June 2013
A publication supporting the rights, safety and freedom of all motorcyclists through education and legislation
Nonprofit Org US Postage Paid Permit #1662 Phoenix, AZ
ncom 2013
Photo courtesy of Johnny D
ABATE of AZ. 7509 N. 12th St, #200 Phoenix, AZ 85020
Unity and Inclusive Cooperation with Coalitions, Confederations, ABATEs, MMA, (SMROs) and Independents Working Together was the Theme at NCOM 2013
The National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM) Conference 2013 this year in Reno, NV had a very different “air” about it. Early on you were hearing it stated over and over again and sometimes in different words. Words like “all working together”, “bridging the relationships”, “Independents and Clubs being unified” and “opening the door to SMROs into Coalitions or Confederations” had many old timers stopping in their tracks. Also, many times the BOD of NCOM mentioned the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) in comments to move on from the past issues and facilitate a current relationship with them too. AMA was also included in the discussions. It really was about “everyone letting go of the past and starting new relationships that could be helpful to all for the future of our motorcycling community. In order to make change and get more tasks accomplished we must all work togeth-
er to establish relationships and bridge the gap between Clubs and Independents within the motorcycling community in each state. Most of these conversations were started after listening to the success story of Washington State and their journey in passing the first Anti-Profiling Bill into law about 2 years ago. “It was a long and many times frustrating task, but will worth it” was the comment Double D stated at the end of his presentation.
From the first Board Meeting of NCOM, each Board member discussed what was going on in their respective state. It was shared to the group that working together with ALL the motorcycling community was bringing about more support and inclusion when legislation or decisions were being made. The collaboration with SMROs and other groups within each state was encouraged by the NCOM BOD. The Coalitions and Confederations were seeing more getting done and less division within their state when reaching out to key individuals that were involved with their SMROs.
In fact, when Double D of the Outsiders MC stood up and talked about
Washington State’s Anti-Profiling Bill in his presentation, the FIRST task he gave to all of us was “Unity in the whole Community”. This could and would be accomplished by building the bridges into each entity that was involved with the motorcycling community within each state. He talked about everyone being a part of the process with each organization or group taking their community and assisting with grass root efforts in getting the word out when needed. The US Defender Program is the best way to do this efficiently and effectively. As the momentum was going forward, it was proven that this process worked well for Washington State. So, as the days went on for the NCOM Conference, you could hear it over and over how well most states were “getting along” and using this unity and inclusion process to broaden the amount of participation and successfully getting results that were positive and favorable for the whole motorcycling
continued page 14
Mission Statement
We will lobby and educate the government and the general public to promote
motorcycling in a safe and positive image. We will endeavor to enlist the cooperation and participation of all organizations and individuals who share
a similar interest in preserving our American tradition of
We will involve ourselves in fund raising to achieve our goal.
President’s Report
April 30, 2013
BOD Teleconference Meeting Minutes
Officers: Chair - Eric Hampton, East Valley Redbone Schneider, High Country Billy Hensler, Phoenix - Shadow Mtn Eric Hampton, So. Arizona - Sean Pinder, Yavapai - Still Ray Fitzgerald, Yuma – Rick Breadwell Guests: Kat Grover, Authorized Lobbyist, Deb Buttita, Authorized Lobbyist, Casey Yates, State Secretary Meeting called to order:
1.We will be discussing purchase of 10,000 bandanas The cost of 10,000 bandanas with shipping $12735.00 *Motion made to purchase bandanas by: Stillray Fitzgerald, 2nd: Billy Hensler All in favor: YES *Eric Hampton to contact Mike @ Square Pegs to confirm order. 2. Executive session: all BOD members were unanimous in support of item. Exit executive session.
The purpose of this special teleconference:
Motion to adjourn: Redbone Schneider 2nd: Billy Hensler Time: 7:48pm
May 2013 Presidents Report
Note; Not every NPO or non-profit organization is chartable like the ARA. We are actually tax deductable & chartable. Supporting other NPO’S such as the MRF and others proves we (ARA) believe as our forefathers do. And upon that we built a 21st century cutting edge corporation that is a one of a kind. A corporation that could cut the existing AZ. costs for MSF training almost in half and pledge to do that again with in 5-7 years! Unheard of, until now. The average costs in AZ. to take a MSF course, and receive your motorcycle endorsement averages from $280.00-380.00 dollars.
ABATE’s Rider Advantage
Good Day,
Hello Brothers and Sisters,
As you all know it’s heating up so let’s not forget to stay hydrated. For each adult beverage you need to drink at least one 12 ounce (or more) glass of water. Remember, when drinking that nice cold adult beverage that alcohol will dehydrate you faster than if you are not drinking alcohol.
Too Broke for Sturgis is just around the corner, July 25 – 28 this year. It will be held again in Northern Arizona at beautiful Mormon Lake. The highs are in the mid 80’s and cool down to the low 70’s at night. Perfect weather, so if you live in the Phoenix metro area take a short ride or drive and come join us for this years “Old Fashion Bike” event.
Insurance…do you have sufficient coverage? I can’t remember a week going by that I haven’t heard of a motorcycle accident in the valley, sometimes several accidents a day. I often wonder if the rider and passenger have sufficient insurance. Many people who operate various vehicles are under insured or don’t have sufficient coverage to protect themselves much less an injured party in their vehicle or the other vehicle(s). How about the people who operate vehicles without any insurance?
If you are involved in an accident with someone who is underinsured hopefully you have taken the proper steps to protect yourself with sufficient insurance against the under insured and no insurance driver.
Talk to your insurance agent about what is the right amount of insurance that you need to protect yourself financially, so you don’t lose everything you have. What would happen to you and your family “if” you were involved in a serious accident and it wasn’t your fault? Does your employer give you sick days if you are injured and can’t work? What would happen to your income while you’re unable to work? Do you have medical insurance through your
employer? If you don’t, who will pay for the thousands of dollars in medical bills? The ambulance transport may run over a thousand dollars alone. Hospital emergency room, cat scans, specialists, intensive care stay, regular room charges and on and on. We haven’t even addressed re-habilitation care and costs. If you own your home and don’t have sufficient insurance you could lose everything financially.
The only way to ensure that you and your loved ones are protected is to have adequate coverage, because the accident you have not yet been involved in, maybe with a driver who is underinsured or has no insurance at all.
What if you are involved in an accident and it’s proven to be your fault? Other than you getting the traffic ticket, not much would change. Now it would be the other party that would be looking to your insurance to protect them financially. I have heard others say I only have what the law requires because insurance is too expensive. In the big picture it’s not that expensive, compared to what you and your family could lose if you don’t have adequate coverage.
In the blink of an eye your entire life and the life of your family can change without proper insurance coverage. So what does it cost? What can you afford? Talk to your insurance agent. Something no one can afford to be without is sufficient insurance coverage when an emergency strikes. Until next month;
Remember Democracy begins with you, and Democracy only works when you get involved. Drive now text later, you can’t do both, NOTHING is that important!
Tim O’Reilly ABATE of Arizona State President
First I would like to congratulate Mr. Jimmy Page and welcome him to the ARA Board of Directors. Jimmy brings so very much to the ARA, from being a past ABATE of Arizona State President to the many other positions such as State PAC Officer he has held over his many, many years of dedication. I think he (Jimmy) has successfully achieved more than most could ever truly recognize! A true Freedom Fighter and by nature a perfectionist, Welcome to the ARA, welcome home…
I have to stop and realize that not everyone is aware of the ARA or even what it is about? The ARA is ABATE’S Rider Advantage, we are a prototype, a first of it’s kind to be developed here in Arizona.
ABATE of Arizona had the wisdom a few years back to reach out across our state and assemble a half-dozen strong willed freedom fighter’s, a very formidable 6-pack. Our sole intent was to develop a Non-Profit Corporation to address the ever growing concerns of how we could bring action to Arizona in regards to motorcycle training.
No one could have predicted a 40% AZ. Department of Safety’s estimate of unlicensed motorcyclists in 2013, but ABATE of AZ. had the insight and wisdom to create a viable contingency (ARA) to validate their growing suspicions!
How to Reach Us
480-256-9237 For Advertising Rates Email Eric at themasterlink@abateofaz.org Or Mail Your Ads to: MasterLink, ABATE of Arizona 7509 N. 12th St, #200 Phoenix, AZ, 85020 MasterLink Advertising Rates:
Size Monthly Quarterly Yearly Business Card Size (3-1/2”w x 2”h): $20.00 $60.00 $200.00 1/8 Page (5-1/8”w x 4”h)
$50.00 $150.00 $500.00 1/4 Page (5-1/2”w x 8”h) $70.00 $210.00 $700.00 1/2 Page (10-1/4”w x 8”h) $100.00 $300.00 $1,000.00 Full Page (10-1/4”w x 16”h) $200.00 $600.00 $2,000.00 Full Color Back Page (10-1/4”w x 16”h) $400.00 $950.00 $3,300.00
We do believe these costs do directly and indirectly attribute to the 40% DPS report.
The A.R.A. is mechanically designed to have a 1 year payback on the bikes and additionally, a second year payback of all start up loans completely. The third year we can actually fund another site. Our projected costs to teach & administer the same MSF training courses are about $150.00 that will begin in September 2013 in Phoenix, AZ.
Proudly the one of the things I would like to say is; that Charity Stuart was the cause and effect of our first track & home with The 161st Air Refueling Wing. The historical significance of the military supporting its civilians at home is this way is unprecedented. We are already writing the motorcycle history annals in Arizona with this type of support and commitment. So the next time you see, or your invited to an ARA event. Know that all profits are recycled in to educating the estimated 43,000+ unlicensed motorcyclists here in AZ.
I know there are many great causes to support, rides that have become commercialized and they do help others. But how many events actually help or contribute to AZ motorcyclists? I tell you a very, very few, sadly enough. Think of this the next time you decide to saddle up and ride for a purpose or cause. Mav
Q. Our Chapter is having an event that supports a local charity. We play music over our sound system with an iPod. Do we really need a license to play music we already paid to download? And what if we don’t pay?
A. If you play music publicly, you have to pay for songs that are in the registry of outfits that are watching for those that play and don’t pay. The largest of these groups are BMI, SESAC and ASCAP. I have dealt with these outfits and they are not fun. Their job is to catch folks like you playing music of their clients. They are like bounty hunters and I suspect they get paid per scalp. If you do not get a license to play the registered songs and if you do not get caught - no problem (that comment ignores the ethical issue of a rights organization). Kind of like the IRS, as long as you don’t get caught cheating on your taxes, you can get by with it. But that is not the way our country works. We are voluntary compliance kind of folks in this country and that is the way it should be with compensating those who have valid rights for the use of their music. Problem is many do not know that a high school marching band, an aerobics class playing music, a bar playing Elvis and Roy Orbison songs and a do gooder organization all need a license to play registered songs in a commercial environment. Bear in mind that some songs are not registered, but you probably would not want to play those anyway, unless your crowd is a huge fan of John Phillips Sousa and maybe Roy Rogers or that other singing cowboy. You get the idea.
What if happens if you don’t pay? They can throw the book at you and get big bucks in the form of fines and damages. To avoid big fine city, you will need to buy a license to play music at your chapter commercial events. If you are having folks over to your home for a barbeque no problem and no license required. The cost for a license for your chapter event depends on several factors i.e. number of
NCOM BIKER NEWSBYTES Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish, National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM)
NCOM CONVENTION HITS JACKPOT IN RENO Freedom is an ongoing gamble, with bikers’ rights activists wagering to win against an often stacked deck, always in favor of the House, but everyone came away a winner at this year’s 28th annual NCOM Convention over Mother’s Day weekend, May 9-12, 2013 at the posh Silver Legacy Resort-Casino in Reno, Nevada.
But it was work, not play, on the agenda for hundreds of attendees from across the country there to discuss topics of concern to all riders; such as biker profiling and discrimination, motorcycleonly roadblocks, knowing your rights, and mobilizing motorcyclists to advocate motorcycle-friendly legislation and defeat anti-biking bills.
The traditional “Ringing of the Bell” ceremony paid homage to those freedom fighters who have gone before us, while
Ask Our Lawyer
songs, number of people attending etc. Check out the website for BMI and ASCAP. The site and explanations for what you need are very straightforward and easy to use. Spread the word on this as motorcycle rights organizations such as ours need to set the example. If you have more questions call me.
Q. Hi , We are having a discussion about event waiver forms, some people like the waivers with room for multiple signatures, others prefer the one page one name release that is available on the state website, just wondering what your thoughts are on this issue. Thanks for your time Wayne Carlson, President, Blackhawk Chapter, A.B.A.T.E.of Il.
A. Your question is a good one. I understand the need to save time, paper and energy by using a waiver form that has multiple signatures. But that is the wrong thing to do. Each waiver that we receive is a legal document that eliminates the very important legal right of someone to sue us for our negligence. This document should not be taken lightly. As I have said many times before, the courts are looking for excuses not to enforce waiver of legal rights.
One of the rules that the courts use is the one that requires a waiver is be clear and unambiguous. If the waiver is unclear as a matter of law, the court will hold the waiver be unenforceable as a matter of law. If the court finds the waiver and intent of the waiver ambiguous, it may require a jury (trier of fact) to decide if a waiver was knowingly given. I can hear a severely injured person saying, “ I did not know the paper I signed was a waiver - I thought it was a sign up sheet.” When you are a member of a jury and the person saying the above lost some body parts because of something we screwed up, you guess which way a jury will go. My bet is that it will usually not be good. So why not do the waivers correctly and with the respect that a legal document waiving fundamental rights deserves? I say scratch the gang signatures and go
with a sure fire winner. Ride Safe. Rod.
What a great day on the Circle in Indianapolis to celebrate motorcycle awareness. The heart of Indy was closed down for only motorcycles. And to put matters in perspective, the home of U.S. presidents when visiting Indy, the Columbia Club, displayed the ABATE Motorcycle Awareness Banner from their building. It was a proud first for them and us.
A: First, let’s define our terms. A radar detector simply alerts you when a radar signal is detected. An active radar jammer sends out its own radar pulses to defeat a radar detector. A lidar or laser jammer emits a light noise signal that confuses the laser gun.
Here is the story of a friend that rode with a group of us at poker runs, charity rides and the like. He was a single guy, never married and no children. His parents were dead and he was an only child (or so he thought). The most dear and only relative he had was an aunt. She was wonderful to him - just like a mother and he was like a son to her. With her, he spent Christmas and the other holidays. Sunday dinner was a must, and when he died she was to get all of his stuff. He was smart and had reviewed the law on who inherits possessions when you die. Most states provide that if you have only an aunt, she will inherit your property without having a will. His father married and divorced numerous times. Unbeknownst to him, his father was married briefly to wife #3 and had adopted that woman’s daughter. This means that he had a sister whom he had never known existed. Sadly, my friend was killed on his motorcycle.
I knew his wishes. He wanted his hard earned stuff would go to his beloved aunt. She needed and deserved his house, car, cash, retirement funds and things. Guess what? That thinking was wrong. His (adopted) half sister inherited all of his possessions and his aunt got nothing under the law. Now he is rolling over in his grave. “What was her name - again?”
Coast to Coast
for the first time a Veterans’ Rights seminar was conducted by NCOM’s newlyformed Veteran Affairs Special Committee in an effort to reach out to true defenders of Freedom.
The National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM) is solely sponsored by the Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) nationwide legal services program and serves as an umbrella organization for more than 2,000 NCOM Member clubs, organizations and associations worldwide, representing well over a quarter of a million politically active motorcyclists. NCOM has successfully outreached to numerous segments of the motorcycling community in an effort to unite for our rights, both legal and legislatively, and has become a unifying voice amongst North America’s motorcycle rights organizations (MROs), motorcycle clubs, women riders, religious riding organizations, touring groups, trikers, sportbikers, and minority motorcyclists.
This year’s NCOM Convention was hosted by the Northern Nevada Confederation of Clubs, and all motorcyclists were welcomed and encouraged to
participate in the many meetings, seminars and group discussions that focused on legislative efforts and litigation techniques to protect our riders’ rights and preserve Freedom of the Road.
