Network News Summer 2012

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welcome Welcome to the summer edition of Network News. This edition gives an insight into some of the work that has taken place in the past month or so along with the usual features on health and wellbeing, funding opportunities and training. ABC was pleased to be associated with the launch of the Craigavon Area Food Bank at Craigavon Civic Centre on 19 June 2012. Almost 200 people attended the launch which reflected the interest in this important initiative, which will be up and running by the end of September 2012. Well done to all involved particularly Simon Richardson, and Chris Leech. Make sure you check out the features on “Fit and Well – Changing Lives – A Ten Year Public Health Strategic Framework for Northern Ireland 2012 - 2022” and the Southern Health Economy Population Plan “Changing for a Better Future” Draft Working Document. The Fit and Well – Changing Lives consultation closes on Wednesday 31 October 2012 and it is anticipated that the formal consultation on “Changing for a Better Future” will begin in September 2012. It is vital that local people respond to these consultations and have their say in how this work is carried out. We are delighted to report that ABC’s new Training Calendar for September - December 2012 is now available. A copy is enclosed with this edition of Network News and is also available on our website. Please remember demand for these courses is high, almost 70 people from ABC member groups participated in our courses during April, May and June, so early booking is essential. ABC is currently developing our new 3 year Strategic Plan and Business Plan. Greater emphasis will be placed on the promotion of our community resources and we have been greatly encouraged by the increased demand for these services from our members and the general public. As part of the planning process we will carry out a service evaluation and training needs analysis during September. I look forward to consulting with you at that time. In the meantime enjoy the rest of the summer! John McGuinness Director ABC Community Network

abc community resources ADMINISTRATION SERVICES Minute Taking (shorthand & transcription)

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Contact Gaius


Members of the Craigavon & Banbridge Community Forum met on Friday 29 June 2012 in the new Gilford Community Centre to consider a very full and exciting agenda. Following an update on Forum business, presentations were given on Population Planning, Rural Transport – Access to Services and Youth Employment Schemes / Employ Me Programme. Q & A sessions followed each of the presentations and the joint Chair Patricia Jordan (Carers Matter) thanked Caroline Cullen (Senior Commissioning Manager Southern LCG), Ian Wilson (Director Dart), Jim Cunningham (Community Education Officer SRC) and Valerie Madill (Employ Me Programme SRC) for their very informative presentations which stimulated considerable discussion.

Contact John

and actively lobby the Southern Health & Social Care Trust and other Public Authorities on community health and wellbeing issues. The Forum seeks to enhance and support local community forums to ensure participation, communication and lobbying opportunities throughout Southern area. The membership of the Forum is drawn from community and voluntary organisations and other geographic and issue-based organisations in the Craigavon Borough and Banbridge District Council areas. The next Forum meeting will be held on Friday 21 September 2012. The venue will be announced shortly.

The purpose of the Craigavon & Banbridge Community Forum is to work in partnership with other local forums to provide opportunities that enable communities in Craigavon Borough and Banbridge District Council areas to enter into dialogue ABC Community Network Page 2


ood Banks are popping up all over the UK at the rate of around 1 a week. Their aim is to provide emergency food supplies for people in need, helping them through a difficult period with practical help.

The Craigavon Area Food Bank was launched on Tuesday 19 June at Craigavon Civic Centre. This is an exciting venture undertaken by a wide range of churches in Craigavon, Lurgan and Portadown. The Food Bank will manage food donations from churches, schools and the general public and work with local charities and health professionals to get food to those who really need it. There are many reasons why people need help with food: loss of income, benefit changes, bereavement or even a large bill can take a family or individual from having enough, to being in need. The Food Bank provides 3 days’ worth of nonperishable food items to anyone who has been referred to them. Food collection will be set up in Lurgan, Portadown and Craigavon where groceries can be collected on submission of a referral form. Simon Richardson, Pastor of Craigavon Baptist Church chaired the launch of the Food Bank. He said that the launch was the culmination of over 3 years of planning and dreaming. He felt it was particularly significant that churches from right across the borough were coming together to setup and run the Food Bank.

