The Masterlink - February 2017

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A publication supporting the rights, safety and freedom of all motorcyclists through education and legislation

February 2017


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I have a tendency to study our Founding Fathers and the historical events that shaped our country. I like looking behind the quotes to see the person saying the words and maybe get a glimpse of why it was said. It’s all in context right?

Mike Infanzon ABATE of AZ Designated Lobbyist

ABATE of AZ. 7509 N. 12th St, #200 Phoenix, AZ 85020

Most motorcyclists like beer. One of my favorites is Sam Adams Boston Lager. The brand name was chosen in honor of Founding Father Samuel Adams, an American revolutionary who co-inspired and later publicized the Boston Tea Party and also a second cousin to president John Adams. He helped fan the grassroots movement that became the American Revolution for Independence.

“It does not take a majority to prevail … but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brush fires of freedom in the minds of men.” - Samuel Adams

THE IRATE, TIRELESS MINORITY Adams was a thorn in the side of those British in power in the Boston area. He pushed the envelope on freedoms like so many others in that time did. The 3% is what they were called. That irate and tireless minority that made the difference for millions. It has been said that only 3% of the population of the colonies actively participated in the American Revolution. That number amazes me to think that 97% of the people gained freedom of the sacrifices of the other 3%. It is still the same I guess. Those who sit back and enjoy the spoils that the tireless minority fight for. I like to call it the “Gimme Gimme my name is Jimmy” mentality. Today it is called the “entitlement” mindset that seems so many have. When will the irate and tireless minority set a big enough brush fire that the majority will take hold of it?

BRUSHFIRES OF FREEDOM One thing about brush fires is that they spread quickly and can be devastating. The only thing that is needed to start one is a small spark. Remember the Smokey the Bear advertisement? “Only you can prevent

forest fires”. Let me tell you that “Even YOU can start a brush fire for freedom”! A brush fire can change the landscape permanently. The brush fires of freedom have changed the world for the betterment of mankind.

FAN THE FLAMES OF FREEDOM The spark has been there. ABATE started in California in the early 70’s. Forty-plus years later it is a stronger and more powerful organization for the freedom of motorcyclists around the country. The fight for motorcyclist rights have fueled the fire for organizations like the Motorcycle Profiling Project in Washington. The Motorcycle Rights Foundation is on the forefront in DC to fight for our rights on Capitol Hill. Keep the flame burning. Here in Arizona we hear about grass fires every year. Motorcycle rights is a grassroots movement. Let the freedom to choose and the freedom to ride spread like a wildfire. I will leave you with a quote from Thomas Jefferson: “I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.” Mike Infanzon ABATE of Arizona, State Designated Lobbyist

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Chairman..............................Sean Pinder

East Valley………………….Nolan Steed High Country........................Forrest “Woody” Phillips Phx / Shadow Mountain…...Mark Million Southern AZ.........................Sean Pinder Yavapai……………………..Deborah Butitta Yuma....……………………..Frank White Quarterly Board meetings are held on the first Sunday in January, April, July and October at 1:00pm @ the AZ American-Italian Club, 7509 N. 12th St, Phoenix. Please make sure your Chapter has representation.

A.B.A.T.E. State Officers For 2017

President………..............……Jim Butsback Vice President.....……………Brad Cosby Secretary……………………Dawn Steed Treasurer…………………….Jim Silk Membership…………………Ben Martinez Run/Events………………….Vacant Safety Coordinator………….Teresa "Trauma Mama" McClelland Sergeant-at-Arms……………Vic Grady P.A.C………………………...John "Johnny D" Dreyfus Communications…………….Judy "Hooody" Brus Designated Lobbyist...............Vacant ABATE Products……………Vacant MasterLink Editor................ Eric”Spanky” Hampton Office phone: 480-256-9237 and

Mailing address 7509 N. 12th St, #200, Phoenix, AZ 85020. State Officers meetings are held the 1st Sunday of every month, 10:30 am at the AZ American Italian Club, 7509 N. 12th Street Phoenix, AZ.- OR in conjunction with the quarterly BOD meeting.

East Valley Chapter

c/o Jim Silk, 5722 E. Garnet Circle, Mesa, AZ 85206 Coordinator............................Jim Silk Vice Coordinator..................Joe Ferrucci Secretary................................Dawn Steed Treasurer................................Deb Ferrucci Membership...........................Mike Shearhart Run Coordinator...................Vacant Safety Coordinator................Nolan Steed Sgt. At Arms..........................Richard Dalton P.A.C......................................Gynni Giebel Communications....................Dawn Steed Merchandise........................... Jerry Prisoc EAST VALLEY CHAPTER meetings are held the 4th Sunday of the month at 11:00 a.m. at Fraternal Order of Eagles (F.O.E.) 1712 W. Broadway Road, Mesa AZ 85202 FMI contact Jim Silk FYI 602 312 1927

December 21, 2016

The Road to Zero Initiative Advances in the U.S.; Motorcyclists Play an Important Role

WASHINGTON, DC – In October, the U.S. Department of Transportation (DoT) unveiled a new initiative dedicated to eliminating all traffic-related deaths in thirty years. “Road to Zero” is the concept that achieving zero traffic-related deaths is achievable through new policies

Would you like to receive The Masterlink digitally? It is posted monthly on the ABATE website Opt out of the receiving the The Masterlink? Please contact the ABATE Office if you would like to no longer receive a hard copy of The Masterlink. 480-256-9237 or

High Country Chapter

209A E. Juniper St. Payson AZ 85541 Coordinator............................Wayne Slocum Vice Coordinator...................Billy Hensler Secretary................................Dee Schultz Treasurer...............................Forrest “Woody” Phillips Membership...........................CC Rider Run Coordinator....................Mark Fickel 2nd Run Coordinator....................CC Rider l Safety Coordinator.................John Lacey Sgt. At Arms.........................Justin Wilson 2nd Sgt. At Arms.........................Mike Basner P.A.C.....................................Woody Phillips Communications...................Snake Merchandise..........................Beth Lacey

High Country Chapter meetings are held on the 3rd Sunday at 10 a.m. at The Moose Lodge in Star Valley. Contact:

Phoenix-Shadow Mountain Chapter

P.O. Box 54041 Phoenix, AZ 85078-4041 Coordinator...........................Mike Schneider Vice Coordinator....................Jim Page Secretary................................Jean Cooper Treasurer................................Tara Rudometkin Membership...........................Ben Martinez Run Coordinator....................Jeremy Kellim Safety Coordinator.................Trauma Mama Sgt. At Arms..........................Scott Gibbons P.A.C......................................John ‘Johnny D’ Dreyfus Communications....................Robb Felder Merchandise...........................Sandy Hassinger

Phoenix/Shadow Mountain meetings are held on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 10:30am at the AZ American Italian Club, 7509 N. 12th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85020. FMI: Chapter Coordinator Mike Schneider, 602-5491044,

Yavapai Chapter

1590 Swenson Street Prescott AZ 86305 Coordinators..........................Mark Kessler / Dan Tumey Secretary.............................. Suni Sommers Treasurer................................Terri Lucontro Membership...........................Suni Sommers Run Coordinator......................OPEN Safety Coordinator..................OPEN Sgt. At Arms...........................OPEN P.A.C......................................OPEN Communications....................Suni Sommers Merchandise...........................OPEN

Yavapai Chapter meets every second Wednesday at 6:00 pm at Addictions Bar and Grill, an ABATE business member. 1590 Swenson St, Prescott 86305. Just off Iron Springs Road. FMI

Yuma Chapter

11316 S. Glenwood Ave. Yuma, AZ 85367 Coordinator............................David "Pastor D" Litts Vice Coordinator....................Gilbert Hernandez Secretary................................ Mikkie Melanson Treasurer................................Virginia Nielsen Membership...........................Garrett "Buster" Gould Run Coordinator.....................Jerry Allison Safety Coordinator..................Ray “PeeWee” Grier Sgt. At Arms...........................Frank White P.A.C......................................Gilbert Hernandez Communications....................David "Pastor D" Litts Merchandise...........................Lisala White

Yuma Chapter meets the second Tuesday evening monthly at 6:00 PM at the pm. The next meeting will be held at the Kountry Kitchen Café located at 11242 S Foothills Blvd, Yuma, AZ. 85365. For additional information contact Frank White (Hound) at 209-327-0814.

Southern Arizona Chapter

6888 N De Chelly Loop Tucson, AZ 85741 Coordinator............................Jim Butsback Vice Coordinator....................Darron Huntington Secretary................................Becky Garino Treasurer................................Dawn Detelj Membership...........................Bob Stewart Run Coordinator....................Bob Welton Safety Coordinator.................Robert Templeton Sgt. At Arms.........................Ruben Soto P.A.C......................................Annisa Huntington Communications....................Vacant Merchandise...........................Sean Pinder


The Southern Arizona Chapter will meet the third Saturday. We will gather at the Kettle Restaurant, 748 W Starr Pass Tucson. Breakfast will be available at 7:30 a.m. with the meeting beginning at 9 a.m. FMI contact Jim Butsback by phone at 520-247-3051 or email

If any of the Officers are listed here incorrectly, please send corrections to: I will be sure everything is accurate for the next Issue and on the web site.

News from the MRF

and solutions. First initiated in Sweden in 1997 as “Vision Zero” the program has been adopted by many European. The U.S. version made progress last week with the holding of a symposium and invited speakers to discuss the challenges and choices with the concept. The event also offered participants the opportunity to partake in “breakout sessions” to discuss proposed actions on how to achieve the lofty goal.

The only entity representing the motorcy-

cle community present at the symposium was the Motorcycle Riders Foundation’s Vice-President of Government Affairs, Megan Ekstrom. Ekstrom was invited to participate in one of the breakout sessions focused on how to create a safer environment for other roadway users with modes of transportation outside of traditional automobiles. Working directly with DoT officials, Ekstrom emphasized the need to prevent crashes rather than concepts focused on how to have “safer” crashes. Specifically, she addressed the need for

Meeting Minutes

A.B.A.T.E. of Arizona, Inc. Board of Directors and State meeting minutes will no longer be printed and taking up space in THE MASTERLINK. They are available to view 24/7 on-line at under the “Communications” tab. Thank you!

- March 26th, following EV Chapter Meeting (Noon) located at FOE, 1712 W Broadway, Mesa - July 9th, Addictions Bar & Grill (Noon) located at 1590 Swenson Street, Prescott - October 8th, AAIC (Noon) located at 7509 N 12th St, Phoenix. This will also be the State Officers and By-Law Change Election

Mission Statement

We will lobby and educate the government and the general public to promote motorcycling in a safe and positive image.

We will endeavor to enlist the cooperation and participation of all organizations and individuals who share

a similar interest in preserving our American tradition of


We will involve ourselves in fund raising to achieve our goal.

additional training and awareness programs for other drivers teaching them strategies on how to be alert, identify, react and interact with motorcyclists on the road. She suggested that this could be achieved by targeting education towards new drivers on the road and even encompassed in driver education programs as well as included as part of the testing for drivers’ licensing requirements. These sorts of activities and strategies could

continued page 7 How to Reach Us

480-256-9237 For Advertising Rates Email Eric at Or Mail Your Ads to: MasterLink, ABATE of Arizona 7509 N. 12th St, #200 Phoenix, AZ, 85020 MasterLink Advertising Rates:

Size Monthly Quarterly Yearly Business Card Size (3-1/2”w x 2”h): $20.00 $60.00 $200.00 1/8 Page (5-1/8”w x 4”h) $50.00 $150.00 $500.00 1/4 Page (5-1/2”w x 8”h) $70.00 $210.00 $700.00 1/2 Page (10-1/4”w x 8”h) $100.00 $300.00 $1,000.00 Full Page (10-1/4”w x 16”h) $200.00 $600.00 $2,000.00 Full Color Back Page (10-1/4”w x 16”h) $400.00 $950.00 $3,300.00


President’s Report

them to come out and meet with us and let them know that you are involved and watching what is happening at the Capital!

