Merit Shop Message MAY 2017 From the Chairman.............. 3 Legislative Week..................5 From the President............... 6 Government Relations.......... 8 Pelican Chapter Young Professionals Update............11 Safety Feature: OSHA National Safety Stand-Down Stopping Falls, Saving Lives...................................12 Legal Feature: A Year After Substantial Completion, and Still Timely Recording Liens...................................13 Chapter News.....................14 Calendar of Events...............16 Association Events...............18 Pelican Chapter Staff............18
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MERIT SHOP MESSAGE President Alvin M. Bargas
Editor Katherine Carver
MERIT SHOP MESSAGE is published monthly by Pelican Chapter, ABC. ABC is a national nonprofit trade association of contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, and associates who have joined together to advance the construction industry by aggressively supporting the merit shop philosophy and the free enterprise system. Copyright 2013. Pelican Chapter Associated Builders & Contractors 19251 Highland Road Baton Rouge, La 70809 225-752-1415 Fax 225-751-9470 Executive Committee Chair, Andrew Lopez, Cajun Industries, LLC; Chair-Elect, Trey Crawford, Grady Crawford Construction; Past Chair, Glen Redd, Triad Electric & Controls, Inc.; Secretary, Thad Rispone, ISC Constructors, LLC; Treasurer, Ryan Girouard, Whitney Bank; Vice-Chair Education, Lee Mayeaux, Cajun Industries, LLC; Vice-Chair Governmental Relations, Scott Couper, Pala-Interstate; ViceChair Membership Growth; Vice-Chair Member Services, Josh Rounds, Performance Contractors; Vice-Chair Outlying Area, Sarah Taylor, R.N., Gulf Coast Occupational Medicine. Board of Directors Carlos Guidry, Turner Industries Group, LLC; Conrad Bourg, Primoris Services Corporation; Darryl Clark, Brock Services, LLC; Donn Peterson, Group Industries, LLC; Donnie David, ISC Constructors, LLC; Lance Arvel, Grand Isle Shipyard, Inc. (GIS); Keith Coleman, Beard Construction Group, LLC; Wes Mincin, Triad Electric & Chapter Legal Counsel Murphy Foster, III, Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson Law Firm Auditor Hannis T. Bourgeois, LLP
From the Chairman MERIT SHOP = LIBERTY
Principle No.03 - We believe that employees and employers should have the right to determine wages and working conditions, through either individual or collective bargaining, as they choose. As a continuation of our Knowledge is Power series intended to underscore one Principle of the Merit Shop each month, this month’s Principle is fundamental to our Merit Shop Movement and has been at the heart of our fight for the past sixty-seven years. In preparation for this month’s article, I struggled with connecting the dots so easily implied between Merit Shop and Liberty as our Founding Fathers envisioned it. In 1819, Thomas Jefferson penned the definition of liberty as follows: Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add “within the limits of the law” because law is often but the tyrant’s will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual. The Founding Fathers immensely understood that liberty could not be maintained without economic freedom — the most important of which is the freedom to earn a living. They also believed that independence and self-respect are rooted in the ability and responsibility to take care of oneself and one’s family. This belief is fundamental to basic human conditions of dignity and equality. In the framework of the labor market, economic freedom means the freedom of an employee or a group of employees to trade labor services for compensation. Free trade, or as our industry defines it merit pay and at-will employment, in the labor market is mutually advantageous; it benefits both the worker and employer. Likewise, labor market freedom requires many other freedoms, such as freedom of contract, of choice, and of association. To boost their own wellbeing, workers and employers equally must be free to contract with whoever they want, to associate with whoever they want, and to have an extensive choice of options, so long as they don’t interfere with the rights of others. This simple concept is the basis of Merit Shop Principle No. 03. Additionally, as an association, we believe an unregulated labor market is most beneficial to individual workers’ and employers’ liberties, whereas, government acts as a referee by enforcing the rules of the game without directly determining outcomes by picking winners and losers. As Milton and Rose Friedman once observed: A society that puts equality—in the sense of equality of outcome—ahead of freedom of opportunity will end up with neither equality nor freedom. The use of force to achieve equality will destroy freedom, and the force, introduced for good purposes, will end up in the hands of people who use it to promote their own interests. Only in an economically free society, where no man, group of men, organization, law or regulation can be used for physical coercion against anyone can individuals succeed or fail based on their individual effort and ability—also known as merit! The government of a free market society should not discriminate either against or in favor of individuals based on their race, ethnic background, gender, class, family connections, or any other factor unrelated to individual merit. This ensures each person, not the government, controls the fruits of his or her own labor and resourcefulness. Individuals are therefore empowered or more so entitled to pursue the American Dream by efforts of their own free choice. Continued on page 4.
