Sustainable Agriculture: Aquaponic Farming as a Means of Addressing Water Scarcity and Food Security

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Mitigating food security and water scarcity issues in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Overcoming barriers and increasing potential for adoptability of aquaponic farming in Abu Dhabi

Abstract As global and urban populations have been experiencing extraordinary growth, cities have become more heavily dependent on imports to meet food requirements; in light of the environmental impacts and food security concerns associated with this, urban agriculture has gained importance in recent years. Aquaponic farming is a form of sustainable agriculture that combines hydroponic farming (soil-less cultivation of plants) and aquaculture (cultivation of fish) and conserves 90% more water than conventional agriculture. Despite international literature highlighting the economic and environmental advantages of aquaponics over hydroponics, international observations have shown that hydroponics is more successful and is being more widely adopted on a global scale. Abu Dhabi, UAE was selected as a case study for this project; despite having the world’s largest commercial-scale aquaponic facility, hydroponics is more prominent in Abu Dhabi than aquaponics, reflecting international observations. Research was carried out in order to identify the barriers that reduce the adoptability of aquaponic farming in Abu Dhabi, and explore why it has not been as successful as hydroponics, through the lens of the main actors involved in the sector. Interviews were carried out with ten key actors ranging from four actor categories: government, industry, market, and research. Findings show that aquaponics has potential to expand in the region, but technical, institutional, economic, climatic, and other generic barriers exist that need to be overcome. Based on research findings, a set of policy recommendations are presented to overcome these barriers, and increase the adoptability potential for aquaponic farming.


1 Introduction Currently standing at 7.35 billion, the global population has increased threefold since 1950 (UN Population Division, 2015), and is expected to reach 9.2 billion by 2050 (Nellemann et al, 2009). This growth in global population, combined with rising incomes and changing dietary habits, particularly a higher consumption of meat, has proportionately resulted in a higher demand for food (Nellemann et al, 2009). To keep pace with increasing food demands, new farming techniques were introduced as part of the ‘green revolution’ of the 1960s, based on chemical fertilizers, advanced irrigation systems, and mechanized methods to sow and harvest crops more efficiently, allowing agricultural yields to triple without having to increase the area of land being cultivated (Lim, 2014). In order to keep up with increasing food demands, the agricultural sector conventionally “expands croplands into low-productive rain-fed lands”, which results in “accelerated loss of forests, steppe or other natural ecosystems, with subsequent costs to biodiversity and further loss of ecosystem services” (Nellemann et al, 2009: 7), further exacerbating the already detrimental effects of climate change. The agriculture sector is responsible for the clearance of at least 40% the earth’s land area (Bernstein, 2013), accounts for “up to 30% of global greenhouse gas emissions” (Carrington and Vidal, 2011), and consumes approximately threequarters of global fresh water supplies (UN News Centre, 2009). As the agriculture sector works to meet the increasing food demands of a growing population, the ensuing environmental implications exacerbate climate change and result in extreme weather events (floods, droughts, etc.) that can lead to a decline in crop yields and threaten food security (Nellemann et al, 2009). ‘Food security’ considers the likelihood of people going hungry based on social, economic, and physical factors; as such, the impacts of food security issues can be felt in both poor and wealthy economies (Lim, 2014). Amongst other things, “the combined effects of…high oil prices, speculation in food markets and extreme weather events” resulted in a world food crisis (2008) that lead to “a several-fold increase in several central commodity prices” and drove “110 million people into poverty and added 44 million more to the already undernourished”; it is anticipated that world food prices will increase by 30-50% and become more volatile in the coming decades (Nellemann et al, 2009: 11). Aquaponic farming (or aquaponics) is a method of sustainable agriculture that “makes the most efficient use of nonrenewable resources” (Tyson et al, 2011: 6), an especially important feature considering the environmental impacts of the agriculture sector. Aquaponics symbiotically 2

combines aquaculture (fish production) with hydroponic farming (or hydroponics) (soil-less plant cultivation) into a closed-loop system that retains the positive attributes, while solving the main problems associated with each (Bernstein, 2013). Despite enhanced sustainability features over hydroponics, observations from international case studies indicate that aquaponics has not found the same level of international success as hydroponics. The global presence of hydroponic farming is evident with the success of international cases such as Lufa Farms (Canada) (Halais, 2014; Shemkus, 2014) and Growing Underground (UK) (Smedley, 2014; Dezeen Magazine, 2014); the adoptability of this type of farming can also be seen considering Lufa Farms has successfully started to expand its operations by establishing additional hydroponic facilities in Canada and the United States (Halais, 2014). As for aquaponics, in addition to some small-scale aquaponic farms that have been established globally (e.g. GrowUp Box, an experimental style aquaponic farm set up in a shipping container in London, UK), some commercial-scale facilities do exist; Urban Organics (Minnesota, US), is one such example, however this has been set-up with hopes of proving “the commercial viability of aquaponics� (Shemkus, 2014). Therefore, through international observations, it is evident that aquaponic farming has not found the same international success as hydroponic farming; this global inclination towards hydroponics is unexplained as international literature highlights aquaponics as the more superior farming technology. The world’s largest commercial-scale aquaponic facility is situated in Abu Dhabi, UAE (Ahmed, 2013), yet based on literature from Sahoo (2015), it is evident that, similar to international findings, hydroponics is more successful and has a more prominent presence than aquaponics in the region. This study aims to analyze the barriers that reduce the adoptability potential for aquaponic farming, and explore why this form of sustainable agriculture has not been as successful as hydroponic farming, through the lens of the main actors involved in the sector. Using Abu Dhabi, UAE as a case study, the following research questions look to be answered: 1. Who are the actors that can potentially influence the aquaponic industry? 2. What are the main barriers standing in the way of the success and adoptability of aquaponic farming? 3. Does aquaponic farming have the potential to mitigate food security and water scarcity issues that the UAE is currently facing? This thesis starts with a literature review discussing urbanization, urban agriculture, and, aquaponic farming, exploring the advantages and limitations associated with this type of farming. A methodology section then explains how the dissertation research is carried out, 3

followed by a detailed description of the case study, a presentation of the research findings, and a discussion section, relating research findings back to the literature review. Finally, a conclusive segment summarizes the study as a whole and presents policy recommendations and opportunities for further research.


