The Masterlink - August 2016

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A publication supporting the rights, safety and freedom of all motorcyclists through education and legislation

August 2016


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remember to vote

try to figure out your preference when you actually get your ballot.

By Johnny D ALMA MC ACMC Designated Lobbyist ABATE State PAC Officer

ABATE of AZ. 7509 N. 12th St, #200 Phoenix, AZ 85020

Hello fellow motorcycle riders, welcome to August in Arizona.

This is my favorite time of year on Satan’s anvil. The mornings may start off at a decent temperature then the heat becomes intense. At times moisture will come in from the east and inundate us with an inch or more of rain in less than two hours. This is an especially dangerous time for bikers. You never know if you will be hit with sunstroke or flooded roads. Both are not good riding conditions. We endure this so that we can ride through the winter.

August also brings the statewide and federal primary elections. I hope you have chosen the candidates you will vote for. It is a bad idea to

JR called me recently to ask for a way to word a warning for our Facebook page. It seems that someone was posting disparaging comments about a national candidate. The thing we want to remember is that we don’t want to make enemies of people who may be in a position to adversely affect the motorcycle community. It is one thing to support a candidate, it is quite another to publicly insult that person’s opponent. If you put negative comments on the page it will be deleted. This is not an infringement on free speech as the Constitution only guarantees that the government will not stop your freedom. A page belonging to an organization or individual can require that speech be in a form the entity approves. I would give my picks for those I believe will be beneficial to us but I don’t want to stir up a hornets’ nest. I have been in contact with Megan Eckstrom, the new Legislative Liaison for the Motorcycle Riders Foundation. I am trying to get campaign donations for some federal candidates that are friends of ours. It is almost as hard as pulling teeth. I have some ideas on how our money should be spent. At the Board meeting in Star Valley, I will try to get agreement to start a political action committee so that we can donate to state level candidates who support motorcycle issues. We also need to support candidates who run

against those who would regulate our lifestyle out of existence. That helmet law promoter in Tucson is one example.

I try not to anger legislators but sometimes we just need to stand up and be counted. As I may have told you recently there were 199,741 registered motorcycles in Arizona as of December 31, 2015. My goal is to unite all the motorcycle rights organizations in our state. To that end I am asking that as many as possible attend opening day at the legislature on January 9, 2017. At about nine a.m., the groups who have issues before the legislature gather in front of the Copper Dome to announce their presence. In recent years, bikers have been invited to sit in offices, in the gallery, and some even on the floor of either house. It is fun. I hope to see more than the sixty or so that came last year. There will be a press release and if we have enough people, there will be news crews interviewing those present. Motorcycle Day At The Dome will be on February 15, 2017. The MDATD committee had its first meeting on Thursday July 14. There were members of ABATE, the ACMC, MMA, and Christian Motorcycle groups. MMAA was invited but was not present. This year our main goal is to present a united front.

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Chairman..............................Sean Pinder

East Valley………………….Jack Batty High Country........................Forrest “Woody” Phillips Phx / Shadow Mountain…...Clyde Brooks Southern AZ.........................Sean Pinder Yavapai……………………..Deborah Butitta Yuma....……………………..Rick Breadwell Quarterly Board meetings are held on the first Sunday in January, April, July and October at 1:00pm @ the AZ American-Italian Club, 7509 N. 12th St, Phoenix. Please make sure your Chapter has representation.

A.B.A.T.E. State Officers For 2016

Phoenix-Shadow Mountain Chapter

P.O. Box 54041 Phoenix, AZ 85078-4041 Coordinator...........................Mike Schneider Vice Coordinator....................Jim Page Secretary................................Tara Rudometkin Treasurer................................Laura "Sunny" Sleemon Membership...........................Ben Martinez Run Coordinator....................Jeremy Kellim Safety Coordinator.................Trauma Mama Sgt. At Arms..........................Scott Gibbons P.A.C......................................John ‘Johnny D’ Dreyfus Communications....................Nichole Kirkpatric Merchandise...........................Judy "Hooody" Brus

Phoenix/Shadow Mountain meetings are held on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 10:30am at the AZ American Italian Club, 7509 N. 12th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85020. FMI: Chapter Coordinator Mike Schneider, 602-549-1044, and

Mailing address 7509 N. 12th St, #200, Phoenix, AZ 85020. State Officers meetings are held the 1st Sunday of every month, 10:30 am at the AZ American Italian Club, 7509 N. 12th Street Phoenix, AZ.- OR in conjunction with the quarterly BOD meeting.

Southern Arizona Chapter

East Valley Chapter

6888 N De Chelly Loop Tucson, AZ 85741 Coordinator............................Jim Butsback Vice Coordinator....................Darron Huntington Secretary................................Becky Garino Treasurer................................Dawn Detelj Membership...........................Bob Stewart Run Coordinator....................Bob Welton Safety Coordinator.................Robert Templeton Sgt. At Arms.........................Ruben Soto P.A.C......................................Annisa Huntington Communications....................Vacant Merchandise...........................Sean Pinder

c/o Jim Silk, 5722 E. Garnet Circle, Mesa, AZ 85206 Coordinator............................Jim Silk Vice Coordinator..................Joe Ferrucci Secretary................................Dawn Steed Treasurer................................Deb Ferrucci Membership...........................Mike Shearhart Run Coordinator....................Jack Batty Safety Coordinator................Nolan Steed Sgt. At Arms..........................Richard Dalton P.A.C......................................Tami Keim Communications....................Vacant Merchandise........................... Donna Batty

Would you like to receive The Masterlink digitally? It is posted monthly on the ABATE website Opt out of the receiving the The Masterlink? Please contact the ABATE Office if you would like to no longer receive a hard copy of The Masterlink. 480-256-9237 or

Yavapai Chapter

1590 Swenson Street Prescott AZ 86305 Coordinator............................ Clyde Brooks Vice Coordinator....................OPEN Secretary................................ Suni Sommers Treasurer................................ Terri Lucontro Membership........................... OPEN Run Coordinator......................OPEN Safety Coordinator..................OPEN Sgt. At Arms...........................OPEN P.A.C...................................... OPEN Communications.................... OPEN Merchandise........................... OPEN

Yavapai Chapter has been reactivated! They will begin meeting in June. Meetings are 2nd Wednesday of the month @ 6:00 PM. The meeting location is at Addictions Bar & Grill, 1590 Swenson Street Prescott 86305. The next meeting is on June 8th. FMI:

Yuma Chapter

11316 S. Glenwood Ave. Yuma, AZ 85367 Coordinator............................ David "Pastor D" Litts Vice Coordinator....................Gilbert Hernandez Secretary................................ Mikkie Melanson Treasurer................................ Virginia Nielsen Membership........................... Garrett "Buster" Gould Run Coordinator.....................Jerry Allison Safety Coordinator..................Ray “PeeWee” Grier Sgt. At Arms...........................Frank White P.A.C...................................... Gilbert Hernandez Communications.................... David "Pastor D" Litts Merchandise........................... Lisala White

Yuma Chapter meets the second Tuesday evening monthly at 6:00 PM at the pm. The next meeting will be held at the Kountry Kitchen Café located at 11242 S Foothills Blvd, Yuma, AZ. 85365. For additional information contact Frank White (Hound) at 209-327-0814.


The Southern Arizona Chapter will meet the third Saturday. We will gather at the Kettle Restaurant, 748 W Starr Pass Tucson. Breakfast will be available at 7:30 a.m. with the meeting beginning at 9 a.m. FMI contact Jim Butsback by phone at 520247-3051 or email

If any of the Officers are listed here incorrectly, please send corrections to: I will be sure everything is accurate for the next Issue and on the web site.

Arizona MRF Representative Wanted

Through the Motorcycle Riders Foundation State Representative Program, local motorcyclists are kept up to date on the MRF's legislative and training agendas. The MRF State Rep program allows information to pass quickly to the State Motorcyclists' Rights Organizations, as well as allowing information to reach the MRF concerning individual states. The men and women involved in the MRF's State Rep Program are dedicated

209A E. Juniper St. Payson AZ 85541 Coordinator............................Wayne Slocum Vice Coordinator...................Billy Hensler Secretary................................Dee Schultz Treasurer...............................Forrest “Woody” Phillips Membership...........................CC Rider Run Coordinator....................Mark Fickel 2nd Run Coordinator....................CC Rider l Safety Coordinator.................John Lacey Sgt. At Arms.........................Justin Wilson 2nd Sgt. At Arms.........................Mike Basner P.A.C.....................................Woody Phillips Communications...................Snake Merchandise..........................Beth Lacey

High Country Chapter meetings are held on the 3rd Sunday at 10 a.m. at The Moose Lodge in Star Valley. Contact:

President………..............……Jim Butsback Vice President.....……………Brad Cosby Secretary……………………Dawn Steed Treasurer…………………….Jim Silk Membership…………………Ben Martinez Run/Events………………….Vacant Safety Coordinator………….Teresa "Trauma Mama" McClelland Sergeant-at-Arms……………Vic Grady P.A.C………………………...John "Johnny D" Dreyfus Communications…………….Judy "Hooody" Brus Designated Lobbyist...............Vacant ABATE Products……………Vacant MasterLink Editor................ Eric”Spanky” Hampton Office phone: 480-256-9237

EAST VALLEY CHAPTER meetings are held the 4th Sunday of the month at 11:00 a.m. at Fraternal Order of Eagles (F.O.E.) 1712 W. Broadway Road, Mesa AZ 85202 FMI contact Jim Silk FYI 602 312 1927

High Country Chapter

volunteers from the membership ranks who are willing to give their time and energy to build, maintain and enhance the relationship between the MRF and all motorcyclists within their states. They must work closely with the State Motorcyclists' Rights Organizations, attending their meetings and events, keeping the SMROs abreast of national issues, international issues, and issues affecting motorcylists in other states. MRF State Reps promote the MRF by all

possible means, such as making presentations to SMROs and other groups. Writing articles for newspapers and newsletters, membership recruiting, and speaking to individual motorcyclists are other examples of promoting the MRF.

To become an MRF State Representative, candidates must submit two things to the Director of State Representative Program: (1) An MRF State Representative application, obtained from the Director of State Representative Program. (2) A written

Meeting Minutes

A.B.A.T.E. of Arizona, Inc. Board of Directors and State meeting minutes will no longer be printed and taking up space in THE MASTERLINK. They are available to view 24/7 on-line at www.abateo- under the “Communications” tab. Thank you! MK

Mission Statement

We will lobby and educate the government and the general public to promote motorcycling in a safe and positive image.

We will endeavor to enlist the cooperation and participation of all organizations and individuals who share

a similar interest in preserving our American tradition of


endorsement from your State Motorcylists' Rights Organization. If your state has more than one SMRO, an endorsement must be obtained from all SMROs in your state.

For additional information regarding the MRF's State Representative Program, please contact Dave Condon, Director of State Representative Program.

How to Reach Us

480-256-9237 For Advertising Rates Email Eric at Or Mail Your Ads to: MasterLink, ABATE of Arizona 7509 N. 12th St, #200 Phoenix, AZ, 85020 MasterLink Advertising Rates:

Size Monthly Quarterly Yearly Business Card Size (3-1/2”w x 2”h): $20.00 $60.00 $200.00 1/8 Page (5-1/8”w x 4”h) $50.00 $150.00 $500.00 1/4 Page (5-1/2”w x 8”h) $70.00 $210.00 $700.00 1/2 Page (10-1/4”w x 8”h) $100.00 $300.00 $1,000.00 Full Page (10-1/4”w x 16”h) $200.00 $600.00 $2,000.00 Full Color Back Page (10-1/4”w x 16”h) $400.00 $950.00 $3,300.00


President’s Report

days start out hot and just get hotter. Even after the sun sets it seems like it never cools down. I know many of our members and friends will be traveling up to South Dakota for the annual Rally in Sturgis! I just want to wish everyone who is on the road a safe and enjoyable trip. Remember to stay hydrated even if it is cooler as you head north the wind at highway speeds will still dry you out. Take your time and enjoy the trip. Don’t push it and ride when you’re tired, it about the trip NOT the destination!

By Jim Butsback

Hello to all my fellow Freedom Fighters!

