The World News Headlines (Nº490)

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23 May 2013

The World News Headlines Retailers sign safety plan in Bangladesh

This Week US hit by 300mph tornadoes Rescuers have sifted through rubble searching for survivors after a 3km-wide tornado packing 320kph-strong winds devastated Oklahoma City suburbs, killing at least 24 people, injuring at least 230 and leaving dozens missing. The Oklahoma medical examiner’s office said on Tuesday that 20 children were among those confirmed dead and the death toll was expected to rise.


ollowing the collapse of the Dhaka garment factory which killed more than 1,100 people, 24 companies have signed up to an accord to improve safety standards in Bangladesh. Hennes & Mauritz (H&M) is believed to have been the first big retailer to have signed up. They were followed by a host of big-name retailers from Britain and Europe. US retailers, however, were more reluctant, with Walmart – the largest retailer in the world – claiming that it had its own system of checking for safety and working conditions. Walmart Walmart plans to perform its own inspections at its 279 factories, saying that will yield faster results. In response to what it described as “some influential companies declining to sign up”, Oxfam’s Ethical Trade Manager, Rachel Wilshaw said: “We urge all brands and retailers to join the accord to improve fire and building safety standards in Bangladesh. “Collaboration will be key if we are going to change the appalling safety record in these factories; the more companies who sign up the more effective the initiative will be. “Garment workers, who are mostly women, are seriously disempowered in the Bangladesh industry. “The most effective, sustainable way to strengthen workers’ voices on Health and Safety committees is for the global garment union and its affiliates to lead this process. “Audits of building and fire safety will only be fit for purpose with active worker involvement.”

Syrian factions plan talks

Tower Hamlets Cricket made an eye-catching start to the new season with two wins out of three

games in the Middlesex Borough Cricket Programme. The competition, which aims to

provide a means by which the county’s best young cricketing talents can be spotted, saw Tower

Hamlets secure victories against Hackney & Islington at U12 and U14 level.

Cyclone Mahasen batters Bangladesh coastline


tropical storm has lashed coastal areas of Bangladesh, killing 12 people, destroying thousands of huts and forcing up to a million people to flee. Officials had prepared for a cyclone, but the storm, called Mahasen, weakened considerably before making landfall. The storm hit Patuakhali district on Thursday with heavy rain and wind of up to 100km/h (60mph). Early reports suggest Muslim Rohingya living in camps on both sides of the Burma border were spared the worst. The United Nations had warned that 8.2 million peo-

Cyclone Mahasen weakened considerably before making landfall ple were at risk from Mahasen in Bangladesh, Burma and north-east India. Several Indian states issued storm alerts and warned people to take precautions against severe weather conditions.

The storm weakened over the Bay of Bengal, however, and forecasters say it is likely to dissipate within 24 hours. The Bangladeshi government said it had evacuated 956,672 people from

coastal areas to more than 3,200 cyclone shelters. Officials broadcast warning messages before Mahasen hit. Airports in Chittagong and the resort town of Cox’s Bazar were closed, and Chittagong’s port also remains closed, says the BBC’s Sanjoy Majumder in Chittagong. The Bangladeshi authorities earlier raised the danger level to seven out of 10 for low-lying areas around Chittagong and Cox’s Bazar. The cyclone covered more than 175km in nine hours before hitting the coast, Bangladesh’s Meteorological Department said.

Bangladeshi climber dies trying to scale Mount Everest


climber from Bangladesh and another from South Korea have died on Mount Everest as hundreds flock to the world’s highest peak during good weather, Nepalese tourism officials said Tuesday. “Both men died while descending from the summit on Monday,” an official with the tourism ministry told AFP

from Everest Base Camp. Sung Ho-Seo, 34, of South Korea was attempting the climb without supplementary oxygen and died on his way down the mountain. Mohammed Hossain, 35, from Bangladesh, died in his tent a few hours after successfully climbing the summit. “The exact cause of death is

unknown, but altitude played a part,” said the official, Gyanendra Shrestha, adding the bodies would not be recovered until after the summit season ended so as not to interrupt other climbers. Both men perished in the “death zone” — above 8,000 metres, notorious for its difficult terrain and thin air. Five other climbers have died

on the 8,848-metre (29,029foot) mountain this season. Early in the season Mingmar Sherpa, 47, a member of an elite team known as the “icefall doctors” who set up climbing routes, plunged to his death. DaRita Sherpa, 47, died from what is believed to have been cardiac arrest earlier this month. Commercial

guide Lobsang Sherpa, 22, also plunged to his death. A 50-year-old Russian climber, Alex Bolotov, was found dead near the famed Khumbu Icefall crevasse on May 15. Namgyal Sherpa, who had led expeditions to clear garbage and bodies from Everest, died May 16 while descending from his tenth successful summit.