2 Literature Review 2.1 Urbanization and sustenance In addition to an escalating global population, urbanization is also taking place at an alarming rate (Mougeot, 2006). In the span of one century, the percentage of the total global population living in urban areas increased from 15 to 50% (Deelstra and Girardet, 2000), and is expected to reach 66% by 2050 (UN, 2014). As a result, cities are no longer able to sustain themselves within their own physical limits, and rely heavily on imported food for survival (Deelstra and Girardet, 2000). Modern food distribution systems depend largely on airfreight and motorized transport; therefore, importing food into cities results in major environmental consequences such as air pollution and wildlife habitat damage through road construction (Deelstra and Girardet, 2000). In addition to the environmental consequences of importing food, depending on external sources to meet food demands exposes urban populations to food supply risks, and threatens food security (Corbould, 2013). Mainly as a result of increasing urban populations and the related environmental impacts and food security issues, urban agriculture (UA) has been garnering considerable attention in recent years (Martellozzo et al, 2014).

2.2 Urban Agriculture (UA) UA can be defined as “the growing, processing, and distribution of food and nonfood plant and tree crops and the raising of livestock, directly for the urban market, both within and on the fringe of an urban area”; it is often considered an agricultural production method that differs from, but compliments, conventional rural agriculture (Mougeot, 2006: 4). “By producing food in [urban areas] where population density is highest” and “connecting people directly to food systems” (Martellozzo et al, 2014: 1), UA reduces the food miles traveled between the points of production and consumption, cost and emissions associated with food production, storage, and transportation, and agricultural expansion by making more efficient use of idle urban areas; as such, UA is generally considered an environmentally friendly method of agricultural production (Martellozzo et al, 2014; Smit and Nasr, 1992). Forms of UA include aquaculture, livestock, orchards, and vegetables grown in different areas within city limits (Smit and Nasr, 1992). Actors typically involved in UA operations include consumers, retailers, producers, processors, transporters, promoters, managers, and “suppliers of resources, inputs and services” (Mougeot, 2000: 14). While “UA has often been proposed as a solution” to the environmental impacts and food security issues that come with feeding growing urban populations (Martellozzo et al, 2014: 5

1), this type of farming has limited production capabilities in developed countries, mainly due to a lack of available space and high associated costs; as a result, “most developed countries currently lack the ability to feed large portions of their population through urban agriculture” (Corbould, 2013: 3). Economic limitations As a result of high start-up costs and the high value of land and labour in cities, UA generally lacks economic viability (Corbould, 2013), and is more commonly pursued for recreational, social and health benefits rather than for economic reasons (Bomford, 2007). Despite lower transportation costs, “food produced through urban agriculture is no cheaper than store-bought food” (Corbould, 2013: 3), cultivated through conventional agriculture methods. Another expense that limits the economic viability of UA is the cost of remediating infertile soil, which can be found in some urban areas; remediation measures include improving and replenishing soil through added nutrients, and constructing artificial systems that provide environments that encourage plant growth (e.g. hydroponics), both of which are energy and capital intensive (Bomford, 2007). Lack of available space In order “to meet global vegetable consumption” requirements for urban populations, studies have shown that approximately “one third of the total global urban area” would be required, without taking into account the portion of this area that would actually be “suitable and available for urban agriculture” (Martellozzo et al, 2014: 1). Urban planners are generally opposed to integrating farming into cities, and tend to neglect “agriculture in urban planning policy” (Deelstra and Girardet, 2000: 46); this is because growing food in urban areas is considered to be messy (Deelstra and Girardet, 2000), and urban planners believe that urban agriculture “can interfere with more productive urban development” (Corbould, 2013: 2). Scarcity of urban space and the ensuing competition for land also limit the capacity of UA to produce food for urban populations (Martellozzo et al, 2014). In order to overcome space limitations, technology must be incorporated into urban agriculture to allow for an increase in yields, without increasing the amount of land required (Corbould, 2013); hydroponic farming, which refers to the soil-less cultivation of plants using a nutrient solution (mixture of water and fertilizers) to fuel plant growth (Jensen and Collins, 1985), can be considered one such technology. Hydroponics allows for the production of crops at high 6

densities in the absence of suitable soils, minimizes land-use, and uses water and fertilizers more efficiently than soil-based agriculture (Jensen and Collins, 1985). As it takes place in a controlled environment that provides plants with balanced nutrition and “optimal growing conditions”, hydroponic farming results in higher yield per crop than conventional soil-based agriculture (Jensen, 1999: 4). Hydroponics, however, exacerbates the economic limitations of UA as it is more capital and energy intensive than soil-based agriculture (Jensen and Collins, 1985), and is restricted to the production of “high-quality, garden type vegetables”, such as “tomato, cucumber, and specialty lettuce” Jensen (1999: 8), in order to compensate for the high costs associated with the system.

2.3 Aquaponic farming Aquaponic farming is a technology that “combines the hydroponic production of plants and the aquaculture production of fish into a sustainable agriculture system” that generates nutrition for plant growth using “natural biological cycles” (Tyson et al, 2011: 6). The concept of aquaponics was introduced by the recirculating aquaculture research community in the mid-1970s (Love et al, 2014). Aquaponics conserves 90% more water than conventional soil-based farming (TinkerKulberg, 2014) and can potentially operate at a negligible environmental impact (if renewable energy is used) (Bernstein, 2013), making this technology an important food production tool, considering the environmental impacts associated with conventional agricultural practices. In aquaponic systems, fish, plants, and bacteria coexist symbiotically to form a closed-loop system (Rakocy, 2012; Lim, 2014). Combining explanations by Rakocy (2012) and Lim (2014), aquaponic systems function as follows: waste nitrogen is excreted by fish into the water in the form of ammonia which accumulates to reach levels that are toxic to fish, bacteria then work to convert this ammonia to nitrate, which is harmless to fish and is an essential nutrient to promote plant growth; as the plants absorb the nitrogen from the water, they act as a natural filter, purifying the water and allowing it to be re-circulated back to the tank containing the fish. Plants respond well to “dissolved nutrients that are excreted directly by fish or generated from the microbial breakdown of fish wastes”; “in closed recirculating systems” that are properly managed, the accumulation of dissolved nutrients can reach similar concentrations to those typically found in hydroponic nutrient solutions (Rakocy, 2012: 343). Figure 1 displays a graphic representation of how the aquaponics cycle functions.


