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I know, I'm really talented Abby Qin If you ask me what I learnt at CAFA, I would have to say: a new way of thinking. I now belive a graphic designer shouldn't be limited only to desiging the appearance of something, like books, posters or flyers, but rather they need to apply Design Thinking to come up with solutions to problems. China is a country with five thousand years of history. As a Chinese, I am in awe of our history and culture. Many people ask me what is Chinese culture. If one analogizes history, tradition and culture to a painting, then I believe history is the color, tradition is the way it's painted and culture is way the final art work appears on the canvas. As a graphic designer, I strongly believe that travel and study abroad as well as experiencing different design environments are important to my development and evolution as a designer..




chĕ dàn!!

Just wanna a space do design!

Càoooo DESIGN! Shut up! man! Just do

Design!! what what what's up!~~

Don't believe everything what teacher say! Abby Qin in CAFA.

Cont ent Brand Identity and Signage Design.   Space, Human, Problem, Founder, Designer,   Color, Culture, User Experience. White Meat VS Red Meat!   Infor mation, Research, Analysis, Visualization. Calligraphic Scripts: The "Ghost" Radical. Hand painting: Inside Myself. Dream, Brainstor m, Dream Again, Sketch.

Brand Identity and Signage Design. This project focused on brand identity and signage design. I have a strong desire to use design to help people in their lives.

had challenges in clearly conveying its functionality to passers-by. My job as a designer w a s t o c o m e up with a sollution that would provide a clear and simple way of Through this project, I created messaging the space's functions. a brand identity and signage design for a specific space with This project was a very interesting an objective to help people more and enriching experience for me. e a s i l y u n d e r s t a n d t h e v a r i o u s I l e a r n t h o w to take one of my functions in the space. assignments for a university class and break it down into executable I found an interesting studio in the c o m p o n e n t s w i t h i n d i v i d u a l 798 art district which I believed timelines.

798 Art Zone 798 Art Zone (Chinese: 798 艺术区 ; pinyin: 798 Yìshùqu), or Dashanzi Art District, is a part of Dashanzi in the Chaoyang District of Beijing. It houses a thriving artistic community among 50-year old, decommissioned, military factory buildings with a unique architectural style.

Yuanfenflow Yuanfen~Flow: Consulting Studio inhabits a renovated Bauhaus factory located in Beijing’s 798 Art District that offers co-working, private and exhibition and event spaces.    Enclosed offices and ateliers for individual and smallgroup collaborative work and meetings.    A wide-open common area with arched-ceiling facilitates workshops, seminars, trainings, product launches, pitches, parties, exhibitions and demos.    An elevated glass-bottomed lap pool, gourmet kitchen, gym, roof-top deck and spa bathroom support fun and relaxation.

Discovering problems in the space.

Basic Shape The building's Bauhaus architectural style is an outstanding feature of the space. In order to find a suitable visual style to use for signage and other identifiers for this space I interviewed the founder to understand both his background and his intentions for the space. I found him to be very connected,

i n a p e r s o n a l w a y, w i t h t h e building's architectural style. I set out to design solutions to t h e i d e n t i t y p ro b l e m t h a t t o o k elements from the structure's architectural style.



X 1.5长

() 缩小50%,水平旋转30度 +

to: 削弱锋利

旋转9度,根据 缘分汇建筑屋顶 平面斜角角度

= 旋转99度 垂直对称

取弧线部 分旋转

X 2长

旋转20度 垂直对称

长度 X3


底边缩短 一半


旋转至水 平,水平 对称


Combining single shapes together.

警示 Caution Sign

提示 Cue Sign

普通表意 Common Signs

开放工作区 Open workspace

私人工作区 Private Workspace

云中开放工作区 In the Clouds Open Workspace

云中私人工作区 In the Clouds Private Workspace

会议室 Meeting Room

饮品区 Beverage Bar

餐厅 Dining Room

活动区 Events Space

高级浴室 Executive Bathroom

高级浴室 Executive Bathroom

健身房 Gym

健身房 Gym

展示区 Exhibition Space

展示区 Exhibition Space

展示区 Exhibition Space

休息区 Rest Space

小心碰头 Watch Your Head

Colors The first time I walked onto the space I was struck by use of three main colors: red, black and white. This led me to consider how I might incorporate those colors into my signage design.