On January 7th we held the annual Officers Training for all Chapter Officers. The turnout was pretty good but it can always been better. I wish to thank all officers who took the time to attend. I especially want to thank Motorcycle Safari for the donation of the door prize which was raffled off to those officers attending. If you missed the training you missed out on a chance to go home a little richer!

By Jim Butsback

Greetings Fellow supporters of Motorcycle Rights!!

Well this year has started off fast and furious. The new legislature opened their session on January 9th. We had many motorcyclists down at the Capital showing that we are involved with the process. It would have been better to see a larger turn out. I encourage everyone to please do whatever you can to be at the State Capital on February 15th for Motorcycle Day at The Dome!!! Contact your legislators even if you cannot make it. Invite

By Johnny D ALMA MC ACMC Designated Lobbyist ABATE State PAC Officer

Hello fellow freedom fighters,

I stole that from Mary K. As many of you know, Rep. Friese dropped his helmet law again. I spoke with several legislators within hours of the moment that it was dropped. When one is at the capitol, the opportunities to catch them out of their buildings are abundant. By the time you read this, it will either be dead or we will

Those in attendance were also treated to an excellent presentation by Mick Degn who is the Chairman and Founding Board Member of the Arizona Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Foundation or AMSAF. He gave a history of AMSAF as well as information on the scholarship program that they have for riders to take motorcycle training classes. He also had information on upcoming programs that AMSAF is working on and showed a couple of PSA’s that will soon be seen on various television stations around the state. AMSAF is presenting a family oriented educational event “RIDING FOR THE LONG HAUL” March 17th at the Shrine Auditorium at 552 N 40th St.,

Phoenix, AZ. For more information about AMSAF and all they do for the motorcycling community go to

There was also a presentations by Teresa “Trauma Mama” McClelland on the various safety issues especially a new campaign she is working on, “Ride Safe, Ride Smart, Ride Responsible, Ride Endorsed!”. The TBFS committee gave a presentation by JR Rosen on the preparations and progress on “Too Broke for Sturgis!” along with schedules, layouts, chapter assignments and what is expected of each Chapter. The amount of man hours that is needed to put on this event is staggering. The bands have been signed and things are moving along well but we need everyone possible to help make this a success. It is our only real fund raiser for the state. Please plan on attending and helping to support ABATE of Arizona. On the legislative issues that we face, first is the Federal Highway Administration’s intention to move forward with selecting participants for the newly reestablished Motorcyclist Advisory Council or “MAC”. The MAC is design to allow motorcyclists the opportunity to have input on how they are affected by road design, barriers, construction, and the new systems like driverless cars. The FHWA is only requiring that ONE member of the Council be from


be in a pitched battle for our right to be unmandated. Since about January 15 of 2016, I have been talking about this year’s opening day at the legislature. It is amazing to me how many people don’t believe that showing up at the capitol is important. If there were a hundred of us there on January 9, this bill would have never had a chance. Now we must show up at least twice to fight it. I understand that people have jobs, but there are times when a few hours in the morning will make a major difference in life. Hopefully we will have killed this abomination by the reading of this article.

The other issue we have this year is recreating the Motorcycle Safety Fund. This one will probably be in action while you read this. SB 1082 will re-create the fund and allow it to operate through 2021. It is critical that we support this bill. I believe that the 2000 scholarships

for rider training courses have saved lives. Mick Degn, director of Arizona Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Foundation (AMSAF) considers this fund critical for the continuation of the program. If you don’t know who your legislators are, contact me at 623-206-3131, I will help you find them. We need to be more engaged. At the last Phoenix Shadow Mountain meeting, a woman said she hated dealing with the government. I find myself repeating this:

The government was not brought here by aliens and inflicted on us. We create the government. We have a voice. We need to use that voice to petition the government for redress of grievances. The government that most directly affects is our city council/mayor. Then next level is the county. Then the state government/gover-


a motorcycle organization! How is the Council is supposed to advise federal authorities on motorcycling issues when only 1 in 10 members ride? We need to stay vigilant on issues like these.

Here in Arizona we are once again facing legislation introduced to require a helmet unless you pay an additional fee, or you may face a $500 fine. Hopefully by the time you see this, this bill has been killed. This again is an illustration of why we must stay vigilant and united in our cause! Whenever a call to action is put out it is important that everyone makes those telephone calls, writes those letters and sends emails. When the Lawmakers inboxes are jammed full of our letters, they know we are serious and we are committed. It looks like the Motorcycle Safety Fund bill is once again in play. Hopefully it gets passed and once again we have the fund available for Motorcycle Awareness projects.

I Hope to see EVERYONE at Motorcycle Day at the Dome!! Until next month! Ride Free!! Ride Safe!! Ride ENDORSED!! Jim

nor impacts us. And finally, our federal government sets the overall direction of the nation. We have a say in all of it. If you need help figuring it out, call me. I will be happy to explain, guide, tutor, direct, or coach anyone who is interested in activism.

Soon the political arm of ABATE will be sending out calls to action for federal legislation. Look for them and act on the requested action. Our only real power is in our voice and our solidarity. I understand that most of you are busy making a living, raising children, caring for family members, or just living. A few minutes a week to make a phone call and send an email is all we ask. We need help here. There are more than 200,000 registered motorcycles in Arizona, let us shout with one voice. They will have to listen. Until next time, be safe,

Sen. Cruz and Rep. DeSantis Introduce Constitutional Amendment To Impose Term Limits On Members of Congress

Reprinted from

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and U.S. Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) today proposed an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to impose term limits on members of Congress. The amendment would limit U.S. senators to two six-year terms and members of the U.S. House of Representatives to three two-year terms.

“D.C. is broken,” said Sen. Cruz. “The American people resoundingly agreed on Election Day, and President-elect Donald Trump has committed to putting government back to work for the American people. It is well past time to put an end to

the cronyism and deceit that has transformed Washington into a graveyard of good intentions.”

Cruz continued: “The time is now for Congress, with the overwhelming support of the American people, to submit this constitutional amendment to the states for speedy ratification. With control of a decisive majority of the states, the House of Representatives, and the Senate, we have a responsibility to answer the voters’ call-to-action. We must deliver.” “Term limits are the first step towards reforming Capitol Hill,” said Rep. DeSantis. “Eliminating the political elite and infusing Washington with new blood will restore the citizen legislature that our

Founding Fathers envisioned. The American people have called for increased accountability and we must deliver. Senator Cruz has been instrumental in efforts to hold Congress accountable, and I look forward to working with him to implement term limits.”

Washington through congressional term limits is a priority strongly supported by the American people. According to an October Rasmussen survey, 74 percent of Americans support establishing term limits for all members of Congress, while only 13 percent oppose term limits.

The enduring concept of a citizen legislature, of limiting unruly influence and abuse of power, and of promoting integrity and unclouded judgment in

The amendment was cosponsored in the Senate by Sens. Deb Fischer (R-Neb.), Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.), Thom Tillis (RN.C.), Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), Mike Lee (R-Utah), and David Perdue (R-Ga.)

“President Trump, Speaker Ryan and huge majorities of the American people are demanding term limits,” said U.S. Term Limits President Philip Blumel. “Congress must listen and pass the CruzDeSantis amendment immediately.

In December, Sen. Cruz and Rep. DeSantis published an op-ed in the Washington Post announcing their intention to introduce a term limits amendment in the 115th Congress.


East Valley Chapter

Well would you look at that; here we go again, already a month into a new year. So I am sure that all the Bikers out there made their resolution to get out and ride more.

East Valley Chapter got together on December 18th for our annual potluck meeting, So much yummy food. Good thing we didn’t plan an adventure for afterwards I don’t think anyone would have made it from eating so much.

East Valley chapter presented Mike Turngren with his lifetime membership. Must have been Mike Turngren day because he won $15 from the 50/50 and ever so graciously donated it back, Thank you Mike. Juanita Triplett could have been $304 richer from the dollar jar, maybe next time.

I hope that everyone was blessed with enjoying the Holiday season. Now it is time to get back to work.

January 6th was Motorcycles on Main. Thank you to everyone who showed up to hang out and help. We set up our booth side by side with AMSAF. It was so cool that we were able to refer people to each other. We were honored to have Adam Sandoval and Scooter from ScootinAmerica park the bike right in front between the ABATE and AMSAF booths. We got to talk to and get pictures with him and scooter. He was given a bumper sticker and white bandana. Also we found out later that we are in his YouTube interview from that night.

Chapter officer training was held on January 7th at the Arizona American Italian Club. It was great together, for some of us it gave us a chance to put in person faces with names. It is exciting that we have some new faces willing to lend their energy to a Chapter officer position. We had a couple of awesome presentations. Trauma Mama introduced the ABATE of Arizona 2017 Public Safety Announcement, Ride safe, Ride Smart, Ride Responsible, and Ride Endorsed. The 2nd was from Dean with AMSAF. He showed us a couple of cool PSA commercials that they did.

I would like to say thank you to everyone from several different chapters that came to Gypsy’s Roadhouse on January 7th after officer training for Willie Shearhart surprise 70th birthday party. A special thank you goes out to Owners Bill and Gypsy who reserved a table for Willie, unfortunately I forgot to write down the name of the young lady who was bartending but she busted her ass and handled it with grace and ease. This being printed in the February edition I would like to wish everyone a Happy Valentine’s Day. May the love bug be gentle?

Don’t forget that Motorcycle Day at the Dome is February 15th. Let’s make it big and respectfully make our voices heard. I know that I look forward to seeing many, many smiling faces there this year to visit with our Representatives.

Until next month, be safe out there. Enjoy the ride and as always keep it rubber side down. Here’s to Wind Knots in My Hair Dawn P Steed

East Valley Communications officer, Chapter & State Secretary

High Country Chapter


Phoenix/Shadow Mountain Chapter

The Phoenix/Shadow Mountain Chapter met on Sunday, December 11th at the AAIC. This was our last meeting for 2016 and a good reminder why attending is so important. It’s a difficult task to cover within our Chapter Reports all the interesting information that comes up at our Chapter meetings. By attending, you’re in the hub of ABATE of ARI-

Chapter Reports

ZONA and participating with one of the most active chapters in the region. Some of the highlights from our meeting include our Chapter Coordinator Mike and Run Coordinator Jeremy bringing us up to date with the latest developments for our new event, “TOO BROKE FOR BIKE WEEK.” Our Safety Officer Teresa cautioned us to be aware of the symptoms of hypothermia while riding in the colder months (slow reactions, shivering, appearing intoxicated). She noted that caffeine and alcohol will make matters worse, so we should ride responsibly and layer up so we can adjust for conditions. Also, Johnny D with PAC spoke on what's happening at the State Capitol for 2017, the progress being made by Arizona Motorcycle Riders Political Action Committee (AMRPAC), and touched on what’s new for Arizona lane splitting (lane filtering) and motorcycle profiling legislation. We also spoke about the state of our membership, other runs, events, what shirts, hoodies and other merchandise are coming up, and much more.