During the Silver Spoke Awards Banquet on Saturday evening, several honorees were recognized for their contributions to “Improving The Image of Motorcycling”, including; GOVERNMENT: Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker; MEDIA: Becky Cakes – Classic Parts Hotline; COMMERCE: Chris McIntyre – Eagle Rider Motorcycle Rentals; LEGAL: Boyd Spencer – AIM Attorney for Pennsylvania & New Jersey; ENTERTAINMENT: Max “Pitstop” Martini – Actor/Boozefighters MC; SPECIAL RECOGNITION: Christine Paige – Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame, and Suzanne “Baglady Sue” Austin – Comedian; and NCOM’s highest honor, the Ron Roloff Lifetime Achievement Award, was presented to Frank Ernst of ABATE of Minnesota and a member of the NCOM Board of Directors. Next year’s 29th Annual NCOM
Q: I have a radar detector mounted on my bike, and I ride through Ohio, Indiana and Illinois a lot. A friend told me that they were illegal. I know that jammers are illegal, but I thought that detectors were ok. What’s the situation?
In general, radar detectors are legal across the US, with the exception of Virginia, Washington DC, and on military bases. In Canada, the only three provinces that allow the use of radar detectors are Alberta, British Columbia and Saskatchewan. However, radar detectors are illegal in all commercial vehicles weighing more than 10,000 pounds anywhere in the US. Radar jammers are legal throughout the US. Lidar jammers are legal in most states, except for Nebraska, Minnesota, Utah, California, Oklahoma, Virginia, Colorado, Illinois and Washington, D.C. So watch out in Illinois with your lidar jammer, but its clear riding in Ohio and Indiana. Ride Safe and Free, Rod Taylor ABATE Legal Services
All questions from ABATE members are answered confidentially unless otherwise authorized and only after the matter is concluded, except when authorization for publication anonymously or otherwise is given for pending matters. Remember, injured ABATE members pay only 28 ½% of total recovery and expenses as approved by client, consistent with and conforming to applicable state law. Elsewhere, you may pay 33 ⅓%, 40% or even 50% of your recovery. ABATE members are not charged for recovery of damage to your motorcycle, and have access to a 24-hour toll-free telephone number. Call us at (800) 25-RIDER. Questions? Submit them to RodTaylor@abatelegalcom. © 2013
Convention will be held May 8-11, 2014 at The Intercontinental Hotel in Dallas, Texas. For further information, contact NCOM at (800) ON-A-BIKE or visit www.ON-A-BIKE.com.
“STOP MOTORCYCLE CHECKPOINT FUNDING ACT” INTRODUCED IN CONGRESS Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI) has introduced “a bill to prohibit the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) from providing funds to state and local authorities for the purpose of creating motorcycle only checkpoints.” Filed on May 7, the Stop Motorcycle Checkpoint Funding Act, H.R. 1861, “also contains language to force the DOT to focus motorcycle safety efforts on crash prevention programs, not national helmet mandates,” according to Rep. Sensenbrenner. “This will stop the DOT from manipulating State policies with federal money.”
Contact your federal representatives and
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Chapter Reports
East Valley Chapter
East Valley Chapter has a good month for May happening. We did Motorcycle Awareness on May 4th at Cinco De Mayo chichuhua races in Chandler. Bandanas, key chains and pencils were handed out to the kids. Window stickers and dog tags were given to the adults. On one side of the dog tags is a motorcycle and other side says "Look out for Motorcycles", they are great to hang from rear view mirror and remind driver to watch for us on the road. The kids and adults all loved getting something about motorcycles. On the 11th and 12th a booths will be set up at the Eagles. We will hand out bandanas, key chains, pencils, dog tags, and window stickers. White bandanas will be handed out to motorcyclists. Welcome to our new members Brett Shay, Tim, and his girl friend. Heidi Hill has also joined our chapter but injured her foot in their move so couldn't make the meeting. Hope your foot gets better soon Heidi.
At the May meeting we will be doing the meatball roll. And then cook the meatballs. It is always alot of fun so everyone come help. Then the meatballs will be for Spaghetti Feed June 1st at the Eagles at 6 pm. Adults are $10 and kids $5. It's all you can eat. Redbone and the boneettes will be cooking and serving. Jim and Richard will do the MAP class at the school again in May. Jim also reminded us to check air pressure in our tires. Joe reminded us of Beast In The East and Best In The West. He encouraged all to attend one of them.
Mike S won the 50/50. Manny C would have won the Dollar Jar if only he had come to the meeting. It doesn't pay to miss a meeting. Cheryl Vasquez East Valley Communications
High Country Chapter
Hello Brothers and Sisters,
Well if you did not make it to Wild In The Weeds, you missed one good time ! What a success we had. Now, I want to thank my activity officer! Deb Smith... you did one heck of a job! Also i want to thank all the other officers! We all are a team and it showed. Thank you. It was great to see some state officers at our event thanks Casey and Darin.
I also want to thank Jake's Corner Bar, for letting us host our event there! Steve for the free camping area. Rick Heppler you’re the best. A week after our event, Rick crashed his Harley and died from his injuries!! He was a friend, a brother, a fellow rider and a supporter of motorcycle rights !
Now on May 19th, H.C.C . of Abate and R.C.D. M.M.A worked together on a safety and awareness booth. At our local Walmart,.what a success that was. Well up here in high country the weather is nice and it is good riding, weather nice and cool . Hope to see you up ! Ride Safe Ride Free Be Heard
Chicknbone H.C.C. Coordinator
Phoenix/Shadow Mountain Chapter
Sorry folks,
I didn't make the last meeting due to Mother'd Day conflicts. Where would we be without out mothers?
I did hear that TBFS is confirmed for Mormon Lake. Hope you can all can make it. We also need volunteers for the various stations.
Following is last months report that didn't make it to press somehow.
2013 Arizona bile week has come. Casey Yates announced that hundreds of ABATE white bandannas were distributed at the events.
Eric Hampton and Charity gave an update on the status of Arizona Riders Advantage which lead to a discussion of ways to increase our membership.
Tim O'riely informed us that Abate of AZ is close to an agreement with Mormon Lake for this years TBFS.
Casey Yates is also moving forward with the chapter's adopt a highway. Her next task is figuring how to fit the name in the alotted number of characters for the sign. We also welcomed 4 new members last month. Craig T. Jacob, Craig Perl, Janet and Kurt Pettit.
Our next meeting will be held on Jun 9 at the Arizona American Italian Club, located at 7509 North 12th Street Phoenix, Arizona 85020. Breakfast, served by the Arizona American Italian Club staff, starts at 10:00 AM for $5/per person, Meeting begins at 10:30. Steve Palmer Phoenix-Shadow Mountain ABATE Communications Officer
Southern Arizona Chapter
This summer Southern AZ Chapter’s,In a buzz with everything calumniating with all the ABATE Chapters through out Arizona and especially TBFS this time of year. The Southern Arizona Chapter maintains a healthy membership, business members and BOD. By this printing of our Masterlink we will have completed our tri-annual “Road of Pride” at Mustang Corner in Arizona. We have always promoted the adoption of a mile of highway over the years and demonstrated the same with protecting our adopted mile. T
The Southern Arizona Chapter will be sponsor a drawing for a 42” flat screen TV, a gas grille and a CD player at TBFS. Tickets will be $5.00 each or 3 for $10.00 donation to support our chapter & state. We have heavily promoted ABATE’S white bandana program and believe this should and could become a national standard of distress for motorcyclists not just here in AZ. We would also like to acknowledge and thank our NEW Lobbyist Team of Deb Butitta, Kat Grover and Victor Grady for their commitment to excellence of involvement in to government issues locally and nationally and representing every motorcycle in the state of Arizona. ABATE being an Arizona SMRO we do set the bar high!!!
May is Motorcycle Awareness Month and one of Southern AZ Chapter's achievements this year was to petition the City
of Tucson for the month of May (Motorcycle Awareness Month) locally. The proclamation has been adopted here locally reflecting the work we accomplish with in our state. May is a great month for so many great things but especially promoting safety and awareness. This is why we must commend Teresa Davidson and Mary Lou Baker for stepping up as new coming MAP teachers! Teaching we feel is the very best way to give back to our communities and our best wishes will accompany you both in your endeavors. Until next month remember,
SNAKE Season is in EFFECT!!
Take extra precautions and measures this year… SAC
Yavapai Chapter
We had our meeting a week early this month so everyone could honor moms on the 12th. This was our last meeting at Taj Mahal's Indian Restaurant, and we want to thank Gil and his crew for the hospitality. Lynn “Handi” Barnett stepped down as coordinator and Doc has taken the reins for at least until the end of the year. Thanks to Handi for her hard work and dedication. Our communications officer and treasurer also resigned, but of state V.P Paul and yours truly also stepped up to fill the void until the end of the year. Our Harley Happy Hours have been going this month and will run every Saturday in May from 3 to 8 PM at the Drunken Lass on Gurley, just a block from Whiskey Row. A big thanks goes out Longhair James and Ralo for their hard work on the chapter fund-raiser. I got to help James on the 4th and we had a good time, even though we were both unable to fulfill the George Jones song requests. Sorry, George, R.I.P. At the May 11th H.H.H. we will be selling our memorial patch for Pat Fitzgerald. Pat will also be honored at the May 18th Jester Run. We would like to thank the MMA for honoring her this year,
We have been busy getting ready for our 3rd Run to the Hills event in Jerome, AZ on June 1st. Gates open at 10 AM on Saturday the first and will be partying until midnight. We will also be awarding our grand raffle prize at 5 PM, a Ruger SR 1911 45 ACP made right here in Prescott. Thanks to Ruger for providing us the opportunity to give away this fine pistol. Mike “Dawolf” Ruddell Secretary/Communications Officer Yavapai Chapter ABATE of AZ
Yuma Chapter
MASTERLINK JUNE 2013 request they support H.R. 1861, and that they sign on as a co-sponsor of Sensenbrenner’s bill. You can call members of Congress through the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121.
NTSB RECOMMENDS LOWERING DRUNK-DRIVING LIMIT TO .05 The National Transportation Safety Board has issued a recommendation that states lower their drunk-driving thresholds from a 0.08 blood-alcohol content to 0.05 BAC. The recommendation is one of several the NTSB made to curtail drunk driving, which the federal investigative agency claims is involved in a third of America’s 34,000 traffic deaths each year. The agency acknowledged in its report there is no one "silver bullet," but estimated that 500 to 800 lives per year could be saved with the proposed lower limit.
Chairman Deborah Hersman admitted the NTSB is aiming even higher; "Reaching zero deaths from alcoholimpaired driving.”
Not everyone agrees. "This recommendation is ludicrous," said Sarah Longwell, managing director of the
What Is ABATE?
ABATE Of Arizona, Inc. is a non-profit motorcycle rights organization that is dedicated to freedom of the road for all motorcyclists.
ABATE is a volunteer organization that fights discriminatory legislation aimed towards the motorcycling community. ABATE's position is that all motorcycle riders have the right to choose not only the machine that they ride, but also the riding gear that they choose to wear or not to wear, (i.e. leathers, gloves, boots and helmets.) ABATE promotes rider education for all motorcycle riders and motorcycle awareness for all automobile drivers. ABATE needs the support of all motorcyclists.
Arizona Motorcycle Rights Organizations Need Your Help!
Coast to Coast (continued)
American Beverage Institute. "Moving from 0.08 to 0.05 would criminalize perfectly responsible behavior.
accidents since 2005 when 43,510 people died, culminating in a 60-year-low of 32,367 in 2011, but NHTSA Administrator David Strickland said, “With a rebounding economy there’s increased discretionary driving, which is clearly always the leader in terms of dangerous driving scenarios.”
Currently, all 50 states have set a BAC level of .08, though most countries in Europe including Russia, most of South America and Australia, have set BAC levels at .05 to constitute drunken driving.
U.S. motorcyclist deaths outpaced the overall national numbers with a projected 9% more fatalities in 2012, up to more than 5,000, and in addition to climatic and economic factors the agency also blames a long-term decline in helmet laws with only 19 states requiring usage, down from 26 states in 1997.
The NTSB only makes recommendations on transportation safety issues, and has little actual regulatory power. It will be up to federal agencies, Congress and state lawmakers to take action. The last move from .10 to .08 BAC levels took 21 years for each state to implement.
"The most notable thing was the warm weather," said Dr. James Hedlund, a former NHTSA official and the author of the report by the Governors Highway Safety Association, as thirty-four states east of the Rocky Mountains notched record average temperatures from March to May 2012, and forty-eight states recorded their warmest average temperatures on record.
WEATHER & ECONOMY DRIVE UP TRAFFIC FATALITIES For the first time in nearly a decade, the number of traffic deaths went up last year according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), which cited warmer weather and an improving economy for the 5.3% increase in fatalities to 34,080, the highest since 2008.
The report also cited two economic factors that may have contributed to an
The rise follows a steady decline in fatal
increase in the number of miles traveled via motorcycle in 2012 and thus a higher probability of accidents: a better economy and high gas prices. "An improving economy produces more discretionary income with which to buy and ride motorcycles," said the study. Several states reported an increase in the number of registrations in 2012, and Hedlund has found that over the past three decades, the number of registrations tracks closely with the number of deaths. GHSA's recommendations for cutting motorcyclist deaths include reducing alcohol impairment, reducing speeding, increasing driver awareness, and ensuring that motorcyclists are licensed. According to GHSA, NHTSA data shows that in 2010, nearly a quarter of riders involved in fatal accidents did not have valid licenses.
CONNECTICUT RIDERS DECRY PROPOSAL TO REGULATE EXHAUST SYSTEMS An unexpected effort in the General Assembly to crack down on noisy motor-
continued page 9
Join A.B.A.T.E.
along with an events section to inform you of *Do you like emission testing your motor- up-coming motorcycle runs and events. cycle? The Motorcycle Rights Organizations in *Do you like the choice to wear a helmet or Arizona are run by volunteers. Anyone that not? does volunteer gives their time freely to fight the fight. Please help us to pass on our ability *Do you like noise ordinances? to ride free. *Do you like the ability to modify your motorcycle?
*Do you know that there are dollars available for motorcycle safety and awareness? Please help the Motorcycle Rights Organizations in Arizona to prevent our Governments from restricting our ability to ride free. With your help, we can eliminate the emission testing of motorcycles in Arizona, fight our National-level battles with the EPA and NHTSA, and effectively watchdog the Arizona Legislators who, on a yearly basis, have entertained the idea of introducing a mandatory helmet law in our state. You can help by joining in the fight. The cost is only Twenty-five Dollars a year. Although you are not under any obligation to volunteer your time, any time you choose to give to our cause is always appreciated. With your membership you not only help our cause, but you will receive our newsletter as well. "The MasterLink" contains local happenings and national motorcycling news
Name_____________________________________ Name #2 __________________________________ Address __________________________________ City _____________________________________
Benefits Of Membership
Individuals ·ABATE membership card ·ABATE patch on first year ·Year pins thereafter ·One year subscription to the MasterLink newsletter ·Lifetime members get all that without the hassle of renewing
Business ·Two annual memberships ·Business card size advertisement and alphabetical listing in the MasterLink for the length of your membership. Circulated throughout Arizona ·Benefit of a run stop or event participation to support your business ·Addition of your business listing on our web site with a link to your business
Or turn in your membership application to an officer of the chapter of your choice. East Valley High Country
Southern Arizona Yavapai
Phx/Shadow Mtn
State___________ Zip ___________ Phone(s)___________________________________
Office Use Membership # ____________________________ Expiration Date___________________________
Email address _____________________________ make checks payable to: ABATE of AZ and mail to: 7509
N. 12th St, #200, Phoenix, AZ 85020
DONATIONS Motorcycle Awareness Program (MAP) $ _____ Legislative Efforts $____ General Fund $_____ MasterLink Newsletter $______
ABATE Of Arizona provides a unified voice for all motorcyclists in Arizona. Add your voice to ours. Join ABATE now, for the preservation of your ability to ride a motorcycle with the freedom that's your right!! © 2012 ABATE Of Arizona
7509 N. 12th St, #200 Phoenix, AZ. 85020
Website: www.abateofaz.org To join our discussion group, send email to Abate-request@abateofaz.org
Type of Membership (check one) Single……………$25____ Charter $15 ____ Couple………......$40 ____ Charter $25 ____ Life/Single………$350 ______ Annual Business Membership $125 ____ Annual Club Membership $125 ____ If a business member, please enclose business card for publication in our newsletter, The MasterLink. Renewal
Membership #_____________
New Member Referred By: Business Membership: ABATE of Arizona Business Membership is a substantial value at just $125.00 per year and includes (12 issues) of business card size ads, an annual membership for two people and an ABATE of Arizona Business Member Certificate for display in your business.
