The Masterlink - December 2016

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A publication supporting the rights, safety and freedom of all motorcyclists through education and legislation

December 2016


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and the winner is...

ABATE of AZ. 7509 N. 12th St, #200 Phoenix, AZ 85020

Mike Infanzon ABATE of AZ Designated Lobbyist

The election is over. So many Americans have weighed in on the subject of politics this election cycle. Unfortunately it got really nasty with all the mud-slinging and name calling. If you vote for (insert candidate name) you must be (defamatory name) or anti- (insert group name). I watched on election night so many campaigns either celebrating with their candidate or crying. Then come the protests. Riots, property damage, physical assaults. All because a candidate did not win the election. My wife and 13-year old daughter were discussing this after-election response. My daughter gets it. She said, “they lost. They need to deal with it and not act like a baby.” That got me to thinking. Who are the real winners and losers in the elections? The Real Winners From the beginning of this election cycle

almost eighteen months ago, so many Americans worked feverishly to help elect their candidate or get their prop passed. I witnessed young Americans working beside older Americans towards a common goal. The goal spanned the generational gap so many feel is too wide to breach. I saw millenials working with Baby Boomers and both listening to each others thoughts and opinions. That my friends, is a huge step forward in this country. To have our younger generation stepping up for something they believe in is HUGE! My grandfather used to say “I’ll light a fire under your butt”. Well the fire is lit for this next generation. Let us harness this and fan the flame for freedom. The polls got it all wrong. The blue collar working folks spoke loud. They are sick and tired of being spoke down to and they spoke back in the voting booth. Most of us are blue collar. It doesn’t matter if you are a doctor, lawyer or accountant. It doesn’t matter if you are a construction worker, plumber or ditch digger. The blue collar principles of hard work is prevalent throughout the ABATE membership and motorcyclist community at large. We need to capture this momentum and let the politicians hear us. And that we will never be silenced again. The Real Losers There are those who believe that because of this election cycle, democracy as we know it is dead. I disagree. The real losers in this election are those who will give up fighting for their beliefs. Those who go sit in a corner and sulk over not getting their way. Those who are still slinging insults and defamatory

comments because they didn’t get their participation trophy. The real loser in this election is our nation if we do not move forward. In her concession speech, Secretary Clinton said, “Our Constitutional Democracy demands our participation.” The real losers are those who will refuse to participate any longer. Here’s a little reminder from high school civics class. We do not live in a democracy. We are a democratic republic. The definition of a democratic republic is “a sovereign state whose ultimate power rests in its citizens, equally entitled to vote who (directly or indirectly) elect representatives to weild that power.” We citizens have the ultimate power on what direction our country, state and local municipality goes. It is the citizens who through voting choose, we hope, the best of our peers to represent us and our voice. I have heard the statement “if you don’t vote then you can’t complain about those elected”. I disagree. It’s more than just voting. It’s being an active participant in the entire process. From elections, to contacting your representatives, to researching the different legislation, to working hard to get your rights and freedoms secured. No matter what side of the aisle you believe you are on. No matter if you feel you are a winner or loser in this election cycle. You can still be a participant. You won’t get a participation trophy for it. But that’s a whole differeent rant of mine.

continued page 3

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Chairman..............................Sean Pinder

East Valley………………….Jack Batty High Country........................Forrest “Woody” Phillips Phx / Shadow Mountain…...Clyde Brooks Southern AZ.........................Sean Pinder Yavapai……………………..Deborah Butitta Yuma....……………………..Rick Breadwell Quarterly Board meetings are held on the first Sunday in January, April, July and October at 1:00pm @ the AZ American-Italian Club, 7509 N. 12th St, Phoenix. Please make sure your Chapter has representation.

A.B.A.T.E. State Officers For 2016

President………..............……Jim Butsback Vice President.....……………Brad Cosby Secretary……………………Dawn Steed Treasurer…………………….Jim Silk Membership…………………Ben Martinez Run/Events………………….Vacant Safety Coordinator………….Teresa "Trauma Mama" McClelland Sergeant-at-Arms……………Vic Grady P.A.C………………………...John "Johnny D" Dreyfus Communications…………….Judy "Hooody" Brus Designated Lobbyist...............Vacant ABATE Products……………Vacant MasterLink Editor................ Eric”Spanky” Hampton Office phone: 480-256-9237 and

Mailing address 7509 N. 12th St, #200, Phoenix, AZ 85020. State Officers meetings are held the 1st Sunday of every month, 10:30 am at the AZ American Italian Club, 7509 N. 12th Street Phoenix, AZ.- OR in conjunction with the quarterly BOD meeting.

East Valley Chapter

c/o Jim Silk, 5722 E. Garnet Circle, Mesa, AZ 85206 Coordinator............................Jim Silk Vice Coordinator..................Joe Ferrucci Secretary................................Dawn Steed Treasurer................................Deb Ferrucci Membership...........................Mike Shearhart Run Coordinator....................Jack Batty Safety Coordinator................Nolan Steed Sgt. At Arms..........................Richard Dalton P.A.C......................................Tami Keim Communications....................Vacant Merchandise........................... Donna Batty

EAST VALLEY CHAPTER meetings are held the 4th Sunday of the month at 11:00 a.m. at Fraternal Order of Eagles (F.O.E.) 1712 W. Broadway Road, Mesa AZ 85202 FMI contact Jim Silk FYI 602 312 1927

October 14, 2016

Industry-Funded Publication Makes Claims About Effects of Helmet Law in Michigan; Fails to Connect the Data to the Claim

WASHINGTON, DC – In the recently issued publication, “Status Report,” a concerning article appeared citing a rise in head injuries in Michigan and attributed this to the State’s 2012 repeal of its helmet law. Notably, the article is part of

Would you like to receive The Masterlink digitally? It is posted monthly on the ABATE website Opt out of the receiving the The Masterlink? Please contact the ABATE Office if you would like to no longer receive a hard copy of The Masterlink. 480-256-9237 or

High Country Chapter

209A E. Juniper St. Payson AZ 85541 Coordinator............................Wayne Slocum Vice Coordinator...................Billy Hensler Secretary................................Dee Schultz Treasurer...............................Forrest “Woody” Phillips Membership...........................CC Rider Run Coordinator....................Mark Fickel 2nd Run Coordinator....................CC Rider l Safety Coordinator.................John Lacey Sgt. At Arms.........................Justin Wilson 2nd Sgt. At Arms.........................Mike Basner P.A.C.....................................Woody Phillips Communications...................Snake Merchandise..........................Beth Lacey

High Country Chapter meetings are held on the 3rd Sunday at 10 a.m. at The Moose Lodge in Star Valley. Contact:

Phoenix-Shadow Mountain Chapter

P.O. Box 54041 Phoenix, AZ 85078-4041 Coordinator...........................Mike Schneider Vice Coordinator....................Jim Page Secretary................................Tara Rudometkin Treasurer................................Laura "Sunny" Sleemon Membership...........................Ben Martinez Run Coordinator....................Jeremy Kellim Safety Coordinator.................Trauma Mama Sgt. At Arms..........................Scott Gibbons P.A.C......................................John ‘Johnny D’ Dreyfus Communications....................Nichole Kirkpatric Merchandise...........................Judy "Hooody" Brus

Phoenix/Shadow Mountain meetings are held on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 10:30am at the AZ American Italian Club, 7509 N. 12th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85020. FMI: Chapter Coordinator Mike Schneider, 602-549-1044,

Southern Arizona Chapter

6888 N De Chelly Loop Tucson, AZ 85741 Coordinator............................Jim Butsback Vice Coordinator....................Darron Huntington Secretary................................Becky Garino Treasurer................................Dawn Detelj Membership...........................Bob Stewart Run Coordinator....................Bob Welton Safety Coordinator.................Robert Templeton Sgt. At Arms.........................Ruben Soto P.A.C......................................Annisa Huntington Communications....................Vacant Merchandise...........................Sean Pinder

Yavapai Chapter

1590 Swenson Street Prescott AZ 86305 Interim Coordinator................ Mark Kessler Interim Vice Coordinator........Dan Tumey Secretary................................ Suni Sommers Treasurer................................ Terri Lucontro Membership........................... Suni Sommers Run Coordinator......................OPEN Safety Coordinator..................OPEN Sgt. At Arms...........................OPEN P.A.C...................................... OPEN Communications.................... OPEN Merchandise........................... OPEN

Yavapai Chapter meets every second Wednesday at 6:00 pm at Addictions Bar and Grill, an ABATE business member. 1590 Swenson St, Prescott 86305. Just off Iron Springs Road. FMI

Yuma Chapter

11316 S. Glenwood Ave. Yuma, AZ 85367 Coordinator............................ David "Pastor D" Litts Vice Coordinator....................Gilbert Hernandez Secretary................................ Mikkie Melanson Treasurer................................ Virginia Nielsen Membership........................... Garrett "Buster" Gould Run Coordinator.....................Jerry Allison Safety Coordinator..................Ray “PeeWee” Grier Sgt. At Arms...........................Frank White P.A.C...................................... Gilbert Hernandez Communications.................... David "Pastor D" Litts Merchandise........................... Lisala White

Yuma Chapter meets the second Tuesday evening monthly at 6:00 PM at the pm. The next meeting will be held at the Kountry Kitchen Café located at 11242 S Foothills Blvd, Yuma, AZ. 85365. For additional information contact Frank White (Hound) at 209-327-0814.


The Southern Arizona Chapter will meet the third Saturday. We will gather at the Kettle Restaurant, 748 W Starr Pass Tucson. Breakfast will be available at 7:30 a.m. with the meeting beginning at 9 a.m. FMI contact Jim Butsback by phone at 520247-3051 or email

If any of the Officers are listed here incorrectly, please send corrections to: I will be sure everything is accurate for the next Issue and on the web site.

News from the MRF

a publication created by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) which, according to their website, is wholly funded by insurance companies.

The article pointed out that trauma centers in the state have experienced an increase in head injuries and partnered with the University of Michigan Injury Center to analyze motorcycle crash deaths and head-injury data since the repeal. Its findings suggested a 14% increase in hospitalized trauma patients

with a head injury. However, it was unclear in the article that the increase in head injuries was directly related to motorcycle crashes. And moreover, that those crashes included drivers who were not wearing helmets. This data would have been critical to prove the article’s legitimacy. Surprisingly, given the article’s clear and matter of fact headline, “Head Injuries Rise as Riders Ditch Helmets in Michigan,” the author fails to notate anywhere in the piece that the increase in head injuries in hospitals is

Meeting Minutes

A.B.A.T.E. of Arizona, Inc. Board of Directors and State meeting minutes will no longer be printed and taking up space in THE MASTERLINK. They are available to view 24/7 on-line at www.abateo- under the “Communications” tab. Thank you! MK

Mission Statement

We will lobby and educate the government and the general public to promote motorcycling in a safe and positive image.

We will endeavor to enlist the cooperation and participation of all organizations and individuals who share

a similar interest in preserving our American tradition of


directly attributed to motorcycle crashes and those that were not wearing helmets. For many, the article’s concluding claim could be considered irresponsible journalism given that they fail to attribute the data to the exact subject they discuss in the article. Furthermore, halfway through the article, it states, “there was no significant increase in the motorcycle fatality rate

continued page 7 How to Reach Us

480-256-9237 For Advertising Rates Email Eric at Or Mail Your Ads to: MasterLink, ABATE of Arizona 7509 N. 12th St, #200 Phoenix, AZ, 85020 MasterLink Advertising Rates:

Size Monthly Quarterly Yearly Business Card Size (3-1/2”w x 2”h): $20.00 $60.00 $200.00 1/8 Page (5-1/8”w x 4”h) $50.00 $150.00 $500.00 1/4 Page (5-1/2”w x 8”h) $70.00 $210.00 $700.00 1/2 Page (10-1/4”w x 8”h) $100.00 $300.00 $1,000.00 Full Page (10-1/4”w x 16”h) $200.00 $600.00 $2,000.00 Full Color Back Page (10-1/4”w x 16”h) $400.00 $950.00 $3,300.00


President’s Report

approve of the job that I am doing. The state officers were elected to a two year term and I am excited about the upcoming year. All of the state officers have learned a lot and I feel we are all ready use that knowledge in the upcoming year and to work to make ABATE of Arizona stronger and better.

