The Masterlink - July 2015

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July 2015

A publication supporting the rights, safety and freedom of all motorcyclists through education and legislation


Nonprofit Org US Postage Paid Permit #1662 Phoenix, AZ

Waco Call to action

Greetings Brothers and Sisters In The Wind,

As horrific as the events that unfolded in Waco are, it will hopefully benefit us in the long term.

The main issues involving law enforcement pertain primarily to those people that the police automatically assume are law breakers. Blacks and Hispanics in depressed neighborhoods, bikers anywhere...etc. Those of us who have always been on the receiving end of the fist attached to the long arm of the law. Those of us who most White Bread America society members would rather not accept, see go away, or at the very least generally accept that police abuse is justified by our lawless actions and dangerous nature.

ABATE of AZ. 7509 N. 12th St, #200 Phoenix, AZ 85020

But the tables are turning...

There are a number of issues involved with the current state of law enforcement. First, for decades and possibly centuries, the testimony of an officer tends to carry three times the weight in court as that of the defendant. Any defendant. This leads to the feeling of impunity officers carry into most any situation. It is this impunity

which leads to the second issue. Police officers are lauded and rewarded for their arrests. The volume and severity of arrests make for decoration, commendations and promotions. They don't get shit for a low crime rate at all. Politicians generally take credit for that. As such, police are incentivized to seek out problems where none exist and in many cases create them or at the very least escalate a situation into an arrest. This is why more and more people are being charged with resisting arrest but no other crime. Inventing "probable cause" has become commonplace to say the least. Basically, if a cop says it in court it must be true. The third and most disturbing issue is the complete militarization of police agencies. If you dress, equip and arm an individual like a soldier, they will ultimately begin to act like a soldier. Factor that with the understanding that police officers are trained from day one to take control of any situation. When a police officer trained to "take control" becomes a "badged soldier taking control" the serve and protect idium swiftly becomes a "respect my authority" problem. Law enforcement policy has now become a "rules of engagement" policy. Rules of engagement fueled by the take control

mindset is no longer kill or be killed but act upon any perceived threat. That simple subjective phrase "perceived threat" has allowed more violent felons wearing badges walk away from their crimes. White Bread America again believes that the "good guys" are doing good and the "bad guys" are getting what they deserve.

But the tables are turning...

As more and more videos surface of law enforcement acting completely out of control, the perception that only thugs and miscreants are the recipients of this abuse is waning. White Bread America is beginning to wake up and realize there's a problem. The belief that police can act with impunity is dissolving. Then we have Waco. The first stories to "leak out" clearly came from the badge side of the equation. A shootout between rival bike gangs during a meeting to resolve a turf dispute. That yarn lasted about nine seconds. As did the "fight broke out in the restroom" bit and pretty much every side of the story that made law enforcement appear reactive

continued page 2

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Chairman..............................Sean Pinder

East Valley………………….Jack Batty High Country........................Forrest “Woody” Phillips Phx / Shadow Mountain…...Clyde Brooks Southern AZ.........................Sean Pinder Yavapai……………………..Deborah Butitta Yuma....……………………..Rick Breadwell Quarterly Board meetings are held on the first Sunday in January, April, July and October at 1:00pm @ the AZ American-Italian Club, 7509 N. 12th St, Phoenix. Please make sure your Chapter has representation.

A.B.A.T.E. State Officers For 2015

President………..............……Mary K Donnay Vice President.....……………Mike Schneider Secretary……………………Jean Cooper Treasurer…………………….Matt Brown Membership…………………Larry Keim Run/Events………………….Vacant Safety Coordinator………….Jim Silk Sergeant-at-Arms……………Vic Grady P.A.C………………………...Lynda ‘Handi’ Barnett Communications…………….Vacant Designated Lobbyist...............Vacant ABATE Products……………Vacant MasterLink Editor................ Eric Hampton Office phone: 480-256-9237 and

Mailing address 7509 N. 12th St, #200, Phoenix, AZ 85020. State Officers meetings are held the 1st Sunday of every month, 10:30 am at the AZ American Italian Club, 7509 N. 12th Street Phoenix, AZ.- OR in conjunction with the quarterly BOD meeting.

East Valley Chapter

c/o Jim Silk, 5722 E. Garnet Circle, Mesa, AZ 85206 Coordinator............................Joe Ferrucci Vice Coordinator...................Jack Batty Secretary................................Dawn Steed Treasurer................................Deb Brunko Membership...........................Mike Shearhart Run Coordinator....................Vacant Safety Coordinator.................Jim Silk Sgt. At Arms..........................Richard Dalton P.A.C......................................Dawn Steed Communications....................Dawn Steed Merchandise........................... Donna Batty

EAST VALLEY CHAPTER meetings are held the 4th Sunday of the month at 11:00 a.m. at Fraternal Order of Eagles (F.O.E.) 1712 W. Broadway Road, Mesa AZ 85202 FMI contact Joe Ferrucci at 480-295-9488

and not proactive in the event. So what's a cop to do when the dust settles. Arrest everyone and seize any device capable of recording video. Charge everyone with a federal crime of "engaging in organized crime" and slap them with a million dollar bond. Nice contingency plan if you're the cops. Not so much if you're a law abiding motorcycle rider attending a regularly scheduled confederation meeting.

But the tables are turning... Now the good men and women in

Would you like to receive The Masterlink digitally? It is posted monthly on the ABATE website Opt out of the receiving the The Masterlink? Please contact the ABATE Office if you would like to no longer receive a hard copy of The Masterlink. 480-256-9237 or

High Country Chapter

209A E. Juniper St. Payson AZ 85541 Coordinator............................Wayne Slocum Vice Coordinator...................Billy Hensler Secretary................................Dee Schultz Treasurer...............................Debra Beda Membership...........................Debra Beda Run Coordinator....................Jim “Chiknbone”Mazzone Safety Coordinator.................John Lacey Sgt. At Arms.........................Ray Martinez P.A.C.....................................Woody Phillips Communications...................Mark “Griz” Matthews Merchandise..........................Jillian Hawkins

High Country Chapter meetings are held on the 3rd Sunday at 10 a.m. at The Moose Lodge in Star Valley. Contact:

Phoenix-Shadow Mountain Chapter

P.O. Box 54041 Phoenix, AZ 85078-4041 Coordinator...........................Mike Schneider Vice Coordinator....................Jim Page Secretary................................Tara Rudometkin Treasurer................................OPEN Membership...........................Dee Grady Run Coordinator....................Joel “JR” Rosen Safety Coordinator.................Trauma Mama Sgt. At Arms..........................Jerry Davis P.A.C......................................John ‘Johnny D’ Dreyfus Communications....................Steve Palmer Merchandise...........................Sandy Hassinger

Phoenix/Shadow Mountain meetings are held on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 10:30am at the AZ American Italian Club, 7509 N. 12th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85020. FMI: Chapter Coordinator Mike Schneider, 602-549-1044,

Southern Arizona Chapter

6888 N De Chelly Loop Tucson, AZ 85741 Coordinator............................Jim Butsback Vice Coordinator....................Don Boule Secretary................................Deborah Strong Treasurer................................Dawn Detelj Membership...........................Art Burke Run Coordinator....................Vacant Safety Coordinator.................Jim DeYoung Sgt. At Arms.........................Robert Guenther P.A.C......................................Sean Pinder Communications....................Vacant Merchandise...........................Vacant

Yavapai Chapter

P.O. Box 11319 Prescott, AZ 86304 Coordinator............................ Paul Pendergast Vice Coordinator....................Steve Beschner Secretary................................ Leslie Butitta Treasurer................................ Jalene Gathman Membership........................... Suni Sommers Run Coordinator......................Don Johnson Safety Coordinator..................Dan “44Dan” Lemond Sgt. At Arms...........................Mike Ruddell P.A.C...................................... OPEN Communications.................... OPEN Merchandise........................... OPEN

Yavapai Chapter Meets 2nd Sunday, 11:00 AM; VFW, 202 N Arizona Street, Prescott AZ 86301. 928-776-1125 FMI, contact Paul Pendergast at

Yuma Chapter

11316 S. Glenwood Ave. Yuma, AZ 85367 Coordinator............................ Frank White Vice Coordinator....................Vacant Secretary................................ Mikkie Melanson Treasurer................................ Virginia Nielsen Membership........................... Daniel Aldridge Run Coordinator.....................Jerry Allison Safety Coordinator..................Ray “PeeWee” Grier Sgt. At Arms...........................Terry “Gunner” Langworty P.A.C...................................... Gilbert Hernandez Communications.................... Vacant Merchandise........................... Lisala White

Yuma Chapter meets the second Tuesday evening monthly at 6:30 PM at the pm. The next meeting will be held at the Kountry Kitchen Café located at 11242 S Foothills Blvd, Yuma, AZ. 85365. For additional information contact Frank White (Hound) at 209-327-0814.


The Southern Arizona Chapter will meet the third Saturday. We will gather at the Kettle Restaurant, 748 W. 22nd St, Tucson. Breakfast will be available at 7:30 a.m. with the meeting beginning at 9 a.m. FMI contact Jim Butsback by phone at 520247-3051 or email

If any of the Officers are listed here incorrectly, please send corrections to: I will be sure everything is accurate for the next Issue and on the web site.

Waco Call to Action (continued)

McLennan County saw fit to make an offer to reduce the bail for those willing to sign a waiver of liability against the very agencies violating their rights. Again, nice deal if you're the cops. That deal lasted even shorter than the fairy tales the police released after the shooting. We can only hope that those wrongfully charged are meeting with qualified civil rights attorneys and not public defenders being paid but the municipalities responsible for the injustices. One can infer that "The Deal" they offered tipped their hand more than they expected. The fact that

all of the phones etc. were seizes is very telling. Could it be that the local constabulary are holding our brothers and sisters while seeking the means to legally delete all of the stored information. Will some unfortunate accident befall the evidence they collected. Perhaps in the same manner body cam footage is so often lost in questionable officer encounters? The future will tell. For now, all of the evidence is in the hands of the very agencies whose stories have already turned to shit.

The tables are turning and we can

Meeting Minutes

A.B.A.T.E. of Arizona, Inc. Board of Directors and State meeting minutes will no longer be printed and taking up space in THE MASTERLINK. They are available to view 24/7 on-line at www.abateo- under the “Communications” tab. Thank you! MK

Mission Statement

We will lobby and educate the government and the general public to promote

motorcycling in a safe and positive image. We will endeavor to enlist the cooperation and participation of all organizations and individuals who share

a similar interest in preserving our American tradition of


We will involve ourselves in fund raising to achieve our goal.


What can we do? A call to action has been issued. Contact the White House of the Unites States – Comments: 202-456-1111 Switchboard: 202-456-1414. Contact TX Governor Greg Abbott – Phone – 512-463-2000. Contact TX Lt. Governor Dan Patrick – Phone – 512463-0001 – Comment Line: 512-4635342. Contact your senators, con-

continued page 3 How to Reach Us

480-256-9237 For Advertising Rates Email Eric at Or Mail Your Ads to: MasterLink, ABATE of Arizona 7509 N. 12th St, #200 Phoenix, AZ, 85020 MasterLink Advertising Rates:

Size Monthly Quarterly Yearly Business Card Size (3-1/2”w x 2”h): $20.00 $60.00 $200.00 1/8 Page (5-1/8”w x 4”h)

$50.00 $150.00 $500.00 1/4 Page (5-1/2”w x 8”h) $70.00 $210.00 $700.00 1/2 Page (10-1/4”w x 8”h) $100.00 $300.00 $1,000.00 Full Page (10-1/4”w x 16”h) $200.00 $600.00 $2,000.00 Full Color Back Page (10-1/4”w x 16”h) $400.00 $950.00 $3,300.00


President’s Report

movie featured Charlie Sheen and Linda Fiorintino in “Beyond the Law” (1993) followed up with a viewing of Easy Rider (1969) featuring Peter Fonda, Dennis Hopper and Jack Nicholson. It was a hoot with lots of laughs and was a great way to spend the night with our fellow biker friends. Friday featured a vendor alley poker walk, people games, tattoo contest, and the famous Ms. TBFS contest that was won by Tiffany Galloway. Tiffany’s great-grandfather was Colorado State Senator Lee Blackwell. She resides in El Mirage, has prior service in the U.S. Air Force, and aspirations of getting more politically involved with A.B.A.T.E. of AZ. Welcome Tiffany!!

By Mary K. “MK” Donnay

Hello Freedom Fighters, It’s Monday morning, June 15th. I took ½ day off from work to recover from TOO BROKE FOR STURGIS, and now wish I’d taken off the whole day, but there are bills to pay and dogs to groom. At 9:00 a.m. it’s already 103 degrees in Mesa, and going to hit 110+ today and every day for the next couple of weeks. That has me wishing I was still at Mormon Lake with nighttime lows in the 40’s, and daytime highs in the 70’s. On Wednesday, June 10th when I arrived at Mormon Lake Lodge with the supply truck, the campgrounds were saturated from getting a month of unseasonal rain. (We thought we moved OUT of monsoon season when we changed it to June!) We didn’t get any rain Wednesday or Thursday, and only a 5 minute sprinkle Friday, so thankfully the grounds firmed up and dried out pretty good. We started registration Thursday at noon and had registered approx. 1200 by Friday night. Unfortunately, the weather forecasts predicted worse than the 15 minute shower we got Saturday afternoon, and hampered more attendees from coming to our event. We estimate 1300 attended. Thursday night offered a new feature, bikerthemed movies under the big tent. Our first

Saturday offered some new bike games as well as a new men’s contest sponsored by 2 Gals Events Planning; The Most Magnificent Moustache, Longest Beard and Best Free-style Facial Hair. Our own Muskrat won the Best Free-Style competition. Way to go Muskrat! Now you can say you have an award winning beard!

Phat Bastard rocked the arena Friday and Saturday nights. I never get tired of hearing Steve Palanca’s phenomenal voice, he really belts it out, and Bruce Bray’s awesome lead guitar riffs. There are times when Bruce is totally absorbed into the music, and it shows. Of equal talent are Nick Ippolito on bass guitar and Duane Gilbert on drums. A large audience hung out both nights, singing and dancing under the stars until we shut out the lights at mid-night. We apologize for the generator failure Saturday night that caused the band to stop playing at 11 p.m. We presented appreciation awards Saturday night to Mike Schneider, A.B.A.T.E. of AZ State Vice President and TBFS Committee Chairman, as well as to Paul Hassinger for emceeing our event for the last several years, and to Sandy Hassinger for again taking the lead on the TBFS Merchandise Committee. All 3 of these individuals have committed endless hours throughout the year and at the event to ensure TBFS runs smoothly. We truly cannot do it without such talent and commitment.

The winning 50/50 raffle ticket was pulled by the wet t-shirt contest winner, Tracy, and had a jack pot prize of $2053 going to a man who recently incurred medical expenses, and another needed surgery coming up. It’s good to know it went to someone who really needs it. The TBFS Merchandise Committee and Square Peg Promos did a great job again this year coming up with high quality shirts and unique screen printing. In about a month, the left over TBFS inventory will be available to purchase on-line, as well as A.B.A.T.E. State merchandise (motorcycle awareness yard signs, sleeveless denim button-up shirts, t-shirts, hats, etc.) at MANY THANKS to everyone who came out to support A.B.A.T.E. of Arizona by attending TOO BROKE FOR STURGIS. Proceeds from the event are used to pay for our office, keep The Masterlink in publication, send officers to motorcycle rights related seminars, and fund our motorcycle safety and awareness campaigns.