Figure 1 – Graphic representation of the aquaponics cycle (source: CLTure, 2015)

2.3.1 Advantages of aquaponic farming As a result of the integration of hydroponics with aquaculture, “aquaponics closely fits the definition of sustainable agriculture because it combines the production of plants and animals, integrates nutrient flow by natural biological cycles (nitrification), and makes the most efficient use of non-renewable resources” (Tyson et al, 2011: 6). Primarily, as two cash crops (fish and plants) are being produced simultaneously, aquaponic farming has a higher potential for profit than hydroponics and aquaculture, where only one cash crop is being produced (Rakocy, 2012; Tyson et al, 2011). Aquaponic systems also allow for certain start-up, infrastructure, construction, and operation costs to be shared between aquaculture and hydroponic systems (e.g. coolers, pumps, etc.) (Rakocy, 2012; Tyson et al, 2011), further improving the potential for profit. By combining aquaculture and hydroponics, aquaponics also bypasses the main economic drawbacks associated with each: the expensive treatment of wastewater generated in aquaculture systems (filtered in aquaponic systems by plants at no additional cost) and the process of discharging nutrient-rich water and replenishing hydroponic systems with expensive fertilizers (supplied in aquaponic systems through the biological breakdown of fish wastes) (Rakocy, 2012; Tyson et al, 2011). In addition to higher potential for profit, aquaponic farming also has higher water conservation capabilities and more environmental benefits than 8

hydroponics and aquaculture, mainly due to the fact that there is no need to discharge water into the environment, which in the case of hydroponics contains toxic concentrations of chemicals and salts (Bernstein, 2013) and in the case of aquaculture contains toxic concentrations of fish waste (Rakocy, 2012; Tyson et al, 2011) that build up over time. Plants in aquaponic systems recover and utilize the majority of nutrients that are generated from fish production (Rakocy, 2012); this process “turns an environmental liability into a biologically produced crop production asset” (Tyson et al, 2011: 8). In the process of plant nutrient uptake, water use is extended as “the need to discharge water to the environment” is reduced; this process also reduces operating costs, particularly in arid climates (Rakocy, 2012: 344). 2.3.2 Limitations of aquaponic farming While combining aquaculture and hydroponics into one system has economic and environmental benefits over each technology individually, aquaponic farming does have certain limitations. Capital and energy input and system profitability Aquaponic systems require large capital investments and substantial energy inputs (Rakocy, 2012); therefore, in order to maintain a profitable operation, aquaponic farming depends on the production of high-value crops (Wilson, 2005) – similar to aforementioned literature on hydroponic farming by Jensen (1999), and niche markets where specific plant and fish species (e.g. tilapia) can be sold (Rakocy, 2012). In order to overcome these limitations, research is required to learn more about markets for aquaponics-grown produce and consumer preferences, and to obtain “economic data to guide decisions on adoption of new technologies and cultural practices” (Tyson et al, 2011: 11). System management and lack of expertise The successful management of an aquaponic system requires two skills sets, fish and crop production, as well as an understanding on how to integrate the two (Tyson et al, 2011); in terms of commercial-scale operations, a horticulturist and an aquaculturist would both be required, ideally, to run a successful operation (Rakocy, 2012). Studies have also found that while commercial-scale aquaponics is growing, producers generally lack experience (Love et al, 2014). More long-term research is required to establish firm guidelines for the management of aquaponic systems (Tyson et al, 2011).


System balance and nutrient deficiency Balancing three organisms in an aquaponic system – fish, plants, and nitrifying bacteria – has proven to be a major challenge; the difficulty associated with finding the optimum growing environment for all three simultaneously has reduced the potential profitability and adaptability of aquaponic systems (Tyson et al, 2011). Fish, plants, and nitrifying bacteria require slightly different recirculating water quality parameters (Tyson et al, 2011). There is a dichotomy between the optimum pH levels for nitrifying bacteria activity and the optimum pH levels to ensure that plants in the hydroponic system have enough nutrient availability; if pH levels in the recirculating water are set to promote growing conditions for nitrifying bacteria, the uptake of nutrients by plants will be restricted and the yield could decline (Tyson et al, 2011). Furthermore, deficiency of certain plant nutrients has been reported in aquaponic systems that rely only on fish waste (Tyson et al, 2011). Pest and disease control are also points of concern in aquaponic systems, as horticulturists involved with the hydroponics part of the system must use biological control methods to protect plants, rather than chemical pesticides, as this may harm the fish (Tyson et al, 2011). There remains a significant level of uncertainty surrounding the water quality and growing conditions required to enable the successful integration and optimal cultivation of three organisms into one aquaponic system; more research is required in this field (Tyson et al, 2011). Limited Research Research plays an important role in the adoption of aquaponic farming on a large-scale; there has been a general lack of research surrounding commercial-scale aquaponics, particularly on how profitable this can be (Love et al, 2014). In terms of recirculating water quality and pH levels, research has been carried out testing the yield response of cucumbers to different pH levels; however, in order to establish a more holistic understanding of aquaponic farming, similar tests are required for other hydroponic crops as well (Tyson et al, 2011). In order to reduce the adoption uncertainty of aquaponics, more long-term research is also required to understand how different crop and fish combinations should be sized and managed (Tyson et al, 2011).


2.4 Theoretical implications Aquaponic farming is a technology that allows for the production of food at a low environmental impact and in close proximity to the end-user, mitigating some of the main consequences that have resulted from feeding growing urban and global populations. While the inception of aquaponics took place four decades ago, and commercial-scale projects do exist on an international platform, there are a number of notable barriers still associated with this farming technology that are currently standing in the way of greater success; namely: high capital and energy requirements, uncertain profitability potential, overall lack of expertise and system management capabilities, challenges associated with proper system balance, and a high level of adoption uncertainty due to limited research. These barriers, and others, will be explored with more detail in the context of Abu Dhabi, UAE.


3 Methodology 3.1 Case study selection Abu Dhabi, UAE was selected as a case study mainly due to the water scarcity and food security issues that the country is currently experiencing; in the face of these issues, aquaponics has enhanced sustainability features (higher water conservation rates) and production capabilities (fish production) over hydroponics, which should theoretically encourage the prioritization of aquaponics in the region. Abu Dhabi also features the world’s largest aquaponic facility, and the author lived there for two decades, and is therefore familiar with the region and industry. To produce more compelling evidence and increase the robustness of a study, it is generally advisable to use multiple-case designs; however, in situations with limited time and resources, as is the case for this study, single-case designs are the more appropriate option (Yin, 2014).

3.2 Interview layout Ten semi-structured interviews were carried out that followed a general interview structure, allowing interviewees to expand on questions and provide additional information freely (Flick, 2002). Semi-structured interviews were used as having a pre-determined interview guide allows the research to focus on the most important points, and produces data that is more readily comparable between participants (Flick, 2002); these features were especially important considering the time and resource limitations of the study. While the semi-structured interview format was the most applicable for this research, using this format has certain disadvantages, as it may discourage interviewees from sharing valuable information if it falls outside the context of the interview guide (Flick, 2002). Interviews followed a funnel approach, starting with general questions that became more specific as the interviews progressed (Oppenheim, 1992). The interviews contained eight ‘open’ questions (Oppenheim, 1992), were carried out in person (face-to-face) and were recorded (voice only); a sample interview template is attached in Appendix A.


