Ready Steady Go Mental Maths 2nd Class

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Just Rewards Publications Letterkenny Co Donegal ISBN: 978 1 913137 04 5 Š Just Rewards 2019 Design: Nicolette Culloo

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HOW TO USE THIS BOOK Ready Steady Go Maths is a Mental Maths programme for 1st to 6th Class primary school pupils. The programme is unique in that it actually teaches pupils the strategies and skills required to calculate and to solve mathematical problems mentally, thereby enabling pupils to fully engage with the Primary School Mathematics Curriculum. Ready Steady Go Maths gives pupils a variety of approaches and strategies to make mental calculations using a step by step approach, appropriate to each class level and helps consolidate their problems solving skills. The Ready Steady Go Maths programme is laid out in an easy to follow structure. The programme contains 160 units for each class level. There are 5 weekly lessons (Monday – Friday) rolled out over a period of 32 weeks each school year. The Ready Steady Go Maths programme may be used as a warm-up ahead of existing daily Maths lessons. It may also be used as a stand-alone programme to teach Mental Maths or as assigned nightly homework. Whatever way Ready Steady Go Maths is used, the programme is the ideal complement to the Primary School Mathematics Curriculum.

Self-assessment At the end of each page there is a self-assessment section which gives pupils the opportunity to reflect on their learning and which provides useful feedback to the teacher on how each pupil is progressing. Mondays Monday lessons focus entirely on Target Board activities which are ideal for teaching the language of Mathematics in general and the language of Number and Problem Solving in particular, in a fun and stimulating way. Pupils are provided with opportunities to explore the relationship between numbers and to consolidate mathematical learning through a variety of easy to follow questions.

Tuesdays Tuesday lessons focus on the Counting Stick, Number Strips and the Hundred Square. Pupils are introduced to counting forwards and backwards and thereby exploring number patterns and the relationships between numbers.


Wednesday Wednesday lessons focus on problem solving. Pupils are introduced to the characters of Danny and Sarah through a series of interesting Mathematical stories and word problems based on these stories. They also learn strategies for problem solving and get the opportunities to practise these strategies through different types of problem solving such as Practical Tasks, Puzzles and Word Problems. In the 4th, 5th and 6th Class books, pupils are given a number of real life problems and investigations to research and solve online using information technology.

Thursday Thursday lessons develop pupils’ mental maths skills by teaching the pupils a variety of strategies for making mental calculations. The pupils are then provided with opportunities to apply these skills and strategies with structured questions based on the skill being developed.

Fridays Friday lessons focus on developing pupils’ all round mental abilities through a series of simple but challenging questions which consolidates work already done through the Ready Steady Go Maths programme.

Worked Examples Pupils are provided with worked examples throughout the Ready Steady Go Maths programme to demonstrate the skills and strategies being developed and which enables pupils to work independently of the teacher Supplementary Materials Large Class Target Boards incorporating the Target Boards in the pupil books are available to teachers in order to conduct class lessons. These Class Target Boards also contain a series of new Target Boards and activities not available in the pupil books which are extremely valuable in consolidating learning and in differentiating for pupils according to ability. There is also a supplementary Teacher Manual for each class level containing the answers to all questions in the respective class pupil books.


Look at all the numbers on the first row. My target number for the first row is 10 1. What must I add to 7 to reach 10? _____________________ 2. What must I take away from 11 to reach 10? _____________________ 3. What must I take away from 14 to reach 10? _____________________ 4. What must I add to 6 to reach 10?

Look at all the numbers on the third line. My target number for the third line is 11 5. What must I take away from 17 to reach 11? _____________________ 6. What must I take away from 12 to reach 11? _____________________ 7. What must I take away from 15 to reach 11? _____________________ 8. What must I add to 2 to reach 11? _____________________ 9. What two numbers on the fourth row can you add to make 11?


= 11



MONDAY: Target Boards

7 11 14 6 1 16 5 9 17 12 15 2 10 8 3 13

_____________________ 10. Make an addition number sentence using three of the numbers on the first column: _____________________


3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1. Colour the number that comes just before six green. _____________________ 2. Colour the number that comes just after eight red.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12



_____________________ 7. Fill in the missing numbers.


_____________________ 8. Fill in the missing numbers.


_____________________ 9 8 3. Colour the number that comes just before _____________________ eleven blue. 9. Fill in the missing number.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

_____________________ 4. Colour the number that comes between seven and nine orange.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

_____________________ 5. Fill in the missing numbers.







_____________________ 10. Fill in the missing number. _____________________


TUESDAY: Counting Stick

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

6. Fill in the missing numbers.





It is Thursday morning. Danny and Sarah have visitors. Their cousins, Max and Beth are on holidays from England. They arrived in Ireland two days ago and are going home again tomorrow. Max is 9 and is the same age as Sarah. Beth is 7 and is the same age as Danny.

Max and Beth brought presents for Danny and Sarah. Max gave Danny a ball and Beth gave Sarah a box with a surprise inside. 5. What 3-D shape is Danny’s present?



_____________________ 6. What 3-D shape is the box that Beth gave Sarah?

1. On what day did Max and Beth arrive in Ireland?

_____________________ Max and Beth’s flight home leaves at 6 o’clock tomorrow evening. They need to be in Dublin Airport an hour before their flight. The flight home takes an hour. The journey from Danny and Sarah’s house to the airport will take 2 hours.


_____________________ 2. On what day will Max and Beth go home again? _____________________ 3. What is the sum of Max and Beth’s ages? _____________________ 4. What is the sum of Max and Sarah’s ages? _____________________

7. At what time do Max and Beth need to be at Dublin Airport? _____________________ 8. How many minutes does the flight home take? _____________________ 9. At what time will Max and Beth arrive back in England? _____________________ 10. At what time will Max and Beth need to leave Danny and Sarah’s house to get to the airport? _____________________


WEEK 1 1.

6. Mel has 6 bananas and Linda has 6 bananas. How many bananas altogether?


4 =



4 =


7 =

_____________________ 9. Jade has 12 marbles and gives away 3 of them. How many has she left?

7 + 5 = _____________________ = 11

18 11 12 1 10 2 9 3 8 4 7 6 5

_____________________ 3. What day is the last day of September? W



































_____________________ 4. How many faces has a cuboid? _____________________ 5.

43 + 20 =

_____________________ 6. Draw a circle around half the tennis balls. _____________________



= 10

_____________________ 8. How many dots altogether? How many more dots to make 20? _____________________ 9. What number comes between 10 and 12? _____________________ 10. Cody has 14 socks. 2 pairs of them are white. The rest are black. How many black socks does Cody have?

FRIDAY: Challenge



_____________________ 7.



_____________________ 10. Sean has 12 stickers and gives away 5 of them. How many has he left?


_____________________ 2. What time is it?


11 - 4 =

6 + 5 = _____________________



_____________________ 8. Meg has 11 sweets and gives away 4 of them. How many has she left?

_____________________ 4.



_____________________ 7. Tim has 4 apples and June has 8 apples. How many apples altogether?

_____________________ 3.



THURSDAY: Number Work


_____________________ 2.

_____________________ 12.

3 +7+8= _____________________ 8


MONDAY: Target Boards

9 8 3 14 16 6 18 12 7 17 11 4 13 5 15 10 Look at all the numbers on the first row. My target number for the first row is 12 1. What must I add to 9 to reach 12? _____________________ 2. What must I add to 8 to reach 12? _____________________ 3. What must I add to 3 to reach 12? _____________________ 4. What must I take away from 14 to reach 12?

5. Find three numbers on the Target Board that add up to make 12:



= 12

_____________________ Look at all the numbers on the third row. My target number for the third row is 13 6. What must I add to 7 to reach 13?

_____________________ 7. What must I take away from 17 to reach 13? _____________________ 8. What must I add to 11 to reach 13? _____________________ 9. What must I add to 4 to reach 13? _____________________ 10. What two numbers on the second column can you add to make 13?



= 13


4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1. Colour the number that comes just before thirteen green.

TUESDAY: Counting Stick

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

_____________________ 2. Colour the number that comes just after ten red.

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

_____________________ 3. Colour the number that comes between nine and eleven blue.

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 _____________________ 4. Colour the number that comes just after twelve orange.

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

_____________________ 5. Draw a circle around each of the even numbers.

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13



6. Fill in the missing numbers.



_____________________ 7. Fill in the missing numbers.



_____________________ 8. Fill in the missing numbers.


_____________________ 9. Fill in the missing numbers.


_____________________ 10. Fill in the missing number.





10 9


6. How many copybooks does Sarah cover blue?

1. How many girls are in Danny’s class? _____________________ 2. How many children are in Sarah’s class? _____________________ 3. What is the sum of the number of boys in Danny’s and Sarah’s classes?

_____________________ 7. How many of Danny and Sarah’s copybooks are covered red altogether? _____________________ Sarah’s teacher asks the children about their holidays. Half of the boys in her class went to the beach and half of the girls in her class also went to the beach.


Danny and Sarah are back at school. There are 19 children in Danny’s class, 10 boys and the rest are girls. In Sarah’s class, there are 8 boys and 12 girls.

_____________________ 4. What is the difference in the number of girls in Sarah’s class and the number of girls in Danny’s class? _____________________ Danny and Sarah need lots of new copybooks for school. Danny needs 7 copybooks and Sarah needs 12 copybooks. Danny’s copybooks are all covered red. Sarah covers half of her copybooks red and the other half blue. 5. How many copybooks do Danny and Sarah have altogether? _____________________

_____________________ 8. How many of the boys in Sarah’s class went to the beach? _____________________ 9. How many of the girls in Sarah’s class went to the beach? _____________________ 10. How many of the children in Sarah’s class went to the beach altogether? _____________________


WEEK 2 Write number sentences for the following:


8 + 5 = _____________________ THURSDAY: Number Work




7 =

_____________________ 3.



9 =

_____________________ 4.



6 =

_____________________ 5.



7 =













_____________________ 7.

_____________________ 8.

_____________________ 9.

_____________________ 10.

_____________________ 1.


= 13

FRIDAY: Challenge

_____________________ 2. What time is it?

11 12 1 10 2 9 3 8 4 7 6 5

_____________________ 3. How many days are in September?

_____________________ 9. How many dots altogether?

_____________________ 4. How many corners has a cube? _____________________ 5.

How many more dots to make 20? _____________________ 10. How much altogether

_____________________ 6. Draw a circle around half the acorns..

c _____________________ 11. Shane has 16 stickers. He gives 4 of them to Brendan. How many stickers does Shane have left?

_____________________ 7.

_____________________ 12.

19 -

6 +4+7= _____________________

36 + 20 =

= 12



8. What number comes between 17 and 19?



Look at all the numbers on the first column. My target number for the first column is 14. Add or take away? 1. What must I do to 7 to reach 14? _____________________ 2. What must I do to 19 to reach 14? _____________________ 3. What must I do to 3 to reach 14?

5. Find three numbers on the Target Board that add up to make 14:



= 14

_____________________ Look at all the numbers on the third row. My target number for the third row is 15. Add or take away? 6. What must I do to 3 to reach 15? _____________________ 7. What must I do to 13 to reach 15? _____________________ 8. What must I do to 20 to reach 15? _____________________ 9. What must I do to 4 to reach 15?

_____________________ 4. What must I do to 16 to reach 14?

_____________________ 10. Find three numbers on the Target Board that add up to make 15:





MONDAY: Target Boards

7 10 2 18 19 11 5 8 3 13 20 4 16 6 9 1

= 15

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1. Colour the number that comes just after thirteen green. _____________________ 2. Colour the number that comes between thirteen and fifteen red.

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

_____________________ 3. Colour the number that comes between ten and twelve blue.

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

_____________________ 4. Colour the number that comes just after fourteen orange.

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

_____________________ 5. Draw a circle around each of the odd numbers.



_____________________ 7. Fill in the missing numbers.



_____________________ 8. Fill in the missing numbers.


_____________________ 9. Fill in the missing numbers.





_____________________ 10. Fill in the missing number.




TUESDAY: Counting Stick

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

6. Fill in the missing numbers.

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15






& The Beanstalk (Part 1)

Once upon a time there lived a little boy called Jack. Jack lived at home with his mother. Jack was 10 years old while his mother was 42 years old. They were very poor and all they had was a cow.

6. How many more beans would Jack need to have 30?

1. What was the sum of Jack’s age and his mother’s age? _____________________ 2. How much older was Jack’s mother than Jack?

_____________________ On the way home, Jack met an old woman. The old woman told Jack she was 75 years old and asked him about the beans. “They are magic beans”, said Jack. I will give you 5c for every bean. Jack said that he wanted to give his mother the beans but agreed to sell the woman 5 beans.

_____________________ 3. Round Jack’s mother’s age to the nearest 10? _____________________ One day, Jack’s mother told Jack to take the cow to the market and sell it. Jack set off at 11 o’clock and after half an hour walking, he met an old man. The man offered Jack 15 beans for the cow. Jack said, “No” “Ah, but they are magic beans”, said the old man. “I will give you the 15 beans and 12 more for your mother”. Jack thought of his poor mother. “I will take the beans”, he said. “My mother will be very happy”. 4. At what time did Jack meet the old man? _____________________ 5. How many beans did Jack get altogether for the cow? _____________________


7. How much older was the old woman than Jack? _____________________ 8. How much did the old woman pay for the 5 beans? _____________________ 9. How many beans did Jack have left? _____________________ 10. How many beans would the old woman have got for 30c? _____________________

WEEK 3 Example: We can make 3 number sentences using these 3 numbers. 4 + 5 + 6 = 15 5 + 6 + 4 = 15 6 + 4 + 5 = 15

6 4 5

7 3 6

+ + +

+ + +

= = =

+ + +

= = =

+ + = + + = + + = _____________________ 4.

7 4 6

+ + = + + = + + = _____________________

_____________________ 2.

8 2 7

+ + +

7 3 5

Write a double for each of the following numbers.

+ +


7_____________________ + = 15

How many dots altogether? 11 12 1 10 2 9 3 8 4 7 6 5

_____________________ 3. What month comes after September?

_____________________ 5.

6. Draw a circle around half the leaves. _____________________ 7

17 = 11 _____________________

8. What number is 7 less than 17? _____________________

How many more dots to make 20? _____________________ 10. What number comes between 14 and 16? _____________________ 11. There are 7 windows on the front of Pat’s house, 6 windows on the front of Ali’s house and 5 windows on the front of Dee’s house. How many windows altogether?

FRIDAY: Challenge

_____________________ 4. What shape are the faces of a cylinder?

29 + 30 = _____________________

= 12 = 16



2. What time is it?

THURSDAY: Addition Activities



_____________________ 12.

8 +2+5= _____________________ 13. How much altogether?





MONDAY: Target Boards

18 5 11 8 3 20 12 15 16 7 13 9 10 14 4 17

5. What two numbers on the third row add up to make 16?


= 16



_____________________ 6. Find three numbers on the Target Board that add up to make 16:

= 16

1. What must I do to 18 to reach 16?

_____________________ Look at all the numbers on the second column. My target number for the second column is 17. Add or take away? 7. What must I do to 5 to reach 17?

_____________________ 2. What must I do to 5 to reach 16?

_____________________ 8. What must I do to 20 to reach 17?

_____________________ 3. What must I do to 11 to reach 16?

_____________________ 9. What must I do to 7 to reach 17?

_____________________ 4. What must I do to 8 to reach 16?

_____________________ 10. What must I do to 14 to reach 17?



Look at all the numbers on the first row. My target number for the first row is 16. Add or take away?

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1. Colour the even number that comes between twelve and sixteen green.

TUESDAY: Counting Stick

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

_____________________ 2. Colour the odd number that comes between nine and thirteen red.

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

_____________________ 3. Colour the number that comes just after sixteen blue.

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

_____________________ 4. Colour the number that comes just before sixteen orange.

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

_____________________ 5. Colour the number that comes between fifteen and seventeen red

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17



6. Fill in the missing numbers.



_____________________ 7. Fill in the missing numbers.





_____________________ 8. Fill in the missing numbers. _____________________ 9. Fill in the missing numbers.


_____________________ 10. Fill in the missing number.






WEEK 4 When Jack got home and showed his mother the beans, his mother got angry. “What a silly boy you are”, she shouted. She threw the beans out the window.

_____________________ 2. How many leaves did Jack count on the beanstalk altogether? _____________________ Jack was already at the top of the beanstalk. He started climbing at 9 o’clock and reached the top two hours later. He saw a huge castle with lots of windows. He saw 17 windows on the left of the door and 21 windows on the right of the door. Jack went in the door of the castle and saw a hen, some eggs and a golden harp sitting on the table. 3. At what time did Jack reach the top of the beanstalk? _____________________ 4. How many windows did Jack see altogether on the castle?

and the BeanStalk (Part 2)

_____________________ Jack went over to the table and saw 6 golden eggs under the table. The hen started to lay more eggs. By the time the hen had finished, Jack counted 7 more golden eggs on top of the table. Then Jack heard a big roar. “Fi Fi Fo Fum”, shouted a Giant from a seat in the corner. Jack ran to the cupboard and hid inside.


