The Masterlink - November 2013

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A publication supporting the rights, safety and freedom of all motorcyclists through education and legislation

November 2013



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national award

ABATE of AZ. 7509 N. 12th St, #200 Phoenix, AZ 85020

interacting with the people necessary to enact the legislation that will best serve the motorcycling community as a whole.

I'm back again with another report. And again nothing much to report, except me continuing to learn and search for the things that I need to know. To that, I spent a wonderful weekend in Columbus, Ohio at Meeting of the Minds. There were so many seminars and classes that I could not do it all, but sat in on the ones I thought would serve me best in my effort to represent the membership of A.B.A.T.E. of Arizona, and do a better job of

I will continue to be your Designated Lobbyist as long as I can continue to learn more about this craft and be of value to the motorcycling community and ABATE of Arizona.

State and local elections are upon us, State on Nov. 3rd at Chilleens on 17, local at your chapter meeting for Nov.

We need more people and new people to step up and take the reigns. It seems that it's always the same groups of people that are doing the jobs. Again, and I

know most don't want to hear me say this over and over, but this organization needs new people. If everybody brought in one new member it would do a lot for our membership. So much for my rant, as always, keep the shiny side up and the rubber side down.

PS. the three SMROs received awards from the MRF for eliminating motorcycle emissions in Maricopa County. Love and Respect.

Vic Grady Designated Lobbyist ABATE of Az.



Mission Statement

We will lobby and educate the government and the general public to promote

motorcycling in a safe and positive image. We will endeavor to enlist the cooperation and participation of all organizations and individuals who share

a similar interest in preserving our American tradition of


We will involve ourselves in fund raising to achieve our goal.

President’s Report

October 6, 2013

State Officer Meeting Minutes

Present: President - Tim O’Reilly, Vice President - Paul Pendergast, Membership - Tina Benoit (“Sweet Pea”), Lobbyist - Vic Grady, Sargent at Arms - Joe Ferrucci, Safety - Jean Cooper, Absent: Treasurer – Matt Brown, PAC – Jim Page, Communications – Charity Stuart, Secretary – Vacant, Run Coordinator – Vacant, Merchandize Vacant Guests: Mary K Donnay, JR Rosen, Clyde Brooks

Call to Order: 10:40 AM by Tim O’Rielly. Pledge of Allegiance and moment of silence led by: Joe Ferrucci.

Secretary minutes from August 2013, no minutes of September 2013 due to no quorum. Motion to waive reading of minutes by: 1st: Jean; 2nd Joe; All in Favor: yes. Officer Reports:

Hello to all my Brothers and Sisters;

I attended Meeting of the Minds last month that was held in Columbus Ohio, at the Crown Plaza. This year’s conference was outstanding! ABATE of Ohio and the MRF did a great job in co-hosting the event. Accommodations were very hospitable and comfortable. Each morning the hotel served a complimentary breakfast, and it was fantastic. The conference was informative, as usual and it is always great to see old friends and make new friends from other State SMRO’s.

One of the topics discussed was the “Ride Smart” by Mike Myers, from ABATE of Illinois. The Ride Smart program was developed by ABATE of Illinois in cooperation with IDOT, Division of Traffic Safety. The program was brought about because of the increase in Motorcycle crashes that resulted in a fatality in 2012. ABATE of Illinois Asked IDOT, Division of Traffic Safety to work with them to get to the root causes of motorcycle crashes. Then with that information come up with programs to focus on the reduction of motorcycle crashes in Illinois and throughout our great country. The work involved going through every motorcycle crash that resulted in a fatality in Illinois in 2011 and 2012. In doing so they were able to determine what all the root causes were. Once they determined the root causes then they could put together awareness programs that will be the most effective in each area.

Currently ABATE of Illinois is offering at no cost to any organization in Illinois, a “Ride Smart” presentation. The presentation incorporates all of the root causes and discusses them in detail. The presentation doesn’t have any bar graphs, pie charts or percentages but more importantly the choices that were made in the crashes and the result of those choices. The program reviews many positive riding choices to help the motorcyclist be better prepared for their next ride. ABATE of Illinois believes life is all about choices we make. No matter how much is said it is ultimately the riding choices that the motorcyclist makes that will have the greatest impact on reducing motorcycle crashes.

I believe that ABATE of Illinois is the only SMRO in the country that has put together a “Ride Smart” program. Many man hours were spent putting together the information that made up this program. After attending Mike Meyers’ presentation I was very impressed. Studies like this are the type that should be used by NTSB in identifying major causes of motorcycle crashes. Congratulations Mike and ABATE of Illinois on your “Ride Smart” program.

ABATE of Arizona, Arizona Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs and MMA were presented award plaques for Eliminating Emission Testing for Motorcycles in Maricopa County. The battle to stop testing motorcycles took over 10 years. Many past and current Lobbyists from all 3 SMRO’s finally won the battle! Congratulations, to everyone involved.

Congratulations to Deb Butitta, Yavapai Chapters newly appointed BOD Representative and Clyde Brooks, Phoenix-Shadow Mountain Chapters newly appointed BOD Representative.

I am sure there are still openings for ABATE Officers positions, both State and Chapter. Your next Chapter meeting would be the time for you to step up and volunteer for an Officer position and help “your” Chapter.

The General election is Nov. 3rd. at Chilleen’s on I-17 Black Canyon City. General Meeting starts at 11:00 AM Elections will close at 3:00 PM. A line is provided on the ballot for write in candidates for State Officer positions. So come on out and participate in welcoming your newly elected, 2014 State Officers.

Remember Democracy begins with you, and Democracy only works when you get involved.

Drive now text later, you can’t do both.

Tim O’Reilly ABATE of Arizona State President

Treasurer: Matt Brown (Report read by Tim O’Reilly). Motion to accept report as read by: Paul Pendergast; 2nd: Joe Ferrucci. All in favor: yes. PAC: Deferred.

Membership: Tina Benoit

Discussion regarding increasing membership followed.

Mary K will be in a membership booth at the 11-mile corner swap meet next weekend. She asked for anyone going to the swap meet to help at the booth.

Membership Drive - Possible award to the member who signs up the most new members in a month. State officers are encouraged to reach out to the community to increase membership, explain the benefits of ABATE membership along with the mission of the organization. Safety: Jean Cooper

MAP: Jim Silk, East Valley Chapter, has three scheduled classes at three high schools in the east valley. Several

How to Reach Us

623 205 1914 For Advertising Rates Email Eric at Or Mail Your Ads to: MasterLink, ABATE of Arizona 7509 N. 12th St, #200 Phoenix, AZ, 85020 MasterLink Advertising Rates:

Size Monthly Quarterly Yearly Business Card Size (3-1/2”w x 2”h): $20.00 $60.00 $200.00 1/8 Page (5-1/8”w x 4”h)

$50.00 $150.00 $500.00 1/4 Page (5-1/2”w x 8”h) $70.00 $210.00 $700.00 1/2 Page (10-1/4”w x 8”h) $100.00 $300.00 $1,000.00 Full Page (10-1/4”w x 16”h) $200.00 $600.00 $2,000.00 Full Color Back Page (10-1/4”w x 16”h) $400.00 $950.00 $3,300.00

newer instructors will attend and assist with those classes. Steve Leonard, High Country Chapter, scheduled classes in Payson. Presently, there are a total of ten MAP instructors throughout the state. Safety Events: High Country Chapter held a safety event on Friday (10/4/13) evening. It was moderately successful with about 60 attendees. Designated Lobbyist: Vic Grady

Attended Meeting of the Minds and shared his experience. There were several other ABATE of Arizona members in attendance, include Authorized Lobbyist Kat Grover. Meeting of the Minds will be held in Kansas City, Missouri in 2014.

Lobbyists from all MROs in Arizona are working as a team to promote the legislative issues. Communications: Deferred. Run Coordinator: Deferred.

TBFS Report: Time O’Rielly

Charity Stuart is chairperson of the TBFS Committee.

The event will be moved to the 3rd weekend in June 2014, June 19 – 22, 2014.

Mormon Lake Lodge Cabin reservations that have been made for next year have been moved to that date. The Lodge has notified the guests. Awaiting a meeting with representative from Mormon Lake Lodge to solidify contract for 2014 event. Old Business:

State Officer Budgets were due to the President on September 30th. Few reports were received. The absolute due date is November 3, 2013. Budgets must be presented to the BOD at that time. State Officer Nominations are conducted during September and October. The candidate names must be in the November Masterlink.

Officer elections will be held on November 3, 2014 at the BOD meeting. The meeting will be held at Chilleen’s on 17 in Black Canyon City, Arizona on that date. There will be a State Officer meeting followed by the BOD meeting and election. The election results will be announced after close of voting at 3:00 PM. Phoenix/Shadow Mountain Chapter has nominated Clyde Brooks as Interim BOD Representative to replace Eric Hampton, who resigned, for the remainder of his term, one year (2013-2014). Yavapai Chapter has nominated Deb Butitta as Interim BOD Representative to replace Ray (StillRay) Fitzgerald for the remainder of his term, one year (2013-2014). New Business:

Resignations by Secretary, Casey Yates,


State Officer Meeting Minutes (continued)

and Run Coordinator, Darin Yates, create vacancies that need to be filled. Both positions must be filled during elections. All ballots have a space for write-in, if no one is nominated for either position.

Discussion regarding P&P wording regarding the annual fundraising event, TBFS, occurred. Currently, P&P states, “TOO BROKE FOR STURGIS – Third weekend in July each year. This is the main fund raiser of ABATE of Arizona. It is imperative that this rally is well planned, organized, and special effort must be expended to make this the biggest rally of the Southwest.” It was proposed to change the wording to be noon-specific on the date to hold the event. There needs to be flexibility to move the date due to weather or other contingencies.

Motion was made : The P&P regarding TBFS will be amended to reflect flexible date for annual fund raising event by Paul Pendergast; Second by: Jean Cooper; All in favor: yes. The P&P will be updated to reflect that

by Rod Taylor - ABATE Legal Services TURNIP BLOOD

Q. Rod, my friend was in a bad motorcycle accident last memorial day on Highway 65 just outside of Indy, he was sideswiped by a woman going in the same direction, causing him to lose control of his bike, he went down at 65 mph. His hospital stay was lengthy, and bills from that amounted to around $500,000.00. The woman that caused the accident only had state minimum insurance of $25,000.

After contacting a lawyer, my friend was told that suing the woman would be futile since you can't get blood from a turnip. He is now stuck with the total amount of bills, with more coming from the radiologist, therapist etc. all the time. My question is, does he have an alternate way to get these bills off his back? Can he sue this woman, her insurance company? He has not signed off on any insurance. Steve Forrester, ABATE of Indiana member. A. Steve. Sorry that your friend is having these problems. It is true that most people who carry minimal insurance limits do not have money or a way of paying for the damages they have caused. If your friend gets a judgment, the debtor usually files bankruptcy, and garnishing poor people is usually pointless. Your friend should investigate the assets of this lady before he signs a release and takes the limits. His lawyer will know how to do that search, if not have him call us. The internet is a good cheap tool for that investigation. Hate to use the “B” word bankruptcy, but he should look into all of his options. He may be able to negotiate a minimal amount of payment on the hospital bills

NCOM BIKER NEWSBYTES Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish, National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM)

SPORTBIKERS ATTACK SUV IN NYC Headlines across America shrieked in condemnation over a road rage incident involving a swarm of sportbike riders in New York who were caught on tape viciously attacking a family in an SUV, but according to high-profile civil rights attorney Gloria Allred we haven’t heard the whole story.

all Meeting Minutes are to have two officer signatures and the date to validate minutes. For example, BOD minutes require the Chairperson and Secretary signatures; State Officer Minutes require the President and Secretary signatures; chapter minutes require Coordinator and Secretary signatures. This procedure will also conform to the banking industry federal guidelines, which with organization is expected to follow.

American Income Life Insurance Company has increased the Accidental Death and Dismemberment Benefit from $2500.00 to #000.00 at no added cost to ABATE membership. MRF members received an increase from $2000.00 to $3500.00. This insurance is available to members of MROs at a reduced rate. Every new membership packet includes a flyer regarding this insurance offering.

reduction in revenue, the expense of publishing of the Masterlink must be considered. In order to make a decision, the process must be reviewed, such as the number of papers printed and distributed. The State President is the coordinator of the Masterlink. More information is needed. Critical Time Frames:

Ballots for State Officer Election are published in the October Masterlink. Additionally, any Election Rally and Officer Campaign Speeches were published, along with ballot rules. State President ensured that each chapter received a printable copy of the 2014 Ballot by October 1, 2013. Open Discussion:

Discussion regarding reduction of published issues of the Masterlink from 12 issues per year to 6 or even 3 issues per year. It costs approximately $20,000 annually to publish the Masterlink at this time. With decreasing membership, thus

Yavapai Chapter has been struggling to maintain active members. Kudos goes to James and Ralo who have worked very hard along with other officers to motive the membership to stay involved.

and avoid “B”. His lawyer would know best. Ride safe, Rod.

them a license to ride. We all know people who can’t walk well, don’t drive a car well and even more that don’t ride well. Our instinct is to try and help the gyroscopically challenged. However, before a ride is exactly the wrong time to start giving instructions on how to ride. Remember, it is the state’s job to do that with trained instructors. There is a rule of law that places liability on your shoulders if you ASSUME a duty, a duty you may not have had under the law, and then fail to perform that ASSUMED duty properly. So, if you assume a duty of providing additional rules and riding instructions for the ride, you may have just set yourself up for a lawsuit, if they can claim your instructions were inadequate or just plain wrong. Remember, all you need to get sued is a lawyer with very little to do with a client that has a filing fee.

Ask Our Lawyer


Catch this - Ball State and some other colleges prohibit smoking anywhere on campus. This includes streets and alleys, so if you are riding your Harley on campus with a lit stogie - fine city. I don’t smoke so this rule doesn’t affect me directly, but at some point in time the rule makers look silly. Hard to imagine that smoking a cigar in second gear running 20 mph should be on the list of barred activities on college campuses. With the proliferation of rules, someday it will be easier to tell us what we can do versus what we can’t. LEAD A RIDE, OR HOW TO GET SUED WITHOUT REALLY TRYING

Three Golden Rules

Q. I have been asked to lead a ride for the local veterans group charity. What should I say to the participants of this ride and can I get sued if something bad happens during the ride? I want to do this, but I would like to know how much trouble I can get into if things do not go as planned. - ABATE of OHIO member

A. The normal tendency of most experienced riders is to help those with less experience. Regarding the rules for a ride, the following is a good guideline to keep you out of the courthouse and from getting sued. You should assume that all riders have been adequately trained by the state that has issued

Here are the three commandments for ride leaders that will best keep you out of the courthouse and away from the process server jockey. 1. Rely on and assume that the riders are trained and skilled. After all, the state has sprinkled holy water on them and provided them a license/endorsement to ride a motorcycle. 2. Reaffirm the obvious -- all riders are to follow the rules of the road and to obey all laws. Don’t make up any new ones. Common sense is your key to safety. The riders on the ride are the ones that have to use it.