By Jim Butsback

Hello to all my fellow Freedom Fighters! Wow it is hard to believe that as I sit and type this out that this is my 12th President’s Report. This past year has gone by so quickly. As I stated in my very first report, I am honored to represent the members of ABATE of Arizona. I do not take this responsibility lightly and I can only hope that you, the members,

Let me leave you with a quote from President Teddy Roosevelt:

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds

By Johnny D ALMA MC ACMC Designated Lobbyist ABATE State PAC Officer

Hello fellow ABATE members.

I recently returned from the NCOM Region I meeting. Among many things discussed, the location of the 2019 meeting was brought up. I convinced the board to hold it in Phoenix. Now we need a venue. Any suggestions would be helpful. We also discussed the various states legislative efforts and agendas. As some of you know, this year Arizona’s effort will be centered on restarting the

My name is Robert Keith Rice. I go by Keith. I have been a part of A.B.A.T.E. in a few different states since the late 70s. I am interested in starting a new chapter with local motorcycle enthusiasts in and or around Bullhead City, Lake Havasu and Parker. There are alot of motorcycles on this side of the state and I believe if

The holidays are upon us! Thanksgiving is next week as write this. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends. The changing of the seasons here in Arizona is always a great time and allows us to experience all the seasons simply by traveling from the desert valleys up to the mountains. We can go play in the snow and head down and go for a swim and have a cook-out on the patio the same afternoon.

This weather that we all enjoy so much is not without its costs and dangers. It attracts folks from all over the country to come here and maybe enjoy the Holidays or have a short escape from the cold and snow of their hometowns. We need to be ever vigilant for those visitors, who are here for just a short trip, or who spend the entire winter with us in Arizona. They are not always looking for us and they might

not expect to see motorcycles. We need to always be aware of those around us and ride like they don’t see us – because they don’t!

This is also the season for every possible toy run and holiday themed run. PLEASE be careful when participating in these events. There seems to be several every Saturday and Sunday and we cannot possibly make them all. Bikers are always the folks with the biggest hearts this time of year. We all know the big bad MC member who will spend his last dollar on a toy so some kid he never met will have a package to open. You folks make be proud to be a member of this motorcycling community. Keep up the good work and keep on supporting every toy drive and keep on raising food for those in need and help stock all those food banks. This is the time of year for the fat guy with the beard to put smiles on kid’s faces. Even if he does wear leather and ride a bike! Happy Holidays folks whatever Holiday you celebrate!


attend. The details were in last month’s Masterlink but here are the main points. Because we are a registered corporation we are required by law to hold a general membership meeting once each year. The State officers have decided to hold our Annual Membership Meeting on the First Sunday in December, which is the same date as the State Officers meeting. This will be followed by a Holiday/Christmas Party and Social event. Location is at the Fraternal Order of Eagles, 1712 W Broadway Rd., Mesa, Arizona.

This is a family friendly event. ABATE of AZ will be providing Good Eats and Deserts but feel free to bring anything you may wish to share! (That is a subtle hint to all you bakers out there). There will also be a 50/50 and raffle prizes. We will also host a “White Elephant” gift exchange for all who wish to participate. It is not mandatory but if you want to play bring wrapped gift with a $10 value LIMIT (not minimum). This is a fun gift exchange so come and have fun.

I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at our “Membership Meeting/Holiday Party”. I want to invite all members and guests of members to

Until next month! Ride Free!! Ride Safe!! Ride ENDORSED!! Jim

could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without

error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who

at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

Motorcycle Safety Fund. As you may recall, it failed in the last session. The new bill will recreate the fund but will not recreate the AMSAC board. Alberto Gutier, the director of the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety, will administer the fund. Another bill is the Biker Anti Profiling bill that will be sponsored by Senator Judy Burges. I have another idea for a bill that I got from California, more to come on that. I also spoke with Senator-elect Karen Fann. We discussed a lane filtering bill that would allow motorcyclists to filter and use the shoulder to exit the highway in times of traffic congestion. I need to work on this more but signs are hopeful. The idea is to prove it is safe, then possibly expand the practice.

As some of you know, ABATE provided $2,000 to sponsor the Arizona Motorcycle Rider Political Action Committee. The Arizona Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs also donated $2,000. I set it up with the Secretary of State’s Office and opened a bank account. In the week before the election, I began handing campaign contributions to several key legislators. They all were grateful and glad to speak with me. I used the opportunities to present our issues and concerns. I believe that this is a good start. I hope to build on this foundation. As I have said many times, there are more than 200,000 registered motorcycles in Arizona. We are the largest interest group in the state. We should act on our num-

And the Winner is... continued ABATE PAC Report

Calling All Mohave County Bikers we get the word out and get meetings held we could have a great influx of bikes and new members into A.B.A.T.E. of Arizona. If anyone is interested or knows anyone in this region interested please contact me. Keith 928-667-5566 (home)

or 928-277-5630 (cell). or

I would like to hear from anyone interested. I believe A.B.A.T.E. is the best organization for motorcycle safety, awareness

bers to get our agenda passed. To that end, I am asking for donations to strengthen our PAC. Checks or money orders can be made out to Arizona Motorcycle Riders Political Action Committee and mailed to 7509 N 12th Street, Ste. 200, Phoenix, AZ 85020.

This legislative session begins on January 9. I have invited a lot of bikers to show up around 10 am. We need to be present, we need to speak with them. As Woody Allen once said, “80% of success is showing up.” So show up and make life better for bikers. The Motorcycle Day At the Dome is on February 15, 2017. We are asking people to show up about 10 am, but any time before 2 pm will do. It would help if everyone called their state representatives and senators to come down and meet with us. They will all receive invitations but constituents Until I see you all again, be safe out there. Too many of us are going down. I want to go into the new year without losing anyone else. Until next time…

& the protecting of motorcyclist's rights!

Mike Schneider

Office - 602.549.1434 Direct - 602.549.1044


East Valley Chapter

Would you look at that how time flies when you’re having fun, Seems like yesterday we were enjoying the Spaghetti Feed and now we are creeping up on New Year’s.

We already have a committee of members willing to help put together the 2017 Hard Ass Run.

Several of us adventured over to the Desert Rose Gastro Pub in Glendale on Oct 15th Eve to enjoy the Phoenix Shadow Mountain Chapter Moon Mullins Ride. It was my first time making the adventure and even with a few little hiccups it was beautiful. I most definitely look forward to next year’s ride.

Now I can’t speak for the other chapter officers but on I would like to apologize to the East Valley Chapter for being 1 of the officers who created the need to cancel the October monthly meeting, although there were enough people between chapter officers and members that we could have held a meeting in Tombstone. For those of you who may not know the reason the meeting was cancelled it was because all but 3 chapter officers were in Tombstone visiting the Tombstone Brewing Company to support Matt Brown in his new adventure. Let me tell you he brews some yummy beer. Matt Brown has always supported ABATE of Arizona especially his own East Valley Chapter.

Motorcycles on Main was great as always. Don’t be afraid people to come out and visit at the booth the more the merrier.

This month is one of those rare moments when I am kind of at a loss for words. So I am going to go ahead and keep it short and sweet.

Look forward to seeing you all at the Membership social on Dec 4th.

Until next month, be safe out there. Enjoy the ride and as always keep it rubber side down.

Here’s to Wind Knots in my Hair Dawn P Steed East Valley Chapter & State Secretary

High Country Chapter


Phoenix/Shadow Mountain Chapter

The Phoenix/Shadow Mountain Chapter met on Sunday October 9th at the AAIC. Scott, our Sgt at Arms opened the meeting with a recital of the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a moment of silence. Our Coordinator Mike led the meeting, and among other things the following was discussed.

Sunny’s Treasurer report was accepted as submitted and then Trauma Mamma’s Safety report was relayed to us by Ben in her absence. He reminded us to be aware of medication side effects. Especially if you have a cardiac condition or are experiencing any dizziness; always check with your doctor if you have concerns or questions about the medications you are taking and what side effects you are experiencing.

Ben, our Membership officer, reports that our membership numbers are down. Everyone is asked to assist by encouraging those we know to renew or join ABATE of

Chapter Reports

Arizona. For the most part, Ben can only reach out to the people we already know, it’s up to our members to reach out to their extended network of riders that are also interested in motorcycle legislation and education. Please represent the organization when attending events and runs because strong membership takes everyone’s involvement. You are welcome to grab some ABATE of AZ trifold brochures to share with others. They are available at our monthly meeting.

Johnny D and Mike Infanzon, our Designated Lobbyist, shared Johnny’s PAC report with their thoughts on the ABATE Candidate Questionnaire results and which candidates did and did not reply. We were encouraged to get informed about which candidates are pro motorcyclist rights when casting our ballots. Johnny also contributed to Ben’s Membership report by reminding us of the additional benefits of joining ABATE of Arizona; such as the AD&D insurance benefit, Masterlink subscription and TBFS discount already being worth the membership cost.

Clyde, our Director, reported on the last State and Board of Directors meeting held in Tucson on October 2nd. He reinforced the urgency for the Chapter budget to be submitted for approval and reminded those nominated for Chapter Officer positions of the State and Chapter Officer training to be held on Saturday January 7, 2017 from 1012 pm at the Arizona American Italian Club. Also, Woody from our ABATE High Country Chapter and has offered $200 cash raffle prize at the end of the meeting. The meeting is mandatory and all Officers should save the date and plan to attend. Other matters discussed at the meeting were to make better use of the ABATE of Arizona Calendar on the website, the need to work on better interaction and communications between chapters, and Ben resolving a processing issue within our membership systems.

ANNOUNCING: 2017 elections have been held for our Chapter Officers and Director. I am pleased to announce that Mike Schneider will continue to be our Coordinator, Jimmy Page, as Vice Coordinator, Tara Rudometkin, as Treasurer, Jean Cooper, as Secretary, Scott Gibbons, as Sgt. at Arms, Teresa McClelland, as Safety Officer, Ben Martinez, as Membership Officer, Jeremy Kellim, as Run Coordinator, Robb Felder, as Communications Officer, Sandy Hassinger, as Merchandise Officer, and Johnny Dreyfus, as P.A.C. These volunteers will serve the next year as your Officers and Mark Million will join the Board of Directors on behalf of our Chapter. Congratulations to you all.

UPDATE: Head over to Desert Wind Harley-Davidson on March 31st and April 1st 2017 for their fundraising concert for our Chapter. 38 Special and Jackyl are the headliners and volunteers are still needed for that Friday and Saturday to help with event duties and promoting ABATE. Members that are interested in volunteering are encouraged to bring friends to help out with the event. Coordinate with Jeremy Kellim, our Run Coordinator, for more information and to sign up to volunteer. Please save the date and plan on attending this important fundraiser for our Chapter.