Syria’s opposition and government are preparing to take part in an internationally-sponsored peace conference, according to Lakhdar Brahimi, the United Nations-Arab League mediator. The conference was proposed by the US and Russia, which has backed the regime of Bashar al-Assad, earlier this month.

Deadly Afghan battles rage

Afghan government forces have been engaged in a deadly battle with Taliban fighters at a police checkpoint in the south of the country, local officials have said. The interior ministry told Al Jazeera on Tuesday that five police officers and 25 Taliban fighters were killed in fighting which raged for 24 hours in Helmand province.

Iraq bombings continue

Attacks in Iraq have killed at least 13 people and wounded 99 others, a day after a series of bombings killed 77 people across the country, officials have said. A suicide bomber set off his explosives-laden vest at a military checkpoint in the town of Tarmiyah, 50km north of Baghdad.

Apple defends tax policy

The chief executive of Apple has defended his company’s tax practices over claims it is among the largest tax avoiders. In a testimony before the US Senate, Tim Cook said that Apple paid nearly $6bn to the US treasury last year.

Saudi woman scales Everest A 25-year-old graphic design graduate has become the first ever Saudi woman to climb to the top of Mount Everest. Raha Moharrak is the only female in a group of four Arabs who announced two months ago that they would be reaching the summit in 2013.


23 May 2013

News Dad pushes for more controls on danger dogs

This Week Indonesia mine disaster

The death toll from a tunnel collapse last week at an underground mine training facility in Indonesia has risen to 21 after emergency workers recovered more bodies from the rubble, the mining company said Tuesday. A further seven people remain unaccounted for, according to PT Freeport Indonesia, which mines gold, copper and silver in the region.

Hezbollah attacked in Syria

The fighting in Syria has taken another dangerous turn, with rebel rockets targeting Hezbollah locations in Lebanon. Rebels battling for control of Qusayr, a strategically important western town in Syria, fired rockets Sunday across the Lebanese border at the militant group’s areas, the rebel Free Syrian Army said.

Man City joins Yankees

Two of the richest organizations in sport announced Tuesday that they have partnered to buy a Major League Soccer franchise in New York. English Premier League side Manchester City will be the majority owner with MLB giants New York Yankees also claiming a stake in the team – which will be named New York City FC.

Yahoo buys Tumblr for $1bn

The Yahoo board has reportedly approved a deal to pay $1.1 billion in cash for the blogging site Tumblr. Rumors had been swirling late last week that Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer was in talks with Tumblr CEO David Karp. On Sunday, the Wall Street Journal reported that the board had approved the deal.

$590m won in US lottery

The million-dollar questions have been answered. What are the Powerball numbers, and have any winning tickets been sold? Lottery officials released the winning numbers for the largest multistate Powerball jackpot: 22, 10,13,14, 52, and the Powerball number is 11. One winning ticket was sold in Florida, according to David Bishop, deputy secretary of the Florida lottery. Saturday’s jackpot is a record $590.5 million. It marks the largest in Powerball history, surpassing a $587.6 million jackpot in November.

A Chittagong old boys lead the way: Globetrotting veterans not quite ready to hang up the golden boots. Picture by Emdad Rahman (second from right)

Golden oldies still love ‘the beautiful game’


By Emdad Rahman hafiul Azam has just spent the morning visiting Madame Tussauds and is enjoying lunch when I interrupt a short visit to the Whitechapel Gallery to join him and a few of his club mates. Azam, who hails Lionel Messi as his favourite player is the captain of the Chittagong veterans football team – part of the Chittagong Club Limited, established in 1878 by W. A. Campbell, a celebrated tea planter. With the growth of tea industries during the late 1800’s the shipping trade increased, as a result of which more and more Englishmen and Europeans were posted in the district. Chittagong Club membership increased and on August 23, 1878, Campbell’s provisional club was launched by D. R. Lyall, Commissioner of