3. Make sure all riders know the road that is being taken to the destination. Map quest takes it off you -- use it. If the ride is escorted by the law, put it in their hands and off

Coast to Coast

Everything started when a driver bumped a biker on the Henry Hudson Parkway in NYC and took off, sparking the chase and vicious assault that followed. After the initial contact, the nowfamous helmet cam footage that captivated the country shows a rider cutting in front of a Range Rover, slowing down and gesturing at the driver just before the SUV driver clipped his back tire. Following a brief exchange on the side of the road, the SUV driver is seen hitting the gas and speeding off recklessly through the crowd of bikers, running over one of them. A group of riders pur-

sued the vehicle and miles later when it was forced to a halt in heavy traffic, several of the bikers bashed in the windows and dragged the driver out and beat him in front of his wife and infant child.

Allred is representing rider Edwin “Jay” Mieses, the 33-year old father of two from Massachusetts who was ran over and left permanently paralyzed by the SUV driver during his “escape”, and she told FOX News during an October 8th interview on “Hannity” that; “First of all, what’s not being talked about is what happened several miles before Edwin


Riot on the River is 10/18-10, 2013. Raffle tickets are sold by ABATE members.

Officer Training needs improvement. It was suggested that outgoing officers act as mentors to incoming officers. All old and new officers must attend officer training. Outgoing officers should prepare a short presentation regarding the duties of that position. Communication needs to improve among all officers. Motion to adjourn was made by: Jean Cooper; 2nd by: Joe Ferrucci; All in favor: yes. Meeting adjourned at 12:25 PM.

Next State Officer Meeting: November 3, 2014 at Chilleen’s on 17, Black Canyon City, Arizona. At 11:00 AM. Respectfully Submitted by:

Jean Cooper Safety, Acting-Secretary

your shoulders. And do not offer to shut down intersections. Most states have big fines for this action. Only cops should perform that task.

P.S. Check your homeowners insurance policy. You may have coverage under that policy as a volunteer for a not-for-profit organization like a veterans group. That may be nice to know if you get sued, so call your agent. Also read Jay Jackson’s advice below and memorize it. ESCORTING UNESCORTED RIDES

This question and answer comes to us from Jay Jackson, Executive Director of ABATE of Indiana. We thought this was good information to pass along.

Q: We have tried to get our police department to help us as escorts for our bike runs and as road guards, but they claim they are too busy and that we need to find offduty officers who will volunteer. We haven’t had any luck.

We inquired about us being able to take a course to train us to be certified road guards to take pressure off cops and free them for more important things. There is no class in New Mexico but we were told if we establish a curriculum the state will help us establish a class. My question is are there any other states that have such a class and if so, could you share information about your class with me?

continued page 7 was run over, and we have evidence of this and police are aware, that the SUV was in the right lane several miles before and decided to move over into the center lane, HIT a bike and kept going and then several miles later hit a second rider and then ran over Edwin, crushing him under the SUV without any warning as he was standing there trying to get everyone to move on.” “Ticked off” by the media’s unfair portrayal of the events, Allred said there’s

continued page 5

Chapter Reports


East Valley Chapter


Is this weather great or what! We sure did enjoy having more members in attendance at the last meeting and look forward to seeing more soon.

Well, so much has been happen since the last month,,yah Joe and Deb are still smiling so that's good. We gonna miss Greg "Troll " Hughes as he headed off to Florida to manage a new Harley dealership. We are glad to hear he made it safe and sound.

Mary K reported to all members to contact your lawmakers to stop HR 1861 to stop funding motorcycle only checkpoints. If you haven't made a call whip out the cell phone and do so now. Let our voices be heard! She also motion for our chapter to donate $250 to the MRF and its on the way on our chapters behalf. Mike is still on the road but has been busy getting members to renew way to go Mike!

Staying busy Jessica let us know the update on the Hard Ass run that went off like a charm this year great weather good stops and lots of fun and pics and prizes were had by all. Well let see about Shorty losing a tire just outside of Globe,as it goes he had a jack for the tire just forgot to put the lug wrench back into the truck. Oh the stories and pics to come of that of that as Joe and Kathy Silk came to the rescue with a lug nut remover and away he went. I of course supervised the whole thing to make sure it was done right. Tracey Louise Eller did a fine job at stop two coloring in the poker hand cards for everyone. What a great ride! Mark your calendars again as I think I can talk Jack and Donna Batty into coming up with another perfect hard ass run,and he doesn't tell a soul where yer going. Mike Turngren inlooking into helping us find a computer to do the power point show for the Motorcycle Awareness classes. So far this month we have gone

to four high schools and 400 student drivers have seen how to share the road with bikers. Thanks to Rich Dalton,Gary "Revv" Kiefer,Brett Shea and Heidi Hill for their tremendous support and help with these schools.

Looks like Too Broke for Sturgis is going to be moved up to June 19-22. We are waiting on a contract from Mormon Lake Lodge. Charity Stuart is chairing this event and we will let you know more when we do.

Well, if you know of anyone who wants to join our fine group bring um to the next meeting on October 27th 11am at the FOE on Broadway just east of Dobson north side of the street. See you soon and ride safe!

Jim Silk

High Country Chapter

Hello to all my Brothers and Sisters,

Well up here in high country, it is getting a wee bit nippy up here! So dress up for the weather. You always can take it off!

Now for what has been going on for ourchapter. We had a safety and awareness booth set up on Main Street, on October 4th, 2013. We had a good turn out, signed some new members! Abates President even showed up.

Also in October, we had a Chili cook off, I will let you know how that turned out next month.

Now for November, we are having elections, so please show up for the meeting that month. Remember for those who show make it go!! Chicknbone H.C.C. Coordinator

Phoenix/Shadow Mountain Chapter

Our meeting came to order at 10:30. Not much is happening in PAC, since the government is closed.


We were informed of the changes the board is making to the bylaws to allow TBFS to be moved to an earlier date. Hopefully no ankle deep mud (and other stuff) this year.

Our chapter also voted to cancel this year's Moon Mullins run. We had a shuffle of run coordinators and it didn't look like there was enough time to organize a successful event. We are planning 2 events for next year.

We also had 2 guest speakers, Cindi Marshall and Tracy Sheridon, from the Old Guard Riders. They spoke on the Wreaths Across American Event that will be held on Dec. 14th at 10:00 AM at the National Memorial Cemetery. Go to for more information. Pam Costello let us know about a Fundraiser being held for Debbie Riggs at the Maverick Saloon. November 2 at 2:00 PM. Debbie is currently undergoing cancer treatment. There will be raffles and a silent auction. Please come out and support Debbie. Steve Palmer Phoenix-Shadow Mountain ABATE Communications Officer

Southern Arizona Chapter

Our meeting was held on Saturday September 21st at the Kettle Restaurant at I-10 & Starr Pass in Tucson. Meeting was called to order at 9:00 AM. The Pledge of Allegiance along with a moment of silence for fallen brothers & sisters was said.

There was a motion to accept the minutes and the Treasure’s report. We had the “ROAD CLEAN-UP” coming up on Saturday September 28th and encouraged all to attend. There will be food for lunch for all that help with the effort.

The Chapter is looking for members to step up for various positions for the upcoming year. Elections are coming up quickly. If you can help by taking on one of the positions please try and do so. We

all need to pull together to make this work. We have several positions that are open for the upcoming year. Next meeting will be Sat November 16th at the Kettle. I hope to see everyone there. Ride Safe!!

Yavapai Chapter


Yuma Chapter

Call to Order – 6:30

Minutes of Last meeting – Lisala White / Brad Peyree Treasure Report - Patty Peyree / Doug Melanson

Officer Report – Desert Oasis on serving food New Business – Too Broke

BOD – Rick Breadwell covered what was said at the BOD meeting, Budget was turned in Around Table –

Son of Hell Halloween party October 26, 2013, @ 7pm Alma 5th Anniversary Party November 2, 2013 at 6pm @ ALMA MC Original Clubhouse 1446 N 27th Avenue

Son of Hell Open House Every Thursday

Hog Arizona State Rally – October 24 – 26, 2013, in Yuma AZ, Yuma Main Street Biker Church Sunday October 27, 2013 @ Grace Bible Fellowship, 300 S 4th Ave Yuma, AZ 85364, @ 8:30 Followed by Breakfast from Desert Oasis Next Meeting November 12, 2013 @ IHop @6:30

Adjournment – Thom Mango /Pee Wee

The MRF Legislative Strategy Agenda for 2013-2014

At the 2013 Motorcycle Riders Foundation's (MRF) Meeting of the Minds Conference held in September in Columbus, Ohio, the MRF's Legislative Committee hosted a Legislative Strategy Session. As has been done for the past several years, the MRF requested that it be attended by Sustaining State Motorcyclists' Rights Organizations (SSMRO) Legislative and/or Executive Officers. We welcomed several representatives from our Sustaining Motorcycle Clubs and Organizations as well. The goal was to set the MRF's Federal Legislative Agenda for the 2013 Meeting of the Minds to the 2014 Meeting of the Minds annual cycle.

The MRF's SSMRO partners responded once again with a majority attendance and an increased participation over last year. The MRF Legislative Committee remains extremely pleased at the aligned and clear direction we experienced again this year from our SSMRO partners. This level of agreement continues to allow for solid action plans to be effectively employed by our Government Relations Department and our SSMRO partners while in Washington D.C. and in working federal issues in their home states. Additionally, we continue to see productive gains in state legislative activities that support our federal efforts when it comes to protecting on-road motorcyclists, motorcycling, and its associated lifestyle.

The MRF Legislative Committee continued the practice instituted three years ago of recording one vote per SSMRO in attendance. A full breakdown of each vote can be seen in the upcoming issue of the MRF Reports. The session this year was moderated by MRF Vice President, Jay Jackson, with support from MRF Vice President of Government Relations & Public Affairs, Jeff Hennie, and MRF President, Kirk "Hardtail" Willard.

MAP 21 upcoming reauthorization (the Highway Bill) - To include Motorcycle 2010 Grant Funding (the MRF to pursue the current levels of funding along with a request to tighten up language for qualification and use), continuation of the NHTSA Lobbying Ban, pursue reinstatement of the Motorcycle Advisory Council (MAC) to advise the FHWA, oppose any motorcycling related federal blackmails or federal sanctions contained in the highway bill; closely monitor for any action that would negatively impact motorcycles, motorcycling, and motorcyclists; seek to include HR1861 language to ban motorcycle specific roadblock grant funding SAE Motorcycle Roadside Sound Test The MRF to NOT promote the use of the SAE Sound Test as a National enforcement standard, majority considered this a state issue

continued page 6

MASTERLINK NOVEMBER 2013 no evidence of intimidation on the part of the bikers prior to the accident and the subsequent attack, and riders insist that the SUV driver was the aggressor. "He drove erratically and bumped the bike on the side," one rider told WABC TV, corroborating that the driver had already hit one motorcycle prior to the confrontation. "When he bumped that bike on the side, that biker became aggressive because his life was in danger."

Three bikers have thus far been arrested for gang assault and other crimes, but the SUV driver has not been charged as the case continues under investigation, so stay tuned.

POSITIONING PLATES TO PERMIT LICENSE PLATE RECOGNITION The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) wants to change the angle of motorcycle license plates and has requested comments on a proposed amendment to a safety standard on “lamps, reflective devices and associated equipment to allow the license plate mounting surface on motorcycles to be at an angle of up to 30 degrees beyond vertical” (on horizontal installed plates).

What Is ABATE?

ABATE Of Arizona, Inc. is a non-profit motorcycle rights organization that is dedicated to freedom of the road for all motorcyclists.

ABATE is a volunteer organization that fights discriminatory legislation aimed towards the motorcycling community. ABATE's position is that all motorcycle riders have the right to choose not only the machine that they ride, but also the riding gear that they choose to wear or not to wear, (i.e. leathers, gloves, boots and helmets.) ABATE promotes rider education for all motorcycle riders and motorcycle awareness for all automobile drivers. ABATE needs the support of all motorcyclists.

Arizona Motorcycle Rights Organizations Need Your Help!


Coast to Coast (continued)

According to the agency, the change would bring the U.S. rule more in line with European regulations, increase design flexibility without compromising safety or increasing costs, and allow license plate recognition technology used by law enforcement organizations to continue reading license plate characters.

now is the time to contact your Congressional Representatives and ask them to sign onto Rep. Petri’s letter to the CDC.

NEW NEVADA LAW ALLOWS MOTORCYCLISTS TO GO ON RED Under a new law, motorcyclists will be allowed to go through red lights. Starting October 1, if a motorcyclist comes to a red light at a signal that doesn't seem to be working or has failed to detect the motorcycle, the rider will be allowed to go through. Assembly Bill 117 enables motorcyclists, moped, trimobile and bike riders to go through red lights after waiting for two rounds of the signal without getting a green light.

CDC ASKED TO BACK OFF MOTORCYCLE ISSUES Congressman Tom Petri (R-WI) has authored a letter to the Centers for Disease Control requesting that the CDC stop investigating motorcycling issues such as helmet laws.

“Given the demands on your budget and the unique ability of the CDC to address such pressing issues as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s and a host of other conditions, and issues which afflict millions of Americans and others around the globe, we encourage you to direct your attention and resources to areas that are not currently already being addressed elsewhere in the government,” wrote Petri in the letter he is requesting fellow members of Congress to co-sign.

The Nevada Highway Patrol said signals use sensors to detect metal, which may make it more difficult to detect motorcycles than vehicles.

The new law still requires motorcycles to stop at a light, and only proceed through a red if it's safe. The state has launched a website to educate people on the new law.

With the government shutdown ending,

allow riders to proceed through malfunctioning red lights. Similar "dead red" laws have previously been enacted in Minnesota (2002), Tennessee (2003), Arkansas (2005), Idaho (2006), Wisconsin (2006), North Carolina (2007), South Carolina (2008), Missouri (2008), Oklahoma (2010), Kansas (2011), Virginia (2011) and Illinois (except Chicago - 2012). In Texas and California, state law requires stoplights to be fitted with sensors that detect motorcycles.

TEXAS BIKERS AND TRIKERS CELEBRATE A SUCCESSFUL LEGISLATIVE SESSION Previously in Texas, three-wheeled motorcycle training courses were costly and not widely available, due to mandated motorcycle training curricula from the Motorcycle Safety Foundation that limited the flexibility of the Department of Public Safety (DPS) in approving otherwise appropriate curricula. This was limiting for motorcyclists who do not wish to or cannot drive a two-

continued page 9

Nevada joins a dozen other states that

Join A.B.A.T.E.

along with an events section to inform you of *Do you like emission testing your motor- up-coming motorcycle runs and events. cycle? The Motorcycle Rights Organizations in *Do you like the choice to wear a helmet or Arizona are run by volunteers. Anyone that not? does volunteer gives their time freely to fight the fight. Please help us to pass on our ability *Do you like noise ordinances? to ride free. *Do you like the ability to modify your motorcycle?