1. At what time did Jack’s mother get up in the morning?

5. How many more windows were on the right of the door than on the left of the door?


The next morning Jack got up at 8 o’clock and looked out the window. There was a huge beanstalk outside his window. He counted the leaves on the beanstalk. He counted 25 leaves and then another 14 leaves. Jack’s mother got up 3 hours later but Jack had gone.

6. How many golden eggs did Jack see altogether when the hen finished laying? _____________________ 7. Was there an even number or odd number of golden eggs under the table? _____________________ 8. How many more golden eggs would the hen have to lay to make 20 altogether? _____________________



WEEK 4 Fill in the missing numbers. 1.



= 15


THURSDAY: Number Work

= 14

= 16








8 +3 9 _____________________ 6

+ ______ + ______ + ______ _____________________


5 +6 12 _____________________

= 17

_____________________ 5. 6. 7.



_____________________ 4.



_____________________ Put <, > or = into the box to make the number sentence true.

_____________________ 3.



- ______ - ______ - ______

_____________________ 2.





7_____________________ +9 16 14.

8 +9 17 _____________________ 15.

7_____________________ +5 15 1.


6 + = 15 _____________________ 2. What time is it?

FRIDAY: Challenge

_____________________ 3. What month comes just before September?

How many dots altogether? 11 12 1 10 2 9 3 8 4 7 6 5

_____________________ 4. What shape are the faces of a cube? _____________________ 5.

55 - 20 = _____________________

6. Draw a circle around half the apples..

_____________________ 7

18 = 13 _____________________ 17

How many more dots to make 20? _____________________ 9. What number is 8 less than 16? _____________________ 10. What number comes between 18 and 20? _____________________ 11.

TU 78 - 52 ______

_____________________ 12.

1_____________________ +9+9= 17


8 4 9 19 13 16 5 18 2 10 15 12 11 14 7 6


= 18



_____________________ 6. Find three numbers on the Target Board that add up to make 18:

= 18

_____________________ Look at all the numbers on the first row. My target number for the first row is 19.

1. What must I do to 9 to reach 18?

7. What must I add to 8 to reach 19?

_____________________ 2. What must I do to 5 to reach 18?

_____________________ 8. What must I add to 4 to reach 19?

_____________________ 3. What must I do to 15 to reach 18?

_____________________ 9. What must I add to 9 to reach 19?

_____________________ 4. What must I do to 7 to reach 18?

_____________________ 10. What must I add to 19 to reach 19?


MONDAY: Target Boards

Look at all the numbers on the third column. My target number for the third column is 18. Add or take away?

5. What two numbers on the fourth column add up to make 18?


10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1. Colour the even numbers that come between eleven and fifteen green. _____________________ 2. Colour the odd numbers that come between ten and fourteen red.






















_____________________ 7. Fill in the missing numbers.

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

_____________________ 8. Fill in the missing numbers.

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

_____________________ 9. Fill in the missing numbers.

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

_____________________ 10. Fill in the missing numbers.

_____________________ 3. Colour the number that comes just before eighteen blue.

_____________________ 4. Colour the number that comes between seventeen and nineteen orange. _____________________ 5. Colour the number that comes just after eighteen red



TUESDAY: Counting Stick

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

6. Fill in the missing numbers.


10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19





and the BeanStalk (Part 3)

WEEK 5 While Jack was in the cupboard, the Giant took out his bags of gold coins and started counting. He counted 27 gold coins in Bag 1, 42 gold coins in Bag 2 and 30 gold coins in Bag 3. Jack waited for an hour in the cupboard until the Giant had all his gold coins counted and had fallen asleep again.

1. For how many minutes did Jack wait in the cupboard?

When Jack was finished, the tall woman took out a box of sweets with 68 sweets in it. The woman had eaten 17 sweets and Jack had eaten 15 sweets when he heard a noise from the corner. “Fi Fi Fo Fum”, shouted the Giant. Jack ran towards the cupboard but it was too late. The Giant had seen Jack. Jack ran around the table 16 times one way and then 13 times the other way with the Giant chasing him.

_____________________ 2. How many gold coins had the Giant in Bags 1 and 2 altogether? _____________________ 3. How many gold coins did the Giant count altogether? _____________________ When Jack came out of the cupboard, he saw a very tall woman standing at the table. She got a surprise when she saw Jack but spoke kindly to him. “I am very hungry”, said Jack. “Could I have something to eat”? The tall woman gave Jack a loaf of bread with 20 slices in it. She also gave Jack a jug of milk with a litre of milk inside. Jack ate half the slices of bread and drank half the jug of milk. 4. How many slices of bread did Jack eat? _____________________ 5. How much milk did Jack drink? litre _____________________


6. How many sweets did Jack and the tall woman eat altogether? _____________________ 7. How many sweets were left in the box? _____________________ 8. How many times did Jack run around the table? _____________________ Jack ran out the door and climbed down the beanstalk with the giant chasing him. When Jack got to the ground he chopped down the beanstalk. The giant fell to the ground and couldn’t move.


10 11 A D

14 15 T R

12 13 H M

16 B

17 E

18 19 C O


10 + 7 4 + 6 A



11 + 6


Use the clues to find the name of something you find at home.

11 + 5



10 + 5 10 + 9 12 + 7 R


THURSDAY: Number Work

Use the clues to find the name of a very important person.

Use the clues to find the name of something an egg might do.





13 + = 19 _____________________

10 + 8


8. Show the number 75 on the abacus.

2. Show the time it will be in 1 hour if it is ½ past 3 now. 12 11 1 10 2 9 3 8 4 7 6 5

(8 + 3) + 7 = _____________________

4. Draw a circle around the bag with more.

_____________________ 5.

4 _____________________ 10.

6 10 15 18 _____________________

5 +5+5+5= _____________________ 11. 12. TU (4 + 6) + 6 = 59 _________________ - ______ 37 13.

57 - 30 = _____________________


10 + 10 + 10 + 10 = _____________________

6. Draw a circle around the odd number. 7.

FRIDAY: Challenge

_____________________ 3.

_____________________ 9. Put the numbers 1, 3, 5 and 7 into the circles so that the line down and line across both add up to 12.

4 + (6 + 6) =



MONDAY: Target Boards

6 20 14 12 19 8 3 17 13 18 5 4 9 11 15 7 Look at all the numbers on the fourth row. My target number for the fourth row is 19. 1. What must I add to 9 to reach 19? _____________________ 2. What must I add to 11 to reach 19? _____________________ 3. What must I add to 15 to reach 19? _____________________ 4. What must I add to 7 to reach 19? _____________________

5. What two numbers on the third column add up to make 19?


= 19



_____________________ 6. Find three numbers on the Target Board that add up to make 19:

= 19

_____________________ Look at all the numbers on the fourth column. My target number for the fourth column is 20. 7. What must I add to 12 to reach 20? _____________________ 8. What must I add to 17 to reach 20? _____________________ 9. What must I add to 15 to reach 20? _____________________ 10. What must I add to 7 to reach 20? _____________________

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 TUESDAY: Counting Stick

1. Colour the odd number that comes between eleven and fifteen green.

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

_____________________ 2. Colour the even number that comes between twelve and sixteen red.

6. Fill in the missing numbers.


11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

13 +

= 20

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

17 +

= 20

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

15 +

= 20

14 +

= 20

_____________________ 3. Colour the number that comes just after nineteen blue. _____________________ 4. Colour the number that comes between eighteen and twenty orange. _____________________ 5. Fill in the missing numbers.





_____________________ 7. Point to the number 13. How many do I count on to get to the number 20? _____________________ 8. Point to the number 17. How many do I count on to get to the number 20? _____________________ 9. Point to the number 15. How many do I count on to get to the number 20? _____________________ 10. Point to the number 14. How many do I count on to get to the number 20? _____________________



7. How many more leaves does Danny need to collect to have 20?

1. How many trees does Danny count altogether? _____________________ 2. What is the sum of the oak, chestnut and sycamore trees?

_____________________ The children arrived in the park at 10 o’clock and stayed for half an hour. They then had to return to school. They all really enjoyed themselves.


_____________________ 8. How many more leaves does Peter need to collect to have 20?


Danny’s class is learning about autumn. The teacher takes all the children to the local park to look at the different kinds of trees. The children have to count the numbers of different trees. Danny counts 7 oak trees, 6 chestnut trees, 4 sycamore trees and 3 beech trees.

_____________________ 3. What is the sum of the oak, sycamore and beech trees? _____________________ 4. If half the trees in the park are beside the pond, how many trees are beside the pond? _____________________ The teacher asks the children to collect 20 red sycamore leaves. Danny can only find 11 red sycamore leaves while his friend, Peter can only find 8.

9. At what time did the children return to school? _____________________ 10. Draw a line of symmetry on the leaf that Danny collected.

5. How many red sycamore leaves do Danny and Peter collect altogether? _____________________ 6. How many more leaves does Danny collect than Peter? _____________________



WEEK 6 Example 7 + 6 = ?

THURSDAY: Using 10 Frames

7 + 6 is the same as 10 + 3 10 + 3 = 13 so 7 + 6 = 13 1. 8 + 7 is the same as

10 +


_____________________ 2.

4. 8 + 8 is the same as

10 +

7 + 9 is the same as

10 + 6 + 9 is the same as

10 +


_____________________ 3.

10 +


_____________________ 6. 8 + 3 is the same as

10 + 9 + 9 is the same as


_____________________ Now try these by drawing the dots in the Ten Frames yourself using green and red crayons. 5.




_____________________ 1.

12 + = 20 _____________________

2. If it is 1/2 past 6 now, show the time it will be in 1 hour. 12 11 1 10 2 9 3 8 4 7 6 5

FRIDAY: Challenge

_____________________ 3.

8. Show the number 56 on the abacus.

_____________________ 9. Put the numbers 2, 4, 6 and 8 into the circles so that the line down and line across both add up to 15.

(7 + 7) + 5 = _____________________

4. Draw a circle around the bag with more.

5 _____________________ 10.

_____________________ 5.

10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 = _____________________

6. Draw a circle around the odd number.

9 12 16 18 _____________________ 7.

82 - 40 = _____________________ 23

5 +5+5+5+5+5= _____________________ 11.

TU 65 + ______ 1 7


TU 89 -_______ 3 7




1. What two numbers on the first row have a difference of 5? and _____________________ 2. What two numbers on the second row have a difference of 3? and _____________________ 3. What two numbers on the third row have a difference of 5? and _____________________ 4. What two numbers on the fourth row have a difference of 4? and _____________________

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 The difference between 15 and 12 is 3. 1.

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

What is the difference between 17 and 15?

5. What two numbers on the first column have a difference of 8? and _____________________ 6. What two numbers on the second column have a difference of 3? and _____________________ 7. What two numbers on the third column have a difference of 8? and _____________________ 8. What two numbers on the fourth column have a difference of 5? and _____________________ 9. Find two numbers on the Target Board that have a difference of 6: and _____________________ 10. Add all the numbers on the bottom row:







11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

What is the difference between 14 and 11?

_____________________ 2.

What is the difference between 19 and 12?

What is the difference between 16 and 12?

_____________________ 7.

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

_____________________ 3.

What is the difference between 15 and 11?

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

What is the difference between 18 and 13? _____________________ 4.

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

What is the difference between 20 and 15?

_____________________ 8.

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

TUESDAY: Counting Stick

_____________________ 6.

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

MONDAY: Target Boards

4 8 10 9 13 17 3 14 16 11 15 12 5 2 7 6

What is the difference between 20 and 13? _____________________



WEEK 7 It is a lovely autumn day. Dad takes Danny and Sarah on a drive to the beach. They leave home at 2 o’clock and the journey takes an hour and a half. On the way they play a game. Danny sees how many white cars he can spot and Sarah sees how many red cars she can spot. Danny spots 18 white cars and Sarah spots 12 red cars.

_____________________ 5. How many shells do Danny and Sarah collect altogether? _____________________ 6. How many shells does Dad collect? _____________________ On the way home, Dad stops at a shop. He gives Danny and Sarah â‚Ź1 each. Danny buys a cone for 60c and Sarah buys an ice pop for 35c.



4. How many shells does Sarah collect?

1. At what time do Danny and Sarah arrive at the beach? _____________________ 2. What is the difference in the number of white cars spotted by Danny and the number of red cars spotted by Sarah? 7. How much change does Danny get? _____________________ 3. How many more red cars does Sarah need to spot to get to 20? _____________________ When they get to the beach, they decide to walk along the beach and collect shells. Danny collects 6 shells but Sarah collects double that amount. Dad collects half the number of shells that Danny collects.

c _____________________ 8. How much change does Sarah get? c _____________________ 9. How much do Danny and Sarah spend altogether? c _____________________ 10. How much more does Danny spend than Sarah? c _____________________


WEEK 7 1. Match the doubles to their sum.

16 12 8 10 6 14 18

_____________________ Try the following by adding the doubles first 2.

4 +4+5= _____________________ 3.

6 +6+3= _____________________ 4.

3 +3+2= _____________________ 1.

14 + = 20 _____________________

2. If it is ½ past 9 now, show the time will it be in 1 hour? 11 12 1 10 9 8

7 6 5

2 3 4


8 +3+8= _____________________ 7.

7 +3+7= _____________________ 8.

_____________________ 2+9+9= 9.

_____________________ 4+6+6= 10.

_____________________ 3+5+5= 11.

_____________________ 4+8+8= 12. 13. 14. 5 7 8 5 4 4 +____ 6_ +____ 7_ +____ 8_ 8. Show the number 68 on the abacus.

_____________________ 9. Put the numbers 3, 4, 8 and 9 into the circles so that the line down and line across both add up to 19.

(8 + 8) + 3 = _____________________


4. Draw a circle around the bag with more.

_____________________ 5.

10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 = _____________________

_____________________ 9. Bens teacher asks him to put 13 bananas into 2 boxes. If he puts 3 more bananas into box A than box B, how many bananas does he put into box A

6. Draw a circle around the even number.

_____________________ 10.

5 +5+5+5+5= _____________________


7 12 13 17 _____________________ 7.

FRIDAY: Challenge

_____________________ 3.

5 +5+4= _____________________


5+5 7+7 3+3 9+9 6+6 8+8 4+4


TU 56 +_______ 39



MONDAY: Target Boards

5 10 7 3 13 2 16 14 17 6 11 8 9 15 4 12 1. What two numbers on the first row have the sum of 12?


_____________________ 2. What two numbers on the second row have the sum of 18?


_____________________ 3. What two numbers on the third row have the sum of 14?


_____________________ 4. What two numbers on the fourth row have the sum of 16?



Example: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

The sum of 6 and 8 is 14

TUESDAY: Counting Stick

1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Colour the next 4 numbers blue and write the sum of 9 and 4? _____________________ 2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Colour the next 6 numbers blue and write the sum of 12 and 6? _____________________ 3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Colour the next 7 numbers blue and write the sum of 5 and 7? _____________________ 4. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Colour the next 5 numbers blue and write the sum of 11 and 5 _____________________


5. What two numbers on the first column have the sum of 18?


_____________________ 6. What two numbers on the second column have the sum of 17?


_____________________ 7. What two numbers on the third column have the sum of 18?


_____________________ 8. What two numbers on the fourth column have the sum of 20?


_____________________ 9. Find two numbers on the Target Board that have the sum of 19:


_____________________ 10. Add all the numbers on the top row:






5. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Colour the next 6 numbers blue and write the sum of 14 and 6? _____________________ 6. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Colour the next 9 numbers blue and write the sum of 7 and 9? _____________________ 7. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Colour the first 8 numbers red and the next 7 numbers blue. Then write the sum of 8 and 7? _____________________ 8. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Colour the first 10 numbers red and the next 6 numbers blue. Then write the sum of 10 and 6? _____________________



_____________________ 2. If Hallowe’en (31st October) is on a Tuesday, on what day is the 29th October? _____________________ 3. If 25 children in Mr. Kelly’s class and 20 children in Ms. Murphy’s class are taking part in a Hallowe’en Treasure Hunt, how many children are taking part in the Treasure Hunt altogether? _____________________ 4. Teresa and Sam are making Hallowe’en masks. If Teresa’s mask is 42cm long and Sam’s mask is 30cm long, how much longer is Teresa’s mask? cm _____________________ 5. Irena and Natalia go Trick or Treating at half past 6 and arrive home 2 hours later, at what time do they arrive home?

6. Two witches go flying on their broomsticks on Hallowe’en night with their cats. If the Witch of the North’s cat weights ¼ kg and the Witch of the South weighs ½ kg, which witch has the heavier cat?


