The Masterlink - January 2014

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January 2014

A publication supporting the rights, safety and freedom of all motorcyclists through education and legislation


a dire epidemic:

ABATE of AZ. 7509 N. 12th St, #200 Phoenix, AZ 85020

Nonprofit Org US Postage Paid Permit #1662 Phoenix, AZ


It's that time again. I would like to stress at this time that I am working on Motorcycle Day at the Dome at this time and not the Freedom Ride, they are two different events. ABATE recently had it's membership fill out a survey so that I (Lobbyist) would have so that I could know the issues that you felt needed to be dealt with. At this time, I have not been told what the results of that survey are. But as soon as I do I will let you know.

Just so that you are aware, recently the Centers for Disease Control has, in their infinite wisdom, determined

that we should all be wearing helmets. Excuse me, I must not have gotten the memo, when did riding a motorcycle become a disease? An obsession-ok, an addiction-maybe, a life style-it is for some, it's a major stress release for a lot of people, myself included. but a disease... I don't think so. I would have thought they would have had their hands full dealing with the myriad of actual diseases that are out there causing people grief instead of attempting to force us to wear a brain bucket against our will.

I bring this to you today to urge you to contact your Federal Legislators and tell them that they should support and sign the letter authored by Tom Petri to the CDC, to tell them to back off. The study that the CDC is using to force a universal helmet law is full of inaccurate information and what appears to be guess work and wishful thinking on their part. Someone in

the CDC must have seen someone having fun riding their motorcycle and thought it was there job to put a stop to all this fun-having. Enough of that rant. Back to Motorcycle Day at the Dome. I can not stress to you how important this event is to our continued freedom on the road. If every member brings just one non-member with them it should be a respectable turnout. And again, make appointments to talk to your legislators, this is very important, they can not help us if they don't know what's on your mind. As always keep the shiny side up and the rubber side down, be aware of traffic around you because you know they’re not watching out for you. VM Grady Designated Lobbyist ABATE of Az.



Mission Statement

We will lobby and educate the government and the general public to promote

motorcycling in a safe and positive image. We will endeavor to enlist the cooperation and participation of all organizations and individuals who share

a similar interest in preserving our American tradition of


We will involve ourselves in fund raising to achieve our goal.

President’s Report

December 01, 2013

State Officer Meeting Minutes

Present: President - Tim O’Reilly, Treasurer – Matt Brown, PAC – Jim Page, Lobbyist - Vic Grady, Sargent at Arms - Joe Ferrucci, Safety - Jean Cooper Absent: Vice President - Paul Pendergast, Membership - Tina Benoit (“Sweet Pea”), Communications – Charity Stuart

Secretary – Vacant, Run Coordinator – Vacant, Merchandize - Vacant Guests: 4 guests

Call to Order: 10:40 PM by Tim O’Reilly. Pledge of Allegiance and moment of silence led by: Joe Ferrucci. Secretary minutes from October 2013: Motion to waive reading of minutes by: Joe Ferrucci; 2nd Vic Grady; All in Favor: yes. Officer Reports:

Greetings fellow freedom fighters! We appreciate the dedication and personal sacrifice of our officers. I want to send out A BIG “THANK YOU” to all of you that served last year, and all of you that stepped up to take officer positions this year. We couldn’t do it without you, seriously. May you find new friendships, gain a sense of accomplishment in doing something positive for yourself and brothers and sisters, and have fun doing it!

With the help of the federal motorcycle rights organizations, AMA (American Motorcycle Assoc.) and the MRF (Motorcycle Riders Foundation), we are keeping an eye on the CDC (Center for Disease Control) and their attempt to force nation-wide mandatory helmet use. Excerpts from AMA’s website: A meeting request was made by AMA Vice President for Government Relations Wayne Allard in a Nov. 22 letter to CDC Director Tom Frieden, a day after U.S. Rep. Tim Walberg (R-Mich.) sent a letter to Frieden expressing concerns over the same issue. Walberg's Nov. 21 letter questions the work of a CDC advisory group called the Community Preventative Services Task Force and refers to a presentation at a task force meeting in October 2013. In his letter, Allard repeated a question asked by Walberg: "Is it the goal or strategy of the CDC to reduce the use of motorcycle -- a legal mode of transportation - by recommending and pursuing a federal helmet law?

The AMA strongly advocates helmet use but believes that adult riders, not governments, should make the choice whether or not to wear a helmet. Mandatory helmet laws do nothing to prevent crashes. The AMA supports actions that help riders avoid a crash from occurring, including voluntary rider education, improved licensing and testing, and expanded motorist awareness programs.

The AMA has prepared an FAQ on the issue to provide the motorcycling community with the most current informa-

tion. To view it, please go here: Resources/CDCMotorcycleUseFAQ.aspx When we need you to contact your US Representatives regarding this issue, we will put out an email ACTION ALERT. In order to get that, you need to be subscribed to our e-mail list. You can do that at Subscribe/Unsubscribe option is on the main page, left column. Don’t wait for the monthly paper, subscribe for immediate notifications!

Another thing we need to watch for is cops forcing you to pull over and voluntarily give them bodily fluids. This happened in North TX. An NBC article says this NHTSA inquisition is coming to 30 states at the cost of $7.9 million over 3 years! Know your search and seizure rights and assert them. Come to the 1/26/2014 ABATE East Valley meeting for a discussion by a criminal defense lawyer on search and seizure rights (see announcement below). Excerpts from NBC Dallas/Fort Worth news: North Texas drivers stopped at roadblock asked for saliva, blood Fort Worth police apologize for its role in federal survey By Scott Gordon, Wednesday, Nov 20, 2013

Some drivers in North Fort Worth on Friday were stopped at a police roadblock and directed into a parking lot where they were asked by federal contractors for samples of their breath, saliva and even blood. The request was part of a government research study aimed at determining the number of drunken or drug-impaired drivers.

Fort Worth police initially said they could not immediately find any record of their officers being involved in the roadblock, but on Tuesday police

continued page 13

Treasurer: Matt Brown Motion to accept report as read by: Joe Ferrucci; 2nd: Jean Cooper. All in favor: yes. PAC: Jim Page The State Legislature is quiet, nearing Holiday recess. Membership: Tina Benoit (Deferred) Safety: Jean Cooper MAP: No new activity

Designated Lobbyist: Vic Grady · Vic still plans to get to Capital to remove Kat Grover’s name as authorized lobbyist. · Date for Day-at-the-Dome date has been secured - March 12, 2014. Vic is encouraged collaborating with other Lobbyists to plan the event. Communications: Deferred

How to Reach Us

623 205 1914 For Advertising Rates Email Eric at Or Mail Your Ads to: MasterLink, ABATE of Arizona 7509 N. 12th St, #200 Phoenix, AZ, 85020 MasterLink Advertising Rates:

Size Monthly Quarterly Yearly Business Card Size (3-1/2”w x 2”h): $20.00 $60.00 $200.00 1/8 Page (5-1/8”w x 4”h)

$50.00 $150.00 $500.00 1/4 Page (5-1/2”w x 8”h) $70.00 $210.00 $700.00 1/2 Page (10-1/4”w x 8”h) $100.00 $300.00 $1,000.00 Full Page (10-1/4”w x 16”h) $200.00 $600.00 $2,000.00 Full Color Back Page (10-1/4”w x 16”h) $400.00 $950.00 $3,300.00

Run Coordinator: Deferred. Position Vacant.

TBFS Report: Tim O’Rielly · Still waiting for the promised contract from Mormon Lake Lodge. · Committee is encouraged to strongly consider cost containment this year. Old Business:

· Discussion continues regarding possible changes to reduce expense of Masterlink production. Expense of current publication and distribution of the Masterlink must be compared to proposed decreased production expenses before a decision can be made. Tim will contact the publisher for information. The Masterlink is already available on the ABATE website. Officers will check pricing from other publishers for cost comparison. New Business: None

Critical Time Frames: January: State Officer Training, January 5, 2014 at 11:00 at State Office. Secretary will send email notices to remind all outgoing and incoming officers to attend. January: State Safety will collaborate with other MROs to form a state safety committee. Open Discussion: Continued planning for Officer Training. Motion to adjourn was made by: Joe Ferrucci; 2nd by: Jean Cooper; All in favor: yes. Meeting adjourned at 12:50 PM.

Next State Officer Meeting: January 5, 2014 at the State Office at 7509 North 12th Street, Phoenix, Arizona at 11:00 AM. (Officer Training) Respectfully Submitted by:

Jean Cooper Safety, Acting-Secretary

MASTERLINK JANUARY 2014 by Rod Taylor - ABATE Legal Services


Q. Rod, I don't wish to stick my big nose in where it doesn't belong, but I thought I might have some information that could be helpful to the individual ( Rod wrote about him in November’s column “Turnup Blood” article) battling the medical bills from his accident. I was an insurance agent/broker for 40 years during my working career and became fairly familiar with the terms and conditions of auto insurance policies in this country. One of the things which I did not see mentioned in your article is the Underinsured Motorist coverage on almost all auto insurance policies today. It is almost always purchased and can carry limits from $25,000 to $1,000,000 or more. This coverage is an optional coverage but I cannot imagine a motorcycle rider who would opt not to carry this coverage. This coverage would cover his medical expenses up to the limit he selected when he purchased his policy. Although I am not familiar with Indiana law, it is also possible that he might have two policies covering this occurrence. One would be his motorcycle policy and the other his automobile policy, if they are insured on separate policies. I would assume that this avenue has already been explored, but since it was not mentioned, I thought it might be worth mentioning just in case this young man and his legal counsel had overlooked this possibility. Sincerely, Thomas J. Alfrey FORR - Missouri

A. Tom, I could not have said it better. I liked the way you emphasized “I cannot imagine a motorcycle rider who would opt not to carry this coverage.” Thank you for raising awareness of the dark secret of many riders who sabotage themselves for the sake of a few dollars. Even though most car owners buy the optional coverage, many bikers do not. Unfortunately many riders ride naked - without un/underinsured motorist coverage. Below I have set forth articles from a previous column that may help us in dealing with this “dark secret.” Thank you; ride safe and insured. Rod

RUN OVER? WHAT TO DO WHEN THE LITTLE OLD LADY WITH BLUE HAIR DOESN’T HAVE ENOUGH MONEY TO PAY YOU? Q: Rod, I was run over by a person with low insurance limits. Do I have to settle for those limits? The insurance company says the person who hit me does not have any more money. What do I do? A.B.A.T.E of ILLINOIS MEMBER. A: Believe it or not, Mrs. Smith can drive down the highways of this country and is only required to have minimal insurance limits. Even though she may not be able to hear, see or think, as long as she has a driver’s license and the state required minimum insurance she is free to run over you- as long as she doesn’t do it on purpose. Minimum state insurance requirements can be as little as $10,000.00. Try to get a broken leg fixed for that. But even if the insurance limits are $100,000.00, what do you do when your hospital bills are over $100,000.00, your lost wages are over $25,000.00 and you have a permanent limp and other disabilities that adversely impact your life? You have a serious case so you should have

Reprinted from

Ask Our Lawyer

legal counsel as you have entered the big league of legal issues. A good lawyer will learn the amount of insurance limits of the car that Mrs. Smith was driving. ABATE LEGAL requires the insurance company to certify the amount of those limits. If the limits are inadequate, what options do you have? If Mrs. Smith is underinsured, we need to determine whether you have underinsured coverage with your insurance policy that could pay for your losses, including medical bills, lost wages, pain/suffering, temporary and permanent impairment, loss of enjoyment of life and your spouse’s loss of consortium. If you do not have enough underinsured coverage under your own insurance policy to pay for your losses, and Mrs. Smith has insufficient insurance coverage to pay for your losses, what choices do you have? The obvious first choice is to take the limits of Mrs. Smith’s insurance policy, but can you take those limits and also go after Mrs. Smith’s assets? Usually not. The insurance company usually has a duty to resolve all the claims you have against Mrs. Smith and not leave her exposed to your additional claims. If Mrs. Smith has considerable assets that would pay for your losses, you could pursue those assets. But what if she does not have assets other than the insurance company’s limits? And how do you determine the amount of her personal assets? Good question; because in most states you are not able to subpoena/request personal asset information until you have a judgment- which usually means you have to go to the expense of a trial to get a judgment. That adds insult to injury in that you do not want to incur the cost of a trial in an inadequate asset/insurance situation. What can you do in order to maximize your recovery and stop the futile chase of a no asset person for more dollars? A search of public records is a must. You should look for exempt and attachable real estate, vehicles and other property. The internet is a valuable source for this information. After you or your lawyer have conducted a search of Mrs. Smith’s assets and learned that she does not have any assets (or at least she says she has no assets), how do you protect yourself if she misrepresents the truth or hides her assets? Here is our advice. Prior to accepting Mrs. Smith’s insurance limits as a complete release for your losses, demand that Mrs. Smith provide a statement under oath affirming the extent and value of her assets. If she has very little, that is one case. If she owns 500 acres of good farmland or just hit the lottery, that is another. Armed with the statement under oath, you can now rest assured that if Mrs. Smith lies to you about the lottery she won or the farm she owns, you should be able to set aside the Release you signed based on her misrepresentations to you. The theory being: if she would have told you the truth about her assets you wouldn’t have accepted only the limits of her insurance policy. You would have insisted that she part with some of her lottery winnings and/or some of the farm. ENCOURAGEMENT FROM IMRE Rod, it was great to see you last month at the ABATE of Indiana state seminar in Indianapolis. I hope to see you again in Springfield for the ABATE of Illinois seminar next month. I’ve attached an article (brought to our attention by a member) I thought you might enjoy (original at

f/2013/11/skiers_beware_recreational_lia.htm l). It reaffirms your strong position that liability waivers are essential to protect organizations and individuals. Your presentations on why we should take waivers seriously are among the most important of the SMRO state seminars. Imre F. Szauter, Government Affairs Manager – On-Highway American Motorcyclist Association GUNS, AMMO AND LAWYERS ARE FINE, BUT DON’T FORGET THE WAIVERS