*Do you know that there are dollars available for motorcycle safety and awareness? Please help the Motorcycle Rights Organizations in Arizona to prevent our Governments from restricting our ability to ride free. With your help, we can eliminate the emission testing of motorcycles in Arizona, fight our National-level battles with the EPA and NHTSA, and effectively watchdog the Arizona Legislators who, on a yearly basis, have entertained the idea of introducing a mandatory helmet law in our state. You can help by joining in the fight. The cost is only Twenty-five Dollars a year. Although you are not under any obligation to volunteer your time, any time you choose to give to our cause is always appreciated. With your membership you not only help our cause, but you will receive our newsletter as well. "The MasterLink" contains local happenings and national motorcycling news

Name_____________________________________ Name #2 __________________________________ Address __________________________________ City _____________________________________

Benefits Of Membership

Individuals ·ABATE membership card ·ABATE patch on first year ·Year pins thereafter ·One year subscription to the MasterLink newsletter ·Lifetime members get all that without the hassle of renewing

Business ·Two annual memberships ·Business card size advertisement and alphabetical listing in the MasterLink for the length of your membership. Circulated throughout Arizona ·Benefit of a run stop or event participation to support your business ·Addition of your business listing on our web site with a link to your business

Or turn in your membership application to an officer of the chapter of your choice. East Valley High Country

Southern Arizona Yavapai

Phx/Shadow Mtn


State___________ Zip ___________ Phone(s)___________________________________

Office Use Membership # ____________________________ Expiration Date___________________________

Email address _____________________________ make checks payable to: ABATE of AZ and mail to: 7509

N. 12th St, #200, Phoenix, AZ 85020

DONATIONS Motorcycle Awareness Program (MAP) $ _____ Legislative Efforts $____ General Fund $_____ MasterLink Newsletter $______


ABATE Of Arizona provides a unified voice for all motorcyclists in Arizona. Add your voice to ours. Join ABATE now, for the preservation of your ability to ride a motorcycle with the freedom that's your right!! © 2012 ABATE Of Arizona

7509 N. 12th St, #200 Phoenix, AZ. 85020

Website: To join our discussion group, send email to

Type of Membership (check one) Single……………$25____ Charter $15 ____ Couple………......$40 ____ Charter $25 ____ Life/Single………$350 ______ Annual Business Membership $125 ____ Annual Club Membership $125 ____ If a business member, please enclose business card for publication in our newsletter, The MasterLink. Renewal

Membership #_____________

New Member Referred By: Business Membership: ABATE of Arizona Business Membership is a substantial value at just $125.00 per year and includes (12 issues) of business card size ads, an annual membership for two people and an ABATE of Arizona Business Member Certificate for display in your business.





Chairman..............................Sean Pinder

East Valley………………….Vacant High Country........................Billy Hensler Phx / Shadow Mountain…...Clyde Brooks Southern AZ.........................Sean Pinder Yavapai……………………..Deb Butitta Yuma....……………………..Rick Breadwell

Quarterly Board meetings are held on the first Sunday in January, April, July and October at 1:00pm @ the AZ American-Italian Club, 7509 N. 12th St, Phoenix. Please make sure your Chapter has representation.

A.B.A.T.E. State Officers For 2012

President………..............……Tim O’Reilly Vice President.....……………Paul Pendergast Secretary……………………Vacant Treasurer…………………….Matt Brown Membership…………………Tina Benoit Run/Events………………….Vacant Safety Coordinator………….Jean Cooper Sergeant-at-Arms……………Joe Ferrucci P.A.C………………………...Jim Page Communications…………….Charity Stuart Designated Lobbyist...............Vic Grady ABATE Products……………Vacant MasterLink Editor................ Eric Hampton and

Mailing address 7509 N. 12th St, #200, Phoenix, AZ 85020. State Officers meetings are held the 1st Sunday of every month, 10:30 am at the AZ American Italian Club, 7509 N. 12th Street Phoenix, AZ.- OR in conjunction with the quarterly BOD meeting.

East Valley Chapter

c/o Jeff Gorall, PO Box 20433 Mesa AZ. 85277 Coordinator............................Joe Ferrucci Vice Coordinator...................Mary K Donnay Secretary................................Jeff Gorall Treasurer................................Jess Method Membership...........................Mike Shearhart Run Coordinator....................Jess Method Safety Coordinator.................Jim Silk Sgt. At Arms..........................Richard Dalton P.A.C......................................Mary K Donnay Communications....................Cheryl Vasquez (Mary K until she gets a computer) Merchandise........................... Vacant

EAST VALLEY CHAPTER meetings are held the 4th Sunday of the month at 11:00 a.m. at Fraternal Order of Eagles (F.O.E.) 1712 W. Broadway Road, Mesa AZ 85202 FMI contact Mary K. at 602-751-3180.

High Country Chapter

209A E. Juniper St. Payson AZ 85541 Coordinator............................Jim “Chicken Bone” Mazzone Vice Coordinator...................Billy Hensler Secretary................................Dee Schultz Treasurer...............................Debbie Fickel Membership...........................Debra Beda Run Coordinator....................Deb Smith Safety Coordinator.................Steve Leonard Sgt. At Arms.........................Wayne Slocum P.A.C.....................................Vacant Communications...................Bill Hensler Merchandise..........................Wayne Slocum

High Country Chapter meetings are held on the 3rd Sunday at 10 a.m. at The Moose Lodge in Star Valley. Contact: chicknbone@live .com or 928970-1134

Phoenix-Shadow Mountain Chapter

P.O. Box 54041 Phoenix, AZ 85078-4041 Coordinator...........................Vic Grady Vice Coordinator....................Kat Grover Secretary................................Dee Grady Treasurer................................Tina Benoit Membership...........................Vacant Run Coordinator....................Vacant Safety Coordinator.................Ernie Lizarraga Sgt. At Arms..........................Jerry Davis P.A.C......................................Vacant Communications....................Steve Palmer Merchandise...........................Mike Schneider

Phoenix/Shadow Mountain meetings are held on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 10:30am at the AZ American Italian Club, 7509 N. 12th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85020. FMI contact Vic Grady at 602-300-4115 or email

Southern Arizona Chapter

6888 N De Chelly Loop Tucson, AZ 85741 Coordinator............................Jim Butsback Vice Coordinator....................Don Boule Secretary................................Marie “Lou” Baker Treasurer................................Dawn Detelj Membership...........................Art Burke Run Coordinator....................Teresa Davidson Safety Coordinator.................Jin DeYoung Sgt. At Arms.........................Robert Guenther P.A.C......................................Sean Pinder Communications....................Jim Clark Merchandise...........................Vacant

The Southern Arizona Chapter will meet the third Saturday. We will gather at the Kettle Restaurant, 748 W. 22nd St, Tucson. Breakfast will be available at 7:30 a.m. with the meeting beginning at 9 a.m. FMI contact Jim Butsback by phone at 520247-3051 or email

The MRF Legislative Strategy Agenda for 2013-2014 (cont.)

Continue to closely monitor the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and other developing health care law for motorcyclist specific discrimination

NHTSA motorcycle-specific checkpoint grant program - MRF to carry out a full effort to cut off specified use of funding for this motorcycle-based discriminatory practice, HR1861 has been introduced to accomplish this, encourage states to pass their own anti-checkpoint laws

Continue monitoring the Federal Crash Causation study and the MSF Naturalistic study

Strongly oppose any federal standard proposing stamping and certifying of motorcycle exhaust systems

Continue to oppose federal agency activity regarding EPA Sound Emission User studies and the encouragement of state activity with federal resourcesagain deemed to be a state issue

Work to discourage ALL forms of distracted driving, and oppose all forms of funding blackmails or withholding of funds as related to motorcyclists, watch this issue closely for motorcycle specific discriminatory language

Right to Repair Act - MRF to remove this as an agenda item citing significant progress, the MRF's D.C. Office will continue to monitor and participate in the Right to Repair Coalition as warranted

Continue participation at the federal level where the definition of a motorcycle is under review taking advantage of any opportunity available to enhance and further clarify

MRF will oppose any motorcycling, motorcycle, or motorcyclist-based discriminatory legislation or rules proposed by the U.S. Congress or by a federal agency MRF to seek a legislative vehicle to include motorcyclist anti-profiling language this session

Continue participation in motorcycle related activity in the European Union, United Nations, and Canada

MRF to fiercely oppose any mandatory helmet or apparel standards MRF to encourage additional federal research of E15 fuel related to use in a motorcycle prior to any recommenda-

continued page 16

Yavapai Chapter

P.O. Box 11319 Prescott, AZ 86304 Coordinator............................ David “Doc” Pratt Vice Coordinator....................Vacant Secretary................................ Mike “Da Wolf” Ruddell Treasurer................................ Paul Pendergast Membership........................... Dave ‘Chino’ Pinney Run Coordinator......................“Longhair James” Venegas and Ralo Safety Coordinator..................Dan “44Dan” Lemond Sgt. At Arms...........................JD Fillingim P.A.C...................................... Deborah Buttita Communications.................... Mike “Da Wolf” Ruddell Merchandise...........................Lori Lutz

Yavapai Chapter Meets 2nd Sunday, 11:00 AM; Doreen's Backstreet Bar and Grill, 2879 N Arizona Trail, Chino Valley, AZ 86323 (928) 636-0309. FMI contact Doc at 928-7132568 or

Yuma Chapter

11316 S. Glenwood Ave. Yuma, AZ 85367 Coordinator............................ Frank White Vice Coordinator....................Daniel Medina Secretary................................ Mikkie Melanson Treasurer................................ Virginia Nielsen Membership........................... Diane Gouge Run Coordinator.....................Jerry Allison Safety Coordinator..................Ray “PeeWee” Grier Sgt. At Arms...........................Terry “Gunner” Longworthy P.A.C...................................... Vacant Communications.................... Vacant Merchandise...........................Lisala White

Yuma Chapter meets the second Tuesday evening monthly at 6:30 PM at the IHOP located at 575 East 16th Street Yuma, AZ 85365. For additional information contact Frank White (Hound) at 209327-0814.


If any of the Officers are listed here incorrectly, please send corrections to: I will be sure everything is accurate for the next Issue and on the web site.

MASTERLINK NOVEMBER 2013 A2Z Electronic Wizards 480-946-0280


ABATE of Arizona Business Members

Alcock & Ogborne, PLC Phoenix 602-337-8735

Alexander Toyota Yuma 928-344-1170

Alt Fashion Barber Shop Marana 520-797-65663

AZ?Differential Specialists Phoenix 602-462-5367

Big John’s Garage Tucson 520-322-9933

Burro Saloon Bar & Grill Kirkland 928-442-3287

Cleopatra Hill Jerome 928-634-6701

Continence Center of America, Inc. Phoenix, AZ?(623) 977-1212

D.A. Dailey Construction 928-978-6420

Doreen’s Backstreet bar &?Grill Chino Valley 928-636-0309

Herman’s Automatic Transmissions Tucson 520-294-8717

Spirit Room Jerome 928-634-8809

Kitty For Tax Camp Vercde 928-567-0224

Steel Horse Motorsports Rio Rico 520-281-1962

Jakes Corner Bar Payson 928-474-0679

La Gitana Cantina Arivaca 520-398-0810

Landmark at the Creek Payson 928-478-4587

Eaglerider of Flagstaff Flagstaff 928-637-6575

Law Tigers 888-529-8443

Billy Jack’s Saloon &?Grill Humboldt 928-632-8689

El Rancho Restaurant Payson 928-474-3111

Mountain Top Brewery Payson 928-474-9228

Breyer Law Offices, P.C. Phoenix 480-505-2160

Gurley Street Sports Pub Prescott 928-778-2491

Big Sky Motorcycles Tucson 520-886-7388

Brett Miller’s Upholstery Prescott 928-778-5565

Brown &?Little, P.L.C.,?Attorneys at Law 480-299-2093

Eclectic Café Tucson 520-885-2842

Gold King Mine & Ghost Town Jerome 928-634-0053

Harley Davidson of Scottsdale 480-905-1903

Buffalo Bar &?Grill Payson 928-474-3900

Havok Cycles Chino Valley 928-239-5303

- Annette, NM

and anyone other than recognized law enforcement is "in charge" the whole event or organization could be liable. I was part of an event that had an off-duty cop, out of his jurisdiction, on his own bike that was helping us out. After about 10 minutes at this particular intersection a car got tired of waiting, pulled around two other cars and drove into the intersection collecting three bikes in the process resulting in serious injury to several riders. All kinds of people got named in that lawsuit and it was indeed a learning experience.

Ask Our Lawyer (continued)

A: I am not aware of any state that allows for anyone other than law enforcement to escort a procession that can disregard traffic control. Even parades can get a little weird. Some states have a provision in their code that allows for funerals, but are usually pretty specific with regard to who can conduct the escort. In addition, in some states, it is a felony to block traffic at an intersection to allow the ride to pass through.

What you have been told is pretty common across the country, especially in larger cities. Police departments used to conduct funeral escorts and they also used to help people that locked their keys in their car. Hardly any departments (maybe a few small towns) do either of these any more. Most of the larger rides are forced to "hire" off-duty law enforcement to organize escorts. The going rate is about $100 per officer (that's per intersection if they are blocked for any real length of time) and generally about $500 for someone to perform administration (apply for permits and schedule the individual cops). I hate to be saying this, but I would suggest seeking legal counsel before having your members "play cop" either with, or without, any sort of training. If there is an "incident"

Except for the biggest rides where we bite the bullet and pay as much as $5,000 $10,000 for off-duty cops, we've taken to having destination rides where people travel in small groups (3-8) obeying traffic laws and just meet at the end rather than have one massive group. Life sure was a lot easier in the old days. Good Luck. Ride Safe, Ride Free Jay Jackson


continued page 9

Mountain Pass Prescott Valley 928-899-7663

North Health Center Scottsdale 602-421-2730

Paul’s SE Arizona RV Rentals LLC Whetstone 877-728-5778

Pincus & Associates, PC Tempe 480-777-2599

PT's Bar Winslow 928-289-0787

Punkin Center Bar Tonto Basin 928-479-2627

Roberts Marketplace Prescott Valley 928-722-8920

Square Peg Promos LLC Phoenix 602-549-1044

Tailwinds Hauling Phoenix 623-463-2187 Taj Mahal Prescott 928-445-5752 The Bashful Bandit Tucson 520-881-9706

The Drunken Lass Irish Pub Prescott 928-778-4211 The Flying Grizzly Bar Strawberry

The Historical Journigan House Payson 928-474-2900 The Maverick Saloon Phoenix 602-943-5680

TMA Precision Tube LLC Glendale 623-221-4922

Tonto Silkscreen & Embroidery Payson 928-474-4207 Top End Specialties Phoenix 623-258-2092

Y’all Come Back Saloon Rio Rico 520-781-3730

ABATE of Arizona Chapter Meeting Times and Locations

East Valley Chapter EAST VALLEY CHAPTER meetings are held the 4th Sunday of the month at 11:00 a.m. at Fraternal Order of Eagles (F.O.E.) 1712 W. Broadway Road, Mesa AZ 85202 FMI contact Mary K. at 602-751-3180.

