The Masterlink - September 2013

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A publication supporting the rights, safety and freedom of all motorcyclists through education and legislation

September 2013



Nonprofit Org US Postage Paid Permit #1662 Phoenix, AZ

it’s not just about race

ABATE of AZ. 7509 N. 12th St, #200 Phoenix, AZ 85020

the ballet for that position.

Well, it's that time again, time for the Lobbyist report. It seems that there has been a little confusion as to my being a Lobbyist and a state officer. After consulting the By-Laws and the P&Ps, it seems that I can not be on the board of directors but I can be a State Officer. So, it is my intention to continue to be your Lobbyist and I'm running for State Sgt. at Arms. And since another person has stepped up to run for Vice President, I am going to remove my name from

As for my lobbyist efforts, again, I will be lending my assistance to Dave and the AzCMC 's fight against profiling. We will also be looking at handle bar height, distracted driving, lane sharing and I know that I am forgetting something. And when remember what it was we will work on that too. I am starting my efforts out with a visit with my legislators on Monday and in Sept., I will be going to Meeting of the Minds in Ohio. We all need to visit with our legislators and let them know how you feel about the issues that affect your community, If you have ever been "profiled", while on your bike or even in your car let the know and please fill out the new profiling paper that you should be able to pick

up at your chapter meeting.

If you have friends that ride let them know about the work that A.B.A.T.E. of Az. does for them and every other rider in Az.

The more members we have, the stronger we are. We all need to pull it together to show a united front. That's all for now. Keep the shiny side up and the rubber side down. Vic Grady Designated Lobbyist for ABATE of Az.

Chapter Coordinator for Phoenix/Shadow Mtn Chapter



State Officer Meeting Minutes

Mission Statement

We will lobby and educate the government and the general public to promote

motorcycling in a safe and positive image. We will endeavor to enlist the cooperation and participation of all organizations and individuals who share

a similar interest in preserving our American tradition of


We will involve ourselves in fund raising to achieve our goal.

President’s Report

State Officers Meeting Minutes August 4, 2013 OFFICERS:

President - Tim O’Reilly, Vice President - Paul Pendergast - Absent, Secretary - Casey Yates, Treasurer Matt Brown - Absent, PAC – Jim Page, Run Coordinator - Darin Yates, Membership - Tina Benoit - Absent, Merchandising – OPEN, Safety Officer - Jean Cooper, Designated Lobbyist – Vic Grady, Authorized Lobbyist – Kat Grover, Sergeant at Arms - Joe Ferrucci - Absent, Communications – Charity Stuart - Absent Guests: Clyde Brooks, Mary K Donnay Call to order: 10:25 AM Pledge of Allegiance and moment of silence led by: Vic Grady

Secretary minutes from July 7, 2013: Motion to waive reading of minutes: 1st:__Jean_ 2nd: Jim All in favor: yes Officer reports:

Treasurer report - Matt Brown (Absent) No report Hello to all my Brothers and Sisters;

WOW! Did you attend Too Broke for Sturgis this year? Last month I started my article off. “I hope you all had a great time at this years’ Too Broke for Sturgis Event!!! I write these articles a month before a lot of things happen. For those of you who braved the rain, hail, wind and mud I have to congratulate you and say a Big Thank You to all who attended. We had rains Wednesday thru Saturday. On Thursday we received 2.5 inches in 2 ½ hours. I was told that was a record. We also broke several other records. The National weather service said the Mormon Lake area recorded the wettest July ever on record. ABATE of Az. TBFS recorded the lowest attendance in the 8 years that I have been involved. As one can imagine this was not a good year for us financially. Well there’s always next year. Right? Right?? That brings me to some good news. You know how they say “Think outside of the box”! That’s just what we’re going to do for next year.

ABATE of Az. TBFS Committee will be recommending that we change the dates for the 2014 event to June. Our plan is to hold it at the same location, just one month earlier. The exact dates will be announced early October 2013. Our reason for the change is to get away from the Monsoon Rain that is just about everyone’s major concern. Also the Cowboy event which is usually held 2 weeks prior to our event in July, now would be after our event in June. Just think No Monsoon Rain, No excessive mud, no MANURE, and No flies (or very few). Mormon Lake Lodge and Camp Ground is a beautiful, cool location to host the event for next year. Why didn’t anybody think of this sooner??? Stay tuned for more info so you can all start making your plans for next year. State Officer and Chapter Officer Nominations are still open, but will be closing shortly. What do I have to do to become a Chapter Officer? First, one has to be a member of ABATE of Az. and in good standing with their Chapter and the organization. That covers 99.9% of all our members. Secondly, have a desire to step up and help your Chapter move forward in fighting for your rights to ride free.

Chapter Officer positions are; Chapter Coordinator, Vice Coordinator, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership, Sargent at Arms, Political Action Coordinator (PAC), Communications, Safety, Run & Events and Merchandise Officer. A Chapter Officer’s term runs for 1 year, starting January 1 and ending Dec. 31. All chapter positions are open for nomination. Please assist by joining the leadership of your Chapter by running for an Officer position.

State Officer Nominations are also open and many positions need to be filled. To be eligible to run for a State position you must have previously been a chapter Officer. Even if it was years ago, that would qualify you to hold State Office. State Officer Positions are a 2 year commitment. State Officers elections will be held at Chilleen’s on I-17 in Black Canyon City, November 3, 2013. The General Meeting and Elections will start at 11:00 AM and close at 3:00PM. Election results will be announced shortly thereafter.

Just because you have never been a Chapter Officer, don’t let that stop you. Every Board of Director, State Officer and Chapter Officer started as a Chapter Officer in ABATE. If anyone has any questions about State or Chapter Officers job descriptions just ask any Chapter Officer, State Officer or BOD Representative at your Chapter.

At every election we are looking for new Members with new ideas to take a challenge and become an ABATE Officer. We need you to make ABATE of Arizona successful. Until next month;

Remember Democracy begins with you, and Democracy only works when you get involved!!! Drive now text later, you can’t do both, NOTHING is that important! Tim O’Reilly

ABATE of Arizona State President

Pac report – Jim Page *Legislature on recess. *NITSA funds for helmet/safety

*Vic Grady is not on email list, correct email address should be Membership - Tina Benoit (Absent) *NO REPORT

Safety report - Jean Cooper *MAP program refresher: August 10, 2013 class begins at 9:30am and is a 2 hour class. Class will be held at the State ABATE office. *Presentation to get MAP to grow

Designated Lobbyist report – Vic Grady *Meeting with Ann Kirkpatrick Authorized Lobbyist - Kat Grover *See report provided *Lobbyist are not allowed to hold a State Officer or BOD position per By–Laws Section 6.14 Communications report - Charity Stuart - No report

Run Coordinator report - Darin Yates

How to Reach Us

623 205 1914 For Advertising Rates Email Eric at Or Mail Your Ads to: MasterLink, ABATE of Arizona 7509 N. 12th St, #200 Phoenix, AZ, 85020 MasterLink Advertising Rates:

Size Monthly Quarterly Yearly Business Card Size (3-1/2”w x 2”h): $20.00 $60.00 $200.00 1/8 Page (5-1/8”w x 4”h)

$50.00 $150.00 $500.00 1/4 Page (5-1/2”w x 8”h) $70.00 $210.00 $700.00 1/2 Page (10-1/4”w x 8”h) $100.00 $300.00 $1,000.00 Full Page (10-1/4”w x 16”h) $200.00 $600.00 $2,000.00 Full Color Back Page (10-1/4”w x 16”h) $400.00 $950.00 $3,300.00

*Moon Mullins Run

TBFS Report – *Purposed date change for TBFS. Change date of event to the 3rd week of June(19 – 22, 2014) P & P’s can be changed *We would need immediate advertising to publicize the date change. *Keep track of incidents during the event. No major incidents at 2013 TBFS. *Motion to include ABATE of Az. on the MMMC website made by Jimmy 2nd: Darin. Motion passed. New Business

Resignation of BOD positions.

Eric Hampton resigned as PhoenixShadow Mountain Chapter Representative.

Ray (StillRay) Fitzgerald resigned as Yavapai Chapter Representative. Critical Time Frames

August – State Run Coordinator- Too Broke for Sturgis preparations for next year.

August – State Treasurer- Notify Chapter Treasurers and State Officers that their budgets for next year are due by September 30, 2013.

August – Chapter Nominations – Includes State Officer nominations (2 year position). Submit candidate names to MasterLink Editor by Sept. 10 , 2013 for October issue. Open Discussion

*BOD meeting October 6, 2013. November 3rd elections location will be Chilleens on 17 Rock Canyon City from 11am – 3 pm To be on the BOD you must have served as an ABATE officer for 1 year. *Resignation of Phx-Shadow Mtn Chapter Membership Officer Melissa Everest.

*Resignation of Darla Hampton Phx. Shadow Mtn. Jimmy Page advised he will assume Phoenix-Shadow Mountain Chapter PAC Officer until a replacement is found. *MasterLink, consider a bimonthly delivery, save on costs

Next State Meeting: September 8, 2013 10:00 AM at State Office

MASTERLINK SEPTEMBER 2013 We were wanting to beat the heat and traffic for our annual trek to MML. So, I was up at 0500 to make coffee and was greeted at the kitchen window with a flash of lightening and a bang of thunder. ARRGGHHS! Well I guess that’s the signal for TBFS time. Packed my duds in plastic bags, put on my rain gear and we were off to meet our friends Don, Lisa, Rich and Pat for the ride up the hill. We had light rain most of the way to Payson where we stopped at the ACE Hardware for some game supplies. The rain finally stopped when we landed at Clinton’s Well for breakfast with Joyce Kramer. That was the time to shed the rain gear.

Upon arriving at the camp ground, the usual folks Tim, Carole, Vic, Redbone, Steve, and the “Rocket Scientist” Ron Kool, were busy putting the canopies up and getting everything ready when the monsoon rolled in and gave us hell for a couple of hours. We took turns holding the canopy down in the driving rain and hail. When it finally let up, we tied it down then put up the merchandise canopy. I guess the monsoon was resting until we were half done. Then, BAM, it was back. ARRGGHS

By Rod Taylor - ABATE Legal Services


ABATE LEGAL SERVICES has been involved in cases where the following happens: a biker is riding east at around 6 p.m. The the sun is blazing and the westbound driver needs to turn left (south). He can’t see but he takes a chance and turns anyway rationalizing that he can see good enough. He is wrong and you are dead or badly injured. Advice; when you have the blazing sun to your back as you travel east at around 6 p.m., assume every driver coming toward you does not see you because many times he doesn’t. PAINT US DAYGLOW ORANGE?

Q; My son was recently struck from behind while on his Sportster at a traffic signal in Indy. The driver of the auto claims she did not see him. I suspect she was texting, but she told police she was changing the radio. After that crash, I bought my son and I bright orange reflective vests as I see more motorcyclists wearing those. If we are wearing the vests and are involved in a crash, does the use of those vests help us in court or with the settlement amount in any way?

A: While the law does not require us to use reflective vests, juries would normally appreciate the extra effort taken to be seen. I see this as a plus for the trier of fact and our visibility would have to be taken into account by the adverse insurance company. Since so many drivers are texting while driving, everything we can do to be seen is in order and also helps prove the adverse driver was not even looking at the time of the crash, or

NCOM BIKER NEWSBYTES Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish, National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM)

FEDERAL BILLS WOULD PROTECT MANUFACTURERS OF ETHANOL FUELS Even as motorcyclists and others are calling for further research and testing of fuels containing ethanol, and the fact that


We finished up, got the ATMs placed, tables and chairs set, and BAM again. This time, it was a full blown storm. Calling it done for a while, we split for the comforts of our temporary homes. Meanwhile it rained into the night.

Up the next morning and on to the festivities. Everything was up and rolling, having to catch up on registrations by patrolling the event, looking for wristbands was a tough job. Good work, you guys.

We started our Saturday with a hearty pancake breakfast at the Mormon Lake Fire House. They always do a great job feeding so many of us. The breakfast along with a drawing was a successful fundraiser for the Volunteer Fire Department. Thanks to all who participate.

We had a good turnout for the People Games on Friday, even with the rain and soggy arena. We had great fun! The winners were: Pole-n-the-Hole – Rich and Gina; Helmet Toss – TJ (Marie) and William Driggers [we still have your awards, call me 602-740-1709]; Plank Walk – Hillbilly Boyz – Allan, Jim, Rick, Miah; Tug-o-War – Sons of Hell – Donald, Greg, Craig, Mark.

After raining off and on through the night Friday, the arena was a soft mud hole by Saturday morning. Thanks to all who entered the mud-fest for the Bike Show. The winners were: American Stock – Dee Cameron; American Custom – Lisa Longo; Trike – Mark Romero; Rat Bike – Sarah Stoke; People’s Choice – Amy-Jo Harris. Looks like the women took over the show this year.

The Bike Games were up next in the mud bog. After Scott had the field manicured, we laid out the playground and had a metric butt ton load of fun. The winners were: Slow Race – Chip Fair; Drag Race – Matt Smith; Keg Push – Bill Copeland; Weenie Bite – Chip and Tammy Fair.

Thanks to all who entered the Games. We appreciate your entertainment and skills. You all did great!

The awards this year, were home-brewed and one-offs from the minds of Wade and Clyde. The Games Crew this year was: Lisa, Wade, Kate, Pat T, Rich, Kevin, ‘TV’ Bob, Jose, Jean, Paul, ‘Sweet Pea’, Squarepeg Mike, Curtis and Steve. There was some stiff competition for

Ask Our Lawyer

at least that is what I would argue. As part of our investigation, we always obtain cell phone records of the adverse driver when inattention is an issue. It is shameful as to how often texting/cell usage is at the root of the crash. I suggest it is almost akin to driving alcohol impaired. CAN THE COPS TAKE A PICTURE OF MY TATTOO?

Q. I was sitting in a bar, minding my own business, when our local cop stopped by, pulled out a camera and took photos of my tattoos that were visible on my arms. He then requested that I take off my shirt so he could photo all of my tattoos. What are my rights? Was the cop out of line? What should I have said to him? By the way, our local cop just returned from a four day seminar on how to spot gang activity. I think I am his new training person.

A. Anyone can take pictures of you and your tattoos that are in plain view, including a cop. A cop can take pictures of the tattoos on your arms that are visible to him so long as he doesn’t interfere with what you are doing. However, he can’t make you take off your shirt to take pictures of your tattoos. Same goes if you had long sleeves on, he can’t make you roll up your sleeves to take pictures of the tattoos on your arms. Or if you put on your jacket once he starts snapping photos, he can’t make you take it back off just to take some pictures. Now, if the cop had you under arrest or stopped you because he had reason to believe you were engaging in criminal activity, then he may or may not have some more leeway.

Bottom line, if you don’t want cops snapping photos of your ink, then have a jacket on

hand just in case so you can cover them up. You might politely ask the cop to stop, but since the officer doesn’t need your permission to take a picture of anything in plain view, it may or may not get you very far.


The Good – It’s Cheap

Chip seal is cheap and extends the service life of a roadway. According to the Indiana Department of Transportation: Southeast Facebook page, for every $1 invested in chip seal, taxpayers save $10. The Bad – Noise and Flying Pebbles

Loose crushed stone is often left on the surface, which can cause safety issues like cracked windshields (or foreheads in our case). Chip Seal also generates more roadway noise at any speed than typical asphalt or concrete. The noise typically frustrates neighboring homes more than roadway travelers, but can be inconvenient for both. The rough surface increases vibration and rolling resistance, which increases tire wear in all types of tires. So keep that in mind and check your tires often. The Ugly – Loss of Traction

A motorcycle’s traction can be seriously impacted by the use of surface treatments (e.g. bituminous rubberized asphalt sealer “chip seal”, plasticized adhesive pavementmarking tape, manhole covers, and raised pavement markers). These treatments are problematic for motorcyclists when applied in horizontal curves where a leaning motorcycle can potentially slip and crash.

Coast to Coast

E-15 (gasoline containing 15% ethanol) is not approved for use in any of the millions of motorcycles on and off-road, two bills have been introduced in Congress to protect the fuel industry from lawsuits resulting from its use.

Illinois Congressman John Shimkus, otherwise a longtime friend of motorcycle riders, has authored H.R.1214, the Domestic Fuels Protection Act of 2014;

“To provide liability protection for claims based on the design, manufacture, sale, offer for sale, introduction into commerce, or use of certain fuels and fuel additives.” Likewise, Texas Congressman Gene Green has offered H.R.2267, the American Fuel Protection Act of 2013, which “Deems a claim for liability against a qualified entity as a claim

PAGE 3 Miss Too Broke for Sturgis 2013. After about 5 rounds of judging, Dee Marks was announced the winner. Dee and Scott have been coming to Too Broke for many years. Both are ‘Old School Riders’.

