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Abegail Merced
I'm a self taught photographer who's been passionate about photography since I got my 1st camera for my 10th birthday. Been shooting ever since. Teaching myself editing online w/tutorials from Adobetv, photoshoptuts+, onOne and creativeLive. Learning from the best photographers in the biz Julieanne Kost, Terry White, Matt Kloskowski, Brian Matiash, Lesa Snider, Kevin Kubota, Lindsey Adler & Dave Cross just to name a few. I want to go professional so I am now studying online classes w/New York Institute of Photography while I slowly invest my money in necessary gear/equip. I'm learning the biz from Sal Cincotta b/c I truly believe in his biz philosophy. I studied graphic arts @ FMU. My hubby's a minister. We own a home based biz called Logos Print Plus. The + stands for the humanitarian work we do w/the hispanic community. We teach them how to start their own biz' or legalize the ones they have and how to promote them. Just trying to help our people get ahead in life. That's me and us.