A publication supporting the rights, safety and freedom of all motorcyclists through education and not legislation. MARCH 2011
Nonprofit Org US Postage Paid Permit #1662 Phoenix, AZ
motorcycle activities.
terrain vehicle riding, horseback riding, skiing and other similar activities.
ABATE of AZ. 7509 N. 12th St, #200 Phoenix, AZ 85020
SB1227 - insurance; unfair discrimination; motorcycles, was heard in the Natural Resources and Transportation Committee on 2/14/11. It passed through that committee with a 6 YES – 0 NO Vote. It now goes on to the RULES Committee, which is more of a formality than anything else, and then on to the House Floor for a Full House Vote of all 90 members. The Purpose of SB1227, is to prohibit an insurance company from denying healthcare coverage or paying medical claims based solely on an individual’s participation in
In 1996, the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was enacted. Among its provisions, HIPAA prohibited employers from denying healthcare coverage based on a workers participation in legal activities. In 2006, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services promulgated its final rule governing the nondiscrimination provisions of healthcare coverage insurance under HIPAA (71 CFR 75014). These rules generally prohibit a group plan or group health insurance issuer from denying an individual eligibility for benefits based on health factors. In addition, a healthcare insurer cannot charge a higher premium than a similarly eligible individual based on health factors. Some plans, although generally providing coverage for the treatment of an injury, deny benefits if the injury arose from a specified cause or activity. These kinds of exclusions are known as source-of-injury exclusions. These exclusions may include such legal recreational activities as motorcycling, snowmobiling, all-
Arizona law currently protects against the unfair discrimination between individuals of the same class as a basis to deny, cancel or refuse to renew health, disability and life insurance. Among other examples that constitute unfair discrimination in statute, is the rejection or denial of an application for insurance coverage on the basis of a genetic condition, developmental delay or developmental disability. An insurer also cannot limit coverage or charge a different rate for the same coverage to a victim of domestic violence. (A.R.S. § 20-448). SB1227 will add the following to A.R.S.20448: I. A HEALTH CARE INSURER SHALL NOT DENY HEALTH CARE COVERAGE TO ANY INDIVIDUAL BASED SOLELY ON THAT INDIVIDUAL'S CASUAL OR NONPROFESSIONAL PARTICIPATION IN THE ACTIVITY OF MOTORCYCLING.
continued page 5
Mission Statement We will lobby and educate the government and the general public to promote motorcycling in a safe and positive image. We will endeavor to enlist the cooperation and participation of all organizations and individuals who share a similar interest in preserving our American tradition of
FREEDOM. We will involve ourselves in fund raising to achieve our goal.
President’s Report
State Officer Meeting Minutes February 6, 2011 Officers present: Ross Rutherford, Margie Ferrucci, Connie Johnson, Joel Jackson, Joe Ferrucci, Ron Kool, Tim O’Reilly, Bobbi Hartmann, and Eric Hampton. Call to order: Pledge of Allegiance and moment of silence led by Joe Ferrucci Reports: Secretary minutes from January. Motion made by Joe Ferrucci to waive reading of prior meeting minutes. Joel Jackson 2nd Motion carried. Treasurer’s Report- Joel Jackson reported he needed High Country and Mohave Treasurer’s Reports for year end. He reiterated ABATE is a 501C-4 non profit organization Membership- Ron Kool announced number of members and business members. Safety Officer- Jean Cooper not present. P.A.C. Officer- written and presented by Tim O’Reilly as follows:
did much of the same, except that it did not cover any ‘after the fact’ situations. Example being someone that causes an accident and/or Serious Physical Injury or Death, and did so, because they were driving Reckless. More on this as decisions are made and an actual Bill is dropped. (If anyone would like a further explanation of why its not running 2011, Please refer them to the message at bottom of this email, which the lobby team recently put out, in regards to this not being a Bill this year, ). FYI - Representative Antenori, who has introduced legislation in the past on the need to extend the time of Yellow Lights at intersections with Red Light Cameras, has introduced 2 Bills this year. SB1352 to ‘prohibit photo radar’ all together, by replacing the existing statute 28-1202 which currently ‘exempts’ all emergency officials from red light camera enforcement action with the following language: A PHOTO ENFORCEMENT SYSTEM SHALL NOT BE USED BY A LOCAL AUTHORITY OR ANY AGENCY OF THIS STATE TO IDENTIFY VIOLATORS OF ARTICLE 3 OR 6 OF THIS CHAPTER.
See Tim’s report on page 9. Lobbyist Report – written and presented by Bobbi Hartmann as follows: 'm back much to the chagrin of some. Joyce and I took a couple months off to go see all our Grandchildren. Driving thru the Midwest and on to Florida we saw alot of different ways that states aid motorcycle awareness, signs along the state highways and message boards. Also in construction areas where there were road hazards that were extremely dangerous to motorcycles they had motorcycle warning signs. It would be nice if Arizona's GOHS cared for motorcycle safety like these states. But it seems like our chairman of the GOHS views riders more as a nuisance than citizens and tax payers. He has stated that the motorcycles safety fund is his and will spend it as he sees fit. I personally feel this money is not being spent in anyway that best serves the motorcycling community. Hey what do I know, I have only been riding since 1966 and he is an educated politician ?
ward. With Eric's experience, I feel he will represent all the riders of Arizona, honestly. The board also voted to help off set his expenses to attend different Arizona's motorcycle events, promote the MRF and attend MRF Conferences. Good Luck Eric
ABATES BOD just had a special board meeting to ratify a new MRF State Rep, Eric Osborne, of the MMA. He was nominated and approved by ABATES BOD. I want to offer my congratulations and thank him for stepping for-
Now to the future, ABATE has now hired a Web Master to upgrade and maintain our Web sight. We are also adding Pay Pal so that you will be able to pay on line. All membership dues and Too Broke , pre registration will now be accepted on line. We will also be able to set up an on line store for all ABATE Merchandise. In the future this new set up will also enable us to get more information out to the chapters and general population that visits our web site. So let's hope everything works out and we take ABATE to the 21st century.
Ross Rutherford State President ABATE of AZ
How to Reach Us 602-867-9829 For Advertising Rates Email Eric at themasterlink@abateofaz.org Or Mail Your Ads to: MasterLink, ABATE of Arizona 7509 N. 12th St, #200 Phoenix, AZ, 85020 MasterLink Advertising Rates: Size Monthly Quarterly Yearly Business Card Size (3-1/2”w x 2”h): $20.00 $60.00 $200.00 1/8 Page (5-1/8”w x 4”h) $50.00 $150.00 $500.00 1/4 Page (5-1/2”w x 8”h) $70.00 $210.00 $700.00 1/2 Page (10-1/4”w x 8”h) $100.00 $300.00 $1,000.00 Full Page (10-1/4”w x 16”h) $200.00 $600.00 $2,000.00 Full Color Back Page (10-1/4”w x 16”h) $400.00 $950.00 $3,300.00
Bill SB1227: As part of the 1996 the Kennedy-Kassembaum Health Care Portability Act, insurance companies were no longer able to discriminate, denying coverage to persons based on their choice of activities or mode of transportation (i.e. motorcycle). However, for the past 10 years, Congress has been now trying to pass a Bill to 'close the loophole' that insurance companies can use, which is denial of claim settlement, based on the 'Source of Injury' (i.e. motorcycle and other activities). With Congress's failure to do so, many states have been 'closing the HIPPA loophole' at the state level. The Motorcycle Lobby Team has worked with Legislative Council and Senator Nelson's staff, in designing this legislation. Senator Nelson is our sponsor SB1227, which closes the 'loophole', by making the following Revisions to: REFERENCE TITLE: insurance; unfair discrimination; motorcycles 20-448. Unfair discrimination; definitions I. A HEALTH CARE INSURER SHALL NOT DENY HEALTH CARE COVERAGE TO ANY INDIVIDUAL BASED SOLELY ON THAT INDIVIDUAL'S CASUAL OR NONPROFESSIONAL PARTICIPATION IN THE ACTIVITY OF MOTORCYCLING. 20-461. Unfair claim settlement practices 20. DENYING MEDICAL BENEFITS UNDER HEALTH CARE COVERAGE TO ANY COVERED INDIVIDUAL BASED SOLELY ON THAT INDIVIDUAL'S CASUAL OR NONPROFESSIONAL PARTICIPATION IN THE ACTIVITY OF MOTORCYCLING SB1227 - will be heard in the Senate Transportation Committee on Monday 2/14/11. The lobby team is still negotiating the possibility of a Distracted Driving Bill this year. In working with the House Staff, it was felt that the existing Reckless Driving Statute ARS 28-693,
SB1354 has to do with no duty to identify photo or respond; definition, which would only hold true, if it passes and the repeal of Photo Radar doesn’t. Both Bills are being heard in the Government Reform Committee Wednesday 2/16/11 at 9am. Representative Farley has introduced HB2426, which basically Bans All Communication Devices from being used by Class G Drivers (those 16-18 years old), while they are driving, Unless they are reporting a crime, in danger, or for emergency etc. - If found guilty of this charge, MVD would 'extend' their Class G license period for at least 6 months and they could NOT apply for a Class D license at the age of 18 unless this 'extended period' had come to an end. This Bill was put on Hold at the House Transportation Committee hearing 2/10/11. DISTRACTED DRIVING - No Bill for 2011: To all Members: This past year the Lobbyist team for MMA, ABATE and ACMC has been working on a bill for texting or Distracted Driving. We started out by talking to Representative Farley who was involved in a previous texting bill that failed in the Legislation process. We wanted to understand the language they had in this bill, background information and all that we could learn from this bill. In addition, we contacted other states on texting and Distracting bills to learn from their process. We talked to Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) on their thoughts and they were not in favor of a texting bill but did encourage us to talk to Maine who they felt at the time had the best Distracted bill out there. We talked to DPS on what we were looking at and sent them language. In addition, we talked to Director of Highway Safety and they all said the same thing. We need to make sure we’re not complicating it for the officers and taking rights away in trying to do this. We looked at the Maine bill along with language that we had put together and
State Officer Meeting Minutes (continued) then talked to Representative Jerry Weiers to get his input and support. Representative Weiers was not in favor of a Texting bill but would help us look into the distracted piece. He offered up his staff to work with us on the language and to give input or advice. Once we received this, Representative Weiers hooked us up with the attorney for the Rules Committee. He looked at the language and came back with the following comments: First is the broad delegation to the courts to interpret distracted driving. The definition of distracted driving is very broad and would delegate to the courts to determine, on a case by case basis, what specific conduct would be the sort of unnecessary activity that impairs the operation of a motor vehicle as a public safety hazard. No driver would know exactly what specific conduct is prohibited until they are found responsible in court.
Our goal has always been to work on bills that affect Motorcyclists from a safety standpoint and our rights. We continue to have major concerns on Texting and distracted driving as it relates to any vehicle going down the road texting. A lot of rear end accidents and deaths happen due to distracted driving but as we prepare language for this, we need to make sure that it does not complicate it for the officer or take our rights away. We also need to understand if there are other laws already in affect that can take care of the problem. At this time there are two statutes out there in affect that apply to Distracted Driving and they are Aggressive Driving (28-695) and Reckless Driving (28-693). As the staff for Representative Weiers looked at distracted, one of their comments was that we already have in place the above two laws.
year and we will talk with other states further on this issue. We will continue to have conversations with Representative Farley and Representative Weiers. We have spent a lot of time on this bill and we never take a bill or process lightly. Whatever we do is something we have to live with for a long time. We hope this update helps you understand where we are and the process that we have gone through to come to this conclusion. Run/Event Coordinator- Margie Ferrucci announced East Valley’s Valentine’s Party is being held Feb. 12th. “Best of the West” is being held in Utah this year. NCOM is May 6th through the 8th. Merchandising Officer- Ron Kool is waiting for the website to begin marketing ABATE of Arizona merchandise over the Internet. Ross & Ron will present a budget to the board at their meeting in April. OLD BUSINESS
Second is the responsibility of the police officer to write tickets and to investigate accidents. The bill would permit a police officer who issues a traffic ticket or investigates an accident with property damage to write a ticket for distracted driving. This discretion may not cause a lot more work, but the bill would also require any police officer who investigates an accident to determine and report whether distracted driving was involved. This last responsibility may significantly add to the process of preparing accident reports.
Looking at all of this and the conversations that we’ve had locally and nationally, we feel at this time, it is not the time to do a Distracted Bill. Does that mean we’re not going to do one at all? What that means is that at this time, we do not feel comfortable after all our conversations with different states, organizations and legal council that we will do this bill now. We will continue to have similar conversations and keep this on top of the burner as a high priority and have further conversations. We have NCOM and Meeting of the Minds coming up this
Margie Ferrucci brought samples of how the membership cards will look. It has the ICE information on the back of each card. Tim O’Reilly made a motion we accept the sample as our membership card. Margie 2nd. No opposition. New membership cards will be available in May. Margie informed the state officers the board gave approval to hire Leo as our new webmaster.
NEW BUSINESS T.C. Fulgham presented an opportunity for ABATE exposure at the NHRA event being held October 14 through the 16th at Firebird Raceway. Margie made a motion to have T.C. follow up on contact. Ron Kool 2nd. Motion passed with no opposition. Ross Rutherford and T.C. will work on this together. Bobbi Hartmann brought up “Bowling Palooza” which is being held March 30th. This is over the state officer’s approval for funding at $500. Margie made a motion for Bobbi to present to the board at their special session. Joe Ferrucci 2nd. Motion carried OPEN DISCUSSION Margie informed the officers we now have someone to do the PSA’s. Flagstaff chapter has until the end of March to retain its’ chapter. Possibly dissolved by April. Margie Ferrucci made a motion to donate $50 to the “Screw Laughlin” Run. Tim O’Reilly 2nd. Motion carried. Next state meeting: March 6, 2011, 11:30 a.m. at AIAC. Motion to adjourn by Margie Ferrucci. Second by Joe Ferrucci. Meeting adjourned at 12:35 p.m.
Board of Directors Special Session Minutes February 6, 2011
Old Business
regarding the MRF Rep
Board members in attendance: Eric Hampton (Chair Phoenix-Shadow Mountain), Rick Henry (East Valley), Bill Hensler (High Country), William Baxter (Mohave), Sean Pinder (Southern Arizona), and Joyce Rutherford (Yavapai)
Bill Hensler made a motion to approve Phoenix-Shadow Mountain Chapter budget. Joyce Rutherford 2nd. Motion passed unanimously.
Call to order: Pledge of Allegiance and moment of silence led by Sgt-at-Arms Joe Ferrucci
Motion was made by Joyce Rutherford to accept Casey Yates as State Communications Officer. Bill Hensler 2nd. Motion passed without opposition.
1. Financing: Rick Henry made a motion to accept $3,000 as the figure to finance the MRF Rep. This would be split 3 ways between the MMA, MMAA and ABATE. Bill Hensler 2nd. Motion carried with no opposition. 2. SSMRO voting 3. Shall the ACMC have a vote in AZ MRF Rep? Sean Pinder made a motion to accept the ACMC as an equal share of voting with the MMA, MMAA, and ABATE with the stipulation they share equally in the costs. Bill Hensler
No Reports until April BOD regular session:
New Business
ABATE of AZ’s established its’ position
2nd. Motion passed with one opposition. 4. Deb Butitta’s resignation 5. New MRF Rep nominee is Eric Osborne Joyce Rutherford made a motion ABATE accept Eric. Bill Hensler 2nd. Motion passed without opposition. 6. A comment by MMAA, Mike McCall, was to accept with contingent MMA, ABATE, ACMC, and MMAA share equally in the cost. ACMC’s voting share will create a 4 way split instead of a three way split of costs.
continued page 6
Chapter Reports East Valley Chapter Its close to that time of the year where love is in the air. East Valley is raffling off tickets for a romantic get away for 2 are now able to be bought (winner will be drawn at valentines day party). Contact an East Valley officer for tickets. East valley will be down with a table at Motorcycles on Main Friday February 4th 6-10Pm (main Street, Mesa). Another topic discussed was the storage situation at our monthly meeting location when the Tri-city Eagles move to their new location (Broadway and Dobson) later this summer. For right now nothing is concrete, but we are pretty set on our storage situation. Some events that are coming up: Motorcycles on Main 1st Friday of every month (February 4, 2011) Valentines Day Party (February 12, 2011)
ABATE chapter, we're invited to M.M.A. (Rim Country District) Bikers and Babes party at the Buffalo Bar and Grill. What good time for all that was there!
we did have a few new faces Mikki Aaronson announced members and business members. Also, introduction of new members John and Barbara and George and Joan.