The Merit Shop Advantage
Merit Shop is a way of doing business in which companies reward employees based on performance and encourage them to reach their highest level of achievement, and in which contracts are awarded based on safety, quality, and value, regardless of labor affiliation. May 2017 | Merit Shop Message | 3
This very theory is the reason why Associated Builders and Contractors has been on the front lines fighting government intervention in the labor market since its founding. By opposing policies that infringe upon economic liberties or serve as barriers to entry, such as minimum wage mandates; Davis-Bacon; craft licensing laws; equal pay for equal work; employment quotas; and overregulation, ABC ensures that Liberty, as the Founders intended, is alive for generations to come. Liberty cannot exist without political freedom. Political freedom cannot exist without economic freedom. Economic freedom cannot exist without the Merit Shop Philosophy. This means Merit Shop equals Liberty. This is our cause! Our Principles are worthy of the sacrifice required to be defended day in and day out. I ask each of you to join the war and help implement Operation Unyielding Merit to ensure that Liberty and the Merit Shop are upheld for the next generation. God Bless You, God Bless the Association and God Bless the United States of America. #UnyieldingMerit
Andrew Lopez Cajun Industries, LLC 2017 Pelican Chapter Chairman
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TRUMP ADMINISTRATION APPOINTMENTS President Trump’s accomplishments from his First 100 Days in office have been well publicized, as well as concerns over his lack of accomplishment on a host of issues. While I will not go into “did do/didn’t do” or “could have done/should have done,” I would like to make note of two important appointments. On April 24, President Donald Trump named Philip Miscimarra, a management-side labor lawyer, as Chairman of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). President Trump had previously named Miscimarra as Acting Chairman in January. Miscimarra was nominated to serve on the NLRB by President Barack Obama in 2013 and was confirmed by a Senate vote for a four year term through December 2017, at which time President Trump can nominate him for another term. The NLRB is composed of five members, but at this time there are two vacancies that are reserved for Republicans. It is generally composed of three members from the President's party and two from the other. Mark Pearce and Lauren McFerran are the two Democrats on the board. With the power shifting to a Republican majority, employers can expect some changes in the positions the NLRB takes on certain matters. On April 27, the Senate voted to confirm Alexander Acosta as Labor secretary, with a 60-38 vote. President Trump nominated Acosta for the position after his first choice, Andrew Puzder withdrew from the nomination due to waning support in the Senate. Acosta, the son of Cuban immigrants, was previously a U.S. attorney, a civil rights chief at the Justice Department and a member of the NLRB under the George W. Bush administration. Acosta's appointment filled out the Trump Administration's cabinet just days before the President's 100th day in office.
ABC PAC CAMPAIGN UPDATE While on the subject of national politics, I want to give you an update on the Pelican Chapter’s performance on building funds to support candidates favorable to our Merit Shop and Free Enterprise philosophy. Pelican Chapter members realize the value of supporting candidates from all across America and not just those from Louisiana. We understand that a vote for Merit Shop that comes from California or New York is just as important as a vote that comes from a member of the Louisiana delegation. The ABC National Political Action Committee (ABC PAC) makes it simple for Pelican Chapter members to do just that. So far this year ABC PAC has received $102,937 toward Pelican Chapter’s goal of $117,000. This amount was received from 121 contributors and is slightly behind last year’s performance at this time. Katherine Carver (kcarver@ is heading up our program and will be happy to talk with you on how you can get involved in this very important aspect of governmental affairs. I urge you to email or call Katherine today, (225) 448-3348. 6 | Merit Shop Message | May 2017
ABC OF LOUISIANA WEEKLY LEGISLATIVE UPDATES On a local level, and with the Louisiana legislature in session, it is very important that you look for the weekly Legislative Updates from ABC of Louisiana Vice President of Governmental Affairs, John Walters. From time to time John may call on your for your help down at the Capitol, and John is a wealth of knowledge on the legislative agendas, as well as the various bills that will come before the legislative bodies. I don’t have to tell you that the saying “Get Into Politics or Get Out of Business” is more important today than ever.
