The Masterlink - May 2014

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May 2014

A publication supporting the rights, safety and freedom of all motorcyclists through education and legislation


u.n. Calls For Global Mandatory

Nonprofit Org US Postage Paid Permit #1662 Phoenix, AZ

Helmet Law

14NR12 - MRF News Release - United Nations General Assembly Calls For Global Mandatory Helmet Law


Contact:Jeff Hennie, Vice President of Government Relations and Public Affairs

ABATE of AZ. 7509 N. 12th St, #200 Phoenix, AZ 85020

Recently the 68th session of the United Nations voted to approve a non-binding resolution entitled “Improving Global Road Safety,” which sounds innocent enough, but when closely examined, has some very disturbing ideas concerning motorcyclists, motorcycles, and helmet laws. The most disturbing directive is “to encourage Member States (countries participating in the UN) to enact comprehensive legislation on key risk factors for road traffic injuries including the non-use of helmets.” Or in other

words, universal mandatory global helmet law. Keep in mind this is a nonbinding resolution, but many countries and legislative bodies take the UN’s suggestions very seriously. This is the warning shot across the bow. The United Nations is coming for motorcyclists.

That is why it is so unfortunate that Americas own Permanent Representative to the United Nations, and a member of President Obama’s Cabinet voted in support of the resolution. She even spoke to the General Assembly in strong support of the resolution.

The non-binding resolution has some other very troubling issues with regards to motorcyclists. For instance, one of the directives claims that there are insufficient policies in place to protect motorcyclists. The idea that one type of policy would work for every country in the United Nations is beyond fantasy. Our diverse global motorcycle commu-

nity cannot exist under a one-size fit all approach.

Another section of the resolution recognizes and commends The UN Economic Commission for Europe and the World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations to modify vehicle regulations to increase safety. This is essential in the UN calling for global harmonization of policy that could include helmet laws and universal vehicle anti-tampering measures. Both of these would devastate the motorcycle community and aftermarket industry in America.

It is a clear picture of the mindset of the UN to support such an over-reaching resolution. By muddying the waters with controversial policies, the UN loses support for some very good ideas concerning distracted driving and Good Samaritan policies.

The MRF is engaged on this and will keep you informed about this issue.



State Officer Meeting Minutes

Mission Statement

We will lobby and educate the government and the general public to promote

motorcycling in a safe and positive image. We will endeavor to enlist the cooperation and participation of all organizations

The April State Officer Meeting was not held because there were not enough officers present to fulfill a quorum.

and individuals who share

a similar interest in preserving our American tradition of


We will involve ourselves in fund raising to achieve our goal.

President’s Report

Greetings fellow freedom fighters,

Arizona Bike Week was March 28th through April 6th. We had gorgeous weather to ride in for the influx of motorcycling tourists. I met at least 8 Canadians. ABATE of Arizona focused on distributing our FREE road-side assistance white bandannas and TOO BROKE FOR STURGIS flyers at Cycle Fest (West World-Scottsdale) as well as at Phoenix Bike Fest (Wild Horse Pass Casino/Resort-Chandler). Many thanks to those member volunteers that took their personal time to work the crowds on behalf of ABATE of AZ. Out at Phoenix Bike Fest, ABATE East Valley chapter manned a vendor booth April 4-6 and sold most of our inventory of TBFS shirts from previous years. East Valley got 4 new members, too. We had the perfect booth location to watch the stage and see the concerts. Sammy Hagar really rocked the place.

Harley-Davidson policy allows that an H-D dealer can claim their territory and not allow other H-D dealers to sell motorcycles in their turf. While other H-D dealers were allowed to be vendors at Cycle Fest, they were not going to be allowed to sell motorcycles on the spot, but instead were going to have to direct perspective buyers to their dealership to sell a bike. Hence, Phoenix Bike Fest began. Barry Caraway and R Entertainment Co. put this event together in just 90-days. They didn’t have much time to advertise this year, but several folks who attended both Cycle Fest and Phoenix Bike Fest, said Phoenix Bike Fest was bigger and had more energy, especially with the drivethru saloon. People were going through revving their engines and a couple pulled wheelies to the cheers of the crowd. A vendor took pictures of everyone riding through and offered them for sale at the event apparel booth. I’m told next year it’ll be MUCH bigger and held at the former Firebird Raceway.

TOO BROKE FOR STURGIS is our main focus at this time, with our big push to let everyone know about the DATE CHANGE to JUNE 19-22. Set up crew is allowed to arrive Tuesday, June 17th. We will be setting up the event on Wednesday. If you can help us out, we can definitely use you and would appreciate any level of volunteerism. We’ve hired a young band this year called Snake Burner. These men have lots of energy, along with some new variations of oldies. They will definitely get your feet moving.

I visited Mormon Lake Lodge March 30-April 1. Only locals are around this time of year. My partner, Smiley and I took our fishing boat and dogs out on Lake Mary to troll for northern pike and walleye. They get BIG there, 20+ pounds. Cold and windy, we were the only boat on the lake and got skunked this time. But I still say, “a bad day fishing, beats a good day working!” I’m from Minneso-tah, ya know. I grew up camping, fishing or snowmobiling almost every weekend, year around.

We tried out Mormon Lake Lodges’ new pizzeria, it’s across from the rental horses. The grand opening was March 28th. When the Lodge restaurant isn’t open during off season, the pizzeria is, 7 days a week and offers breakfast, lunch and dinner. In season, the pizzeria will offer lunch and dinner only. We had a custom-order pizza and hot wings that were everything we were hoping they would be, after a cold day on the lake. They also offer salads, soups, ice cream sweets, sarsaparilla floats and pie. They have a nice outdoor patio across the front and side, with lots of tables and chairs.

ABATE Yuma chapter hosted their 2nd Annual ABATE Membership Drive on March 29th. During the membership drive, we gained two new business

continued page 13

April 6, 2014

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Attendance: East Valley, Jack Batty, Present High Country, Bill Hensler, Present Phoenix/ Shadow Mountain, Clyde Brooks, Present Southern Arizona, Sean Pinder, Present Yavapai, Deb Butitta, Absent Yuma, Rick Breadwell, Present Secretary, Jean Cooper, Present President, Mary K Donnay, Present Lobbyist/Sgt at Arms, Vic Grady, Present Treasurer, Mathew Brown, Absent Guests: none

Topic: I. Call to Order: 1:00 PM by Sean Pinder, Chairman. II. Pledge of Allegiance and moment of silence led by: Vic Grady III. Report/ Updates: 1. Minutes of last BOD meeting: 1.a. Motion made to waive the reading of last meeting minutes made by Bill Hensler; 2nd by Jack Batty; 1.b. Discussion: none 1.c. Action: Vote - All in favor. Reading of the minutes waived. 2. – 9. State Officer Reports: 2.a. President: 2.a.1. Mary K Donnay reported on membership booths at events during Bike Week. At the Chandler location T-shirt sales earned $750. Four new members were signed up. 2.a.2. Ken Bennett is running for Governor. He rides and is interested in attending ABATE chapter meetings and has said he supports the mission of ABATE. May K will make arrangements with him to attend. Mary K suggested Clancy Jayne also be invited to speak. East Valley Chapter is working with MMA for awareness event this spring. 2.a.3. Membership is slowly increasing. No numbers available today. 2.a.4. TBFS: Jim Silk is meeting with the band that has been selected. Spending is within the budget, $30 -35K. Sun State has been contracted to provide generators. Tables, chairs and fencing have been secured. The treasurer has been receiving invoices and expense

How to Reach Us

623 205 1914 480-256-9237 For Advertising Rates Email Eric at Or Mail Your Ads to: MasterLink, ABATE of Arizona 7509 N. 12th St, #200 Phoenix, AZ, 85020 MasterLink Advertising Rates:

Size Monthly Quarterly Yearly Business Card Size (3-1/2”w x 2”h): $20.00 $60.00 $200.00 1/8 Page (5-1/8”w x 4”h)

$50.00 $150.00 $500.00 1/4 Page (5-1/2”w x 8”h) $70.00 $210.00 $700.00 1/2 Page (10-1/4”w x 8”h) $100.00 $300.00 $1,000.00 Full Page (10-1/4”w x 16”h) $200.00 $600.00 $2,000.00 Full Color Back Page (10-1/4”w x 16”h) $400.00 $950.00 $3,300.00

reports. Mike Schneider is developing a proposal for merchandise for TBFS and state. Mary K suggested updating tshirt printing process to infuse overlays. Discussion was held regarding types of product to be sold. Bill Hensler opened a discussion regarding the $20 RV camping fee. Members from around the state have indicated they believe the fee is too much especially for those who have smaller campers. Perhaps ABATE members could pay a discounted fee in the future. Volunteering for the event has been slow. Some members are willing to work during a shift but do not plan to stay for the event. Discussion regarding allowing members to work their shift and leave without paying entry fees followed resulted in decision. Motion: Any chapter that has volunteers to work shift and not stay for the event, there will be no fee for the volunteers to enter and work their shifts and leave the event; they will be identified as nonpaid with a specific wrist band. Motion made by Bill Hensler, 2nd by Jack Batty. Action: All in favor. Motion carried. Perhaps consideration should be given to discounting entrance fee members who volunteer at the event. Food Vendor fee has been increased this year to $300. Mary K spoke with some vendors at Bike Week to stimulate interest to attend TBFS. This year MLL has opened a new Pizzeria for lunch and dinner. Breakfast lunch and dinner will continue to be offered at the Lodge. The impact of the Pizzeria upon the other vendors at TBFS will be analyzed after the event. Sean began the discussion regarding multi-year contracts for TBFS. The MLL representative ABATE has been working with will retire at some point. Opportunity for ABATE to continue at MLL may change. Sean also opened discussion regarding pre-registration for attending TBFS in the future. TBFS will be advertised on KDKB/KSLX at a cost of $3,000. Benefit for the advertising expense will be analyzed after the event. 2.a.5. Secretary: Jean Cooper reported that all chapters but Yavapai have complied with the IRS and Arizona Corporation Commission banking rules. Yavapai has been unresponsive to communication. Sean Pinder indicated he would notify Deborah Butitta to help Yavapai into compliance. 2.a.6. Lobbyist: Vic Gray reported on Motorcycle Day at the Dome. Approximately 38 legislators joined approximately 100 riders on the lawn. Many participants were able to meet with their legislators and discuss the mission of ABATE. The collaborative event with other MROs was a great success. Discussion regarding future timing of the event in relation to timing for presenting Bills to the legislature and laws passed followed. It would be beneficial to hold the event before Bills are assigned. This year is an election year so legislators are somewhat reluctant to support Bills they believe are controversial. So, the anti-profiling Bill was not


State Officer Meeting Minutes (continued)

supported this year. Legislators were interested in the White Bandana program and suggestion was made to meet with law enforcement to increase awareness of the program.