1. There are 15 pumpkins for sale in Sean’s Shop. If 8 of them are sold, how many are left?

Witch of the

_____________________ 7. Ben and Sue have been Trick or Treating. When they get home they count how many sweets are in their bags. Ben has 28 sweets and Sue has 30 sweets. How many sweets do they have altogether? _____________________ 8. Harry and Isla are trying to open the piñata. Harry hits the piñata 11 times and Isla hits it 7 times until the piñata opens. How many times do Harry and Isla hit the piñata altogether? _____________________ 9. How many legs do 3 spiders have altogether? _____________________






THURSDAY: More Than or Less Than




Is more than











_____________________ 2. _____________________ 3.





Put the correct sign in the box to make the number sentence true. 10.

_____________________ 4.



_____________________ 5.







17 + 10



14 - 6


_____________________ 6. _____________________ 7. _____________________


11 + = 16 _____________________

2. If it is ½ past 11 now,show the time will it be in 1 hour? 11 12 1 10 9 8

FRIDAY: Challenge


_____________________ 9.

Is less than 1.


7 6 5

2 3 4

_____________________ 3.

_____________________ 11. _____________________ 12. _____________________ 13. _____________________

7. Show the number 80 on the abacus.

_____________________ 8. Put the numbers 1, 2, 8 and 9 into the circles so that the line down and line across both add up to 18.

(4 + 4) + 9 = _____________________

4. Tara’s teacher asks her to put 12 pencils into 2 boxes. If she puts 2 more pencils into Box A than Box B, how many pencils does she put into Box A? _____________________ 5.

10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 =

_____________________ 6. Draw a circle around the even number.

9 13 17 18 _____________________ 29

8 _____________________ 9.

5 +5+5+5+5+5+5= _____________________ 10.

T U 11. 3 5 89 - 50 = 45 +_______




27 12 33 39 40 28 49 15 8 19 5 31

_____________________ 2. What is the smallest number on the Target Board? _____________________ 3. Add 10 to each of the numbers on the first row. _____________________ 4. Subtract 10 from each of the numbers on the second row. _____________________

1. Add 10 each time to fill in the missing numbers.







_____________________ 3. Add 10 each time to fill in the missing numbers.




_____________________ 4. Add 10 each time to fill in the missing numbers.




_____________________ 5. Add 10 each time to fill in the missing numbers.





_____________________ 7. What numbers on the Target Board have exactly 9 units? _____________________ 8.What numbers on the Target Board are between 29 and 41? _____________________ 9. What numbers on the Target Board are less than 16? _____________________ 10. I am on the second row and on the third column. What number am I? _____________________

6. Subtract 10 each time to fill in the missing numbers.




_____________________ 7. Subtract 10 each time to fill in the missing numbers.




_____________________ 8. Subtract 10 each time to fill in the missing numbers.




_____________________ 9. Subtract 10 each time to fill in the missing numbers.




TUESDAY: Counting Stick

_____________________ 2. Add 10 each time to fill in the missing numbers.

_____________________ 6. What numbers on the Target Board have exactly 2 tens?

MONDAY: Target Boards

1. What is the biggest number on the Target Board?

5. List the numbers on the first row from smallest to biggest:

_____________________ 10. Subtract 10 each time to fill in the missing numbers.






WEEK 9 On Wednesday’s, Danny’s class has art. Today their teacher tells the class that they are going to colour a picture as part of an art competition. The prize is a trip to the cinema. The teacher gives out boxes of crayons to each table. Danny counts the crayons in the box at his table: 5 red, 3 blue, 6 yellow, 4 orange and 2 green. 6. How many pupils still have some colouring to do at the end of art class?




_____________________ 7. How many crayons are missing at Danny’s table at the end of art class?

1. How many crayons are there altogether at Danny’s table? _____________________ 2. How many red, yellow and orange crayons? _____________________ 3. How many blue, yellow and green crayons?

_____________________ 8. How many red crayons are left in the box at Danny’s table? _____________________ The teacher tells the children that the closing date for the competition is in two days, Friday 8 November and she can only enter 5 pictures from the class for the competition. Danny is so excited when the teacher picks his picture as one of the entries.

_____________________ 4. There are less red crayons than crayons. _____________________ 5. There are more blue crayons than crayons. _____________________ At the end of art class, the teacher collects the pictures from the 19 pupils. Twelve of the pupils have finished their pictures and the rest still have some colouring to do. Danny collects the crayons at his table but notices that there are only 17 crayons. The missing crayons are red crayons.

9. On what date are the children colouring pictures for the art competition? _____________________ 10. Of the 19 children in the class, how many don’t have their pictures entered for the art competition? _____________________


WEEK 9 2







+ 1

= 2 + 3 = 2 + 2 + 1 2 + 3 4 + 1 = 5

4+5= 4 + 4 + 8 + 1 = 4 +5 _____________________

6+7= + + 6 +7 + = _____________________ 6.


7+8= + + 7+8 + = _____________________ 4




3+4= + + 3+4 + = _____________________ 3.

5+6= + + + = 5+6 _____________________ 4.

8+9= + + 8+9 + = _____________________ 1.

8 + = 10 + 5 _____________________

2. If it is ½ past 2 now, what time will it be in ½ hour?

38 42 47 53

_____________________ 4. Finish the pattern _____________________ 5. Start at 5 and add one number at a time. You can only go one space right or one space down each time. Find the correct route to reach 18.

5 2 7 1 3 4 4 5 6 3 2 2 1 3 1 18 _____________________



- 1


4 + 5 = 5 + 5 - 1 4 + 5 10 - 1 = 9 Add the following near doubles. 7.

6+7= + 6+7 = _____________________ 8.

3+4= + 3+4 = _____________________ 6.

63 + 10 + 10 = _____________________ 7.

52 - 10 - 10 = _____________________

8. In a class quiz, Jake gets 6 points, David gets 5 points and Claire gets 7 points. How many points do they score altogether? _____________________ 9. Put the numbers 3, 5, 7, 8 and 9 into the circles so that the line down and line across both add up to 20.


FRIDAY: Challenge

_____________________ 3. What number am I? I am between 40 and 50. I have an odd number of units. Draw a circle around the correct number.



THURSDAY: Near Doubles



_____________________ 10. 11. How many 2c coins make 12c?

TU 69 -_______ 34




TUESDAY: Counting Stick

MONDAY: Target Boards

28 53 39 47 48 56 27 43 25 20 12 8

5. List the numbers on the second row from smallest to biggest: _____________________ 6. Find two numbers on the Target Board that have a difference of 3?

1. What is the biggest number on the Target Board?

and _____________________ 7. Find two numbers on the Target Board that have a difference of 5?

_____________________ 2. What is the smallest number on the Target Board?

and _____________________ 8. Find two numbers on the Target Board that have a difference of 20?

_____________________ 3. Subtract 20 from each of the numbers on the top row

and _____________________ 9. What two numbers on the Target Board have a difference of 10?

_____________________ 4. Add 20 to each of the numbers on the bottom row.

and _____________________ 10. What number on the Target Board is between 30 and 40?



Example: 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 The sum of 12 and 5 is 17

5. Add 2 tens each time to fill in the missing numbers.

1. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Colour the next 4 numbers blue and write the sum of 14 and 4?

_____________________ 6. Add 2 tens each time to fill in the missing numbers.


2. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Colour the next 6 numbers blue and write the sum of 11 and 6? _____________________

3. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Colour the next 6 numbers blue and write the sum of 13 and 6? _____________________ 4. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Colour the next 4 numbers blue and write the sum of 16 and 4? _____________________








_____________________ 7. Add 2 tens each time to fill in the missing numbers.



_____________________ 8. Subtract 2 tens each time to fill in the missing numbers.




_____________________ 9. Subtract 2 tens each time to fill in the missing numbers.



_____________________ 10. Subtract 2 tens each time to fill in the missing numbers.






_____________________ 6. How much dearer is the popcorn than the drink?

_____________________ The film lasts for 1 and ½ hours. The children enjoy it very much. 12 of the children in Danny’s class are drinking orange and the rest are drinking coke. 7 of the children are eating salted popcorn and the rest are eating crisps. At the end of the film, the manager of the cinema gives Danny 7 free cinema passes and the same number for his sister. “This is the best prize ever”, says Danny.

_____________________ Danny’s class arrive at the cinema at 7 o’clock but the film doesn’t start until half past 7. Danny has €2 with him and buys popcorn for €0.95 and a drink for €0.60.

7. At what time does the film end?

Trip to the Cinema

_____________________ 2. How many less children are there in Danny’s class than the other class?


1. How many children are there altogether in the two classes?

5. How much change does Danny get?


Danny’s teacher has told Danny that he has won the art competition and won the prize of a trip to the cinema for his class. All 20 children in the class are going. When Danny’s class arrives at the cinema, they meet another class on their school trip. There are 27 children in the other class.

_____________________ 8. How many children are drinking coke? _____________________ 9. How many children are eating crisps?

3. How many minutes does Danny’s class have to wait until the start of the film? minutes _____________________ 4. How much does the popcorn and the drink cost altogether?

_____________________ 10. How many cinema passes does Danny get for his sister, Sarah? _____________________

€ _____________________


WEEK 10 6. Rectangle






Look at the following photos and write what shape you see.


1. Yield

_____________________ 2. _____________________ 3.

7. How many sides? How many corners? _____________________ 8. How many sides?

_____________________ 4.

How many corners? _____________________ 9. How many sides?

_____________________ 5.

How many corners? _____________________ 10. How many sides?


How many corners? _____________________


9 + =7+7 _____________________

2. If it is ½ past 4 now, what time will it be in ½ hour?

FRIDAY: Challenge

_____________________ How many?

_____________________ 3. What number am I? I am between 65 and 75. I have an even number of units. Draw a circle around the correct number.

64 69 72 73 _____________________ 4. Finish the pattern

_____________________ 5. Start at 3 and add one number at a time. You can only go one space right or one space down each time. Find the correct route to reach 20.

3 6 2 5 4 2 4 4 2 1 1 3 7 5 5 20




47 + 10 + 10 = _____________________ 8.

93 - 10 - 10 =


TU 74 -_______ 53

_____________________ 9. On Sports Day, the red team scores 59 points and the blue team scores 45 points. How many points does the red team win by? _____________________ 10. Put the numbers 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8 into the circles so that the line down and line across both add up to 20.


_____________________ 11. Pádraig and Sarah are playing Darts. Pádraig scores 35 and Sarah scores 42. How much do they score altogether? _____________________



67 41 38 52 10 44 62 20 3 30 29 37

5. Find two numbers on the Target Board that have the sum of 51?

1. Subtract 30 from each of the numbers on the top row.

and _____________________ 7. What two numbers on the Target Board have the sum of 39?

and _____________________ 6. What two numbers on the Target Board have the sum of 64?

_____________________ 3. Find two numbers on the Target Board that have a difference of 10? and _____________________ 4. Find two numbers on the Target Board that have a difference of 5? and _____________________

2 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92

3 13 23 33 43 53 63 73 83 93

4 14 24 34 44 54 64 74 84 94

5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95

6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96

7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97

8 18 28 38 48 58 68 78 88 98

_____________________ 10. What number on the Target Board has the same number of tens as units? _____________________

9 19 29 39 49 59 69 79 89 99

1. What number is 30 more than 56? _____________________ 2. What number is 30 more than 23? _____________________

and _____________________ 9. What numbers on the Target Board have exactly 0 units?

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

3. What number is 30 more than 49?


_____________________ 7. The sum of 25 and = 35 _____________________

_____________________ 4. What number is 30 less than 67? _____________________ 5. What number is 30 less than 98? _____________________ 6. What number is 30 less than 74?

8. = 71 The sum of 41 and _____________________

TUESDAY: Hundred Square

1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91

and _____________________ 8. What two numbers on the Target Board have the sum of 58?

MONDAY: Target Boards

_____________________ 2. Add 30 to each of the numbers on the bottom row.

9. The sum of 17 and = 37 _____________________ 10. = 72 The sum of 52 and _____________________






It was a cold November evening. Danny and Sarah were watching the weather forecast. A storm was coming. It was to start at half past 8 and was to last for 3 hours. Danny put two bicycles and four tricycles in the shed.

1. At what time would the storm end?

5. How many candles did Mammy light altogether? _____________________ 6. If Mammy had 20 candles altogether, how many candles would she have left after lighting the candles in the living room, kitchen and bedroom? _____________________ Danny and Sarah started watching videos on You Tube at half past 9. They watched three videos altogether. The first video lasted half an hour, the second video lasted half an hour and the third video lasted an hour.

_____________________ 2. How many wheels altogether on two bicycles and four tricycles? _____________________ When the storm started, the lights went out in the house. The lights went out in 23 houses on Danny’s street and in 36 houses in the next street. Mammy lit some candles. She put 4 candles in the living room, 5 candles in the kitchen and 4 candles in Danny’s bedroom.

7. How long did the three videos last altogether? _____________________ 8. If Danny and Sarah watched the videos one after the other, at what time did the last video end? _____________________ The morning after the storm, Danny and Sarah noticed that 16 trees had been blown down on their street. ¼ of these trees were evergreen. 42 trees were left. Danny and Sarah were glad the storm was over.

3. How many lights went out altogether in Danny’s street and in the next street? _____________________ 4. How many more lights went out in the next street than in Danny’s street? _____________________


9. How many trees had been on Danny and Sarah’s street before the storm? _____________________ 10. How many of the trees that had been blown down were evergreen? _____________________

WEEK 11 Example Danny has 15 beads Sarah has 9 beads

6 more beads than Sarah. Sarah has 6 fewer beads than Danny. Danny has

Barry has

more leaves than Alisha.

Eric has

Alisha has less leaves than Eric. _____________________ 2. Sophia has 19 balls Noah has 9 balls Sophie has

Shannon has Barry.

balls more than Noah.

balls less than Sophie. Noah has _____________________

counters more than

THURSDAY: Subtraction

1. Eric has 17 beads Alisha has 9 beads

3. Shannon has 16 counters Barry has 9 counters



Shannon _____________________ 4. David has 15 counters Enya has 7 counters David has



Enya Enya has



David _____________________ 4 Harry has 18 marbles Anna has 7 marbles marbles more


than ____________________________ 1.

11 + =8+8 _____________________

2. If it is ½ past 7 now, what time will it be in ½ hour?

85 87 89 91 _____________________ 4. Finish the pattern

_____________________ 5. Start at 6 and add one number at a time. You can only go one space right or one space down each time. Find the correct route to reach 19

6 3 5 2

2 1 4 3

6 3 5 4

1 4 3 19


71 + 10 + 10 = _____________________ 8.

89 - 10 - 10 = _____________________

9. There are 75 pupils at Oldtown School. If 41 of them are boys, how many are girls?

FRIDAY: Challenge

_____________________ 3. What number am I? I am between 83 and 93. I come just before the number 90. Draw a circle around the correct number.

TU 85 - 34 _______



_____________________ 10. Put the numbers 1, 5, 6, 7 and 8 into the circles so that the line down and line across both add up to 19.

6 _____________________ 11. Kelly and Molly are gathering leaves for art class. Kelly gathers 45 leaves and Molly gathers 30 leaves. How many leaves do they gather altogether? _____________________



MONDAY: Target Boards

14 3 8 4 6 13 10 15 11 16 1 7 5 9 12 2 Example: How can I get to 10 in 2 steps from 7 using the numbers on the Target Board Answer: I add 4 and then take away 1 Using the numbers on the target board. 1. How can I get to 15 in 2 steps from 10? and then _____________________ 2. How can I get to 12 in 2 steps from 4? and then _____________________ 3. How can I get to 14 in 2 steps from 6? and then _____________________ 4. How can I get to 12 in 2 steps from 16?

TUESDAY: Hundred Square

and then _____________________

5. How can I get to 10 in 2 steps from 11? and then _____________________ 6. How can I get to 6 in 2 steps from 15? and then _____________________ 7. What is the sum of the biggest and smallest numbers on the top row? _____________________ 8. What is the difference between the biggest and smallest numbers on the top row? _____________________ 9. What is the sum of the biggest and smallest numbers on the first column? _____________________ 10. What is the difference between the biggest and smallest numbers on the first column? _____________________

8 9 10 18 19 20 28 29 30 38 39 40 48 49 50 58 59 60 68 69 70 78 79 80 88 89 90 98 99 100

4. How can I get to 78 in 2 steps from 32?

Example: How can I get to 57 in 2 steps from 34? Answer: I add 20 and then add 3

and then _____________________ 8. How can I get to 64 in 2 steps from 45?

1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91

2 3 4 12 13 14 22 23 24 32 33 34 42 43 44 52 53 54 62 63 64 72 73 74 82 83 84 92 93 94

5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95

6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96

7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97

and then _____________________ 5. How can I get to 99 in 2 steps from 45? and then _____________________ 6. How can I get to 88 in 2 steps from 16? and then _____________________ 7. How can I get to 50 in 2 steps from 27?