Keep in touch with our Chapter by joining us on Facebook at:


Please subscribe to our Chapter email list to keep informed about events, bulletins and other announcements. All are welcome to join by sending an email request to:

Meetings for the Phoenix/Shadow Mountain Chapter are held on the 2nd Sunday of each month. We invite you to attend our next meeting on December 11th at the Arizona American Italian Club (AAIC) - 7509 North 12th Street, in Phoenix. Breakfast is available for $5 at 10:00am and the meeting starts at 10:30am.

Robb “Double B” Felder Communications Phoenix/Shadow Mtn. Chapter

Southern Arizona Chapter

The October meeting was held on the 15th at the Kettle Restaurant.

The minutes of last month’s meeting were approved as written, and the Treasurer’s report was accepted.

Jim Butsback met with the representative of Breyer Law Offices which has opened an office in Tucson. They have been very active in supporting the Accident Scene Management classes in Phoenix and may be interested in doing so in Tucson in the future. They are also sponsoring a Veterans Day Breakfast in Mesa.

Riot on the River is the weekend of Oct 21 – 23. This event includes a weekend of camping. It is held up in Winkelman, AZ.

There are now over 200,000 registered motorcycles in Arizona. ABATE continues to seek results from the questionnaires mailed to legislators. Our lobbyist Mike has been following up with phone calls.

ABATE OF Arizona is required to hold an annual meeting of the membership. Since there is no need for any election this year it has been decided that the meeting will be held on the first Sunday of December and immediately after there will be a Holiday Party for the membership and guests. The details are in the Masterlink.

It is that time of year! It is time to start thinking about officers for the upcoming year. Elections are held in November. If you have ever thought about becoming more involved or if you might have a little extra time to help out the Chapter please consider volunteering for one of the offices.

“Bikers inside the Beltway” is coming up quickly. Anyone interested in attending this event please get in touch with the Chapter officers.

Officer training will be held in January to train new Chapter Officers details will be coming.

As always please keep promoting our Business Memberships to those you do business with. We have been doing Great on this so let’s keep up the good work.

Anyone who is not getting emails from the Chapter, please send your email address to There is also a group page at Yahoo Groups. All Chapter members can sign up there and receive all emails from the Chapter through the group.

It is Please make sure the State Membership Officer has all your current information as well, this includes phone numbers, email

addresses, address changes etc. You can email him at

Ride Free, Ride Safe!

Yavapai Chapter

Our November meeting was held at Additions Bar and Grill on November 9th.

Next month we'll ride to ride to Bagdad and Wilholt to check out possible spring overnight runs. We're looking for places near off-road trails as well as street-bike access. If you are interested in participating in this research mission or can provide location insights, contact us at or call 206.300.0236.

We are seeking members and non-members alike to bring ideas and opinions to our monthly meetings. If you can't attend, please send us an email!

Suni Sommers Secretary, Yavapai Chapter ABATE

Yuma Chapter

The Yuma chapter met on November 8th at 6:00 pm at the Kountry Kitchen restaurant to conduct our monthly business meeting. The meeting was called to order, the Pledge of Allegiance was recited, guests were introduced, and normal reports were addressed.

The Yuma Chapter held our “Welcome Back Snow Bird Run” on Saturday, 29 October 2016 and it was a huge success. We had 62 riders sign up for the run and more people met us at the last stop. During the run we had two people become members of ABATE, there were two single member renewals, two couple renewals, and two businesses became business members. We would like to thank everyone who came out to support this event. We would also like to recognize Bobby’s Territorial Harley Davidson, Martinez Lake Bar and Cantina, Jack’d Up Customs, The Burrito Factory, Liberty Motorsports, and Kountry Kitchen because without your support we could not have done this run!

During the November meeting we held an election for Yuma Chapter ABATE officer positions. The following offices are now held by:

Coordinator - David “Pastor D” Litts Vice Coordinator - Gilbert Hernandez PAC - Gilbert Hernandez Communication - David “Pastor D” Litts Sergeant at Arms - Frank White Secretary - Mikkie Melanson Merchandise - Lisala White Run - Jerry Allison Treasurer - Virgina Nielson Safety - Raymond “Pee Wee” Grier BOD - Frank White Membership - Derek “Buster” Gould

The Yuma ABATE chapter meets the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm. The next meeting will be held on December 13th, 2016 at the Kountry Kitchen Café located at 11242 S. Foothills Blvd, Yuma, AZ. We would love to see you there.

For the love of freedom, Pastor D Coordinator & Communications Officer Yuma ABATE Chapter

MASTERLINK DECEMBER 2016 Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish,

National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM)


For decades, motorcycle rights advocates have warned the riding community that advances in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and the advent of autonomous (self-driving) vehicles could signal the end of motorcycles on public roadways. Indeed, “Vision Zero” has been under development primarily in Europe to remove human interaction from the operation of vehicles in public transit, therefore eliminating human error that results in traffic accidents…and since motorcycles require human operation they do not fit into the Vision Zero scenario.

Now, the U.S. Department of Transportation has unveiled plans for a new initiative called “Road to Zero” in concert with other federal agencies and the National Safety Council with the lofty goal of eliminating all traffic-related fatalities by the year 2030, and although bicyclists and pedestrians are taken into account, their plan makes no specific mention of motorcycles. Citing increases in traffic deaths nationwide, accounting for more than 35,000 lives lost mostly due to human error and behaviors such as distracted and drowsy driving and driving under the influence,


· A Motorcycle Rights Organization (MRO) · For Bikes & Riders, regardless of Race, Creed, color, sex, age, machine or gear · For all Motorcycles regardless of Fraternal or club affiliation, as well as Independents · For people interested in motorcycle safety · For People interested in rider education · For people interested in motorcycle awareness PSAs directed to non-Riders · For people interested in protecting and promoting motorcycling · A volunteer, not-for-profit grass-roots organization · For Motorcyclist who enjoy the ride $50 $8-20 $4,000 $3,000 $10 $3 $1,000 Priceless Priceless Priceless

$7,583 Value

Masterlink, Patch, Memb card TBFS Disc Entry, RV, Cabins AD&D Benefit 60% Discount Health Child Safe Kits White Bandana Leadership Training Motorcycle Awareness Rights Rider Education

ABATE of Arizona Serves to:

Coast to Coast

Road to Zero will focus on proactive vehicle safety, advances in automotive technology and cultivating human behavior.

But the new federal safety initiative, announced October 5, 2016 completely ignores a significant portion of America’s road users, as Road to Zero apparently makes no accommodation for millions of motorcyclists vying to survive in an increasingly automated traffic mix. FUTURE MOTORCYCLES WON’T REQUIRE HELMETS

BMW claims that motorcycles in the future will be so smart, it could eliminate the need for protective gear. To mark its 100th birthday, BMW recently unveiled a Motorrad Vision Next 100 concept motorcycle so advanced that the German auto and cycle-maker says riders won’t require a helmet because its self-balancing system keeps the bike upright both in motion and even at a standstill.

BMW touted the motorbike's futuristic features, saying it would allow for riders of all skill levels to "enjoy the sensation of absolute freedom." Since the Vision Next 100 will liberate riders from the need to wear a helmet and protective clothing, BMW says the rider can be in touch with his/her surroundings, which will mean ‘perfect synthesis between human and machine’.

Another traditional feature is also missing: a control panel. Instead, helmetless riders will wear a visor that acts as a smart display, although such information would not be needed all the time because the vehicle is equipped with self-driving technology and can sense the road ahead and react so that it theoretically can’t get into accidents. The futuristic motorcycle is also "zero emissions," because BMW said it believes the future of transportation is electric.

The Vision Vehicle celebrated its world premiere in Los Angeles on October 11 at the “Iconic Impulses: The BMW Group Future Experience” exhibition, and the bike was developed to address mobility issues some three decades down the road: “A time when mobility is yet more diverse and interconnected; a time when digitalization takes on a shape which we today perceive to be surreal; a time when motorcycling becomes an analogue and at the same time extraordinarily emotional experience.” A HELMET THAT CALLS FOR HELP

We’ve previously reported that BMW is planning to introduce an automatic system to call emergency services installed on some of its motorcycles next year (an “SOS” button), but now a Thai innovation is looking to achieve similar results from a newly-designed helmet.

Join A.B.A.T.E.

· Collaborate with other organizations to monitor and support funding for practices that do not discriminate against motorcycling. · Encourage political involvement of its membership. · Promote and present motorcyclists and motorcycling in a positive and safe manner. · Help prevent motorcycle crashes and promote crash survival through rider education, and · · · · · Public awareness campaigns. · Encourage ongoing federal research programs such as use of E15 fuel in motorcycles, inclusion of motorcycles in ongoing transportation emerging technologies, and improvements in safer roadway design strategies. · Promote rider skills training through ABATE’s · Rider Advantage (ARA) scholarship program and tax-deductible entity ABATE accomplishments:

· Motorcycle Lobbyist at the State Legislature · 2013 Eliminated yearly motorcycle emissions testing in Maricopa County · 2007 Remove Motorcycle Safety Fund cap · 2007 Eliminated yearly motorcycle emissions testing in Pima County · 2004 Veteran’s plates for motorcycles · 2002 Arizona Motorcycle Safety Council established · 2001 Motorcycle Safety Fund established · 1997 Handlebar height raised to shoulder · 1993 Helped prevent mandatory helmet legislation in Arizona · 1992 Opened HOV lanes to motorcycles

PAGE 5 While still under development, the HELPMET concept is to automatically call medics only if it’s subjected to impacts hard enough to result in unconsciousness.

It incorporates the basics of a smartphone, including a SIM card, GPS, and a connection to the phone network, as well as impact sensors and a rechargeable battery. The system is only set off after impacts of 95g or higher, so accidental knocks or even a light crash shouldn’t have ambulances appearing, but they will come looking if you’re lying unconscious in a ditch and they’ll have the precise coordinates to find you.

Another element is that users of the system will be registered to a website where they can input various personal details, so not only will the HELPMET call emergency services, it will also be able to provide information about the rider’s name and address. It can also warn of allergies or pre-existing medical issues, the sort of information that could be the difference between life and death for an unconscious rider. MOTORCYCLE SAFETY EFFORTS IN NEW MEXICO

continued page 6

Motorcycle Awareness Program (MAP)

ABATE of Arizona has developed a program with the mission to provide motorcycle awareness training to all drivers and soonto-be drivers on the road in Arizona. Instructors provide a one hour program to students in driver education classes throughout the state.

MAP is available to be presented to civic organizations as well as most businesses that hold safety meetings. FMI: map@abateoJOIN ABATE NOW! ABATE Of Arizona provides a unified voice for all motorcyclists in Arizona. Please Tell us What Your Top Five Add your voice to ours. Join ABATE Motorcycle Issues, Matter to You: now, for the preservation of your abili· Distracted Driving – Motorcycle, Bicycle, Pedestrian ty to ride a motorcycle with the freeare Vulnerable Roadway Users dom that's your right!! · Right of Way Violations resulting in Injury/Fatality · Insurance Discrimination and claim denial · SAFETEA-LU Safety/Highway Funds ~2010 MSF · Discriminatory Profiling by Law Enforcement · Anti-tampering Regulations – Right to Modify · State/National Mandatory Helmet/Equipment · Transportation Exclusion of Intelligent Technology (IT), New Vehicle, Highway, Taxes and Fuel regarding Motorcycle Safety and Use · Motorcycle-Only Checkpoints · Accurate Stats & Research Study regarding Motorcycle Safety & Accidents · Off Road Trail Closing and Access · Tar Snakes & Median Cable wire · Intersection Engineering – Lights to Speed Limit, Leading Left Only, Increase Yellow & All Clear Red

© 2015 ABATE Of Arizona

7509 N. 12th St, #200 Phoenix, AZ. 85020

Website: To join our discussion group, send email to


Board members from the New Mexico Motorcycle Rights Organization (NMMRO) recently met with a representative of the state’s Department of Transportation along with safety advocates of the bicycling community to discuss the LOOK FOR ME - WE'RE ALL GOING SOMEWHERE safety awareness campaign. This campaign is designed to help make the streets safer for everyone, and while the campaign is geared toward pedestrian and bicycle safety, the NM DoT did incorporate pictures of motorcycles in their advertising, which is displayed on city and school buses.