3.3 Sample data In order to establish a holistic representation of the barriers to aquaponic farming in Abu Dhabi, interview respondents were selected from four levels of actors: government, industry, market, and research. Ten key actors (KA) were chosen based on their existing role in the field of aquaponics in Abu Dhabi, or their potential for future involvement in the field. Table 1 details the key actors that were involved in the study.

Key Actors

Actor Categories

Project Manager

KA01 KA02


KA04 Industry

KA06 KA07 KA08


KA09 KA10

Director Department Head Project Manager



Level of Employment


Nature of Organization Financing body Farming services provider Farming services provider Aquaponic farm


Aquaponic farm


Design, installation and management of aquaponic facilities

Category Manager Section Manager Buying Manager Assistant Professor

Retail Retail Retail Aquaponics research

Table 1 – List of Interview Respondents

Prior to the commencements of the interviews, all respondents were informed about the parameters and intention of the research, and a confidentiality clause was read out stating that names of individuals and organizations will not be mentioned during the construction of the thesis.


3.4 Study limitations Primarily, certain actors that would have constructively contributed to the study had to be omitted due to time and resource limitations; for example, consumer/end-users were not included in the research as the sample sizes and time required to obtain dependable data would have exceeded the allowance of this study. Secondly, while they predominantly share the same domain (market, consumers, etc.), the study was oriented more towards aquaponics than hydroponics; no interviews were carried out with organizations involved with hydroponics at the industry level. Finally, while carrying out more interviews would have generated a more holistic set of data, this was not possible due to time and resource limitations.


4 Background and case study 4.1 Overview Food security is a major consideration in Arab countries (Sadik et al, 2014). The Arab region has been unable to achieve high food self-sufficiency rates as it is characterized by restrictive factors, including aridity, ongoing threats of climate change and a lack of water resources and cultivable land (Sadik et al, 2014). The UAE is no exception to such circumstances; according to the Food Security Report published by the Arab Forum for Environment and Development (Sadik et al, 2014), arable land in the UAE is considered severely scarce and renewable water resources are considered exceptionally scarce. Table 2 compares the availability of renewable water resources and arable land in the UAE and United Kingdom (UK) in 2012; this comparison highlights the severe lack of resources in the UAE.


Renewable Water 3

Arable Land

Resources (m /capita)*








Note: Data from 2012 Table 2 – Comparison of Resources - UAE vs UK (Sources: *World Bank, 2015a; **World Bank; 2015b)

Water scarcity in the UAE limits the agricultural capacity of the region, and consequently poses a threat to food security (UAE Government, N.D). Groundwater (from aquifers), the largest contributor to the national water supply (Shahin and Salem, 2015), is being consumed faster than it can be replenished; this is a major concern as over-extraction can increase the salinity of the water in the aquifers (Malek, 2013a), making it unusable. If extraction rates continue as such, groundwater, which is the primary water source for the agriculture sector in the UAE, is expected to be depleted by 2050 (Zeyoudi, 2014). In light of water scarcity in the region, water desalination plays an important role in providing the UAE with its freshwater needs; however, this process is expensive, requires substantial amounts of energy, and runs exclusively on fossil fuels (UAE Government, N.D). Increasing the contribution of desalinated water for use in the agriculture sector is, therefore, economically and environmentally infeasible (Zeyoudi, 2014). Production of food is directly linked to the availability of water; therefore, food self-sufficiency is a great challenge in Arab countries (Sadik et al, 2014). Although the agriculture sector accounts for approximately 83% of the country’s total water use (Shahin and Salem, 2015), and 79% of 15

groundwater extraction (Pressley and Bahr, 2012), this sector contributes less than 1% to the country’s GDP; this is mainly due to a lack of arable land, high summer temperatures, and a negligible supply of surface freshwater resources (Zeyoudi, 2014). In light of water scarcity and lack of domestic agricultural capabilities, the UAE depends on imports for approximately 90% of its food requirements (Zeyoudi, 2014). Such a heavy dependence on imports leaves the UAE vulnerable to food security issues, as the country will be adversely affected by policy changes or any general disruptions to food supplies in other countries (UAE Government, N.D). The high quantity of food imports is an important consideration for the UAE because of the country’s large ecological footprint, and more specifically, the contribution of carbon emissions to the footprint. The UAE had the world’s largest ecological footprint in 2006 (Hails et al, 2006), and the third largest in 2010, with carbon emission accounting for 75% of the total footprint in 2010 (McLellan et al, 2014). Another measure taken by the UAE to ensure a consistent supply of food into the country is the acquisition of agricultural land in countries with an availability of arable land, such as Pakistan, Sudan, and Morocco (Zeyoudi, 2014). Such measures may compensate for the lack of agricultural capacity in the UAE; however, the country remains vulnerable to food insecurity as all regions are susceptible to the impacts of climate change, such as floods and droughts, which are expected to substantially reduce crop yields in the future (Zeyoudi, 2014). In light of food security and water scarcity issues in the region, the UAE has taken some important steps to improving domestic agriculture production, including selection of crops that are more suitable for the region, increasing the efficiency of water-use (e.g. using improved irrigation systems), and the introduction of new agriculture technologies (e.g. hydroponics) (Zeyoudi, 2014). These measures will be helpful in boosting domestic agricultural production, however not to a level where the UAE can be considered self-sufficient (Zeyoudi, 2014). One of the main government initiatives aimed at boosting domestic agricultural production in the UAE is the Zaarie Program, a government funding program that works to develop farms in Abu Dhabi using new farming technologies and non-classical methods of farming (Khalifa Fund, N.D). Amongst other things, the Zaarie Program aims to reduce water consumption and mitigate the environmental impacts of the agriculture sector, enhance food security, decrease the quantity of agricultural imports, and promote knowledge transfer of hydroponic technologies to the country (Khalifa Fund, N.D). The Zaarie Program is currently focused on establishing a hydroponic industry in Abu Dhabi, as the program has approved funding for the development of 16

130 hydroponic farms, of which some are already functional; average funding is AED 1 million (£175,075) per farm (Sahoo, 2015). Through the Zaarie Program, a 10% increase in local produce is expected in UAE markets (Sahoo, 2015).

4.2 Aquaponic farming in Abu Dhabi While government initiatives are predominantly focused on establishing and advancing the hydroponic industry in Abu Dhabi, aquaponic farming also has a presence, if small, in the region (Ahmed, 2013). Along with a number of small-scale aquaponic farms (Malek, 2013b), the UAE features a 1,600 m2 research facility that aims to test the productive capabilities of aquaponics in the region (Malek, 2013c), and the world’s largest commercial-scale aquaponic centre, which is based in Abu Dhabi (Malek, 2012). The commercial-scale aquaponic facility was built as part of the Zayed Agricultural Centre for Development and Rehabilitation (Abu Dhabi) in 2011 and was established using a AED 4 million (£699,120) grant from Khalifa Fund (Malek, 2012), a government funding body. The facility covers a total surface area of 4,800 m 2, divided evenly between fish and plant production, and at full capacity can theoretically generate “up to 40 tonnes of produce and 12 tonnes of fish” on an annual basis (Malek, 2012). One year after it was established, the centre started distributing and selling salad crops to a number of supermarkets in the UAE (Malek, 2012).