Our Master of Ceremonies, this year, was the ever entertaining Paul H; that man has real talent. Thanks for your innovative interviews for the Miss Too Broke contest and actually for the whole event! After the awards were done, we headed to the cabin for rest, relaxation and dinner. That didn’t last very long because we headed back to the arena to check Phat Bastard and hope to win the 50/50. That band really rocked the house! Sunday morning we packed it all up and hauled ass back down to the Big City. This year’s Too Broke was a great party. Thanks to all who attended and most of all thanks to everyone who helped make this the event of the year! Let’s not forget the proceeds all go to support and protect your motorcycle rights, like No More Emissions for Motorcycles in the State of Arizona! Ride Fast & Take Chances,


Motorcyclists should also watch out for bridge joints many, which are treated with generous amounts of chip seal. And in warm conditions, the material can get gummy causing the road to be slick on contact. Moral of the story: motorcyclists need to be very cautious when traveling on roads with chip seal or other surface treatments because it can impact your safety. Spotting these conditions ahead of time and responding with caution can help us avoid accidents and injuries. VOTING RIGHTS

FELONY CONVICTIONS: While it is true that in Indiana, Illinois, and Ohio you cannot vote while you are incarcerated, once you are released from prison and have registered in time for the next election, you have just as much right to vote as any other registered voter. If anyone gives you any trouble registering to vote or at the ballot box, state that it is your right to vote and show them the applicable code section in your state. See (Indiana Code Section 3-7-13-5) (730 ILCS 5/5-5-5) (Ohio Revised Code Section 2961.01). MOTORCYCLE ONLY CHECKPOINTS

Motorcycle only checkpoints are against the law in Illinois, however it appears that there has been a renewed effort to get these motorcycle only checkpoints up and going again. Keep an eye out for us so we can keep these folks honest. See the Illinois law below: Section 107-17(b) of the Illinois Criminal Code states: (b) Offense. No vehicle may be

continued page 7

against the United States for damages resulting from, or aggravated by, the use of transportation fuel containing ethanol in concentrations greater than 10% to operate an internal combustion engine. Abrogates U.S. sovereign immunity and makes the United States exclusively liable for such claims. Limits awards to

continued page 5

Chapter Reports


East Valley Chapter

Hello everyone,

A SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR TOO BROKE FOR STURGIS COMMITTEE MEMBERS; Tim O’Reilly, Carole O’Reilly, Darin Yates, Casey Yates, Charity Stuart, Clyde Brooks, Denise Eckes, Donna Woodworth, Jim Page, Mary K Donnay, Matt Brown, Mike Schneider, Paul Hassinger, Sandy Hassinger, Steve “Muskrat” Musgraves, Tina “Sweet Pea” Benoit and Vic Grady .

They dedicated their personal time all year to make this event a success. We have built upon past trials and tribulations to make TBFS the kind of event people want to attend, and make enough money to fill our coffers and pay our yearly expenses related to our office, lobbyist staff and the MasterLink publication.

All the usual “suspects” from East Valley Chapter attended TOO BROKE FOR STURGIS, July 25-28, 2013. Those of you who attended will remember Thursday, approximately noon when we got the rain storm that turned to hail. 11/2 inches of rain in 1-1/2 hours. Try as we might to get that new 10’ x 20’ registration canopy up before the storm hit, we were delayed. I want to thank REDBONE & RICHARD DALTON from East Valley for helping Tim, myself and a few others erect the new 10’x20’ registration canopy. We’d just got it up when the storm hit … we hadn’t gotten it staked yet … so we held on to it through the shifting wind, rain and hail. The water kept rising, small creeks started flowing around us and throughout the vendor area. There were 5-6 of us sharing the only little patch of soggy land under the canopy for over an hour before the winds died down.

Friday morning, I awoke at 5 a.m. to the sound of rolling thunder, and it wasn’t Harley’s …. SHIT! … NO!! …. Yes, another inch of rain. Sheez.

The East Valley team did a terrific job of being in full force and right on time, in their rain gear, for their assigned chapter duty Friday 7:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. THANK YOU TO EACH AND EVERY EAST VALLEY MEMBER who came, and gave of their personal time to support the event.

THANKS to Phoenix-Shadow Mtn. for doing a great job with the people games and bike games. Clyde said several participants had never been to TBFS, or never done bike games, so that was added fun. I met a couple dozen first timers too. Maybe airing the event on KDKB and KSLX did that. Paul Hassinger, you are an AWESOME emcee. Have you thought about doing radio? Ron Kool set aside time from his motorcycle touring to come back to AZ and help out with membership and registration. Charity coordinated the tattoo contest. Jean Cooper and Jim Silk coordinated the Safety/First Aid booth. Donna Woodworth and Marla Kelly worked a lot in apparel. We appreciated that the chapters helped out more in the apparel booth this year.

We had a really good design this year and apparel – compliments to Mike Schneider of Square Peg Promo’s. Mike suggested the dark olive shirt for men and light olive shirt for women, in addition to traditional colors. 2013 TBFS Shirts will available for sale, after we sort/inventory them on 8/17/2013. We’ll be putting an ad in the next paper and on the website. You will also be able to buy them at State and/or Board meetings held at the Phoenix office. Friday nights’ 5pm-8pm spaghetti dinner was cut a little short when mother nature decided we needed another shower. That one hit around 6:30 p.m. It stopped in time for PHAT BASTARD to go on at 8:00 p.m., as scheduled. After that – no more rain for the weekend. Saturday and Sunday were really nice weather for bike show, bike games, and tattoo contest, but there was mud and puddles everywhere. Mormon Lake Lodge donated a few tons of cinder for low lying vendor areas, and about 20 bales of straw, which helped immensely under the big tent, vendor areas, and some campsites.

Overall, our attendance was approximately 1300, down about 1000 from our expected attendance due to heavy rains. We just broke even with our expenses and will be getting into our reserves to operate until we have another successful, revenue generating event. I’ve been going to TBFS since it was at Christopher Creek, then Watson Lake. How many times have we had torrential rains? Almost every year. Since this is a camping event and we can’t change nature, why don’t we select a dryer week? AZ monsoon season is June 15 – Sept. 30th. Mormon Lake Lodge & the TBFS committee feels we have a better chance of having a drier and more enjoyable/successful event if we move it to the 3rd weekend of June. It is also prior to calf roping competition at MLL, so no horse and cattle feces or flies! Please think about it – we can’t have another “just break even” year.

We forgot to post that our July chapter meeting was cancelled, because it falls on the Sunday of TBFS. One new member showed up at our meeting place, the F.O.E. in Mesa and left disappointed. I apologize for your inconvenience. We should’ve posted that it was cancelled on the website, ABATE discussion list, and East Valley Face Book page. I do hope you will come to the next meeting.

By the time you read this, we will have had our next meeting, Sunday, August 25th, 11:00 a.m. at the F.O.E., 1712 W. Broadway Road, Mesa. The chapter is going bowling after the meeting.

DON’T FORGET THE HARD ASS RUN is coming up Saturday, October 12th. See flyer in this paper. Come one, come all – Harley’s to Honda’s, all are welcome. Legislators don’t see a difference! Come experience Arizona scenic by-ways on motorcycle! 330 miles, mystery ride. Collectible t-shirt awarded at end of run.

Best regards, Mary K East Valley Chapter Vice Coordinator & Political Action Coordinator, and TOO BROKE FOR STURGIS Committee

High Country Chapter

Hello Brothers and Sisters,

Well here in H.C.C. we had our membership officer, AKA Vine, resign. We had another member step up and volunteer for the job ! Our whole chapter was in favor. I want to thank Debra Beda and welcome her to the officers of H.C.C.Chapter.

Now to those brothers and sisters who were lucky enough to go to T.B.F.S. I envied you, I couldn't make because of my new job.I had to work. For those members from our Chapter I want to THANK YOU for showing up and fulfilling our chapter's duties ! Thank you Bill Hensler, aka bungee, and a special thank you to our chapters new Membership Officer. Way to go Debra Beda and another one to her daughter Jillian Hawkins!! Way to go guys !!!!

Oh yeah another shout out to Debbie Fickle for helping Billy with the poker run table. Now up here in the high country we are planning a safety awareness event on the 4th of October yes that's right 10/4 /13 there is a thing up here in Payson called 1st Friday on main street they shut the street down and the town comes out and walk the street and checkout the small shops and vendors. Chick-n-bone H.C.C. Coordinator

Phoenix/Shadow Mountain Chapter

Wow, been a busy month. TBFS was awesome again. Our Safety officer informed us that we only had 2 medical emergencies. Not bad, in my opinion, for a gathering of over 1500 people for 3 days... Some of us are old. There was a lot of talk about the US Senate bill H.R. 1861, the Stop Motorcycle Checkpoint Funding Act. We should all contact our US congressman to get their support. Jim Page presented a


sample of the document he sent to his congressman. It can be found on page XXIV of this Masterlink. A lot of the current battles we are currently facing, such as motorcycle profiling and distracted driving, were also discussed.

Note from me: This is the third year in a row that I was almost hit by a distracted driver, driving through a red light, while on my way home to pack for TBFS. This one irritated me the most. The girl who was chatting on the phone had a baby in the back seat. Reminds me of a Beatles song. BTW the light was red for her 4-5 seconds. Sadly we did have a few people step down, for various reasons, however there were members there that stepped up to the plate. Something I haven't seen in a while.

Due to Kat Grover buying a ton I raffle tickets, I did miss part of the meeting,. Since she cleaned us out and I had to get more tickets. Thanks Kat :) I can only assume that our upcoming Moon Mullins run was discussed in my absence, as well as several other events. Steve Palmer Phoenix-Shadow Mountain ABATE Communications Officer

Southern Arizona Chapter

Our July meeting was held on Saturday July 20th at the Kettle Restaurant at I-10 & Starr Pass in Tucson. Meeting was called to order at 9:00 AM.

Attendance was about average for July as many members are out of town and it seems like we have had several with medical issues as of late. The Pledge of Allegiance along with a moment of silence for fallen brothers & sisters along with the victims & families of the 19 Wild Land Fire Fighters.

There was a motion to accept the minutes and the Treasure’s report. The main order of business was trying to plan for Too Broke. Unfortunately due to several different issues we only have a couple members able to make to trip up to Mormon Lake.

We are having a fund raiser raffle and it looks like the Chapter should make a little $$ on it. The month of June was one of the hottest on record here in Southern Arizona and the rains are starting to show up now in July. BE CAREFUL if you get caught in the rain. Cagers don’t see us in good weather so when visibility is bad you have to take extra precautions.

We will be starting to look for members to step up for various positions fro the upcoming year. Elections are coming up quickly. If you can help by taking on one of the positions please try and do so. We all need to pull together to make this work.

By the time this goes to print TBFS will be a memory so I hope everyone had a Great Time! I also hope everyone made it home safely. Next meeting will be Sat August 17th at the Kettle. The September meeting is on the 21st. I hope to see everyone there. Ride Safe!!

Yavapai Chapter

Change like that other substance happens. Still Ray Fitzgerald has stepped down as the Yavapai Chapter B.O.D. rep. We as a

chapter would like to thank him for his service to the chapter and state. Deb and Handi have stepped up to fill the void for the rest of the year. Deb will be out B.O.D. rep and Handi will take over as P.A.C. officer. Both were unanimously approved by the members at the 8/11 meeting held at The Gurley Street Pub. Speaking of the Gurley Street Pub, it was also voted on and approved to serve as our meeting place for the rest of 2013. They have great beverages, and FREE biscuits and gravy.

Our upcoming event for the fall will be a membership ride to the Grand Canyon Caverns. The ride will be held on Sunday, October 6th. It should be perfect weather for a ride north utilizing part of the historic Route 66. Speaking of motorcycle rides, members of the Journeymen M/C made the ride to Sturgis and back. They all got back late Saturday the 10, and still made it to our Sunday morning meeting on the 11th. Now that is dedication. All those wishing to run for chapter offices for 2014 are encouraged to step up and throw their hat in the ring at our next chapter meeting 9/5/13 at the Gurley Street Pub at 11:00 AM. Mike “Dawolf” Ruddell Secretary/Communications Yavapai ABATE of AZ

Yuma Chapter

Call to Order – 6:30 Pledge Minutes read

Treasure Report- Account in good standing Officers Report – Budget for next year New Members / guest – n/a Old Business – N/A

Communication – State Officers election in November

PAC Officers still working on SB 1086 Profiling Bill

TOO Broke Report- talk about the weather Officer Nominations:

Coordinator- Frank White Vice Coordinator – Daniel Medina Secretary – Mikkie Melanson Treasure – Virginia Nielsen Membership – Thom Mango Run Coordinator – Jerry Allison Safety Coordinator – Ray “Pee Wee” Grier Sgt. At Arms – Terry “Gunner” Langworthy PAC – Thom Mango Communication – Doug Melanson Merchandise – Lisala White BOD – Rick Breadwell Around the table –

AUGUST 24th & 25th. Chino Valley Shootout Boxing Smoker

YCBF Hot August Night Fundraiser August 24, 2013.

Sons Of Hell – Beach Party August 31, 2013

The Privateers and Sons Hell would like to thank Desert Oasis Ministries for providing breakfast at Too Broke. Next Meeting September10, 2013

MASTERLINK SEPTEMBER 2013 actual damages sustained by a claimant. Defines "qualified entity" to mean an entity engaged in the manufacture, use, sale, or distribution of: (1) transportation fuel or renewable fuel, or (2) products which use transportation fuel. Grants U.S. district courts exclusive jurisdiction of any civil actions on such claims.”

Both bills have been referred to committee, and either proposal would indemnify fuel manufacturers and suppliers from legal actions for damages caused by their product, leaving U.S. taxpayers to foot the bill for clean-ups from leakage and limiting their liability to actual damages by a claimant, such as the out-of-pocket cost to rebuild an engine damaged by E15 gas.

MISSOURI INITIATIVE MAY PUT RIDERSHIP TO A VOTE The secretary of state’s office has announced that a petition to restrict passengers on motorcycles has met standards for circulation, and supporters can begin collecting signatures to get the proposal on the 2014 ballot.

The proposal, to be put to voters to decide, would require Missouri motorcy-

What Is ABATE?

ABATE Of Arizona, Inc. is a non-profit motorcycle rights organization that is dedicated to freedom of the road for all motorcyclists.

ABATE is a volunteer organization that fights discriminatory legislation aimed towards the motorcycling community. ABATE's position is that all motorcycle riders have the right to choose not only the machine that they ride, but also the riding gear that they choose to wear or not to wear, (i.e. leathers, gloves, boots and helmets.) ABATE promotes rider education for all motorcycle riders and motorcycle awareness for all automobile drivers. ABATE needs the support of all motorcyclists.

Arizona Motorcycle Rights Organizations Need Your Help!


Coast to Coast (continued)

cle operators to be at least 21 and complete a rider-safety class before they could carry passengers. The restrictions would not apply to those who have had had a motorcycle license for the previous two years and were born in 1984 or earlier.

ing pre-orders. If the pre-registrations are gathered, it will take three months for the state to produce the plates before the first ones will be seen on Maine motorcycles. BIKERS ROUSTED AFTER SHOOTING SUE POLICE Members of a motorcycle club claim their constitutional rights were violated when Arizona officers rousted them at gunpoint at a campsite where a man shot his wife and two others before killing himself at a 2011 bike rally near Flagstaff.

The first violation would be a misdemeanor with a fine of up to $300. Penalties would increase for repeat offenses.

PINK PLATES PANNED BY MAINE MOTORCYCLISTS The Maine lawmaker who was the driving force behind the popular pink ribbon breast cancer awareness license plate in that state says the response to creating a motorcycle version has been lukewarm.

The Sons of Hell have filed a federal lawsuit last week against the Arizona Department of Public Safety and the Coconino County Sheriff's Office seeking monetary compensation. Its members claim officers were trying to collect information for a criminal street gang database, even though they knew club members weren't involved in the shooting.

The Maine Cancer Foundation says nearly 70 people have committed to the motorcycle license plate, but 500 preorders are required for the Bureau of Motor Vehicles to begin production.

MOTORCYCLISTS LAUNCH $100M SUIT AGAINST QUEBEC INSURANCE BOARD The Motorcyclist Movement of Quebec, which represents more than 8,000 motor-

State Representative Meredith Strang Burgess (R-Cumberland) has told the Journal Tribune newspaper that she’s setting a deadline of year’s end for collect-

cyclists in the province, says sky-high hikes in insurance premiums are unfair and discriminate against motorcycle owners, and held a protest in downtown Montreal to launch a $100 million classaction lawsuit against Quebec's automobile insurance board (SAAQ).