Chittagong. The first honorary secretary was R. D. Murray. The club is steeped in history and has witnessed the partition of Bengal in 1947 and the independence of Bangladesh in 1971. Azam’s team mate Rehan said: “The activities of the Chittagong club became noted and very popular, especially when work on the railways began in 1890. Today there are thousands of members and our club promotes diverse sports such as cricket, badminton, tennis, squash, badminton and snooker.” Former Bangladesh captain and Chief Selector Akram Khan, along with Minhajul Abedin, also an ex national captain

and select committee member are both products of the club. The Chittagong FC veterans are currently touring London after accepting an invitation from the Canary Wharf Group and London FC to visit and play local teams like the London Tigers and FC London. Azam has played for both Abahoni and Mohammedan – Bangladesh’s football giants. He is hopeful that emerging and promising talent from England will take an interest in representing Bangladesh at international level: “Not everybody can represent England as the standard is very high. However there is an option to represent Bangladesh.

‘The activities of the Chittagong club became noted and very popular, especially when work on the railways began in 1890’

If a young professional enjoys the game and dedicates himself to it then a Bangladeshi can play in Europe’s top leagues a well as on an international level.” Fellow veteran Rehan, a Brazil and Messi fan added: “We are having great fun. London is such a hospitable city and we have made friends for life. We would like to thank London FC and Zakir Khan and the Canary Wharf Group for such outstanding hospitality.” Chittagong FC veterans are a close knit bunch. All players are aged 45 and over and it’s inspiring to see that the players are having fun, travelling, making friends while playing the beautiful game. There is a good bond and the squad are a good inspiration for others. They finished touring Thailand and after departing London will be competing in the local and domestic veteran league.

Bengali man living in Wales whose child was attacked by a dangerous dog has welcomed the Welsh government’s decision to introduce new regulations against dangerous dogs and their owners. Dilwar Ali said: “As father of a six-year-old son savaged by a Rhodesian Ridgeback dog, I am glad that at long last the Welsh Government has announced its intention to introduce regulations compelling all dogs in Wales to be microchipped by March 2015, creating a proper link between a dog and its owner and promoting responsible dog ownership.” But Mr Ali does not believe the Welsh government is going far enough. He said: “I am deeply dismayed that it has backed away from bringing before the Assembly a Control of Dogs (Wales) Bill giving local authorities a comprehensive and tailored set of powers to deal with all issues caused by irresponsible dog owners.” He added that the UK Government has already dismissed the “Dog Control Notice” approach proposed in the Welsh Bill.

Mr Ali with his son, Erfan Ali

IBB lowers home finance rate F I

Union criticises MPs’ pay increase

slamic Bank of Britain has lowered the rates for its Home Purchase Plans (HPPs), by launching a new discounted variable product available with a rental rate of 3.99 per cent. HPPs are Sharia compliant, ethical mortgage alternatives available to customers of all faiths and ethical beliefs. Commenting on the changes, Imran Pasha, Head of Sales and Service, said: “Islamic Bank of Britain home finance offers great value. Its Home Purchase Plans are available with a deposit of only 20 per cent, with rates as low

as 3.99 per cent, a product fee of only £399 and flexible terms. “This bucks the market trend in many ways. Some banks use low headline rates to attract the customer, but these are

coupled with high product fees which cancel out any savings the low rate offers. IBB doesn’t take this approach; it is simply committed to offering fair rates and terms which deliver good value over the long term.” Consumers with a deposit of only 20 per cent looking for home finance can access the following HPPs from IBB: l Discounted variable rental rate HPP at 3.99 per cent (discounted by 0.50%) until 30 June 2015; and l Fixed rental rate HPP at 4.19 per cent, fixed until 30 June 2015.

ront line public service workers have a better case than MPs for a 15 per cent increase in pay, according to the GMB, one of Britain’s largest unions. GMB, the union for public service workers, was responding to a parliamentary recommendation for a 15 per cent or £10,000 increase in MPs’ salaries. Brian Strutton, GMB national secretary for public service, said: “The report says that the independent pay setting body for MPs is recommending a £10,000 or 15 per cent pay rise. “The ordinary front line

Strutton wants a fair hearing public service workers have as good if not a better case and it’s time this case got a fair hearing. What’s good enough for MPs is good enough for other public sector workers.”