The May 17th shooting at Twin Peaks Restaurant in Waco, TX that left 9 bikers dead, stinks of unprecedented civil rights violations and a law enforcement cover-up campaign. We could fill this entire paper with the related news stories you can find at and We know that Waco law enforcement took possession of all phones and cameras of witnesses and the 177 arrested. L.E.O.’s take their own videos too. They have yet to release to the public any videos showing who shot who, or autopsy findings. As of this writing, they have yet to release 56 bikers. Those who were released on bond, had to sign statements that they would not sue Waco L.E. There is a list of those released with corresponding bail bond amounts and those still held at It’s being updated almost daily.

To prevent the same situation happening again, A.B.A.T.E. of Arizona strongly encourages everyone with a smart phone to download the FREE app “MOBILE


JUSTICE”. Use it to document when someone is doing something wrong or to report being a witness to a crime. Use the app by pressing “RECORD”. When you press “STOP”, it immediately sends it to the ACLU you chose in set up. Since AZ ACLU doesn’t have a mobile app yet, you can use the California MOBILE JUSTICE app., who is supposed to send the file to AZ ACLU. That way, even if L.E. takes your phone, the video has already been sent to the ACLU to cover your ass. On Friday, July 3rd, HB2345 takes effect, removing ATV and motorcycle handlebar height restrictions and the requirement for passenger hand rails. We took a picture of several bikes with ape hangers at Too Broke for Sturgis on Saturday. You can find the photos on the TBFS website under “2015 pics” at

We are currently accepting applications for a Designated Lobbyist. This is a Board appointed position. Previous experience is desired but not required. Applicants interview with the B.O.D. If you are interested in more information or to apply, please email me at A.B.A.T.E. of Arizona State Officer elections for the 2016-2017 term will be held this fall, with ballots being published in the October Masterlink edition, nominee submission deadline is Sept. 15th, and ballots will be counted at the Annual Member Meeting in early November. All State Officer positions are 2-year terms, taking effect January 1st, 2016. You must have been a chapter officer for at least one year in the past to run for State Officer positions. Please consider making an officer commitment to ensure your motorcycle rights and safety continue. Some officers would appreciate a break. More than one nominee per position is desired. Until next month, United we ride, divided we drive, MK

Accepting Applications for Designated Lobbyist

We are currently accepting applications for Designated Lobbyist of A.B.A.T.E. of Arizona, Inc. This position is appointed by the Board of Directors. The Designated Lobbyist interacts with the state legislature and motorcycle safety

and awareness organizations, develops A.B.A.T.E.’s legislative plans, formulates plans to circumvent negative motorcycle legislation, drafts positive motorcycle legislation, keeps officers informed, and writes an informative article each month

for publication in The Masterlink. This person needs to be personable and have a full understanding of the workings of both state and federal government, be an articulate speaker and writer, familiar with local, state and federal laws, and be

proficient in legal research methods. Interested applicants may submit their application with background information to

Through the Motorcycle Riders Foundation State Representative Program, local motorcyclists are kept up to date on the MRF's legislative and training agendas. The MRF State Rep program allows information to pass quickly to the State Motorcyclists' Rights Organizations, as well as allowing information to reach the MRF concerning individual states.

volunteers from the membership ranks who are willing to give their time and energy to build, maintain and enhance the relationship between the MRF and all motorcyclists within their states. They must work closely with the State Motorcyclists' Rights Organizations, attending their meetings and events, keeping the SMROs abreast of national issues, international issues, and issues affecting motorcylists in other states.

possible means, such as making presentations to SMROs and other groups. Writing articles for newspapers and newsletters, membership recruiting, and speaking to individual motorcyclists are other examples of promoting the MRF.

endorsement from your State Motorcylists' Rights Organization. If your state has more than one SMRO, an endorsement must be obtained from all SMROs in your state.

Arizona MRF Representative Wanted

The men and women involved in the MRF's State Rep Program are dedicated

gressmen, US attorney Generals Office or any other official or body with possible jurisdiction over law enforcement in McLennan County and demand an immediate and independent investigation into the events of that horrific event. Demand the immediate release of all defendants where no viable evidence exists to hold them. Demand the immediate release of all video evi-

MRF State Reps promote the MRF by all

To become an MRF State Representative, candidates must submit two things to the Director of State Representative Program: (1) An MRF State Representative application, obtained from the Director of State Representative Program. (2) A written

Waco Call to Action (continued)

dence seized and pertinent to the event. Act with the core belief that if they can do it to them, they can do it to you.

What next? What else? Get a camera. A helmet cam, a button cam, a hat cam. Get a cam. Law enforcement will record you and use the recording against you in court. Take the initia-

tive and do the same to protect your rights. Throw a few dollars and get the device that will turn the tables. Act responsibly and firmly but politely exercise your rights. If your rights are violated make damn sure you've given them no reason to do it. Like any other evil, this one thrives in the shadows. We will only succeed by shining as many bright lights as we can on the

For additional information regarding the MRF's State Representative Program, please contact Dave Condon, Director of State Representative Program.


Love & Respect Papa

Sober Riders M/C - Marana Chapter.

(Now they'll know who I am. Doesn't matter. I have lots of rights and lots of cameras.)

Chapter Reports


East Valley Chapter

East Valley Chapter meet on Sunday May 24, 2015 at the Fraternal Order of Eagles located at 1712 W Broadway in Mesa.

We held our meeting with the mounting excitement of rolling meatballs looming making it a little quicker than usual. We spent a fun filled couple of hours talking and telling stories. We rolled approximately 2000 meatballs give or take with quality control samples for the annual Spaghetti Feed.

Spaghetti Feed was a very busy night for Red Bone and the Bonettes. Thank you to all of the East Valley Chapter members who helped out by serving, donating time and or food. We would like to once again thank Walmart store 1746 for donating the 35 loaves of garlic bread and paying me to personally make them for us. There was no reason for anyone to walk out of there without being stuffed. It’s my understanding that it was one of our biggest turnouts.

While we were at Too Broke for Sturgis Joe Ferrucci and Deb Brunko made it official. One of the sweetest weddings I have had the pleasure of attending was held on the porch of the big cabin. Some day they will forgive me for the half of package of flower petals I hid in the bed, muhahaha. Everybody did an incredible job of impulse decorating with limited supplies.

This being my first time attending I found myself being a Too Broke for Sturgis virgin. I entered into the Miss Too Broke contest making it to the final 4 along with JoAnne. Tell you what next year I am going to own all those questions and not be so nervous to freeze up. Also one does not simply describe “better than sex cake” one must experience it. Even though there were clouds and some rain it was one of the best weekends ever with some of the best people ever that I am proud to know.

We will meet again on June 28, 2015. Everyone is welcome the more the merrier. Be safe out there enjoying the ride and as always keep it rubber side down. Here’s to Wind Knots in My Hair, Dawn P Steed Sec., PAC, and Comm.

High Country Chapter

Hello Brothers and Sisters, I hope every one had a safe Memorial day weekend. Up here in High country we had a Safety and Awareness booth on that weekend. We were hoping to keep it fresh in peoples minds on such a busy holiday. We handed out balloons to the kids and bumper stickers out to the adults. We made the best of it, and had a pretty good turn out.

After we were done, we took a ride to Tonto Village, where the Vietnam Vets Mc and the Legacy Vets MC were having an event and camp-out. We visited with them and thanked them for their service, while mourning their losses. Also on Monday of that weekend we all gathered for support, with a ride through town to Green Valley Park for the Annual Memorial Day services. We were about fifteen bikes strong and I was proud to see such great support from our brothers and sisters. When the services were over we rode to the Buffalo Bar and had lunch. We all enjoyed a good visit, then headed north to the flying Grizzly, just a fifteen mile jaunt up the mountain to Strawberry but well worth it. Doug, the owner of the bar welcomed us with a big bowl of Nacho Grande. He sat it in front of us and although we had already eaten, we devoured it. That was delicious Doug thanks, What hospitality!!

Now on to TBFS. It was a great ride on Thursday afternoon, when I topped the Mogollon Rim there was such a temperature change that felt like someone turn on an air conditioner. By the time i got to Clints Well I had to stop and put on a sweatshirt. Looking at the clouds I won-

dered if I would be hit by a storm, but as threatening as they looked they were merciful. I arrived at TBFS safe and dry.

Friday morning after breakfast and a few bloody marys we went for a walk to see who all were there. We ran into a lot of old friends, and began to meet some new ones. Around noon HCC reported for work as it was our turn to relieve others and tend registration, merchandise, and traffic. Once that was done the fun began, ending with Phat Bastard. They really rocked the joint. Afterwards we visited a few camp sites then staggered back to our camp to relax.

Saturday morning started off good with the poker run up to Flagstaff then on to Williams. It was a beautiful ride and the Weather was perfect. We hit just a little bit of rain as we made our way back down Mormon lake road, back in time for bike games. This year they changed things up a little, with different games, making things interesting. They really do a good job on the games, thanks Clyde, had a lot of fun. Then there was the wet t-shirt contest. I saw a lot of talent this year. Then of course we finish the night with Phat Bastard and dancing. Damn is it Sunday already, seems like the weekend just flew by. Now all hungover We begin to pack up. Heading home We hit a little bit of hail, but we grinned and bared it and kept going. Soon we ran out of it and finally home. All in all we had a great time. hope you did too.

All are invited to our meeting which are held 3rd Sunday of the month at the Moose Lodge in Star Valley 10:00am. Everyone is welcome. Keep wind in your face, sun on your back, fuel in the tank, and rubber on the road. Wayne Slocum Coordinator, H.C.C ABATE

Phoenix/Shadow Mountain Chapter

Our June meeting was brief. We had a great turnout dispite holding it a week early to avoid conflict with Too Broke For Sturgis.

Most of the discussions were regarding the upcoming TBFS. We also touched on some of the recent events around the country and how they affect all of us. After the meeting we stuffed over 1500 packets for TBFS registration. Mary K. also addressed the protocols that should be followed when interacting with the various emergency and law enforcement agencies we may encounter at TBFS. For those of you who attended TBFS, I hope you had a great time, I know I did. Even the brief rain didn't seem to dampen anyone' spirits. Mike Schneider would like to thank all of those who volunteered their time to make TBFS a successful event.

Our next meeting will return to the normal 2nd Sunday of the month, July 12 at 10:30 AM Steve Palmer Phoenix-Shadow Mountain ABATE Communications Officer

Southern Arizona Chapter

The May meeting was held at the Kettle Restaurant on May 16th. The meeting started at 9:00 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance and Prayer for fallen Brothers and Sisters and those in harm’s way. Officers Present were Coordinator Jim Butsback, Vice-Coordinator Don Boule’, Treasurer Dawn Detelj, Secretary Deb Strong, Sgt-at-Arms Robert Guenther, Run/Events Officer Steve Spear, BOD/PAC Officer Sean Pinder. The minutes of last month’s meeting were approved. The Treasurer’s report was read and approved.


Motorcycle Awareness Month is MAY! Once again the Office of the Governor has declared May “Motorcycle Safety And Awareness Month” also The Mayor & City Council have issued a proclamation declaring May “Motorcycle Safety And Awareness Month” and also recognizing ABATE Southern Arizona Chapter. We have copies of both Proclamations. If you would like a electronic copy of either or both send a note to

We co-sponsored an Awareness event with the owners & staff of Tommy’s on Stone. This came about after the memorial ride for Donkey. It was held Sunday May 17th from about Noon until 6PM. Turnout was good with about 200-250 attendees. The Chapter gave away about 200 “Look Out For Motorcycles” Tshirts to attendees who signed an information sheet. We also gave out white bandanas and bumper stickers. We spoke to many good folks about joining ABATE. Our membership numbers are starting to reflect all the hard work put in by our members. WE have a few of the neon yellow “Look Out For Motorcycles” t-shirts left, if you would like to get one contact Jim Butsback at We are asking for a donation to help offset out costs of making them. They will also be available at the meetings until they are gone! There is also an event planned for MAY 30th at the Foothills Mall. ABATE Southern Arizona Chapter will have a table/booth at this event to help spread the word about ABATE and all we due for the ENTIRE motorcycle community. Anything we can do to get the word out is important! The life we save may be ours!

We are trying to have a table or some kind of presences at every motorcycle related event here in Southern Arizona. If anyone knows of a bike night or event where we will be allowed to set up and promote ABATE please get in touch with Jim Butsback and give him the details. Also anyone who would like to help out by working these events let the chapter know.

As you go about your daily business remember to talk to all the business owners you come in contact with about becoming an ABATE Business member. It breaks down to only about $10 a month and includes two memberships and a monthly ad in the Masterlink. Let them know that you and your friends and relatives ride motorcycle and that the motorcycle community is in important area for them to advertize and promote their business. They can also advertize in the Masterlink. Breakfast with the Bones is held the 3rd Sunday of the month at Pappy’s Diner so everyone come out and support the Bones!! Too Broke is coming up FAST. By the time this goes to press it will be over. I hope everyone made it up and back safely. Sign up for the ABATE forum on the State website so you will be kept up on all issues. Go to the State web page ( ) and follow the link to sign up. You can also opt out of receiving the Masterlink hard copy by “going green” on the web site.

Anyone who is not getting emails from the Chapter to please send your email address to There is also a group page at Yahoo Groups. All Chapter members can sign up there and receive all emails from the Chapter through the group.

It is

We are trying to save the Chapter some money by cutting down on postage. Please make sure the State Membership Officer has all your current information as well, this includes phone numbers, email addresses, address changes etc. You can email him at Ride Free, Ride Safe

Yavapai Chapter

Short & Sweet!

By a majority vote, September 12th @Chileen's in Black Canyon will be our next event. Excitement is in the air! We have a "planning" meeting June 24th 5:30pm @The Black Hole in Prescott. There are many logistics to work out and much help needed. Any interest, ideas or input are invited. July 12th is our next "official" monthly meeting @VFW.

There is a call out to all riders in the area. We are planning a photo shoot after this meeting to represent our chapter on the ABATE AZ website and FB page. It would be awesome to see many bikes attend July's meeting for this opportunity. Meeting adjourned... Membership participation is vital to the success of our chapter. If you can not attend the meetings, please email us and let us know how you can help. There are many things to do! We welcome all members and any visitors! Same time, same place...

2nd Sunday 11am Meetings @VFW Post #541 202 N Arizona Prescott

Yuma Chapter

The Yuma chapter did not conduct a June ABATE meeting due of Too Broke For Sturgis.