EDUCATION ADVOCACY FORUM I recently had the opportunity to participate in a forum of education advocates headed up by Barry Irwin with the Council for a Better Louisiana (CABL) and Hosted by CABL, Louisiana Association of Business and Industry (LABI) & Stand for Children. The forum provided information on a very insightful program, one that gave attendees an opportunity to update themselves on current education issues, review items in the current legislative session, and ask questions to a broad group of individuals “in the know.” I found the time I spent at the event very worthwhile. One of the best report we received was an update form our Superintendent of Education John White. John is a very talented person and we are so fortunate to have him heading up Louisiana’s Department of Education. Superintendent White talked to those in attendance about Louisiana’s 2025 vision: “In order for students to enter each level of Louisiana’s education system with the knowledge and skills to be successful, our state must raise the bar for what it means for schools to be rated an “A”. By 2025, schools will earn an “A” in each of three areas:
STUDENT PROFICIENCY GRADUATION RATE PURSUIT OF COLLEGE & CAREER Students demonstrate mastery of nationally-competitive, grade level content. (Grades 3-12) Students graduate within four years at a rate of 90% or higher. E v e r y graduate has the funding needed continue their education at the next level. White went on to update us on the progress Louisiana educators and students have made over the past few years to be on track to reach the 2025 goals: In 2015 Louisiana’s 4th grade students demonstrated the largest state growth in the country on the National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) reading and math tests. Louisiana achieved the #1 spot in overall growth in fourth grade reading and the #2 spot in overall state growth in fourth grade math. NAEP is the largest continuing and nationally representative assessment of
what U.S. students know and can do in various subjects. Since transitioning to new standards-aligned Louisiana Educational Assessment Program (LEAP) tests in grades 3-8 in 2015 the number of Louisiana students scoring at the Mastery level and above has increased by 12%. American College Testing (ACT) scores has greatly improved; The number of students earning a collegegoing score of at least 18 has increased by 6,837 since 2012. Of the southern states that test all students, Louisiana has the third highest average composite score and has the second largest composite score growth in the last three years. Louisiana students earning Advanced Placement (AP) credit each year has increased by more than 3,000. That is an increase of over 100 percent. Louisiana high school graduation rate is at an all time high of 77.5%. “Workforce Ready” students are of particular importance to Pelican Chapter members and others whose demand for skilled employees continues to outpace supplies. 21% of the Class of 2015 graduated with an industry based credential in one of the state’s high growth, high wage industries. The rate of enrollment in college is also on the rise with 58% of students enrolling in 2015. We all recognize that Louisiana has a “long row to hoe” to achieve the vision for 2025. I am confident that under the leadership of Superintendent White and his team along with the hundreds of dedicated teachers and support staff we are well positioned to meet or exceed this goal. Please join me in expressing our sincere appreciation to those whose hard work is paying off.