An important message relayed to roadway users is; “Please pay full attention. Don’t talk, text, or use cell phone while driving. Remain sober and alert and obey the rules of the road.” During their meeting, the DoT rep listened to motorcyclists’ concerns and said they would incorporate more about motorcycle safety for the year 2017 and will include NMMRO in future meetings.

In addition, the NMMRO recently sent a list of 20 motorcycle high crash locations to the city of Albuquerque to put up “Watch Out for Motorcycles” signs in those areas, and the group also teamed up with Santa Fe Harley-Davidson to bring awareness to distracted driving with a Bash a Bike event, wherein folks paid to wield a sledge hammer on a bike with messages scrawled across it. “With today’s technology it’s become easier to get distracted with texts, emails, phone calls and even on-screen maps for directions,” said Annette Torrez, NMMRA Co-Chair and a member of the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM) board of directors. “The bashing was a good way to not only get out frustrations for riders, but it showed drivers just how susceptible to danger a motorcyclist is when metal comes in contact with a motorcycle.”

Coast to Coast (continued)


In response to an “epidemic” of hit-andrun accidents in California, citing nearly 79,000 such collisions in 2014, Assemblyman Eric Linder (R-Corona) introduced AB 2088 “as an effort to reduce the number of hit-and-runs and bring justice to the victims by ensuring that offenders face consequences for their reckless decisions.”

On behalf of such victimized motorcycle riders, ABATE of California supported the measure, and the legislation to mandate a six month license suspension or community service for leaving the scene of an accident causing injury or death, received strong bipartisan support and overwhelmingly passed the state Assembly 78-2 and was unanimously voted on in the Senate 39-0.

But despite strong support from a coalition of law enforcement and victims’ advocates, Governor Jerry Brown disagreed with them all, and on September 27, 2016 he returned Assembly Bill 2088 without his signature along with the following veto message: “The prescriptive mandates contained in this bill dealing with one specific plea bargain scenario unnecessarily constrain judicial discretion,” and added that “each sanction contemplated by this measure is already available to the court.”


French law now requires that motorcycle riders wear gloves, and according to the website, “Riders caught without hand protection will face a fine of $76 and have a point added to their license.”

France already requires motorcyclists to carry a hi-viz reflective jacket or vest in case of a roadside emergency, and wear a


helmet that displays “at least 18 square cm of reflective material,” a violation that carries a $152 fine.

According to the report, France also requires riders to carry spare bulbs and an alcohol breath-testing kit, a rule widely ignored since a violation carries no fine.

Of course some riders have taken offense at the perceived violation of their civil liberties, and the FFMC, “Fédération Française des Motards en Colère (“French Federation of Angry Bikers”) has released this statement: “It’s not that we are against the gloves, the problem is that we’re forced to wear them under the threat of fines and losing points. There’s no lives at stake here, and if we don’t wear gloves then we aren’t threatening other people’s integrity.”

May we have a show of hands on this matter?


Germany’s top legislative body, the Bundesrat, has voted to ban all internal combustion engines by the year 2030. According to Der Spiegel news magazine in Hamburg, the legislation calls on the European Commission to "evaluate the recent tax and contribution practices of Member States on their effectiveness in promoting zero-emission mobility," effectively asking for a ban on the lower level of tax on diesel fuel within the EU. It also calls on European vehicle manufacturers to "review the current practices of taxation and dues with regard to a stimulation of emission-free mobility."

"If the Paris agreement to curb climatewarming emissions is to be taken seriously, no new combustion engine cars should be allowed on roads after 2030," said Greens party lawmaker Oliver Krischer. BMW Motorrad's head of development Karl Viktor Schaller told Britain’s Motorcycle News publication, "It may be 10 or 15 years away, but urban traffic will be electric in the future. Maybe eventually electric vehicles will reach a range of 200km."

While the resolution is non-binding, it may not come to fruition, but the statement of intent carries strength, especially given that German regulations have historically shaped many EU regulations.


Historically significant motorcycles could

soon be documented and have their details preserved for posterity in the Library of Congress. The National Historic Vehicle Register Act was introduced on September 22, 2016 by longtime motorcyclist U.S. Senator Gary Peters (D-MI), and is intended to help preserve the legacy of American cars and motorcycles and the vital role they play in American culture and history.

If passed, the Act would authorize the U.S. Department of Interior to establish a federal register of historic vehicles to document and preserve records of American automotive and motorcycle history.

The Historic Vehicle Association has been working with the Interior Department on the registry proposal since 2013, and the project would create a permanent archive of significant historic vehicles within the Library of Congress. The Library of Congress is the research library that officially serves the United States Congress and is considered the de facto national library of the United States. This method of documenting notable motorcycles in history was inspired by what's been happening for nearly every other part of American society. Since the 1930s, the Department of the Interior has been working to document historic buildings and other historic sites throughout the United States. These efforts were bolstered by the National Historic Preservation Act in 1966, and since then the National Register of Historic Places has grown to include a multitude of buildings, landmarks, ships, aircraft, etc. Although the National Historic Preservation Act made it possible for automobiles to be included in this database, none have yet been documented. The National Historic Vehicle Register will help document historic vehicles as they exist now, preserving their information for future generations.

There are standards and qualifiers for a motorcycle to be registered. Vehicles must be connected to a significant person or event in American history, or have a unique design or rarity, to be eligible for the register. QUOTABLE QUOTE: "For the saddest epitaph which can be carved in memory of a vanished liberty is that it was lost because its possessors failed to stretch forth a saving hand while yet there was time."

~ Justice George Sutherland (1862-1942), U.S. Supreme Court

ABATE of Arizona Chapter Meeting Times and Locations

East Valley Chapter EAST VALLEY CHAPTER meetings are held the 4th Sunday of the month at 11:00 a.m. at Fraternal Order of Eagles (F.O.E.) 1712 W. Broadway Road, Mesa AZ 85202 FMI contact Jim Silk FYI 602 312 1927

High Country Chapter High Country Chapter meetings are held on the 3rd Sunday at 10 a.m. at The Moose Lodge in Star Valley. Contact: chicknbone@live .com or 928-970-1134

Phoenix / Shadow Mountain Chapter Phoenix/Shadow Mountain meetings are held on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 10:30am at the AZ American Italian Club, 7509 N. 12th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85020. FMI: Chapter Coordinator Mike Schneider, 602-549-1044,

Southern Arizona Chapter The Southern Arizona Chapter will meet the third Saturday. We will gather at the Kettle

Restaurant, 748 W Starr Pass Tucson. Breakfast will be available at 7:30 a.m. with the meeting beginning at 9 a.m. FMI contact Jim Butsback by phone at 520-2473051 or email

Yavapai Chapter Yavapai Chapter meets every second Wednesday at 6:00 pm at Addictions Bar and Grill, an ABATE business member. 1590 Swenson St, Prescott 86305. Just off Iron Springs Road. FMI

Yuma Chapter Yuma Chapter meets the second Tuesday evening monthly at 6:00 PM at the pm. The next meeting will be held at the Kountry Kitchen Café located at 11242 S Foothills Blvd, Yuma, AZ. 85365. For additional information contact Frank White (Hound) at 209-327-0814.

MASTERLINK DECEMBER 2016 A to Z Mobile Repair Services of Tucson 520-304-6078


ABATE of Arizona Business Members

Addictions Bar & Grill Prescott 978-237-9029


American Family Insurance Peoria & Glendale 623-225-7299

Big Sky Motorcycles Tucson 520-886-7388

Biker’s Mall Mesa 623-335-1000

Bobby’s Territorial HarleyDavidson Yuma 928-782-1931

Brewer’s Truck Repair, Inc Willcox 520-384-2846

Breyer Law Offices, P.C. Phoenix 480-505-2160 Brothers, Sons and Pop Motorcycle Shop Tucson 520-370-7788

state-wide.” This sentence alone debunks what the research set out to do which was prove that deaths attributed to motorcycle crashes increased due to the helmet law repeal. Clearly, the research did not support the author’s hypothesis.

Biased pieces like the one in the September issue of Status Report frustrate motorcycle experts in the state who spend their personal time and livelihoods promoting motorcycle safety and awareness programs. Often, these individuals try to direct the focus to motorcycle crash prevention rather than the concept that IIHS touts; safer crashing. According to a recently issued press release from ABATE of Michigan, the real concern for riders’ safety is unendorsed motorcyclists and cars violating motorcyclists’ right of way.

Buchanan Construction 928-978-3291

CCA Scottsdale 480-985-6764 Chuy’s Mesquite Broiler Tucson 520-722-5117 Coyote Auto Payson 928-472-1100

D & G Paint & Body Willcox 520-384-2933

El Rancho Restaurant Payson 928-474-3111

Great Lakes Properties Tucson 520 203-2323

Greater Payson Moose Lodge #852 Payson 928-474-6212 Gypsy’s Roadhouse Phoenix


HeadKase Motorcycles Tempe 480-557-5223 Herman’s Automatic Transmissions Tucson 520-294-8717J Joeta’s Leather Mesa 480-827-1868

La Gitana Cantina Arivaca 520-398-0810

Lucky 13 Synthetics Sahuarita 619-647-4895 Maaco Tucson 520-495-5411

Marc Victor, P.C., Attorney Chandler 480-455-5229 Monkey Butt Garage Phoenix 602-456-2453 Old Bastards MC

Pappy’s Diner Tucson 520-408-5262

News from the MRF(continued)

Jim Rhodes, Legislative Coordinator for ABATE of Michigan agrees, stating that his objective, “has and always will be to promote motorcycle safety and car driver awareness programs in Michigan.” In fact, according to Rhodes, the motorcycle rights’ organization in Michigan has helped to pass four separate bills in recent years aimed at addressing the issue of uninsured riders as well as motorcycle safety and awareness. Further, the organization has partnered with public and private schools to reach more than 80,000 new drivers about motorcycle awareness.