Well it is the middle of July and we are right in the middle of the Dog Days of Summer here in southern Arizona. The

This is an election year and as such it is important that you do your research and make an educated decision when you go to the polls. I would not be so bold as to tell you how to vote but I will tell you that it is important that everyone does vote. People around the world will stand in line for hours and even days just to be able to vote. Many of these folks have been denied the right that we all take for granted. Take the time to read up on the issues facing the country and the various candidates’ views on each issue. It is also

important to spend the time and effort to find out about what is going on in all the local elections. These smaller local races are the ones that will affect you the most in the future. As we see issues that are important to the motorcycling community we will share them with our members, but there are many issues that do not really pertain to motorcycling but will have a big impact on your life so be an informed voter and take the “privilege” of voting serious.

I would like to confirm that the date for “Motorcycle Day at the Dome” has been secured for 2017! Our own Vic Grady went down to the Capitol and signed up for the date on July 1st the first day you are allowed to request a date. Thanks Vic!! The various SMRO’s held their first meeting to start the ball rolling for this important event. They have set the responsibilities and jobs and have another meeting scheduled for August 18th. So mark your calendars and get time off work and promote it to every motorcyclist you know! Motorcycle Day at the Dome


2017 will be Wednesday February 15th!! IT IS IMPORTANT that we get as large a turn out as possible! We will share much more information as it become available. As we enter into August it is also time for all of our Chapters and members to start looking to the future. We are over half way through our year and it is important that we look around at the meetings at events and see who may be an ideal candidate for one of the many positions in the chapter for next year. Not only is it important to find good leadership for our organization it is also important to give those who attend out meetings a purpose. Many folks come to a few meetings when they first join and slowly quit coming because they do not feel needed or that they are appreciated. Welcome those new members with open arms and a warm smile and give them a reason to come back next month. Until next month! Ride Free!! Jim

Meet Mike Infanzon, the New Designated Lobbyist for ABATE of AZ See his Bio below:

For the past twenty plus years, I have always looked for a way to quench my desire to challenge myself. From my two enlistments in the Marine Corps to starting numerous new business ventures, my desire to go above and beyond where most individuals just stop has enabled me to succeed and grow in everything I have been a part of.

By Sean Pinder ABATE of AZ Board Chairman

At the Board Meeting held in High Country, Mike Infanzon was appointed as the designated Lobbyist for ABATE of AZ. This is an important role for ABATE of AZ and immediately Mike, Johnny D (PAC Officer) and Vic Grady (Motorcycle Day at the Dome lead and Sergeant at Arms) engaged in productive dialogue. During the meeting there were numerous objectives and strategies proposed for an effective Lobby Team from ABATE to move forward. ABATE of AZ is grateful to Mike stepping up to fill the vacancy of Lobbyist.

We have a few bills to put forward, and we need to be in sync. Recently a legislator commented that our community was in disarray. Infighting over ego driven issues hurt us. That has to stop.

Animal from Tinners MC went to Washington DC for the MRF Bikers Inside the Beltway and met Megan. He also has been instrumental in getting congressional members to support our federal issues. He is applying to be the Arizona MRF representative as we haven’t had one for a

My name is Michael Infanzon. I am still married to my high school sweetheart. My wife and I have three boys and two girls ranging in age from 31 to 13. I am a former active duty Marine originally from Miami, Florida but have lived in California and Arizona since 1984. I earned my Bachelors of Science in Biological Sciences degree from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California. I earned my Master in Divinity degree from Golden Gate in Mill Valley, CA and my Masters in Mechanical Engineering from CalPoly, SLO. I am not sure why I keep going back to school besides for my own self-enjoyment and knowledge. I know that sounds strange, but that is just me being me. I also own Monkey Butt Garage. It is an

independent shop specializing in building, restoring and customizing motorcycles. I write on a consistent basis with a weekly blog: Being a second generation ABATE member has been an honor. My father fought for the “right to decide” with ABATE of California for many years beginning back in the 70s. He passed away last year and I felt it was my obligation to take up the torch where he left off.

The journey of my life has taken some turns over time but it has been a fun journey. I subscribe to the philosophy of “It’s not about the destination, it’s all about the journey”. How we travel through life will shape who we are and what we will become.

More from Sean: I was honored to Chair the appointment of Mike Infanzon and look forward to his contributions to ABATE and Motorcycling in AZ. Please, welcome and support his efforts so the entire organization is behind Mike.

A note from Mike:

I want to start off by thanking the board of directors for allowing me to have this opportunity to serve the motorcycle community of Arizona. I had given this a lot of thought over the past year or so. Mary K and I first talked about this last year and after numerous conversations with Mike Schneider I felt I bring a few things to the table.

From JohnnyD (continued)

while. He has done very well in meeting and talking with many legislators and I believe he will be an excellent representative for us.

That is all for this issue. Remember to vote. If you don’t vote, don’t complain. Remember, our founding fathers did not revolt against the government because of taxes, it was because they had no say in the government the taxes supported. We have a mini revolution every two years. We can change most of our government at

any time. Our problem is that we get caught up in the bumper sticker mentality. I realize that most have the job, kids, bills, lack of free time problem. It is hard to keep up with issues and details. But if we turn off “reality TV” and turn on news feeds to research the truth about world and local events, we can be better informed. Failing that, you could email me for details. I will give you my honest opinion backed up with hard facts. Remember the words of John Adams, our

I wanted to let the ABATE of Arizona membership know that I will work hard for you and your rights but I will need your help. I will need you to be an active member in your chapter. I will also need you to show up in force when needed. Vic is taking lead in coordinating the Motorcycle Day at the Dome in February. This will be another great advantage for ABATE to get to know your legislators and for them to know that the people do care about their state. We need your help and attendance to make this the biggest turn out we've had.

We have such a diverse group of members in ABATE of Arizona. We need your talent to get things done. Johnny D has been working feverishly and I am looking forward to see what we can do together for the motorcyclists in Arizona.

I have read the member survey and will do whatever I can to get our elected officials to pass a motorcyclist anti-profiling bill. I will also be visiting the different chapter meetings from time to time to give you a face to face update on what is going on. If I can do anything for you, please feel free to contact me. See you on the road. Mike State Designated Lobbyist, ABATE of Arizona

second president, “Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.” Or as was once said by Daniel Patrick Moynihan, “Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, not his own facts.”

Until next time, stay safe. Remember not to cross flooded washes.

Chapter Reports


East Valley Chapter

Howdy folks,

ABATE East Valley Chapter met on Sunday, June 26, 2016 at the Fraternal Order of Eagles, 1712 W. Broadway Road, Mesa, AZ. Chapter Coordinator, Jim Silk, led the meeting. We kicked off promptly at 11:00AM. and adjourned at 11:23AM. Fastest meeting I can recall. Since the officers meet just prior to the meeting to hash out details, it saves our members valuable time.

Deb, our chapter Treasurer, reported that the chapter earned $1100 from our Spaghetti Feed dinner held Saturday, Jun 4th at the Eagles. We sold 110 meals and had to run to the grocery for more sauce, salad and pasta. THANK YOU to everyone that gave of their personal time and donated ingredients to make our Spaghetti dinner a success. P.A.C. Officer, Tami, reported on federal ethanol legislation, the MRF is not pro or con, but want to know the effects of higher levels of ethanol use. They’re trying to establish a maximum cap of 10% ethanol in gasoline. Nolan, our Safety Officer, reminded us to wear appropriate clothing to prevent sun burn, maintain your bike to prevent breakdowns.

Jim thanked everyone for stepping up at the 25th Annual Too Broke For Sturgis for Friday morning duty. We always have enough folks to cover necessary duties. Jim gave special recognition to NOLAN STEED for all his help, loading the truck, driving it up and back to the event, and unloading. He assisted every day, all weekend – THANK YOU NOLAN! You make a difference. UPCOMING MEETINGS & EVENTS; Sunday, July 24th, 11:00AM Chapter meeting at the Eagles, then 1–5PM Pool party at Jim Silks home (Dobson/Guadalupe) - BOYB and side dish to share

- Jim will be grilling brats and provide ice for your beverages - Hawaiian theme, wear your favorite Hawaiian shirt, bathing suit and lei’s - Best dive competition

- Best cannon ball competition

- Ride your bike to impress the neighbors Sunday, August 28th, 11:00AM Chapter meeting at the Eagles, then

1-4PM BIKER BOWLING at Mesa East Bowl or Brunswick-Mesa Jack to inquire and report back on location.

CHAPTER CHALLENGE; any chapter that thinks they can hold their own or beat us, show up and prove it! Sunday, September 25th, 11:00AM Chapter meeting at tge Eagles, then

1-4 PM Pool tournament at Q n Brew (SWC Southern/Mill Ave.)


Saturday, October 8th, HARD ASS RUN – see flyer in this paper Mike Shearhart is working on having a bikini bike wash in conjunction with

MMA East Valley Chapter. Proposed $10 charge split between washers and ABATE/MMA. Details to be announced.

We had one new member sign up at the meeting – WELCOME HARRY CONKLIN, also an Eagles Rider.

STUBBY TEUNISSEN’s name was picked from the Dollar jar. He wasn’t present, so the $228 jackpot rolls over to the drawing at the next chapter meeting.

Nolan Steed won $12 in the 50/50 raffle, he donated it back to the chapter – THANK YOU NOLAN, you ROCK!

United we Ride, Divided we Drive,

Mary K. (proxy for Dawn)

High Country Chapter

Hello Brothers and Sisters.

Up here in the high country the weather has been great for riding, as long as you can dodge the monsoon storms. This being Monsoon Season, you should always pack your wet weather gear, in case you get caught in one. Now don't let that detour you from riding, just be aware.

Lately our chapter has been discussing plans for our up and coming Chili cookoff. The date is set for October 15th, and the location will be at The Spur Bar. Make your best chili and enter to win, or just come to taste and judge. It's sure to be a good time again this year.

Please feel free to join us for our monthly meetings held on the 3rd Sunday of every month. We meet at the Moose Lodge in Star Valley @ 10:00am. Prior to the meeting we enjoy breakfast at the Spur Bar @ 8:30am. Keep wind in your face, sun on your back, fuel in the tank, and rubber on the road. Wayne Slocum Coordinator, H.C.C. ABATE

Phoenix/Shadow Mountain Chapter

Our meeting for June was a packing party and we gathered to load the truck for the 25th Annual - Too Broke For Sturgis (TBFS). The large turnout was very much appreciated and helped get the gear loaded for the long haul up the hill to Mormon Lake Campground. Great teamwork everyone!

TBFS 2016 was a huge success and there are too many volunteers and supporters to thank here. However, we must note the special recognition given to our very own Joel Rosen and Clyde Brooks. Clyde for his lifetime efforts and Joel as MVP. Congratulations guys!

Speaking of TBFS, you should like them on Facebook ( turgis/). While you’re at it, join the group for our Phoenix/Shadow Mountain Chapter ( Don’t forget to share these too!

The Moon Mullins Run is coming up. The date and other details to follow soon.

Our Chapter’s Communications desk is getting organized and you should see more information flowing through Facebook, GoogleGroups and email. These are great ways to stay informed,


but so is coming to the monthly meeting. Hey, why not bring a friend? The next Phoenix/Shadow Mountain Chapter meeting is August 14th (2nd Sunday) at the Arizona American Italian Club - 7509 North 12th Street, in Phoenix. Breakfast is available for $5 at 10:00am and the meeting starts at 10:30am. Robb “Double B” Felder Communications - Phoenix/Shadow Mountain Chapter

Southern Arizona Chapter

The June meeting was held on the 18th at the Kettle Restaurant. The meeting was called to order with the Pledge of Allegiance, and a prayer for all those in harms was and our fallen brothers.

The minutes of last month’s meeting were approved as written, and the Treasurer’s report was accepted.

There have been an unusually high number of motorcycle accidents and fatalities in the Tucson area so far this year. Several groups including ABATE met and attended the City Council meeting on June 21st to ask that the Council and the Tucson Police Department look into the situation and work with us to raise awareness and enforce the distracted driving laws that are in effect.

Radar and Dragonfly are also interested in seeing some legislation be drafted to change the way left turn signals work. In the Tucson area the left turn arrow can sometimes be before the green and other places after the green. This causes confusion especially with the seniors and students from out of town. It should be standardized to before the green and if possible left turn on arrow only. This would save lives, reduce injures/accidents and positively affect insurance rates.