IV. Old Business: 1. Chapter Legislative Priority Surveys 2014 Discussion: The Survey results provide guidance for our grass-roots organization, and Lobbyists to take advantage of opportunities to focus on relevant legislative issues. Additionally, the survey helps to engage the membership in decision making regarding priorities for furthering the mission of ABATE. It was suggested that timing for the survey process be added to the Critical Time Frames outlined in the P&Ps. This was referred to State Officers for action. Discussion continued regarding expanding the survey beyond MROs to independent riders and others who do not belong to a MRO but have interest. Methods to reach out to those riders were explored. It was suggested that the survey be prepared by the Lobbyist and PAC officers to present to the membership during the summer, tally results in October, have results ready for November election meeting. With the proposed timing, Lobbyists will have direction for the new legislative year. The survey could be presented to attendees at TBFS as well as other events throughout the summer and early fall. The membership application can be amended to include the survey. Action: ongoing Responsible: Lobbyist and PAC Officers 2. Survey TBFS attendees – see above. 3. Critical Time Frames – P&P will be amended to include timing for Legislative Survey: Lobbyist and State PAC will notify chapters to administer survey during August and September meetings and provide results to State PAC and Lobbyist by October so results can be presented at November Membership/Election meeting. State Officers will take action on the P&P change.

V. New Business: 1. TBFS 2015, 2016, and future: 1.a. Discussion: Competing bids for alternative venues is good business. In order to be consistent several criteria should be developed for venues to be considered. 1.b. Motion: There needs to be at least one competitive bid for future TBFS

starting next year was made by Bill Hensler, 2nd by Rick Breadwell. Action: all in favor. Motion passed.

2. MRF report from AZ state Rep. – Kat Grover: 2.a. Mary K read the report: “As the AZ MRF Rep I have been going to SMRO meetings around the state and sharing the mission of the MRF. The MRF is working diligently to protect our rights, freedoms and liberties. There is a E15 ban on using it until further testing and the Motorcycle Only Checkpoints being attacked on the federal level. MRF is also working on Profiling and Redefining the CRIMINAL GANG definitions and criteria to allow for Motorcyclists not to be included in general definition. I have business cards that are membership forms and pamphlets to give out to anyone who would like to help promote the MRF. Most riders that are active in the cause usually join all the MROs nationally and in their state. I would like to see a 20% increase in membership this year and a 50% renewal too. Bid Goal, but I can’t do it alone. I am looking for MRF Assistant Reps in all areas of the state to help me achieve this goal. If anyone is interested please contact me.” 2.b. MRF required that ABATE ratify our choice for MRF State Rep. Motion: Propose to ratify Kat Grover to continue as Arizona State MRF Representative was made by Bill Hensler, 2nd by Jack Batty. All in favor. Motion carried. Action: Draft letter to MRF confirming Kat Grover as Arizona State MRF Representative. Responsible: State Secretary, Jean Cooper, draft the letter to MRF State Representative Program Director for Chairperson of the BOD signature by deadline of May 10, 2014.

VI. Next Meeting: 1. Quarterly Regularly Scheduled Sunday July 13, 2014, 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM AAIC upstairs, 7509 N. 12th Street, Phoenix VII. Adjourn: 1. Motion to adjourn made by Jack Batty, 2nd by Bill Hensler 2. Vote: all in favor 3. Time: 3:00 PM Respectfully Submitted by: Jean Cooper Secretary


Too Broke for Sturgis Date Change th

June 19 thru 22


Mormon Lake Campground Due to the heavy monsoon rain season, ABATE of Arizona has changed the date for our Annual Fundraiser. Last year’s one inch of rain per day but a big damper on the attendance of the Event, so after 23 years we have moved the event to an earlier date. Please help by getting the word out. This event helps sustain ABATE of Arizona financially so we can help protect your motorcycling rights. Same great Party just a different date.

Let Those Who Ride Decide TOOBROKEFORSTURGIS.Com

Chapter Reports


East Valley Chapter

On Sunday, March 23, 2014, East Valley Chapter members gathered in Mesa at the FOE building. Headed by Joe, and annotated by Jack, we began our meeting in the customary fashion. Treasury, membership, safety, communications and PAC were all reported on and discussed. We talked about the successes of Motorcycle Day at The Dome. We also prepared for our booth at Phoenix Bikefest by stuffing bags with ABATE bandannas, and Too Broke For Sturgis Flyers.

Since this article is being written after Phoenix Bikefest, I can say that it seemed to be a successful effort. I know that when I was there on Sunday, we passed out a good number of bandannas, sold some ABATE merchandise, and got the chance to talk to a lot of folks about how ABATE of AZ is working for bikers‘ rights. A sincere thank you to all who stuffed bags, and came out to volunteer at the booth, or who gave their support to the effort in any way.

Just a friendly reminder that the Spaghetti Feed is coming up on June 7th. Additionally, with Too Broke For Sturgis fast approaching, we are encouraged to invite as many people as possible, and to volunteer in any way possible to help make this year’s TBFS a big success.

Here’s to hoping that you’re enjoying the beautiful riding weather, and that you have fun and ride safely. Hope to see you out on the road, and at some of the events this riding season. Two Wheels, Brothers and Sisters.

Larry Keim EV Chapter VC, Comms, and PAC

High Country Chapter

Hello Brothers and Sisters.

Well by the time you read this May will upon us. This means great riding weather for the High Country. I'd like to invite everyone to come up and ride in one of the most beautiful and scenic areas of Arizona, just please be safe.

Just a few miles south of here, there is a good watering hole called Jakes Corner. On May 2nd, 3rd, and 4th we will be down there for our 10th Annual WILD IN THE WEEDS event. I hope that if you are in the area, you will stop in and join in on the fun.

We had a good turn out for our March meeting. I have to give thanks to Debra Beda for all the phone calls she makes prior to the meetings. I believe that's making a big difference in attendance. She has been a true asset to our chapter as Membership Officer.

During our meeting we talked about how well preparation is going for WILD IN THE WEEDS. It's been a lot of hard work but the out come will be worth it.

the luncheon on the Capital lawn.

After the meeting we went for a ride to a few of our Business Members where we presented more appreciation plaques. We had eight riders and all had a good safe time.

Our meetings are held on the 3rd Sun. of every month at the Moose Lodge in Star Valley at 10:00am. All are welcome, come visit and ride. Keep wind in your face, sun on your back, fuel in the tank, and rubber on the road. Wayne Slocum Coordinator, H.C.C. ABATE

Phoenix/Shadow Mountain Chapter

Sorry for missing last month. I had such an stupid insane week at work, when I sat down to write the article, I couldn't think of anything nice to say about anything including ABATE, my wife, our dogs, etc. Decided it was better to write nothing. :) We had a great meeting this month on April 13th.

We were missing a few regulars, due to commitments for the Antique and Classic Motorcycle Show.

Our coordinator , Vic Grady, spoke of the great success of this years Motorcycle Day at the Dome. There was good attendance by both riders and state representatives.

Ernie Lizarraga's safety report concerned distracted drivers. One of our members also commented that a woman was killed when she walked into traffic while texting. I guess the lesson here is look out for everyone. Ernie also circulated copies of Represent Entertainment Magazine, which had an article on how the Carefree Highway accident, 4 years ago, has changed so many lives.

Jean Cooper read the notes from the BOD meeting and also highlights from the UN Safety Report. The good news is the UN found a need to address distracted drivers. The bad news... they also think everybody should wear helmets on bikes. Had to open that can of worms again. Next months post meeting ride will be the Scoot and Shoot.l We we will be heading to Ben Avery Shooting Range. If you would like to attend the event and are not familiar with Ben Avery, they do not supply firearms or ammunition. Ben Avery does sell targets. I believe the also rent spotting scopes.

After this meeting, several headed to either the bike show or the benefit car wash for Johnny D. Steve Palmer Phoenix-Shadow Mountain ABATE Communications Officer

Southern Arizona Chapter


Officers Present were Coordinator Jim Butsback, Treasurer Dawn Detelj, Safety Officer Jim DeYoung, PAC Rep & Board President Sean Pinder The minutes of last month’s meeting were approved.

The Treasurer’s report was read and approved.

Attendance was low as always seems to be the case when the 3rd Saturday of the month falls on the 15th or 16th.

Vice Coordinator Don Boule’ was not in attendance and has stated to Jim that he wanted to step down from office. Jim will contact Don and ask him to reconsider. As always membership & attendance issues were discussed. Safety Officer Jim De Young passed out information regarding what you need to carry in a first-aid kit and he also wanted to know if any members have taken a CPR class and if anyone else was interested in taking a CPR class. If there is enough interest he will make arrangements to have one taught. PAC Report: Sean Pinder reported on Motorcycle Day at the Dome. Over 40 Legislators and Staff came out and the response was good. Over 60 Bikes and over 100 total members of the various organizations attended. Sean thanked everyone who attended. It is not enough to know who your reps are, they must know who you are! Get involved, get on the mailing lists and respond to calls for action! SB 1278 has died in committee because not enough people responded to a call for action!!

Remember that this year Too Broke will be held in June to try and avoid the weather issues that have plagued us in the past. We have received business card size handouts and flyers that we passed out at the meeting. It is extremely important that we heavily promote TBFS. This is the main revenue source for ABATE of Arizona, and also a great time to recruit new members.

We agreed to once again have a raffle to help raise funds. We will get the tickets printed and distributed as soon as possible. We will draw the winners at TBFS at the Chapter camp area. If everyone gets behind this we can raise significant funds.

May is Motorcycle Awareness Month. The city of Tucson has been contact regarding a Proclamation declaring May Motorcycle Awareness Month. We hope to get it processed in time to have it presented to us at the City Council Meeting. This should be good PR for us.

We encourage all ABATE members to become more active and to join the MRF and AMA to stay on top of national issue that affect all riders. Also when talking to prospective members, remember that there is a Club membership available that includes 5 memberships.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 AM. Next meeting will be April 19th, 2014 at the same time and place as normal.

We also had one of our members stand up to talk about Motorcycle Day at the Dome which they had attended. They mentioned that they felt attendance was light, however did get a chance to speak with legislators that came to partake in

The March meeting was held at the Kettle Restaurant on March 15th. The meeting started at 9:10 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance and Prayer for fallen Brothers & Sisters..

Anyone who is not getting emails from the Chapter to please send your email address to There is also a group page at Yahoo Groups. All Chapter members can sign up there and receive all emails from the

NCOM BIKER NEWSBYTES Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish, National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM)

(D-NH), Ron Johnson (R-WI), Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) and Joe Manchin (D-WV) on Wednesday, March 5th, and is similar to H.R. 1861, introduced last year in the U.S. House by Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI).

noise, tire condition and other requirements, and are also checked for safety gear during the roadside checkpoints.