Many motorcycle enthusiasts will argue that it’s the activities like the ones being executed by ABATE of Michigan that make the real difference in motorcycle safety and a more accurate reason as to

why motorcycle deaths in the state have not increased despite the repeal of the helmet law. ============================ October 27, 2016

More DoT Guidance Issued Relating to Cyber Security & Driverless Vehicles; Critics Voice Concerns

WASHINGTON, DC – Despite the year winding down, the Obama Administration continues to be active on issues that affect bikers, particularly within the U.S. Department of Transportation (DoT). As part of their latest effort to keep up with rapidly developing car technology, this week the Agency issued proposed guidance for vehicle cybersecurity for

Punkin Center Bar Tonto Basin 928-479-2627 Renegade Classics Tucson 520-647-9312

Sacred Bones Society M/C

Sidewinders Tavern and Grill Pine 928-476-6434 Spur Bar Star Valley 928-472-7787 Territorial Bar & Grill Tucson 520-514-9035

The Maverick Saloon Phoenix 602-943-5680

Tombstone Brewery Tombstone 520-222-6781

Tonto Silkscreen & Embroidery Payson 928-474-4207

automakers. This issue is closely related to the continued advancement of autonomous or “driverless” vehicles on the nation’s roadways. Motorcyclists have raised concerns that the technology and cybersecurity systems must have strong enough standards to ensure safety and security precautions and therefore eliminate any risks to motorcyclists who are likely to share the road with self-driving cars in the not so distance future. According to the guidance issued this week, the Agency recommended that automakers and tech companies include multiple layers of protection in their designs and consider digital threats based on their level of risk. This is in an effort

continued page 10

Would you like to receive The Masterlink digitally? It is posted monthly on the ABATE website - Opt out of the receiving the The Masterlink? Please contact the ABATE Office if you would like to no longer receive a hard copy of The Masterlink. 480-256-9237 or ABATE of Arizona



MASTERLINK DECEMBER 2016 December 2016

12/2 {Fri} Motorcycles on Main Bike Night in Downtown Mesa from 6-10pm. Music by The HooDoo Casters. Beer Garden, vendors, & more. Park & show your bike. Eateries open. Takes place every first Friday between September & June. Vendors call Courtney 480-8902613 n

12/3 {Sat} 14th Anniversary Party & Customer Appreciation Day @ Arizona Biker Leathers, 13833 N. 19th Ave; Phoenix, AZ 85023 from noon – 4pm. Free food & drinks, music, raffles, vendors. FMI: 602-843-5847, |

12/3 Evil Twin Custom Cycles of Mesa hosts Bike Night at Arlie’s Bar & Grill 2155 E University Dr, Ste 116, Tempe, 85281 from 6-10pm. Music & sit-in jam session hosted by Unknown Associates. Games, specials, & more. Every 1st Saturday. FMI: Robert 480-784-0040,

12/3 {Sat} 36th Annual Toy Run, Loners M/C, 11:00 am – 4:00 pm, Parade starts at 12pm, Ends at American Legion, Globe, $10 per person or Toy (of equal value) and 2 cans of Food for Community Food Bank, Food, Drinks, Auction, Meet at Bullion Plaza 150 N Plaza Cir Miami, AZ 85616, FMI: Mumbles 4802386225 12/3 {Sat} Benefit Dinner for Carnal, 7:00 pm – 11:30 pm, Additional Information: Tickets will be sold for this event., ALMA MC Westside ch 1050 N.Eliseo Felix Jr. Way

12/3 {Sat} LOOSE CANNON 11TH ANNIVERSARY PARTY, 6:00 pm – 11:30 pm, Come join us on Loose Cannon Day 12-3 and help celebrate our 11th year Anniversary! Details to follow! 12/4 {Sun} Mesa 81 Toy Run, Mesa 81


Events Calendar

Toy Run on Dec 4th, 2016 from 8am11pm. Starts at SkunkWorks Motorsports at 720 S Country Club Dr Mesa, AZ 85210., SkunkWorks Motorsports 720 S Country Club Dr Mesa, AZ 85210, FMI: Irish or any Mesa Member

12/10 {Sat} Barbie Hensler Memorial Toy Run hosted by ABATE-AZ High Country Chapter. Party starts 11am. Buffalo Bar & Grill, 311 S Beeline, Payson. Unwrapped donations needed, for toddlers to teens. Distribution by Moose Lodge #852. FMI: CC 928-4761955, 12/10 {Sat} Happy Endings Run, Sho Ryders / Sober Riders - Tucson chapters ... more info to come.

12/10 {Sat} RRMC Infamy Chili Cookoff, 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm, More info to come, SRMC Glendale CH

12/11 {Sun} Sun Riders MC 35th Annual Toy Parade from 8a-5pm. Register 8-11:30a @ Freedom Park, 5000 E. 29th St. $20/pilot + $5/2-up, +Toy/pp. Benefits Youth Haven Ranch & USMC Toys For Tots. Parade leaves @ noon for an escorted ride to Hotrods. Sponsors include Law Tigers. FMI: Robin @ 520312-8120,

2/11 {Sun} Soldiers for Jesus MC Havasu Toy Run, Meeting at Desert Thunder Motorcycle Shop / Havasu / kick stands up 11:00 / 45 mile ride to Fire Station / please bring unwrapped gift / canned food / free lunch / 50-50 / raffles / questions or support please email, Yucca Fire Station 12349 S Frontage Rd Yucca, AZ 86438,

12/11 {Sun} Sun Riders MC 35th Annual Toy Parade, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Registration from 8-11:30 @ Freedom Park. Parade leaves @ noon for an escorted ride to Hotrods. Cost is $2.00 and a toy. More info contact Robin @ 520-312-8120, htttp://, Freedom Park 5000 E. 29th Street


12/17 {Sat} 4th Annual Tucson R&W Toy Run, 4th Annual Tucson R&W Toy Run hosted by SOH SV. Buddy\\'s Bar. Details to follow.

12/18 {Sun} 6th annual AZACMC TOY RUN, 7:00 am – 12:00 pm, 6th annual AZACMC TOY RUN for Az Childrens Center Andreas Closet 7am till noon, at walmart 19th ave and bell rd, bring new unwrapped toy,"open to the public" bounce house for the kids, then parade ride to Roadrunner Saloon in Black Canyon City at noon, Walmart 19 ave Bell rd

News from

Beautiful Bikers Conference For Women Riders In Long Beach, CA, Nov 18

In Long Beach, Indian Motorcycle will support the Beautiful Bikers Conference, a celebration of women who love to ride, which takes place at the Courtyard Marriott Long Beach concurrent to the motorcycle show. On Friday Nov. 18, registration runs 12 p.m. – 4 p.m., followed by The Ground Pounders Block Party from 5 p.m. – 8 p.m. On Saturday Nov. 19, attendees break out into sessions (Long Distance Riding, Adventure Riding, Beginning Riding & Accessorizing Your Ride) from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m., view a Ride the Runway fashion show from 3 p.m. – 4 p.m., and enjoy the Beautiful Bikers Awards from 4 p.m. – 7 p.m. Finally, from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. on Sunday Nov. 20, attendees may participate in the Beautiful Bikers Ride, picnic and photoshoot. More information can be found at:


Victory Motorcycles And Slingshot At The International Motorcycle Show

Victory Motorcycles and the PolarisSlingshot set to launch the 20162017 ProgressiveInternational Motorcycle Show(IMS) series by roaring into Long Beach, Calif., November 1820, with the entire line of Victory motorcycles, Slingshot roadsters, a custom bike display, new parts & accessories, a bike give-away, demo rides and much more.

The entire line of 2017 Victory motorcycles, including the all-new Victory Octane and best-selling Victory Cross Countrymodels, will be on display at the show alongside the new 2017 Polaris Slingshot, Slingshot SL and Slingshot SLR.

Attendees will be able to meet Swiss endurance rider Urs “Grizzly” Pedraita and check out the Victory Cross Country Tour he used this summer to set a new world endurance record by riding 62,000 miles over six continents in 72 days, see the gear that helped the Victory Project 156 and Empulse RR race bikes conquer the Pikes Peak International Hill Climb, inspect a custom Slingshotcreated for Kid Rock, enter a sweepstakes to win a Victory Magnum, and receive a special coupon good for a one-year extended warranty on a motorcycle purchased at

participating dealers.

Already the owner of a Victory motorcycle? Show your key and/or a picture of your ride to receive a special gift.

Outside, IMS attendees will have a chance to experience true modern American muscle by riding the entire line of 2017 Victory motorcycles, including the new VictoryOctanecruiser, Victory Magnumbagger, Victory Cross Country Tourand electric Victory EmpulseTT. Demo rides take place from 9am – 5pm Saturday and Sunday in the Long Beach Convention Center parking lot. All riders must present a valid motorcycle endorsement. Riders and passengers must be 18 or older and wear proper riding attire that includes a DOT approved helmet, closedtoe shoes, long pants and eye protection. Off-site, Victory and Slingshot will be supporting the Beautiful Bikers Conference, a celebration of women who love the ride, which takes place at the Courtyard Marriott Long Beach concurrent to the motorcycle show. On Friday Nov. 18, registration runs 12pm – 4pm,

Continued page 13

Motorcycle Riders Foundation Awareness & Education (MRFA&E) was established to promote motorcycle awareness and education due to an everincreasing rider population. No one is more concerned with rider safety than riders themselves, and obviously those best suited to educate newer riders are veteran riders.

Promote awareness and education in the motorcycle community to improve rider’s safety. Please donate, we are a 501C3 Corporation. Your donation is tax deductible. To donate go to our web site listed at the bottom.

Motorcycle Riders Foundation Awareness & Education (MRFA&E) 1325 G Street NW, Suite 500 Washington, D.C. 20005 (202) 546-0983

PAGE 10 to address instances of hacking, an increasing concern not just limited to transportation. In recent weeks there was a massive internet outage experienced by many Americans caused by unknown hackers. The issue of the cybersecurity has also become a reoccurring theme in the U.S. elections; the Democratic National Committee was hacked by assailants likely in an effort to interfere with the upcoming election.

Clearly, the aforementioned instances demonstrate a vulnerability within the U.S. government’s ability to help protect against breaches and other security failures that can put motor vehicle safety at risk. As more and more automakers shift towards developing autonomous vehicles for use on the nation’s roadways, cybersecurity of these vehicles must be a key consideration for not just the drivers, but everyone on the road; including bikers.

Criticism of Voluntary Guidance

Though DoT Secretary Anthony Foxx says ensuring the cybersecurity and protection of autonomous vehicles is a “top priority” for the Agency, lawmakers have said the guidance is not enough and that more needs to be done.

Democratic Senators Richard Blumenthal (Connecticut) and Ed Markey (Massachusetts) released a state-

News from the MRF (continued)

ment in response to Monday’s DoT announcement stating the following; "If modern day cars are computers on wheels, we need mandatory standards, not voluntary guidance, to ensure that our vehicles cannot be hacked and lives and information put in danger."

Many motorcyclists would agree. The Motorcycle Riders Foundation is currently in the process of filing official comments with the Agency reiterating this exact point. While emerging technology is generally positive, proper precautions and standards must be achieved in order to ensure the safety of all roadway users. Activity Across the Pond

Lawmakers across the European Union have also started to discuss the issue of autonomous vehicles and have been working with industry on how to build better standards for cybersecurity. Car safety checks, brakes and seatbelts have been regulated for decades, but cybersecurity on entertainment systems or GPS navigation have not been regulated in either Europe nor in the U.S. Instead, the common practice has been to let automakers come up with their own solutions instead of imposing regulatory requirements.

As autonomous vehicle technology develops, cybersecurity related to the

control of these vehicles must be carefully and closely regulated to ensure all roadway users are safe.

For more information on the guidance including a copy of the policy and instructions to file comments; click on the link below:


November 3, 2016

Motorcycle Riders Foundation Nominates Ric Mellon to Serve on Recently Formed Advisory Committee on Self-Driving Vehicles

WASHINGTON, DC – In October, the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) announced a new federal Advisory Committee on Automation in Transportation. The primary purpose of the Committee, known as ACAT, will be to assess DoT’s current research, policy and regulatory abilities to advance the safe and effective use of autonomous vehicles. More specifically, the Committee will gather information and present recommendations to the Secretary on automated transit vehicle technologies, and other advanced technology deployment in the area of surface

MASTERLINK DECEMBER 2016 transportation.

Ric Mellon, an active member of both the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) and ABATE of Wisconsin, has been nominated to serve on the Advisory Committee given his expertise in the area of motorcycle safety and information technology. Kirk ‘Hardtail’ Willard, President of the MRF, had this to say in his letter of endorsement, “[Ric] has a record of reliability in being able to speak to the impact that Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and autonomous vehicles will have on the almost 10 million registered motorcyclists on our nation’s roadways… Mellon can provide critical information, advice and recommendations to the U.S. Secretary of Transportation on the safety, societal, ethical and real-life impacts this emerging class of vehicles may impose on motorcyclists.”

