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By shutting down London City Airport, the east Royal Docks is turned into a fair port - providing much needed green areas and leisure activity space, while still having room for affordable housing, local food and energy production and green businesses.

Fairport is the work of Brody Isaac, Joakim Lindmarker, Abdallah Najia & Laetitia Pancrazi (Turbinellus group) in March 2015, as part of the module Sustainable Urban Design (BENVGSU3), taught by Dr. Tse-Hui Teh at The Bartlett School of Planning, UCL.






London City Airport



Located on extremely valuable land, the London City Airport is eco- Morevoer, the local community is strongly opposed to this airport, nomically, environmentally and socially unsustainable for the Royal and its future expansion, often describing this unfair land-use as an arrogant development that creates misery and guettos. Most comDocks, and the wider London area. munities are opposed to nearby airports. However, the Royal Docks Indeed, the airport emits more carbon dioxide than the entire City of is one of the least liveable area in Newham, which is one of the most London, despite occupying a smaller area and having less residents deprived Borough in London. and employees. More than 18, 000 residents suffer from noise pollution and poor air quality. In return for this community blight, the airport promised jobs and other benefits, that never materialized, leaving the local community isolated and forgotten by the rest of London, pushed aside for the rich and powerful’s convenience and luxury. London City Airport 4,2 million tCO2 / annum £236 million / annum in externalised costs

The City of London 1,7 million tCO2 / annum £94 million / annum in externalised costs

Q24. Overall, how satisfied are you with your local area as a place to live? Newham average 60%


Royal Docks

This single runway airport caters for only 2,4% of London total flight Life satisfaction survey (Newham, n.d.) capacity, targeting mostly high-end business clientele from nearby Canary Wharf and the City of London, at the expense of the local Henceforth, the airport will be replaced by economically, socially community. Whereas, the average passenger’s annual salary exceeds and environmentally productive activities that will maximize the use of these fifty hectares of precious inner-city land. Compared to London’s other five airports, London City Airport caters £90k, 40% of Newham’s residents earn less than £20k a year. for a fraction of the city’s passengers (2,4%, in white), while being situated in an area of high population density (>5000/sq. km., black Its environmental and social burden is not compensated by its small Fairport’s interventions will be linked to the Silvertown redevelopcircle). (FT, 2013). (Map not to scale). contribution to the national and local economy, which is £110m per ment. This development is predicted to deliver 9,000 new jobs from year, representing less 1/5 of ExCel Exhibition Centre’s annual con- the mixed housing and business development, which is more than the 2,000 jobs currently supported by the airport. tribution. 23 MAR 2015 Furthermore, the Silvertown redevelopment plans to implement green and technological hubs, which will attract entrepreneurs and innovation area employment opporAirp orts moose numbers to arethe expect ed whilst to rise further the lastincreasing quarter. to tunities. 60,000 making China a net In addition, Fairport’s interventions will provide additional moose As moose season reaches its close, commission export er for the first time. This isagriculture researchers greenhouses, local employment in urban leisure world wide are turning to centers, good news for neighbouring Mongo- science in an attemp t to boost energy facilities and mixed use developments. next failure to consult


lia, a barren moose-wasteland whose year’s figures. NASA stunned the inhabitents nonetheless have an insa- scientific community today with the These economically productive spaces will promote a tiable desirenumerous for the creatur es. The in- announ 23 MAR 2015 cment of their discovery that crease in green collaborative sharing economy that will empower local peoBeijing -Ulanbataar trade is the moon is significantly By AUTHOR smaller than anticip ated to relieve the pressur e on the overall living standard. arter.improving previou quple, sly believed. This conclusion, e the lastrelative e, s its clnossupplie he ac re e expected to ris ly straine ar on d Russia as rs se be rs, m se which nu oo is the conclusion of a tenm se As moo ing to turnimbala e arelia’s hina a net moose but increas C id e w Mongo g in rld ak nce of wo m s year 00 collabo er ,0 rative project, will have ch to 60 xt This is resear trade withteits ost neour. time. ment to bo st govern As pt the fir UK m larger e neighb th at deliber r fo an profoun er in d implica rt e tions for the moose expo ongo- scienc ned the ates its new ighbouringn Mpolicy NASA camthestun only compet ures. cally itor community as the gravitational field figHistori ’s ar good news for ne aviatio ye se e ho th w with land to approve to China paigners warn se-wastemoves mun initythetoda fary easternatmoose is now known to be of the right lia, a barren moo thatha sa- scientific com in an ery th ve ov sc s di es r el airport ei th expans market would put climate of thbeen Singap enst has ore but the strength to support moose in orbit. cm un no inhabitents none ion tu an in he aller than smset tly crea res. T targets e an at th risk fic r tiny ni island fo nation e sig is is sir to report a n de e According to John Johnson, head tiabl the moo conclusion, hias decreas nbataar trade is T la -U d. ng ve net loss, iji lie expect ing Be be in ly eteof more us of the io NASA Moon Sizing Experiev crease pr e th non of a lieve pressure conclut sio than five the percen onnlast year’s ve is 50,000 ment the ch first delivery of moose into hi anticipated to re w , rs lie ha will ect, head Russian supp moose rative d.proj The bocounte lla of Singaco low moon orbit could be achieved as ar relatively strained ye of se e oo nc the m mbala


