1 minute read


John C Maxwell



I often focus on Ireland as my theme for March. I link this with St. Patricks Day and traditions to celebrate in Ireland and abroad.

S.E.S.E. counties of Ireland (project work), tourist attractions, create a brochure or leaflet showcasing all Ireland has to offer

Literacy present project work, what it means to be Irish, what are the Irish known for Music Irish music and instruments

P.E. Irish dance

Frásaí na Seachtaine

Tá mé ag dul abhaile mar tá mé tinn.

Tá mé ag dul ar theachtaireacht do Ms./Mr.

Gan fadhb ar bith

Céard atá i do mhála scoile?

Cé hé/hí an chaptaen? Is é/í __ an chaptaen

Bain triail as!

Tá sé deacair.

Tá sé éasca.


Scales are a great way to quickly check in with the children. Children have a few moments to think about how they feel/ where they are on the scale (1-5; 1 things aren’t going well and 5 – really happy). They can then share this with the class and they can share reasons too. Always a good idea for the teacher to model first and a speaking object is useful too.

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