There was also a Motorcycle Lives Matter rally in Tucson on Friday June 24th. This event had a lot of media coverage with live remotes from all TV stations in town. Our own Dragonfly was interviewed for one of the stations and it was used to promote the upcoming event. Great job Dragonfly! Those of you who follow ABATE on facebook may have seen the news stories copied on there. We set up banners and handed out Masterlinks and bumper stickers etc. Thanks to all who came out, because of the great turn out the powers that be in Tucson and Pima County are noticing us. The ACMC “Riot on the River” is in October. This is another of the events that include a weekend of camping. The Winkelman location is a lot closer for us in Tucson and would be a great time for our chapter members to come out and spend some time with each other while helping the ACMC raise much needed funds. Plan on attending and maybe we can set up a group committee to coordinate what we need to bring etc. Our Annual Chapter Fund Raising Raffle is now in full swing. If you have not received any raffle tickets to sell please contact Bob Welton. The tickets have been printed and the drawing date has been set for August 20th, the day of our meeting. This has been the main source of funds for our chapter. I encourage all members to actively support this and sell as many tickets as you can. If each member sells at least $20 worth it will be a great success. Tickets are $5 or 3 for $10. Prizes are 1st - $300, 2nd - $150, 3rd $50. Bob will have tickets available at our meetings or you can contact him directly and make arrangements to get

them from him.

As always please keep promoting our Business Memberships to those you do business with. We have been doing Great on this so let’s keep up the good work.

Anyone who is not getting emails from the Chapter, please send your email address to There is also a group page at Yahoo Groups. All Chapter members can sign up there and receive all emails from the Chapter through the group.

It is We are trying to save the Chapter some money by cutting down on postage. Please make sure the State Membership Officer has all your current information as well, this includes phone numbers, email addresses, address changes etc. You can email him at Ride Free, Ride Safe

Yavapai Chapter

We are off to a great start this year, delayed though it has been. Our July meeting was held at Additions Bar and Grill on July 13.

We had a small but very enthusiastic group of members in attendance. We had spirited discussions on several topics of interest to 2-, 3- and 4-wheeled on- and off-roaders, leading to action items to contact and coordinate with other groups and businesses in the area. We also are in the very early planning stages of a few events later this year and into next year. We are seeking members and non-members alike to bring your ideas and opinions to our monthly meetings. If you can't attend, please send us an email!

We meet at Addictions Bar and Grill on the second Wednesday of each month, at 6 pm. The address is 1590 Swenson St, Prescott. For more information, contact

Yuma Chapter

The Yuma chapter met on July 12th at 6:00 pm at the Kountry Kitchen restaurant to conduct our monthly business meeting. The meeting was called to order, the Pledge of Allegiance was recited, guests were introduced, and normal reports were addressed. We had a guest speaker, Russ Clark, who is running for Yuma County Supervisor District 3. Mr. Clark was campaigning and soliciting our individual support and our votes.

The Yuma Chapter is going to start planning a “Snow Bird Welcome Back Run” that will be held on 29 October 2016 in Yuma. In August we will form a committee to plan and execute the event. Start looking for run flyers in the September and October MasterLink.

The Yuma ABATE chapter meets the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm. The next meeting will be held on July12th, 2016 at the Kountry Kitchen Café located at 11242 S. Foothills Blvd, Yuma, AZ. We would love to see you there. For the love of freedom, Pastor D Coordinator & Communications Officer Yuma ABATE Chapter

MASTERLINK AUGUST  2016 Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish, National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM)


When Rockfest announced on their website that no motorcycle club colors would be allowed in the Kansas City music festival, members of the motorcycle club community and the Kansas Confederation of Clubs ( reacted promptly, and within 24 hours event promoters rescinded the policy.

“This ban is tantamount to profiling motorcycle club members based on how they look and prevents them from exercising their rights of free association and expression guaranteed under the First Amendment to the US Constitution,” wrote spokesperson Brian Cohoon in an open e-mail to Rockfest promoters, sponsors and every club in the Kansas COC condemning “in the strongest terms this outrageous ban on Motorcycle Clubs wearing their colors to Rockfest. News of this ban and our reaction to it is being disseminated by the most expeditious means possible to every Motorcycle Club in this region. We strongly encourage you to reconsider this ban and allow Motorcycle Club members to attend in whatever attire they deem appropriate in their individual judgment.”

In addition to many individual clubs and representatives also voicing their disapproval to the radio station promoting “North America’s largest one-day music festival,” the Chairman of the neighboring Missouri Confederation of


· A Motorcycle Rights Organization (MRO) · For Bikes & Riders, regardless of Race, Creed, color, sex, age, machine or gear · For all Motorcycles regardless of Fraternal or club affiliation, as well as Independents · For people interested in motorcycle safety · For People interested in rider education · For people interested in motorcycle awareness PSAs directed to non-Riders · For people interested in protecting and promoting motorcycling · A volunteer, not-for-profit grass-roots organization · For Motorcyclist who enjoy the ride $50 $8-20 $4,000 $3,000 $10 $3 $1,000 Priceless Priceless Priceless

$7,583 Value

Masterlink, Patch, Memb card TBFS Disc Entry, RV, Cabins AD&D Benefit 60% Discount Health Child Safe Kits White Bandana Leadership Training Motorcycle Awareness Rights Rider Education

ABATE of Arizona Serves to:

Coast to Coast

Clubs e-mailed Rockfest promoter KQRC-FM 98.9 The Rock in protest of the policy, and the Kansas A.I.M. Attorney (Aid to Injured Motorcyclists) was tasked with sending a letter condemning the ban.

As a result of their coordinated activism, online language referring to the colors ban was immediately taken down and the show went on as usual May 14 without incident, just as it has since 1992.


Before biker Richard Cody died on Sept. 5, 2013, he told his family and friends he wanted the logo of his beloved South Madison Motorcycle Club on his headstone, but nearly two years later his son Jeremy was forced to file a lawsuit against the city of Painesville, Ohio to make sure his father gets his last wish.

Representing the family and club, Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) Attorney Ralph C. Buss filed a motion for preliminary and permanent injunction to prevent city officials from removing, defacing, touching or changing the headstone of the Vietnam veteran buried in Riverside Cemetery, after officials informed the Plaintiff that the club colors engraved into the back of his father’s grave marker, “is not deemed appropriate” and ordered the S.M.M.C. artwork to be removed within 60 days at their own expense.

Buss told The News-Herald in a May 10 interview with the newspaper that “the headstone’s

logo is not vulgar or offensive in any way, and it complies with the requirements that were in place in 2014 when it was installed” and further charged that new regulations “conveniently” passed afterwards violate the First Amendment and “are nothing more than a license allowing city employees or agents to judge a person’s expression and deny it without any reasoning.”

All the media attention and ensuing barrage of publicity, including a 3,500-signature petition asking city council to allow the headstone to remain unaltered, and accompanying legal actions, resulted in the desired effect.

“When I first got the letter from the City of Painesville telling me that after two years I had to remove my father’s headstone due to it being "offensive", I was outraged,” Cody recently told Ridin’ On Motorcycle Magazine ( “My only thoughts were ‘I don't think so!’ For two months I pleaded with the city to change their minds and they were not budging. So I then got social media involved and contacted my attorney Ralph C. Buss, who just happens to be known for helping other motorcycle enthusiasts when in need. Within three days the City of Painesville decided it was in their best interest to let the stone be left there. It was my father’s wishes to have his club patch engraved on his headstone and I was not about to let that wish be taken from him.”


Join A.B.A.T.E.

· Collaborate with other organizations to monitor and support funding for practices that do not discriminate against motorcycling. · Encourage political involvement of its membership. · Promote and present motorcyclists and motorcycling in a positive and safe manner. · Help prevent motorcycle crashes and promote crash survival through rider education, and · · · · · Public awareness campaigns. · Encourage ongoing federal research programs such as use of E15 fuel in motorcycles, inclusion of motorcycles in ongoing transportation emerging technologies, and improvements in safer roadway design strategies. · Promote rider skills training through ABATE’s · Rider Advantage (ARA) scholarship program and tax-deductible entity ABATE accomplishments:

· Motorcycle Lobbyist at the State Legislature · 2013 Eliminated yearly motorcycle emissions testing in Maricopa County · 2007 Remove Motorcycle Safety Fund cap · 2007 Eliminated yearly motorcycle emissions testing in Pima County · 2004 Veteran’s plates for motorcycles · 2002 Arizona Motorcycle Safety Council established · 2001 Motorcycle Safety Fund established · 1997 Handlebar height raised to shoulder · 1993 Helped prevent mandatory helmet legislation in Arizona · 1992 Opened HOV lanes to motorcycles

PAGE 5 Motorcyclists in California are allowed to travel between lanes of traffic because unlike the other 49 states there is no law against such maneuvering, creating a legal grey area, so AB 51 was introduced last year to codify the act of lane splitting and provide legal guidelines (no faster than 50mph, and no more than 15mph faster than traffic).

But if it isn’t defined, it isn’t breaking the law, so motorcyclists generally opposed regulating “lane splitting”, preferring to leave well enough alone and not create another new crime, and so AB 51 was pulled by its sponsor, Assemblyman Bill Quirk (D-Hayward), because “Lane splitting is a very complex issue and the author feels he needs more time to work out the details so that it’s more likely to be signed.” At the time, the bill had passed the state Assembly and was on its way to the California Senate floor.

Now, AB 51 was recently resurrected and amended to its purest form, simply riding between cars, with no limiting language in the current wording of the bill, retaining the spirit of lane splitting and let the rider decide what’s safe. Even under current statutes, a rider can be cited with other violations for unsafe maneuvering.

The new improved AB 51 strikes all references to miles per hour conditions, and simply defines “lane splitting” as “driving a motorcy-

continued page 6

Motorcycle Awareness Program (MAP)

ABATE of Arizona has developed a program with the mission to provide motorcycle awareness training to all drivers and soonto-be drivers on the road in Arizona. Instructors provide a one hour program to students in driver education classes throughout the state.

MAP is available to be presented to civic organizations as well as most businesses that hold safety meetings. FMI: map@abateoJOIN ABATE NOW! ABATE Of Arizona provides a unified voice for all motorcyclists in Arizona. Please Tell us What Your Top Five Add your voice to ours. Join ABATE Motorcycle Issues, Matter to You: now, for the preservation of your abili· Distracted Driving – Motorcycle, Bicycle, Pedestrian ty to ride a motorcycle with the freeare Vulnerable Roadway Users dom that's your right!! · Right of Way Violations resulting in Injury/Fatality · Insurance Discrimination and claim denial · SAFETEA-LU Safety/Highway Funds ~2010 MSF · Discriminatory Profiling by Law Enforcement · Anti-tampering Regulations – Right to Modify · State/National Mandatory Helmet/Equipment · Transportation Exclusion of Intelligent Technology (IT), New Vehicle, Highway, Taxes and Fuel regarding Motorcycle Safety and Use · Motorcycle-Only Checkpoints · Accurate Stats & Research Study regarding Motorcycle Safety & Accidents · Off Road Trail Closing and Access · Tar Snakes & Median Cable wire · Intersection Engineering – Lights to Speed Limit, Leading Left Only, Increase Yellow & All Clear Red

© 2015 ABATE Of Arizona

7509 N. 12th St, #200 Phoenix, AZ. 85020

Website: To join our discussion group, send email to


cle between rows of stopped or moving vehicles in the same lane, including both divided and undivided streets, roads, or highways.”

Quirk’s office said the current bill has the expressed support of more than a dozen key organizations, among them motorcycle organizations such as ABATE of California, as well as multiple law enforcement agencies.

AB 51 was swiftly approved by the State Assembly on May 28, 2016 by a vote of 58-14 and sent to the Senate where it passed Transportation and Housing Committee unanimously 11-0 on June 14 then re-referred to Appropriations Committee before coming up for a floor vote.

Although lane “filtering” is common throughout Europe and Asia and many other countries, California is the only state where it is not expressly illegal. A bill to legalize lanesplitting in Nevada was voted down in 2013. A similar bill in Oregon was defeated in 2015. Other bills have surfaced and died in Arizona and Texas.


Suzuki riders experience the highest levels of road rage followed closely by owners of Harleys and then Triumphs, according to a recent survey in Britain. A thousand British motorcyclists were asked to assign a road rage score from 0-10 to a series of hypothetical scenarios such as drivers texting at the wheel.