5 Findings Aquaponics in the UAE was found to be a relatively new concept, faced with a number of barriers. While some respondents showed promise in the expansion of aquaponics in the region, others did not; as it stands, the current status of aquaponics in the region does not look promising.

5.1 Feedback from actors Respondents displayed an overall concern about the food security and water scarcity issues, and the high dependence on imported foods in the region. Interviewee KA01 says that water in the UAE is very scarce, and emphasizes the concern of depleting water sources, saying “all the water [that] we [are currently using] for our farming and agriculture, we are getting from the ground, but how long will that [supply] last?” As for the high dependence on imported food, interviewee KA06 discusses the associated risks, saying “what happens if tomorrow [one of the supplying countries change their policies]? We are depending on imported fruits and vegetables from all over the world.” The environmental consequences of importing foods were also of concern to respondents; interviewee KA08 says, while speaking on organic food in particular, “There is lots of talk about organics and how they’re good for the [environment] and produce less pollution (…) But what is the benefit of importing organic? It’s not really organic because you are spending more CO2 to import [it], which [negates the] benefit.” Finally, it was also found that the price of imported food is higher than local. Interviewee KA09 says, also referring to organic foods, “when organic produce is not available locally, [its] price becomes higher because it has to be imported.” In regards to aquaponics, the market showed a negligible involvement with this type of farming; all three respondents had limited knowledge on the concept, and claimed that their organizations were not specifically involved with produce grown through aquaponics. The aquaponics industry in the region was found to be very small, with only one commercial-scale production facility; according to interviewee KA06, “There are no aquaponic projects around [because] there is no industry for it”.


The government was found to have played a significant role in setting up the existing, yet small, aquaponic industry in the UAE; however, current efforts were found to be focused primarily on hydroponics. Finally, research on aquaponic farming has not been properly developed in the region, and has therefore been unable to contribute constructively to the expansion of the industry. While research findings have shown that the market, industry, and government are strongly linked in a general sense, it is clear that, due to certain barriers, there is no solid framework in place upon which an aquaponic industry can develop.

5.2 Barriers to developing aquaponic farming in Abu Dhabi Technical barriers The challenge of balancing three organisms (fish, plants, and nitrifying bacteria) by simultaneously promoting optimal growing conditions for each using only natural biological processes (without pesticides or fertilizers) was considered to be a major constraint, and according to interviewee KA02, “this leads to nutrient deficiency and affects the productivity of the plants”, adding, “the yield [in aquaponics] is not as high as other types of farming, including hydroponics”. Due to the complexity of integrating three organisms into one system, a diverse skill-set is required to successfully manage an aquaponics operation. Interviewee KA10 highlights the challenges of managing aquaponics systems, saying “You need somebody who is specialized in fish production, you need somebody who is specialized in biology, biological filters and bacteria, and then you need somebody who knows about plants – how many people in the world can do all three?” In order for aquaponics to develop in a sustainable way, a strong foundation of knowledge is required to effectively spread knowledge and innovate, an especially important feature in a region like the UAE where the climate is harsh and the industry is new. According to interviewee KA10, a lack of knowledge is affecting the growth of aquaponics, stating “That's the biggest problem in the region, and in most parts of the world, most people [involved with aquaponics] do short training courses and get into aquaponics; so they survive, they can do things and copy, but they cannot [innovate]”, Adding, 19

“We are far from developing aquaponics in the world because of that”. In order for the aquaponic industry in the UAE to take-off, research that is specific to the region is crucial, but currently lacking; when asked about research findings in the UAE thus far, interviewee KA10 says there have been “zero findings”, adding, “We [currently] have no information for this country”. According to interviewee KA10, data on temperature (of water, air, plant leaves, etc.), airflow throughout the greenhouse, radiation, and shading techniques are some examples of data that is required, and currently missing the region; elaborating, interviewee KA10 states “we need more monitoring, more data, [and] more research”. The importance of research was also emphasized by interviewee KA03, who states, referring to aquaponics, “this is a new area that is just starting; in our conditions – we have very harsh climates – we need to see if it’s possible”. Using the success of hydroponics in the UAE as an example to emphasize the importance of research, interviewee KA03 says “we had to research [hydroponics], and now it’s the same with aquaponics”. Production capabilities of aquaponic farming were also found to be a concern amongst respondents, as there are limitations to the types of fish and plant crops that can be produced in the system. Referring to plant production, interviewee KA04 highlights this concern, saying “We had trials with a number of different plants, some were successful, and others were not; not everything can be grown in aquaponics”. Respondents also referred to the lack of control in aquaponic systems, considering this type of farming depends only on biological cycles, rather than fertilizers and pesticides; interviewee KA03 discusses how this presents a barrier to aquaponics, while using hydroponic farming as an example of best practice, saying “With hydroponics you can control everything from A-Z: size, production, color, everything; with aquaponics, there is uncertainty – you cannot control everything in the system”. Also as a result of limited production capabilities, it was found that, according to interviewee KA02, aquaponics is not well-suited to grow the types of crops that would ensure food security; however, interviewee KA01 shows promise that aquaponics would be able to reduce the high level of food imports, saying


“We get most of our fresh food from abroad, 94-95% probably, so whatever you produce here will be sold; so the future is [bright], the potential is very high, and the market is definitely there”. Institutional barriers Respondents referred to the approach that has been taken to establish an aquaponics industry in Abu Dhabi as one of the main barriers to its success, as starting off with a large-scale project is bound to have its complications. According to interviewee KA03 such concepts should not be rushed, stating “More time needs to be given to the trial and organization [of such concepts]; if it works, then you [can] work on expanding it”. This sentiment was also expressed by interviewee KA10, stating “You start with a pilot project, then you expand; you don't build [a huge] aquaponic [farm]” in a place where it hasn’t been done before, and “think that you're going to have [something successful]”. The prominence of hydroponic farming in Abu Dhabi has also proven to be a considerable barrier as it reduces the urgency of establishing aquaponics in the region. Government efforts were found to focus mainly on establishing a hydroponic industry in the region; according to interviewee KA02, a government-appointed organization works in collaboration with international universities for research purposes in order to provide technical support to hydroponics farms in Abu Dhabi, further strengthening the foundation for hydroponics. Interviewee KA03 summarizes the status of hydroponic farming in the region, saying “Initially there was no hydroponics industry [in the UAE], but we developed and built [it]; we took the specifications [for hydroponics] and developed specifications and standards [specifically] for this country”. While healthy relationships exist between key actors in a general sense, and more specifically in the context of hydroponics, the same is not the case for aquaponics. Referring to the hydroponic industry, interviewee KA01 discusses the relationships between key actors, saying “we are playing the role of the government, in developing a healthy business relationship between the producers, industry, and retail - a direct relationship”.