Chairman..............................Eric Hampton
East Valley………………….Redbone Schneider High Country........................Billy Hensler Mohave……………………..Don Russell Phx / Shadow Mountain…...Eric Hampton Southern AZ.........................Sean Pinder Yavapai……………………..”Still Ray” Fitzgerald Yuma....……………………..Rick Breadwell Quarterly Board meetings are held on the first Sunday in January, April, July and October at 1:00pm @ the AZ American-Italian Club, 7509 N. 12th St, Phoenix. Please make sure your Chapter has representation.
A.B.A.T.E. State Officers For 2012
President………..............……Tim O’Reilly Vice President.....……………Paul Pendergast Secretary……………………Casey Yates Treasurer…………………….Matt Brown Membership…………………Tina Benoit Run/Events………………….Darin Yates Safety Coordinator………….Jean Cooper Sergeant-at-Arms……………Joe Ferrucci P.A.C………………………...Jim Page Communications…………….Charity Stuart Designated Lobbyist...............Vic Grady ABATE Products……………Vacant MasterLink Editor................ Eric Hampton TheMasterlink@abateofaz.org
www.abateofaz.org and www.toobrokeforsturgis.com
Mailing address 7509 N. 12th St, #200, Phoenix, AZ 85020. State Officers meetings are held the 1st Sunday of every month, 11:30 am at the AZ American Italian Club, 7509 N. 12th Street Phoenix, AZ.- OR in conjunction with the quarterly BOD meeting.
East Valley Chapter
c/o Jeff Gorall, PO Box 20433 Mesa AZ. 85277 Coordinator............................Joe Ferrucci Vice Coordinator...................Mary K Donnay Secretary................................Jeff Gorall Treasurer................................Jess Method Membership...........................Mike Shearhart Run Coordinator....................Jess Method Safety Coordinator.................Jim Silk Sgt. At Arms..........................Richard Dalton P.A.C......................................Mary K Donnay Communications....................Cheryl Vasquez (Mary K until she gets a computer) Merchandise........................... Vacant
EAST VALLEY CHAPTER meetings are held the 4th Sunday of the month at 11:00 a.m. at Fraternal Order of Eagles (F.O.E.) 1712 W. Broadway Road, Mesa AZ 85202 FMI contact Mary K. at 602-751-3180.
High Country Chapter
209A E. Juniper St. Payson AZ 85541 Coordinator............................Jim “Chicken Bone” Mazzone Vice Coordinator...................Billy Hensler Secretary................................Dee Schultz Treasurer...............................Debbie Fickel Membership...........................Becca (Vine) Holyoak Run Coordinator....................Deb Smith Safety Coordinator.................Steve Leonard Sgt. At Arms.........................Wayne Slocum P.A.C.....................................Vacant Communications...................Bill Hensler Merchandise..........................Wayne Slocum
High Country Chapter meetings are held on the 3rd Sunday at 10 a.m. at The Moose Lodge in Star Valley. Contact: chicknbone@live .com or 928970-1134
Phoenix-Shadow Mountain Chapter
P.O. Box 54041 Phoenix, AZ 85078-4041 Coordinator...........................Vic Grady Vice Coordinator....................Kat Grover Secretary................................Dee Grady Treasurer................................Tina Benoit Membership...........................Melissa Everest Run Coordinator....................Paul Grover Safety Coordinator.................Ernie Lizarraga Sgt. At Arms..........................Jerry Davis P.A.C......................................Darla Hampton Communications....................Steve Palmer Merchandise...........................Mike Schneider
Phoenix/Shadow Mountain meetings are held on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 10:30am at the AZ American Italian Club, 7509 N. 12th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85020. FMI contact Vic Grady at 602-300-4115 or email hellfireguitarphxaz@gmail.com
Southern Arizona Chapter
6888 N De Chelly Loop Tucson, AZ 85741 Coordinator............................Jim Butsback Vice Coordinator....................Don Boule Secretary................................Marie “Lou” Baker Treasurer................................Dawn Detelj Membership...........................Art Burke Run Coordinator....................Teresa Davidson Safety Coordinator.................Jin DeYoung Sgt. At Arms.........................Robert Guenther P.A.C......................................Sean Pinder Communications....................Jim Clark Merchandise...........................Vacant
The Southern Arizona Chapter will meet the third Saturday. We will gather at the Kettle Restaurant, 748 W. 22nd St, Tucson. Breakfast will be available at 7:30 a.m. with the meeting beginning at 9 a.m. FMI contact Jim Butsback by phone at 520247-3051 or email abateofazsac@yahoo.com
Yavapai Chapter
P.O. Box 11319 Prescott, AZ 86304 Coordinator............................ David “Doc” Pratt Vice Coordinator....................Vacant Secretary................................ Mike “Da Wolf” Ruddell Treasurer................................ Paul Pendergast Membership........................... Dave ‘Chino’ Pinney Run Coordinator......................“Longhair James” Venegas and Ralo Safety Coordinator..................Dan “44Dan” Lemond Sgt. At Arms...........................JD Fillingim P.A.C...................................... Deborah Buttita Communications.................... Mike “Da Wolf” Ruddell Merchandise...........................Lori Lutz
Yavapai Chapter Meets 2nd Sunday, 11:00 AM; Doreen's Backstreet Bar and Grill, 2879 N Arizona Trail, Chino Valley, AZ 86323 (928) 636-0309. FMI contact Doc at 928-7132568 or syfd124@hotmail.com
Yuma Chapter
11316 S. Glenwood Ave. Yuma, AZ 85367 Coordinator............................ Frank White Vice Coordinator....................Daniel Medina Secretary................................ Mikkie Melanson Treasurer................................ Virginia Nielsen Membership........................... Diane Gouge Run Coordinator.....................Jerry Allison Safety Coordinator..................Ray “PeeWee” Grier Sgt. At Arms...........................Terry “Gunner” Longworthy P.A.C...................................... Vacant Communications.................... Vacant Merchandise...........................Lisala White
Yuma Chapter meets the second Tuesday evening monthly at 6:30 PM at the IHOP located at 575 East 16th Street Yuma, AZ 85365. For additional information contact Frank White (Hound) at 209327-0814.
If any of the Officers are listed here incorrectly, please send corrections to: TheMasterlink@abateofaz.org I will be sure everything is accurate for the next Issue and on the web site.
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MASTERLINK JUNE 2013 Alcock & Ogborne, PLC Phoenix 602-337-8735
ABATE of Arizona Business Members Continence Center of America, Inc. Phoenix, AZ (623) 977-1212
Kitty For Tax Camp Vercde 928-567-0224
Square Peg Promos LLC Phoenix 602-549-1044
Eaglerider of Flagstaff Flagstaff 928-637-6575
Landmark at the Creek Payson 928-478-4587
Taj Mahal Prescott 928-445-5752
El Rancho Restaurant Payson 928-474-3111
Mountain Pass Prescott Valley 928-899-7663
Alexander Toyota Yuma 928-344-1170
Doreen’s Backstreet bar & Grill Chino Valley 928-636-0309
Big Sky Motorcycles Tucson 520-886-7388
Eclectic Café Tucson 520-885-2842
Brett Miller’s Upholstery Prescott 928-778-5565
Gold King Mine & Ghost Town Jerome 928-634-0053
Big John’s Garage Tucson 520-322-9933
Billy Jack’s Saloon & Grill Humboldt 928-632-8689
Brown & Little, P.L.C., Attorneys at Law 480-299-2093 Buffalo Bar & Grill Payson 928-474-3900
Burro Saloon Bar & Grill Kirkland 928-442-3287 Cleopatra Hill Jerome 928-634-6701
Gurley Street Sports Pub Prescott 928-778-2491
Harley Davidson of Scottsdale 480-905-1903 Havok Cycles Chino Valley 928-239-5303 Jakes Corner Bar Payson 928-474-0679
A Note from Handi
First I would like to say that it was an honor and privilege to serve as Yavapai Coordinator for the first quarter of the year and it is was with a great deal of consideration that I chose to step down from that position. To put it simply the job entailed more of me than I had the time for and I became very frustrated.
Previously, I served as the Political Activist officer for two years and believe this is the position where I was comfortable , excited and got through to the people about the things that are relative to all riders, no matter your club or organization orientation.
I have been riding some sort of motorcycle for 47 years and yes, I do have a true passion for all the freedoms this beautiful country of ours has to offer (all because of the service of our military).
Unfortunately, we are, more and more, discriminated against, because of our love for that, wind in the ears, freedom we get from riding. We are a unique group and quite often march to a different drummer.
Currently there are many issues involving new laws for motorcyclists, not just in the USA, but worldwide. Any law that would affect my freedom to ride MY motorcycle, or dictate the clothing I wear, is where I will go toe to toe and die for what I believe in. I probably would have made a good soldier.
Well enough of that, I want to try and get more information to the reader on the things that are currently of interest to anyone on two or three wheels. Some of these get posted if you are on the ACMC Mailing list, and/or on the ABATE mailing list. However things like, when are the emission’s testing for motorcycles going to be a thing of the past for Miracopa County? And What are FUSION Centers, and how about LANE ADVANCEMENT(splitting). Motorcycle Only checkpoints, (why)? How will E-15 fuel affect your motorcycle? Toll Roads in Arizona? And so much more to think about, I’M JUST GETTIN’ STARTED. HANDI
La Gitana Cantina Arivaca 520-398-0810
Law Tigers 888-529-8443
North Health Center Scottsdale 602-421-2730
Paul’s SE Arizona RV Rentals LLC Whetstone 877-728-5778 Pincus & Associates, PC Tempe 480-777-2599 PT's Bar Winslow 928-289-0787
Punkin Center Bar Tonto Basin 928-479-2627
Roberts Marketplace Prescott Valley 928-722-8920
Tailwinds Hauling Phoenix 623-463-2187
The Bashful Bandit Tucson 520-881-9706
The Drunken Lass Irish Pub Prescott 928-778-4211 The Flying Grizzly Bar Strawberry The Maverick Saloon Phoenix 602-943-5680
TMA Precision Tube LLC Glendale 623-221-4922 Top End Specialties Phoenix 623-258-2092
Y’all Come Back Saloon Rio Rico 520-781-3730
Spirit Room Jerome 928-634-8809
ABATE of Arizona Chapter Meeting Times and Locations
East Valley Chapter EAST VALLEY CHAPTER meetings are held the 4th Sunday of the month at 11:00 a.m. at Fraternal Order of Eagles (F.O.E.) 1712 W. Broadway Road, Mesa AZ 85202 FMI contact Mary K. at 602-751-3180.
High Country Chapter High Country Chapter meetings are held on the 3rd Sunday at 10 a.m. at The Moose Lodge in Star Valley. Contact: chicknbone@live .com or 928-970-1134
Phoenix / Shadow Mountain Chapter Phoenix/Shadow Mountain meetings are held on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 10:30am at the AZ American Italian Club, 7509 N. 12th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85020. FMI contact Vic Grady at 602-300-4115 or email hellfireguitarphxaz@gmail.com
Southern Arizona Chapter The Southern Arizona Chapter will meet the third Saturday. We will gather at the Kettle Restaurant, 748 W. 22nd St, Tucson. Breakfast will be available at 7:30 a.m. with the meeting beginning at 9 a.m. FMI contact Jim Butsback by phone at 520-2473051 or email abateofazsac@yahoo.com
Yavapai Chapter Yavapai Chapter Meets 2nd Sunday, 11:00 AM; Doreen's Backstreet Bar and Grill, 2879 N Arizona Trail, Chino Valley, AZ 86323, (928) 636-0309. FMI contact Doc at 928-713-2568 or syfd124@hotmail.com Yuma Chapter Yuma Chapter meets the second Tuesday evening monthly at 6:30 PM at the IHOP located at 575 East 16th Street Yuma, AZ 85365. For additional information contact Frank White (Hound) at 209-327-0814.
ABATE of Arizona
MASTERLINK JUNE 2013 cycles is being met by opposition from the motorcycle industry. Under language added last week to a bill involving offroad ATVs, the sale, registration or operation of a street motorcycle having nonstock pipes would become a fineable offense. Most after-market exhaust systems are not EPA-certified.
The new provisions, if approved, would require federal Environmental Protection Agency noise emission control labels to be displayed on all motorcycles, and would institute fines of up to $250 per offense for non-compliance.
OHIO LAWMAKERS CALL FOR BAN ON TRAFFIC CAMERAS Following a biting ruling by a judge who called traffic cameras a scam, legislation was introduced on February 20th in Columbus, Ohio by Representative Ron Maag (R-Lebanon) to eliminate the use of photo monitoring devices to detect speed and traffic signal violations. He and Rep. Dale Mallory (DCincinnati), one of many bipartisan cosponsors, believe the removal of “speedtrap” cameras is necessary and must be addressed immediately since there is no existing state law regulating traffic enforcement cameras, so communities operate their programs under local ordinances.
Coast to Coast (continued) Their hard-line stance against the cameras comes on the heels of Hamilton County Common Pleas Court Judge Robert Ruehlman’s permanent injunction, which prohibits the further use of speed cameras in Elmwood Place, a Cincinnati suburb. Ruehlman granted the injunction citing there was a lack of due process for alleged violators.
Judge Ruehlman's decision was unequivocal. He made national news headlines when he called the speed camera system in Elmwood Place "a hightech game of Three-card Monty.... It is a scam the motorist cannot win." Between the camera enforcement, the lack of proper signage, and the fees for administrative hearings, Ruehlman declared that the town of Elmwood Place had violated drivers' due-process rights, and may be the first case in the U.S. that specifically addresses the constitutionality of traffic cams.
In Ohio, there are at least 16 municipalities that use some kind of red light or speed camera, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. In the United States, there are more than 650 municipalities operating either redlight or speed cameras.
Nine states have passed laws prohibiting the use of red-light cameras, and 12 outlaw speed cameras, according to the Governors Highway Safety Association, while 29 states have no law on the books. Some Ohio legislators hope to make the Buckeye State the Lucky 13th state, and House Bill 69 has been assigned to the House's Transportation, Public Safety and Homeland Security Committee for further discussion and vote.
POKER RUN LEGALIZATION BILL IN ILLINOIS Companion bills SB 1960 and HB 2520; the “Poker Run Act,” have been introduced in Illinois to legalize poker runs for the charities that bikers do and for Not For Profit organizations.
“No segment in our society raises more money for charities and local citizens that are down and out on their luck than bikers,” said Bob Myers, State Legislative Coordinator for ABATE of Illinois, who went on to explain; “Since ‘Land Based Gaming’ has become law, the Illinois liquor and Gaming agents have been tearing down our fliers in restaurants and bars claiming they are illegal as they use poker cards, spinners, dice, and marble spinners to complete the run.”
ABATE intends to use the legislation to correct problems with "poker" runs and other events that the Gaming commission and Liquor Control Board are treating as gambling. Poker runs shall include "dice runs", "marble runs" or other events where the object is to build
or obtain some matter of a score with which the participants use in a competition. Poker runs shall not constitute a game of chance under the Illinois Gaming Act or Liquor controls Act and shall not be regulated under those Acts.
THREE-WHEELERS MAY BE EXEMPTED FROM LOUISIANA HELMET LAW Louisiana was the most recent state to (re)impose a mandatory helmet law for all motorcyclists back in 2004, but the House Transportation committee recently advanced legislation that would exempt a new concept vehicle from the legal category that requires drivers to wear helmets. HB 218’s exemption would apply to the three-wheeled Elio Motors vehicle, which is preparing for production at the Shreveport plant that once made pickups for General Motors. Because the Elio has three wheels, it’s considered a motorcycle under federal and state safety regulations.