Suzuki riders typically assigned higher levels of rage to the scenarios than owners of other bikes, earning an “average road rage score” of 71%. Harley riders scored 68.7% and Triumph riders 67%.

The survey, performed by dealer chain Jennings Harley-Davidson in the U.K., also found the thing that angered riders most was drivers texting, with a score of 86.5%, followed by “bike blindness” at 83.2% and “getting cut up (cut-off)” at 82.5%.


Coast to Coast (continued)

“We wanted to highlight the fears that many motorcyclists have around riding on the road, and the ignorance that often comes with motorcyclists’ safety,” said Jennings H-D director Sohail Khan. “It was important for us to show the severity of their fears amongst sharing the road with car drivers.”


Following two consecutive years of decreasing motorcycle fatalities nationwide, the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) reports that more than 5,000 motorcyclists were killed in the U.S. in 2015, which represents an estimated 10% increase over 2014.

The annual study attributes the increase mainly to increased travel nationwide and better weather leading to a longer riding season in many states. Low fuel prices also contributed to a 3.5% rise in motor vehicle miles traveled last year over 2014, according to federal data.

This crash data -- based on an early look at current data, trends, and developing issues -reports that this is more than 450 motorcycle fatalities over 2014. GHSA says it projects the final motorcyclist fatality total for 2015 will be 5,010 -- only the third year in U.S. history, and the first time since 2008, in which the fatality number topped 5,000.

The increase is consistent with preliminary numbers from the government that show traffic deaths overall rising an estimated 8% last year after trending downward for the past decade, marking the largest year-to-year percentage increase in a half-century and making 2015 the deadliest driving year since 2008.

The report takes data from all 50 states and the District of Columbia, and compared to 2014, motorcycle deaths by state increased in 31 states, decreased in 16, and remained the same in three others along with the District of Columbia.

While acknowledging contributing crash factors such as alcohol and drug use, increased


speed limits, and a record number of vehicles on U.S. roads, the GHSA calls for restoring helmet laws in the 31 states that don’t mandate helmets, and requiring DOT standards.

“To best serve the motorcycle community, it is always our aim to keep our Aid to Injured Motorcyclists / National Coalition of Motorcyclists (AIM/NCOM) webpage at up-to-date, convenient, and useful,” wrote AIM/NCOM Executive Coordinator Sarge in an open letter to the motorcycle community. “To do this, we are in the process of revamping a few pages including providing some important NCOM links to and from other WebPages. We have a list of the NCOM Members at available, but would like to expand it to include all of our NCOM Member Groups, Confederations of Clubs plus more clubs and associations.”


Throngs of bikers listened on Sunday, May 29, as presumptive Presidential GOP nominee Donald J. Trump delivered remarks to a crowd at the Lincoln Memorial during the 29th annual Rolling Thunder motorcycle run over Memorial Day weekend that is dedicated to accounting for military members taken as prisoners of war or listed as missing in action (POW/MIA).

For the blunt-spoken real estate mogul and television celebrity, who stresses his desire to strengthen the military and improve how veterans are treated, the gathering provided a receptive audience. “Look at all these bikers,” Trump said with admiration. “Do we love the bikers? Yes. We love the bikers.”

Here’s what you’re asked to do if your MRO / COC / Club / Association is on the NCOM Member Groups list:

If you have a link, verify that it is still correct. If not, please provide NCOM with the updated information.

Wearing a red “Make America Great Again” hat and forgoing a necktie, Trump told the crowd of seeing large numbers of bikers at his campaign events. “I said, ‘What are they all doing here?’ and my people would say, ‘They’re here to protect you, Mr. Trump,’” he said. “It’s an amazing thing. And I want to tell you, some of these people are tough,” but added when he shakes their hands, “there is love, and it’s an incredible feeling, and that’s why I wanted to be with you today.”

If you do not have a link and one is available, please provide us with the appropriate link.

If your motorcycle organization is not on the NCOM Members List and would like to be added, please send information and e-mail address to Sarge at

“Finally, the last part of our update is to ask each MRO / COC / Club / Association to put a link to NCOM on their webpage. To this end, please add Graphics can be provided at your request, THANK YOU!”

Trump’s supporters include a group called “Bikers for Trump,” which boasts more than 61,000 “likes” on Facebook.

QUOTABLE QUOTE: “The unity of freedom has never relied on uniformity of opinion.”

“I’m not a huge biker, I have to be honest with you, O.K.?” lamented Trump to the motorcycle gathering, “I always liked the limo better.”

~ John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the United States

Nancy Regg, a spokeswoman for Rolling Thunder, told the New York Times that the group had invited Mr. Trump to appear. The group did not extend an invitation to Hillary Clinton or Senator Bernie Sanders, she said.

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ABATE of Arizona Business Members

A to Z Mobile Repair Services of Tucson 520-304-6078 American Family Insurance Peoria & Glendale 623-225-7299 Big Sky Motorcycles Tucson 520-886-7388 Biker’s Mall Mesa 623-335-1000

Bob’s House of Hair Marana 520-797-6566

Bobby’s Territorial HarleyDavidson Yuma 928-782-1931

Brewer’s Truck Repair, Inc Willcox 520-384-2846

Brothers, Sons and Pop Motorcycle Shop Tucson 520-370-7788 Buchanan Construction 928-978-3291

CCA Scottsdale 480-985-6764

Chuy’s Mesquite Broiler Tucson 520-722-5117 Coyote Auto Payson 928-472-1100

D & G Paint & Body Willcox 520-384-2933 El Rancho Restaurant Payson 928-474-3111

Brown & Little, P.L.C., Attorneys Great Lakes Properties at Law Tucson 520 203-2323 Tempe 480-299-2093 Greater Payson Moose Lodge Breyer Law Offices, P.C. #852 Phoenix 480-505-2160 Payson 928-474-6212



Pappy’s Diner Tucson 520-408-5262

Herman’s Automatic Transmissions Tucson 520-294-8717J

Renegade Classics Tucson 520-647-9312

HeadKase Motorcycles Tempe 480-557-5223

Joeta’s Leather Mesa 480-827-1868

La Gitana Cantina Arivaca 520-398-0810

Lucky 13 Synthetics Sahuarita 619-647-4895 Maaco Tucson 520-495-5411

Marc Victor, P.C., Attorney Chandler 480-455-5229 Monkey Butt Garage Phoenix 602-456-2453

Punkin Center Bar Tonto Basin 928-479-2627

Sacred Bones Society M/C

Sidewinders Tavern and Grill Pine 928-476-6434 Spur Bar Star Valley 928-472-7787 Territorial Bar & Grill Tucson 520-514-9035

The Maverick Saloon Phoenix 602-943-5680

Tonto Silkscreen & Embroidery Payson 928-474-4207

Old Bastards MC

ABATE of Arizona Chapter Meeting Times and Locations

East Valley Chapter EAST VALLEY CHAPTER meetings are held the 4th Sunday of the month at 11:00 a.m. at Fraternal Order of Eagles (F.O.E.) 1712 W. Broadway Road, Mesa AZ 85202 FMI contact Jim Silk FYI 602 312 1927

High Country Chapter High Country Chapter meetings are held on the 3rd Sunday at 10 a.m. at The Moose Lodge in Star Valley. Contact: chicknbone@live .com or 928-970-1134

Phoenix / Shadow Mountain Chapter Phoenix/Shadow Mountain meetings are held on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 10:30am at the AZ American Italian Club, 7509 N. 12th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85020. FMI: Chapter Coordinator Mike Schneider, 602-549-1044,

Restaurant, 748 W Starr Pass Tucson. Breakfast will be available at 7:30 a.m. with the meeting beginning at 9 a.m. FMI contact Jim Butsback by phone at 520-2473051 or email

Yavapai Chapter Yavapai Chapter meets monthly on the second Wednesday at 6:00 p.m., at Addictions Bar and Grill, 1590 Swenson St, Prescott. FMI: email FMI:

Yuma Chapter Yuma Chapter meets the second Tuesday evening monthly at 6:00 PM at the pm. The next meeting will be held at the Kountry Kitchen Café located at 11242 S Foothills Blvd, Yuma, AZ. 85365. For additional information contact Frank White (Hound) at 209-327-0814.

Southern Arizona Chapter The Southern Arizona Chapter will meet the third Saturday. We will gather at the Kettle ABATE of Arizona




Events Calendar

August 2016

Friday, August 5 @ 6:00 PM 10:00 PM, Motorcycles on Main in Mesa, The first Friday of every month is bike night in Downtown Mesa! Join over 1000 motorcycles and their riders on Main Street for a Sturgis-style event that attracts bike lovers from all over Arizona and beyond. The roads are closed to car traffic and open to bikes, riders and spectators for this family-friendly event sponsored by Chester’s Harley Davidson, Victory Motorcycles, Assassin Cycle and Design, AZ Rider Motorcycle News. Motorcycles on Main is a shine and show event that offers live music on the main stage, beer gardens, vendors, food

and a rockin’ good time! The event is also supported and sponsored by our wonderful Downtown restaurants; Queen’s Pizzeria, The Grill on Main, Mangos Mexican Café. The event happens every first Friday from 6:00 – 10:00 P.M. on Main Street between Center and Robson. Come check out all Downtown Mesa has to offer! For more information visit August 5, 2016 8:00 pm – 11:30 pm, HAMC PHX Defense Fund Night, Come and join Los Santos MC and HAMC PHX at The Chapel for the Phx Defense Fund Night! The Chapel is located @ 1746 E Madison St #5 Phoenix,

PAGE 9 AZ 85034. Starts at 8:00 pm. Come and help us support PHX Defense Fund!! $5 Donation per person. For more info contact a member of Los Santos MC or HAMC PHX. Los Santos MC The Chapal 1746 E Madison St #5 Phoenix, AZ 85034 August 27, 2016, SOH Tucson Red & White Support Party, SOH Tucson Red & White Support Party. Location yet to be determined. Details to follow. August 28, 2016, Yavapai County Red/White presents our Annual Smoker. Sunday August 28th Yavapai County Red/White presents our Annual Smoker. We will have details to follow.

News from the MRF

June 17, 2016 Members of Congress Call on DoT to Include MRF & SMRO Participation on the Newly Reestablished Motorcyclist Advisory Council

WASHINGTON, DC– This week, twenty elected officials from eleven different states issued a letter addressed to the Federal Highway Administration housed under the Department of Transportation. The letter, which had both republican and democratic signatures, addressed a section of the highway bill that would reestablish the Motorcyclist Advisory Council which would counsel the Administrator of U.S. Department of Transportation on infrastructure issues that could affect motorcyclists. The highway bill, also known as the FAST Act, was signed into law by the President earlier this year.

Specifically, the letter called on the Federal Highway Administration to ensure that the, “Motorcyclist Advisory Council include participants from the full spectrum of available experts and stakeholders of different organizations.” The letter went on to suggest explicitly which participants should be involved and calling on the Administration to include, “one member recommended by a national motorcycle riders foundation” and “two members of State motorcyclists’ organizations.”

As implementation of the FAST Act begins, the Federal Highway Administration is likely to go through a process to establish a charter for the Motorcyclist Advisory Council. Congressional letters like the one sent yesterday can play a critical role in the decision making behind determining the specifics of the Council. ===========================

June 20, 2016 What Might Happen if Every Day Was ‘Ride to Work’ Day?

WASHINGTON, DC– Today is the 25th anniversary of “Ride to Work Day.” For those unfamiliar, this is an annual event

that promotes motorcycling as an option for commuting to work. It’s estimated that a very small sliver of the population uses motorcycles as their main mode of transportation to and from work. Some reasons for the small percentage may be due to weather conditions or other “logistical” issues that are not easily remedied. However, if more people were to commute on motorcycles, it begs the question of what possible effects might be realized by not only motorcyclists, but automobile drivers, bicyclists, pedestrians and even the environment?

A private research company based out of Belgium attempted to answer the question posed above. The firm, Transport & Mobility Leuven, specializes in quantitative transport research and transport modeling. In 2011 they published, “Commuting by Motorcycle: Impact Analysis.” The report looked not only at traffic flow and congestion, but also what might happen to vehicle emissions and air quality. The results proved quite interesting. The Leuven study found that in Belgium, if 10% of all automobiles were replaced by motorcycles, the total time loss for all vehicles decreases by 40%. Note that this is not time loss for just those on motorcycles… this includes all drivers on the road.