1. How can I get to 62 in 2 steps from 41?

and then _____________________ 9. How can I get to 31 in 2 steps from 8?

and then _____________________ 2. How can I get to 84 in 2 steps from 52?

and then _____________________ 10. How can I get to 76 in 2 steps from 39?

and then _____________________ 3. How can I get to 59 in 2 steps from 46?

and then _____________________

and then _____________________



4. At what time did the Maths Test finish? ___________________ 5. How many adding and taking away questions were there altogether? _____________________ 6. How many questions were in the Maths Test altogether?

1. On what day was the Maths Test?

_____________________ 3. How many pages of his Maths book did Danny study altogether? _____________________ The test started at quarter to 10 and finished one hour later. Danny was happy to see that there were lots of adding and taking away questions. There were 24 adding questions and 20 taking away ones. The other 6 questions were about Shapes.

School Maths Test

_____________________ 2. At what time did Danny start his Maths study?

_____________________ After the tests were corrected, Danny’s teacher called out the results. Danny scored 45 and his friend Sean scored 30. Danny was over the moon to have done so well.


_____________________ 7. How many more taking away questions were there than questions on Shapes?


On Thursday evening, Danny’s teacher told the class they would be having a Maths Test the next day. Danny went home that evening and did some Maths study for 2 hours. He finished at quarter past 8. He looked at 15 pages of his Maths book on adding and 12 pages on taking away.

8. How much did Danny and Sean score altogether? ___________________ 9. How much more did Danny score than Sean? ___________________ 10. How much more would Danny need to have scored to score 50? ___________________


WEEK 12 1. There are 14 birds in the garden. 3 of them fly away. How many are left?

6. Denis has 12 computer games. How many more does he need to have 16 computer games?

2. Ricky has 8 books. How many more does he need to have 13 books?

_____________________ 7. Barbara has 19 dolls. Her Mum gives 12 of them away to charity. How many dolls has Barbara left?

THURSDAY: Making Number Sentences

14 -3= _____________________ 8 + = 13 _____________________

Write a number sentence for each of the following word problems and then solve them.

3. Dermot has 9 teddies. How many more does he need to have 12 teddies?

9 + 3 = 12

_____________________ 8.

5 + = 12 _____________________ 9.


= 18


= 15


= 16

_____________________ _____________________ 4. Erica has 16 toy cars. She gives 7 of them to 10. Mike. How many has she left? _____________________ 11. _____________________ 5. Zoltan has 18 stickers. Holly has 13 stickers. _____________________ How many more stickers does Holly need to 12. have the same number as Zoltan? _____________________ 1.

12 + =9+9 _____________________

FRIDAY: Challenge

2. If it is ½ past 10 now, what time will it be in ½ hour? _____________________ 3. What number am I? I am between 67 and 80. I have 7 tens. I have an even number of units. Draw a circle around the correct number.



75 78

_____________________ 4. Finish the pattern _____________________ 5. Start at 2 and add one number at a time. You can only go one space right or one space down each time. Find the correct route to reach 19.

2 3 4 5 4 6 6 3 3 1 3 4 5 4 2 19



17 - 12 = _____________________ 6.

39 + 10 + 10 = _____________________ 8.

95 - 10 - 10 = _____________________

TU 99 - 47 _______ 7.

9. There are 85 seats in the cinema. 62 of them are full. How many are empty? _____________________ 10. Put the numbers 2, 3, 6, 8 and 9 into the circles so that the line down and line across both add up to 19.

5 _____________________ 11. Postman Pat and Postwoman Ava deliver the post. Postman Pat delivers 53 letters and Postwoman Ava delivers 40 letters. How many letters do they deliver altogether? _____________________



1. How can I get to 15 in 2 steps from 6? and then _____________________ 2. How can I get to 16 in 2 steps from 10? and then _____________________ 3. How can I get to 18 in 2 steps from 12? and then _____________________ 4. How can I get to 10 in 2 steps from 20? and then _____________________ 5. How can I get to 12 in 2 steps from 18?

6. How can I get to 14 in 2 steps from 19? and then _____________________ 7. What is the sum of the biggest and smallest numbers on the third row? _____________________ 8. What is the difference between the biggest and smallest numbers on the bottom row? _____________________ 9. What is the sum of the biggest and smallest numbers on the third column? _____________________ 10. What is the difference between the biggest and smallest numbers on the second column?

MONDAY: Target Boards

16 12 7 19 6 17 14 10 11 8 20 5 18 15 9 13


and then _____________________

2 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92

3 4 13 14 23 24 33 34 43 44 53 54 63 64 73 74 83 84 93 94

5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95

6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96

7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97

8 9 10 18 19 20 28 29 30 38 39 40 48 49 50 58 59 60 68 69 70 78 79 80 88 89 90 98 99 100

Example: How can I get to 24 in 2 steps from 59? Answer: I subtract 30 and then I subtracts.

4. How can I get to 23 in 2 steps from 88? and then _____________________ 5. How can I get to 32 in 2 steps from 75? and then _____________________ 6. How can I get to 65 in 2 steps from 86? and then _____________________ 7. How can I get to 7 in 2 steps from 89? and then _____________________ 8. How can I get to 44 in 2 steps from 66?

1. How can I get to 43 in 2 steps from 78?

and then _____________________ 9. How can I get to 73 in 2 steps from 85?

and then _____________________ 2. How can I get to 61 in 2 steps from 94?

and then _____________________ 10. How can I get to 24 in 2 steps from 98?

and then _____________________ 3. How can I get to 14 in 2 steps from 56?

and then _____________________

TUESDAY: Hundred Square

1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91

and then _____________________



A strategy is a plan that helps us to solve a problem. The RUDE strategy can help us solve word problems in Maths.

WEDNESDAY: Word Problems

Read the problem Underline the key words Draw a picture Estimate or Evaluate your answer Example Step 1 – Read the problem. Bill has 5 books in his bag and Jill has 4 books in her bag. How many books do they have altogether? Step 2 – Underline the key words. Bill has 5 books in his bag and Jill has 4 books in her bag. How many books do they have altogether? Step 3 – Draw a picture of the problem

Step 4 – Evaluate your answer

Use the RUDE strategy to solve the following problems. 1. Mal brings 6 buns to school for a party. Holly brings 5 buns to school for the party. How many buns do Mal and Holly bring to school altogether?


2. Cara has 4 dolls in her bedroom and Zara has 8 dolls in her bedroom. How many dolls do Cara and Zara have altogether?

___________________ 3. Conor goes to the zoo. He sees 7 monkeys on one tree and 8 monkeys on another tree. How many monkeys does he see altogether?

___________________ 4. Ann and her Mum go to a café for lunch. They see 4 people at one table, 4 people at another table and 6 people at another table. How many people do they see altogether?

___________________ 5. Ellen and Brian play a football game. Ellen scores 9 goals and Brian scores 6 goals. How many goals do Ellen and Brian score altogether?

___________________ 6. Maria is reading her book. She reads 7 pages one day and 9 pages the next. How many pages does she read altogether?

___________________ 7. Rob is visiting his grandparents. Grandad gives him 10c and Granny gives him 8c. How much does Rob get altogether?




1 ten


= 24

14 units

2 tens

+ 4 units



1_____________________ ten + 16 units =

tens +

units =

2 tens + 13 units = _____________________

tens +

units =

3 tens + 15 units = _____________________

tens +

units =

5 tens + 19 units = _____________________

tens +

units =

7_____________________ tens + 11 units =

tens +

units =

1_____________________ ten + 24 units =

tens +

units =

2 tens + 25 units = _____________________

tens +

units =


4. 5.

6. 7.



6 + = 18 - 9 _____________________

2. If it is ½ past 12 now, what time was it ½ an hour ago?


63 - 10 - 10 - 10 = _____________________

8. What month comes 2 months after January?

_____________________ 5. Start at 2. You can only go one space right or one space down each time. Find the correct route to reach 15.

2 +4 -1 +8

+7 +8 -5 -2

+4 -2 +1 +3

+6 -4 +2 15

_____________________ 6.

47 + 10 + 10 + 10 = _____________________

5 + 6 + 7 = 6 + 7 + TU 25 31 + 20 _______

_____________________ 10. 11. How many 5c coins make 30c?

_____________________ 12. How many 5c coins make 30c

FRIDAY: Challenge

_____________________ _____________________ 3. What is the difference between 35 and 20? 9. _____________________ 4. What is the sum of 57 and 20?

THURSDAY: Addition: Regrouping

1_____________________ ten + 18 units = 2 tens + 8 units =

_____________________ 13. Measure the length of the blue line?





MONDAY: Target Boards

8 14 10 5 13 3 1 12 16 4 15 2 7 11 6 9 Example: Finish the Number Triangle using 2 numbers from the Target Board and then make 4 number sentences using these numbers.

12 7


7 + 5 = 12 12 - 7 = 5

5 + 7 = 12 12 - 5 = 7

Finish the Number Triangles using 2 numbers from the Target Board and then make 4 number sentences using these numbers. 1.


_____________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Make 4 number sentences using the orange numbers on the counting stick. Answer: 8 + 10 = 18 10 + 8 = 18 18 - 8 = 10 18 - 10 = 18 Look at the coloured numbers on the counting sticks and make 4 number sentences using these numbers.

TUESDAY: Counting Stick


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

+ = + = = = _____________________ 2.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

+ = + = = = _____________________




_____________________ 3.


_____________________ 4.


_____________________ 5.


_____________________ 6.


_____________________ 3.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

+ = + = = = _____________________ 4.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

+ = + = = = _____________________ 5. Fill in the missing numbers





_____________________ 6. Fill in the missing numbers _____________________



Christmas is coming. Danny and Sarah are shopping for presents. Danny is looking to buy socks for Dad. There are 8 pairs of blue socks and 9 pairs of grey socks on the shelf. Pairs of grey socks costs 35c each and pairs of blue socks cost 40c each. Danny buys one pair of blue socks and one pair of grey socks 6. How many pairs of slippers are on the shelf altogether?


1. How many pairs of socks are on the shelf altogether?

_____________________ 3. How much does Danny pay altogether for one pair of blue socks and one pair of grey socks?


___________________ Dad buys some wrapping paper for the presents. Two rolls of yellow wrapping paper costs 60c and two rolls of orange wrapping paper costs 80c. Dad buys one roll of yellow paper and one roll of orange paper.


_____________________ 2. If there are 2 socks in a pair, how many grey socks are there altogether?

___________________ 8. How much change does Sarah get if she gives the shop assistant €1?


___________________ 7. How much dearer is a pair of red slippers than a pair of green slippers?


_____________________ 4. How much change does Danny get if he gives the shop assistant €1?


_____________________ 5. How much dearer is a pair of blue socks than a pair of grey socks?


_____________________ Sarah is looking to buy bedroom slippers for her Mum. There are 6 pairs of green slippers and 12 pairs of red slippers on the shelf. Pairs of green slippers cost 80c each and pairs of red slippers cost €1.10 each. Sarah decides to buy a pair of green slippers.

9. How much for one roll of yellow wrapping paper?


___________________ 10. How much for one roll of orange wrapping paper?




WEEK 14 Example: 36 + 25 =


Change the second number into tens and units

36 + 20 + 5

= ?

56 + 5 = 61

THURSDAY: Addition


47 + 26 = ? 47 + 20 + = ? 67 + = _____________________

65 + 19 = ? 65 + + = ? + = _____________________ 5.


47 + 48 = ? 47 + + = ? + = _____________________


46 + 39 = ? 46 + + = ? + = _____________________

38 + 45 = ? 38 + + = ? + = _____________________ 29 + 37 = ? 29 + + = ? + = _____________________ 1.

7_____________________ + = 14 - 3

2. If it is ½ past 4 now, what time was it ½ an hour ago? _____________________ 3. What is the difference between 63 and 20?

FRIDAY: Challenge


_____________________ 4. What is the sum of 46 and 20? _____________________ 5. Start at 8. You can only go one space right or one space down each time. Find the correct route to reach 19.

8 +3 -5 +8

-2 +4 +6 -1

-4 -3 +7 +5

+9 +1 +2 19

_____________________ 6.

38 + 10 + 10 + 10 = _____________________ 47



28 + 43 28 + 40 + 3 = 3 _____________________ 8.

49 + 45 49 + 40 + 3 = 3 _____________________ 7.

77 - 10 - 10 - 10 =

_____________________ 8. What month comes 2 months after April? _____________________ 9.

8 + 3 + 4 =3 + 4 + _____________________ 10. TU 34 1 3 + 30 _______ _____________________ 11. How many 5c coins make 40c _____________________ 12. Measure the length of the blue line?





10 19 15 6

Finish the Number Triangles using 2 numbers from the Target Board and then make 4 number sentences using these numbers.




_____________________ 5.



9 17 14 18 3 7 4 11 5 16 8 20

_____________________ 6.



_____________________ 2.


_____________________ 3.


_____________________ 7. Add the even numbers on the top row.





_____________________ 8. Add the even numbers on the third column. _____________________

_____________________ 1. Fill in the missing numbers on the counting stick

5 10 15 20 +5


5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60

5 + 10 = _____________________

3. Start at 15. Take 2 jumps forward. What number do you land on? +5


5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60

15 + 10 = _____________________

4. Start at 30. Take 3 jumps forward. What number do you land on? +5



5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60

30 + 15 = _____________________





5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60

25 + = _____________________

6. Start at 35. Take 2 jumps forward. What number do you land on? +5


5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60

35 + = _____________________

7. Start at 10. Take 5 jumps forward. What number do you land on? +5





5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60

10 + = _____________________


_____________________ 2. Start at 5. Take 2 jumps forward. What number do you land on?

5. Start at 25. Take 4 jumps forward. What number do you land on?

8. Start at 50. Take 2 jumps back. What number do you land on? -5


5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60

50 - 10 = _____________________ 48


Complete the Magic Squares

Christmas Puzzle


Christmas Puzzels

3 10 6 4 7 9 0 5

The Magic Number is 18. All the rows, columns and diagonals add up to 18




= 13


2 3 1

Solve the Christmas Puzzle



The Magic Number is 12. All the rows, columns and diagonals add up to 12




Complete the Magic Squares

C H R I S T M A S 39 42 53 56 61 64 68 15 61

H A P P Y 14 15 26 26 35 Add the numbers and fill in the letters to find the correct words

41 + 20 33 + 31 12 + 14

16 + 23




41 + 12

40 + 13 18 + 46 16 41 + 19 12

11 + 4

17 + 36 40 41 + 24 12 25 41 ++ 36 12

27 + 29 10 + 29 18 + 1 7


WEEK 15 Don’t forget the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

1 2 3 4

47 H 62 O 54 D 79 C

42 + 15 = 75 57 L R 58 + 14 = 72 73 E U 39 + 26 = 55 65 L I 40 + 59 = 89 98 T O

1 R


67 D


82 I


66 N


99 N





8 + = 18 - 8 _____________________

2. If it is ½ past 6 now, what time was it ½ an hour ago?


85 D 91 P 75 T 77 F


47 + 38 = 75 84 L M 53 + 27 = 90 80 H E 19 + 64 = 93 73 B O 58 + 29 = 87 97 R W


86 P 81 S 83 E 86 G



92 - 10 - 10 - 10 = _____________________

8. What month comes 2 months after August?

_____________________ 5. Start at 4. You can only go one space right or one space down each time. Find the correct route to reach 20.

4 -1 +7 +4

+6 +10 -3 -2 -4 -5 +2 +8 +1 +5 +3 20

_____________________ 6.

67 + 10 + 10 + 10 = _____________________

9 +4+6=6+4+ _____________________ 10. TU 41 20 + 24 _______

FRIDAY: Challenge

_____________________ _____________________ 3. What is the difference between 82 and 20? 9. _____________________ 4. What is the sum of 54 and 20?

THURSDAY: Help Santa Crack The Code

Find the correct answer and colour the letter. The first one is done for you.

_____________________ 11. How many 5c coins make 25c _____________________ 12. Measure the length of the blue line?





MONDAY: Target Boards

26 15 39 3 68 32 28 17 49 61 72 57

6. List the numbers on the bottom row from biggest to smallest. _____________________ 7. What numbers on the Target Board have exactly 7 units?

1. Add 40 to each of the numbers on the top row. _____________________ 2. Subtract 40 from each of the numbers on the bottom row. _____________________ 3. Colour orange the number on the Target Board you get if you add 4 tens to 17. _____________________

4. Colour green the number on the Target Board you get if you take away 4 tens from 68. _____________________

TUESDAY: Hundred Square

5. Colour blue the number on the Target Board you get if you add 4 tens to 32. _____________________

1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91

2 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92

3 13 23 33 43 53 63 73 83 93

4 14 24 34 44 54 64 74 84 94

5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95

6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96

7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97

8 18 28 38 48 58 68 78 88 98

9 19 29 39 49 59 69 79 89 99

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

1. What number is 40 more than 36? _____________________ 2. What number is 40 more than 27? _____________________ 3. What number is 40 more than 59? _____________________


and _____________________ 8. What numbers on the Target Board have exactly 6 tens? and _____________________ 9. Find two numbers on the Target Board that have a difference of 11? and _____________________ 10. What numbers on the Target Board come between 55 and 65? and _____________________

4. What number is 40 less than 45? _____________________ 5. What number is 40 less than 98? _____________________ 6. What number is 40 less than 73? _____________________ 7. The sum of 31 and = 51 _____________________ 8. The sum of 53 and = 83 _____________________ 9. The sum of 19 and = 59 _____________________ 10. The sum of 46 and = 77 _____________________





Cylinder Cuboid

Name the following shapes 1.