High Country Chapter High Country Chapter meetings are held on the 3rd Sunday at 10 a.m. at The Moose Lodge in Star Valley. Contact: chicknbone@live .com or 928-970-1134

Phoenix / Shadow Mountain Chapter Phoenix/Shadow Mountain meetings are held on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 10:30am at the AZ American Italian Club, 7509 N. 12th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85020. FMI contact Vic Grady at 602-300-4115 or email

Southern Arizona Chapter The Southern Arizona Chapter will meet the third Saturday. We will gather at the Kettle Restaurant, 748 W. 22nd St, Tucson. Breakfast will be available at 7:30 a.m. with the meeting beginning at 9 a.m. FMI contact Jim Butsback by phone at 520-2473051 or email

Yavapai Chapter Yavapai Chapter Meets 2nd Sunday, 11:00 AM; Doreen's Backstreet Bar and Grill, 2879 N Arizona Trail, Chino Valley, AZ 86323, (928) 636-0309. FMI contact Doc at 928-713-2568 or Yuma Chapter Yuma Chapter meets the second Tuesday evening monthly at 6:30 PM at the IHOP located at 575 East 16th Street Yuma, AZ 85365. For additional information contact Frank White (Hound) at 209-327-0814.

ABATE of Arizona

MASTERLINK NOVEMBER 2013 May 23, 2010 was a bad day for Sharon and Tim Duncan. She and her husband were motorcycling down a state highway when a Ford truck forgot to yield the right-of-way and changed their lives forever. That truck pulled directly into their path as they were traveling the speed limit, 55 mph, so you can imagine what happened next. Sharon remembers waking up at the hospital in intensive care days later with more broken bones than you can count. Her White Castle team members were all around her bed holding hands. One is a part time minister and that was just the beginning of White Castle involvement. Digressing, Sharon did not have a lot of formal education when she first started with

wheeled motorcycle (perhaps due to a physical disability) but want to drive a three-wheeled cycle.

S.B. 763, “AN ACT relating to motorcycle training, the enforcement of certification standards for motorcycles, and the license requirements for a threewheeled motorcycle,” changes from mandatory to optional whether curricula includes the curricula developed by a particular foundation, giving DPS the flexibility to authorize other curricula that meet the statutory and regulatory requirements of Texas.

The new law also adds a three-wheeled restriction to the Class M license of those Texans who take only a threewheeled training course. Currently, a motorcyclist who has only taken a three-wheeled training course can obtain a Class M license which permits them to legally operate a two-wheeled motorcycle.

“Another successful Legislative session for Texas Bikers, and Texas Trikes too!,” announced Paul Landers, TMRAII Legislative Liaison and National Lt. Commander of the US Defenders/C.O.I.R. “For the first time, a new classification for this group of three wheeled BIKERS. Personally, I feel this builds unity and gives more support to our political initiatives, trike owners can now be a part of what we do and feel good about it!”

MOTORCYCLISTS HOPE TO CHANGE NEW ILLINOIS POKER RUN LAW A new law meant to protect poker runs is creating frustration. House Bill 2520, the “Poker Run Act”, was drawn up earlier this year because of concerns that poker runs were a type of illegal gambling. The bill to legalize poker runs for charities and Not For Profit organizations was passed with overwhelming support and was signed into law in August, moving the fundraisers under the Illinois Charitable Games Act.

However, the regulations means charities and poker run stops all need to pay for a license. All locations involved are

Ask Our Lawyer (continued)

White Castle - part time, 23 years ago, but she is smart and a quick learner. Even though her company provided good medical benefits, how was she and Tim to pay the bills and the mortgage as both were laid up in the hospital with life altering injuries? Healing and surviving is one thing, losing your home and all you have worked for in your life is another. She loved her work and the opportunity the company provided. They were good to her, but she had no idea how good they were going to be. Even though Sharon was laid up for months, White Castle continued her salary as if she worked every day. What company does that today? In todays world of companies telling its employees how to live - i.e. can’t ride to work; health insurance won’t cover motorcy-

cle injuries, it is refreshing to see a company that allows its employees to enjoy the fabric of American life.

Today, Sharon is the Manager of the White Castle next to Lucas Oil Stadium and proclaims that she will be with White Castle for as long as they will have her. She has recovered - kind of, sort of - but says Tim still whines, but explains that he is a whiner - that all men are whiners, so he is doing ok. Ride Safe & Free, Rod Taylor ABATE Legal Services

Coast to Coast (continued)

now required to pay a fee of $50 a year. The non-profit behind the event must have a permit that costs $200. Any funds raised will be taxed at 3%.

Motorcycle groups are now looking for a new solution. Poker runs bring out bikers and bring in big dollars for charity causes, but many fear the new law will put an end to many of the events.

The push for change came when the motorcycle advocacy group, ABATE of Illinois, wanted to protect poker runs, which some states are cracking down on as illegal gaming. According to WSIL TV (ABC), the Illinois Department of Revenue says lawmakers didn't ask for their help in drafting the legislation so now the agency is enforcing those taxes and fees, but they're also talking with bill sponsors about finding a new category for poker runs.

Representative Rich Brauer has already drawn up a bill that would put poker runs under the jurisdiction of the county where they're being held.

BIKER DISCRIMINATION AT OKLAHOMA STATE FAIR On the 15th of September 2013, two members of The Horsemen MC out of Moore, OK went the State Fair of Oklahoma, walking past four Oklahoma City police officers at the gates who watched the two of them buy tickets and enter the fair. They entered with club colors on and the Police made eye contact but let them in.

About an hour into being there, a Sergeant of the OKC P.D. pulled them aside and told them to remove their cuts or colors, whereupon the two Horsemen refused. The Police then told the two riders they had one chance to leave and if they didn't, they would be arrested. The riders then agreed and started heading toward the gate.

They told them they would like their ticket money back since there are no signs posted informing motorcyclists they were not allowed to wear Colors in the fair. They did get their ticket money back but had to give their personal information to the police so they could

PAGE 9 answered confidentially unless otherwise authorized and only after the matter is concluded, except when authorization for publication anonymously or otherwise is given for pending matters. Remember, injured ABATE members pay only 28 ½% of total recovery and expenses as approved by client, consistent with and conforming to applicable state law. Elsewhere, you may pay 33 ⅓%, 40% or even 50% of your recovery. ABATE members are not charged for recovery of damage to your motorcycle, and have access to a 24hour toll-free telephone number. Call us at (800) 25-RIDER. Questions? Submit them to © 2013.

All questions from ABATE members are

run their identity through to see if they had any warrants. They took pictures of their vests and insignia, wanted to list their tattoos and informed them that they were a “gang”.

“The Horsemen walked away without being arrested but hopefully our Riding Community can understand there is a serious problem with this,” said Tiger Mike Revere in his report in the ABATE of Oklahoma newsletter. “In the meantime, club members who have been mistreated at this point will be interacting with attorneys for possible litigation.” Tiger Mike, who is the ABATE Liaison for the OK Confederation of Clubs and also serves on the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM) board of directors, encourages any biker who experiences discriminatory treatment to go to the Oklahoma Confederation of Clubs website at: to download, print and submit a Discrimination Complaint to NCOM, and advises that this issue will be discussed further during the NCOM Region 2 Conference scheduled for November 22-23 at the Biltmore Hotel in Oklahoma City.

GITMO FOR BIKIES Bikers going to jail in Queensland will now be sent to a “bikie-only prison” at the ultra-secure Woodford Correctional Centre as part of the Australian government’s push against “bikies”. The biker gang-only facility, which critics have compared with Guantánamo Bay, will form a core part of the Newman Govt's attempt to drive outlaw bikie gangs from Queensland.

Convicted outlaw motorcycle gang members will be kept in their cells for 23 hours a day at the centre, denied access to gym equipment, televisions

and be subject to a more stringent regime of drug testing and searches. All calls unrelated to their legal representation will be monitored and their mail opened and censored while visitor contact will be restricted to one hour a week. Bikie members already in Queensland prisons will also be transferred to the new facility, which is aimed at denying them the ability to use prison time to recruit new members and widen their drug distribution networks says government sources. Premier Campbell Newman told The Courier-Mail that the facility will be an integral part of sweeping legislation to be introduced and passed through State Parliament, adding that the new laws will also automatically ban bikies from accessing bail and hand greater investigative powers to the Crime and Misconduct Commission. In addition to mandatory enhanced prison sentences of up to 25 additional years for gang members, the government is also considering tougher penalties for crimes committed in prison, including weapon offenses, assaults and drug use, as well as stiffer penalties for prison staff caught colluding with gang members.

Civil libertarians and members of the legal fraternity have condemned the proposed bikie crackdown as unnecessary, ill-conceived and arrogant. Thanks to Mike Davis of the NCOM Brothers Behind Bars (BBB) outreach for sharing this information. QUOTABLE QUOTE: "Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-68) American clergyman and civil rights leader


November 2013

Nov 1 {FRI} - MESA, AZ* Motorcycles on Main Street <> Event time & Location: 6PM to 10PM along Main Street between Center St. and Morris St. in downtown Mesa, AZ 85210. EVENT DETAILS: Motorcycles on Main is a family friendly event. Roads are closed to car traffic and open to motorcycles so you can cruise down Main Street, enjoy a fabulous show of motorcycles, or park and show your bike. The fun includes live music, beer gardens, food, vendors, and more. Don't miss all the fun from 6:00 - 10:00 P.M. Friday along Main Street, between Center and Morris Streets in Downtown Mesa. Thanks to Chester's Harley Davidson and Victory Motorcycles of Mesa, for sponsoring Motorcycles on Main and to our downtown merchants: The Grill on Main, Queens Pizzeria, Mangos Mexican Cafe, and Cucina di Vita, for their continued support of the event as well. (2013 Event Dates: 11/1, 12/6)

Nov 2 {Sat} MESA, AZ* Ride to Rescue for Homeless Animals Details: The Ride to Rescue for Homeless Animals starting at 8AM at Joeta's Leather - 433 West Main Street, Mesa, Arizona 85021. Event cost: $25 includes Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Live entertainment after the ride. Gear

Events Calendar

up for Paw Placement's First Annual Ride to Rescue for Homeless Animals. Silent Auction: Items include trips, resort packages, garage services and much more. Raffle: Awesome prizes! GIVEAWAYS GALORE! First 150 Registered Riders receive an Event T-Shirt. Every mile is a life-saver for homeless cats and dogs in Arizona. Ride a scenic route for a good cause. What a great reason to hit the road! The Ride starts with Breakfast at Joeta's Leather in Mesa. Riders will take the Bee Line Highway (87) up to Fountain Hills, stopping at the Saddle Bronc Grille before cruising Palisades Boulevard, past the fountain and through the hills to Harley-Davidson of Scottsdale. After a lunch on the patio, riders will take scenic back roads through desert terrain to The Roadrunner Bar & Grill in New River. Have a refreshing beverage before heading the The Hideaway in Cave Creek. The ride is over but the party begins! Paw Placement Animal Rescue is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Our mission is to reduce euthanasia of cats and dogs through rescue, adoption and education about responsible pet guardianship. For more information 480-773-8547 or visit

Nov 2 {Sat} APACHE JCT, AZ*

VNV/LV MC Annual Veteran’s Day Run / Chapter J Details: Ride starts and Ends at the VFW. Sign-in at 9AM at the VFW located at 250 South Phelps Drive, in Apache Jct, AZ. Last bike out by 11AM. Cover Charge: $10 per bike, $15 for 2 up. Music by Organ Grinder. Also featuring Arizona Rod Finks Car Club. Come join the VNVLV MC in honoring all Veterans whom have served as we reinstate our Annual Veterans Day Run. FMI: email

Nov 6 {WED} – TUCSON, AZ* Tucson Vintage Motorcycle Riders Bike Nite Event time: Every other Wednesday night starting at 6:00 pm (11/6, 11/20, 12/4, 12/18 etc.) Event Location: Barrio Brewing Company, 800 East 16th St. in Tucson, AZ Description: Presented by Tucson Vintage Motorcycle Riders. Gathering of folks with an interest in vintage/classic motorcycles of all years, makes and models (yes- even scooters) You need not own or ride a motorcycle to have a good time here. We meet every other Wednesday night starting at 6:00 pm at Barrio Brewing Company. Enjoy great bikes, great food and great beers in the company of kindred spirits. We have no rules, no dues, and no leaders, just a common interest (and a T-shirt) that binds us. Barrio Brewing Company, 800 E 16th St. in

MASTERLINK NOVEMBER 2013 Tucson, AZ. For more information please call 520-791-2739

Nov 6 {WED} – PHOENIX, AZ* Crusaders for the Children Bike Night at Top Shelf Mexican Cantina - 3301 W. Greenway Road, Phoenix, AZ. Begins at 7:00 - 9:00 P.M. and benefits Crusaders for the Children, supports children in need. (2013 Dates: 11/6, 12/4) For more information call 602993-5463 or visit

Nov 7-10 {Thurs - Sun} – Rocky Point (Puerto Penasco), Mexico* Rocky Point Bike Rally Time to head South: Buy Mexican Insurance for your vehicle or Motorcycle. Grab your passport and head south to Rocky Point.