It is my belief that in these difficult economic times, it is essential that all our community stakeholders work together to support people in their time of need. In Council one of our strategic aims is the enhancement of quality of life. It is fantastic to see a project that is also working towards this aim, providing food for people in their time of need, but also working with other agencies and charities to help people to move forward in a positive manner. I believe one of the key success factors of this project will be a network of like-minded individuals and organisations whose desire is for the betterment of everyone within our borough, meeting emergency needs but also creating and developing opportunities to build more sustainable and mutually supporting communities.

Mayor of Craigavon, Carla Lockhart

Key to the success of the Food Bank is a referrals system where local statutory agencies and charities will decide who is in need and issue Food Bank vouchers. Chris Leech, Pastor of Upper Bann vineyard Church, spoke about the spiritual mandate for churches to be involved in social action. Chris said that the ideas of peace and prosperity in the bible are measured based on how the most vulnerable people in society are being cared for.

The food bank is building on the great work done by a number of churches in the council area and this co-ordinated approach is the next logical step in addressing food poverty issues within all communities in the borough.

Jeremy Ravn, Director of the Trussell Trust spoke at the launch of the 8 years of work which has seen over 230 Food Banks started across the UK, 100 of them in the last 12 months. John McGuinness, Director of ABC Community Network welcomed the Food Bank and committed his organisation’s support to this great initiative.

Community Gardens and Allotments The Vineyard Community Exchange is planning a networking event for groups who either have a community garden or are interested in starting one. The event will be during the week of Country Comes to Town (details to be confirmed). The plan is to provide an opportunity for information sharing and support to groups already growing their own fruit and vegetable and those planning to do so in the future. The afternoon event will feature presentations from community groups, demonstrations from experts and an interactive panel discussion on setting up a community garden from scratch. Local chefs will be on-hand for a Ready Steady Cook style demonstration using ingredients grown in local gardens. Anyone interested in finding out more should contact Chris Leech on 02838398668 or email

The Food Bank Board met recently and are hoping to start providing emergency food to people in need by the end of September. Premises have been secured at the Bluestone Business park, where the main warehouse and office will be located. Food distribution points for the public will be located in Lurgan, Craigavon and Portadown. In the next few weeks the Food Bank Board will be informing the public of various food donation points across the Craigavon area. They will also be contacting organisations and health professionals who wish to provide referrals to the Food Bank. Full training will be given on this process to ensure that it works effectively and food gets to the people who need it, alongside appropriate support in their time of crisis. Anyone wishing to support the food bank can contact us on 08452000136 or email ABC Community Network

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Move It and Change It – Making a difference with families If you have been keeping up to date with REACH you will know that we run a programme called Move It Change It which is a family programme for families with children in P1-P4 who are above their ideal weight. This summer we have been working in Portadown with seven families as part of Move It Change It. Over the last few weeks we have been looking at what a balanced diet looks like using the Eatwell Plate as a model. Using the Eatwell Plate we have spent time looking at how it applies to the meals and snacks we eat. As a group we have also been thinking about how we can get more active. The current recommendation from the Chief Medical Officer

The Department for Regional Development wishes to announce the next round of the Rural Transport Fund Voucher Scheme in your area. This scheme is aimed at rural community groups and organisations wishing to transport 17 or more passengers. The scheme provides a ÂŁ100 voucher towards the cost of a specified trip for successful applicants. The Voucher Scheme was initially piloted by Newry & Mourne Community Transport and the Department for Regional Development decided to roll it out across Northern Ireland for the benefit of larger groups in rural areas. Supported by the Rural Transport Fund the scheme works in partnership with private transport operators who deliver transport for the scheme. Application packs are now available for those nonprofit making community groups who are planning on travelling during October, November and December 2012 and the closing date to return the completed applications is 31st August 2012. There is a limit to the number of vouchers available in each area. To assist those community organisations that help or support the most vulnerable in society there is a selection process. To receive an application pack please contact 028 905 40620 or e-mail uk ABC Community Network

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is that children and young people from 5-18 years should be active for 60 minutes or more each day. We have been helping families to think about this and find simple ways to encourage their children to be more active. At present we have been encouraging children to skip, run, walk, fly kites, to throw and catch balls. We have also spent time teaching children to play simple activities like short tennis, boxing, archery and golf. If you think this programme would benefit your family please contact Stephen or Dale on 028 38 392777 or by emailing to register your interest.