The Yuma chapter would like to personally thank everyone who made Too Broke for Sturgis happen through selfless service and personal sacrifice both behind the scenes and during the event. We also would like to recognize our local Yuma ABATE members with Desert Oasis Ministries and CMA who planned, served, and cooked breakfast each morning at Too Broke For Sturgis. You guys made a lot of hungry bikers very happy with awesome food and coffee. We would also like to thank all the vendors and everyone who came out to support the event. To those who participated in all the biker games and various competitions, to the victor go the spoils, but your participation made for another successful event. If you did not make it out to Too Broke for Sturgis 2015 please mark it down on your calendar for next year and we hope to see you all in 2016. The Yuma ABATE chapter meets the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm. The next meeting will be held on July 14th, 2015 at the Kountry Kitchen Café located at 11242 S. Foothills Blvd, Yuma, AZ. We would love to see you there. For the love of freedom,

Pastor D Communications Officer Yuma ABATE Chapter

MASTERLINK JULY 2015 Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish,National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM) NCOM HAILS THIRD DECADE WITH DENVER CONVENTION

You could smell it in the air, as distinct as a Denver dispensary and just as intoxicating; unity, and cooperation in the face of critical challenges affecting today’s motorcyclists. “Coming Together” in one of the largest gatherings of bikers’ rights activists in America, the 30th annual NCOM Convention, May 7-10 in Denver, Colorado addressed issues of mutual concern for the betterment of biking. For three decades, over Mother’s Day weekend the National Coalition of Motorcyclists has provided a forum for diverse factions of the motorcycle community to meet in the spirit of teamwork to tackle topics such as Biker AntiProfiling legislation; Save the Patch litigation; Freedom of the Road and Use of the Courts; as well as seminars on Public Relations and Social Media, Lobbying 101 and Working with your Legislators.

Friday’s Opening Ceremonies was one of the best-attended ever, and the energetic congregation of concerned riders from across the country encompassed various segments of motorcycling from clubs to rights organizations, and from touring groups to sportbikers; all there to learn and share with mutual respect.


· A Motorcycle Rights Organization (MRO) · For Bikes & Riders, regardless of Race, Creed, color, sex, age, machine or gear · For all Motorcycles regardless of Fraternal or club affiliation, as well as Independents · For people interested in motorcycle safety · For People interested in rider education · For people interested in motorcycle awareness PSAs directed to non-Riders · For people interested in protecting and promoting motorcycling · A volunteer, not-for-profit grass-roots organization · For Motorcyclist who enjoy the ride $50 $8-20 $3,500 $3,000 $10 $3 $1,000 Priceless Priceless Priceless

$7,583 Value

Masterlink, Patch, Memb card TBFS Disc Entry, RV, Cabins AD&D Benefit 60% Discount Health Child Safe Kits White Bandana Leadership Training Motorcycle Awareness Rights Rider Education

ABATE of Arizona Serves to:

· Collaborate with other organizations to

Coast to Coast

Special Meetings were on the weekend’s agenda in support of NCOM’s many outreach programs for Women In Motorcycling; Clean and Sober Roundtable; National Sport Bike Association (NSBA); and Christian Unity Conference, in addition to the Confederation of Clubs General Patch Holders Meeting.

During the Silver Spoke Awards Banquet on Saturday evening, several honorees were recognized for their contributions to “Improving The Image of Motorcycling”, including; MEDIA: Joe Teresi Easyriders Magazine; COMMERCE: New York Myke - San Diego HarleyDavidson; LEGAL: Joe Ritzo - AIM Attorney for ME, NH, MA & VT; ENTERTAINMENT: Danny “The Count” Koker - “Counting Cars” History Channel TV show; SPECIAL RECOGNITION: Larry Lindsey – Dixie ABATE, AL; and NCOM’s highest honor, the Ron Roloff Lifetime Achievement Award, was presented to Jerry Theophilopoulos - AIM Attorney for Florida.

Next year’s 31st Annual NCOM Convention will be held May 5-8, 2016 in Atlantic City, New Jersey. For further information, contact NCOM at (800) ONA-BIKE or visit RIGHT-TO-REPAIR DECISION EXPECTED FROM U.S. COPYRIGHT OFFICE

In July, the U.S. Copyright Office (USCO) is expected to issue a decision about a vehicle owner’s right to alter any of the computer software or code that controls the vehicle’s operations. Though the decision is based on briefs filed by agricultural and automotive vehicle manufacturers, it could potentially have implications for motorcycles, ATV, UTV, personal watercraft and other vehicles that use computer software to control ignition, fuel, stability, traction, braking and other vehicle operating systems.

In the briefs, the manufacturers argue that allowing owners, non-manufacturer approved service technicians or anyone but their own designated technicians to view or alter the computer software or codes is not allowed under the anti-circumvention prohibition in Section 1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) which, if applied as manufacturers suggest, restricts vehicle software inspection, repair, and modification. The original intent of the DMCA, however, was more to prevent code copying that could involve copyright infringement. Every three years, the Librarian of Congress, working with the Copyright Office, hears requests from members of the public whose speech and other rights are affected by the law and considers whether to grant exemptions.


Join A.B.A.T.E.

monitor and support funding for practices that do not discriminate against motorcycling. · Encourage political involvement of its membership. · Promote and present motorcyclists and motorcycling in a positive and safe manner. · Help prevent motorcycle crashes and promote crash survival through rider education, and · · · · · Public awareness campaigns. · Encourage ongoing federal research programs such as use of E15 fuel in motorcycles, inclusion of motorcycles in ongoing transportation emerging technologies, and improvements in safer roadway design strategies. · Promote rider skills training through ABATE’s · Rider Advantage (ARA) scholarship program and tax-deductible entity ABATE accomplishments:

· Motorcycle Lobbyist at the State Legislature · 2013 Eliminated yearly motorcycle emissions testing in Maricopa County · 2007 Remove Motorcycle Safety Fund cap · 2007 Eliminated yearly motorcycle emissions testing in Pima County · 2004 Veteran’s plates for motorcycles · 2002 Arizona Motorcycle Safety Council established · 2001 Motorcycle Safety Fund established · 1997 Handlebar height raised to shoulder · 1993 Helped prevent mandatory helmet legislation in Arizona · 1992 Opened HOV lanes to motorcycles

PAGE 5 The Maryland legislature has joined a growing list of states to prohibit law enforcement officers from conducting roadside checkpoints that specifically target motorcyclists. H.B. 917, introduced by Maryland Delegate Benjamin Kramer (D-Wheaton) and companion bill S.B. 716 introduced by state Senator Jamie Raskin (D-Takoma Park) state that “a police officer at a motor vehicle checkpoint may not target only motorcycles for inspection or evaluation.” The bipartisan legislation passed unanimously in the House 137-0 on March 19, and the Senate 47-0 on March 29, and was signed into law on May 12, making Maryland the eighth state to pass a law against motorcycle-only checkpoints, while another 11 states have prohibited such discriminatory roadblocks either on constitutional grounds or by judicial action. KANSAS LAW CREATES NEW “AUTOCYCLE” VEHICLE CLASSIFICATION

Under a new law in Kansas, “Autocycle’’ is now defined as a three-wheel motorcycle that has a steering wheel and seating that does not require the operator to straddle or sit astride it. House Bill 2044, signed into law by Governor Sam

continued page 6

Motorcycle Awareness Program (MAP)

ABATE of Arizona has developed a program with the mission to provide motorcycle awareness training to all drivers and soonto-be drivers on the road in Arizona. Instructors provide a one hour program to students in driver education classes throughout the state.

MAP is available to be presented to civic organizations as well as most businesses that hold safety meetings. FMI: map@abateoJOIN ABATE NOW! ABATE Of Arizona provides a unified voice for all motorcyclists in Arizona. Please Tell us What Your Top Five Add your voice to ours. Join ABATE Motorcycle Issues, Matter to You: now, for the preservation of your abili· Distracted Driving – Motorcycle, Bicycle, Pedestrian ty to ride a motorcycle with the freeare Vulnerable Roadway Users dom that's your right!! · Right of Way Violations resulting in Injury/Fatality · Insurance Discrimination and claim denial · SAFETEA-LU Safety/Highway Funds ~2010 MSF · Discriminatory Profiling by Law Enforcement · Anti-tampering Regulations – Right to Modify · State/National Mandatory Helmet/Equipment · Transportation Exclusion of Intelligent Technology (IT), New Vehicle, Highway, Taxes and Fuel regarding Motorcycle Safety and Use · Motorcycle-Only Checkpoints · Accurate Stats & Research Study regarding Motorcycle Safety & Accidents · Off Road Trail Closing and Access · Tar Snakes & Median Cable wire · Intersection Engineering – Lights to Speed Limit, Leading Left Only, Increase Yellow & All Clear Red

© 2015 ABATE Of Arizona

7509 N. 12th St, #200 Phoenix, AZ. 85020

Website: To join our discussion group, send email to



Ride Into Prescott for an ABATE Meeting!

Yavapai Chapter Meets 2nd Sunday, 11:00 AM; VFW, 202 N Arizona Street, Prescott AZ 86301. 928-776-1125 FMI, contact Paul Pendergast at

Brownback on May 7, 2015 after passing the legislature near-unanimously by both chambers, creates the new classification of vehicles which proponents say are neither cars nor motorcycles and need their own classification to protect drivers from breaking the law.

The federal government classifies any vehicle with less than four wheels as a motorcycle, which requires a motorcycle license to operate, but some say the motorcycle license test isn’t helpful for operating autocycles because they aren’t driven the same way. “It’s a requirement that makes absolutely no sense,” said Joel Sheltrown, vice president of governmental affairs for Elio Motors, a Phoenix company that plans to start making autocycles in 2016. “My customer base, a lot of them, don’t have motorcycle licenses and they’re not going to go out and rent a motorcycle, learn how to drive it, go down and take a test just so they can drive our vehicle, especially seniors.”

HB 2044 allows drivers to operate an autocycle without a motorcycle endorsement, and Sheltrown said about 18 states are working on legislation for autocycles and six states already passed laws for defining autocycles. Otherwise, out-ofstate drivers could run into trouble if they drive into a state where a motorcycle license is required, as drivers would automatically be breaking the law and could face tickets or possibly get their vehicle impounded until they could prove they had a motorcycle license. OREGON SENATE PASSES LANE SPLITTING BILL

Oregon motorcycle riders are one step closer to splitting lanes thanks to SB 694. The bill, which would legalize lanesplitting under specific traffic conditions, passed 18-10 in the state Senate with bipartisan support, and now moves on to the Oregon House for debate and a final approval vote or amendment. The measure would allow lanesplitting when traffic is stopped or slowed to 10 mph or less, with motorcycle riders allowed to split lanes not in excess of 20 mph. Lanesplitting is only permitted on roads 50 mph or higher and forbidden between lanes going in opposite directions.

During the committee discussion that sent

Coast to Coast (continued)

the bill to the Senate floor, lawmakers complimented advocates for the legislation. “It’s been some of the most effective citizen lobbying I’ve seen on a bill," said Senator Sara Gelser (D). "It was persistent, helpful, useful and fact-based and I really appreciated it."

Another committee member, Senator Ginny Burdick (D), also said of the measure: "I can't remember a time when I've ever been more opposed to a bill, then turned around and supported it. The advocates on this did a very nice job."


The Wisconsin legislature has passed a bill legalizing colored motorcycle lights. Current Wisconsin law (and in most U.S. States) prohibits operating a motor vehicle with lights other than white or amber in front and red in the rear. The bill’s Assembly sponsor, John Jagler (R-Watertown), says colored LED lights are becoming more popular on motorcycles. He says more lights will increase motorcycle visibility, making them safer. Under the bill, people could equip their motorcycles with any color lights aside blue as long as they don’t flash or rotate.

The Assembly passed the bill last month. The Senate passed the bill on a voice vote on May 6, sending the measure to Governor Scott Walker.

In the meantime, a similar measure HB3944 would amend the Illinois Vehicle Code to “Provide that a motorcycle may be equipped with auxiliary accent lights, including standard bulb running lights and light emitting diode pods and strips. Provides that the auxiliary accent lights shall not be red or white or oscillating, rotating, or flashing lights. Defines "auxiliary accent light". The measure passed Senate Transportation Committee 16-0 on May 13 and has been placed on the Senate calendar. GEORGIA GOVERNOR VETOES “DEAD RED” BILL

Georgia Governor Nathan Deal has vetoed a bill passed by the state legislature that would have allowed cyclists, both bicyclists and motorcyclists, to ride through unresponsive red lights, sometimes refered to as “dead red” legislation.

On May 12, 2015 the governor nixed Senate Bill 76: “Motorcycle Mobility Safety Act” relating to the safe operation of a motorcycle; inoperative traffic-control signal, issuing the following veto message:

“While I am sympathetic to the concerns and causes of motorcyclists and bicyclists, this legislation does not provide an adequate solution and presents a confusing exception to motorists. Furthermore, Senate Bill 76 would eliminate the current 15-inch height restriction placed on motorcycle handlebars. Motorcycles equipped with handlebars more than 15 inches in height pose a safety hazard due to the increased difficulty in steering and decreased control. In 2014, crashes involving motorcycles and bicycles accounted for 13 percent of the fatalities on Georgia roads, and I do not see how this legislation will enhance roadway safety. Therefore, in the interest of providing the necessary roadway safety Georgians deserve, I hereby VETO Senate Bill 76.” AUSSIE COPS DROP TERM “CRIMINAL MOTORCYCLE GANGS” FOR P.C. “OUTLAW” TAG

Queensland police have dropped the term “criminal motorcycle gangs” for bikies in a sign of a new political climate; quietly reverting to the more widely used “outlaw” tag, the description used by the new Labor police minister.

The term CMG was coined by the former Newman government, which directed police to adopt it from the outset of its legislative and public relations campaign against bikies in 2013. However, the new Palaszczuk Labor government is reviewing the controversial “bikie laws”, including anti-association and mandatory sentencing provisions, after pre-election promises to repeal them. A government source told Guardian Australia that all other Australian police forces, as well as the Australian Crime Commission, refer to the bikies as OMCGs, adding that bikies refer to themselves as outlaw motorcycle clubs, “1%” clubs or simply motorcycle clubs. WEIRD NEWS: BRITON DEPORTED FOR RIDING NUDE

A British man was to be deported from

Cambodia after he was caught riding a motorcycle naked. The 24-year old student from the University of the West of Scotland, was booted out for “violating the beautiful customs and culture” of the country.

He spent the weekend in jail after being caught with two other nude riders, a 22year-old Finnish woman and a 30-yearold Italian man, appearing in a video posted on YouTube before being stopped by police 50 miles after shedding their clothes. It’s been reported they are to be permanently barred from Cambodia for indecent exposure.

Kandal police chief Eav Chamroeun told the Phnom Penh Post: “I think that this was the first time there have been foreign people driving motorcycles naked in Cambodia. Their actions have seriously violated Cambodia's integrity, the beautiful customs and culture of Cambodia, and Cambodian law. We cannot allow them to commit pornography like this in our country.”

Sok Phal, head of the Ministry of Interior's immigration department, said: “The General Department of Immigration has asked the leadership of the Ministry of Interior to expel them from the country as punishment.”