_____________________ 3. _____________________ 4. _____________________ 5.

_____________________ 12. Look at the blue face of the cuboid. What shape is the blue face? _____________________ 13. Look at the red face of the cone. What shape is the red face? _____________________ 14. Look at the yellow face of the cube. What shape is the yellow face? _____________________ Number of Number of Number of Faces Corners Edges

_____________________ Look at the following objects and name the shape: 6. _______


_____________________ 2.

11. Look at the green face of the cylinder. What shape is the green face?

_____________________ 7. _____________________ 8. _____________________ 9. _____________________ 10. _____________________

Name some things that are the following shapes.


Cuboid Cylinder Sphere Cone


WEEK 16 Example: 28 + 34 = ? Add the tens first. 20 + 30 = 50 Now add the units. 8 + 4 = 12 Finally, add the tens and units.

50 + 12

35 + 47 = Add the tens: 30 + 40 =

50 + 10 + 2 = 62

THURSDAY: Addition


Add the tens and units: _____________________


9+5= + 10 +


5+6= + 10 +



49 + 15 = Add the tens: 40 + 10 = 2.

Add the tens and units: _____________________

Add the Units:


65 + 26 = Add the tens: 60 + 20 = 3.

Add the tens and units: _____________________ 4.

Add the Units:


58 + 36 = +

Add the tens:

Add the tens and units: _____________________



Add the Units:



+ 10 +

= =


5 + = 19 - 11 _____________________

95 - 10 - 10 - 10 = _____________________


_____________________ 9.

2. If it is ½ past 9 now, what time was it ½ an hour ago?

FRIDAY: Challenge

5+7= + 10 +

Add the Units:

7 and 20? _____________________ 4. What is the sum of 15 and 20? _____________________ 5. Start at 3. You can only go one space right or one space down each time. Find the correct route to reach 20.

3 +4 +5 -4

+8 +1 -3 +6

+3 -2 -1 +9

-6 +7 +2 20

_____________________ 6.

35 + 10 + 10 + 10 = _____________________ 53

8. What month comes 2 months after October?

9 +8+2=8+2+ _____________________ 10. TU 30 1 6 + 43 _______ _____________________ 11. How many 5c coins make 45c _____________________ 12. Measure the length of the blue line?





84 54 63 96 60 72 16 51 34 28 40 4

_____________________ 2. Subtract 50 from each of the numbers on the top row. _____________________ 3. Colour orange the number on the Target Board you get if you add 5 tens to 34. _____________________

4. Colour green the number on the Target Board you get if you take away 5 tens from 54. _____________________ 5. List the numbers on the top row from smallest to biggest.

and _____________________ 7. What numbers on the Target Board have exactly 5 tens? and _____________________ 8. Find two numbers on the Target Board that have a difference of 12? and _____________________ 9. What number on the Target Board comes between 69 and 81? and _____________________ 10. Colour red the numbers on the Target Board you would say if you counted in 10s starting at 10.

MONDAY: Target Boards

1. Add 50 to each of the numbers on the bottom row.

6. What numbers on the Target Board have exactly 6 units?

and _____________________


2 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92

3 13 23 33 43 53 63 73 83 93

4 14 24 34 44 54 64 74 84 94

5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95

6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96

7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97

8 18 28 38 48 58 68 78 88 98

9 19 29 39 49 59 69 79 89 99

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

1. What number is 50 more than 18? _____________________ 2. What number is 50 more than 43? _____________________ 3. What number is 50 more than 25?

4. What number is 50 less than 87? _____________________ 5. What number is 50 less than 53? _____________________ 6. What number is 50 less than 98? _____________________ 7. The sum of 42 and = 72 _____________________ 8. The sum of 17 and = 67 _____________________ 9. The difference between 82 and 42 = _____________________ 10. The difference between 91 and 41 = _____________________

TUESDAY: Hundred Square

1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91




Example: Step 1 – Read the problem: June has a bunch of flowers. There are 15 flowers in the bunch. She meets her friend April and gives away 4 flowers to April. How many flowers has June left now? Step 2 – Underline the key words June has a bunch of 15 flowers. She meets her friend April and gives away 4 flowers to April. How many flowers has June left now?

4. Alex helps his Dad on the farm. His Dad has 15 sheep. He sells 6 of them. How many sheep are left on the farm?

___________________ 5. There are 13 birds sitting on a fence. 8 of them fly away. How many birds are left on the fence?


Word Problems

Step 3 – Draw a picture of the problem

Step 4 – Evaluate your answer X XXX 15 - 4 = 11 Use the RUDE strategy to solve the following problems.

___________________ 6. There are 18 trees in a field. The woodcutter chops down 6 of them. How many trees are left in the field?

1. Tommy had 14 football cards. He lost 6 of them at school. How many football cards has Tommy left? ___________________ 7. Hayley makes 17 snowballs and puts them in a bucket. She throws 8 of them. How many snowballs are left in the bucket? ___________________ 2. Jane is having a party. She has 12 balloons but 5 of the balloons burst at the party. How many balloons are left? ___________________ 8. There are 19 books in John’s bedroom. He has read 11 of them. How many has he still to read? ___________________ 3. There are 14 crisps on a plate. Sean eats 9 of them. How many crisps are left on the plate? ___________________



WEEK 17 Example: 32 + 15 + 21 = ? Add the tens first. 30 + 10 + 20 = 60 Now add the units. 2 + 5 + 1 = 8


8 = 68


23 + 34 + 42 = ? Add the tens: 20 + 30 + 40 = Add the Units: 3 + 4 + 2 =





Add the tens:








25 + 23 + 31 = ?


Add the tens and units:


_____________________ 4.



Add the Units:


Add the tens and units:

_____________________ 2. Add the tens:


Add the Units:

Add the tens and units:

41 + 13 + 23 =

Add the tens:

THURSDAY: Addition, Adding 3 Numbers

Finally, add the tens and units. 60 +



12 + 52 + 31 =









Add the Units:

Add the tens and units: _____________________


_____________________ 1. Draw a line of symmetry.

8. What month comes 2 months before May? _____________________ 9. Draw a circle around the shape that has been divided into quarters.

_____________________ 2. Make 2 addition number sentences from the Number Triangle.

47 27


3. Draw a circle around the biggest number.

153 172 168 _____________________

4. What is the difference between 59 and 30? _____________________ 5. What is the sum of 41 and 30? _____________________ 6. Christmas Day is in what month? _____________________ 7. How much altogether?

â‚Ź _____________________

_____________________ 10. Put the numbers in order starting with the smallest.





FRIDAY: Challenge

+ = + = _____________________


_____________________ 11. Maura has a piece of ribbon. The ribbon is 57cm long. She cuts off a piece 25cm long. What length of the ribbon is left?


_____________________ 12. Finish the pattern. (Hint: add the numbers in 2 boxes each time.)








MONDAY: Target Boards

56c 93c 61c 29c 49c 84c 45c 96c 85c 77c 52c 74c Colour the money amounts on the Target Board that the following coins represent. 1. Colour the amount on the Target Board blue _____________________ 2. Colour the amount on the Target Board red. _____________________ 3. Colour the amount on the Target Board purple.


Example: If I start at 15,count in 5s to see how many I add on to land at 35. +5




TUESDAY: Counting Stick

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Answer: I count on 20 to land at 35. Therefore 15 + 20 = 35 1. If I start at 5, count in 5s to see how many I add on to land at 20?





10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

5 + = 20 _____________________

2. If I start at 10, count in 5s to see how many I add on to land at 40?








10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

10 + = 40 _____________________

4. Colour the amount on the Target Board green. _____________________ 5. Colour the amount on the Target Board orange _____________________ 6.Colour the amount on the Target Board pink.

_____________________ 7. Colour the amount on the Target Board brown. _____________________ 8. Colour the amount on the Target Board yellow _____________________

4. If I start at 15, count in 5s to see how many I add on to land at 50?









10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

15 + = 50 _____________________

5. If I start at 5, count in 5s to see how many I add on to land at 45? +5









10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

5 + = 45 _____________________

6. If I start at 45, count back in 5s to see how many I take away to land at 20?







10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

45 = 20 _____________________

6. If I start at 50, count back in 5s to see how 3. If I start at 20, count in 5s to see how many many I take away to land at 25? -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 I add on to land at 45? 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

20 + = 45 _____________________ 57

50 = 25 _____________________

WEEK 18 Use the RUDE strategy to solve the following problems.

1. There are 12 eggs in a box. If I eat 3 of them, how many are left? Write a number sentence to help you:

___________________ 3. Ruby has lots of flowers growing in her garden. If there are 9 flowers in her front garden and 10 flowers in her back garden, how many flowers does Ruby have growing in her garden altogether? Write a number sentence to help you:

___________________ 4. Conor visits the zoo. He sees 17 monkeys. If 5 of them are sleeping, how many are awake? Write a number sentence to help you:

___________________ 7. Anelka is at the swimming pool. There are 20 children in the pool. If 6 children get out of the water, how many children are left in the pool? Write a number sentence to help you:

Word Problems

___________________ 2. Jack and Ella are playing basketball. If Jack scores 7 points and Ella scores 9 points, how many points do they score altogether? Write a number sentence to help you:

___________________ 6. Jane is at the airport. She sees 8 planes landing and 5 planes taking off. How many planes does she see altogether? Write a number sentence to help you:


Read the problem Underline the key words Draw a picture Estimate or Evaluate your answer

5. It is Barra’s birthday. He gets 16 presents. If he opens 5 of them, how many has he still to open? Write a number sentence to help you:

___________________ 8. Tara’s Mum has a cake shop. She has 19 cakes for sale. If she sells 7 of them, how many cakes does she have left? Write a number sentence to help you:




WEEK 18 3. 45 + 24 + 16 = ?

THURSDAY: Addition, Adding 3 Numbers

Example: 25 + 14 + 32 = ? Add the tens first. 20 + 10 + 30 = 60

40 + 20 + 10 = Add the units: 5 + 4 + 6 = Add the tens:

Now add the units. 5 + 4 + 2 = 11 Finally, add the tens and units. 60 + 11 60 + 10 + 1 = 71

Add the tens and units:


1. 27 + 25 + 32 = ?

+ 10 +

20 + 20 + 30 = Add the units: 7 + 5 + 2 = Add the tens and units:



10 + 30 + 20 = Add the units: 8 + 2 + 3 =

+ 10 +

Add the tens:


_____________________ Now try this

Add the tens and units:



31 + 16 + 44 80 + 11 80 + 10 + 1 = _____________________



7. . What month comes 2 months before September?

1. Draw a line of symmetry.

FRIDAY: Challenge

= =

Add the units: Add the tens and units:

+ 10 + = _____________________

+ 10 +

+ +

Add the tens:

+ 2. 18 + 32 + 23 =


_____________________ 4. 37 + 34 + 25 = ?

Add the tens:

_____________________ 8. Draw a circle around the shape that has been divided into quarters.

_____________________ 2. Make 2 addition number sentences from the Number Triangle.

+ = + = _____________________

65 35


3. Draw a circle around the biggest number.

181 149 175 _____________________

_____________________ 9. Put the numbers in order starting with the smallest.






_____________________ 4. What is the difference between 66 and 30? 10. Ross has a piece of string. The string is 85cm long. He cuts off a piece 42cm long. What length of the string is left? _____________________ 5. What is the sum of 52 and 30? _____________________ 11. Finish the pattern. _____________________ 6. St. Patrick’s Day is in what month?











124 49 135 87 127 78 161 72 142 116 94 153

4. Colour the number on the Target Board orange.

_____________________ 5. Colour the number on the Target Board pink.

_____________________ 2. Colour the number on the Target Board red.

_____________________ 6. Colour the number on the Target Board purple.

_____________________ 3. Colour the number on the Target Board green.

_____________________ 7. Colour the number on the Target Board brown.



1. Fill in the missing numbers

6. Fill in the missing numbers

















































_____________________ 10. Fill in the missing numbers

_____________________ 5. Fill in the missing numbers +5


_____________________ 9. Fill in the missing numbers

_____________________ 4. Fill in the missing numbers +5


_____________________ 8. Fill in the missing numbers

_____________________ 3. Fill in the missing numbers +5








TUESDAY: Counting Stick




_____________________ 7. Fill in the missing numbers

_____________________ 2. Fill in the missing numbers




MONDAY: Target Boards

1. Colour the number on the Target Board blue.




WEEK 19 1

Length means how far it is from one end of something to the other Width means how far it is across something from side to side

Height means how far it is from the bottom of something to the top




WEDNESDAY: Length and Width

Width 1. Use cubes to measure the length and width of your copybook. Estimate first. My Estimate cubes

4. Use lollipop sticks to measure the height of the following objects. Estimate first. My Estimate


lollipop sticks


My Estimate My Estimate cubes


lollipop sticks


_____________________ 2. Use lollipop sticks to measure the length and width of your desk. Estimate first. My Estimate lollipop sticks

My Estimate lollipop sticks

paper clips

My Estimate paper clips

lollipop sticks

My Estimate

Length lollipop sticks

Width lollipop sticks

_____________________ 3. Use paper clips to measure the length and width of your tablet or laptop. Estimate first. My Estimate

My Estimate

lollipop sticks

Height lollipop sticks

Height lollipop sticks

Height lollipop sticks

Height lollipop sticks

_____________________ A metre is 100cm 10


20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Get a metre stick and find one thing in your classroom that measures about 1 metre.

Length paper clips


_____________________ 5. Name 3 things that are longer than 1 metre:

paper clips




WEEK 19 1 Example: 20 + 16 + 27 = ? Add the tens first. 20 + 10 + 20 = 50

3. 37 + 28 + 19 = ?

30 + 20 + 10 = Add the units: 7 + 8 + 9 = Add the tens:

Add the tens and units:


1. 34 + 18 + 39 = ?

+ 20 +

30 + 10 + 30 = Add the units: 4 + 8 + 9 = Add the tens:

_____________________ 4. 19 + 19 + 47 = ?

Add the tens and units:

+ 20 +

+ +

Add the tens:

+ _____________________ 2. 26 + 48 + 18 = ?

THURSDAY: Addition, Adding 3 Numbers

Now add the units. 8 + 6 + 7 = 21 Finally, add the tens and units. 50 + 21 50 + 20 + 1 = 71

= =

Add the units: Add the tens and units:



+ +_____________________ 20 + =

20 + 40 + 10 = Add the units: 6 + 8 + 8 = Add the tens:

Add the tens and units:

+ + 20 +


= 7. What month comes 2 months before November?

1. Draw a line of symmetry.

_____________________ 8. Put the numbers in order starting with the smallest.

_____________________ 2. Make 2 addition number sentences from the Number Triangle.

58 30


3. Draw a circle around the biggest number.





_____________________ 9. Ben can jump 99cm and Sean can jump 84cm. How much farther can Ben jump?


168 147 183 _____________________

_____________________ 10. Finish the pattern.

_____________________ 5. What is the sum of 47 and 30?

_____________________ 11.

_____________________ 6. In what season is July?

12. What number is 4 tens more than 117?

4. What is the difference between 86 and 30?






FRIDAY: Challenge

+ = + = _____________________


9 + 4 + 6 = 10 + -1 _____________________ _____________________


MONDAY: Target Boards


137 87 94 148

163 195 136 184

129 159 192 108

172 169 73 196

1. Colour the number on the Target Board red.

_____________________ 2. Colour the number on the Target Board green.

_____________________ 3. Colour the number on the Target Board blue.

4. Colour the number on the Target Board orange.

_____________________ 5. List the numbers on the top row from smallest to biggest: _____________________ 6. List the numbers on the second row from smallest to biggest: _____________________ 7. List the numbers on the third row from biggest to smallest: _____________________ 8. List the numbers on the bottom row from biggest to smallest: _____________________


6. Fill in the missing numbers

1. Fill in the missing numbers +10

50 60





TUESDAY: Counting Stick








115 125 135




149 159





136 146








130 120






173 163






192 182





_____________________ 10. Fill in the missing numbers

_____________________ 5. Fill in the missing numbers +10


_____________________ 9. Fill in the missing numbers

_____________________ 4. Fill in the missing numbers +10


_____________________ 8. Fill in the missing numbers

_____________________ 3. Fill in the missing numbers +10


_____________________ 7. Fill in the missing numbers

_____________________ 2. Fill in the missing numbers +10


100 90










Look at the following objects and say what length they are. 1.


cms _____________________ 2.

cms _____________________ 4. Find the following objects in your classroom and then measure the length of them in cm. Estimate first. My Estimate cm

My Estimate cm

My Estimate cm

Length cm

Length cm

My Estimate cm

My Estimate cm

length cm

Measuring the length of lines and objects in cm

cms _____________________ 3.

length cm

length cm




THURSDAY: Hundreds, Tens and Units

I have 1 box of 100 crayons, 3 boxes of 10 crayons and 4 more crayons = 1 hundred + 3 tens + 4 units = 134


I have

box of 100 crayons,

boxes of 10 crayons and

hundred + tens + _____________________ 2.