Consultation: “Fit and Well – Changing Lives – A Ten Year Public Health Strategic Framework for Northern Ireland 2012-2022” “Fit and Well – Changing Lives” is the proposed new 10-year public health framework and is designed to be strategic, and to provide direction for policies and actions to improve the health and wellbeing of the people of Northern Ireland. Like its predecessor ‘Investing for Health’ this proposed new strategic framework will require partnership working across government, the statutory and community and voluntary sectors. The new strategy which was launched on 19 July 2012 aims to ensure the best possible health status for the population of Northern Ireland. The aims proposed within the document include: • Give every child the best possible start in life. • Enable all children and young people to develop the skills and capacity to reach their full potential. • To enable young adults to grow, manage change and maximise their potential. • Enable working age adults to have a full and satisfying life and social wellbeing. • To enable people in later years to have a satisfying and active life. • Promote healthy, safe, sustainable places and thriving communities.

• Ensure health is a consideration in the development of public policies. It is vital that local people respond to this consultation and have their say in how this work is carried out. To view the draft framework, or respond to the consultation, visit http://www. Responses must be received no later than 5.00pm on Wednesday 31st October 2012.

health and wellbeing Southern Health Economy - Population Plan “Changing for a Better Future” - Draft Working Document “The Southern LCG and the Southern Health and Social Care Trust have together developed a draft Population Plan, which outlines how they jointly intend to commission and provide safe, resilient and sustainable health and social care services in the Southern area over the next 3 – 5 years. The plan has been developed in response to the direction of travel set out in


“Transforming Your Care” A Review of Health and Social Care in Northern Ireland published in December

In developing this plan, we are building on a

previous track record in the Southern area of health and social care innovation, consistent provision of high quality services and a commitment to engaging with our public, patients, service users and elected representatives. In the Plan, we have focused on achieving the best possible outcomes for service users of the health and social care system, but are very mindful of the economic climate in which we must implement this plan over the coming years. The plan therefore has been developed to reflect value for money and cost effective treatment and services, whilst ensuring that these are in line with quality standards, guidelines, commissioning direction and “Transforming Your Care” (TYC) recommendations. Inevitably, there will be changes to current models and sites of service delivery within the Southern area over the next 3-5 years, with the focus changing to providing care in or as close to individuals’ homes where safely possible. We recognise that any proposed change to local health and social care service provision can be challenging and emotive. However, we believe that this plan describes how in the Southern area we can improve health and social care outcomes for our population and best protect vulnerable members of our community into the future . We wish to recognise the many individuals who have contributed to the development of this plan which has been achieved in such a challenging time frame. To this end, we have entitled our plan Changing for a Better Future. “ Once Minister Poots has approved the draft Plans the formal consultation process is expected to begin in September 2012. In the meantime to view the Southern Health Economy Population Plan please visit the index/tyc.htm ABC Community Network

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April to June 2012.

We were delighted to welcome almost 70 representatives from ABC member groups and other community and voluntary sector colleagues to our Learning & Development courses during April, May and June.

The accredited, vocational and recreational courses, including 2 of our 6 Core Courses, were delivered here at ABC offices and ‘on location’ at members’ premises. For those of you who attended our courses, we thank you for your support. Fabulous images were created by the budding photographers on our Digital Photography for Beginners course which took place in June. Despite the atrocious weather, tutor Andy Potts and his students were able to shoot scenes from both town and country. Andy said he was stunned by the complexity of the work some of his students created, while others showed immense natural talent which he found particularly rewarding as most of them had very little experience of photography.

along with a boutique hotel, spa treatments and limousines. These informal courses can be delivered in members’ premises, so please ask us for more details.

