Information for parents and guardians
This book can be used to help you and your child to recognise and practise the speech sounds (phonemes) of English. This is an important foundation in learning to read. When children are taught phonics, they learn to connect speech sounds with the letter or letters that spell them, e.g. the letters ‘ch’ spell the /ch/ sound at the beginning of the word ‘chair’ and at the end of the word ‘lunch’. A key word is provided for each sound.
Research shows that bringing children’s attention to how they form the sound in their mouth is beneficial for reading and spelling. This concept forms the basis of ‘Sound it Out’. To use this book, the adult should read the text in the speech bubble aloud to the child. The child should then say the sound while looking in the mirror provided, checking that they are forming the sound correctly by looking at the mouth photograph.
as in apple
Open your mouth and drop your jaw. Keep your tongue low. Turn on your voicebox and let the air flow out of your mouth.
as in acorn
Open your mouth and put the tip of your tongue behind the back of your bottom teeth. Lift up the middle of your tongue. Turn on your voicebox and let the air flow out of your mouth.
as in arm
Open your mouth a little and put your tongue low. Turn on your voicebox and let the air flow out while lifting your tongue up to the middle of your mouth.
Open your mouth and drop your jaw. Keep your tongue low. Turn on your voicebox and let the air flow out of your mouth.
as in bee
Close your mouth and put your lips together. Turn on your voicebox and let out a puff of air.
as in kite
Open your mouth wide. Push the back of your tongue against the soft part at the top of your mouth. Let out a puff of air.
as in chair
Push your lips out in a rounded shape.
Lift your tongue so that the tip and sides are touching the hard part behind your top teeth. Push out the air as your tongue drops.
as in dog
Open your mouth a little. Lift your tongue so that the tip is touching the bumpy spot behind your top teeth.
Turn on your voicebox and let out a puff of air as your tongue drops.
as in egg
Open your mouth a little. Keep the front of your tongue low, pull the sides your lips back. Turn on your voicebox and let the air flow out of your mouth.
as in eagle
Make a wide smile. Keep your tongue near the front and top of your mouth. Turn on your voicebox and let the air flow out of your mouth.
as in girl
Open your mouth a little and put your tongue in the middle of your mouth. Turn on your voicebox and let the air flow out while pulling back the tip of your tongue.
Place your top teeth on your bottom lip. Blow the air out.
as in goat /g/
Open your mouth wide. Push the back of your tongue against the soft part at the top of your mouth. Turn on your voicebox and let out a puff of air.
as in hat /h/
Open your mouth wide and release the air out from the back of your throat.
as in igloo
Make a smile. Keep your tongue near the front and top of your mouth. Turn on your voicebox and let the air flow out of your mouth.
as in ice-cream
Open your mouth and drop your jaw. Keep your tongue low. Turn on your voicebox and let the air flow out of your mouth.
as in jar /j
Push your lips out in a rounded shape.
Lift your tongue so that the tip and sides are touching the hard part behind your top teeth. Turn on your voicebox and push out the air as your tongue drops.
as in leaf /l
Open your mouth. Lift your tongue so that the tip is touching the bumpy spot behind your top teeth. Let the air flow out.
as in monkey /m/
Close your mouth and put your lips together. Turn on your voicebox and make a humming sound to let the air flow through your nose.
as in nose /n/
Open your mouth and lift your tongue so that the tip is touching the bumpy spot behind your top teeth. Turn on your voicebox and let the air flow through your nose.
as in wing /ng/
Open your mouth and lift the middle of your tongue so that it is touching the soft part at the top of your mouth. Turn on your voicebox and let the air flow through your nose.
as in octopus
Open your mouth and drop your jaw. Keep your tongue low. Turn on your voicebox and let the air flow out of your mouth.
as in open
Open your mouth and round your lips. Turn on your voicebox and let the air flow out of your mouth.
as in oil
Open your mouth and round your lips. Turn on your voicebox and push the air out as your mouth moves into a smile.
as in moon
Make your mouth into an ‘o’ shape. Turn on your voicebox and let the air flow out of your mouth.
as in corn
as in owl
Open your mouth. Turn on your voicebox and push the air out as your mouth moves into an ‘o’ shape.
as in pig /p/
Close your mouth and put your lips together. Let out a puff of air.
as in queen /qu/
Qu spells two sounds/k/ and /w/.
as in rabbit /r/
Open your mouth and raise the back of your tongue to the hard part at the top of your mouth. Turn on your voicebox and let the air flow out.
Open your mouth and put the tip of your tongue on the bumpy spot behind your top teeth. Make a hissing sound as you let the air out.
as in sheep /sh/
Round your lips and lift the middle of your tongue to the top of your mouth. Let the air flow out.
as in tiger /t/
Open your mouth a little. Lift your tongue so that the tip is touching the bumpy spot behind your top teeth. Let out a puff of air as your tongue drops.
as in thumb /th/
Put the tip of your tongue between your top and bottom teeth. Push out the air.
as in that /th/
Put the tip of your tongue between your top and bottom teeth. Turn on your voicebox and push out the air.
as in up
Open your mouth and relax your lips. Turn on your voicebox and let the air flow out of your mouth.
as in unicorn
Make a wide smile. Keep your tongue near the front and top of your mouth. Turn on your voicebox and push the air out as you drop your tongue and round your lips.
Place your top teeth on your bottom lip. Turn on your voicebox and blow the air out.
as in watermelon /w/
Round your lips and keep them close together. Turn on your voicebox and let the airflow out gently.
as in whistle /wh/
Round your lips and keep them close together. Let the air flow out gently.
X spells two sounds/k/ and /s/
as in yellow /y/
Make a wide smile. Keep your tongue near the front and top of your mouth. Turn on your voicebox and push the air out as you drop your tongue.
Open your mouth and put the tip of your tongue on the bumpy spot behind your top teeth. Turn on your voicebox and make a buzzing sound as you let the air out.
as in treasure /zh/
Round your lips and lift the middle of your tongue to the top of your mouth. Turn on your voicebox and let the air flow out.