25 cents add up, Hardley said. Driving the turnpike between Lantana and Orlando, for example, costs $13.40. Last year, 614 million vehicles drove Florida's Turnpike, according to Florida's Turnpike Enterprise. Of those, about 190 million drove along stretches in Broward and Palm Beach counties, state records show. The camera system was installed with the introduction of SunPass in 1999. Since then, typically about 4 percent to 5 percent of drivers try to beat the system, records show. In South Florida, the numbers usually are a half-percent higher than the rest of the state. Not all drivers who pass through plazas without paying are intentionally running the tolls, Kalil cautioned. A lot of people, especially tourists, accidentally get into a SunPass lane and have no choice but to keep going. Covering up their plates isn't the only way motorists try to hide their tag number from cameras. Some buy a $29.99 can of PhotoBlocker online. The spray, from a Harrisburg, Pa., manufacturer, claims it makes plates so reflective that they're illegible to the cameras. Company representatives could not be reached for comment, despite attempts by phone. The spray gets mixed reviews, but using it is the same as blocking out the plate with your hands, feet or other body parts, Wysocky said. "No matter what you do, it's still illegal, and once you get caught you're going to have to pay the fines," he said. That even goes for the driver with a guy hanging out of his trunk. "That's pretty drastic if you're hanging out of a trunk to cover your tag," Wysocky said. But he added, jokingly, "You know, they don't have to wear their seat belt if they're in the back seat." Staff researcher Barbara Hijek By Jerome Burdi, Sun Sentinel --from Rogue =========================== AUTHOR WANTS TO BAN MOTORCYCLES-Auto Erotica: It's time to ban the motorcycle There, I said it. It needed to be said. What if I were to tell you that the fatality rate for those of us who drive a car or truck is 14 out of every 100,000 drivers? That’s a distressing statistic but it’s far below what it once was. Now, what if I were to tell you that there’s a vehicle on the road today that increases your chances of being killed while driving it by more than 500 percent, producing an average of 72 fatali-
That vehicle would represent a pretty silly and dangerous way to get around, don’t you think? But wait — there’s more. What if this vehicle produced 11 percent of all driving fatalities, effectively erasing gains made from years of declining motor-vehicle deaths? Would you want to drive that vehicle? Would you want your loved ones to drive it? Surprisingly, registrations for this vehicle increased by more than 63 percent from 1997 to 2005, with the fatalities that resulted rising at a disproportionately high rate. Add to all that the fact that this vehicle can emit 10 to 20 times the quantity of nitrogen oxide than standard automobiles because so many of these vehicles don’t require a catalytic converter. In some states, they don’t even require insurance. This deathtrap, of course, is the motorcycle, and it’s time for the grownups to take a stand and say enough is enough. --Contact Hugh Curran at kanga573@aol.com. Sun Sentinel Bla, bla, bla, he goes on and on. It's interesting how twisted the facts become. Annually about 5,000 die in motorcycle crashes, 75% caused by automobiles (many on cell phones). Get this, 44,000 die annually in car crashes, so ban cars. What happened to the Pursuit of Happiness in the Constitution. Now it's all about safety and money. Good god. --Wilburn Roach --from Rogue =========================== BAN MOTORCYCLES--
Sadly no. Drivers don't want to take responsibility. They don't understand that the rules of the road are not to oppress but to ensure everyone operates and behaves in a predictable manner. The majority of drivers would truly benefit from fully automated automobiles that turned the driving over to smarter artificial intelligents. It is not my motorcycle or me that are dangerous. I’m a professional driver. I have my 1A drivers licence and I’ve passed a drivers exam every five years or so. I am confident in my ability because I’m not worried about my driving but worry about the other driver. Perhaps the next time a writer wants the ban motorcycles they should look at their own driving habits first. -bad Uncle Monkey LOUD PIPES SAVE LIVES =========================== BAN WHAT?--As you stated, you are not a motorcyclist. Do most automobile drivers care or respect the rights of motorcyclists, thru my 45 years of riding the answer is NO. Do automobile drivers get any or enough training related to motorcycling – NO. Do the majority of states broadcast motorcycle awareness, NO unless some association pays a radio station to inform people to be aware of motorcycles being on the road. Yes you have your small share of people who think they are invincible on their motorcycles and a small share that drink and drive while riding their motorcycles but compared to drivers of 4-wheeled or larger vehicles, it is almost inconsequential. The large majority of motorcycle accidents and deaths involve an automobile because people who are not motorcyclists think a motorcycle can maneuver around anything in a split second or can stop immediately due to a lack of under-