The organization's president and founder, Michael Mosca, says license plate registration fees have increased by 400% since 2008. “They’re being discriminated upon. It’s a very abusive law,” he says.

However, the SAAQ says the premiums are needed in order to compensate victims involved in motorcycle accidents. The board adjusted insurance premiums after a review revealed a $109 million deficit in 2006. While Mosca admits that motorcycles are higher-risk vehicles, he claims that “When there are accidents between cars and motorcycles, 94 or 95% of the time it’s the car’s fault, so the motorcyclist is being punished when he’s not at fault.”

continued page 9

Join A.B.A.T.E.

along with an events section to inform you of *Do you like emission testing your motor- up-coming motorcycle runs and events. cycle? The Motorcycle Rights Organizations in *Do you like the choice to wear a helmet or Arizona are run by volunteers. Anyone that not? does volunteer gives their time freely to fight the fight. Please help us to pass on our ability *Do you like noise ordinances? to ride free. *Do you like the ability to modify your motorcycle?

*Do you know that there are dollars available for motorcycle safety and awareness? Please help the Motorcycle Rights Organizations in Arizona to prevent our Governments from restricting our ability to ride free. With your help, we can eliminate the emission testing of motorcycles in Arizona, fight our National-level battles with the EPA and NHTSA, and effectively watchdog the Arizona Legislators who, on a yearly basis, have entertained the idea of introducing a mandatory helmet law in our state. You can help by joining in the fight. The cost is only Twenty-five Dollars a year. Although you are not under any obligation to volunteer your time, any time you choose to give to our cause is always appreciated. With your membership you not only help our cause, but you will receive our newsletter as well. "The MasterLink" contains local happenings and national motorcycling news

Name_____________________________________ Name #2 __________________________________ Address __________________________________ City _____________________________________

Benefits Of Membership

Individuals ·ABATE membership card ·ABATE patch on first year ·Year pins thereafter ·One year subscription to the MasterLink newsletter ·Lifetime members get all that without the hassle of renewing

Business ·Two annual memberships ·Business card size advertisement and alphabetical listing in the MasterLink for the length of your membership. Circulated throughout Arizona ·Benefit of a run stop or event participation to support your business ·Addition of your business listing on our web site with a link to your business

Or turn in your membership application to an officer of the chapter of your choice. East Valley High Country

Southern Arizona Yavapai

Phx/Shadow Mtn


State___________ Zip ___________ Phone(s)___________________________________

Office Use Membership # ____________________________ Expiration Date___________________________

Email address _____________________________ make checks payable to: ABATE of AZ and mail to: 7509

N. 12th St, #200, Phoenix, AZ 85020

DONATIONS Motorcycle Awareness Program (MAP) $ _____ Legislative Efforts $____ General Fund $_____ MasterLink Newsletter $______


ABATE Of Arizona provides a unified voice for all motorcyclists in Arizona. Add your voice to ours. Join ABATE now, for the preservation of your ability to ride a motorcycle with the freedom that's your right!! © 2012 ABATE Of Arizona

7509 N. 12th St, #200 Phoenix, AZ. 85020

Website: To join our discussion group, send email to

Type of Membership (check one) Single……………$25____ Charter $15 ____ Couple………......$40 ____ Charter $25 ____ Life/Single………$350 ______ Annual Business Membership $125 ____ Annual Club Membership $125 ____ If a business member, please enclose business card for publication in our newsletter, The MasterLink. Renewal

Membership #_____________

New Member Referred By: Business Membership: ABATE of Arizona Business Membership is a substantial value at just $125.00 per year and includes (12 issues) of business card size ads, an annual membership for two people and an ABATE of Arizona Business Member Certificate for display in your business.






East Valley………………….Redbone Schneider High Country........................Billy Hensler Phx / Shadow Mountain…...Vacant Southern AZ.........................Sean Pinder Yavapai……………………..Vacant Yuma....……………………..Rick Breadwell

Quarterly Board meetings are held on the first Sunday in January, April, July and October at 1:00pm @ the AZ American-Italian Club, 7509 N. 12th St, Phoenix. Please make sure your Chapter has representation.

A.B.A.T.E. State Officers For 2012

President………..............……Tim O’Reilly Vice President.....……………Paul Pendergast Secretary……………………Casey Yates Treasurer…………………….Matt Brown Membership…………………Tina Benoit Run/Events………………….Darin Yates Safety Coordinator………….Jean Cooper Sergeant-at-Arms……………Joe Ferrucci P.A.C………………………...Jim Page Communications…………….Charity Stuart Designated Lobbyist...............Vic Grady ABATE Products……………Vacant MasterLink Editor................ Eric Hampton and

Mailing address 7509 N. 12th St, #200, Phoenix, AZ 85020. State Officers meetings are held the 1st Sunday of every month, 11:30 am at the AZ American Italian Club, 7509 N. 12th Street Phoenix, AZ.- OR in conjunction with the quarterly BOD meeting.

East Valley Chapter

c/o Jeff Gorall, PO Box 20433 Mesa AZ. 85277 Coordinator............................Joe Ferrucci Vice Coordinator...................Mary K Donnay Secretary................................Jeff Gorall Treasurer................................Jess Method Membership...........................Mike Shearhart Run Coordinator....................Jess Method Safety Coordinator.................Jim Silk Sgt. At Arms..........................Richard Dalton P.A.C......................................Mary K Donnay Communications....................Cheryl Vasquez (Mary K until she gets a computer) Merchandise........................... Vacant

EAST VALLEY CHAPTER meetings are held the 4th Sunday of the month at 11:00 a.m. at Fraternal Order of Eagles (F.O.E.) 1712 W. Broadway Road, Mesa AZ 85202 FMI contact Mary K. at 602-751-3180.

High Country Chapter

209A E. Juniper St. Payson AZ 85541 Coordinator............................Jim “Chicken Bone” Mazzone Vice Coordinator...................Billy Hensler Secretary................................Dee Schultz Treasurer...............................Debbie Fickel Membership...........................Becca (Vine) Holyoak Run Coordinator....................Deb Smith Safety Coordinator.................Steve Leonard Sgt. At Arms.........................Wayne Slocum P.A.C.....................................Vacant Communications...................Bill Hensler Merchandise..........................Wayne Slocum

High Country Chapter meetings are held on the 3rd Sunday at 10 a.m. at The Moose Lodge in Star Valley. Contact: chicknbone@live .com or 928970-1134

Phoenix-Shadow Mountain Chapter

P.O. Box 54041 Phoenix, AZ 85078-4041 Coordinator...........................Vic Grady Vice Coordinator....................Kat Grover Secretary................................Dee Grady Treasurer................................Tina Benoit Membership...........................Melissa Everest Run Coordinator....................Paul Grover Safety Coordinator.................Ernie Lizarraga Sgt. At Arms..........................Jerry Davis P.A.C......................................Darla Hampton Communications....................Steve Palmer Merchandise...........................Mike Schneider

Phoenix/Shadow Mountain meetings are held on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 10:30am at the AZ American Italian Club, 7509 N. 12th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85020. FMI contact Vic Grady at 602-300-4115 or email

Southern Arizona Chapter

6888 N De Chelly Loop Tucson, AZ 85741 Coordinator............................Jim Butsback Vice Coordinator....................Don Boule Secretary................................Marie “Lou” Baker Treasurer................................Dawn Detelj Membership...........................Art Burke Run Coordinator....................Teresa Davidson Safety Coordinator.................Jin DeYoung Sgt. At Arms.........................Robert Guenther P.A.C......................................Sean Pinder Communications....................Jim Clark Merchandise...........................Vacant

The Southern Arizona Chapter will meet the third Saturday. We will gather at the Kettle Restaurant, 748 W. 22nd St, Tucson. Breakfast will be available at 7:30 a.m. with the meeting beginning at 9 a.m. FMI contact Jim Butsback by phone at 520247-3051 or email

Lobbyist Meeting Report

Present: JohnnyD, Kat Grover, Billy Larson, Vic Grady, SkyPilot, Deb Buttita-later on


Meeting started by discussing about DoubleD presentation to ACMC. Gave a letter using AZ Statutes to create a victim’s statement which can be used by all that have contact with Law Enforcement, Government entities, etc when being discriminated or profiled. They just sign the statement and if there was an incident with the person they write details. They send or give it to Kat or JohnnyD who will call the person and get more details. Need to make specific people in charge of specific parts of getting accurate and detailed information. Follow through is the key. Need to appoint some videographers who will carry around video camaeras, cameras, audio recorders, etc to get the incidences recorded. Then a website is being created to posts the information and get it out to the public.

Kat started a discussion about putting out multiple bills into the next session. Let the legislators and public see that the Motorcycling Community has various issues that need attention. Some of the issues to be addressed were discussed. They are:

- Profiling/Discrimination-Dave KoppACMC - Handlebar Heights-JohnnyD-ACMC - Lane Sharing-Billy/SkyPilot-MMA - Texting (Distracted Driving)Billy/SkyPilot-MMA - HIPPA/Insurance exclusions for not paying claims-Mark Breyer w/ALL

- Red Light-Arrows only or more seconds to change-ALL - Right of Way-look into more consequences-ALL - Red Light-Need better sensors (not working well)-ALL - MC Endorsements-Use ARA to help with this issue. Low cost (subsidized)-Vic/KatAbate

All will support and encourage their SMRO to get their Members to write letters on federal level for ban on Motorcycle Checkpoints Only Legislation currently running. Also, AZ Lobbyists will get on the band wagon when National Legislation comes for Anti-Profiling Legislation.

Discussion went to AMSAC and GOHS. What to requests from GOHS about the federal monies being not accounted for by Alberto Gutier and where we would like to see it go for. Try to get Federal Block Grant to subsidize cost of Motorcycle training using ARA program.

We all had a discussion about LE using statutes to pull over Bikers. Using things like going beyond the line on sidewalk to enter streets, handlebar heights, changing lanes too soon, etc. Tickets being given and then thrown out in court by judges. Need to have someone track this and take information down. Need to get ALL the information from bikers ticketed, what happened in court, get ticket numbers, city, etc and make a list. Use this to show discrimination and profiling. Get a “pattern of evidence”. We need to show different ways we are being harassed. This is one way.

Yavapai Chapter

P.O. Box 11319 Prescott, AZ 86304 Coordinator............................ David “Doc” Pratt Vice Coordinator....................Vacant Secretary................................ Mike “Da Wolf” Ruddell Treasurer................................ Paul Pendergast Membership........................... Dave ‘Chino’ Pinney Run Coordinator......................“Longhair James” Venegas and Ralo Safety Coordinator..................Dan “44Dan” Lemond Sgt. At Arms...........................JD Fillingim P.A.C...................................... Deborah Buttita Communications.................... Mike “Da Wolf” Ruddell Merchandise...........................Lori Lutz

Yavapai Chapter Meets 2nd Sunday, 11:00 AM; Doreen's Backstreet Bar and Grill, 2879 N Arizona Trail, Chino Valley, AZ 86323 (928) 636-0309. FMI contact Doc at 928-7132568 or

Yuma Chapter

11316 S. Glenwood Ave. Yuma, AZ 85367 Coordinator............................ Frank White Vice Coordinator....................Daniel Medina Secretary................................ Mikkie Melanson Treasurer................................ Virginia Nielsen Membership........................... Diane Gouge Run Coordinator.....................Jerry Allison Safety Coordinator..................Ray “PeeWee” Grier Sgt. At Arms...........................Terry “Gunner” Longworthy P.A.C...................................... Vacant Communications.................... Vacant Merchandise...........................Lisala White

Yuma Chapter meets the second Tuesday evening monthly at 6:30 PM at the IHOP located at 575 East 16th Street Yuma, AZ 85365. For additional information contact Frank White (Hound) at 209327-0814.


If any of the Officers are listed here incorrectly, please send corrections to: I will be sure everything is accurate for the next Issue and on the web site.

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MASTERLINK SEPTEMBER 2013 Alcock & Ogborne, PLC Phoenix 602-337-8735


ABATE of Arizona Business Members

Alexander Toyota Yuma 928-344-1170

Alt Fashion Barber Shop Marana 520-797-65663 Big John’s Garage Tucson 520-322-9933

Big Sky Motorcycles Tucson 520-886-7388

Billy Jack’s Saloon & Grill Humboldt 928-632-8689 Brett Miller’s Upholstery Prescott 928-778-5565 Breyer Law Offices, P.C. Phoenix 480-505-2160

Brown & Little, P.L.C., Attorneys at Law 480-299-2093 Buffalo Bar & Grill Payson 928-474-3900

Burro Saloon Bar & Grill Kirkland 928-442-3287

Cleopatra Hill Jerome 928-634-6701

Jakes Corner Bar Payson 928-474-0679

Doreen’s Backstreet bar & Grill Chino Valley 928-636-0309

La Gitana Cantina Arivaca 520-398-0810

Continence Center of America, Inc. Phoenix, AZ (623) 977-1212

Eaglerider of Flagstaff Flagstaff 928-637-6575 Eclectic Café Tucson 520-885-2842 El Rancho Restaurant Payson 928-474-3111

Gold King Mine & Ghost Town Jerome 928-634-0053 Gurley Street Sports Pub Prescott 928-778-2491

Harley Davidson of Scottsdale 480-905-1903 Havok Cycles Chino Valley 928-239-5303

Herman’s Automatic Transmissions Tucson 520-294-8717

Ask Our Lawyer (continued)

stopped, delayed, or detained based on the race, ethnicity, or sex of the operator or occupants; nor shall any vehicle be stopped, delayed, or detained by virtue of the type or style of the vehicle. A peace officer may not stop, delay, or detain a vehicle unless the stop, delay, or detention of the vehicle is predicated upon reasonable suspicion, probable cause, or any other articulable circumstances that indicate a violation of the law has been or is being committed. (725 ILCS 5/107-17). More on this to come.


As previously reported, the ability to report dangerous roads is now at your fingertips. Simply log-in to the Google Play store and enter in the search area. The app is free and it’s our hope to get notified of questionable roadways as soon as

you run across them. The life you save may be your own! Ride Safe and Free, Rod Taylor ABATE Legal Services

All questions from ABATE members are answered confidentially unless otherwise authorized and only after the matter is concluded, except when authorization for publication anonymously or otherwise is given for pending matters. Remember, injured ABATE members pay only 28 ½% of total recovery and expenses as approved by client, consistent with and conforming to applicable state law. Elsewhere, you may pay 33 ⅓%, 40% or even 50% of your recovery. ABATE members are not charged for recovery of damage to your motorcycle, and have access to a 24-hour toll-free telephone number. Call us at (800) 25-RIDER. Questions? Submit them to RodTaylor@abatelegalcom. © 2013.

Kitty For Tax Camp Vercde 928-567-0224

Landmark at the Creek Payson 928-478-4587 Law Tigers 888-529-8443

Mountain Pass Prescott Valley 928-899-7663 Mountain Top Brewery Payson 928-474-9228

North Health Center Scottsdale 602-421-2730

Paul’s SE Arizona RV Rentals LLC Whetstone 877-728-5778 Pincus & Associates, PC Tempe 480-777-2599 PT's Bar Winslow 928-289-0787

Punkin Center Bar Tonto Basin 928-479-2627

Spirit Room Jerome 928-634-8809

Square Peg Promos LLC Phoenix 602-549-1044

Steel Horse Motorsports Rio Rico 520-281-1962

Tailwinds Hauling Phoenix 623-463-2187

Taj Mahal Prescott 928-445-5752

The Bashful Bandit Tucson 520-881-9706

The Drunken Lass Irish Pub Prescott 928-778-4211

The Flying Grizzly Bar Strawberry

The Historical Journigan House Payson 928-474-2900

The Maverick Saloon Phoenix 602-943-5680

TMA Precision Tube LLC Glendale 623-221-4922

Top End Specialties Phoenix 623-258-2092

Roberts Marketplace Prescott Valley 928-722-8920

Y’all Come Back Saloon Rio Rico 520-781-3730

East Valley Chapter EAST VALLEY CHAPTER meetings are held the 4th Sunday of the month at 11:00 a.m. at Fraternal Order of Eagles (F.O.E.) 1712 W. Broadway Road, Mesa AZ 85202 FMI contact Mary K. at 602-751-3180.