23 May 2013

News Closure of East End Life to hit 10 employees


s many as 10 out of 18 staff involved in the production of Tower Hamlets Council’s weekly newspaper could lose their jobs if it is shut down, it has been claimed. Cabinet member for resources Cllr Alibor Choudhury said at least 10 staff could lose their jobs if East End Life closes. But a response to a Freedom of Information Request last year said there were 4.6 editorial staff employed on the newspaper. Speaking at last night’s council meeting, Cllr Ahoudhury said: “Nothing – literally nothing – will happen to East End Life without views being taken into account. “One of its key roles is promoting community cohesion - it has dedicated pages translated into Bengali and Somali”, he added. Mayor Lutfur Rahman recently raided reserves to ensure the newspaper would continue to be printed into the next year. Communities secretary Eric Pickles has pledged to outlaw council newspapers within the next year, singling out Tower Hamlets Council for criticism.

Stunning new Idea Store opened in Watney Market Mayor Lutfur Rahman opens £4.5m state of the art eco-friendly Idea Store with residents in Watney Market

Pirate film sites blocked

Big UK net firms have begun blocking access to two sites accused of flouting copyright laws. The blocks were imposed after the Motion Picture Association (MPA) won a court order compelling ISPs to cut off the Movie2K and Download4All websites. Top of the pops: Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge (main); Awaara (top right); Mother India (1957) not just libraries but community hubs which provide a range of services for our residents – young and old.” Cllr Rania Khan, Cabinet Member for Culture attending the event said: “I am very proud of our Idea Stores and

they continue to evolve to suit our specific community needs. We have managed to bring library, learning and information all under one roof which make a difference to people’s lives.” There was also high praise from residents. Seven year old

‘I am very proud of our Idea Stores and they continue to evolve to suit our specific community needs’


the Bengali New Year, had been held in Victoria Park. The 15th Mela festival to be held in the East End saw usual venue of Brick Lane

Scotland can “more than afford’ to be a successful independent country, its first minister has said. Alex Salmond was speaking as he launched a paper outlining the nation’s key economic strengths.

The pound has fallen after lower fuel prices led to a lowerthan-expected inflation rate of 2.4% for April. This was down from 2.8% in March, according to the Office for National Statistics, and the first drop since September 2012.

Boishakhi Mela held in Victoria Park erformers added a splash of colour to an otherwise grey afternoon as thousands turned out to the Boishakhi Mela on Sunday. An estimated 10,000 revellers braved the rain in Victoria Park to enjoy performances from Bangladeshi stars as dancers wowed the crowds with athletic moves and colourful attire. Mayor of Tower Hamlets Lutfur Rahman also took to the stage to pass on his new year messages to the throngs of people who attended. It was the first time the festival, which marked

Scots ‘can afford’ separation

Pound falls with inflation


undreds of residents and guests packed out a futuristic building in the celebrations to mark the official opening of Tower Hamlets new community hub, Idea Store Watney Market on May 14. The £4.5 million building designed by architect Bisset Adams who created the first Idea Store in Bow, is a feat of eco engineering. The Idea Store comprises a living green roof planted with vegetation to absorb rainwater providing insulation and create a habitat for wildlife. The building also has concrete plates which allows the Idea Store to heat up and cool down without the use of an air conditioning system. Mayor Lutfur Rahman, Mayor of Tower Hamlets said at the official opening: “This is a fantastic new building which complements our existing Idea Stores. I’m delighted when other local authorities are cutting back or closing their services that we are opening new services. “Our Idea Stores are

This Week

abandoned this year. Police made three arrests for possession of a Class A drug, and one for possession of cannabis. All four people were cautioned.

Zara who was at the launch said: “I love coming to the Idea Store, I miss the old one but this new one has lots of space and so many books. There are lots of activities too and everyone is really friendly. “I’m always coming here, I first came when I was two and a half and now I am seven and still coming here.” The new Idea Store houses an integrated One Stop Shop where residents can access council services, as well as space for adult and family learning.