INSURER CLAIMS MOTORCYCLISTS ARE THEIR OWN WORST ENEMY According to Progressive Insurance, single-vehicle mishaps accounted for more motorcycle-related claims last year than any other event. The insurer processed 3.5 times more of such claims than for rear-end crashes, the next-most common motorcycle incident. Excess speed is the most common rider-related factor in fatal motorcycle accidents. Riding while intoxicated on alcohol or controlled substances is another leading cause of motorcycle accidents where another vehicle is not involved. QUOTABLE QUOTE: “The object and practice of liberty lies in the limitation of governmental power.” ~ Douglas MacArthur (1880-1964) General of the Army, Medal of Honor recipient

MASTERLINK JULY 2015 A to Z Mobile Repair Services of Tucson 520-304-6078

ABATE of Arizona Business Members

AZ Differential Specialists Phoenix 602-462-5367 Big Sky Motorcycles Tucson 520-886-7388

Bill Alexander Flight-Line Mazda Yuma, AZ 928-314-3400 Bob’s House of Hair Marana 520-797-6566

Bobby’s Territorial Harley-Davidson Yuma 928-782-1931 Boston’s Common House Payson 928-474-2900

Brewer’s Truck Repair, Inc Willcox 520-384-2846

Brown & Little, P.L.C., Attorneys at Law Tempe 480-299-2093 Breyer Law Offices, P.C. Phoenix 480-505-2160

Brothers, Sons and Pop Motorcycle Shop Tucson 520-370-7788

Buchanan Construction 928-978-3291 Buffalo Bar & Grill Payson 928-474-3900

Butcher Hook Tonto Basin

Independent Motorcycles Chandler 480-785-4888

The Chaparral Bar Cottonwood 928-634-2131

Joeta’s Leather Mesa 480-827-1868

CCA Scottsdale 480-985-6764

Cowpony Bar Tucson 528-721-2781 Coyote Auto Payson 928-472-1100

D & G Paint & Body Willcox 520-384-2933 Desert Thunder MC

Dr. Gear Phoenix 602-263-8484 Payson 928-978-4027 El Rancho Restaurant Payson 928-474-3111

Evil Twin Custom Cycles Mesa 480-784-0040 Great Lakes Properties Tucson 520 203-2323

Greater Payson Moose Lodge #852 Payson 928-474-6212 HDBitchin

Herman’s Automatic Transmissions Tucson 520-294-8717

The MRF A&E is Here to Help

Kudos to SMROs all over the country. It seems that every state I visit this spring has share the road, or motorcycle awareness signs on most highways. YOU have made that happen. That being said, we need to expand our efforts to grow our share the road programs.

If you have driver education classes in your state, call the schools. Take it to the company you work for, and any company in your area. Transportation companies are a good place to start. Organizations such as the Lions club, Rotary, Kiwanis, American Legion, etc. are all places we need to be heard. If you need an assist, or just some encouragement, MRF A&E is here to help. Our job is to promote awareness


programs wherever we can.

We also need to increase our awareness as riders. It bothers me a lot when I see motorcycles on the road completely oblivious to their surroundings. Do you make it possible for other drivers to see you? Are you following to close? Do you have an escape route? Your safety is your number one priority.

Please practice safe riding habits-your life depends on it. Don't forget to Share the Road Ride Safe, Ride Free Ron Braaksma Assistant to the Board

Jakes Corner Bar Payson 928-474-0679

Kitty For Tax Camp Verde 928-567-0224 La Gitana Cantina Arivaca 520-398-0810 Law Tigers 888-529-8443

Maaco Tucson 520-495-5411

Marc Victor, P.C., Attorney Chandler 480-455-5229 Monkey Butt Radio Scottsdale 602-399-7787

Mormon Lake Lodge Mormon Lake 928-354-2227

Motorcycle Safari Online Old Bastards MC

Phoenix Vulcan Riders

The Back Alley Chiropractic & Massage Oro Valley 520-877-2666

The Bashful Bandit Tucson 520-881-9706

The Pour House Star Valley 928-478-6979

Punkin Center Bar Tonto Basin 928-479-2627

Renegade Classics Tucson 520-647-9312

Sacred Bones Society M/C

Sidewinders Tavern and Grill Pine 928-476-6434

Sons of Hell MC Yuma

Spur Bar Star Valley 928-472-7787

Square Peg Promotions Phoenix 602-549-1044

Steel Horse Motorsports Rio Rico 520-281-1962

The Historical Journigan House Payson 928-474-2900

The Maverick Saloon Phoenix 602-943-5680

Tonto Silkscreen & Embroidery Payson 928-474-4207

ABATE of Arizona Chapter Meeting Times and Locations

East Valley Chapter EAST VALLEY CHAPTER meetings are held the 4th Sunday of the month at 11:00 a.m. at Fraternal Order of Eagles (F.O.E.) 1712 W. Broadway Road, Mesa AZ 85202 FMI contact Joe Ferrucci at 480-295-9488

High Country Chapter High Country Chapter meetings are held on the 3rd Sunday at 10 a.m. at The Moose Lodge in Star Valley. Contact: chicknbone@live .com or 928-970-1134

Phoenix / Shadow Mountain Chapter Phoenix/Shadow Mountain meetings are held on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 10:30am at the AZ American Italian Club, 7509 N. 12th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85020. FMI: Chapter Coordinator Mike Schneider, 602-549-1044,

Southern Arizona Chapter The Southern Arizona Chapter will meet the third Saturday. We will gather at the Kettle Restaurant, 748 W. 22nd St, Tucson. Breakfast will be available at 7:30 a.m. with the meeting beginning at 9 a.m. FMI contact Jim Butsback by phone at 520-2473051 or email Yavapai Chapter Yavapai Chapter Meets 2nd Sunday, 11:00 AM; VFW, 202 N Arizona Street, Prescott AZ 86301. 928-776-1125 FMI, contact Paul Pendergast at

Yuma Chapter Yuma Chapter meets the second Tuesday evening monthly at 6:30 PM at the pm. The next meeting will be held at the Kountry Kitchen Café located at 11242 S Foothills Blvd, Yuma, AZ. 85365. For additional information contact Frank White (Hound) at 209-327-0814.

ABATE of Arizona




NCOM Press Release

NCOM Affiliates to Hire Ex-Texas Ranger to investigate; Urges Confederation of Clubs to Continue to Meet

PRESS RELEASE - 06/08/2015 - The National Coalition Of Motorcyclists (NCOM) ties together all of the country’s Confederation Of Clubs and Independents (COC&I) across more than 35 states. These organizations have successfully fostered a spirit of collaboration among diverse motorcycle clubs, independents and other legislative organizations from across the country for over 30 years. NCOM’s board of directors along with a team of lawyers with Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (AIM) educate, help pass legislation, and provide legal guidance to help improve the quality of life for those who choose to enjoy the road on two wheels.

More than three weeks have passed and NCOM has reserved its reaction waiting for Waco Authorities to sort through the details about what happened that tragic afternoon. However, it is difficult to stand by and watch the continued abuse of American constitutional rights at every turn. More than 140 innocent citizens, who were not involved in the tragedy, have been locked up for an unreasonable

amount of time. They have also suffered a basic lack of humanitarian services while being held with disregard for the financial impact on the livelihoods of individuals who happen to ride a motorcycle. These are all innocent victims.

Yes, a crime took place while the local COC&I organizers were preparing for the meeting. Yes, there were lives tragically lost. We want answers as to how and why this happened. We don’t have confidence in local authorities after they continued changing stories, disregarded the facts, and continue to violate the rights of citizens. NCOM, the Confederation of Clubs, and lawyers with AIM are hiring a former Texas Ranger to learn the truth as to who was responsible for the violence at our Texas Region 1 COC&I meeting and expose the many violations of basic human rights of those arrested and who continue to be held. We pursue claims against those who have, and continue to violate the rights of citizens merely because they ride a motorcycle.

We are also asking all COC&I regions in Texas and around the country to continue their meetings as scheduled. We are encouraging them to have a lawyer with AIM present to help work with local authorities and media to avoid any mis-

understandings. This is an opportunity for COC&I’s throughout Texas and around the country to raise awareness about all the positive, productive things that are being done for all American Bikers - both patch holders and independents.

NCOM, the Confederation of Clubs, and lawyers with AIM are committed to making certain that the innocent lives lost, the devastating financial impact and the sacrifice of loved ones as a result of this tragic event in Waco will not be in vain. Our organizations will push forward continuing our collaborative work that will promote the truth that our rights as Americans are universal and should be upheld no matter if you ride a motorcycle or not. James D. Reichenbach II NCOM Chairman of the Board William A. Smith Texas AIM attorney

Jason Hill Communications Team Texas Confederation of Clubs and Independents

Crashing Ain't for You or Me, You Just Might Wanna Read This Too! one! Learn to use your front brake. It might seem counter-intuitive, but that front brake is the most powerful and difficult-to-master component on your motorcycle; it can alter your speed much more quickly than your engine.

By Jim Silk State Safety Officer

Some of yer buddy's ain't the sharpest knifes in the drawer

You’ve seen it happen. A group is out for a ride when one of them stops suddenly or something similar. His buddy is too busy day dreaming to realize and hits him from behind. This has happened to us, it can happy to anyone.

This is how to avoid it!!: Make sure everyone is aware of proper group riding etiquette and knows to ride in a staggered formation. You’d be amazed how many people are unaware of this simple technique. Doing so increases vision and moves bikes out of line with each other, meaning a temporary lapse in attention wont’ result in a collision. Pick smarter riding buddies or when in doubt ya might be riding alone,no shame there. Being safe is the new cool.

Awe Man you did not lock that front brake now did ya?

Oh no, your James Hammond and ya just passed Haps BBq or/a totally hot babe/ or a cop/stopped traffic. You grab a fistful of front brake and, next thing you know, you’re laying on the ground, watching your bike cartwheel down the street. Then ya gotta a story to tell Jim Austin when he replaces your crash bars again.

C'mon now another lesson to avoid this

If you’re just learning to ride like Dawn Steed and Deb Brunko and soon Jennifer Hutt,, you have simply never mastered this skill or bought a new bike and need to learn it, find a big, empty parking lot and start practicing. From a set speed (say 30mph), start braking at a certain mark, then repeat add more pressure to the brake until you’ve reduced your braking distance as much as possible. You should be able to feel the tire on the very edge of locking up and the rear wheel lifting off the ground. Then go and practice at higher and higher speeds until you can employ the maximum braking ability of your motorcycle reliably and safely.

Or just buy a bike with ABS like Joe Silk did and remember you have it, and squeeze the lever as hard as you can when you need to make an emergency stop. Look out they opened the car door!

The biggest gap in traffic was between a line of parked cars and a stationary line of active traffic. So you go scooting through it when, all of a sudden, Marty-moron-nolook swings his door wide open right in front of you.

Thats right you can really avoid this one,c'mon man!: Never, ever, ever, ever ride between an active traffic lane and parked cars. Not just because of the opening doors thing, but because pedestrians step out, cars pull out so they can see, and for a million other reasons. Just don’t do it. If you do, somehow, find yourself in a door opening situation though, follow all the advice above and brake as hard as possible. Even if a collision is inevitable, shedding even a small fraction of your speed can really help.

Real bikers call the area next to parked cars, within a doors’ width “The Death Zone” for a reason.


It’s Slippery! Stuff is coming out of the sky! That stuff is cold, wet and, surprise surprise, slippery. Listen to Clyde Brooks and don’t panic.

How To Avoid It: Does your bike have decent tires on it or were you silly and decided that running track rubber on the road was a good idea. Hint: it’s not. So long as you’re running reasonable tires and those tires aren’t worn out, you’ll be surprised at how well a motorcycle does in wet or even snowy conditions. Just slow down and be as smooth as possible on the controls.

In the wet, stuff like manhole covers become super, extra slippery and you’ll need to watch out for oil and Diesel on the road as well. Look for patches of rainbow and avoid those. If it hasn’t rained for a while, the first hour or so of rainfall is the most treacherous, it lifts all the oils and whatnot out of the pavement, floating it on top. Treat yourself to a hot cup of coffee and wait for a solid downpour to wash all that junk away.

Also beware of the limited visibility rain creates for other drivers and their general ineptitude; car drivers don’t seem to understand that slippery conditions necessitate longer following distances and earlier braking.

Jimmy Page advocates keeping revs up in the wet. The thinking is that, should your rear spin up, you’ll be using a smaller amount of throttle opening, allowing you to regain traction much easier than if you’re riding at 30mph in 6th, at wide open throttle.

Too Broke was a blast this year and here is a shout out to all that helped and made it fun, lets make every ride a safe one. Do your part and help sign up a friend as a member of ABATE.

Ride safe right smart and always live to ride each and everyday! Jim

Motorcycle Riders Foundation Awareness & Education (MRFA&E) was established to promote motorcycle awareness and education due to an everincreasing rider population. No one is more concerned with rider safety than riders themselves, and obviously those best suited to educate newer riders are veteran riders.

Promote awareness and education in the motorcycle community to improve rider’s safety. Please donate, we are a 501C3 Corporation. Your donation is tax deductible. To donate go to our web site listed at the bottom.

Motorcycle Riders Foundation Awareness & Education (MRFA&E) 1325 G Street NW, Suite 500 Washington, D.C. 20005 (202) 546-0983



Federal Agency Actions Increase Ethanol Risks for Motorcycles

From the AMA

The Renewable Fuel Standard proposal announced on May 29 by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency would increase the risk of misfueling for motorcyclists and all-terrain-vehicle owners by forcing the widespread availability of higher-ethanol fuel blends, such as E15.

Act now by signing the American Motorcyclist Association’s petition to voice your concern.

The EPA proposed setting the renewable fuel standard for 2014 at the levels that were actually produced and used, which totaled 15.93 billion gallons. But for 2015, the standard rises to 16.3 billion gallons. And for 2016, the total increases again, to 17.4 billion gallons.

By increasing the amounts of ethanol into America’s gasoline marketplace, the EPA will exceed the blend wall by hundreds of millions of gallons! The blend wall is the point at which no more ethanol can be

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long estab-

Reprinted from

Your Chance To Win A 1974 Honda CB 750

As a thank you to military servicemen, Pros4Vets has teamed up with world champion motorcycle builder Dar Holdsworth to raffle this amazing 1974 all original Honda CB750. This classic motorcycle was donated to Darwin Motorcycles as part of their Recycle For The Troops program. Go here to buy your ticket - Raffle Rules and Restrictions: Void where prohibited. Chances of winning are 1 in 2000. One Grand Prize, 1974 original Honda motorcycle named the CB750 to be awarded. Raffle sponsored by and net proceeds to benefit Pros 4 Vets, Inc., which is an Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3) organization. Money given to purchase tickets is not a tax-deductible donation. Tickets will be sold from November 2014 until the 2000th ticket is

blended without creating higher blends like E15 and above.

This means ethanol blends of 15 percent or higher likely will become more prevalent because of this proposed rule.

However, in a regulatory announcement released Aug. 6, 2013, “EPA Finalizes Renewable Fuel Standards,” the EPA said that for 2014 “the ability of the market to consume ethanol in higher blends such as E85 is highly constrained as a result of infrastructure -- and market-related factors. EPA does not currently foresee a scenario in which the market could consume enough ethanol sold in blends greater than E10…” The EPA is pushing higher ethanol limits despite its own acknowledgment that the market cannot consume these higher amounts due to “infrastructure and market-related factors.” That’s when the U.S. Department of Agriculture comes to the rescue. On the

same day the EPA announced its proposed rule, the USDA unveiled a $100 million plan to double the number of higher-blend renewable-fuel pumps. Under the blender pump subsidy program, the USDA will administer competitive grants to match funding for state-led efforts to test and evaluate innovative and comprehensive approaches to market higher blends of renewable fuel, such as E15 and E85.

The EPA calls for higher ethanol blended fuels and the USDA spends taxpayer dollars to make it happen, despite knowing that none of the estimated 22 million motorcycles and ATVs in use in the United States is approved to use E15 or higher ethanol blends. Using those fuels in motorcycles and ATVs is illegal and may cause engine and fuel system damage and void the manufacturer's warranty.