Q. Hi Rod, My wife Tony and I have a 10 acre farm on the Tippecanoe river and are getting more and more visitors. Per your advice at the Seminar, we need a waiver for accidents /lost or stolen items/ and if possible requiring litigants against us to be responsible for all our attorney fees - just like you discussed at the seminar. Thanks, Harold Kleckner A. Waivers are on the way, good luck and thanks for all you do for ABATE. Rod


Q. Rod, Stoney Lonesome Motorcycle Club has been around since the 50’s. We own around 300 acres in Brown County that we operate as a private club for off-road motorcycle events, many of which are sponsored by the AMA. The AMA events usually involve minors. Having dodged a few lawyers/lawsuits involving minors in the past, what do we need to do to make sure that we are not cleaned out by a lawsuit that could exceed our insurance limits? And can you help us? Roy Garrett - ABATE/Dirt OffRoad Director.

A. We will do our best to prepare waivers that will help protect your organization against lawsuits. In today’s litigation world, courts are routinely recognizing the validity of waivers and are exforcing them so long as they are clearly written and are fair.

Imre Sauter of the AMA sent a letter (printed above) referring to a lawsuit filed by an 18 year old alleging negligence against a ski operation. Sadly, that 18 year old was severely injured. Although he was 17 at the time of signing the waiver and 18 at the time of the injury, the court held that the waiver was clear, fair and that he had reaffirmed that waiver by subsequent use of the ski facility. I cite this case as an example of how the courts will work with us and enforce waivers, it they are done properly.

My greatest fear is an injured minor who was accompanied by an adult that arguably did not have the authority to sign the waiver for the minor.I also recommend that the Club form an independant company to lease your facility for all the AMA events involving minors. That company would have complete control and responsibility for the activities on race days and would include requirements to inspect for safety. Stoney Lonesome’s responsibility should be limited to the leasing of the facility and the complete delegation of the AMA event activities to this new leasing entity. That company should endeavor to obtained the signa-

PAGE 3 tures of the custodial parents of the minor’s involved in the AMA event. This should be done on site at registration, or in advance if possible. In a pinch, a waiver could be sent to the custodial parent by email (iPhone and the like) with a text consent and acknowledgment. This would be better than nothing and I believe the courts would uphold such a waiver. And don’t forget my “YOU ARE A TRESPASSER IF YOU DIDN’T SIGN A VALID WAIVER” sign, that should be posted prominently on the property at the registration point and other high traffic areas. I know that does not look very neighborly, but you and yours want to be around for another 60 and those signs will help me help you with that. A SWEET RIDE FOR YOUR BIKE AND FOOD FOR YOUR SOUL

Q. Hello Mr. Taylor, I have been looking at the back of the ABATE magazine (Hoosier Motorcyclist Magazine) and was wondering where that road is located. If you know, please tell me the location? Thank you, Todd Stipp

A. Todd, Marc Falsetti, Editor Supreme of Hoosier Motorcyclist Magazine, tells us this photo was taken by Michael Farabaugh on Highway 42, Dorr County, Wisconsin - a wonderful place to ride. Michael Farabaugh, as you may know, is renowned for his incredible photography. His work can be seen in most motorcycle magazines, including Easy Rider, Super Cycle, American Iron etc. Thank you for noticing and the next time I ride that way I will give you the GPS coordinates. It is a sweet ride for your bike and food for your soul. Rod ROADHAZARD.ORG SAFETY promotes safety, encourages governmental agencies to make road improvements and holds them accountable when they fail to do what is required for the safety of all motorists. In Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Illinois, Missouri and most other states, governmental agencies are not usually responsible for an accident, even if the accident resulted from their faulty roads, unless they were put on notice. So keep those reports coming and help prevent motorcycle crash victims. Ride Safe and Free, Rod Taylor ABATE Legal Services All questions from ABATE members are answered confidentially unless otherwise authorized and only after the matter is concluded, except when authorization for publication anonymously or otherwise is given for pending matters. Remember, injured ABATE members pay only 28 ½% of total recovery and expenses as approved by client, consistent with and conforming to applicable state law. Elsewhere, you may pay 33 ⅓%, 40% or even 50% of your recovery. ABATE members are not charged for recovery of damage to your motorcycle, and have access to a 24hour toll-free telephone number. Call us at (800) 25-RIDER. Questions? Submit them to RodTaylor@abatelegalcom. © 2013.

V2V Technology Extends to Motorcycles

Cohda Wireless, Cisco and NXP advance Connected Vehicle Technology to the Next Level As part of the US Safety Pilot Model Deployment, the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI) will launch a motorcycle study to determine how cars, trucks, buses and

motorcycles interact using V2V (Vehicleto-Vehicle) communications technology from Cohda Wireless. UMTRI has partnered with two motorcycle manufacturers: Honda and BMW. Cohda Wireless provides the V2V connected vehicle equipment.

Two tasks will be conducted in the Safety Pilot Model Deployment Geographic

Area as a proof of concept for incorporating motorcycles into the connected vehicle environment. The two tasks are motorcycle communications feasibility testing and motorcycle to vehicle performance testing. The V2V connected vehicle equipment provided by Cohda for these motorcycles is based upon the RoadLINK™ chipset resulting from collaboration between

Cohda Wireless and NXP Semiconductors. This automotive-grade, market-ready chipset consists of a software defined radio chip from NXP running connected vehicle firmware from Cohda with unmatched performance. NXP is providing the chipset including firmware in a one-stop shop to customers

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Chapter Reports


East Valley Chapter

Season Greetings,

Sunday morning, November 24, 2013. EV ABATE members met at the FOE. Instead of gathering in our usual back room, we met in the front area of the FOE and took advantage of the openness and comfortable couches. Joe led the meeting. Jeff kept the minutes. Jeff also read from Jess's Treasurer report informing us about chapter funds. Each of us took the time to fill out the ABATE legislature form in order to prioritize the issues for points of focus in the upcoming year.

We also talked about discontinuing the hosting of the annual Valentine party, in favor of a possible volleyball/potluck or chili cook off get together in early spring at one of the local parks. East Valley members also agreed to become a sponsor for the upcoming Skin and Steel event hosted by The American Legion on January 18th.

We re-affirmed and thanked Jack Batty for stepping up as BOD Rep for Redbone. Additionally, congrats to Mary K on being the new State President. We're lucky to have her knowledge and experience in the EV chapter. She's going to be a real asset to ABATE of AZ. EV members went on to ratify our 2014 chapter officers. Joe Ferrucci will remain as Coordinator. Larry Keim will be Vice Coordinator and Communications Officer. Desiree Campana will be Treasurer. Jack Batty will be Secretary, Richard Dalton will stay on as SGT at Arms, Membership is Mike Shearhart, and Jim Silk will remain our chapter's Safety Officer. We brain stormed together about the publication of the MasterLink. It was mentioned that as funds have become tight, altering the distribution rate of the MasterLink may be an area where some funds may be saved.

However, after some discussion, many believed that the MasterLink is one of the key benefits of ABATE membership. Going to every other month, or quarterly,

may inhibit new membership growth, and may even discourage renewals. One viable option discussed was to keep the ML subscription monthly, but don't have a required page count. In other words, keep it short and sweet if needed, but keep it coming monthly. Jack and Mike inspired us about coming together to stay free from the CDC and other proposed legislation that would hamper our beloved lifestyles as motorcyclists. Furthermore, we are pleased to announce that criminal defense attorney, Matt Brown, our State Treasurer and East Valley business member, will speak at our January meeting, 1/26/2014, about search and seizure.

As the winter comes upon us, we are encouraged about the year to come, riding together, and working together for our rights as motorcyclists. Happy Holidays! 2 Wheels, brothers and sisters!-- Larry Keim

High Country Chapter

Happy New Year 2014,

To all my Brothers and Sisters, May you enjoy another fine year of riding. I would like to start off with thanking everyone who showed for Barbie's Toy Run! It meant a lot to a our chapter and to Billy Hensler. i would like to give some special shout outs also! Thank you Deb Smith and Debra Beda, Jillian Beda and of course the Ladies of the Moose Lodge for all their help at Walmart for the

Fill the Truck, which was donated to High Country Chapter, which in turn we donate to all the kids who showed up at the Moose. I also want thank Mary K. ABATE'S new President for showing up also!! Was H.C.C. glad to see her there!!!

Now to all of the New H.C.C.'s new officers - Welcome aboard and carry on with your new jobs, make us proud as we know you can!! Well as for me, iI will be around watching over your shoulders. This will be my last report. Ride Safe, Be Heard, Ride Free


Chick n Bone Past coordinator

Phoenix/Shadow Mountain Chapter


Southern Arizona Chapter

First of all as this will be published in the January issue, the members of the Southern Arizona Chapter hope that everyone had a safe and joyous holiday!

The November meeting was held at the Kettle Restaurant on November 16th. The meeting started at 9:10 AM. We welcomed back our Past Coordinator Ron Kool from his summer ride traveling all around this beautiful country of ours. Ron once again put close to 30,000 miles on his bike over the summer. After the normal reports etc. the main order of business was the election of Officers for the upcoming year. It has been difficult to get members to step up and fill an open position so we are left with a couple of open seats. I hope we can fill these soon. The officers elected for the upcoming year is as follows; Coordinator Jim Butsback, V. Coordinator Don Boule, Secretary Deborah Strong, Treasurer Dawn Detelj, Membership Art Burke, Merchandise – OPEN, Run/ Events –OPEN, Safety – Jim DeYoung, Sgt. at Arms – Robert Guenther P.A.C. – Sean Pinder Merchandise – OPEN, B.O.D. Rep – Sean Pinder

We had a very informative and help open discussion regarding the problems of poor attendance at meetings as well as the trouble with recruiting and renewals that everyone throughout the State has been experiencing. We will be looking into the meeting day and time to see if a change would help more members to attend. We are also encouraging our members to attend as many events put on by other organizations as possible and to be sure that they let the organization know that they are ABATE members when they

attend. By being visible to other riders it will make it easier to recruit.

Once again we encourage all ABATE members to become more active and to join the MRF to stay on top of national issue that affect all riders. Also when talking to prospective members, remember that there is a Club membership available that includes 5 memberships.

Our December meeting will be held on the 21st and right after the meeting we will have our annual Christmas/Holiday party. A prize will be given to the best holiday attire! We also will have our White Elephant gift exchange with STEALING! With all the upcoming events & toy runs members were encourage to wear their ABATE shirts & gear and always talk membership! It shows others you are proud to be a member of ABATE.

Once again we are asking anyone who is not getting emails from the Chapter to please send your email address at We are trying to save the Chapter some money by cutting down on postage. Please make sure the State Membership Officers has all your current information as well, this includes phone numbers, email addresses, address changes etc. You can email her at Ride Free, Ride Safe

Yavapai Chapter


Yuma Chapter

Our meeting location, IHOP,was closed for Employee Party, but they allowed us two tables away from their party. Many of the officers were missing so meeting was informal. We passed the listing of importance of what we thought was important for our PAC leader to work toward in the next year. Upcoming events: Dec 12 CMA social at SOH clubhouse; Dec 14 Toy Run. All encouraged to attend these great events. Next meeting Jan 14 2014

What's Wrong With The Current Approach To Biker Profiling

By Matt Brown ABATE of AZ Legal Counsel and State Treasurer

I've been closely following legislation and lawsuits regarding biker profiling for over a decade. In that time, Arizona's motorcyclists' rights organizations have been giving it more and more attention. I think it's fair to say that, for many or maybe even most bikers, it is the single most pressing issue they feel those organizations ought to be addressing right now.