More recent news from the chapter include your 2017 Chapter Officers attending Officer Training on January 7th along with other ABATE Chapter Officers across Arizona. This was a great opportunity for them all to get to know each other and plan for a productive 2017. Also, Clyde and Jean graciously hosted a morning meetup for us to ride to the State Capitol for Opening Day at the Arizona Legislature on January 9th. Several of us joined other riders to support the re-creation of the Motorcycle Safety Fund, to stand against the profiling of motorcyclists, promote motorcycle awareness, education and oppose any law that mandates helmet use or fines/taxes Arizona motorcyclists unjustly.

Chapter members are encouraged to attend Motorcycle Day at the Dome (MDATD) on Wednesday, February 15th (10am-2pm). This is a special opportunity to join other Motorcycle Rights Organization members, Motorcycle Clubs and Independent Riders to meet with your District Legislators and discuss the critical issues affecting motorcyclists. Please call or email your two (2) Representatives and one (1) State Senator to set an appointment to meet in their office or ask them to join us outside on the House lawn. Come to our next meeting and we’ll coordinate a meetup for ABATE members and friends to ride over together. ALL BIKERS WELCOME! Our Chapter intends to have a booth at Westgate Bike Night beginning in March 2017. Coordinate at our monthly chapter meeting if interested in helping set up and working the booth. If you’re at the event, look for us and stop by to say hello.

We’re still looking for volunteers for TOO BROKE FOR BIKE WEEK. This is a fundraiser for the Phoenix/Shadow Mtn. Chapter of ABATE of Arizona and we are looking for up to 40 volunteers for each day (3/31 & 4/1). All ABATE members that are interested in volunteering are encouraged to bring friends to help out with the event. Coordinate with Jeremy Kellim, our Run Coordinator, for more information and sign up to assist with ticket booth, parking/traffic, security/backstage, vendors and promoting ABATE. Please save the dates and plan on attending this important fundraiser for our Chapter. TOO BROKE FOR BIKE WEEK will be held at Desert Wind Harley-Davidson on Friday March 31 & Saturday April 1, 2017. There will be Live Music, Bike Show, Vendors, Food & Drink, Rally Ride, Contests and much more! Scheduled to perform are .38 Special & 74th Street Band on Friday; with Jackyl & The Visitors on Saturday. Two Day General Admission Tickets only $35 (Advance only!) & Single Day General Admission Tickets only $20 (Advance only!), or $30 either day of event. Advance tickets and information available at: and found on Facebook at: Volunteer get in FREE! Get all the details at our next monthly Chapter



Keep in touch with our Chapter by joining us on Facebook at: DON’T FORGET TO SHARE!

Please subscribe to our Chapter email list to keep informed about events, bulletins and other announcements. Anyone is welcome to join by sending an email request to: TELL A FRIEND!

Meetings for the Phoenix/Shadow Mountain Chapter are held on the 2nd Sunday of each month. We invite you to attend our next meeting on Sunday February 12, 2017 at the Arizona American Italian Club (AAIC) - 7509 North 12th Street, in Phoenix. Breakfast is available for $6.00 (NEW PRICE) at 10:00 am and the meeting starts at 10:30 am. SEE YOU THERE! Robb “Double B” Felder Communications Officer Phoenix/Shadow Mtn. Chapter ABATE of ARIZONA

Southern Arizona Chapter

Hello from the Southern Arizona Chapter. Welcome 2017, and we are excited for all the new year holds.

Southern Arizona Chapter held the monthly meeting on December 17, 2016 at the regular time and location. Minutes from the previous meeting were approved. Having been postponed from the November meeting the annual election of officers was held. All officers were reelected to their previous positions with the exception of Ron Kool taking the Merchandise position and Becky Garino filling the vacant Communication position. The vote was unanimous. Following the business meeting we held our annual Christmas Party. There was an offering of treats and snacks and the “steal the other guy’s gift” exchange. There was also a drawing for two Holiday gift cards, Sean Pinder won the QT card and Herman won the Buffalo Wild Wings card. Always a good time!

Plans are underway for the 2nd Annual Fisher House Benefit/Event on February 18th. Bob Welton, our Run Coordinator is working on making this another great day for Fisher House. Fisher House provides free housing to the families of Veterans receiving treatment at our VA Medical Center. Keeping family close is best for the Veterans needing to be hospitalized. Many families cannot bear the cost of motels and eating out while their loved one is hospitalized, and Fisher House meets those needs. Bob is currently seeking donations and raffle prizes for the event. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend, and remember all proceeds benefit Fisher House. WATCH FOR UPCOMING POSTERS! There is never a lack of events to attend in Arizona and as A.B.A.T.E. members we can take advantage of every opportunity to represent at the events we attend. Everyone is encouraged to carry applications with them and promote membership in A.B.A.T.E. of Arizona.

On January 7th Jim Butsback, Anissa “Dragonfly” Huntington, Sean Pinder, and I attended the Chapter Officer Training in Phoenix. It was a great day and much more well attended than last year. Thanks so much to, and Woody for putting up a $200 door prize which I was fortunate enough to win. THANK YOU! One of the benefits of attending this meeting is getting to know other members from around the state and spending time sharing ideas and experiences to help us all become more effective in doing the work of A.B.A.T.E. If you missed it plan for next year.

I don’t know many of you well so let me tell you a little about myself. I am currently beginning my second year as Secretary of the Southern Arizona Chapter. My husband Don and I moved to Arizona in early 2015. We were members of A.B.A.T.E. of Oregon since 1988.

We have been very active in the organization including helping to start two chapters, lobbying, attending runs and events, and serving as chapter officers. Many of our dearest friends, best times and greatest memories came into our lives through A.B.A.T.E. We are very excited to be part of our chapter here in Arizona and look forward to many good times.

There is currently another attempt at requiring helmets in Arizona. In Oregon we once rode free, and I and many others involved in motorcycle rights worked diligently to hold off the mandatory helmet law there. We failed, and the huge lesson is that once a freedom is lost it is almost impossible to regain it. We know, and science demonstrates that helmets are not the answer. Education of riders by building rider skills, education of drivers around sharing the road and watching for motorcycles, and riders and drivers not being distracted or impaired are the best ways to promote safety for motorcyclists. We must preserve the rights we have, and not allow the community to place false hope in laws that pretend to provide safety and solutions. To accomplish our goals we must remain informed. Please be aware that we have many forms of communication available to us to assist us in staying informed about what is going on around the state regarding motorcycling and in the legislature. The Masterlink contains information about what is going on with regard to motorcycle rights and safety in Arizona and around the nation. Please take time to review it monthly as it is available on line if you do not receive a print copy in the mail. We here in the Southern Arizona Chapter have a Facebook page: Southern Arizona Chapter, ABATE of Arizona. Remember: Ride Safe! Ride Free! Ride Endorsed! Educate - don’t legislate! Becky Garino Secretary/Communications Southern Arizona Chapter Ride Free! Ride Safe! Ride Endorsed!

Yavapai Chapter

Our January meeting was held at Addictions Bar and Grill on the 11th. March 25th is the date of our Spring Swap Meet. Save the Date! See our flyer elsewhere in the Masterlink.

HB 2406 is another Helmet bill; please contact your Representatives and tell them what you think about this bill. We have revived our Facebook page – please check it out:

We are seeking riders and non-riders of all 2- and 3-wheeled vehicles, members and non-members alike to bring ideas and opinions to our monthly meetings. If you can't attend, please send us an email!

We meet at Addictions Bar and Grill on the second Wednesday of each month, at 6 pm. The address is 1590 Swenson St, Prescott. For more information, contact Our next meeting will be January 11, 2017. Suni Sommers Secretary/Membership/Communications Officer Yavapai Chapter ABATE of Arizona

Yuma Chapter

The Yuma chapter met on January 10th at 6:00 pm at the IHOP restaurant to conduct our monthly business meeting. The meeting was called to order, the Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and normal reports were addressed. Items from the ABATE Board of Directors meeting and the state officer

continued page 10

MASTERLINK FEBRUARY 2017 NCOM BIKER NEWSBYTES Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish, National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM)


As the 115th Congress went into session, among the first bills reintroduced was the RPM Act (Recognizing the Protection of Motorsports Act of 2017), House Resolution 350 sponsored by U.S. Representative Patrick McHenry (R-NC). The bipartisan bill, which was submitted for reintroduction on the first day of the new Congress, protects Americans’ right to modify street cars and motorcycles into dedicated race vehicles and industry’s right to sell the parts that enable racers to compete.

The RPM Act ensures that transforming motor vehicles into race vehicles used exclusively in competition does not violate the Clean Air Act. For nearly 50 years, the practice was unquestioned until the EPA published proposed regulations in 2015 that deemed such conversions illegal and subject to severe penalties. While the EPA withdrew the problematic language from the final rule making last year, the agency still maintains the practice is unlawful. Motorsports competition involves tens of thousands of participants and vehicle owners each year, according to SEMA


· A Motorcycle Rights Organization (MRO) · For Bikes & Riders, regardless of Race, Creed, color, sex, age, machine or gear · For all Motorcycles regardless of Fraternal or club affiliation, as well as Independents · For people interested in motorcycle safety · For People interested in rider education · For people interested in motorcycle awareness PSAs directed to non-Riders · For people interested in protecting and promoting motorcycling · A volunteer, not-for-profit grass-roots organization · For Motorcyclist who enjoy the ride $50 $8-20 $3,500 $3,000 $10 $3 $1,000 Priceless Priceless Priceless

$7,583 Value

Masterlink, Patch, Memb card TBFS Disc Entry, RV, Cabins AD&D Benefit 60% Discount Health Child Safe Kits White Bandana Leadership Training Motorcycle Awareness Rights Rider Education

ABATE of Arizona Serves to:

Coast to Coast

(Specialty Equipment Market Association) and retail sales of racing products make up a $1.4 billion market annually. There are an estimated 1,300 racetracks operating across the U.S., including oval, road, track and off-road racetracks, the majority of which feature converted race vehicles that the EPA now considers to be illegal.

The RPM Act, H.R. 350 would protect the sport of racing by blocking the EPA from over-regulating the industry and ensuring that it remains legal to convert street legal motor vehicles for racing purposes.


The British government has just issued a document for public consultation that suggests temporarily implementing a European Court decision known as the “Vnuk judgement,” which would make it compulsory for anyone engaging in any and all forms of motor sport to have third party insurance. It would be applicable to all vehicles on any kind of land and even implementing it temporarily would mean an end to motorsports in the UK, because insurance companies will not insure against third party motorsport risks -- the number of vehicle claims alone would be unsustainable for them, meaning that if the Vnuk judgement came into force, motorsport activity in the UK would cease.

A joint statement issued by the Motorcycle Industry Association (MCIA), Auto Cycle Union (ACU) and the Amateur Motorcycle Association (AMCA) is calling on the government to exempt motor and motorcycle sport from any changes to insurance law that would arise from the ECJ ruling. “At a stroke, this would wipe out a successful industry and all the jobs that go with it, as well as eliminating a popular leisure pursuit for 1.9 million people, along with the boost that this gives to both local and national economies,” said Steve Kenward, CEO of the MCIA, speaking on behalf of all three parties. “If the government implements the Vnuk judgment un-amended, British motorcycle sport would end in the UK.” England is home to world leading motorcycle companies, motorsport teams and racing talent, and the industry contributes significantly to the British economy by employing over 50,000 people and generating a total of £11 billion of sales each year ($13.5 billion USD).