September December

to 2012.

ABC’s new Training Calendar for September-December 2012 is now available on our website www.abccommunitynetwork. com or can be requested via email from info@ though please remember booking is essential on all ABC courses. Following our well-attended awareness session on Social Economies back in January, we’ve been most fortunate to secure Supporting Communities Northern Ireland to deliver an accredited Level 2 course, Social Economy, over 5 sessions this coming autumn. This course covers the topics needed to develop, launch and run successful social economies which help to sustain community and voluntary groups.

learning and development

The Building Community Capacity Level 1 course, delivered by Supporting Communities Northern Ireland, completed in June. Ten participants successfully negotiated this 12 week course and we know that the skills and experiences they gained will be put to great use in their local communities. Owing to high demand, it was hoped to offer this course again in September, however, resource constraints mean that this course will be rescheduled for after Christmas. As usual, our accredited courses, Emergency First Aid and Food Safety Level 2, were extremely popular, with a waiting list for both. ABC is most fortunate in securing dedicated tutors for these vital courses: Janice and her colleagues from Bisp Training and Gillian Blair from Edward Street Hostel deliver vibrant sessions which have resulted in 100% pass rates for all the participants. Do remember, for those of you unable to get onto either of these recent courses, your name will be at the top of the list for the next course. We’ll be in touch to offer you a place as soon as we can.

Community Sector Training will be running the Child Protection course here at ABC offices, along with the Designated Officer module. Each organisation where young people are present should have a Designated Officer and this module is essential to ensure that your group meets its obligations.

Three new topics include: Drugs Awareness, delivered by PSNI; a session to introduce the Trading Standards’ initiative, Consumerline, a telephone advice line which gives help dealing with disagreements with traders. To complete the 6 Core Courses ABC offers each year, please send a representative from your community or voluntary group to our ‘Running an Effective Community Group’ session this coming autumn. Plans are currently underway to offer a Social Media short course which will give an overview of topics such as Facebook, Skype, Twitter. We look forward to working with our member groups and other colleagues on the courses to be offered during the coming quarter.

ABC’s IT for Beginners gave those new to computing a chance to get started with laptops, email and the Internet. Great fun was had as participants researched and planned ‘virtual’ trips – extravagant hats were needed to attend a horse racing meeting, if you would “ Remember, like to see a particular

topic covered through our Learning and Development opportunities, please let us know and we’ll try to source a suitable course for future training calendars.

ABC continues to host S.T.E.P.’s Steps to Work Programme. Pictured here are participants receiving their Awards certificates for the current programme ABC Community Network

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funding Awards for All

This Programme is delivered and funded by the Big Lottery Fund in Northern Ireland and awards funds of between £500 – £10,000. You can now re-apply for funding up to a maximum of £ 20,000 in any 12-month period. This means you can only hold one award up to £ 10,000 at any one time. You can reapply for funding if you have submitted your completed end of award report, but no decisions will be made until the report together with any other monitoring requirements is approved. There are no specific closing dates. For further information visit

John Moores Foundation – NI Grant

Grant for third sector organisations (TSOs) in Northern Ireland undertaking a variety of general charitable activities and aims to improve social conditions for marginalised groups i.e. tackle discrimination, support small volunteer-led organisations, encourage relationships between organisations and different social groups. For further information please contact: John Moores Foundation PO Box 4 Carnlough BT44 0WZ Tel: 028 28 886161 Email:

The Tesco Charity Trust Community

Awards Scheme provides one-off donations of between £500 and £4,000 to registered charities and not for profit organisations who are working on local projects that support children and their education and welfare, elderly people and adults and children with disabilities. Applications are made via their website at www. There are guidelines available at asp?pageid=121. Closing date is 30th September 2012