In many ways, I'm inclined to agree. I hear new stories about police telling business owners not to allow patches in their establishments almost every day. As a criminal defense attorney, I represent clients who are clearly targeted by officers simply because they ride. Even after charges are filed, bikers are regularly treated far more harshly. In the City of Mesa, for instance, there is a special prosecutor for misdemeanors involving bikers, and things that would ordinarily be resolved with a fine or even pled down to a civil violation for a pedestrian or a car driver often involve a plea to jail when the accused happens to be a biker. It's disturbing, and the outrage from the biker community is clearly justified. There’s undoubtedly a problem, and change undoubtedly needs to happen. The problem, however, is figuring out a plan of attack that actually makes a difference. Although I risk offending who

knows how many well-intentioned organizations and individuals, I worry that bikers’ current approach of lobbying, legislation, and lawsuits is never going to make a difference. There are three big hurdles standing in the way. The first hurdle is the fact that the vast majority of bikers have a fundamental misunderstanding about their rights. The single most important thing to remember is this:

You have no independent right not to be discriminated against because you are a biker.

That doesn’t mean officers can stop you on your bike for no reason, arrest you for no reason, take your patches for no reason, or prevent you from gathering for no reason. Stopping a bike and detaining the rider is a seizure within the meaning of the fourth and fourteenth amendments, so it requires a violation of the law or reasonable grounds to suspect the rider has committed an offense. To make a valid warrantless arrest, the fourth amendment requires that a police officer must have probable cause to believe both that a crime has been committed and that the person to be arrested committed the crime. Furthermore, under the first amendment, seizures of expressive materials like patches are prior restraints on speech, what courts call “the most serious and least tolerable violation of First Amendment rights," and the Supreme

Court of the United States has recognized that the first amendment also embraces a “right of association” when intimate relationships or expressive activities are involved. If an officer stops or arrests you solely because of how you look, he’s violated your fourth and fourteenth amendment rights. If he takes your patch or breaks up your rally to prevent you from expressing something, he’s violated your first amendment rights. None of it has anything to do with any sort of special right you have because you’re a biker.

That leads directly to the second hurdle, which is the fact that the vast majority of bikers also have a fundamental misunderstanding about the outcome of lawsuits on the subject of profiling. Literally every time I attend any sort of rally, I hear stories about some lawyer somewhere winning a discrimination case. I have made it a point to research every single one of the cases that have been brought to my attention, and I have yet to encounter a single one that actually involved a true victory for motorcyclist discrimination. At best, they involve a victory for rights everyone already has. The plaintiffs just happen to ride motorcycles too.

The cases invariably involve officers who violate established rights, like the right to free speech or the right against unreasonable searches and seizure. A cop who

stops a biker because he doesn’t like bikers isn’t basing the stop on reasonable suspicion, which the constitution requires. If a lawyer sues for the biker and wins that case, it isn’t a victory for motorcyclists’ rights any more than it would be victory for the Arizona Cardinals if the cop had stopped the rider for wearing a Cardinals jersey. It isn’t that being a biker or being a Cardinals fans makes you part of a protected group; it’s that neither constitutes valid cause to initiate a traffic stop. The most frustrating situation occurs when people make a loss sound like a win. I’ve heard about the Saxon Creed Motorcycle Club suing the City of Rio Vista, California more times than I can count. They were denied a temporary use permit for a pig-roast party they wanted to have, and they filed suit. Unfortunately, the court granted the city’s motion to dismiss, saying the club’s suit was “supported only by conclusory and illusory allegations.” Now, people make the fact the court allowed the club to file again sound like a win. The same also happens with many of the Mongols’ various lawsuits, especially in Nevada. I have only seen them win cases on obvious issues having nothing to do with any supposed unconstitutional biker discrimination issue, yet people paint it as just

continued page 6


V2V Technology Extends to Motorcycles (continued)

based on exclusive license with Cohda.

“Cohda Wireless is a proven leader in the development of connected vehicle technology. Cohda will add valuable technical expertise to the team to ensure project success,” said Assistant Program Manager Debby Bezzina, a Senior Program Manager at UMTRI.

Paul Gray, CEO of Cohda Wireless, noted it was extremely important that connected vehicle technology be extended to vulnerable road users such as motorcycle riders and pedestrians. “We are very proud to see our products being used in this important trial to improve the safety of car drivers and motorcycle riders alike.” Connected vehicle technology extended to vulnerable road users

Analysis by the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) shows connected vehicle technology could potentially address approximately 80 per cent of the crash scenarios involving non-impaired drivers. Furthermore, according to NHTSA data, motorcycle accidents represent five per cent of all highway fatalities, but 80 per-

What Is ABATE?

ABATE Of Arizona, Inc. is a non-profit motorcycle rights organization that is dedicated to freedom of the road for all motorcyclists.

ABATE is a volunteer organization that fights discriminatory legislation aimed towards the motorcycling community. ABATE's position is that all motorcycle riders have the right to choose not only the machine that they ride, but also the riding gear that they choose to wear or not to wear, (i.e. leathers, gloves, boots and helmets.) ABATE promotes rider education for all motorcycle riders and motorcycle awareness for all automobile drivers. ABATE needs the support of all motorcyclists.

Arizona Motorcycle Rights Organizations Need Your Help!

cent of motorcycle accidents result in injury or death as compared to 20 percent for cars. This makes it vital that connected vehicle technology also addresses these vulnerable road users. Motorcycles have an important role in USDOT’s overall safety strategy.

connected vehicle solution. For example, the USDOT Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office (ITS JPO) selected Cohda as one of the firms to supply equipment for the Connected Vehicle Safety Pilot Model Deployment and other test bed installations.

Industry excitement grows as trials of vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-toinfrastructure (V2I) connected vehicle technologies expand throughout the world. As reported, this technology promises to significantly improve safety and mobility.

Paul Gray, Cohda’s CEO, explains how Cohda’s patented connected vehicle technology addresses difficult intersection accidents. “With V2V communications the vehicles must be able to communicate with each other, even in an urban setting where buildings prevent the drivers at an intersection from seeing each other. Cohda’s performance in these safety-critical scenarios is unmatched. We are excited that Cohda, as part of the Ann Arbor Safety Pilot, provides radios to test solutions to the most challenging safety problems.”

Onboard and roadside units from Cohda, Cisco and NXP have been tested to global standards in major field trials. One such trial is the Safety Pilot Model Deployment trial in Ann Arbor, Michigan managed by UMTRI for the USDOT.

With almost 3000 vehicles, this trial is the largest connected vehicle trial in the world, and Cohda supplies the equipment for 1500 of these vehicles. Cohda Wireless connected vehicle products qualified by USDOT

Cohda and Cisco have jointly developed roadside equipment that enables robust V2I communications for such safety applications as Curve Speed Warnings and Traffic Signal Violation Warnings. Both of these applications hold particular importance for motorcycle riders. This roadside equipment has been tested extensively by the USDOT and selected to be

Governments around the world have chosen Cohda Wireless because of its robust


on the Qualified Products List (QPL).

Cohda has also developed a vehicle awareness device that enables robust V2V communications for such safety applications as Intersection Collision Warnings, Forward Collision Warnings, and Emergency Electronic Brake Lights. Of the seven equipment vendors that were originally selected by USDOT to develop such equipment, Cohda is one of only three vendors to make the final Qualified Products List. “The USDOT requirements are stringent, and their qualification testing is exhaustive. It was a lot of work, but we are pleased that our products have been recognized on the QPL,” said Paul Gray. About Cohda Cohda Wireless is an equipment vendor in the Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) market. The company manufactures hardware products with acknowledged best-in-world performance and has developed complete software solutions (from network layer to applications layer) for this market. Cohda’s hardware and software products are being

continued page 9

Join A.B.A.T.E.

along with an events section to inform you of *Do you like emission testing your motor- up-coming motorcycle runs and events. cycle? The Motorcycle Rights Organizations in *Do you like the choice to wear a helmet or Arizona are run by volunteers. Anyone that not? does volunteer gives their time freely to fight the fight. Please help us to pass on our ability *Do you like noise ordinances? to ride free. *Do you like the ability to modify your motorcycle?

*Do you know that there are dollars available for motorcycle safety and awareness? Please help the Motorcycle Rights Organizations in Arizona to prevent our Governments from restricting our ability to ride free. With your help, we can eliminate the emission testing of motorcycles in Arizona, fight our National-level battles with the EPA and NHTSA, and effectively watchdog the Arizona Legislators who, on a yearly basis, have entertained the idea of introducing a mandatory helmet law in our state. You can help by joining in the fight. The cost is only Twenty-five Dollars a year. Although you are not under any obligation to volunteer your time, any time you choose to give to our cause is always appreciated. With your membership you not only help our cause, but you will receive our newsletter as well. "The MasterLink" contains local happenings and national motorcycling news

Name_____________________________________ Name #2 __________________________________ Address __________________________________ City _____________________________________

Benefits Of Membership

Individuals ·ABATE membership card ·ABATE patch on first year ·Year pins thereafter ·One year subscription to the MasterLink newsletter ·Lifetime members get all that without the hassle of renewing

Business ·Two annual memberships ·Business card size advertisement and alphabetical listing in the MasterLink for the length of your membership. Circulated throughout Arizona ·Benefit of a run stop or event participation to support your business ·Addition of your business listing on our web site with a link to your business

Or turn in your membership application to an officer of the chapter of your choice. East Valley High Country

Southern Arizona Yavapai

Phx/Shadow Mtn


State___________ Zip ___________ Phone(s)___________________________________

Office Use Membership # ____________________________ Expiration Date___________________________

Email address _____________________________ make checks payable to: ABATE of AZ and mail to: 7509

N. 12th St, #200, Phoenix, AZ 85020

DONATIONS Motorcycle Awareness Program (MAP) $ _____ Legislative Efforts $____ General Fund $_____ MasterLink Newsletter $______


ABATE Of Arizona provides a unified voice for all motorcyclists in Arizona. Add your voice to ours. Join ABATE now, for the preservation of your ability to ride a motorcycle with the freedom that's your right!! © 2012 ABATE Of Arizona

7509 N. 12th St, #200 Phoenix, AZ. 85020

Website: To join our discussion group, send email to

Type of Membership (check one) Single……………$25____ Charter $15 ____ Couple………......$40 ____ Charter $25 ____ Life/Single………$350 ______ Annual Business Membership $125 ____ Annual Club Membership $125 ____ If a business member, please enclose business card for publication in our newsletter, The MasterLink. Renewal

Membership #_____________

New Member Referred By: Business Membership: ABATE of Arizona Business Membership is a substantial value at just $125.00 per year and includes (12 issues) of business card size ads, an annual membership for two people and an ABATE of Arizona Business Member Certificate for display in your business.





Chairman..............................Sean Pinder

East Valley………………….Jack Batty High Country........................Billy Hensler Phx / Shadow Mountain…...Clyde Brooks Southern AZ.........................Sean Pinder Yavapai……………………..Deb Butitta Yuma....……………………..Rick Breadwell

Quarterly Board meetings are held on the first Sunday in January, April, July and October at 1:00pm @ the AZ American-Italian Club, 7509 N. 12th St, Phoenix. Please make sure your Chapter has representation.

A.B.A.T.E. State Officers For 2012

President………..............……Mary K Donnay Vice President.....……………Mike Schneider Secretary……………………Jean Cooper Treasurer…………………….Matt Brown Membership…………………Tina Benoit Run/Events………………….Darin Yates Safety Coordinator………….Jim Silk Sergeant-at-Arms……………Vic Grady P.A.C………………………...Lynda ‘Handi’ Barnett Communications…………….Charity Stuart Designated Lobbyist...............Vic Grady ABATE Products……………Vacant MasterLink Editor................ Eric Hampton and

Mailing address 7509 N. 12th St, #200, Phoenix, AZ 85020. State Officers meetings are held the 1st Sunday of every month, 10:30 am at the AZ American Italian Club, 7509 N. 12th Street Phoenix, AZ.- OR in conjunction with the quarterly BOD meeting.