Nov 8 {FRI} – TEMPE, AZ* ALMA EAST SIDE Hosts Bike Night Details: Every Friday Join the Cast and Crew of ALMA on the EAST Side at 5PM for drink specials, food, music and general mischief. The East Side’s Club house is located at 5255 (Ste 1) South Kyrene Rd. in Tempe, AZ 85283

Nov 8 & 9 {FRI/SAT} – PHOENIX, AZ* Sin City Deciples MC Hosts 3rd Annual Details: Come out and celebrate with your favorite 1%ers at the Sin City Deciples Club House located at 2201 South 7th Ave in

MASTERLINK NOVEMBER 2013 Phoenix, AZ. <> Friday: Meet and Greet doors open at 7pm. <> Saturday: Annual Dance Starts at 9pm. Excellent food, good drink, Raffle, and more. 1N1L1%. $10 Cover 1%ers Free, Prez/VP Free. FMI and tickets: Call Big J at 602 -425 - 1370

Nov 9 {SAT} – MESA, AZ* The Klique Phoenix Charity Car Show Details: The Klique Phoenix Charity Car Show at Chester's Harley Davidson - 922 South Country Club Drive, Mesa, Arizona 85210. Admission $10 per person. Sponsored by Chester's Harley-Davidson. Car and truck show benefits SARRC Charity for Autism. Music, entertainment, contests, vendors. For more information 480-990-0630 or visit Nov 9 {SAT} – PHOENIX, AZ* LeatherNecks MC Hosts 3rd Annual Operation Infidel Details: Come out and party with your LOCO 571 Crew. Celebrate 238 Years of our beloved Marine Corps. We will have Great Food & Drinks, Live Music, raffles, and a ton of Bad Ass Bikers…Be There and Have a BLAST! Party starts at 6PM at the HOOLIGANS MC clubhouse located at 2663 West Lone Cactus, in Phoenix, Arizona 85027. $10 suggested Donation FMI: TBA

Nov 20 {WED} – TUCSON, AZ* Tucson Vintage Motorcycle Riders Bike Nite Event time: Every other Wednesday night starting at 6:00 pm (11/20, 12/4, 12/18 etc.) Event Location: Barrio Brewing Company, 800 East 16th St. in Tucson, AZ Description: Presented

Events Calendar by Tucson Vintage Motorcycle Riders. Gathering of folks with an interest in vintage/classic motorcycles of all years, makes and models (yes- even scooters) You need not own or ride a motorcycle to have a good time here. We meet every other Wednesday night starting at 6:00 pm at Barrio Brewing Company. Enjoy great bikes, great food and great beers in the company of kindred spirits. We have no rules, no dues, and no leaders, just a common interest (and a T-shirt) that binds us. Barrio Brewing Company, 800 E 16th St. in Tucson, AZ. For more information please call 520-791-2739

Nov 23 {Sat} – MESA, AZ* The Marine’s Toys for Tots Ride Marines Toys for Tots Ride Hosted by ALR Post 58, Event_Time: 8 am. Event_Location: 16837 E. Parkview Ave. Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 Event_Description: MARINES TOYS FOR TOTS RIDE Saturday November 23, 2012 Hosted by ALR Post 58 Fountain Hills – Sponsored by Chester’s H-D, Chuck Franklin, and many others THREE STARTING LOCATIONS with three different routes all ending up at the Post in the Hills 16837 E. Parkview Ave. Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 ALL REGISTRATION TIMES ARE 8 – 10 AM. KSU as you register. 1 - W Siders – Salty Senorita – 8011 W. Paradise Ln, Peoria, Arizona (Bell Rd and 83nd Ave) 2 - Scottsdale – Renegade by MOD – 9343 E Shea, Scottsdale, AZ 3 - E Siders – Chester’s H-D, 922 S Country Club Rd, Mesa, AZ DONATIONS: $20 W/O A TOY $15 WITH A TOY and PASSENGERS: $15 W/O A TOY -$10 WITH A TOY ** RIDE PIN FOR

PAGE 11 THE FIRST 100 PARTICIPANTS at each registration point** PAID RIDE INCLUDES: RIDE, LUNCH, DOOR PRIZES & END PARTY LAST BIKE IN @ 2 / RAFFLES AND DOOR PRIZES @ 3 ***Music by The 74th St Band from 1 - 4*** All donations go directly to the Marines Toys for Tots Organization Sue “Brat” Ashe at / 602576-7052 or Visit: Also look us up on Facebook 144565845692384/


east valley chapter’s hard ass run

east valley chapter’s hard ass run

PAGE 14 Las Vegas BikeFest Cranks Up the Volume

New this year was headliner entertainment, a killer contemporary art show, and vendors peddling the fleshy wares that have made Sin City famous. Also noted— a growing Big Wheel trend in bike building. Super-sized front wheels reaching cartoonish heights were hung on baggers, sometimes paired with super-fat rear tires and making the most pragmatic of bikes less than practical. Unofficially, the event looks to be gaining attendance, adding vendors and for the first time in its history, big bands were featured. Some 30,000 enthusiasts rolled in for the four-day event, held Oct. 3-6.

In previous years, the BikeFest sent attendees down the Vegas Strip for their amusements, offering only local live music under a makeshift tent. The event has taken a step toward major rally status by inviting Foghat, Blue Oyster Cult and rising country star, Joe Nichols, to perform on a new main stage.

Las Vegas has throttled back to its randy roots after a largely failed attempt at being a family destination. This comes as a relief, seeing the town at least trying to live up to its long running “What Happens” tagline. Sin City is more bikerwelcome than ever since daycare centers, kid clubs and Disney movie marathons have been replaced by a mostly adultsonly ride. Also gone are the annoying gauntlets of strip club and limo service card passers who clogged the Strip, pressing glossy, R-rated and germy ads into your hand.

The rally met with unseasonably cool temperatures and blustery winds, which made early morning riding brisk and late evening shenanigans and concert going chilly, but provided almost ideal condi-

News from the Net

tions for vendor crawls. It seemed fitting vendor booths included scantily clad representatives of the Chicken Ranch, Nevada’s best known home to legalized companionship, as well as well as Larry Flynt’s Hustler Club, and the Sapphire Gentlemen’s Club, generally regarded as the town’s best strip joint.

In contrast, the Sin City Art Gallery was a surprise and welcome addition, featuring avant-garde artists at work. Event goers enjoyed the added color, and even one cop said she “really liked” the artwork while pausing at one of the oil on canvas nudes.

There was also the usual shuffle of biker parts, accessories and apparel, dominated by the standard T-shirts and leatherwear, menacing jewelry, assorted sunglasses, and ambulance chasers who promise to be one of us and on our side, for a healthy fee. Interesting exceptions included, a new company offering artsy alternatives to the regular fabric patch, and Inferno Art Studio, which offers edgy, mixed media work on canvas.

Attractions at the Vendor Village included the Miss BikeFest contest. In a town with a strip club on every corner, countless showgirls, burlesque performers and questionable adult entertainers, it seemed odd that only four women showed up to compete for the $1,000 first prize. Other events included the Mr. BikeFest competition, Bikini Bike Wash, Artistry in Iron Master Builder’s Championship, Poker Walk, $10,000 Poker Run, Biker Bingo, Baddest Bagger contest, Custom Bike Show, World’s Strongest Biker competition, Tattoo Contest, the Golden Nugget Hotel Motorcycle Giveaway, a Wet TShirt Contest, of course, and some expression of true American slobbery called Hog Out, where contestants ate as much pork as possible in two minutes.

And people wonder how we became the fattest nation in history.

BikeFest ticket pricing felt like an exotic sports book. Admission to the Vendor Village at Cashman Center is included if registered for a Party or Ultimate Pass. This started at $35 pp and included a daily pass. If you didn’t register, prices went like this: Thursday: $15 and twofor-one admission for locals with ID ; Friday, $15 before 5:00 p.m. $30 after; Saturday, $15 before 5:00 p.m. $30 after 5:00. Children 12 entered free, and Sunday was free for everybody, I think. I boxed Thursday, Friday and Saturday, skipped Sunday, and laid 10 bucks down on the trifecta. No official word yet on next year’s program.

As responsible journalists covering a rally in Sin City, we thought it only our duty to a sample some of the sin whether we liked it or not. So we took in some typical Vegas fare. X-Burlesque at the Flamingo Hotel is a nonstop ejaculation of throbbing song and sensual dance performed by a bevy of nearly naked beauties to a packed house of mostly smiling couples. The Travel Channel dubbed it “The sexiest show in Vegas.” That may be arguable if you compare it to more schmaltzy and ubiquitous Cirque du Soleil productions, but it doesn’t disappoint. Same goes for X-Rocks, appearing at a more intimate venue at the Rio AllSuite Hotel and Casino. A smaller but more hard driving show, it offers less subtlety, more pounding music and nonstop hair whipping, writhing pulchritude in a high-energy performance. We were entertained. Also on our bill of fare was the Mob Attraction Las Vegas at the Tropicana Hotel and Casino. This is Disneyland for mob enthusiasts. The 27,000-sq.-ft. attraction recreates a fictional organized crime world using live actors, holograms

MASTERLINK NOVEMBER 2013 recorded by tough-guy stars such as James Caan ,and other seedy Soprano types. Even Mickey Rourke makes a cameo appearance. Set aside a couple of hours for the self-guided walking tour; it’s well worth the time.

The Vegas Mob Tour, which starts and finishes at the Tropicana’s Mob Attraction and shares a ticketing agent but is otherwise unaffiliated, took us on a 2 ½ hour ride through Vegas, visiting former mobster hangouts, attempted murder spots, robbery crime scenes and the house where Robert De Niro and Sharon Stone filmed part of the fact-based movie, “Casino.” It also included a pizza dinner. The tour is best suited to mob history buffs. It’s interesting, but a bit soft around the edges. Staring at parking lot smudges and closed, nondescript buildings while being bounced through dense Vegas traffic in an airport van suggests a change of format might be considered. The pizza resembled something you might feat at Chucky Cheese. Las Vegas BikeFest will reconvene at the city’s Cashman Center Oct. 2-5, 2014. For more information, contact Las Vegas BikeFest, 866-245-3337;; email Visit the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority website: .jsp ============================= Pope to Auction Harley Davidson to Benefit Homeless

Pope Francis has donated his Harley Davidson motorcycle to be sold to raise money for a hostel and soup kitchen that serves Rome’s homeless. It is a precious gift that has once again

MASTERLINK NOVEMBER 2013 made us happy in feeling the closeness of our bishop to the poor of the Church of Rome. We are deeply grateful to Pope Francis for this,” Msgr. Enrico Feroci, the director of Caritas Rome, said at an Oct. 12 press conference.

The sale of the motorcycle will fund the renovation of Caritas’ Don Luigi di Liegro Hostel and Soup Kitchen at Rome’s Termini station. The two projects have operated since 1987 to help relieve the suffering of about 1,000 people every day, Caritas Rome reports.

Msgr. Feroci thanked Pope Francis on behalf of everyone who will benefit from “this act of hospitality and solidarity.” He assured the Pope that the poor will continue to pray for the “precious work that he is doing in the vineyard of the Lord.” The Harley Davidson Motor Co. presented two of its motorcycles and a biker jacket to Pope Francis in June, when Rome hosted the 110th anniversary celebration of the iconic American motorcycle. On June 16, the Pope blessed about 800 bikers and their rides in St. Peter’s Square. ===========================

Sons Of Anarchy Star and the A.S.N. Need Your Shoes To Help Our Military

Sons of Anarchy star Rusty Coones(Quinn),owner of Illusion Motorcycles and guitarist for Attika 7, his wife K.O. along with the American Soldier Network are working to shoe the shoeless, give willing citizens a chance to work and donate funds thru A.S.N, to pass on to further benefit its continuing campaigns for the U.S. military wounded and recovering soldiers.

Coones, an ardent supporter of militarybased causes and support including numerous motorcycle fund-raising rides, and Annie Nelson, the head of the American Solider Network partnered in a Used Shoes Campaign to act as a threefold program: to refurbish used shoes for citizens of impoverished and communities in 3rd World Countries, employ local workers by giving them a trade and repairing and refabricating donated footwear and finally, to create enough support to reach their goal of 30,0000 donated pairs as a bridge to a $10,000 donation check to aid America’s combat wounded and combat injured by using the monies to aid the American Soldier Network 7th Annual Christmas S.W.A.G. Bag (Showing Warriors America’s Gratitude) campaign. Recycle, Employ and Donate is their program’s mantra. In addition, the program will help alleviate some of the 630+million shoes that are thrown into land fills every years creating chemical compound breakdown nightmare. The Campaign hopes to help create similar programs to help not only heal those who are without but to also help heal the environment.

The goal is set for 30,000 pairs of slightly worn shoes, boots, sneakers to be refurbished and sent FREE to communities and with these act of goodwill, local workers will earn a paycheck for their expertise with the end game being substantial monetary funding for the Wounded Warrior organization. Just like in Charming, a SON is working to make his home a better, cleaner and more charitable place.

The Deadline for donating shoes (25 pairs per hefty bag, tied) is OCTOBER 27, 2013 with the FINAL DROP DAY

News from the Net (continued)

PARTY at the SHOE HQ ILLUSION MOTORCYCLES (see below) from 11:00 am -4:00 PM. Donations hours are Mon-Fri from 9am to 5PM. For an appointment or donation contact Katherine at 714-894-1942. ===========================

No Speed Limit for Three Days October 25-27, 2013 in Beeville, TX

What started as a grassroots motorsports event a decade ago is now one of the nation’s premier speed events for those on four or two wheels. The Texas Mile, now in its third season at Chase Field after being at a Goliad facility the previous seven years, is held twice a year, March and October.

The Texas Mile is open to drivers of sports cars, motorcycles, trucks, and concept race cars. It features professional racers, novices and amateurs alike who all have a need for speed. The competitors and spectators come from over twenty-five different states and all areas of Texas to enjoy this festival of motor sports. The cities of Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Austin, Corpus Christi, Rockport, Victoria and Beeville are represented by record holders in various classes, loyal fans and supportive sponsors. An international presence is also represented with some participants and media coming from The U.K., Taiwan, Dubai, Chile, Mexico and Canada.


THE GOAL? Try to top the Mile’s record of 263.3 mph or at least be the fastest car, truck or motorcycle in their vehicle’s class or just to achieve their personal best.

A Ford GT topped the record with a mph of 267 in March and he is back to ensure this potential new record remains standing. He has other competitors back to battle for Texas Mile supremacy.

Motorcycle fans can see some of the fastest people on two-wheels. 5-Time motorcycle land speed record holder, Valerie Thompson (A woman on a mission with the need for SPEED) returns to The Texas Mile on her BMW SS 1000 R. And you can expect speeds of around 250 mph from Hussain Alsowaigh on his Suzuki Hayabusa.

Spectators can witness racers going full throttle and get up close to the vehicles and many of the drivers as they prepare to take down the Texas Mile’s speed records.

TexasMileQuickUpdate1Speed fans come to see Porsches, Corvettes, Cadillac’s (a strong contingency of 18), Audis, BMWs, Dodge Vipers, Dodge Challengers, Ford Mustangs, Ford GT’s, Lamborghinis, Harley Davidsons, Kawazakis, Saabs and even Mini Coopers and Volkswagen Beetles speed down the mile-long track. Already featured in motorsports media including Speed Channel and Hot Rod Magazine, a new TV Series: GEAR HEADS, will be producing an episode at The Texas Mile 10th Anniversary Event.