U.S. SENATE ACTS TO STOP MOTORCYCLE-ONLY CHECKPOINTS Bipartisan legislation has been introduced in the U.S. Senate to prohibit the use of federal funds in establishing motorcycleonly checkpoints. S.2078, the "Stop Motorcycle Checkpoint Funding Act," sponsored by Senators Jeanne Shaheen

Coast to Coast

The bill would prohibit the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) from issuing grants to states to set up checkpoints where motorcycle riders are targeted by police to check that their vehicles meet state standards for

Over the past few years, such roadblocks have been conducted in New York, Georgia, Virginia and Utah during large motorcycle rallies. The senators argue that these types of checkpoints are discriminatory and unnecessary since motorcycle riders are already subject to state registration, inspection, licensing and helmet laws and must stop at sobriety check

Chapter through the group.

It is

We are trying to save the Chapter some money by cutting down on postage. Please make sure the State Membership Officer has all your current information as well, this includes phone numbers, email addresses, address changes etc. You can email her at Ride Free, Ride Safe

Yavapai Chapter


Yuma Chapter

The Yuma chapter met on 11 March at 6:30 pm at the Mad Greek Restaurant to conduct our monthly business meeting. The meeting was called to order, guests were introduced, and normal reports were addressed. The main focus of the meeting was to finalize the plan for the 2nd Annual ABATE Membership Drive scheduled for March 29th. Another item discussed was selling of ABATE of Yuma raffle tickets at the 2nd Annual ABATE Membership Drive with all sales being final by May 31st. The winning raffle ticket will be drawn at the All Club Biker Bash on Saturday, 31 May 2014 at the LZ Bar in Yuma. The winner will receive one inside the waistband holster, one outside the waistband holster, one magazine holster, and one trigger guard from Gunners Custom Holsters for the pistol of their choice. Tickets are one for $2 or three for $5. Check out these awesome holsters at the link provided below and contact me at (360) 649-2982 if you want to purchase any of these raffle tickets for a chance to win. mHolsters

The 2nd Annual Membership Drive was a huge success. Registration and breakfast was served at Bill Alexander Flight Line Mazda. Desert Oasis Ministries and CMA cooked breakfast for all the riders and I must say the food was amazing. The first stop was the Sons of Hell Clubhouse, the second stop was the Mad Greek restaurant, the third stop was Liberty Motorsports, the fourth stop was at the VFW Post 8242, and the final stop was Rumors Bar. Biker games such as the helmet toss were played at some of the stops for door prize tickets. There were a lot of quality door prizes that had riders on the edge of their seats hoping that their numbers were called. Several clubs came out to support the run: Sons of Hell MC, Legacy Vets MC, Dirty Dawgs MC, Privateer Riders MC, Christian Motorcycle Association, and the Christian Crusaders. We also had a lot of independent riders too. During the membership drive we gained two new business memberships, two club memberships, four new annual memberships, and had one membership renewal. ABATE of Yuma wants to thank all our sponsors, clubs, and independents that made this run a success. We are already looking forward to the 3rd Annual Membership Drive next year. For the love of freedom, Pastor D

points like all other drivers.

One co-sponsor, Sen. Manchin, former governor of West Virginia, says the checkpoints are a waste of taxpayer funding that can have an adverse effect on states’ economies. “Requiring bikers to drive through motorcycle-only checkpoints is not only an ineffective use of taxpayer dollars, but it also raises legitimate questions about discrimination against motorcyclists. In West Virginia, bikers travel near and far to drive on our

MASTERLINK MAY 2014 winding roads and enjoy the beautiful scenery, which attracts tourism and helps boost both our local and state economies,” Manchin said. “As a Harley owner myself, I am pleased to work with my colleagues on this bipartisan legislation that simply would prohibit yet another senseless and unreasonable federal regulation which could harm states’ economies.”

The states of California, Illinois, Missouri, New Hampshire, North Carolina, and Virginia have all passed legislation to bar such checkpoints.

CDC TASK FORCE RECOMMENDS HELMET LAWS The Community Preventative Services Task Force, a panel operating under the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), has reported its findings for improving motorcycle rider safety, recommending that states and the federal government focus on passing helmet laws.

In its first-ever findings statement on motorcycle safety, the group of mostly medical professionals emphasize that motorcyclist fatalities have nearly doubled since 2000, but ignore the fact that motorcycle registrations have likewise

What Is ABATE?

ABATE Of Arizona, Inc. is a non-profit motorcycle rights organization that is dedicated to freedom of the road for all motorcyclists.

ABATE is a volunteer organization that fights discriminatory legislation aimed towards the motorcycling community. ABATE's position is that all motorcycle riders have the right to choose not only the machine that they ride, but also the riding gear that they choose to wear or not to wear, (i.e. leathers, gloves, boots and helmets.) ABATE promotes rider education for all motorcycle riders and motorcycle awareness for all automobile drivers. ABATE needs the support of all motorcyclists.

Arizona Motorcycle Rights Organizations Need Your Help!


Coast to Coast

has not approved the fuel for use in any motorcycles or ATVs, and manufacturers have warned that E15 can damage engines and even inadvertent fueling can void warranties.

multiplied over the same time period.

Members of Congress have written the CDC requesting that they back off from helmet propaganda, but the federal health agency feels justified in pursuing all preventable injuries.

PENNSYLVANIA LIMITS MOTORCYCLE LEARNERS PERMITS State Representative Seth Grove introduced HB 892 in this session of the Pennsylvania State Legislature in an effort to curb the practice of “serial permitting” by novice riders in the state, and the bill was just signed by the Governor and becomes effective immediately.

FURTHER EPA ACTIONS RESTRICT E15 FUEL Following passage of the Farm Bill, which hampers the availability of E15 (gasoline containing 15% ethanol) by restricting blender pumps necessary to dispense the fuel, as well as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s recent move to reduce for the first time the amount of ethanol required to be blended into U.S. gasoline supplies, two new EPA regulations are expected to further limit E15 availability.

The new law restricts the number of times someone can reapply for a motorcycle learners permit to three times in a 5 year period. Prior to this law, there was no restriction on the number of times an individual could reapply for a learners permit and thereby skirting the need to take the full motorcycle license written and riding test.

In action taken March 3rd, the EPA decided against adopting E15 as its standard test fuel, and in other regulatory action refused to waive E15 vapor pressure limits, which will effectively reduce its distribution to gas stations during summer months.

“We have been dealing with individuals who continually violate the restrictions of motorcycle permits because they treat permits like actual licenses,” Grove said.

Previously, the EPA approved E15 for use in cars and trucks built since 2001, but

the bill and provides free student motorcycle safety training, with an opportunity to obtain a class “M” license upon completion of the course.

FLORIDA LAWMAKERS MAY MAKE DRIVERS WATCH OUT FOR MOTORCYCLISTS Safety rule number one for motorcycle riders is to watch out for car drivers, but a proposal in Florida could make it state law for drivers to watch out for motorcycles. The bill covers what Senator Greg Evers (R-District 2) calls "vulnerable road users." That includes motorcyclists, pedestrians, road workers, scooter and bicycle riders, farm equipment operators, carriage drivers and those in wheelchairs. If a driver commits a moving violation that results in bodily injury, it would become a second-degree misdemeanor. If it causes death, it would become firstdegree, with the potential for license suspension. ABATE SEEKS TO ALLOW OFFROAD VEHICLES ON COUNTY

continued page 6

ABATE of Pennsylvania also supported

Join A.B.A.T.E.

along with an events section to inform you of *Do you like emission testing your motor- up-coming motorcycle runs and events. cycle? The Motorcycle Rights Organizations in *Do you like the choice to wear a helmet or Arizona are run by volunteers. Anyone that not? does volunteer gives their time freely to fight the fight. Please help us to pass on our ability *Do you like noise ordinances? to ride free. *Do you like the ability to modify your motorcycle?

*Do you know that there are dollars available for motorcycle safety and awareness? Please help the Motorcycle Rights Organizations in Arizona to prevent our Governments from restricting our ability to ride free. With your help, we can eliminate the emission testing of motorcycles in Arizona, fight our National-level battles with the EPA and NHTSA, and effectively watchdog the Arizona Legislators who, on a yearly basis, have entertained the idea of introducing a mandatory helmet law in our state. You can help by joining in the fight. The cost is only Twenty-five Dollars a year. Although you are not under any obligation to volunteer your time, any time you choose to give to our cause is always appreciated. With your membership you not only help our cause, but you will receive our newsletter as well. "The MasterLink" contains local happenings and national motorcycling news

Name_____________________________________ Name #2 __________________________________ Address __________________________________ City _____________________________________

Benefits Of Membership

Individuals ·ABATE membership card ·ABATE patch on first year ·Year pins thereafter ·One year subscription to the MasterLink newsletter ·Lifetime members get all that without the hassle of renewing

Business ·Two annual memberships ·Business card size advertisement and alphabetical listing in the MasterLink for the length of your membership. Circulated throughout Arizona ·Benefit of a run stop or event participation to support your business ·Addition of your business listing on our web site with a link to your business

Or turn in your membership application to an officer of the chapter of your choice. East Valley High Country

Southern Arizona Yavapai

Phx/Shadow Mtn


State___________ Zip ___________ Phone(s)___________________________________

Office Use Membership # ____________________________ Expiration Date___________________________

Email address _____________________________ make checks payable to: ABATE of AZ and mail to:

ABATE of Arizona, c/o Tina Benoit, 11231 W. Nebraska Ave, Youngtown, AZ 85363

DONATIONS Motorcycle Awareness Program (MAP) $ _____ Legislative Efforts $____ General Fund $_____ MasterLink Newsletter $______


ABATE Of Arizona provides a unified voice for all motorcyclists in Arizona. Add your voice to ours. Join ABATE now, for the preservation of your ability to ride a motorcycle with the freedom that's your right!! © 2012 ABATE Of Arizona

7509 N. 12th St, #200 Phoenix, AZ. 85020

Website: To join our discussion group, send email to

Type of Membership (check one) Single……………$25____ Charter $15 ____ Couple………......$40 ____ Charter $25 ____ Life/Single………$350 ______ Annual Business Membership $125 ____ Annual Club Membership $125 ____ If a business member, please enclose business card for publication in our newsletter, The MasterLink. Renewal

Membership #_____________

New Member Referred By: Business Membership: ABATE of Arizona Business Membership is a substantial value at just $125.00 per year and includes (12 issues) of business card size ads, an annual membership for two people and an ABATE of Arizona Business Member Certificate for display in your business.





Chairman..............................Sean Pinder

East Valley………………….Jack Batty High Country........................Billy Hensler Phx / Shadow Mountain…...Clyde Brooks Southern AZ.........................Sean Pinder Yavapai……………………..Deborah Butitta Yuma....……………………..Rick Breadwell

Quarterly Board meetings are held on the first Sunday in January, April, July and October at 1:00pm @ the AZ American-Italian Club, 7509 N. 12th St, Phoenix. Please make sure your Chapter has representation.