In addition, the study looked at the impact on emissions and found that because motorcycles emit fewer pollutants (CO2, etc) compared to average cars, external emission costs of motorcycles are almost 20% lower than automobiles. And total emission costs could be reduced by 6% if 10% of automobiles were replaced by motorcycles.

It’s important to note that the study was done in a particular region of Belgium and the data was then extrapolated out to the entire country. And clearly, Belgium is not America! However, it does make one wonder what findings would be determined if a similar study was repeated in the U.S.? Certainly it would depend on the region and a number of other factors, but it is possible that similar results could be found.

To learn more about the study and review the final report, click on the following link: etsen_eindrapport_Eng.pdf ===========================

June 17, 2016 Members of Congress Call on DoT to Include MRF & SMRO Participation on the Newly Reestablished Motorcyclist Advisory Council

WASHINGTON, DC– This week, twenty elected officials from eleven different states issued a letter addressed to the Federal Highway Administration housed under the Department of Transportation. The letter, which had both republican and democratic signatures, addressed a section of the highway bill that would reestablish the Motorcyclist Advisory Council which would counsel the Administrator of U.S. Department of Transportation on infrastructure issues that could affect motorcyclists. The highway bill, also known as the FAST Act, was signed into law by the President earlier this year.

Specifically, the letter called on the Federal Highway Administration to ensure that the, “Motorcyclist Advisory Council include participants from the full spectrum of available experts and stakeholders of different organizations.” The letter went on to suggest explicitly which participants should be involved and calling on the Administration to include, “one member recommended by a national motorcycle riders foundation” and “two members of State motorcyclists’ organizations.” As implementation of the FAST Act begins, the Federal Highway Administration is likely to go through a process to establish a charter for the Motorcyclist Advisory Council. Congressional letters like the one sent

continued page 13

Motorcycle Riders Foundation Awareness & Education (MRFA&E) was established to promote motorcycle awareness and education due to an everincreasing rider population. No one is more concerned with rider safety than riders themselves, and obviously those best suited to educate newer riders are veteran riders.

Promote awareness and education in the motorcycle community to improve rider’s safety. Please donate, we are a 501C3 Corporation. Your donation is tax deductible. To donate go to our web site listed at the bottom.

Motorcycle Riders Foundation Awareness & Education (MRFA&E) 1325 G Street NW, Suite 500 Washington, D.C. 20005 (202) 546-0983


July 2016 Board of Directors Minutes

High Country - Moose Lodge #852, 4211 E. Hwy 260, Star Valley Quorum Attendance: At-Large, Deborah Butitta, Present East Valley, Jack Batty, Present High Country, Forrest “Woody” Phillips, Present Phoenix-SM, Clyde Brooks, Present Southern Arizona , Sean Pinder [Chair], Present Yuma, Rick Breadwel, Absent

Guests: Mike Infanzon, Johnny D, Robb Felder, Vic Grady, JR, Nolan Steed, Brad Cosby, Suni Sommers, Daryl McClain

Agenda I. Call to Order, Time: 12:00 I. Pledge of Allegiance – Sgt at Arms II. Prior Meeting Minutes (Waive or Read) – Secretary Jack/Deborah motion to waive reading, accepted as is, MOTION PASSED. III. Report Updates A. President Jim Butsback (absent) B. Treasurer Jim Silk (absent, Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss statements were submitted in advance.) C. Lobbyist <Vacant> Vic set Feb. 15, 2017 for Motorcycle Day at the Dome, Deborah requested that Vic send an email out to ABATE so members can have input or listen to MDATD planning meeting 8/16/16 @ 6:30 p.m. at ABATE office. D. TBFS Joel, “JR”, Rosen, Deborah Butitta wants an itemized Profit & Loss statements from TBFS 2016. 1390 in attendance, no incidents, brought in $50 less than last year, total income $66,987, expenses $39,975 (expenses up about $1,000 over prior year). Profit $25,994. Need to split out membership from Pay Pal, income will decrease. ABATE doesn’t have renters insurance or key man insurance. We’re getting a quote from a biz member. Still have people coming in without paying, walk-throughs from RV park.

Deborah doesn’t think we need a separate checking account if we properly account. It adds additional expense to the Corporation. Jim Silk needs Quick Books training? Sean doesn’t have a problem with a separate checking account. I. New Business Agenda items A. Lobbyist – Mike Infanzon Bio and resume submitted for review and appointment as Designated Lobbyist. Sean thought his bio reflected dedication and was detail oriented. Vic can run MDATD committee and Mike can shadow Vic.

Deborah asked how much time he had to dedicate as D.L. Mike replied at least 1020 hours/week and has time to go to the Capitol. Deborah offered to help as needed.

Woody feels Mike has what it takes to deal with issues and politics, lending leadership and good communication between other involved members.

Deborah made a motion to ratify the Designated Lobbyist position and place him in that position. Jack seconded, all were in favor, MOTION PASSED.


B. Yavapai is back – (928) 237-9029 PO Box 11445, Prescott, AZ 86304-1445 1. Second Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at the Addictions Bar and Grill: 1590 Swenson Street, Prescott, AZ. 2. Clyde Brooks – Coordinator 3. Suni Sommers – Secretary

4. Terri Lucontro –Treasurer

Woody moved that we take Yavapai out of idle status and back to active status effective June 1st, 2016. Jack seconded, all in favor, MOTION PASSED. Jack moved that we move Deborah Butitta from Member at Large B.O.D. rep. to Yavapai Chapter B.O.D. rep., Woody seconded, all in favor, MOTION PASSED. C. AED (Automatic Electronic Defibulator) acquired via Grant/Scholarship for use as TBFS and ABATE events from the Right Care Foundation – Teresa, “Trauma Mama”, McClelland.

D. SB1359 failed to receive a third read, so the MSF was not extended and AMSAC has been discontinued 1. $1 per registration fee will no longer go to Safety efforts of Rider Education and/or Motorcycle Awareness 2. Disposition of treasury balance ($250K) and materials TBD 3. Unsure if AZ still qualifies for SAFETEA-LU Federal grant revenues.

Deborah suggested Jean Cooper work on applying for SAFETEA-LU grant funds through our 501(c)3 org., ABATE Rider’s Advantage “ARA”.

Johnny D stated $250,000 from the expired AMSAC fund went to AMSAF for motorcycle training scholarships. We will be introducing a bill to reinstate the AMSAC fund for Alberto Gutierr’s recommended 3 years extention. Mick Degn is spearheading with Alberto and will ask Karen Fann to sponsor the bill.

E. Proposal to form a PAC entity 527 to enable financial contributions to campaigns of favorable legislators – Johnny D stated we need this to donate $$ to State candidates and legislators that support us. It would need 2 officers minimum; chairman and treasurer, $250 annual fee to AZ State Secretary, need to register with director of elections in Maricopa County, do not have to report donors. Could be named AZ Motorcycle Riders P.A.C. Johnny D is looking for seed $ to pay for PO Box, checking account, will ask for donations at events/meetings, host fundraisers, ask ACMC for donation.

Sean asked for a proposal with costs. Mike Infanzon and Johnny D will present at the Aug. 2nd tele-conference call. Sean said PAC donation should be a budgeted item.

I. Old Business Agenda Items A. Budgets due; 1. East Valley – notifications and follow up? Sean suggested that chapters copy the B.O.D. Chairman and State President when they submit their budgets to the St. Treasurer. Request a read receipt or simply acknowledge receipt by a reply as part of the P&Ps 2. Yuma – submitted, but emails failed to deliver? Still pending.

Sean made a motion to accept E.V. Chapter budget, Clyde seconded, all in favor, MOTION PASSED.

B. Legislative Survey online - Google surveys no cost Woody 1. versus Survey Monkey of $65/mo or $780/yr Woody received 62 responses. Recap will be in next Masterlink.

C. Legislator and Candidate questionnaire 1. Also important to evaluate actual voting record to assess ally or foe 2. Overall Mission and strategies – Johnny D

Woody mailed out questionnaires. We need them by 9/1/16. Will be calling to follow up and request they fax it in. No response will be recorded as such.

Woody is keeping track of costs (his company is donating this year) and will present for a budget item next year.

D. TBFS Competing Quotes for year 2017 - Critical Time Frames (AUG) to begin planning for next year, preferably multi-year contracts. 1. Criteria provided by – JR, private property only 2. Watson Lake – Deborah, 2014 quote re-presented 3. Williams – Jack, got no response from 2 requests to campground and County.

Deborah wants to see higher profit margin, closer hotel accommodations and amenities. Woody mentioned about the limo service High Country Chapter used to shuttle from Wild in the Weeds to Payson, got a Corporate sponsor to keep cost to $5. We could hire Uber drivers.

Mike suggested adding an RV rental amenity, like Sturgis campgrounds.

Possibly have another State event, not replace TBFS as is. Suni from Yavapai mentioned that a Family event would be a good addition

TBFS Committee to ask MLL for a multiyear contract. II. Open Discussion

A. Marketing – The Board of Directors set the long-range goals of the organization (P&Ps). So, can create a plan for future Budgets to support. However, do not want over-step day to day operations of State Officers.

1. Two Gals about PR, etc…Clyde recommended Two Gals to promote ABATE. They need verbiage and articles and goals. Mike Infanzon to request Trauma Mama and Ben Martinez come up with our goal requests (increase membership, safety/awareness) and get a quote from Two Gals.

2. Media (Traditional & Social), Advertising, PSAs, Event Sponsor, Chamber of Commerce, Joint Ventures

I. Next Meetings A. Conference Call TU 02 AUG 2016 at 7:00 PM scheduled (If needed) B. Conference Call TU 06 SEP 2016 at 7:00 PM (If needed) C. Quarterly Regularly Scheduled SU 02 OCT 2016 1:00 PM SAZ - Kettle Restaurant; 748 West Starr Pass Blvd, Tucson, AZ 85713 D. Membership/Elections 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM SA 05 NOV 2016 (Open elections, recess for state, sanction vote) AAIC, 7509 N. 12th St, #200; Phoenix, AZ 85020 E. Conference Call TU 06 DEC 2016 at 7:00 PM (If needed)

F. Quarterly Regularly Scheduled (after Officer Training 10:00 AM – Noon) SA 07 JAN 2017 1:00 PM AAIC, 7509 N. 12th St, #200; Phoenix, AZ 85020 I. Adjourn


2017 ABATE of AZ Legislative Survey Results


2017 Legislative Survey Results are in!

To the left are the results of the 2017 Legislative Survey circulated in the Masterlink and by ABATE chapter PAC officers. The results will be sued to help guide the lobbying efforts of ABATE of AZ as we move into the next legislative year.

To those who participated, thank you for taking an interest. For those who did not, you are letting everyone else make decisions for you. Make sure you do NOT do the same in November when it comes time to vote.


My name is Robert Keith Rice. I go by Keith. I have been a part of A.B.A.T.E. in a few different states since the late 70s. I am interested in starting a new chapter with local motorcycle enthusiasts in and or around Bullhead City, Lake Havasu and Parker. There are alot of motorcycles on this side of the state and I believe if we get the word out and get meetings held we could have a great influx of bikes and new members into A.B.A.T.E. of Arizona. If anyone is interested or

knows anyone in this region interested please contact me.

Keith 938-667-5566 (home) or 938-2160218 (cell), or

I would like to hear from anyone interested. I believe A.B.A.T.E. is the best organization for motorcycle safety, awareness & the protecting of motorcyclist's rights!

US House of Representatives Introduces National Anti-Motorcycle Profiling Resolution

Reprinted from

The first step towards a law prohibiting motorcycle profiling at the national level was introduced in the US House of Representatives on July 13, 2016 and referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary the same day. House Resolution 831 promotes public awareness of motorcycle profiling at a national level and urges state law enforcement officials [in all 50 states] to condemn “motorcycle profiling in written policies and training

materials.” Although resolutions are nonbinding, H. Res. 831 makes motorcycle profiling a national discussion and directs states to condemn the practice. This policy directive to all 50 states will greatly assist the efforts in any state pursuing anti-motorcycle profiling and discrimination legislation. Res. 831 is a direct result of the collaborative efforts of the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF), the National Council of Clubs (NCOC), the Motorcycle Profiling Project (MPP), and the National

Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM). The MRF has taken the lead with feet on the ground in DC demonstrating the value of an established lobbying infrastructure in our nation’s Capitol. The Motorcycle Profiling Project is primarily responsible for policy research, consultation, and substantive analysis. The NCOC is focused on media and public relations at the grassroots and national level. Finally, NCOM has endorsed the unified effort to pass legislation addressing motorcycle profiling at the national level.