Also I hope everyone had a nice ride down to M.D.A.T D. I also hope you met with your state reps and voiced your opinions! Let them be heard!
Darin our ride coordinator moved last months ride to March due to the Memorial service for “Too Tall”, Too Tall you will be greatly missed! The after meeting run will be a desert run; we will travel the old roads to a few familiar watering holes.
This is what else we have been working on , yes my activities officer is working very hard on our 7th annual Wild in the Weed campout! It's coming up in May 6th thru the 8th, 2011 hope to see you there everyone is invited! This is a good time for all! Ride Safe, Live Free, Be heard Chicknbone H.C.C. Coordinator chicknbone@live.com 928-970-1134
Mohave Chapter NO REPORT
Miracle in the Desert 16th Annul Benefit Run (March 5, 2011)
Phoenix/Shadow Mountain Chapter
BikerBall 2010 (March 12, 2011)
Wow isn’t this year flying by quickly? Flying right into PERFECT riding weather, God I love ARIZONA! We have a lot of great runs planned for this year, even some you may remember from way back. After all we are a group of motorcycle enthusiast all here for the same reason, to fight for the rights of riders. BUT we are also riders, I would love to see a bigger turnout of bikes for the after meeting run, heck I would like to see members at the meetings as well. You know what they say “you can’t win if you don’t play” I challenge those of you, who don’t come to the meetings, give it another try you might be surprised of what you might learn. A special Thank You to the members who do come to the meetings to preserve biker’s rights, we couldn’t do it with out you! OK, enough preaching and time to get done to get to the report. This month
Before 50/50 and dollars jar was drawn Rick Henry donated two coozie's to raffle off. Joe won the first coozie, the second coozie was won by Shorty. The 50/50 was won by Bob, lucky Shorty won yet again that day in the dollars jar. East Valley Abate
High Country Chapter Hello to my fellow riders, Well brothers and sisters, its has been very cold up here in the High Country Chapter! Don't make me tell you to dress warm and ride safe, be prepared for anything. So, now up here we of the
Reminder “Too Broke for Sturgis” is the weekend of July 22-24, 2011 at Mormon Lake, Arizona. Sign-up sheets are available for security, registration, safety, and the bike show which Phoenix-Shadow Mountain chapter is responsible for. Jimmy Page reminded motorcyclists the glare from the sun in the morning and dusk can make it difficult to be seen. As Jean Cooper, State Safety Coordinator iterated, Arizona is the worst for running red lights. Don’t be the first off the line at a green light if possible. Board Rep. report by Eric HamptonAdvised members a special session was held by the board in February which discussed financing, voting rights, and acceptance by ABATE for Eric Osbourne to be the MRF Rep. He also announced Casey Yates is now the State Communications Officer. The board agreed to fund $500 for “Bowling Palooza” which is on March 30th. This helps fund the transportation of the children to the Shriner’s Hospital. Mark your calenders Motorcycle Day at the Dome is February 22, 2011. Help us fight for our rights the more of us that are there the louder we are, no pun intended. May is Motorcycle Awareness Month. Margie Ferrucci will secure a booth for the end of April to kick off May Motorcycle Awareness at West World. We had some crazy gifts for this month’s raffle T-shirts were won by Tim, Steve and Barbara. A mug was won by Melissa. A one-year ABATE pin was won by Joel Jackson. The 50/50 raffle was won by Jimmy Page . Speaking of marking your calenders go ahead and write in ABATE chapter meeting on March 13, 2011. Until next month Ride hard, Ride often! Casey Yates Phoenix-Shadow Mountain Communications Officer (and now) State Communications Officer
Southern Arizona Chapter We got back to our regular routine on Jan 23 with about 20 of us enjoying breakfast at the Kettle for our meeting. Jimmy Clark really put on an excellent safety briefing. He stressed the importance of checking and maintaining your tires. Jim said many of the independent cycle shops will do a free safety check on the bike. He also said tires can easily loose 5 or more pounds of air while sitting during the winter. Get a good gauge and keep them pumped up to manufacturers specs. Our Fourth Annual Celebrate with ABATE run will be held March 26th. The details of the run haven’t been finalized as yet but it was determined we would end up at Buddy’s Bar in Whetstone. It was decided at the meeting to have run shirts in yellow with black print. The lizard logo will be changed to something more appropriate. We’ll ask for pre-orders for the shirts at the February meeting. Prices will be about the same as last year. Dawn, our merchandise fox, was authorized to have 500 bags and 500 pens made up with our logo. The bags will be used at our runs and also handed out at other club’s runs. This will get ABATE’s name out to other bikers. We have 117 individual members and
five business members. Remember, you can win a Lifetime Membership to ABATE of Arizona if you sign up the most new members in 20ll. Go for it! Some of the PAC/BOD news passed on by Sean wasn’t too good. It looks like the State will be broke again and might “sweep” our motorcycle safety funds like they did in 2010. According to our lobbyist there isn’t much we can do about it. Some other States have been funded for motorcycle “safety” checks. These so called checks are funded by the Feds and are for motorcycles only. The Motorcycle Riders Foundation in Washington, D.C. is working on Congress to have the funds cut off. Let’s hope they do. We’re looking forward to a busy and fun 2011 and we’ll need your support to do that. Make the meetings so you’ll have a clue to what’s going to happen. We now order individually off the Kettle’s menu so you can eat as much or as little as you please. Hang in, ride safe and remember to: Ride Hard Rich Montgomery, Secretary
Yavapai Chapter Wow, Valentine day's weekend and finally some nice riding weather! What a great segue way, a great day to ride, and the details on our 3/12 membership run. We are out to recruit more freedom fighters with a free poker run. The cost is $5.00 per rider, with no poker fee with a raffle drawing for great prizes at every stop. We will have a traveling biker fashion show from Biker Babes and Beyond and My Vintage Vixen. We will have food and drink bargains at our stops, along with freebies, too. Sign in begins at 9:00 AM at the Jackass Bar and Grill (8156 E. Valley Road, Prescott Valley). Kick stands up at 10:15. Stops include the biker friendly Gurley Street Sports Pub, and after a ride through the legendary spars, the Burro Inn, then to Taj Mahal Indian Cuisine (unbelievably good food), then to the Drunken Lass Irish Pub, and finally Lyzzards Bar. There will also be a rolling bike show with awards going to best in show, sportster, rat, bagger, trike, classic, and cruiser. If you are traveling from outside the Prescott area, room discounts are available at Apache Lodge (928445-1422). For more information, call Longhair James at 928-830-1422. Our meeting on 2/13 had quite a crowd. A great mixture of patch holders representing a bunch ACMC members and independents were in attendance. I was proud to see the mixture all with the purpose of loudly and proudly standing up for the right to ride their scoot freely. I would like to thank Ninja of the Sober Riders for giving all the members the 411 on US Defenders. The US Defenders is an easy way to get involved with call to action issues for ACMC members and independents. Be aware and protect your rights, as if you won't, don't count on government. Go to the web site for more info (http://www.usdefenders.org/). We would like to welcome three new business members, The Drunken Lass Irish Pub, Lyzzards, both in Prescott, and the Spirit Room in Jerome. Also thanks to Ralo for stepping up to take the merchandise officer position. There was also a recall of the B.O.D. rep. Joyce Rutherford. Ross Rutherford, ABATE state president stated we as a ("chapter") did everything right and that Joyce doesn't want the job anyway. Joyce then whispered to me she was glad and did not want the job. Much of the rank and file felt that the chapter rep should speak more for the change in membership group that literally saved the chapter November last. Still Ray Fitzgerald was voted in to replace Joyce Rutherford. In speaking for myself, and the chapter, I would like extend a big thanks to Joyce. She has been a real trooper. Still Ray has
Chapter Reports (continued) over 30 years of fighting for motorcycle rights, and I believe do the right thing for the chapter and all freedom loving bikers. Until next month, as always ride free, but aware of your rights, and the cage next to you on the road. Dawolf, Yavapai Chapter Communications Officer Only a Biker knows why a dog hangs his head out the window!
Lobbyist Report (continued) The Arizona Unfair Claim Settlement Practices Act (A.R.S. § 20-461) governs the conduct of insurance companies. Among its provisions, insurers are required to conduct a fair and reasonable investigation of each claim, including consideration of all available information relating to the claim. Insurers must also affirm or deny coverage of claims within a reasonable time after proof of loss documents have been completed.
stand the language they had in this bill, background information and all that we could learn from this bill. In addition, we contacted other states on texting and Distracting bills to learn from their process. We talked to Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) on their thoughts and they were not in favor of a texting bill but did encourage us to talk to Maine who they felt at the time had the best Distracted bill out there.
that impairs the operation of a motor vehicle as a public safety hazard. No driver would know exactly what specific conduct is prohibited until they are found responsible in court. As this Bill was never meant to be a ‘Primary Stop’ for observation only, but rather a stop when drivers were doing something that actually impaired their ability to safely operate their vehicle so as not to be hazardous to public safety, this was a concern to the lobbyists as well.
SB1227 will add the following to A.R.S.20-461:
Second was the section of code involving accident reports. The Bill, as written, would have permitted a police officer that issues traffic tickets or investigates an accident, to write a ticket for distracted driving. The wording also did nothing for allowing us to gather statistics for future use.
DISTRACTED DRIVING - No Bill for 2011:
We looked at the Maine bill along with language that we had put together and then talked to Representative Jerry Weiers to get his input and support. Representative Weiers was not in favor of a Texting bill but would help us look into the distracted piece. He offered up his staff to work with us on the language and to give input or advice. Once we received this, Representative Weiers hooked us up with the attorney for the Rules Committee. He looked at the language and came back with the following concerns:
This past year the Lobbyist team for MMA, ABATE and ACMC has been working on a bill for texting or Distracted Driving. We started out by talking to Representative Farley who was involved in a previous texting bill that failed in the Legislation process. We wanted to under-
First is the broad delegation to the arresting officers and courts to interpret distracted driving. The definition of distracted driving is very broad and would delegate to the courts to determine, on a case by case basis, what specific conduct would be the sort of unnecessary activity
With this in mind, and after all our conversations with different states, organizations and legal council, the lobby team did not feel comfortable in going forward with the Bill as written and decided to pull the Bill. This doesn’t mean that we will not continue to research this issue and develop language that better suites our needs. Bobbi Hartmann ABATE Designated Lobbyist bobbij2@earthlink.net
Join A.B.A.T.E. What Is ABATE? ABATE Of Arizona, Inc. is a non-profit motorcycle rights organization that is dedicated to freedom of the road for all motorcyclists. ABATE is a volunteer organization that fights discriminatory legislation aimed towards the motorcycling community. ABATE's position is that all motorcycle riders have the right to choose not only the machine that they ride, but also the riding gear that they choose to wear or not to wear, (i.e. leathers, gloves, boots and helmets.) ABATE promotes rider education for all motorcycle riders and motorcycle awareness for all automobile drivers. ABATE needs the support of all motorcyclists.
Arizona Motorcycle Rights Organizations Need Your Help!
along with an events section to inform you of *Do you like emission testing your motor- up-coming motorcycle runs and events. cycle? The Motorcycle Rights Organizations in *Do you like the choice to wear a helmet or Arizona are run by volunteers. Anyone that not? does volunteer gives their time freely to fight the fight. Please help us to pass on our ability *Do you like noise ordinances? to ride free. *Do you like the ability to modify your motorcycle?
Benefits Of Membership
*Do you know that there are dollars available for motorcycle safety and awareness? Please help the Motorcycle Rights Organizations in Arizona to prevent our Governments from restricting our ability to ride free. With your help, we can eliminate the emission testing of motorcycles in Arizona, fight our National-level battles with the EPA and NHTSA, and effectively watchdog the Arizona Legislators who, on a yearly basis, have entertained the idea of introducing a mandatory helmet law in our state. You can help by joining in the fight. The cost is only Twenty-five Dollars a year. Although you are not under any obligation to volunteer your time, any time you choose to give to our cause is always appreciated. With your membership you not only help our cause, but you will receive our newsletter as well. "The MasterLink" contains local happenings and national motorcycling news
Name_____________________________________ Name #2 __________________________________ Address __________________________________ City _____________________________________
Individuals ·ABATE membership card ·ABATE patch on first year ·Year pins thereafter ·One year subscription to the MasterLink newsletter ·Lifetime members get all that without the hassle of renewing Business ·Two annual memberships ·Business card size advertisement and alphabetical listing in the MasterLink for the length of your membership. Circulated throughout Arizona ·Benefit of a run stop or event participation to support your business ·Addition of your business listing on our web site with a link to your business
Or turn in your membership application to an officer of the chapter of your choice. East Valley
Phoenix/Shadow Mtn
High Country
Southern Arizona
Yavapai Other
State___________ Zip ___________ Phone(s)___________________________________
Office Use Membership # ____________________________ Expiration Date___________________________
Email address _____________________________ make checks payable to: ABATE of AZ and mail to: 7509
N. 12th St, #200, Phoenix, AZ 85020
Motorcycle Awareness Program (MAP) $ _____ Legislative Efforts $____ General Fund $_____ MasterLink Newsletter $______
JOIN ABATE NOW! ABATE Of Arizona provides a unified voice for all motorcyclists in Arizona. Add your voice to ours. Join ABATE now, for the preservation of your ability to ride a motorcycle with the freedom that's your right!! © 2009 ABATE Of Arizona
7509 N. 12th St, #200 Phoenix, AZ. 85020 Website: www.abateofaz.org To join our discussion group, send email to Abate-request@abateofaz.org
Type of Membership (check one) Single……………$25____ Charter $15 ____ Couple………......$40 ____ Charter $25 ____ Life/Single………$350 ______ Annual Business Membership $125 If a business member, please enclose business card for publication in our newsletter, The MasterLink. Renewal
Membership #_____________
New Member Referred By: Business Membership: ABATE of Arizona Business Membership is a substantial value at just $125.00 per year and includes (12 issues) of business card size ads, an annual membership for two people and an ABATE of Arizona Business Member Certificate for display in your business.
ABATE OF ARIZONA LOCAL CHAPTERS A.B.A.T.E. BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICERS FOR 2011 - 2012 Chairman..............................Eric Hampton East Valley………………….Rick “Animal” Henry High Country........................Billy Hensler Mohave……………………..Bill Baxter Phx / Shadow Mountain…...Eric Hampton Southern AZ.........................Sean Pinder Yavapai……………………..Joyce Rutherford Quarterly Board meetings are held on the first Sunday in January, April, July and October at 1:00pm @ the AZ American-Italian Club, 7509 N. 12th St, Phoenix. Please make sure your Chapter has representation.
A.B.A.T.E. State Officers For 2011 President………..............……Ross Rutherford Vice President.....……………Margie Ferrucci Secretary……………………Connie Johnson Treasurer…………………….Joel Jackson Membership…………………Ron Kool Run/Events………………….Margie Ferrucci Safety Coordinator………….Jean Cooper Sergeant-at-Arms……………Joe Ferrucci P.A.C………………………...Tim O’Reilly Communications…………….Casey Yates ABATE Products……………Ron Kool MasterLink Editor................ Eric Hampton TheMasterlink@abateofaz.org Web Site Webmaster..............Sean Pinder www.abateofaz.org and www.toobrokeforsturgis.com Mailing address 7509 N. 12th St, #200, Phoenix, AZ 85020. State Officers meetings are held the 1st Sunday of every month, 11:30 am at the AZ American Italian Club, 7509 N. 12th Street Phoenix, AZ.- OR in conjunction with the quarterly BOD meeting.