Both federal and state lawmakers quickly followed suit drafting their own letters of recommendation for Mr. Mellon. Federal lawmaker Reid Ribble has drafted a letter of support along with Wisconsin State Senator Kathleen Vinehout. Senator Vinehout touted Mr. Mellon’s “depth of knowledge” and “leadership skills as Executive Director and Board Member of ABATE of Wisconsin”.

The MRF has been active in the ongoing

Accident Scene Management – Would You Know What to Do?

By Woody Phillips High Country ABATE of AZ, Rim Country MMA of AZ

The last thing any of us wants to encounter when out riding is an accident. But what if you not only encountered one, but were one of the first on the scene? Maybe you even witnessed it! Would you know what to do? I did not, so this past weekend “CC Rider” and I attended a class created by Accident Scene Management. The class was called A Crash Course for the Motorcyclist and by the time the class ended, we were quite well-prepared in what to do during the first 5-30 minutes after an accident until professional assistance has arrived on scene.

The excellent basic course we took, “A Crash Course for the Motorcyclist”, was the first of 5 types of courses available. It is followed by “Basic Refresher”, “Advanced Bystander Assistance”, “Anatomy of a Motorcycle Crash”, and “Advanced Refresher”.

The class was held at Desert Wind Harley-Davidson in Mesa, AZ and we offer many thanks to them for their continuing support of safe motorcycling. During the day, which started at 9 am and ended at roughly 4 pm (with an hour for lunch), we learned the basics, including how to prevent (further) injury to the neck and spine, how to safely move an injured rider and even how to remove a full face helmet (only if necessary, of course).

The course we took was taught by Teresa (Trauma Mama) McClelland and Ben Martinez, both well-known and respected in the Arizona motorcycling community. Teresa is a Trauma Nurse with extensive experience and is an excellent teacher. She is well prepared to answer any and all questions form novices like myself to other EMS professionals (we had several in our class).

Teresa and Ben, as well as their assistants Chris Fagenbush, and Jodi Cicirello,

broke the class down into easy to digest component parts under the acronym “PACT”: · · · ·

Prevent Further Injury Assess the Situation Contact the EMS Treat Injuries

Even the section on treating injuries was broken down into simple first aid steps even I could grasp.

The other aspect of this course that makes it both effective and enjoyable is there’s a lot of hands-on instruction. For example, when we covered how to remove a fullface helmet, everyone was able to practice it from both lead and assisting positions (using a two- man technique) on a live “patient” who could give immediate feedback on how well we did. That was huge! They also came equipped with the best breathing and CPR dummies available so your experience was a real as possible.

It has been a very long time since I had a basic first-aid course or a CPR course, and many things have changed, so I was extremely glad we decided to take this course. The Certificate of Completion we received at the end of the course is good for 2 years and we will certainly be back for the refresher.

Most of the attendees would be returning the following day for the Advanced Course, but “CC Rider” and I will have to take that at a later date. Signing up is very easy and you may want to give Teresa a call to see if your club or organization offers any discounts on the VERY reasonable cost. Some classes are further subsidized by local businesses such as Breyer Law or groups like ABATE of AZ, so be sure to check. For more information visit: www. or contact Teresa McClelland at either 773-450-3698 or

MASTERLINK DECEMBER 2016 discussions regarding autonomous vehicles and recently issued DoT guidelines. The organization is filing official comments with the agency by the November 21 deadline and also plans to participate in upcoming public meetings the Agency is holding on the issue. The MRF is focusing its comments around four key areas that may affect bikers; (1) the unique attributes of a motorcycle in relationship to autonomous vehicles, (2) the need for rigorous standards when it comes to cyber security, (3) the importance of establishing clear liability in future crashes involving driverless cars and lastly, (4) general concerns over the scope and enforceability of the recently issued DoT guidelines. Nominations to the ACAT committee close this week and announcements of appointments should be determined in early 2017.


November 15, 2016

NHTSA, Congressional Committees Solicit Feedback & Examine Future of Autonomous VehiclesWASHINGTON, DC – Today, the Congressional Subcommittee on Commerce, Manufacturing and Trade examined the issue of self-driving vehicles. Members of the Committee used the hearing to explore the potential impact of automated vehicles on the nation’s roadways. Chairman Michael Burgess (R-TX) who chairs the Committee stated in his opening remarks that holding the hearing would allow Congress to better understand the safety and economic opportunities these vehi-

News from the MRF (continued)

cles present. The hearing was also used as a forum to discuss the Department of Transportation’s recently issued guidance on automated vehicles, which is currently under review.

Witnesses at the hearing spoke about the many positive attributes that self-driving vehicles hold including the future potential to eliminate human error from car crashes thus reducing the overall crash statistics in the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Administrator Mark Rosekind was quick to point out that overall crash rates in 2016 were likely to increase by 10% and that typically, 94% of these are due to human error. There was hope by many on the Committee that this figure could be greatly reduced or eliminated with the eventual emergence of fully automated vehicles; still expected to be some years away.

However, detractors and safety advocates who also spoke as expert witnesses cautioned Congress and NHTSA not to rush forward with attempts to get fully automated vehicles on the road quickly. Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) agreed, saying that while autonomous vehicles had the potential to be great for safety, they also had the potential to be a disaster. The outcome of which greatly depended on how these vehicles are regulated and guaranteed safe, she added.

Another area that was of focus during the hearing was the role of federal versus state authorities when it comes to regulating self-driving vehicles. Administrator Rosekind emphasized the language in the recently issued guidance

NY Police Detain 169 Motorcyclists on Long Island

The battle over motorcycle-only checkpoints is not over. Although Congress banned federal funding for motorcycleonly checkpoints in the 2015 Fast Act, these discriminatory stops continue in some states without federal assistance. On November 6, 2016 Suffolk County Police Highway Patrol Bureau officers, New York State Police troopers and MTA Police officers conducted motorcycle safety checkpoints on eastbound Sunrise Highway at exit 55 and eastbound Long Island Expressway. 169 motorcycles were stopped and 54 citations were issued. Checkpoints are a form of motorcycle profiling that impact all motorcyclists. Those cited were independents, not club members.

Cloaked under the justification of safety, motorcycle-only checkpoints unfairly target motorcyclists and motorcycles as a form of transportation. According to the AMA, “Motorcycle–only checkpoints are discriminatory, forcing riders and their passengers to do something not asked of other citizens, simply because we choose to travel on two wheels, or three, instead of four. The AMA believes the money used for these operations could be better spent supporting programs that conduct rider education, reduce distracted driving and encourage motorist awareness of motorcycles.”

What’s the solution? Motorcyclists in New York State should unify and push for a state prohibition against motorcycle profiling which would include discriminatory motorcycle-only check-

PAGE 11 mode, the forum allowed them to hear directly from manufacturers of automated vehicles, insurance representatives, public safety groups and other advocates, such as the Motorcycle Riders Foundation who submitted written comments. The feedback centered around challenges with the emergence of these vehicles, possible improvements to the guidance, as well as served as an opportunity to seek clarification on the framework laid out by NHSTA.

which discouraged states from advancing on regulating these types of vehicles in a manner inconsistent with DoT and instead, encouraged states to focus on their role of licensing and liability. Members of Congress were quick to point out that a number of states including Michigan, Pennsylvania, Florida and California were already making moves to attempt to regulate testing and deployment of autonomous vehicles despite NHTSA strongly discouraging this.

Generally speaking, similar to the Congressional hearing, automakers and manufacturers of autonomous vehicles encouraged NHSTA to move forward, clearing any obstacles to getting these vehicles on the road and cautioned NHTSA to not do anything that would delay technology development. Contrarily, public safety advocates like “Consumer Watchdog” urged caution and their comments argued for NHTSA to slow down and ensure robust and rigorous enforceable regulations surrounding these vehicles including performance standards and a premarket approval process. As the issue of autonomous vehicles moves forward, the lines in the sand are beginning to be drawn between automakers and safety groups. It’s clear that government authorities like the Committee and NHSTA will be pulled in different directions as to how to grapple with this area of uncharted territory. The MRF has and will continue to remain vigilant offering suggestions for improvements ensuring that motorcycle safety is a priority as the government continues to grapple with how to deal with these types of vehicles.

Regarding the issue of liability, there was wide-spread recognition that this is largely an area of the ‘unknown.’ NHTSA’s reaction to the concern over responsibility in crashes involving autonomous vehicles resulted in a recommendation that a Commission should be established to examine this issue specifically and work through some of the questions surrounding liability. The Commission would likely include a number of stakeholders including representatives from various State Departments of Motor Vehicles as well as state authorities.

NHTSA Solicits Feedback

Though not directly related, last week NHTSA held its first public workshop on the issue of automated vehicles, soliciting input from the public on the guidance document. At the beginning of the public meeting, NHTSA expressed its desire to continue with a series of meetings focused on some of the proactive approaches to regulating self-driving vehicles outlined in the guidance. For NHTSA, who was in ‘listen only’


For Immediate Release November 6, 2016

Incident: Fifty-Four Summonses Issued at Motorcycle Safety Checkpoints Location: Eastbound Sunrise Highway and Eastbound Long Island Expressway Date/Time: Sunday, November 6, 2016 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Suffolk County Police Highway Patrol Bureau officers, New York State Police troopers and MTA Police officers conducted motorcycle safety checkpoints today on eastbound Sunrise Highway at exit 55 and eastbound Long Island Expressway between exits 65 and 66. Officers stopped 169 motorcycles between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. as they passed through the checkpoints and a total of 54 summonses were issued for the following violations:

14 Unlicensed Operator 2 Suspended License 10 Un-inspected Motorcycle 3 Unregistered Motorcycle 2 Uninsured Motorcycle 10 Helmet Not Approved by New York State Department of Transportation 6 Modified/Loud Exhaust System 1 Other Equipment Violations 6 Failure to Comply with Lawful Order

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followed by The Ground Pounders Block Party from 5pm – 8pm. On Saturday Nov. 19, attendees break out into sessions (Long Distance Riding, Adventure Riding, Beginning Riding & Accessorizing Your Ride) from 9am – 12pm, view a Ride the Runway fashion show from 3pm – 4pm, and enjoy the Beautiful Bikers Awards from 4pm – 7pm. Finally, from 9am – 1pm on Sunday Nov. 20, attendees may participate in the Beautiful Bikers Ride, picnic and photo shoot.

“Victory Motorcycles has earned its place in the motorcycle world with a commitment to performance and quality,” said Steve Menneto, President of Motorcycles for Polaris Industries. “For the first time we are combining our Victory display space with Polaris’ Slingshot brand, and I know we have something for enthusiasts looking for exhilaration.”

IMS Long Beach takes place Nov. 18-20 at the Long Beach Convention Center. Doors open 3pm Friday, 9:30am Saturday and 10am Sunday. Ticket prices are $16 for Adults and free for children ages 11 and under.


Indian Motorcycle And Zac Brown Band Team Up To Surprise Veterans During Atlanta Charity Ride

In honor and recognition of Veterans Day, Indian Motorcycle paid tribute to our nation’s veterans with a day of gratitude and a motorcycle ride on the outskirts of Atlanta. In partnership with Zac Brown Band, the Indian Motorcycle Riders Group and charity partner Veterans Charity Ride to Sturgis, the ride kickedoff Wednesday morning beginning at Indian Motorcycle of Marietta and ending at the campus of Camp Southern Ground, Zac Brown’s non-profit passion initiative, in Fayetteville.