Despite the prominence of hydroponics, interviewee KA01 shows promise for the development of an aquaponic industry in Abu Dhabi, saying “We will [start developing] aquaponic projects once we're fully aware of how it's done, how it's run, [and] how it's designed”, Adding, “With hydroponics, we are [currently] fully aware how it's done; companies have the [right] technologies, [there are] qualified people that can help us design [and] build the system, so we want to have the same thing available before we go into aquaponics”. Finally, the lack of standards and regulations specific to aquaponic farming in Abu Dhabi was found to be a barrier; interviewee KA03 elaborates on this, saying “we still don’t have an accurate system that we can use in the UAE [for aquaponics] – in terms of finances, hygiene, and general standard testing procedures”, adding, “we have to make sure that the final product meets the specifications of the UAE”. Elaborating on the importance of established standards, interviewee KA03 states “We have many restraints that are unique to the UAE”, referring to the hot climate and arid conditions, “[so] in order for us to mass produce and succeed with aquaponics, we need to have a standard”.

Economic barriers Interviewee KA01 discusses the financial uncertainty associated with aquaponics, and stresses the importance of financial feasibility, saying “If it doesn't make financial sense, if the famers don’t make money, they won't go for innovative farming”. According to interviewee KA06, aquaponic projects may require up to 4 times more capital investment than hydroponic projects to start up. Interviewee KA03 also expressed concern with the start-up costs and financial feasibility of aquaponics, saying “Set up [of aquaponic farms] is very expensive and [therefore it is] not very viable”.


Findings show that the feasibility of aquaponic farming is also restricted by the lack of niche markets where produce that is grown through aquaponic farming can be sold. Interviewee KA02 discusses the challenge of selling aquaponic fish produce, saying “tilapia, the fish most commonly grown in aquaponic farming is not in high demand in the UAE”, adding, “fish that are in demand are readily available through conventional fishing methods”; this limits the economic viability of aquaponics. Climatic barriers All respondents referred to the hot climate and arid conditions in the UAE as one of the main barriers to aquaponic farming in the region. Interviewee KA06 highlights the challenges of producing in the summer, saying “in the summertime, nobody can produce anything”. Interviewee KA07 also highlights the same point, saying “Heat is a challenge; the summer creates a problem”. According to interviewee KA05, “The water temperature is the most important thing, because if the water being absorbed by the roots is too high, the roots will be damaged”. It was found that controlling the temperature in an aquaponic system was an important consideration, as this measure consumes large quantities of water and energy. Interviewee KA10 discusses the main disadvantages of having to artificially cool aquaponic systems, saying “You save a lot of water on the production itself [in aquaponics related to conventional agriculture], but you still burn all the water on cooling; so, we need to work on finding better ways of cooling”. Other barriers Finally, certain generic barriers exist that reduce the adoptability potential of aquaponic farming in Abu Dhabi. Primarily, an overall lack of awareness was found regarding aquaponic farming in the region, predominantly at the market level. While there was a general importance placed on whether food was organic or not, little attention was paid to the farming techniques used to produce it. Interviewee KA04, a respondent from the industry, states


“When we sell our produce, retailers don’t differentiate between different farming techniques/methodologies by which the food was produced; rather, the main focus is whether the food is organic or non-organic”. Interviewee KA08, a respondent from the market, also refers to an overall lack of awareness, saying “The customers don’t know the difference between different production techniques; even I couldn’t tell you the exact difference”. According to feedback from market respondents, organic produce in Abu Dhabi has seen an increase in demand in recent years as consumers become more widely educated about associated health benefits, with interviewee KA07 claiming that there is often a shortage of supply for organic food due the high market demands. The public’s interest in organic food is an important observation because, while it is not brought to the attention of the consumers, aquaponic farming is completely organic; interviewee KA06 emphasizes this by saying “If you walk into [my aquaponic farm], you just can't walk through because there are so many insects and spiders, because we don't spray; you can [literally] cut [the produce off the vine] and eat it, without even washing it, because there are no pesticides, no insecticides, and no chemicals fed”. Lack of industry support was found to be another major concern; interviewee KA01 discusses this point while referring to the success of hydroponics in the region, saying “With aquaponics, we don't have proper consultants who can design projects for us, who can do business feasibility studies [to] make sure that it will work; with hydroponics, we have that support, we did the studies, we did the technical evaluations, we went through the whole process, and so far it’s working – the farms that have started production, they are doing very well”. Interviewee KA06 also refers to the importance of industry support when discussing what aquaponics in the UAE currently lacks, saying “Specialized companies that can actually advise [on aquaponics are needed], not just consultants, but companies that can [advise and] provide the best aquaponic technology”.


Finally, it was found that the relationship between aquaponic research and other actors in the region was weak, and was holding the industry back from expanding. Interviewee KA10 elaborates on this point, saying “[Aquaponic] industry is basically zero” and there is “not much collaborative work at all” with different actors. The research facility in the UAE is also a source of production, and interviewee KA10 discusses the challenges of aquaponic produce reaching the market, saying “In regards to the distribution system, we have been able to sell some of our product, but it’s not easy” because “there is no system, nothing” to facilitate the distribution process. Adding, “If you have small production facility, you can’t find a good buyer; buyers are not interested because their system works well, so it is really difficult to reach a market”. According to interviewee KA10, such challenges stem from regulation issues, rather than demand issues. Discussing the quality of the produce, interviewee KA10 says “People really love the product”, adding, “it tastes beautiful”.

5.3 Potential for aquaponic farming in Abu Dhabi Certain respondents remain optimistic that aquaponics has the potential to develop in the region, despite some of the associated barriers. Interviewee KA06 makes a case for aquaponics, detailing the environmental benefits of using aquaponic rather than hydroponic farming, saying “One area in which hydroponics cannot compare with aquaponics, is that in aquaponics, there is zero water discharge; whereas in hydroponics, after every crop you have all that brine and [water with] concentrated chemicals being discharged into the environment”. Comparing the water conservation capabilities between aquaponics and hydroponics, interviewee KA10 says that cooling and production consume roughly the same amounts of water in both technologies, but details the advantages of aquaponics by saying “In hydroponics, very often you change all [the water], so that's where you lose some more”.