East Valley Chapter c/o Jeff Gorall, PO Box 20433 Mesa AZ. 85277 Coordinator............................Joe Ferrucci Vice Coordinator...................Jack Batty Secretary................................Jess Method Treasurer................................Jess Method Membership...........................Rick Henry Run Coordinator....................Jack Batty Safety Coordinator.................Joe & Jim Silk Sgt. At Arms.......................... Robert Vasquez P.A.C......................................Jeff Gorall Communications....................Alex Gorall Merchandise........................... Whole Chapter
East Valley Chapter meetings are held the fourth Sunday of the month at 11:00, At the Mesa Tri city Eagles Club. 2314 E. APACHE BLVD Tempe Az. 85281.
High Country Chapter 209A E. Juniper St. Payson AZ 85541 Coordinator............................Jim “Chicken Bone” Mazzone Vice Coordinator...................Billy Hensler Secretary................................Kristen Blakeslee Treasurer...............................Debbie Fickel Membership...........................Becca (Vine) Holyoak Run Coordinator....................Jonathan Lucero Safety Coordinator.................Steve Leonard Sgt. At Arms.........................Ed “Hollywood” Holyoak P.A.C.....................................Johnathan Lucero Communications....................Billy Hensler Merchandise..........................Kristen Blakeslee
High Country Chapter meetings are held on the 3rd Sat. at 10 a.m. at The Moose Lodge in Star Valley. Contact: chicknbone@live .com or 928970-1134
Mohave Chapter 4195 Hwy 68 C-197 Golden Valley, AZ. 86413 Coordinator...........................Rodney Rich Vice Coordinator...................Tom Anderson Secretary................................Suzanne Anderson Treasurer................................Lani Jones Membership..........................Donald Russell Run Committee....................Vacant Safety Coordinator................Vacant Sgt. At Arms.........................Billy Baxter P.A.C.....................................Rodney Rich Merchandise..........................Trudy Rich Communications...................Vacant
Mohave County Chapter meetings are held the 2nd Sunday of the month at noon at V.F.W. Post 2555, 6068 Supai Dr.(off N. Colorado) Golden Valley, Az. Call Rodney Rich at 928-757-9711 or e-mail At hot_rodrich@hotmail.com
Phoenix-Shadow Mountain Chapter P.O. Box 54041 Phoenix, AZ 85078-4041 Coordinator...........................Jim Page Vice Coordinator....................Sandy Hassinger Secretary................................Connie Johnson Treasurer................................Carole O'Reilly Membership...........................Mikki Aaronson Run Coordinator....................Darin Yates Safety Coordinator.................Mike Falcone Sgt. At Arms..........................Victor Grady P.A.C......................................Tim O’Reilly Communications....................Casey Yates Merchandise...........................Vacant
Shadow Mountain meetings are held on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 11am at the AZ American Italian Club, 7509 N. 12th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85020. FMI contact Pete Mackinnon at 602-315-6950 or email pmack1960@cox.net
Board of Directors Special Session Minutes (continued) Ross suggested we have an MRF Fund raising event (by all Orgs) to help at minimum offset the financing cost of the MRF Rep and the further discussion of an MRF Rep sepcific account and/or any surplus to be used to collectively donate to MRF and/or MRF A&E. Open Discussion 5th Annual Bowling Palooza being held March 30th. This benefits transportation of kids to the Shriner’s Hospital. Joyce
Rutherford made a motion to pay $500 for the event. William Baxter 2nd. Motion carried with no opposition. Bill Hensler just wanted to thank everyone for their support during a difficult time. April 3, 2011 will be the next scheduled board meeting at the AIAC at 1:00 p.m. Motion made to adjourn by Bill Hensler. 2nd by William Baxter. Meeting adjourned at 2:10 p.m.
Southern Arizona Chapter 1339 N. Golden Palomino Pl. Tucson, AZ 85715 Coordinator............................Ron Kool Vice Coordinator....................Jim DeYoung Secretary................................Rich Montgomery Treasurer................................Dawn Detelj Membership...........................Ron Kool Run Coordinator....................Ken Lamb Safety Coordinator.................Jimmy Clark Sgt. At Arms.........................Jim Butsback P.A.C......................................Sean Pinder Communications....................Vacant Merchandise...........................Dawn Detelj
The Southern Arizona Chapter will meet the fourth Sunday. We will gather at the Kettle Restaurant, 748 W. 22nd St, Tucson. Breakfast will be available at 8:30 a.m. with the meeting beginning at 10 a.m. FMI contact Ron Kool by phone at 520-203-2323 or email ronabate@yahoo.com
ADDRESS CHANGE The email address for submitting items to the Masterlink has changed. We have some bored little kid on the other side of the planet spamming the hell out of us. The new address for submitting pictures, run flyers, etc is now: TheMasterlink@abateofaz.org
Yavapai Chapter P.O. Box 3377 Prescott, AZ 86302 Coordinator............................ Rich Kocar Vice Coordinator....................David “Doc” Pratt Secretary................................ Mark “2 Toke” Stabolito Treasurer................................ Paul "Wizbang" Pendergast Membership........................... Patrica Fitzgerald Run Coordinator......................“Longhair James” Venegas Safety Coordinator..................Bonnie “BJ” Reithmayer Sgt. At Arms...........................JD Fillingim P.A.C...................................... Lynda Marie “Handi” Barnett Communications.................... Mike “Dawolf” Ruddell Merchandise...........................Vacant
Yavapai Chapter Meets 2nd Sunday, 11:00 AM; The Taj Mahal Restaurant, 124 N. Montezuma St. Prescott, AZ 86301. FMI contact Rich Kocar 928-771-9293 or email grayghost17@cableone.net.
EDITOR’S NOTE: If any of the Officers are listed here incorrectly, please send corrections to: TheMasterlink@abateofaz.org I will be sure everything is accurate for the next Issue and on the web site.
ABATE of Arizona Business Members AAA Always on Time Locks & Security Prescott Valley 928-775-5772
Joeta’s Leather Mesa 480-827-1868
All Clene Carpet Cleaners Payson 928-468-1358
Kitty For Tax Camp Vercde 928-567-0224
Amon Builders Payson 928-474-0689
Kohlhase Insurance 480-832-8370
Big Sky Motorcycles Tucson 520-886-7388
The Law Office of Alfred McDonald Tucson 520-884-5201
Biker’s Bay Tucson 520-745-4529
La Gitana Cantina Arivaca 520-398-0810
Biker Babes and Beyond Cottonwood 928-649-5995
Law Office of Al McDonald Tucson 520-884-5201
Biker Information Guide Phoenix 602-843-8907
Law Offices of Richard A. Cruz Phoenix 480-628-1511
Brown & Little, P.L.C., Attorneys at Law 480-299-2093
Law Tigers 888-529-8443
Buchanan Construction, LLC 928-978-3291
Mother Road HD Kingman 928-757-1166
Buffalo Bar & Grill Payson 928-474-3900
North Health Center Scottsdale 480-657-9202
Cactus Flats Tonto Basin 928-479-2233
Old West Insurance Phoenix 602-722-6800
Capsurz www.capsurz.com
Performance Specialists Kingman 928-692-6601
Cathiez Leather Bullhead City 928-758-6592
Petersen Johnson Accident & Injury Law Phoenix 602-650-1200
Cleopatra Hill Jerome 928-634-6701
Punkin Center Bar Tonto Basin 928-479-2627
Continence Center of America, Inc. Phoenix, AZ (623) 977-1212
Red Garter Bar & Grill Tucson 520-325-0483
Desert Lightning Motorcycle Apparel Lake Havasu 928-505-2453
Red Hot Threads Cave Creek 480-945-3458
Doreen’s Backstreet Bar & Grill Chino Valley 928-636-0309
Renegade Classics Biker Outlet Tucson 520-647-9312
Eagle Rider of Sedona Sedona 866-392-0747
Rim Liquor Payson 928-472-2200
Famous Sam’s Payson 928-468-0407
Sportsman's Chalet Strawberry 928-476-2411
Gila County Chopper Strawberry 480-789-2933
Taj Mahal Prescott 928-445-5752
GraphicsGraphics Web Design & Development Phoenix 602-595-4740
The Butcher Hook Tonto Basin 928-479-2226
High Country Chapter
reminder to other students. And we've got Alex Brown's family and their work to educate students around the state." He's referring, of course, to Jeanne and Johnny Mac Brown, who were recently featured on national television for their work to raise awareness about the dangers of distracted driving. The Browns, with daughter Katrina, are also the subject of our latest "Faces of Distracted Driving" video.
From Texas to Wisconsin and Idaho to Florida, they are doing incredible work to keep their fellow Americans safe on our roadways.
In Wisconsin Rapids, two junior high school students, Hannah Kiiskila and Lizzie Tapia, are showing our "Faces of Distracted Driving" video featuring fellow Wisconsinite Laurie Hevier to try to get the City Council to ban cell phone use behind the wheel. Laurie's mother, Julie Davis, was killed in Wisconsin Rapids by a distracted driver.
In Texas, renowned cartoonist Clyde Peterson's simple campaign to get drivers to stop texting in Houston school zones has grown into a full-fledged effort to ban texting throughout the state.
Wisconsin already bans texting while driving, but Hannah and Lizzie know from watching our video that texting is not the only dangerous device distraction on Wisconsin roadways. Lizzie believes a cell phone ban would be her generation's equivalent to the seat belt law. Hannah points out to everyone she talks to that, "Its just not worth somebody's life." In Idaho, McKenna Lowe read about Kassy Kerfoot, who was killed by a dis-
"My gosh," says Clyde, "I just wanted to put up a few signs near our local elementary school. Then I had to try and push the Houston City Council. I didn't think it would lead to contacting state legislators and organizing meetings with the community."
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continued page 14
Renewal (Member #______________) E-mail Address
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Mail remittance to: Motorcycle Riders Foundation, 236 Massachusetts Ave NE, Suite 510, Washington, DC s 0HONE &AX )NTERNET WWW MRF ORG %MAIL MRFOFlCE MRF ORG
"But, at least I'm not alone," he says. "There's Kelsey Foster, a West Texas teen who nearly got herself killed while texting and driving. She's promised to park her damaged car at her school as a
Yavapai Chapter Meets 2nd Sunday, 11:00 AM; The Taj Mahal Restaurant, 124 N. Montezuma St. Prescott, AZ 86301. FMI contact Rich Kocar 928-771-9293 or email grayghost17@cableone.net.
Occasionally on Fastlane, I like to highlight grassroots safety efforts around the country to congratulate the people making a difference in their communities. I have been particularly amazed by the groundswell of efforts by ordinary citizens of all ages and walks of life who have joined our fight to stop distracted driving.
Wild West Junction Williams 928-635-4512
Yavapai Chapter
reprinted from http://fastlane.dot.gov
The Maverick Saloon Phoenix 602-943-5680
Annual Individual Membership ...........$30 3-Year Individual Membership .............$80 Annual Joint Membership .....................$50 3-Year Joint Membership .................... $130 Annual Sustaining Membership ....... $100 Freedom Fighter Donation: $10 $25 $ ___________________
Join and Support Motorcycle Riders Foundation‌ REGISTER, VOTE, AND RIDE!
It’s time you did something more to protect your rights!
The Southern Arizona Chapter will meet the fourth Sunday. We will gather at the Kettle Restaurant, 748 W. 22nd St, Tucson. Breakfast will be available at 8:30 a.m. with the meeting beginning at 10 a.m. FMI contact Ron Kool by phone at 520-203-2323 or email ronabate@yahoo.com
Grassroots Efforts Continue Seeking to End Distracted Driving
The Hog Pit Smoke House Tucson 520-722-4302
ABATE of Arizona
Southern Arizona Chapter
Mohave Chapter Mohave County Chapter meetings are held the 2nd Sunday of the month 12:00 noon at: the VFW in Golden Valley AZ Call Rodney Rich at 928-757-9711 or email hot_rodrich@hotmail.com
Walt’s Lock and Safe Phoenix 623-780-0490 Jakes Corner Bar Payson 928-474-0679
Phoenix / Shadow Mountain Chapter Shadow Mountain meetings are held on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 11am at the AZ American Italian Club, 7509 N. 12th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85020. FMI contact Pete Mackinnon at 602-315-6950 or email pmack1960@cox.net
High Country Chapter meetings are held on the 3rd Sat. at 10 a.m. at The Moose Lodge in Star Valley. Contact: chicknbone@live .com or 928970-1134
Are you a member of a state motorcyclist’s rights organization? Yes No If yes, name ____________________________________
Hardtailz Biker Outlet Chino Valley 928-642-4562
East Valley Chapter East Valley Chapter meetings are held the fourth Sunday of the month at 11:00, At the Mesa Tri city Eagles Club. 2314 E. APACHE BLVD Tempe Az. 85281.
Gyro Tym Phoenix 480-497-6896
ABATE of Arizona Chapter Meeting Times and Locations
PAC Report are violated while enforcing the law. The purposed bill was then given to Representative Jerry Weiers – District 12, Glendale this past week. During the session some of the Legislators decided they did not have time to deal with this and several other bills scheduled to be heard. This is when the purposed bill got dumped. Their reason was that they had to devote more time to completing the State’s budget. Our Lobbyists will be working next year to bring this legislation back, with different and more acceptable wording.
Hello to all my Brothers and Sisters; Here it is almost March and are we having nice riding weather or what? Well we got dumped on again by some of our own Legislators. Representative, Steve Farley- District 28 of Tucson agreed to sponsor the purposed legislation again this year. I want to personally thank him for all his efforts in supporting this purposed legislation. I’m talking about the Distracted Driving Bill. Which by the way never got that far to get a Bill number assigned for this important piece of legislation. I have heard all kinds of excuses from; distracted driving tickets would cost too much to investigate in obtaining a subpoena for phone records from the cell phone provider, and that overall the investigation process would be too costly and take too long and would not be cost effective . Also, that “Distracted Driving” would conflict with Aggressive Driving, Arizona Revised Statue, (28-695) and the Reckless Driving ARS (28-693). Well if it does conflict, change the wording so it doesn’t conflict. DPS advised our purposed Distracted Driving bill could make it too complicated for their officers to enforce, and that we may be taking people’s rights away in trying to do this. I would be the last person to advocate a bill that would take anyone’s rights away. Again if the wording is wrong, change the wording to ensure that no one’s rights
Well, I for one cannot see what is so hard about writing and purposing legislation that would cover texting, and the use of all hand held “electronic devices”. The discussion about conflicts with aggressive driving and reckless driving, the cost of investigating these violations, and the possibility of a violation of people’s rights while enforcing these actions., in my opinion just don’t wash out. If legislation cannot be written to prevent this type of activity then the courts should start throwing out all cases involving any and all police officer observations in making arrests and writing tickets. A few examples would be; Disobeying a stop sign, running a red light, failure to make a complete stop turning right on a red light, improper lane usage, failing to signal when required (changing lanes or prior to turning right or left), failure to secure a child in a properly adjusted child seat, when required, consuming an alcoholic beverage while operating a motor vehicle (driver or passenger), failure to wear glasses while operating a motorcycle (if no wind screen), child not wearing a helmet under 18 years of age, no tail lights or brake lights on vehicle, expired registration sticker on vehicle, following to close to vehicle in traffic (tailgating). I could go on and on, but I think you get the point I am trying to make.