The Building the CommunityPharmacy Partnership

Is a partnership between the Community Development and Health Network and the Pharmacy Branch, Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (DHSSPS) with strategic direction offered by a multi-agency Steering Group. The programme works towards: • Increasing local people’s skills, encouraging community activity and self help • Increasing local people’s understanding of health issues • Encouraging local people to play a role in promoting health This funding is Level 1 funding and is for those interested in working on a local community pharmacy partnership. Closing date is 27th September 2012. Contact: 028 3026 4606 or email

BT Community Connections

Currently there are nine million people in the UK who have never used the internet. BT Community Connections is an award scheme which offers community groups the chance to get online and help people discover the wonders of the internet by providing a years free broadband. To be eligible you must be a community group or a charitable organisation. Any group who have applied in the past will be eligible to apply again, although those applying for the first time will have priority. To apply go to www.btcommunityconnections. com/register.php. The closing date is Friday 7th September at 5:30p.m.

Garfield Weston

Over the past fifty years The Garfield Weston Foundation has supported a wide range of organisations with grants of varying sizes. Recent funding has supported projects in the following categories: Arts, Community, Education, Welfare, Medical, Religion, Youth and Environment. All applications should be sent by post. There are no formal deadlines for submitting applications and organisations should allow approximately four months for a final outcome, though acknowledgement letters are sent within four weeks. Go to for more information.

Village SOS

Is an exciting initiative from the Big Lottery Fund to help kick start a rural revival using the power of sustainable community enterprise. The Big Lottery want to support inspiring business ideas that will bring communities together and support activities or enterprises that tackle the challenges they face. Closing date is 12 September 2012. Contact them on 0844 8888677 or email Further information on

Lloyds TSB Foundation NI

The key interest of the Foundation is ‘To support underfunded charities which enable people, especially disadvantaged or disabled people, to play a fuller role in the community’. The two key areas are: • social and community needs, • education and training. Deadline for the next round of funding is Friday 12th October. Please check website for more information or contact Lloyds TSB Foundation for NI on 028 9032 3000 or e-mail: Grants Manager Lloyds TSB Foundation for NI 2nd Floor, 14 Cromac Place The Gasworks Belfast BT7 2JB ABC Community Network

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Craigavon Area Talking Newspaper Association (CATNA) Are you finding that news print is getting smaller? Would you like to keep up with local news and events?

NEED SOME FREE, CONFIDENTIAL AND INDEPENDENT ADVICE LIAISE can give advice and information on your entitlement to social security benefits and can help you to challenge or appeal the decisions given on your benefits. We can give you advice and information about social security benefits and how to claim them and can signpost you to other sources of help and information. To make an appointment contact LIAISE Advice and Information at Mount Zion House on 028 38325764 or by emailing LIAISE’s trained and experienced advisors will be able to help you.

MOUNT ZION COMMUNITY CARE Do you need HELP AND SUPPORT in your own Home? Are you working and need HELP AND SUPPORT to care for a loved one? Mount Zion Community Care is a RQIA approved domiciliary care agency offering a range of care packages tailored to meet your needs and to suit your budget. Services involve help with daily tasks from house work to day sitting and personal and practical care. Mount Zion Community Care will always put your needs first. For further information or to arrange a home visit, contact Catherine McGrath Domiciliary Care Manager 028 38324680 Email; Supported with funding from the Southern Health and Social Care Trust

CATNA is a Registered Charity operating locally which is part of a UK wide service providing a Talking Newspaper to people who would not otherwise be able to access the written word. They have no paid employees and function solely through the generosity of volunteers who meet weekly to record news and other items from the Portadown Times and Lurgan Mail. They are always looking for volunteers to help out. If you are interested in volunteering, contact Patricia at the number below. This newspaper service is provided free of charge. For more information please contact: Patricia on 3833 0336 or email, or check out their website at

The Birches Cosy Club undertook the painting of this mural with local artist Bruce White, after a series of painting classes which were funded through “Awards for All”

Advertise with our Digital Poster! Special Price £30 per advert screen per month for non members. Over 750 viewers per week. Your advert will be displayed at least 800 times per month ABC Community Network Page 12

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