I have

units =

box of 100 crayons,

boxes of 10 crayons and

hundred + tens + _____________________


ten +



tens +



tens +


= hundred + 4. _____________________ = hundred + 5. _____________________

7. What month comes 2 months before February?

1. Draw a line of symmetry.

_____________________ 8. Put the numbers in order starting with the smallest.

_____________________ 2. Make 2 addition number sentences from the Number Triangle.

FRIDAY: Challenge

more crayons =

units =

3. = hundred + _____________________

+ = + = _____________________

more crayons =

130 86







_____________________ 9. How much longer is the red line than the blue line?

3. Draw a circle around the biggest number.

192 189 179 _____________________


_____________________ 4. What is the difference between 52 and 40? 10. Finish the pattern. _____________________ 5. What is the sum of 18 and 40? _____________________ 6. In what season is March? _____________________






_____________________ 11.

3 +5+3 =9+ -2 _____________________

12. What number is 5 tens more than 106? _____________________


WEEK 21 5. Add 4 units to each number on the first row. _____________________ 6. Take away 4 units from each number on the second row.

1. Round the numbers on the top row to the nearest 10.

_____________________ 7. Add 5 units to each number on the third row.

_____________________ 2. Round the numbers on the second row to the nearest 10.

_____________________ 8. Take away 5 units from each number on the fourth row.

_____________________ 3. Round the numbers on the third row to the nearest 10.

_____________________ 9. What is the sum of the biggest and smallest numbers on the third row?

_____________________ 4. Round the numbers on the fourth row to the nearest 10.

_____________________ 10. What is the difference in the biggest and smallest numbers on the third row?



2 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92

3 4 13 14 23 24 33 34 43 44 53 54 63 64 73 74 83 84 93 94

5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95

6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96

7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97

8 9 10 18 19 20 28 29 30 38 39 40 48 49 50 58 59 60 68 69 70 78 79 80 88 89 90 98 99 100



____________________ 5.


____________________ 6.


____________________ 7.

Round the following numbers to the nearest 10. 1.




____________________ 2.


____________________ 3.



____________________ 8. ____________________ 9.


TUESDAY: Hundrerd Square

1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91

MONDAY: Target Boards

34 78 62 57 51 93 27 19 80 8 66 45 13 89 43 72

____________________ 10.





Danny and Sarah are in the pet shop. Danny is looking at the goldfish. The assistant tells Danny there are 47 goldfish in one tank and 34 goldfish in the other. Danny spends 15 minutes just looking at the fish swimming around.

4. How many budgies are there? _____________________ 5. What is the total number of budgies and rabbits?



Pet Shop

_____________________ 6. How many legs have the 6 rabbits altogether? _____________________ 7. How many legs have the budgies altogether? 1. How many goldfish are in the two tanks altogether?


_____________________ 2. What is the difference in the number of goldfish in the two tanks? _____________________ 3. Round the number of goldfish in the two tanks to the nearest 10 and add to get an estimate of how many fish there are altogether. _____________________

Danny buys 3 goldfish. The goldfish cost 50c each. He gives the assistant €2 and the assistant gives him his change. The rabbit costs €1.80 but Sarah only has €1.60. “I will have to save my pocket money and come back next week”, says Sarah. 8. How much do the 3 goldfish cost altogether? € _____________________ 9. How much change does the assistant give Danny?

Sarah is looking at the pet rabbits. There are 6 rabbits altogether. There are budgies in a cage next to the rabbits. The number of budgies is double the number of rabbits. Sarah says she would love to take the white rabbit home.


€ _____________________ 10. How much more money does Sarah need to buy the rabbit? € _____________________

WEEK 21 3.

20 - 17 is the same as 20 My answer is _____________________ 4.

20 – 12 is the same as 20 – 10 – 2 20 – 10 – 2 is the same as 10 – 2 10 – 2 = 8

20 - 13 is the same as 20 -


20 - 15 is the same as 20 -

My answer is _____________________ 4. is the same as

My answer is _____________________ 2.

20 - 11 20 - 10 My answer is _____________________

20 - 17 is the same as 20 -

20 - 16 is the same as 20 -

My answer is _____________________

My answer is _____________________

1. Draw more than one line of symmetry.

7. In what season do leaves fall off the trees?


THURSDAY: Subtraction using 10 Frames

Example: There are 20 balls on the 10 Frames. I want to take away 12 balls. I must remember to take away all the balls in the second 10 Frame first. There are 10 balls in the second 10 Frame so I take them away first and then take away two more balls from the first 10 Frame.

_____________________ 8. Colour ¾ of the circle green. _____________________ 2. Make 2 subtraction number sentences from the Number Triangle.

45 20


_____________________ 9. How many minutes in an hour?

minutes _____________________ 3. Draw a circle around the smallest number. 10. If 1kg of sugar costs 34c, how much for 2kgs of sugar? _____________________ 4. What 3D shape is this?

142 129 137

_____________________ 5. Una has €1. She buys an ice cream for 30c. How much has she left? c _____________________ 6.

(18 + 20) - 3 = _____________________

c _____________________ 11. Finish the pattern.




FRIDAY: Challenge

= = _____________________


_____________________ 12. What number is 3 tens less than 176? _____________________


TUESDAY: Hundred Square

MONDAY: Target Boards


18 54 70 6

70 32 25 77

61 94 28 83

39 47 86 65

5. Add 6 units to each number on the first row. _____________________ 6. Take away 6 units from each number on the second row.

1. Round the numbers on the first column to the nearest 10.

_____________________ 7. Add 7 units to each number on the third row.

_____________________ 2. Round the numbers on the second column to the nearest 10.

_____________________ 8. Take away 7 units from each number on the fourth row.

_____________________ 3. Round the numbers on the third column to the nearest 10.

_____________________ 9. What is the sum of the biggest and smallest numbers on the first column?

_____________________ 4. Round the numbers on the fourth column to the nearest 10.

_____________________ 10. What is the difference in the biggest and smallest numbers on the first column?



1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91

2 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92

3 4 13 14 23 24 33 34 43 44 53 54 63 64 73 74 83 84 93 94

5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95

6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96

7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97

8 9 10 18 19 20 28 29 30 38 39 40 48 49 50 58 59 60 68 69 70 78 79 80 88 89 90 98 99 100


53 + 26




Exact answer = _____________________ 3.

27 + 42




Example: We can estimate the answer to 36 + 21 by rounding the numbers to the nearest 10 and then adding. 40 21 20 36 40 + 20 = 60 So our estimate for 36 + 21 is 60

Exact answer = _____________________ 4.

Estimate the answers to the following sums by rounding to the nearest 10 first. Then use the 100 Square to help you find the exact answer.

Exact answer = _____________________ 5.


32 + 17



21 + 64




Exact answer = _____________________


49 + 31





Exact answer = _____________________


Sometimes when we want to show bigger numbers when solving word problems, it is easier to show numbers as follows: 6=

2 =







10 =

Use the RUDE strategy to help you solve the word problems Read the problem Underline the key words Draw a picture Estimate or Evaluate your answer

___________________ 2. Anna has 27 sheep on her farm while Mario has 32 sheep on his farm. How many sheep do they have altogether? Write a number sentence to help you:

___________________ 3. There are 32 children in a class. 15 of them are boys. How many are girls? Write a number sentence to help you:


1. There are 24 children playing in the park. 5 more come along. How many children are in the park now? Write a number sentence to help you:

___________________ 6. There are 46 boys and 35 girls in a school. How many children are there altogether in the school? Write a number sentence to help you:


___________________ 5. Roisin’s Granny is 57 years old. Her Grandad is 6 years older than her Granny. What age is Roisin’s Grandad? Write a number sentence to help you:


1 =

4. There are 44 animals in a field. The animals in the field are sheep and cows. If 25 of the animals are sheep, how many are cows? Write a number sentence to help you:

___________________ 7. There are 49 sandwiches on a plate. If 23 of them are eaten, how many are left? Write a number sentence to help you:

___________________ 8. There are 56 runners in a race. If 25 of them do not finish, how many runners did finish the race? Write a number sentence to help you:

___________________ ___________________


WEEK 22 Example: 36 - 12 = ?

5. 86 - 11 = ?

36 - 12 (36 - 10) - 2 24 26 - 2 =

86 - 11 ( )= _____________________

THURSDAY: Subtraction

1. 47 - 15 = ?

47 - 15 (47 - 10) 37 = _____________________

6. 79 - 15 = ?

54 - 13 (54 - 10) 44 = _____________________

7. 98 - 12 = ?

79 - 15 ( )= _____________________

2. 54 - 13 = ?

98 - 12 ( )= _____________________

3. 49 - 16 = ?

49 - 16 ( - 10) -6= _____________________

7. 57 - 14 = ?

57 - 14 ( )= _____________________

4. 65 - 14 = ?

65 - 14 ( - 10) - 4 -4= _____________________ 1. Draw more than one line of symmetry.

7. What is the 5th month of the year? _____________________ 8. Colour ¼ of the balloons red.

FRIDAY: Challenge

_____________________ 2. Make 2 subtraction number sentences from the Number Triangle.

= = _____________________

_____________________ 9. Show ¼ past 7 on the clock.

79 49


3. Draw a circle around the smallest number.

105 180 167 _____________________ 4. What 3D shape is this?

_____________________ 5. Una has €2. She buys a toy for 95c. Draw the coins to show how much she has left? _____________________ 6.

(56 + 30) - 14 = _____________________ 71

11 12 1 10 2 9 3 8 4 7 6 5

_____________________ 10. If 1kg of potatoes costs 86c, how much for ½ kg of potatoes? c _____________________ 11. Finish the pattern.





_____________________ 12. What number is 3 tens less than 194? _____________________



26 43 29 38

94 59 62 31

76 66 87 18

What number am I? 1. I am on the second row. I round off to 60. _____________________ 2. I am on the fourth row. I round off to 30. _____________________ 3. I am on the first column. I round off to 80. _____________________ 4. I am on the fourth column. I round off to 80.

5. I have the same number of tens as units. I round off to 70. _____________________ 6. I have 3 tens. I round off to 30. _____________________ 7. Add 8 units to each number on the first column.

MONDAY: Target Boards

37 85 11 83

_____________________ 8. Take away 8 units from each number on the second column. _____________________ 9. Add 9 units to each number on the third column. _____________________ 10. Take away 9 units from each number on the fourth column. _____________________


2 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92

3 4 13 14 23 24 33 34 43 44 53 54 63 64 73 74 83 84 93 94

5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95

6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96

7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97

8 9 10 18 19 20 28 29 30 38 39 40 48 49 50 58 59 60 68 69 70 78 79 80 88 89 90 98 99 100

Use the 100 Square to do the following. 1. Add 6 units to 38 = _____________________ 2. Add 6 units to 46 = _____________________

3. Add 7 units to 57 = _____________________ 4. Add 7 units to 19 = _____________________ 5. Add 8 units to 25 = _____________________ 6. Add 8 units to 67 = _____________________ 7. Add 9 units to 34 = _____________________ 8. Add 9 units to 86 = _____________________ 9.

TUESDAY: Hundred Square

1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91

Take away 6 units from 73 = _____________________ 10. Take away 7 units from 85 = _____________________



Pictograms The pupils in Mr. Doherty’s class chose their favourite fairytale. Favourite Fairytale Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Jack and the Beanstalk Cinderella Rapunzel



Hansel and Gretel Block Graphs Favourite Pet

1. How many pupils chose Snow White and the Seven Dwarvfs?


_____________________ 2. Which fairytale was the most popular?

9 8 7

_____________________ 3. Which fairytale was the least popular?

6 5 4 3

_____________________ 4. How many pupils altogether prefer Jack and the Beanstalk and Rapunzel?

2 1


_____________________ 5. How many pupils prefer Cinderella to Rapunzel? _____________________ 6. How many fewer pupils prefer Hanzel and Gretel to Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs? _____________________ 7. How many pupils altogether are in Mr. Doherty’s class? _____________________ 7. What fairytale would you choose? _____________________






1. How many pupils prefer hamsters? _____________________ 2. How many pupils prefer parrots? _____________________ 3. Which pet is the most popular? _____________________ 4. Which pet is the least popular? _____________________ 5. How many pupils altogether prefer rabbits and hamsters? _____________________

WEEK 23 Example: 48 - 25 = ?

5. 75 - 23 = ?

48 - 25 (48 - 20) - 5 23 28 - 5 =

75 - 23 ( )= _____________________

1. 54 - 23 = ?

6. 68 - 21 = ?

38 - 24 (38 - 20) 44 = _____________________

7. 86 - 34 = ?

68 - 21 ( )= _____________________

2. 38 - 24 = ?

3. 49 - 22 = ?

49 - 22 ( - 20) - 2 -2= _____________________ 4. 87 - 26 = ?

87 - 26 ( - 20) - 6 -6= _____________________ 1. Complete the other half of the picture to make the picture symmetrical.

86 - 34 ( )= _____________________ 7. 97 - 35 = ?

97 - 35 ( )= _____________________

THURSDAY: Subtraction

54 - 23 (54 - 20) 34 = _____________________

6. What is the 8th month of the year? _____________________ 8. Colour ¾ of the stars yellow.

= = _____________________

91 51

3. Draw a circle around the smallest number.

152 126 117 _____________________ 4. What 3D shape is this?

_____________________ 9. Show ¼ past 4 on the clock. 11 12 1 10 2 9 3 8 4 7 6 5

_____________________ 10. If 1kg of grapes costs 20c, how much for ¼ kg of grapes c _____________________ 11. Finish the pattern.




FRIDAY: Challenge

_____________________ 2. Complete the Number Triangle and then make 2 subtraction number sentences..


_____________________ 12. What number is 4 tens less than 147?

_____________________ 5. Orla has €2. She buys a box of crayons for 75c. Draw the coins to show how much she _____________________ has left? 13. _____________________

(29 + 40) - 23 = _____________________ 74

MONDAY: Target Boards


47 86 14 29

5. Round the shaded numbers on the first column to the nearest 10 and find the difference.

35 62 24 19 52 63 38 9 41 57 40 25

1. Round the shaded numbers on the top row to the nearest 10 and add.









_____________________ 2. Round the shaded numbers on the second row to the nearest 10 and add. _____________________ 3. Round the shaded numbers on the third row to the nearest 10 and add. _____________________ 4. Round the shaded numbers on the bottom row to the nearest 10 and add.










_____________________ 7. Round the shaded numbers on the third column to the nearest 10 and find the difference. _____________________ 8. Round the shaded numbers on the fourth column to the nearest 10 and find the difference. _____________________ 9. Round the biggest and smallest numbers on the bottom row to the nearest 10 and find the difference.



1. Fill in the missing numbers

6. Fill in the missing numbers








_____________________ 2. Fill in the missing numbers

TUESDAY: Counting Stick


_____________________ 6. Round the shaded numbers on the second column to the nearest 10 and find the difference.

21 23




35 37




















75 73








67 65



_____________________ 9. Fill in the missing numbers +2

_____________________ 5. Fill in the missing numbers +2


_____________________ 8. Fill in the missing numbers

_____________________ 4. Fill in the missing numbers

53 55

44 42


_____________________ 7. Fill in the missing numbers

_____________________ 3. Fill in the missing numbers +2








_____________________ 10. Fill in the missing numbers +2









1. How many buns do Danny and Sarah bring to the Cake Sale altogether?

5. How much money altogether for the 6 rice crispie buns? c _____________________ 6. If Danny’s teacher bought the 7 cream buns and 6 rice crispie buns, how much would it cost her altogether? c _____________________ Danny sees a lovely fruit cake that he would like to buy for his Mum. The fruit cake costs €1.55. Danny gives the cake seller €2 for the cake and takes his change. Sarah takes home ½ kg bag of buns for her Dad. There are 8 buns in the bag. The Cake Sale started at 11 o’clock and finished at 2 o’clock.

_____________________ 2. How many of the cream buns are sold in the morning? _____________________ 3. How many of the rice crispie buns are sold in the morning? _____________________ 7 more of Danny’s cream buns are sold in the afternoon. They are sold for 5c each. 6 of Sarah’s rice crispie buns are sold in the afternoon. They are sold for 10c each.


There is a Cake Sale in Danny and Sarah’s school. Danny brings in a tray of 20 cream buns and Sarah brings in a tray of 12 rice crispie buns. In the morning, ¼ of the cream buns are sold and ¼ of the rice crispie buns are sold.