Changing topics from politics to business practices, I want to make our electrical and commercial contractors aware of an opportunity to participate in a forum to share best practices with contractors from across the country and from different competitive markets. Betsy Strock, Director of Member Services at ABC National, is heading up this effort and has requested our help to get the word out. This is a very valuable program for members and a great way to keep members engaged with ABC. Please see all details below for each group and let Jennifer Finley (jfnley@abcpelican. com) know if you have an interest in taking advantage of the opportunity. The goal is to have 6 to 10 executives in total for each group, all from different competitive markets. Please note that there is no guarantee if we make a recommendation that it will be accepted as the group members must all be in agreement about all new members. Peer Group Program: • Forum for executives to discuss key business issues and learn from fellow contractors that have faced similar business challenges
• Ability to have candid conversations about operational challenges and the need for cost savings, improved productivity and increased efficiencies • There is no fee to participate, but travel costs and possibly facilitator costs may be incurred, based on the decisions of the group • Most groups meet in person 2-3 times per year, along with monthly conference calls (everyone is expected to participate) This is how the groups are shaping up thus far: NEW ELECTRICAL GROUP Greiner Electric LLC Boys Electrical Contractors Littleton, CO Melbourne, FL $50 mil annual volume $20 mil annual volume Rocky Mountain Chapter Florida East Coast Chapter & Central Florida Chapter Criteria: • annual volume between $10 million and $75 million • mostly commercial • includes a service department • practice some level of prefabrication • engaged ABC members (involved locally and/or nationally) • does not do work in central Florida, Colorado or Wyoming (avoiding these members’ competitive markets) NEW GENERAL CONTRACTOR GROUP *all three perform water and waste water work, but that is not a requirement Building Crafts, Inc. M.B. Kahn Construction Co. Wilder, KY Columbia, SC $45 mil annual volume $350 mil annual volume Ohio Valley Chapter Carolinas Chapter Manito Construction, Inc. Pleasanton, CA $10 mil annual volume Northern California Chapter (*site under construction) Criteria (very important): • annual volume $10 mil+ (accepting a diverse range) • mostly industrial and commercial • does not do work in Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Tennessee, Iowa, the southeast region, or northern California • (avoiding these members’ competitive markets) • Bonus: if they perform wastewater work
May 2017 | Merit Shop Message | 7
2017 LOUISIANA LEGISLATIVE SESSION The 2017 Louisiana Legislative Session is soon to come to a close. The 2017 Louisiana Legislative session began on April 10, 2017, and will adjourn no later than June 8, 2017. The session is considered a fiscal session and the majority of the bills will deal with appropriations, the state budget, and taxes. Legislators were allowed to file local and special bills through the 10th day of session. Bills not within the subject matter (fiscal, local or special) were allowed, but must have been prefiled and were limited to 5 per legislator. Members representing ABC of Louisiana (ABC-LA) met on April 4th, and April 21st to read and sort through filed legislation. With specific positions on a vast variety of bills, it has been a very active 2017 Legislative Session. As usual, we have bills that we support, strongly support, oppose and strongly oppose. Be on the lookout for the ABC-LA weekly update sent to members on Monday and again in the weekly ABC Pelican email sent on Tuesdays. You can rest assured that all bills that promote free enterprise, open competition, or free market determination will be supported. Likewise, you can expect any bills that seek to threaten our merit shop philosophy and our belief in free
enterprise and open competition will be met with staunch opposition. As always, should you have any questions about legislation, the legislative process or need more information about a particular issue, please don not hesitate to email me at or call my cell at (225) 328-0989.
2017 ABC LEGISLATIVE RECEPTION Associated Builders and Contractors of Louisiana held its 2017 Legislative Reception on May 2. We had a exceptional turnout, and provided members and legislators to discuss important legislation. For those of you who were able to attend, we thank you. For those who were unable to attend, we urge you to please consider doing so next year. It truly gives members the opportunity to “Get into Politics” so they don’t have to “Get Out of Business.”
TRUMP ADMINISTRATION’S FIRST 100 DAYS HAVE BROUGHT IMPROVED BUSINESS CLIMATE FOR CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) recently praised President Trump for taking important steps to create a progrowth business environment in a statement from ABC President and CEO Michael Bellaman. In his first 100 days in office President Trump has taken needed action to free business owners from unnecessarily burdensome regulations that have long hindered economic growth. ABC appreciates President Trump’s executive orders curbing Washington’s appetite for over regulation and collaboration with Congress to eliminate illegal and duplicative Obama administration regulations like the ‘blacklisting’ and 'Volks’ rules. By valuing input from industries harmed by regulations that are often well-intentioned, but poorly crafted, President Trump can ensure a well-trained, safe and productive workforce without needlessly hindering economic growth. ABC’s 21,000 member companies employ a skilled and highly trained workforce ready to rebuild our nation, and we look forward to continuing to work with the Trump administration to fulfill his election night commitment to ‘fix our inner cities and rebuild our highways, bridges, tunnels, airports, schools, hospitals.’ President Trump can also ensure ‘every single American will have the opportunity to realize his or her fullest potential,’ as he pledged on election night, by taking executive action to ensure that discriminatory project labor agreements cannot be mandated on projects funded by federal tax dollars.