Res. 831 represents the first time that these organizations have explicitly collaborated on a federal initiative. In terms of discrimination, motorcyclists, motorcycle rights organizations and motorcycle clubs have far more in common than differences.

action. The NCOC coordinated with its membership in Kansas and Missouri and quickly formulated a plan of action.

July 1, 2016

Every motorcyclist concerned about the issue should contact their US House of Representatives urging them to cosponsor and or support H. Res. 831.

Big Win: QuikTrip Fires KC Police Officer For Threatening 1%’ers

Reprinted from

A recent incident involving an off duty police officer captured on video threatening members of 1% clubs with false arrest for trespassing, while working as a security guard at a QuikTrip gas station in Kansas City, mobilized the National Council of Clubs (NCOC) membership in Missouri and Kansas resulting in a significant victory for clubs in the region. Following a press release and official inquiries to the corporation and the KCPD, QuikTrip has renounced the actions of this off duty officer, released him from employment as a security

guard, and clarified its policy of inclusion to all security guard personnel. This success in Kansas City is a recent example of how effective a mobilized grassroots movement like the National Council of Clubs can be and how to develop a pattern of evidence necessary for legislative relief.

A Mobilized Grassroots Response

A member of the Sons of Silence Motorcycle Club was cognizant enough to videotape the prejudicial actions of off duty officer Marchant the night of June 25th. This member immediately forwarded the video to the NCOC for review and

First, a statement describing the incident and released along with the video was published on and forwarded to local media outlets, the QuikTrip corporation, and the KCPD. Second, the Region II NCOC spokesperson then drafted a letter of inquiry to QuikTrip corporate and formally requested QuikTrip’s official policy regarding customers that are members of 1% motorcycle clubs and a request to clarify that policy to security personnel.

Chet Cadieux, CEO OuikTrip Coporation 4705 South 129th Street Tulsa, Oklahoma 74134


I’m writing today to report multiple occurrences of a disturbing nature happening at your location at I-435 and Front Street in Kansas City, Missouri.

continued page 18



One of our long time members Jimmy "Maverick" Clark has passed away. Jimmy was undergoing a routine medical procedure and went into cardiac arrest and could not be saved. Our sincere condolences go out to his family.

Many of you knew Maverick both here in Tucson where he was a long time member and officer of the Southern Arizona Chapter and after he moved up to the valley in Phoenix. Jimmy worked on the ABATE Riders Advantage program as well as many other programs for ABATE. Jim was born Sept 5th, 1962 and passed June 22nd, 2016.

In Loving Memory - Jimmy Vincent “Maverick” Clark


yesterday can play a critical role in the decision making behind determining the specifics of the Council. ===========================

June 21, 2016 Facts Instead of Fiction on Michigan's Helmet Law Modification

In recent weeks, many advocates of mandatory helmet laws have attacked Michigan’s ADULT CHOICE motorcycle helmet law passed in 2012. In these “reports” the claim is that 40% of riders in fatal crashes were not wearing helmets which means 60% of riders were wearing helmets. More riders died wearing a helmet than without. The real problem is UNENDORSED MOTORCYCLE RIDERS.

Every year since 1989 (a total of 26 years) when Michigan started keeping track of this data, 40% OR MORE of the motorcycle riders did not have a motorcycle endorsement and, were thus, riding illegally. In 2013 and 2015 that number reached 57% or nearly 3 out of 5 riders involved in fatal accidents, according to Michigan’s Office of Highway Safety Planning (OHSP).

ABATE of Michigan President Vince Consiglio stated, “With the extended riding season and the outrageously high number of unlicensed riders, it is unacceptable and cannot be tolerated. Why are motorcycle riders allowed to get insurance without an endorsement?”

Additional claims are taken out of context and show a lack of integrity in their reporting. The claim that there was a 23% increase in motorcycle fatalities from 2014 to 2015 is misleading since they do not state that 2014 had the lowest number of motorcycle fatalities in ten years while 2015 had the highest number. The helmet law faction claims “The very low figure in 2014 appears to be an anomaly.” Thus the truth, buried in their report is that 2015 was normal.

ABATE Statistician, Vince Piacenti, finds this “cherry-picking” of data to falsely represent motorcycle safety records to be unprofessional. He added, “Comparing a high year with a low year is not statistically valid.”

The objective of ABATE of Michigan has and will always be to promote motorcycle safety and car driver awareness programs in Michigan. Legislative Coordinator Jim Rhoades said, “ABATE has initiated and

News from the MRF (cont)

helped pass four separate bills in the last four years aimed at the issue of unendorsed riders and motorcycle safety and awareness. The helmet law question is an adult freedom issue.”

The insurance industry continually hammers motorcycle riders on Michigan Catastrophic Claims Association (MCCA) coverage which ALL motorcycle riders are required to pay for. The fact is that motorcycle riders are NOT covered in a catastrophic accident unless the incident involves an auto or truck. There is no coverage in a single vehicle accident, if another motorcycle is involved, or if a cyclist hits a deer or other animal.

Motorcyclists represent approximately 5% of the catastrophic costs to the insurance industry while injured pedestrians and bicyclists use more than three times for medical costs and do not pay anything into the MCCA.

ABATE of Michigan, Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the rights and promoting the safe operating practices of all Michigan motorcyclists.

ABATE has partnered with public schools and private drivers schools to teach more than 80,000 new drivers about motorcycle awareness, using resources donated by ABATE members. ===========================

June 30, 2016 The ‘Connected’ Motorcycle & its Place in Future Technology

WASHINGTON, DC – As cities around the nation continue to experience increases in commute times, accidents, and fatalities, we are seeing more policymakers turn to technology as a potential solution. Over the next thirty years, America’s population is projected to grow by 70 million people. What that does to congestion alone has many in Washington considering the potential impacts of a fully integrated transportation infrastructure to solve transportation problems and improve public transit in the long run. One sect of the population not immediately thought of, but is undoubtedly effected is motorcyclists.

In December 2015, the U.S. Secretary of Transportation launched the Smart City Challenge—a national competition to implement bold, data-driven ideas that demonstrate the use of advanced data and intelligent transportation systems technologies. Almost 80 cities responded and drafted plans detailing holistic visions as

to how technology can help city residents get from place to place more easily and with less traffic. The prize for the best blueprint went to Columbus, OH who won a $40-million-dollar grant from the Department of Transportation. However, absent from Ohio’s plans was anything addressing motorcyclists. In reviewing the seven finalist cities for the initiative, it appears that none of these addressed motorcyclists and their role on the road. Bicyclists and mass transit including busses, shuttles and trolleys, self-driving cars, and new traffic-related applications for smartphones were all included in potential city plans and yet none of the finalists considered motorcycles in their campaigns.

Interestingly, across the pond in Europe, at the Intelligent Transportation Systems World Congress that took place in France last year, the European motorcycle industry took a major step towards connecting technology and motorcyclists when three major motorcycle manufacturers announced the launch of a Connected Motorcycle Consortium (CMC), to further the development of CooperativeIntelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) applications in motorized two-wheelers. Representatives from BMW Motorrad, Honda, and Yamaha all participated in Europe’s new consortium believing it would accelerate the development of connected motorcycles and scooters helping to address traffic and safety in years to come.

Though in the U.S. there are individual programs and initiatives addressing technology and motorcycles, there are few and far between and are typically found at universities. It’s unclear to what degree U.S. domestic motorcycle manufacturers are involved with these projects. Nor is it clear whether the U.S. Department of Transportation intends to prioritize or even view motorcyclists as a player in achieving a fully integrated transportation infrastructure. With motorcycle ridership increasing (growing from 3,826,373 in 1997 to 8,404,687 in 2013), it’s a community that cannot, and should not, be ignored. ============================ July 6, 2016 June’s Supreme Court Decision & Motorcycle Profiling

WASHINGTON, DC– As many Americans are recovering from 4th of July festivities – unpacking their picnic baskets, traveling back home after a long weekend, or putting their red, white and


blue away until Labor Day. So it’s ironic that a week prior to the day that millions of Americans celebrated their freedom and independence, the Supreme Court made a major ruling that affects your Fourth Amendment rights as an American.

In late June, the Supreme Court finished out its current term by making rulings on a number of major cases. Though arguably, access to abortions generated the most media coverage, another decision was made that didn’t generate much media attention, but affects Fourth Amendment rights against unreasonable searches and seizures and probable cause. Specifically, the decision in the Utah v. Strieff case could impact the issue of profiling in America. An Anonymous Tip

In 2006 in Utah, a white male who left someone’s home and was walking to his car in a parking lot was stopped by law enforcement and told to remain there. The detective wanted to know what was going on inside the house after receiving an anonymous tip. While Strieff waited, the officer discovered that Strieff had an outstanding arrest warrant for a traffic violation. As a result, Strieff was searched and drug paraphernalia was discovered in his pockets. Strieff was then charged with drug-related offenses. The problem with this scenario is that Strieff was stopped without reasonable suspicion. And according to the constitution, when police illegally stop an individual on the street without reasonable suspicion, any fruits of that stop—such as the discovery of illegal drugs—may not be used in court, because the stop was “unreasonable seizure” under the Fourth Amendment.

However, the Supreme Court ruled 5-3 that the evidence obtained during the event in Utah could be used in court. Again, up until this case, law enforcement had to cite a reason for stopping the person. To detain someone, you had to have reasonable suspicion that a crime was being committed or was about to be committed. That fell aside with this decision, because the court found that if an officer illegally stops an individual then discovers an arrest warrant—even for an incredibly minor crime, like a traffic violation—the stop is then legitimized, and any evidence seized can be used in court. Connection to Motorcycle Profiling

continued page 15



QuikTrip Fires KC Police Officer For Threatening 1%’ers (cont.)

On at least two recent occasions, individuals who happen to be members of 1%er motorcycle clubs have visited this location to purchase fuel and other sundries from your convenience store. These individuals have visited this particular store on a regular basis for this purpose in the past. In fact, one of them reports that he stops by this store every night on his way to work to purchase a cold soda pop to take to work with him.

On the two occasions that have been reported to me, an off-duty Kansas City, Missouri Police Department officer, named Officer [Marchant] (Badge Number 1706), who was apparently working as a security guard approached these individuals as soon as they arrived and ordered them off the property, saying that 1%ers weren’t allowed to patronize the store. The officer gave no reason for ordering them from the property except to say that they were on private property and, as long as KCMOPD officers were present, were trespassing.

I am not aware that QuikTrip Corporation has announced a policy of refusing the business of 1%er motorcycle club members. Certainly, there was no indication that 1%ers weren’t welcome at your Front Street location on the occasions I mentioned above; there were no signs that stated as such or even that motorcycle club colors weren’t allowed. When questioned, the clerks who were on duty at the store stated they had no problem with these individuals’ presence on the property. The only indication of any problem was Officer [Marchant’s] insistence that they were trespassing.

Over the past several years, various federal district and appellate courts have ruled that by identifying with particular groups and wearing clothing that identifies the wearer as a member, citizens are exercising rights of free speech and assembly guaranteed by the US Constitution. By employing individuals in security positions who profile motorcycle club members and single them out for special treatment, QuikTrip Corporation is complicit in violations of their

Constitutional rights.

Please help me out here: Does QuikTrip have a policy that members of 1%er motorcycle clubs aren’t allowed to patronize QT locations? If that is the case, I’ll be sure to publicize this policy so as to insure motorcycle club members know they aren’t welcome on QT property. This includes a significant number of big truck drivers within our community— not just within the Kansas City area but across the Midwest and Southern states— who regularly purchase fuel at QT locations. Several who I have personally spoken with stated that, if this is the policy of your company, they will be sure to avoid any QT location going forward.