Southern Arizona Chapter The Southern Arizona Chapter will meet the third Saturday. We will gather at the Kettle Restaurant, 748 W. 22nd St, Tucson. Breakfast will be available at 7:30 a.m. with the meeting beginning at 9 a.m. FMI contact Jim Butsback by phone at 520-2473051 or email

ABATE of Arizona Chapter Meeting Times and Locations

High Country Chapter High Country Chapter meetings are held on the 3rd Sunday at 10 a.m. at The Moose Lodge in Star Valley. Contact: chicknbone@live .com or 928-970-1134

Phoenix / Shadow Mountain Chapter Phoenix/Shadow Mountain meetings are held on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 10:30am at the AZ American Italian Club, 7509 N. 12th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85020. FMI contact Vic Grady at 602-300-4115 or email

Yavapai Chapter Yavapai Chapter Meets 2nd Sunday, 11:00 AM; Doreen's Backstreet Bar and Grill, 2879 N Arizona Trail, Chino Valley, AZ 86323, (928) 636-0309. FMI contact Doc at 928-713-2568 or Yuma Chapter Yuma Chapter meets the second Tuesday evening monthly at 6:30 PM at the IHOP located at 575 East 16th Street Yuma, AZ 85365. For additional information contact Frank White (Hound) at 209-327-0814.

ABATE of Arizona

MASTERLINK SEPTEMBER 2013 Instead of increasing fees, Mosca suggests the SAAQ should do more to educate people about road safety, adding that it's time people change their minds about motorcycles. “Motorcycles consume less fuel, they cause less pollution, less damage to the roads, which is beneficial to the whole planet," he said.

NEW LAW COULD DOOM MOTORCYCLE FIRMS IN EAST AFRICA Motorcycles account for over 65% of motor vehicle registrations every month in Kenya, but new rules requiring motorcycle assemblers to use locally generated parts, when no companies in East Africa are manufacturing them, could spell doom for motorcycle firms.

Manufacturers are raising the red flag over the new law, in force effective July 1st, which stipulates a 25% duty remission on motorcycle assemblers who fail to adhere to the new regulations which require parts such as seats, mudguards, wheel rims, break-gears, exhaust pipes, tires, chassis, batteries and shock absorbers to be manufactured within the East African Community (EAC).

Assemblers are concerned about the capacity of the region to produce the specified parts, and they say such a move is likely to compromise safety standards, kill employment opportunities and make motorcycles unaffordable. “The EAC region lacks capacity to produce these parts,” said Honda Motorcycle Kenya Ltd chairman, Isaac Kalua. “Currently, there is no particular company that can produce any of these parts.”

The new law crafted by the EAC seeks to encourage consumption of locally produced materials, but it is now causing jitters within the manufacturing fraternity. The Kenya Association of Manufactures (KAM) called the decision “a bit premature” and KAM Chief Executive Officer Betty Maina told Business Beat, “We are currently investigating to establish whether there is local capacity to produce those parts in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania before we advise the Government on the timing of that decision.”

MOTORCYCLE HELMETS BANNED IN PHILLIPINE CITY DUE TO BOMBINGS For an easier identification of criminals, local authorities in Cotabato City have banned the wearing of motorcycle helmets after several deadly car bomb blasts. City police said the measure will help them identify known criminals in the area, and are also hoping that the city council will support their move, radio dzBB has reported.

Several countries had cautioned their nationals to take precautions in traveling to Mindanao, in the Philippines, due to the bombings. Cotabato City is a mixed


Coast to Coast (continued)

Muslim-Catholic city on the main southern island of Mindanao where Muslim insurgents have waged a decades old rebellion that has claimed 150,000 lives.

PANAMANIAN RIDERS TO BE REQUIRED TO WEAR NUMBERED VESTS AND HELMETS Amid nationwide protests from motorcycle riders, a controversial new set of laws may soon force motorcyclists in Panama to emblazon their license plate number on reflective vests and helmets.

Following objections from motorcycle clubs, the Transport Authority (ATTT) decided to postpone the enforcement of the decree regulating the new safety standards for motorcycles, Resolution 904, which was originally set to begin July 24th. Motorcyclist groups in this Central American country say that the measure will not help reduce the use of motorcycles in acts of crime, such as drive-by shootings, and they also insist that the measure is unconstitutional.

Ricardo Mosquera, the President of the Motorcycle Association of Panama, described the move as arbitrary, and as an imposition. "At no time were we consulted on this new standard, it also strikes me as having been negotiated with whoever is going to sell the vests. Moreover, a criminal could simply make a vest bearing any number, commit their crime, and the innocent would then be blamed," Mosquera told

ATTT head Roberto Moreno said that motorcyclists only disagree with the use of numbered helmets and vests but are not opposed to driving with their lights on, and they also have no qualms about restrictions on driving on sidewalks and shoulders of the roads and in the middle of streets and avenues around the country.

the only motorcycle manufacturer to have developed the complete range of rider equipment ever since the 1970s from motorcycle helmets to rider suits, boots and gloves. The ABS pioneer says it has always regarded motorcycling and safety as being inseparably linked and anchored in the "Safety 360°" principle, which breaks down the overall concept of safe motorcycling into three facets: safety technology in the vehicle, safety deriving from rider equipment and safety through rider training.

FEDS PETITION FOR MANDATORY ANTI-LOCK BRAKES ON ALL STREET BIKES The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) and the Highway Loss Data Institute (HLDI) have petitioned the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to upgrade the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) No. 122 Motorcycle brake systems (49 CFR 571.122). “This standard should be strengthened to require ABS on all new motorcycles manufactured for on-highway use in the United States,” wrote the IIHS and HLDI in joint letter on May 30, 2013 to NHTSA Administrator David L. Strickland.

Research by IIHS and HLDI indicate that ABS reduces the motorcycle fatal crash rate by an estimated 31% and the collision insurance claim rate by an estimated 20%.


RIDE GRANTS” FOR MOTORCYCLE SAFETY IDEAS Allstate Insurance Company announced the newest initiative under its Rider Protection Project portfolio – a series of programs all focused on making the roads a safer place to ride. The Allstate Good Ride Grant contest will award a combined total of $25,000 to five contest winners with the best ideas for advancing motorcycle safety and awareness.

Now through August 31, 2013, contest applicants may submit their Good Ride Grant submissions through the designated tab on Allstate Motorcycle's Facebook page at Entries are welcome from anyone, including local governments, dealerships, rider clubs and individuals. A six-person judging committee will determine the top 15 finalists, whose ideas will then be featured on the Allstate Motorcycle Facebook page where fans can vote for their favorites and the top five will each receive a $5,000 grant to help put their ideas into action.

QUOTABLE QUOTE: “Every man owes a part of his time and money to the business or industry in which he is engaged. No man has a moral right to withhold his support from an organization that is striving to improve conditions within his sphere.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) 26th President of the United States

BMW DEVELOPS INFLATABLE SAFETY CLOTHING BMW Motorrad and Dainese have announced that they are to cooperate in a joint development of innovative motorcycle safety clothing, partnering to develop motorcycle rider equipment with fully integrated inflatable protectors.

The first product to emerge from the cooperation will be the DoubleR RaceAir one-piece leather suit designed exclusively for use on racetracks, and the next stage will be to develop the Dainese D-Air Street System as a retrofit solution for BMW Motorrad. The system is scheduled to be launched in 2015, following successful completion of all the crash tests. BMW Motorrad customers will then be able to retrofit the innovative safety system to their motorcycles.

Based in Germany, BMW Motorrad is


of Ohio in welcoming the


28th Annual to Columbus, Ohio September 26-29, 2013

Ave., ve., Columbus, OH 43229 Crowne Plaza Columbus North, 6500 Doubletree A Call 614-885-1885 for room reservations ($95 inc. breakfast). Cut-off date: August 26, 2013 (Room amenities: hairdryer, coffee maker, indoor pool, airport shuttle) Conference Information: Pre-registration for conference through the MRF, 236 Massachusetts Ave. NE, Suite 510, Washington, DC 20002. Pre-registration (must be received by Aug. 26th): $70.00 Current, Individual member / $80.00 Non-MRF member. Registration rate after Aug. 26th: $80.00 Current, Individual member / $90.00 Non-MRF member. Registration includes all workshops, workshop materials, and Saturday banquet. Registration questions call the MRF at 202-546-0983 or Carol Downs at 303-204-6939,

Hosted by ABATE of Ohio, PP.O. .O. O. Box 1658, Hilliard, Ohio 43026, 1-800-25BIKER,,


September 2013

Aug 29 to Sept 2nd {THURS to MON} – FOUR CORNERS MOTORCYCLE RALLY <> Event Details: 8/29-9/2 Four Corners Motorcycle Rally hosting activities in Ignacio, Durango, Farmington, Cortez, Silverton. Motorcycle giveaways, contests, concerts, rides, vendors, & lots more! FMI: 970-444-2116,

Aug 30/31/SEPT 1 {FRI/SAT/SUN} – PAYSON (Tonto Village), AZ* RCD –MMA Camp-N-JAM Bike Rally <> Event Details: Join Friends and Members of Rim Country District MMA for the 2013 Camp-N-JAM Bike Rally. Camp among the cooler pines at Double D’s, Tonto Village off Hwy 260 East of Payson, AZ. $10 per person for the WHOLE Weekend. Gates open at Noon on Friday. Live Music on Friday by The Mods, Saturday by SoulEver. Bike n People Games on Saturday, 50/50, Vendors, Raffles, Join the fun over Labor Day Weekend. For more information call Vine 928-978-2850

SEPT 4 {WED} – PHOENIX, AZ* Crusaders for the Children Bike Night at Top Shelf Mexican Cantina - <> Details: 3301 W. Greenway Road, Phoenix, AZ. Begins at 7:00 - 9:00 P.M. and benefits Crusaders for the Children, supports children in need. (2013 Dates: 9/4, 10/3, 11/6, 12/4) For more information call 602-993-5463 or visit

Sept 6 {FRI} - MESA, AZ* Motorcycles on Main Street <> Event time & Location: 6PM to 10PM along Main Street between Center St. and Morris St. in downtown Mesa, AZ 85210.

Sept 7 {SAT} – TUCSON, AZ* Sun Riders M/C Hosts 35 Anniversary Party

Events Calendar

<> Event Time & Location: 6PM til ?? at the Territorial Bar located at 3727 South Palo Verde Rd. in Tucson, AZ. Event Details: Please come out and party with the Sun Riders M/C and help us calibrate our 35th Anniversary as a club in Tucson. Admission includes a plate of food. There will be music, 50/50, vendors, games and much more! Admission: $15.00 for more information call 520-312-8120 or visit or email us at

SEPT 7 {SAT} – GLOBE/MIAMI, AZ* Loners MC - Globe Chapter Host “High Hand Run by the Lake” Event time: 4PM -5:15PM, KSU 5:30PM Event Details: Get Up and Get out! Join the Globe Chapter of the Loners M/C for their "High Hand Run by the Lake" on Sept. 7th. Sign in at Jakes Corner (on the way to Roosevelt Lake) at 4 p.m., kickstands up at 5:30 p.m., 2nd stop Punkin' Center, 3rd stop The Butcher Hook, 4th stop - Bernies in Wheatfield,, final stop at The Shamrock in Miami! $ 10 per person entry. For more information please call Lil Reb @ 520-405-7591 or Crow @ 520-487-9372

Sept 7 {SAT} - TEMPE, AZ* AMERICAN LEGION Auxiliary, Unit 2 Hosts 2013 USO Show <> Event Time & location: 4PM -8PM at American Legion Post 2 - located at 2125 South Industrial Park Ave. in Tempe, AZ. 85282 Event Details: This USO Show is FREE. NoHost Bar opens at 4PM, Introductions at 5PM, Mess Hall serves 5:15PM until 6:15 (or gone) Featuring BBQ Beef Sandwiches with All the Fixin's, and the USO Shows starts at 6:30PM. They are honoring the Korean War. This is a FREE event, though donation boxes will be located throughout the hall. Donations from this show will benefit the Hospitality Room at Sky Harbor Int'l

Airport. Come out and join the fun.

Sept 7 {SAT} – BLACK CANYON CITY, AZ* AMERICAN BIKER CELEBRATION Event Time & Location: 6PM -2AM 1776 Casey’s- located at 33150 South Coldwater Road in Black Canyon City, AZ. 85324 <> Event Details: Join the Fun – Come experience an authentic American Biker Celebration with Kid Chilleen. This is a celebration of Bikers and the American Dream we will be having contests for best bikes, WET T-SHIRT with $1500 dollars in prize money and much more. ALSO !!! FREE BEER TO THE FIRST 200 entrants!!!!! See you all there. FMI: Visit ml or email

Sept 8 {Sun} – MESA, AZ* SWAPMEET at MAINSTREET MOTORCYCLES Event Time & Location: 7:30AM -12PM at 9750 East Apache Trail in Mesa, AZ. <> Event Details: Come have a look see at the Swap Meet at Mainstreet Motorcycles. Both Indoor/outdoor spaces are available, first come/first served. Set up at 7:30am. Drive in, set up, park vehicle outside. $10/space. Free admission to shop. FMI: John 480-357-7595,

SEPT 8 {Sun} – SEDONA, AZ* 1st Annual Ride For Rescue <> Event Details: Red Rose Inspiration For Animals Presents 1st Annual “Ride For Rescue”. September 8th is National Pet Memorial Day. Ride in honor of your pets that have passed. Registered Participants will enjoy a FREE buffet breakfast (eggs, potatoes, pancakes, coffee and juice) and will also receive a coupon for a FREE slice of Pie and Ice Cream in Pine, AZ. Registered Riders will also receive an event T-shirt and Pin. Registration starts at 9:00 A.M. Olde

MASTERLINK SEPTEMBER 2013 Sedona Bar and Grill - 1405 W. Hwy 89A, Sedona 86336. Kickstands Up at 11:30 A.M. $25.00 Rider Donation/$15.00 Passenger. Raffles, Vendors, 50/50, Buffet Breakfast, Pie in Pine. (Rain Date: Sunday, Sept 15, 2013) For more information go to or call or email Tina and or Gary at or call 928282-5278

SEPT 11 (WED) – MESA, AZ* Remember 9/11 Ride for Freedom & the American Way Event Time & Location: 7am check-in at STUFF Veteran's Thrift , 1135 E. Main St. Mesa, AZ Event Description: Resurrection Street Ministries Charity Motorcycle Ride-Ride from Mesa to Sacaton, AZ to Veteran's Memorial Park to honor those serving our country, who have served and will serve. There will be a Special tribute to Ira Hayes. Breakfast will be served at check-in then ride to Sacaton where a full lunch will be served, along with prizes and tributes. Proceeds will be used to help vets, homeless, seniors & less fortunate in our communities with food, clothing, shelters, jobs & other opportunities. Ride is $25.00 per bike, but early registration is $20.00 per bike. FMI: email Call 480-775-1466, ext.116 to make reservation--mail in to RSM c/o G. Camp PO Box 24945, Tempe, AZ 85285

SEPT 14 {SAT} – GLENDALE, AZ* FARKLE DICE RUN <> Event Details Sign in from 10AM -11AM for the Farkle Dice Run at Baja Loco Cantina 5134 North 95th Avenue, Glendale, Arizona 85305. Registration $10 per rider / $15 per rider with passenger. Five stop Motorcycle Run each stop you roll the Dice the game is Farkle. There will be 50/50 Raffles. All Proceeds Go To

MASTERLINK SEPTEMBER 2013 NCOM Fund. For more information 623-435-0727 or visit

SEPT 14 {SAT} - PHOENIX, AZ* Stay Stuntin Bossz Presents "BIKERS & BOSS’Z" <> Event Time & Location: 9PN til ?? at the Rollin Knights Clubhouse located at 1134 West Grant Rd. in Phoenix, AZ. <> Event Details: Come Turn it Up for Bikers & Boss’z.... Ur Prez and VP Free.. $7.00 w/colors or $10.00 w/o. Tasty Food and Raffles tickets will be sold...Great people, Good food, Fun and Drink .... Don't Talk about it, Be about it.......See you on September 14th !!! For More information please call 602-910-8374

SEPT 20-22 {FRI/SAT/SUN} – COTTONWOOD, AZ* 13th Annual THUNDER VALLEY RALLY Event Details: Thunder Valley Rally 2013 held in “Old Town” Cottonwood, Arizona. The perfectly suited digs of Main Street in Old Town are ready to once again roar to life for the 13th Annual Thunder Valley Rally. Runs, Live Bands, Camping, Food, Games, Vendors and a whole lot more. For more information 480-5185212 or