Aerial view of Royal Docks with intervention area in colour, scale 1:50000. London City Airport, inaugurated in 1987, is located between the King George V and Royal Albert Docks in south Newham, London. It comprises of circa 44 hectares, and inhibits use and/or development of large parts of the surrounding water and land area.

Airp orts commission lt failure to consu prop erly By AUTHOR



Green Hub

District heating



Electric ferry

Leisure center


0 Scale 1:7500 Green corridor

Videoconference center

DLR stop ‘London City Fairport’

Market area

Closing down the airport will mean a chance to develop the area into an equitable and versatile space for, and by, the community. Our long term plan is to provide much needed green areas and leisure activity space, while still having room for affordable housing, local food and energy production and green businesses. The terminal building and its surroundings will serve as one of the focal points of

Terminal building

Sports fields



Viewing platforms

Student housing

Energy forest

500 m Swimming pool

Clam farm

Community gardens

the redeveloped Royal Docks, connection the surrounding areas of Silvertown, North Woolwich and Beckton. The interventions proposed here should not be seen as the final form of the area, but as a first step of giving it back to the people. The need, ideas and creativity of local communities, in line with truly participatory planning, should determine how the area develops further.

Info center



CHP plant




A park will be incorporated into the eastern portion of the development including natural vegetation and recreational amenities for the community to enjoy. In addition, certain portions of the currently existing green areas will be revitalized and will exist as open green spaces for the community to enjoy. All residents are given a small cylindrical container garden, to be placed within the development, on its own or together with others. These public space interventions are intended to improve the ‘sense of place’ in the development, and make it more vibrant for community members to enjoy.

Beckton sewage treatment plant

Agricultural strips and greenhouses are to be installed in order to allow for commercial food cultivation throughout the year. Produce grown in the development will be sold in local markets, providing the community with organic and healthy food, while reducing greenhouse gas emissions through minimizing food miles. Such interventions are also designed to increase local food production and security and provide opportunities for local employment, contributing to a positive feedback loop for Fair Sustainable Food. Community gardening schemes are also intended for the mentioned facilities, with the intention of building a strong sense of community. Straw, a byproduct of agricultural activities, will be used as insulation in an affordable housing scheme.

Queens PS1 Work Urban Farm Cylinders Wood


(energy forest)

Carbon reduction

Pyrolysis Biogas & Biochar

CHP energy

Increased yield Soil fertility Increased £

Biochar, generated through the process of pyrolysis fed with biomass from within the Fairport development, will be incorporated into the livelihood of the mentioned green areas, increasing soil fertility and carbon sequestration capabilities.

The district heating system powers the majority of the development. The main producers of energy are: Beckton Sewage Treatment Plant, the Energy Centre and the CHP systems in the Excel and Crystal buildings. The main consumers of energy are: Silvertown development, the proposed housing developments, the redevelopment of the airport terminal and the University of East London. The energy forest will be managed to help produce part of the fuel demand to power the CHP Energy Centre, which will be fuelled solely from solid biomass. The forest will consist of willow for its high yields using short rotation coppice methods over a two year timeframe. With this method we expect to retrieve 12 tonnes per hectare per harvest. In June 2013, the Mayor of London confirmed a deal with The Silvertown Partnership to transform Silvertown Quays into a new innovation quarter. As part of this project we are supporting the development as the district heating system will heat the buildings which offers mixed use of space in a prime London location. Fair energy is promoted when the project reduces energy costs for the local community and businesses through the district heating system and CHP generators. The energy forest acts as a main link between residents and the systems’ overall energy consumption. Communicative data will be provided in the information centre and through interactive sessions given to the co-housing elements of the housing developments.




The removal of the airport allows for much needed improvement of the connectivity in the north-south direction across the docks. Four bridges are built for pedestrians and cyclists, connecting key point of both interventions within Fairport and beyond it. When laying out the district heating network, segregated cycle lanes are built above the pipes. Local public transit is strenghtened with a system of fastcharging electric ferries (as done in Stockholm, see Wired, 2014) within the docks.