standing thru training. I have been hit from behind two times by tailgaters and luckily didn’t get run over. I have had to lay down my bike three times because someone pulled out 40 feet or less in front of me on a side street that I was traveling on at 35 mph. I couldn’t go left as there was oncoming traffic and couldn’t go right because of trees or stone walls. I drive defensively as I ALWAYS expect someone to pull out in front of me, run a red light, be talking on their phones and run up my backside, take a right turn from the left lane, etc. All three people thought I could just zip around them. I can’t remember the amount of times a car driver looked at me and just decided that they wanted my lane because they had a vehicle bigger than mine. I have probably had well over 100 times thru the years that I have had to pull of drastic maneuvers in order to stay on my bike without impacting an automobile, but I for one will fight you to the day I die for the right to choose my mode of transportation. Why stop at motorcycles, take away cars, trucks, trains, planes, alcohol, cigarettes, fatty fried foods, shut down the military, take away all guns, knives, sharp pencils and all other devices that someone can use to harm someone else. When are you going to understand, IT IS NOT THE VEHICLE THAT IS KILLING PEOPLE, IT IS THE OPERATORS. If the operators understand the workings of the vehicles they drive as well as the vehicles they don’t drive, then these skewed number you quote would minimize themselves thru real training. --David Hoha Global Manager Final Assy/Flight Operations
It seems to be a persistent call that goes out every few months. Usually it is when some reporter's friend or love one is injured in a motorcycle accident or they had a near miss themselves with a rider. They rarely do the research to find out what really happened, who was at fault, jumping to blame some “long haired hippy biker”. With the exception of cars and a few of my readers confined guest of the state we as humans are pretty vulnerable to the outside world. More often motorcycle, pedestrian, and even office injures are the result of an inattentive motor vehicle driver and not the actions of the victim. If you ride a motorcycle you know you have to watch out for vehicles, not because you may run into one but because they are most likely to run into you. The same goes for people who walk or run. And that fact is not confined to busy city streets as every year we hear of a vehicle/pedestrian accident on wide open freeways and roads. People have even been injured sitting quietly at their desks or watching a movie at home when a vehicle has come careening through the space. The motorcycle is an easy target for these people. They feel if only the motorcycle had more wheels for stability, bumpers, seat belts and airbags, all designed to prevent injury it would absolve them of their responsibility of being a good driver. After all, we were injured because we didn't protect ourselves from them. Is there an answer?
Important Phone Numbers Aid to Injured Motorcyclists - A.I.M. - (800) 521-2425 24-Hr. Legal Assistance for all accidents
Aid to Incarcerated Motorcyclists A.I.M. - (800) 235-2424 24-Hr. Legal Criminal Defense
National Legislative Hot Line - (800) 300-NCOM 24-Hr. Motorcycle Legislative Alerts
National Coalition of Motorcyclists NCOM- (800) 525-5355 Fighting for Bikers Rights
Confederation of Clubs. - (800) 531-2424 Motorcycle Clubs Fighting Against Discrimination
Motorcycle Riders Foundation Washington D.C. Office (202) 546-0983
Business Member Spotlight La Gitana Cantina is owned by Rich and Maggie Millinovitch. The business has been at the same Arivaca location since the 1950s. To contact the bar use 520-3980810 or lagitanacantina@aol.com. There is an outdoor smoking patio with room for a band. They are available for parties. The hours are 11am to closing, 7 days a week. The actual building was built in the 1880’s. Both the building and the town are part of Arizona’s long history. Rich is an avid motorcyclist and rides a ’07 Road King Classic. The ride to Arivaca covers some of the most scenic roads in Arizona.