The EPA opened a comment period to allow the public to voice their opinion on the proposed rule. The AMA has the tools to make it easy for you to submit com-


lished should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.” – Declaration of Independence, 1776

Those words were and are still some of the most profound words ever written in human history. The Declaration of Independence. John Adams believed would be “the most memorable epoch in the history of America.” Even though Thomas Jefferson is considered the “author” of the text, four others contributed in a committee assigned by the Continental Congress to include Jefferson, Ben Franklin, John Adams, Robert Livingston and Roger Sherman. Jefferson was quite unhappy about some of the edits made to his original draft of

the Declaration of Independence. He had originally included language condemning the British promotion of the slave trade (even though Jefferson himself was a slave owner). This criticism of the slave trade was removed in spite of Jefferson’s objections.

This year we celebrate 239 years of the American experiment. So what is independence? And how does that fit into the motorcycling community? Independence is a condition of nation or state in which its residents exercise self-government and usually sovereignty over a territory. One thing we must remember is that independence DOES NOT mean freedom. Most revolutions in history were a means to change a government. Ours was to gain independence from the very beginning. Most Americans feel as if independence and freedom are synonymous. This is unfortunate because it can and will ultimately lead to a loss of both. The definition of independence according to Webster’s is “freedom from the control, influence, support, aid, or the like, of oth-

News from the Net

sold. A random drawing will be held. Need not be present to win. Must be 18years or older to be eligible. Winner is responsible for registration, taxes, title, tags, insurance, any fees and delivery. Pros 4 Vets, Inc. employees and their immediate family members are ineligible. All tickets sales are non-refundable.


Sturgis Buffalo Chip PowerSports Complex To Host Racing Events All Week During The Rally

Race fans will want to prepare for an action-packed week of powerful motor battles at the award-winning Buffalo Chip PowerSports Complex the first week in ATo ugust. From 4x4s and jet-powered tractors to flying trucks and one-wheeled drag races, spectator excitement will be running high all week. The AMA Extreme Dirt Track National ATV Championship Series starts the week with some insanely fun 4×4 racing

action on Fri., July 31 and Sat. Aug. 1. These ATV powerhouse machines and their professional drivers shred the track as they battle for points in the series. Last year racers participating in the series, along with EDT officials, chose the Buffalo Chip PowerSports Complex as their hands-down favorite after being asked to vote for the best overall track and facility. The Outlaw Truck and Tractor Pulling Association cranks up the action on Sun., Aug 2 and Mon., Aug 3 with “Thunder at the Chip.” These monumental machines, some with jet-powered engines, get up to 7,000 horsepower as they tear up the track in a race to drag the most weight.

TORC: The Off-Road Championship Series brings a new level of excitement to the track with 900-horsepower, off-road trucks that hit speeds in excess of 100 mph and soar 200 feet in the air as they clear the well-placed moguls. TORC races will take place Tuesday, Aug. 4 and Wednesday, Aug. 5. The hillside location

ments by signing our petition.

The AMA will submit every name and address with our comments to the EPA. There is nothing more powerful than thousands of riders joining to express their concern with unsafe fuel for their rides.

Thousands of riders like you join the AMA to unite for a common goal – to protect our freedom to ride. As an AMA member, you will stand with hundreds of thousands of advocates nationwide fighting anti-motorcycling forces that threaten our right to ride and race. That’s why the AMA is where you belong. Visit or call (800) AMAJOIN today. Please follow the AMA on Twitter @AMA_Rights and like us on Facebook. Please share with your friends on Facebook.

Sign Petition!

ers.” We all have a desire of independence for our lives. Who wouldn’t? Not being controlled or forced to support things we do not agree with. Not being influenced in a certain way. There are many ways you can gain independence in your life. The more you exercise your freedoms is puts a greater distance on those who seek to limit your independence. Freedom is “the power to determine action without restraint.” Let me give you an example… Here in Arizona we have the freedom to choose to wear a helmet or not. The power to determine for ourselves the action of putting one on if we choose to or not wear one if we desire. Freedom! Thank you ABATE for fighting for that freedom. We can do that in an independent country. Choose.

As you celebrate our nation’s independence this year, remember those who stood up against tyranny so boldly that we now have that independence. Exercise your freedoms daily. Stay safe and be good to one another. “Grumpy” Mike

of the TORC-built track gives spectators a unique view of the full track and land rush start, so audiences won’t miss any of the action. TORC’s professional four and two-wheel drive Trophy Trucks, as well as its Pro Light Class, will each be taking their turn through the difficult course, offering multiple opportunities to take in the high-energy excitement of some of off-road racing’s finest and most fearless drivers. The Nitro National Pro Hill Climb takes to the Buffalo Chip’s rugged 300-foot hill on Thursday, Aug. 6 and Friday, Aug. 7. This event has drawn national attention, having even been featured on CMT Bike Week. Thousands of dollars in prize money is at stake, and the fierce competitors of the Hill Climb will be pushing it to the limit to make sure they’re the ones who will be taking it home after the Sturgis Rally. The TerraCross Championships take over the track on Thursday, Aug. 6 and Friday, Aug. 7. These races feature some wicked off-road competition through a rough and

MASTERLINK JULY 2015 muddy course complete with terrorizing obstacles such as rocks, logs and jumps.

The UniMotorCyclists Association Drag Races on Saturday, Aug. 8 are a spectacle well-worth attending. The onewheeled drag racers must pop a wheelie and keep the wheel balanced throughout the entire tilt with no steering or brakes. The event also includes many zany contests. Tickets for PowerSports events may be purchased online at for a discount or at the gate on the day of the event.

PowerSports Complex Events Schedule Friday, July 31 – Extreme Dirt Track ATV Races Saturday, Aug. 1 – Extreme Dirt Track ATV Races Sunday, Aug. 2 – Outlaw Truck & Tractor Pulls Monday, Aug. 3 – Outlaw Truck & Tractor Pulls Tuesday, Aug. 4 – TORC: The Off Road Championship Wednesday, Aug. 5 – TORC: The Off Road Championship Thursday, Aug. 6 – Nitro National Pro Hill Climb – Terracross Championships Friday, Aug. 7 – Nitro National Pro Hill Climb – Terracross Championships Saturday, Aug. 8 – UniMotorCyclists Association Drag Races ===========================

Las Vegas BikeFest And Artistry in Iron, Master Builders Championship The roster for the 12th annual Artistry in Iron – Master Builders Championship is now complete. The competition will be held during the 15th Annual Las Vegas BikeFest, October 1-4, 2015.

The annual invitation only competition, sponsored by Cycle Source Magazine and Steve Soffa Enterprises, will include 21 award winning builders. A limited number of builders are invited to participate annually. The 2013 & 2014 Champion Rick Bray of RKB Kustom Speed, will be back to defend his title. Artistry in Iron participants include builders that have shaped the industry and who are establishing the trends in custom bikes and engineering. “Each year we invite those on the cutting edge

News from the Net (continued)

as well as some past participants. We’re excited that so many builders have accepted our invitation,” commented event producer Mindi Cherry. “It solidifies the importance of the championship. There are no rules or guidelines on the builds so it is always exciting to see what each builder brings to the competition.”

The bikes are judged solely by the master builders themselves, and the winner is announced on Saturday, October 3 and presented with a check for $10,000 as well as a custom designed championship bracelet created by renowned designer and master artisan Steve Soffa. In addition, Cycle Source Magazine will feature the winning builder in a future issue. The public is invited to visit the bikes during Rally Central hours and to meet the participating builders during autograph sessions throughout the weekend. ==========================

Corbin Supports the Hollister Rally July 3rd-5th

As a long-time supporter of the Hollister Rally, Corbin has stepped up to help sponsor the 2015 rally. As a part of their support, Corbin will be including a $75 Corbin seat gift card in every Hollister Freedom Rally VIP package… which just happens to have an earlybird price of $75. So if you’re planning on getting a new Corbin saddle that weekend you’re essentially getting all the other VIP goodies for free!

Hollister Freedom Rally VIP package includes: The Guess Who concert ticket, Fabulous Thunderbirds Concert ticket, Exclusive Rally Tee and Pin, downtown lunch coupon, poker walks, kickstand plate, VIP parking, raffle tickets and more.

For those interested in obtaining more information on Corbin, you can reach them at 800-538-7035 or online at Visit Corbin Headquarters at 2360 Technology Parkway, Hollister, CA. 95023 or Corbin Florida at 1433 US Highway 1, Ormond Beach, FL 32174. Hollister Event information: ==========================

Why Don’t We All 3-D Print Our Next Custom Motorcycle?

Unveiled at Rapid 2015 in Long Beach, California, TE Connectivity’s exercise in 3D printing demonstrates the ability to design a motorcycle on a computer, print it in plastic, add tires and a motor, then take it for a spin. In fact it may take a little more than that to actually end up with a complete functioning motorcycle; nonetheless, the concept is nothing short of exciting. See more here ===========================

New Report Suggest That Lane-Splitting Can Be A Safe Practice On The Road By Sarah Yang BERKELEY —

While inching along congested roadways, California drivers will often see motorcyclists zip by, eking out a path in the narrow space between two lanes of cars. This practice of passing other vehicles traveling in the same direction by sharing their lane is called lane-splitting, and a new report by UC Berkeley transportation researchers finds that no matter what some angry drivers might think, it does not necessarily pose a greater risk for injury.

An analysis conducted by researchers from UC Berkeley’s Safe Transportation Research and Education Center (SafeTREC) found that lane-splitting is relatively safe if done in traffic moving at 50 mph or less, and if motorcyclists do not exceed the speed of other vehicles by more than 15 mph.

“Surprisingly, we found that the difference in speed between the motorcycle and the surrounding traffic was a bigger predictor of injury than speed alone,” said study lead author Thomas Rice, epidemiologist at SafeTREC, which is based at the UC Berkeley School of Public Health. “Above a 15-mile-per-hour speed differential, the risk of injury rose significantly.” California is the only state in the country where motorcycle lane-splitting is not illegal; a bill regulating the practice is making its way through the state legislature. The researchers analyzed data on motorcycle-involved traffic collisions in California from June 2012 through August 2013. Of the nearly 6,000 accidents reported by the California Highway Patrol, 997 involved lane-splitting at the time of collision. The researchers released their report today. ”We have learned that when lane-splitting motorcycle riders are involved in collisions, the most common scenario is a rider traveling too fast when a motorist attempts to change lanes,” said Rice. “I think any efforts to encourage riders to lower their speed differentials will prevent collisions and injuries. One result of legislation or other guidelines might be a heightened awareness among motorists about motorcycle lane-splitting.”

The data used in the UC Berkeley SafeTREC report included details about the manner in which lane-splitting occurred, such as speed of vehicles, time of day and the kinds of helmets used. Reports also included information about any injuries sustained.

PAGE 11 using alcohol and less likely to have been carrying a passenger.

Also compared with other motorcyclists involved in a collision, lane-splitting riders were less likely to suffer head injury (9 percent versus 17 percent), torso injury (19 percent versus 29 percent) and fatal injury (1.2 percent versus 3 percent). Most of the motorcycle lane-splitters – about 69 percent – exceeded the speed of surrounding traffic by about 15 mph or less. But about 14 percent of lanesplitters traveled at least 25 mph faster than surrounding vehicles.

“It is clear that the greater the speed differential, the more dangerous it is, so as obvious as the advice may be, slow down to lower the risk of injury,” said Rice. ===========================

Can-Am Spyder Manufacturer Agrees To Recall After Fires Reported

U.S. safety regulators have closed an investigation of fires in Can-Am Spyder three-wheeled motorcycles after the manufacturer agreed to a recall. Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. of Canada agreed to recall nearly 7,100 Spyder RT motorcycles globally from the 2013 model year. It also agreed to re-notify owners of motorcycles from 2008 through 2012 that were recalled in 2012 for problems that could cause fires, according to documents posted Tuesday by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Investigators found 103 complaints and two fires during the investigation of more than 52,000 motorcycles. The agency says Bombardier agreed to address rider burns, fuel boiling due to inadequate heat management and excessive fuel vapor emissions.

The 2012 recalls were to fix a fuel cap that may not fit onto the fuel filler neck of 33,700 motorcycles from 20082012, and for fuel vapors that could exit a vapor canister hose in the engine compartment in 9,600 motorcycles from 2008 through 2010.

“It’s important to note that from the data in our study, we are unable to estimate the risk of getting into a collision in the first place,” said Rice. “What we can do is look at motorcycle collisions that have occurred, and determine whether lanesplitting poses a greater risk of injury to riders, and whether the manner in which riders were lane-splitting was predictive of particular injury types.”

Compared with other motorcyclists, lanesplitting motorcyclists were more likely to ride on weekdays and during commute hours, use better helmets,and travel at lower speeds. Lane-splitting motorcyclists were also less likely to have been

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Too Broke for Sturgis 2015



Too Broke for Sturgis 2015



Waco Bikers And The Blackstone Ratio

“All presumptive evidence of felony should be admitted cautiously; for the law holds it better that ten guilty persons escape, than that one innocent party suffer.” Why Do The Due Process Concerns Of Innocents Outweigh The State Interest Of Convicting Those That Are Responsible For The Shooting In Waco?

The Blackstone Ratio, a concept attributed to a famous jurist of the 1860’s named Sir William Blackstone, is commonly accepted as a cornerstone of civil liberties and a free society. Closely related to the idea that an individual is innocent until proven guilty, the Blackstone Ratio means that democratic societies do not sacrifice the liberties of the innocent in order to punish the guilty. Democratic societies accept that prioritizing civil liberties of individuals means some guilty people will escape justice in order to preserve a free society.

In a totalitarian society the opposite is true. Totalitarian governments consider the state’s interest in punishing criminals more important than the collateral damage created by innocents suffering in the process. Totalitarian governments believe that casting dragnets to capture the guilty is justified because it is motivated by the goal of reducing crime and insuring the safety of its citizens.

Certainly it is true that all governments have a compelling state interest to reduce crime and punish the guilty. This is even true in democratic societies. It is even reasonable to say that this interest is

based on the belief that people in society have the right to be safe from criminal activity. But the state, in an attempt to accomplish its interests, will eventually come in conflict with personal liberties. So how does the American democratic system determine which interests are more important?

particularized or specific probable cause for any of the individuals arrested. This is evidenced by the fact that every single arrest was based on an identical and generic fill-in the name affidavit.

Oftentimes rights come in conflict and compete for priority. When they do, the American criminal justice system says we must balance these rights based on the intent and purpose of the Constitution and the impact on civil liberties generally. The Bill of Rights irrefutably places critical priority on the sanctity of individual rights over draconian police arrests and incarcerations justified by state interests like reducing crime or general public safety.

It has also been made clear, in complete violation of an individual’s 5th Amendment right to remain silent, that prosecutors and judges imposed $1 million dollar bonds on every individual arrested based on the gravity of the crime scene and the non-cooperation of those arrested. Bail is intended to insure that an individual does not flee. It is not intended to be a punitive measure. And the right not to be forced into statements of selfincrimination is elementary, understood by almost everyone, particularly those that work in the judiciary system like prosecutors and judges.

As has been widely reported, the Waco PD made it very clear that many of the more than 170 individuals arrested were arrested because of their associations with motorcycle clubs allegedly involved in the Waco shooting. There was absolutely no evidence specified, other than mere organizational association, establishing

It cannot credibly be argued that the Waco arrest and punitive bond tactics employed by law enforcement and government authorities is not resulting in the

There is no better example than Waco to demonstrate how the state’s interest in punishing the guilty has come in conflict with the civil liberties of innocents and potential eyewitnesses. Regardless of what the currently unreleased facts ultimately reveal about what happened in Waco, it defies reason to assert that more than 170 individuals could possibly have committed a crime or be deserving of $1 million dollar bonds.

