Industrial Design Portfolio 2021

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Industrial Design


2021 -2020

Contents. P1: MIYM,

Flexibility Connected. • Secondary Research • Development of a Proposal Time-scale - 10 Days

P2: Clens,

Quick, Convenient, Clean. • • • •

Primary Research Electronic Prototyping Interaction Prototyping Design for Manufacture

Time-scale - 9 Months

P3: Spare,

Improving The Energy Saving Experience. • • • •

User-led Research Body-storming UX Wire frames Screen Prototypes

Time-scale - 12 Weeks

P4: Mutual,

Sharing Made Easy • Primary Research • Experience Prototyping • Service Design Time-scale - 12 Weeks


Flexibility Connected.

Redefining the Yoga market currently suffering from gender bias to achieve functional inclusivity through the implementation of a product based solution.



Yoga poses for men often have to be altered due to natural hip alignment through the use of a yoga block or modification of technique.


Insights Gained: The assumption that yoga is not physical enough stems from lack of knowledge of different types of yoga. Unrealistic expectations for beginner males to exhibit the same skill level as females in sessions with little work on flexibility



Personalised workouts for sessions at your desired intensity


Weekly scoreboard to achieve that competitive edge against your friends


Step by step guidance to achieve flexibility at your own pace


1. Downward Dog

3. Triangle

2. Warrior II



Flexibility Connected

Motion Sensor Two built-in infrared cameras to help track accuracy and progress in real time.


Yoga Blocks Blocks with a detachable lid to achieve two standard block sizes in one (3” x 6” x 9” and 4“ x 6” x 9”).

Yoga Mat Integrated LED and pressure sensor technology within a laminated PVC foam mat to guide you through low to high intensity workouts at a pace personal to you and your flexibility needs.


P2: Clens. ,

Quick, Convenient, Clean.

Providing a system for extended wear contact lens users to maintain a good lens care routine whilist promoting behaviour change in disposable lens users.


Clens. 10

N o rt h Am e r i c a has the l ar g e s t m a r ke t for contact lens users. Acanthamoeba Keratitis is a potentially blinding infection of the cornea that is often identified through tearing and pain and redness of the eye. The micro-organism is commonly found in nature in bodies of water such as lakes and oceans. The infection is largely prominent in otherwise healthy contact lens wearers, in particular those using extend wear options, with 85% of infection cases falling within this group.

Over 1 Million Hospital Visits per year

Although on the surface acanthamoeba organisms are harmless to humans they have the potential to be dangerous if they infect the cornea. Diagnosis of AK remains difficult with efficacy and treatment time presenting a major problem. Early diagnosis remains a critical factor in effective treatment with common symptoms ranging from inflammation and tearing to photo-phobia. It is therefore essential to take a preventative rather than reactive approach in order to reduce the risk at its source.

Cost of $175 Million to US Healthcare

P r i m a r y U s e r Re s e a r c h

79% Don’t adhere to hygiene regimes.



Dispose of lenses in general waste

Value convenience over cost.


P r o p o s a l o f Te c h n o l o g y Through secondary research, a plasma based solution was adopted based on existing technology. The technology effectively sterilizes each lens when suspended in an aqueous solvent. Ionised gas plasma generates reactive species above the location of the lens which is submerged in solution, in this case, tap water. These species have been found to have an anti-microbial effect and are dissolved into the water as to form an aqueous solution.

This solution then must be agitated to cause movement within the solvent and ensure an effective cleaning cycle. By using tap water, it completely eliminates the need for chemical solutions within the system. The gas plasma source is placed 50mm above the contact lens surface and is generated via two pairs of electrodes located above the lens cavity when a voltage is applied across them.

Ke y D e s i g n F e a t u r e s



Agitation Dome Redesign


Automated Water Dispenser

These features aimed to reduce the touch points between the user and the lenses prior to insertion and minimize the complexity of steps required to achieve clean lenses.