The ride hosted more than 100 riders and veterans from California all the way to Virginia, in addition to Indian Motorcycle Riders Group (IMRG) members from Tennessee, Alabama and Georgia. Veterans and other participants were welcomed by breakfast and a kick-off tribute delivered by Steve Menneto, President of Motorcycles for Polaris Industries, who joined the veterans for the day. The scenic ride lasted two hours and traveled through the outskirts of Atlanta. The full day of events dedicated to saluting all American military veterans culminated in lunch and a surprise acoustic performance by Zac Brown Band at Camp Southern Ground.

News from the “All of us at Indian Motorcycle are honored and humbled to continue our steadfast support of America’s military personnel, their families and our veterans, whom we proudly salute today on Veteran’s Day,” said Steve Menneto. “I thank the more than 100 veterans and IMRG riders who took part in this epic day of motorcycle comradery. I would also like to thank Zac Brown Band and their team for their support of our troops, and for making this a legendary event.”

Along for the ride and day’s events were four representatives of the ‘Veterans Charity Ride to Sturgis,’ which provides two-wheeled motorcycle therapy for wounded and amputee American military veterans. This past summer marked the second straight year Indian Motorcycle has sponsored this very special charity ride, which departed from Los Angeles en route to the 76th annual Black Hills Rally through some of America’s most scenic landscapes.

Camp Southern Ground is a non-profit organization founded by Zac Brown, with a mission to provide extraordinary experiences for children to recognize and magnify the unique gifts within themselves and others in order to profoundly impact the world. Camp Southern Ground places a special emphasis on those with neurodevelopmental disorders, as well as children from military families and those with social or emotional challenges.

“It was an honor and a privilege to be a part of this day and the band is proud to have played a small role in making this day special for our veterans,” said Zac Brown. “Camp Southern Ground was proud to host this special event and welcomes our nations veterans today and every day.” ========================== NRA Congratulates President-Elect Donald J. Trump

The executive director of the National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA), Chris W. Cox, released the following statement on President-elect Donald J. Trump’s victory: “On behalf of the National Rifle Association’s (NRA) five million members and tens of millions of Second Amendment supporters, the NRA congratulates President-elect Trump on his hard fought victory. “Voters sent a loud and clear message that our gun rights are not for sale. ============================

Why Fall is the Best Time to Ride

Autumn is my favorite season to ride, hands down. There is something indescribably romantic about the cool, crisp air and the colorful trees. The combination of the wind in your face, the smells of fall, and the roar from your exhaust stimulate your senses. You can almost feel the electricity in the air as the season changes.

Every fall, I look forward to layering on my new riding gear. The heat of the summer has passed, and it’s now comfortable to ride in full face helmets, leathers, gloves, and boots. There’s no better time to ride than when you can be safe and comfortable at the same time.

Bikes run really well in cool weather, especially older models that are prone to overheating. If you live in the south you know how hot your bike can get in the summer, especially when you are stopped in traffic. The fall provides nice cool air to run through your filter into your engine. Your body appreciates the cool weather too, as you are less likely to get dehydrated. buffallo Going on a road trip in the fall is ideal. There is nothing like riding through a national park or forest after all the tourists have gone and the autumn colors have arrived. Your photos and videos from your trip will be brilliant. This is also the best time to see wildlife, which is great for viewing, but requires you to be more alert and cautious while riding. You’ll also want to look out for falling leaves, as they can create an additional hazard to avoid.

Fall is my favorite time to take a date riding. The season adds a magical touch to the experience. The cooler air makes my passenger want to hold on extra tight. skyesarah Autumn is a great time to meet up with friends at a bar or café where you can get your favorite seasonal beverage. Fall brings some of the best bike shows, events, and group rides of the year. Biketoberfest is always a good time if you can make it to Daytona in October. Bikes, Blues, and BBQ draws a huge crowd, as does the Lone Star Rally. Las Vegas Bikefest is another one to add to your bucket list.

No matter what your riding style or preference, the fall is the best time to ride


Buffalo Chip Fans to Win Autographed


Guitars and Shopping Sprees

The Buffalo Chip is giving away two collector’s guitars and two hefty holiday shopping sprees. Members of rock bands Buckcherry and Pop Evil each added their signatures to an Epiphone Les Paul Special guitar while performing at the Sturgis Buffalo Chip in 2016. One incredibly lucky Chip fan will win the Buckcherry guitar, another will win the Pop Evil inscribed instrument and both will win a $125 Hot Leathers shopping spree. How to Enter Fans may enter the Rock the Holidays Sweepstakes at for their chance to win one of these exclusive collectibles. Registration closes Friday, Dec. 9, 2016 at 5 p.m. MST. The winner will be announced Dec. 12. The participating partners who made the Sturgis Buffalo Chip’s Rock the Holidays Sweepstakes possible include Epiphone, Buckcherry, Pop Evil, Revolver Magazine, Rock 106.7 in Salt Lake City, Hot Bike Magazine and Hot Leathers.

=========================== Trikes site has a Weekly News discuss with us the legislation on auto-cycles and trikes being bunched together with motorcycles. How this affects the motorcycle industry and motorcycle riders is very important. Trike riders need to know their liability. They need to get benefits as per their vehicles and not as per short-sighted Senator short-cuts to corporate sales.

Raymond Hamilton is back with bizarre, actual laws in the States on kinky sex. Beware, Big Brother is peeking into your bedroom. The Bad Joke Library ventures into worse. You have been warned. Trikes University is now open for admission at and a short course material is posted in the Weekly News there. Tours of scenic landscapes and wildlife reserves on Trikes is catching on in South Africa, Australia and USA. We have just a small dose for you in the Trikes Weekly News. We want to get the dirt on Trike Touring industry and the unique opportunities and experiences it offers to tourists. Expect a full-length feature on that soon. Ride On! Ujjwal “Wayfarer” Dey


Riding for the Long Haul Teresa “Trauma Mama” McClelland MSN RN A.B.A.T.E of Arizona State Safety Officer




Thousands of accidents and fatalities drive statewide training effort.

Motorcycle industry experts and partners focus on motorcycle training statewide.

October 26, 2016, Phoenix, Arizona – Last year, 2,911 motorcyclists were involved in crashes on Arizona roads. And, of those crashes, 134 people died and 2,777 were injured. Yet, the number of riders and registrations keep climbing. As a result, the Arizona Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Foundation (AMSAF) is determined to help get people. Mick Degn, executive director of AMSAF, says statistics show more than 40% of motorcycle riders have had no

Good to be bad: History channel premieres Gangland Undercover Season 2, and new series Outlaw Chronicles: Hell's Angels

HISTORY (Astro Channel 555/575) is back with season two of Gangland Undercover, premiering tomorrow and airing on Fridays at 10pm. Charles Falco is one of three men ever to infiltrate three different outlaw biker gangs. With his expertise and courage, he has helped law enforcement bring some of America’s most dangerous gangs to justice. With a combination of interviews and high-end recreation, each episode unfolds a different step in Falco’s covert investigations. Season two picks up with Falco seeking refuge from the aftermath of Operation 22 Green against the Vagos. Almost a year after the busts, he is living a strange new life as a man with no identity, in an unfamiliar Virginia town. This season introduces new characters (and the surprising return of some old ones) and we’ll see Falco’s wits tested to the limits as he joins ranks with Bullet: A relentless undercover lawman with a personal grudge against bike gangs. Together, they recruit a team of confidential informants

Scholarships Available

formal training and do not have a motorcycle license (endorsement). The fact is, a lack of proper training is killing and maiming people virtually every year. AMSAF, which works closely with the State of Arizona, major healthcare providers, insurance companies, motorcycle businesses and law firms, has hundreds of scholarships available and they are easy to obtain.

“New and experienced riders definitely will benefit from the two-day safety training in every way,” says Degn. “New riders, or those who haven’t ridden in some time, will learn the laws and how to ride safely for only $100 with the basic rider course. Riders who want to take the basic course 2 with their own machine, and have a permit, can do so for $50 at one of several riding schools in Arizona. It is a win-win for motorcycle

riders and will help reduce the number of crashes and fatalities on our roads. Now is the time to move our statistics in a positive direction.”. In summer, AMSAF received a $250,000 grant from the Arizona Governor’s Office of Highway Safety (AZGOHS) and the Arizona Motorcycle Safety Advisory Council (AMSAC). The grant, which supports AMSAF’s mission to boost awareness of motorcyclists while reducing rider fatalities and injuries, provides motorcycle rider training classes to the public through the scholarship program. The goal of AMSAF, a 501c3 foundation, is to reduce motorcycle crashes and fatalities in Arizona through education and awareness. The organization provides motorcycle training scholarships to indi-

News from

to infiltrate not just the Mongols, but also The Outlaws, one of the most violent biker gangs in America. As Falco navigates his way through faked murders, armed confrontations, misjudged drug deals and gunpoint polygraph tests, the season culminates with a massive, Fourth Of July Outlaw rally at which Falco finally earns his patch, setting the table for a potential season three in which Falco’s earlier mistakes come back to haunt him as he goes deeper into his infiltration. Also premiering on History is new series Outlaw Chronicles: Hells Angels, airing Fridays at 11pm starting tomorrow. It takes a deep look into the untold stories of the infamous biker gang Hells Angels through the words of George Christie, who presided over the Ventura chapter (branch), in California, for 35 years. Combining stylised interviews with Christie, along with archival footage and recreation, each episode of the six-part series tells a different tale that Christie has never before made public.

=========================== Thousands of bikers empower abused children

BUFFALO, N.Y. (WIVB) — Being a biker often comes with the rough and tough stigma as they ride around on a Harley Davidson, but for a group of local bikers, underneath all that leather, these men and women have huge hearts and they’re protecting your children. Bikers Against Child Abuse is a world wide organization with over 8,000 volunteer bikers. The Buffalo chapter was created two and half years ago and currently has over 50 members. Their only mission is to empower children not to be afraid. “Somebody stealing the innocence of a child and making that child live in fear is just absolutely reprehensible,” said Shepard, B.A.C.A member.

Each biker goes through lengthy training for up to 16 months. It involves an FBI background check, learning how to work with children and how to ride in large groups. They say it’s a 24/7 commitment.

“We want the child to know that, everybody, every one of us has their back no matter what. We’re there 24/7 for the


viduals 15-1/2 years and older who need training and certification in the State of Arizona. For more information about the novel motorcycle training scholarships program, call 888-951-3732 or visit AMSAF at or CONTACT: Fran Booth, ABC/602.400.3330

AMSAF’s impact on the community • helps increase attendance at motorcycle training schools • helps reduce motorcycle crashes and fatalities through its educational process • helps promote motorcycle safety and awareness through media and publications • helps the healthcare industry promote motorcycle safety

children. if they’re feeling afraid, they call, we’re there,” said Shepard.

B.A.C.A works with the courts, police, agencies and parents. They say less than 20 percent of abused children testify, but B.A.C.A children testify 90 percent of the time.

Bikers will even show up to court cases if needed to alienate the fear. “To see the joy that they feel later when they know that there’s forty people or more that have their back, that they don’t have to feel afraid, that they can start to feel empowered and take their childhood back, that’s why we do what we do,” said Riff, B.A.C.A member. Each B.A.C.A child gets a teddy bear signed by every biker in the chapter and they’re given a road name and their own biker vest to feel a part of the biker family.

If a child has siblings, they’re also adopted into the group as well.

Voters Reject Transportation Taxes And Projects

reprinted from

Transportation was never a hot topic during this year's presidential debates, but the issue has earned a place at the top of the agenda for the incoming administration. Early on Wednesday morning, Donald J. Trump mentioned road spending in his list of priorities.