Miain color:    Black, White, Red.

Introduction Basic shapes for the signage came from the same geometric shapes found in this classic Bauhaus structure. The initial colors used came from the colors that were already in the space: red, black and white. The logo and the font. In order to unify the signage, sp a c e , architecture and logo into a s i n g l e i d e n t i t y, I f o c u s e d o n changing small ditails of the font used in the logo.

Then, in order to make the three different parts of the space more easy to differentiate, I used different background colors, one for each part of the space. I chose black to be associated with the workspace, green to be associated with parts of the space connected with health and food, and blue to be associated with those parts of the space connected with exercise.

Set Up Inside the Space

Summary I really enjoyed this signage class because it gave me an opportunity to experience w h a t i t f e e l s l i k e t o b e a " re a l d e s i g n e r. " I w e n t t h r o u g h a whole design process beginning with interviewing the founder of the space in order to thoroughly understand the problem and the parameters for a solution; I designed and iterated solutions; I formulated the timeline and an executable project flow and then executed on the design.

I disagreed on solutions and a p p ro a c h e s. That requi red me to both defend my position, but also be open to modification. It was challenging at first to be both polite while at the same time defend a particular design s o l u t i o n . H o w e v e r, i t w a s v e r y rewarding to find collaborative solutions. I felt great pride when, after I finished the whole design and creation of a brand i d e n t i t y, t h e f o u n d e r w a s s o satisfied that he decided to have it actualized. In addition, I At times, the owner of the space also got a internship opporunity and I disagreed on solutions and in the company.

White Meat vs Red Meat! For this project I used data to tell a stor y about the different fat levels of pork and chicken. I believe taking information and expressing it in a visually appealing image can, in fact, be "art" as well as a persuasive way of communication. In this project I focused on finding a better way to discribe data and transform it into a particular shape which can be seen, touched and played with. In China, p o r k a n d c h i c k e n a re the most popular meats in

people's daily diets. At the s a m e t i m e , p e o p l e a re a l m o s t obsessed with losing weight. So, I decided to conduct research to find a better way to eat without geting fat. I collected information about different fat levels in pork and chicken as well as the different fat levels in different parts of a chicken and pig. I deter mined that if I could visualize my findings then one could see whcih par t of the animal would be better for your health.


脂肪含量 (/1 0 0 g )

友情提示:想保持良好身材和健康身体的朋友们,在食用猪颈肉,猪皮和以上颜色 有偏红倾向的部位时,注意控制一下自己的食欲。


低(0.20g) 肥胖指数


>30(g) 24-30(g) 18-24(g) 12-18(g) 6-12(g) 0-6(g)

脂肪含量 (/1 0 0 g )



Transforming a 2D paper work into a 3D installation. After I finished the inforgraphic on paper I considered how to transform it into a 3D installation and make data could be touched and played with.

Summary Data can be big, but they can also can be small. For a oneweek workshop I chose small data to anlalyze and visualize. I enjoyed the entire design process. I did very detailed research to surpor t my design t h e o r y. I t r i e d t o m a k e m y design resonable and reliable. In order to make the data both legible and visually appealing I tried different forms of presenting them. After I finished

the 2D paper representation of the data then I considered how I could make data so they could played with? Then I made a 3D installation to present my idea. I really appreciate Professor Lin who encouraged me throughout the process, especially when I encountered problems or r a n i n t o d i f f i c u l t y. T h e m a i n thing I lear nt from her is the way to solve problems using a designer's eyes.