2 Aside from the plasma cleaning technology, it was appropriate to investigate the use of a water dispensing system through Arduino. The basic code used revolved around using a servo motor in order to control the flow of water out of the system. Limitations arose within this system surrounding the strength of the spring that the motor was trying to overcome, however, the experiment was useful In demonstrating proof of concept.


Phase 1 Clens. The proposed solution is an all-encompassing contact lens maintenance device with level of convenience experienced by disposable lens users aimed at the female, 30-45 market. In terms of a unique selling point, the device provides a clean of higher quality compared to other devices and maximizes convenience, with the system only taking five minutes to clean. The device works through a system of plasma technology that converts tap water into an aqueous solution sterilizing the contact lenses within the system. Through an automated dispenser mechanism, the user simply has to refill the container with water instead of manually filling up the lens wells with each use.

Phase 2 Preparations Revisit the usability to make all aspects of the design as convenient as possible – putting in the water, removing the water, taking out the contact lenses. Is a drawer required? Should the lenses be offered up or similar to the current disposable contact lens retrieval? Can potential removal of contact lenses be avoided before they have completed the cleaning cycle? The final proposal is very large for little contact lenses. Can this be any smaller to increase the portability aspect?


Pe r s o n a Name: Emily Age: 36 Occupation: Financial Specialist in Manchester Experience Goals Wants to minimize mundane generic tasks in her life that make her life boring and repetitive To achieve a good level of lens hygiene so she doesn’t become anxious about her eye health Task Goals Wants to reduce the time taken for her to clean her lenses of a morning before work Reduce her reliance on disposable contact lenses and adopt a more sustainable mindset Pain Points Eyes often get dry as a result of using lenses for long periods of time Expensive use of cleaning solutions

Through the second development stage, the components driving the size of the device were established by picking apart the device. The three driving factors for size within the proposed prototype were contact lens size, electrode size and the drawer mechanism used to access the system. Further research into the relationship between plasma discharge and electrode diameter through the absorbency of methylene blue showed a proportionate relationship between the active species formed and the decomposition of organic compounds supported the use of smaller 2mm diameter electrodes. The dispenser feature was omitted due to the small amount of solution required for a cleaning cycle and the difficulty with ensuring any water stored in the device did not go stagnant without increasing the volume of the overall device.

Material Analysis Consideration of Functional/Aesthetic Restraints:​ Contain other constituent parts​ Button will be pushed consistently for the product lifespan​ Soft touch finish on both parts Integration of soft touch finishes meant that the material must also be resistant to heat within 5% of the range stated in the technical data sheet for the finishing process. Resistance to UV light is also necessary. By ranking constraints by importance, all possible materials were evaluated through CES and Polypropylene was established as the main material for manufacture of plastic parts.


Prototype Production

1. Electronic Prototype, focussing on the agitation mechanism required to clean the lenses using arduino. 2. Physical Prototype, focussing on the interaction between the device and user Prototypes were created for experimentation of form, interaction and electronics. Each prototyping stage increased in quality of fidelity from cardboard to foam and finally 3D printing with the 3D printed models.


Design For Manufacture






Key design changes as a result of virtual user testing were implemented prior to design for manufacture to solve issues surrounding the removal of the lens inserts and ambuity of functional aspects. In terms of Design for Manufacture, all parts were optimised from the interaction prototype. The following alterations were made to ensure that the device was suitable for mass manufacture methods: 1. Snap fits to reduce the amount of screws within the device, reduces assembly time and amount of parts required. 2. Corresponding snap inclusions for ease of locating 3. Top heavy diameter secures part in place once manipulated into part, elasticity of material choice allows this.


4. External inserts would be required to create threading on contact inserts with directional removal taken into consideration 5. Metal Rim - Interference fit around assembled body for ease of assembly 6. Increased thickness of outer body to aid stability and strength of device, resulting in better quality injection mould.

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Pe r f o r m a n c e Re q u i r e m e n t s 1.1.