Water conservation capabilities of aquaponic farming were also emphasized by interviewee KA04, who states that aquaponics conserves 90% more water than conventional soil-based agriculture. According to interviewees KA06 and KA10, aquaponics produces food that supersedes hydroponics in terms of quality. Discussing the health, environmental, and economic benefits of aquaponics compared to hydroponics, interviewee KA06 states “[You have] two products (fish and vegetables) rather than one product; you are not feeding [the system] chemicals or fertilizers, and you are not buying [chemicals or fertilizers]; you actually only [need to buy] the fish food, and by selling the fish you are making profit - so you are covering your expenses and making a profit off the fish, [on top of the] profit that you are making off the vegetables”. Interviewee KA05 remains optimistic about the future of aquaponics in Abu Dhabi, saying “For aquaponics, in the future, I think it will be booming”.


6 Discussion This study has found that, in line with findings from collective literature sources, hydroponic farming is widely more prominent than aquaponic farming in the UAE. When considering aquaponics as a means of addressing the country’s most urgent concerns, water scarcity and food security, it was found that aquaponics is theoretically a sound means of mitigating water scarcity issues and reducing the quantity of imports into the country; however, food security, in the traditional meaning of the term, cannot be achieved through this farming technology.

6.1 Aquaponics as a solution to food security and water scarcity issues In line with literature findings by Zeyoudi (2014), general feedback from respondents confirmed that the UAE is highly dependent on agricultural imports; in light of this, food security is a major concern, and respondents placed a particular emphasis on the consequences of policy changes in countries from where imports are coming, a point that was also highlighted in the UAE White Paper (UAE Government, N.D). Respondents showed concern that aquaponic farming is not well-suited to ensure food security and self-sufficiency in the country, due to the limited production capabilities of the system; this supports literature by Zeyoudi (2014) and Corbould (2013) who display similar concerns about the ability of modern farming technologies (e.g. hydroponics, aquaponics) and urban agriculture to ensure food security. It can be therefore concluded that, while aquaponic farming can mitigate some of the food imports into the country, it cannot be expected to make the UAE self-sufficient. The high quantity of food imports proved to be a concern to respondents from different categories, with factors such as price and environmental implications of imported foods being mentioned as main concerns; reducing the quantity of imports into the country is therefore an important measure, especially considering the ecological footprint and carbon emissions associated with the UAE, that are highlighted in literature by Hails et al (2006) and McLellan et al (2014). Water scarcity is also a major concern amongst respondents, particularly at the industry and government levels. Respondents displayed a particular concern about over-extraction of water from natural aquifers, the consequences of which include potential and foreseeable depletion; these issues were highlighted in literature by Zeyoudi (2014) and Malek (2013a). This emphasizes the importance of implementing new farming technologies, such as aquaponics, which according to respondents can save up to 90% more water than conventional agriculture; this information is supported in literature by Tinker-Kulberg (2014). 27

6.2 Aquaponics vs hydroponics A number of respondents highlighted the advantages of aquaponics over hydroponics, and discussed points that were also supported by literature form Bernstein (2013), Rakocy (2012), and Tyson et al (2011). Contrary to these findings, it was found that the hydroponic industry is significantly more advanced than the aquaponic industry in the region, which could be due to a number of barriers associated with aquaponic farming. Some of the barriers found also applied to the international aquaponics scene, while others were more specific to the context of the UAE.

6.3 Barriers to aquaponic farming As aquaponic systems must balance three organisms naturally using only biological processes, and do not tolerate chemical fertilizers or pesticides for yield enhancement and disease control, plant nutrient deficiency and lack of system control were raised as main concerns; these challenges were also discussed in literature by Tyson et al (2011). The importance of having a diverse skill-set and knowledge base and a considerable amount of aquaponic experience to successfully manage an aquaponic operation was discussed in literature by Rakocy (2012), Love et al (2014), and Tyson et al (2011); these factors were also raised by respondents as some of the main barriers to developing an aquaponics industry in the UAE. Due in part to high capital and energy inputs, the profitability, financial feasibility, and success of aquaponic operations depends on the availability of niche markets where specific plant and fish species can be sold; this point was discussed in literature by Rakocy (2012), Wilson (2005), Love et al (2014), and Tyson et al (2011) and was also found to apply in the UAE as respondents highlighted that, while a market for plant crops grown through aquaponics exists, the feasibility of the industry in the region is threatened by the lack of a market for fish crops (i.e. tilapia). Tyson et al (2011) and Love et al (2014) stress the importance of research in aquaponics to improve the adoptability and feasibility and reduce the uncertainty associated with this type of farming; findings have shown that, in line with these literature sources, one of the main reasons why the aquaponic industry in Abu Dhabi and the UAE is being held back is due to a lack of research and data that is specific to the UAE. These barriers applied both to the context of the UAE, and to aquaponics at an international-scale; other restraints, however, are more specific to the context of the UAE.


Despite having the largest commercial-scale facility in the world, aquaponics in Abu Dhabi has been unable to take off; hydroponics, rather, has been much more successful in the region. Respondents have questioned the way in which aquaponics has been approached in Abu Dhabi; rather than starting with smaller projects and expanding, the concept was introduced to the region through a large-scale project, which is bound to have its complications. The lack of awareness in the region is also considered a significant setback; outside of the government and industry sectors, very few people knew about the benefits of aquaponics or about the practice in general, including market representatives. The ominous presence of a hydroponic industry in Abu Dhabi is also considered an obstacle, as it has dwarfed the urgency to develop a suitable infrastructure and framework upon which an aquaponic industry can develop; despite being less sustainable and potentially more costly than aquaponics, hydroponics in Abu Dhabi has a solid foundation built on research and well-established relationships between actors. Lack of industry support for aquaponics in Abu Dhabi is another restraining factor; the region lacks consultants, material/service suppliers, and other specialized organizations that are important to the development of any industry. It was also found that the UAE currently does not have a framework of standards and regulations in place to ensure that food being produced through aquaponic farming complies with certain specification and certification requirements. Finally, the heat, humidity, and overall aridity of the UAE climate have proven to be a significant challenge in establishing an aquaponic industry; this is exacerbated by the lack of research data specific to the region. To compensate for the hot climate in the region, aquaponic systems require cooling, which is a capital and energy intensive measure.