“It definitely affects our sales because a lot of people don’t want to order the car if it requires wearing helmets,” said Joel Sheltrown, vice president for governmental affairs at Elio Motors, adding that “We’re not bound by automotive standards, but that is our goal.” QUOTABLE QUOTE: “It’s a world with 20,000 television channels...get as far away from it as you can.” ~ Honda ad
of Ohio in welcoming the
28th Annual to Columbus, Ohio September 26-29, 2013
Ave., ve., Columbus, OH 43229 Crowne Plaza Columbus North, 6500 Doubletree A Call 614-885-1885 for room reservations ($95 inc. breakfast). Cut-off date: August 26, 2013 (Room amenities: hairdryer, coffee maker, indoor pool, airport shuttle) Conference Information: Pre-registration for conference through the MRF, 236 Massachusetts Ave. NE, Suite 510, Washington, DC 20002. Pre-registration (must be received by Aug. 26th): $70.00 Current, Individual member / $80.00 Non-MRF member. Registration rate after Aug. 26th: $80.00 Current, Individual member / $90.00 Non-MRF member. Registration includes all workshops, workshop materials, and Saturday banquet. Registration questions call the MRF at 202-546-0983 or Carol Downs at 303-204-6939, downs@mrf.org.
Hosted by ABATE of Ohio, PP.O. .O. O. Box 1658, Hilliard, Ohio 43026, 1-800-25BIKER, stateoffice@abate.com, www.abate.com
June 2013
Saturday June 1, 2013 - AbateYavapai Run to the Hills, This a 1 night camping event (21 & OVER ONLY) with good ole bike games, people games, a fashion show, Wet t-shirt contest, a Poker Walk through Jerome, multiple bands, vendors, food, BYOB, or get a Bed and Breakfast in Jerome for a couple of nights, it's a blast. Come add yourself to the party. Officially gates open at 10AM Saturday, those that can't come during the day but wanna catch the bands and night life of the party can get in starting at 6PM for only $10 bucks. This is all included in your registration fee AND YOU DON'T HAVE TO RIDE A MOTORCYCLE TO ATTEND OR JOIN ABATE OF ARIZONA. Camping is limited to the space available, so get here early and stake your claim!!! And don't forget to visit the Gold King Mine (Ghost's are waiting). Ask Don to fire off Bertha, but you better lay some dough on him though, it takes some work to get her 1000 plus cubic inches to fire cover yer ears!!! This year we have are raffling off a Ruger SR1911 Pistol in .45 Auto at 5PM, on Saturday June 1st at the event, you do not have to be present to win. The winner will receive a certificate and the firearm will be transferred through a Licensed Dealer (FFL required to receive
Events Calendar
the gun) here in Arizona. These raffle tickets are $20 each and in limited supply. Call me or see your Club or Organization representative and we will work out a way to get you your tickets. Note the City of Jerome has a noise ordinance, so please be respectful and don't rev your engines, excessive noise within the city limits is strictly enforced, the local police are very cooperative/tolerant otherwise. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. For those that don't wish to camp, Prescott/Prescott Valley, Cottonwood, and Sedona are all within 30 minutes of the event. The City of Jerome http://www.jeromechamber.com/ is also having its Art Walk for those that want to come see what Jerome is all about. So let's all come out and make this Run to the Hills a successful fundraiser for ABATE of Arizona by having a BLAST. See you there. EVERYONE IS WELCOME. We are also looking for SPONSORS, we will fly your Banner, mention your business a lot, stuff our registration bags with your product or coupons, you can set up a booth, call Ralo at 928-308-4179 to work out the details/negotiate. ABATE of Arizona http://www.abateofaz.org/ , Yavapai Chapter is proud to present it's 3rd Annual "Run to the Hills" fundraiser at the Gold King Mine in Jerome, Arizona.
Saturday June 1, 2013 - ALMA MC Old Pueblo Summer Bash, ALMA MC Old Pueblo Chapter 1st Annual Summer Bash June 1,2013. Location Wooden Nickel Tavern 1908 S. Country Club Rd. Tucson Az 85713. Gates open at 5pm. Venders, Raffles, Prizes, 5050, Music and Food.$10 per person or $15 couple. FMI: B.O.B. at 520.954.2437
Saturday June 1, 2013 - 8th Annual Do It In The Dark, Lost Dutchman MC and Sober Riders MC 8th Annual Do It In The Dark! Summer is here and it's HOT! So, come out and "DO IT IN THE DARK" with the Lost Dutchman MC Mesa and Sober Riders MC West Valley. $10 per person. Sign in at 7:00pm at the Steel Horse Saloon 1818 W. Bell Rd. Phoenix, 85023. End the night, stay cool, and party with us at the Lost Dutchman MC Mesa Clubhouse, 1826 W. Broadway Rd. Mesa where you'll find plenty of good food, cold drinks, live music, raffles, and $200 for the High Hand!
June 1 {Sat} â&#x20AC;&#x201C; TUCSON, AZ* Missing In America Project Annual Poker Run Event Details: Presented by Sho Ryders MC. The Missing In America Project is a 501 (c) 3 Non-Profit organization
that Locates, identifies, and lays to rest with Military Honors Our Military Veterans that have passed with no family. The Poker run is to raise money to pay for the Urns and funeral related expenses. Please come out and join us. $10.00. 9am. Anarchy Motorsports located at 3544 E Romero Rd. in Tucson, AZ. FMI: 520-940-1260 or email Blaze.AZ@comcast.net
Saturday June 8, 2013 - LRMC Beach Party, 7 PM -Limey Riders MC Beach Party. $5.00 per person. Starts at 7pm at LRMC Clubhouse at 6739 N 60th Ave. 1 block South of Glendale Ave. FMI:ez@limeyridersmc.org . Food, Fun. continuing to celebrate Pop's Birthday.
Saturday June 8, 2013 LEATHERNECKS MC Anniversary, LEATHERNECKS MC ARIZONA 13TH Anniversary. Come hang with that loco 571 crew and celebrate 13 strong years, Bubbas B-Day, and Squirts going away party.Live music, raffle, food, and drinks. $10 suggested donation. Will be held at HOOLIGANS MC Clubhouse, Deer Valley. Starts at 630pm and could go all night.
Saturday June 8, 2013 - Sons of Hell MC Charity Dinner, Sons of Hell Yuma Charity Dinner AND Free No Limit Texas Hold Em. June 8th, 2013. $25 dinner dona-
MASTERLINK JUNE 2013 tion. Hosted by LZ Bar and Grill AND Full House Entertainment. Channce to win 72" Flat Screen TV, Apple IPad, Bose Surround System. Dinner at 6:30pm. Play starts at 7pm. LZ Bar and Grill at 2175 S Harley Dr Yuma, AZ. Door Prizes-Prizes for Most Chips. Partial Proceeds to benefit Abate of Arizona and Arizona Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs. 21 and older ONLY. This is NOT gambling.
JUNE 8 {SAT} - Mesa - Evil Twin - Robert Shinn's Birthday Party Come out and help me celebrate my 55th birthday at the El Dorado, I would love to see all my friends and musician friends come out and help me celebrate my birthday!! To all my musician friends I would love to have you come and sit in with the band and play a couple of songs and to all my life long friends I would hope you will come and enjoy all the music that will be played. I'm sure I can talk Barb into some kind of drink specials and really good food for all of us, there will also be birthday cake and lots of fun for all, so please come on out and help me celebrate my BIRTHDAY!!!
JUNE 8 {SAT} – TUCSON, AZ* THE HUNS MC Host Heatstroke Drags Event Details: HeatStroke Drags will be held at Southwest International Dragway - 12000 South Houghton Road, in Tucson, Arizona 85747. Annual run what ya brung to benefit American Diabetes Association. Come enjoy and help find a cure for Diabetes. Gates open at 4:00 P.M. for races / Gates open at 5:00 P.M. for spectators / Racing Starts at 6:00 P.M. For more information email thetraveler333@gmail.com or visit www.thehunsmc.com
JUNE 9 {SUN} – GLENDALE, AZ* THE SHO RYDERS MC Host DOMINOES Tourney Event Details: Sunday June 9th Arizona Sho Ryders, Phoenix chapter present the 1st Annual Championship Dominoes Tournament at seven lounge 7941 West Glendale Ave, Glendale, AZ, 85303. Join us for music, food, drink specials, and cash prizes. Registration starts @12 PM, games start at 1 PM Free to attend, $10 to play.
JUNE 14 {FRI} – PHOENIX, AZ* Rough Riders M/C (Papago Chapter) Open House Event Details: 7:00 P.M. till whenever. Come party with your local Rough Riders at the RRMC Clubhouse 1201 N. 54th Ave. Suite #133, Phoenix, AZ. 85043 (Enter clubhouse from alley) South of I10,
Events Calendar take 51st Ave exit. Turn right on Latham St. For more information email Warhead at warheadrrmc@cox.net
Saturday June 15, 2013 LDMC-Peoria Open House, Lost Dutchman MC Peoria will be hosting an Open House Satuday, June 15th @ 7pm. No cover. Food will be available. FMI: Jacob at cobyd_73@yahoo.com
JUNE 15 {SAT} – APACHE JCT, AZ* KEEPING IT COOL SEMINAR Event Details: Superstition Harley-Davidson - FREE Keeping It Cool Seminar presented by NextCare Urgent Care - 11:00 A.M. - Noon. Come learn Practical tips and advice on how to stay cool on the ride during our hot Summer Months. 2910 W Apache Trail, Apache Junction, AZ. Call 480-346-0600 for reservations or visit www.superstitionhd.com
Sunday June 16, 2013 - HAMCYavapai County Run, Save the Date: JUNE 16th for HAMC Yavapai County's Father's Day Run. The Smoking Harley Staek and Seafood House in Mayer. Located behind the Harley Shop. Locate at 10456 Highway 69 Mayer, AZ 86333. Live Music, Fun and Food. Starts at Noon.
JUNE 20 {THURS} – APACHE JCT., AZ* SUPERSTITION H-D Bike Night Event Details: Superstition Harley-Davidson Bike Night at the Dog Run Saloon - 320 W. Superstition Blvd, Apache Junction AZ. 85120 from 6:00 - 9:00 P.M. Food & Drink Specials. Raffles. Fun for all. This is the last bike night of the season.
JUNE 21,22,23 {FRI/SAT/ SUN} – OVERGAARD AZ* WOUNDED WARRIORS BENEFIT BIKER BASH Event Details: BIKER BASH at The Cabin & Grill and Fundraiser for the Wounded Warriors, June 21, 22, & 23! (Overgaard, AZ) Live Music, Vendors, Bike Games, Poker Run and more! FREE CAMPING on site. More info to follow soon! JUNE 22 {SAT} – SHOW LOW, AZ* SONS OF ODIN MC Host The HI-LOW in Show Low Event Details: The Hi-Low in Show Low presented by The Sons of Odin M/C will be happening at Rumors Cocktail Lounge - 1457 E Deuce of Clubs, in Show Low, AZ. 85901. Starts at 4:00 P.M. Event Registration $10 per person. Live music by Hard Ride on Saturday. 50/50 drawings, door prizes, vendors. and Food available. For reservations call 928-
PAGE 11 537-4334 - / Room cost is $36 plus tax per night for a room at the Downtown 9 Motel. For more event information call 928-3861998 or email ZoomerSOMC@cox.net
JUNE 22 {SAT} – APACHE JCT., AZ* SUPERSTITION H-D OPEN HOUSE Event Details: Superstition Harley-Davidson Open House. Come in from the heat! Music, food, root beer floats and in-store Poker Walk. All proceeds benefit a local charity. Located at 2910 W Apache Trail, in Apache Junction, AZ. FMI: Call 480-346-0600 for more details or visit www.superstitionhd.com Saturday June 22, 2013 Hooligans-CG Grand Opening, Hooligans MC Casa Grande Grande Opening Party. Starts at 6pm for Hooligans MC Casa Grande @ Hooligans MC Deer Valley Clubhouse. Food and Drinks Available
JUNE 22 {THURS} – SCOTTSDALE, AZ* BIKER INFORMATION GUIDE BIKE NIGHT Event Details: Biker Information Guide Bike Night at Renegade Tap & Kitchen - 9400 E Shea Blvd. Scottsdale, AZ. Starts at 3:00 P.M. We will have door prizes and giveaways. On top of that there is Happy Hour prices on drinks and Appetizers from 3:00 - 10:00 P.M. JUNE 29 {SAT} – MAYER, AZ*GRAND CANYON H-D Hosts Veteran’s Appreciation Day Event Details: Veteran's Appreciation Day at Grand Canyon Harley-Davidson in Mayer! Noon - 4:00 P.M. Free BBQ, Honor Guard, Vet's Groups, Harley's Heroes, and more! Come join us in honoring our Military Veterans and supporting our Troops! Grand Canyon H-D located at 10434 S. Hwy 69 in Mayer. For more information www.grandcanyonhd.com Saturday June 29, 2013 SRMC-Glendale Open House, Spartan Riders MC GlendaleOPEN HOUSE- 5964 West Maryland Ave Glendale AZ. Starts at 7pm til whenever...As always food is free, Beverages available and good time.. don't fall in the pool.
Saturday June 29, 2013 HAMCPhoenix Defense Fund Party, HAMC Phoenix Keith (Phoenix) & Bruce (Yavapai Co.) Defense Fund Party. Brought to you by Los Santo MC Party starts at 8pm at Phoenix Clubhouse 147 W Mohave st Phoenix.
Southern AZ Chapter’s Road Pride Ride Report
To Hwy 82 & Hwy 90 Whetstone, AZ
“Our Chapter’s Highway of Pride”
On Saturday May 11th, 2013, the Southern AZ Chapter of ABATE conducted our tri-annual “Road Pride Ride” to Maintain Southern Arizona Chapter’s (adopted mile of highway), reflecting our ongoing respect to Arizona’s Highways road conditions. By removing tons of debris over the years Southern AZ Chapter members have definitely improved community & state relations.
Royal Enfield Sets Out For World Domination
The Indian maker of Royal Enfield, the World War II-era British motorcycle owned by stars including Brad Pitt, plans to export the vehicles to Southeast Asia and Latin America as it builds on record sales at home.
Eicher Motors Ltd. (EIM) is predicting more demand in emerging markets for mid-sized bikes with an engine capacity of 250 to 650 cubic centimeters as people become more affluent, Managing Director Siddhartha Lal said in an interview. Eicher, which acquired control of Enfield India in 1993 and revived the almostbankrupt unit, is seeking to increase the share of revenue from two-wheelers from 16 percent of the $1.2 billion it reported in the year to Dec. 31, 2012, he said.
“Mid-sized bikes are ideal for these markets as they are reasonably fuel-efficient, maneuverable and not too much more expensive,” Lal said in his office located in Eicher’s glass and steel headquarters in Gurgaon near New Delhi. “There are markets that aren’t conducive to big bikes and the mid-sized market is underserved.”
The company is planning to expand the motorcycle business after reporting the best quarter at its Enfield unit, where sales rose 45 percent in the three months ended March 31. Eicher, which earns the remaining 84 percent of its revenue from trucks it makes in partnership with Volvo AB (VOLVB), said a key gauge of its profitability beat all local rivals in 2012 amid the slowest pace of economic growth in a decade. ===========================
Indian Chief to Debut in August, starting at $18,999
As Indian Motorcycle gets closer to unveiling its inaugural model during the 73rd annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in Sturgis, S.D. in August, the company is revealing more small details about the big cruiser-style bike, The Wall Street Journal reports.
The first revelation is no surprise. The company named its coming bike the 2014 Indian Chief, recalling the model name by which most people knew the company for most of its history. More eye-opening is its base price of $18,999, which is more expensive than some new cars including the Honda Civic and Chevrolet Cruze. Still, few experienced riders will be fazed by the Indian’s steep sticker because large, fancy motorcycles from HarleyDavidson, BMW, Ducati and others have cost that much or more for more than a decade.
It is surreal when we gather, ride to a distant location for just over an hour to bag, remove litter and debris along our adopted 1-mile roadway. This truly polishes the positive reflection that our Chapter has so respectfully achieved. Participation is something we highly recommend and endorsed publically. Safety is always the priority when we clean our mile. We bring the vests, pickers and water. Reflective safety vests are mandatory to work with the clean up. This is AZ state law, so please if you
have one, bring one.
**ADVISORY** This is SNAKE Season all over Arizona, wearing chaps in the summer is commitment but, what we have always recommend.
The post clean up gathering has always been a great way to galvanize our members. We all sit together and polish off a 10’ sub-sandwich or two. By the time we are done feeding everyone in sight, a family has reunited and new members are always added.
