THE SEALS OF WISDOM (Fusus al-Hikam)
by Muhiyyi'd-din Ibn al-'Arabi (This is out of print and it seems that plans for reprinting it have fallen through or been shelved for the time being. Not to be reproduced elsewhere.)
1. The Seal of Divine Wisdom in the Word of Adam 2. The Seal of Wisdom of the Breath of Angelic Inspiration in the Word of Shith (Seth) 3. The Seal of the Wisdom of the Breath of Divine Inspiration in the Word of Nuh (Noah) 4. The Seal of the Wisdom of Purity (Quddรปs) in the Word of Idris 5. The Seal of the Wisdom of Being Lost in Love in the Wisdom of Ibrahim (Abraham) 6. The Seal of the Wisdom of the Real in the Word of Ishaq (Issac) 7. The Seal of the Wisdom of Elevation in the Word of Isma'il (Ishmael) 8. The Seal of the Wisdom of the Spirit (Rรปh) in the Word of Ya'qub (Jacob) 9. The Seal of the Wisdom of Light in the Word of Yusuf (Joseph)
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