Abby glover 251322 ouil505

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Module Title: Brief Title: Student Name: Product, Range & ILLUSTRATION 2: Abby Glover 251322 Distribution Applied Illustration Module/Unit Outcomes: - In this brief, you will be assessed on your ability to achieve the Weighting Mark outcomes using skills from the following list: problem analysis, research, critical (%) awareness, visual quality, innovation, technical competence and professionalism Demonstrate an informed understanding of issues relating to media, 64 5A7 communication, audience and context through the delivery of solutions to brief 10% led problems or clearly identified creative concerns. (Knowledge & Understanding - Critical Awareness) 5A8 Understand the potential and limitations of technologies and processes used in 68 the production of illustration for 2d, 3d and/or 4d distribution. 20% (Knowledge & Understanding - Research) Analyse and critically evaluate the impact of social, cultural, technological 64 5B5 and/or ethical concerns on the development of solutions to problems relevant to 20% individual creative concerns. (Cognitive Skills - Problem Analysis, Problem Solving) 5C6 Explore and apply a range of appropriate practical and conceptual approaches to 68 self-determined ideas, concepts, solutions/proposals in response to own 20% identified intentions and relevant practices (Practical Skills - Practical and Conceptual Development) Produce technically competent and conceptually appropriate outcomes to 66 5C7 identified problems through the selection and application of visual skills. 10% (Practical Skills - Visual Quality and Technical Competence) Demonstrate the ability to plan and carry out a period of increasingly self72 5D5 directed study through the appropriate use of workshop areas, studio activities 20% and project management skills. (Key Transferable Skills - Presentation and Evaluation) All grades are provisional and are subject to confirmation and/or review by the Board Total 67 % of Examiners held at the end of the academic year mark for module Evidence :- For this project you were required to submit: 1) VISUAL JOURNAL - Demonstrating your ability to develop, maintain and extend an exploration of drawing, image, format and media in response to identified visual research and thematic content. 2) STUDIO PRACTICE BLOG - demonstrating a range of approaches to the sourcing, collecting and responding to a breadth of primary and secondary forms of information and material. Your Studio Practice Blog should provide thorough, consistent and organised documentation of the practical, conceptual and material development of your resolved pieces. You will also need to demonstrate a range of approaches to sourcing, analysing and evaluating a breadth of contextual references appropriate to the development of your practical work. These posts should provide a thorough, consistent and organised record of your research into contemporary creative practice, professional concerns and issues relating to audience, context and function. 3) PRODUCTS, PROPOSALS & PRESENTATION BOARDS - demonstrating the ability to identify, exploit and present successful practical solutions to identified problems. Please see specific Studio Briefs for submission requirements 4) WRITTEN SUMMATIVE EVALUATION (750 words) - demonstrating your ability to communicate reflective observations on your own work and studio practice in relation to appropriate contextual references and technical practices. Module Code: OUIL505

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