We only seek to be allowed to exercise our Constitutionally guaranteed rights as any other American can. Of course, we respect the right of QuikTrip to put in place whatever policies are legal and the company believes are appropriate on its private property. I respectfully ask that, if a prohibition on motorcycle club members is in fact in effect at your locations, you clarify this policy so we may be sure to comply. On the other hand, if Officer [Marchant] is mistaken and is acting outside of QT policy and procedures, I’d ask that you review security policies and make appropriate adjustments. Respectfully, Brian P. Cohoon Spokesperson Region II, National Council of Motorcycle of Clubs

cc: Terry Williams, Division Sales Manager, Kansas City Area

Finally, a member of the Mongols Motorcycle Club who owns a trucking company informally reached out to another QuikTrip location in Missouri that his company regularly does business with. A member of the Mongols MC was also threatened with false arrest for trespassing by officer Marchant on June 12th. The amount of fuel sold to motorcyclists involved in the trucking industry in the Kansas City area is significant.

This member’s informal inquiries were intended to determine whether this incident was isolated to one location or prevalent at other QuikTrips.

The results of the NCOC’s coordinated efforts generated near immediate results.

A Win For Motorcyclists, Club Members and 1%’ers.

Initially, the manager of the other location writes to the Mongols MC member that informally inquired:

“Wanted you to know that this officer is no longer working security for any QT stores – so sorry for the mistreatment of your friends and family – we highly value your business and respect.”

Although not an official policy statement, this was the first result of mobilized action. On July 8th, the first official communication from QuikTrip corporate was received and strongly echoed the informal response.A True 1%’er Although law enforcement falsely describes a 1%’er as an individual proudly displaying criminality, the individual that took the video of officer Marchant’s threats truly demonstrates what a 1%’er is really all about.

A 1%’er stands his ground. A 1%’er is not afraid of being arrested based on idiotic and unconstitutional threats. A 1%’er is absolutely committed to the idea that we should all be free from abusive authority and social control. A 1%’er epitomizes a freedom fighter and the struggle against an emerging police state that operates by imposing fear and intimidation on innocent people. A 1%’er stands up for the basic liberties embodied in the 1st Amendment and the right to express this commitment to his brotherhood even when confronted by an authority figure attempting to illegally and unjustly discriminate. A 1%’er will be the first one to say “fuck off” when it needs to be said. A 1%’er commits to a life of loyalty, honor, respect for oneself and ones brotherhood and will not back down from that commitment.

Most people are too mentally weak and ethically compromised to be a true 1%’er. Most people would not risk their freedom or their lives to stand up for themselves or their community in the face of abusive police action. This 1%’er has integrity, intelligence, and foresight. And this 1%’er acted like a real man with confidence. as opposed to the intellectually and morally bankrupt officer Marchant. Conclusions

These results should be considered a significant victory. Although the KCPD has not officially responded, officer Marchant being relieved of his position as a security guard at all QuikTrip locations is a win for motorcyclists and motorcycle clubs in the Midwest region. Moreover, an official statement from QuikTrip welcoming all motorcyclists, including 1%’ers, cuts against an inaccurate and vilified stereotype that motivated officer Marchant’s discriminatory mindset in the first place. As the pattern of evidence continues to build, the necessity for legislation addressing motorcycle profiling at the state and federal level becomes self evident.


This should raise red flags for some in the motorcycle community who have already begun to voice concerns about being at greater risk of being stopped arbitrarily by law enforcement. The issue of profiling and motorcyclists has started to gain traction after a law in Maryland was passed in May addressing the issue. Washington passed a similar bill in 2011.

How the Supreme Court’s decision will play out has yet to be determined, but it certainly sparks questions about the Fourth Amendment going forward.

You can read the Supreme Court Decision here: pdf/14-1373_83i7.pdf


July 15, 2016 Presidential Candidate Donald Trump

News from the MRF (cont)

Names Motorcyclist Governor Mike Pence as Running Mate

WASHINGTON, DC – Speculation on who would be Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s possible VicePresident pick grew to a fever pitch this week. All eyes were on Indiana when candidate Donald Trump made a pair of visits to the Hoosier state earlier in the week. The first was a standard fundraiser but the second event was a rally where inquiring minds waited for a possible announcement of Trump’s VicePresidential pick. They were rewarded on Friday when it was announced via twitter that Governor Mike Pence would indeed round out the Republican presidential ticket. Speculation on Governor Pence as a running mate grew as rumors of a series of private meeting between the Governor and Trump persisted over the last several days.

Perhaps one of the groups most excited about the announcement are motorcyclists from the state. During his tenure in office, Governor Pence has been a supporter of motorcycle rights, working directly with ABATE of Indiana (American Bikers Aimed Toward Education) and receiving a personalized basic rider training course arranged by the group’s Executive Director, Jay Jackson. “I think Governor Pence saw the strong connection his predecessor, former Governor Mitch Daniels, had with the motorcycling community. He saw the value in engaging this group because they are politically active, passionate about their cause and most importantly, they show up to vote!” Jackson stated. Governor Pence rides on a bike several times a year participating in the Ride with the Governor event which brings awareness to motorcycle safety in the Hoosier State and raises funds for the Indiana National Guard Relief Fund. He also has


participated in other charity rides as well as served as an escort to bikers passing through the state on their way to the nation’s capital for the Rolling Thunder motorcycle rally in Washington, D.C. First Lady Karen Pence has also started to show an interest in riding, indicating a desire to ride with her husband in upcoming events.

Though what will ultimately happen in November with the Presidential Election is anybody’s guess. National polls change almost daily sometimes showing Hillary Clinton in the lead and sometimes Donald Trump. Nonetheless, some motorcyclists from the state are excited about the possibility of a motorcycle rights supporter as Vice-President. “Who knows?” Jackson said, “Maybe this time next year we’ll hold the nation’s first ever ‘Ride with the Vice-President’ event.”

Too Broke for Sturgis 2016 People and Bike Game Results, as Best We can Recall.

Hosted by-Don and Lisa Withey, TV Bob, Gimpy, Jeremy, Jack Batty, Jean, Clydeman, "Navy" Mike Rudd, Nolan and Thomas Bishop Automotive.

PEOPLE GAMES Men’s Helmet Toss- 29 participants, came down to a 5 way tie with 2 in. Then a 4 way tie, all with 2 in, then the toss off between Danna Campbell and Jeff Schops with Jeff throwing for the win. Woman’s Helmet Toss-19 participants, 8 way playoffs with 2 in, then 2 with 2 in and Karen Gregory throwing all 3 in for the win.

Plank Walk- 8 Teams to start. [The most ever Folks, thanks] The Winner was Team 4.

Nathan Riddle, Kenny Jackson, Shelby, Brandy Jedrysek

Tug-O-War – Woman’s Team Winners Dawn West, Michelle Hill, Rhonda Wilke, Gynni Giebel Men’s Team Winners-Wolfskin and M&M Cycles, Jubel Dean Mike Lyon Reds Clark Postal.

Pole in the Hole- 3 heats of 4 with Kim Davies and Kristina Womboldt poking it for the win. Bike Games

Slow Race-With 33 participants the race came down to two riders, Wayne Slocum and Postal with Wayne falling behind for the win.

Jousting 32 Riders- 6 3in. Rings-only two couples got all 6 then we went on to the 2 1/2in rings with Rob and Krista sticking it for the Gold. Thanks to Gypsy for coming on the Field and participating and thanks to Rob and Krista for sharing the award.

Ball Drop-23 Riders [thanks Wayne for fixin’ the pipe]-After 6 trips past the poles and 3 adjustments the winners agreed to a tie with Rob and Krista and Read Riot Act to share the Glory.

Weenie Bite-20 Riders- The longest bite goes to Tamalyn and Gunner of the ever famous Read Riot Act. Honorable Mention to Ben and Trauma Momma for a very close second. Any closer and there would've been a Bite Off.

I would like to thank all the fine folks who played the games with us this year. You guys make the fun we just provide the setting. I have seen many of the same faces for years return again and again. [R.I.P. Rat] I’ve been doing this for 20 years plus after taking over from the original Game Masters of Too Broke and it just keeps getting better and better. Camping, Comaraderie, and Competition! This is the real heart of an Old School Biker Run. ABATE of Arizona needs your support to continue the quest to be Free and Ride how and where we want. Join today and have a voice. WHAT SAY YOU? Ride Fast and Take Chances, Clydeman Questions and comments? Send to

Arlen Ness Recognized For Lifetime Achievement Honors

Already a Sturgis Museum Hall of Fame member circa 1992, Arlen Ness was a unanimous choice to receive the first Lifetime Achievement honors.

“Arlen truly is the ‘Godfather’ of the custom bike movement,” says Sturgis Motorcycle Museum and Hall Of Fame Executive Director Myrick Robbins. “No one has done more to influence the look of what a custom motorcycle is.” Victory Motorcycles also recognizes Arlen’s achievements and is honored to be part of

the induction ceremonies this year.

“Victory Motorcycles has worked with Arlen Ness for many years now,” says Rod Krois, General Manager of Victory Motorcycles. “Early on the designers and he helped to create the now iconic Arlen Ness editions of several different models. Arlen has always been the head of his time, and we are proud to be the presenting sponsor at this important event.” Inaugurated this year, The Lifetime

Achievement award was established by the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame Board of Directors to honor those who have greatly contributed to the world of motorcycling and have been recognized by many of the leading motorcycle related organizations, their peers and the general riding community. “There is no more recognizable and recognized figure than Arlen in the world of custom motorcycles,” adds Robbins. “Given their close working relationship, it is awesome that Victory Motorcycles has stepped up

as the presenting sponsor!”

As innovative and influential as Ness has been to the motorcycle industry, the contributions he and his fellow Hamsters club members have made to local charities over the years, including Children’s Care Hospital & School Foundation and LifeScape Children’s Care of Rapid City,

continued page 16

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Arlen Ness Recognized (cont.)

are equally important.

“The Sturgis Museum’s charter is twofold, in addition to honoring individuals we want to pay tribute to the heritage of the Sturgis Rally,” Robbins explains. “Arlen and the Hamsters have made a lasting mark on the Sturgis Rally and the surrounding communities.” In the past 11 years, more than $2 million has been raised by the group. Arlen Ness also established the process for how all future honorees will be determined: The board members, executive museum staff and special committees of the museum present nominations to the board members, it’s president and officers. Each nominee is then reviewed and voted on by the board of directors to come to a majority decision on who will become the recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award. “It is fitting that he will be the first recipient and epitomize what this honor really means.”

“Legend has it that Arlen really missed his calling as a pro bowler,” Robbins says. “It is true he used his earnings from bowling to buy his first motorcycle.” In 1967, Arlen found an old Knucklehead for sale for $300 and bought it with money he won bowling. He didn’t know how to ride, so a friend had to ride the bike home for him. In between riding lessons, Arlen stripped the bike down and began experimenting with his spray gun. Soon there was a growing list of people asking Arlen if he could do a nice paint job like that on their bikes. In 1970, Arlen and his wife Beverly opened their first store. Arlen kept his day job and worked on bikes at night. One year later Arlen quit his day job and began concentrating on his passion for custom motorcycles… and create a dynasty. The Ness custom family now includes son Cory and Grandson Zach making them the only three generation family of custom builders.Bowling’s loss has become the motorcycle industry’s gain!

“Join Victory Motorcycles and the Sturgis Museum in honoring Arlen Ness and the entire Class of 2016,” says Robbins. The 2016 Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame 2016 Induction Breakfast will be August 10, 2016 at the Lodge at Deadwood in Deadwood, South Dakota. Breakfast tickets are available for a $35 donation, tables of eight for $300. Tickets are available by calling the Museum at 605.347.2001 or they can be purchased online at: -fame-breakfast.

The Class Of 2016 The 2016 inductees into the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum Hall of Fame represent every aspect of what makes motorcycling great. One of the most diverse groups ever inducted into the Hall of Fame, the Class of 2016 will be honored during the annual Rally on August 10, 2016.