throughout our state by all types of law enforcement, just on the officers’ observation(s). I am sure everyone in the course of driving or a passenger in a vehicle has seen drivers operating a vehicle while texting or scrolling their phone for a phone number to make a call to someone. I have even seen one driver watching TV while driving at night. Now imagine, yourself being a police officer driving in traffic, how hard would it be to observe this type of behavior? Not very hard at all. The officer makes a traffic stop on the driver and issues a ticket. The driver then may have to go to court, or depending on how the sentencing is worded , may have the option on a first offense to go to a defense driving school (no points assigned) or possibly attend traffic survival school, (points assigned). This is so simple I can’t believe it’s not a done deal already. A law as I have suggested, I believe would have to stand up in any court, because if it did not, then every one of the examples I have suggested would not or could not be upheld by a judge, on the “observation and sworn testimony of a law enforcement officer”. In other words courts find motorists guilty everyday on the simple observations of officers, especially in traffic enforcement. On a much sadder note, I along with the motorcycling community lost another brother in February. Too Tall (Roland Langevin) member of ABATE, MMA and ACMC. My condolences and prayers go out to “Too Small” and their family. Ride forever free my brother. The weather is beautiful and cool. Remember, Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate. Now is the season dehydration can sneak up on you. Tim O’Reilly ABATE of Arizona State PAC Coordinator
Numerous violations are enforced everyday on our freeways and secondary roads
News from the MRF 11NR06 - MRF News Release - The Kids Just Want to Ride! FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 14 January 2011 Contact: Jeff Hennie, Vice President of Government Relations and Public Affairs The Kids Just Want to Ride! The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) is in support of legislation recently introduced that would allow just that. U.S. Representative Denny Rehberg (RMT) introduced HR412 earlier this week. This bill would exempt youth motorcycles and ATVs from the current lead ban on children's toys. “Here again, a law meant to improve children’s safety is actually being enforced in a way that puts kids in more danger than ever, while destroying jobs to boot,” said Rehberg. “It’s critical that we put to rest any confusion once and for all so kids can just get outside and ride. There’s no excuse for continued bungling that only stops kids from using the very youth-sized off-road vehicles that are intended to keep them safe.” The MRF urges you to call your U.S. Representative and ask him/her to join
the bipartisan group of co-sponsors for HR412. You can reach the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121. TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD ANNUAL MEETING This week in Washington DC, the Transportation Research Board (TRB) held its annual meeting which offered the opportunity for the Motorcycle and Moped Committee (MMC) to meet as well. The TRB is a group of academics, governments, and private organizations from around the world that meet to discuss essentially every aspect of transportation. The MMC is an advisory committee to the TRB to review academic papers and share information. Jeff Hennie, MRF Vice President of Government Relations and Public Affairs, is a sitting member of the MMC and represents the MRF at each TRB meeting. This year several topics were addressed that are worth mentioning. First, it seems to be the year of the naturalistic study. The French government has completed one; and as previously reported by the MRF, the Motorcycle Safety Foundation/Motorcycle Industry Council will be doing a naturalistic study as well. Both studies will or did use volunteers and their motorcycles outfitted with cam-
eras, GPS, and data recorders, along with a slew of sensors to measure what the motorcycle does for a set amount of time ranging from six months to a year. It has been determined that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) federally-funded motorcycle crash study will now be implemented only in Orange County, CA and will investigate only up to 240 crashes. Results will be available 36 months after data collection ends. A scan of European motorcycle safety programs, laws and infrastructure was recently completed by a team of government types and private groups. The scan revealed some interesting results. The team found out that most of the countries in Europe had very similar ratios with regard to the number of motorcycles on the roads vs. fatalities. In the United States, motorcycles represent about 3 percent of the vehicles on the road, and average about 10 percent of the fatalities each year. In Europe, the ratios for most countries are nearly identical to those in the United States, even though Europe has mandatory helmet laws and graduated licensing, not to mention the fact that it costs about $1000 to get a motorcycle license.
As always, the MRF will keep you up to date on all happenings in Washington DC that affect street motorcyclists. ======================== 11NR07 - MRF News Release Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner, Standout Supporter of Motorcyclists FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 16 February 2011
continued page 14
Calendar - Courtesy of Kirk & Lady Jewells at Phoenixbikers.com March Mar 1 {Tue} - TUCSON, AZ* BRANDING IRON NORTH BIKE NIGHT the 1ST TUESDAY – Event time: 7pm Event Location: 2660 W. Ruthrauff Road, Tucson, AZ. Description: Sponsored by Frog Promotions – Get’s you a Prince of a Deal. DON’T MISS OUT. It’s FANTASTIC! Check out the Bike Show, Wet T-shirt contest, Vendors, and a Live Band. The Party Starts at 7pm. Come Join Frog for Bike night the first Tuesday of each month at 2660 W. Ruthrauff Road. For more info: 520.293.7300. Mar 1 {Tues} – ORO VALLEY, AZ* Bike Nite at The LOOP! Event Time: Starts at Dusk. Event Location: 10180 N. Oracle Rd. in Oro Valley, AZ. (520-878-0222) Description: Presented by The LOOP, Taste of Chicago. Come and enjoy the only Bike Night in Oro Valley. The Loop, Taste of Chicago is where you want to be on the first and third Tuesday of each month! Come in and enjoy our Bike Nite menu featuring Biker Babe Brats, Harley Hoagies, Pan Head Pizza and Road Rash Ravioli. AWESOME drink specials all night long! Biker-Only parking on the north side of The LOOP. Bike wash when weather looks great. Enjoy sports on one of our many HD TVs around the bar, or chill on the patio (smoker friendly) with an ice-cold beverage. Win The LOOP Gift Certificates. "Best VTwin" in Show Certificate awarded at every event! Don't miss the fun, food and friendships only at The LOOP. Bike Nite starts at Dusk. The LOOP is located at 10180 N. Oracle Rd. in Oro Valley, AZ. (520878-0222). For more information please visit their website www.theLoopTasteofChicago.com Mar 2 {WED} – TUCSON, AZ* Tucson Vintage Motorcycle Riders Bike Nite Event time: Every other Wednesday night starting at 6:00 pm ( 3/2, 3/16, 3/30, 4/13 etc.) Event Location: Barrio Brewing Company, 800 East 16th St. in Tucson, AZ Description: Presented by Tucson Vintage Motorcycle Riders. Gathering of folks with an interest in vintage/classic motorcycles of all years, makes and models (yes- even scooters) You need not own or ride a motorcycle to have a good time here. We meet every other Wednesday night starting at 6:00 pm at Barrio Brewing Company. Enjoy great bikes, great food and great beers in the company of kindred spirits. We have no rules, no dues, and no leaders, just a common interest (and a Tshirt) that binds us. Barrio Brewing Company, 800 E 16th St. in Tucson, AZ. For more information please email ducati401@aol.com autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/tucsonvintagemc Mar 3 {THURS} - SIERRA VISTA, AZ* BIG BAD BIKE NIGHT AT RENDEZVOUS – Event time: 6PM Event Location: Rendezvous
Nightclub (520-458-2902) info@svrendezvous.com. Description: Presented by Harley Davidson of Sierra Vista. All riders and colors are welcome to Rendezvous' Big Bad Bike Night on the 1st Thursday of every month! We block off the parking lot for you to show off your bike and we have 2 for 1 drink specials and giveaways all night long. The best bike night in Southern Arizona only at Rendezvous! 6:00 pm at Rendezvous Nightclub (520-458-2902) info@svrendezvous.com. Mar 4th , 2011 {FRI} PHOENIX , AZ * ROLLIN KNIGHTS MC HOSTS 4th ANNUAL MEET AND GREET Event Time 7:30 – until ? Event Location: The Rollin Knights’ Castle 1134 w Grant ave.. in Phoenix . Description: Bring your friends and Come Meet and Greet other friends and family of the Rollin Knights MC 7:30pm until ? FMI: Matrix (email: Matrix @ rollinknightsmc.com) 602-214-2144 Website: www.rollinknightsmc.com Mar 5th, 2011 {SAT} PHOENIX , AZ * ROLLIN KNIGHTS MC HOSTS 4th ANNUAL PICNIC & DANCE Event Time: Picnic is at Ninos Park 14th ave and Sherman--1 block south of Grant--12PM – 4PM, Dance will be held back at the Castle 9PM until ? Event Location: The Rollin Knights’ Castle 1134 w Grant Ave in Phoenix . Description: 4th Annual for the Rollin Knights MC----picnic is at NINOS PARK 14th ave and Sherman --- and dance will be held at the Castle.....Live entertainment...food...drinks.....best Pole Dance & 50/50 and other contest will be held FMI Matrix (email: Matrix @ rollinknightsmc.com) 602-2142144 Website: www.rollinknightsmc.com Mar 5 {Sat} – COOLIDGE, AZ* 5th annual Ride to the Ruins, Event time: Register 7:30-9:30am Event Location: at Coolidge Chamber of Commerce, San Carlos Park, 320 W Central Ave, Coolidge. Description: 5th annual Ride to the Ruins during Coolidge Cotton Days Benefits Family Advocacy Center of Pinal County. Register 7:309:30am at Coolidge Chamber of Commerce, San Carlos Park, 320 W Central Ave, Coolidge. KSU 9:45am. $15/pp, $20/2-up. Patches / shirts available. ?170-mile run w/ police escort. Return for bike games, bike show, beer garden, entertainment, & more. FMI: 520-723-3009 or www.coolidgechamber.org Mar 5 {Sat} – CHANDLER, AZ* Chandler Harley-Davidson Hosts “FREE BREAKFAST”, Event Location: 6895 West Chandler Blvd., Chandler, AZ 85226 (480-496-6800) Event Time: 11AM until Breakfast is all gone Description: Members of the Foothills HOG Chapter will be serving up their signature ‘Biker Breakfast’ from 11AM until its all gone. Take a break and come enjoy a pancake or two. At Chandler Harley-
Davidson there’s always good $ales to be had inside and outside where the Hogs gather - there’s good food and good conversations, too. Mar 5 {Sat} – CHANDLER, AZ*Legion Riders Post 35 - 4th Annual Car / Bike Show, Event Time: 9:00 AM Event Location: 2240 W Chandler Blvd, Chandler, AZ 85224, Event Description: AMERICAN LEGION POST 35 2240 W Chandler Blvd, Chandler AZ 85224 4th Annual Car and Bike Show Saturday, March 5, 2011 All proceeds to Benefit Madison Street Veterans Association http://madisonstreetveterans.org/ Registration from 9am - 11am Judging from 11am - 2pm Trophies at 3 !!! FOOD ** BEER GARDEN ** MUSIC Free Admission Vendor Fee - $ 25.00 Car or Bike Entry Fee - $ 20.00 Please contact Ron Gadberry at 480-3220269 or email carandbikeshow@hotmail.com for an application for Vendor or Entry Or visit http://alr35.org/CarAndBikeShow2011.htm where you can also download and print off a vendor or car/bike entry form Even if you don’t have a car or bike to enter come on down to this FREE EVENT and check out the cars and bikes and enjoy the day with good friends, drink, food and music! For more information email carandbikeshow@hotmail.com or Sue Ashe at uwishtoo@q.com Mar 5 {Sat} – MESA, AZ*Sunshine Acres with Christian Motorcycle Association, Details: Annual Day at Sunshine acres children’s home with CMA. Bike show for the kids, bake goods auction, games with the kids, and tours. 10.00 per person, all proceeds to go to Sunshine Acres children’s home. Contact: Jim Cionci (email: jimcionci @ yahoo.com) Website: www.newlifecma.net Mar 5 {Sat} – PHOENIX, AZ*ROUGH RIDERS M/C (Papago Chapter) "In Memory Run" Event Time: 11:00 am-1:00 pm Event Location: Sign in at Spuds Bar and Grill 3558 W. Northern Ave in Phoenix Event Description: ROUGH RIDERS M/C (Papago Chapter) Hosts their annual “In Memory Run” To benefit the Veterans of Arizona on March 5th 2011. Sign in at Spud’s Bar & Grill, 3558 W. Northern Ave from 1100-1300 hours (11:00 am1:00 pm). Play a free Blackjack hand on our “Run 21”. $10.00 donation, $5.00 with any Military ID, last card in at 1600 hours (4:00 pm). For more information contact Swett @ 928-503-1764. The Rough Riders M/C is a Veterans Motorcycle Club dedicated to Veterans’ causes and POW/MIA issues and awareness. The RRMC is designated a Public Charity under Internal Revenue Code 509 (a)(2) by the IRS and is Tax Exempt under Internal Revenue Code 501 (c)(3). Our EIN is 20-2739186 and DLN is 17053047020017. All contributions made to the RRMC are Tax Exempt and deductible under section 170 of the Code. Gifts made to the RRMC are Tax Deductible under section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the Code. For more information email Warhead
at warheadrrmc@cox.net MAR 6 {Sun} – TUCSON, AZ * IRONWOOD Cycle Hosts “Club Caffeine” Event Time: 7:309:30AM Event Location: Ironwood Cycle at 329 E. Grant Road, Tucson, AZ Description: Well, it's a New Year and time to get "Club Caffeine", the first Sunday of each month on your calendar. You're invited to come by Ironwood Cycle Sunday morning between 7:30am and 9:30am for free coffee and pastries...Get your Sunday morning started right.. Everyone is Welcome.. We hope to see you there. 7:30am. At Ironwood Cycle 329 E. Grant Road in Tucson, AZ (520-396-3507). For more information call the shop or email partsandservice@ironwoodcycle.com Mar 7 {Mon} – TUCSON, AZ* Bike Night at Rusty’s Sports Grille the 1st Monday Event time: Party starts at 6PM. Event location: Rusty’s Sports Grille, 2075 West Grant Rd. in Tucson, AZ. Telephone: 520-623-3363 Description: Join Us the first Monday of every month for Bike Night starting at 6pm at Rusty’s Sports Grille. There’s Special parking for your bike. We have Beer & drink specials and giveaways. Rusty’s Sports Grille, 2075 W. Grant Rd. in Tucson, AZ. For more information please give us a call at 520-623-3363 Mar 9 {WED} – TUCSON, AZ* Los Vatos & Buffalo Wild Wings CoHosts Hot Wednesday Biker Night Event Time: 6pm – 11pm Event Location:1390 W. Irvington Rd. Tucson, AZ. Description: Presented by Los Vatos MC. Bike Night 2nd Wednesday of every month starting at 6pm. Live Music, Vendors, Food and Drink Specials, Door Prizes. Benefiting various charities. For more information Please contact Jim Maldonado to confirm at 520-235-0690 Mar 12 {SAT} – TUCSON, AZ* 2nd Annual Pima County BACA Poker Run Event Time: Starts at 9AM Event Location: Merle’s Auto Supply, 4015 Dodge Blvd, in Tucson, AZ. Description: Presented by Bikers Against Child Abuse. 2nd Annual Pima County Chapter of B.A.C.A. (Bikers Against Child Abuse) is being held to raise money to help the children of Pima County who are victims of all forms of child abuse, from metal/emotional all the way to sexual. All proceeds go directly to helping the children of Pima County with therapy, clothes and any other thing they might need. Please help us help our future. This will be a 7 card stud run starting at Merle’s Auto Supply and ending at Marine Corps League in South Tucson. Sign-in at 9am. For more information please call Poison Ivy at 520-300-0500 or email her at bacapoisonivy@gmail.com Mar 12 {Sat} – TUCSON, AZ* Chuy's Bike Night and Car Show on Valencia Event Time: 6PM – 9PM