This year’s Mile is also taking on the task of inspiring the next generation of motor racing enthusiasts. Students from the Coastal Bend College’s automotive

department will shadow the Texas Mile’s Tech and Staging inspection crews to learn more about motor sport safety. Texas Mile co-founder Jay Matus got into auto sports because of the inspiration he received while taking auto tech classes at Texas City High School in the 1980s. The ability to pass along the same passion to a new generation of auto enthusiasts is a way for the J&S Matus Motorsports to pay it forward. For more media related information on the Texas Mile contact Shannon Matus, 281-802-9863, js(at)jsmatus(dot)com. For more information regarding being a participant or spectator, contact Jessica Reyna, 281-303-1844 or email info(at)texasmile(dot)net. WHAT: Texas Mile 10th Anniversary Festival

WHERE: Chase Field Industrial Complex, 2745 Byrd Street in Beeville, TX WHEN: October 25-27, 2013:

Friday and Saturday 8 a.m. to dusk, Sunday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

ADMISSION: $20 for 3-day spectator pass, children under 12 admitted free

EXTRAS: Spectators can bring their own chairs, umbrellas and coolers. There are spectator viewing areas and concessions as well. (No glass bottles).

Fans at the event can find out about the 10th Anniversary Party Saturday Evening in Beeville ON THE WEB:

============================= (AUSTRALIA) War looms over bikie gang laws

Lawyer warns the new legislation represents a frightening attack on the civil liberties of Queenslanders.

Prominent Queensland civil liberties lawyer Terry O'Gorman and heavily bearded former bikie Russell ''Camel'' Wattie normally wouldn't be embracing the same pursuits on their weekend. O'Gorman is a criminal defence lawyer and a spokesman for civil liberties in Queensland while Wattie is a convicted kidnapper, one-time member of the Outcasts bikies and former spokesman for a motorcycle group association. Checks and balances have been bypassed.

This weekend, however, the pair will be doing the same thing - furiously poring over Queensland's radical and highly controversial new laws aimed at crushing outlaw motorcycle gangs.

Wattie, now an independent consultant for motorcycle gangs, warns the laws are going to cost the Queensland government millions of dollars to enforce after the bikies launch legal challenges.

O'Gorman says the laws, which include the threateningly named ''Vicious Lawless Association Disestablishment Bill'', are ''ludicrous and unjust'' and a distraction from the Queensland government's failure to properly resource police.

He has criticised the architect of the changes, Queensland's 31-year-old Attorney-General Jarrod Bleijie, as being a conveyancing law specialist who is

PAGE 15 inexperienced and out of his depth.

And he says they are the most extreme laws introduced in Queensland's Parliament, eclipsing some of those passed during the era of Sir Joh BjelkePetersen from the 1960s to the 1980s. Both men have been in contact and are working out strategies of dealing with the laws to protect what they say are the rights of Queenslanders. ''It will probably be called a bikie manual as to how to deal with Judge Jarrod,'' O'Gorman says of his work, which he is doing in his role as president of the Australian Council for Civil Liberties.

The alliance is just one of many emerging this week after anti-bikie legislation was passed in Queensland to crack down on the state's bikie gangs.

Premier Campbell Newman's government proposed the laws following a large bikie gang brawl at a Gold Coast restaurant last month that allegedly led to gang members besieging a local police station and demanding the release of members. In a marathon sitting of Parliament one day this week, the government rushed through numerous reforms.

These included a range of heavy penalties for bikies - jail terms of up to 25 years in some cases and 15 years of mandatory jail if found to be ''vicious lawless associates''. A criminal gangs' disruption amendment was also passed, which seeks to ban 26 motorcycle clubs where members will be prevented from attending club houses and associating in groups of three or more, and also from promoting or recruiting for the clubs.

Despite widespread condemnation from legal experts as diverse and experienced as former NSW director of public prosecutions Nicholas Cowdery and former High Court judge Murray Gleeson, Bleijie and the Newman government defiantly state the laws are what Queensland needs. ''The reason we did this is simple,'' Bleijie told Parliament. ''We needed the police to have both the monetary and legislative resources - the full force of the law and support behind them.'' In response to calls by the Labor opposition for Bleijie to be removed, Newman said: ''This Attorney-General has had the ticker and guts to actually stand up to the entrenched interests right across the state without fear or favour.''

The laws sparked a quick reaction from bikie gangs on Friday. Some were said to have resigned from their clubs and hired lawyers.

In one case, the lawyer of Brisbane-based prominent Bandido life member Mario Vosmaer told ABC News his client had quit the club and was in the process of closing the chapter. Some members from the Finks, Rebels and Nomads were also reported to be quitting.

But O'Gorman warns the complex laws that are likely to be challenged represent

continued page 16



The MRF Legislative Strategy Agenda for 2013-2014 (cont.)

tions; continue to seek recommendations on its use from motorcycle original equipment manufacturers, MRF and SSMRO's agreed to pursue passage of HR875 MRF to actively pursue inclusion of motorcycles in ongoing Intelligent Transportations System (ITS) emerging technologies

Pursue safer roadway design strategies at the federal level, include safer cable barrier research similar to European improvements in the discussion

Continue to promote our theme of crash avoidance versus safer crashing, using the principles of House Resolution 1498 urging NHTSA to focus on crash prevention and rider education

MRF to pursue limiting of funding of Center for Disease Control (CDC) on their involvement in motorcycling safety issues through a relevant appropriations bill, pursue CDC lobby ban, seek to remove language where CDC suggests

a frightening attack on the civil liberties of Queenslanders, on par with some of those from the days of Bjelke-Petersen.

He believes they have bypassed the parliamentary committee system recommended by the Fitzgerald inquiry into corruption, a system that was supposed to allow time for the laws to be examined and all views canvassed.

''There has been no consultation and the only checks and balances, namely the committee system, have been bypassed,'' O'Gorman says.

''It was introduced on Tuesday and passed in one day, a la the Bjelke-Petersen 1977 [anti] street march law. The law has been proclaimed into effect and so as of today the coppers can start implementing it.''

O'Gorman says the judges are not being given any power to vary the sentencing in some cases, and he questions the way all members of the bikie groups are being targeted by the laws.

''Leave aside the Mongols, Finks and the Hells Angels for this argument and consider a significant number of people in bikie clubs do not commit crime. To outlaw all bikie clubs because some commit crime is to say outlaw all lawyers because some steal from clients,'' he says.

He sees another motivation for the Newman government's legal crackdown, claiming that before the bikie brawl last month, the government was facing a backlash from police about underresourcing.

The backlash, he says, was ignited after a police dog handler was shot on the Gold Coast on September 27 - the second police shooting in 18 months highlighting the lack of police numbers in the region.

''We [at the civil liberties council] had been in the rare position of being in agreement with the police union in saying that for a city that has 9 million visitors per year, the police numbers are inadequate,'' he says. O'Gorman says the reaction to the bikie incidents has allowed Newman to ''skilfully kill the criticism'' coming his way

motorcycle crashes are preventable injury events, MRF to continue to support efforts to refocus the CDC on their mission as stated in the letter from Congressman Petri to the CDC on September 27th, 2013 MRF to monitor private organizations that oppose the legislative agenda or mission of the MRF and investigate their funding sources to make certain they are not receiving federal tax dollars

MRF to monitor public organizations for funding sources when in opposition to our legislative agenda or mission, respond appropriately if they receive federal tax dollars

MRF to continue to closely monitor the federally mandated Affordable Health Care Act for potential motorcyclist and motorcycling discrimination

MRF to monitor the EPA for upcoming activity on motorcycle emission regulations and motorcycle drive train mandates

MRF to support the Black Box Protection Act, HR2414, to regulate black boxes in motorcycles, seek to clarify the rights of the vehicle owner to ownership of the recorded data

While the MRF believes strongly in crash prevention and avoidance, if a crash does occur we support the development of a motorcycle specific training module for Emergency Medical Services, Technicians, and 911 Dispatch personnel, we believe the increased training should be required of all new EMT's as well as those seeking re-certification

MRF to research fair tolling concepts on federally funded roads and roads supported by federal bonds

Federal Agency Motorcycle Design Standards - MRF to oppose non motorcycle manufacturer mandated specific design standards

With the current U.S. Congress, combined with our comprehensive and aggressive legislative agenda, the MRF

News from the Net (continued)

from the police union over the second police shooting in 18 months''. But on Friday, a spokesman for Newman said O'Gorman needed ''to decide if he is on the side of criminal motorcycle gangs or on the side of ordinary Queenslanders''. ==========================

(RUSSIA) Bikers Charged Over Protest in Central Moscow

Nine motorcyclists who blocked a section of Moscow's Garden Ring to protest a criminal case against a motorcycle club leader have been charged with violating parking rules and public event regulations, the police said in a statement.

Carrying signs that read "Free SelfDefense Hero Yury Nekrasov," the men blocked Zubovsky Boulevard, paralyzing rush-hour traffic on Thursday, to demand his release from pre-trial detention.

The police have released the nine protesters until their trial, RIA Novosti reported.

Nekrasov, a prominent activist in the Three Roads biker club, has been charged on suspicion of shooting to death a member of the Night Wolves, Russia's oldest and largest motor club and a rival of Three Roads. If convicted, he faces up to 15 years in prison.

Both sides maintain that their comrades acted in self-defense during a rumble at a celebration hosted by the Three Roads in the Moscow region town of Zelenograd in October, 2012.

Pavel Soskov, one of the leaders of a road assistance volunteer program, said that the investigation may have been slanted by the political connections of the shooting victim's club, which has been visited by President Vladimir Putin. "This mess, it can't be happening out of nothing," Soskov told Dozhd television in an interview Thursday. "There might be something … perhaps not quite legal." ============================

Australia creates special prison for bikergang members

SYDNEY — Motorcycle gangs in Australia will be locked up in a “bikieonly” prison and will have their motorbikes crushed under the world’s toughest anti-gang measures.

The move by the state of Queensland follows a turf war between rival gangs that has led to bombings, shootings and street brawls across the country. The state is also introducing a ban on gang members owning tattoo parlours or wearing gang emblems.

The new special prison near the city of Brisbane will not have a gym or television. Inmates will be kept in cells for 23 hours a day and will be subject to regular searches and drug tests.

Other states are planning to deport foreign gang members who have rushed to Australia to join the warring sides.

The ongoing battle has involved a fight between rival Australian and international gangs, with the Hells Angels reportedly confronting a local gang called the Finks, which has come under the wing of United States-based Mongols. Other gangs include the Bandidos, the Nomads, the Rebels, Notorious and the Comancheros. The gangs tend to have clubhouses and ride around in large groups but have increasingly become involved in crime and the drug trade.

The dispute erupted late last month with a violent street brawl involving dozens of bikers on the Gold Coast, a popular beachside tourist strip in Queensland. Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s government has pledged federal support and the army has been called in to assist with arrests in the state of Victoria. ============================

(CANADA) Arvay to represent Hells Angels in challenge of B.C. forfeiture law

VANCOUVER — Six members of the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club have retained one of Canada’s leading constitutional and human rights lawyers Joe Arvay, of Arvay Finlay in Vancouver to challenge B.C.’s Civil Forfeiture Act as it

Legislative Committee strongly encourages our SSMRO partners and our MRF members to actively engage in a lively motorcycling dialogue with their U.S. House of Representative and U.S. Senate Members as an immediate priority. If your SSMRO needs any assistance in planning a trip to Washington D.C. to begin or strengthen the dialogue with your members of Congress, contact Jeff Hennie in the MRF office at 202-5460983 or We would also like to encourage you to finalize your plans to attend our national biker lobby day event in Washington D.C., Bikers Inside the Beltway, on Thursday May 15th, 2014. See our website at for more details. MRF Legislative Committee Members:

Keith Ball, Garry Canaday, Dave Dwyer, Jeff Hennie, George Gorman, Cindy Hodges, Jay Jackson, Jim "Legs" Korte, Boyd McFail, Bob Myers, John Pierce, Todd Riba, Kirk "Hardtail" Willard (Chair)

battles to gain back possession of their club houses in Vancouver, Kelowna, and Nanaimo.

“Some people may not be sympathetic to my clients, but the case has implications for a whole lot of other people,” said Arvay. “I think it is an important case with important issues.”

The case is expected to be a definitive one. It delves into key issues surrounding the act, including B.C.’s unsuccessful attempt to have the courts declare the Hells Angels a criminal organization.

The B.C. act allows the director of forfeiture to take civil court action against property deemed to be proceeds of unlawful activity or an instrument of unlawful activity. In 2011, the act was amended to allow the director to take administrative action — rather than civil action — against property valued at $75,000 or less that is not real estate. Courts in both Ontario and Quebec have declared the motorcycle club a criminal organization, however, B.C. has not yet been successful although a case involving Kelowna chapter members is before the courts with members facing criminal organization counts. The seizure of the Vancouver club house resulted from a targeted police initiative to get the courts to declare it a criminal organization.

“The police spent an enormous amount of resources trying to prove this was a criminal organization. They failed to do so and have now resorted to the civil process,” Arvay told Legal Feeds, adding the problem with the civil forfeiture law is it allows for circumvention of a criminal due process system that has taken 100 years to evolve.

“Civil forfeiture laws allow the government to do indirectly what it cannot do directly and that is to prove crimes without affording to those most directly affected all of the basic protections that the criminal law and process properly requires. In our view, this legislation is beyond the powers of the provincial legis-

continued page 19

MASTERLINK NOVEMBER 2013 Editor’s Note: On the first night of every MRF conference, there is a meeting held where the folks in attendance have the opportunity to “Meet the MRF Board” and then present news from their home state to discuss what they have been busy with and what is upcoming on their agendas. MRF Board Member, Doc D’Errico, took some comprehensive notes and they are presented here:

For those of you at the MRF Meeting of the Minds, like me, you were probably blown away by the level of activity going on around the country. To me, this is one of the single most important sessions and I look forward to the rest of the conference.

Not sure I captured everything, but I wanted to share the notes I scribbled feverishly while listening. Please comment and/or correct anything that seems relevant. In the order they presented, this is a great opportunity to learn from each other and I wanted to share in that spirit.

-- Doc

Illinois: H.1539 traffic Control Bill passed". Allows "anyone given the authority" to control traffic. H.2520 poker run act prevents flyers from being taken down due to "gaming" laws and makes all charity events legal. Working towards a 70MPH speed limit.

Ohio: Handlebar height Issue. Club/"colors" ban at EasyRider show decision reversed by ABATE boycott! Motorcycle Safety Fund restored! Purple Heart plates pushed through after being stalled in legislature. Can now park 2 motorcycles in single marked parking space instead of only 1. 70MPH speed limit in parts of the state. South Carolina: Fighting passenger age restrictions (7 years). Raffle Bill. Permit Renewal Limits. Equal Access Bill makes "anything designed for cars" using public funds accessible to motorcycles.

