[NADIR, A ](2018)[M1D Translation Syllabus - Semester 2]. Algeria: University of Blida 2.

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‫الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية‬ People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria Ministry of Higher Education ‫وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي‬ and Scientific Research ‫ – علي لونيسي‬2 ‫جامعة البليدة‬ University of Blida 2 – Ali Lounici Faculty of Arts and Languages ‫كلية الاداب واللغات‬ Department of English ‫قسم اللغة النجليزية‬

GRADUATE TURORIAL SYLLABUS Degree: MA in Didactics of Foreign Languages Level : 1st Year ; Semester: 2nd ; Module: Translation Course Code: UET

Credits: 1

Instructor: Mr. Abdelkader NADIR

Coefficient: 1 (Assistant Professor)

1. Tutorial Work Load: 22h30 + (1h30): 22h30 class hrs (15 sessions of 90 min each) + (1h30 end-of-term exam).

2. Course Description: This is a weekly tutorial which is based on a practical approach. That is to say, it provides an opportunity for students to translate different types of texts from Arabic into English. Students will be translating texts (1) according to their function: narrative, informative, descriptive etc. and (2) according to their genre. Texts will be extracted from different books, magazines, newspapers, articles, etc. Students are also encouraged to take part in the course by delivering oral presentations.

3. Course Objectives: This tutorial aims at: 1. Enhancing students’ skills in translating short texts from Arabic into English. 2. Developing students’ skills in observing, analysing and commenting on translation activities at sentence, paragraph and text levels. 3. Enabling students to solve the lexical, grammatical and semantic problems in translation as well as the cultural and stylistic ones. 4. Enabling students to distinguish between different types of registers, genres and styles. 5. Developing students’ critical thinking skills regarding translation theoretical frameworks. 6. Developing students’ translation-related skills in doing research, presenting and using technology.

3. Course Sub-skills & Target Skills: 1

1. Advanced receptive and productive language skills. 2. Advanced-level reading skills of translation-related resources and of different text genres. 3. Appropriate use of monolingual, bilingual and multilingual dictionaries. 4. Manipulation of syntactic categories and structures in Arabic and English. 5. Use of computer, Internet research tools, e-mail, ‌ 6. 7. 8. 9.

Focus will be then on the following target skills: Advanced-level skills in academic presenting and writing. Production of electronic versions of translations & presentations using computers. Production/Final Translation of different short texts from Arabic into English. Higher-order skills: analysis of source texts, synthesis of ideas, criticism of translation theoretical frameworks.

4. Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, students will autonomously be able to: 1. Produce equivalent translations of short texts from Arabic into English that have the same function and impact as the source; 2. Find solutions to different types of problems in the translation activity at sentence, paragraph and text level; 3. Produce cohesive and coherent translations. 4. Assess the quality of translated texts.

5. Work Method: This tutorial is mostly based on practical translating from Arabic into English in light of the theoretical debates over the quality of translation. As for the procedural method, students are, first, asked to translate the first paragraphs in the classroom. Second, their translations are corrected on the board to activate their translation skills and sub-skills in addition to their knowledge of the different translation methods and techniques. Third, students are assigned to finish their work at home to solve the remaining translation-related problems. Fourth, to foster students’ learning, they are encouraged to do oral presentations on cohesion and coherence matters. Fifth, students’ autonomy is also encouraged by giving them the opportunity to do extra activities.

6. Assessment Method 1. Follow-Up/On-going assessment: Attendance + oral presentation(s) + written version + translation(s) = 20/20 2. End-of-Term Written Exam: Content: The exam consists of translating a short text which reflects the different problems dealt with in class regarding translation from Arabic into English of a given genre of text.


7. Course Content/Instructional Syllabus Week 1

Session 1

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Session Objectives/Content - Greetings - Introductory session - Schedule of Oral Presentations


Translation of Text #1 Commentary on TT#1 Translation of Text #2 Commentary on TT#2 Translation of Text #3 Commentary on TT#3 Translation of Text #4 Commentary on TT#4 Translation of Text #5 Commentary on TT#5 Translation of Text #6 Commentary on TT#6 Translation of Text #7 Commentary on TT#7 Translation of Text #8 Commentary on TT#8 Translation of Text #9 Commentary on TT#9 Translation of Text #10 Commentary on TT#10 Translation of Text #11 Commentary on TT#11 Translation of Text #12 Commentary on TT#12 Translation of Text #13 Commentary on TT#13 Translation of Text #14 End-of-Term Exam