A.B.A.T.E. State Officers For 2014

President………..............……Mary K Donnay Vice President.....……………Mike Schneider Secretary……………………Jean Cooper Treasurer…………………….Matt Brown Membership…………………Tina Benoit Run/Events………………….Vacant Safety Coordinator………….Jim Silk Sergeant-at-Arms……………Vic Grady P.A.C………………………...Lynda ‘Handi’ Barnett Communications…………….Charity Stuart Designated Lobbyist...............Vic Grady ABATE Products……………Vacant MasterLink Editor................ Eric Hampton and

Mailing address 7509 N. 12th St, #200, Phoenix, AZ 85020. State Officers meetings are held the 1st Sunday of every month, 10:30 am at the AZ American Italian Club, 7509 N. 12th Street Phoenix, AZ.- OR in conjunction with the quarterly BOD meeting.

East Valley Chapter

c/o Jim Silk, 5722 E. Garnet Circle, Mesa, AZ 85206 Coordinator............................Joe Ferrucci Vice Coordinator...................Larry Keim Secretary................................Jack Batty Treasurer................................Desiree Campana Membership...........................Mike Shearhart Run Coordinator....................Vacant Safety Coordinator.................Jim Silk Sgt. At Arms..........................Richard Dalton P.A.C......................................Larry Keim Communications....................Larry Keim Merchandise........................... Vacant

EAST VALLEY CHAPTER meetings are held the 4th Sunday of the month at 11:00 a.m. at Fraternal Order of Eagles (F.O.E.) 1712 W. Broadway Road, Mesa AZ 85202 FMI contact Joe Ferrucci at 480-251-0810

High Country Chapter

209A E. Juniper St. Payson AZ 85541 Coordinator............................Wayne Slocum Vice Coordinator...................Billy Hensler Secretary................................Dee Schultz Treasurer...............................Debra Beda Membership...........................Debra Beda Run Coordinator....................Debbie Smith Safety Coordinator.................Steve Leonard Sgt. At Arms.........................Ray Martinez P.A.C.....................................Mark “Griz” Matthews Communications...................Mark “Griz” Matthews Merchandise..........................Jillian Hawkins

High Country Chapter meetings are held on the 3rd Sunday at 10 a.m. at The Moose Lodge in Star Valley. Contact:

Phoenix-Shadow Mountain Chapter

P.O. Box 54041 Phoenix, AZ 85078-4041 Coordinator...........................Vic Grady Vice Coordinator....................John ‘Johnny D’ Dreyfus Secretary................................Jean Cooper Treasurer................................Tina Benoit Membership...........................Deb Costa Run Coordinator....................Pat ‘Troll’ Tyrell Safety Coordinator.................Ernie Lizarraga Sgt. At Arms..........................Joel ‘JR’ Rosen P.A.C......................................John ‘Johnny D’ Dreyfus Communications....................Steve Palmer Merchandise...........................Sandy Hassinger

Phoenix/Shadow Mountain meetings are held on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 10:30am at the AZ American Italian Club, 7509 N. 12th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85020. FMI contact Vic Grady at 602-300-4115 or email

Southern Arizona Chapter

6888 N De Chelly Loop Tucson, AZ 85741 Coordinator............................Jim Butsback Vice Coordinator....................Don Boule Secretary................................Deborah Strong Treasurer................................Dawn Detelj Membership...........................Art Burke Run Coordinator....................Vacant Safety Coordinator.................Jim DeYoung Sgt. At Arms.........................Robert Guenther P.A.C......................................Sean Pinder Communications....................Vacant Merchandise...........................Vacant

The Southern Arizona Chapter will meet the third Saturday. We will gather at the Kettle Restaurant, 748 W. 22nd St, Tucson. Breakfast will be available at 7:30 a.m. with the meeting beginning at 9 a.m. FMI contact Jim Butsback by phone at 520247-3051 or email

Yavapai Chapter

P.O. Box 11319 Prescott, AZ 86304 Coordinator............................ David “Doc” Pratt Vice Coordinator....................Paul Pendergast Secretary................................ Mike “Da Wolf” Ruddell Treasurer................................ Paul Pendergast Membership........................... Dave ‘Chino’ Pinney Run Coordinator......................“Longhair James” Venegas Safety Coordinator..................Dan “44Dan” Lemond Sgt. At Arms...........................JD Fillingim P.A.C...................................... Lora “Ralo” Heiniemi Communications.................... Mike “Da Wolf” Ruddell Merchandise...........................Lori Lutz

Yavapai Chapter Meets 2nd Sunday, 11:00 AM; Barefoot Bob's Billiards, 8367 E Pecos Dr., Prescott Valley, Az. FMI contact Doc at 928-7132568 or

Yuma Chapter

11316 S. Glenwood Ave. Yuma, AZ 85367 Coordinator............................ Frank White Vice Coordinator....................Daniel Medina Secretary................................ Mikkie Melanson Treasurer................................ Virginia Nielsen Membership........................... Thom Mango Run Coordinator.....................Jerry Allison Safety Coordinator..................Ray “PeeWee” Grier Sgt. At Arms...........................Terry “Gunner” Langworty P.A.C...................................... Thom Mango Communications.................... Vacant Merchandise...........................Lisala White

Yuma Chapter meets the second Tuesday evening monthly at 6:30 PM at the IHOP located at 575 East 16th Street Yuma, AZ 85365. For additional information contact Frank White (Hound) at 209327-0814.


If any of the Officers are listed here incorrectly, please send corrections to: I will be sure everything is accurate for the next Issue and on the web site.

Coast to Coast

ROADWAYS Indiana state law bans driving off-road vehicles on public streets, but ABATE of Indiana, a motorcycle advocacy group, is asking Tippecanoe County commissioners to exercise a clause that allows county officials to allow all-terrain vehicles, gators and various other off-road machines, including snowmobiles, to use county roads in unincorporated areas. “We’re just requesting that they at least evaluate this; look at what other communities have done with this -- what other counties have done with this” said Jay Jackson, executive director of ABATE of Indiana. “We’re not aware of any significant ramifications as a result, so we don’t see a downside to it.”

Jackson told commissioners that 45 Indiana counties currently allow off-road vehicles on public roads. The vehicles still must comply with state laws governing off-road vehicles. State law requires the rider or driver be 16 years old and licensed, and also requires that the vehicle be registered, much like a boat. WEIRD NEWS: BIKER BURIED WITH BIKE An Ohio biker was granted his last wish to be buried astride his beloved HarleyDavidson, but it took one custom Plexiglas casket, three extra burial plots, five embalmers and six years of planning and preparations for 82-year old Bill Standley of Mechanicsburg, Ohio to share a grave with the ’67 Harley he bought new and rode around the country

through 49 states.

It all started 18 years ago when Standley joked with his kids about who would inherit his motorcycle; “I’ve got two sons, only got one bike,” and one of his daughters off-handedly quipped, “Oh dad, just be buried with it.”

Six years ago, Standley went before the Champaign County Board of Health to get permission for the bizarre burial, and was informed that he would need a special vault and he’d have to drain all of the fluids out of the bike.

He and his two sons then custom built a see-through casket from a modified septic tank, reinforced with wood and steel, and on January 31st family and friends took him on his last ride to the cemetery, where a crane lowered him and his bike to their final resting place in full riding gear, forever in the wind. NCOM CONVENTION HONORS FALLEN RIDERS; INVITES NAMES FOR TRIBUTE With the 29th Annual NCOM Convention in Dallas just weeks away, the National Coalition of Motorcyclists is requesting that MROs, motorcycle clubs, and riding associations submit the names of those members and supporters who have died since May 2013, so that

continued page 9

MASTERLINK MAY 2014 A2Z Electronic Wizards 480-946-0280

Alt Fashion Barber Shop Marana 520-797-65663

AZ Differential Specialists Phoenix 602-462-5367

Barefoot Bob’s Billiards Prescott Valley 928-759-9590 Big John’s Garage Tucson 520-322-9923 Big Sky Motorcycles Tucson 520-886-7388

Breyer Law Offices, P.C. Phoenix 480-505-2160

Brown & Little, P.L.C., Attorneys at Law 480-299-2093 Buchanan Construction 928-978-3291 Buffalo Bar & Grill Payson 928-474-3900

ABATE of Arizona Business Members


Butcher Hook Tonto Basin

La Gitana Cantina Arivaca 520-398-0810

Square Peg Promos LLC Phoenix 602-549-1044

D.A. Dailey Construction 928-978-6420

Monkey Butt Radio Scottsdale 602-399-7787

The Bashful Bandit Tucson 520-881-9706

Cleopatra Hill Jerome 928-634-6701

Desert Thunder MC

Eclectic Café Tucson 520-885-2842 El Rancho Restaurant Payson 928-474-3111

Greater Payson Moose Lodge #852 Payson 928-474-6212

Herman’s Automatic Transmissions Tucson 520-294-8717 Jakes Corner Bar Payson 928-474-0679

Kitty For Tax Camp Verde 928-567-0224

Law Tigers 888-529-8443

Moose Lodge #852 Payson 928-474-6212

Mountain Top Brewery Payson 928-474-9228

Outpost Saloon Prescott Valley 928-759-0377

Phoenix Vulcan Riders Punkin Center Bar Tonto Basin 928-479-2627 Renegade Classics Tucson 520-400-8463 Sons of Hell MC Yuma

Steel Horse Motorsports Rio Rico 520-281-1962

The Drunken Lass Irish Pub Prescott 928-778-4211 The Flying Grizzly Bar Strawberry

The Historical Journigan House Payson 928-474-2900 The Maverick Saloon Phoenix 602-943-5680

Tonto Silkscreen & Embroidery Payson 928-474-4207 Top End Specialties Phoenix 623-258-2092

Y’all Come Back Saloon Rio Rico 520-781-3730

ABATE of Arizona Chapter Meeting Times and Locations

East Valley Chapter EAST VALLEY CHAPTER meetings are held the 4th Sunday of the month at 11:00 a.m. at Fraternal Order of Eagles (F.O.E.) 1712 W. Broadway Road, Mesa AZ 85202 FMI contact Joe Ferrucci at 480-251-0810

High Country Chapter High Country Chapter meetings are held on the 3rd Sunday at 10 a.m. at The Moose Lodge in Star Valley. Contact: chicknbone@live .com or 928-970-1134

Phoenix / Shadow Mountain Chapter Phoenix/Shadow Mountain meetings are held on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 10:30am at the AZ American Italian Club, 7509 N. 12th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85020. FMI contact Vic Grady at 602-300-4115 or email

Southern Arizona Chapter The Southern Arizona Chapter will meet the third Saturday. We will gather at the Kettle Restaurant, 748 W. 22nd St, Tucson. Breakfast will be available at 7:30 a.m. with the meeting beginning at 9 a.m. FMI contact Jim Butsback by phone at 520-2473051 or email

Yavapai Chapter Yavapai Chapter Meets 2nd Sunday, 11:00 AM; Barefoot Bob's Billiards, 8367 E Pecos Dr., Prescott Valley, Az. FMI contact Doc at 928-713-2568 or Yuma Chapter Yuma Chapter meets the second Tuesday evening monthly at 6:30 PM at the IHOP located at 575 East 16th Street Yuma, AZ 85365. For additional information contact Frank White (Hound) at 209-327-0814.