Mere membership in a group, even a group that contains convicted felons, does not establish probable cause. As articulated by a recent ACLU press release related to Waco, “While all the facts of this tragic incident are still unclear, we do know that if any of the more than 170 arrests were based solely on membership in a group, the Constitution demands more, including probable cause. Mere membership in a group should never be the basis of an arrest. And dragnet arrests raise the specter of overzealous police work, just like we’ve seen at our border and in cities around the country.”

Too Broke for Sturgis 2015 Vendors

suffering of innocents. While incarcerated, innocent people are separated from their families, loved ones, employers, and the enjoyment of every civil liberty enjoyed by free citizens. Many of the accused are still incarcerated. And even those that have been released had to pay a bond and agree to further restrictions on behavior and associations. So how should this have been handled? It’s not my job to decide how law enforcement does its job beyond demanding, and hoping that others demand, that whatever tactics employed respect baseline constitutional principles and individual liberties in order to protect the innocent and the foundations of a free society.

There is a reason the Blackstone Ratio is a critical component of a democratic criminal justice system. Everyone, not just bikers, should be deeply concerned about tactics that cause innocents to suffer. And this is true even if it means the guilty escape prosecution. Sure, rounding up and arresting every biker, or catholic, or Muslim, or teenager with a trench coat, or eyewitness to a crime will most likely include those responsible for the crime being investigated. But these draconian dragnets also ensnare innocent people that suffer from damage to their families, employment, reputations, finances, and the enjoyment of the basic freedoms intended to be guaranteed to every American. David “Double D” Devereaux m


Where do I start this month? In May I went to Denver for The 30th NCOM convention. While I was there I heard speeches about freedom and fighting for our rights. I saw Gimme Jimmy talk for about a half hour. A big part of his speech was about how much he hated President Obama, the Attorney General, and the federal government. We heard about RICO and how the law is used to prosecute people into submission. The sessions were long on stories and short on strategies. Then I went to Washington DC to try and convince our representatives to support motorcycle related legislation. I had a close encounter with a motorcycle cop and another cop with a very lethallooking rifle. My attitude was that I was exercising my right to petition my government for redress of grievances. Little did I know what would soon unfold in Waco, Texas.

I flew home from DC on a Friday and finished the article that I had started after Denver. Then on Saturday while occupying a stool at the Maverick Saloon I was told about a first and second amendment rally to be held at a mosque that Sunday. I was troubled in that they were going as bikers with guns to a mosque to protest against a religion they did not like. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like Islam, it is a religion that suppresses humanity. But I am atheist. I really don’t like any religion, although I don’t demand that any religion cease to exist. My problem was with the “bikers with guns” part. Protest all you like, call them to account for the actions of the members of their community. When bikers congregate with firearms there will be a police presence. Hell, when we gather without guns the cops show up in numbers. That Sunday morning it was about a dozen or so, they protested and went home. Good, I thought, that’s over with. Then Waco happened. The first news that broke was with Swanton giving the police version. As he spoke I counted the lies. The problem with police is that the general public believes most of what they say. I spent the first day looking all over the internet searching for any source of information

Thoughts from JohnnyD

other than the initial press conference. There were none to be found. I watched the press conference again and wrote a list of lies that were put out without question. Knowing how COCs operate and having experience with biker gatherings I felt that I had something to add to the discussion. What surprised me was the reaction many friends had to my postings. So many believe that bikers are psychotic and would open fire on police with full automatic weapons. The Mad Max version of crazed bikers with no sense of self preservation permeates the “normal” world. People that know me think that many of my friends would actually commit murder in front of any number of police with video cameras. My search for the truth led to a number of us bonding together on social media and searching for answers. Nine people were dead. Eighteen people were wounded. The first report was that the bikers were shooting each other in a gang fight over turf. Then it was claimed that four officers fired their weapons after being fired on. Next came the weapons count, at first over one hundred then about fifty. A couple of days later the sergeant told a reporter that it was over one thousand. After all the vehicles were searched they claimed one semi-auto rifle. Now they are claiming dozens of them. The latest is that they found weapons buried under the grass where the police were standing. This is the equivalent of a document dump. When a defense attorney requests documents in an investigation they are often given tens of thousands of documents with no ability to sort through them prior to trial.

congregate for any reason we are soon under surveillance. Often we are joined by heavily armed police. Any who remember how the Prison Run used to be will recall how many rifles were being held. All of them full automatic. I would tell legislators of my fear that one day some cop would get twitchy and fire causing others to open fire as well. I always wondered how many would be killed in such an incident. I believe Waco gave us that answer.

Over the last four weeks I have had many friend requests from all over the world. The news of a massacre in Texas in not local. Others have been searching as well and we have been sharing information. One choice bit is that the police seized the cell phones of everyone who was at the Twin Peaks, employees and civilians as well as bikers. The employees were complaining that they could not retrieve their cell phones or vehicles on social media. Then they were gone from the sites. The Don Carlos restaurant claims in a law suit that thousands of rounds were fired damaging their walls and vehicles of their customers. Waco PD released a statement that fourteen officers fired their weapons and were put on administrative leave. Today a news release said three officers fired a total of forty-four bullets. Don Carlos had a video camera covering the parking lot. That video has not been viewed by other than LE. Now the ACLU is involved. Great, but in our community they are viewed as the enemy. A call was sent out to contact the President and the US Attorney General. The Governor and AG of Texas are complicit in this travesty of justice fearing the millions they will payout if the truth comes out. The President is probably not predisposed to come to the aid of groups who openly display their hatred for him. We don’t collectively have the money to post more than one hundred million dollars for bail. The attorneys working these cases will not do it for free. What does that leave us? How many friends do we have that can help?

I knew the police were covering up their actions. Within days we learned that those killed were from head and neck shots. Within three days the bullets were retrieved except from the wounded who were in jail. They got to sit in custody with bullets still in their bodies. They know the caliber of the bullets that caused the deaths but will not release the information. If they were not the type that the police were using it would settle the issue. Withholding the type of bullets only furthers the suspicion. Claiming that ballistics tests need to be completed by an outside agency is a delay tactic. I do not trust the police, I haven’t since I was seventeen. As all of you know, every time bikers

Gettysburg Bike Week Update

News from the Net

Gettysburg Bike Week has added The Pink Journey of Lights Charity Ride to help kick off 2015 Gettysburg Bike Week. The Pink Journey of Lights ride will help raise awareness for breast cancer and is limited to the first 250 riders with tickets, which cost only $25 and are available at Battlefield Harley-Davidson or on site the day of the event.

“Every year we try to add new events and rides. This year, we really wanted to contribute more to local charities, and the Pink Journey of Lights is a great organization,” says event coor-

A friend of mine said that those in jail in Waco should have their friends raise the bail money for them. I congratulated her on having the kind of friends who could raise a million dollars for her. Then someone had the great idea to create an event at the Phoenix mosque to draw pictures of their prophet and go to the mosque with guns. It was billed as a “bikers with guns” rally. Just what we needed, except that a lot of non-bikers showed up in para-military gear with AR-15s and AK47s. Hey, they have that right. But they

dinator Kelly Shue.

Pink Journey of Lights charity ride will assemble at Battlefield HarleyDavidson at 4:00 p.m. and depart at 5:00 p.m. Bill O’Brian and Stevie from 98.5 the Peak Morning Show will lead the tour through the lush Pennsylvania countryside, past the historic sites of the Battle of Gettysburg, one of the largest and bloodiest battles of the American Civil War, which resulted in over 51,000 casualties for both sides. The ride ends at the Pike Restaurant for a BBQ dinner that will include pulled pork, macaroni salad, coleslaw, great desserts, a cash bar and more! After

PAGE 15 looked like they were trying to provoke a confrontation. There were very few bikes there but the biker label stuck. It was deemed further proof that bikers were always armed and looking for violence. Now I read a report that a group of bikers is going to McKinney, Texas to support the cop who went apeshit on some black teenagers. My question is do we really think this shit through? Whenever there is a person killed by cops the first reaction if he/she is black is that they are thugs deserving their treatment. Many in our community echo these sentiments. When they shoot us should the general public deem us not fit to live in decent society because we are thugs? When are we going to realize that our natural allies are the Michael Browns of the world? There was a great outcry that no one screamed at the injustice of Waco, no protests, no civil rights leaders coming to demand answers. Hell, our own organizations went silent after the initial interview with Jimmy. I think we need to do some soul searching and decide what our values really are. Do we believe that as Americans we are endowed with inalienable rights? Or is it what the constitution says that all men are born with inalienable rights? Do we need allies in these battles that we fight, or can we go on believing that only some of us deserve the freedoms granted to humanity by birth? When a police officer sees a biker they are trained to see a threat. Modern policing involves taking control of any situation. Frustration at human nature causes them to resort to force, deadly force when resistance to authority is perceived as a threat. I do not believe for a second that any biker in Texas fired a weapon at a police officer. I truly believe it was a Barney Fife type who got nervous and pulled his trigger causing a number of other officers to open fire in confusion. We will not know the truth for a very long time. In the mean time many lives are being torn apart. I feel especially sad for them because I know firsthand what it is like to have the state throw your life into a wood chipper. I am sorry that I spent so much space writing about this. I have not spent an hour since that day without thinking about the massacre and attending damage to the lives of the people involved. If you pray please do so for them. I will continue to dig and shout about the injustice of it all. John P Dreyfus Johnny D ALMA MC Arizona Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs Designated Lobbyist American Brotherhood Aimed Toward Education / Phoenix-Shadow Mountain PAC Officer

dinner, everyone rides to the Allstar Events Complex for VIP seating at the David Allen Coe Concert.


Motorcycle license bill passes Legislature In Alabama

Alabamians will need to have a motorcycle classification on their license, and take a written exam or safety course, under a bill that has passed the state Legislature.

continued page 19


More from Too Broke for Sturgis 2015


MASTERLINK JULY 2015 Washington Weekly Updates June 15, 2015

From Jeff Hennie Motorcycle Riders Foundation, Vice President Government Relations and Public Affairs

Amendments to FMVSS 218

The Motorcycle Riders Foundation submitted its official comments to the proposed amendments to FMVSS 218 regarding motorcycle helmets, and you should too. The proposed amendments would fundamentally change the definition of a DOT-approved helmet by moving away from a performance standard and instead using construction standards that would federally mandate the thickness of the helmet liner and any energy absorbing materials.

Here’s how the changes would work: The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) wants to add a new component to the definition of a helmet based on lining thickness. NHTSA has determined that 25mm (about one inch) is the bare minimum thickness of a helmet that could possibly meet the federal definition of a motorcycle helmet as defined by FMVSS 218. If a helmet cannot meet this new thickness requirement (as would be the case with novelty helmets), then you will be treated as if you have no helmet on at all in a universal helmet law state.

This proposed amendment would essentially make a helmet that was too thin illegal, thus putting you in front of a judge for essentially not wearing a helmet at all. Additionally, the amendment would give law enforcement the ability to ticket anyone wearing a novelty helmet in a universal helmet law state.

This proposed change is coming directly from law enforcement. According to NHTSA, they have been contacted by law enforcement officials from a few states citing that novelty helmets are a problem and that they need to be addressed. Because of the costly nature of testing helmets on the side of the road, law enforcement does not pull over novelty-helmeted riders and test the headgear. Instead, the police want an easy way to ticket and enforce helmet laws.

This proposed change could result in law enforcement pulling people over just to measure a helmet, even when there’s been no infraction of any motor vehicle law.

There’s another problem: NHTSA’s proposed change stymies innovation. What happens when helmet manufacturers develop a new energy absorbing material that is thinner than the proposed mandated thickness but still works just as well? Where is the motivation for motorcycle helmet designers and manufactures to continue to use modern technology to develop better and lighter materials? It was not that long ago that carbon fiber technology was so expensive that it was cost-prohibitive to use; now it’s everywhere. These proposed amendments stymie the creative process that is invaluable when coming up with new ideas.

What can we do about this proposed rule? Comment. Get your kids to comment, your mother-in-law, your doctors, your elected officials—anyone who will listen to reason. The proposed rule currently has a ridiculously low number of comments submitted, and we should take this opportunity to flood the list with positive comments against the proposed amendments.

Your comments count. They don’t have to be poetry or a doctoral thesis. Just let them know how you feel. Please keep the comments clean and please do not cut and paste other comments and use them as your own, as those sorts of things will result in your comment being removed from the pool.

News from the MRF

This statement is from the regulatory website:

“Note: Agencies review all submissions, however some agencies may choose to redact, or withhold, certain submissions (or portions thereof) such as those containing private or proprietary information, inappropriate language, or duplicate/near duplicate examples of a mass-mail campaign.”

Please visit:!documentDetail ;D=NHTSA-2015-0045-0001to leave a comment, or you can go to www.regualtions.govand search for "motorcycle" and it will be the first link to come up. Deadline is July 20th, 2015 so get your comments in well before then. If you are sitting at your computer or tablet, why not do it right now? Obamatrade

It has been a wild ride in Washington this week. A trade bill known as “Fast Track” or “Obamatrade,” which would grant Obama the power to negotiate trade deals with Pacific Rim countries without the approval of Congress, was defeated in the House in a rare Friday vote. Its defeat is a bit of a shock because of the unlikely allies aggressively pushing for passage. The bill is widely supported by House Republicans and President Obama, but it’s vilified by House Democrats because it would scrap a program that provides financial assistance to union workers who lose their jobs due to international trade. President Obama made a visit to Capitol Hill to lobby Democrats who were going to vote no on the trade measure. (A Hill visit by a president is the ultimate in presidential lobbying.) Politics do have strange bedfellows, but it doesn't get much stranger than this.Bikers Inside the Beltway - 2015 May 18, 2015

This year was another highly successful Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) event in our Nation’s capitol. We were blessed with perfect weather and a robust number of citizen motorcycle lobbyists on the most important day of the year for motorcyclists.

Motorcyclists from Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin descended onto Capitol Hill to defend the freedoms of motorcyclists.

This years only national lobby event for motorcyclists resulted in over 500 individual interactions with Senate and House offices to advance the MRF agenda in Washington D.C.

The focus of Bikers Inside The Beltway 2015 (BITB) was H.R. 1861 & S.127, bills to prohibit federal funding of motorcycle only roadside checkpoints. The group also lobbied for H.R. 21 a bill that would require the Environmental Protection Agency to halt the sale of E-15 gasoline and conduct an independent study on the effects of the E-15 blend on internal combustion engines. The group also advocated for the passage of black box privacy legislation. Autocycle legislation was also discussed.

Representative Jim Sensenbrenner's letter of inquiry to the EPA was hand delivered to multiple relevant members of congress during the event.

This year’s Congressional program was held on the House side of Capitol Hill. The attendees heard from several members of congress who were all very supportive towards the motorcycle rights community.

This years Bikers Inside the Beltway was a tremendous success. The MRF thanks all of you who attended from near and far to defend liberty.