East Valley Chapter

c/o Jeff Gorall, PO Box 20433 Mesa AZ. 85277 Coordinator............................Joe Ferrucci Vice Coordinator...................Larry Keim Secretary................................Jack Batty Treasurer................................Desiree Campana Membership...........................Mike Shearhart Run Coordinator....................Vacant Safety Coordinator.................Jim Silk Sgt. At Arms..........................Richard Dalton P.A.C......................................Vacant Communications....................Larry Keim Merchandise........................... Vacant

EAST VALLEY CHAPTER meetings are held the 4th Sunday of the month at 11:00 a.m. at Fraternal Order of Eagles (F.O.E.) 1712 W. Broadway Road, Mesa AZ 85202 FMI contact Joe Ferrucci at 480-251-0810

High Country Chapter

209A E. Juniper St. Payson AZ 85541 Coordinator............................Wayne Slocum Vice Coordinator...................Billy Hensler Secretary................................Dee Schultz Treasurer...............................Debra Beda Membership...........................Debra Beda Run Coordinator....................Deb Smith Safety Coordinator.................Steve Leonard Sgt. At Arms.........................Ray Martinez P.A.C.....................................Mark “Griz” Matthews Communications...................Mark “Griz” Matthews Merchandise..........................Jillian Hawkins

High Country Chapter meetings are held on the 3rd Sunday at 10 a.m. at The Moose Lodge in Star Valley. Contact: chicknbone@live .com or 928970-1134

Phoenix-Shadow Mountain Chapter

P.O. Box 54041 Phoenix, AZ 85078-4041 Coordinator...........................Vic Grady Vice Coordinator....................John ‘Johnny D’ Dreyfus Secretary................................Jean Cooper Treasurer................................Tina Benoit Membership...........................Deb Costa Run Coordinator....................Pat ‘Troll’ Tyrell Safety Coordinator.................Ernie Lizarraga Sgt. At Arms..........................Joel ‘JR’ Rosen P.A.C......................................John ‘Johnny D’ Dreyfus Communications....................Steve Palmer Merchandise...........................Sandy Hassinger

Phoenix/Shadow Mountain meetings are held on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 10:30am at the AZ American Italian Club, 7509 N. 12th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85020. FMI contact Vic Grady at 602-300-4115 or email

Southern Arizona Chapter

6888 N De Chelly Loop Tucson, AZ 85741 Coordinator............................Jim Butsback Vice Coordinator....................Don Boule Secretary................................Deborah Strong Treasurer................................Dawn Detelj Membership...........................Art Burke Run Coordinator....................Vacant Safety Coordinator.................Jim DeYoung Sgt. At Arms.........................Robert Guenther P.A.C......................................Sean Pinder Communications....................Vacant Merchandise...........................Vacant

The Southern Arizona Chapter will meet the third Saturday. We will gather at the Kettle Restaurant, 748 W. 22nd St, Tucson. Breakfast will be available at 7:30 a.m. with the meeting beginning at 9 a.m. FMI contact Jim Butsback by phone at 520247-3051 or email

Yavapai Chapter

P.O. Box 11319 Prescott, AZ 86304 Coordinator............................ David “Doc” Pratt Vice Coordinator....................Vacant Secretary................................ Mike “Da Wolf” Ruddell Treasurer................................ Paul Pendergast Membership........................... Dave ‘Chino’ Pinney Run Coordinator......................“Longhair James” Venegas Safety Coordinator..................Dan “44Dan” Lemond Sgt. At Arms...........................JD Fillingim P.A.C...................................... Deborah Buttita Communications.................... Mike “Da Wolf” Ruddell Merchandise...........................Lori Lutz

Yavapai Chapter Meets 2nd Sunday, 11:00 AM; Doreen's Backstreet Bar and Grill, 2879 N Arizona Trail, Chino Valley, AZ 86323 (928) 636-0309. FMI contact Doc at 928-7132568 or

Yuma Chapter

11316 S. Glenwood Ave. Yuma, AZ 85367 Coordinator............................ Frank White Vice Coordinator....................Daniel Medina Secretary................................ Mikkie Melanson Treasurer................................ Virginia Nielsen Membership........................... Thom Mango Run Coordinator.....................Jerry Allison Safety Coordinator..................Ray “PeeWee” Grier Sgt. At Arms...........................Terry “Gunner” Langworty P.A.C...................................... Ralo Heiniemi Communications.................... Vacant Merchandise...........................Lisala White

Yuma Chapter meets the second Tuesday evening monthly at 6:30 PM at the IHOP located at 575 East 16th Street Yuma, AZ 85365. For additional information contact Frank White (Hound) at 209327-0814.


If any of the Officers are listed here incorrectly, please send corrections to: I will be sure everything is accurate for the next Issue and on the web site.

The Current Approach To Biker Profiling (continued)

that. In cases where clubs do claim discrimination without some other valid cause of action, most plaintiffs’ cases against most defendants are dismissed.

Look no further than their 2012 case against the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department for an example, yet people keep acting like it's something other than a run-of-the-mill lawsuit that isn't going so well for the plaintiffs. The victories, when they actually happen, are never as much for bikers as they are for wellestablished constitutional rights. That’s the reason why I also doubt whether the Sons of Hell lawsuit is likely to have any impact on bikers’ rights. The initial order dismissing the case had nothing to do with the merit of the claims, but rather with the club’s lawyer’s failure to prosecute. The new complaint and subsequent filings, like the first, fail to list a single constitutional violation that is going to prevent biker-specific discrimination in the future. If they win, it will be because the officers detained club members without cause and damages

ensued. It will not be because they infringed on a biker-specific right, and it will do nothing for the greater cause. Officers will still be more than able to violate the rights of bikers everywhere; they will just have to try to avoid violating other more-established rights that they should’ve known about anyway.

The third hurdle is a direct consequence of the first two, and it involves successfully implementing a solution to the problem of widespread biker discrimination.

Officers generally say whatever best supports justifying whatever they did. They know they have to see a traffic violation or suspect criminal activity to stop a biker, so they claim that’s what happened. In reality, they saw fifty car drivers do the same thing and only stopped that one biker they profiled, but as long as they claim they saw a traffic violation or suspected criminal activity, they’re probably going to win. Discrimination laws are only going to protect bikers from cops who are too stupid to make up a good reason for initiating a traffic stop or mak-

ing an arrest. The constitution already prohibits stopping someone for no reason except for the fact they’re a biker, yet cops do it all the time and say it was because the biker crossed a marked line, failed to signal, or went too fast or too slow. If we pass a law saying they can’t discriminate against bikers, they’ll just continue to fabricate other justifications.

Telling the cops to respect the constitution will change nothing, as that’s already required of them and they routinely fail to do it. On top of that, motorcyclist discrimination alone isn’t even a violation of the constitution. This year’s SB1086, which failed to pass despite the fact it only required officers to attend courses emphasizing “the prohibition against motorcycle profiling” and provided no basis for a lawsuit to enforce it, also would have made no difference. If we want to attack the root of the problem, we will have to do something very different from anything that is currently on the table. As a lawyer, but more importantly as a

biker, I think we need to change our approach altogether. I see no real possibility of us finding and funding the perfect case all the way to the Supreme Court of the United States, and even then, I see no realistic chance of us changing centuries of case law. I also see no chance of us passing at the state or the federal level an enforceable law against profiling with penalties for government officials who violate it. What we need to do is quit looking to lawyers, courts, and legislators to save us. They aren’t on our side, and at one point, we knew that. ABATE’s main thrust was to "Educate, Not Legislate” when I started participating in motorcyclists’ rights organizations, but times have changed. I wish it was still like that today. The next time we wonder why we’re running out of money and bleeding members as we pay lawyers and lobbyists to fight what’s likely to end up a losing battle, I think we should reconsider out priorities and focus on the educational mission that drew most of us to this in the first place.


A2Z Electronic Wizards 480-946-0280

Alt Fashion Barber Shop Marana 520-797-65663

AZ Differential Specialists Phoenix 602-462-5367 Big John’s Garage Tucson 520-322-9923

Big Sky Motorcycles Tucson 520-886-7388

Breyer Law Offices, P.C. Phoenix 480-505-2160 Brown & Little, P.L.C., Attorneys at Law 480-299-2093 Buffalo Bar & Grill Payson 928-474-3900

ABATE of Arizona Business Members


Cleopatra Hill Jerome 928-634-6701

Law Tigers 888-529-8443

The Drunken Lass Irish Pub Prescott 928-778-4211

Eclectic Café Tucson 520-885-2842

Mountain Top Brewery Payson 928-474-9228

The Historical Journigan House Payson 928-474-2900

D.A. Dailey Construction 928-978-6420

El Rancho Restaurant Payson 928-474-3111

Herman’s Automatic Transmissions Tucson 520-294-8717 Jakes Corner Bar Payson 928-474-0679

Kitty For Tax Camp Verde 928-567-0224 La Gitana Cantina Arivaca 520-398-0810

Moose Lodge #852 Payson 928-474-6212

Punkin Center Bar Tonto Basin 928-479-2627 Renegade Classics Tucson 520-400-8463

Square Peg Promos LLC Phoenix 602-549-1044 Steel Horse Motorsports Rio Rico 520-281-1962 The Bashful Bandit Tucson 520-881-9706

The Flying Grizzly Bar Strawberry

The Maverick Saloon Phoenix 602-943-5680

Tonto Silkscreen & Embroidery Payson 928-474-4207 Top End Specialties Phoenix 623-258-2092

Y’all Come Back Saloon Rio Rico 520-781-3730

ABATE of Arizona Chapter Meeting Times and Locations

East Valley Chapter EAST VALLEY CHAPTER meetings are held the 4th Sunday of the month at 11:00 a.m. at Fraternal Order of Eagles (F.O.E.) 1712 W. Broadway Road, Mesa AZ 85202 FMI contact Joe Ferrucci at 480-251-0810

High Country Chapter High Country Chapter meetings are held on the 3rd Sunday at 10 a.m. at The Moose Lodge in Star Valley. Contact: chicknbone@live .com or 928-970-1134

Phoenix / Shadow Mountain Chapter Phoenix/Shadow Mountain meetings are held on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 10:30am at the AZ American Italian Club, 7509 N. 12th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85020. FMI contact Vic Grady at 602-300-4115 or email

Southern Arizona Chapter The Southern Arizona Chapter will meet the third Saturday. We will gather at the Kettle Restaurant, 748 W. 22nd St, Tucson. Breakfast will be available at 7:30 a.m. with the meeting beginning at 9 a.m. FMI contact Jim Butsback by phone at 520-2473051 or email

Yavapai Chapter Yavapai Chapter Meets 2nd Sunday, 11:00 AM; Doreen's Backstreet Bar and Grill, 2879 N Arizona Trail, Chino Valley, AZ 86323, (928) 636-0309. FMI contact Doc at 928-713-2568 or Yuma Chapter Yuma Chapter meets the second Tuesday evening monthly at 6:30 PM at the IHOP located at 575 East 16th Street Yuma, AZ 85365. For additional information contact Frank White (Hound) at 209-327-0814.

ABATE of Arizona


V2V Technology Extends to Motorcycles (continued)

used in Vehicle-to-X field trials worldwide today. Our customers include a large number of Car Makers, Tier One Suppliers, Automotive Chip Makers, Road Authorities, as well as New Market Entrants. Cohda’s products are already in use in the USA, Europe, Australia, Japan, and Korea. About UMTRI

H.O.G. Gets New Logo

Members of the Harley Owners Group recently chose a new logo for the world’s largest rider club. The new visual element evolves the design of one of the most recognized symbols in motorcycling and creates more choices for members to express their pride in H.O.G.® membership.

“The iconic H.O.G. logo represents the passion of our riders, and no matter where in the world you go, chances are you’ll find a fellow rider wearing it. It’s a global symbol of freedom, independence and love of the open road,” said Harley Owners Group Director Ken Knuteson. “As part of our commitment to bring more value to our H.O.G.® members, we asked them to help direct the evolution of this powerful symbol.”

Major changes to the logo include bringing the Harley-Davidson Bar & Shield into the heart of the design, proudly representing H.O.G.® as the official riding club of Harley-Davidson, while the eagle shifts its gaze in a new direction to seek new horizons and adventures. Both the new and Heritage versions of the H.O.G. logo are available now on patches and other merchandise and will be joined by additional graphic options in the future to provide members with even more opportunities to express themselves and show their pride in membership.

With nearly 1 million members and more than 1,400 chapters in 140 countries, the Harley Owners Group® is the world’s largest rider club, providing its members with rewarding benefits and unique experiences that enhance their motorcycling experience. For more information about the Harley Owners Group visit =========================

UMTRI was founded in 1965 through gift funds to the University of Michigan totaling $10 million, which were used to construct its four-story building and to initiate highway safety research programs. Located at the corner of Huron Parkway and Baxter Road in Ann Arbor, Michigan, UMTRI continually strives for innovation in motor vehicle safety, sound policy, and sustainable business practices

in the world of transportation. We welcome the opportunity to address your transportation-related concerns. About NXP Semiconductors

Indian Motorcycle Offers $1,000 Cash Back For Armed Forces

ments will make their selections first, and following their choosing, companies who sign up for AIMExpo will select on a ‘first-come, first-served’ basis. Nearly 400 exhibitors welcomed over 10,000 attendees inside Orlando’s Orange County Convention Center this past October and Marketplace Events Motorcycle Group is eager to build upon that success with even more visitors, more exhibitors, and larger floor space.