ABATE of Arizona

MASTERLINK MAY 2014 we may honor their memories during the traditional “Ringing of the Bell” tribute to fallen riders during the opening ceremonies. Dedications can be hand-delivered at the Convention to “Doc” Reichenbach, NCOM Chairman of the Board, or e-mailed in advance to Bill Bish at

Attendees are also encouraged to bring an item on behalf of their organization for the Freedom Fund Auction, with pro-

Coast to Coast

ceeds benefiting the motorcyclists’ rights movement nationwide through Getting Our People Elected donations, NCOM Speaker Program, lobbying activities and other pro-motorcycling projects as determined by the NCOM Board of Directors.

The 29th annual NCOM Convention will be held Mother’s Day weekend, May 811, 2014 at The Intercontinental Hotel Dallas, located at 15201 Dallas Parkway in Addison, Texas, so reserve your room

now for the special NCOM rate of $99 by calling (877) 317-5786. This annual gathering will draw hundreds of bikers’ rights activists from across the country to discuss topics of concern to all riders, and ALL motorcyclists are welcome and encouraged to attend. Meetings, seminars and group discussions will focus on legislative efforts and litigation techniques to benefit our right to ride and Freedom of the Road.

PAGE 9 To pre-register, call the National Coalition of Motorcyclists at (800) 5255355 or visit

QUOTABLE QUOTE: “There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.” ~ Elie Wiesel (b. 1928) author, Nobel laureate and Holocaust survivor

Driver Privacy Act Amended to Secure Motorcyclists' Info

A proposed change in the language of the Driver Privacy Act in the U.S. Senate would expand the bill's scope to protect all information recorded by event data recorders installed on all "motor vehicles," including motorcycles, the American Motorcyclist Association reports.

The substitute amendment was offered in committee by Sen. Amy Klobuchar (DMinn.) to S. 1925, which deals with information collected by event data recorders, sometimes referred to as "black boxes." While the government does not require the installation of event data recorders on motorcycles, some current models are

equipped with the devices.

"The American Motorcyclist Association supports the Klobuchar amendment and believes that all information collected by event data recorders belongs to the owner of the vehicle or the person leasing the vehicle -- whether they are on two, three or four wheels," said Wayne Allard, AMA vice president of government relations. "Access to that data should come only at the discretion of the vehicle owner or lessee." Allard thanked Sens. John Hoeven (RN.D.) and Klobuchar for working with the motorcycling community to make this needed change.

The bill: As originally introduced, S. 1925 would have granted privacy protection only for data the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration requires to be collected (49 CFR Part 563) -- passenger cars, multipurpose passenger vehicles, trucks and buses, which must be equipped with event data recorders.

recorded on any event data recorder in an automobile or motorcycle shall be considered the property of the owner of the automobile or motorcycle."

Similar legislation: A more sweeping bill, H.R. 2414, was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives in June 2013, by U.S. Rep. Michael E. Capuano (DMass.). That bill states that "any data

S. 1925 is being considered by the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.

What changed: The substitute amendment extends privacy protection for data collected by devices installed on all motor vehicles, including motorcycles.

Under the House bill, no one but the owner could access the data without the permission of the owner or a court order. What is next: H.R. 2414 is being considered by the House Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations.

EPA Acknowledges Ethanol Damages Engines Proposed New Labeling Rule Would Prove Ineffective

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has publicly acknowledged that ethanol in gasoline can damage internal combustion engines by increasing exhaust temperatures and indirectly causing component failures.

Yet, even with this knowledge, the Federal Trade Commission is recommending more labeling at the gas pump as its solution to the problem.

The American Motorcyclist Association believes that is not enough.

The Federal Trade Commission issued a rule proposal to provide requirements for rating and certifying ethanol blends and requirements for labeling blends of more than 10 percent ethanol.

But this rule exempts the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s E15approved label.

This rule is for an additional label to be placed on the fuel pump “in response to the emergence of ethanol blends as a retail fuel and the likely increased avail-

ability of such blends.”

With this rule, it only means gasoline with higher blends of ethanol will emerge into the marketplace.

The AMA believes this proposal will cause even more confusion given the events surrounding the rollout of E15 into the marketplace. The AMA opposes E15 and any fuel containing more than ten percent ethanol because it can cause engine and fuel system failure to your motorcycle or all-terrain vehicle, and can void manufacturers’ warranties.

According to the EPA, “[e]thanol impacts motor vehicles in two primary ways. First ... ethanol enleans the [air/fuel] ratio (increases the proportion of oxygen relative to hydrocarbons) which can lead to increased exhaust gas temperatures and potentially increase incremental deterioration of emission control hardware and performance over time, possibly causing catalyst failure. Second, ethanol can cause materials compatibility issues, which may lead to other component failures.”

“In motorcycles and nonroad products [using E15 and higher ethanol blends], EPA raised engine-failure concerns from overheating.”

The FTC is seeking public comments now on the rule proposal that calls for the additional label to identify higher ethanol blended fuels. You can tell the agency how this proposal will cause even more confusion, given the events surrounding the rollout of E15 into the marketplace.

The AMA does not believe this new label will do what it is intended to do – keep users from misfueling with higher ethanol blended fuels. It simply does not provide clear direction. Another label on a blender pump that already has many labels will not be sufficient to avoid misfueling and could be easily overlooked.

The proposed rule provides no direction on where on the pump the label should be located. Moreover, the FTC is proposing that the label be rounded to the nearest factor of 10. How will this accurately inform the consumer of the type of fuel

ABATE at Phoenix BikeFest

called for by the vehicle owner’s manual? Will a fuel containing 11 percent to 14 percent ethanol be labeled as 10 percent ethanol? Is the FTC aware that manufacturers’ warranties are valid only for the use of fuel containing 10 percent ethanol by volume or less? Help protect 22 million motorcycles and all-terrain vehicles in America -- and the riders who depend on their safe operation -- from inadvertent misfueling. Tell the FTC you want safe access to fuel for motorcycles and ATVs!

The loser in any inadvertent misfueling event is the motorcyclist and ATV rider. The AMA stands behind its members, and all riders, in calling for more thorough safeguards against misfueling. The deadline for comments is Jun. 2! Act today to ensure your voice is heard.

For the latest information on the AMA’s efforts to protect your access to safe fuel, go to hts/amafuelforthought.aspx.



High Country Chapter Business Members Appreciation Plaques Presentation

Jake’s Corner

El Rancho

Moose Lodge 852

Punkin Center

Butcher Hook

Journigan House


1990 FLSTF – The Mystery Continues Did Harley-Davidson Flip Japan The Bird?

Not very many people know the history of a first edition 1990 FLSTF Silver Fatboy. The name is reminiscent of the atomic bombs named “Fatman” and “LittleBoy” that were dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. The naming of the bike was not meant to offend, rather, it was done as a tribute to a certain period in time. If you notice the Fatboy’s gastank emblem it somewhat resembles a U.S.A.F. wing emblem. The bombs where silver in color and had distinctive yellow rings painted on them. The motorcycle has seven yellow rings painted throughout the bike – one on the ignition ring, one on the primary inspection cover, two on the tank, one on the cam cover and two on the head covers. You definitely do not want to change the gun metal gray on the tank and fenders or frame on this first edition collector. With little advertising of the purpose behind this color scheme, the bike is now a very collectible item, not so much dollar wise, but more for what it represents.

[update 2013] the value of the 1990 FLSTF Fatboy “Gray Ghost” has jumped immensely proving it to be very collectible investment . Since I originally posted this article in 1999 many websites and motorcycle forums have bantered and

disputed the story. So called myth busting sites like atboy.asp have even tried to say it was pure urban myth. But they also didn’t prove anything or give evidence to the contrary. Some have said on different forums that Willie G himself said it was exactly what the myth represents, but you’d be hard pressed to get an official version from the Motor Co., after all…myths and legends are good busi-

ness. For those that say the company would never do anything to offend the Japanese market, we need to go back to history and remember that at the outbreak of WWII Japan reneged on all patent and licensing agreements and marketed Harley-Davidson under their own brand Rikuo and did for many years afterwards.

In the 60′s and 70′s the Japanese motorcycle industry set out to dominate the north american market and was instrumental in the downward trend of heavyweight motorcycles such as HarleyDavidson. With the eventual buyout and rebirth of Harley-Davidson the company set out to do things their way and part of that was a different styling concept. At the time large disk wheels made famous by Centerline had already become a trademark of drag racing and street rodding. The concept then was big fat tires, Centerlines, and a solid single color usually dark or flat gave the impression of a bad ass machine. Harley-Davidson conveyed that image to the motorcycle. A styling coup if you will. At the same time, the company was also telling the government it no longer needed protection from the japanese manufactures by way of steep import tarifs that really did little to hold the tide back. So yes, the company has been thumbing their noses at the Japanese manufacturers for a while, and for good reason. Is this proof the 1990 FLSTF Grey Ghost was a marketing virtual middle finger? Certainly not, it’s only conjecture, at this point, the story is still a myth, and Harley-Davidson is still silent….all the way to the bank.

Mormon Lake Lodge’s New Pizzaria



Lobbyist Report

Here I go again, Motorcycle Day at the Dome is over and Too Broke for Sturgis is in our not so distant future, and it has occurred to me that State Election are coming soon and It would be a really good idea if we got involved in the campaigns of our respective legislators and helped them out in whatever ways we can. It just makes sense to me if we want their help with our legislation then we might want to help them

get elected which should make them more willing to help us in the legislation that we are promoting. Also it has come to my attention that Ken Bennett is running for Governor and he has expressed interest in coming to a Phoenix/Shadow Mtn. meeting to talk to us . We are just waiting for his assistant to schedule a date.

Sunday April 13th our after meeting run went to the ALMA club house for a car and bike wash for AzCMC lobbyist Johnny D. At the last I heard he is out of

More from AZ BikeFest

MASTERLINK MAY 2014 the induced comma and hopefully on his way to a complete recovery, My thoughts go out to Johnny and his family. As always with respect, keep the shiny side up and the rubber side down. Watch out for cages because at this time watching out for us is not on there agenda yet. VM Grady Designated Lobbyist for ABATE of Az.

Yuma Chapter’s 2nd Annual ABATE Membership Drive

MASTERLINK MAY 2014 memberships, two club memberships, four new annual memberships, and had one membership renewal. Way to go Yuma! Congratulations to the member volunteers who made that happen! ABATE High Country chapter has done an outstanding job of gaining and retaining business members by taking group rides to the establishments and presenting them with appreciation plaques. Their 10th Annual WILD IN THE WEEDS fund-raiser event will be held

President’s Report (continued)

May 2nd, 3rd and 4th at Jake’s Corner Bar, so get your butt on your putt and come on up to Rim Country and help support your fellow ABATE chapter.