The Vnuk ruling stems from a case involving a Slovenian farm worker, Damijan Vnuk, who was hurt falling from a ladder, which was hit by a reversing tractor. VICTORY MOTORCYCLES WINDS DOWN PRODUCTION

Victory Motorcycles is to be wound down, the firm's parent company Polaris

Join A.B.A.T.E.

· Collaborate with other organizations to monitor and support funding for practices that do not discriminate against motorcycling. · Encourage political involvement of its membership. · Promote and present motorcyclists and motorcycling in a positive and safe manner. · Help prevent motorcycle crashes and promote crash survival through rider education, and · · · · · Public awareness campaigns. · Encourage ongoing federal research programs such as use of E15 fuel in motorcycles, inclusion of motorcycles in ongoing transportation emerging technologies, and improvements in safer roadway design strategies. · Promote rider skills training through ABATE’s · Rider Advantage (ARA) scholarship program and tax-deductible entity ABATE accomplishments:

· Motorcycle Lobbyist at the State Legislature · 2013 Eliminated yearly motorcycle emissions testing in Maricopa County · 2007 Remove Motorcycle Safety Fund cap · 2007 Eliminated yearly motorcycle emissions testing in Pima County · 2004 Veteran’s plates for motorcycles · 2002 Arizona Motorcycle Safety Council established · 2001 Motorcycle Safety Fund established · 1997 Handlebar height raised to shoulder · 1993 Helped prevent mandatory helmet legislation in Arizona · 1992 Opened HOV lanes to motorcycles

PAGE 5 has just announced. The move is to allow the firm to “narrow” its focus onto more profitable areas of the business, including Indian Motorcycle. A statement just released by Polaris says it will “immediately begin winding down its Victory Motorcycles brand and related operations.” Dealers will be assisted in “liquidating existing inventories” and parts will continue to be supplied for 10 years. Servicing and warranty coverage will also continue.

“This was an incredibly difficult decision for me, my team and the Polaris Board of Directors,” said Polaris Industries Chairman and CEO Scott Wine. “Over the past 18 years, we have invested not only resources, but our hearts and souls, into forging the Victory Motorcycles brand… The experience, knowledge, infrastructure and capability we’ve built in those 18 years gave us the confidence to acquire and develop the Indian Motorcycle brand, so I would like to express my gratitude to everyone associated with Victory Motorcycles and celebrate your many contributions.” According to the written statement, Victory has “struggled to establish the market share needed to succeed and be profitable.”

continued page 6

Motorcycle Awareness Program (MAP)

ABATE of Arizona has developed a program with the mission to provide motorcycle awareness training to all drivers and soonto-be drivers on the road in Arizona. Instructors provide a one hour program to students in driver education classes throughout the state.

MAP is available to be presented to civic organizations as well as most businesses that hold safety meetings. FMI: map@abateoJOIN ABATE NOW! ABATE Of Arizona provides a unified voice for all motorcyclists in Arizona. Please Tell us What Your Top Five Add your voice to ours. Join ABATE Motorcycle Issues, Matter to You: now, for the preservation of your abili· Distracted Driving – Motorcycle, Bicycle, Pedestrian ty to ride a motorcycle with the freeare Vulnerable Roadway Users dom that's your right!! · Right of Way Violations resulting in Injury/Fatality · Insurance Discrimination and claim denial · SAFETEA-LU Safety/Highway Funds ~2010 MSF · Discriminatory Profiling by Law Enforcement · Anti-tampering Regulations – Right to Modify · State/National Mandatory Helmet/Equipment · Transportation Exclusion of Intelligent Technology (IT), New Vehicle, Highway, Taxes and Fuel regarding Motorcycle Safety and Use · Motorcycle-Only Checkpoints · Accurate Stats & Research Study regarding Motorcycle Safety & Accidents · Off Road Trail Closing and Access · Tar Snakes & Median Cable wire · Intersection Engineering – Lights to Speed Limit, Leading Left Only, Increase Yellow & All Clear Red

© 2015 ABATE Of Arizona

7509 N. 12th St, #200 Phoenix, AZ. 85020

Website: To join our discussion group, send email to


It says: “The competitive pressures of a challenging motorcycle market have increased the headwinds for the brand. Given the significant additional investments required for Victory to launch new global platforms that meet changing consumer preferences, and considering the strong performance and growth potential of Indian Motorcycle, the decision to more narrowly focus Polaris’ energy and investments became quite clear.”

Wine added, "This decision will improve the profitability of Polaris and our global motorcycle business, and will materially improve our competitive stance in the industry."

“Our focus is on profitable growth, and in an environment of finite resources, this move allows us to optimize and align our resources behind both our premium, high-performing Indian Motorcycle brand and our innovative Slingshot brand, enhancing our focus on accelerating the success of those brands. Ultimately this decision will propel the industry-leading product innovation that is core to our strategy while fostering long-term growth and increased shareholder value.”


Motorcycles are once again caught in the crossfire of an international trade policy standoff between the Office of United States Trade Representative and European Union, stemming from ongoing disagreements over meat products. During the late 1990’s, the World Trade Organization requested the E.U. lift its standing ban on U.S. beef; the E.U. declined, citing the meat’s failure to meet European health and hormone standards. In 2009, the U.S. negotiated a pact allowing some beef market access; but according to the White House, the agreement “has not worked as intended.”

As a result, the U.S.T.R. is now considering a new petition from the U.S. beef lobby, invoked last December under a revised clause in the 1974 Trade Act that would create a “retaliation list” of foreign products which are subject to heavy import tariffs, to balance the export losses. Unsurprisingly, the U.S.

Coast to Coast (continued)

beef lobby’s list consists largely of meat and animal parts, but it also includes a scattershot of other items, like chewing gum, electric hair clippers, and motorcycles.

Two vehicular tariffs are proposed on the new retaliation list. One is for European bikes between 51cc and 250cc; the other, European bikes between 251cc to 500cc. Both would be subject to an import tax of 100% (or more). This would directly impact fifteen European manufacturers, including major brands like Aprilla, BMW, Ducati, Husqvarna, KTM, Piaggio and Vespa.

In doubling prices of the most popular European motorcycles, these tariffs could potentially cripple the U.S. dealer network, putting thousands of salespeople and techs out of work.

It’s not the first time the motorcycle industry has been in this position. In 1999, after the E.U. declined the W.T.O. directive, European motorcycles were included in -- and later dropped from -a similar retaliation list. The same thing happened again in 2008, leading into negotiations for the current deal.

The beef lobby’s new petition is currently in the review phase, and the U.S.T.R has opened the proposal to a public comment period ending January 30.


During a three-week lame-duck legislative session that ended in midDecember, state lawmakers in Ohio passed more than fifty new laws, including House Bill 154: Under certain conditions, drivers (and riders) can now proceed through a red light if you think your vehicle is not tripping the signal to change, but only if the intersection is clear. If a malfunctioning traffic signal doesn't detect your car, truck or motorcycle; the law states that your vehicle must come to a complete stop first, and after a reasonable amount of time you can proceed through the intersection as long as the coast is clear and you must yield to oncoming traffic with the right of way.


“If a driver does go through a red light, and there is an accident, they have the burden to prove it was malfunctioning,” explains local A.I.M. attorney (Aid to Injured Motorcyclists) Ralph C. Buss. “If a motorist or motorcyclist, or bicyclist, does come across a light that isn’t working, it is recommended that they should call police.”

The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) invites Bike and Motorcycle riders to contact an ODOT advocate to report problems with traffic signals and roadway conditions via Email to or call (614) 387-0722.




“Amending this statute would require all 200,000 motorcycle riders in Arizona to wear a helmet or be subjected to a fine of Five Hundred dollars which three hundred would be going towards Rep. Friese and his friends and their spinal cord trauma practices,” explains Michael Infanzon, lobbyist for ABATE of Arizona. “We have seen Rep. Friese try this game year after year and Arizona motorcyclists have succeeded in stopping this infringement on our right to choose to wear a helmet or not.”

This proposed legislation has been referred to two different committees, Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and Rules Committee, and ABATE of Arizona has issued an IMMEDIATE CALL TO ACTION for riders to contact Rep. Friese and members of the House committees to kill the bill. “This is nothing more than a tax on motorcyclists and an infringement on our rights,” notes Infanzon.


It’s a case of Bikers Helping Bikers, as longtime rider Jason Large of Jackson, Ohio wanted to help protect riders on the major Ohio state route he lives on. Allstate Insurance was inspired by Jason’s desire to help keep his fellow riders safe and coincidently, have their own campaign with just this goal in mind.

Allstate’s Once is Never Enough (O.N.E.) program is an awareness campaign created to help reduce the number of motorcycle crashes involving other vehicles at intersections by encouraging motorists to “look twice, because once is never enough”.

Through the O.N.E. program, a yellow diamond-shaped "Watch for Motorcycles" warning sign was created in 2009 following two years of development, which has resulted in 179 signs installed at dangerous intersections in 41 different U.S. cities across 21 states.


Iranian police arrested two women for riding a motorcycle in a western city -an incident that went viral when images appeared online and sparked a socialmedia backlash against the country's political and religious authorities.

State news agency IRNA said the two women were detained in Dezful, whose law enforcement chief, Ali Elhami, accused them of committing an "ugly" act that breaks the "religious norms" of the conservative Islamic-led nation.

IRNA quoted Elhami as saying he ordered the women's arrest after online images of the two women riding the motorcycle and being surrounded by male onlookers at a local park prompted complaints about the women's dress, appearance and interaction with the men. The two women will be judged for breaking “revolutionary norms and values.”

Women in Iran are barred from obtaining licenses to drive motorcycles in public.

QUOTABLE QUOTE: "I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."

~ John Cage (1912-1992), American composer, philosopher & artist

ABATE of Arizona Chapter Meeting Times and Locations

East Valley Chapter EAST VALLEY CHAPTER meetings are held the 4th Sunday of the month at 11:00 a.m. at Fraternal Order of Eagles (F.O.E.) 1712 W. Broadway Road, Mesa AZ 85202 FMI contact Joe Ferrucci at 480-295-9488

High Country Chapter High Country Chapter meetings are held on the 3rd Sunday at 10 a.m. at The Moose Lodge in Star Valley. Contact: chicknbone@live .com or 928-970-1134

Phoenix / Shadow Mountain Chapter Phoenix/Shadow Mountain meetings are held on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 10:30am at the AZ American Italian Club, 7509 N. 12th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85020. FMI: Chapter Coordinator Mike Schneider, 602-549-1044,

Southern Arizona Chapter The Southern Arizona Chapter will meet the third Saturday. We will gather at the Kettle Restaurant, 748 W. 22nd St, Tucson. Breakfast will be available at 7:30 a.m. with the meeting beginning at 9 a.m. FMI contact Jim Butsback by phone at 520-247-3051 or email Yavapai Chapter Yavapai Chapter meets the 2nd Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. at Addictions Bar and Grill, 1590 Swenson St in Prescott – (928) 237-9029. FMI contact, see Facebook at or contact me:Suni Sommers, Secretary/Membership/Communications Officer, 206-300-0236 Yuma Chapter Yuma Chapter meets the second Tuesday evening monthly at 6:30 PM at the pm. The next meeting will be held at the Kountry Kitchen Café located at 11242 S Foothills Blvd, Yuma, AZ. 85365. For additional information contact Frank White (Hound) at 209-327-0814.