NXP Semiconductors N.V. (NASDAQ: NXPI) provides High Performance Mixed Signal and Standard Product solutions that leverage its leading RF, Analog, Power Management, Interface, Security

News from the Net

Indian Motorcycle offers $1,000 Cash Back on the purchase of any new 201 Indian Chief Classic, Indian Chief Vintage or Indian Chieftain for your armed forces members.

Go to for your coupon. =========================== Industry Brief — AIM Expo Update

According to Marketplace Events Motorcycle Group, the entity behind the inaugural American International Motorcycle Expo, nearly 200 exhibitors have already committed to exhibiting at the 2014 show, which returns to Orlando, Fla. on October 15-19.

AIMExpo’s successful reenergizing of the powersports landscape with a fresh, new and all-inclusive platform for B2B and B2C commerce has been met with overwhelmingly positive feedback from the industry, which has quickly turned into action from both existing and interested exhibitors.

“It’s gratifying to sense the industry’s excitement about the future of AIMExpo and we are pleased with the amount of input we’ve received since it ended,” said Larry Little, Vice President & General Manager of Marketplace Events’ Motorcycle Group. “We have listened and will continue to listen to the industry as we build upon the foundation established this year. Next year’s show is guaranteed to be bigger and better, and based on the amount of exhibitors that are already on board, that’s quickly becoming obvious.”

With such a large contingent of exhibitors enlisted, exhibit space allocation has commenced, and the new floor plan is taking shape. Companies with renewal commit-

For those brands looking to take advantage of the AIMExpo platform for 2014, space is still available. For more information or to reserve your space, please contact one of the sales representatives at 855-MCShows (855-627-4697). Be sure to stay tuned to the website

============================ New Harley Trike Lift On the Market

Based on the company’s patented modular lift platform, this new version is based around six removable plates for 2-3- or 4wheel vehicle versatility.

Marolo Test first introduced their ModuLift concept in 2005 and manufacture and assemble all the major components in-house and with selected suppliers near their Cholet headquarters near Nantes in western France.

Specified to meet or exceed all European and international type approvals and certifications, all Marolo lifts are available in a choice of pneumatic or hydraulic power. “However, 80 percent of our sales are pneumatic because of the ease of use, reliability and cost-effectiveness of pneumatic power”, Marolo’s International Sales Director Raphael Girard told AMD Magazine when we visited their factory earlier this year.Marolo Test have an established importer and distributor net-


and Digital Processing expertise. These innovations are used in a wide range of automotive, identification, wireless infrastructure, lighting, industrial, mobile, consumer and computing applications. A global semiconductor company with operations in more than 25 countries, NXP posted revenue of $4.36 billion in 2012. Additional information can be found by visiting

work, who will be carrying this new product line in addition to the full range of existing Marolo Test workshop equipment, including their dynamometers. However, the company does have openings for some additional importers/distributors in some countries, and would also be happy to hear from any specialist Harley aftermarket, trike industry, and custom v-twin market specialists. MAROLO TEST

============================ Hannigan “180” Front End

Once again Hannigan Motorsports sets the new standard for the trike industry with the Hannigan 180 Front End for all Honda Gold Wing trikes and sidecars 2001 to current and all BMW K1600GTL/GT trikes and sidecars 2012 to current. The new Hannigan 180 Front End gives your trike the traction and tire life for which you have been waiting.

Until now, the limiting factor for handling on a premium trike has been the front tire. When ridden hard in a curve the stock front tire will start to slip, skip, and chatter. The 180 wide tire included in the front end package stays planted in the curves, providing greater stability and performance. This translates into a greater safety margin for all riders. Even those who do not normally push their trikes to the limits of traction will find that the 180 Front End improves their ability to change direction more quickly and brake harder in emergency situations. It also increases your level of confidence in low traction weather conditions. ============================= 100 Years Of “Drive-In” Gas Stations

In case you didn’t know it December 1st marks the 100th anniversary of the open-

Toys collected from our Barbie Hensler Memorial Toy Run sponsored by High Country Chapter ABATE & a pic of Chicknbone, HCC Coordinator, Mary K, State Pres 2014 elect & Wayne, HCC Coordinator 2014 elect.

PAGE 10 ing of the first dedicated drive-in gas station in the United States by the Gulf Oil Company. This first “drive-in” gas station was located on the corner of Baum Boulevard and St. Clair Street in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in an area of the city known as “automobile row” because of the number of automobile dealerships located nearby. Previous to that date if you needed gas for your Harley, Indian, or Excelsior you had to find a local business like a hardware store or even a pharmacy that had a gas pump in front of it. These pumps were usually curbside so they presented a traffic hazard for moving vehicles and those pumping the gas where-as the Gulf Oil station gave drivers the convenience of having the pumps away from the street and, something seldom seen now-a-days, an attendant to fuel the vehicles. The pagoda-style building offered a canopy to shelter employees, a storage room, and one employee only restroom. Gulf soon saw the advantages of having “Free Restrooms” for its customers. On the first day of operation the station sold 30 gallons of gasoline at 27 cents per gallon, then on its first Saturday the new service station pumped 350 gallons of gasoline. BTW it wasn’t until 1919 that gasoline surpassed kerosene as the highest selling petroleum product. How things have changed.


Mounting GPS, Phone and Other Stuff to a Motorcycle Windshield

Don’t have space to mount a GPS, phone or other device on your handlebar or brake/clutch reservoir? Ever want to mount it up higher, or closer to eye level, so you can see/read it more easily? The new Leader Windshield bracket does just that – and it couldn’t be simpler.

The Leader Windshield bracket works with almost any windshield, but is ideal

News from the Net (continued)

for those with a brace or strut. Simply remove one of the studs on the brace and thread the bracket onto your windshield. Our patented U-shaped slot-and-lug design accommodates a variety of devices, including: GPS, Phone, iPod, Satellite Radio, Camera, Clock, Drink Holder

The Leader Windshield bracket is made of machined aluminum, then showchrome plated – all here in the USA!


Aeromach Has Dress Up Line For 2014 Indian Motorcycles

Aeromach USA, located in Charlotte, North Carolina, offers an “Engine Dress Up Kit” for model year 2014 Indian Motorcycles. Paul Aiken, managing partner of Aeromach, said “This kit allows proud new Indian owners to make their bikes even more attractive.” The Engine Dress Up Kit includes chrome and black bolt covers for the engine, transmission, primary cover, belt drive cover, horn cover, turn signals and more. The covers slip over the raw steel fasteners giving the motorcycle a more refined and finished look.

In addition, Aeromach released a Chrome Bolt Kit that replaces the raw steel fasteners on the air cleaner, hand controls, headlight/handlebar cover, brake pedal cover and more. A billet license plate finished in chrome with chrome bolt covers is also available.


McQueen’s ‘38 WLD Sells for $125,000

Steve McQueen’s 1938 Harley-Davidson WLD Solo Sport was sold for $125,000 at the recently held Mecom Auction in Anaheim, California. What makes this

bike different from previously auctioned McQueen owned bikes was that this was the bike out of his collection that he rode the most. Plus McQueen’s personal tools that were discovered neatly wrapped in a piece of denim cloth and tucked away in a special frame-mounted toolbox were with the bike. Another cool thing about this bike that was owned by the “King of Cool” was that had only 21,000 miles on its odometer.


Thousands of bikers rally in Australia

The roar of motorbikes echoed through Australia’s capital cities on Sunday as thousands of riders united in opposition to Queensland’s anti-biker/anti-association legislation. Bikie Protest

The Australian Motorcycle Council (AMC) says the new laws, said to be aimed at criminal motorcycle clubs, have resulted in the harassment of law-abiding motorcyclists.

Many have reported being pulled over by police multiple times a day and questioned over links to outlaw clubs.

More than a thousand bikers, lawyer groups and civil libertarians protested outside Queensland parliament on Sunday.

Melbourne had a similar turnout, while 500 people gathered in Sydney and 200 in Hobart and Adelaide, AMC chair Shaun Lennard told media.

Mr Lennard says they don’t want to see the laws replicated in other states.

“We continue to reject the premise that simply riding a motorcycle makes you worthy of questioning about criminal

MASTERLINK JANUARY 2014 activity,”.

“We fully support any reasonable action to crack down on crime, but we believe the laws go beyond that.

“It’s stereotyping and discrimination.”

Queensland organiser Gabriel Buckley says of primary concern is that the laws reverse the onus of proof for people accused of links to proscribed criminal groups.

“Any organisation can be listed as a criminal gang with fewer checks and balances,”

Police and the Newman government have previously asked ‘recreational’ riders for patience amid the biker crackdown, but concede there will be disruptions for lawabiding motorcyclists.

Premier ‘Herr’ Newman says he gets personal updates on the crackdown each morning and says 4 to 10 ‘outlaw gang members’ are being arrested each day for assault and drug, weapon and money laundering offences.

He asked for recreational bikers to be patient.

“I’m just saying to people who love their motorbikes, to understand that right now we’re trying to shut down gangs who manufacture drugs, sell them to kids, who infiltrate all parts of the economy and pretending they are just wonderful loveable outlaw types – they’re not,” he said.

“They are vicious gangs, who belt people up and intimidate business owners and cause scenes of mayhem.

“These policing efforts are very important to shut down these gangs, that’s what

MASTERLINK JANUARY 2014 we’re doing.”

News from the Net (continued)

The AMC has launched a fighting fund to raise money for any High Court challenge to the laws and is due to meet with the state government on Tuesday. ===========================

Elvis Custom Bike At Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

Old-time Elvis Presley fans and lots of newer, younger ones flocked to a new exhibit at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum Friday to see his stylish ID bracelet, custom-made motorcycle, eye-catching rings and military mementos.

The exhibit opened in conjunction with Elvis Presley Enterprises and includes more than 40 artifacts loaned by his Graceland mansion in Memphis, Tenn.

The items include a walnut-size 41-carat ruby and diamond ring, a 25.5-carat opal ring and a sapphire pinkie ring. The rock hall inducted Presley in 1986 and calls him “the undisputed King of Rock and Roll.”


New York National Capitol for Motorcycle Theft

How long does it take to steal a motorcycle? A New York minute.

New York is the nation’s capital of motorcycle thievery, followed by swingin’ Las Vegas, the National Insurance Crime Bureau reports. Next comes San Diego, Indianapolis and Miami.

Overall, just like when it comes to car thefts, motorcycle thefts have been dropping. In 2012, the year in which the NICB bases its analysis, they amounted to 46,061 ripped-off bikes, down 1% from the year before. Honda was the motorcycle brand stolen

most often, with 9,082 for the year. It was followed by Yamaha, Suzuki, Kawasaki and Harley Davidson. (We’re wondering if Harleys did relatively well in the analysis because thieves fear Harley owners.)

When it comes to states, thieves appear to prefer warm weather — just like all motorcycle rider. California was first, followed by Florida, Texas, North Carolina and Indiana.

Fewer stolen motorcycles are recovered than cars. While 53.9% of stolen cars were returned to their owners, only 39% of motorcycles found their way back. The NICB says that’s because its easier to “chop” bikes for their parts, hide them in barns or garages or ship them out of the country in giant containers =========================== Reverend John Smith Defends Aussie Motorcycle Clubs

HE’S the Bible-toting bikie who commands the respect of outlaw bikers, celebrities and world leaders alike.

The reverend Dr John ‘Bullfrog’ Smith, founder of the world’s oldest Christian motorcycle club, God’s Squad, describes himself as a “one-percenter of the Christian movement”.

After 43 years offering chaplaincy to outlaw motorcycle gangs, Rev Smith says drug dealing and firearms were not typical of patched motorcycle groups, despite recent feuds between a handful of rogue clubs.

The long-time Boronia resident who recently moved to Ocean Grove, said he hoped to deliver this message at a protest rally in Melbourne’s CBD on Sunday, December 1. “I know whole chapters of (outlaw) bikers who if you even began to touch that world you would be kicked out of the club,” he said.

“I’ve got 17 grandchildren, why would I want to fight to support the drug trade?” John Smith ProfileRev Smith, 71, sup-

ported police going after drugs and firearms, but warned “horrific” openended anti-bikie laws, such as those introduced in Queensland, could be used against any community group.

“I know there are bad apples, but then there are in the police force and sadly the priesthood,” he said.

A passionate human rights campaigner, Rev Smith was once sentenced to death in the Philippines for defending the rights of rural peasants, holds a PhD in cultural anthropology and is a confidante of superstars U2.

He felt called to work in the bikie scene after passing a group of riders tinkering with a bike on the roadside.

“I thought ‘I wonder if anyone ever gets to talk to these guys about faith, the meaning of life, about what love really is’,” Rev Smith said.

God’s Squad members were welcomed as friends into most “so-called outlaw” clubs, he said. “It doesn’t mean we share the same lifestyle, except we do share the love of being on motorcycles.”