Welcome new ABATE business member “Monkey Butt Radio”!! Okay, okay, I know. The first time I heard the name, I thought WTF too! To understand, read their introduction article in this edition. They will be making a monthly contribution to the MASTERLINK. Mike


Schneider, our State Vice President was asked to be a guest speaker on their internet radio talk show to tell folks about Motorcycle Day at the Dome in March. That grew into them bringing Mike on as a show co-host. Listen in LIVE, or watch the archives at your leisure to the three Mike’s; Grumpy Mike, Mikey Biggus and Big Mike. Three Harley riding veterans whose love for motorcycles is only superseded by their love of veterans and the American way.

Until next month, life’s short - live every day to the fullest,

in California,” Tiffany Holloway, a spokeswoman for the agency, said in an e-mail. She declined to comment about what types of crimes the tools are used to investigate or provide examples of how the technology has helped law enforcement. Vigilant’s Work

department’s Immigrations and Customs Enforcement agency had planned to use the records to help locate and arrest “absconders and criminal aliens,” according to a federal document seeking companies’ proposals.

“MK” 14NR11 - MRF News Release Bikers Inside The Beltway National Lobby Day FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 20 March 2014

Contact:Jeff Hennie, Vice President of Government Relations and Public Affairs

IRS Among Agencies Using License Plate-Tracking Vendor

Reprinted from By Kathleen Miller

The Internal Revenue Service and other U.S. agencies awarded about $415,000 in contracts to a license plate-tracking company before Homeland Security leaders dropped a plan for similar work amid privacy complaints.

Federal offices such as the Forest Service and the U.S. Air Force’s Air Combat Command chose Livermore, Californiabased Vigilant Solutions to provide access to license plate databases or tools used to collect plate information, according to government procurement records compiled by Bloomberg.

Vigilant, a closely held company, has received such work since 2009. In February, Jeh Johnson, secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, ordered the cancelation of an immigration agency plan to buy access to national license plate data. While the technology can help solve crimes, the American Civil Liberties Union and other groups have said the mass collection of data infringes the privacy of innocent people.

“Especially with the IRS, I don’t know why these agencies are getting access to this kind of information,” said Jennifer Lynch, a senior staff attorney with the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a San Francisco-based privacy-rights group. “These systems treat every single person in an area as if they’re under investiga-

tion for a crime -- that is not the way our criminal justice system was set up or the way things work in a democratic society.”

IRS officials awarded the company a $1,188 contract for “access to nationwide data” in June 2012, according to records available online. That contract ended in May 2013, according to federal procurement records. Agencies Involved

“The IRS uses a variety of investigative tools similar to other law-enforcement agencies to assist with criminal cases,” Eric Smith, an agency spokesman, said in an e-mail. He declined to say how the IRS used the records in its investigations.

The Forest Service, part of the Department of Agriculture, awarded Vigilant a contract valued at as much as $47,019 for its “CarDetector” system in August 2009, records show. The product scans and captures license plate numbers, compares the data to law enforcement lists of wanted vehicles and sends alerts when such vehicles are detected, according to the company’s website.

Forestry officials also awarded the company a contract valued at about $7,500 in August for a subscription to its license plate database and other services, according to contracting records.

“License plate readers are helpful to our law enforcement officers with illegal activities on national forest system lands

for: Search, Evaluate, and Execute.

Actively search ahead, to the sides, and behind to help you avoid potential hazards. How you search and how much time and space you have, can eliminate or reduce harm. Focus even more on finding potential escape routes in or around intersections, shopping areas, or school and construction zones. Search for factors such as:

One of the best pieces of advice for all bikers to use when riding. It perfect weather to get out and ride but this advice will help you even more Search, Evaluate, and Execute (SEE)

Experienced riders remain aware of what is going on around them. They improve their riding strategy by using SEE, a three-step process for making appropriate judgments and applying them correctly in different traffic situations. SEE stands

The company has local, state and federal agency customers, he said, declining to comment about its work for the federal government and how it may have supported national security.

Most of the federal contracts were awarded years before former contractor Edward Snowden last year exposed vast U.S. surveillance programs that intercepted the phone records of many Americans. In the aftermath, lawmakers in more than a dozen states weighed legislation this year to limit license-plate tracking, according to the Denver-based National Conference of State Legislatures. ACLU Complaints The ACLU, which also has pushed for state measures limiting use of the technology, criticized the Homeland Security Department for a February solicitation seeking to buy access to the data. The



By Jim Silk State Safety Officer

Vigilant provides some data for free to federal and state law enforcement agencies, Brian Shockley, the company’s vice president of marketing, said in an emailed statement. The information has been used to “solve crimes and save lives,” he said.

- Oncoming traffic that may turn left in front of you. - Traffic coming from either the left, right, or behind. - Hazardous road conditions. EVALUATE!!

Think about how hazards can create risks for you. Anticipate potential problems and have a plan to reduce risks.

- Road and surface characteristics such as potholes, guardrails, bridges, telephone poles and trees won’t move into your

path but may influence your riding strategy. - Traffic control devices such as traffic signals, regulatory signs, warning signs, and pavement markings will help you evaluate circumstances ahead. - Vehicles and other traffic may move into your path and increase the likelihood of a collision.

Think about your time and space requirements in order to maintain a margin of safety. You must leave yourself time to react if an emergency arises.


Carry out your decision. To create more space and minimize harm from any hazard:

- Communicate your presence with lights and/or your horn. - Adjust your speed by accelerating, stopping, or slowing. - Adjust your lane position and/or direction of travel.

Apply the old saying “one step at a time” to handle two or more hazards. Adjust

The agency halted the solicitation, saying immigration officials weren’t aware it had been posted.

Federal procurement records show it has awarded contracts valued at as much as $175,000 to Vigilant since 2011. Most are now expired. The other contracts with Vigilant are separate from the February solicitation, Barbara Gonzalez, press secretary for the immigration agency, said in an e-mail. They provide “limited access to an already-existing database for a defined amount of time and only in conjunction with ongoing criminal investigations and to locate wanted individuals,” Gonzalez said. Privacy Concerns Even so, concerns about the government’s use of the data remain, said Kade Crockford, a project director with the ACLU of Massachusetts.

“The American public deserves to know the degree to which the Department of Homeland Security and other agencies are already tapping into these databases,”

continued page 15

your speed so you can deal with each hazard separately. Then deal with them one at a time as single hazards. Decisionmaking becomes more complex with three or more hazards. Weigh the consequences of each and give equal distance to the hazards.

In high-risk areas, such as intersections, shopping areas, or school and construction zones, cover the clutch and both brakes to reduce your reaction time.

If ya get a chance tell a friend this information. Sharing knowledge might save yourself and a buddy. Crashing is no fun,ride safe is the way to go!Inline image 1

We need you as a member in ABATE. Join today and save money when you come to the best ever biker event of the year Too Broke for Sturgis at Mormon Lake Lodge June 20-21-22!

Jim Silk

State Safety Officer

PAGE 14 14NR11 - MRF News Release - Bikers Inside The Beltway National Lobby Day FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 20 March 2014

Contact:Jeff Hennie, Vice President of Government Relations and Public Affairs Bikers Inside The Beltway National Lobby Day

The Motorcycle Riders Foundation is pleased to report that the 6th annual Michael “Boz” Kerr Bikers Inside The Beltway will be held Thursday, May 15th in the nation’s capitol, Washington D.C. The Motorcycle Riders Foundation will have secure free parking for motorcycles just steps from the U.S. Capitol Building.

Last year this event drew hundreds of motorcyclists from across the country. Don't miss out on the greatest gathering of politically active motorcyclists in Washington, D.C.

9:00 am to 11:00 am is arrival, registration, instruction and lobby material pickup. Meet at the motorcycle parking area on 3rd street, map below.

The MRF encourages you to schedule appointments with your Representative and Senator’s offices.

Plan your appointments according to your arrival time. If you plan to arrive promptly at 9:00 am, you can schedule meetings anytime from 9:45 am on. If you plan on arriving at 11:00 am at the latest then you can schedule meetings from 11:30 am until 1:15 pm and of course after the Congressional Program.

Should you not be able to get an appointment, plan on dropping by as many offices from your State as you can during that time. Feel free to contact the MRF office with any questions about scheduling or otherwise.

Unfortunately the House of Representatives will not be in session the day of our event. The meetings with staff still carry significant importance. The Senate will be in session that day.

The MRF has secured free parking from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm just steps from the U.S. Capitol and the House and Senate office buildings. The exact location of the parking is on 3rd street SW and NW between Madison and Jefferson drives. A map can be found here: +St+SW&daddr=3rd+St+NW&hl=en&sll =38.890302,77.015195&sspn=0.003148,0.008256&ge ocode=FW5lUQIdU9dow%3BFTBsUQIdbddow&mra=dme&mrsp=1&sz=18&t=m&z= 18 An event flyer for Bikers Inside The Beltway National Lobby day is also

News from the MRF

available on the website here: http://motorcycleridersfoundation.wildapr ventId=798760&EventViewMode=Event Details

This year we will feature something new! Bikers Inside the Beltway Follow Up Follow Through Seminar. It is going to be a one-day event on Friday, May 16th at the Baltimore Doubletree BWI Airport, 890 Elkridge Landing Road Linthicum, Maryland, 21090. There is no charge for this event. Please be sure to register via the MRF website. An event flyer can be found here: d=1654837&eventId=798755&EventVie wMode=EventDetails ===========================

Friday March 28th – Washington Wrap up


Contact:Jeff Hennie, Vice President of Government Relations and Public Affairs Friday March 28 – Washington Wrap up

This weekend past (March 22nd) I attended Bikes on the Border, a regional event hosted by the McGrath Danielson law firm. Many MRF members were speakers at the event including myself. This year’s event was outside Charlotte, North Carolina and attendance was noticeably larger, this was the second year of the event. If you live in the North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia area this event is for you.

The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee held a hearing entitled “MAP-21 Reauthorization: State and Local Perspectives on Transportation Priorities and Funding.” Essentially the hearing was a panel of state and local transportation officials who largely agreed about the uncertainty of congress passing a new highway-funding bill before the current bill expires later this summer. The fact is that the states depend on the federal government to collect a gas tax and then redistribute the money across the country for large scale projects that often time cross state lines or serve multiple counties.

When the feds don’t return the money to the states when they are supposed to the states end up using money to fix larger problems that should be paid for with the gas tax trust fund money. When that happens the smaller scale projects don’t get any attention. That’s why you have that nasty pothole that you encounter every day on your commute. The money set aside for that pothole or any pothole is being used to keep your bridges from crumbling and your tunnels from collapsing.

Republicans and Democrats, they are all despicable at times.