Massachusetts: First year of 2-year Legislative session already 3 hearings. Succeeded in restoring $40.8M to motorcycle owners due to insurance premium surcharges by working with the Attorney General. Succeeded in restoring motorcycles to Right-to-Repair legislation which passed via Ballot Question with over 86% of the vote! Pro H.3040 - Right-of-Way Bill increases penalties for RoW and scales with injury or death. Pro S.1677 - Junior Operator training

National MRO Roll Call

subsidy from the Motorcycle safety fund. Pro H.3039 - Clarification of Motorcycle Sound Emissions which removes subjective use of "harsh and objectionable" language and points to objective tests that already exist in the law. Pro H.3046 - Adds Motorcyclists to the Governor's Highway Safety Committee. Pro H.3065 & H.3095 - Adult Choice helmet Bills (21 & 18 years old respectively). Pro H.3140 - Red Light ("dead red") Bill. Pro H.3147 - penalties for encroaching into a group of 2 or more motorcycles. Pro S.1365 - restore the Motorcycle Safety Fund which was lost under MassDOT reform despite being voluntarily paid by a $2 premium on Motorcycle registrations. Against S.1663 - Penalties for non-OEM pipes, $250 & 6 month loss of license is worse than a first time DUI!. Against H.3148 - Restricts age of passengers on Motorcycles which violates a parent's rights. Against H.3149 - Motorcycle sound emissions establishes limits and tests, which is redundant to existing law!

Virginia: Helmet Bill made good progress but stopped by the Speaker. Will reinvigorate next session. Pushed training bikes legislation to be consistent with other states, must meet 2 of 3 criteria, but state retains authority to approve.

North Carolina: Helmet Bill stalled because Governor will veto. Motorcycle safety act increases the penalty for collision with motorcycle to $750. Created motorcycle awareness program for high school driver education students - over 20,000 served thanks to great volunteerism! Focusing member retention.

Oklahoma: Turnpike Bill reduces fees for motorcycles as roadway users. Patriot Guard Bill prevents cars from interfering with bikes riding together. Uninsured motorists bill allows tag to be taken if no insurance - currently over 30%! Adding teeth to Right-of-Way law.

Idaho: Doing significant fatality analysis, but against mandatory rider education, prefer awareness program to promote education not legislation!

Kansas: Right-of-Way moved to back burner. Uninsured motorists Bill. Cable barriers (meat cutters). Lower turnpike fees. Poker runs bill.

Pennsylvania: Vertical License Plate. Permits can be renewed 3x in 5 years.

10 year anniversary of their helmet choice law (being challenged)

Missouri: Helmet Choice hasn't gotten a hearing. Bill to assure no funding for motorcycleonly checkpoints. 3 permit limit for motorcycles. Adding teeth to Right-of-Way law. Modulating brake lights are now legal on Motorcycles! Arizona: Emissions Bill repeal in Maricopa County! Motorcycle checkpoints bill.

New York: Add motorcycles to Police traffic safety commission. Addressing pipes stop side NY. Addressing motorcycle only checkpoints (which started in NY). Maryland: Handicap tags for motorcyclists passed with help from the attorney general! Motorcycle-only checkpoints bill. Helmet choice bill.

Georgia: Addressing motorcycle-only checkpoints. Increased penalties for motorcycle injury. Red light bill. Alabama: Created drivers education module DVD. 2 highway billboards for motorcycle awareness. Texting while driving now illegal, recent motorcycle death resulted in murder charge for driver! No "M" endorsement in Alabama, working on skills testing criteria Louisiana: Helmet Choice Bill. Right-of-Way bill. Right-to-Repair bill. Motorcycle checkpoints bill.

Washington: Red light bill PASSED! This bill is stalled in committee. Adding motorcycles to Highway Advisory Board. Currently can't overtake a bicycle in a marked bicycle lane, except for a bus, want to make it legal if 3' of clearance. This bill passed. Helmet Choice repeal bill stopped in committee! Right-of-Way bill. Indiana: ATV & off-road registrations through DOT. Dead Red stuck in committee. Working on definitional registration/insurance for moped.

Michigan: Defending helmet modification which has been attacked as increasing costs to

PAGE 17 insured - fact or fiction piece distributed showing that helmets are NOT a factor! Opposing raising the motorcycle plate fee by 100%! Working on police bike selection rules. Minnesota: Red light bill. Equal access vs profiling - starting with education on the issues. Fatalities are up year after year resulting in helmet choice repeal activities and nofault for motorcycles ($1700/bike!) fighting both. New Jersey: Increasing penalties for failure to keep right. Motorcycle-only checkpoint bill.

Wisconsin: 500 at Lobby day several years in a row! Busses from parts of the state. DOT awareness program. Motorcycle safety advisory council. License waiver created for advanced rider course. Opposing vulnerable roadway users to remove motorcycles and assure that all roadway users are treated equally. South Dakota: Vertical plate dropped - working with opposition to address concerns. Handlebar height (shoulder or below) causing tourism impact .(sturgis) - handing out cards with contact info to collect discrimination data.

Rhode Island: Parking Bill passed in 2012. Right-of-Way penalties passed in 2013. Working against a bill to repeal helmet choice. Working on removing requirement for passengers to wear helmets. Working on vertical plates. Working on red light bill. Working on trikes and side-car training. Working on adding motorcycles to tradein tax only on difference.

New Hampshire: SAE j2825 effective January 1st - no complaints registered since in effect, although CALM now trying to get lobster statues removed from seacoast region. Added a motorcycle club liaison, not effective, starting town hall meetings at clubs. Working on Right-of-Way in 2014. Connecticut: 3 Red Light Camera Bills opposed. 3 vehicle inspection bills opposed, one for sound inspections on motorcycles modeled after California law. Working on 3 wheel vehicle alternative training and endorsements. Issues with converting from 2-3 wheels and vice versa. Opposing mandatory motorcycle endorsement for armed services on bases. Challenged an ATV bill which included an EPA stamp requirement for on-roadway vehicles!

PAGE 18 13NR30 - MRF News Release - The Motorcycle Riders Foundation Announces Letter to the CDC from the United States Congress. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 27 September, 2013

Contact:Jeff Hennie, Vice President of Government Relations and Public Affairs The Motorcycle Riders Foundation Announces Letter to the CDC from the United States Congress.

The Motorcycle Riders Foundation has been working with United States Representative and longtime motorcycle defender Tom Petri of Wisconsin to send a letter to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) asking them to stop focusing on motorcycle safety.

The CDC released a report that claimed a universal motorcycle helmet law would save lives and money. The problem with the report was that it was simply a collection of a few antiquated studies done by a handful of government agencies which are just as unqualified to focus on motorcycle safety as the CDC.

News from the MRF

MRF FOUNDER'S Award Paul Vestal


Chris Maida - Editor of American Iron Magazine for their support of the MRF The Broken Spoke - Sturgis South Dakota for their support of the MRF Chris Callen - Editor of Cycle Source Magazine for their support of the MRF Rob Keller of Cycle Source Magazine for their support of the MRF 2013 MRF Membership Awards

#1 SSMRO in Individual MRF Memberships-ABATE of Wisconsin #2 SSMRO in Individual MRF Memberships-ABATE of Illinois #3 SSMRO in Individual MRF Memberships-ABATE of Minnesota

#1 SSMRO in Sustaining MRF Memberships-ABATE of Illinois #2 SSMRO in Sustaining MRF Memberships-ABATE of Wisconsin #3 SSMRO in Sustaining MRF Memberships-ABATE of Pennsylvania

ed dangers in their state TMRA2 for passing SB763 trike training, and HB3838 motorcycle and trike training Texas ABATE Confederation for passing SB763 trike training, and HB3838 motorcycle and trike training CBA/ABATE of North Carolina for passing SB353, a motorcyclist ROW bill MRF Ron Shepard Motorcycle Safety Award

Kentucky Motorcycle Association/Kentucky Bikers Association for their continuing accomplishments for the Motorcycle Safety Program


ABATE of Wisconsin for their continued strong relationships with their congressional delegation ABATE of Pennsylvania for fostering a working relationship between the Honorable Bill Shuster, ABATE of PA, and the MRF MMA-Arizona for overturning the Maricopa County Motorcycle Emissions

"This letter will send a clear message to the CDC that Congress is extremely displeased that they are wasting precious tax payer money on areas completely outside their area of expertise" said Jeff Hennie, Vice President of Government Relations for the Motorcycle Riders Foundation. "We don't need the CDC to focus on motorcycles when there are plenty of other government agencies already working on this."

The Motorcycle Riders Foundation urges you to contact your Representative in the United States House and ask them to cosign this letter to the CDC. The larger the number of co-signers the greater impact it will have. Please contact your Representative at the United States Capitol switchboard which can be reached at (202) 224-3121 and ask them to co-sign the Petri CDC motorcycle letter. The deadline for co-signing this letter is close of business Tuesday, October 8th. Please act fast. ============================ 13NR31 - MRF News Release - 2013 MRF Meeting of the Minds Awards FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 8 October, 2013

Contact:Dawn Riba, Director of Communications and Information

2013 MRF Meeting of the Minds Awards

ABATE of Illinois FEDPAC for their contributions to the MRFPAC Chuc Coulter for his many years of dedicated service to the MRFPAC MRF President's Silver Cup Dawn Riba Gary Sellers

MRF JOHN "FARMER" AWARD Rick "Doc" Jones of Illinois


MRF Thomas Paine Award Doc D'Errico

MRF Board Service Retirement Clocks Steve Zimmer


13NR32 - MRF News Release - Federal Shut Down & Petri Letter FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 9 Oct. 2013

Contact:Jeff Hennie, Vice President of Government Relations and Public Affairs Federal Shut Down & Petri Letter

The CDC report states that 41% of all fatal motorcycle accidents victims were not wearing a helmet. Simple math shows us that 59% were wearing helmets when they were involved in a fatal motorcycle crash. This is hardly a case for a universal helmet law.

Congressman Petri had this to say, "Given the demands on your budget and the unique ability of the CDC to address such pressing issues as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer's and a host of other conditions and issues which afflict millions of Americans and others around the globe, we encourage you to direct your attention and resources to areas that are not currently already being addressed elsewhere in the government."


#1 in Sustaining Motorcycle Club Memberships-Arizona Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs #2 in Sustaining Motorcycle Club Memberships-Michigan Confederation of Clubs

#1 SSMRO in % Membership GrowthABATE of Louisiana #2 SSMRO in % Membership GrowthUnited Bikers of Maine #3 SSMRO in % Membership GrowthABATE of Montana MRF STATE LEGISLATIVE AWARDS

FORR of Missouri for passing SB282, M/C Checkpoint ban and HB715 legalizing pulsating brake lights Rhode Island Motorcycle Association for passing HB5061, increasing penalties for ROW violations ABATE of Kansas for passing HB 2318 legalizing headlight modulating systems and side lighting Massachusetts Motorcycle Association for defeating numerous communities based sound ordinances New Mexico Motorcycle Rights Organization for working with their State Legislature and DOT in highlighting the growing driving and transportation relat-

Testing ABATE of Arizona for overturning the Maricopa County Motorcycle Emissions Testing Arizona Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs for overturning the Maricopa County Motorcycle Emissions Testing ABATE of Illinois for maintaining an effective relationship with U.S. Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood MRF Congressional Champions Awards

Hon. James f. Sensenbrenner Wisconsin Hon. Dr. Michael Burgess - Texas Hon. Tim Griffin - Arkansas Hon. Jeff Denham - California Hon. Tom Petri - Wisconsin Hon. Bill Shuster - Pennsylvania

DEB BUTITTA Most Outstanding MRF REP of the Year Award Barbara "Lisi" Martinez

MRF MRF State Rep Top Recruiter in 2013 Award Jim Conley

MRF Political Action Committee Awards

The Federal government has been shut down for a full week now and no doubt you have seen images or personally been effected by the closure. The shutdown is really having an impact on Capitol Hill. Most of the congressional staff has been sent home with direct orders to not check or respond to emails and phone calls. Some of the staff have been deemed “essential” and are reporting for work. However, the staff that is working has been told to not work with staff from the other party or with any lobbyists. Essentially, everything is at a standstill, including the letter to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) written by Representative Tom Petri (WI), which was announced last week by the Motorcycle Riders Foundation.

Representative Petri has drafted a letter to the CDC asking them to no longer focus on motorcycle issues. In the letter Petri states, “Given the demands on your budget and the unique ability of the CDC to address such pressing issues as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s and a host of other conditions, and issues which afflict millions of Americans and others around the globe, we encourage you to direct your attention and resources to areas that are not currently already being addressed elsewhere in the government.” Petri is holding the letter to allow for other Members of Congress to co-sign the letter. The MRF had asked you to contact your elected officials and have them co-sign the Petri letter to the CDC and that is still the case. However, you may have difficulty reaching them and if you do, it’s likely that they will not be able to honor your request. The MRF is asking you to stay vigilant and once this shut down is over we will resume business as usual. With no clear end in sight it’s impossible to issue deadlines or timeframes for the letter. The Motorcycle Riders Foundation will keep you informed on this issue.

MASTERLINK NOVEMBER 2013 lature and contrary to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms,” he said.

B.C.’s director of forfeiture filed to take possession of the Nanaimo property following an investigation in 2001-2002 by police (although no charges were laid), the Kelowna property in November 2007 and the Vancouver East End property in November 2012.

A total of 21 Hells Angels members are named in a Supreme Court of B.C. forfeiture action as defendants having interests in the clubhouses. Only six of them are listed as plaintiffs in the counterclaim filed by Arvay.

The statement of claim filed by Arvay says in June 2003, the RCMP started Project E Pandora, an operation that used an undercover operative, wiretaps, and surveillance on the East End chapter of the club with the intent of establishing it as a “criminal organization” under s. 467 of the Criminal Code. Project E Pandora, which ended in 2012, led to criminal charges of members in 2005 but all individuals charged under s. 467.12 were later acquitted.

The Motorcycle Awareness Program (M.A.P.) is an educational program aimed at the target audience of high school students in driver’s education classes. There has been a small group of instructors who have volunteered to present the M.A.P. to students throughout the state. But, we need more instructors.

Remember, that ABATE stands for EDUCATE. Our purpose is to spread the word about safe motorcycling and promote a positive image of motorcyclists. What better way than to speak to the future drivers of our state. The students hopefully, will not only be better equipped car and truck drivers but will also be more aware and watch out for us.

News from the Net (continued)

The notice of civil claim filed by the director alleges the Hells Angels is a criminal organization within the meaning of s. 467.12 of the Criminal Code and the East End clubhouse was the proceeds and instrument of crime including offences relating to drugs, extortion, murder and manslaughter.

Arvay is asking the court to dismiss the action against the three clubhouses on the basis that B.C. does not have right to infringe upon criminal law and secondly, the individual’s rights as guaranteed by s. 7 and 11 of the Charter of Rights and Freedom. In the counterclaims, Arvay is arguing these provisions provide a “guarantee not only a right against self-incrimination but the right to be presumed innocent.”