May’s Guest Safety Article by Stacey “Ax” Axmaker Director - Idaho STAR Motorcycle Safety Program A research report was recently released indicating that bikes equipped with AntiLock Brakes (ABS) are substantially less likely to be involved in a fatal crash. I’m sure you have heard folks say things like “I can stop shorter than ABS,” or “I prefer to have full control over my brakes – ABS takes some of that away.” I’ve heard that, too. I believe that ABS is one of the best advances in motorcycle technology we have ever had. Here’s why… Performance – when you need it I have been out on a test pad (no cars, plenty of space, designated braking area) and I can match and occasionally even beat ABS by just a bit. However, in all my years of riding, I have never needed maximum braking in an environment with no cars, plenty of space, and a desig-
nated braking area. The times that I have needed it have been when something suddenly went wrong (car pulled out in front of me, animal or pedestrian, vehicle ahead stops suddenly, etc.) In other words, my adrenaline was pumping and I had to take action right away. When this happens, performance drops – it’s just a fact of human nature. ABS performs anytime, every time, no matter how startled you are or how much adrenaline you have pumping through your veins. That’s when we need real maximum braking; that’s what ABS delivers; and that’s what I’m convinced most riders can’t beat (I know I can’t…) “Controlling” a skid As many of you know, a rear wheel skid is not necessarily a disaster. If you know what to do, you can maintain balance and keep going in a straight line with a skid-
ding rear tire. However, you do lose the ability to change direction or speed. When we say we can ‘control’ our motorcycle, what we are saying is that we have the ability to change our direction and speed as the situation warrants. Skidding the rear tire gives up that control. You may not crash, but you really don’t have ‘control.’ ABS allows you to keep that control of your motorcycle by preventing the rear wheel skid. A front wheel skid frequently does result in a crash. In fact, most of us know this instinctively and this is why so many riders under-brake the front tire – we are afraid to lock it up. ABS allows us to apply the front brake fully without the fear of locking it up. Changing surface conditions As mentioned above, many riders can
match or beat ABS in a controlled environment. However, the times that we really need maximum braking are not in a controlled environment. In addition to cars, animals, and pedestrians, the surface of the road itself may change. Something as simple as running off the road and onto a gravel shoulder changes the available traction significantly. Most riders will be overly cautious on the brakes under these changing conditions. ABS, on the other hand, instantly adapts to the surface and can keep you at maximum braking as you ride from pavement to gravel to dirt to grass to mud and back to pavement. If ABS is an available option on your next bike, I hope you give it some serious consideration. After all, how many times does it need to prevent a crash to make it worth the investment?