Plans start for Bengali history


rick Lane Circle has commenced planning its 4th annual Bengal History Week programme to take place later this year. It is designed to help generate and expand interest in learning Bengal’s history, introduce historians and scholars to new audiences in non-academic settings and increase networking. The programme will explore a variety of topics on Bengal’s history and can cover politics, economics, literature, conflicts, population movements, migration, trade, dynasties, important personalities, movements, upheavals, climate change and social developments. Brick Lane Circle is invit-

ing research students, scholars and researchers with expertise in the field to participate in the forthcoming programme. “If you have undertaken research on any field regarding Bengal’s history and would like to share and explore your findings and conclusions with a dynamic and critical audience then please contact us on”

54 ‘grooming’ gangs probed

Police are investigating 54 alleged gangs in a crackdown on child grooming in England and Wales, peers have heard. The figure was cited by former Labour Attorney General Lord Morris of Aberavon at question time in the Lords.

Exam system to be changed

The shared A-level and GCSE system for England, Wales and Northern Ireland has taken a significant step towards being broken up. Education Secretary Michael Gove has written to education ministers in Wales and Northern Ireland saying the joint exam system no longer has a future.

Belhaj may win damages

Lawyers defending UK government departments from charges of assisting in the rendition of a Libyan man say they will consider paying him damages. Abdul-Hakim Belhaj says he was seized in China in 2004 as he was about to fly to London to claim asylum.

Union boss attacks Mandy

Len McCluskey, leader of the Unite trade union, has hit back at Lord Mandelson for accusing him of rigging parliamentary candidate selections.Mandelson claims Unite have hijacked the process as part of an attempt to seize greater control of the party.


23 May 2013

Features Oxfam looks at needs after big cyclone


xfam is supporting efforts by International Agencies to effectively assess needs in Patukhali, Barguna and Bhola, the three districts worst hit by Cyclone Mahasen that lashed the coastal districts of Bangladesh on 16 May leaving at least 17 dead and 1.2 million affected based on government figures. Gareth Price-Jones, Country Director of Oxfam in Bangladesh said, “Through good preparedness by the government and communities, we’re seeing little emergency life-saving need, but it looks like there remain substantial recovery needs. We’re working to assess whether external support is useful given the rapid response by local and national government” He also added,” Oxfam has ongoing development projects in Barguna and Patuakhali, and is committed to supporting communities for the long term.” According to an initial assessment, food security and livelihoods is the single most affected sector. An aerial survey has confirmed damages to crops and vegetables including rice which was half way into the harvest season. Other crops such as chilli and watermelons were significantly damaged. Oxfam has contingency stocks in place in Barguna and Bagherhat for emergency shelter, Water Supply and Hygiene and non-food items which are ready to be distributed among the affected families in Barguna and Bagerhat districts at the request of the Government.

Met officers raided 75 addresses and made 80 arrests in connection with burglaries and drug dealing

Police blitz Tower Hamlets criminals


he Met has carried out the largest ever number of coordinated raids on addresses in London as part of a hard-hitting offensive to tackle burglary and drug offences. The raids, conducted at dawn on 15 May in east and north London, involved more than 1,000 MPS officers and have so far resulted in more than 70 people being arrested. Working under Operation Carbon, officers from Tower Hamlets borough, the Territorial Support Group (TSG) and Specialist Crime and Operations (SCO), executed search warrants at 75 addresses. Supported by Tower Hamlets Council the meticulouslyexecuted operation resulted in the seizure of a significant haul of electrical goods, including smart phones and laptops, all believed to be stolen from addresses across London. All of those arrested are currently in custody in various police stations pending further enquiries.

‘We have been pleased to support the police in their activities … This operation has targeted persistent offenders whose actions have had serious implications for their victims’

Metropolitan Police Service officers, working under Operation Carbon, have swooped on dozens of addresses and made many arrests in the largest raid of its kind in Tower Hamlets