Calendar - Courtesy of Kirk & Lady Jewells at Phoenixbikers.com Event Location: Chuy’s on Valencia 1825 W. Valencia Rd. Tucson, AZ. Description: Bike Night and Car Show at Chuy's on Valencia every 2nd Saturday starting at 6:00 pm. 50/50, Raffles, Door Prizes, Food & Drink Specials. Mar 12 {Sat} – CHANDLER / CAVECREEK, AZ* Ride a bike Save a Butt’s 2nd Annual Colon Cancer Ride Event_Time: 9 am, Event Description: Colon Cancer Alliance Central Arizona Chapter RIDE A BIKE, SAVE A BUTT 2nd Annual Colon Cancer Ride Saturday, March 12, 2011 Registration: Chester’s Harley Davidson 922 South Country Club, Mesa, AZ 9-11 AM with KSU at 11 Sharp!!! $25 Single and $15 for passenger Includes Ride Pins for All! PREREGISTER under the Events Page on www.chestershd.com/event_detail.asp?event=49007 5 or www.colonallangels.webs.com/apps/webstore Includes entry to ANGELS APPRECIATION PARTY at the Buffalo Chip at 6811 E Cave Creek Rd, Cave Creek AZ., where we will be joining Quick Throttle for their COPPER AND CHROME 7th ANNIVERSARY PARTY also a "Poker Game" and ALL YOU CAN EAT Barbeque, libations, live music, dancing, raffles and more!! EVERYONE WELCOME Admission into the Angels Appreciation Party is free to all! $10 for the All You Can Eat Barbeque - at the door for anyone not able to make the whole day of fun! BE AN ANGEL, RIDE A BIKE, SAVE A BUTT United Blood Systems will be on hand at Chester’s the morning of the ride for blood donations! Contact Jennifer Atkins at jatkins@chestershd.com to set up an appointment for giving blood Or make an appointment to donate at http://www.bloodhero.com/index.cfm?group=op&hl c=chestershd&hostlookupcode=chestershd For More Information http://www.colonallangels.webs.com Email: Colonallangels@q.com or Sheila Casto (602) 3204065 or Email: misbehavinagain@gmail.com Mar 12 {Sat} - MESA, AZ* Chester’s HarleyDavidson Hosts Party on the Patio Event Time: 11am-2pm Event Location: Chester’s H-D, 922 South Country Club Drive, Mesa, AZ 85210 Description: : Party on the Patio every Saturday at Chester's Harley-Davidson. Free BBQ & live music plus different specials & themes every Saturday. Don't miss out! Chester’s H-D, 922 South Country Club Drive, Mesa, AZ 85210 (480) 894-0404 MAR 12 {SAT} – MESA , AZ * PHOENIXBIKERS.COM Sponsors Pool Tournament at Chester ’s Harley-Davidson Event time: 12PM Event location: 922 S. Country Club Drive , Mesa AZ. Description: 2nd Saturday of each Month. Free to participate. Tournament starts at 12noon. Top 2 winners receive Chester gift certificates. Come meet Kirk Johnson, owner of Phoenix Bikers and celebrated web design Master. 922 S. Country Club Drive , Mesa AZ Call Kirk 602-363-5386 or Chester's H-D 480-894-0404 or www.chestershd.com Mar 12 {SAT} - PEORIA, AZ* Shamrocks & Shenanigans Event time: 11 to ?? Event location: Sign in 7962 W. Market Place St. Peoria 85345 Details: The Hooligans & Peoria Lost Dutchman Present the 1st Annual St. Patrick Day Run. Sign in 7962 W. Market Place St. Peoria 85345 11 am - 1 pm, last bike in at end stop 4 pm $10 single $15 couple. Mar 12 {SAT} - CAVE CREEK, AZ* - QUICK THROTTLE MAGAZINE COPPER AND CHROME 7TH ANNIVERSARY PARTY – Event
time: 1pm -7pm Event Location: Buffalo Chip Saloon, 6811 E. Cave Creek Rd Cave Creek AZ Event Description: Hosted by the Buffalo Chip Saloon, 6811 E. Cave Creek Rd Cave Creek AZ from 1pm - 7(ish). FREE ADMISSION! Live music by the Tall Paul Band, Lingerie Show by Wind, Leather & Lace, appearance of the Copper Chopper, raffle prizes, cash prizes, entertainment, vendors and so much more! All you can eat BBQ $10. Ride to the Buffalo Chip Saloon between now and March 11th and get extra free raffle tickets. Mar 12 {SAT} – PRESCOTT, AZ* ABATE Of Arizona, Yavapai Chapter Membership Drive And Poker Run Event time: 09:00 AM, To: 12:00 PM Event Location: Starts at 8156 E. Valley Dr, Prescott Valley, AZ Description: Sign-in from 9AM to Noon at 8156 E. Valley Dr, Prescott Valley, AZ. We’ll leave from Jackass Bar and Grill at 10:15AM, for a group ride. We will be riding into Prescott doing the Kirkland loop and back to Prescott. Activities include: Abate speakers, fashion shows , raffles and bike show will be happening during route – with an end party held at the Drunken Lass in downtown Prescott with lunch included. $5 per person, includes free poker run. For more information call Longhair James 928-830-6356 MAR 13 {SUN} – PEORIA , AZ * 4th Annual Riding for the Wounded Description: 4th Annual Riding for the Wounded. Leathernecks MC and Sandbar Mexican Bar & Grill are proud to sponsor the 4th Annual Riding for the Wounded. Raffle prizes, 50/50, High Hand. Visit www.azleathernecks.com or email scout@azleathernecks.com for more information. MAR 15 {Tues} - TUCSON, AZ* BIKE NIGHT AT FOX N’ HOUND WITH ARIZONA VICTORY AND KIIM FM – Description: Presented by Arizona Victory and KIIM-FM. Join us for Bike Night at the Fox and Hound on La Cholla every 3rd Tuesday of the month starting at 6pm for great specials, Dyno runs and bike games, door prizes and best of all win -- CASH PRIZES. Meet up at Arizona Victory Tucson, Kickstands up at 5:30pm. Arrive 6pm. Arizona Victory 1102 N. Anita Ave. Tucson, AZ 520-770-9500 www.arizonavictory.com www.kiimfm.com. Fox and Hound 7625 N. La Cholla Blvd. Tucson. For additional information please call 520.575.1980 or visit www.foxandhound.com. MAR 15 {Tues} – ORO VALLEY, AZ* Bike Nite at The LOOP! Event Time: Starts at Dusk. Event Location: 10180 N. Oracle Rd. in Oro Valley, AZ. (520-878-0222) Description: Presented by The LOOP, Taste of Chicago. Come and enjoy the only Bike Night in Oro Valley. The Loop, Taste of Chicago is where you want to be on the first and third Tuesday of each month! Come in and enjoy our Bike Nite menu featuring Biker Babe Brats, Harley Hoagies, Pan Head Pizza and Road Rash Ravioli. AWESOME drink specials all night long! Biker-Only parking on the north side of The LOOP. Bike wash when weather looks great. Enjoy sports on one of our many HD TVs around the bar, or chill on the patio (smoker friendly) with an ice-cold beverage. Win The LOOP Gift Certificates. "Best VTwin" in Show Certificate awarded at every event! Don't miss the fun, food and friendships only at The LOOP. Bike Nite starts at Dusk. The LOOP is located at 10180 N. Oracle Rd. in Oro Valley, AZ. (520878-0222). For more information please visit their website www.theLoopTasteofChicago.com Mar 16 {WED} – TUCSON, AZ* Tucson Vintage Motorcycle Riders Bike Nite, Event time: Every
other Wednesday night starting at 6:00 pm (3/16, 3/30, 4/13, 4/27 etc.) Event Location: Barrio Brewing Company, 800 East 16th St. in Tucson, AZ Description: Presented by Tucson Vintage Motorcycle Riders. Gathering of folks with an interest in vintage/classic motorcycles of all years, makes and models (yes- even scooters) You need not own or ride a motorcycle to have a good time here. We meet every other Wednesday night starting at 6:00 pm at Barrio Brewing Company. Enjoy great bikes, great food and great beers in the company of kindred spirits. We have no rules, no dues, and no leaders, just a common interest (and a T-shirt) that binds us. Barrio Brewing Company, 800 E 16th St. in Tucson, AZ. For more information please email ducati401@aol.com autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/tucsonvintagemc MAR 17 {THUR} – TUCSON, AZ* HARLEY –DAVIDSON of TUCSON and THE HOG PIT SMOKEHOUSE BAR & GRILL Present BIKE NIGHT – Event Time: Starts at 6pm Event Location: The Hog Pit Smokehouse Bar & Grill– 6910 E. Tanque Verde Road, Tucson, AZ Description: The Hog Pit Smokehouse Bar & Grill and Harley-Davidson of Tucson presents their monthly bike night, starting at 6 pm – 6910 E. Tanque Verde Road. There will be special bike parking (east parking lot), various vendors and plenty of giveaways. Try their Slow and Low smoked BBQ, original BBQ sauces and ribs; all made inhouse by Chef John Mertes. Food and bar specials. The Hog Pit/Harley-Davidson Bike Night is the third Thursday of each month. Come early to avoid traffic problems. Free admission. For more info: 520.722.4302 or tpalomares@att.net. Mar 18-20 {FRI - SUN} – LAUGHLIN, NV* 3RD ANNUAL (BTW) BROTHERS OF THE THIRD WHEEL REGION 9 TRIKER RIVER RUN Event location: Riverside Resort Casino & RV Park in Laughlin Nevada Description: FIRST YOU MUST Register & Reserve a Room for the BTW Event by FEB 28th. Riverside Room or RV Rates set up for this BTW event! (ROOMS [CODE : C/BOTTW] Sun -Thur $35, Fri/Sat $59, RV’s [CODE BTW11] Daily Rate $22 or Sunday –Sunday $99) EVENTS: BIKE & TRIKE Show, Games, Fun Run, POT LUCK Dinner, Reserved Seating for Buffets, Rockers included. The Riverside Resort Casino is providing BTW TRIKER River Run Participant’s Special Prices on Buffets & the Saturday Night Show. FOR MORE INFORMATION Call LYNNE 520-591-7755 MAR 19 {SAT} – TEMPE, AZ* ALR – Post 2 Host 3rd Annual Legacy Run Event time: 9:00am 7:00pm Event Location: Starts at DelMar Leathers 4815 E Main St - Ste 24-25, in Mesa, AZ 85205. Phone (480) 325-0130 Ends at American Legion Post 2 - 2125 S Industrial Park Avenue in Tempe, AZ Description: Join fellow American Legion Riders for a day of FUN. Registration begins 9:0010:30 am at Delmar Leathers. Scavenger Hunt through Florence, Coolidge, Queen Creek $20 DONATION REQUESTED. 50/50 and Raffle Prizes, Entertainment & Food MAR 19 {Sat} – CHANDLER, AZ* Chandler Harley-Davidson Host “Biker Trash Chili” Event Location: 6895 West Chandler Blvd., Chandler, AZ 85226 (480-496-6800) Event Time: 11AM until the Chili is all gone Description: Members of the Black Sheep MM will be serving up their signature ‘Biker Trash Chili’ from 11AM until its all gone. Take a break and come enjoy a bowl or two. At Chandler Harley-Davidson there’s always good $teals to be had inside and outside where bikers gather there’s
good conversation and good food, too. Mar 19 {SAT} - PHOENIX, AZ* ALR POST 107 LadyDI RUN for MS – Event Location: American Legion Post 107 located at 20001 N. Cave Creek Rd. in Phoenix. Description: 2nd Annual 'Face What Consumes You', Ride for Multiple Sclerosis. Single $20 - Double $30; Reg. at 9am at American Legion Post 107 located at 20001 N. Cave Creek Rd. in Phoenix. KSU at 10:30am. Last Bike 3:30pm. Raffles, silent auctions and a live band. T-shirts for first 100 registered. Stops include Cody's in Cave Creek, Greasewood Flats, Marcels and The Blooze. All proceeds go to Multiple Sclerosis Foundation. Visit our website for flyer and ride directions at www.FaceWhatConsumesYou.com; with all money collected to be donated to the MS Society. For more info call Chase Patzer at 602-499-0874. or KC Holt (email: holt44 @ hotmail.com) MAR 19 {Sat} – GLENDALE, AZ* MMAEAGLE District Hosts “FARKLE DICE RUN” Event Location: Glenfair Bowling Lanes at 6110 N. 59th Ave in Glendale, AZ, Time: Sign-in 11AM Noon Description: Farkle Dice Run : Sign In From 11Am - Noon, $15 for couples and $10 for singles, 4-Stops around the Southwest Valley and then back to Glenfair Lanes. Mar 19 {SAT} - GLENDALE, AZ* SPARTAN RIDERS MC GLENDALE OPEN HOUSE - 6002 West Maryland Ave. Starts at 6pm until whenever. Food, beverages and good times. For more info visit www.spartanridersmc.com. MAR 24 {THURS} TUCSON, AZ* Firelite Lounge Hosts Bike Night Event time: 7pm. Description: Our monthly Bike Night is the fourth Thursday of every month. Trophies for best bikes, drink specials. Vendors are welcome, no set up fees. Extended premises! 7pm. Firelite Lounge Located at 2413 W Wetmore Rd. in Tucson, AZ. For more information Please call 520-888-1578 or email firelite_lounge@yahoo.com MARCH 25-APRIL 3 - SCOTTSDALE, AZ* ARIZONA BIKE WEEK - Pre-rally days run March 25 – 29 Check out all the rides and parties. March 30 – April 3; it’s the biggest party of them all Cyclefest at WestWorld!! This year we’re celebrating our 15th anniversary. Cyclefest features hundreds of vendors, builders and manufacturers. After the sun sets we really rev it up with nightly, top name concerts in the HandleBar Saloon. Check our website for this year’s line-up at www.azbikeweek.com. Just $40 gets you into ALL five days of concerts and festivities. For more info: Suzy at 480.644.8191. MARCH 25th - Mesa, AZ* Chester’s HarleyDavidson Backstage Biker Bash V featuring Gretchen Wilson. $20.00 General Admission, Event time: Gates open at 4:00 PM. Event location: 922 S. Country Club Drive , Mesa AZ. More info: www.chestershd.com MARCH 25-APRIL 3 - CAVE CREEK, AZ* HIDEAWAY’S AZ BIKE WEEK - Event time: 11AM Description: This is the granddaddy of all annual events at the Hideaway! If you haven't been to the Hideaway for their 9 Day Bike Week Party, you’re missing out! Event starts at 11:00 am; check www.hideaway-usa.com for a 10 day calendar of events! For more info call Anna Bradshaw at 480.274.4395.
See more at www.phoenixbikers.com
ABATE of ARIZONA All Bikes... All Riders. ABATE Works for You!
east valley’s annual Valentine’s bash
east valley’s annual Valentine’s bash
News from the MRF (continued) Contact: Jeff Hennie, Vice President of Government Relations and Public Affairs Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner, Standout Supporter of Motorcyclists United States Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner, Jr. (R-WI) has always been a staunch supporter of motorcyclists and this week, he once again went above and beyond the average member of con-
gress. Sensenbrenner penned a letter to the USDOT last year asking for some clarification on the agency's plan to fund motorcycle-only roadside checkpoints. When the USDOT funded a program in Georgia to the tune of $70,000 before responding to Mr Sensenbrenner’s letter, it ruffled his feathers, so to speak.
The Republican from Wisconsin took another tack and decided to try to defund the program entirely. Sensenbrenner introduced an amendment that would strip all funding for the controversial program. The amendment would make it illegal for the US DOT to use any money to conduct checkpoints or any program to check for helmet useage. However, the amendment is one of 600
introduced to this particular bill and may not see the light of day. We commend Mr. Sensenbrenner for his defense of motorcyclists and fully understand that the amendment may not receive a vote. We at the Motorcycle Riders Foundation stand by, ready to assist Mr. Sensenbrenner in any way we can. The MRF will keep you informed on this issue as details develop.
Grassroots Efforts Continue Seeking to End Distracted Driving (continued) tracted driver about a mile from Lowe's Meridian home, and penned a song called "How Many More." Little did she know that song would be featured in "5,500," the new national PSA produced by FocusDriven.
know, who listen to music all the time," said McKenna. "If they can hear the song and it provokes emotion in them then maybe it can make them think more about what they're doing and connect with them at that level."
“I think music is a good way to get the word out -- especially for teenagers you
And in Naples, Florida, Kristin Murphy is working hard to get into area schools and
share the story of her daughter Chelsey who was killed by a distracted driver. "To bury a child, it hurts so bad," says Murphy. Her message is simple: "The cell phone is glued to your hand; just put it down." Kristin, like many other safety advocates,
is frustrated. “I am so discouraged, all those other states have done it," she says. "How many more people have to die? ” But to Kristin and Clyde and Hannah and Lizzie and McKenna, I thank you for stepping up and helping to save lives on our roadways. I hope others will follow your example and join us in this fight.