Riding in convoy had a magic that was hard to explain to outsiders – and clubs gave men a sense of identity, he said. Rev Smith will feature in an upcoming documentary Something In Every Hue, produced by Knox filmmakers


Phone App Makes Riders Little Bit Safer On The Road?

Text Deflector 2.0 (, the smart phone app designed to provide a safer driving environment for everyone. text-deflector

continued page 16


PAGE 12 of place.

Motorcycle Safety Tips

Be smooth as Silk...

It takes plenty of concentration, but smooth control of your ride has plenty of specific benefits. Your fuel economy improves dramatically and you are less likely to lose traction due to an overzealous use of the throttle.

By Jim Silk State Safety Officer

There are three ways riders should ready themselves for a ride. First, there is mental readiness. Before taking your bike out, your mind should be clear and drug and alcohol free in order to focus on the ride you have ahead of you.

Second, you must be physically prepared. Protective gear is a must in protecting your body while riding a motorcycle. Protective gear includes: a good fitting helmet( by choice of course!), gloves, eye protection, jacket, long pants, and sturdy boots or shoes. Note that reflective or bright colored protective gear will help you stand out in traffic. Physical fitness will help your riding in countless ways including, comfort on longer rides and better and sharper reflexes. Also, try some stretching exercises before you ride.

Third, you must check the condition of your bike. This includes fixing the parts that break, as well as regular maintenance, such as: regular oil changes, properly adjusted controls, a properly adjusted chain and suspension, good tires, working turn signals, and checking of tire pressure. A quick walk around the bike before riding could point out leaks, loose bolts, tire problems, or anything else out

Smooth riding includes matching the engine speed to the proper gear and road speed. Having your bike in the right gear keeps the power for accelerating or engine braking close at hand, while also keeping the bike running along smoothly. You maintain your best traction when your inputs are smooth, including your steering inputs. Harsh or abrupt pressure on the handlebars can upset the suspension. Smooth, firm counter steering keeps the bike on your desired line and creates little instability in the suspension. Your tires, brakes, suspension, and bearings will last longer, too. Smooth riding makes for less wear and tear on your bike. Where am I now??

Being aware of what is in your immediate space cushion will always help you guide your ride safely. Failure to be aware of your position in relation to those around you can cause dire consequences when faced with the need to make a quick lane change. Pay special attention to what's in front of you, especially oncoming traffic. It's easy to disregard traffic traveling in the opposite direction but that is where the greatest threat lies.

Put your brains to good use!

This may sound slightly remedial but it is an under-appreciated habit of a skilled rider. As you round a turn, keep your head and eyes up, looking through the corner as far as you safely can, at least three to four seconds ahead. (If you can't see that far ahead, you need to slow

down until you CAN see three to four seconds ahead).

Go fast and you might go down

Simply put, if you can't see, slow down. Rain and fog are examples of situations where less speed = more reaction time = safer riding. Curvy forest and mountain roads’ sight lines are shorter; you need to reduce your speed to be prepared for surprises like deer or big rocks.

Please!!!! Before proceeding through any intersection, check left, check front, check right, then check left again.

As you enter an intersection, whether turning or proceeding through, you need to know what your hazards are and where they can come from. The highest priority is to check your left. Why left? The left is the highest priority because that is the lane of traffic you first cross and therefore would be the first to impact you. After the left you continue to check the intersection in a clockwise pattern, and then check left again. You check the left twice because in the time it takes to check all other directions, the situation has probably changed to the left.

Who's back there I see you!!

Too often, what is out of sight is out of mind. As you slow down for any turn or a stop, you need to be aware of what is happening behind you. At the moment you begin braking or rolling off the throttle, you need to check your mirrors. (Your attention up to this point has been primarily in front of you, so once you start braking, you are already minimizing any hazards in that direction). This is part of your general awareness of what is happening in your surroundings on the road. The habit to acquire is to check your mirrors every five to seven seconds, and also any time you roll off the throttle. Combine that with gentle application of both brakes and rarely will a stop be anything more than routine.

MASTERLINK JANUARY 2014 I'm counting on you!

When traveling on a highway, the minimum distance to keep between you and the vehicle in front of you is 2 seconds, but that is the bare minimum. Keep in mind two seconds is the distance needed on clear sunny days. At night or during inclement weather you need to increase your safety margin to four to eight seconds. You should maintain these cushions as best as possible including the time you find yourself riding in traffic or with a group of motorcycles.

To figure your distance correctly pick a point on the road, like a sign or a seam in the pavement, watch the vehicle ahead of you pass it and count the seconds it takes you to reach that point. The number of seconds you count is your following distance.

Ride with a great attitude, ride with pride!

When you ride, you are an ambassador of motorcycling to the general public and it is your responsibility to ride accordingly. On anything other than wide open country roads, you have a choice while riding: ride with the flow of traffic, or fight it. In order to maintain a good image for fellow motorcyclists, as well as keeping yourself safe, please always use your best judgment while riding. Brake practice, did you???

The very best time to practice these habits is every time you go out for a ride. Spend at least a few minutes every ride concentrating on each of these habits and soon they will become second nature to you. Don't focus so hard on practicing that you lose sight of the job at hand. Instead, integrate practice into your normal riding routine.Ride safe ride free and by all means sign up a new member to ABATE!

MASTERLINK JANUARY 2014 My name is HANDI and a proud member of Sober Riders MC. As your newly elected State Political Activist Officer for 2014 and 2015 and new college student, I have numerous challenges facing me in the upcoming months. I welcome them.

I have been riding some sort of motorcycle for 47 years and yes, I have a deep seeded and true passion for the freedoms we have in this beautiful country, primarily due to the much appreciated service of our military, and for that I thank you all.

spokesman Sgt. Kelly Peel said that the department's Traffic Division coordinated with the NHTSA on the use of off-duty officers after the agency asked for help with the survey.

"We are reviewing the actions of all police personnel involved to ensure that FWPD policies and procedures were followed," he said. "We apologize if any of our drivers and citizens were offended or inconvenienced by the NHTSA National Roadside Survey."

"It just doesn't seem right that you can be forced off the road when you're not doing anything wrong," said Kim Cope, who said she was on her lunch break when she was forced to pull over at the roadblock on Beach Street in North Fort Worth. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, which is spending $7.9 million on the survey over three years, said participation was "100 percent voluntary" and anonymous.

But Cope said it didn't feel voluntary to her -- despite signs saying it was.

"I gestured to the guy in front that I just wanted to go straight, but he wouldn't let me and forced me into a parking spot," she said.

Once parked, she couldn't believe what she was asked next.

"They were asking for cheek swabs," she said. "They would give $10 for that. Also, if you let them take your blood, they would pay you $50 for that."

At the very least, she said, they wanted to test her breath for alcohol.

She said she felt trapped.

"I finally did the Breathalyzer test just because I thought that would be the easiest way to leave," she said, adding she received no money.

Fort Worth police earlier said they could not immediately find any record of officer involvement but police spokesman Sgt. Kelly Peel said Tuesday that the depart-

PAC Report

Unfortunately, we are, more and more, discriminated against, because of the love for the wind in our face and that special freedom we get from riding. We are a unique group and quite often march to the beat of a different drummer.

Currently, and in the very near future there are many issues involving new laws for motorcyclists, not just in the USA, but worldwide. Any laws or legislative bills that affect the freedom to ride MY motorcycle, or dictate the clothing I wear, is

where I will go toe to toe and literally die for what I believe in. ( I would have made a good soldier.)

My goal is to try and get more information to our readers on the things that are currently of interest to everyone riding on two or three wheels regardless of your MC or other motorcycle rights affiliation.

If you ride, be willing to take action and have an opinion. I welcome any comments or suggestions at any time to help get you involved. The issues are many.

President’s Report (continued)

ment's Traffic Division coordinated with the NHTSA on the use of off-duty officers after the agency asked for help with the survey.

"We are reviewing the actions of all police personnel involved to ensure that FWPD policies and procedures were followed," he said. "We apologize if any of our drivers and citizens were offended or inconvenienced by the NHTSA National Roadside Survey."

NBC DFW confirmed that the survey was done by a government contractor, the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation, which is based in Calverton, Md.

A company spokeswoman referred questions to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

An agency spokeswoman sent an email confirming the government is conducting the surveys in 30 cities across the country in an effort to reduce impaired-driving accidents. She did not respond to another email from NBC DFW asking specific questions about the program.

But a Fort Worth attorney who is an expert in civil liberties law questioned whether such stops are constitutional.

"You can't just be pulled over randomly or for no reason," said attorney Frank Colosi. He also noted the fine print on a form given to drivers informs them their breath was tested by "passive alcohol sensor readings before the consent process has been completed."

"They're essentially lying to you when they say it's completely voluntary, because they're testing you at that moment," Colosi said.

He also questioned the results of the "voluntary" survey -- speculating that drivers who had been drinking or using drugs would be more inclined to simply decline to participate. Cope said she is troubled by what happened.

"It just doesn't seem right that they should be able to do any of it," she said. "If it's voluntary, it's voluntary, and none of it felt voluntary."

Asked Tuesday if she accepted the police department's apology, Cope said she would wait to see what the review showed.

"They need to make sure this doesn't happen again," she said. =============================

I will encourage our chapter PACs (Political Action Coordinators) conduct mini classes at chapter meetings throughout the year, educating our members on how to find their legislators, what to say to them and use the public opinion system (RTS). We want to make it as easy as possible to contact your reps. and let them know how you feel when we issue Action Alerts. On occasion I get replies like “it doesn’t do any good, they already know how they want to vote”, but that will never keep us from expressing our opinions and desires. If you don’t stand up for yourself, no one else will. Remember, THEY WORK FOR US!

Please set aside Wednesday, March 12th, 10am-2pm to be at our State Capitol for MOTORCYCLE DAY AT THE DOME. We ask that you call or email your State Senators and Representatives approximately 2 weeks in advance. Introduce yourself and invite them to have lunch on the lawn with us. There will be a canopy with tables and chairs. We will prepare talking points for you. If your rep. comes out and asks for you, feel free to grab a more experienced freedom fighter or one of the lobbyists to speak with you to your rep. While at the Capitol, you may also sit in the galley and watch proceedings.

Until next month, life’s short, enjoy the ride!

Mary K. “MK” Donnay State President ABATE of Arizona, Inc.

PAGE 13 Some of these get posted if you are on the ACMC Mailing list, and/or on the ABATE mailing list.

However, some items of interest for all of us are: what are FUSION Centers and how are you affected, and how about LANE ADVANCEMENT(splitting), for or against and why. Motorcycle Only checkpoints, (why are these even happening?) and how about the E-15 fuel. What about the coming of Toll Roads in Arizona?


Sen. Jeff Flake’s reply to mary K’s letter: Dear Ms. Donnay:

Thank you for contacting me about raising the cap on ethanol content in gasoline to 15 percent (E15). As you know, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has approved a petition to permit the sale of E15 in passenger cars and trucks that were built in and after model year 2007. Although I support a competitive fuel market and the development of alternative energy technologies, the controversy surrounding E15 is indicative of a larger problem: the ethanol mandate under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS).

The RFS supplements the U.S. biofuel industry by requiring our nation's transportation fuel supply to include a specified volume of blended biofuel. However, due to a period of record fuel prices, Americans now use less gasoline than they used to. This economic reality has left gasoline producers with the task of blending ever increasing volumes of biofuel into the nation's fuel supply. Known as the "blend wall," this disparity between supply and demand is an unfortunate byproduct of the federal government using taxpayer dollars to pick winners and losers. Rather than continue with misguided federal subsidies, I support the effective management of gasoline prices by increasing the domestic supply of cost-effective oil resources. Thank you for taking the time to write. Please do not hesitate to do so again in the future. I also encourage you to visit my website at Sincerely,

JEFF FLAKE United States Senator

PAGE 14 13NR39 - MRF News Release - EPA proposal would require less ethanol to be produced in 2014 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 18 Nov. 2013

Contact:Jeff Hennie, Vice President of Government Relations and Public Affairs EPA proposal would require less ethanol to be produced in 2014

Last Friday, November 15th, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a proposed rule that would force the United States to produce less ethanol in 2014. This is the first time the EPA has decided that less renewable fuels should be produced the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) reports. The reaction is due to the declining markets since Congress passed the Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS) in 2007.

The move was expected as the demand for higher ethanol blends has been shrinking across the country. The proposed rule by the EPA lowers the amount of ethanol that must be blended into U.S. fuel supplies from 16.55 billion gallons in 2013 to 15.21 billion gallons in 2014, the same amount that was produced in 2012.

News from the MRF

contact lists, and so on in your car just like on any Smartphone or tablet.