Assignments & Reading Translation of a short text (Translation of Text #1) (SOPresentations): The students will have to present in the following sessions. Thus, they will have to form teams and start working on relevant topics. TT#1/SOP TT#2/SOP TT#3SOP TT#4 /SOP TT#5/SOP TT#6/SOP TT#7 TT#8/SOPs TT#9/SOPs TT#10/SOPs TT#11/SOPs TT#12/SOPs TT#13/SOPs TT#14/SOPs

N.B. (1) SOPs may be about cohesion and coherence problems in translation. (2) As regards Reading Notes, no class reading is planned, but for self-study the students have to prepare subsequent sessions by reading the books and 3

manuals available in the Library of the Faculty of A & L (Bloc C) (Cf. Bibliography)

8. Bibliography/Suggested Readings: Abu-SSaydeh, A. (2004), Translation of English Idioms into Arabic, in Babel, 50(2). Baker, M. ( 2006 ) In Other Words : a coursebook on translation,Routledge: London and New York Bell, R.T. (1991). Translation and Translating: Theory & Practice;Longman: London and New York Catford, J. (1965). A Linguistic Theory of Translation. Oxford University Press, United Kingdom. Dickins, James; Hervey, Sandor; Higgins, Ian (2002). Thinking Arabic Translation: A Course in Translation (NP) Routledge Fassi Fehri, A. (2009). A Lexicon of Linguistic Terms (English-French –Arabic). Morocco Dar Al-Kitab Al-Jadeed. Hatim, Basil (2001). English – Arabic/Arabic – English Translation: A practical Guide (NP) Saqi Books Hatim, B. (2001). Teaching and Researching Translation. Applied linguistics in action series. Longman, United Kingdom. House,J. ( 2009 ) Translation, Oxford U.P Mouakket, A. (1988). Linguistics and Translation: Semantics in Arabic English translation. Aleppo: University of Aleppo. Mounin, G. (1968). Les problèmes théoriques de la traduction. Paris: Gallimard. Newmark, P. (1982). Approaches to Translation. London: Pergamon Press. Newmark, P. (1981). Approaches to Translation. Language and Teaching series, Pergamon, United Kingdom. Newmark, P. (1988). A Textbook of Translation. Prentice Hall, United Kingdom. Newmark, P. (1991). About Translation. Multilingual Matters, United Kingdom. Nida, E. (1964). Linguistics and Ethnology in Translation Problems. In Language and Culture and Society. Dell, H. (ed.). Harper and Row, United Kingdom. Nida, E. A. and Taber, C. R. (1969). The Theory and Practice of Translation. Brill, Leiden Ordudari, M., (2008). Good Translation : Art, Craft, or Science, in Translation Journal, V123 n°1, January 2008. Vinay, J.P. ; Darbelnet, J. (1977). La stylistique comparée du français et de l’anglais. Vinay, J.P.; Darbelnet, J. (1995) Comparative Stylistics of French and English : A Methodology for Translation, Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data.

‫ التمجة البدبية‬.(2003) ‫ إنعام‬،‫بيوض‬

.‫ الركز الثقاف العرب‬:‫الرغرب‬/‫ الدار البيضاء‬، .2 ‫ ط‬.‫ التمجة والتواصل‬.(2009) ‫ مدمد‬،‫الديداوي‬


‫الديم م ممداوي‪ ،‬مدمم م ممد )‪ ( 2009‬التمجم م ممة والتواصم م ممل‪ :‬بدراسم م ممات تليليم م ممة عدمليم م ممة لكشم م ممكالية الصم م ممطل ح وبدور الم م ممتمجم‪ ،‬ط ‪ .2‬الم م ممدار‬ ‫البيضاء‪/‬الرغرب‪ :‬الركز الثقاف العرب‪.‬‬ ‫خالد‪ ،‬توفيق )‪ .(2008‬قواعد التمجة الساسية‪ :‬للدمبتدئي وطلب التمجة‪.‬‬

‫موقت‪ ،‬أحد )‪ .(1997‬علم اللرغة والتمجة‪ :‬مشكلت بدللية ف التمجة من العربية إل الجنليزية‪ .‬ط ‪ .1‬حلب‪ :‬بدار القلم‪.‬‬ ‫عبدال عبدالرازق‪ ،‬إبراهيم )‪ .(2006‬التمجة‪ :‬البابدئ والتطبيقات‪.‬‬

‫عطية مدمد‪ ،‬ف‪ .(1986) .‬علم التمجة‪ -‬مدخل لرغوي‪ ،‬القاهرة‪ :‬بدار الثقافة الديدة‪.‬‬


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