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Pelican Chapter Young Professionals Update The 2017 Pelican Chapter Young Professionals Committee (YP) is in full swing with a heavy plate full of initiatives to further its mission to foster the development of young leaders in the construction industry and the Pelican Chapter while encouraging networking and peer-to-peer relationship development. Under the leadership of Kory Byers, PALA-Interstate (chair), and Lance Arvel, GIS Industrial (vice-chair), the group is strategically focusing on three areas outside of its committee: LSU Construction Management National competition team, political advocacy and membership recruitment. The ABC Young Professional Committee is open to contractor members under the age of 40. The committee meets bimonthly, and the next meeting is scheduled for June 8. Industry professionals and suppliers are invited to sponsor a YP meeting. Please contact Katherine Fremin Carver at (225) 448-3348 or should you wish to join or sponsor a committee meeting.
UPDATE: LSU CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT COMPETITION TEAM The YPs are partnering with the LSU Construction Management department to send a group of students to the ABC National Construction Management Competition
in November. The YPs will act as mentors to the students to aid in preparing the team for the competition. Interviews were held in late-April to begin the process of selecting the competition team. The YPs and LSU will meet after the summer break to begin preparing for Novembers competition. The proceeds of the Baton Rouge Fall Clay Shoot will go towards this effort in sending the LSU team to the competition in Orlando.
UPDATE: POLITICAL ADVOCACY Building on efforts of the 2016 committee, the YPs set an aggressive goal to raise $7,500 for the ABC Political Action Committee and are also setting out to raise money for the grassroots arm of ABC, the Free Enterprise Alliance. YPs attended the ABC of Louisiana Legislative Day on May 2, and were able to get an inside look into what is happening with the Legislative Session. In addition to involvement with legislative events, the YPs have started selling raffle tickets for a guided charter fishing trip in efforts to raise money for FEA. Tickets are available for all to purchase, and the winner will be drawn at the August YP meeting.
May 2017 | Merit Shop Message | 11
OSHA NATIONAL SAFETY STAND-DOWN: STOPPING FALLS, SAVING LIVES Fatalities caused by falls from elevation continue to be a leading cause of death for construction employees. According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, falls accounted for 350 of the 937 construction fatalities recorded in 2015. It is OSHA’s belief that these deaths are preventable. In an ongoing effort to prevent these accidents, OSHA has designated May 8-12, 2017 as the 4th Annual National Safety Stand-Down. The National Safety Stand-Down is part of OSHA’s Fall Prevention Campaign. Created in 2012, the campaign was developed in partnership with the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health’s (NIOSH) National Occupational Research Agenda program. It provides employers with lifesaving information and educational materials on how to take steps to prevent falls, provide the right equipment for their workers and train all employees in the proper use of that equipment. During the week of the National Safety Stand-Down, companies across the country will pause during their workdays for discussions, demonstrations and training on how to recognize hazards and prevent falls. In the last three
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years, the stand‐down has reached an estimated 5 million workers. Last year, over 150 public events were held across the country. “It is through this combined effort and commitment among many partners, employers and workers that the National Safety Stand-Down has been successful in its reach, and we look forward to the continued investment demonstrated in support of fall prevention,” said NIOSH Director John Howard, M.D. “Having a vested interest in standing down operations and taking a moment to emphasize worker safety combats a preventable public health problem and promotes a positive work culture.” To access details on how to conduct a stand-down, as well as training resources, fact sheets and other outreach materials, visit