MASTERLINK FEBRUARY 2017 A to Z Mobile Repair Services of Tucson 520-304-6078


ABATE of Arizona Business Members

Addictions Bar & Grill Prescott 978-237-9029 ALMA MC

Butcher Hook Tonto Basin 928-479-2226


Pappy’s Diner Tucson 520-408-5262

Chuy’s Mesquite Broiler Tucson 520-722-5117

Herman’s Automatic Transmissions Tucson 520-294-8717J

Rio Graphics Yuma 928-342-1699

CCA Scottsdale 480-985-6764

American Family Insurance Peoria & Glendale 623-225-7299

Coyote Auto Payson 928-472-1100

Bobby’s Territorial Harley-Davidson Yuma 928-782-1931

Discount Biker Supply Phoenix 623-335-1000

Big Sky Motorcycles Tucson 520-886-7388

Brewer’s Truck Repair, Inc Willcox 520-384-2846 Breyer Law Offices, P.C. Phoenix 480-505-2160

Brothers, Sons and Pop Motorcycle Shop Tucson 520-370-7788 Buchanan Construction 928-978-3291

help to make motorcyclists safer on the nation’s roadways and help contribute to achieving Road to Zero’s goals.

Other participants in the coalition emphasized alternative approaches; most centered around how to crash ‘safer’ rather than to avoid crashing. Dr. Grant Baldwin, Director of the Division of Unintentional Injury Prevention at the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control within the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) spoke to participants touting the requirement of universal helmet laws as one of the Agency’s key recommendations in achieving zero traffic deaths.

As the Road to Zero initiative moves forward over the next few months, there will undoubtedly be opportunities to shape the program in different ways. For the Motorcycle Riders Foundation, their emphasis will be focused on how to pre-

HeadKase Motorcycles Tempe 480-557-5223

Joeta’s Leather Mesa 480-827-1868

D & G Paint & Body Willcox 520-384-2933

La Gitana Cantina Arivaca 520-398-0810

El Rancho Restaurant Payson 928-474-3111

Maaco Tucson 520-495-5411

Greater Payson Moose Lodge #852 Payson 928-474-6212

Monkey Butt Garage Phoenix 602-456-2453

Great Lakes Properties Tucson 520 203-2323

Gypsy’s Roadhouse Phoenix HB's Place Pine 928-476-4475

Lucky 13 Synthetics Sahuarita 619-647-4895

Marc Victor, P.C., Attorney Chandler 480-455-5229

Motorcycle Safari Old Bastards MC

News from the MRF

vent crashes between motorcycles and automobiles and measures that can be taken suggesting that education and awareness to prevent crashes is the preferred strategy for the motorcycle community. ========================== January 6, 2017

The Motorcycle Riders Foundation Releases its 2017 Legislative Agenda

WASHINGTON, DC – This week the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) released its 2017 Legislative Agenda to its members. A direct result of the commentary and discussion from attendees at the Legislative Strategy Session held at the annual Meeting of the Minds, this exercise establishes the MRF’s Federal Legislative Agenda for the upcoming year.

“Our legislative agenda, which is determined by our members each year, ensures that the MRF is laser-focused on those issues important to motorcyclists nationwide,” said President Kirk ‘Hardtail’ Willard. “Our network of volunteers and staff are some of the most talented and influential in the world of motorcycle rights, and we look forward to working with President-Elect Trump, his administration and our Senate and House leaders in identifying legislation that will enhance the motorcycle lifestyle and community.” The MRF’s legislative agenda showcases the diverse range of interests that the organization advocates on behalf of each year, with issues impacting independent riders, State Motorcycle Rights Organizations, motorcycle and riding clubs, and others in this diverse community. In addition, the Agenda prioritizes

Renegade Classics Tucson 520-647-9312

Sacred Bones Society M/C

Sidewinders Tavern and Grill Pine 928-476-6434 Spur Bar Star Valley 928-472-7787 St. Nick’s Tavern Phoenix 602-242-2345 Territorial Bar &?Grill Tucson 520-514-9035

The Maverick Saloon Phoenix 602-943-5680

Tombstone Brewery Tombstone 520-222-6781

Tonto Silkscreen & Embroidery Payson 928-474-4207

aggressive campaigns to combat government overreach with a particular emphasis on the Environmental Protection Agency and other state environment agencies whose policies adversely impact the motorcycle parts and aftermarket industry. To learn more about the Motorcycle Riders Foundation and its 2017 Legislative Agenda, contact Megan Ekstrom, Vice-President of Government Affairs and Public Relations at ============================

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) recently published a notice that they intend to move forward with

continued page 9 ABATE of Arizona



MASTERLINK FEBRUARY 2017 February 2017

2/3 {Fri} Motorcycles on Main Bike Night in Downtown Mesa from 6-10pm. Live Music, Beer Garden, vendors, & more. Park & show your bike. Eateries open. Takes place every first Friday between September & June. Vendors call Courtney 480-8902613 nMain

2/4 {Sat} Evil Twin Custom Cycles of Mesa hosts Bike Night at Arlie’s Bar & Grill, 2155 E University Dr, Ste 116, Tempe, 85281 from 6-10pm. Music & sit-in jam session hosted by Unknown Associates. Games, specials, & more. Every 1st Saturday. FMI: Robert 480-784-0040,

Events Calendar

2/4 {Sat} SFJMC Havasu Bike Blessing - LAKE HAVASU, AZ, 11:00 am – 2:00 pm, Free food / free drinks / biker games / 50/50 raffle / music, Desert Thunder Motorcycle Shop 2770 Sweetwater Ave Lake Havasu

2/4 {Sat} Party with the Press. (Chinos Birthday) -TUCSON, AZ, 12:00 am, ALMA MC Old Pueblo Charter 620 E 19th St Tucson, AZ 85719

2/4 {Sat} Hooligans MCs Anniversary Party -PHOENIX, AZ, 6:00 pm – 11:30 pm, Food, music, 50-50, lots vendors and as always a kickass time, $10.00 single $15.00 couple, Hooligans MC Clubhouse 2663 W Lone Cactus

2/5 {Sun} Super Bowl Sunday AVONDALE, AZ, ALMA MC

PAGE 9 Westside clubhouse 1050 N. Elise Felix JR. Way #105 2/12 {Sun} Florence Prison Run FLORENCE, AZ, Hosted by HAMC AZ, Date has been changed from Feb 18th, to the 12th.

2/15 {Wed} Motorcycle Day at the Dome, sponsored by Motorcyclists Rights Organizations ABATE, MMA, ACMC, MMAA, VAMR. Meet & converse with your State Legislators to discuss issues facing Motorcyclists. From 10a-2pm on the Capitol House lawn 1700 W. Washington, Phoenix AZ. All are welcome. Sponsors include Law Tigers. FMI: Vic Grady 602-3004115, 208920719169646/

News from the MRF (continued)

selecting participants for the newly reestablished Motorcyclist Advisory Council or "MAC". The MAC is designed to allow motorcyclists the opportunity to discuss how they are affected by roadway design, barriers, construction, and the emergence of intelligent transportation systems like driverless vehicles.

Shockingly, the FHWA is only requiring that ONE member of the Council be from a motorcycle organization! How is the Council supposed to advise federal authorities on motorcycling issues when only ONE of its TEN members actually ride?!?! Congress needs to get involved! Write a letter to your Member of Congress asking them to intervene on behalf of the motorcycle community. ============================

January 9, 2017

Federal Highway Administration Moves Forward with Motorcyclist Advisory Council: Motorcyclists Severely Underrepresented

WASHINGTON, DC – Motorcyclists across the country were discouraged to find out that the Federal Highway Administration will only require one motorcyclist to serve on an Advisory Council supposedly dedicated to representing those who ride. The Motorcyclist Advisory Council, a newly reestablished group, is supposed to serve and advise the Federal Highway Administration on issues critical to motorcyclists across the nation. By design, the “MAC” would allow motorcyclists the opportunity to discuss how they are affected by roadway design, barriers, construction, and the emergence of intelligent transportation systems like driverless vehicles. However, according to a notice in the Federal Register, the Council is instead requiring participants with safety and engineering backgrounds and only indicating room for one representative from the motorcycling community. The MAC of the Past The original Motorcyclist Advisory Council was established in a 2005 high-

way bill. The 2005 law called for the Administrator of the Federal Highway Administration to have a dialogue with the motorcycle community on infrastructure issues of concern to motorcyclists. The Council had 10 members consisting of representatives from the motorcycling community as well as individuals with professional expertise in national motorcyclist safety. According to the 2005 law, four of the ten council members were to include members of the motorcycling community from various state and federal motorcycle associations. The other 6 members would serve to provide the necessary technical expertise related to roadway design, safety and other issues.

However, in 2009 the highway bill expired and along with it, so did the Council. Motorcyclists were disheartened – the MAC was the only official forum they had to express to authorities at the Department of Transportation the issues they faced on the road. That’s why when the Council was reestablished in 2016, it was viewed as a positive development to once again open a dialogue between government officials and motorcyclists across the nation.

A Short-Lived Celebration Though motorcyclists applauded Congress for reestablishing the Council, this positivity was short-lived. This week, the Federal Highway Administration or FHWA, announced plans to officially open nominations for participants to serve on the newly reestablished Council. The Council would again consist of ten members, however unlike in 2005, only one representative from a motorcycle association will be required to serve. Many balked including Kirk ‘Hardtail’ Willard, President of the Board of Directors for the Motorcycle Riders Foundation:

“Despite our best efforts to ensure the motorcycle community had a seat at the table, the FHWA has dismissed our concerns and efforts instead emphasizing councilmembers with safety and engineering backgrounds without any experience actually riding a motorcycle. Including only one motorcyclist in this group is not only imbalanced, unfair and contrary to the mission of the MAC, but

it defeats the entire purpose of the Council. The MAC was supposed to carry the voice of motorcyclists – having only one member as an actual motorcyclist will render this Council ineffective.”

Dozens of Members of Congress appeared to agree with Willard; over the summer a letter was sent to the FHWA encouraging them to adopt similar language as the 2005 MAC which included at least four motorcyclists in the panel of ten. It appears this letter was largely ignored by the Federal Highway Administration.

The FHWA remains supportive of the Council and its approach to its participants going forward indicating that technical expertise was necessary to ensure the MAC is able to fulfill its charter. The notice from the Agency also indicated that all meetings of the MAC would be public therefore allowing others to speak in support or against of the Council’s activities.

Nonetheless, the motorcycle community remains displeased. Lobbyist for the Motorcycle Riders Foundation Megan Ekstrom said, “It’s unfortunate that the Federal Highway Administration is choosing to move forward with a Motorcyclist Advisory Council that will not be representative of actual motorcyclists. There are over 10 million bikers on the road in the U.S. and those numbers are increasing. This community is desperate to have a dialogue with the Administration and yet, their requests have fallen on deaf ears. This is a perfect example of the government ‘knowing what’s best’ for a diverse community with a unique set of needs. It’s a travesty that none of this will be represented in this so-called ‘Motorcyclist’ Advisory Council.”

Nominations to serve on the Council are due at the end of February. The notice from the Federal Highway Administration can be viewed here:

Motorcycle Riders Foundation Awareness & Education (MRFA&E) was established to promote motorcycle awareness and education due to an everincreasing rider population. No one is more concerned with rider safety than riders themselves, and obviously those best suited to educate newer riders are veteran riders.

Promote awareness and education in the motorcycle community to improve rider’s safety. Please donate, we are a 501C3 Corporation. Your donation is tax deductible. To donate go to our web site listed at the bottom.