Coast to Coast NCOM BIKER NEWSBYTES Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish, National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM) KIDS JUST WANT TO RIDE ACT Two years ago the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) implemented the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) of 2008 to regulate the lead content in children’s toys, inadvertently banning the sale of youth model all-terrain vehicles and offhighway motorcycles due to trace levels of lead in some inaccessible components. On January 25, Representative Denny Rehberg (R-MT) introduced H.R. 412, the Kids Just Want to Ride Act of 2011, which would exempt child-sized dirtbikes and ATVs from the “Lead Law” and provide a legislative fix to the misapplied restrictions. The Kids Just Want to Ride Act aims to clarify the previous federal law, which the consumer agency claims they must strictly interpret as written despite having twice postponed enforcement. Rep. Rehberg joined 22 fellow lawmakers from both parties in the House to introduce the new bipartisan act, calling the legislation “…the best way to clarify congressional intent and ensure that children have access to the youth-sized vehicles that will keep them safe.” Senator Jon Tester (D-MT) has announced plans to introduce similar legislation in the Senate. Congress conducted initial hearings on the CPSIA on February 17 in the House Subcommittee on Commerce, Manufacturing and Trade, and reviewed CPSC resources for implementing the lead law. TAKING AIM AT CHILD PASSENGERS A Virginia Beach lawmaker has tried and failed to prohibit children under 8 from riding on motorcycles, but despite the defeat of HB 1850 the issue is recurring in states across the country. In opposing the measure, Matt Danielson, legal counsel for the Virginia Coalition of Motorcyclists (VCOM), said that there have been no fatalities among children under 8 riding on motorcycles in the past ten years. "I don't look at this as a gov-
ernmental issue. I look at this as a parental issue," said Danielson on behalf of VCOM, a political action committee that represents motorcyclists' interests in the General Assembly. "I think the parent can make a better decision about whether their child is ready to ride than can some legislator in Richmond." Such reasoning hasn’t deterred other state legislation, such as HB 2232 in Oregon that would ban kids under 7 from riding as a passenger, despite existing state law that requires a motorcycle passenger’s feet must reach the footpegs. Furthermore, in a bid to ban children from riding motorcycles in the Philippines, a ranking senator has cited the State’s power to invoke parens patriae, or the constitutional mandate to “assume and act as a natural parent or guardian in order to safeguard the welfare of any child or individual or an incapacitated and dependent minor who is in need of protection against danger, risk of lives and limbs.” With the growing number of motorcycle users worldwide, and with economic influences making motorbikes the most affordable mode of transportation, the matter of children riding and who is ultimately responsible for their safety and welfare will be a mounting concern. U.S. HOUSE BILL ENCOURAGES STATE VEHICLE SAFETY INSPECTION PROGRAMS U.S. Representative Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-TX) has introduced House Bill 229, the Michael Jon Newkirk Transportation Safety Enhancement Act of 2011 that establishes national standards for state safety inspections for motor vehicles. The bill requires states to establish minimum annual vehicle safety inspection programs or lose specific federal funds.
sistent standards, a situation that HB 229 intends to address by standardizing such safety inspection procedures. WARNING: AUTOMOTIVE SAFETY DEVICES COMING SOON TO MOTORCYCLES Within the next two years, motorcycles could be sporting collision detection and other safety features more typically found installed in cars. The new safety systems being tested for motorcycles include speed limit warnings, information about neighboring vehicles and changing lanes, and information of the tightness of road bends and the speed in which to turn. According to a report from the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation), tests are being completed to bring the latest technologies found on cars to two-wheels, and the rise in motorcyclist fatalities has prompted researchers to adapt the first bike-based safety systems by late 2012. MIRA (the Motor Industry Research Association) acts as a testing and innovation center for carmakers and has been carrying out tests on the “Saferider” systems on road bikes and simulators. An ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems) consultant at MIRA, Jonathan Moore, said of the project: “Saferider takes the driver safety systems that are becoming standard on cars and tries to adapt them to the unique needs of motorcyclists.” Moore said making safety systems on motorcycles useful was "challenging" because of all the distractions to which riders were subjected. With traffic noise and motorcycle helmets insulating riders from the traditional audible alarms found on car collision systems, researchers have looked for ways to alert bikers of pending danger with tactile warning systems such as vibrating seats and special gloves.
Included in the requirements listed in the language of this new bill, states must enact and enforce "a law that requires the owner of a motor vehicle registered in the state to present the vehicle for inspection on an annual basis to ensure that the vehicle meets or exceeds motor vehicle safety standards to be established by the state."
New hi-tech systems could also protect riders from themselves, as one system being tested warns that a rider is going too fast to negotiate a turn. MIRA has developed “smart” software that acts as a "co-pilot" which, with the help of a digital map, knows what speed a motorcyclist should be travelling to make it around an approaching curve in the road.
Less than half the states have vehicle safety inspection programs and of those programs that do exist, many have incon-
Sales of new motorcycles, scooters and ATVs dropped from 2009 to 2010, but some increases were seen in the month of December according to a recently released sales report for 2010 from the Motorcycle Industry Council (MIC). In 2009, motorcycle sales saw a drastic drop. Close to 360,000 fewer motorcycles were sold in 2009 as compared to 2008, and sales have continued to decline. Total motorcycle sales, including scooters, through 2010 dropped 15.8%, or 82,198 fewer units in 2010 for a total of 439,678 motorcycles sold this year. If you break it down into category, off-road, dual-sport, highway, and scooters all saw a decrease in sales this year. The biggest loser was off-highway motorcycles, which saw a 23.3% decrease with a drop of nearly 25,000 bikes. The scooter segment saw the smallest decrease at 9.4%, amounting to 3,000 fewer units than were sold in 2009. ATV sales were down 64,000 units, or 20% down. December saw increases in some segments over the prior year month. Scooter sales were up 20% over the year-ago month, with an increase of 322 units. Dual purpose motorcycles also increased, at 7.2%, with a rise of 86 units over December 2009. SOUTH CAROLINA BILL WOULD ALLOW CHARITABLE RAFFLES With many states around the nation cracking down on everything from poker runs to raffles, lawmakers in South Carolina moving to ensure that local churches, schools and nonprofits do not unknowingly break the law when they hold charitable raffles. Legislation, already approved by a Senate committee 18-4, would change the state Constitution to allow the groups to hold a limited number of raffles and casino nights annually -- as long as 90% of the money raised goes to benefit charitable causes. “It’s a good start,” said Austin Coates of ABATE South Carolina, a motorcyclist rights nonprofit that holds hundreds of raffles annually for Special Olympics, breast cancer prevention, burn victims
continued page 15
Coast to Coast (continued) and others. “But there’ll be a fight ahead before it becomes law.” The bill next heads to the full Senate for consideration. Should it survive there, it would go to the House. Ultimately, however, voters would have to approve any change in the state Constitution. MOTORCYCLE CHECKPOINTS IN GEORGIA DURING BIKE WEEK The state of Georgia has received a $70,000 federal grant to launch motorcycle-only checkpoints in early March, just as Daytona Bike Week is getting underway. For most travelers, their route will take them through Georgia and likely into awaiting roadblocks to check for such things as proper license and current registration, insurance, DOT-approved helmets, EPA-approved mufflers, working horn and lights, etc, etc. “We were informed by unnamed sources that the Check Points would start in early March to coincide with the Daytona Bike Week event,” said Dan Forrest, State
Director of ABATE of Georgia. “Most points of entry to Florida will be involved, so anyone traveling through Georgia to Daytona might want to rethink their route.” The US Defenders have issued a Call To Action regarding the proliferation of these motorcycle-only roadblocks being funded by NHTSA grants, and are urging the motorcycle community to voice their opposition to these so-called “Safety Checks” by contacting NHTSA, the U.S. DOT and most importantly by asking your own federal legislators to support H.R. 1498 by Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI) to retain a ban on NHTSA's ability to lobby State Legislators using our federal dollars through the "Motorcycle Law Enforcement Demonstration" grant program (DTNH22-10-R-00386). “These roadblocks or checkpoints for motorcycles ONLY are being conducted illegally and are discriminatory to say the least,” says Escondido Paul, National Lt. Commander of the US Defenders. “This
is one more piece of evidence of the constant profiling attempts targeting our community at large.” WASHINGTON STATE BILL WOULD PROHIBIT MOTORCYCLE PROFILING The Confederation of Clubs, US Defenders and ABATE of Washington are seeking support for legislation that would condemn and prevent the widespread law enforcement practice of motorcycle profiling. The Washington Courts have confirmed that the Washington State Patrol is guilty of unlawful profiling and discrimination against motorcyclists. In 2002 the Court granted a permanent injunction against the State Patrol’s use of a training pamphlet titled BIKER 101 (Wulfekuhle v. Washington State Patrol). However, on November 23, 2009 the WSP, under oath, explicitly admitted that they profile members of motorcycle clubs and continue to use BIKER 101 as a training manual.
This gross violation of a Washington State Superior Court injunction proves that the pattern of motorcycle profiling continues and that the WSP brazenly violates the liberties of motorcyclists even in the face of judicial reprimand. To curb such injustices, Rep. Steve Kirby (D-Tacoma) introduced HB 1333 on January 19 to require law enforcement agencies to adopt a written policy that condemns and prevents motorcycle profiling, review existing procedures, and institute training to address the issue of motorcycle profiling, which means using the fact that a person rides a motorcycle or wears motorcycle-related clothes as a factor in deciding to stop and question, arrest, or search a person or a vehicle without legal basis. (Companion: SB 5242). QUOTABLE QUOTE: “Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.” Edmund Burke (1729-1797), British statesman and philosopher
Keep Pushing On In order to build a biker-friendly majority in the state legislature, an important first step is to figure out which legislators are on our side. We need to find this out well before the next campaign season begins. Otherwise, when the election clock is winding down, we won't know which candidates to support or oppose. There is no better indicator of how our legislators will vote than how they did vote. So when we submit a bill to repeal any part of the helmet law, we can easily find out where they stand by putting it to a vote. This takes some of the guesswork out of evaluating our legislators when they run for reelection, as well as when
they run for higher office. Most people would say the purpose of submitting any bill is to get it passed into law. This is certainly true, but that's not the only reason to submit a bill. If it were, then it would make perfect sense to withdraw it from consideration once it became obvious that it would not pass. After all, who wants to waste time and effort on a bill that’s dead on arrival? But by withdrawing a bill, we diminish our ability to find out where each legislator stands. This is why it’s vitally important to push any repeal bill as far as it will go -- through committee, and out to
the floor for a full vote if at all possible. And to keep our information fresh, we need to do this every session -- in both houses of the legislature. When each legislator goes on record, it saves us a tremendous amount of work in evaluating candidates ahead of the next election. Assuming two candidates run in each of 100 legislative races, there would be about 200 candidates in all. But this number easily doubles when we also consider all the primary candidates who will run months earlier. So the more legislators we have a voting record on, the easier our evaluation efforts will be during the campaign season, when there's little
time to spare. Each election cycle really begins on the very first day after the previous election. That’s when the winners start gearing up for the upcoming legislative session, eager to prove themselves by establishing a record of accomplishments. So let’s help them build a solid reputation by pushing the next helmet law repeal bill as far as it will go. Only then can we hold our legislators accountable for their actions -- and save ourselves a lot of work in the process. Douglas Findlay RIDE2REPEAL.COM
From the Blogosphere reprinted from http://midlifemotorcyclemadness.blogspot.com Two Wheeled Riding Withdrawals Anyone who has been addicted for any length of time to riding on two wheels, specifically motorcycles, and has been denied access to that mount, may come down with “Midlife Motorcycle Madness”. With Mistress down for repairs I have been acutely aware of the symptoms and peculiarities of this disease. Riding on two wheels is akin to an alcoholic or drug high. You just can’t seem to get enough of it. Several things start to happen when not being able to ride, mostly just substitution. One is that you be spending a lot of time working on your bike performing upgrades, maintenance or repairs. You will probably spend every other free moment reading everything you can find about motorcycles in hard or electronic copy. You may also be spending a lot of time on forums & social media discussing everything two wheeled related. When not doing these things you may develop some other peculiar symptoms
of the disease. You will find yourself being a lot more sensitive to the sound of a v-twin or sport bike revving, even in the distance and it will draw your attention directly to it. Your right hand occasionally will twist like it is time to accelerate, usually right after a left foot shift twitch. You might find yourself driving along the far left lane of the freeway hugging the left stripe to see around the traffic in front of you. You may also find yourself wandering around the house leaning yourself around the corners. Don't ask me how I know. Truthfully there is only one cure and that is riding a motorcycle on the open road and the open road is optional! The acceleration, adrenalin, twisties and wind take away all the bad side effects. See you on the road soon. Ride on, Torch =========================== reprinted from www.cyrilhuzeblog.com City Of Myrtle Beach Tweaking Its Motorcycle Noise Ordinance
Since September 2008 Myrtle Beach had a city ordinance limiting motor vehicles to a level of 89 decibels while the engine is running at idle speed.
reprinted from http://silverwinger.blogspot.com/
Such ordinance, among over 15 others, was openly the way mayor John Rhodes intended to eliminate any bike rally inside the city limits. And we know that he was successful at discouraging most bikers to ride through Myrtle Beach, even at participating to any event around the city.
Image if you will, shedding every item you own, every problem you have, every burden you carry, every issue that haunts you, and becoming a free thinking, free riding, free man.
On Tuesday, the City Council changed the noise ordinance for motor vehicles, pushing the 89 limit to 92 decibels. Although Mayor Rhodes always repeats that bikers who adjusted to and followed the new ordinances were always welcomed in Myrtle Beach, don’t fooled by this generous gift of 3 extra decibels. If the city ordinance has been slightly tweaked it’s simply because legally it can’t be more restrictive that what is the national recommended standard of 92 decibels. Does it show a new positive attitude of the city of Myrtle Beach and some new love for bikers? I don’t think so. ======================
Image if you unpacked the bike you packed and retained only the things you really needed to survive on the bike. All you really need to survive is air to breath, water to drink and something to eat, the rest is just clutter. Add in some clothes to wear, cooking utensils, camping gear and some cash to buy gas and you will be completely outfitted to take the motorcycle ride of a lifetime. Riding a motorcycle unencumbered by clutter, devoid of a befuddled mind and a yearning to learn is as close to being free as you can get. ========================= reprinted from
continued page 19
The ABATE Membership Contest The Membership Contest ended November 30.
Next year’s contest will begin on January 1, 2011
First place went to Bob Welton who won a life membership valued at $350.
We can get rid of the accident reporting box. No one calls and I haven’t had time to pursue any incidents.
Second place was Donald K. Russel who won a one year membership extension. Third place was Don Johnson who won a t-shirt.
Ron Kool Tucson AZ 85712 Cell 520-203-2323 ABATE of Arizona, State Membership Officer
Hamstertime Good Morning America. What makes a person " a hero"? The great America humorist Will Rodgers once said" We can't all be heroes, some of us just have to stand on the curb and applaud as they walk past". Glenna Sue Day is one of my heroes. No, she never faced an enemy in battle. In fact, she never was in any branch of the military at all but Glenna was a hero in every sense of the word. Oh, Glenna was very patriotic and a proud citizen of Lawrenceburg Indiana. If she was ever called on to lend her amazing voice and musical talent for a benefit, she would be the first in line but this honor has nothing to do with that. So why is Glenna Sue Day a hero you might ask? Because before God called her home at the young age of 43, Glenna signed up to be an organ donor and the lives she touched by her generosity is a living testimonial to what a real hero is. Despite continuing advances in medicine and technology, the need for organs
and tissue is vastly greater than the number available for transplantation. While Glenna's passing will leave a huge void in the lives of her family and friends and all of us that knew her, her gifts will live on for many future generations. Transplantation is one of the most remarkable success stories in the history of medicine, because it literally gives another human being a second chance at life. If not for the unselfish sacrifice of Glenna Day and thousands of others, 28,465 people would not be alive today. That list includes my Brother, Michael " Cutter" Jay. Cutter is responsible for the motorcycle education and safety program from ABATE of North Dakota . Several years ago, Cutter got a new liver and he would not be here today without someone signing up to become an organ donor. All of us who know and love Cutter are certainly grateful to that person.
Hamstertime (continued) Picture a little 6 or 7 year old kid who will be able to see his or her parents for the very first time because of a cornea transplant. How about that kid that came back from Iraq with his ears blown out from a road side bomb and now can hear again from a colloquial implant. Currently, more than 100,000 men, woman and children need life saving organ transplants and another name gets added every 10 minutes to the national organ transplant waiting list. I'm sure a lot of people are very skeptical when it comes to this topic because of the misconceptions about organ and tissue donations. While researching this topic for this months column, I learned a
lot about how vital these donations are. Here are a few facts and I hope it helps you to make your mind up and sign that card to become an organ and tissue donor. I'm signed up to be an organ donor when I renewed my drivers license. Fact: If you are sick or injured and admitted to the hospital, the number one priority is to save your life. Organ, eye and tissue donation can only be considered after you are deceased. Fact: All major religions in the United States support organ, eye and tissue donation and see it as a final act of love and generosity towards others.
