1 [‘Ibn Arabî and His Interpreters,’ Part II-A. In Journal of the American Oriental Society, pp. 733-756. Part II-B appeared in JAOS vol. 107 (1987), pp. 101-119.]
Ibn Arabî and His Interpreters Part II: Influences and Interpretations James Winston Morris Institute of Ismaili Studies, Paris SUMMARY: Part II of this article, to he concluded in JAOS 107.1, surveys some representative lines of interpretation and influence of Ibn ‘Arabî's work among subsequent Islamic mystics and thinkers (and their critics) as they are revealed in recent translations.
Their comparison
with Ibn ‘Arabî's own writings brings out (1) the intellectual and institutional conditions underlying the creative aspects of the Shaykh's work and accounting for its phenomenal spread; (2) important aspects of his writing and teaching often neglected by his later interpreters; and (3) the remarkable diversity, selectivity, and autonomous development of subsequent Sufi traditions as they transformed and adapted his works in light of their own concerns. This half deals with a famous treatise (by Balyânî) representing the "monistic" Sufism of Ibn Sab‘în (and its many critics); an interesting apocryphal work (actually by a later Qâdiri writer); the influential Persian works of Nasafî; and the decisive role of the metaphysically oriented teachings of Ibn ‘Arabî's disciple and son-in-law S. Qûnawî and his successors. INTRODUCTION Paraphrasing Whitehead's famous remark about Plato—and with something of the same degree of exaggeration—one could say that the history of Islamic thought subsequent to Ibn ‘Arabî (at least down to the 18th century and the radically new encounter with the modern West) might largely be construed as a series of footnotes to his work. To the degree that such a statement is justifiable, this wide-ranging influence must be explained not simply by reference to the intrinsic characteristics of Ibn ‘Arabî's own life and works discussed in Part I of this article (such features as the sheer volume of his writing, the diversity of intellectual disciplines he draws on, his consistent focus on the Qur’an and hadîth as his fundamental sources and primary mode of presentation, or the remarkable scope of his personal teaching and contacts, from Andalusia to Anatolia), but also by their coincidence