7 Conclusion This study works to explore why aquaponic farming has not been as successful as hydroponic farming, the less sustainable alternative of the two, by identifying and analyzing the barriers that reduce the adoptability potential for aquaponics, through the main actors involved in the sector. Abu Dhabi was selected as a case study because hydroponics has a more prominent presence in the region albeit it contains the world’s largest commercial-scale aquaponic facility, water scarcity and food security are major concerns that, in theory, aquaponics can more readily address than hydroponics, and the author is familiar with the area. In line with literature findings, study findings confirm that aquaponics has not been as successful as hydroponics in Abu Dhabi. Key actors were identified that could potentially influence the aquaponics industry in Abu Dhabi, including: government, industry, market, and research. Based on feedback from these actors, a number of technical, institutional, economic, climatic, and more generic barriers were identified that were considered to be reducing the adoptability potential for aquaponics in Abu Dhabi. While hydroponics was found to have a sturdier platform to build on in the region, there was an overall optimism amongst respondents regarding the potential for aquaponics to develop, mitigate water scarcity issues and reduce the quantity of agricultural imports in the region. However, due to limitations in production, it was also found that aquaponics is not a suitable tool to ensure food security and self-sufficiency in the UAE, as only certain plant and fish crops can be produced. A set of policy recommendations has been constructed that would theoretically, if put into effect, provide the aquaponic industry in Abu Dhabi with the tools to overcome the barriers that have reduced its adoptability in the region, and provide the industry with a robust framework on which to develop. Five recommendations are suggested, that will be most effective when implemented in succession. The first policy recommendation is to invest in the research, development and innovation of aquaponic farming. Considering the unique climatic conditions in the UAE, thorough research is required to study the feasibility and adoptability of aquaponics in the region, particularly in terms of profitability, production capabilities, nutrient requirements, and management practices. Once a set of data has been established specifically for the UAE, the technology should be developed and innovated to make it more suitable and adaptable to the harsh climate in the region. It is


suggested that small-scale aquaponic pilot projects are established and expanded at a reasonable pace, once enough information has been gathered. The second policy recommendation is the subsidisation of aquaponic farms and the establishment of business relations between actors. According to respondents, the success of hydroponics in the region is largely due to government funding and the government’s involvement in establishing business relations between the industry and the market and facilitating the process of getting produce to the end-user (as part of the Zaarie Program). Similarly, in order for aquaponics to develop in Abu Dhabi, funding and subsidization for aquaponic farms would be required from the government, in addition to the facilitation of business relations between different key actors; however, this efficiency of this measure depends on the availability of a solid foundation of research to guide funding and investment opportunities. The third policy recommendation is the establishment of standards and regulations to ensure that food produced through aquaponics meets the country’s health and hygiene specifications, and other certification requirements; this is an important measure if aquaponic farming is to become a prominent part of the UAE food system. The fourth policy recommendation is the establishment of awareness campaigns that bring aquaponic farming to the attention of the public, highlighting the environmental benefits, and educating people on the high quality and organic nature of aquaponic produce. It can be expected that such knowledge will attract interest from different stakeholders (consumers, market, industry, private investors, etc.) that can potentially influence the aquaponic industry. Once awareness is established, it can be expected that the aquaponic industry will start to expand as more investors and specialized organizations get involved, creating a sound support system for the industry to develop. Once the aquaponics industry in the region develops to a scale where enough produce is being generated to meet market demands, the final recommendation is for the government to implement policies at the market level ensuring that a certain percentage of produce sold is being cultivated through aquaponics. The aim of implementing policies at the market level is to ensure that there is enough demand to sustain the aquaponic industry in the region; however, in order for such policies to be effective and to satisfy market demands, they must be based on thorough market research.


This study has shown that, with the help of certain policy recommendations, aquaponic farming has the potential to expand in Abu Dhabi; however, further research is required to solidify the case for this type of farming. Primarily, in light of the prominent presence of hydroponic farming in Abu Dhabi, more research is required comparing aquaponics to hydroponics in terms of capital and energy input, profitability, environmental impact, and system monitoring and management; considering literature findings show that aquaponic farming is a more sustainable technology than hydroponics, this research is important to guide investments towards aquaponics. In order to reduce the uncertainty and improve the adoptability of aquaponics in Abu Dhabi, a holistic and dependable set of research data is required specifically for the UAE that takes into consideration the unique climatic conditions. More research is also required to develop a quantitative representation of the extent to which imports can be mitigated (as a percentage) through aquaponic farming, and how this translates to carbon savings. Finally, further research is also required to establish a quantitative representation of how much of the UAE’s water supply would be conserved through aquaponics if the technology develops in the region.


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9 Appendices


APPENDIX A Research Interview Package


MSc Sustainable Urbanism Bartlett School of Planning

Mitigating food security and water scarcity issues in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Overcoming barriers and increasing potential for adoptability of aquaponic farming in Abu Dhabi

The aim of this research focuses on aquaponic farming in the Abu Dhabi, with an ultimate interest in overcoming the barriers that reduce the adoptability potential for this type of sustainable farming. Four categories of actors have been identified that can provide a holistic representation




in Abu




industry/producers, market/suppliers, and research); interview respondents (key actors) from within these four categories are selected based on their existing role in the field of aquaponics in Abu Dhabi, or their potential for future involvement in the field. Interviews are carried out in order to identify the barriers to aquaponic farming in Abu Dhabi, and understand why it has not found as much success as hydroponic farming, the less sustainable alternative of the two. Based on this research, conclusions will be drawn on the current status of aquaponic farming in Abu Dhabi, and policy recommendations will be made to overcome the barriers that are holding this industry back from expanding. This is independent research, carried out as part of an MSc thesis at University College London (UCL). All information will be kept confidential, and no names (individuals, organizations, etc.) will be used at any point during the thesis.


Questions 1. Please provide some background information about your company a. How long has it been in operation? b. What type of organization is it, and what are the main activities? c. What is the size of the organization? 2. Please provide some information about your position in the company a. How long have you been with the organization? b. What is your position/title and how are you involved with the company’s activities? 3. Is your company involved with aquaponics? a. If so, at what capacity? b. If not, do you see your company involved with aquaponics in the future? Why or why not? 4. Four actors have been identified: government/institution, producer/industry, market/supplier, and research a. As you fall into the government/industry/market/research category, please describe your relationship with the other actors in a general sense b. More specifically, can you tell me if you have had any experiences interacting (as an organization) with the other actors in regards to aquaponics? If so, please describe those experiences. c. Can you tell me if you think any other actors are important to consider in realizing the full potential of aquaponic farming in the UAE? 5. If you are already involved with aquaponics, please discuss what has been the greatest challenge in making aquaponic farming a reliable resource for sustainable food 6. Please tell me what you think would be helpful in pushing aquaponic farming forward as a reliable resource for sustainable food? Please discuss this from the point of view of the actor, and in relation to the industry as a whole. 7. Apart from the questions that have already been asked, please tell me if you have any additional comments about the topic that we have been discussing. 8. Would you be interested in the results of this research? Would you be interested in being contacted in the case of further research (PhD)?


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