Motorcycle Riders Foundation Awareness & Education (MRFA&E) 1325 G Street NW, Suite 500 Washington, D.C. 20005 (202) 546-0983

It is with profound sadness that I am informing you of the loss of one of our brothers Speedy aka Steve Morgan of the Privateer Riders MC has suffered a massive heart attack and has moved on to a better place. RIP My brother. Hound Privateer Riders MC remember John 3:16 live by Mathew 6:33


Chapter Reports (continued)


training held on Saturday January 7th were discussed at this meeting. The Yuma chapter also began planning for our next event, the ABATE Spring Fling. The Yuma chapter will host a party titled the ABATE Spring Fling that will be held at Friendly’s Tavern in Yuma on Saturday March 25th, 2017 at 6pm. We plan on

hiring a band, providing food, having raffle ticket drawings for door prizes, and hanging with bikers from the local area. We will set a membership booth and provide information on ABATE in an attempt to increase membership. We will get a flyer out soon!

The Yuma ABATE chapter meets the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm. The next meeting will be held on Valentines Day, February 14th, 2017 at the Kountry Kitchen Café located at 11242 S. Foothills Blvd, Yuma, AZ. We would love to see you there.

For the love of freedom, Pastor D Coordinator Communications Officer Yuma ABATE Chapter

Reprinted from

flicts between land for fuels and land for food, other land-use changes, water scarcity, loss of biodiversity and nitrogen pollution through the excessive use of fertilizers (Scientific American).

el made from corn is helping the planet and the environment? The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released two of its Working Group reports at the end of last month (WGI and WGIII), and their short discussion of biofuels has ignited a fierce debate as to whether they’re of any environmental benefit at all.

Some estimate that 30 million people are actually starving as a direct result of biofuel production (The Telegraph). Source: YES! Magazine

Bikers Arrested for Wearing Bandanas

OK, can we please stop pretending biofuel made from corn is helping the planet and the environment? The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released two of its Working Group reports at the end of last month (WGI and WGIII), and their short discussion of biofuels has ignited a fierce debate as to whether they’re of any environmental benefit at all.

The IPCC was quite diplomatic in its discussion, saying “Biofuels have direct, fuel‐cycle GHG emissions that are typically 30–90% lower than those for gasoline or diesel fuels. However, since for some biofuels indirect emissions—including from land use change—can lead to greater total emissions than when using petroleum products, policy support needs to be considered on a case by case basis” (IPCC 2014 Chapter 8).

The summary in the new report also states, “Increasing bioenergy crop cultivation poses risks to ecosystems and biodiversity” (WGIII). The report lists many potential negative risks of development, such as direct con-

The International Institute for Sustainable Development was not so diplomatic, and estimates that the CO2 and climate benefits from replacing petroleum fuels with biofuels like ethanol are basically zero (IISD). They claim that it would be almost 100 times more effective, and much less costly, to significantly reduce vehicle emissions through more stringent standards, and to increase CAFE standards on all cars and light trucks to over 40 miles per gallon as was done in Japan just a few years ago. James Conca , Contributor

I write about nuclear, energy and the environment

Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own.

OK, can we please stop pretending biofu-

The IPCC was quite diplomatic in its discussion, saying “Biofuels have direct, fuel‐cycle GHG emissions that are typically 30–90% lower than those for gasoline or diesel fuels. However, since for some biofuels indirect emissions—including from land use change—can lead to greater total emissions than when using petroleum products, policy support needs to be considered on a case by case basis” (IPCC 2014 Chapter 8). In 2013 the U.S. used 4.7 billion bushels of corn (40% of the harvest) to produce over 13 billion gallons of ethanol fuel. The grain required to fill a single 25-gal gas tank with ethanol can feed one person for a year, so the amount of corn used to make that 13 billion gallons of ethanol did not feed the almost 500 million people it was feeding fifteen years ago. This is the population of the entire Western Hemisphere outside of the United States.

In 2013 the U.S. used 4.7 billion bushels of corn (40% of the harvest) to produce over 13 billion gallons of ethanol fuel. Source: YES! Magazine

The summary in the new report also states, “Increasing bioenergy crop cultivation poses risks to ecosystems and biodiversity” (WGIII).

The report lists many potential negative risks of development, such as direct conflicts between land for fuels and land for food, other land-use changes, water scarcity, loss of biodiversity and nitrogen pollution through the excessive use of fertilizers (Scientific American). The International Institute for Sustainable Development was not so diplomatic, and estimates that the CO2 and climate benefits from replacing petroleum fuels with biofuels like ethanol are basically zero (IISD). They claim that it would be almost 100 times more effective, and much less costly, to significantly reduce vehicle emissions through more stringent


Bikers Arrested for Wearing Bandanas (continued)

standards, and to increase CAFE standards on all cars and light trucks to over 40 miles per gallon as was done in Japan just a few years ago. Recommended by Forbes

With more than 60 nations having biofuel mandates, the competition between ethanol and food has become a moral issue. Groups like Oxfam and the Environmental Working Group oppose biofuels because they push up food prices and disproportionately affect the poor. Most importantly, the new IPCC report is a complete about-face for the UN’s Panel. Its 2007 report was broadly condemned by some environmentalists for giving the green light to large-scale biofuel production, resulting in environmental and food supply problems.

The general discussion on biofuels has changed over the last few years. In December, Senators Feinstein (D-CA) and Coburn (R-OK) introduced a bill that would eliminate the corn ethanol mandate within the Federal Renewable Fuel Standard (Oil&Gas Journal) that requires blending ethanol into gasoline at increasing levels over the next decade. It was met with stiff opposition from heavily agricultural states, but had strong support from the petroleum industry. However, now that the tax credit and import tariffs have expired and ethanol is holding its own economically, it remains to be seen if the industry can stand up to this pressure.

So where is the U.S. today in corn ethanol space?

In 2000, over 90% of the U.S. corn crop went to feed people and livestock, many in undeveloped countries, with less than 5% used to produce ethanol. In 2013, however, 40% went to produce ethanol, 45% was used to feed livestock, and only 15% was used for food and beverage (AgMRC).

The United States will use over 130 billion gallons of gasoline this year, and over 50 billion gallons of diesel. On average, one bushel of corn can be used to produce just under three gallons of ethanol. If all of the present production of corn in the U.S. were converted into ethanol, it would only displace 25% of that 130 billion.

But it would completely disrupt food supplies, livestock feed, and many poor economies in the Western Hemisphere because the U.S. produces 40% of the world’s corn. Seventy percent of all corn imports worldwide come from the U.S. Simply implementing mandatory vehicle fuel efficiencies of 40 mpg would accomplish much more, much faster, with no collateral damage.

In 2014, the U.S. will use almost 5 billion bushels of corn to produce over 13 billion gallons of ethanol fuel. The grain required to fill a 25-gallon gas tank with ethanol can feed one person for a year, so the amount of corn used to make that 13

AMSAF Thanks You

AMSAF has had a great year in that we were able to help around 2000 motorcycle riders or new riders with a motorcycle scholarship. This scholarship helped them get into a class that they couldn't afford or from a budget standpoint was not at the top of the list.

In 2015 and 2016 we're seeing an increase in motorcycle fatalities and we hope through our Scholarship opportunity and our weekly Facebook Safety tips we're helping to save some lives.

March 5, 2017 is our annual AMSAF Fundraiser, "RIDING FOR THE LONG HAUL". This event is so important to us and the community as it allows us to promote motorcycle safety with the State, Healthcare community, Local Communities, Insurance, Legal and the motorcycle community. All funds from


billion gallons of ethanol will not feed the almost 500 million people it was feeding in 2000. This is the entire population of the Western Hemisphere outside of the United States.

ernment developed the largest fuel ethanol program in the world in the 1990s based on sugar cane and soybeans.

Additional unintended effects from the increase in ethanol production include the dramatic rise in land rents, the increase in natural gas and chemicals used for fertilizers, over-pumping of aquifers like the Ogallala that serve many mid-western states, clear-cutting forests to plant fuel crops, and the revival of destructive practices such as edge tillage. Edge tillage is planting right up to the edge of the field thereby removing protective bordering lands and increasing soil erosion, chemical runoff and other problems. It took us 40 years to end edge tillage in this country, and overnight ethanol brought it back with a vengeance.

So why have we pushed corn ethanol so heavily here in the U.S.? Primarily because it was the only crop that had the existing infrastructure to easily modify for this purpose, especially when initially incentivized with tax credits, subsidies and import tariffs. Production, transportation and fermentation could be adapted quickly by the corn industry, unlike any other crop.

In 2007, the global price of corn doubled as a result of an explosion in ethanol production in the U.S. Because corn is the most common animal feed and has many other uses in the food industry, the price of milk, cheese, eggs, meat, corn-based sweeteners and cereals increased as well. World grain reserves dwindled to less than two months, the lowest level in over 30 years.

Most fuel crops, such as sugar cane, have problems similar to corn. Because Brazil relied heavily on imported oil for transportation, but can attain high yields from crops in their tropical climate, the gov-

Unfortunately, Brazil is clear-cutting almost a million acres of tropical forest per year to produce biofuel from these crops, and shipping much of the fuel all the way to Europe. The net effect is about 50% more carbon emitted by using these biofuels than using petroleum fuels (Eric Holt-Giménez, The Politics of Food). These unintended effects are why energy policy and development must proceed holistically, considering all effects on global environments and economies.

We should remember that humans originally switched from biomass to fossil fuels because biomass was so inefficient, and took so much energy and space to produce. So far technology has not reversed these problems sufficiently to make widespread use beneficial.

this event allow us to get more folks into motorcycle training and at the same time the whole community comes together to promote motorcycle safety.

We want to thank you for helping us out this year through your publications and newsletters. As a non profit your support helps us and so many motorcycle riders.

On Behalf of AMSAF and our Executive Board we want to THANK YOU for what you do.

Mick Degn Executive Director Arizona Motorcycle Safety & Awareness Foundation (AMSAF) 602-312-4554

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Would you like to receive The Masterlink digitally? It is posted monthly on the ABATE website - Opt out of the receiving the The Masterlink? Please contact the ABATE Office if you would like to no longer receive a hard copy of The Masterlink. 480-256-9237 or


ABATE of Arizona Officer Training



See it, Say it, Do it! - The 4 R’s

Greetings my Riding Brothers and Sisters,

Its been a while since Abate of Arizona put out a State PSA. This year, our wonderful State secretary Dawn Steed and I put out heads together with a collaborative effort of ideas from several members and riders of what’s important to us. Along with other safety initiatives we are seeing across the country we want to focus on our Riders.

Teresa “Trauma Mama” McClelland MSN RN A.B.A.T.E of Arizona State Safety Officer

Ride Safe- Wear the proper safety gear to reduce injuries. At minimum, eye wear, long sleeves, jeans, boots and gloves. Road rash sucks. Yes we remain a free choice state on helmets and helmets like seatbelts are injury reducing devices.

Always have an out and always scan the areas for riding threats.

Ride Smart- Be a lifelong learner! Take a motorcycle safety course to enhance your riding skills. Take an Accident Scene Management Course and be prepared to handle emergency situations until EMS arrives. Belong to a SMRO, encourage other riders to get involve too! After all, how else do you become aware of what bills are sitting on the legislators desks infringing on the rights of riders. Ride Responsible- Know your limits! Don’t ride impaired, it decreases your reaction time and that could be crucial when riding defensively. We all have our friends who ride to the bar. Remind our


riding family to call friend, a cab or UBER if they have had one too many.

Ride Endorsed- You would be surprised how many riders have learned to ride old school in the back roads and parking lots and still do not have a motorcycle license. Check out AMSAF’s scholarship programs to easily obtain your M Endorsement and ride legally in the state of Arizona.