This week the House was debating a controversial fix to a Medicare issue. It’s complicated so I won’t go into here but basically the House wanted to pass a bill that they simply did not have the votes for. But Speaker Boehner and Minority Leader Pelosi wanted to get it done. They both scheduled various leadership meetings to distract member of congress off the floor. When almost everybody was gone a handful of Reps stayed and passed the bill by voice vote while they were alone on the floor. It is not a violation of any rule but just a slimy way to pass legislation. It’s a shyster move that all involved with should be ashamed of. ============================

Friday April 11th – Washington Wrap up FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 11 Apr. 2014

Contact:Jeff Hennie, Vice President of Government Relations and Public Affairs

Friday April 11th – Washington Wrap up

I had the pleasure of joining ABATE of Illinois on their congressional visits all week. I expected to see a flurry of cosponsors as the fruits of their handwork. The highlight of the week was a meeting with Senator Durbin’s staff. The relationship between ABATE of Illinois and Senator Durbin, who is serving his 17th year, has been a bit frosty since he assumed office. At one point ABATE had shirts made up with his likeness and the words “public enemy number one.” So that tells you how friendly they were with each other. I’ve personally sat in meetings with the Senator and ABATE and seen the smug look that comes across Durbin’s face when we ask him to support anything, a sort of “now you need me don’t you?” face. I am pleased to report that the waters have calmed, and dare I say even warmed. The meeting went great; Durbins staff was for once engaged and attentive. Team Durbin was very interested in our work with black box privacy issues, and with Durbins senior spot on the Senate Judiciary committee, he has some power to wield. Not to mention Durbin is the Senate Majority Whip, the second most powerful position in the entire U.S. Senate, so it’s nice to finally count him as a friend. Senate Black Box Bill S. 1925 is the Senate legislation that would make all data recorded on an event data recorder (EDR) the personal property of the owner/occupant of the vehicle. There was some vagueness as to whether the senate bill would also include motorcycles. Some argued that the current language need not be tampered with, because under the definition of the term “motor vehicle,” the federal government includes two-wheeled vehicles. Changing

MASTERLINK MAY 2014 legislative language can be damaging to other parts of the bill. But the definition of the EDR did not include motorcycles; the committee decided that an amendment needed to be made. Step in Senator Kloubuchar, with her amendment that changed the definition of an EDR to not be specific to one type of vehicle, but rather all vehicles. It’s technical, but it’s good to have double security.

NHTSA I had a meeting with NHTSA this week about autonomous motorcycles. We discussed issues like the black box, along with auto-braking and other autonomous issues that could be handed down to motorcycles. As the feds continue to mandate manufacturers to include various devices including the black box, electronic stability controls, etc. It’s only safe to assume they will eventually look at motorcycles. And I was right. Here is a direct quote from a senior level director at DOT: “My understanding is that current research focuses on passenger cars but I believe the current thinking is that in the future, we will look at the possibility of equipping motorcycles with V to V technology, so that the vehicle can transmit signals to other vehicles on the road to provide warning of a potential vehicle collision and avoid it.” And that’s where it starts mandating that all vehicles have a device that can be tracked, and can also be used to commandeer control of the vehicle, all in the name of safety. ==========================

14NR13 - MRF News Release Motorcycle Riders Foundation Champion Representative Tom Petri to Retire FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 15 April 2014

Contact:Jeff Hennie, Vice President of Government Relations and Public Affairs

Motorcycle Riders Foundation Champion Representative Tom Petri to Retire

The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) reports that long time MRF supporter, Tom Petri (R-WI), will not seek another term in Congress. This will be the last term the 35-year Capitol Hill veteran will serve. The 73-year-old congressman has been popular with his home district, sailing to re-election year after year. Petri was first elected in 1979.

Petri led the charge of the full repeal of the helmet law mandate in the mid nineties at the request of ABATE of Wisconsin and the MRF. Petri has chaired various subcommittees on the U.S. House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. We at the MRF will miss his dedication, leadership, and generosity that he has bestowed upon the motorcyclists of this country.


IRS Using License Plate-Tracking Vendor (continued)

Crockford said in a phone interview. “The cancellation of the solicitation itself has no measurable impact on the existing reality, which is that we are all being tracked right now.”

Other federal offices, including the Justice Department’s Drug Enforcement Administration, Federal Bureau of Investigation and U.S. Marshals Service, have awarded contracts to Vigilant for access to its records or tracking tools.

The Air Force’s Air Combat Command awarded Vigilant a contract for license plate readers valued at as much as $114,000 in September 2011, according to online federal data. The license plate readers are a “valuable tool” that help make base access “easier and more secure,” said Benjamin Newell, a spokesman for the Air Combat Command. ‘Stopping Crime’

ing a military facility, the better we are able to protect the lives and equipment on that base,” Newell said in a phone interview.

“The more aware we are of who is enter-

NetChoice, a Washington-based trade association that represents e-commerce businesses, is concerned that groups opposing the tools offer “no recognition at all of the benefits of license plate recognition in stopping crime or saving lives,” said Steve DelBianco, its executive director.

on Thursday, Brekford is down to its last $100,000 in working capital and faces an accumulated deficit of $9,068,562. The Hanover, Maryland-based firm saw revenue drop 25 percent from $18,295,906 to $13,619,306 in the past year that ended with a net loss of $1.4 million. "The increased net loss when comparing 2013 to 2012 was due to increased expenses related to salaries, benefit programs and associated support costs for the expansion of (photo ticketing) programs without corresponding increases in revenue as certain program implementations were delayed or terminated," Brekford told investors. "Increased depreciation expense associated with newly installed

technology infrastructure and camera equipment also contributed to the loss." Brekford is reeling from its loss of the Baltimore, Maryland speed camera contract. The firm proved incapable of taking over operations from Xerox, which was fired for issuing citations to innocent vehicle owners. Among other mistakes, Brekford issued a speeding ticket to a car that was stopped at a traffic light. Redflex problems are far more serious as the company faces an ongoing federal bribery investigation. Due to the "contagion effect," more and more cities have been canceling red light camera and speed camera contracts lest they be associated with a firm caught in a $2 million corrup-


Companies that collect the data or sell the technology have strict guidelines about who can obtain records, he said. “Our governments require us to display a plate on our cars, visible on the front and back in public, for a reason,” DelBianco said in a phone interview. “A lot of the concern is a knee-jerk reaction to Snowden revelations.”

Photo Enforcement Company Sales Continue To Dwindle

Reprinted from

The shrinking US market for automated ticketing machines continues to hit photo enforcement companies in their bottom line. South Dakota last week became the sixteenth state to ban the use of cameras, and Santa Ana became the sixtieth city in California to cancel its red light camera program. The cumulative financial effect is visible in the financial statements of Brekford and Redflex Traffic Systems of Australia, the two publicly traded companies that focus on speed cameras and red light cameras. According to its filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission

tion scandal in Chicago, Illinois. Redflex will lose 384 cameras in Chicago and has lost 54 cameras in other cities in the past six months. Redflex lost $9 million in profit from the canceled Chicago contract, spent $1.1 million on lawyers due to the federal and state probes, paid $814,000 in a New Jersey class action settlement, paid $705,000 in penalties for violating California's prevailing wage law and lost $2.2 million on unprofitable school bus cameras. The net result for Redflex has been a 14 percent decrease in after-tax profit for the last six months.

Arizona's Most Interesting Motorcycle Laws

Reprinted from

Jake WycoffTucson Motorcycle Lifestyle Examiner

Arizona: Where the sun shines just about every day of the year. A paradise for motorcycle riders, there are numerous highways and byways for which the rider can spend countless days riding. That being said, it's important to do a little catch-up with current motorcycle laws. Helmet Laws: According to Arizona

Revised Statutes, drivers and passengers are not required to wear helmets. Though, we all know that we probably should exercise caution and wear something/anything. Now, I prefer a full face helmet, because I don't much care for the taste of bugs, but I'll leave that up to you.

Riding: ARS 28-892 states that a person riding a motorcycle must be on a seat that is attached to the bike. In other words, the seat has to be firmly attached to the bike. If you carry a passenger, obviously, the same rules apply. Sorry, but we can't just throw her on to the rear fender and hope she doesn't fly off. She

(or he, not to be sexist) must ride on a seat that's attached to the bike.

Noise: I type this knowing how much I am in violation of this particular law. ARS 28-955.01 states the following (jerks):

A. A person shall not operate or as an owner permit the operation of a motorcycle in this state that is not equipped with the manufacturer's original muffler or other original noise reduction equipment or with a replacement muffler or replacement noise reduction equipment capable of reducing the noise levels below the maximum operating noise levels established by the department pursuant to section 28-955.02. B. A person shall not use a muffler cutout, bypass or similar device on a motorcycle operated in this state.

Handlebar height: Not to put the kabash on the good times, but I actually agree with this one. According to ARS 28964C, a driver cannot have the handlebars above his shoulder, as this upstanding gentleman to the left here is demonstrating.

Why would someone want this? Who knows. Though if you do, please leave a comment as to the benefits of this; I'm interested to hear.

Lane Splitting: Umm, no. Sorry. Can't do it. Again, this is one I actually agree with. Yes, the motorcycle can fit. Yes, it saves the rider time. However, it's proven to be dangerous. ARS 28-903 agrees, saying that the operator of a motorcycle shall not overtake another vehicle in the same lane or operate a motorcycle between lanes.



Arizona's Most Interesting Motorcycle Laws (continued)

Motorcycles riding in the same lane: Absolutely fine. In fact, ARS 28-903 says that driving motorcycles and motor-driven cycles on roadways laned for traffic

(a) Motorcycles and motor-driven cycles may be driven upon a lane of a roadway, and no motor vehicle may be driven so as to deprive a motorcycle or motor-driven

cycle of the full use of a lane. This provision does not apply to motorcycles or motor-driven cycles driven two abreast in a single lane by consent of both drivers;

however, no motorcycles or motor-driven cycles may be driven more than two abreast in a single lane.




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We are endorsed by the National Coalition of Motorcyclists and more than 1,000 motorcycle groups throughout the United States and Canada, and serve as Legal Counsel for the Confederation of Clubs.