Washington Weekly Updates May 22, 2015 From Jeff Hennie Motorcycle Rider Foundation, Vice President Government Relations and Public Affairs

It has been a busy couple of weeks, so let me apologize for the radio silence from D.C. First, it was Heartland STEAM held this year in Bismarck, ND to deliver a legislative report to the group. ABATE of North Dakota did a bang up job hosting and facilitating the event. It was a great event with a great turnout. I got some serious face time with the guest speaker, Senator John Hoeven (R-ND), who happens to be the sponsor of the U.S. Senate bill to provide for privacy when it comes to the event data recorders (EDR) installed on most modern vehicles (S.766). Senator Hoeven is a fantastic legislator with a less is more approach when it comes to government intrusion into our lives.

Then I returned to D.C. and the bikers started to show up. Several states came early to Bikers Inside The Beltway (BITB) to lobby their federal elected officials. Most of the meetings were extremely positive. Overall we had 22 different states represented through out the week. If you couldn't make it this year, you must come next year. Imagine hundreds of bikers walking the halls of Congress. It’s an amazing sight to see.

In the wrap up at the end of the event, we heard from Representatives Scott Riggell (RVA), French Hill (R-AR), Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC), Randy Weber (R-TX), Tim Walberg (R-MI), and Morgan Griffith (RVA). If one of them is your home member of Congress, let them know you appreciate their dedication to motorcyclists.

Not skipping a beat, the MRF May board meeting kicked off Friday morning at the Motorcycle Riders Foundation world headquarters in downtown D.C. We had a couple of new board members join the board of directors this May. Welcome to Glenyce Jackson (seated in September) and Todd Riba (replacing Wayne Weirson in interim). Much work was done over the weekend board meeting. I can tell you that the MRF is going into Meeting of the Minds in great shape. You are planning on attending Meeting of the Minds aren't you? This will mark the 31st Meeting of the Minds, descending upon Milwaukee, Wisconsin September 24th, 2015. See you there. ============================

Washington Weekly Updates May 28, 2015

PAGE 17 in D.C. on the weekend of Memorial Day. They are back home in their district attending Memorial Day events. Unless they make it a point to be in D.C. to watch the event, they really have no idea of the size and scope of the event. It is always impressive to me to see hundreds of thousands of bikes parked on the National Mall and around the monuments. If you haven't attended Rolling Thunder, you may want to add it to your bucket list.

It may be May 2015, but don't tell the GOP Presidential candidates, all 26 of them. They think its October 2016. The political fervor is palpable with all of the candidates that have announced formally or have exploratory committees. If you count the five candidates that are labeled "potential GOP candidates," the number swells to 31 different choices. Most of the people you have never heard of and will likely fizzle out well before the primary. It’s not much different for the Democrats. They have 11 official or exploratory and 16 that are labeled "potential." Like the GOP field, many of the candidates will run out of money and or energy well before the primary. The primaries are sure to be bloody. This is a great time to find a candidate that you like and volunteer to help on their campaign. ==========================

Washington Weekly Updates May 29, 2015

From Jeff Hennie Motorcycle Rider Foundation, Vice President Government Relations and Public Affairs

A quick, short recess week saw little congressional or regulatory action. On Friday, Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) dealt what could be the beginning of the end for ethanol fuel growth. The EPA has been sitting on a proposal for a year and, half to lower ethanol requirements for oil refineries. The Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) is a law passed by Congress that mandates the amount of ethanol to be included in the nations fuel supply. Each year the RFS ticks up a little bit, until now.

The EPA has proposed that levels be slashed in 2015 and 2016 to the tune of about four and five million gallons, respectively. The drop in production requirements has angered those in the ethanol production world, and delighted those who do not want more ethanol in the fuel stream. As for motorcyclists, the news is encouraging; the less ethanol being required will

continued page 18

From Jeff Hennie Motorcycle Rider Foundation, Vice President Government Relations and Public Affairs

Last week the House and Senate barely passed a short-term extension to the highway bill. The bill expires at the end of May, and with lawmakers back home for the Memorial Day recess, something had to pass. A very short-term extension has been passed that punts the expiration to July 31, two months away. Most agree that lawmakers will not have a fully funded bill by then so it will remain a work in progress.

Rolling Thunder came to town this week to honor veterans and those who died in combat. It’s always a great event, and this year was no different. They estimate that over one million riders and spectators attended this year’s event. The unfortunate part of the event is that most Members of Congress are not here

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PAGE 18 mean that the smaller amounts of ethanol will have to be spread thinner. This in theory, removes the need to increase the blend to E15 levels. The EPA knows that ethanol is unpopular and cites this as the main reason to lower production requirements. The market has spoken, and it is not in favor of ethanol.

Starting this Monday the short-term highway bill countdown begins. The new extension expires July 31. Look for another extension this summer, unless someone finds $550 billion dollars lying around in the next 60 days.


President Obama Slashes Ethanol Production May 29, 2015

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announces Friday, May 29th that it would reduce the amount of ethanol requirements for gasoline, reports the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF). This proposal would cut ethanol production for 2014, 2015 and 2016. The EPA cites market conditions and the lack of non-corn renewable fuel sources like plant waste from being developed on any sort of commercial scale.

A 2007 law, known as the Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS), requires refiners to blend in an increasing amount of biofuels into the United States gasoline supply each year. According to the proposal, the levels of ethanol will still continue to increase, but less than it would have, preventing the Obama administration from achieving the goals of the 2007 law.

“The EPA has missed several deadlines to lay out the production levels for 2014 and 2015, and this announcement is the reason why,” said Jeff Hennie, Vice President of Government Relations and Public Affairs for the Motorcycle Riders Foundation. “They know that the RFS amounts were going to be unattainable, and now we know too.” Hennie also testified at an EPA hearing on the RFS in favor of a study that would examine the lasting effects of E15 on internal combustion engines.

With today’s domestic oil boom, and the fact that we are consuming less gasoline than we were in 2007, a void for biofuels was created. Add in the fact that the US is only importing about a third of its oil, and the need for biofuel all but disappears.

In its proposal the EPA would increase the levels of blended in 2015 to 16.3 billion gallons, four less than what the RFS requires. In 2016 the EPA would require about five billion less gallons than the law requires.

This is obviously a blow to the affected industries around ethanol and a boom for big oil. Whatever side of this equation you end up on, one thing is certain: raising levels of ethanol in fuel from 10 percent (E10) to 15 percent (E15) overnight has been hard on motorcycles. This is why the MRF is supporting H.R. 21 in the United States House of Representatives. H.R. 21, a bill authored by James Sensenbrenner (R-WI), would require a full examination of what effects the higher blends of ethanol have on motors. Contact your member in the U.S. House of Representatives to cosponsor this important legislation. ============================

Your Action Pays off June 4, 2015

On June 4th the United States House of Representatives agreed to an amendment to the 2016 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations bill that struck a

News from the MRF (continued)

provision that would have overturned the U.S. Department of Transportation lobby ban. The measure was approved on the House floor reports the Motorcycle Riders Foundation.

The Amendment offered by Congressman Tim Walberg (R-MI) along with Mr. Sensenbrenner (R-WI) and Mr. Ribble (R-WI), eliminates a provision in the 2016 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations act that would have allowed the Secretary of Transportation to discuss motorcycle safety initiatives with state legislators. The Motorcycle Riders Foundation thanks Congressman Walberg, Sensenbrenner, and Ribble for their dedication to freedom and motorcycling.

In 1998 Congress passed a law that made it illegal for the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) to lobby state legislatures on any issue. Prior to 1998, according to the Government Accountability Office (GAO), USDOT had spent tens of thousands of dollars traveling to states whenever a state debated changing their own state helmet law or any other law that USDOT deemed worthy to interfere on. Seeing this as a waste of taxpayer money, the congress prohibited anyone from USDOT to lobby states uninvited.

Mr. Walberg had this to say, “The federal government should not be in the business of lobbying state and local officials with federal money.” He added, “I believe the most effective way to reduce motorcycle injuries and fatalities is to prevent these crashes from occurring in the first place, Madam Chairperson, that means putting between the ears as opposed to simply on the head.”

See the Walberg video here: ycfc

“I cannot think of a single issue where the federal government should waste resources lobbying a state entity for something that the state doesn't want”, said Jeff Hennie, Vice President of Government Relations and Public Affairs for the Motorcycle Riders Foundation. He added “With such limited, precious motorcycle safety funds, they need to be used in areas of safety that are proven, not for bureaucratic waste.”

The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) thanks everyone who made calls on this important issue; your participation was key in getting this amendment to pass.


National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) issues a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking June 8, 2015

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to amend Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) No. 218, which concerns motorcycle safety helmets. NHTSA proposes to modify the existing performance requirements of the standard by adding construction requirements. The reasoning behind this is to aid state and local law enforcement officers in enforcing FMVSS No. 218, allowing an officer to visually determine whether a helmet meets the safety standard. NHTSA is currently accepting public comments on this proposal, and will continue to do so until July 20, 2015.

The Motorcycle Riders Foundation opposes NHTSA’s proposal. The proposal fails to take into consideration the rapid pace of technological change in this area. By adopting arbitrary dimension and compression requirements,

NHTSA will effectively be shutting out manufacturers who utilize technology to construct helmets which, while failing to meet NHTSA's construction requirements, may very well exceed their performance requirements. It is conceivable that, by the time the new proposals were adopted, they would already be obsolete. To compound that problem, if such a situation did arise—and it almost certainly will— the process of amending the safety standard is so long and complicated that it is not feasible to make periodic changes in order to include technological advancements in motorcycle helmet construction. FMVSS No. 218 should remain primarily a performance standard, not a construction standard.

NHTSA's answer to this problem is to create a list of motorcycle helmets that will be exempt from the proposed construction requirements. The helmets on this list will comply with the performance requirements of FMVSS No. 218, but while they fail to meet its proposed construction requirements, they will nonetheless be deemed to have met the proposed safety standard. This confusing strategy ignores the fact that the law enforcement officer on the street will not have immediate access to such a list. At best, the officer would not know that the motorcyclist's helmet meets FMVSS No. 218 until after the motorcyclist has been deprived of his or her liberty by being detained and subjected to an inspection of their helmet. At worst, the fact that the motorcyclist's helmet meets the standard would not come to light until after the motorcyclist was forced to come to court.

Finally, the labeling requirement of FMVSS No. 218 will not prevent the types of problems we fear the proposed amendments bring. NHTSA has not fully taken into consideration the very nature of motorcycle helmet enforcement in the United States. Such enforcement is not done federally; it is done at the state and local level according to state laws, which may or may not have adopted FMVSS No. 218— not every state has adopted the federal safety standard. Many that have done so have also adopted alternative safety standards, while others require only that a helmet meet the performance requirements set out in FMVSS No. 218 and not the labeling requirements. Finally, the proposed amendments do not address the ongoing problem created by the fact that manufacturers will continue to self-certify. The mere fact that a motorcycle helmet carries a label certifying that it meets FMVSS No. 218 does not mean that it actually does.

The Motorcycle Riders Foundation believes that motorcycle helmet enforcement is a state issue and not a federal issue. This is evidenced by the fact that motorcycle helmet laws vary greatly from state to state. If a particular state is having an issue enforcing its own motorcycle helmet law, that problem is best addressed by that state's elected officials. It does not make sense to address the enforcement of a state statute on the federal level, but that is what the proposed amendments to FMVSS NO. 218 attempt to do.

The Motorcycle Riders Foundation urges all riders and rider organizations to comment upon this proposal and to point out the legitimate concerns raised by it. You may submit comments to the proposal by any of the following methods:

You may utilize the Federal e-Rulemaking Portal:

Go to Follow the online instructions for submitting comments.

You may mail comments to the Docket Management Facility:

MASTERLINK JULY 2015 U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., West Building Ground Floor, Room W12-140, Washington, DC 20590-0001. You may also fax comments to the Docket Management Facility:

U.S. Department of Transportation at (202) 493-2251

When submitting comments, make sure to reference Docket No. NHTSA–2015–0045. If you wish to view the entire proposal you may do so at the following link: ============================

Washington Weekly Updates June 10, 2015

From Jeff Hennie Motorcycle Rider Foundation, Vice President Government Relations and Public Affairs It’s been a busy week for motorcycle freedoms in the Nation’s Capitol, what with the 2016 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development (THUD) appropriations bill on the house floor. THUD is one of the “must pass” spending bills that Congress must pass each year in order to keep the federal government chugging along. Because of this, the bill is often laden with extras that would not ordinarily pass on their own. You may remember last June when this same bill had a provision that would allow the Department of Transportation (US DOT) to contact individual states and lobby for regulatory changes at the state level that the given state may or may not desire.

In 1998, the transportation bill (TEA-21) contained a provision that made it illegal for anyone from the US DOT to lobby any state or local government for any reason. Since that time, the US DOT has tried over and over again to defeat the ban. Last year there was as an amendment to the spending bill that attempted to strike down that provision, and almost one year to the day later, the same amendment was again included in this year’s spending bill.

Thanks to the hard work from some of the most dependable members of Congress, we were able to strike the amendment again. No doubt you have by now seen the release, but in case not, we owe a debt of gratitude to Congressmen Tim Walberg, Jim Sensenbrenner and Reid Ribble who all really went to the mat for us once again. Their amendment to strike the language was put to a full floor vote, and we won! I am always a little shocked at how partisan appropriations bills become. One of the main reasons this amendment received any opposition was because of party line voting. One chairman likes something, so his party votes for it; another chairman doesn’t like something, so his party then votes against it. It has nothing to do with the merit of the legislation—it’s just party politics, and all parties do it.

The DOT lobby ban is about so much more than motorcycles. It may have started as a helmet law issue, but just think about how many other freedoms have been preserved along the way. Keeping the US DOT out of your state capitol has unknowingly saved countless freedoms. We cannot even know what might of been had the US DOT not been banished from state legislatures. I think motorcyclists have made America a country with

MASTERLINK JULY 2015 more freedom, so pat yourself and your fellow politically minded motorcyclists on the back.

Note: Last week the wrap-up mentioned the number of barrels of ethanol as millions: it should have read billions. Also, we put forth a theory that the EPA regulation could result in less ethanol in gasoline: that theory has been disproven.

Some interesting reading:

Countdown: Highway bill funding expires in 50 days. Presidential election is in 516 days. ===========================

Washington Weekly Updates June 15, 2015

From Jeff Hennie Motorcycle Riders Foundation, Vice President Government Relations and Public Affairs Amendments to FMVSS 218

The Motorcycle Riders Foundation submitted its official comments to the proposed amendments to FMVSS 218 regarding motorcycle helmets, and you should too. The proposed amendments would fundamentally change the definition of a DOT-approved helmet by moving away from a performance standard and instead using construction standards that would federally mandate the thickness of the hel-

“It will make sure that those who are riding motorcycles are qualified and know enough about motorcycle safety,” said Rep. Phillip Pettus, RGreenhill. Alabama is the only state that doesn’t require a specific motorcycle license. Pettus’ House Bill 212 now goes to the governor for his signature. Currently, only motorcyclists age 14 and 15 have to take a written test and get the M classification. Those older than that may get the classification, but don’t have to. Motorcyclists who already have the M classification will be grandfathered in. The law will

News from the MRF (continued)

met liner and any energy absorbing materials.

Here’s how the changes would work: The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) wants to add a new component to the definition of a helmet based on lining thickness. NHTSA has determined that 25mm (about one inch) is the bare minimum thickness of a helmet that could possibly meet the federal definition of a motorcycle helmet as defined by FMVSS 218. If a helmet cannot meet this new thickness requirement (as would be the case with novelty helmets), then you will be treated as if you have no helmet on at all in a universal helmet law state.