"We are going to fix our inner cities and rebuild our highways, bridges, tunnels, airports, schools, hospitals," the Republican president-elect said. "We're going to rebuild our infrastructure, which will become, by the way, second to none. And we will put millions of our people to work as we rebuild it." Much further down the ticket, voters in a number of jurisdictions were asked to set

the direction for local transportation spending with their vote. Washington state's Initiative 732, which would have imposed a "carbon tax" system, proved to be the night's biggest loser. The measure would have added another 25 cents to the gasoline tax, which had only recently seen a 12 cents per gallon increase. Opponents of the idea argued that the cash raised by the complex scheme would do nothing for the motorists paying the


"Unlike the gas tax, the carbon tax gas price increase does not put any money back into relieving our congested highways and bridges or provide new transit options," the No On 732 Campaign

continued page 19

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House Roster

Senate Roster


Rider Ed Courses in AZ

Locations Zip County Email Phone Site Website City Motorcycle Rider PHOENIX 85012 MARICOPA Click Here (623) 979-1839 View Training RIDE SMART M/C PHOENIX 85023 MARICOPA Click Here (623) 877-5425 View TRAINING T.E.A.M. Arizona GILBERT 85233 MARICOPA Click Here (480) 998-9888 View Chandler/Gilbert GILBERT PUBLIC View GILBERT 85234 MARICOPA (480) 894-0404 SCHOOLS (PARKING LOT) T.E.A.M. Arizona View SCOTTSDALE 85260 MARICOPA Click Here (480) 998-9888 Scottsdale CHANDLER View TEMPE 85283 MARICOPA (480) 496-6800 HARLEYDAVIDSON T.E.A.M. Arizona View GLENDALE 85302 MARICOPA Click Here (623) 939-9888 Glendale DEER VALLEY View GLENDALE 85308 MARICOPA (623) 247-5542 HIGH SCHOOL LUKE AIR FORCE (623) 975-6264 LUKE AFB 85309 MARICOPA BASE Motorcycle Rider PEORIA 85345 MARICOPA Click Here (623) 979-1839 View Training VEHICLE SAFETY View YUMA 85367 YUMA Click Here (928) 376-7489 INSTITUE FT T.E.A.M. Arizona 85613 COCHISE Click Here (520) 733-9888 View HUACHUCA Sierra Vista Pima Community View TUCSON 85707 PIMA (520) 206-3981 College T.E.A.M. Arizona View TUCSON 85714 PIMA Click Here (520) 733-9888 Tucson RIDE NAZ -View BELLEMONT 86015 COCONINO (928) 443-0111 FLAGSTAFF Ride Northern View PRESCOTT 86301 YAVAPAI Click Here (928) 443-0111 Arizona - Prescott T.E.A.M. Arizona PRESCOTT 86301 YAVAPAI Click Here (928) 771-2500 View Prescott MOHAVE View KINGMAN 86401 MOHAVE (928) 757-0825 COMMUNITY COLLEGE LAKE MOHAVE (928) 505-3321 View HAVASU 86403 MOHAVE COMMUNITY CITY COLLEGE MOHAVE JB'S 86440 MOHAVE Click Here (866) 668-6462 View VALLEY RESTAURANT

ATTENTION - ALL RIDERS: =======================

It has come to our attention that business establishments in Arizona may still be discriminating against motorcyclists. Please carry copies of this form with you at all times. Discrimination can range from a sign stating "No Colors" or "No Motorcycle Parking" or "No Motorcycle Attire" etc., to simply being asked to leave a place of business, just because you are on a motorcycle or because of your riding apparel. If anything like this happens to you, PLEASE fill out this form in its entirety and send it to the address noted. Your lobbyists cannot get sponsorship for "equal access" legislation, without evidence of this type of discrimination. Documentation of Discrimination DATE: ______________

Business Phone _______________

NAME OF ESTABLISHMENT: __________________________________ BUSINESS PHONE (with area code): __________________________________ BUSINESS - FULL ADDRESS: ___________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ NAME / POSITION OF PERSON ENFORCING POLICY: ________________ ________________________________________________________ WRITTEN STATEMENT OF DISCRIMINATION (use back if needed): _____ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ YOUR NAME (please print): ______________________________________ YOUR PHONE (with area code): __________________________________ YOUR SIGNATURE: ____________________________________________ *** INCLUDE ANY PICTURES OF DISCRIMINATING SIGNS POSTED *** Mail To: Ray Fitzgerald 1634 West Pine Cone Way Prescott, Arizona 86303


Important Phone Numbers

Aid to Injured Motorcyclists - A.I.M. - (800) 521-2425 24-Hr. Legal Assistance for all accidents

Aid to Incarcerated Motorcyclists A.I.M. - (800) 235-2424 24-Hr. Legal Criminal Defense National Legislative Hot Line - (800) 300-NCOM 24-Hr. Motorcycle Legislative Alerts

National Coalition of Motorcyclists NCOM- (800) 525-5355 Fighting for Bikers Rights Confederation of Clubs. - (800) 531-2424 Motorcycle Clubs Fighting Against Discrimination Motorcycle Riders Foundation Washington D.C. Office (202) 546-0983

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could be here... It’s Free to ABATE Members. submit your ad online at



Voters Reject Transportation Taxes And Projects (continued)

At the end of the day, 59 percent of the state's voters said 'no' to the plan. Illinois voters, with a much stronger 78 percent majority, insisted that money raised from motorists be used solely for "transportation" purposes, rather than for shoring up the general fund. New Jersey adopted a similar measure by a narrower 54 percent margin. At the local level, gas tax hikes proved unpopular. In Oregon, voters in

Clackamas County, Coburg, Coos Bay, Cornelius, Cottage Grove, King City, North Bend, Springfield and Tigard said 'no' to gas tax increases of between 3 and 6 cents. In Nevada, voters in Carson City, Lyon and Douglas counties rejected a 3cent hike.

Voters also expressed disapproval of other taxes being used to fund transit projects. In San Diego, California, voters killed Measure A, which would have hiked the sales tax by 0.5 percent to spend on "bus, train and trolley" services and bicycle

lanes. A similar tax in San Luis Obisbo County and Ventura County likewise failed to achieve the two-thirds vote required to impose a tax increase. Peoria County, Illinois rejected a sales tax hike that was specifically dedicated to actual road improvements. Virginia Beach, Virginia rejected a light rail project with 57 percent of the vote. Tuesday night's message was far from unanimous, however, as a some jurisdictions did endorse transit plans and tax increases. Stanislaus County, California


was one of the few jurisdictions able to overcome the two-thirds barrier to raising taxes for transit. Wake County, North Carolina secured 53 percent of the vote to boost the sales tax for bus and rail services. Spokane, Washington likewise increased the sales tax for more spending on buses. Charleston County, South Carolina will pay more in sales taxes to raise $600 million for buses, $200 million on "green spaces" and the remainder on a handful of road projects.

2009 HD Sportster 1200 Low style.

ITS FOOTBALL SEASON!! I have a grill trailer for tailgating, camping, parties, etc. NEW, never used. Three burner Char Griller gas grill with side burner can be converted to smoker with addition of fire box available from Char Griller. 9 foot bistro umbrella stores in tube in middle of trailer. Folding rear table extension. 3-D powder coated frame. Locking cage holds most 2000 watt inverter generators. (generator pictured not included but is for sale also) Small flat screen TV mount clamps to umbrella post. Two coolers; ice down beer in the big one; keep burgers, dogs, steaks or ice cream on dry ice in the smaller one. Lots of table space for food, satellite receiver, DVD player, you name it. Tongue locks in upright position to save space and prevent theft. Three point leveling legs. Uses 1 7/8" hitch ball. Be the envy of everyone in the tailgating lot. I also have one of these trailers that I use at TBFS every year. Price reduced. $2000 OBO Cash Only Call or text Redbone any time and leave message. (480) Three Two Six - Seven 6 5 Six

like new with 5000 miles, kept in AC garage, Stage 1 kit with Vance and Hines shorties, forward foot controls, all service down by Chester's in Mesa. Limited HD factory root beer brown color. $7500 obo. call or text 480-338-1965 in Gilbert AZ. For pictures email to;

For sale 2012 Subculture hard tail

FINALLY!! A motorcycle themed paperback book for the young reader. The Adventures of Olive Pearl and Hammy Davidson features Olive Pearl; a green and black motorcycle and Hamrietta (Hammy) Davidson her stuffed piggy passenger. They experience the joy of motorcycling on a 1700-mile road trip to meet new people, see new things, and learn life lessons along the way. Their adventures are wrapped inside the love story of husband and wife characters, “The Man” and “The Lady”. Sprinkled throughout with pictures, social observations, and humor, adults will also enjoy reading this story to younger children and are sure to get a laugh or two themselves. Get more info and place an order at: Let’s Ride!!

93 Soft tail engine and transmission in rigid frame, big cam, S&S super E carb, 8mm 1 3/4belt primary, chain final drive. 200-17 rear wheel , 21 front, wide glide front end, black lowers. Much more - 602-300-4115 2004 Waltz Hardcore special constructed soft tail Custom Chopper, Vin # AZ262741, Vehicle is garage kept, and customized. Chopper has a 145 Horse Power TP polished Engine, a 3" Primary and 6 speed Transmission. The Vehicle is built on a Waltz Hardcore Soft Tail Frame. All sheet metal work, paint job is Custom. Custom Chrome wheels and brand new Tires. All Mechanical components are in good working order. Engine runs awesome. Has less than 4000 miles. This baby is worth way more than I'm asking! Just need money now! Waltz Hardcore Frame $6,500, TP 124" Cubic Inch Polished Engine $7,500 3" Open Primary and 6 speed Transmission $3,000, Custom Sheet metal Work $3,000 Custom Paint $3,000, Wheels & Tires $2,500, Progressive Airtail Suspension, Brakes, Starter, Charging System, $4,000, Labor $4,500 Asking $18,999 obo, For more information call or text @ (480) 385-8947


I have your year Softail-- 1984.1 owner, 1st yr. Softail, 1st yr. Evolution Kick and electric start PLUS all orginal parts. $9,500 Call 970-420-6675

One-Piece DayTripper motorcycle seat

New - never used - In box Retails for $359 model 76189 fits Honda VT 750 Spirit 2001-2006 & VT 750DC 2007-2009. The detailed stitch work in the highly durable, synthetic glove-leather makes the DayTripper a show winner. $150.00 Call Bob @ 602-463-0544

AzTech Flatbed Trailer (Car/ATV Hauler) $2200 obo 2008 STS Cadillac for sale, 23K miles $28,000 obo Call 928-718-6296 Cell 928-716-7289

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2000 HD Custom (623) 374-5510 $15K OBO Motorcycle Hearse

COPD diagnosis forces SALE! $50,000.00 visit this website to view complete set of equipment. Equipment included: 1999 Harley Davidson Road King Trike (6045 miles) modified with reverse gear & fifth wheel hitch, detachable 18th Century styled Hearse Carriage, full size casket with full cover flag, cherry wood Urn Ark with panoramic glass & folding stand, Encased Memorial Flag, 2007 22ft. flatbed transportation trailer with winds/bug shield, Honor Flags, pre-printed magnetic Carriage name plates & misc office supplies. Call Bill or Phyllis 623-386-8281

2006 H-D Dyna Street Bob 11,000 miles, $22,000 invested, selling for $16,000. Contact Pete @ (602) 315-6950 FOR SALE:

2008 Harley Davidson Road Glide- 6,240 miles-lowering kit-travel packageAM/FM/WB/CD- 6 speed-Dark Blue Pearl-Corbin Solo and Stock Seat- asking $17,000. e-mail serious inquiries to:

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