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Loud Loud pipes.. deep throaty base lets everyone know your there. Lightly used and in excellent condition. Retail on this set is 479.00 dollars. Pipes are stacked low and feature full-radius heat shields embossed with Santee's® distinctive logo. These pipe sets are the best combination of performance and looks with a 1-3/4"-diameter inner pipe and a 2-1/2" outer cover. Chrome billet end caps with integral baffles are included. Pipes are Chrome and have no dings or scratches they are in excellent condition... even the inner 1 and 3/4 pipe has little bluing... I just wanted to add this since i have had many questions as to the condition of the pipes.. Price: $150.00 James Osborne 623-692-5597
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2000 HD Custom (623) 374-5510 $15K OBO
Has added – 100th Anniversary Gold Key Package Stored- Like New -Driven less than 200 miles Black Textured Paint - This Model Highly Rated – Built for speed. Judy Rovno 928-234-2969 2002 V8 Trike Chevy 350c.i. engine. Automatic Transmission. Harley Davidson Fatboy Front End. Very comfortable ride -- Adjustable Air Shocks. AM/FM, Tape, CD Player. Great sound system. Harley Davidson "Luxury Rich Red" paint. Blue and Gold Ghost Ribbons. Beautiful Tank Mural of Pegasus. Lots of Chrome. Loaded. Prize Winner. A real beauty. Easy Maintenance. $19,000 o.b.o. 928-445-3992
One-Piece DayTripper motorcycle seat New - never used - In box Retails for $359 model 76189 fits Honda VT 750 Spirit 2001-2006 & VT 750DC 2007-2009. The detailed stitch work in the highly durable, synthetic glove-leather makes the DayTripper a show winner. $150.00 Call Bob @ 602-463-0544
FOR SALE: 2008 Harley Davidson Road Glide- 6,240 miles-lowering kit-travel package-AM/FM/WB/CD- 6 speed-Dark Blue Pearl-Corbin Solo and Stock Seat- asking $17,000. e-mail serious inquiries to: momac99@yahoo.com.
2003 Honda Shadow A.C.E. 750 for sale. This bike has been very well maintained and is in excellent condition. Runs like a top, looks amazing-beautiful black paint, no dings or scratches. Has many upgrades including a removable windvest, upgraded mirrors, rear tiedown chrome rack, aftermarket Kuryakyn ISO grips with chrome accents and Throttle Boss, plus a Kontour custom seat. Passenger seat and foot pegs included. Great first bike! This is a wonderful bike for anyone who wants to ride without constant wrenching. 31,000 miles, regular maintenance done professionally. She is worth $4,000 with all the extras and the condition, but will take 3,200. Relocating, advertising in southern Arizona, serious buyers only-call 520-490-4548 or send email to bbthestilter@gmail.com
2006 H-D Dyna Street Bob 11,000 miles, $22,000 invested, selling for $16,000. Contact Pete @ (602) 315-6950 2003 Honda TRX400XL ATV - $2500 obo AzTech Flatbed Trailer (Car/ATV Hauler) $2200 obo 1991 Rockwood Class A Motohome 27’, 46.6 miles $12,000 obo. Very clean, must see to appreciate, amenities include: cb radio, full kitchen, microwave, oven, stove, walk in bath, shower, full size bed with lots of storage underneath, sleeps 4 adults comfortably! 2008 STS Cadillac for sale, 23K miles $28,000 obo Call 928-718-6296 Cell 928-716-7289 FOR SALE 2006 H-D HERITAGE SOFTAIL CLASSIC 18,282 MILES, NEW REAR TIRE, KURYAKYN HAND GRIPS, ENGINE GUARD, SADDLEBAG LUGGAGE LINERS, "SAGGY BAG" INSERTS, TAIL LIGHTS ARE TURN SIGNALS/BRAKE LIGHTS COMBO WITH RED LENSES, VANCE & HINES PIPES, KING SIZE WINDSHIELD, 4 INCH EXTENDED HANDLEBARS, CHROME BRAIDED CABLES, MUDFLAP, LUGGAGE RACK, CUSTOM COVERS, GARAGE OPENER IN HANDLEBAR. 1 YEAR PRE-PAID SERVICE @ SIERRA VISTA H-D, TWO YEARS ON EXTENDED WARRANTY. $15,000.00 CALL BOB 520-663-3818
2003 Honda Magna 750 Beautiful Condition, Well Maintained, and Garage Stored with only 7,100 mi. Smooth, Blue, Light & Quick 4-Cylinder Cruiser with 80+ hp Jardine Forward Controls, Windshield, Sissy-bar T-Bag, and Shop Manual Good Tires, Battery, and Chain...Adult Owned Call Phil in Show Low at (928) 532-3299