News from the Net
Indian said its starting price reflects “a very aggressive entry point back into the industry” that will allow the bike to compete with established players in the cruiser segment. Today companies including Harley-Davidson, Honda, Yamaha and Suzuki turn out the bulk of cruisers. ===========================
Broken Spoke Saloon Gearing Up For Laconia Motorcycle Week 2013
The Broken Spoke Saloon, the world’s biggest biker bar, will celebrate its 25th anniversary and the 90th anniversary of Laconia Motorcycle Week, June 8-16, in Laconia N.H. with great music and entertainment. Featured on stage this year will be:
Grammy nominee blues artist James Montgomery & Friends, Thursday, June 13. Grammy nominee Jon Butcher Band, Friday, June 14. Legendary multiplatinum rock band Foghat, Saturday, June 15.
Farrell Webber, Jasmine Cain, 7 Bridges Road (Eagles tribute), The Peacheaters (Allman Brothers tribute), Houses of the Holy (Led Zeppelin tribute) and many more throughout the week.
Celebrate in style with emcee Jack Schit as he guides you through Spoke event favorites such as, Jason Grimes of Northeast Chop Shop’s live bike build, the Broken Spoke’s female oil wrestling with some of the area’s hottest ladies (one lucky volunteer from the audience will get to help the ladies get oiled and ready) and of course, mechanical bull rides along with fantastic drink specials.
The Broken Spoke Saloon – Laconia is located at 1072 Watson Road (On Route 2) and has been hard at work during the off-season. The Spoke has improved the property for the very best party in Weirs Beach with an outdoor entertainment area, music indoors every weekend, all summer long – and still no cover!
Check out the Broken Spoke website for the full music schedule, menu and more! www.BrokenSpoke.com ============================
Victory And The ‘Gunny’ To Salute U.S. Military
Victory Motorcycles & ‘The Gunny’ to Salute U.S. Military on Rolling Thunder Ride in Washington, D.C. on Memorial Day Weekend
Victory Motorcycles and actor, avid Victory rider and retired U.S. Marine R. Lee Ermey – best known as “The Gunny” – are taking part in Rolling Thunder XXVI, the Memorial Day weekend motorcycle ride honoring U.S. military personnel who have sacrificed all for the sake of our freedom. The annual Rolling Thunder demonstration will take place Sunday, May 26, in Washington, D.C.
The Gunny – best known for his role as a Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant in the film, “Full Metal Jacket” – is deeply involved in advocating for the rights of active and retired or discharged members of the U.S. armed forces. He will attend Rolling Thunder XXVI as an official representative of Victory Motorcycles, saluting U.S. military personnel and their families on behalf of Victory employees and the community of Victory riders. “We enjoy the freedom to ride because of the service and sacrifice of our nation’s military personnel, and we’re honored to have the Gunny represent our brand at this Memorial Day weekend event,” said Steve Menneto, VP of Victory Motorcycles.
On the Saturday of Rolling Thunder XXVI weekend, motorcyclists will have the opportunity to ride with Gunny to support the U.S. military. Gunny will make appearances on Saturday, May 25, at four Washington, D.C., area Victory Motorcycle dealerships and riders can join him as he rides between dealerships. Visit the Victory Motorcycles Facebook page for details on where and how to ride with Gunny. ============================ John Paul DeJoria to Serve as MC for Hall of Fame Breakfast
The Sturgis Motorcycle Museum is pleased to announce that John Paul DeJoria will be the Master of Ceremonies for the museum's annual Hall of Fame Induction Breakfast this year. John Paul is a Hall of Fame member from the class of 2004. DeJoria is a self-made entrepreneur who started John Paul Mitchell Systems hair care products with a partner in 1980. He is also co-founder of Patron Spirits Company. Besides being an extremely successful businessman, DeJoria is a well-known humanitarian who supports numerous causes from medical research to children's foundations.
In his role as Master of Ceremonies, John Paul DeJoria will introduce the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum Class of 2013. The inductees for 2013 are:
"Still" Ray Fitzgerald – Freedom Fighters Hall of Fame – Motorcycle rights advo-
The Southern AZ Chapter of ABATE would like to again thank Chapter member Mr. John Hanusch for continuously stepping up to coordinate, manage and helping to preserve “Our Chapter’s Highway of Pride”… Jimmy “Maverick” Clark Communications Officer ABATE of Arizona Southern AZ Chapter
cate in Nevada then Arizona.
Russ Brown – Motorcycle attorney and founder of BAM, a free breakdown and legal assistance service for motorcyclists that currently has close to two million members. Rick Fairless -Master bike builder and founder and owner of Strokers Dallas, Strokers Ink and Strokers Ice Bar and Grill in Dallas.
Bill Gikling (J.C. "Pappy" Hoel Outstanding Achievement Award) – Motorcycle dealer for Harley-Davidson and Yamaha motorcycles. He worked with Pappy Hoel to start the White Plate Flat Trackers.
Marjoe Gortner – Television producer who organized the 2000 television show "Sturgis: The Great Ride." It was the first motorcycle related show to air on a nonsports oriented channel. Lonnie Isam, Sr - a well-known expert in the history of antique American motorcycles who has bought, sold, collected and restored hundreds of them.
The annual Sturgis Motorcycle Hall of Fame Induction Breakfast is scheduled on Wednesday, August 7 at 9:00 a.m. at The Lodge at Deadwood in Deadwood, SD. Breakfast tickets are available for a $35.00 donation, tables of eight for $300.00. Tickets can be purchased through the Museum at 605.347.2001 or on line at www.sturgismuseum.com/cart/ ============================ Mexico City Celebrated Harley Davidson’s 110th Anniversary
Thousands of motorcyclists gathered in Mexico City on Saturday, May 11th, to celebrate the 110th Anniversary of Harley Davidson. Part of a global celebration taking place on six continents throughout the entire year, Mexico City’s motorcycle parade, which was open to anyone who owned a motorbike, had more than 5,000 participants, making it the largest parade of its kind for the destination. The Mayor of Mexico City, Dr. Miguel Angel Mancera, was the grand marshal for the parade, along with Dr. Jesús Rodríguez, the Minister of Public Safety and the Minister of Tourism Miguel Torruco. The parade began at 10:00 a.m. at the Zócalo, a large plaza located in the City’s historical center, and continued through several main avenues including Tacuba, Hidalgo and the popular Avenida la Reforma, among others. The procession culminated at the Hermanos Rodriguez speedway where people enjoyed activities including a
MASTERLINK JUNE 2013 show by the ‘Umbrella Girls,’ Harley Davidson’s famous models. They were also able to experience the JUMPSTART, a type of dynamometer that allows one to experience the thrill of taking a Harley Davidson to its limits. For the grand finale, guest of honor, the ‘Godfather of Shock Rock’ Alice Cooper, performed and took concert-goers back to rocks’ glory days.
Minister of Tourism Miguel Torruco and event organizers estimate the event had a tremendous economic impact for the City, estimating approximately 80% hotel occupancy and revenues surpassing $2 million. ===========================
Motorcycles Used To Test Storm Shelters
News from the Net (continued)
A non-profit company has found a unique way to test tornado shelters. They use motorcycles. Imagine a pitching machine in baseball, that uses motorcycles to hurl projectiles.
It's a tornado simulator that uses rows of rotating wheels to project 2×4's. On Thursday in Chanute we watched as it hurled the pieces of wood at a car. See it in action yourself in a video posted on YouTube.com. The device is used to test out cement enforced walls, part of Project JOMO's unique tornado shelter.
"About eight years ago I built a famous motorcylce for Patron Tequilla that actu-
Gehrke is owner and founder of the nonprofit company that gives away tornado shelters and he says building the machine they call "the shredder" was cheaper than driving to Texas where he tested out the shelters, about a $3,500 difference.
Now all he has to pay for is the wood and gas for the bike.
May Safety Report
one will be over-burdened. Please, contact me ASAP so we can get the schedule started. You can email at azjkc@aol.com or call me 602-616-9855. Thank you for your dedication to ABATE and your fellow riders’ safety.
It’s starting to get warm in beautiful Arizona. You know what that means. Too Broke For Sturgis is just around the corner. There will be lots of fun and meeting up with old friends that you see once a year. I know I can’t wait. All the ABATE Chapters come together and volunteer their time to produce this event. One of your volunteer opportunities is to be at the hub of activity while spending some time in the First Aid area, near Registration. If you have a current CPR/ First Aid card from the American Heart Association or the Red Cross you can volunteer for time in the First Aid area. If you are licensed health care professional you can spend time in the First Aid area. Our responsibility at Too Broke is to provide first aid; it is part of the contract with Mormon Lake Lodge. If someone experiences a life-threatening emergency, we call 911. The First Aid area will be open from 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM Friday and Saturday. If several people volunteer to be there for about 2 hours at a time, no
ally runs off Patron and some other bikes and so I got to thinking – I need to build this machine, if I power it by a motocycle, I can use my resume to help get this thing built," says Russel Gehrke of Project JOMO. "Is the bike the best thing to shoot two by four's with? Absolutely not. But it's cool."
Now, for the Safety Issue of the month…… Crash-Avoidance Technologies in Cars, Do they see motorcycles? Several years ago, I heard about ‘smart highways’ that had built –in sensors that responded to the flow of traffic. I questioned then if the technology would include sensing motorcycles. I never really got an answer. Now cars are being built with sensors that assist drivers to avoid crashes – “crash avoidance warning systems.” There was a good article about that in the most recent AMA magazine. Here’s what I got out of that article….AMA has been active and lobbying to the automobile manufacturers to ensure the new crash avoidance technologies consider motorcycles in the design. Some manufacturers responded to AMA queries regarding inclusion of motorcycles in their design processes. Honda, BMW, Ford and Mercedes responded that their testing of the devices included motorcycles. The testing included such devices as Forward Collision Warning System, Adaptive Cruise Control, Blind Spot Information
System, Cross-Traffic Alert and Collision Mitigation Brake System. The four manufacturers that responded to AMA indicted that motorcycles, as well as bicycles would be detected by the technology. These are warning systems to assist the driver in safer travel BUT the driver still has the ultimate responsibility to operate the vehicle. The article goes on the say that in the future vehicles may incorporate vehicle–to-vehicle communication. Wouldn’t that be interesting??! I like the idea of crash avoidance technology. The driver can no longer say, “But, officer I did not see the motorcycle.” There will be greater ability to reconstruct crashes and perhaps show driver fault in crashes with motorcycles. There is discussion among manufacturers to include the technology on motorcycles. AMA voiced the concern that
PAGE 13 Congressional Motorcycle Caucus formed in U.S. House
U.S. Reps. Michael Burgess (R-Texas) and Tim Griffin (R-Ark.) are serving as co-chairmen of the Congressional Motorcycle Caucus for the new 113th Congress, the American Motorcyclist Association reports.
The bi-partisan caucus, which has existed for many years, was formally recognized by the House for the new Congress. Official caucuses must register and be recognized at the start of every two-year Congress. The caucus is made up of members of
continued page 14
while all the technology may make the rider safer, it also could introduce Big Brother into our lives. Officials could know how fast we ride and when, when we brake, accelerate, and where we travel. AMA has a point, but I think that day has already arrived. We are under constant surveillance through security cameras, traffic cameras, cell phones, vehicle navigation systems, satellite. So, why not embrace improved technology for improved safety? However, discussion regarding safety technology and driver/rider autonomy must continue. The technology must not replace driver/rider skill and decision-making, the systems must remain ‘advisory’. Our responsibility is to keep informed and advocate regarding motorcycling. Jean Cooper State Safety Officer
PAGE 14 community. The key to the success of getting legislation passed into Law was also the “tangible pattern of evidence”. Indisputable and undeniable proof (audio, video, pictures, statements) that validated, without a doubt, there was a problem that needed to be fixed.
Photo courtesy of Johnny D
Congress who are passionate about motorcycling and who work to promote the interests of motorcyclists.
"It's wonderful to have Reps. Burgess and Griffin leading the Congressional Motorcycle Caucus," said Wayne Allard, AMA vice president for government relations and a former U.S. senator and representative from Colorado. "The Congressional Motorcycle Caucus is made up of dedicated members of Congress who ensure that motorcyclists aren't forgotten on Capitol Hill. Reps. Burgess and Griffin have proven that they are true friends of motorcycling. "We look forward to working with our old friends in the Congressional Motorcycle Caucus, as well as new members who join, to help protect and promote the motorcycling lifestyle," Allard said. Burgess said that he was looking forward to working with Griffin on the Caucus.
"We welcome the registration of the Motorcycle Caucus for the 113th Congress," Burgess said. "Having previously served as the Caucus chair, I welcome Congressman Tim Griffin as cochair. We, along with other congressional members, will once again provide a platform and a voice here in Washington for motorcycle enthusiasts and our safety."
"I look forward to growing the Motorcycle Caucus as the voice in Congress for America's more than 25 million motorcyclists," Griffin said. "As a rider, I recognize that there are many important issues affecting us, such as unreasonable limits on trail riding areas, the need for additional safety awareness, and ethanol mandates that harm motorcycle engines." Caucus Member and House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Vice Chairman John Duncan said, "Motorcycling is important to my district and to me personally. I look forward to continuing to work with the cochairs and other members to highlight the need for motorcycle safety and to promote the use of motorcycles and scooters as fun, fuel efficient transportation
AMSAC (continued)
Each state that was present seemed encouraged and excited about the success in Washington State. Double D announced the preliminary stages of what will become a national AntiProfiling bill on the federal level evolving soon. The wording for such a bill has been written and
plans are to continue supporting and assisting each state in passing an Anti-Profiling law. I wanted to bring this information to all of you because I feel the changing tide that was seen and felt at NCOM 2013 was well worth sharing in the hopes that new and more productive rela-
News from the Net (continued)
MASTERLINK JUNE 2013 tionships within each state will be cultivated and grow from these comments, perceptions and statements from NCOM 2013. Kat Grover ABATE Authorized Lobbyist
Photo courtesy of Johnny D
options for many Americans."
The CMC includes members of Congress from both sides of the aisle who are committed to advancing motorcycling and improving the safety of motorcyclists. At the start of each Congress, all caucuses must be reestablished and recognized formally by the House. This is the fourth consecutive congressional session that the CMC has been organized.
Harley-Davidson and Sturgis Buffalo Chip Join Forces for Annual Biker Belles Celebration
The Sturgis Buffalo Chip and HarleyDavidson are teaming up for the Sturgis Rally’s preeminent celebration of women in motorcycling. The 5th annual Biker Belles ride & celebration will take place Tuesday, August 6 with registration and events starting at the Lodge of Deadwood, followed by an escorted ride to the Sturgis Buffalo Chip for a special riders’ reception and charity auction. Tickets for the event can be purchased online by logging onto www.BikerBelles.com. Ticket sales go to support Helping with Horsepower ® and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum and Hall of Fame ®
The annual Biker Belles Celebration will kick off in historic Deadwood, SD, with special events for all Biker Belles participants. A comfort zone, including massage, shopping and other amenities will be available as well as a photo booth for fun snapshots with fellow Biker Belles. An inspiring Symposium paneled by leading women in the industry, including Shelly Rossemeyer, Laura Klock, and Jessi Combs will follow registration. An escorted ride through the beautiful canyons of the Black Hills will be led by Ride Captain Meg McDonough and arrive at the Sturgis Buffalo Chip. The special Biker Belles reception at the Chip’s Russ Brown Events Center highlights fun, friends, and fashion with live music provided by none other than Iron Cowgirl Missy, a biker fashion show fea-
turing Harley-Davidson® MotorClothes, and live and silent auctions of donated items from industry companies. To top off the festivities, Shelly Rossmeyer and the Rossmeyer family of Destination Daytona have generously donated a HarleyDavidson motorcycle to be customized by moto-celebrity Jessi Combs, show host of All Girls Garage and Overhaulin’. The finished bike will be featured in the live auction, which is open to the public this year to help broaden the message of support for women in motorcycling. “It doesn’t get any bigger in Sturgis than the Buffalo Chip and Harley-Davidson. We are very excited to be working with Harley-Davidson and Rossmeyer’s Destination Daytona, as part of one the most iconic brands in motorcycling. The Biker Belles Celebration is a distinctive event, showcasing the women motorcycling community’s generosity by supporting two deserving charities while providing women riders a home, a platform, and an opportunity to have fun and celebrate motorcycling.” – Toni Woodruff, Project Manager of Biker Belles – Sturgis Buffalo Chip Tickets for the 2013 Biker Belles celebration are available at www.BikerBelles.com or by calling 605) 347-9000. The ticket contribution is $45 per person with 100% going directly to the chosen charities. This ride is open to all men, women, riders and non-riders who support women in motorcycling. Tickets to Tuesday’s concert headliner, Toby Keith, may be purchased separately. More Sturgis Buffalo Chip camping, concert and events information can be found on www.BuffaloChip.com.