SEPT 21 {SAT} – PHOENIX, AZ* Sho Ryders MC – PHOENIX Chapter Hosts 5th Annual BBQ & DANCE <> Event Details: Come join the FUN! Join the Sho Ryders MC - Phoenix chapter as they celebrate their 5th annual BBQ & Dance on Saturday, September 21, 2013. BBQ 11am-4pm at Cesar Chavez Park (7858 South 35th Avenue, PHX, AZ 85339) presale tickets for Dance $5 w/ colors $10 w/o.. Music, food, awards for best cruiser & best sport bike... Dance 9pm-until ?? @ Sevens Lounge (7941 W. Glendale Ave, Glendale, AZ 85303) $10 w/ colors $15 without... Music, drinks, food & good times plus trophies for most repped MC, most repped SC, furthest traveled on ground, and 1st in the door with 6 or more members. Event Hotel: Red Roof Inn (5215 West Willetta St, Phx AZ 85043) $49/night for two double beds $59 /night for single king bed. Booking # 800.733.7663 group code:B261SHOMC1.. Must book room before 9/18.... For any questions please contact Mumbles 623-553-9288 or Swoosh 480-270-2105

Events Calendar SEPT 21 {SAT} – PHOENIX, AZ* 10th Annual SAVE the CHESTICLES <>Event Details: 10th Annual Save the Chesticles Poker run. Cancer is Cancer! Sign up at The Steel Horse Saloon 9:00 A.M. $15 per person. Stops include Roadrunner Saloon, The Station, and DaddyO's; run ends at the F.O.E. Post #3871 (Food with wristband at F.O.E.) Ride pins for first 250 riders. $200 best hand $100 worst hand. Raffles, 50/50, vendors welcome at F.O.E. #3871. Food, music and Fun. for more info contact "G" 623-262-7101 or

Sept 21 {SAT} _ GLENDALE, AZ * Glendale Old Town Cruise and Car Show <> Details: Held on Glendale Avenue from 56th - 59th Avenue from 1:00 9:00 P.M. Cruising Allowed, Live Entertainment, Vendors in the park. Free for everyone! For more information please call 602-843-3545. Sponsored by Sanderson Ford. A Nancy Perry Productions Sept 21 {SAT} – ANTHEM, AZ * Hogs & Dogs at Buddy Stubbs Anthem Harley-Davidson <> Event time & Location: 11AM – 2PM @ 41715 N. 41st Drive, Anthem, AZ. 85086. FREE food and drinks (while supplies last) will be served by the Anthem H.O.G. Chapter with all donations raised benefiting charity. For more information, please visit

SEPT 21 {SAT} – SHOW LOW, AZ* Charity Shoe Box Run – Operation Christmas Child <> Event time & location: 9AM -4PM Show Low Motorsports located at 1000 Automall Way in Show Low, AZ 85901 Details: Motorycycle Run At Show Low Motorsports in Show Low AZ... To Promote Operation Christmas Child * Music * BBQ * Games * Fun * Adopt-A-Box * Approx. 140 miles Through the Cool Mountain Pines & More... Registration is @ 9:00 am Event: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Get Registered Today Online at: for more information call Crystal Martinez @ 928-242-5390 or Email SEPT 27 {FRI} – PHOENIX, AZ* ROUGH RIDERS M/C Hosts OPEN

PAGE HOUSE <> Event Details: Rough Riders M/C (Papago Chapter) Open House. 7:00 P.M. - whenever. Come party with your local Rough Riders! RRMC Clubhouse - 1201 N. 54th Ave. Suite #133, Phoenix, AZ 85043. (Enter clubhouse from alley)Just south of I10, take 51st Ave exit Turn right on Latham St. For more information email Warhead at

SEPT 27 & 28 {FRI/SAT} - PHOENIX, AZ* Regulators MC Hosts 3rd Annual CELEBRATION <> Event Details: Join Friends & Family of the Regulators MC as they celebrate their 3rd Annual. <> FRIDAY: Meet-N-Greet (9PM to ??) held at Soul Brothers MC Clubhouse located at 1115 West Buckeye Rd in Phoenix, AZ 85007 <> SATURDAY: Social Feed (1PM -4PM) held at the Golden Corral in Goodyear, AZ. ** Evening Dance (9PM - ??) held at the Soul Brothers MC Clubhouse. Tickets: $15 with colors, $20 w/out. For tickets and/or For more information please call Woo Woo 623-760-4620 or Lil-Apache 602-772-2124

SEPT 28 {SAT} – PHOENIX, AZ* DAY WITH THE DIAMONDBACKS <> Event Details: Join the good folks at Evil Twin Custom Cycles for their annual ‘Day With the Diamondbacks’ fundraiser. Meet 1pm at Evil Twin, 433 W Main, in Mesa, AZ for free food, beverages, & entertainment. Group ride departs 4pm for Chase Field. Tickets are available now. $20/tkt includes D’backs vs Washington Nationals, free motorcycle parking, Diamond Club seating. Donations will go to help a critically ill child in need. FMI or reserve your tickets Contact: 480-784-0040 (email: robert @

Sept 28 {SAT} – PHOENIX, AZ* Buddy Stubbs H-D Hosts HOGS & DOGS <> Event Time & Location: 11AM – 3PM at Buddy Stubbs HarleyDavidson - 13850 N. Cave Creek Road, Phoenix, AZ 85022 from 11:00 A.M. 3:00 P.M. Free Lunch - Live Band - Pool Tournament - 12:30 Museum Tour 50/50 Raffles - Meet HOG Chapter 93. For more information call 602-971-3400

Too Broke For Sturgis 2013

Too Broke For Sturgis 2013

PAGE 14 New Blood For OCC’s New TV Show

Catch Evan Favaro of Fair Lawn Sunday on "Orange County Choppers," when CMT offers a sneak preview of the series during Bike Week. Orange County Choppers — the Newburgh, N.Y.-based custom motorcycle manufacturer that was the focus of Discovery's "American Choppers" — is back with an eponymous series on a new network.

The eight-episode "Orange County Choppers" — which will premiere in November, but gets a two-hour sneak preview Sunday — follows Paul Teutul Sr. and his team as they "reach new extremes resulting in mind-blowing bikes and, of course, state-of-the-art drama." Favaro, 23, who was hired as the OCC's creative director, taught himself how to fabricate sheet metal and customize motorcycles. He opened his Paramus shop, Speakeasy Motors, when he was 21. ==========================

2014 Indian Motorcycle Homecoming Debut

After unveiling the new Indian Chief motorcycles in Sturgis, S.D., earlier this month, Polaris Industries Inc. has finally rolled out the highly anticipated bikes to riders in its home state.

To promote the first redesign of the iconic 1901 bike since it acquired the business, Medina-based Polaris over the past few days has been allowing fans and prospective buyers to drive 12 sparkling new bikes at its sole Minnesota dealer, Indian Motorcycle of the Twin Cities, in St. Paul.

“Anyone showing up with a valid motorcycle license can ride,” said Art Welch, co-owner of the dealership. “Over a fiveday period we expect 2,000 to come here to ride … and several will buy.”

Even before the event, Welch had taken orders from more than a dozen enthusiasts who plunked down deposits for the cycles, which range in price from $19,000 to $22,000. “They paid a deposit sightunseen,” he said. “Now they get to ride it.”

On Thursday and Friday, hundreds of riders from around the country hopped on the bikes and zipped from St. Paul to Wisconsin. For some, the demo was part of a bigger trip to the company’s factory in Spirit Lake, Iowa, and its research center in Wyoming, Minn.

This weekend, there are 30-minute demo rides all day today, an “Indian-bike-only” ride tonight and a back-to-school charity ride on Sunday. As he hopped off a sparkling Indian Chieftain on Friday, Jay Elepano of Minneapolis beamed.

“That was absolutely amazing,” he said after a 30-minute ride. “I already have two bikes, but I would be very surprised if I did not have the Indian in my garage by next season. Man, that thing is butter.” ==========================

Save Your Engine With Super-Magnet Drain Plugs

News from the Net Metal parts in your engine start wearing the moment you hit the starter button. As they wear, metal particles circulate in your oil; left un-trapped, these same metal particles get run through high-pressure engine components, creating further wear. Your oil filter's job is to contain the majority of these particles, but some can still circulate when the particles are microscopic or the filter bypass valve opens. And then there is the collateral damage that occurs when a component that should not fail (most commonly tappet rollers)…fails, sending enginedestroying shrapnel through your engine.

These simple super-magnets can effectively minimize the damage caused by metal particles by trapping the debris caused by normal wear or un-normal component failure. Each drain plug contains a high temperature, epoxy-bonded super-magnet that is over 1400 times stronger than the factory supplied magnet and is effective even when the oil temperature is over 300 degrees. Zipper's uses these on our test motorcycles because they work! ============================ Youngest Female Owner Takes Over Harley-Davidson Dealership

A woman who grew up in the family Harley-Davidson business has just become the youngest female dealer in the Motor Co.’s American network.

Dia Matteson is the new president and director of Motorcycle Times Inc., which owns and operates the Harley-Davidson dealerships in Anchorage, Soldotna and Wasilla. At 25 years old, she is now Harley’s youngest female dealer.

Her father, Barry Matteson, retired June 14 after holding the region’s Harley franchise for 37 years, passing the torch to his daughter.

“This is all I’ve ever really known. I never really worked anywhere else,” she said. “Even in high school I know this is what I wanted to get into,” Dia Matteson told the Alaska Journal of Commerce.

Since her teen years she’s worked most jobs in the dealership, and she became GM In 2008. Of about 650 franchise dealers in America, there are probably fewer than 20 sole franchises with a woman at the helm. ============================

French Team Races Turbocharged Harley At Bonneville

Frenchman Laurent "zen" Dutruel and his team are Bonneville bound. Laurent is after a land speed record with his turbocharged Harley-Davidson. For something completely different, Laurent isn't hauling his motorcycle to Bonneville; he's actually riding it. Shipped from France a few weeks ago, it arrived in California and Laurent rode all the way to the great salt lake.

Speed records attempts are currently under way, but Laurent and his team have their hands full, figuring out fuel injection curves and adapting the engine to the altitude. In the meantime, enjoy this video chronicle of Laurent's ride to Bonneville. You can follow his exploits on the Bonneville To Bonneville Facebook page.


=========================== Zero Motorcycles Recalls 268 Bikes

The front caliper mounting bolts are susceptible to corrosion which could lead to their cracking and possible fracture. If a front caliper bolt fractures, the caliper may come loose and interfere with the rotation of the front wheel. This could cause the front wheel to stop suddenly, increasing the risk of a crash

Zero Motorcycles will notify owners, and dealers will replace the front caliper bolts. The recall is expected to begin midAugust 2013. Owners may contact Zero Motorcycles at 1-888-841-8085. =============================

Allstate’s Good Ride Grants To Advance Motorcycle Safety And Awareness

Allstate Insurance Company just announced the newest initiative under its Rider Protection Project portfolio – a series of programs all focused on making the roads a safer place to ride. The Allstate Good Ride Grant contest will award a combined total of $25,000* to contest winners with the best ideas for advancing motorcycle safety and awareness. Good Ride Grants join Rider Risk Map, Once is Never Enough (O.N.E.) and other rider advocacy initiatives, all part of Allstate’s commitment to protecting riders. Now through Aug. 31, 2013, contest applicants may submit their Good Ride Grant submissions through the designated tab on Allstate Motorcycle’s Facebook page ( Entries are welcome from anyone, including local governments, dealerships, rider clubs and individuals. “Riding a motorcycle presents a feeling of freedom, adventure and camaraderie with fellow riders, but we also know the risks that come along with it,” said Keith Rutman, vice president of Allstate's Powersports unit. “The Good Ride Grant program allows Allstate to continue our mission of protecting riders while also keeping an open ear to the riding community and what they feel is important.” The first 1,000 contest entries to be submitted before Aug. 31 will be reviewed and finalists will be chosen by a six-person judging committee, comprising of representatives from Allstate and a diverse collection of motorcycle industry professionals, including custom motorcycle builder Rick Fairless.

“I’m proud to partner with Allstate on an issue that has always been top of mind for me, and I think that the Good Ride Grant program is a great way to empower our riding community to help each other protect what is a lifestyle for so many of us by making it as safe as possible,” said Fairless Joining Fairless on the judging committee is Keith Rutman, vice president of Allstate's Powersports unit; Rusty Creed, Allstate agency owner; Rod Krois, Indian Motorcycle’s Marketing Director; Bryan Harley, Motorcycle USA Editor; and Don Becklin, Motorcycle Superstore / Motorcycle USA founder and Motorsport Aftermarket Group’s retail group president.

In September, the judges will determine the top 15 finalists. The finalists will then be featured on the Allstate Motorcycle Facebook page, where fans can vote for their favorite ideas. The five finalists with the highest overall contest scores by Oct. 31 will each receive a $5,000* grant to help put their ideas into action. ============================ Sturgis Buffalo Chip Freedom Celebration Honors Fallen Soldiers

The Sturgis Buffalo Chip® spent Thursday honoring our nation’s military members with its annual Freedom Celebration. Guests at the Sturgis campground spent the day visiting exhibits such as the American Veterans Traveling Tribute Wall, the Field of Flags, the Patriot Guard Riders display and the Warrior Foundation display.

Military tributes continued on the main stage with patriotic rockers, Madison Rising. Headed up by former Navy serviceman, David Bray, the band delivered their powerful pro-American message to a sea of flag-waving audience members. But when the group concluded their performance with their rock rendition of the Star Spangled Banner, the roaring motorcycle crowd fell silent, removed their hats and stood reverently. The Budweiser Clydesdales delivered Sturgis Buffalo Chip® president, Rod Woodruff, to the amphitheater to honor two fallen Navy SEALs in a moving military tribute on the main stage. The Sturgis campground honored the lives of Tyrone S. Woods and Glen Doherty, who ran into gunfire to save civilians on September 11, 2012 in Benghazi, Libya. The families of these courageous soldiers were on hand to receive a memorial plaque. Following the presentation Brantley Gilbert and Lynryd Skynryd continued the patriotic theme throughout the rest of the evening. “It was such an honor to have the families of Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty join us on the stage,” says Rod Woodruff, president of the Sturgis Buffalo Chip. “The United States owes these men a debt of gratitude. We felt it was important to pay tribute to these soldiers with this presentation to ensure that their heroic actions are never forgotten.” In addition to the events of the Freedom Celebration, Thursday’s Rat’s Hole Custom Bike Show drew a huge crowd to the CrossRoads at the Buffalo Chip®. Countless people gathered around to marvel at the collection of custom bikes. The Rat’s Hole International Judging team was on site to examine each rolling work of art and make the Best in Show presentation later that night on the main stage.

Thursday’s main stage presentations also included the highly anticipated announcement of the Sturgis Rider Sweepstakes winner. Tracy Hildebrand will leave the Sturgis Rally with her own Ness customized Victory motorcycle as well as with her new customized Epiphone guitar. The rock solid lineup of Sturgis concerts at the Buffalo Chip continue Friday with headliners Sublime with Rome, legendary Doors’ guitarist, Robby Krieger, and Sweet Cyanide. Campground admission passes are still available and all concerts are free with camping. Passes also grant guests access to the Bikini Beach swim paradise, 25 bars, thrilling exhibits, and outrageous events. The 32nd annual

MASTERLINK SEPTEMBER 2013 Sturgis Buffalo Chip Motorcycle and Music Festival runs through Saturday, Aug. 11. More details are available at or by calling (605) 347-9000. ===========================

Improved Online Results From American Motorcyclist Association

Members of the American Motorcyclist Association, the country's largest sanctioning body of amateur motorsports competition, now have access to a new online portal for amateur race results.

AMA Race Center, available at, offers a number of enhancements to previously available online motocross results. Although still in beta, the system features several exciting features, including results and advancement points for all classes, cross-linked results by rider or track; rider performance charts; upcoming events; speedy performance; a comprehensive search function; and an easier-tonavigate user interface.

"Phase one of the all-new AMA Race Center is a major upgrade to our racereporting capabilities," said AMA Vice President of Operations Jeff Massey. "AMA Competition Members can see their complete results in one online location for all AMA-sanctioned motocross events. They can also track their advancement in motocross and enduro competition, using both raw numbers as well as charts."

AMA Race Center includes results for all AMA-sanctioned motocross, Arenacross and ATV motocross races as soon as those results are delivered from the individual event promoters. The platform also includes enduro B-to-A class advancement points. Massey added that future versions of the AMA Race Center will include results for all disciplines sanctioned by the AMA.

"In addition to results for additional disciplines, we will enhance the functionality over time," he said. "We invite all members to check out the new AMA Race Center and let us know what works, what doesn't and how we can improve it going forward." AMA Race Center is accessible at


Karen Black, Easy Rider actress dies aged 74

Hugely prolific, the Illinois-born actress appeared in more than 100 movies over a career spanning 40 years.

She shot to fame in 1969, starring as a prostitute in Easy Rider opposite Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper.