Fact: There is no cost to the donor or their family for organ and tissue donation. Fact: When you are on the waiting list for an organ, what really counts is the severity of your illness, time spent waiting, blood type and other important medical information, not your financial or celebrity status I'm so blessed to live in the community of Dearborn County Indiana because in so many ways it's like having one HUGE family. People still give a damn about each other and are not afraid to show it. When hard times roll around( like they always do ) people are there to help each
other at a moments notice.. Bikers refer to this as Brotherhood and we understand it better than most people. God never said life would be easy but he did say it would be worth it. I'm dedicating this months column to Glenna Sue Day, she had the voice of an angel and left us way too soon but will never be forgotten. God speed Glenna , God speed.... Peace...............................Until Next Month......... Hamster To learn more about organ and tissue donation go to www.donatelife.net
BIKERBALL - A SMASH HIT! Come on out to this years annual softball game on Saturday, March 12. Game starts at noon. We will be at Daley park again, rain or shine! That's on College Ave. between Broadway Rd. and Apache Blvd. just south of the railroad tracks. College is 1/2 way between Mill Ave. and Rural Rd. in Tempe. Cost is $5.00 per person. You get a custom T-shirt, Hot dogs, various beverages and good company. Non-members are welcome and encouraged.
House Roster Name Andy Tobin Majority Leader Karen Fann Tom Chabin Albert Hale Doris Goodale Nancy McLain Judy Burges Jack W. Harper Chester Crandell Brenda Barton Amanda A. Reeve Carl Seel Heather Carter David Burnell Smith Michelle Ugenti John Kavanagh Rick Gray Debbie Lesko Majority Whip Jim Weiers Kimberly Yee Eric Meyer Kate Brophy McGee Steve B. Montenegro Speaker Pro Tempore Jerry Weiers Anna Tovar Richard Miranda Debbie McCune Davis Chad Campbell Minority Leader Lela Alston Katie Hobbs Ruben Gallego Catherine H. Miranda P. Ben Arredondo Eddie Ableser Cecil P. Ash Steve Court Kirk D. Adams Speaker of the House Justin Olson Jeff Dial Bob Robson Tom Forese Javan "J.D." Mesnard Eddie Farnsworth Steve Urie John Fillmore Frank Pratt Russ Jones Lynne Pancrazi David W. Stevens Peggy Judd Terri Proud Vic Williams Sally Ann Gonzales Macario Saldate IV Bruce Wheeler Steve Farley Assistant Minority Leader Matt Heinz Minority Whip Daniel Patterson Ted Vogt David M. Gowan Sr.
Party Email
Phone (602) 926-5172
1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9
kfann@azleg.gov tchabin@azleg.gov ahale@azleg.gov dgoodale@azleg.gov nmclain@azleg.gov jburges@azleg.gov jharper@azleg.gov ccrandell@azleg.gov bbarton@azleg.gov areeve@azleg.gov cseel@azleg.gov hcarter@azleg.gov dsmith@azleg.gov mugenti@azleg.gov jkavanagh@azleg.gov rgray@azleg.gov dlesko@azleg.gov
308 318 334 310 303 220 113 338 124 306 111 330 345 335 114 316 222
926-5874 926-5160 926-4323 926-5408 926-5051 926-5861 926-4178 926-5409 926-4129 926-3014 926-3018 926-5503 926-4916 926-4480 926-5170 926-5993 926-5413
Fax (602) 417-3085 417-3001 417-3002 417-3160 417-3103 417-3003 417-3104 417-3154 417-3105 417-3010 417-3048 417-3006 417-3107 417-3150 417-3155 417-3108 417-3225 417-3109
10 10 11 11 12
jweiers@azleg.gov kyee@azleg.gov emeyer@azleg.gov kbrophymcgee@azleg.gov smontenegro@azleg.gov
219 339 121 123 218
926-4173 926-3024 926-3037 926-4486 926-5955
417-3153 417-3110 417-3111 417-3170 417-3168
12 13 13 14 14
jpweiers@azleg.gov atovar@azleg.gov rmiranda@azleg.gov dmccunedavis@azleg.gov chcampbell@azleg.gov
131 323 332 322 320
926-5894 926-3392 926-5911 926-4485 926-3026
417-3012 417-3013 417-3171 417-3014 417-3037
15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19
lalston@azleg.gov khobbs@azleg.gov rgallego@azleg.gov cmiranda@azleg.gov barredondo@azleg.gov eableser@azleg.gov cash@azleg.gov scourt@azleg.gov kadams@azleg.gov
325 122 333 329 120 119 313 217 221
926-5829 926-5325 926-3042 926-4893 926-4124 926-4118 926-3160 926-4467 926-5495
417-3115 417-3149 417-3117 417-3116 417-3017 417-3164 417-3151 417-3018 417-3019
19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 28 28
jolson@azleg.gov jdial@azleg.gov brobson@azleg.gov tforese@azleg.gov jmesnard@azleg.gov efarnsworth@azleg.gov surie@azleg.gov jfillmore@azleg.gov fpratt@azleg.gov rjones@azleg.gov lpancrazi@azleg.gov dstevens@azleg.gov pjudd@azleg.gov tproud@azleg.gov vwilliams@azleg.gov sgonzales@azleg.gov msaldate@azleg.gov bwheeler@azleg.gov sfarley@azleg.gov
341 125 112 344 342 302 337 331 223 304 324 312 126 309 110 116 115 118 321
926-5288 926-5550 926-5549 926-5168 926-4481 926-5735 926-4136 926-3012 926-5761 926-3002 926-3004 926-4321 926-5836 926-3398 926-5839 926-3278 926-4171 926-3300 926-3022
417-3161 417-3120 417-3157 417-3021 417-3152 417-3122 417-3222 417-3123 417-3023 417-3124 417-3179 417-3146 417-3125 417-3126 417-3026 417-3127 417-3162 417-3028 417-3128
29 30 30
dpatterson@azleg.gov tvogt@azleg.gov dgowan@azleg.gov
117 307 130
926-5342 926-3235 926-3312
417-3169 417-3030 417-3130
We need volunteers for umpires, scorekeepers,spectators, players, cooks, and cheering. We will gladly accept donations of brats, sausages, buns, chips, sodas and other finger foods. There will
be some very big coolers there and ice. It may be a good idea for someone to bring an EMT if they know one! You will need to bring your own ball glove! We have a beer permit this is good from 8:00- 6pm. Please drink responsible. We don't have a challenger, yet. If you think you are tough enough, call Jess at 480-635-2371 and put your money where your mouth is. East Valley holds the trophy, let's see who can take it away from us! If you have questions on location, call Redbone- 480-326-7656. Thank, See you there! Jess Method.
Senate Roster Name Paula Aboud Minority Whip Sylvia Allen President Pro Tempore Frank Antenori Nancy Barto Andy Biggs Scott Bundgaard Majority Leader Olivia Cajero Bedford Rich Crandall Adam Driggs Steve Gallardo Ron Gould Linda Gray Gail Griffin Jack Jackson Jr. Lori Klein Leah Landrum Taylor Assistant Minority Leader Linda Lopez John McComish Al Melvin Robert Meza Rick Murphy John Nelson Russell Pearce President Steve Pierce Majority Whip Michele Reagan David Schapira Minority Leader Don Shooter Kyrsten Sinema Steve Smith Steve Yarbrough
Party Email
Phone (602) 926-5262
30 7 22 4
fantenori@azleg.gov nbarto@azleg.gov abiggs@azleg.gov sbundgaard@azleg.gov
304 303A 200 212
926-5683 926-5766 926-4371 926-3297
417-3269 417-3261 417-3022 417-3248
27 19 11 13 3 10 25 2 6 16
ocajerobedford@azleg.gov rcrandall@azleg.gov adriggs@azleg.gov sgallardo@azleg.gov rgould@azleg.gov lgray@azleg.gov ggriffin@azleg.gov jjackson@azleg.gov lklein@azleg.gov llandrum@azleg.gov
314 305 308 315 306 300 302 315 302 213
926-5835 926-3020 926-3016 926-5830 926-4138 926-3376 926-5895 926-5862 926-5284 926-3830
417-3027 417-3252 417-3007 417-3113 417-3165 417-3253 417-3025 417-3291 417-3270 417-3148
29 20 26 14 9 12 18
llopez@azleg.gov jmccomish@azleg.gov amelvin@azleg.gov rmeza@azleg.gov rmurphy@azleg.gov jnelson@azleg.gov rpearce@azleg.gov
312 307 303 313 311 301 205
926-4089 926-5898 926-4326 926-3425 926-4444 926-5872 926-5760
417-3029 417-3020 417-3159 417-3114 417-3009 417-3112 926-3429
8 17
mreagan@azleg.gov dschapira@azleg.gov
303 213
926-5828 926-3028
417-3255 417-3038
24 15 23 21
dshooter@azleg.gov ksinema@azleg.gov stevesmith@azleg.gov syarbrough@azleg.gov
304 313 311 309
926-4139 926-5058 926-5685 926-5863
417-3024 417-3015 417-3167 417-3258
Fax (602) 926-3429
MASTERLINK MARCH 2011 ATTENTION - ALL RIDERS: =======================
It has come to our attention that business establishments in Arizona may still be discriminating against motorcyclists. Please carry copies of this form with you at all times. Discrimination can range from a sign stating "No Colors" or "No Motorcycle Parking" or "No Motorcycle Attire" etc., to simply being asked to leave a place of business, just because you are on a motorcycle or because of your riding apparel. If anything like this happens to you, PLEASE fill out this form in its entirety and send it to the address noted. Your lobbyists cannot get sponsorship for "equal access" legislation, without evidence of this type of discrimination. Documentation of Discrimination DATE: ______________
Business Phone _______________
NAME OF ESTABLISHMENT: __________________________________ BUSINESS PHONE (with area code): __________________________________ BUSINESS - FULL ADDRESS: ___________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ NAME / POSITION OF PERSON ENFORCING POLICY: ________________ ________________________________________________________ WRITTEN STATEMENT OF DISCRIMINATION (use back if needed): _____ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ YOUR NAME (please print): ______________________________________ YOUR PHONE (with area code): __________________________________ YOUR SIGNATURE: ____________________________________________ *** INCLUDE ANY PICTURES OF DISCRIMINATING SIGNS POSTED *** Mail To: Ray Fitzgerald 1634 West Pine Cone Way Prescott, Arizona 86303
Rider Ed Courses in AZ To Print a Copy, Go To: http://nm.msf-usa.org/msf/ridercourses.aspx?state=AZ Locations Zip County Email Phone Site Website City Motorcycle Rider View PHOENIX 85012 MARICOPA Click Here (623) 979-1839 Training RIDE SMART M/C View PHOENIX 85023 MARICOPA Click Here (623) 877-5425 TRAINING T.E.A.M. Arizona View GILBERT 85233 MARICOPA Click Here (480) 998-9888 Chandler/Gilbert GILBERT PUBLIC View GILBERT 85234 MARICOPA (480) 894-0404 SCHOOLS (PARKING LOT) T.E.A.M. Arizona View SCOTTSDALE 85260 MARICOPA Click Here (480) 998-9888 Scottsdale CHANDLER View TEMPE 85283 MARICOPA (480) 496-6800 HARLEYDAVIDSON T.E.A.M. Arizona View GLENDALE 85302 MARICOPA Click Here (623) 939-9888 Glendale DEER VALLEY View GLENDALE 85308 MARICOPA (623) 247-5542 HIGH SCHOOL LUKE AIR FORCE LUKE AFB 85309 MARICOPA (623) 975-6264 BASE Motorcycle Rider View PEORIA 85345 MARICOPA Click Here (623) 979-1839 Training VEHICLE SAFETY View YUMA 85367 YUMA Click Here (928) 376-7489 INSTITUE FT T.E.A.M. Arizona 85613 COCHISE Click Here (520) 733-9888 View HUACHUCA Sierra Vista Pima Community TUCSON 85707 PIMA (520) 206-3981 View College T.E.A.M. Arizona TUCSON 85714 PIMA Click Here (520) 733-9888 View Tucson RIDE NAZ -View BELLEMONT 86015 COCONINO (928) 443-0111 FLAGSTAFF Ride Northern PRESCOTT 86301 YAVAPAI Click Here (928) 443-0111 View Arizona - Prescott T.E.A.M. Arizona PRESCOTT 86301 YAVAPAI Click Here (928) 771-2500 View Prescott MOHAVE View KINGMAN 86401 MOHAVE (928) 757-0825 COMMUNITY COLLEGE MOHAVE LAKE View (928) 505-3321 COMMUNITY HAVASU 86403 MOHAVE COLLEGE CITY MOHAVE JB'S 86440 MOHAVE Click Here (866) 668-6462 View VALLEY RESTAURANT
From the Blogosphere (continued) http://silverwinger.blogspot.com/ The Highway The highway is the ribbon that binds everything together, without the road there is no ride, no story, no adventure to be had and no new sites to see. The highway is your friend, your companion and must be revered, don’t lose sight of it and don’t stray far from it. There are good roads and bad roads and roads to be avoided and if you pick the right ones you will be rewarded. Most bikers will avoid the freeways, the four lanners where the drivers seem to be competing for a pole position or just living their life in a mobile living room. Most of the things the rider sees occurring in the cars dare not be attempted by the rider and the rider by virtue of being out there in the air shuns these things. Life in the slow lane is a better choice, how better to see the country, meet the people and enjoy the reality of real people. The pace is slower the sites more interesting the interactions more real and satisfying. My reality is the highway, the thing that takes me where I want to go, the conveyance of choice but it has to be the right highway. I don’t like to stray far from the highway when on a road trip, I don’t want to take ten mile excursions off the route to camp or eat and then back track to my resume my riding. Back tracking is a bikers no-no, something to be avoided. If caught in this situation it is better to re-route yourself and follow a new route to get you back on track avoiding back tracking at all costs, then all will be well.
There are so many ways that riders have tried to explain why we ride, all true and have meaning for the rider. Being out there completely encapsulated, not a kinetic energy but a dynamic force hurtling down the road, you are the scene not just a part of one. A throwback to the cowboy era, a man on his horse on his own traveling with not a care in the world. Freedom of the open road, a free rider in a free country choosing where and when to go, which roads to take and in which direction to take them. Control, one man, one bike with the power and authority to hurl and guide his missile down the road. The biker pounds the pavement in his own reality and passes through other peoples reality only choosing to stop and participate if he wishes. To the passers by he is just a fleeting glimpse, a rider on a motorcycle, here and gone in the blink of an eye. The route ahead is taking me to a better road, more scenic, more curves, more motorcycle friendly and most importantly less traffic. ============================ reprinted from http://www.bikerinfo.com/ How to Care: the motorcycle chain One component of a motorcycle that can ensure the safety and driving comfort is motorcycle chain. The following are some care tips motorcycle chain
1. Check the pins and the connection to the chain if the installation is correct.See if there are changes in the position of the pin and connections. Because, if something goes wrong in the installation or the position of the locking clip or changed, can cause the chain off of the connection. Usually this happens when you drive a motorcycle in high speed or drive a motorcycle with a heavy load. 2. Measure the level of tension on the chain. Distance deviation or tightness may affect the size or engorgement of the chain. Therefore, deviation or distance of the chain tension must be considered. This information can be found under the sticker on the lid chain wheel. 3. Check the position of the chain with a lid. Adjust the position of the chain with the lid somewhat tenuous. This will avoid friction between the chain and the lid so as to reduce the discharge of a noisy sound. 4. Choose the right lubricant for your chain. This will help also reduce wear his chain and sprocket of friction. In addition, the lubricant will make life more durable chain.
cle chain, motorcycle chain maintenance to keep them clean should be done regularly. This is important because it can affect the strength of a motorcycle chain. ============================ reprinted from http://emotorcycleblog.com/ Ride Free in the United States’ Best Motorcycle Highways On a motorcycle, riders have a virtually unlimited view of the scenery. Compare that to a car or truck, where views might be blocked by awkward pillars, high seat backs, and low roof lines. With that in mind, here is a list of some of the best rides for motorcyclists in the United States. Blue Ridge Parkway extends along the Blue Ridge mountain chain. The 469 miles of scenery runs from Great Smoky Mountains National Park to Shenandoah National Park. It is designated an AllAmerican Road by the United States Department of Transportation for its gorgeous scenic views. The weather may experience severe variations due to its mountainous route, so riders are advised to proceed with caution.
