INSIDE: Mission Outlaws forecast improvement T H U R S D A Y September 26, 2013
Pg. 18
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River erosion endangering dyke ROCHELLE BAKER RBaker@abbotsfordtimes
he City of Abbotsford is appealing to senior levels of government for help to deal with a serious erosion problem caused by the Fraser River that could endanger the dyke system and lead to flooding next spring. The Fraser River has gnawed a hole into the riverbank that’s within 30 metres of the toe of the Matsqui Prairie Dyke east of Beharrel Road, council heard Monday.
Newest crater in riverbank is within 30 metres of Matsqui Prairie Dyke The new “erosion arc” developed after the 2013 freshet, or high river levels following the spring snow melt. The semi-circular crater with water levels up to 40 feet deep is actually the fourth such erosion arc to have developed along the riverbank in the area. But the recent arc poses the most danger to the dyke and the 12,000
UFV team studying the Fraser CHRISTINA TOTH
he waters of the Fraser River are changing, and a team of researchers and students from the University of the Fraser Valley are watching. UFV biologist Steve Marsh, some colleagues and students are monitoring the health of the Fraser River as part of the international Global Rivers Observatory project. “We’re basically taking the pulse of the river. We’re really here to learn what’s going to happen longtime,” he said. The UFV team takes water samples from the rowing dock in Fort Langley about once or twice a month. The samples then go for geochemical analysis at the Global Rivers Observatory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. The results will eventually tell a detailed story of what chemical and particulate changes are happening
acres – mostly prime farmland and residences – on Matsqui Prairie it protects. The three other erosion points are side-by-side, eating into farmland along the riverbank west of Beharrel Road, but they don’t come as close to the dyke. “It’s incredibly urgent,” said Mayor Bruce Banman. “If we get another significant freshet it could compro-
mise the dyke . . . and we could see some serious flooding.” Work needs to be done to protect the dyke from further erosion before the freshet in 2014, said Banman. The problem is largely due to gravel accumulation in the Fraser River channel causing the waters to change course and scour the south riverbank, according to a study commissioned by the city and Metro Vancouver Regional Parks, which is responsible for Matsqui Trail Regional Park adjacent to the dyke.
The gravel aggradation starts in the middle of the river, beginning at the Sumas Bar and extending to the bend near Hatzic Prairie. Abbotsford approached the Emergency Management BC (EMBC) for funding to fix the compromised riverbank but was informed the situation didn’t qualify as an “emergency”, such as high water or flooding. “What constitutes an emergency if this doesn’t?” asked Banman. see DYKE, page A4
across the Fraser River’s watershed, said Marsh. Climate change has already altered the river – warmer temperatures have led to the outbreak of pine beetle, which killed lodgepole pine forests in about 60 per cent of the river’s watershed. Dead forests and salvage logging have made the Fraser basin vulnerable to erosion and flooding. There are also impacts from agriculture, Marsh said. The UFV team also monitors local tributary creeks, including Kanaka in Maple Ridge, Silverdale in Mission, Clayburn and Willband creeks in Abbotsford, and may be adding Nathan Creek to the list. – Marsh will also speak about his work at Rivers Day event Sept. 29 at the Fraser River Interpretive Centre on Harbour Street in Mission. Marsh’s research is profiled in the June 2013 issue of Canadian Geographic.
Abbotsford Mayor Bruce Banman manned an excavator to begin the demolition of the old Hall Pontiac building on South Fraser Way on Tuesday to make way for the new strata retail and office building, The Mark. Completion of the new two-building complex is slated for spring 2015. Use your Layar app for more photos of the demolition day.
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