7. How much change did Danny get after paying for the fruit cake? c _____________________ 8. How many hours was the Cake Sale on for? _____________________ 9. How many buns would Sarah get in a 1kg bag if all the buns weighed the same. _____________________ 10. How many buns would Sarah get in a ¼ kg bag if all the buns weighed the same?

4. How much money altogether for the 7 cream buns?


c _____________________


WEEK 24 3.

dots altogether.

THURSDAY: Fractions: Quarter or ¼

dots in each quarter.


So ¼ of _____________________ 4. dots altogether.

8 dots altogether. 2 dots in each quarter. So ¼ of 8 = 2 1.

dots altogether.

dots in each quarter.


So ¼ of _____________________


dots altogether.

dots in each quarter.


dots in each quarter.


So ¼ of _____________________ 5.

dots altogether. dots in each quarter.

So ¼ of _____________________


So ¼ of _____________________

1. Complete the other half of the picture to make the picture symmetrical.


(37 + 50) - 45 = _____________________


7. What is the 11th month of the year? _____________________ 2. Complete the Number Triangle and then make 2 subtraction number sentences.

_____________________ 8. Colour ¼ of the apples green and colour ¼ of the apples red

= = _____________________

_____________________ 9. Show ¼ to 8 on the clock.

65 24

11 12 1 10 2 9 3 8 4 7 6 5

3. Draw a circle around the smallest number.

115 109 123 _____________________

_____________________ 10. If ½ kg of strawberries costs 16c, how much for ¼ kg of strawberries?

____________________ 5. John has €1.50. He buys a bottle of water for 90c. Draw the coins to show how much he has left?

c _____________________ 11. Fill in the missing number in the pattern.

4. What 3D shape is this?





_____________________ _____________________




Example: Round the numbers in the shaded boxes on the first row to the nearest 10 and add. Then round the number in the yellow box to the nearest 10 and take away.

65 + 16 90 - 36

+ = = _____________________




_____________________ 2. Fill in the missing numbers. +4




_____________________ 3. Fill in the missing numbers. -4

32 28








40 36


_____________________ Example: If I start at 12,count in 4s to see how many I add on to land at 32. +4





4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 I count on 20 to land at 32. Therefore 12 + 20 = 32





4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40


= 24

_____________________ 6. If I start at 16, count in 4s to see how many I add on to land at 40? +4





4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 -4


5. If I start at 8, count in 4s to see how many I add on to land at 24?


_____________________ 4. Fill in the missing numbers.


= =

16 +

= 40

_____________________ 7. If I start at 4, count in 4s to see how many I add on to land at 32? +4







4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40


= 32

_____________________ 8. If I start at 36, count back in 4s to see how many I take away to land at 20? -4




24 28 32


+ -

_____________________ 5. The second column


1. Fill in the missing numbers.


= =

_____________________ 7. I have the digits 1 and 4. I round off to 40.

+ = = _____________________ +4

+ -

6. I am on the third row. I round off to 60.

1. The third row


= =

_____________________ What number am I?

1. The second row


+ -

_____________________ 4. The first column

70 + 20 = 90 90 + 40 = 50

Do the same for these:


3. The fourth row


65 16 36 24 27 41 14 83 31 7 64 53 57 38 15 55


4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40

36 -

= 20 78

WEEK 25 Add to help you finish the Puzzle Walls. 1.

7. Write the numbers 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 and 8 in the correct box so that each side of the square adds up to 12. The total must be 12.


16 9


_____________________ 2.



_____________________ 3.





Triangle Puzzles: Write the missing numbers in the boxes by adding up the numbers in the circles that join them. 8.






8 12 _____________________ 4.



_____________________ 9.







_____________________ 5.



_____________________ Square Puzzles

6. Write the numbers 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 and 8 in the correct box so that each side of the square adds up to 15. The total must be 15.

5 3






_____________________ 10.

14 20 18



WEEK 25 Colour ½ of the objects in each group. 1.


balls altogether

I coloured






cones altogether I coloured



Colour ¼ of the objects in each group.

crayons altogether



So of _____________________

So of _____________________ 2.

I coloured





of So _____________________

of So _____________________


5. Round the number 57 to the nearest 10.

2. Make 4 number sentences using the numbers in the Number Triangle

_____________________ 6.

43 + = 69 _____________________

37 + 17 = _____________________

59 33


3. Put the following numbers in order starting with the smallest.

162 156

_____________________ 4. If I have €1.70, how much more do I need to have €2? C _____________________

7. If ½ litre of water costs 40c, how much for 1 litre of water? C _____________________ 8.

39 = 27 _____________________

9. Write 4 o’clock in digital form.


_____________________ 10. 6 tens and 5 units equals 5 tens and


= + = + = = _____________________ 150 147 95

THURSDAY: Fractions

I coloured

shoes altogether

units. _____________________ 11. Mario has 7 coins. How much has he altogether?

€ _____________________


WEEK 26 6. If I have €2, what change will I get if I buy

MONDAY: Target Boards

_____________________ 7. If I have €2, what change will I get if I buy 1. How much for a

€ _____________________

_____________________ 8. If I have €2, what change will I get if I buy

2. How much for a

€ _____________________

_____________________ 9. Name 2 things I can buy for exactly 50c

3. How much for a

€ _____________________


4. How much for a

€ _____________________

_____________________ 10. Name 2 things I can buy for exactly 95c

5. How much for a

€ _____________________

and _____________________

1. Fill in the missing numbers +3 +3 +3 +3

TUESDAY: Counting Stick




_____________________ 2. Fill in the missing numbers +3 +3 +3 +3

24 27 30


3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 +3

_____________________ 3. Fill in the missing numbers -3 -3 -3 -3


_____________________ 4. Fill in the missing numbers -3 -3 -3 -3


30 27


24 21


_____________________ 5. If I start at 9, count in 3s to see how many I add on to land at 24? +3 +3 +3 +3 +3

3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30


= 24



6. If I start at 6, count in 3s to see how many I add on to land at 27? +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3


= 27

_____________________ 7. If I start at 15, count in 3s to see how many I add on to land at 30? +3 +3 +3 +3 +3

3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30

15 +

= 30

_____________________ 8. If I start at 21, count back in 3s to see how many I take away to land at 6? -3 -3 -3 -3 -3

3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30

21 -




7. How many tiles do Sarah and her Mum put up altogether? ___________________ 8. How many more black tiles are there than white tiles? 1. Which colour paint is there most of? _____________________ 2. Which colour paint is there least of? _____________________ 3. How much more white paint is there than yellow paint?


_____________________ 4. How much more red paint is there than green paint?

___________________ Mum puts down carpet on the stairs. There are 8 steps on the first part of the stairs and 6 steps on the second part.


Danny and Sarah are getting work done to their house. Danny is helping his Dad to paint the walls of the bedrooms. Dad has ½ litre of green paint, ¼ litre of yellow paint, 1 litre of red paint and ¾ litres of white paint.

Dad measures the height of the new chairs to see if they will fit under the kitchen table. The height of the table is 95cm and the height of each chair is 60cm.


_____________________ Sarah is helping Mum put tiles on the kitchen wall. They put up 3 rows of cream tiles behind the sink. There are 4 tiles in each row. They also put up 18 black tiles and 12 white tiles on the wall behind the cooker.

9. How many steps are on the stairs altogether?

5. How many tiles do Sarah and her Mum put up behind the kitchen sink?

___________________ 10. How much higher is the table than the chair?

_____________________ 6. How many tiles do Sarah and Her Mum put up on the wall behind the cooker?





THURSDAY: Addition using Doubles and Near Doubles

WEEK 26 3. 51 + 21 = ? Add the tens:

50 + Add the units: 1 + 1 =

Example: 24 + 14 = ? Add the tens first. 20 + 10 = 30 Now add the units. 4 + 4 = 8 Finally add the tens and units. 30 + 8 = 38

Add the tens and units:

30 + 40 = Add the units: 2 + 2 =















Add the units:


Add the tens and units:




5. If I have €1.45, how much more do I need to have €2?

27 + = 40 _____________________

2. Make 4 number sentences using the numbers in the Number Triangle

FRIDAY: Challenge


_____________________ 5. 82 + 21 = ? Add the tens:

Add the tens and units:



Add the tens and units:

_____________________ 2. 54 + 24 = ? Add the tens:



Add the units:

Add the tens and units:

Add the units:


_____________________ 4. 43 + 53 = ? Add the tens:

1. 32 + 42 = ? Add the tens:


= + = + = = _____________________

C _____________________ 6.




7. If ¼ litre of juice costs 35c, how much for ½ litre of juice?

94 = 31 _____________________ 9. What is ½ of 20?

116 166 139 89 186 _____________________ 4. Round the number 73 to the nearest 10.

56 + 25 = _____________________

C _____________________ 8.

3. Put the following numbers in order starting with the smallest.



_____________________ 10. Write half past 5 in digital form.


_____________________ 11. 4 tens and 9 units equals 3 tens and





WEEK 27 1/2 past 5

3 o’clock

1/4 to 4

1/4 past 3

5 o’ clock

1/4 past 6

1/2 past 2

2 o’clock

1/4 to 3

1/2 past 7

1/4 past 2

4 o’clock





1. Add one hour to all the times on the first row:

1/4 past 3 + 1 hour = 1/4 to 4 + 1 hour = _____________________ 2. Take away one hour from all the times on the third row:

1/2 past 7 – 1 hour =

1/4 to 3 – 1 hour =

4 o’clock – 1 hour = 1/4 past 2 – 1 hour = _________________ 3. Write the times on the second row again if it was half an hour later:

MONDAY: Target Boards

3 o’clock + 1 hour =

1/2 past 5 + 1 hour =

____________________ 4. Write the times on the first row again if it was half an hour earlier: ____________________ 5. Write the times on the bottom row again starting with the earliest ____________________

1. Fill in the missing numbers +6 +6 +6 +6


12 18

_____________________ 2. Fill in the missing numbers +6 +6 +6 +6

6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 +6

_____________________ 3. Fill in the missing numbers -6 -6 -6 -6


_____________________ 4. Fill in the missing numbers -6 -6 -6 -6


42 54 48 42 18 42 27 30 27 18

27 27

_____________________ 5. If I start at 6, count in 6s to see how many I add on to land at 42? +6 +6 +6 +6 +6 +6

6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60


= 42

6. If I start at 18, count in 6s to see how many I add on to land at 54? +6 +6 +6 +6 +6 +6

18 +

= 54

_____________________ 7. If I start at 30, count in 6s to see how many I add on to land at 60? +6 +6 +6 +6 +6

6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60

30 +

= 60

_____________________ 8. If I start at 48, count back in 6s to see how many I take away to land at 18? -6 -6 -6 -6 -6

6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60

48 -

TUESDAY: Counting Stick

36 42 48


= 18





The book weighs the same as the pencil case.

How many cubes do you need to balance the following objects? Estimate first My Estimate





The cat is heavier than the mouse. The mouse is lighter the cat. Draw a circle around the one that is heavier 1.

My Estimate




My Estimate




_____________________ 2.

My Estimate




_____________________ 3.


How many beads do you need to balance the following objects? Estimate first My Estimate



_____________________ 4.

My Estimate __________________ Heavier or lighter?




5. The apple is

than the pencil case.

__________________ 6. The cereal is

than the loaf of bread.

__________________ 7. The teddy bear is

than the doll.

__________________ 8. The cat is __________________


than the dog.



Example: 26 + 46 = ? Add the tens first. 20 + 40 = 60 Now add the units. 6 + 6 = 12 Finally add the tens and units. 60 + 12

60 + 10 + 2 = 72




Add the tens and units:


1. 48 + 28 = ?

40 + 20 = Add the units: 8 + 8 =

+ 10 +

Add the tens:


_____________________ 4. 39 + 59 = ? Add the tens:

Add the tens and units:

+ + 10 +


Add the units:





Add the units:


_____________________ 2. 35 + 45 = ? Add the tens:

Add the tens and units:

Add the tens and units:


30 + Add the units: 5 + 5 = +


+ + 10 +


THURSDAY: Addition using Doubles and Near Doubles

3. 47 + 27 = ? Add the tens:


_____________________ 1.

5. If I have €1.52, how much more do I need to have €2?

65 + = 40 _____________________

2. Finish the Number Triangle and then make 4 number sentences using the numbers.




87 = 45 _____________________ 9. What is ½ of 18?

76 69 124 111 99


7. If ¼ litre of paint costs 50c, how much for ¾ litres of paint? _____________________ 8.

3. Put the following numbers in order starting with the smallest.

_____________________ 4. Round the number 88 to the nearest 10.

67 + 19 = _____________________

FRIDAY: Challenge

= + = + = = _____________________

C _____________________ 6.

_____________________ 10. Write half past 9 in digital form.


_____________________ 11. 9 tens and 8 units equals 8 tens and






28 17 24 12 38 32 22 8 34 4 40 20 24 10 16 15

5. Add 31 to all the numbers on the third column _____________________ 6. Add 41 to all the numbers on the fourth column _____________________ 7. If you count in 4s, colour red all the numbers you would say. _____________________ 8. If you count in 5s, draw a circle around all the numbers you would say. _____________________ 9. What is the sum of the biggest and smallest numbers on the first row?

1. Add 11 to all the numbers on the top row. _____________________ 2. Subtract 11 from all the numbers on the top row. _____________________ 3. Add 21 to all the numbers on the second row.

_____________________ 10. What is the sum of the biggest and smallest numbers on the third column?

_____________________ 4. Subtract 21 from all the numbers on the first column.


TUESDAY: Hundred Square


1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91

2 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92

3 4 13 14 23 24 33 34 43 44 53 54 63 64 73 74 83 84 93 94

5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95

6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96

7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97

8 9 10 18 19 20 28 29 30 38 39 40 48 49 50 58 59 60 68 69 70 78 79 80 88 89 90 98 99 100

Use the 100 Square to do the following. 1. Add 13 to 28 = _____________________ 2. Add 32 to 50 = _____________________

3. Add 25 to 27 = _____________________ 4. Add 43 to 49 = _____________________ 5. Add 28 to 35 = _____________________ 6. Add 36 to 47 = _____________________ 7. Take away 24 from 82 = _____________________ 8. Take away 17 from 65 = _____________________ 9. Take away 35 from 51 = _____________________ 10. Take away 28 from 93 = _____________________



Kilogramme (kg); ½ kg; ¼ kg

Estimate =


> 1 kg

about 1 kg

< 1 kg

My Estimate


My Estimate


My Estimate


My Estimate


Crayon Desk Maths book Laptop


copybooks Answer = _____________________ 2. Look at the following objects and say if they weigh more than 1 kg, about 1 kg or less than 1 kg by ticking (√) the correct box.

Answer _____________________ 7. Put a ½ kg weight on one side of the scales and find out how many of each of the following objects are needed to balance the scales.


1. Put a 1kg weight on one side of the scales and find out how many copybooks it takes to balance the scales.

6. Put a ½ kg weight on one side of the scales and find out how many ¼ kg weights it takes to balance the scales.

Pencil Case School bag _____________________ 3. How would you find out for sure if the laptop weighs more than 1kg, about 1kg, or less than 1kg?

4. Put a 1kg weight on one side of the scales and find out how many ½ kg weights it takes to balance the scales. Answer _____________________ 5. Put a 1kg weight on one side of the scales and find out how many ¼ kg weights it takes to balance the scales.

_____________________ 7. Put a ¼ kg weight on one side of the scales and find out how many of each of the following objects are needed to balance the scales. My Estimate


My Estimate


My Estimate


My Estimate



Answer _____________________


THURSDAY: Subtraction

WEEK 28 Example: 32 - 14 = ?

4. 21 - 12 = ?

32- 14 (32 - 10) - 4 22 - 4 = 18

- 10) - 2 21 - 12 ( -2= _____________________

1. 43 - 15 = ?

5. 33 - 14 = ?

43 - 15 (43 - 10) 33 = _____________________

33 - 14 ( )= _____________________

2. 34 - 16 = ?

6. 52 - 16 = ?

34 - 16 (34 - 10) 24 = _____________________

52 - 16 ( )= _____________________

3. 41 - 13 = ?

7. 36 - 17 = ?

- 10) - 3 41 - 13 ( -3= _____________________

36 - 17 ( )= _____________________


5. If I have €1.47, how much more do I need to have €2?

54 + = 71 _____________________

FRIDAY: Challenge

2. Finish the Number Triangle and then make 4 number sentences using the numbers.

= + = + = = _____________________

C _____________________ 6.

62 48


7. If ¼ kg of oranges costs 20c, how much for 1kg of oranges? C _____________________ 8.

96 = 61 _____________________

3. Put the following numbers in order starting with the smallest.

9. What is ¼ of 12?

178 159 197 195 187 _____________________ 4. Round the number 44 to the nearest 10.

35 + 25 + 26 = _____________________

_____________________ 10. There were 78 cows in a field. If the farmer took out 30 on Monday and took out 25 more on Tuesday, how many cows were left in the field on Wednesday?