Today’s activity is the culmination of an ongoing proactive and intelligence-led operation to identify and bring to justice burglary offenders operating in north and east London. It forms the second high-profile phase of the initiative, the first of which has already seen officers secure 80 arrests in connection with burglaries and drug dealing. They have also seized electrical goods with an estimated value of £100,000 and have already returned hundreds of items to the rightful owners. Detective Chief Inspector Des McHugh, who led today’s operation, said: “These arrests follow a lengthy intelligence-led operation designed to combat criminal networks within Tower Hamlets and the surrounding boroughs. “The operation has targeted those concerned in burglary, robbery, handling stolen goods and drugs. Other key suspects have previously been arrested and there will be further searches and arrests to come. “Today’s activity represents the largest pre-planned single arrest operation that the MPS has conducted. “I hope that this very visual crackdown will increase public confidence in the Met’s ability and desire to tackle the criminals who engage in or facilitate these deplorable crimes. I thank the local community for their support as well as Tower Hamlets Council for their financial and logistical backing.” One of the victims, already reunited with his possessions as a result of Operation Carbon, spoke of his relief at being presented with his stolen computer. Nicholas Mitchison, 85, was targeted last year as he and his wife, Lorna, slept in their Islington home. The retired professor said: “I still carry out research for London’s University College Hospital and had been working on a paper covering Human Genetics. The paper was almost complete and due to be published when we were broken into. “They appeared to know exactly which items to take and quite deliberately targeted the computer. We really didn’t expect to see it again so were most surprised when we were contacted by the police to say they had recovered items belonging to us. “We were impressed with the efficiency and professionalism of the officers. It turned a very unpleasant situation into something quite surprising. We were dealt with in a thoughtful and thoroughly kind-hearted way and that’s something we will never forget.” Lorna Mitchison, 81, added: “The burglary was really frightening and a rather infuriating experience. “You always expect these people to watch the house and wait for you to leave, not wait for you to go to bed so that they can break in. They seemed very clear about which items they wanted and were determined to get them. We are much more careful about our things now. We were given plenty of crime prevention advice which has been reassuring.” Clapham primary school teacher, Ngaio Simpson, had her smart phone stolen last year whilst she was out with friends. The 23-year-old from Blackheath did not expect to be reunited with her phone. “The phone was taken as I chatted to friends in a bar in central London. I didn’t report the theft as I genuinely didn’t think anything could be done or that I’d ever see it again. “I was really surprised when the police called to say that not only had they recovered the phone but they’d managed to find me as well. I hadn’t really thought about being a victim of crime before but to have a positive ending and a tangible result is brilliant. It’s made me think twice about reporting crime. I would have been far easier to trace if I’d reported the theft in the first place”. Tower Hamlets Borough Commander, Chief Superintendent Dave Stringer, said: “This morning’s raids are the culmination of a pre-planned, long-term initiative designed to disrupt criminal gangs. Every break-in and every street snatch shatters lives whilst drug dealing can have a devastating impact on communities. This operation highlights the Met’s commitment to tackle serious and organised crime by targeting those involved in this type of criminality.” Mayor of Tower Hamlets, Lutfur Rahman, said: “We have been pleased to support the police in their activities this morning. This operation has targeted persistent offenders whose actions have had serious implications for their victims. Tower Hamlets Council is committed to tackling crime, with local partnership working such as this operation with the police making a real difference for local people.”

This Week Gang rape case: five in court

Mayor fires off angry letter over Banglatown


ayor of Tower Hamlets Lutfur Rahman has published a letter clamming planned changes to the borough’s electoral wards following the conclusion of a public consultation. In the strongly-worded letter, Mr Rahman called on the Local Government Boundary Commission to scrap its plans to re-name wards after the tumultuous consultation period came to an end on Monday. Mr Rahman’s detailed his response to the plans, writing that he objected in the “strongest possible terms” to the pro-

posals to scrap ‘Banglatown’, the removal of ‘St Dunstan’s’ from the Stepney Wards, and the re-naming of East India and Lansbury as Poplar North. Referring to the move to drop the name ‘Banglatown’ from the Spitalfields and Banglatown ward, he wrote: “I struggle to comprehend why any individual or political entity would regard dispensing with this name as desirable, aside from as a very cynical blast on the proverbial dog whistle, aimed at attracting support from people who resent the Bangladeshi com-

‘Renaming the (Banglatown) ward as merely ‘Spitalfields’ would be a hugely reactionary, retrograde and provocative step’

Mayor Lutfur Rahman munity’s presence in t he area. “Accordingly, renaming the ward as merely ‘Spitalfields’ would be a hugely reactionary, retro-

grade and provocative step”. The Commission is due to publish its final recommendations in Spring this year. Its draft proposals had also attracted criticism for removing the names of former Labour Party leader George Lansbury and former Bishop of London St Dunstan from

ward names in the borough. Mr Rahman concluded: “I hope that you will consider my submission, as well as the views of hundreds of local residents expressed in related petitions, extremely carefully when arriving at a final decision.”