She died at a clinic in Los Angeles, three years after she was diagnosed with cancer. She earned an Oscar nomination and a Golden Globe award for her role as Rayette Dipesto in the 1970 film Five Easy Pieces, opposite Jack Nicholson, as a waitress who dates an upper-class dropout. ============================

News from the Net (continued)

Throttles And Bottles Don’t Mix — But Robbie Knievel As A Different Opinion

Robbie Knievel, the daredevil son of Evel Knievel who was arrested in South Dakota Tuesday for going on a drunken rampage in a Sturgis trailer park — called into ‘TMZ Live’ today to explain that he’s a hardcore alcoholic and has no plans of stopping. “I’m a friggin’ drinking, driving daredevil,” he defiantly told the gossip news site. “I ride motorcycles and I friggin’ drink and ride … that’s my deal.”

“I have an alcohol problem,” an unapologetic Mr. Knievel continued. “I’m a cowboy. I’m not a redneck. But I love whiskey.”

The most concerning part of the interview, TMZ said, was when the 51-yearold talked about drinking and driving.

“I shouldn’t be drinking and driving ‘cause I could kill somebody,” he said, “and you know what, it would be better if I killed myself.”

Mr. Knievel was arrested around 6:38 p.m. Tuesday outside of the Buffalo Chip campground in Sturgis where lots of tourists stay for the city’s motorcycle rally, TMZ first reported.

The park’s security called police after the daredevil drove his RV into two other RVs on the property, breaking a mirror and a bumper, and then tore out of the property, law enforcement told TMZ.

Police later found Mr. Knievel in a nearby parking lot, texting in the driver’s seat of the RV with the motor running. He blew a .228 in a breathalyzer test, almost three times the legal limit in the state, TMZ said. He also failed field sobriety tests.

Mr. Knieval was booked and released. His license was suspended for 30 days and he’s been ordered to pay nearly $600 in fines, according to TMZ. ==========================

Daredevils Brave Sturgis Buffalo Chip Day of Motorcycle Stunts

Guests at the Sturgis Buffalo Chip® spent the day on the edge of their seats as the first ever Daredevil Wednesday packed in an insane schedule of fearless motorcycle stunts. The spectacle had the Buffalo Chip’s free access CrossRoads area swarming with Sturgis Rally-goers throughout the afternoon and into the evening.

Daredevil Wednesday included such stunts as Tim Dyson’s double backflip with a passenger, Juli Moody using her bare arms to hold together two drag racing motorcycles, Patch McGillicutty speed record on the Wall of Death and unimotorcycle drag racing. By far the most ambitious stunt of the day was Clint Ewing’s attempt to set the world record for the longest ride on a motorcycle through a tunnel of fire.

An expansive crowd, along with a team of paramedics and firemen, and the CMT film crew, all waited with bated breath as nearly 40 people lit the 230-foot tunnel with their torches. Within seconds, a roaring fire had engulfed the tunnel, filling the sky with an enormous cloud of black smoke. Without delay Clint Ewing fearlessly entered the 2900-degree tunnel, but

within seconds both he and his bike emerged from the side engulfed in flames. The emergency crew surrounded the brave stuntman, who immediately stood up to show he had survived the attempt. Even with third degree burns Ewing gave a thumbs up as EMTs loaded him up and took him to a to a nearby hospital where he was later released.

The fiery performances continued into the night on the main stage, as Rob Zombie brought a multidimensional show complete with huge stage props and plenty of pyrotechnics. In a fitting end to Daredevil Wednesday, also included adrenalinepumping performances by Mastodon and Machine Head.

The Sturgis campground continues its lineup up thrilling events on Thursday with its annual Freedom Celebration. In a day of events designed to honor our nation’s military men and women, guests are invited to walk the Buffalo Chip’s Field of Flags, visit the Veterans Memorial Wall and honor the lives of two Benghazi heroes during an undoubtedly emotional main stage presentation. Patriotic rockers, Madison Rising, will kick off the evening of thrilling musical acts by performing their rock rendition of the Star Spangled Banner. Fellow patriots, Brantley Gilbert and Lynryd Skynryd, continue the American theme throughout the evening.

Campground admission passes are still available and all concerts are free with camping. Passes also grant guests access to the Bikini Beach swim paradise, 25 bars, thrilling exhibits, and outrageous events. The 32nd annual Sturgis Buffalo Chip Motorcycle and Music Festival runs July 29 through Aug. 11, 2013. More details are available at or by calling (605) 347-9000. ===========================

Scientists Say Riding Makes You Smarter — But We Knew That All Along…

Dr Ryuta Kawashima, author of the very popular Nintendo game Dr Kawashima’s Brain Training: How Old Is Your Brain has reported that the outcome of his study “The relationship between motorcycle riding and the human mind.” shows that riding a motorcycle every day might actually keep your brain functioning at peak condition. The study, conducted by Dr Kawashima at the University of Tokyo, demonstrated that riders between the ages of 40 and 50 were shown, compared to a control group, to improve levels of cognitive functioning after riding their motorcycles daily to their workplace for a mere two months.

The team of Scientists believe that the extra concentration needed to successfully operate a motorcycle can contribute to higher levels of general brain function and it’s that increase that’s surely a contributing factor to the appeal of the motorcycles as transportation. It’s the way a ride on a bike turns the simplest journey into a challenge to the senses that sets the motorcyclist apart from the everyday commuter. While the typical car-owning motorist is simply transporting themselves from A to B, a motorcyclist is actually transported into an entirely different state of consciousness. Riding a motorcycle is all about entrance

PAGE 15 into an exclusive club where the journey actually is the destination.

Dr Kawashima’s experiments involved riders who’s average age was 45 and who currently rode on a regular basis and exriders who once rode regularly but had not ridden for 10 years or more. The participants were asked to ride eight different courses in differing circumstances whilst their brain activity was recorded. The courses included a series of curves, poor road conditions, steep hills, hair-pins and a variety of other riding challenges. After an analysis of the data, it was found that current riders and ex-riders used their brain in very different ways. When the current riders rode motorcycles, specific segments of their brains (the right hemisphere of the prefrontal lobe) was activated and riders demonstrated a higher level of concentration. So regular riders it seems have a more active brain! His next experiment was to test how making a habit of riding a motorcycle affects the brain.

Trial subjects were otherwise healthy people who had not ridden for 10 years or more. Over the course of a couple of months, those riders used a motorcycle for their daily commute and in other everyday situations while the team studied how their brains and mental health changed. The upshot was that the use of motorcycles in everyday life improved cognitive faculties, particularly those that relate to memory and spatial reasoning capacity. An added benefit was discovered when participants revealed on questionnaires that their stress levels had been reduced and their mental state had changed for the better. So are these benefits exclusive to motorcycles and scooters? Does driving a car have the same effect? Apparently not. Kawashima said. “A car is a comfortable machine which does not activate our brains. By using motorcycles more in our life, we can have positive effects on our brains and minds”.

So there you have it not only do motorcycles and scooters save you money, get you to work and home quicker and are kinder to the environment they also make you happier and smarter. ============================= U.S. agency admits demand for ethanolgasoline fuel not as high as anticipated

In a regulatory announcement released Aug. 6, "EPA Finalizes Renewable Fuel Standards," the EPA said that for 2014 "the ability of the market to consume ethanol in higher blends such as E85 is highly constrained as a result of infrastructure- and market-related factors. EPA does not currently foresee a scenario in which the market could consume enough ethanol sold in blends greater than E10, and/or produce sufficient volumes of nonethanol biofuels to meet the volumes of total renewable fuel and advanced biofuel as required by statute for 2014. Therefore, EPA anticipates that in the 2014 proposed rule we will propose adjustments to the 2014 volume requirements, including the advanced biofuel and total renewable fuel categories."

continued page 16

PAGE 16 The AMA has repeatedly expressed concerns to government officials and federal lawmakers about possible damage to motorcycle and ATV engines caused by the inadvertent use of a new ethanol fuel blend called E15, which is 15 percent ethanol and 85 percent gasoline by volume. None of the estimated 22 million motorcycles and all-terrain vehicles in use is approved for E15, and its use can even void manufacturer's warranties. Wayne Allard, AMA vice president for government relations, applauded the EPA announcement.

"For motorcyclists, this means that if the EPA rolls back on the volume of E15-andhigher ethanol-gasoline blends that must be produced, then there may be greater opportunities to fill up our gas tanks and cans with E10 and even E0 fuel," he said. "Only one E15 test has been done by the EPA, and we have asked that motorcycles and ATVs be part of an independent scientific study into the effects of E15 on engines." E10 has 10 percent ethanol and is common around the country. E0, which is much less common, has no ethanol.

"We are pleased that the EPA recognizes that market and other factors play a role in how much ethanol refiners can put in gasoline and make a profit," Allard said. "It really doesn't do much good to have laws and rules telling refiners to create volumes of ethanol-gasoline blends that consumers won't buy." Allard cautioned that this announcement applies to 2014 volume requirements.

The EPA announcement further stated: "We expect that in preparing the 2014 proposed rule, EPA will estimate the available supply of cellulosic biofuel and advanced biofuel volumes, assess the ethanol blendwall and current infrastructure and market-based limitations to the consumption of ethanol in gasoline-ethanol blends above E10, and then propose to establish volume requirements that are reasonably attainable in light of these considerations and others as appropriate." Ethanol is essentially grain alcohol produced from crops that is mixed with gasoline to produce an ethanol-gasoline blend motor fuel. In October 2010, the EPA approved the use of E15 in model year 2007 and newer light-duty vehicles (cars, light-duty trucks and medium-duty passenger vehicles). Then, in January 2011, the EPA added model year 2001-06 lightduty vehicles to the approved list. No motorcycles or all-terrain vehicles are approved for E15 use.

"We encourage Congress and the EPA to continue to work towards a long-term solution to ensure safe access to fuels for motorcycles and all-terrain vehicles," Allard said. "The first step is for federal lawmakers to support an independent, scientific study into the effects of E15 on motorcycle and ATV engines because of the possibility of motorcyclists and ATV riders inadvertently putting E15 into their gas tanks when the fuel becomes more widely available.

"We also urge AMA members, the motorcycling community and all concerned citizens to contact their federal lawmakers soon and ask them to support this type of research."

To contact your lawmakers, go to and click on "Issues & Legislation."

News from the Net (continued) ===========================

Kid Rock Electrified Crowd after RecordBreaking Legends Ride

This charity ride, which served as the unofficial start to the Sturgis Rally, lined up more riders than any previous year for a guided scenic ride starting at the Silverado-Franklin in Deadwood and ending at the Legendary Buffalo Chip. This year, the celebrity charity event gave rally-goers the chance to ride alongside such celebrities as Dee Snyder of Twister Sister, Arlen Ness, Corey Ness, Zach Ness, Jim “Hacksaw” Duggan, Robbie Knievel and Paul Teutul Sr. of Orange County Choppers.

Upon arrival at the Buffalo Chip, Legends Ride participants were treated to a catered reception with live music from the rockabilly band The Living Deads and a live auction, which featured a custom bike that sold to the highest bidder at $55,000. With the help of hundreds of riders, the Buffalo Chip was able to present a check for $81,490 to the Black Hills Special Olympics and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum and Hall of Fame on stage after a performance by blues phenomenon, Jared James Nichols. Orange County Choppers also got in on the evening of generosity by giving away a custom chopper on the stage to wounded combat veteran, Robert Five, following the Doobie Brothers’ performance.

“What a night!” says Rod Woodruff, president of the Sturgis Buffalo Chip. ”It was great to have Paul Sr. at the Chip presenting this bike to such a deserving combat veteran. Especially on such powerful night for us, with CMT film crews throughout the amphitheater and one of the largest crowds we’ve seen yet.” Record numbers of Sturgis Rally attendees made their way to the Buffalo Chip amphitheater for the highlight performance by Kid Rock which was filmed for CMT’s Bike Week. Kid Rock pulled out all the stops, both for fans at the Chip and CMT viewers at home with his huge entourage of topnotch musicians, hit songs, pyrotechnics and lights. It seemed the American icon might have even called in a favor from above as his light show included huge bolts of lightning and claps of thunder that seemed to almost synchronize with the performance. And as the sky opened to a deluge of rain, it appeared to only fuel the energy from the expansive crowd.

The Buffalo Chip’s non-stop event schedule continues Tuesday with Biker Belles, a charity ride celebrating women in motorcycling, which raises funds for Horsepower and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame. Tuesday also brings acts Sweet Cyanide, TESLA and Toby Keith to the main stage.

Campground admission passes are still available and all concerts are free with camping. Passes also grant guests access to the Bikini Beach swim paradise, 25 bars, thrilling exhibits, and outrageous events. The 32nd annual Sturgis Buffalo Chip Motorcycle and Music Festival runs July 29 through Aug. 11, 2013. More details are available at or by calling (605) 347-9000.


SD Highway Patrol Officials Remind Drivers To Share The Road With Bikers


Motorcycle traffic has increased since early summer and likely will continue to be heavy through the end of August, Col. Craig Price, superintendent of the South Dakota Highway Patrol said.

"We have already recorded eight fatal crashes involving motorcycles this year, Price said. "Rally time puts thousands more motorcycles on the highways, but if each of us pays attention to the road and to the other drivers and riders, we can have a fatality free rally.''

Riders can brush up on safety techniques and get a virtual look at many good motorcycle routes by visiting The Highway Patrol reminds motorcyclists and motorists alike of the rules for sharing the road.

Motorcyclists should ride in single-file lines and avoid crowding the center line or crowding motorists. Motorists should remember not to crowd cycles. Motorcycles have the same rights on the road as motorists.

Motorists and cyclists should follow the recommended speed limits. Motorcyclists should be especially aware of speed limits on curves. It is against the law to drink and drive. Motorists and cyclists should make sure they have sober drivers.

Motorists should remember to buckle up. It's the law. ============================

Triumph to Start Selling Motorcycles in India by November

Triumph Motorcycles Ltd. plans to start selling its iconic motorcycles in India by November, the British company said Wednesday, as it prepares to make a delayed entry into one of the world's potential growth markets for premium motorcycles.

The company also announced Vimal Sumbly as its new managing director for India. Mr. Sumbly—former general manager in charge of sales at India's Bajaj Auto 532977.BY -4.55% Ltd.--will "spearhead the sales development and growth of Triumph in India" the company said.

Triumph would assemble some of its motorcycle models from completelyknocked-down imported kits at a plant at Manesar, in the northern state of Haryana, the company said, adding that construction of the plant was near completion. It didn't disclose the models that would be assembled. The company is also scouting for dealerships, in addition to establishing an aftersales service and spare parts network.

Unlisted Triumph is one of the oldest motorcycle makers globally. It started as a bicycle manufacturing company in 1887 and made its first motorcycle in 1902. In India, the company would be competing mainly with U.S.-based HarleyDavidson Inc., which sells assembled models in India. It would also compete with companies such as Suzuki Motor Corp., Honda Motor Co. and Yamaha Motor Co. in India.

The market for premium motorcycles such

as those sold by Triumph is small in India, but companies are hoping that rising disposable incomes in the world's secondmost populous country and growing customer interest for high-end motorcycles will expand the market in the coming years.

Paul Stroud, Triumph's director for sales and marketing, said "2013 is a very crucial year for Triumph Motorcycles in India and as a company, we are confident about the timing of our market entry." The maker of the Daytona, Rocket and Bonneville models had announced its plan to start operations in India in 2012. The company launched seven models at the New Delhi auto show in January 2012, with the cheapest priced at about 550,000 rupees ($9,016).

Those plans were, however, put on hold due to various reasons, including the departure last year of the first managing director for India operations, Ashish Joshi. Triumph has manufacturing facilities in Hinckley, Leicestershire and Thailand, as well as an assembly facility in Brazil. ===========================

MIC reports year-to-date decline in motorcycle sales Positive trends in the month of June weren’t enough to offset a year-to-date decline in both motorcycle and ATV sales, according to data released by the Motorcycle Industry Council this week. Through June, motorcycles sales, including ATVs, were down 4.7 percent compared to the year-ago period. OEMs do not report side-by-side sales data to the MIC. Year-to-date, off-highway motorcycle was the lone segment to increase, at 5.4 percent compared to the year-ago period. Scooter sales, which dropped 34.6 percent in Q1 compared to Q1 2012, are down 23.3 percent year-to-date through June compared to same period a year ago.

Motorcycle sales (dual, off-highway, onhighway and scooter) combined for a 5.2 percent decrease, or more than 14,000 units, through June compared to the yearago period. On-highway sales decreased 5.3 percent, or about 10,000 bikes, through June compared to the year-ago period. Dual sport bikes saw a 3.4 percent decrease, or about 580 bikes, through June compared to the year-ago period.

ATV sales have dropped by 3.5 percent, or about 3,900 units, year-to-date through June compared to the year-ago period. There have been 362,500 motorcycles, scooters and ATVs sold through June 2013, compared to 380,500 sold in the year-ago period.

