The Qualities of Great Teachers by Abdullah Allad
By:- Abdullah Yusuf Allad Email :-
The Qualities of Great Teachers
• Abdullah Yusuf Allad ~ Greatness in teaching is just as rare as greatn ess in medicine, dance, law, or any other profession. Although the qual ities that make great teachers are not easy to inculcate or duplicate, un derstanding these qualities can give all teachers a standard of excellenc e to strive for, and guide schools in their efforts to recruit and retain th e best teachers.
Traits Of A Good Teacher
• To that end, Abdullah Allad offer the following observations about th e key characteristics of great teachers. This list is certainly not exhausti ve, and the characteristics do not appear in any particular order of imp ortance. In my more than 40 years in education, including 24 years as a public school administrator who directly supervised more than 130 di fferent teachers, these qualities emerged as hallmarks of the best teachi ng.
Essential Qualities of a Teachers Abdullah Allad tells most teachers belong t o a teachers' association, union, or other orga nization that represents their interests. Typic ally, some formal document or agreement sp ecifies how many minutes per day or hours p er week they must teach; how much unstruct ured time they are entitled to; how many me etings they must attend; and the compensatio n they must receive for additional work beyo nd the usual load.
Great Teachers Of Traits
Abdullah Allad Great teachers respect this agreement and acknowledge t hat it protects their rights, ensures academic freedom, and spells out good professional working conditions.
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