Product should use a portable power source and be rechargeable


Product will be powered by a USB Type C connector providing the system with 5V.


Current following through the system must be 450mA.


Device works by pulsing a voltage to charge a capacitor.


Output pulse voltage produces plasma ions to dissolve in water to create a cleaning solution.


Output pulse voltage must be between 0.5kV and 0.8kV

No Chemical Solutions

Clean lenses in two minutes

Costs just 7 months worth of disposable lenses


Phase 2 Clens. Marketed for sale in North America, Clens aims to attract female extended wear contact lens users aged 30-49 with the aim of improving their lens maintenance hygiene. Clens is a contact lens cleaner with a focus on convenience and quality of cleanliness. The device disinfects and breakdowns proteins present on lenses through ionising plasma treatment to kill bacteria and viruses such as Acanthamoeba Keratitis. Without the need for chemical solutions, Clens requires only water and a two minute cleaning cycle increasing convenience for the user, whether that’s at home or at the office. With a size like that of a glasses case, the device presents itself significantly smaller than that of the device presented in phase 1.


Ke y F e a t u r e s

The design of the removable insert reduces th between the user and the lens while the integ convex dome eliminates the need for the user concave edge of a lens to correct the orientat before insertion. This helps provide the cleane Left-right lens indications are denoted both on and the lower casing to encourage safe lens m practices encouraged by opticians.

With one cavity dedicated to cleaning and an storage cavity, the user is given the option of m pairs of contact lenses providing a solution if d to the lenses within normal daily activity.


he touch points gration of a r interact with the tion of the lens est lens possible. n the inserts maintenance

additional maintaining two damage occurs


P3: Spare ,

Improving The Energy Saving Experience.

Making tne home work for the user while encouraging energy reduction and management for Young Adult Renters Living Alone in 2030.” .


Spare. 22


Working from home is common across all industries Larger % of people living in rented accommodation Cost of living has increased More widely available green energy providers

User Unpack Unpacking existing research with our defined user in mind, allowed for an understanding as to how, through contextualisation, the user would behave, think and feel. The research implied that the complexity stems from needing different appliances all working in harmony to make it efficient alongside our own behaviours.

To investigate further, an experience map during the coldest day of the year was developed. It became clear that working from home results in a higher frequency of laundry due to the overarching confusion with the machine until familiar.


User Goals Experience

Ta s k

Build relationships and feel a sense of connection amongst a like-minded community of users, to gain advice and assurance easing the ambiguity of energy billing.

Wants to reduce energy costs to increase disposable income.

To uphold a personal image of being energy conscious & being one with the times.

To maintain the freedom to undertake household tasks in the pursuit of convenience, like small volume laundry cycles without being financially penalised.

Doesn’t want mundane generic tasks to overwhelm more important aspects of his life such as his new job & socialising.

To be better informed about the cost & environmental implications of his energy usage and learn new viable methods for improving.

Hi, I’m Ethan

“Moving into my own apartment has been great, but I didn’t expect the bills to be so extortionate!”

UX Vision “Spare is for young adults living alone after moving into rental accommodation for the first time who want to be able to live comfortably and cost-effectively but they lack the knowledge and feel restricted in their efforts. By providing non-invasive cost saving advice backed by physical, tangible information; assisting the user and helping plan household tasks; visualising other user’s energy consumption in their area to see differences in behaviour and expenditure which provides motivation + gratification that they are getting the most they can out of their home. Spare delivers the user experience of being personalised, social, economical, insightful, and sustainable”


Bodystorming and Sitemap Generation The original concept outlined within the vision outlined the experience post-move. Due to the user being a first time renter, it is unlikely that he would remain in the property longer than a year. He would likely experience teething problems while becoming familiar with the app and features due to ‘lack of experience’ in forward planning due to the flexibility of his old residence. Energy saving and cost reduction will not be at its full potential until Ethan is using all the features on a regular basis, making Ethan feel uneasy. With a change of circumstance, Ethan’s user behaviour will shift prompting big purchases for new appliances. Ilinformed decisions as a result of ‘lack of understanding’ mean inexpensive yet eventually costly devices will be purchased. The solution is rooted in behaviour change

Wireframe Iteration

Further streamlining through the integration of the User Profile as the landing page, the user finds it easier to access information quickly and efficiently as to not interfere with the user’s busy lifestyle. Introducing the ‘community flower’ feature meant that the original community suggestion feature, which lacked a personal touch, was visually more engaging and helped evoke the sense of togetherness Ethan required from Spare.