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House Roster

Senate Roster


Rider Ed Courses in AZ

To Print a Copy, Go To: Locations Zip County Email Phone Site Website City Motorcycle Rider PHOENIX 85012 MARICOPA Click Here (623) 979-1839 View Training RIDE SMART M/C View PHOENIX 85023 MARICOPA Click Here (623) 877-5425 TRAINING T.E.A.M. Arizona View GILBERT 85233 MARICOPA Click Here (480) 998-9888 Chandler/Gilbert GILBERT PUBLIC View GILBERT 85234 MARICOPA (480) 894-0404 SCHOOLS (PARKING LOT) T.E.A.M. Arizona View SCOTTSDALE 85260 MARICOPA Click Here (480) 998-9888 Scottsdale CHANDLER View (480) 496-6800 TEMPE 85283 MARICOPA HARLEYDAVIDSON T.E.A.M. Arizona View GLENDALE 85302 MARICOPA Click Here (623) 939-9888 Glendale DEER VALLEY View GLENDALE 85308 MARICOPA (623) 247-5542 HIGH SCHOOL LUKE AIR FORCE LUKE AFB 85309 MARICOPA (623) 975-6264 BASE Motorcycle Rider View PEORIA 85345 MARICOPA Click Here (623) 979-1839 Training VEHICLE SAFETY YUMA 85367 YUMA Click Here (928) 376-7489 View INSTITUE T.E.A.M. Arizona FT View 85613 COCHISE Click Here (520) 733-9888 Sierra Vista HUACHUCA Pima Community View TUCSON 85707 PIMA (520) 206-3981 College T.E.A.M. Arizona View TUCSON 85714 PIMA Click Here (520) 733-9888 Tucson RIDE NAZ -View BELLEMONT 86015 COCONINO (928) 443-0111 FLAGSTAFF Ride Northern PRESCOTT 86301 YAVAPAI Click Here (928) 443-0111 View Arizona - Prescott T.E.A.M. Arizona View PRESCOTT 86301 YAVAPAI Click Here (928) 771-2500 Prescott MOHAVE (928) 757-0825 View KINGMAN 86401 MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE MOHAVE LAKE View (928) 505-3321 COMMUNITY HAVASU 86403 MOHAVE COLLEGE CITY MOHAVE JB'S 86440 MOHAVE Click Here (866) 668-6462 View VALLEY RESTAURANT

ATTENTION - ALL RIDERS: =======================

It has come to our attention that business establishments in Arizona may still be discriminating against motorcyclists. Please carry copies of this form with you at all times. Discrimination can range from a sign stating "No Colors" or "No Motorcycle Parking" or "No Motorcycle Attire" etc., to simply being asked to leave a place of business, just because you are on a motorcycle or because of your riding apparel. If anything like this happens to you, PLEASE fill out this form in its entirety and send it to the address noted. Your lobbyists cannot get sponsorship for "equal access" legislation, without evidence of this type of discrimination. Documentation of Discrimination DATE: ______________

Business Phone _______________

NAME OF ESTABLISHMENT: __________________________________ BUSINESS PHONE (with area code): __________________________________ BUSINESS - FULL ADDRESS: ___________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ NAME / POSITION OF PERSON ENFORCING POLICY: ________________ ________________________________________________________ WRITTEN STATEMENT OF DISCRIMINATION (use back if needed): _____ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ YOUR NAME (please print): ______________________________________ YOUR PHONE (with area code): __________________________________ YOUR SIGNATURE: ____________________________________________ *** INCLUDE ANY PICTURES OF DISCRIMINATING SIGNS POSTED *** Mail To: Ray Fitzgerald 1634 West Pine Cone Way Prescott, Arizona 86303


Important Phone Numbers

Aid to Injured Motorcyclists - A.I.M. - (800) 521-2425 24-Hr. Legal Assistance for all accidents

Aid to Incarcerated Motorcyclists A.I.M. - (800) 235-2424 24-Hr. Legal Criminal Defense

National Legislative Hot Line - (800) 300-NCOM 24-Hr. Motorcycle Legislative Alerts

National Coalition of Motorcyclists NCOM- (800) 525-5355 Fighting for Bikers Rights

Confederation of Clubs. - (800) 531-2424 Motorcycle Clubs Fighting Against Discrimination

Motorcycle Riders Foundation Washington D.C. Office (202) 546-0983

Business Member Spotlight: Monkey Butt Radio

Get yer motor runnin! Head out on the highway. Looking for adventure… in whatever comes our way. Steppenwolf sang the biker anthem years ago and that adventure seeking heart of a biker still beats strong today. Welcome to Monkey Butt Radio.

I know what you’re thinking. “OK, I know what a skinny butt is. I like big butts, I cannot lie. Cigarette butts litter the planet. But a MONKEY BUTT?!?! WTF?”

Well people. According to urban dictionary, monkey butt is a “wet, painful and irritating condition of the butt causing it to swell and turn red like a monkey's butt”. This term is used in the motorcycle world to define what your butt looks like after a long ride.

Monkey Butt Radio is hosted by three Harley riding veterans whose love for motorcycles is only superseded by their love of veterans and the American way. Always outspoken and direct, taking a no-holds barred approach to the things that matter to the biker community.

With over a million miles in the saddle between them, monkey butt is something they have experienced before. Grumpy Mike is the owner of a local independent motorcycle shop. He is also an advocate for motorcycle rights, so much that he pondered attending law school to become a lobbyist for motorcycle organizations. Mikey Biggus is a former HarleyDavidson test rider, now residing in Glendale with his beautiful wife and pack of rescue animals; he still likes putting miles on his Street Glide. The newest addition is Big Mike. While spending his time as a business owner and as the State VP for ABATE of AZ, Mike is always in the biker community. He loves to be able to educate riders about their rights and sharing with the motorcycle community

about giving back. Daniel, Scooter is his nickname, is the man behind the screen. Almost like the Wizard of Oz, pulling the strings to make the hosts look good, his technical wizardry is what holds the show together. Daniel is using his college education by not only running the ops for the show, but also filming and editing any video tech tips the guys do, as well as out of studio interviews. While they all have a pure passion for motorcycles, they participate in different ways and giving back to the motorcycle community. Monkey Butt Radio has been featured on the Cyril Huze Post which is the “World’s Most Visited Website for Custom Motorcycle News”. Grumpy Mike is also a top contributor of several forums and blogs


with a readership of over 45,000.

While differing in their ways of expressing their love of bikes, all three are passionate about biker issues. Especially vets and their bikes.

From the VETS ON MEDIA studios in North Scottsdale come three outspoken guys who love freedom and the road. Join us for a good time. Tuesdays from 6-7 pm. Go to and click on the LISTEN LIVE button. You can always listen to the archived shows from as well. Monkey Butt Radio also has a weekly e-mail newsletter and “Performance Project” tips that you can subscribe to free of charge. Rude, crude and socially unacceptable. Do you get pissed when a texting driver almost runs you over? Is your “HELMET LAWS SUCK” sticker covering your DOT sticker? Want to know what to do on a Saturday night with your friends in a biker friendly environment? Then come get a whiff!!!

For Sale 1990 Harley Davidson Fatboy Gray Ghost Edition

44,654 miles, only 4400 produced, $12,000 O.B.O. Own the Original Harley-Davidson Fatboy, for sale by the original owner. S&S carb, accel ignition module and coil with Sampson pipes, good Dunlop tires, windshield, saddlebags and highway pegs. Garage kept for 24 years with only 44,000 miles. This bikes runs very strong and the pipes sound great. Just put in adjustable pushrods, maintenance free battery, and new sparks plugs. The paint is in good condition with a few blems from the road. Call 928-242-1118 to own the Original Fatboy! Barbara, 928-242-1118,

Your Classified Ad

could be here... It’s Free to ABATE Members. submit your ad online at 2004 Waltz Hardcore special constructed soft tail Custom Chopper, Vin # AZ262741, Vehicle is garage kept, and customized. Chopper has a 145 Horse Power TP polished Engine, a 3" Primary and 6 speed Transmission. The Vehicle is built on a Waltz Hardcore Soft Tail Frame. All sheet metal work, paint job is Custom. Custom Chrome wheels and brand new Tires. All Mechanical components are in good working order. Engine runs awesome. Has less than 4000 miles. This baby is worth way more than I'm asking! Just need money now! Waltz Hardcore Frame $6,500, TP 124" Cubic Inch Polished Engine $7,500 3" Open Primary and 6 speed Transmission $3,000, Custom Sheet metal Work $3,000 Custom Paint $3,000, Wheels & Tires $2,500, Progressive Airtail Suspension, Brakes, Starter, Charging System, $4,000, Labor $4,500 Asking $18,999 obo, For more information call or text @ (480) 385-8947


I have your year Softail-- 1984.1 owner, 1st yr. Softail, 1st yr. Evolution Kick and electric start PLUS all orginal parts. $9,500 Call 970-420-6675

One-Piece DayTripper motorcycle seat

New - never used - In box Retails for $359 model 76189 fits Honda VT 750 Spirit 2001-2006 & VT 750DC 2007-2009. The detailed stitch work in the highly durable, synthetic glove-leather makes the DayTripper a show winner. $150.00 Call Bob @ 602-463-0544

AzTech Flatbed Trailer (Car/ATV Hauler) $2200 obo 2008 STS Cadillac for sale, 23K miles $28,000 obo Call 928-718-6296 Cell 928-716-7289

FINALLY!! A motorcycle themed paperback book for the young reader. The Adventures of Olive Pearl and Hammy Davidson features Olive Pearl; a green and black motorcycle and Hamrietta (Hammy) Davidson her stuffed piggy passenger. They experience the joy of motorcycling on a 1700-mile road trip to meet new people, see new things, and learn life lessons along the way. Their adventures are wrapped inside the love story of husband and wife characters, “The Man” and “The Lady”. Sprinkled throughout with pictures, social observations, and humor, adults will also enjoy reading this story to younger children and are sure to get a laugh or two themselves. Get more info and place an order at: Let’s Ride!!

2000 HD Custom (623) 374-5510 $15K OBO Motorcycle Hearse

COPD diagnosis forces SALE! $50,000.00 visit this website to view complete set of equipment. Equipment included: 1999 Harley Davidson Road King Trike (6045 miles) modified with reverse gear & fifth wheel hitch, detachable 18th Century styled Hearse Carriage, full size casket with full cover flag, cherry wood Urn Ark with panoramic glass & folding stand, Encased Memorial Flag, 2007 22ft. flatbed transportation trailer with winds/bug shield, Honor Flags, pre-printed magnetic Carriage name plates & misc office supplies. Call Bill or Phyllis 623-386-8281

2006 H-D Dyna Street Bob 11,000 miles, $22,000 invested, selling for $16,000. Contact Pete @ (602) 315-6950 FOR SALE:

2008 Harley Davidson Road Glide- 6,240 miles-lowering kit-travel packageAM/FM/WB/CD- 6 speed-Dark Blue Pearl-Corbin Solo and Stock Seat- asking $17,000. e-mail serious inquiries to:


June 19th-22nd



18 years and older, proof of age required with or without parent/guardian ADMISSION: C " 6+8 6+8954 ,58 =++1+4* 6'99 Âť C " 6+8 6+8954 ':;8*'? 6'99 ABATE members get $5 off per person for weekend passes LLL 4 '**/:/54'2 C ‹ ,58 „9H :5= (+./4*9 Â&#x; :8'/2+89H +>)+6: 35:58)?)2+ :8'/2+89 BYOB No Cash Bar in the Arena ')1'-+ /7;58 '<'/2'(2+ ': :.+ 5*-+ '8 Â&#x; :58+ Âť I Âť =T Âť Â&#x; Âť Âť Âť


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