Sounds like it might come in handy but with all things there is also a dark side. The other items that could be shared wirelessly are your speed, location, brake activity, and any other systems that you are currently operating. Some car loan companies are already using tracking devices on vehicles that still owe money on the car note. Perhaps the biggest fear is that this new technology will be used to disable a vehicle that has had aftermarket performance upgrades, thus taking away customization options from the owner and forcing them to only use manufacturer or worse, government approved parts. So you put aftermarket pipes, air cleaner and an ECU on your motorcycle, when the fuel-to-air ratios are changed from factory settings the bike (when capable of telematics) would not start because the factory has locked it until OEM settings have been restored.

The MRF spoke with panelist Andrew Christensen, Nissan of North America's Senior Manager of Technology Planning, at a recent U.S. House Transportation and Infrastructure hearing about driverless

truck, or motorcycle owner. From the standpoint of consumer privacy rights, most consumers are not aware that their vehicles are recording data. This data not only may be used to aid traffic safety analyses, but also has the potential of being used against them in a civil or criminal proceeding, or by their insurer to increase rates.

had this to say, “Our message to the EPA is simple, first halt the sale of E-15 then conduct a comprehensive, independent, scientific study on the full effects of E-15 on all types of vehicles.”


When they issued the waiver the motorcycling community at large approached the EPA and told them we are opposed to E-15 for various reasons, one of which is the possibility of voiding any warranty work if the higher blend was used in the motorcycle. They tried to make various assurances that the pumps would be clearly labeled and that new pump technology will reduce the in line fuel from the previous customer. Currently blender pumps can hold 2-3 gallons and the new technology will reduce this to just a fraction of a gallon. The proprietor of the gas station must purchase the new pumps so that solution seems unlikely to happen anytime soon.

Please call your Member of Congress and ask them to cosponsor H.R. 2414, you can reach the US Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121. 13NR41 - MRF News Release Motorcycle Riders Foundation Testifies Before Environmental Protection Agency FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 12 Dec. 2013

Contact:Jeff Hennie, Vice President of Government Relations and Public Affairs

Motorcycle Riders Foundation Testifies Before Environmental Protection Agency The Environmental Protection Agency

You can reach the Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and if you need help finding your Federal Representative you can use this website d/

The MRF will keep you informed on this issue.

The decreased demand for fuel in general has flat lined due to more fuel-efficient vehicles and the rising cost of fuel. The proposal is open for public comment for 60 days before it could become final.


13NR42 - MRF News Release - NHTSA Chief Resigns FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 13 Dec. 2013

The MRF will keep you informed on this issue.

Contact:Jeff Hennie, Vice President of Government Relations and Public Affairs



Contact:Jeff Hennie, Vice President of Government Relations and Public Affairs It’s a Wired World After All

At a recent Automotive Aftermarket forum, the largest issue reported on was not how to implement future technologies; but rather on the relationship between the manufacturer, dealer network, and original equipment-over-aftermarket-products. In particular, products that enables a car to be “connected”.

“The connected car is going to happen,” stated Chris Slesak, Director of Telematics at Delphi Automotive. If you don’t know the term “telematics”, you will soon. Telematics is the technology of sending, receiving, and storing information. You have likely heard of Apple’s iCloud technology. This is something similar, but in your car. Yes, you will be able to access your online music, photos, internet, iTunes account, iCloud account,

To date the only study that has been conducted by the EPA on E-15 is on the tail pipe emissions. The purpose of the study was to make sure the higher ethanol blend did not pollute more than E-10. Prior to October 2010 the EPA had not allowed the sale of the higher blend according to the Clean Air Act (CAA).

This is the perfect time to contact your Federal Representatives and ask them to cosponsor H.R. 875, a bill that would stop the sale of E-15 until a trustworthy study of E-15 is complete.

Ethanol has been controversial. It can harm the power trains of vehicles and leave the owner with a voided warranty. It has lead to higher corn prices, which has lead to higher costs associated with certain food items such as milk, eggs and meat. Both of which have drawn the disdain of many Americans. Ethanol was supposed to be the spark that lead to cleaner renewable fuels such as switch grass and other sources of alternative fuels, and that just has not happened since the RFS law was passed six years ago.

13NR40 - MRF News Release - It’s a Wired World After All


cars. Mr. Christensen, said, “It’s a long way off, but it’s certainly possible with systems that include sensors and computers; but the vehicle would have to be in virtual contact with the manufacturer at all times and that technology is nowhere near fleet level.”

Fighting the technology is a fool’s errand. But there is a fight we can win: ownership. We can make a case that the data is the property of the vehicle owner.

"This is a fight for access to the customer," said Fred Blumer, CEO of VehCon, emphasizing that the aftermarket should focus less on accessing OEM data than on empowering customers to take ownership of the vehicle data. "The argument you can win is that this is the customer's data," he added; this is why it's so important to pass legislation making data the personal property of the vehicle owner. H.R. 2414 has been introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives to do just that. The “Black Box Privacy Protection Act” gives the customer the ability to turn the data sharing off as well as make the data the property of the car,

(EPA) held a field hearing on the Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS) in northern Virginia where the MRF had the opportunity to testify. There were over 140 panelists that represented a variety of concerned parties. The majority of the panelists were very pro-ethanol, with most of them coming from corn growers and biofuel associations. There were only a handful of people from vehicle-based associations. The hearing was open to general public.

The reason for the hearing was unclear, as the EPA does not have to adhere to any of the panelist’s suggestions. One possible reason for the hearing could be to give the pro-ethanol types a forum to vent after the EPA announced that it is considering lowering the amount of ethanol to be produced according to the RFS in 2014. The EPA specifically said that one of the reasons for the drop in production is a shrinking market place and customer base for the higher blends of ethanol, like E-15. MRF Vice President of Government Relations and Public Affairs, Jeff Hennie,

NHTSA Chief Resigns

Administrator David Strickland announced Thursday, December 12th that he is stepping down from the top spot at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) reports. Strickland has led the traffic safety agency for the past four years. He has done extensive work with distracted driving as well as driverless cars. The NHTSA deputy administrator, David Friedman, will be taking over as acting administrator.

This is the second Department of Transportation (DOT) official to resign this week. John Porcari, Chief Deputy Administrator NHTSA, Secretary Foxx’s right hand man, also announced his departure earlier this week. Replaced by Federal Highways Administrator, Victor M. Mendez.

It will be telling, as Secretary Foxx replaces the top seats at two major positions of the DOT, just what direction he plans on taking the Department under his watch.


Accept Motorcycle Endorsement From Other States Yes Accept RiderEd Completion Card From Other States Yes

Daytime Use of Headlight Modulating headlight permitted per Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, 571.108

Eye Protection Required by law unless equipped with windscreen

Handlebar Height 28-964C. Handlebars such that the hands of the operator are not above the operator's shoulder height when the operator is sitting astride the seat and the operator's hands are on the handlebar grips. Helmet Speakers No Restrictions Lane Splitting

The Motorcycle Awareness Program (M.A.P.) is an educational program aimed at the target audience of high school students in driver’s education classes. There has been a small group of instructors who have volunteered to present the M.A.P. to students throughout the state. But, we need more instructors.

Remember, that ABATE stands for EDUCATE. Our purpose is to spread the word about safe motorcycling and promote a positive image of motorcyclists. What better way than to speak to the future drivers of our state. The students hopefully, will not only be better equipped car and truck drivers but will also be more aware and watch out for us.


MRF Fact or Fiction 2013

Arizona State Motorcycle Laws

Not authorized; 28-903. Operation of motorcycle on laned roadway; exceptions B. The operator of a motorcycle shall not overtake and pass in the same lane occupied by the vehicle being overtaken. C. A person shall not operate a motorcycle between the lanes of traffic or between adjacent rows of vehicles.

Lemon Law Coverage Yes; Arizona Revised Statutes 44-1262

Maximum Sound Level Maximum allowable A-weighted sound levels based on measurements taken at a distance of 50 ft from center lane of travel (R17-4-61. Motorcycle Noise Limits): Model Year/<=35mph/3545mph/>45mph: Before 1972/84dba/88dba/88dba; 19721980/79dba/82dba/86dba; After 1980/76dba/80dba/83dba

Mirror Left(L) Right(R) One required by law

Motorcycles operating two abreast in

same lane Yes. 13 AAC 02.427 - Driving motorcycles and motor-driven cycles on roadways laned for traffic (a) Motorcycles and motor-driven cycles may be driven upon a lane of a roadway, and no motor vehicle may be driven so as to deprive a motorcycle or motor-driven cycle of the full use of a lane. This provision does not apply to motorcycles or motor-driven cycles driven two abreast in a single lane by consent of both drivers; however, no motorcycles or motor-driven cycles may be driven more than two abreast in a single lane. Muffler Muffler required; no cutout, bypass or similar device (28-955.01, Motorcycles; noise level equipment; unauthorized equipment). Passenger Age Restriction None

Passenger Footrest Required if carrying a passenger

Call for MAP Instructors

To become an instructor you must:

1. Be available during the day: The presentations in the high school driver’s education classes last about an hour during the school day. There may be as many as 5 classes in one day.

2. Be willing to stand up in front of a group of about 30 high school students and speak: That sounds easier than you think. You need to be able to gently maintain control of the group.

3. Know the material being presented: There is an outline for all presenters to follow so there is uniformity in the material presented.

4. Commit to teaching at least 2 classes per school year: We hope to have at least one volunteer instructor in each ABATE Chapter. That person will attend and instructor class (about 4 hours), attend a M.A.P. with an experienced instructor, teach a class with an experienced instructor in attendance. When the new instructor is comfortable and the experienced instructor assesses him/her to be ready the new instructor may begin teaching alone. The mentor program assures that everyone is teaching the same material and everyone has support.

5. Provide record of teaching to the M.A.P. Coordinator on a consistent

Passenger Seat Required if carrying a passenger

Periodic Safety Inspection Required by law-annual emissions, some areas Radar Detector No Restriction

Rider-Education Waiver Skill & Knowledge Test

Safety Helmet Required for all operators and passengers under 18; Arizona Revised Statutes 28964 State Funded Rider Ed Available for all eligible applicants

State Insurance Requirements Compulsory Liability (Minimum Limits)(15/30/10)

Turn Signals Not Required


This is your opportunity to get the word out to new drivers about the importance of sharing the road with motorcyclists. This is your opportunity to support the mission and vision of ABATE in your community. Call me 602-616-9855 or email me for more information and to register to become a M.A.P. Instructor. Jean Cooper ABATE State Safety Officer ABATE M.A.P. Coordinator


Text Deflector is a free app (with no ads) that’s designed to take the impulse to respond to texts away from drivers so they can focus on the task at hand‌ driving safely.

Text Deflector’s patent pending technology works by sensing and linking to your in-car handsfree device (Bluetooth or wired headset) and automatically responds for you without any user input whatsoever to any incoming texts. Text Deflector notifies the sender that the driver is unavailable and optionally requests that the sender call instead. Text Deflector 2.0 not only responds to SMS (text) messages while you’re driving, now it will also respond to MMS (picture and video) messages so you don’t get distracted by any pictures sent to you when you’re traveling down the Interstate.

“This is an app that should come preinstalled in every phone for the safety of the driving community,� says Suite B Media’s director of marketing, Loralee Fultz. “Text Deflector is simple to use – just launch the app and assign it to any hands-free device and it’s ready to go.�

Text Deflector is available now FREE for all popular versions of Android via Google Play. Blackberry and Windows Phone versions coming soon. ============================

Blue Rim Tours Introduces: 2014 European Tours on Harley-Davidsons Ride through Europe on HarleyDavidsons for your next vacation!

Ever wanted to coast through Rome and Tuscany in the saddle of a new HarleyDavidson? Or attend Europe’s premiere motorcycle event, European Bike Week, with a group of other passionate riders? Blue Rim Tours’ new Harley-Davidson vacations offer those unique trip experiences and more.

News from the Net (continued)

The 2014 schedule offers three two-week trips: Viva Italia!, European Bike Week, and Oktoberfest. Every tour includes motorcycle rental, accommodations, admission to attractions, breakfast, dinner, and even fuel is included in the price. The trips are great for couples too, with a chase vehicle to carry additional luggage and give passengers a break from riding if needed. Whether this is your first or fifth trip to Europe, each Blue Rim tour has something new to experience. ============================ Motorcycle Sales Trending Back Up?

A new report shows motorcycle sales and registrations are up across the nation, showing signs that the motorcycle recession may be ending.

The Motorcycle Industry Council released national data showing a pointnine percent year-over-year sales gain for the third quarter, eliminating a five-percent decline in the previous quarter. In Wisconsin, the Department of Transportation says over 60-thousand motorcycles were sold in 2012, a 14-percent increase from 2011. In addition, there are currently over 357-thousand motorcycles registered in the state. That’s up one-percent from 2012, and over 17percent from 2008.