In the next few months you will be seeing the new PSA materials distributed in local shops and dealerships. See it, say it and do it- It enhances rider accountability to do our part in keeping each other safe out on the roads.

Arizona Citizens Defense League Legislative Update

The 2017 Legislative session officially convened on Monday, January 9. Over 400 bills have already been filed in the first week of the session. Legislators have only a few more weeks to file their proposed legislation. The final day for Senators to file bills is Monday, January 30. For the House the final deadline is Friday, February 10.

AzCDL researches all proposed legislation for language that may impact your right to keep and bear arms. Relevant bills, and their status, will appear on our Bill Tracking page. In addition to providing links and basic information on legislation, we add our position along with a plain language summary and comments. Among the bills filed this first week of the session are four from Representative

Randy Friese of Tucson that punish lawful firearm possession. Two of his bills, HB 2150, and the companion proposed ballot referendum, HCR 2009, would require all private firearms transfers to be conducted and recorded through a federal firearms licensee (FFL). "Transfers" are more than sales, and can include loaning a gun to a friend. The penalty for determining the fate of your private property without first begging for government permission would be a Class 5 Felony.

HB 2148 would establish a "public safety and violence prevention study" committee. As they say, the devil is in the details. The unstated purpose of the committee can be gleaned from the list of committee members. One will represent a group that advocates for "gun violence prevention," liberal-speak for "disarming

law-abiding citizens."

HB 2149 would allow a family member or a peace officer to file a petition for a court ordered "mental health" injunction to make you a prohibited firearm possessor. One of the indicators of being mentally unbalanced is if you purchased a firearm within the last six months. Pretend you are a leftist. You're upset with Grandad because he won't give you money for a Che Guevara tattoo. He is always complaining about how you should get a job and that your advanced degree in Social Justice Philosophy is a waste of money. You figure enough is enough already, so you get your mom to drive you to the court house where she helps you file a petition saying Grandad has lost it. Since he's an old Veteran with a gun collection, the judge agrees that

Opening Day of the Legislature

Grandad must be dangerous, and he is ordered to surrender his firearms. That'll teach him! With your help, we can defeat bills like these long before they get to the Governor.

We'll see more bills, good and bad, filed in the coming weeks. Soon many of the bills we are monitoring will be scheduled for committee hearings. That's when we'll call upon you to log your opinion in the Request to Speak (RTS) system. If you are a current AzCDL member and do not have an existing RTS account, please reply to this message with your name and email address and we'll help you set up the account. Stay tuned!



Better Training Will Reduce Motorcycle Deaths on Arizona Roads

Reprinted from

Mick Degn, AZ I See It

Here is the fact: Seventy-five percent of motorcyclists on our roads have no formal training. As a result, Arizona has seen an increase in motorcycle crashes and fatalities. This is not a statistic any of us should be proud of. Enough is enough.

People are dying on our roadways everyday. So the Arizona Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Foundation, the Arizona Governor’s Office of Highway Safety, several health-care and insurance entities, law firms and industry leaders have banded together to help reduce motorcycle accidents, deaths and distracted driving on Arizona roadways.

One of the ways they are doing so is by offering discounted motorcycle training to new and experienced riders. The training is only $100 — a third of the regular cost. In addition to getting the crucial safety training they need, motorcyclists will gar-

ner their Arizona endorsement and save money on insurance. Money for the program comes from a $250,000 grant from the Arizona Governor’s Office of Highway Safety and the Arizona Motorcycle Safety Advisory Council. Hundreds of spots are available.

This partnership and program is the only one of its kind in the country. The discounts are available through AMSAF, a 501c(3) organization, whose mission is to reduce motorcycle crashes and fatalities in Arizona through education and awareness.

After all, what would our roadways look like if 75 percent of motorists never took the training to get their license? This is a huge problem that is increasing, as motorcycle registrations are on the rise.

New and experienced riders will benefit from the two-day safety training in every way. New riders, or those who haven’t ridden in some time, will learn the laws and how to ride safely for only $100

through the basic rider course. Riders with a permit who want to take the Basic Course 2 can do so for $50 at one of six riding schools in Arizona. It is a win-win for motorcycle riders and will help reduce the number of crashes and fatalities.

Last year, 2,911 motorcyclists were involved in crashes on Arizona roads. Of those crashes, 134 people died and 2,777 were injured. To date, AMSAF’s impact on the community includes:

- Helping increase attendance at motorcycle-training schools. - Helping reduce motorcycle crashes and fatalities through its educational process. - Helping promote motorcycle safety and awareness through media and publications. - Helping the health-care industry promote motorcycle safety.

To further its mission, AMSAF will host the third annual Riding for the Long Haul event 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday, March 5, at

the Shriner Auditorium & Convention Center, 522 N. 40th St., Phoenix. AMSAF, AZGOHS and Dignity Health, motorcycle businesses, insurance, many other health-care organizations, legal and other businesses and leaders will showcase how they are working together to help change the alarming numbers.

AMSAF provides motorcycle training scholarships to individuals 15½ years and older who need training and certification in the state of Arizona. For more information about the motorcycle-training scholarship program, call 888-951-3732 or visit Contact AMSAF today for a discounted motorcycle training scholarship. Because the life you save may be your own.

Mick Degn is executive director of the Arizona Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Foundation.

Goodbye Victory Motorcycles — The Brand Now Enters American Motorcycle History

Reprinted from

Polaris Industries, the giant behind Victory Motorcycles and Indian Motorcycle has announced that it will immediately begin winding down its Victory Motorcycles brand and related operations. Polaris will assist dealers in liquidating existing inventories while continuing to supply parts for a period of 10 years, along with providing service and warranty coverage to Victory dealers and owners.

“This was an incredibly difficult decision for me, my team and the Polaris Board of Directors,” said Polaris Industries Chairman and CEO Scott Wine. “Over the past 18 years, we have invested not only resources, but our hearts and souls, into forging the Victory Motorcycles

brand, and we are exceptionally proud of what our team has accomplished. Since inception, our teams have designed and produced nearly 60 Victory models that have been honored with 25 of the industry’s top awards. The experience, knowledge, infrastructure and capability we’ve built in those 18 years gave us the confidence to acquire and develop the Indian Motorcycle brand, so I would like to express my gratitude to everyone associated with Victory Motorcycles and celebrate your many contributions.”

Several factors influenced today’s announcement. Victory has struggled to establish the market share needed to succeed and be profitable. The competitive pressures of a challenging motorcycle market have increased the headwinds for the brand. Given the significant additional

investments required for Victory to launch new global platforms that meet changing consumer preferences, and considering the strong performance and growth potential of Indian Motorcycle, the decision to more narrowly focus Polaris’ energy and investments became quite clear. “This decision will improve the profitability of Polaris and our global motorcycle business, and will materially improve our competitive stance in the industry,” said Scott Wine. “Our focus is on profitable growth, and in an environment of finite resources, this move allows us to optimize and align our resources behind both our premium, high performing Indian Motorcycle brand and our innovative Slingshot brand, enhancing our focus on accelerating the success of those brands. Ultimately this decision will pro-

pel the industry-leading product innovation that is core to our strategy while fostering long-term growth and increased shareholder value.”

Polaris will reduce the appropriate operating cost based on this decision, while continuing to support the future growth of the ongoing motorcycle business. Polaris remains committed to maintaining its presence in the Spirit Lake, Iowa community with Indian Motorcycle production and in the Huntsville, Alabama community with its Slingshot production.

Any one-time costs associated with supporting Victory dealers in selling their

continued page 19

Mike Turngren pictures from EV Lifetime Member





House Roster John M. Allen -- Majority Leader




Room 208


Lela Alston




Room 330


Richard C. Andrade




Room 337


Brenda Barton




Room 114


Wenona Benally




Room 117


Isela Blanc




Room 126


Reginald Bolding




Room 335


Russell Bowers




Room 310


Paul Boyer




Room 113


Kelli Butler




Room 124


Noel W. Campbell




Room 304


Mark A. Cardenas




Room 339


Heather Carter




Room 303


César Chávez




Room 318


Ken Clark




Room 333


Todd A. Clodfelter




Room 121


Regina E. Cobb



Email: RCOBB

Room 302


Douglas Coleman




Room 312


David L. Cook



Email: DCOOK

Room 341


Eric Descheenie




Room 323


Kirsten Engel




Room 118


Mitzi Epstein




Room 125


Diego Espinoza




Room 338


Eddie Farnsworth




Room 225


Charlene R. Fernandez -- Minority Whip




Room 322


Mark Finchem




Room 129


Randall Friese -- Assistant Minority Leader




Room 321


Rosanna Gabaldón




Room 325


Sally Ann Gonzales




Room 332


Travis W. Grantham




Room 119


Daniel Hernandez




Room 115


Drew John



Email: DJOHN

Room 342


Anthony T. Kern



Email: AKERN

Room 306


Jay Lawrence




Room 131


Vince Leach




Room 226


David Livingston




Room 224


Phil Lovas




Room 205


Ray D. Martinez




Room 116


J.D. Mesnard -- Speaker




Room 223


Darin Mitchell




Room 313


Paul Mosley




Room 309


Tony Navarrete




Room 329


Jill Norgaard




Room 112


Becky A. Nutt



Email: BNUTT

Room 122


Kevin Payne




Room 345


Pamela Powers Hannley




Room 324


Rebecca Rios -- Minority Leader



Email: RRIOS

Room 320


Tony Rivero




Room 316


Jesus Rubalcava




Room 334


Macario Saldate




Room 331


Athena Salman




Room 123


Don Shooter




Room 222


Thomas R. Shope -- Speaker Pro Tempore




Room 204


David Stringer




Room 308


Maria Syms



Email: MSYMS

Room 344


Bob Thorpe




Room 130


Kelly Townsend -- Majority Whip




Room 207


Michelle Udall




Room 120


Michelle B. Ugenti-Rita




Room 111


Jeff Weninger




Room 110


Senate Roster Sylvia Allen Nancy Barto Sonny Borrelli Sean Bowie David Bradley Kate Brophy McGee Judy Burges

6 15 5 18 10 28 22


Olivia Cajero Bedford

3 D

Lupe Contreras -- Minority Whip Andrea Dalessandro Karen Fann Steve Farley -- Assistant Minority Leader David C. Farnsworth Gail Griffin -- Majority Whip Katie Hobbs -- Minority Leader John Kavanagh Debbie Lesko -- President Pro Tempore Juan Mendez Robert Meza Catherine Miranda Steve Montenegro Lisa Otondo Jamescita Peshlakai Warren Petersen Frank Pratt Martin Quezada -- Minority Whip Steve Smith Bob Worsley Steve Yarbrough -- President Kimberly Yee -- Majority Leader

19 D 2 D 1 R


Room 303 Room 307 Room 304 Room 315 Room 315 Room 302 Room 302

926-5409 926-5766 926-5051 926-3004 926-5262 926-4486 926-5861

Room 314 926-5835 Room 305 926-5284 Room 312 926-5342 Room 306 926-5874

9 D Email: SFARLEY

Room 213 926-3022

16 14 24 23 21 26 30 27 13 4 7 12 8 29 11 25 17 20

Room 301 926-3020 Room 212 926-5895 Room 213 926-5325 Room 300 926-5170 Room 200 926-5413 Room 313 926-4124 Room 311 926-3425 Room 311 926-4893 Room 303B 926-5955 Room 308 926-3002 Room 314 926-5160 Room 309 926-4136 Room 304 926-5761 Room 313 926-5911 Room 303 926-5685 Room 310 926-5760 Room 205 926-5863 Room 212 926-3024