A YEAR AFTER SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION, AND STILL TIMELY RECORDING LIENS A general contractor’s right to file a lien on a private construction project is governed by Louisiana Revised Statute 9:4822(B). The provision provides that on those projects where the general contractor preserves its privilege by timely recording a notice of contract in the mortgage records, the general contractor “shall file a statement of his privilege within sixty days after the filing of the notice of termination or substantial completion of the work.” However, what happens if the owner never records a certificate of substantial completion? Does the general co nt ra c to r ’s lien period commence upon actual substantial completion of the project, or does the lien period extend indefinitely? While no reported decision by a Louisiana state court has directly address this scenario under La. R.S. 9:4822(B), the precise question was recently decided on March 6, 2017 by the federal appellate court with jurisdiction over Louisiana. In Golden Nugget Lake Charles, L.L.C. v. W.G. Yates & Sons Constr. Co., 850 F.3d 231 (5th Cir. 2017), the Fifth Circuit United States Court of Appeal framed the issue by stating “[t]he question in this case is one of statutory interpretation: whether the phrase ‘substantial completion of the work’ in § 9:4822(B) refers to an event or a document.” The facts of the case were that the general contractor entered a contract to build a casino, hotel, and spa, for which a notice of contract was recorded in the mortgage records in July 2012. In December 2014, both the owner and general contractor signed a certificate of substantial completion. The certificate, however, was not recorded in the mortgage records. In December 2015, over a year after the project was deemed substantially complete and after litigation had ensued between the parties, the general contractor filed
a lien claiming to be due a significant amount on the project. In response, the owner sought to have the lien claim dismissed in the pending litigation as being untimely. The owner argued that the language of La. R.S. 9:4822(B) does not require that a document (i.e. the certificate of substantial completion) be filed, but rather only that substantial completion of the project actually be achieved. The district court agreed with the owner and held that “there is no filing requirement of a certificate of substantial completion. If a notice of termination is not filed, then the 60 day filing period commences upon the substantial completion of the work.” As a result, the district court held that the lien was untimely as it needed to be filed within sixty days following the December 2014 certificate of substantial completion, regardless of whether that certificate was recorded in the mortgage records. On appeal, the Fifth Circuit recently reversed the ruling, holding that the Private Works Act “places the burden on an owner to take affirmative action to cut off potential claims when a contract has been recorded.” In reaching this conclusion, the Court relied upon prior Louisiana state court decisions interpreting similar provisions governing subcontractor liens. Those decisions held that when a notice of contract is recorded, the commencement of the subcontractor’s lien period will be extended until a notice of termination or substantial completion is recorded. While the right to file a lien is generally regarded as being limited by relatively short timeframes, there are certainly exceptions. One needs to look no further than this recent Golden Nugget case for authority that, in certain instances, the filing of a lien by a general contractor over a year after beneficial occupancy or actual substantial completion can potentially be timely. May 2017 | Merit Shop Message | 13
Chapter News
BATON ROUGE CRAWFISH BOIL BRINGS TOGETHER 400+ MEMBERS AND GUESTS How can you go wrong with hot crawfish boiled to perfection by Walk On’s Catering and cold drinks provided by Cajun Read Mix and Performance Contractors? The Baton Rouge Crawfish boil had both! With station sponsors and live music, the 2017 boil was a big success. A special thank you to our sponsors: Cajun Ready Mix Peformance Contractors Walk On's Catering Workbox, LLC BRACE Integrated Services Versa Integrity Group Ardent Services, LLC LaFarge North America Enterprise Holdings Patriot Construction & Equipment, LLC SJB Group, LLC STanley Black and Decker Tolunay-Wong Engineers, Inc. Tradesmen International, Inc UniFirst Corporation Woodson, Incorporated Zachry Group Bayou Testers Draeger, Inc. Lofton Staffing and Security Services RiskWise Safety Consulting Sirius Technical Services 14 | Merit Shop Message | May 2017
As of 5/5/17
DUES RENEWAL PERIOD ENDS The dues renewal period ended April 30, 2017. Members who were unable to renew by May 1 will be considered a dropped member, and will stop receiving ABC benefits. Please call Anna Zebeau at (225) 753-2541 to reinstate your membership today to be able to have your company listed in the ABC of LA Membership Directory.