Call for MAP Instructors

To become an instructor you must:

1. Be available during the day: The presentations in the high school driver’s education classes last about an hour during the school day. There may be as many as 5 classes in one day.

2. Be willing to stand up in front of a group of about 30 high school students and speak: That sounds easier than you think. You need to be able to gently maintain control of the group.

3. Know the material being presented: There is an outline for all presenters to follow so there is uniformity in the material presented.

Seeing as our elected political heroes can’t seem to get their (expletive deleted) in one bag. It’s very interesting to hear from someone that works and lives in D.C. Federal Shut Down & Petri Letter The Federal government has been shut down for a full week now and no doubt you have seen images or personally been effected by the closure. The shutdown is really having an impact on Capitol Hill. Most of the congressional staff has been sent home with direct orders to not check or respond to emails and phone calls. Some of the staff have been deemed “essential” and are reporting for work.

4. Commit to teaching at least 2 classes per school year: We hope to have at least one volunteer instructor in each ABATE Chapter. That person will attend and instructor class (about 4 hours), attend a M.A.P. with an experienced instructor, teach a class with an experienced instructor in attendance. When the new instructor is comfortable and the experienced instructor assesses him/her to be ready the new instructor may begin teaching alone. The mentor program assures that everyone is teaching the same material and everyone has support.

5. Provide record of teaching to the M.A.P. Coordinator on a consistent

PAC Rant

Essentially, everything is at a standstill, including the letter to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) written by Representative Tom Petri (WI), which was announced last week by the Motorcycle Riders Foundation.

Hi Guys I’m going to start this off by forwarding a News release from Jeff Hennie from the MRF.

stressful to fight back when faced with the resources of the state. We aren’t going to do that and our fight will be for all British Columbians,” said Rick Ciarniello, president of the Vancouver chapter of the Hells Angels, in a press release.

Arvay’s counterclaim states that the director was able to use information from police that would not be admissible in court and specifically, the act enables the director to prove crimes “on the balance of probability” and also compel individuals to testify in pre-trial or trail proceedings “and to incriminate themselves”.

However, the staff that is working has been told to not work with staff from the other party or with any lobbyists.

Jimmy Page State PAC Officer

“This legislation should trouble everyone and not just our members. Governments everywhere are now routinely using these ‘civil forfeiture’ laws as a substitute for the criminal process. Most people seem to just cave when faced with these forfeiture lawsuits. It is just too expensive and


Representative Petri has drafted a letter to the CDC asking them to no longer focus on motorcycle issues. In the letter Petri states, “Given the demands on your budget and the unique ability of the CDC to address such pressing issues as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s and a host of other conditions, and issues which afflict millions of Americans and others around the globe, we encourage you to direct your attention and resources to areas that are not currently already being addressed elsewhere in the government.” Petri is holding the letter to allow for other Members of Congress to co-sign the letter. The MRF had asked you to contact your elected officials and have them cosign the Petri letter to the CDC and that is still the case. However, you may have difficulty reaching them and if you do, it’s likely that they will not be able to honor your request. The MRF is asking you to stay vigilant and once this shut down is over we will resume business as

usual. With no clear end in sight it’s impossible to issue deadlines or timeframes for the letter.

The Motorcycle Riders Foundation will keep you informed on this issue. Thanks to Jeff and the MRF for that

It seems to me that the only things that are shut down are things that affect the people and their access to the government. I really like the way they put a tarp over the Grand Canyon so no one can see it. Or closing down the NASA website so we can’t follow along with what our Tax dollars are being used for. But I’ll betcha that the funding for discriminatory Motorcycle Only checkpoints is still there. I’ll betcha the funds to study the cause and effects of buffalo farts on the environment are still there too. Thank God that the Congressional Gym is still open because that’s essential. And don’t worry about the President. I hear he has his own elliptical trainer so we won’t have to worry about his health either. The real problem is that this is all political theater. While one side or the other is saying to their supporters “see I’m standing up for you guys. “ The said supporters can’t empty their wallets fast enough to make contributions to whichever side they fancy. The longer this goes on the


This is your opportunity to get the word out to new drivers about the importance of sharing the road with motorcyclists. This is your opportunity to support the mission and vision of ABATE in your community. Call me 602-616-9855 or email me for more information and to register to become a M.A.P. Instructor. Jean Cooper ABATE State Safety Officer ABATE M.A.P. Coordinator

more money both parties make. This is propaganda worked out to its finest degree. Propaganda is the use of language to elicit an emotional response to control the formation of men’s / women’s attitudes. Propaganda ends when discussion begins. So, call them, email them or write a letter. (If you can get through) and tell them to shut up and start talking! What? Wait. Never mind. You know what I mean. Wow I thought my ranting days were over. I do apologize for getting off the motorcycle side of things. But you’ll notice in Jeff’s letter that Representative Petri ‘s (Not Rob) Letter to the CDC needs support and there still isn’t any movement on H.R. 1861, The Stop Motorcycle Checkpoint Funding Act. Introduced by U.S. Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.) Both of these items need YOUR action. Start now and keep on it till you hear these items are taken care of. (I know I know. Never end a sentence with a preposition). The English teachers SWAT Team is probably at my door now. Betcha they are still funded too. Till next time. Rubber side down my friends. Jim




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House Roster

Senate Roster


Rider Ed Courses in AZ

To Print a Copy, Go To: Locations Zip County Email Phone Site Website City Motorcycle Rider PHOENIX 85012 MARICOPA Click Here (623) 979-1839 View Training RIDE SMART M/C View PHOENIX 85023 MARICOPA Click Here (623) 877-5425 TRAINING T.E.A.M. Arizona View GILBERT 85233 MARICOPA Click Here (480) 998-9888 Chandler/Gilbert GILBERT PUBLIC View GILBERT 85234 MARICOPA (480) 894-0404 SCHOOLS (PARKING LOT) T.E.A.M. Arizona View SCOTTSDALE 85260 MARICOPA Click Here (480) 998-9888 Scottsdale CHANDLER View (480) 496-6800 TEMPE 85283 MARICOPA HARLEYDAVIDSON T.E.A.M. Arizona View GLENDALE 85302 MARICOPA Click Here (623) 939-9888 Glendale DEER VALLEY View GLENDALE 85308 MARICOPA (623) 247-5542 HIGH SCHOOL LUKE AIR FORCE LUKE AFB 85309 MARICOPA (623) 975-6264 BASE Motorcycle Rider View PEORIA 85345 MARICOPA Click Here (623) 979-1839 Training VEHICLE SAFETY YUMA 85367 YUMA Click Here (928) 376-7489 View INSTITUE T.E.A.M. Arizona FT View 85613 COCHISE Click Here (520) 733-9888 Sierra Vista HUACHUCA Pima Community View TUCSON 85707 PIMA (520) 206-3981 College T.E.A.M. Arizona View TUCSON 85714 PIMA Click Here (520) 733-9888 Tucson RIDE NAZ -View BELLEMONT 86015 COCONINO (928) 443-0111 FLAGSTAFF Ride Northern PRESCOTT 86301 YAVAPAI Click Here (928) 443-0111 View Arizona - Prescott T.E.A.M. Arizona View PRESCOTT 86301 YAVAPAI Click Here (928) 771-2500 Prescott MOHAVE (928) 757-0825 View KINGMAN 86401 MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE MOHAVE LAKE View (928) 505-3321 COMMUNITY HAVASU 86403 MOHAVE COLLEGE CITY MOHAVE JB'S 86440 MOHAVE Click Here (866) 668-6462 View VALLEY RESTAURANT

ATTENTION - ALL RIDERS: =======================

It has come to our attention that business establishments in Arizona may still be discriminating against motorcyclists. Please carry copies of this form with you at all times. Discrimination can range from a sign stating "No Colors" or "No Motorcycle Parking" or "No Motorcycle Attire" etc., to simply being asked to leave a place of business, just because you are on a motorcycle or because of your riding apparel. If anything like this happens to you, PLEASE fill out this form in its entirety and send it to the address noted. Your lobbyists cannot get sponsorship for "equal access" legislation, without evidence of this type of discrimination. Documentation of Discrimination DATE: ______________

Business Phone _______________

NAME OF ESTABLISHMENT: __________________________________ BUSINESS PHONE (with area code): __________________________________ BUSINESS - FULL ADDRESS: ___________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ NAME / POSITION OF PERSON ENFORCING POLICY: ________________ ________________________________________________________ WRITTEN STATEMENT OF DISCRIMINATION (use back if needed): _____ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ YOUR NAME (please print): ______________________________________ YOUR PHONE (with area code): __________________________________ YOUR SIGNATURE: ____________________________________________ *** INCLUDE ANY PICTURES OF DISCRIMINATING SIGNS POSTED *** Mail To: Ray Fitzgerald 1634 West Pine Cone Way Prescott, Arizona 86303


Important Phone Numbers

Aid to Injured Motorcyclists - A.I.M. - (800) 521-2425 24-Hr. Legal Assistance for all accidents

Aid to Incarcerated Motorcyclists A.I.M. - (800) 235-2424 24-Hr. Legal Criminal Defense

National Legislative Hot Line - (800) 300-NCOM 24-Hr. Motorcycle Legislative Alerts

National Coalition of Motorcyclists NCOM- (800) 525-5355 Fighting for Bikers Rights

Confederation of Clubs. - (800) 531-2424 Motorcycle Clubs Fighting Against Discrimination

Motorcycle Riders Foundation Washington D.C. Office (202) 546-0983

Your Classified Ad


could be here... It’s Free to ABATE Members. submit your ad online at

2000 HD Custom (623) 374-5510 $15K OBO

2-1/2" Santee® 50 caliber pipes

exhaust for Harley 1986-2006 softail 84-06

Loud Loud pipes.. deep throaty base lets everyone know your there. Lightly used and in excellent condition. Retail on this set is 479.00 dollars. Pipes are stacked low and feature full-radius heat shields embossed with Santee's® distinctive logo. These pipe sets are the best combination of performance and looks with a 1-3/4"-diameter inner pipe and a 2-1/2" outer cover. Chrome billet end caps with integral baffles are included. Pipes are Chrome and have no dings or scratches they are in excellent condition... even the inner 1 and 3/4 pipe has little bluing... I just wanted to add this since i have had many questions as to the condition of the pipes.. Price: $150.00 James Osborne 623-692-5597

2003 Honda Shadow A.C.E. 750 for sale.

This bike has been very well maintained and is in excellent condition. Runs like a top, looks amazing-beautiful black paint, no dings or scratches. Has many upgrades including a removable windvest, upgraded mirrors, rear tiedown chrome rack, aftermarket Kuryakyn ISO grips with chrome accents and Throttle Boss, plus a Kontour custom seat. Passenger seat and foot pegs included. Great first bike! This is a wonderful bike for anyone who wants to ride without constant wrenching. 31,000 miles, regular maintenance done professionally. She is worth $4,000 with all the extras and the condition, but will take 3,200. Relocating, advertising in southern Arizona, serious buyers only-call 520-490-4548 or send email to

AzTech Flatbed Trailer (Car/ATV Hauler) $2200 obo 2008 STS Cadillac for sale, 23K miles $28,000 obo Call 928-718-6296 Cell 928-716-7289

2006 H-D Dyna Street Bob 11,000 miles, $22,000 invested, selling for $16,000. Contact Pete @ (602) 315-6950

FINALLY!! A motorcycle themed paperback book for the young reader. The Adventures of Olive Pearl and Hammy Davidson features Olive Pearl; a green and black motorcycle and Hamrietta (Hammy) Davidson her stuffed piggy passenger. They experience the joy of motorcycling on a 1700-mile road trip to meet new people, see new things, and learn life lessons along the way. Their adventures are wrapped inside the love story of husband and wife characters, “The Man” and “The Lady”. Sprinkled throughout with pictures, social observations, and humor, adults will also enjoy reading this story to younger children and are sure to get a laugh or two themselves. Get more info and place an order at: Let’s Ride!!

2003 Harley- 100th Anniversary FXDX Dyna Super Glide Sport

Has added – 100th Anniversary Gold Key Package Stored- Like New -Driven less than 200 miles Black Textured Paint - This Model Highly Rated – Built for speed. Judy Rovno 928-234-2969 2002 V8 Trike

Chevy 350c.i. engine. Automatic Transmission. Harley Davidson Fatboy Front End. Very comfortable ride -- Adjustable Air Shocks. AM/FM, Tape, CD Player. Great sound system. Harley Davidson "Luxury Rich Red" paint. Blue and Gold Ghost Ribbons. Beautiful Tank Mural of Pegasus. Lots of Chrome. Loaded. Prize Winner. A real beauty. Easy Maintenance. $19,000 o.b.o. 928-445-3992

One-Piece DayTripper motorcycle seat

New - never used - In box Retails for $359 model 76189 fits Honda VT 750 Spirit 2001-2006 & VT 750DC 2007-2009. The detailed stitch work in the highly durable, synthetic glove-leather makes the DayTripper a show winner. $150.00 Call Bob @ 602-463-0544


2008 Harley Davidson Road Glide- 6,240 miles-lowering kit-travel packageAM/FM/WB/CD- 6 speed-Dark Blue Pearl-Corbin Solo and Stock Seat- asking $17,000. e-mail serious inquiries to:

Home Care Medical Equipment Electric Hospital bed with new motor, mattress and electronic inflatable Bariatric pad, shower chair, elevated toilet seat. All in excellent condition. Worth $3000 will take $1500 for all OBO Delivery and set up available. Will consider renting bed . Call for info 602-228-6830 Melissa or e-mail

Gas Tank from an 05 Springer Classic.

Black/Lave Red. Taken off my bike in 2005 with approx 9,000 miles on it. Excellent Condition, $300.00. Located in Chino Valley (near Prescott). 928-830-4505.

Motorcycle Hearse

COPD diagnosis forces SALE! $50,000.00 visit this website to view complete set of equipment. Equipment included: 1999 Harley Davidson Road King Trike (6045 miles) modified with reverse gear & fifth wheel hitch, detachable 18th Century styled Hearse Carriage, full size casket with full cover flag, cherry wood Urn Ark with panoramic glass & folding stand, Encased Memorial Flag, 2007 22ft. flatbed transportation trailer with winds/bug shield, Honor Flags, pre-printed magnetic Carriage name plates & misc office supplies. Call Bill or Phyllis 623-386-8281



Trailer for sale $5,000 2012 Road Force dual axle enclosed trailer. Drop gate, fully lined, interior lights, roof vent, floor tie downs, electric brakes. For more info. call Ken at 520 207 6301. Tucson. Play Pool Good condition, good motor and pump. $200.00 You take down and move. $400.00 we can take down and deliver within 50 miles.

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