Five sentenced to death for murder in Dhaka of Saudi diplomat


special tribunal sentenced to death five Bangladeshi men for killing a Saudi diplomat in an apparent street crime earlier this year. Initial speculation about the shooting had focused on Iran, which denied the accusations. The suspects told investigators they were trying to rob the diplomat and shot him accidentally. Khalaf bin Mohammed Salem al-Ali, a 45-year-old official in the Saudi Embassy’s consu-

lar section, was killed near his home in Dhaka in March. Tribunal Judge Mohammad Motahar Hossain handed down the verdict Sunday, chief prosecutor Rafiqul Islam said. One of the men was tried in his absence, Islam said. He said the men can appeal the verdict. Iran has been accused of other international attacks or attempted attacks against diplomats, including Saudis. Days after the shooting, Saudi Arabia sent investigators to assist

Khalaf bin Mohammed Salem al-Ali was killed near his home in Dhaka Bangladeshi detectives. The defendants pleaded not guilty at the trial. After their arrest in July, the four men told investigators they tried to rob the

diplomat as he was going for a walk on the deserted street and shot him accidentally during a scuffle. Police said the men were ar-

rested after a revolver and a car used in the killing were found in their possession. Muslim-majority Bangladesh enjoys good relations with Saudi Arabia, which is a top destination for Bangladeshi migrant workers. Relations between the countries were tested in October last year, when Saudi Arabia beheaded eight Bangladeshi workers who were found guilty of robbing and killing an Egyptian.

Five men accused of raping and murdering an Indian student were read the charges in a nearempty courtroom on Monday after the judge cleared out lawyers for bickering over whether the men deserved a defence. The 23-year-old physiotherapy student died two weeks after being gang-raped and beaten on a moving bus in New Delhi, then thrown bleeding onto the street. Protests followed, along with a fierce public debate over police failure to stem rampant violence against women. With popular anger simmering against the five men and a teenager accused in the case, most lawyers in the district where the trial will be held refuse to represent them.

British soldier shot dead

A British soldier serving with the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan has been shot dead by a man in an Afghan army uniform, according to the US-led military coalition. In a statement released on Tuesday, ISAF said that the incident, which took place in southern Afghanistan on Monday, was “under investigation”. “The British soldier was killed when a suspected Afghan soldier opened fire first at Afghan troops and then at British soldiers,” said Major Martyn Crighton, an ISAF spokesman. “In the subsequent engagement, the attacker was killed by British troops.”

Many killed in drone attack

At least eight people have been killed in two suspected US drone attacks in Pakistan’s northwestern tribal areas, security officials say.Both attacks took place in the Mir Ali area of the North Waziristan tribal district in the early hours of Tuesday. In Khiderkhel, eight missiles were fired at a compound, killing at least four people, security sources told Al Jazeera. In Essakhel, meanwhile, two missiles were fired, killing at least three people.

Messi named world’s best

Barcelona and Argentina star Lionel Messi has been named world footballer of the year for the fourth time in a row, marking another unprecedented achievement. He pipped Andres Iniesta and Cristiano Ronaldo to the title. No other male footballer has been named the best on the planet in four separate years, let alone four in succession.


23 May 2013



10 January 2013

The World News Headlines

Walmart, the world’s largest retail company, has been found to have had ties to a garment factory in Bangladesh where 112 workers were trapped and killed in a fire in late November 2012. The company, which buys $1 billion in garments from Bangladesh each year, initially tried to deny any connection

Bangla Post is looking for a salesperson. You will need good communication skills and good interpersonal skills. To apply, call now on: 0207 729 5295 or email