Bert Baker – V-Twin motorcycle drivetrain innovator, businessman and patriot, Bert Baker is committed to using materials, labor, creativity, know how and grit born of America. Jerry Covington – Whether it is on TV or the cover of virtually every biker magazine in the world, it is hard to miss custom builder Jerry Covington. What does get overlooked is Covington’s behind the scenes commitment to the motorcycle community, his selfless donation of time and resources to those less fortunate through has various charity projects. John Penton – One of the most influential figures in off-road motorcycling in the world, John Penton developed a legendary brand of motorcycles that bore his name (better known as KTM today). He also founded Hi-Point, an accessory and distribution company that had 50% of aftermarket sales in the U.S. and set the mold for modern distribution powerhouses. Gary Spellman – Using motorcycle as means to further charitable causes, philanthropist Gary Spellman has been quite



Arlen Ness Recognized (cont.)

effective in utilizing motorcycles to raise money for charities benefiting first responders and their surviving families. He has also brought major business owners into the family of motorcyclists as well as creating the Peace, Love and Happiness Charity Ride with fellow Hall Of Famer John Paul Dejoria. Buddy Stubbs – Talk about being born

into the business, Buddy Stubbs was raised in his father’s Harley dealership in Decatur, Illinois and has spent his entire life in and around dealerships, including opening two of his own in the greater Phoenix area. This year marks his 50th year as a dealer and more significantly an ambassador to the motorcycle lifestyle.

Indian Motorcycle Recall

Indian Motorcycle is recalling certain model year 2014-2016 Chief Classic, Dark Horse, Chieftain, Roadmaster, Vintage, Springfield, and Chieftain Dark Horse motorcycles manufactured April 15, 2013, to June 16, 2015. In the event of an engine misfire, unburned fuel may pass through parts of the exhaust system, raising the exhaust temperatures.

Elevated exhaust temperatures may result in an increased risk of fire. Indian will notify owners, and dealers will update the

engine control module (ECM) software, free of charge. The recall is expected to begin in July 2016. Owners may contact Indian customer service at 1-877-2043697. Indian’s number for this recall is I16-02.

Owners may also contact the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Vehicle Safety Hotline at 1-888-327-4236 (TTY 1-800-424-9153), or go to

House Roster

Senate Roster


Rider Ed Courses in AZ

Locations Zip County Email Phone Site Website City Motorcycle Rider PHOENIX 85012 MARICOPA Click Here (623) 979-1839 View Training RIDE SMART M/C PHOENIX 85023 MARICOPA Click Here (623) 877-5425 View TRAINING T.E.A.M. Arizona GILBERT 85233 MARICOPA Click Here (480) 998-9888 View Chandler/Gilbert GILBERT PUBLIC View GILBERT 85234 MARICOPA (480) 894-0404 SCHOOLS (PARKING LOT) T.E.A.M. Arizona View SCOTTSDALE 85260 MARICOPA Click Here (480) 998-9888 Scottsdale CHANDLER View TEMPE 85283 MARICOPA (480) 496-6800 HARLEYDAVIDSON T.E.A.M. Arizona View GLENDALE 85302 MARICOPA Click Here (623) 939-9888 Glendale DEER VALLEY View GLENDALE 85308 MARICOPA (623) 247-5542 HIGH SCHOOL LUKE AIR FORCE (623) 975-6264 LUKE AFB 85309 MARICOPA BASE Motorcycle Rider PEORIA 85345 MARICOPA Click Here (623) 979-1839 View Training VEHICLE SAFETY View YUMA 85367 YUMA Click Here (928) 376-7489 INSTITUE FT T.E.A.M. Arizona 85613 COCHISE Click Here (520) 733-9888 View HUACHUCA Sierra Vista Pima Community View TUCSON 85707 PIMA (520) 206-3981 College T.E.A.M. Arizona View TUCSON 85714 PIMA Click Here (520) 733-9888 Tucson RIDE NAZ -View BELLEMONT 86015 COCONINO (928) 443-0111 FLAGSTAFF Ride Northern View PRESCOTT 86301 YAVAPAI Click Here (928) 443-0111 Arizona - Prescott T.E.A.M. Arizona PRESCOTT 86301 YAVAPAI Click Here (928) 771-2500 View Prescott MOHAVE View KINGMAN 86401 MOHAVE (928) 757-0825 COMMUNITY COLLEGE LAKE MOHAVE (928) 505-3321 View HAVASU 86403 MOHAVE COMMUNITY CITY COLLEGE MOHAVE JB'S 86440 MOHAVE Click Here (866) 668-6462 View VALLEY RESTAURANT

ATTENTION - ALL RIDERS: =======================

It has come to our attention that business establishments in Arizona may still be discriminating against motorcyclists. Please carry copies of this form with you at all times. Discrimination can range from a sign stating "No Colors" or "No Motorcycle Parking" or "No Motorcycle Attire" etc., to simply being asked to leave a place of business, just because you are on a motorcycle or because of your riding apparel. If anything like this happens to you, PLEASE fill out this form in its entirety and send it to the address noted. Your lobbyists cannot get sponsorship for "equal access" legislation, without evidence of this type of discrimination. Documentation of Discrimination DATE: ______________

Business Phone _______________

NAME OF ESTABLISHMENT: __________________________________ BUSINESS PHONE (with area code): __________________________________ BUSINESS - FULL ADDRESS: ___________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ NAME / POSITION OF PERSON ENFORCING POLICY: ________________ ________________________________________________________ WRITTEN STATEMENT OF DISCRIMINATION (use back if needed): _____ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ YOUR NAME (please print): ______________________________________ YOUR PHONE (with area code): __________________________________ YOUR SIGNATURE: ____________________________________________ *** INCLUDE ANY PICTURES OF DISCRIMINATING SIGNS POSTED *** Mail To: Ray Fitzgerald 1634 West Pine Cone Way Prescott, Arizona 86303


Important Phone Numbers

Aid to Injured Motorcyclists - A.I.M. - (800) 521-2425 24-Hr. Legal Assistance for all accidents

Aid to Incarcerated Motorcyclists A.I.M. - (800) 235-2424 24-Hr. Legal Criminal Defense National Legislative Hot Line - (800) 300-NCOM 24-Hr. Motorcycle Legislative Alerts

National Coalition of Motorcyclists NCOM- (800) 525-5355 Fighting for Bikers Rights Confederation of Clubs. - (800) 531-2424 Motorcycle Clubs Fighting Against Discrimination Motorcycle Riders Foundation Washington D.C. Office (202) 546-0983

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could be here... It’s Free to ABATE Members. submit your ad online at


Custom Motorcycle Builders Mix with Fans at Exclusive Charity Breakfast

Custom motorcycle enthusiasts have a rare opportunity to join renowned U.S. and international custom builders and industry luminaries for a meet and greet to benefit educational scholarships during the second annual Flying Piston Charity Breakfast at the Sturgis Buffalo Chip®.

Builders displaying in the Buffalo Chip’s 2016 Motorcycles As Art Exhibition, curated by Michael Lichter, will gather with other invited top-name builders to shake hands, sign autographs and pose for pictures with fans and friends.

The event, organized by The Flying Piston and sponsored by Jekill & Hyde Exhaust and Yelvinton Cycles, takes place Sunday, Aug. 7 beginning at 9:30 a.m. at the Big Engine Bar in the Chip’s free-access CrossRoads.

Ticket holders will also enjoy a catered breakfast and a silent auction of selected items autographed by the builders, plus the chance to meet the Chip’s own Rod “Woody” Woodruff, photographer Michael Lichter and special surprise guests.

Guests will have the opportunity to visit with the likes of Bill Dodge, Eddie Trotta, Paul Cox, Roland Sands, Kevin Baas, Aki Sakamoto, Jeff Cochran, and many more to get the inside scoop on their one-off customs in this year’s exhibition. Cycle Source Editor Chris Callen and Hot Bike Editor Jeff Holt have bikes in the exhibit and will be on hand. A limited number of builder breakfast tickets are on sale now for $20 each at onBreakfast. All proceeds benefit


the Buffalo Chip’s Scholarship Fund established to help high school graduates and U.S. military veterans pursue motorcycling as a career. Silent auction items are provided by Harley-Davidson Footwear, Revere Seats, Artist Darren McKeag, Low Brow Artist Atomic Bob, Aeromach, Cycle Source, Jekill & Hyde and others. For sponsor information or to donate auction items contact: Marilyn Stemp, 828-205-8482,

Would you like to receive The Masterlink digitally? It is posted monthly on the ABATE website - Opt out of the receiving the The Masterlink? Please contact the ABATE Office if you would like to no longer receive a hard copy of The Masterlink. 480-256-9237 or

1997 Kawasaki Vulcan 800 Classic


43K miles, Lowered 1-1/2 inches in the rear, K&N air intake kit, Vance & Hines Straightshot exhaust, very loud, 60 HP and 50LBS torque, lots of tread left on Metzler tires, Also includes bike cover, windshield and mounting hardware, service manual, extra saddlebag, lots of extra parts, one half-helmet, find pics on $2900 - 602-367-9524

2009 HD Sportster 1200 Low style.

like new with 5000 miles, kept in AC garage, Stage 1 kit with Vance and Hines shorties, forward foot controls, all service down by Chester's in Mesa. Limited HD factory root beer brown color. $7500 obo. call or text 480-338-1965 in Gilbert AZ. For pictures email to;

Your Classified Ad

could be here... It’s Free to ABATE Members. submit your ad online at For sale 2012 Subculture hard tail

93 Soft tail engine and transmission in rigid frame, big cam, S&S super E carb, 8mm 1 3/4belt primary, chain final drive. 200-17 rear wheel , 21 front, wide glide front end, black lowers. Much more - 602-300-4115 2004 Waltz Hardcore special constructed soft tail Custom Chopper, Vin # AZ262741, Vehicle is garage kept, and customized. Chopper has a 145 Horse Power TP polished Engine, a 3" Primary and 6 speed Transmission. The Vehicle is built on a Waltz Hardcore Soft Tail Frame. All sheet metal work, paint job is Custom. Custom Chrome wheels and brand new Tires. All Mechanical components are in good working order. Engine runs awesome. Has less than 4000 miles. This baby is worth way more than I'm asking! Just need money now! Waltz Hardcore Frame $6,500, TP 124" Cubic Inch Polished Engine $7,500 3" Open Primary and 6 speed Transmission $3,000, Custom Sheet metal Work $3,000 Custom Paint $3,000, Wheels & Tires $2,500, Progressive Airtail Suspension, Brakes, Starter, Charging System, $4,000, Labor $4,500 Asking $18,999 obo, For more information call or text @ (480) 385-8947


I have your year Softail-- 1984.1 owner, 1st yr. Softail, 1st yr. Evolution Kick and electric start PLUS all orginal parts. $9,500 Call 970-420-6675

One-Piece DayTripper motorcycle seat

New - never used - In box Retails for $359 model 76189 fits Honda VT 750 Spirit 2001-2006 & VT 750DC 2007-2009. The detailed stitch work in the highly durable, synthetic glove-leather makes the DayTripper a show winner. $150.00 Call Bob @ 602-463-0544

AzTech Flatbed Trailer (Car/ATV Hauler) $2200 obo 2008 STS Cadillac for sale, 23K miles $28,000 obo Call 928-718-6296 Cell 928-716-7289

FINALLY!! A motorcycle themed paperback book for the young reader. The Adventures of Olive Pearl and Hammy Davidson features Olive Pearl; a green and black motorcycle and Hamrietta (Hammy) Davidson her stuffed piggy passenger. They experience the joy of motorcycling on a 1700-mile road trip to meet new people, see new things, and learn life lessons along the way. Their adventures are wrapped inside the love story of husband and wife characters, “The Man” and “The Lady”. Sprinkled throughout with pictures, social observations, and humor, adults will also enjoy reading this story to younger children and are sure to get a laugh or two themselves. Get more info and place an order at: Let’s Ride!!

2000 HD Custom (623) 374-5510 $15K OBO Motorcycle Hearse

COPD diagnosis forces SALE! $50,000.00 visit this website to view complete set of equipment. Equipment included: 1999 Harley Davidson Road King Trike (6045 miles) modified with reverse gear & fifth wheel hitch, detachable 18th Century styled Hearse Carriage, full size casket with full cover flag, cherry wood Urn Ark with panoramic glass & folding stand, Encased Memorial Flag, 2007 22ft. flatbed transportation trailer with winds/bug shield, Honor Flags, pre-printed magnetic Carriage name plates & misc office supplies. Call Bill or Phyllis 623-386-8281

2006 H-D Dyna Street Bob 11,000 miles, $22,000 invested, selling for $16,000. Contact Pete @ (602) 315-6950 FOR SALE:

2008 Harley Davidson Road Glide- 6,240 miles-lowering kit-travel packageAM/FM/WB/CD- 6 speed-Dark Blue Pearl-Corbin Solo and Stock Seat- asking $17,000. e-mail serious inquiries to:

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