The 32nd annual Buffalo Chip festival has a growing list of one-of-a-kind events that take place August 2-11, 2013 during the 73rd Sturgis motorcycle rally. View them at www.BuffaloChip.Com/EVENTS.aspx. ===========================
U.S. lawmaker introduces bill to stop funding for motorcycle-only checkpoints
A U.S. lawmaker has introduced a bill to
not only end funding for motorcycle-only checkpoints but also to put more emphasis on motorcycle safety programs, the American Motorcyclist Association reports.
On May 7, U.S. Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.) introduced H.R. 1861 to prohibit the U.S. Transportation Department from providing funds to state and local authorities for motorcycle-only checkpoints. The bill, called the Stop Motorcycle Checkpoint Funding Act, also has language to force U.S. transportation officials to focus motorcycle safety efforts on crash prevention programs rather than national helmet mandates. "Current law states that highway safety plans must prevent accidents and reduce injuries," Sensenbrenner said. "The Stop Motorcycle Checkpoint Funding Act would require highway safety plans to include programs that prevent accidents in order to reduce injuries and deaths resulting from accidents involving motor vehicles and motorcycles.
"This small change will make a significant impact because it highlights that preventing accidents is the best way to save motorcyclists' lives," he said. For more information, go to www.americanmotorcyclist.com/rights/issueslegislation. ============================= Zero Motorcycles’ 2013 Zero MMX Is Made For The Military Zero Motorcycles just announced the arrival of its all-new 2013 Zero MMX military motorcycle.
The MMX was developed exclusively for military use in the U.S. Special Operations Forces (SOF) and provides Special Operations riders with unique tactical advantages over traditional combustion motorcycles, as the electric powertrain allows for rapid movement over hostile terrain in near silence and minimal heat signature. Zero Motorcycles’ engineering team worked under military contract to develop the motorcycle. The MMX has met the most stringent stan-
MASTERLINK JUNE 2013 dards set forth by the U.S. military, as an undisclosed number of MMX motorcycles are currently undergoing full operational testing.
"it was a very rewarding experience for the Zero team to go through such an exacting development process. The military needed a very specific set of core features on the MMX, and we were incredibly thankful to work side-by-side with them to deliver such a unique product,” said Abe Askenazi, Chief Technology Officer for Zero Motorcycles. “The great news for our civilian customers is that we made the decision to incorporate into our 2013 MX, FX and XU retail motorcycles virtually all of the powertrain enhancements associated with satisfying this project’s stringent military requirements. Our 2013 product is truly ‘military grade’!” ===========================
Orem man takes his motorcycle on a 4,000-mile road trip
Tucked away in a small warehouse off Geneva Road in Orem, Sean Jordan can be found getting his hands dirty as he strips, repairs and builds motorcycles at Grim Cycle Salvage. Sean and his wife, Cat, have kept busy running their shop for the last five years, but he might be harder to find after his recent 4,000-mile motorcycle journey has sparked a new outlet for his passion.
With the warm weather bringing his shop back into the busy season, Sean is just catching up on work after making a 24day ride from Utah to Costa Rica. Having grown up riding, Sean suspected he might enjoy such a long ride, but the trip exceeded his expectations. "Twenty-four days was not long enough," he said. "It was a long time but I could have easily kept going."
Sean spent months prepping a 1994 Honda XR650L, a sort of hybrid bike purchased specifically for the trip, both on dirt and on pavement. En route to Los Angeles to pick up another friend, the group experienced their first major breakdown only 300 miles into the journey. They rebuilt the engine in a parking lot.
Passing through Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and finally Costa Rica, the group dealt with busted shocks, blown tires, missed ferries and turns and thousands of miles of unknown roads. One bike's mechanical woes foiled a would-be thief who was unable to start the engine after cutting through the cable lock.
For Sean, these obstacles just added to the adventure. He said there's no better way to make such a trip than on a motorcycle.
"It's not like when you just fly into one place," he said. "You get to see everything around you. You get to feel the cold, the hot, the really bad smells, the really good smells."
There are days when you are hot and sweaty and your hindquarters are telling you to quit, Sean said.
News from the Net (continued) "Then there are days where the roads are just unbelievable and the weather's perfect and you're just having a killer time." You have to take the bad days in stride to get to the good ones. "It was kind of cool to see the food change, the terrain change," Sean said. "There's some amazing coastline and there's just nothing and nobody out there. It's really cool."
After reaching their destination, a small surf town on the southern tip of Costa Rica, the group left their bikes with a friend to sell them and flew back to Denver, arriving in a snowstorm. Sean is already dreaming up another trip. Perhaps to Alaska. Maybe all the way to the southern tip of South America. "I think this will just be the start of some bigger trips," he said.
Back in Orem, Sean has a new appreciation for running his own shop, just him and Cat. While he turns the wrenches, Cat handles their new and used parts sales, which accounts for about half of their business. Raising two boys, ages 9 and 15, Cat says being their own bosses is the only way to make it work. Sean isn't complaining either.
"I've still got all these responsibilities," he said, "but if I want to do a 24-day trip, as long as she's cool with it, I can go. I think it's better that way."
Business is good and the Jordans hope to expand their shop this year, hiring a couple extra people and taking over a building across the street. Sean said his favorite jobs are ground-up builds where he has the freedom to get creative on a bike, but they will take any work to keep people on the road and keep the business going. "My favorite thing about motorcycles is riding them," he said. "Everything else I do at this point is a means to that end." ===========================
Bonneville Documentary Coming This Summer
The inspiring true story of four tenacious men who risk everything to conquer the world records of motorcycle land speed racing. This rare and special film will remind you how perseverance against all odds can send the most unlikely men roaring into glory. Produced by Ryan Stiles and Andrew Lahmann. Directed by Chad DeRosa. Featuring Mark Bjorklund, Carl Bjorklund, Jason Omer and Bill Woods. ===========================
Canadian Motorcycles Avoiding Speeding Fines The speed camera commission says motorcycle riders are escaping fines because some cameras cannot detect rear number plates. The commission says almost 20,000 speeding riders did not receive fines and demerit points in the past three financial years.
More than 200 of those were caught exceeding the speed limit by 45 kilometres an hour or more.
The commission says most mobile speed cameras in Victoria cannot detect rear plates.
But John Eacott, from the Victorian Motorcycle Council, says the technology is available and should be used in Victoria.
"It's being used in Western Australia right now and is proving to an absolute success. We welcome any road safety initiative that benefits all road users," he said. Meanwhile, police are cracking down on pedestrians who break the law.
Operation Halo will target people disobeying traffic lights and not following road rules when using crossings.
Police cautioned and fined and more than 130 people when they ran a similar operation in February. ============================
Proposed Bill Would Loosen Motorcycle Helmet Laws
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. — The House has given its blessing to letting people 21 and older ride motorcycles on Missouri highways without helmets. Representative Warren Love (R-Osceola) says he chooses to ride with a helmet for safety, but there are many who don't … and those riders carry good money.
"We're surrounded by states that does not have a helmet law … if there are people riding southwest of Missouri and they're getting ready to come across Missouri, they're going to go down through Arkansas and journey around and they're going to bypass Missouri. We're losing thousands and thousands of dollars because people aren't coming to Missouri because of our helmet law."
The idea had bipartisan support … and bipartisan opposition. Representative Diane Franklin (R-Camdenton) says as a health care professional, she has seen what happens to people who have been in motorcycle accidents.
"Wearing a helmet does not just affect the individual. It affects everyone in the state of Missouri. It affects insurance premiums. Not wearing a helmet is allowing people to be injured when there's no need for it. It's not just a matter of personal choice. It's not like a chronic condition or any other kind of medical condition like obesity, where there is more than one contributing factor. This is something that can easily be taken care of." =============================
Victory Baggers Get Love From Mustang
Mustang offers Victory owners a win-win deal with saddles for the Victory Cross Roads, Cross Country and Hard-Ball baggers.
PAGE 15 “Mustang’s mantra has been ‘it’s all about the Ride,’ and we’re proud to have expanded our offerings for the new Victory baggers,” says Mustang Director of Sales Steve Veltri. He notes that Mustang already offers seats for Victory’s Vegas, Kingpin and 8-Balls. According to Victory, the new bikes bring bad ass style and attitude to the bagger niche. “However, being a bad ass doesn’t mean you can’t have a comfortable seat,” quips Veltri.
Mustang’s DayTripper™ and Wide Touring seats for all three of these new Victory models offer the added benefit of being lower than stock without sacrificing comfort. The DayTripper sits ½” lower than the stock seat while the Wide Touring seat is ¼” lower. By making the nose of the seat narrower than stock, it makes it easier for riders to plant their feet firmly on the ground. The “PBR” passenger backrest angles the passenger's upper back forward for more vertical support and increased comfort. Combined with Mustang's proprietary polyurethane foam material and baseplate, the result is a seat guaranteed to deliver all-day comfort. To further help alleviate back pain during long days in the saddle, Mustang offers fully adjustable, easily removable driver’s backrests.
The MSRP for the DayTripper starts at $359 and the Wide Touring starts at $489. Don't miss the video below. ============================
California Motorcycle Shop Created Tom Cruise’s ‘Oblivion’ Bike
Moviegoers and movie critics have come away from "Oblivion" raving about the vavoom vehicles in the box-office hit starring Tom Cruise — especially lead character Jack's futuristic folding motocross bike.
Known on the set as "Jack's moto bike," the wispy ghost-white bike wheelies its way across a landscape of desert salt flats — actually, volcanic sand in Iceland — and transports the hero into and out of trouble throughout director Joseph Kosinski's dystopian film.
The "moto bike," though, was a Honda CRF450X before local motorcycle-fabricator-to-the-stars Justin Kell started transforming it. Kell, whose Glory Motor Works has built or restored bikes for "The Master," "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" and "G.I. Joe 2," among many others, said his company built three futuristic motorcycles for Cruise and Kosinski's stunt crews to ride in "Oblivion."
To do that, Kell removed and replaced the Honda's exhaust system, cooling system, fuel tanks and body work, added all-new lighting and electrics — all in his Glendale facility, where he also does classic motorcycle restoration work — and slapped on custom carbon fiber wheels.
High Country Chapter Wild in the Weeds
Brothers n Sisters all I can say is WOW. I have been coming to this event since the second annual, in 2005. Boy is it growing. This year was our ninth annual Our biggest, baddest , strongest ever. Seen a lot of old faces, But there was a lot of new faces this year. Fun was had by all. I want to say to Debzz, who is our Activities Coordinator. Girl you know how to put a
party together! Debzz was elected Activities Coordinator 6 mos. before this event and grabbed the Raines and ran. Great Job! To the rest of the officers, Thank you. Awesome team work at Jakes. Jakes Corner employees, You guys ROCK! Thanks for putting up with us all these years. The band The Mods who played on Friday night and SouLever who played on
Saturday night. One last thank you. To Rick Heppler (Owner of Jakes). That was our last party we had with you and you were called home the very next week. HCC-ABATE will miss you. Ride Forever Free Brother! Vine HCC- Membership
High Country Chapter Wild in the Weeds
Lane Splitting General Guidelines For Motorcycles
Lane splitting in a safe and prudent manner is not illegal in the state of California. The term lane splitting, sometimes known as lane sharing, filtering or white-lining, refers to the process of a motorcyclist riding between lanes of stopped or slower moving traffic or moving between lanes to the front of traffic stopped at a traffic light.
Motorcyclists who are competent enough riders to lane split, should follow these general guidelines if choosing to lane split:
1) Travel at a speed that is no more than 10 MPH faster than other traffic – danger increases at higher speed differentials. - A speed differential of 10 miles per hour or less allows an alert, competent rider enough time to identify and react to most dangerous situations that can occur. - The greater the speed differential, the less time a rider has to identify and react to a hazard.
2) It is not advisable to lane split when traffic flow is at 30 mph or faster --danger increases as overall speed increases. - At just 20 mph, in the 1 or 2 seconds it takes a rider to identify a hazard, that rider will travel approximately 30 to 60 feet before even starting to take evasive action. Actual reaction (braking or swerving) will take additional time and distance. - Braking and stopping distance varies greatly based on a multitude of factors (rider, machine and environment). - As speed increases, crash severity increases.
3) Typically, it is safer to split between the #1 and #2 lanes than between other lanes.
- Other road users are more accustomed to motorcycles splitting between the #1 and #2 (furthest left) lanes. - Avoid splitting in lanes near freeway on-ramps and exits. - Avoid splitting lanes when another motorcycle rider is splitting between other nearby lanes as cars may make additional room for one rider and accidentally reduce space for another.
4) Consider the total environment in which you are splitting, including the width of the lanes, size of surrounding vehicles, as well as roadway, weather, and lighting conditions. - Some lanes are narrower than others, leaving little room to pass safely. If you can't fit, don't split. - Some vehicles are wider than others -it is not advisable to split near wide trucks. If you can't fit, don't split. - Know the limitations of your motorcycle --- wide bars, fairing and bags require more space between vehicles. If you can't fit, don't split. - Avoid splitting on unfamiliar roads to avoid surprises such as poor road surfaces. - Seams in the pavement or concrete between lanes can be hazardous if they are wide or uneven. - Poor visibility, due to darkness or weather conditions, makes it difficult for riders to see road hazards and makes it more difficult for drivers to see you. - Help drivers see you by wearing brightly colored protective gear and using high beams during daylight.
5) Be alert and anticipate possible movements by other road users. - Be very aware of what the cars around you are doing. If a space, or gap, opens up next to your lane, be prepared react accordingly. - Always be prepared to take evasive action if a vehicle changes lanes. - Account for inattentive or distracted
drivers. - Riders should not weave back and forth between lanes or ride on top of the line. - Riders should avoid lingering in blind spots. - Never ride while impaired by drugs, alcohol or fatigue. - Constantly scan for changing conditions.
The Four R's or “Be-Attitudes” of Lane Splitting:
Be Reasonable, be Responsible, be Respectful, be aware of all Roadway and traffic conditions. - Be Reasonable means not more than 10 MPH faster than traffic flow and not over 39 MPH. - Be Responsible for your own safety and decisions. • Don't put yourself in dangerous positions. • If you can't fit, don't split. - Be Respectful --- sharing the road goes both ways. • Don't rely on loud pipes to keep you safe, loud pipes often startle people and poison the attitude of car drivers toward motorcyclists. • Other vehicles are not required to make space for motorcycles to lane split. - Be aware Roadways and traffic can be hazardous. • uneven pavement • wide trucks • distracted drivers • weather conditions • curves • etc.
These general guidelines are not guaranteed to keep you safe. Lane splitting should not be performed by inexperienced riders. These guidelines assume a high level of riding com-
petency and experience. The recommendations contained here are only general guidelines and cannot cover all possible combinations of situations and variables. Personal Safety: Every rider has ultimate responsibility for his or her own decision making and safety. Riders must be conscious of reducing crash risk at all times. California law requires all motorcycle riders and passengers wear a helmet that complies with the DOT FMVSS 218 standard. Risk of getting a ticket: Motorcyclists who lane split are not relieved of the responsibility to obey all existing traffic laws. With respect to possible law enforcement action, keep in mind that it will be up to the discretion of the Law Enforcement Officer to determine if riding behavior while lane splitting is or was safe and prudent.
When is it NOT OK to split?
You should NOT lane split: - If you can't fit. - At a toll booth. - If traffic is moving too fast or unpredictably. - If dangerous road conditions exist --examples include water or grit on the road, slippery road markings, road construction, uneven pavement, metal grates, etc. - If you cannot clearly see a way out of the space you're going into (for example, if a van or SUV is blocking your view). - Between trucks, buses, RVs, and other wide vehicles. - Around or through curves. - If you are not fully alert and aware of your surroundings. - If you are unable to react to changing conditions instantaneously. - If you don't feel comfortable with the situation.