Oracle Bone Script Oracle bone script refers to incised ancient Chinese characters found on oracle bones which were animal bones or turtle shells used in divination during Bronze Age in China. The vast majority of records of oracle script are the pyromantic divinations o f t h e ro y a l h o u s e o f t h e l a t e Shang dynasty at the capital of Yin. The date of the Anyang examples of oracle bone script extends from ca.14th to the 11th

centuries BC to c.1200-1050 BC. The oracle bone script of the late Shang appears pictographic, as does the Shang writing on bronzes. The earliest examples of oracle bone script appear even more pictographic than examples from later in the period, thus suggestion some evolution did occur over the roughly 200-year period.

The ocral bone scipt of the Ghost redical A radical is a graphical component of a Chinese character under which the character is traditionally listed in a Chinese dictionary. During this poject we focused on the Ghost radical of oracal bone script. Base on our research, we discovered that from discovered

that from the early period of pictographic characters certain principles were developed for constructing characters. Applying some of these principles, we attempted to combine them with elements from contemporary life to create interesting graphic symbols and stylized characters.

Redical of people.

Characters with the Tool ( 工具 ) radical.

Characters with the House ( 房屋 ) Radical

Characters with the Nature ( 自焜 ) Radical

Analysis and Considerations In order to make our design m o re l o g i c a l , w e t r i e d t o s o r t oracle bone script based on the different radicals to find some undlying principles for character creation.

character Ghost.

We used as our source an acknowledged dependable resource, the Shuo Wen Jie Zi. Based on that, we set about to write and create new graphic We f i r s t s o r t e d t h e c h a r a c t e r s symbols and characters. from four different radical groups (Man, Tools, House and Nature), and which also had some connection with the

Compare the changes from old to new from top to down.



Xiehouyu is a kind of Chinese proverb consisting of two elements: the first part p re s e n t s a s c e n a r i o w h i l e t h e l a t t e r p ro v i d e s t h e u n d e r l y i n g rationale. One would often only state the first part, expecting the listener to know the second.

Hetizi is one of method on creating Chinese character and it means combine two or more than two Chinese characters together into a new character. Uasally those parts have potential connection and when you get them together they can suggest a deep meaning.

Compare English "a stitch in time (saves nine)" or "a bird in the hand (is worth two in the bush)".

The ratio in oracal bone scipt In our research we also discovered that a cer tain ratio was maintained in between the length and width of oracle script chacters (7:10). We maintained that same ratio in the creation of our "new" graphic symbols and characters.


I   r e a l l y   e n j o y   t h e   p r o c e s s  o f   u s i n g m y   p e n   t o   e x p r e s s my ideas and feelings on paper . An image can sometimes express one's i d e a s   a n d   f e e l i n g s   w i t h   g r e a t e r   s t r e n g t h   t h a n   w o r d s .

The Forest When these glass bottles stand i n f ro n t o f m y e y e s , a n i m a g e comes mind: white forest. Inside this forest, there is s u n s h i n e , c l e a r a i r, l i g h t a n d sound; they seem far away but, at the same time, close. When I touch them, they dispear. I feel like I'm lost.

To and Fro There were some derelict bicycle pieces on the table and I reassembled them - in my mind into a single big machine. This machine doesn't exist in reality, but its outline appeared vividly in my mind's eye. The reassembled machine reminds me of the state-of-mind when my body wants to go left, but my brain wants to go right.

Inside I do belive sometimes image can be much stronger than w a rd s o n d i s c r i b i n g i n s i d e o f yourself. I will dream almost every night and the scenes are so clear. Sometimes are beautiful, sometimes make me scare, when I want to present on the paper but they just dispper.

..............Trees........ . ......

.Forest.......... ..... .....

. ......... ..

......... ............

. ...... .................

........... .................

.... .... . Air....


This is one of image showed up in my dream, Glasses, naked body, air, heart breath and empty space...

Ye s, yo u are r ight But, ,iw anna s hy all t a bo he t yfrie i m e. nd. ..

THANK YOU Thank you for taking the time to look at my work. I really hope you enjoyed the journey. I did. I would also like to thank CAFA and ever y professor who encouraged me and suppor ted me when I ran into difficulty. Last, but cer tainly not least, I would like to thank my parents for their support and my friends who were there to help me.

By Abby Qin.

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