INSIDE: City bylaw will ban medical marijuana grow-ops Pg. 3 T H U R S D A Y
October 24, 2013
Little Mermaid on UFV stage
Bus route squashed
Abby council puts brakes on FV Express
lors Patricia Ross and Dave Loewen were in support of the plan. Councillors John Smith and Bill MacGregor were absent from the meeting, and Coun. ROCHELLE BAKER Simon Gibson has not been present at council following his election as an MLA. bbotsford council has Chilliwack Mayor Shanixed plans to devel- ron Gaetz, also the chair of op a long anticipated the Fraser Valley Regional regional Fraser Valley Express District, said Abbotsford bus linking the city to Chilli- council’s decision was unexwack and Langley and tying pected, especially as it had the communities to the Met- unanimously endorsed the ro Vancouver transit system. project at a recent FVRD Councillors Henry Braun, board meeting. “I was very disappointed Moe Gill and Les Barkman voted against the inter-city and surprised,” said Gaetz. However, Banman’s probus, and with three other councillors missing from the posal to revisit the issue was table, it was enough to park encouraging, she said. Gaetz said she understood the project. the reason Abbotsford the project Mayor Bruce “I’m kind of scratching was rejected B a n m a n , my head on this one.” was because among othe r s , w e r e – Mayor Bruce Banman, on the vote c o u n c i l l o r s felt they didn’t b a f f l e d by have enough the outcome, especially as just prior to the information to support it. “I ’m h o p e f u l t h a t vote, the council had unanimously passed a motion Abbotsford city staff, FVRD allowing it opt out of the plan staff and BC Transit can give in the future if the proposed the council the information they need,” said Gaetz. “It’s costs were too great. “We had an escape clause,” imperative we have this service in the Fraser Valley.” said Banman. The Fraser Valley Express “I’m kind of scratching my was intended to bridge the head on this one.” Banman intends to use his transit gap between the comexecutive privilege to bring munities of Abbotsford and the issue back for reconsid- Chilliwack. The inter-city route would eration once more councilalso tie both communities to lors are present. However, he wasn’t sure SkyTrain and other key desthat it would change the out- tinations within the Lower Mainland via the Langley come of the original vote. “I honestly can’t say,” he Carvolth Exchange. said. see BUS, page A10 The mayor and council-
Willow View Farms in Abbotsford was a great place to pick out the perfect pumpkin on Saturday. Nine-monthold Kingston peeks out from behind a giant squash. For more adorable photos of pumpkin patch kids, download the Layar app to your smartphone and scan the logo on the bottom left of the photo.
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