While that’s good news for major manufacturers, scooter sales continue to lag. National data shows sales are down 17percent from a year ago.


Sturgis Museum Welcomes New Treasure

The Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame is excited to announce the addition of yet another great motorcycle to its collection. Thanks to local collector Junior Glover, the museum now has on display an Ace inline 4 cylinder. This 1922 Ace represents some of the innovative engineering of William Henderson.


Henderson originally owned the Henderson Motorcycle Company, which he sold to Ignaz Schwinn in 1917. He then opened another company so he could continue to produce inline fours. Unfortunately, Henderson was killed in an automobile accident in 1922. Shortly thereafter, the Ace company was dissolved. In 1927, the assets of the company were purchased by Indian Motorcycle Company. They continued to produce the inline four under the name Indian Ace until 1929, when the model was discontinued. Special thanks to Mr. Glover for letting us share this rare treasure with our visitors. ===========================

Lady Road Dog Presents the Steel Horse Sister Summit

Lady Road Dog, aka Joan Krenning, CEO of DesignWraps Brands is proud to announce the first all woman’s summit for women riders on Friday, May 2Sunday May 4, 2014. Located near the spectacular scenic surrounds of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado, the Steel Horse Sisterhood Summit is a 3-day event specifically designed to broaden the skills, knowledge and experiences of women motorcycle riders across the globe. Held at the Sheraton Denver South (special discount rooms available by calling 303-799-6200), it is a chance to forge more than just strong friendships – it is an opportunity to come together as a Sisterhood; to be part of the largest directory of women riders AND to raise money for charity groups – Helping with Horsepower, Ride for Kids and Grace After Fire.

BE CONNECTED — Join the fastest growing directory of women riders across the United States. The Steel Horse Sisterhood is about never being alone – even when out riding solo

* Attend our Friday night Sisterhood Social Meet ‘n’ Greet with Hors d’oeuvres * Your registration price keeps you informed with monthly industry news and announcements * Share riding and personal stories and experiences with other attendees

BE PAMPERED and ENTERTAINED —Receive “star� treatment on the Red Carpet * Have your bike hand washed by Local Firefighters * Enjoy seeing your very own personal caricatures drawn * Relax in the SHS Spa and Massage Room * Re-energize and re-focus during the SHS Yoga Sessions * Receive Summit Surprises upon check in BE THERE! — The Steel Horse Sisterhood Summit includes participation in the Largest Women’s Led Motorcycle Ride in History – all in the name of supporting the Sisterhood AND Charity. Your registration costs include donations to the following charities: Helping with Horsepower, Ride for Kids and Grace After Fire.On behalf of each of them, thank you for your generosity.

For all Summit information, including volunteering opportunities, vender and sponsor inquiries, please contact the Steel Horse Sisterhood Event Planning Team at 877-700-4687 ext.1 or email them at

Bringing industry professionals, manufacturers and designers together, this Summit provides a platform for women riders to have a voice; to dictate what they would like to see in future designs, to describe how they believe a ride should feel and to allow women riders everywhere to connect in a way that has never been done before.




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M. LESTER Founder, Aid to Injured Motorcyclists



Visit us on the web at

We are endorsed by the National Coalition of Motorcyclists and more than 1,000 motorcycle groups throughout the United States and Canada, and serve as Legal Counsel for the Confederation of Clubs.



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House Roster

Senate Roster


Rider Ed Courses in AZ

To Print a Copy, Go To: Locations Zip County Email Phone Site Website City Motorcycle Rider PHOENIX 85012 MARICOPA Click Here (623) 979-1839 View Training RIDE SMART M/C View PHOENIX 85023 MARICOPA Click Here (623) 877-5425 TRAINING T.E.A.M. Arizona View GILBERT 85233 MARICOPA Click Here (480) 998-9888 Chandler/Gilbert GILBERT PUBLIC View GILBERT 85234 MARICOPA (480) 894-0404 SCHOOLS (PARKING LOT) T.E.A.M. Arizona View SCOTTSDALE 85260 MARICOPA Click Here (480) 998-9888 Scottsdale CHANDLER View (480) 496-6800 TEMPE 85283 MARICOPA HARLEYDAVIDSON T.E.A.M. Arizona View GLENDALE 85302 MARICOPA Click Here (623) 939-9888 Glendale DEER VALLEY View GLENDALE 85308 MARICOPA (623) 247-5542 HIGH SCHOOL LUKE AIR FORCE LUKE AFB 85309 MARICOPA (623) 975-6264 BASE Motorcycle Rider View PEORIA 85345 MARICOPA Click Here (623) 979-1839 Training VEHICLE SAFETY YUMA 85367 YUMA Click Here (928) 376-7489 View INSTITUE T.E.A.M. Arizona FT View 85613 COCHISE Click Here (520) 733-9888 Sierra Vista HUACHUCA Pima Community View TUCSON 85707 PIMA (520) 206-3981 College T.E.A.M. Arizona View TUCSON 85714 PIMA Click Here (520) 733-9888 Tucson RIDE NAZ -View BELLEMONT 86015 COCONINO (928) 443-0111 FLAGSTAFF Ride Northern PRESCOTT 86301 YAVAPAI Click Here (928) 443-0111 View Arizona - Prescott T.E.A.M. Arizona View PRESCOTT 86301 YAVAPAI Click Here (928) 771-2500 Prescott MOHAVE (928) 757-0825 View KINGMAN 86401 MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE MOHAVE LAKE View (928) 505-3321 COMMUNITY HAVASU 86403 MOHAVE COLLEGE CITY MOHAVE JB'S 86440 MOHAVE Click Here (866) 668-6462 View VALLEY RESTAURANT

ATTENTION - ALL RIDERS: =======================

It has come to our attention that business establishments in Arizona may still be discriminating against motorcyclists. Please carry copies of this form with you at all times. Discrimination can range from a sign stating "No Colors" or "No Motorcycle Parking" or "No Motorcycle Attire" etc., to simply being asked to leave a place of business, just because you are on a motorcycle or because of your riding apparel. If anything like this happens to you, PLEASE fill out this form in its entirety and send it to the address noted. Your lobbyists cannot get sponsorship for "equal access" legislation, without evidence of this type of discrimination. Documentation of Discrimination DATE: ______________

Business Phone _______________

NAME OF ESTABLISHMENT: __________________________________ BUSINESS PHONE (with area code): __________________________________ BUSINESS - FULL ADDRESS: ___________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ NAME / POSITION OF PERSON ENFORCING POLICY: ________________ ________________________________________________________ WRITTEN STATEMENT OF DISCRIMINATION (use back if needed): _____ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ YOUR NAME (please print): ______________________________________ YOUR PHONE (with area code): __________________________________ YOUR SIGNATURE: ____________________________________________ *** INCLUDE ANY PICTURES OF DISCRIMINATING SIGNS POSTED *** Mail To: Ray Fitzgerald 1634 West Pine Cone Way Prescott, Arizona 86303


Important Phone Numbers

Aid to Injured Motorcyclists - A.I.M. - (800) 521-2425 24-Hr. Legal Assistance for all accidents

Aid to Incarcerated Motorcyclists A.I.M. - (800) 235-2424 24-Hr. Legal Criminal Defense

National Legislative Hot Line - (800) 300-NCOM 24-Hr. Motorcycle Legislative Alerts

National Coalition of Motorcyclists NCOM- (800) 525-5355 Fighting for Bikers Rights

Confederation of Clubs. - (800) 531-2424 Motorcycle Clubs Fighting Against Discrimination

Motorcycle Riders Foundation Washington D.C. Office (202) 546-0983

Your Classified Ad


could be here... It’s Free to ABATE Members. submit your ad online at

2000 HD Custom (623) 374-5510 $15K OBO

2-1/2" Santee® 50 caliber pipes

exhaust for Harley 1986-2006 softail 84-06

Loud Loud pipes.. deep throaty base lets everyone know your there. Lightly used and in excellent condition. Retail on this set is 479.00 dollars. Pipes are stacked low and feature full-radius heat shields embossed with Santee's® distinctive logo. These pipe sets are the best combination of performance and looks with a 1-3/4"-diameter inner pipe and a 2-1/2" outer cover. Chrome billet end caps with integral baffles are included. Pipes are Chrome and have no dings or scratches they are in excellent condition... even the inner 1 and 3/4 pipe has little bluing... I just wanted to add this since i have had many questions as to the condition of the pipes.. Price: $150.00 James Osborne 623-692-5597

2003 Honda Shadow A.C.E. 750 for sale.

This bike has been very well maintained and is in excellent condition. Runs like a top, looks amazing-beautiful black paint, no dings or scratches. Has many upgrades including a removable windvest, upgraded mirrors, rear tiedown chrome rack, aftermarket Kuryakyn ISO grips with chrome accents and Throttle Boss, plus a Kontour custom seat. Passenger seat and foot pegs included. Great first bike! This is a wonderful bike for anyone who wants to ride without constant wrenching. 31,000 miles, regular maintenance done professionally. She is worth $4,000 with all the extras and the condition, but will take 3,200. Relocating, advertising in southern Arizona, serious buyers only-call 520-490-4548 or send email to

AzTech Flatbed Trailer (Car/ATV Hauler) $2200 obo 2008 STS Cadillac for sale, 23K miles $28,000 obo Call 928-718-6296 Cell 928-716-7289

2006 H-D Dyna Street Bob 11,000 miles, $22,000 invested, selling for $16,000. Contact Pete @ (602) 315-6950

FINALLY!! A motorcycle themed paperback book for the young reader. The Adventures of Olive Pearl and Hammy Davidson features Olive Pearl; a green and black motorcycle and Hamrietta (Hammy) Davidson her stuffed piggy passenger. They experience the joy of motorcycling on a 1700-mile road trip to meet new people, see new things, and learn life lessons along the way. Their adventures are wrapped inside the love story of husband and wife characters, “The Man” and “The Lady”. Sprinkled throughout with pictures, social observations, and humor, adults will also enjoy reading this story to younger children and are sure to get a laugh or two themselves. Get more info and place an order at: Let’s Ride!!

2003 Harley- 100th Anniversary FXDX Dyna Super Glide Sport

Has added – 100th Anniversary Gold Key Package Stored- Like New -Driven less than 200 miles Black Textured Paint - This Model Highly Rated – Built for speed. Judy Rovno 928-234-2969 2002 V8 Trike

Chevy 350c.i. engine. Automatic Transmission. Harley Davidson Fatboy Front End. Very comfortable ride -- Adjustable Air Shocks. AM/FM, Tape, CD Player. Great sound system. Harley Davidson "Luxury Rich Red" paint. Blue and Gold Ghost Ribbons. Beautiful Tank Mural of Pegasus. Lots of Chrome. Loaded. Prize Winner. A real beauty. Easy Maintenance. $19,000 o.b.o. 928-445-3992

One-Piece DayTripper motorcycle seat

New - never used - In box Retails for $359 model 76189 fits Honda VT 750 Spirit 2001-2006 & VT 750DC 2007-2009. The detailed stitch work in the highly durable, synthetic glove-leather makes the DayTripper a show winner. $150.00 Call Bob @ 602-463-0544


2008 Harley Davidson Road Glide- 6,240 miles-lowering kit-travel packageAM/FM/WB/CD- 6 speed-Dark Blue Pearl-Corbin Solo and Stock Seat- asking $17,000. e-mail serious inquiries to:

Home Care Medical Equipment Electric Hospital bed with new motor, mattress and electronic inflatable Bariatric pad, shower chair, elevated toilet seat. All in excellent condition. Worth $3000 will take $1500 for all OBO Delivery and set up available. Will consider renting bed . Call for info 602-228-6830 Melissa or e-mail

Gas Tank from an 05 Springer Classic.

Black/Lave Red. Taken off my bike in 2005 with approx 9,000 miles on it. Excellent Condition, $300.00. Located in Chino Valley (near Prescott). 928-830-4505.

Motorcycle Hearse

COPD diagnosis forces SALE! $50,000.00 visit this website to view complete set of equipment. Equipment included: 1999 Harley Davidson Road King Trike (6045 miles) modified with reverse gear & fifth wheel hitch, detachable 18th Century styled Hearse Carriage, full size casket with full cover flag, cherry wood Urn Ark with panoramic glass & folding stand, Encased Memorial Flag, 2007 22ft. flatbed transportation trailer with winds/bug shield, Honor Flags, pre-printed magnetic Carriage name plates & misc office supplies. Call Bill or Phyllis 623-386-8281



Trailer for sale $5,000 2012 Road Force dual axle enclosed trailer. Drop gate, fully lined, interior lights, roof vent, floor tie downs, electric brakes. For more info. call Ken at 520 207 6301. Tucson. Play Pool Good condition, good motor and pump. $200.00 You take down and move. $400.00 we can take down and deliver within 50 miles.

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