I can talk about things I like.
I can listen to sounds around me.
I can begin to cope with worries.
I can think about how I make decisions.
I can identify behaviour that shows respect.
I can describe things my body can do.
I can use a good technique to wash my hands.
I can describe ways to keep my heart happy.
I can explain how vegetables grow.
I can say how babies grow.
I can say what babies need.
I can say how others might feel.
I can name people who can help me.
I can show safe places to play.
I can identify things that are unsafe to play with.
I can say why we need medicine and how to be safe around medicines.
I can describe my family.
I can describe how friends share and care for each other.
I can say how friends help and care for each other.
I can work in a team with my friends.
I can say how friends care for each other.
I can say what to do if someone is being bullied.
I can say sorry.
I can create a picture to celebrate our school.
I can co-operate to create a pattern.
I can talk about places around the world.
I can describe a hero in our community.
I can celebrate the county where I live.
I can describe my favourite film, programme or game.
I can describe the technology and machines found in my home.
I can create an advert for a robot.