Life sentence likely for Rana


Cannes honours Indian cinema Cannes, the world’s most glamorous film festival and awards ceremony, is honouring Indian cinema with a star-studded gala screening of new film Bombay Talkies, India’s official entry into the Cannes Film Festival

n Sunday, the 19th of May 2013 Indian Cinema’s official entry Bombay Talkies had its star-studded Gala screening at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival 2013. The premiere event took place in the beautiful French Riviera city. Produced by Viacom18 Motion Pictures and Flying Unicorn Entertainment, Bombay Talkies brings together India’s leading contemporary filmmakers, including Karan Johar, Anurag Kashyap, Zoya Akhtar and Dibakar Banerjee. The screening was attended by all of the film’s directors and producers, and celebrated 100 years of Indian Cinema. Bombay Talkies encapsulates the array of emotions through which millions of fans across the country are unanimously connected. It includes an exceptional cast featuring Rani Mukherji, Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Randeep Hooda and Saqib Saleem, with cameos by Amitabh Bachchan and Katrina Kaif. The film has opened to rave reviews in India and received appreciation from critics, celebrities and audiences alike. In the presence of the French Minister for Culture Aurélie Filippetti and the Indian Minister of Tourism and Culture, the official speaker said: “There are three official flags this year in Cannes: the flag of France, the flag of Europe and the flag of India. This is not just a tribute to a country, but a celebration to another Indian Cinema, which goes alongside Bollywood and auteur cinema. “This is the first Indian cinema which we are hosting and four representatives of that new cinema are present here tonight.” After a vibrant introduction for the directors and the film, the four directors spoke about their excitement and pride at having Bombay Talkies showcased at the Cannes Film Festival 2013. Anurag Kashyap said: “For years we’ve all been trying to break out and express ourselves in cinema and being here tonight underlines we are breaking new ground. Tonight means that we’re doing something right.” Karan Johar added: “It was always a dream of mine and my fathers to be here in Cannes with a film. Walking out tonight with three of the most important filmmakers I know is a dream come true.” Zoya Akhtar said: “Thank you all for celebrating our birthday. This is more than a dream come true and I hope you will enjoy the film.” Dibakar Banerjee concluded: “To add to this wonderful introduction, I would just like to say that the four of us have struggled to get here like any other director out there: Anurag spent seven years struggling, now he has five films here. “Karan single-handedly resurrected his father’s film business and became a director by chance. Zoya comes from a film family but struggled for six years before getting a script made into a big film. As for me, my father wanted me to be an engineer and that’s it.” Ajit Andhare, COO Viacom18 Motion Pictures explained, “It’s second in a row for Viacom18 Motion Pictures at Cannes. We presented Gangs of Wasseypur last year and now it’s Bombay Talkies at the Gala screening. That the anthology film has been loved in India shows a certain coming of age of the Indian audience. This film is therefore a fitting tribute to 100 years of Indian Cinema.” Ashi Dua of Flying Unicorn Entertainment, the co-producer of the film added: “Our film Bombay Talkies has made it to one of the most prestigious film festivals – Cannes. I am extremely happy that the film has received such an overwhelming response internationally. This means many more people across the globe will be celebrating 100 years of Indian Cinema with us.”


committee investigating a deadly collapse of a building housing garment factories in Bangladesh will recommend that nine people detained in connection with the disaster be sentenced to life in prison, the panel’s chief said last week. The six-member committee, due to submit its conclusions to the government on Thursday, has singled out shoddy construction and the improper issue of building permits as the main reasons for the accident which killed more than 1,100 people. “We asked the government to give the highest punishment to all the accused as it was nothing but gross negligence of responsibilities for which 1,130 innocent workers were killed,” Mainuddin Khandaker, a senior interior ministry official, told Reuters. A life sentence handed down in Bangladeshi courts generally means a 30-year prison term. The accident has sparked campaigns in the West to improve safety standards at plants supplying major fashion brands. The owner of the Rana Plaza building, Mohammed Sohel Rana, was arrested after a four-day hunt as he appeared to be fleeing to neighbouring India. Also in custody are Rana’s father, owners of most of the factories in the complex as well as engineers and officials who approved the building permits for the eight-storey complex in the Dhaka suburb of Savar. “The construction materials were substandard and under specifications,” Khandaker said, referring to the ratio of sand and cement used in construction. Relatives of the dead have filed murder complaints against Rana and others in detention. Rana, a leader of the ruling Awami League’s youth front, appeared in court this month before a crowd of protesters demanding he be hanged.

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