This proposed amendment would essentially make a helmet that was too thin illegal, thus putting you in front of a judge for essentially not wearing a helmet at all. Additionally, the amendment would give law enforcement the ability to ticket anyone wearing a novelty helmet in a universal helmet law state. This proposed change is coming directly from law enforcement. According to NHTSA, they have been contacted by law enforcement officials from a few states citing that novelty helmets are a problem and that they need to be addressed. Because of the costly nature of testing helmets on the side of the road, law enforcement does not pull over noveltyhelmeted riders and test the headgear. Instead, the police want an easy way to ticket and enforce helmet laws. This proposed change could result in law enforcement pulling people over just to measure a helmet, even when there’s been

no infraction of any motor vehicle law.

There’s another problem: NHTSA’s proposed change stymies innovation. What happens when helmet manufacturers develop a new energy absorbing material that is thinner than the proposed mandated thickness but still works just as well? Where is the motivation for motorcycle helmet designers and manufactures to continue to use modern technology to develop better and lighter materials? It was not that long ago that carbon fiber technology was so expensive that it was cost-prohibitive to use; now it’s everywhere. These proposed amendments stymie the creative process that is invaluable when coming up with new ideas. What can we do about this proposed rule? Comment. Get your kids to comment, your mother-in-law, your doctors, your elected officials—anyone who will listen to reason. The proposed rule currently has a ridiculously low number of comments submitted, and we should take this opportunity to flood the list with positive comments against the proposed amendments.

Your comments count. They don’t have to be poetry or a doctoral thesis. Just let them know how you feel. Please keep the comments clean and please do not cut and paste other comments and use them as your own, as those sorts of things will result in your comment being removed from the pool.

This statement is from the regulatory website: “Note: Agencies review all submissions, however some agencies may choose to redact, or withhold, certain submissions

News from the Net (continued)

become effective Jan. 1. Law enforcement will then be able to issue tickets to motorcyclists who don’t have the M classification. The bill also allows drivers to complete a safety course instead of the written test. There’s a $5 fee for the written test. ===========================

Free To Ride Again

Mitchell, S.D. resident Glen Shoemaker turned 50 in 2009 in a hospital bed. On his birthday, doctors told him that, as a result of a botched back surgery he had recently undergone and ensuing infection, he was paralyzed. Not long after, Shoemaker

became a double-leg amputee, leaving him confined to a motorized wheelchair. Six years later, Shoemaker, 56, has found a way to push the boundaries and once again drive a motorcycle.

On Wednesday, Shoemaker was fitted with a motorcycle customized specifically for his condition at Sabers Victory Motorcycles in Mitchell. Thursday, Shoemaker took his motorcycle on its maiden voyage. ===========================

CHP Crackdown Planned For Motorcycle Violations

PAGE 19 (or portions thereof) such as those containing private or proprietary information, inappropriate language, or duplicate/near duplicate examples of a mass-mail campaign.” Please visit:!documentDe tail;D=NHTSA-2015-0045-0001to leave a comment, or you can go to www.regualtions.govand search for "motorcycle" and it will be the first link to come up. Deadline is July 20th, 2015 so get your comments in well before then. If you are sitting at your computer or tablet, why not do it right now? Obamatrade

It has been a wild ride in Washington this week. A trade bill known as “Fast Track” or “Obamatrade,” which would grant Obama the power to negotiate trade deals with Pacific Rim countries without the approval of Congress, was defeated in the House in a rare Friday vote. Its defeat is a bit of a shock because of the unlikely allies aggressively pushing for passage. The bill is widely supported by House Republicans and President Obama, but it’s vilified by House Democrats because it would scrap a program that provides financial assistance to union workers who lose their jobs due to international trade. President Obama made a visit to Capitol Hill to lobby Democrats who were going to vote no on the trade measure. (A Hill visit by a president is the ultimate in presidential lobbying.) Politics do have strange bedfellows, but it doesn't get much stranger than this.

Starting in May, the California Highway Patrol plans to crack down on all motorcycle violations in an effort to reduce fatal and injury crashes. The increased enforcement will focus on the Pacific Coast Highway and run through Sunday, officials said. Officers will be on the lookout for motorcycle violations and auto motorists impeding motorcyclists. The CHP Coastal Division also plans to hold future enforcement events to increase awareness of motorcycle safety and sharing the road with motorcyclists.





House Roster

Senate Roster


Rider Ed Courses in AZ

Locations Zip County Email Phone Site Website City Motorcycle Rider PHOENIX 85012 MARICOPA Click Here (623) 979-1839 View Training RIDE SMART M/C PHOENIX 85023 MARICOPA Click Here (623) 877-5425 View TRAINING T.E.A.M. Arizona GILBERT 85233 MARICOPA Click Here (480) 998-9888 View Chandler/Gilbert GILBERT PUBLIC View GILBERT 85234 MARICOPA (480) 894-0404 SCHOOLS (PARKING LOT) T.E.A.M. Arizona View SCOTTSDALE 85260 MARICOPA Click Here (480) 998-9888 Scottsdale CHANDLER View TEMPE 85283 MARICOPA (480) 496-6800 HARLEYDAVIDSON T.E.A.M. Arizona View GLENDALE 85302 MARICOPA Click Here (623) 939-9888 Glendale DEER VALLEY View GLENDALE 85308 MARICOPA (623) 247-5542 HIGH SCHOOL LUKE AIR FORCE LUKE AFB 85309 MARICOPA (623) 975-6264 BASE Motorcycle Rider PEORIA 85345 MARICOPA Click Here (623) 979-1839 View Training VEHICLE SAFETY View YUMA 85367 YUMA Click Here (928) 376-7489 INSTITUE T.E.A.M. Arizona FT 85613 COCHISE Click Here (520) 733-9888 View HUACHUCA Sierra Vista Pima Community View TUCSON 85707 PIMA (520) 206-3981 College T.E.A.M. Arizona View TUCSON 85714 PIMA Click Here (520) 733-9888 Tucson RIDE NAZ -View BELLEMONT 86015 COCONINO (928) 443-0111 FLAGSTAFF Ride Northern PRESCOTT 86301 YAVAPAI Click Here (928) 443-0111 View Arizona - Prescott T.E.A.M. Arizona View PRESCOTT 86301 YAVAPAI Click Here (928) 771-2500 Prescott MOHAVE View KINGMAN 86401 MOHAVE (928) 757-0825 COMMUNITY COLLEGE MOHAVE LAKE View (928) 505-3321 COMMUNITY HAVASU 86403 MOHAVE COLLEGE CITY MOHAVE JB'S 86440 MOHAVE Click Here (866) 668-6462 View VALLEY RESTAURANT

ATTENTION - ALL RIDERS: =======================

It has come to our attention that business establishments in Arizona may still be discriminating against motorcyclists. Please carry copies of this form with you at all times. Discrimination can range from a sign stating "No Colors" or "No Motorcycle Parking" or "No Motorcycle Attire" etc., to simply being asked to leave a place of business, just because you are on a motorcycle or because of your riding apparel. If anything like this happens to you, PLEASE fill out this form in its entirety and send it to the address noted. Your lobbyists cannot get sponsorship for "equal access" legislation, without evidence of this type of discrimination. Documentation of Discrimination DATE: ______________

Business Phone _______________

NAME OF ESTABLISHMENT: __________________________________ BUSINESS PHONE (with area code): __________________________________ BUSINESS - FULL ADDRESS: ___________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ NAME / POSITION OF PERSON ENFORCING POLICY: ________________ ________________________________________________________ WRITTEN STATEMENT OF DISCRIMINATION (use back if needed): _____ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ YOUR NAME (please print): ______________________________________ YOUR PHONE (with area code): __________________________________ YOUR SIGNATURE: ____________________________________________ *** INCLUDE ANY PICTURES OF DISCRIMINATING SIGNS POSTED *** Mail To: Ray Fitzgerald 1634 West Pine Cone Way Prescott, Arizona 86303


Important Phone Numbers

Aid to Injured Motorcyclists - A.I.M. - (800) 521-2425 24-Hr. Legal Assistance for all accidents

Aid to Incarcerated Motorcyclists A.I.M. - (800) 235-2424 24-Hr. Legal Criminal Defense National Legislative Hot Line - (800) 300-NCOM 24-Hr. Motorcycle Legislative Alerts

National Coalition of Motorcyclists NCOM- (800) 525-5355 Fighting for Bikers Rights Confederation of Clubs. - (800) 531-2424 Motorcycle Clubs Fighting Against Discrimination Motorcycle Riders Foundation Washington D.C. Office (202) 546-0983

MASTERLINK JULY 2015 A Young Activist is a person between the age of 18 and 30 who has expressed an interest in, and devoted some time to, their chosen passion. For purposes of this publication, motorcycle rights. Why do I ask what a Young Activist is? Because the Motorcycle Riders Foundation Awareness and Education (MRFAE) is looking for a few. Why are we looking? So we can award one or more Young Activist Scholarships (YAS) for this year’s Meeting of the Minds.

In addition to the age requirement mentioned above the successful candidate for this Scholarship also needs to be nominated by a State Motorcycle Rights Organization. The young person must be a member of that organization and have a valid motorcycle endorsement.

The nominee must also submit minimum three hundred (300)-word essay


What is a Young Activist?

on why biker's rights are important to them. A well written essay from the heart is like a picture or blueprint of

After all the work what does the winning nominee(s) receive? One-year membership to the

who the candidate is; coming directly from the candidate, this gives the committee members a better perspective of the individual.

Motorcycle Riders Foundation, effective the first full day of the Meeting of the Minds during the year of award.

TBFS Special Motorhome for sale. 1981 Dodge Sportsman, C Class, 22', sleeps 6 440 cu. in. fresh top end, good gas mileage everything works, 86000 miles, $3500 call Jerry D. 602-459-4302


My bike is one of the only STAMPED limited edition bikes that Harley ever made. There were 2800 made. It is a 1993 celebrating their 90th year. Some facts and features: Odometer reading 10,543. 5.1 gallon gas tank and is a softail, ported heads, oversized pistons, adjustable lifters, Andrews E-27 low duration cam, converted to SINGLE FIRE ignition, S & S Carb, Deluxe Saddleman saddle, New HD Battery, Almost new wide whitewall tires. This Harley is a 'head turner.' Loaded with performance extras: ported heads, oversized oistons, Andreqs 27 high torque cam. Fishtail dual exhaust. LOUD and FAST.. PLUS new battery, brakes and wide whitewall tires. Under 11,000 miles. First $11,759 drives her home .

Call Jim at 480-600-9449

Your Classified Ad

could be here... It’s Free to ABATE Members. submit your ad online at 2004 Waltz Hardcore special constructed soft tail Custom Chopper, Vin # AZ262741, Vehicle is garage kept, and customized. Chopper has a 145 Horse Power TP polished Engine, a 3" Primary and 6 speed Transmission. The Vehicle is built on a Waltz Hardcore Soft Tail Frame. All sheet metal work, paint job is Custom. Custom Chrome wheels and brand new Tires. All Mechanical components are in good working order. Engine runs awesome. Has less than 4000 miles. This baby is worth way more than I'm asking! Just need money now! Waltz Hardcore Frame $6,500, TP 124" Cubic Inch Polished Engine $7,500 3" Open Primary and 6 speed Transmission $3,000, Custom Sheet metal Work $3,000 Custom Paint $3,000, Wheels & Tires $2,500, Progressive Airtail Suspension, Brakes, Starter, Charging System, $4,000, Labor $4,500 Asking $18,999 obo, For more information call or text @ (480) 385-8947


I have your year Softail-- 1984.1 owner, 1st yr. Softail, 1st yr. Evolution Kick and electric start PLUS all orginal parts. $9,500 Call 970-420-6675

One-Piece DayTripper motorcycle seat

New - never used - In box Retails for $359 model 76189 fits Honda VT 750 Spirit 2001-2006 & VT 750DC 2007-2009. The detailed stitch work in the highly durable, synthetic glove-leather makes the DayTripper a show winner. $150.00 Call Bob @ 602-463-0544

AzTech Flatbed Trailer (Car/ATV Hauler) $2200 obo 2008 STS Cadillac for sale, 23K miles $28,000 obo Call 928-718-6296 Cell 928-716-7289

Round-trip airfare to the MRF's Meeting of the Minds conference. Hotel accommodations at the Meeting of the Minds conference. Accommodations will include the hotel room only. Telephone, food, movie rentals, etc. will be the sole responsibility of winning candidates. Meeting of the Minds conference registration and banquet fees waived. Special recognition at the MRF's Meeting of the Minds conference. Said recognition will include a plaque, presentation of one-year membership, and other items or activities as approved by the MRFA&E Board of Directors. What is the time frame? All applications must be submitted along with a Young Activist Scholarship Fund Nomination Form no later than July 15. You can find the form at or

Submitted by Carol Downs, Treasurer, MRFAE

2009 HD Sportster 1200 Low style.

like new with 5000 miles, kept in AC garage, Stage 1 kit with Vance and Hines shorties, forward foot controls, all service down by Chester's in Mesa. Limited HD factory root beer brown color. $8750 obo. call or text 480-338-1965 in Gilbert AZ. For pictures email to; 1997 Kawasaki Vulcan Classic

Super nice 800cc V-twin cruiser. brand new black cherry paint. 43K miles, Lowered 1-1/2 inches in the rear, K&N air intake kit, Vance & Hines Straightshot exhaust, very loud, jetted for such performance upgrades, 60 HP and 50LBS torque, lots of tread left on Metzler tires, lots of chrome, custom headlight, drag bars and custom forward controls, no leaks, Also includes bike cover, windshield and mounting hardware, service manual, extra saddlebag, lots of extra parts, one half-helmet, Has won first place in six bike shows and trophies are included.. $3000. 602.367.9524

FINALLY!! A motorcycle themed paperback book for the young reader. The Adventures of Olive Pearl and Hammy Davidson features Olive Pearl; a green and black motorcycle and Hamrietta (Hammy) Davidson her stuffed piggy passenger. They experience the joy of motorcycling on a 1700-mile road trip to meet new people, see new things, and learn life lessons along the way. Their adventures are wrapped inside the love story of husband and wife characters, “The Man” and “The Lady”. Sprinkled throughout with pictures, social observations, and humor, adults will also enjoy reading this story to younger children and are sure to get a laugh or two themselves. Get more info and place an order at: Let’s Ride!!

2000 HD Custom (623) 374-5510 $15K OBO Motorcycle Hearse

COPD diagnosis forces SALE! $50,000.00 visit this website to view complete set of equipment. Equipment included: 1999 Harley Davidson Road King Trike (6045 miles) modified with reverse gear & fifth wheel hitch, detachable 18th Century styled Hearse Carriage, full size casket with full cover flag, cherry wood Urn Ark with panoramic glass & folding stand, Encased Memorial Flag, 2007 22ft. flatbed transportation trailer with winds/bug shield, Honor Flags, pre-printed magnetic Carriage name plates & misc office supplies. Call Bill or Phyllis 623-386-8281

2006 H-D Dyna Street Bob 11,000 miles, $22,000 invested, selling for $16,000. Contact Pete @ (602) 315-6950 FOR SALE:

2008 Harley Davidson Road Glide- 6,240 miles-lowering kit-travel packageAM/FM/WB/CD- 6 speed-Dark Blue Pearl-Corbin Solo and Stock Seat- asking $17,000. e-mail serious inquiries to:

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