PAGE 18 13NR14 - MRF News Release - House Committee Approves Ethanol Study Bill FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 19 April 2013
Contact:Jeff Hennie, Vice President of Government Ralations and Public Affairs House Committee Approves Ethanol Study Bill
The United States House of Representatives Committee on Science, Space, and Technology approved a bill that would require the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to conduct a comprehensive study on the E-15 gasoline fuel blends. The committee approved the bill, HR 875, by a vote of 18-17.
Committee Chairman had this to say, "Time and again, we see instances where American businesses are unnecessarily harmed by the EPA's regulatory and political agenda." Both the American Petroleum Institute and the Environmental Working Group, two organizations that do not often agree, back Mr. Sensenbrenner's E15 bill. The American Automobile Association (AAA), as well as groups representing snowmobile, boat and motorcycle owners also support the bill. Motorcycle champion, James Sensenbrenner (R-WI), authors HR 875.
The Motorcycle Riders Foundation encourages you to contact your U.S. Representative and ask them to co-sponsor this important legislation. You can reach the US Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 ===========================
13NR15 - MRF News Release - Half The Story FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 26 April 2013
Contact:Jeff Hennie, Vice President of Government Ralations and Public Affairs Half The Story
The Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) recently released the results of their Motorcyclist Traffic Fatality 2012 preliminary report and the results are unfortunately distorted to present one single sided solution to motorcyclist safety.
The GHSA is blaming the expected rise in motorcyclist's deaths largely on the extremely mild weather in 2012. They also cite the economy improving, allowing households to find themselves with discretionary income. Lastly, they acknowledged the fact that gas prices are at record highs and the desire for high mile per gallon vehicles is increasing. To quote the study:
Riders will 'use their fuel-efficient motorcycles rather than automobiles for commuting and other everyday travel,' thus increasing rider deaths.
'An improving economy produces more discretionary income with which to buy and ride motorcycles' - Source: GHSA
Those are facts. Warm days, extra cash and a way to beat the gas prices. It would be very difficult to argue that those factors would not increase the amount of motorcyclists on the roads. Simple arithmetic shows that more motorcyclists on the
News from the MRF
roads will increase the chances that more are going to crash. The same equation works for all vehicle types. Still the GHSA paints a very morbid picture and uses this false platform to push for mandatory helmet laws. After all motorcyclist fatalities are up. What they never mention is, so are registrations for motorcycles.
The study's author James Hedlund, formerly of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, had this to say in an interview about the study, 'I found that over the past three decades, the number of registrations tracks closely with the number of deaths'. The long-term fatality flow chart used in the GHSA report would echo this if the registration numbers were also posted. As expected, those numbers were not included. What started off as a promising report on valid reasons for the increase in motorcycle usage, ended up as an attack on the freedoms of all motorcycle riders in this country.
http://msnbcmedia.msn.com/i/msnbc/sections/news/GHSA_Motorcycle_Deaths.pd f ============================= 13NR16 - MRF News Release - Obama Taps Charlotte Mayor for Top Spot at DOT FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 30 April 2013
Contact:Jeff Hennie, Vice President of Government Ralations and Public Affairs Obama Taps Charlotte Mayor for Top Spot at DOT
The Motorcycle Riders Foundation reports that today, President Obama has nominated Anthony Foxx for Secretary of Transportation. Foxx is the Mayor of Charlotte, North Carolina, and a former member of the Charlotte City Council as well as a lawyer.
Foxx is a relative new comer to politics, winning his first election to city council in 2005 and became the youngest Mayor of Charlotte when he was elected in 2009. Jeff Hennie, Vice President of Government Affairs and Public Relations for the MRF states,Mbr> “He has not said anything about his priorities as he leads the Department of Transportation (DOT) or what he will focus on. But it’s still early, so we expect his agenda to be scrutinized in the confirmation process.” Foxx is expected to sail through the confirmation process in the coming weeks.
The MRF looks forward to working with Secretary Foxx as he leads the United States Department of Transportation.
http://msnbcmedia.msn.com/i/msnbc/sections/news/GHSA_Motorcycle_Deaths.pd f =============================
13NR17 - MRF News Release - BEST of the West is almost here. Have you registered yet?
1 May 2013
Contact:Carol Downs, Director of Conferences & Events
BEST of the West is almost here. Have you registered yet?
May 9th is the pre-registration deadline for BEST of the West. By registering early you will save $10.00. In addition, the cutoff date for reserving your room is also May 9th. We have a great line up of speakers for the conference. There will be general sessions that include the latest information from the Centers for Disease Control. The workshops will include Motorcycle Only Checkpoints, A Bikers View of the Constitution, What’s All The Noise About Noise and others. You can view a copy of the agenda on the MRF website, www.mrf.org; click on 2013 Conference Information. ABATE of Montana will host this year's conference. The dates are June 8th-9th at the Billings Hotel and Convention Center in Billings, Montana. Billings Hotel and Convention Center 1223 Mullowney Lane Billings, MT 59101 800-537-7286
Montana is a wonderful place to ride. What a great opportunity to schedule a couple extra days of vacation to enjoy some of the beauty that is to be found in that part of the county. This is also a great conference to bring the kids to. The Billings Hotel has a pool with great water slides. In fact, who needs the kids, just bring your suit.
It has been some years since the Motorcycle Riders Foundation has been to Montana. I hope to see many of you there to enjoy it with us. =============================
13NR19 - MRF News Release Motorcycle Only Checkpoint Introduced FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 8 May 2013
Contact:Jeff Hennie, Vice President of Government Ralations and Public Affairs Motorcycle Only Checkpoint Introduced
The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) reports that Congressman James Sensenbrenner (Wisconsin) filed a bill on Tuesday, May 7th to prohibit the federal funding of motorcycle only roadside checkpoints. The bill, H.R. 1861, has nine original cosponsors however, we need many more to pass this landmark legislation.
Sensenbrenner had this to say in a 'Dear Colleague letter' that is circulating in the House of Representatives; 'In the 112th Congress, I introduced H.R. 904, a bill to prohibit the Department of Transportation (DOT) from providing funds to state and local authorities for the purpose of creating motorcycle only checkpoints. Section one of the Stop Motorcycle Checkpoint Funding Act contains the same language as H.R. 904. However, this bill also contains language to force the DOT to focus motorcycle safety efforts on crash prevention programs, not national helmet mandates.' The bill was officially introduced on May
MASTERLINK JUNE 2013 7th. It's important to contact your sitting member of the House of Representatives and ask them to be a co-sponsor of this important legislation. Ask them to contact Congressman James Sensenbrenner and lend their support as co-sponsor of H.R. 1861. You can contact the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121
13NR21 - MRF News Release - The MOTORCYCLE RIDERS FOUNDATION AWARENESS & EDUCATION, INC. (MRFA&E) has been invited to present the "3Rs Impaired Riding Campaign" at the 2013 State Motorcycle Safety Administrators National Summit.
Contact:Deborah Butitta, MRF A&E Board of Director Chairman
The MOTORCYCLE RIDERS FOUNDATION AWARENESS & EDUCATION, INC. (MRFA&E) has been invited to present the "3Rs Impaired Riding Campaign" at the 2013 State Motorcycle Safety Administrators National Summit.
MRFA&E's 3Rs Impaired Riding Campaign, which has been presented at national, regional and state motorcycle rights conferences, will also be presented to the 2013 State Motorcycle Safety Administrators National Summit this August. MRF A&E 3Rs: I Don't Want to Ride in Your Funeral Procession!
The presentation addresses the subject of impaired riding on a personal level. It says to the audience "I love riding with you, your friendship is important in my life. I don't want to ride in your funeral procession." By Being Responsible in what you do, Riding Responsibly when you are alone or in a group and Taking Responsibility for your actions we can successfully begin reducing fatalities due to impaired riding. The program was developed as a Power Point presentation that can be presented to your group or organization. A script is included on the disk to help develop talking points to make this program compatible with how you would like to address impaired riding in your group. When you get out there on the road remember, Be Responsible, Ride Responsible, Take Responsibility.
MRF A&E would like to thank the Motorcycle Riders Foundation Alcohol and Awareness Committee and the Committee's Chair Steve Zimmer for providing the inspiration for this program. Committee member Wayne Wierson worked to adapt the idea to power point. Seeing that the presentation amplified the Awareness and Education role that MRF A&E was promoting, the presentation was placed under the management of MRF A&E. The Motorcycle Riders Foundation Awareness & Education, Inc. was established to promote motorcycle awareness and education due to an ever-increasing rider population creating a greater need. Go to www.mrfae.org for more information.
For more information of this presentation contact wayne@mrfae.org.
Business Member Spotlight - The Bashful Bandit
Nestled in the heart of the Tucson lies a legendary watering hole whose motto is “Bikers Wanted, Everyone Welcome”. The Bashful Bandit has been serving up drinks to biker brothers and sisters since 1978. Located at 3686 E Speedway, the bar is open from 10am until 2am, seven days a week, 365 days a year. That's right, the Bandit never closes.
Weekly events include free food – nachos on Wednesday starting at 3pm, tacos on Thursday also at 3pm, pizza on Friday at 5:30, and breakfast on Sunday mornings. Sundays also feature $2 Bloody Marys until 12pm, and a live blues jam from 4-9pm. So bring your instrument and loosen up your vocal chords, everyone is welcome onstage. The Bandit also features live bands on Friday and Saturday nights staring at 9pm, where there is never a cover charge.
Eager to host any and all events, owners Brian and Brenndon would love to talk to you about hosting your next special event. From biker runs to charity events to private birthday parties, the Bashful Bandit is there to make your next event something special. Just give them a call at 520-795-8996.
So the next time you are in the Old Pueblo stop by the Bashful Bandit and say hi to one or more of it's 12 employees. You never know who or what your are going to find there, but I promise you will have a good time. And don't forget to bring along your 4 legged friends, they are always welcome. So come on 2 wheels or 4, day or night, your sure to find something special happening at the Bandit. Check them out at www.thebashfulbandit.com and on Facebook, and don't forget to to tell them Big Art sent you.
Call for MAP Instructors
The Motorcycle Awareness Program (M.A.P.) is an educational program aimed at the target audience of high school students in driver’s education classes. There has been a small group of instructors who have volunteered to present the M.A.P. to students throughout the state. But, we need more instructors.
Remember, that ABATE stands for EDUCATE. Our purpose is to spread the word about safe motorcycling and promote a positive image of motorcyclists. What better way than to speak to the future drivers of our state. The students hopefully, will not only be better equipped car and truck drivers but will also be more aware and watch out for us.
To become an instructor you must:
1. Be available during the day: The presentations in the high school driver’s education classes last about an hour during the school day. There may be as many as 5 classes in one day.
2. Be willing to stand up in front of a group of about 30 high school students and speak: That sounds easier than you think. You need to be able to gently maintain control of the group.
3. Know the material being presented: There is an outline for all presenters to follow so there is uniformity in
the material presented.
4. Commit to teaching at least 2 classes per school year: We hope to have at least one volunteer instructor in each ABATE Chapter. That person will attend and instructor class (about 4 hours), attend a M.A.P. with an experienced instructor, teach a class with an experienced instructor in attendance. When the new instructor is comfortable and the experienced instructor assesses him/her to be ready the new instructor may begin teaching alone. The mentor program assures that everyone is teaching the same material and everyone has support.