P4: Mutual ,

Sharing Made Easy

How could mindsets be shifted away from misguided and damaging purchasing habits by aiming to educate and change user habits?


Mutual. 28

C o n t ex t

St a ke h o l d e r s

Charnwood borough council introduced a Climate Change Strategy in 2018. Although this encourages positive behaviour, the council lack a specific community based incentive to help implement this change in behaviour. Waste management remains an issue for local councils and is written into multiple pieces of government legislation. However, the government cannot control what goes on inside the home and so user habits/behaviour go unnoticed, leaving the problem of waste management in the home to remain unchallenged.


Re s e a r c h M e t h o d s

2. Environmental activists will benefit in the knowledge that things are being done to implement sustainable practices. Their support will also help the government in terms of promotion of the solution.

Local authority governments due to easy integration of the system into society without alienating a particular demographic. Easy provision of system within appropriate costs. External 1. Society will gain through community reward schemes.

Problem Video Essays

Census Data

Food waste diaries



‘People want change without changing themselves.’

‘Laisez faire’ attitudes to throwing things away

Unnecessary food wastage

Project Proposal Design a solution that improves waste management practices within the local community of Charnwood using a preventative approach. The engagement with the solution will aim to improve community outreach and social inclusion within the desired demographic

Ease of online purchasing encourages people to buy more


Virtual Experience Prototyping - Interaction Task: Determine the effect of different positionalties on service interaction. Technique: personify different age groups in terms of certain limitations they face and create an model of the physical environment in which the interaction would take place ​ Comparisons between interactions of different groups and age ranges (22,48 and 61) looking at how the end point of using the service is achieved at a long and short distance. Limitations included work schedules and ability to walk long distances.

Virtual Experience Prototyping - Feasibility Task: Determining ideal locations for Pick Up/ Collection Lockers. Feasibility Test.​ Technique: Mapping of 4 key residential areas within perimeters of Loughborough​(purple) Reasonable walking distance for adults determined as 0.6 miles, approx. 12 minute walk. Realistically how many drop off/collection points are required to satisfy the vast majority of the area?​ Centre of each area determined using irregular cardboard object method, 0.6 mile diameter established around centre points.​(yellow) Lockers positioned on outskirts of circular areas with new areas draw to expand the capabilities of reach


Proposal Features App Assistant An app is utilised to provide users with a simple and easy way to organise item and skill sharing, from finding items, to getting in touch with other users, accessing rewards and other features.

Skillshare Users can offer to share skills through Mutual as part of an item share, to make sure the item is used properly, or as a separate exchange between users in the local community centre.

C o m m u n a l Lo c ke r s Placing communal lockers around the Charnwood are provides a convenient and secure place to transfer items for share between users, which is accessed using a QR code generated by the Mutual app

Courier System A courier system, organised through the council and volunteers, is also included for the convenience of users, particularly for those that may find it difficult to leave their home to access the lockers.

Service Blueprint



About Me.

I’m Abbie. An analytical and user-focussed Industrial Design Graduate with knowledge in user experience design based in the North West. I’m driven to maximize user engagement in technology through the development of new product experiences to facilitate user needs in the present and future. Outside of the world of design, my hobbies include baking and my wonderful Penguin Classics collection. Email:

Competencies Solidworks Solidworks Visualise Adobe Creative Cloud (Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator) Sketchbook Pro


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