Rider Ed Courses in AZ

Locations Zip County Email Phone Site Website City Motorcycle Rider PHOENIX 85012 MARICOPA Click Here (623) 979-1839 View Training RIDE SMART M/C PHOENIX 85023 MARICOPA Click Here (623) 877-5425 View TRAINING T.E.A.M. Arizona GILBERT 85233 MARICOPA Click Here (480) 998-9888 View Chandler/Gilbert GILBERT PUBLIC View GILBERT 85234 MARICOPA (480) 894-0404 SCHOOLS (PARKING LOT) T.E.A.M. Arizona View SCOTTSDALE 85260 MARICOPA Click Here (480) 998-9888 Scottsdale CHANDLER View TEMPE 85283 MARICOPA (480) 496-6800 HARLEYDAVIDSON T.E.A.M. Arizona View GLENDALE 85302 MARICOPA Click Here (623) 939-9888 Glendale DEER VALLEY View GLENDALE 85308 MARICOPA (623) 247-5542 HIGH SCHOOL LUKE AIR FORCE LUKE AFB 85309 MARICOPA (623) 975-6264 BASE Motorcycle Rider PEORIA 85345 MARICOPA Click Here (623) 979-1839 View Training VEHICLE SAFETY View YUMA 85367 YUMA Click Here (928) 376-7489 INSTITUE T.E.A.M. Arizona FT 85613 COCHISE Click Here (520) 733-9888 View HUACHUCA Sierra Vista Pima Community View TUCSON 85707 PIMA (520) 206-3981 College T.E.A.M. Arizona View TUCSON 85714 PIMA Click Here (520) 733-9888 Tucson RIDE NAZ -View BELLEMONT 86015 COCONINO (928) 443-0111 FLAGSTAFF Ride Northern PRESCOTT 86301 YAVAPAI Click Here (928) 443-0111 View Arizona - Prescott T.E.A.M. Arizona View PRESCOTT 86301 YAVAPAI Click Here (928) 771-2500 Prescott MOHAVE View KINGMAN 86401 MOHAVE (928) 757-0825 COMMUNITY COLLEGE MOHAVE LAKE View (928) 505-3321 COMMUNITY HAVASU 86403 MOHAVE COLLEGE CITY MOHAVE JB'S 86440 MOHAVE Click Here (866) 668-6462 View VALLEY RESTAURANT

ATTENTION - ALL RIDERS: =======================

It has come to our attention that business establishments in Arizona may still be discriminating against motorcyclists. Please carry copies of this form with you at all times. Discrimination can range from a sign stating "No Colors" or "No Motorcycle Parking" or "No Motorcycle Attire" etc., to simply being asked to leave a place of business, just because you are on a motorcycle or because of your riding apparel. If anything like this happens to you, PLEASE fill out this form in its entirety and send it to the address noted. Your lobbyists cannot get sponsorship for "equal access" legislation, without evidence of this type of discrimination. Documentation of Discrimination DATE: ______________

Business Phone _______________

NAME OF ESTABLISHMENT: __________________________________ BUSINESS PHONE (with area code): __________________________________ BUSINESS - FULL ADDRESS: ___________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ NAME / POSITION OF PERSON ENFORCING POLICY: ________________ ________________________________________________________ WRITTEN STATEMENT OF DISCRIMINATION (use back if needed): _____ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ YOUR NAME (please print): ______________________________________ YOUR PHONE (with area code): __________________________________ YOUR SIGNATURE: ____________________________________________ *** INCLUDE ANY PICTURES OF DISCRIMINATING SIGNS POSTED *** Mail To: Ray Fitzgerald 1634 West Pine Cone Way Prescott, Arizona 86303


Important Phone Numbers

Aid to Injured Motorcyclists - A.I.M. - (800) 521-2425 24-Hr. Legal Assistance for all accidents

Aid to Incarcerated Motorcyclists A.I.M. - (800) 235-2424 24-Hr. Legal Criminal Defense National Legislative Hot Line - (800) 300-NCOM 24-Hr. Motorcycle Legislative Alerts

National Coalition of Motorcyclists NCOM- (800) 525-5355 Fighting for Bikers Rights Confederation of Clubs. - (800) 531-2424 Motorcycle Clubs Fighting Against Discrimination Motorcycle Riders Foundation Washington D.C. Office (202) 546-0983

MASTERLINK FEBRUARY 2017 remaining inventory, the disposal of factory inventory, tooling, and other physical assets, and the cancellation of various supplier arrangements will be recorded in the 2017 income statement in respective sales, gross profit and operation expense. These costs will be excluded from

Victory Motorcycles (continued)

Polaris’ provided 2017 sales and earnings guidance on a non-GAAP basis.

Polaris will release its fourth quarter and full-year 2016 financial results and provide 2017 guidance on Tuesday, January 24, 2017. A webcast and conference call


will be held at 9:00 a.m. Central Time on January 24, 2017 to discuss the results. A slide presentation and link to the webcast will be posted on the Polaris Investor Relations website at To listen to the conference call by phone, dial 877-706-7543 in the U.S. and Canada, or

478-219-0273 Internationally. The Conference ID is #45015597.

$50,000 per injection, and an affected person may require several in order to survive, but only if administered in time. The snakes will be secured in holding tanks in an area designed to ensure the safety of all spectators.

landing after doing so. But Danger has had a burning desire to jump this bike ever since seeing his hero, Evel Knievel, attempt both successful and not-so-successful stunts with the same bike.

Source: Polaris Industries Inc.

Danger to Jump Pit of Deadly Rattlesnakes at Sturgis Buffalo Chip

Reprinted from

American stuntman Doug Danger plans to jump a pit of 2,000 live rattlesnakes at the Sturgis Buffalo Chip on Thursday, Aug. 10, 2017. More about the jump and the official announcement video can be found here.

“Doug is a professional who’s completed some incredible jumps, but this one is truly over the top,” said Rod Woodruff, Sturgis Buffalo Chip President. “He’s

either the most courageous man I’ve ever met, or he’s got a genuine lack of fear. While we are doing all we can to ensure the safety of everyone in the amphitheater, including Doug, the threat to his life is real. These poisonous vipers will kill him nearly instantly should he fail.”

Prairie rattlers are known as one of the world’s deadliest snakes. One bite of a rattlesnake can kill a healthy man in the matter of a few minutes. It is reported that anti-venom can cost as much as

The model of bike on which Danger will attempt this stunt further heightens the threat of receiving fatal rattlesnake bites. The 1972 Harley-Davidson XR750 was not engineered to leave the ground, nor was it manufactured to ensure a safe

Classifieds ITS FOOTBALL SEASON!! I have a grill trailer for tailgating, camping, parties, etc. NEW, never used. Three burner Char Griller gas grill with side burner can be converted to smoker with addition of fire box available from Char Griller. 9 foot bistro umbrella stores in tube in middle of trailer. Folding rear table extension. 3-D powder coated frame. Locking cage holds most 2000 watt inverter generators. (generator pictured not included but is for sale also) Small flat screen TV mount clamps to umbrella post. Two coolers; ice down beer in the big one; keep burgers, dogs, steaks or ice cream on dry ice in the smaller one. Lots of table space for food, satellite receiver, DVD player, you name it. Tongue locks in upright position to save space and prevent theft. Three point leveling legs. Uses 1 7/8" hitch ball. Be the envy of everyone in the tailgating lot. I also have one of these trailers that I use at TBFS every year. Price reduced. $2000 OBO Cash Only Call or text Redbone any time and leave message. (480) Three Two Six - Seven 6 5 Six

2004 Waltz Hardcore special constructed soft tail Custom Chopper, Vin # AZ262741, Vehicle is garage kept, and customized. Chopper has a 145 Horse Power TP polished Engine, a 3" Primary and 6 speed Transmission. The Vehicle is built on a Waltz Hardcore Soft Tail Frame. All sheet metal work, paint job is Custom. Custom Chrome wheels and brand new Tires. All Mechanical components are in good working order. Engine runs awesome. Has less than 4000 miles. This baby is worth way more than I'm asking! Just need money now! Waltz Hardcore Frame $6,500, TP 124" Cubic Inch Polished Engine $7,500 3" Open Primary and 6 speed Transmission $3,000, Custom Sheet metal Work $3,000 Custom Paint $3,000, Wheels & Tires $2,500, Progressive Airtail Suspension, Brakes, Starter, Charging System, $4,000, Labor $4,500 Asking $18,999 obo, For more information call or text @ (480) 385-8947


I have your year Softail-- 1984.1 owner, 1st yr. Softail, 1st yr. Evolution Kick and electric start PLUS all orginal parts. $9,500 Call 970-420-6675

One-Piece DayTripper motorcycle seat

New - never used - In box Retails for $359 model 76189 fits Honda VT 750 Spirit 2001-2006 & VT 750DC 2007-2009. The detailed stitch work in the highly durable, synthetic glove-leather makes the DayTripper a show winner. $150.00 Call Bob @ 602-463-0544

AzTech Flatbed Trailer (Car/ATV Hauler) $2200 obo 2008 STS Cadillac for sale, 23K miles $28,000 obo Call 928-718-6296 Cell 928-716-7289

Those wishing to witness Doug Danger’s Rattlesnake Jump may purchase passes at Danger’s deathdefying stunt joins the previously announced American Flat Track Races in the lineup of spectacular entertainment for 2017.

2009 HD Sportster 1200 Low style.

like new with 5000 miles, kept in AC garage, Stage 1 kit with Vance and Hines shorties, forward foot controls, all service down by Chester's in Mesa. Limited HD factory root beer brown color. $8750 obo. call or text 480-338-1965 in Gilbert AZ. For pictures email to;

Your Classified Ad

could be here... It’s Free to ABATE Members. submit your ad online at FINALLY!! A motorcycle themed paperback book for the young reader. The Adventures of Olive Pearl and Hammy Davidson features Olive Pearl; a green and black motorcycle and Hamrietta (Hammy) Davidson her stuffed piggy passenger. They experience the joy of motorcycling on a 1700-mile road trip to meet new people, see new things, and learn life lessons along the way. Their adventures are wrapped inside the love story of husband and wife characters, “The Man” and “The Lady”. Sprinkled throughout with pictures, social observations, and humor, adults will also enjoy reading this story to younger children and are sure to get a laugh or two themselves. Get more info and place an order at: Let’s Ride!!

2000 HD Custom (623) 374-5510 $15K OBO Motorcycle Hearse

COPD diagnosis forces SALE! $50,000.00 visit this website to view complete set of equipment. Equipment included: 1999 Harley Davidson Road King Trike (6045 miles) modified with reverse gear & fifth wheel hitch, detachable 18th Century styled Hearse Carriage, full size casket with full cover flag, cherry wood Urn Ark with panoramic glass & folding stand, Encased Memorial Flag, 2007 22ft. flatbed transportation trailer with winds/bug shield, Honor Flags, pre-printed magnetic Carriage name plates & misc office supplies. Call Bill or Phyllis 623-386-8281

2006 H-D Dyna Street Bob 11,000 miles, $22,000 invested, selling for $16,000. Contact Pete @ (602) 315-6950 FOR SALE:

2008 Harley Davidson Road Glide- 6,240 miles-lowering kit-travel packageAM/FM/WB/CD- 6 speed-Dark Blue Pearl-Corbin Solo and Stock Seat- asking $17,000. e-mail serious inquiries to:

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