5. Provide record of teaching to the M.A.P. Coordinator on a consistent basis.
This is your opportunity to get the word out to new drivers about the importance of sharing the road with motorcyclists. This is your opportunity to support the mission and vision of ABATE in your community. Call me 602-616-9855 or email me azjkc@aol.com for more information and to register to become a M.A.P. Instructor. Jean Cooper ABATE State Safety Officer ABATE M.A.P. Coordinator
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M. LESTER Founder, Aid to Injured Motorcyclists
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JUNE 8-9, 2013 â&#x20AC;˘ BILLINGS, MONTANA BILLINGS BILLINGS HOTEL HOTEL AND AND CONVENTION CON NV VENTION CENTER CENTER 1223 Mullowney Lane, Billings, MT 59101 â&#x20AC;˘ 800-537-7286 â&#x20AC;˘ www.billingshotel.net For room reservations call 800-537-7286. Rate $79. Rooms must be reserved by May 9, 2013. Must mention Motorcycle Riders Foundattion Best of the West Conference to get the conference ratte. Conference cost if registered by May 9, 2013: MRF Members $60, Non-MRF Members $70. Conference cost if registered after May 9, 2013: MRF Members $70, Non-MRF Members $80. Registrations are accepted through the MRF website at www.mrf. org (Visa, MasterCard, Mas AmEx & Discover), by mail: MRF, 236 Massachusetts Ave NE, Suite 204, Washington, DC
2013 BEST of the W West e Pre-Registration est
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House Roster Name John Allen Lela Alston Brenda Barton Sonny Borrelli Paul Boyer Kate Brophy McGee Chad Campbell Minority Leader Mark A. Cardenas Heather Carter Doug Coleman Lupe Chavira Contreras Andrea Dalessandro Jeff Dial Juan Carlos Escamilla Karen Fann Eddie Farnsworth Tom Forese Rosanna GabaldĂłn Ruben Gallego Assistant Minority Leader Sally Ann Gonzales Doris Goodale David M. Gowan Sr. Majority Leader Rick Gray Majority Whip Albert Hale Lydia Hernandez John Kavanagh Adam Kwasman Jonathan Larkin Debbie Lesko David Livingston Phil Lovas Stefanie Mach Debbie McCune Davis Juan Mendez Javan "J.D." Mesnard Speaker Pro Tempore Eric Meyer Catherine H. Miranda Darin Mitchell Steve Montenegro Justin Olson Ethan Orr Lisa Otondo Jamescita Peshlakai Warren Petersen Justin Pierce Frank Pratt MartĂn J. Quezada Bob Robson Macario Saldate IV Carl Seel Andrew Sherwood T.J. Shope Steve Smith Victoria Steele David W. Stevens Bob Thorpe Andy Tobin Kelly Townsend Michelle Ugenti Bruce Wheeler
District 15 24 6 5 20 28 24
Party R D R R R R D
Email jallen@azleg.gov lalston@azleg.gov bbarton@azleg.gov sborrelli@azleg.gov pboyer@azleg.gov kbrophymcgee@azleg.gov chcampbell@azleg.gov
Room 131 332 111 310 309 304 320
Phone (602) 926-4916 926-5829 926-4129 926-5051 926-4173 926-4486 926-3026
Fax (602) 417-3150 417-3115 417-3010 417-3003 417-3153 417-3170 417-3037
19 15 16 19 2 18 4 1 12 17 2 27
mcardenas@azleg.gov hcarter@azleg.gov dcoleman@azleg.gov lcontreras@azleg.gov adalessandro@azleg.gov jdial@azleg.gov jescamilla@azleg.gov kfann@azleg.gov efarnsworth@azleg.gov tforese@azleg.gov rgabaldon@azleg.gov rgallego@azleg.gov
122 303 308 325 118 110 126 316 302 113 117 321
926-3014 926-5503 926-3160 926-5284 926-5342 926-5550 926-5872 926-5874 926-5735 926-5168 926-3424 926-3042
417-3048 417-3107 417-3151 417-3106 417-3169 417-3120 417-3112 417-3001 417-3122 417-3021 417-3129 417-3117
3 5 14
sgonzales@azleg.gov dgoodale@azleg.gov dgowan@azleg.gov
116 313 206
926-3278 926-5408 926-3312
417-3127 417-3103 417-3130
7 29 23 11 30 21 22 22 10 30 26 17
ahale@azleg.gov lhernandez@azleg.gov jkavanagh@azleg.gov akwasman@azleg.gov jlarkin@azleg.gov dlesko@azleg.gov dlivingston@azleg.gov plovas@azleg.gov smach@azleg.gov ddavis@azleg.gov jmendez@azleg.gov jmesnard@azleg.gov
129 119 114 344 124 222 341 130 125 322 120 220
926-4323 926-3376 926-5170 926-5839 926-5058 926-5413 926-4178 926-3297 926-3398 926-4485 926-4124 926-4481
417-3160 417-3176 417-3108 417-3026 417-3015 417-3109 417-3154 417-3004 417-3126 417-3014 417-3017 417-3152
28 27 13 13 25 9 4 7 12 25 8 29 18 3 20 26 8 11 9 14 6 1 16 23
emeyer@azleg.gov cmiranda@azleg.gov dmitchell@azleg.gov smontenegro@azleg.gov jolson@azleg.gov eorr@azleg.gov lotondo@azleg.gov jpeshlakai@azleg.gov wpetersen@azleg.gov jpierce@azleg.gov fpratt@azleg.gov mquezada@azleg.gov brobson@azleg.gov msaldate@azleg.gov cseel@azleg.gov asherwood@azleg.gov tshope@azleg.gov stsmith@azleg.gov vsteele@azleg.gov dstevens@azleg.gov bthorpe@azleg.gov atobin@azleg.gov ktownsend@azleg.gov mugenti@azleg.gov
334 329 307 218 306 337 123 323 345 112 223 324 217 115 330 121 338 335 318 312 331 221 342 339
926-3037 926-4893 926-5894 926-5955 926-5288 926-3235 926-3002 926-5160 926-4136 926-5495 926-5761 926-5911 926-5549 926-4171 926-3018 926-3028 926-3012 926-5685 926-5683 926-4321 926-5219 926-5172 926-4467 926-4480
417-3111 417-3116 417-3012 417-3168 417-3161 417-3030 417-3124 417-3002 417-3222 417-3019 417-3023 417-3171 417-3157 417-3162 417-3006 417-3038 417-3123 417-3167 417-3147 417-3146 417-3223 417-3085 417-3018 417-3155
Senate Roster Party Email D eableser@azleg.gov R nbarto@azleg.gov R abiggs@azleg.gov D dbradley@azleg.gov R jburges@azleg.gov D ocajerobedford@azleg.gov
Room 303A 307 205 213 302 314
Phone (602) 926-4118 926-5766 926-4371 926-5262 926-5861 926-5835
Fax (602) 417-3224 417-3261 417-3022 926-3429 417-3104 417-3262
rcrandall@azleg.gov ccrandell@azleg.gov adriggs@azleg.gov
306 304 212
926-3020 926-5409 926-3016
417-3252 417-3105 417-3007
sfarley@azleg.gov sgallardo@azleg.gov ggriffin@azleg.gov
311 313 300
926-3022 926-5830 926-5895
417-3128 417-3268 417-3025
24 7 27
khobbs@azleg.gov jjackson@azleg.gov llandrum@azleg.gov
308 315 213
926-5325 926-5862 926-3830
417-3136 417-3099 417-3148
8 11 30 21 4 1 23 13 19
bmcguire@azleg.gov amelvin@azleg.gov rmeza@azleg.gov rmurphy@azleg.gov lpancrazi@azleg.gov spierce@azleg.gov mreagan@azleg.gov dshooter@azleg.gov atovar@azleg.gov
313 303 311 305 315 301 303 200 314
926-5836 926-4326 926-3425 926-4444 926-3004 926-5584 926-5828 923-4139 926-3392
417-3131 417-3159 417-3114 417-3009 417-3179 417-3101 417-3255 417-3024 417-3013
5 25 17
kward@azleg.gov bworsley@azleg.gov syarbrough@azleg.gov
304 310 309
926-4138 926-5760 926-5863
417-3165 417-3091 417-3258
Name Ed Ableser Nancy Barto Andy Biggs David Bradley Judy Burges Olivia Cajero Bedford
District 26 15 12 10 22 3
Rich Crandall Chester Crandell Adam Driggs Majority Whip Steve Farley Steve Gallardo Gail Griffin President Pro Tempore Katie Hobbs Jack Jackson Jr. Leah Landrum Taylor Minority Leader Linda Lopez Assistant Minority Leader John McComish Majority Leader Barbara McGuire Al Melvin Robert Meza Rick Murphy Lynne Pancrazi Steve Pierce Michele Reagan Don Shooter Anna Tovar Minority Whip Kelli Ward Bob Worsley Steve Yarbrough
16 6 28
9 29 14
Rider Ed Courses in AZ
To Print a Copy, Go To: http://nm.msf-usa.org/msf/ridercourses.aspx?state=AZ Locations Zip County Email Phone Site Website City Motorcycle Rider PHOENIX 85012 MARICOPA Click Here (623) 979-1839 View Training RIDE SMART M/C View PHOENIX 85023 MARICOPA Click Here (623) 877-5425 TRAINING T.E.A.M. Arizona View GILBERT 85233 MARICOPA Click Here (480) 998-9888 Chandler/Gilbert GILBERT PUBLIC View GILBERT 85234 MARICOPA (480) 894-0404 SCHOOLS (PARKING LOT) T.E.A.M. Arizona View SCOTTSDALE 85260 MARICOPA Click Here (480) 998-9888 Scottsdale CHANDLER View (480) 496-6800 TEMPE 85283 MARICOPA HARLEYDAVIDSON T.E.A.M. Arizona View GLENDALE 85302 MARICOPA Click Here (623) 939-9888 Glendale DEER VALLEY View GLENDALE 85308 MARICOPA (623) 247-5542 HIGH SCHOOL LUKE AIR FORCE LUKE AFB 85309 MARICOPA (623) 975-6264 BASE Motorcycle Rider View PEORIA 85345 MARICOPA Click Here (623) 979-1839 Training VEHICLE SAFETY YUMA 85367 YUMA Click Here (928) 376-7489 View INSTITUE T.E.A.M. Arizona FT View 85613 COCHISE Click Here (520) 733-9888 Sierra Vista HUACHUCA Pima Community View TUCSON 85707 PIMA (520) 206-3981 College T.E.A.M. Arizona View TUCSON 85714 PIMA Click Here (520) 733-9888 Tucson RIDE NAZ -View BELLEMONT 86015 COCONINO (928) 443-0111 FLAGSTAFF Ride Northern PRESCOTT 86301 YAVAPAI Click Here (928) 443-0111 View Arizona - Prescott T.E.A.M. Arizona View PRESCOTT 86301 YAVAPAI Click Here (928) 771-2500 Prescott MOHAVE (928) 757-0825 View KINGMAN 86401 MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE MOHAVE LAKE View (928) 505-3321 COMMUNITY HAVASU 86403 MOHAVE COLLEGE CITY MOHAVE JB'S 86440 MOHAVE Click Here (866) 668-6462 View VALLEY RESTAURANT
Important Phone Numbers
Aid to Injured Motorcyclists - A.I.M. - (800) 521-2425 24-Hr. Legal Assistance for all accidents
Aid to Incarcerated Motorcyclists A.I.M. - (800) 235-2424 24-Hr. Legal Criminal Defense
National Legislative Hot Line - (800) 300-NCOM 24-Hr. Motorcycle Legislative Alerts
National Coalition of Motorcyclists NCOM- (800) 525-5355 Fighting for Bikers Rights
Confederation of Clubs. - (800) 531-2424 Motorcycle Clubs Fighting Against Discrimination
Motorcycle Riders Foundation Washington D.C. Office (202) 546-0983
ATTENTION - ALL RIDERS: =======================
It has come to our attention that business establishments in Arizona may still be discriminating against motorcyclists. Please carry copies of this form with you at all times. Discrimination can range from a sign stating "No Colors" or "No Motorcycle Parking" or "No Motorcycle Attire" etc., to simply being asked to leave a place of business, just because you are on a motorcycle or because of your riding apparel. If anything like this happens to you, PLEASE fill out this form in its entirety and send it to the address noted. Your lobbyists cannot get sponsorship for "equal access" legislation, without evidence of this type of discrimination. Documentation of Discrimination DATE: ______________
Business Phone _______________
NAME OF ESTABLISHMENT: __________________________________ BUSINESS PHONE (with area code): __________________________________ BUSINESS - FULL ADDRESS: ___________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ NAME / POSITION OF PERSON ENFORCING POLICY: ________________ ________________________________________________________ WRITTEN STATEMENT OF DISCRIMINATION (use back if needed): _____ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ YOUR NAME (please print): ______________________________________ YOUR PHONE (with area code): __________________________________ YOUR SIGNATURE: ____________________________________________ *** INCLUDE ANY PICTURES OF DISCRIMINATING SIGNS POSTED *** Mail To: Ray Fitzgerald 1634 West Pine Cone Way Prescott, Arizona 86303
Home Care Medical Equipment
Electric Hospital bed with new motor, mattress and electronic inflatable Bariatric pad, shower chair, elevated toilet seat. All in excellent condition. Worth $3000 will take $1500 for all OBO Delivery and set up available. Will consider renting bed . Call for info 602-228-6830 Melissa or e-mail me@sideswipe.me
Your Classified Ad
could be here... It’s Free to ABATE Members. submit your ad online at www.abateofaz.org
2000 HD Custom (623) 374-5510 $15K OBO
Garage Sale – FMI Call Sean at 520-841-3830 Sean_Pinder@yahoo.com Industrial Rack Shelving 30”D X 53”W X 72”H $150.00 (2) Folding Horses $15.00 Metal HD Car Ramps $20.00 Patton High Velocity Fan – PAB06 $20.00 VersaLadder folding lock hinges 50.5” X 4 ~ 16.5’ $130.00 HP Pavilion Flat Screen Monitor $30.00 Minifridge Haier 19.5”W X 18”D X 34”H $100.00 Whirlpool Dryer Lg Capacity $150.00 Fire Pit 22” Dia 34” w/ shelf $25.00 2001 ElectraGlide Spoke Rim $200.00 Craftsman 125-PSI 3gal Air Compressor - 15310 $60.00 Wts [2-25 & 4-5], Curling & Dumbell Bars $60.00
AzTech Flatbed Trailer (Car/ATV Hauler) $2200 obo 2008 STS Cadillac for sale, 23K miles $28,000 obo Call 928-718-6296 Cell 928-716-7289
2006 H-D Dyna Street Bob 11,000 miles, $22,000 invested, selling for $16,000. Contact Pete @ (602) 315-6950
2003 Harley- 100th Anniversary FXDX Dyna Super Glide Sport
Has added – 100th Anniversary Gold Key Package Stored- Like New -Driven less than 200 miles Black Textured Paint - This Model Highly Rated – Built for speed. Judy Rovno 928-234-2969 2002 V8 Trike
Chevy 350c.i. engine. Automatic Transmission. Harley Davidson Fatboy Front End. Very comfortable ride -- Adjustable Air Shocks. AM/FM, Tape, CD Player. Great sound system. Harley Davidson "Luxury Rich Red" paint. Blue and Gold Ghost Ribbons. Beautiful Tank Mural of Pegasus. Lots of Chrome. Loaded. Prize Winner. A real beauty. Easy Maintenance. $19,000 o.b.o. 928-445-3992
One-Piece DayTripper motorcycle seat
New - never used - In box Retails for $359 model 76189 fits Honda VT 750 Spirit 2001-2006 & VT 750DC 2007-2009. The detailed stitch work in the highly durable, synthetic glove-leather makes the DayTripper a show winner. $150.00 Call Bob @ 602-463-0544
2008 Harley Davidson Road Glide- 6,240 miles-lowering kit-travel packageAM/FM/WB/CD- 6 speed-Dark Blue Pearl-Corbin Solo and Stock Seat- asking $17,000. e-mail serious inquiries to: momac99@yahoo.com.
Trailer for sale $5,000 2012 Road Force dual axle enclosed trailer. Drop gate, fully lined, interior lights, roof vent, floor tie downs, electric brakes. For more info. call Ken at 520 207 6301. Tucson.
Gas Tank from an 05 Springer Classic.
Black/Lave Red. Taken off my bike in 2005 with approx 9,000 miles on it. Excellent Condition, $300.00. Located in Chino Valley (near Prescott). 928-830-4505.
2-1/2" Santee® 50 caliber pipes
exhaust for Harley 1986-2006 softail 84-06
Loud Loud pipes.. deep throaty base lets everyone know your there. Lightly used and in excellent condition. Retail on this set is 479.00 dollars. Pipes are stacked low and feature full-radius heat shields embossed with Santee's® distinctive logo. These pipe sets are the best combination of performance and looks with a 1-3/4"-diameter inner pipe and a 2-1/2" outer cover. Chrome billet end caps with integral baffles are included. Pipes are Chrome and have no dings or scratches they are in excellent condition... even the inner 1 and 3/4 pipe has little bluing... I just wanted to add this since i have had many questions as to the condition of the pipes.. Price: $150.00 James Osborne 623-692-5597
2003 Honda Shadow A.C.E. 750 for sale.
This bike has been very well maintained and is in excellent condition. Runs like a top, looks amazing-beautiful black paint, no dings or scratches. Has many upgrades including a removable windvest, upgraded mirrors, rear tiedown chrome rack, aftermarket Kuryakyn ISO grips with chrome accents and Throttle Boss, plus a Kontour custom seat. Passenger seat and foot pegs included. Great first bike! This is a wonderful bike for anyone who wants to ride without constant wrenching. 31,000 miles, regular maintenance done professionally. She is worth $4,000 with all the extras and the condition, but will take 3,200. Relocating, advertising in southern Arizona, serious buyers only-call 520-490-4548 or send email to bbthestilter@gmail.com
For Sale 2 chaps, 1 men’s coat, 1 women’s vest, 1 pair women’s boots, 2 outback dusters. call Bill for info. 928-443-1528 Prescott AZ 86301 FINALLY!! A motorcycle themed paperback book for the young reader. The Adventures of Olive Pearl and Hammy Davidson features Olive Pearl; a green and black motorcycle and Hamrietta (Hammy) Davidson her stuffed piggy passenger. They experience the joy of motorcycling on a 1700-mile road trip to meet new people, see new things, and learn life lessons along the way. Their adventures are wrapped inside the love story of husband and wife characters, “The Man” and “The Lady”. Sprinkled throughout with pictures, social observations, and humor, adults will also enjoy reading this story to younger children and are sure to get a laugh or two themselves. Get more info and place an order at: www.OliveandHammy.com Let’s Ride!!
2000 Softail Springer FXSTS Harley Davidson $ 8,500.00. Original owner. Only 15 K miles. Detachable windshield and sissy bar. New $500.00 leather saddle bags. McKunie Carb. New (small) bullet front and rear turn signals and brake lights. Screamin Eagle baloney-cut pipes. Recent all-chrome (solid) rear wheel with Dunlop 150/80 wide rear tire. Factory installed lowering kit. Lots of small extras too many to list. Has never been in a wreck. Always garaged. 480.209.7352 mdroz@hotmail.com
Motorcycle Hearse
COPD diagnosis forces SALE! $50,000.00 www.eagleswingscarriages.com visit this website to view complete set of equipment. Equipment included: 1999 Harley Davidson Road King Trike (6045 miles) modified with reverse gear & fifth wheel hitch, detachable 18th Century styled Hearse Carriage, full size casket with full cover flag, cherry wood Urn Ark with panoramic glass & folding stand, Encased Memorial Flag, 2007 22ft. flatbed transportation trailer with winds/bug shield, Honor Flags, pre-printed magnetic Carriage name plates & misc office supplies. Call Bill or Phyllis 623-386-8281
2000 H-D Sportster 4 plug heads, K&N air filter, larger gas tank, forward controls, straight drag pipes, windshield, sissy bar, saddlebags, new battery. NOT ABUSED. Always garaged or covered. Original pipes, battery minder and Clymer book included. $4500 in Payson. Call (928) 474-5287 Play Pool Good condition, good motor and pump. $200.00 You take down and move. $400.00 we can take down and deliver within 50 miles. Emailme@sideswipe.me
18 years and older, proof of age required with or without parent/guardian ADMISSION: $ SHU SHUVRQ IRU ZHHNHQG SDVV SHU SHUVRQ 6DWXUGD\ SDVV
ABATE members get $5 off per person for weekend passes
BYOB No Cash Bar in the Arena Package Liquor available at the Lodge Bar & Store AVAILABLE ONSITE MORMON LAKE LODGE /2* &$%,16 *(1(5$/ 6725( *52&(5,(6 59 63$&(6 Z +22.836 %(9(5$*(6 ,&( *$6 5(67$85$17 &2,1 23(5$7(' 6+2:(56 +256(%$&. 5,',1*