Norra Sofielund cohousing development in Malmö, Sweden. Image from Kanozi Architects (Byggvärlden, 2012) Co-housing is new to the UK but is well established in Europe and the US, it is where residents share communal space such as kitchens and gardens to increase social interaction and learning. Taking inspiration from the LILAC development in Leeds (Lilac, 2014), the housing developments in the project will incorporate co-housing living to form a platform of learning.

Through public consultations and forums, the local community will take part in deciding the multi-sport center’s sustainable design, and the features of its numerous indoor and outdoor facilities.

Future HS2 to Birmingham 0h49m Manchester 1h08m

Future HS1- HS2 Link

DLR to Custom House 14m FAIRPORT 28m Stratford Int’l

Euston St Pancras Liverpool

Custom House FAIRPORT

HS1 to Paris 2h Brussels 1h45m

Canary St. This sustainable building will feature solar panels and accessiWharf Crossrail to ble green roofs, rainwater catchment systems, water conserving Liverpool St. 34m Custom House 44m fixtures, natural thermal/air ventilation and energy-efficient apHeathrow Passive heat recovery ventilation is a way to venti- pliances. All of the materials used will be locally sourced, recylate homes though natural air flow which reduces cled parts of the airport, or sustainable timber. The outdoor facil- As for international travel, the building of the proposed HS2 and the energy consumption. Using a whole house system ities will use wildflowers, artificial turf pitches, peat-free compost. link to HS1, bypassing Euston and St. Pancras, would make Stratford such as used by Ventive in the UK (n.d.), the projInt’l the natural London stop for trains e.g. from Manchester to Paris, in There will also be an outdoor public pool ect will reduce energy consumption and improve Eurostar’s new, faster trains with wifi and wider seats in business class. air renewal rates in turn increasing the standard of with a naturally self-cleaning system using In addition, Crossrail will cut the travel time from the City to Heathrow shellfish. Oysters, mussels and clam farms living. down to just 34 minutes (Crossrail, n.d.). However, as pointed out by will over time purify the water in the Docks, WWF (2008), more and more companies switch to virtual meetings, The insulation used in the housing developments increasing water quality and biodiversity. why we include a center for videoconferences close to the Silvertown will come from straw bales that are grown on site, development. These measures combined allow closing London City to ensure the materials are sustainable and localBased on the Dutch SolaRoad model, a So- Airport - without loosing business attraction. ly sourced. Recently studies carried out by Straw laTrack will be built along the old airport Works (2013) identified that u-values with straw runway. The electricity generated from the bale construction can be as low as 0.1. solar-powered track will be used in two sustainable viewing docks, which will display local energy production and consumption Fair housing as a concept is being promoted through co-housing in the to the public in order to increase awareness. project and that over 50 percent of homes will be affordable to help alleviate London’s housing crisis. The co-housing areas will hold opportunity events available to residents to share knowledge on community gar- These interventions promote a healthier lifestyle, increase green and dens, woodland management, being more in touch with their resource public spaces, and reduce carbon emissions and energy consumpconsumption and any other information or workshops they require. tion, creating an escalating sustainable effect in the area. Continual interaction between people and nature increases environmental awareness and education, which promotes sustainable behaviors.



Park and Green Space

Electric Ferry

Run, Walk, Bike

Exposition Sustainable Technologies

Information Screens

Local Employment

Multi-Sport Center Shellfish Program

International Train Stratford

Electricity Production

Clean Water Docks

Sustainable Viewing Docks

Accessibility and Affordability

Community Gardens

Promotion Sustainable Behavior

Exposition Sustainable Technologies


Urban Agriculture


Co-Housing Straw

Individual and Community Development

Cheaper and Renewable Energy

Energy Saving Technologies

Local Employment Technology and Green Hub New Economic Opportunity

Silvertown Redevelopment

Increase Social Human Capital


A close-up on the feedback loops for the communities of the area reveals how the proposed interventions increase social capital, health and wellbeing. Multi-Sport Center

Sustainable Housing Development

Sustainable Design and Materials

Outdoor Public Pool


District Heating System Sustainable Viewing Docks

These interventions also promote a fair sustainable community through participatory planning, widespread community engagement

Silvertown Redevelopment

Technology and Green Hub

New Economic Opportunities

Energy and Co2 Reduction

International Train Stratford

Transition from Air to Fair Economy

Video- Conference Hub

Local Employment

Energy Forest

Co-Housing District Heating System Urban Agriculture

and an increase in human and social capital. The community’s continued involvement with its natural and technological environment further stimulates sustainable behaviors, community, as well as, individual development, and increases public health. Furthermore, these interventions support the creation of a sustainable local economy. Indeed, they provide numerous local employment opportunities, reduce poverty and deprivation in the area, and increase the standard of living.