UPCOMING EVENTS All upcoming events are available on page 16 and also at All event and sponsorship registrations must be processed online using your members only credentials. Don’t have your username and/or password? Contact the Baton Rouge Administrative office at (225) 752-1415 to receive your credentials.
BATON ROUGE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES – WE’RE BACK! On April 10, the Chapter Operations staff officially moved back into the front administrative building after
renovations from the flood were complete. The chapter staff is happy to be settling into the old building and all business operations have resumed as normal. Feel free to stop by and see the changes! We extend a special thank you to Maginnis Construction, who completed the process and continues to renovate the Baton Rouge Training Center Administrative Office.
SPONSOR A MEMBER MIXER! We are continuing to recruit sponsors for our 2017 member mixers. If your company is interested in sponsoring a member mixer, please contact me at your earliest convenience at (225) 7521415, x. 306, (225) 324-1900 (cell) or The cost of a member mixer sponsorship is $2,000 and includes: 10 complimentary tickets to the event; recognition in our monthly newsletter; on the promotional flyer; and recognition as being a sponsor of the door prizes.
DISCUSSION TO FUND SUMMER TRAINING AT BRTC Kelly Carpenter and Danielle Birney met with Gerard Melancon and
Ross Pottschmidt of Baton Rouge Community College (BRCC) to discuss funding for summer training in electrical, pipefitting and welding. Different options were discussed on how BRCC could potentially assist with funding the summer training. With demand for funding at both schools at an all time high, BRCC does not have any funds or grants currently available that would mutually benefit both ABC and BRCC for summer training. Training center staff is currently researching potential other avenues to help fund summer training.
EDUCATION AND MANPOWER COMMITTEE: PARENT NIGHTS + SKILLS UPGRADE TRAINING The Training Center and Education and Manpower Committee members have participated in 4 parent nights at Ascension Parish high schools. The Training Center has received great feedback from parents and school administrators regarding the visits. Education and Manpower Committee members also have interviewed
Ascension Parish high school students that have applied to attend the Course Choice program at the training center in the fall. We hope to continue both the parent nights and interviews next Spring.
• May 3 - Course Choice Graduating Seniors Last Day
The Education and Manpower Committee would like to begin the outlined skills upgrade training this summer beginning in July for electrical, pipefitting, and carpentry. This program would be open to employees of ICC contractors that need upgrade training to help in frequently missed topic areas of the specific NCCER craft assessment. The Education and Manpower Committee has outlined specific requirements for individuals to be eligible to attend the program, including a minimum 4 years of experience in the craft. Based off the success from this summer’s training, the committee will decide if regularly scheduled upgrade training sessions will occur.
• May 25 - Last Day of the Spring Semester
May 4 - Safety Committee Meeting
• May 11 - Education & Manpower Committee Meeting
SOUTHWEST TRAINING CENTER 2017 FALL SEMESTER ENROLLMENT DATES Night training - class starts August 7, 2017 • Early Registration (current students) - April 3 - 27 • Contractor Registration (contractors) - May 1 - 31 • Open Registration (to the public) June 1 - 30 • Late Registration - July 3 - 31
• Accelerated training - class starts June 26, 2017
• May 1 - Contractor Enrollment • May 2 - Job Fair for Course Choice Seniors (11:00 a.m.)