_____________________ _____________________




1. Add 12 to all the numbers on the top row. _____________________ 2. Subtract 10 from all the numbers on the second row. _____________________ 3. Add 22 to all the numbers on the third row. _____________________ 4. Add 32 to all the numbers on the fourth column. _____________________

2 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92

3 4 13 14 23 24 33 34 43 44 53 54 63 64 73 74 83 84 93 94

5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95

6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96

7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97

8 9 10 18 19 20 28 29 30 38 39 40 48 49 50 58 59 60 68 69 70 78 79 80 88 89 90 98 99 100

Use the 100 Square to do the following. 1.

_____________________ 8. What is the difference in the biggest and smallest numbers on the fourth column? _____________________ 9. Make a subtraction number sentence using three of the numbers on the first column.



_____________________ 10. 10. Write a number story for the number sentence you made in Q9.

_____________________ 4.

46 + 20 + 31 =

_____________________ 5.

52 + 30 + 14 =

_____________________ 6.

33 + 24 + 20 = _____________________ 7.

41 + 45 + 10 = _____________________ 8.

16 + 40 + 12 =

_____________________ 9.

20 + 35 + 20 =

_____________________ 10.

30 + 18 + 41 =

24 + 10 + 15 = _____________________

_____________________ 11. Fill in the missing numbers

31 + 10 + 23 = _____________________

_____________________ 12. Fill in the missing numbers

13 + 20 + 24 = _____________________




TUESDAY: Hundred Square

1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91

5. If you count in 3s, colour red all the numbers you would say. _____________________ 6. If you count in 4s, draw a circle around all the numbers you would say. _____________________ 7. What is the sum of the biggest and smallest numbers on the first row?

MONDAY: Target Boards

13 27 15 3 12 29 24 22 25 6 14 21 18 30 9 26





The last event is the sprint. The children have to wear numbers for the race. Danny wears number 147, Sarah wears number 163 and Sam wears number 186. 1. How much higher does Sarah jump than Sam?


_____________________ 2. What is the total height jumped by Sarah and Sam altogether?


_____________________ 3. In what place does Danny finish?



Sports Day

It is School Sports Day and all the children are taking part. Sarah jumps 56cm and wins the High Jump. Her friend, Sam jumps 33cm and finishes 6th. Danny finishes just after Sam.


_____________________ Danny does much better in the Long Jump. Danny jumps 78cm, Sarah jumps 52cm and Sam jumps 44cm. 4. What is the difference between Danny’s jump and Sarah’s jump?


_____________________ 5. What is the difference between Danny’s jump and Sam’s jump?


_____________________ 6. What is the difference in Sarah’s jump and Sam’s jump?


_____________________ 7. How far did Sarah and Sam jump in total?




8. Which of the children is wearing the biggest number? ___________________ 9. Which of the children is wearing the number with 6 tens? ___________________ 10. 10. What is the sum of the digits on Sam’s number? ___________________

WEEK 29 3. 14 + 54 + 26 = ? Add the numbers with the doubles first.

Now add on the third number. 58 + 27 = ? 70 + 15 70 + 10 + 5 = 85

Now add on the third number.


+ 26 = ? +10+ + _____________________

1. 43 + 15 + 23 = ? Add the numbers with the doubles first.

43 + 23

60 + 6




Now add on the third number. 66 + 15 = ?

4. 25 + 34 + 24 = ? Add the numbers with the doubles first.

70 + 11 70 + 10 + _____________________

Now add on the third number.



2. 32 + 42 + 17 = ? Add the numbers with the doubles first.

+ 25 = ?

32 + 42 =


TU 35 -_______ 1 9

5. What 3 coins do I need to make €1.12? _____________________ 6.

27 + 16 + 32 = _____________________ 7. What is ¼ of 16?



3. If 3 glasses fill a jug, how many glasses will fill 4 jugs? _____________________ 4. Round the number 16 to the nearest 10.


_____________________ 8. If Mr. Boyle had 20 apples and he sold ¼ of them, how many did he sell? _____________________ 9. How many minutes in ½ an hour?

FRIDAY: Challenge

_____________________ 2. Finish the Number Triangle and then make 4 number sentences using the numbers.





= + = + = = _____________________



Now add on the third number.

+ 17 = ? +10+ + 17 _____________________


THURSDAY: Addition of 3 numbers using doubles.

Example 24 + 27 +34 = ? Add the numbers with the doubles first 24 + 34 50 + 8 58

minutes _____________________ 10. If Bart planted 21 trees on Thursday, 39 trees on Friday and 17 trees on Saturday, how many trees did he plant altogether? _____________________ 6.

(32 + 33) - 16 =



TUESDAY: Hundred Square

MONDAY: Target Boards






1/4 m










1 metre


6. Colour blue the length on the Target Board that is the same as 1/2 m. _________________ 7. Put the lengths on the top row in order starting with the shortest:

1. What two lengths on the top row add up to _____________________ 1 metre? 8. Put the lengths on the second row in order starting with the shortest: _____________________ 2. What two lengths on the fourth column _____________________ add up to 1 metre? 9. Put the lengths on the fourth row in order starting with the longest: _________________ 3. What two lengths on the second column _____________________ add up to 1 metre? 10. What two lengths on the second row add up to 1 metre? _________________ 4. Colour orange the length on the Target _____________________ Board that is the same as 1/4 m. _________________ 5. Colour green the length on the Target Board that is the same as 3/4 m _________________

1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91

2 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92







3 4 13 14 23 24 33 34 43 44 53 54 63 64 73 74 83 84 93 94

5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95

6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96


7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97

8 9 10 18 19 20 28 29 30 38 39 40 48 49 50 58 59 60 68 69 70 78 79 80 88 89 90 98 99 100

Use the 100 Square to do the following. 1.

28 + 10 + 14 = _____________________ 2.



39 + 20 + 33 =

_____________________ 5.

45 + 30 + 19 =

_____________________ 6.

56 + 25 + 20 = _____________________ 7.

47 + 38 + 10 = _____________________ 8.

28 + 40 + 29 = _____________________ 9.

30 + 38 + 10 = _____________________ 10.

30 + 15 + 47 = _____________________ 11. Fill in the missing numbers


36 + 10 + 27 = _____________________

_____________________ 12. Fill in the missing numbers

17 + 20 + 27 = _____________________








Write a number story for the number sentence above:

Complete the number sentence and then write a number story for it.

36 + 12 = 38

62 + 19 =

_____________________ 6.

Write a number story for the number sentence above:

Complete the number sentence and then write a number story for it.

78 - 20 = 58

49 + 26 =

_____________________ 3.

_____________________ 7.

Complete the number sentence and then write a number story for it.

Complete the number sentence and then write a number story for it.

46 + 13 =

89 - 26 =

_____________________ 4.

_____________________ 8.

Complete the number sentence and then write a number story for it.

Complete the number sentence and then write a number story for it.

57 - 10 =



_____________________ 2.

(32 + 25) - 10 =



THURSDAY: Addition of 3 numbers by making 10.

WEEK 30 Example 26 + 18 +34 = ? Add the numbers where the units make 10 first. 26 + 34 50 + 10 60 Now add on the third number. 60 + 18 = ? 60 + 10 + 8 = 18 1. 23 + 16 + 47 = ? Add the numbers where the units make 10 first.

23 + 47

60 + 10


Now add on the third number. 70 + 16 = ?

70 + 10 + = _____________________

2. 38 + 22 + 35 = ? Add the numbers where the units make 10 first.

38 + 22

+ 10

Now add on the third number.

+ 35 = ? + 30 + 5 = _____________________ 1.

FRIDAY: Challenge

TU 64 -_______ 37



_____________________ 4. Round the number 94 to the nearest 10.


+ 10

Now add on the third number.

+ = ? + + = _____________________

4. 14 + 29 + 21 = ? Add the numbers where the units make 10 first.


+ 10

Now add on the third number.

+ = ? + + = _____________________

_____________________ 6. Draw a circle around ¾ of the crayons.

3. If 4 jugs fill a bucket, how many jugs will fill 3 buckets?



5. What 3 coins do I need to make €1.55?

_____________________ 2. Finish the Number Triangle and then make 4 number sentences using the numbers. 62

= + = + = = _____________________

3. 44 + 26 + 23 = ? Add the numbers where the units make 10 first.

_____________________ 7. If Ms. Garvey had 16 pupils in her class and ¼ of them were boys, how many were boys? _____________________ 8. Max works in a pizza shop. He delivers 27 pizzas on Friday, 14 pizzas on Saturday and 23 pizzas on Sunday. How many pizzas does he deliver altogether? _____________________ 9. How many minutes in ¼ of an hour? minutes _____________________ 10.

(41 + 24) - 26 =




1. Subtract 12 from all the numbers on the top row. _____________________ 2. Add 13 to all the numbers on the top row. _____________________ 3. Subtract 13 from all the numbers on the first column. _____________________ 4. Add 23 to all the numbers on the second column. _____________________

2 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92

3 4 13 14 23 24 33 34 43 44 53 54 63 64 73 74 83 84 93 94

5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95

6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96

7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97

8 9 10 18 19 20 28 29 30 38 39 40 48 49 50 58 59 60 68 69 70 78 79 80 88 89 90 98 99 100

Use the 100 Square to do the following. 1.

(37 - 10) - 15 = _____________________ 2.

_____________________ 6. Add 33 to all the numbers on the bottom row. _____________________ 7. If you count in 6s, colour red all the numbers you would say. _____________________ 8. List the numbers on the bottom row from biggest to smallest: _____________________ 9. What is the sum of the biggest and smallest numbers on the third column? _____________________ 10. What is the difference in the biggest and smallest numbers on the top row? _____________________ 4.

(70 - 30) - 16 =

_____________________ 5.

(87 - 40) - 35 =

_____________________ 6.

(76 - 31) - 20 =

_____________________ 7.

(98 - 44) - 10 = _____________________ 8.

(85 - 21) - 32 = _____________________ 9.

(79 - 14) - 53 = _____________________ 10.

(96 - 42) - 22 = _____________________ 11. Fill in the missing numbers


(48 - 20) - 3

_____________________ 12. Fill in the missing numbers

(69 - 10) - 24 _____________________


_____________________ 3.

TUESDAY: Hundred Square

1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91

5. Subtract 23 from all the numbers on the first row.

MONDAY: Target Boards

36 35 24 45 63 6 18 30 48 41 22 12 54 60 51 42




Use a glass to find how many glasses

of water fill each of the following containers.

Estimate first.





apples glasses

















Which container holds the most?

How many cups fill a kettle? Estimate

_____________________ Which container holds the least? _____________________ Which holds more, the lunchbox or the jug? _____________________ Use different objects to fill the different containers. Estimate first. How many egg cups fill a glass? Estimate


_____________________ How many cups fill a lunchbox? Estimate



_____________________ How many egg cups fill a kettle? Estimate


_____________________ How many cups fill a jug? Estimate


_____________________ How many jugs fill a bucket? Estimate


_____________________ Without measuring, can you use the information above to work out how many cups fill a bucket? Explain your answer.

_____________________ How many lunchboxes fill a bucket? Estimate





WEEK 31 4. 44 - 9 = ?

Example: 34 - 7 = ? We will solve this by working out how many we count on to 7 to get to 34. 7 10 30 34 +20















_____________________ 3. 53 - 7 = ?









TU 56 -_______ 24




50 ?




64 = 55

+ + = TU TU TU 27 52 37 -_______ 9 -_______ 7 -______ 8

_____________________ 7. 8. 9.

53 =



TU 38 +_______ 45

6. Round the numbers 18 and 41 to the nearest 10 and estimate the answer. My Estimate


4. Draw a circle around the group which has more. 4 groups of 10 9 groups of 5 _____________________ 5. What 3 coins do I need to make €1.70?


_____________________ 8. There are 9 cars in the car park. 8 more cars come along but 5 cars leave. How many cars are now in the car park? _____________________ 9. Jess has red and yellow roses in her garden. She has 20 roses altogether. If ¼ of them are red, how many are yellow?

FRIDAY: Challenge



_____________________ 7. Draw a circle around ¾ of the stars.

_____________________ 3. Finish the Number Triangle and then make 4 number sentences using the numbers. 62

= + = + = = _____________________


10 ?










_____________________ 6. 55 - 8 = ?


30 ?









_____________________ 2. 35 - 8 = ?


_____________________ 5. 64 - 5 = ?

3 + 20 + 4 = 27

1. 42 - 6 = ?



THURSDAY: Subtraction: Counting On




_____________________ 10. There are 5 stickers in a pack. How many stickers in 7 packs? _____________________



TUESDAY: Hundred Square

MONDAY: Target Boards


69 162 18 117

33 72 193 106

26 45 148 83 95 7 57 176

5. What is the biggest number on the second row? _____________________ 6. What number on the Target Board comes between 75 and 85?

1. Round the numbers on the top row to the nearest 10.

_____________________ 7. What number on the Target Board comes between 155 and 165?

_____________________ 2. What number is on the top row and has 6 units?

_____________________ 8. What number on the Target Board rounds up to 50?

_____________________ 3. What number is on the bottom row and has 7 tens?

_____________________ 9. What number on the Target Board rounds down to 70?

_____________________ 4. What number on the Target Board comes just before 149?

_____________________ 10. What number on the Target Board has 6 units and comes between 60 and 100?



1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91

2 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92

3 4 13 14 23 24 33 34 43 44 53 54 63 64 73 74 83 84 93 94

5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95

6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96

7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97

8 9 10 18 19 20 28 29 30 38 39 40 48 49 50 58 59 60 68 69 70 78 79 80 88 89 90 98 99 100

Use the 100 Square to do the following. 1.

(65 - 10) - 18 = _____________________


(74 - 47) - 10 = _____________________ 5.

(82 - 23) - 40 = _____________________ 6.

(68 - 17) - 14 =

_____________________ 7.

(93 - 32) - 25 =

_____________________ 8.

(52 + 10) - 15 = _____________________ 9.

(37 + 20) - 18 =

_____________________ 10.

(73 + 10) - 24 =


_____________________ 11. Fill in the missing numbers


_____________________ 12. Fill in the missing numbers

(91 - 30) - 34 _____________________ (85 - 59) - 20 _____________________ 99





_____________________ 3. What is the sum of the numbers of boys and girls in your class? _____________________ 4. What is the difference in the numbers of boys and girls in your class?

_____________________ 13. What is the difference in the number of tables and number of chairs in your classroom? _____________________ 14. What age are you? _____________________ 15. Double your age?

_____________________ 5. In what year was your school built (there might be a plaque on the wall of the school?)

_____________________ 16. What age will you be in another 10 years?

_____________________ 6. Add up all the digits in the year your school was built?

_____________________ 17. How many cars are parked outside your school?

_____________________ 7. How many windows are in your classroom?

_____________________ 18. What is the most popular colour of car parked outside your school?

_____________________ 8. What height is your desk?

_____________________ 19. Add up all the digits on the number plate of your teacher’s car?

cm _____________________ 9. What height is your chair? cm _____________________ 10. How much taller is your desk than your chair?


_____________________ 2. How many girls in your class?

12. How many chairs are in your classroom?

_____________________ 20. How many teachers are in your school? _____________________ 21. How many strides wide is the playground?

cm _____________________ 11. How many tables are in your classroom? _____________________ 23. Find the name of a pupil in your class who has a birthday in June? _____________________ _____________________


Maths Trail

1. How many boys in your class?

THURSDAY: Subtraction: Counting On




29? +

18? +

20 ?






_____________________ 2. 45 - 17 = ?


17 ?






_____________________ 3. 74 - 26 = ?


26 ?







TU 83 -_______ 39





54 = 83

+ + = TU TU TU 62 47 53 37 -_______ 1 8 -_______ 2 9 -_______

= 74 =


6. Round the numbers 26 and 53 to the nearest 10 and estimate the answer.



_____________________ 7. Draw a circle around ¾ of the balloons.

_____________________ 3. Finish the Number Triangle and then make 4 number sentences using the numbers.

_____________________ 8. If ¼ kg of rice costs 30c, how much for ½ kg of rice?

62 35

4. A film started at 6:30 and finished at 8:00. How many minutes did it last? _____________________ 5. What 3 coins do I need to make €1.25?




_____________________ 8. 9. 7.

TU 36 +_______ 57








54 ?


= + = + = = _____________________



_____________________ 6. 83 - 54 = ?





38 ?







1 + 30 + 6 = 37

1. 61 - 18 = ?

30 ?

_____________________ 5. 54 - 38 = ?




4. 66 - 29 = ?

Example: 56 - 19 = ? We will solve this by working out how many we count on to 19 to get to 56. 19 20 50 56


_____________________ 9. How many minutes in 1 and ¼ hours? minutes _____________________ 10. Brendan has 34 computer games. Shane has 12 computer games more than him. How many computer games has Shane ? _____________________ 11. There are 6 sweets in a bag. How many sweets in 4 bags? _____________________


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