Multi-Modal Public Transport

Electric Ferry

Sustainable Housing Development

Pyrolysis/ Biochar

The five inter-related interventions create numerous positive feedback loops, which form the Royal Docks sustainable lifestyle feedback loop, creating an increasing sustainable effect in the area. Each intervention focuses on areas that impact on individuals’ behaviors, therefore modifying them through these feedback loops. These close loops also create a resilient local network between animate and inanimate actors.

Energy Forest


Participatory Planning



Community Engagement


Local Food Consumption and Production

Increase Public Health

Individual and Community Development Community Engagement



Urban Agriculture

Participatory Planning

Community Gardens

Education and Environmental Awareness



Park and Green Space

Promotion Sustainable Behavior

Information Screens

Increase Water Quality and Biodiversity

Promotion Sustainable Transport


Increased Food Security

Filtration Cleaning

Outdoor Public Pool

Exposition Nature

Promotion Sustainable Transport

Exposition Nature

Videoconferences Multi-Modal Public Transport

Multi-Sport Center

Education and Environmental Awareness


Market Place

Reducing Poverty Deprivation & Unemployment

Increase Standard of Living




As for the economic sustainability and viability of the project, the re-configurations of and additions to the spaces and facilities of the area will provide local employment, suggesting a more diverse community based economy.


Phase 1 – 2015 - 2017 • • • • • • • • •

0 Scale 1:7500

500 m

Phase 2 2018 - 2019 • • • • •

0 Scale 1:7500

500 m

Stop Airport Expansion Close Airport Car Park Increase Aircraft Landing Fee Open Airport to Public when Closed (Sat noon - Sun noon) Start Decontamination of the Runways Green Areas Start Filtering Pool with Oysters & Shellfish Clean Up CHP Areas & Plant Energy Forest Lay Foundations of District Heating System Start Silvertown Development

Build Housing Developments Complete Silvertown Development Lay Out Green Corridor to Silvertown & Thames Barrier Park Finish CHP Energy Centre Complete District Heating System & Build Bike Lanes

Phase 3 2020 - 2023 • • • • • • • •

Close the Airport to Flights Regeneration of Airport with Market and Farm Opening Build the Leisure Centre Build the Viewing Docks Build Information Centre Build Bridges Build SolaTrack Start Operation of Electric Ferry



Funding for the project will be drawn from a number of different sources and mechanisms, depending on the type of intervention. Since Fairport will create a high profile sustainable area using cutting edge technology, both public and private organisations could be expected to show interest in the project. The Green Investment Bank, the European Structural and Investment Funds and the Greater London Authority are examples of possible sponsors and investors. Despite being included in the EU Emissions Trading System, aviation emissions continue to grow (EU, 2015). Therefore, it is important to quickly either reduce the number of free allocations, or to introduce a separate tax on kerosene. In addition, the aircraft landing fee for London City Airport should be increased from today’s £1031 (peak, source LCY, 2013) to £1531. With a reduction from 90000 to 80000 flights per year, this would still bring in an additional £120 million under during the Phase 2 of the project, to be used for redeveloping the terminal building and decontaminating surrounding areas.

Brymer, E., Downey, G., Gray, T. (2009) Extreme Sports as a Precursor to Environmental Sustainability. Journal of Sport Tourism. [Online] 14 (2-3), 193-204 Byggvärlden, 2012, http://www.byggvarlden.se/malmos-forsta-kollektivhus-for-alla-57690/nyhet.html# City of London. 2009. City of London Carbon Footprint: A Study to Determine the Carbon Footprint of the City of London. Crossrail, n.d., Time calculator at: http://www.crossrail.co.uk/benefits/crossrail-in-numbers Sport England. 2013. Affordable Sport Centres. Sport England. 2008. Developing Sustainable Sport Facilities: A Toolkit for the Development of a Sustainable Community Sports Hub. Sport England. 2007. Environmental Sustainability: Promoting Sustainable Design for Sports. EU, 2015, http://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/transport/aviation/index_en.htm FT, 2013, http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/3778d956-c229-11e2-ab6600144feab7de.html#axzz3VA0gIkCx LCY, 2013, Fees and charges, http://lcacc.org/fees/fees13.pdf Lilac, 2014, http://www.lilac.coop/ New Economics Foundation. 2011. Royal Docks Revival: Replacing London City Airport. Straw Work. 2013. Straw Bale Energy Efficiency. Available: http:// www.strawworks.co.uk/straw-bale-in-north-kesteven/. [Accessed 1st Mar 2015] Ventive, n.d., http://www.ventive.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Ventive-C-Datasheet-v1.2.pdf Wired, 2014, http://www.wired.com/2014/04/stockholm-electric-ferry/ WWF, 2008, Traveling light http://www.wwf.org.uk/filelibrary/pdf/ travelling_light.pdf

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