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Sharing Earth’s Data


W hat is Synoptic? Synoptic is a consolidated data hub for geophysical data of all types, f rom weather to oceanography to geology and everything in between.

Utilities are some of Synoptic’s most frequent users. While there are many sources of weather data, only Synoptic combines data from public sources with valuable data from selected proprietary networks. Its unique solution helps utilities analyze demand, understand weather risks, and best deploy field assets.

S Y N O P T I C A D VA N TA G E S Synoptic provides the most powerful service available:

W hy do I need it? The Earth is a complex, dynamic, and interconnected system. Its changing conditions impact your operations, and Synoptic bri ngs you the data you need in real time - simply, quickly, and efficiently.

H o w does it work?



a n d s o f t w a r e i n a state-of-theart cloud-based solution

• 24 hr, 3 6 5 day op er a tion s s u p p o r t • Real-time access to data from

tens of thousands of public, private, and university stations

• 10 years or more of archived

Synoptic reaches out and collects geophysical data from hundreds of data providers. It then makes that data available through a single portal, using widely accepted data formats and protocols. H AV E

• Professional grade hardware

d a t a f r o m m a n y stations Synoptic’s Application Programming Interface (API) allows rapid and easy customized data retrievals. Additional data formats, including GIS web services (OGC and ESRI), direct feeds, and other industry standard formats are available.


Synopt ic c a n int e g ra te d a ta fro m your ow n s t a t io n s o r n e two rk , cre a t ing a c omple te l y c u s to m i z e d , ful l y inf or med r ea l -ti m e s i tu a ti o n a l awa r enes s dis pla y.

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