• Registration - April 10
BRTC ANNUAL HIGH SCHOOL CRAFT COMPETITION RESULTS The Baton Rouge Training Center hosted the ABC High School Craft Competition on April 6th and had the most competitors in years past. There were 28 high schools participating from 10 parishes with 48 Carpenters, 24 electrical and 71 welders for a total 129 high school students competing to be the best of the best. All of the high schools demonstrated their talents but at the end of the competition the following schools walked away as winners: CARPENTRY TEAM 1st Place Team - St. Amant
ELECTRICAL TEAM WELDING TEAM 1st Place Team - West Feliciana 1st Place Team - Central
2nd Place Team - French Settlement 2nd Place Team - Central
2nd Place Team - Walker
3rd Place Team - St. James
3rd Place Team - Live Oak
3rd Place Team - Loranger
ELECTRICAL INDIVIDUAL 1st Place - Austin Goudey 2nd Place - Blake Olinde 3rd Place - Kerry Lafferty Thanks to the outstanding show of support from the industrial contractors for providing judges, guides, supplies, prizes and meals. The ABC Training Center could not do this event without the help of our Education and Manpower Committee. May 2017 | Merit Shop Message | 15
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Association Events May 2017
10 10 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM 11 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM 11 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM 16 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM 16 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM 17 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM 18-20 22 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM 23 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM 23 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM 25
LCA/LCIA Legislative Conference Baton Rouge Programs & Events Committee Meeting, BR Training Center Education and Manpower Committee Meeting, BR Training Center Southwest Crawfish Boil, West-Cal Arena & Events Center, Sulphur Southwest Training Committee Meeting, SW Training Center Budget & Finance Committee Meeting, ABC Administrative Office Baton Rouge Membership Committee Meeting, BR Training Center ABC of Louisiana Fishing Rodeo, Sand Dollar Marina ICC Steering Committee Meeting, ABC Administrative Office ABC Executive Committee Meeting, ABC Administrative Office ABC Board of Directors Meeting, ABC Administrative Office Last Day of Spring Semester
25 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Southwest Member Mixer, Golden Nugget Casino, Lake Charles
June 2017
1 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM 6 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM 8 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM 8 4:00 PM - 6:30 PM 8 5:00 PM - 10:00 PM 13 10:00 AM - 11:15 AM 13 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM 14 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM 19-23 20 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM 20 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM 21 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM 21 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM 22 22 26 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM 27 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM 27 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Baton Rouge Safety Meeting, BR Training Center Southwest Safety Meeting, SW Training Center Education and Manpower Committee Meeting, BR Training Center Young Professionals Committee Meeting Annual Southwest Louisiana Safety Awards Banquet, L'Auberge Casino, Lake Charles Southwest Programs & Events Committee Meeting, SW Training Center Southwest Steering Committee Meeting, SW Training Center Baton Rouge Programs & Events Committee Meeting, BR Training Center 2017 Legislative Conference, Hyatt Regeny, Washingtong, DC Southwest Training Committee Meeting, SW Training Center Budget & Finance Committee Meeting, ABC Administrative Office Baton Rouge Membership Committee Meeting, BR Training Center National Board Meeting, Washington, DC Southwest Spring Graduation, West-Cal Arena & Events Center, Sulphur Baton Rouge Graduation, L'Auberge Casino, Baton Rouge ICC Steering Committee Meeting, ABC Administrative Office ABC Executive Committee Meeting, ABC Administrative Office ABC Board of Directors Meeting, ABC Administrative Office
18 | Merit Shop Message | May 2017
Pelican Chapter
Baton Rouge Staff Office (225) 752-1415 Training Center (225) 752-0088 President Alvin Bargas Chief Operating Officer Jennifer Finley Director of Finance Janie Arceneaux Vice President of Governmental Relations John Walters 328-0989 (cell) Progams & Events Coordinator Lindsey Russ Director of Membership Growth Anna Zebeau Communications Coordinator Katherine Fremin Carver Finance Assistant Michael Armstrong Kathy Serwan Administrative Assistant Katie Verbois Baton Rouge Training Center Staff Director of Education Kelly Carpenter Director of Training Center Administration Danielle Birney Workforce Development Coordinator Ricky Delafield Associate Director of Workforce Support Kacie Blanchard Training Center Administration Whitney Wheeler Misty Massarek Southwest Training Center Staff Office (337) 882-0204 Fax (337) 882-6757 Director of Education & Training Kirby Bruchhaus Administrative Staff Christina Frederick Ivelynn Fuselier
May 2017 | Merit Shop Message | 19
Pelican Chapter, Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc. 19251 Highland Road Baton Rouge, LA 70809