5. Immediately check if it sounds strange noises out of your bike chain. It is important to avoid the various possibilities that could happen. If the voice sounded like this, immediately stopped the motorcycle, check out what the cause. Usually one of the causes of voice is lax motorcycle chain.
Glenn Highway in Alaska is quite a distance from most motorcyclists, but offers 189 miles of rugged Alaskan wilderness in exchange. Riders will pass icy glaciers, snow-capped mountains, and see one of the last remaining frontiers in the United
6. Check the cleanliness of your motorcy-
continued page 21
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From the Blogosphere (continued) States. Key West Highway, commonly referred to as the Overseas Highway, is 127.5 miles over open azure water between the Florida Keys. The Keys are known for their charter fishing tours and key lime pie for motorcyclists in the mood for a laid-back and relaxing destination. The Pacific Coast Highway, also known as Highway 1 in California, offers panoramic views of the California coastline. Like Blue Ridge Parkway, the Pacific Coast Highway is also designated an All-American Road. If a rider needs a break, they can stop by one of the innumerable surf shops on the route and rent a surfboard. Tail of the Dragon, labeled Deals Gap by some, is renowned among traveling motorcyclists. The road is named for its sinuous nature, with possibly as many as 318 curves in only 11 miles. Tail of the Dragon is blanketed by thick forests and little development by people. Amateurs should beware, but experienced motorcyclists will find a challenging ride. Revel in the refreshing feeling of the open road while riding, but remember to take a look around. There isn’t any point in rushing to the destination without enjoying the journey, whether short or long. ========================= reprinted from http://twistingasphalt.com Rippling Asphalt The tarmac is somewhere between damp and desperate as she dances away. Instinctively I start to fight it, maybe even fear it, but she doesn’t care. She doesn’t need me. She’s all grown up. Free. Able to feel and emote and move. Blipping the throttle, the engine shrieks and the chassis shakes as she rumbles away and then it commences… Movement and method. Emotion in an engine twirl. Now all that matters is the swooping line that carves its way from the mortal moment to the hard surface of the horizon line. It’s a joyful and smart kind of dance. Full of the kind of enthusiasm that you’d expect on a summer day The kind of energy that’s created in ninety degree heat - And yet today is no mere summer day… No. No. No…. Instead, in the heart of winter’s darkness she somehow seems freer and easier and so damn simple… As she dances… Molecules of air marvel at the surrounding atmosphere as the temps continue to rise and rise, and yet still rise, towards eventual winter excess. I shake my head. Smirk. Rip the throttle back again. And again. And again. The mere concept of the day grows more brilliant and perhaps even less
believable with each successive tick of the clock and blip of the throttle. And yet all she seems to care about is dancing. Beneath me, I feel her breath. Big gulps of air reinforced by powerful explosions as we scurry along the rippling asphalt. Time is so different now. So simple. So
ty during driving. With two wheels in front. Putting the third wheel in front adds weight to the front so that the front is kept on the ground even in tearing out and sliding down the road. Some of these three wheel motorcycles have such a unique look, even bikers who love their
they have engines and three wheels. Some Motorcycles with side cars have the same effect as motorcycles with three wheels now. The side cars gives the added balance that the third wheel gives, but with a different look. The major motorcycle manufacturers have a version
clear. So easy to follow. You can see it in the very road surface she skitters over. The way millenniums of pressure have created cracks and crests and hazards to avoid. The way the tarmac ambles as it moves and meanders away. The way it fades into the vista and yet suddenly reappears right below. Yet still, she just dances. Away and away. Faster, harder, quicker. Until the next corner comes. Then it’s hard on the brakes and sudden in the movement and safe in the grip. That almighty grip. That glue that holds her down. Connects her to the asphalt and the dreams and the dance…. That great, beautiful dance.
two wheels are going to the three wheel versions.
of their own three wheel motorcycles. If you know you will be carrying passengers frequently, there are three wheel motorcycles with three seats. Another advantage to the three wheel motorcycles is that because of their balance, it is harder to roll and flip them then a normal two wheel motorcycle. You also do not have to take your feet off the motorcycle at stop signs and traffic lights when you are driving three wheel motorcycles. Not having to take your feet off the bike means not have the possibility of your feet slipping when you are going to put them back on again.
Three wheel motorcycles manufactured by different manufacturers can look very different. For instance, three wheel motorcycles can look like larger versions of trikes, or they can look like the front half of motorcycles with the back halves of small truck beds. Some three wheel motorcycles look more like ATVs. Some look like they belong in science fiction books. What they all have in common is that
========================== reprinted from http://www.enterprise3.com/ All You Need to Know About Three Wheel Motorcycles There are a growing number of three wheel motorcycles. With three wheel motorcycles, the owner is given the exclusive membership into the biker world, without the perceived danger. While any vehicle, whether it is two, three or four or more wheels, there is always a danger. With three heel motorcycles, the chance of getting involved in an accident is greatly reduced. Because of the design of three wheel motorcycles, the tri-pod design of two wheel in either front or back, and one wheel in the opposite, the issue of balance is taken away from the motorcycle enthusiasts and bikers. With the issue of balance off the table, it makes owning a three wheel motorcycle that much more inviting. Three wheel motorcycles allow people who are bikers at heart, but scared to actually ride a two wheel motorcycle, the opportunity to be a biker. The invention and constant improvement of the three wheel motorcycles is a great opportunity for those who want a bikers life without the bikers risk. One of the advantages to owning three wheel motorcycles is the ability to turn corners With the three wheel structure, this motorcycle is actually a race car in a motorcycle suit. It turns corners like race cars which make it both faster and safer for the biker.
Important Phone Numbers Aid to Injured Motorcyclists - A.I.M. - (800) 521-2425 24-Hr. Legal Assistance for all accidents
Aid to Incarcerated Motorcyclists A.I.M. - (800) 235-2424 24-Hr. Legal Criminal Defense
National Legislative Hot Line - (800) 300-NCOM 24-Hr. Motorcycle Legislative Alerts
National Coalition of Motorcyclists NCOM- (800) 525-5355 Fighting for Bikers Rights
Confederation of Clubs. - (800) 531-2424 Motorcycle Clubs Fighting Against Discrimination
Three wheel motorcycles are more commonly being built with two wheels in front and one wheel in back. While this gives it a unique look, it also adds stabili-
Motorcycle Riders Foundation Washington D.C. Office (202) 546-0983
Business Member Spotlight Red Hot Threads is now open. Our old location and name was Against The Wind Leathers. When the Billet Bar and EZ Tattoo decided to close we Had to move. (long story). We took a long and hard look at where the market was going and seeing that we were selling more apparel than leathers we decided to change our name to "Red Hot Threads" and sell only apparel. Keeping our same brands like, Lucky 13, Felon, Too Fast clothing, Living Dead Souls, Folter, Tres Noir, Sailor Jerry, Steady clothing, Rock Rebel, Iron Fist, Retro-a-go-go, Anne Taintor and Strip Club Choppers. New brands coming in weekly. Our new location is up in beautiful Cave Creek, next to Frontier Town. 6245 E Cave Creek Rd. Across the street from the American Legion. 480-945-3458. We are open Tuesday through Saturday 11 - 6pm. And we are closed on Sundays. Hey we need one day to RIDE. Thank you to everone for your continued support over the last 5 years. Tony & Jennifer Rassmussen ABATE members for over 15 years.
T.C.’s Safety Article By TC Fulgham Well folks , it is March . Which means we are one month closer to " OMG it's hot !! " . Now i can hear the words coming out of your mouth's now " Will You Please Shut the _ _ _ _ Up !! " ( Fill in the blank with the word of your choice ) . And as an answer to that " No I won't " . I believe we all need to remember to watch the heat and if I keep reminding you each month till it does hit you, you just might remember to take those extra couple bottles of water with you . Now on to this weeks thoughts . Brakes . I'm not talking about the ones you take out the back door for a smoke and talk about the boss, I mean the ones that bring you from a forward motion to a stop . 80% of your braking is done with the front brakes , 20% on the rear . Some say 70/30 but I still hold with the old math . The exception is on a trike which most times only has rear brakes Now with that said inspection is a key rule in keeping you from doing a face plant in the Escalade that just stopped for no reason in front of you . My favorite steps to this are simple, 1 How does the rotor look? 2 How much pad do I have
left? 3 Is my fluid level good? 4 Is my brake lever tight? 5 Do I see any leaks from the masters? This works on both front and rear, but if you happen to run old school or a vintage bike it goes more like this 1 How is my lever and cable on the front brake? 2 Take a day and check the shoes on the front brake. 3 how are the rods going back to the rear brake? 4 How is my foot brake lever? 5 Take a day and check the shoes on the back . While you are checking the shoes check the drums out also to make sure they are true and smooth. These are all things that we all should be doing on a regular schedule Look at the rotor . does it look smooth , does it have a ridge , is it warped . Look at the pads , how much are left on them, are they showing a odd wear pattern ( one thicker then the other ), check the fluid level, if you do this first and it is low check your pads before you add any fluid. The system is designed to hold only so much and if you add to it when you do change he pads that extra fluid has to go somewhere and that could lead to a major leak and brake failure at the wrong time. Check the master on both front and backs to make sure they
don't show signs of cracking . Make sure the hand lever is tight and not about to fall out . Same thing with the foot brake lever . Check your brake lines to make sure they are all tight with no signs of a leak . Check the condition of your fluid is it discolored , is it smooth or does it feel grimy . Brake fluid will break down over time and not work like it did when new. If it don't look right or feel right it maybe time to change it. Contaminated Fluid can lead to seal failure and again a brake failure at the wrong time. Now on to standard brakes. With these you can start with the lever and cable on the front brake to make sure they are in good condition . Lever tight and smooth operation . Cable not frayed or cut , cable housing in good condition , adjusters tight and clean . When you take a day and check the shoes it means you have to remove the front wheel to get to them. Make sure have plenty of pad on the shoes and also check the drum to make sure it is smooth and clean. If your good at it you can do both front and back on the same day. On the back brakes check your foot lever to make sure it is tight and smooth operation , no cracks in the mounts. Are the rods in good
shape, are the pivot points clean and in good shape? On the brake face plate is the brake lever in good shape. Is the adjuster tight and also in good shape? This is also the time, if your bike has them, to lube any moving parts on the rear brake system. Pads and shoes with a day out of the wind is a lot cheaper then a long down time doing a full brake overhaul cause it went metal to metal and killed the rotors and drums. That low moan with a whimper you just heard was your wallet starting to cry , and I saw the shiver from the vintage riders out there just thinking about finding good drums for your ride. It also saves on the long discussion with your better half on why you spent so much at the parts store or that vintage website It may also save you a bunch cause you won't end up at the ER on a Saturday afternoon getting that roadrash cleaned up. Just a thought . Until next month Ride free , Ride safe TC
Classifieds Your Classified Ad could be here... It’s Free to ABATE Members. submit your ad online at www.abateofaz.org
2006 brand new trailer stone guard, diamond plate, spare tire, clear title, ready 2 roll with, single rail, w tie downs, brand new built & never used email bighog64@swiftwireless.com or call Jesse 631-291-3723 $650.00 great deal for a new trailer. 5 Speed Titan transmission for Evo engine; Chrome $500.00 Titan Clutchpack complete $200.00 Chrome starter late model Evo. $200.00 Contact Dave Cleveland FMI @ 623-221-1516
2000 HD Custom (623) 374-5510 $15K OBO
FOR SALE 1998 Harley Davidson Dyna Glide FXDS, $ 6700 Convertible Model with quick detach saddlebags and windshield. Custom Mustang Seat, Strobe Headlight, Bright Running Lights, One Owner, Excellent Condition. Call Dan at 520-399-2253
2003 Harley- 100th Anniversary FXDX Dyna Super Glide Sport Has added – 100th Anniversary Gold Key Package Stored- Like New -Driven less than 200 miles Black Textured Paint - This Model Highly Rated – Built for speed. Judy Rovno 928-234-2969
2002 V8 Trike Chevy 350c.i. engine. Automatic Transmission. Harley Davidson Fatboy Front End. Very comfortable ride -- Adjustable Air Shocks. AM/FM, Tape, CD Player. Great sound system. Harley Davidson "Luxury Rich Red" paint. Blue and Gold Ghost Ribbons. Beautiful Tank Mural of Pegasus. Lots of Chrome. Loaded. Prize Winner. A real beauty. Easy Maintenance. $19,000 o.b.o. 928-445-3992
One-Piece DayTripper motorcycle seat New - never used - In box Retails for $359 model 76189 fits Honda VT 750 Spirit 2001-2006 & VT 750DC 2007-2009. The detailed stitch work in the highly durable, synthetic glove-leather makes the DayTripper a show winner. $150.00 Call Bob @ 602-463-0544
2004 883C Rubber mounted Sportster. Custom. Includes windshield, saddle bags, lowering kit, custom pull back bars, braided cables and lots of custom touches. A must see. Low miles. A deal at $6,500. 602-758-9964
2-1/2" Santee® 50 caliber pipes exhaust for Harley 1986-2006 softail 84-06 Loud Loud pipes.. deep throaty base lets everyone know your there. Lightly used and in excellent condition. Retail on this set is 479.00 dollars. Pipes are stacked low and feature full-radius heat shields embossed with Santee's® distinctive logo. These pipe sets are the best combination of performance and looks with a 1-3/4"-diameter inner pipe and a 2-1/2" outer cover. Chrome billet end caps with integral baffles are included. Pipes are Chrome and have no dings or scratches they are in excellent condition... even the inner 1 and 3/4 pipe has little bluing... I just wanted to add this since i have had many questions as to the condition of the pipes.. Price: $150.00 James Osborne 623-692-5597
1988 Custom Always garaged, bought new. New Mustang seat for two; bags; stretch tanks; highway pegs; windshield; new tires & belt & lots more. Black. Call Ron at 928-775-5772. $5,800.00
FOR SALE 1993 Harley-Davidson FLSTC Heritage Softail Classic 42K Miles. Lots of Custom Chrome $7995.00 or Best Offer Jim - 520-247-3051
2006 H-D Dyna Street Bob 11,000 miles, $22,000 invested, selling for $16,000. Contact Pete @ (602) 315-6950
'99 Harley Davidson Sportster 883 Custom Purple, twisted spoke wheels, lowered 2-1/2", custom exhaust, Corbin seat w/backrest & custom handlebars. 10,200 miles. Mint condition! $4,000.00 Contact John at 1-(253) 312-4504
Interstate Enclosed Cargo Trailer 2005 24',
2008 Harley Davidson Road Glide- 6,240 miles-lowering kit-travel package-AM/FM/WB/CD- 6 speed-Dark Blue Pearl-Corbin Solo and Stock Seat- asking $17,000. e-mail serious inquiries to: momac99@yahoo.com.
(96" wide and 80" between fender wells) bought new in Washington state. White with stainless steel and aluminum siding. Inside is painted gray with red stripe, cabinets and counter, 8 floor tie downs, wall tie downs installed, overhead light, 2 roof vents, all led lights outside, double lock back drop door/ramp, rubber torsion suspension, spare tire, only driven 2,000 miles, always stored inside, mint condition. Does have Washington plates.
$7,500.00. Contact John 1-(253) 312-4504, Chino Valley, AZ
Comfor Comfortt Suites • Ogden Utah 2250 South 1200 W West, est, Ogden, Utah 84401 • 801-621-2545 ——————————————————————————————————
for room reservations. reservations. Room rate: rate: $82.00 Call 801-621-2545 for must be reserved reserved by by May May 10, 2011 Rooms must (before May May 10, 2011): MRF members $60, Non-MRF members $70; Seminar Cost: (before (after May May 10, 2011): MRF members $70, Non-MRF members $80 Registrations Registrations are accepted through the MRF w website ebsite at www.mrf.org www.mrf.org Visa, MasterCard, AmEx and Disco Discover ver accepted, or b byy mail: MRF MRF,, 236 Massachusetts Ave. Ave. NE, Suite 510, Washington, Washington, DC 20002. Questions? Call the MRF at 202-546-0983.