June did show some promise at dealership cash registers, with motorcycles and ATVs combining for a 2.5 percent increase compared to June 2012. ATV sales increased 4.3 percent, or about 800 units, compared to June 2012. Off-highway bikes saw a sales increase of about 550 bikes, or a 10.1 percent rise compared to June 2012. On-highway bike sales were up 1.8 percent in June, or about 670 bikes, to 38,076, compared to June 2012. Scooter sales dropped 8.6 percent in June, or 400 units, compared to June 2012. Total motorcycle sales were up 1.9 percent, or about 950 bikes, for June, compared to June 2012.

MASTERLINK SEPTEMBER 2013 7/6/2013 Hosted by ALMA MC Phoenix

Meeting started with roll call. ACMC has 57 Member Clubs and 14 Associate Clubs. No new clubs being accepted into Associate status. No one was brought into Membership status. All ACMC funds are in the Save Our Honor Account. Spokesman articles are due by August 25th, 2013. Our ACMC Facebook page is getting a lot of hits. Had over 12,000 hits last month and had over 1200 likes last 2 weeks. Anyone can “like” our page. In the MRF, AZ is #1 for Sustaining Memberships. Please join if you have not already and renew now. Ask Kat or StillRay to check the list. Richard Lester shared what is going on all over the nation. Each of the law suits around the nation as progressing forward. 4 Corners Rally will have their NCOM regional in Ignatio again at the same Multi-Generational Center on Saturday, Aug 31st, 2013 at 1:30pm. There was an update on SB1086. It got


The Southern Arizona Chapter’s newest Business member isn’t really new at all. Bob “Barber Bob” Glassgow has been a member of ABATE of Arizona since August of 2008. This year he decided to become a Business Member when it came time to renew. Bob and his wife Lisa are active motorcyclist and have always supported ABATE when ever possible. Bob rides often and you can usually find one of his bikes parked right out in front of the shop. He started riding at age 8, and is still going strong at 63. He has a beautiful Custom Chopper, a ’06 Deuce and a Custom VW/Porsche Trike.

Bob’s business is “ALT FASHION BARBER SHOP” and is located at 8245 N Silverbell Road, Suite 121, Marana, Arizona. Bob has been in the business of trying to make us all better looking for over 46 years. This latest business has been around for 11years. They were located for the first 8 years at Orange Grove & Thornydale before they made the move to their present location. There is more movement ahead in the near future as Bob told me that they will be


to the Senate floor. Dave Kopp will be bringing it back in the next session. We all need to get live video, audio and pictures of the stops. Stories and forms are not getting it. The Legislators do not believe our stories. Need the element of pictures/video saying a 1000 words. Next ACMC meeting is Sept 7th in Benson, AZ at The Arena Bar. It is 20min outside of Tucson.

New for LE. They are changing their tactics. No more having event/bands/food OUTSIDE of the Clubhouse or establishments. If you do, need a permit. LE are coming in and closing down biker events. Need 8 weeks to get permit. We cannot “sell” tickets/admission. All entry is a donation. No 50/50 because it is gambling. They will kick everyone out of their Clubhouses. Federal Law says “no more sniffing dogs around your homes, businesses, clubhouses, etc when your property without a warrant. This was a huge success. More information shared about

Insurance. Everyone should make sure they have uninsured/underinsured insurance for as much as you can afford. There is no such thing as “fully covered”. It is meaningless. If you have a home get a homeowners umbrella policy-they are cheap.

New lawyer-Bowtie- for Sons of Hell MC suit. He is a great, hands on attorney and has many successes in Nevada. He is taking the case and only gets small percentage IF he wins case. He is only asking for expenses for copying, depositions, mailings, fees, etc. He supports everybody and nobody. He feels this case is the best he has ever heard of and believes they can win.

Riot on the River is October 18th-20th, 2013 at Winkleman Park. Flyers will be available on ACMC website this week. Raffle Tickets will be out in the mail by end of week. Maidens are sending 100 tickets ($300) to each Member Club and 150 ($450) tickets to each Associate

Business Member Spotlight

moving into a larger location by November 1st. The new shop is nearby, just down the road.

At present there are three employees but they will be hiring, once they make the move, so they can provide a much expanded array of services. ALT FASHION provides traditional hair care for both men & women. They do fades, flat tops etc. along with women’s hair styling and coloring. It is also one of the few places you can still get an old fashion straight razor shave with the hot foam.

Their hours are 8:30 AM until 5:30PM Tuesday thru Friday and 8:30 until 4:00PM on Saturday.

Check out the web site at ALTFASHIONBARBERSHOP.COM for more information. And if you are in the area stop and introduce yourself, even if you don’t need a cut. Oh by the way “ALT FASHION” isn’t for “alternative” or anything like that. “ALT” is German for “OLD” and just happens to get the listing moved up in the telephone book. Pretty smart that Barber Bob.

PAGE 17 Club and 50 ($150) tickets to Supporters, Guests, and Friends through the mail so everyone has plenty of time to sell them. Everyone receiving tickets buys their tickets. No one will be giving tickets back. Each is encouraged to pay the funds immediately and recoup their Club/SMRO money when tickets are sold. This way, at ROTR, The Maidens won’t have to sit for 3 days collecting money and NOT having fun. Money will be collected if needed AT THE EVENT!!!!

DoubleD and Twitch from Outsiders MC came to present their Anti-Profiling strategy and success with ACMC Members, Associates and Independents. Also, he talked about the US Defenders Program. The presentation went very well. Lots of great information and many questions were answered. His book is for sale for $10. It tells the story about how Washington got the bill into law. Meeting was adjourned at about 3:00pm.

PAGE 18 13NR26 - MRF News Release - Congress Takes a Break, You Should Take Advantage. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 30 July, 2013

Contact:Jeff Hennie, Vice President of Government Relations and Public Affairs Congress Takes a Break, You Should Take Advantage.

The United States Congress is taking its traditional August recess. In keeping with a very old school tradition, Congress will be vacating D.C. for the longest, hottest

News from the MRF

month. Back in the day, before modern air conditioning, Congress would leave D.C. for the month because it was too miserable, DC being a literally, a swamp. When the idea for a national capitol came about, no State wanted to use valuable farmland so Virginia and Maryland kindly donated the cesspool that was the headwaters of the Potomac River. The land was donated because it was deemed worthless. The August break was well deserved because the Members of Congress rarely traveled home during session. Most opted to stay in D.C. boarding houses rather than take the long stagecoach ride to their home state.


Currently, the recess begins August 5th and runs through September 6th. Most of the Members of the House of Representatives and the Senate will be spending significant time in their home state offices. The MRF encourages you to schedule a brief meeting or go to a town hall and meet with your federal elected officials. There are many important issues that need your time and attention.

The most important issue is the Motorcycle Only Roadside Checkpoint elimination bill. HR 1861 is a bill before the US House of Representatives. This bill would end the future funding of any motorcycle only roadside checkpoints

from the Federal government. It is crucial that we obtain a large number of cosponsors on this legislation to move this bill forward. Please set aside some time to meet with your Federal elected officials this August. Should you need any help setting up meetings or for more information do not hesitate to contact the MRF at 202-5460983 or You can find out who your representative is by using this link d

Motorcycle Only Checkpoint H.R. 1861 Needs your SUPPORT Please!

Congressman James Sensenbrenner (Wisconsin) introduced a bill to prohibit the federal funding of motorcycle only roadside checkpoints. Congressman Sensenbrenner needs your support now on this bill.

Congressman Sensenbrenner had this to say in a 'Dear Colleague letter' that is circulating in the House of Representatives; 'In the 112th Congress, I introduced H.R. 904, a bill to prohibit the Department of Transportation (DOT) from providing funds to state and local authorities for the

The Motorcycle Awareness Program (M.A.P.) is an educational program aimed at the target audience of high school students in driver’s education classes. There has been a small group of instructors who have volunteered to present the M.A.P. to students throughout the state. But, we need more instructors.

Remember, that ABATE stands for EDUCATE. Our purpose is to spread the word about safe motorcycling and promote a positive image of motorcyclists. What better way than to speak to the future drivers of our state. The students hopefully, will not only be better equipped car and truck drivers but will also be more aware and watch out for us.

purpose of creating motorcycle only checkpoints. Section one of the Stop Motorcycle Checkpoint Funding Act contains the same language as H.R. 904. However, this bill also contains language to force the DOT to focus motorcycle safety efforts on crash prevention programs, not national helmet mandates.'

This is a perfect opportunity for you personally to use the system that our founding fathers set in place to make a change for the better. The bill, H.R. 1861, has nine original co-sponsors however we

To become an instructor you must:

1. Be available during the day: The presentations in the high school driver’s education classes last about an hour during the school day. There may be as many as 5 classes in one day.

2. Be willing to stand up in front of a group of about 30 high school students and speak: That sounds easier than you think. You need to be able to gently maintain control of the group.

3. Know the material being presented: There is an outline for all presenters to follow so there is uniformity in the material presented.

Help us get additional cosponsors for H.R. 1861, the Stop Motorcycle Checkpoint Funding Act. The bill, introduced by U.S. Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.), will protect motorcyclists’ rights and promote crash prevention as the most effective use of taxpayer money

It's important that as my Congressional Representative I respectfully ask you to please be a co-sponsor of this important

4. Commit to teaching at least 2 classes per school year: We hope to have at least one volunteer instructor in each ABATE Chapter. That person will attend and instructor class (about 4 hours), attend a M.A.P. with an experienced instructor, teach a class with an experienced instructor in attendance. When the new instructor is comfortable and the experienced instructor assesses him/her to be ready the new instructor may begin teaching alone. The mentor program assures that everyone is teaching the same material and everyone has support.

5. Provide record of teaching to the M.A.P. Coordinator on a consistent

PAC Rant

To find all of your representatives, Go to It has an interactive map and it has the links to your particular representative.

Hi Guys

What can you say:

Call for MAP Instructors

to save motorcyclists’ lives. It will also prohibit federal funds being used by states to conduct MOCs.

Jimmy Page State PAC Officer

need many more to pass this landmark legislation. I am calling on all of the Motorcyclist Community asking for your support and sponsorship of H.R. 1861 by contacting YOUR district’s Federal Congressperson in Washington DC. Please ask them to Co-Sponsor H.R. 1861.

Your letter could read something like……

Dear Representative ___________ I am writing to urge your support and co sponsorship for H.R. 1861, the Stop Motorcycle Checkpoint Funding Act. I feel that the practice of removing and reinserting a motorcycle from traffic is an unsafe practice and is very discriminatory to motorcyclists in general. We certainly wouldn’t tolerate an arbitrary red S.U.V. only checkpoint and feel that motorcyclists should be given the same rights and

respect as anyone else on the roads of America. I feel the monies would be better spent on motorist awareness and riders training programs that have been proven to reduce motorcycle collisions. Thank you for your attention in this matter Sincerely__________

In other news The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently issued a notice in the Federal Register on a proposed project entitled “Costs and Cost Savings of Motor Vehicle Injury Prevention: Evidence-Based Policy and Behavioral Interventions.” With the notice coming from the CDC, this caught our attention.

So, the American Motorcyclist Association reached out to the A Brotherhood Aimed Towards Education

legislation. I would like you to contact Congressman James Sensenbrenner and lend your support as co-sponsor of H.R. 1861.

I appreciate your time and look forward to hearing you too have signed onto H.R. 1861. CALL: The U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121


This is your opportunity to get the word out to new drivers about the importance of sharing the road with motorcyclists. This is your opportunity to support the mission and vision of ABATE in your community. Call me 602-616-9855 or email me for more information and to register to become a M.A.P. Instructor. Jean Cooper ABATE State Safety Officer ABATE M.A.P. Coordinator

of Iowa, Inc., known as A.B.A.T.E. of Iowa, to send a joint letter to the CDC. We wanted the CDC to address our concerns with the proposed project’s goal to “collect information relating to the costs of implementing motor vehicle injury prevention interventions” in order to get— in their own words -- the “biggest bang for the buck.” We learned that the CDC study will focus on thirteen “interventions.” Specifically, one of them is “motorcycle helmet use laws.” According to the notice, “information is needed to complete a research study of the costs and costs savings to society of implementing evidence-based interventions.”

Can you say Mandatory helmet laws? So we are going to have to educate the CDC on better methods of reducing crashes like we did with NHTSA and so many others.


August Safety Article active in the northern part of the state. The school year is starting so the active MAP Instructors will be teaching the program to driver education students in high school that still have those programs as part of their curriculum.

Jean Cooper State Safety Officer

On Saturday, August 10th a MAP Instructor renewal session was held along with new Instructor orientation. There were two new instructors and three current instructors in attendance. Updated materials were distributed. So, ABATE has active about 10 MAP Instructors in the central and southern part of the state. That’s great!! Thank you, folks for volunteering to provide this worthwhile program. There is a fairly large group of instructors who offer a slightly different MAP course who are

Hi everyone,

Okay, here’s my soapbox. The other day Clyde and I were riding down 7th Avenue south of Indian School when a guy with flip-flops, shorts a t-shirt and a fancy helmet on a sport bike passes us going faster than our already too fast speed. There is traffic all around. What does that guy do???!! He does a wheelie between two cars. As I was watching him, with my mouth wide open, he missed a gear and wobbled a little. I thought sure he was going to fall into one of the cars. Well, he disappeared on down 7th Street and we turned on Osborn and stopped for gas at the Circle K. As we were fueling, here comes that guy riding into the gas station. He got off, took his helmet off, lit a cigarette

and stood by his bike. He looked so proud of himself with his shiny new helmet and sport bike.

I couldn’t contain myself! Of course, Clyde was trying to fade into the gas pump as I approached the guy who was looking taller and taller as I go closer. I said to him that it looked pretty dangerous to be doing wheelies in traffic like that; wouldn’t it be better to do trick riding in a controlled setting. He blew smoke at me and said, “Yeah, sure, uhuh.” He was lucky I’m too old to climb over his bike at him. I told him, he was not a skilled enough rider to be doing tricks like that as evidenced by the missed gear and wobble. He could have caused a crash. And good thing he was wearing a helmet so he would protect that brain that he wasn’t using. AND he gave the rest of us a bad name pulling stunts like that. He just kept blowing smoke. It was definitely a less than satisfying interaction!

Perhaps, I should not have said anything to that guy. But, I kept thinking about his lack of concern for his and others’ safety was so very stupid and his lack of riding skill was scary. It would have only taken a split second for his actions to have ruined many people’s day, espe-

PAGE 19 cially his own. He lacked control of his vehicle. If something had abruptly changed in the traffic flow, he would not have been able to react. Anyway, safety is everyone’s responsibility and I believe we should take that responsibility seriously. And I was going to educate him! However, I probably did not consider my safety when I approached such a big stranger to scold him.

Once my lecture was done, I returned to Clyde and I’m sure he said, “Phew, I thought I was going to have to keep her from decking that guy.” We rode off and left that guy standing next to his bike, smoking another cigarette probably thinking I was jealous ‘cause my clunky Harley couldn’t do a wheelie and what does that old woman know anyway? I’ll bet he was giving us plenty of time to ride far, far away so I wouldn’t bother him again. Wonder if he’s an ABATE member. I should have offered him a white bandana and an application. Next time.

The best riding weather of the year is just around the corner. So, please include safety in your ride planning.

Jean Cooper

Still Ray Fitzgerald Inducted into the Freedom Fighters Hall of Fame in Sturgis

I am thrilled to report to you that on August 7th, 2013, that I accompanied our very own Still Ray Fitzgerald to Sturgis 2013 and we attended the 13th Annual Sturgis Motorcycle Museum Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony.

On this trip we got wet more than once, broke down here and there, visited a lot of places along the way and were greeted by old friends of Rays with open arms.

You see, this was my 1st trip to Sturgis, so it was all new to me while it was all old hat for Still Ray. But I have to tell you that I am honored to have gone on this trip with him because he is a legend, he will hate that I said that because he doesn’t do all that he does for Motorcycle Rights for fame. Nope, he loves riding and he cares about our rights.

Each year the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame recognizes the sacrifices that individuals across the nation, and the world, have made to protect the rights of those who ride. Their names are engraved into the Freedom Fighters Hall of Fame, a growing list of exemplary and tenacious men and women who serve diligently, humbly and quietly so that we may enjoy the liberties that many of us take for granted. Still Ray is such a man that was honored at

this ceremony by being inducted into the Freedom Fighters Hall of Fame for 2013.

Just a little about Still Ray, he is the current Motorcycle Riders Foundation’s (MRF) Director of Sustaining Member Motorcycle Clubs, Chairman of Arizona’s Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs, Managing Editor of the Arizona Spokesman, Charter Member/past Board of Directors (BOD) Chairman/Member of the American Brotherhood Aimed Towards Education (ABATE) of Arizona, and is now the MRF Motorcycle Club Liaison, MRF Presidents Silver Cup recipient for work benefiting motorcyclist of the United States, and the MRF’s most prestigious award, The John “Farmer” Eggers award for efforts in support on the MRF. He is also a key member of the MRF’s National Lobbying Team for the annually attended MRF Bikers Inside the Beltway National Motorcyclists Rights Lobby Day in Washington D.C. Still Ray, thank you for all that you do for motorcyclists in Arizona and across this great nation, keep it up Brother!!! Thank you,

“Journeymen Paul” Pendergast ABATE of Arizona State Vice President ABATE of Arizona Yavapai Chapter Treasurer Journeymen Motorcycle Club, Treasurer




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House Roster Name John Allen Lela Alston Brenda Barton Sonny Borrelli Paul Boyer Kate Brophy McGee Chad Campbell Minority Leader Mark A. Cardenas Heather Carter Doug Coleman Lupe Chavira Contreras Andrea Dalessandro Jeff Dial Juan Carlos Escamilla Karen Fann Eddie Farnsworth Tom Forese Rosanna Gabald贸n Ruben Gallego Assistant Minority Leader Sally Ann Gonzales Doris Goodale David M. Gowan Sr. Majority Leader Rick Gray Majority Whip Albert Hale Lydia Hernandez John Kavanagh Adam Kwasman Jonathan Larkin Debbie Lesko David Livingston Phil Lovas Stefanie Mach Debbie McCune Davis Juan Mendez Javan "J.D." Mesnard Speaker Pro Tempore Eric Meyer Catherine H. Miranda Darin Mitchell Steve Montenegro Justin Olson Ethan Orr Lisa Otondo Jamescita Peshlakai Warren Petersen Justin Pierce Frank Pratt Mart铆n J. Quezada Bob Robson Macario Saldate IV Carl Seel Andrew Sherwood T.J. Shope Steve Smith Victoria Steele David W. Stevens Bob Thorpe Andy Tobin Kelly Townsend Michelle Ugenti Bruce Wheeler

District 15 24 6 5 20 28 24

Party R D R R R R D


Room 131 332 111 310 309 304 320

Phone (602) 926-4916 926-5829 926-4129 926-5051 926-4173 926-4486 926-3026

Fax (602) 417-3150 417-3115 417-3010 417-3003 417-3153 417-3170 417-3037

19 15 16 19 2 18 4 1 12 17 2 27


122 303 308 325 118 110 126 316 302 113 117 321

926-3014 926-5503 926-3160 926-5284 926-5342 926-5550 926-5872 926-5874 926-5735 926-5168 926-3424 926-3042

417-3048 417-3107 417-3151 417-3106 417-3169 417-3120 417-3112 417-3001 417-3122 417-3021 417-3129 417-3117

3 5 14


116 313 206

926-3278 926-5408 926-3312

417-3127 417-3103 417-3130






7 29 23 11 30 21 22 22 10 30 26 17


129 119 114 344 124 222 341 130 125 322 120 220

926-4323 926-3376 926-5170 926-5839 926-5058 926-5413 926-4178 926-3297 926-3398 926-4485 926-4124 926-4481

417-3160 417-3176 417-3108 417-3026 417-3015 417-3109 417-3154 417-3004 417-3126 417-3014 417-3017 417-3152

28 27 13 13 25 9 4 7 12 25 8 29 18 3 20 26 8 11 9 14 6 1 16 23


334 329 307 218 306 337 123 323 345 112 223 324 217 115 330 121 338 335 318 312 331 221 342 339

926-3037 926-4893 926-5894 926-5955 926-5288 926-3235 926-3002 926-5160 926-4136 926-5495 926-5761 926-5911 926-5549 926-4171 926-3018 926-3028 926-3012 926-5685 926-5683 926-4321 926-5219 926-5172 926-4467 926-4480

417-3111 417-3116 417-3012 417-3168 417-3161 417-3030 417-3124 417-3002 417-3222 417-3019 417-3023 417-3171 417-3157 417-3162 417-3006 417-3038 417-3123 417-3167 417-3147 417-3146 417-3223 417-3085 417-3018 417-3155

Senate Roster Party Email D R R D R D

Room 303A 307 205 213 302 314

Phone (602) 926-4118 926-5766 926-4371 926-5262 926-5861 926-5835

Fax (602) 417-3224 417-3261 417-3022 926-3429 417-3104 417-3262

306 304 212

926-3020 926-5409 926-3016

417-3252 417-3105 417-3007


311 313 300

926-3022 926-5830 926-5895

417-3128 417-3268 417-3025

24 7 27


308 315 213

926-5325 926-5862 926-3830

417-3136 417-3099 417-3148











8 11 30 21 4 1 23 13 19


313 303 311 305 315 301 303 200 314

926-5836 926-4326 926-3425 926-4444 926-3004 926-5584 926-5828 923-4139 926-3392

417-3131 417-3159 417-3114 417-3009 417-3179 417-3101 417-3255 417-3024 417-3013

5 25 17


304 310 309

926-4138 926-5760 926-5863

417-3165 417-3091 417-3258

Name Ed Ableser Nancy Barto Andy Biggs David Bradley Judy Burges Olivia Cajero Bedford

District 26 15 12 10 22 3

Rich Crandall Chester Crandell Adam Driggs Majority Whip Steve Farley Steve Gallardo Gail Griffin President Pro Tempore Katie Hobbs Jack Jackson Jr. Leah Landrum Taylor Minority Leader Linda Lopez Assistant Minority Leader John McComish Majority Leader Barbara McGuire Al Melvin Robert Meza Rick Murphy Lynne Pancrazi Steve Pierce Michele Reagan Don Shooter Anna Tovar Minority Whip Kelli Ward Bob Worsley Steve Yarbrough

16 6 28


9 29 14


Rider Ed Courses in AZ

To Print a Copy, Go To: Locations Zip County Email Phone Site Website City Motorcycle Rider PHOENIX 85012 MARICOPA Click Here (623) 979-1839 View Training RIDE SMART M/C View PHOENIX 85023 MARICOPA Click Here (623) 877-5425 TRAINING T.E.A.M. Arizona View GILBERT 85233 MARICOPA Click Here (480) 998-9888 Chandler/Gilbert GILBERT PUBLIC View GILBERT 85234 MARICOPA (480) 894-0404 SCHOOLS (PARKING LOT) T.E.A.M. Arizona View SCOTTSDALE 85260 MARICOPA Click Here (480) 998-9888 Scottsdale CHANDLER View (480) 496-6800 TEMPE 85283 MARICOPA HARLEYDAVIDSON T.E.A.M. Arizona View GLENDALE 85302 MARICOPA Click Here (623) 939-9888 Glendale DEER VALLEY View GLENDALE 85308 MARICOPA (623) 247-5542 HIGH SCHOOL LUKE AIR FORCE LUKE AFB 85309 MARICOPA (623) 975-6264 BASE Motorcycle Rider View PEORIA 85345 MARICOPA Click Here (623) 979-1839 Training VEHICLE SAFETY YUMA 85367 YUMA Click Here (928) 376-7489 View INSTITUE T.E.A.M. Arizona FT View 85613 COCHISE Click Here (520) 733-9888 Sierra Vista HUACHUCA Pima Community View TUCSON 85707 PIMA (520) 206-3981 College T.E.A.M. Arizona View TUCSON 85714 PIMA Click Here (520) 733-9888 Tucson RIDE NAZ -View BELLEMONT 86015 COCONINO (928) 443-0111 FLAGSTAFF Ride Northern PRESCOTT 86301 YAVAPAI Click Here (928) 443-0111 View Arizona - Prescott T.E.A.M. Arizona View PRESCOTT 86301 YAVAPAI Click Here (928) 771-2500 Prescott MOHAVE (928) 757-0825 View KINGMAN 86401 MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE MOHAVE LAKE View (928) 505-3321 COMMUNITY HAVASU 86403 MOHAVE COLLEGE CITY MOHAVE JB'S 86440 MOHAVE Click Here (866) 668-6462 View VALLEY RESTAURANT

ATTENTION - ALL RIDERS: =======================

It has come to our attention that business establishments in Arizona may still be discriminating against motorcyclists. Please carry copies of this form with you at all times. Discrimination can range from a sign stating "No Colors" or "No Motorcycle Parking" or "No Motorcycle Attire" etc., to simply being asked to leave a place of business, just because you are on a motorcycle or because of your riding apparel. If anything like this happens to you, PLEASE fill out this form in its entirety and send it to the address noted. Your lobbyists cannot get sponsorship for "equal access" legislation, without evidence of this type of discrimination. Documentation of Discrimination DATE: ______________

Business Phone _______________

NAME OF ESTABLISHMENT: __________________________________ BUSINESS PHONE (with area code): __________________________________ BUSINESS - FULL ADDRESS: ___________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ NAME / POSITION OF PERSON ENFORCING POLICY: ________________ ________________________________________________________ WRITTEN STATEMENT OF DISCRIMINATION (use back if needed): _____ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ YOUR NAME (please print): ______________________________________ YOUR PHONE (with area code): __________________________________ YOUR SIGNATURE: ____________________________________________ *** INCLUDE ANY PICTURES OF DISCRIMINATING SIGNS POSTED *** Mail To: Ray Fitzgerald 1634 West Pine Cone Way Prescott, Arizona 86303


Important Phone Numbers

Aid to Injured Motorcyclists - A.I.M. - (800) 521-2425 24-Hr. Legal Assistance for all accidents

Aid to Incarcerated Motorcyclists A.I.M. - (800) 235-2424 24-Hr. Legal Criminal Defense

National Legislative Hot Line - (800) 300-NCOM 24-Hr. Motorcycle Legislative Alerts

National Coalition of Motorcyclists NCOM- (800) 525-5355 Fighting for Bikers Rights

Confederation of Clubs. - (800) 531-2424 Motorcycle Clubs Fighting Against Discrimination

Motorcycle Riders Foundation Washington D.C. Office (202) 546-0983

Your Classified Ad


could be here... It’s Free to ABATE Members. submit your ad online at

2000 HD Custom (623) 374-5510 $15K OBO

Garage Sale – FMI Call Sean at 520-841-3830 Industrial Rack Shelving 30”D X 53”W X 72”H $150.00 (2) Folding Horses $15.00 Metal HD Car Ramps $20.00 Patton High Velocity Fan – PAB06 $20.00 VersaLadder folding lock hinges 50.5” X 4 ~ 16.5’ $130.00 HP Pavilion Flat Screen Monitor $30.00 Minifridge Haier 19.5”W X 18”D X 34”H $100.00 Whirlpool Dryer Lg Capacity $150.00 Fire Pit 22” Dia 34” w/ shelf $25.00 2001 ElectraGlide Spoke Rim $200.00 Craftsman 125-PSI 3gal Air Compressor - 15310 $60.00 Wts [2-25 & 4-5], Curling & Dumbell Bars $60.00

AzTech Flatbed Trailer (Car/ATV Hauler) $2200 obo 2008 STS Cadillac for sale, 23K miles $28,000 obo Call 928-718-6296 Cell 928-716-7289

2006 H-D Dyna Street Bob 11,000 miles, $22,000 invested, selling for $16,000. Contact Pete @ (602) 315-6950

2-1/2" Santee® 50 caliber pipes

exhaust for Harley 1986-2006 softail 84-06

Loud Loud pipes.. deep throaty base lets everyone know your there. Lightly used and in excellent condition. Retail on this set is 479.00 dollars. Pipes are stacked low and feature full-radius heat shields embossed with Santee's® distinctive logo. These pipe sets are the best combination of performance and looks with a 1-3/4"-diameter inner pipe and a 2-1/2" outer cover. Chrome billet end caps with integral baffles are included. Pipes are Chrome and have no dings or scratches they are in excellent condition... even the inner 1 and 3/4 pipe has little bluing... I just wanted to add this since i have had many questions as to the condition of the pipes.. Price: $150.00 James Osborne 623-692-5597

2003 Honda Shadow A.C.E. 750 for sale.

This bike has been very well maintained and is in excellent condition. Runs like a top, looks amazing-beautiful black paint, no dings or scratches. Has many upgrades including a removable windvest, upgraded mirrors, rear tiedown chrome rack, aftermarket Kuryakyn ISO grips with chrome accents and Throttle Boss, plus a Kontour custom seat. Passenger seat and foot pegs included. Great first bike! This is a wonderful bike for anyone who wants to ride without constant wrenching. 31,000 miles, regular maintenance done professionally. She is worth $4,000 with all the extras and the condition, but will take 3,200. Relocating, advertising in southern Arizona, serious buyers only-call 520-490-4548 or send email to

FINALLY!! A motorcycle themed paperback book for the young reader. The Adventures of Olive Pearl and Hammy Davidson features Olive Pearl; a green and black motorcycle and Hamrietta (Hammy) Davidson her stuffed piggy passenger. They experience the joy of motorcycling on a 1700-mile road trip to meet new people, see new things, and learn life lessons along the way. Their adventures are wrapped inside the love story of husband and wife characters, “The Man” and “The Lady”. Sprinkled throughout with pictures, social observations, and humor, adults will also enjoy reading this story to younger children and are sure to get a laugh or two themselves. Get more info and place an order at: Let’s Ride!!

2003 Harley- 100th Anniversary FXDX Dyna Super Glide Sport

Has added – 100th Anniversary Gold Key Package Stored- Like New -Driven less than 200 miles Black Textured Paint - This Model Highly Rated – Built for speed. Judy Rovno 928-234-2969 2002 V8 Trike

Chevy 350c.i. engine. Automatic Transmission. Harley Davidson Fatboy Front End. Very comfortable ride -- Adjustable Air Shocks. AM/FM, Tape, CD Player. Great sound system. Harley Davidson "Luxury Rich Red" paint. Blue and Gold Ghost Ribbons. Beautiful Tank Mural of Pegasus. Lots of Chrome. Loaded. Prize Winner. A real beauty. Easy Maintenance. $19,000 o.b.o. 928-445-3992

One-Piece DayTripper motorcycle seat

New - never used - In box Retails for $359 model 76189 fits Honda VT 750 Spirit 2001-2006 & VT 750DC 2007-2009. The detailed stitch work in the highly durable, synthetic glove-leather makes the DayTripper a show winner. $150.00 Call Bob @ 602-463-0544


2008 Harley Davidson Road Glide- 6,240 miles-lowering kit-travel packageAM/FM/WB/CD- 6 speed-Dark Blue Pearl-Corbin Solo and Stock Seat- asking $17,000. e-mail serious inquiries to:

Home Care Medical Equipment Electric Hospital bed with new motor, mattress and electronic inflatable Bariatric pad, shower chair, elevated toilet seat. All in excellent condition. Worth $3000 will take $1500 for all OBO Delivery and set up available. Will consider renting bed . Call for info 602-228-6830 Melissa or e-mail

Gas Tank from an 05 Springer Classic.

Black/Lave Red. Taken off my bike in 2005 with approx 9,000 miles on it. Excellent Condition, $300.00. Located in Chino Valley (near Prescott). 928-830-4505.

Motorcycle Hearse

COPD diagnosis forces SALE! $50,000.00 visit this website to view complete set of equipment. Equipment included: 1999 Harley Davidson Road King Trike (6045 miles) modified with reverse gear & fifth wheel hitch, detachable 18th Century styled Hearse Carriage, full size casket with full cover flag, cherry wood Urn Ark with panoramic glass & folding stand, Encased Memorial Flag, 2007 22ft. flatbed transportation trailer with winds/bug shield, Honor Flags, pre-printed magnetic Carriage name plates & misc office supplies. Call Bill or Phyllis 623-386-8281



Trailer for sale $5,000 2012 Road Force dual axle enclosed trailer. Drop gate, fully lined, interior lights, roof vent, floor tie downs, electric brakes. For more info. call Ken at 520 207 6301. Tucson. Play Pool Good condition, good motor and pump. $200.00 You take down and move. $400.00 we can take down and deliver within 50 miles.



East Valley Chapter’s 11 Annual

“HARD ASS RUN” This mystery ride is approx 330 miles of scenic byways, Benefiting ABATE’s ability to fight for your rights & safety!

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12TH Sign in between 7 a.m. – 9 a.m. at the MESQUITE GRILL 75 W. Baseline Rd., Gilbert (just East of Country Club)

---------------------------------------------------------------------Suggested Donation $20 per person - $30 with rider

First 75 receive a collectible t-shirt!! Awarded at end stop Free Poker Hand with Donation, 50/50 & Raffle prizes available FMI: Jess (480) 635-2371 All makes & models WELCOME Legislators don’t See a difference!

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