40 000+ tytułów dostępnych od ręki 300+ wydawców w ofercie dowolna książka obcojęzyczna dostępna na zamówienie 40+ przedstawicieli handlowych 7 księgarń w całej Polsce
Do -15%
SPIS TREŚCI Książki dostępne .............…………….3-44 Neurologia .................... ……………3-39 Neurochirurgia…………………... ...40-44
Książki na zamówienie ………………...45-61 Neurologia………………………….45-56 Neurochirurgia……………………..57-85
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3D Head and Neck Anatomy with Special Senses and Basic Neuro Human Kinetics
1/1/2009 9781904369943 1341.93 zł
An interactive resource that gives you access to stunning 3D computer graphic modeling of the head, neck, face, larynx and pharynx, external, middle and inner ear, orbit and eyes, oral and nasal cavities, teeth, tongue, sinuses, cervical plexus, brachial plexus, plus an interactive laryngoscopic view down the trachea. Plus, you can also choose from 10 detailed 3D views of the brain and 13 views of cranial nerves.
PO RABACIE: 1140.64 zł
Adaptive Processing of Brain Signals John Wiley & Sons Sanei Saeid
In this book, the field of adaptive learning and processing is extended to arguably one of its most important contexts which is the understanding and analysis of brain signals. No attempt is made to comment on physiological aspects of brain activity
6/1/2013 9780470686133 431.55 zł PO RABACIE: 366.82 zł
Advances in Child Devlopment and Behavior Elsevier Science Holmes Joni
Deals with developmental disorders and interventions. This title provides an overview of contemporary research into cognitive, neurodevelopmental and genetic disorders of learning. It is suitable for both psychology researchers and students.
11/1/2010 9780123747488 386.4 zł PO RABACIE: 328.44 zł
Understanding Neurology John Wiley & Sons Greene J
A problem-oriented approach to the evaluation of common symptoms presenting to medical students, including case histories and a section of MCQ's.
1/1/2007 9781840760613 159.6 zł PO RABACIE: 135.66 zł
Aminoff's Electrodiagnosis in Clinical Neurology Elsevier Science Aminoff Michael J.
4/1/2012 9781455703081 800.1 zł
Delivers practical guidance on electrodiagnostic techniques and their clinical applications for investigating problems of both the central and peripheral nervous systems. This title provides knowledge on electroencephalography, electromyography, nerve conduction studies, evoked potentials, polysomnography, and electronystagmography.
PO RABACIE: 680.09 zł
Atlas of Clinical Neurology 3e Elsevier Science Perkin D
9/1/2010 9780323032759 784 zł
Features approximately 2,000 large, highquality images - 1,000 in full color - that capture the characteristic physical examination and imaging findings of various types of neurological disorders. This title also features a chapter on myopathies and myasthenia, coverage of epilepsy, and also a chapter devoted to extrapyramidal disorders.
PO RABACIE: 666.4 zł
Autonomic Failure Oxford University Press Mathias Christopher J.
This new edition makes diagnosis increasingly precise by fully evaluating the underlying anatomical and functional deficits, and continues to provide practitioners from a variety of fields with a rational guide to aid in the recognition and management of autonomic disorders.
9780198566342 989.1 zł PO RABACIE: 840.74 zł
Autonomic Nervous System Elsevier Science
-15% Suitable for neuroscience and clinical neurology researchers and practitioners, this book provides an introduction to the science and chapters on advances in the clinical diagnosis and treatment of autonomic system disorders.
11/1/2013 9780444534910 911 zł PO RABACIE: 774.35 zł
BACE Lead Target for Orchestrated Therapy of Alzheimer's Di John Wiley & Sons John Varghese
This book covers virtually all aspects of the rapidly developing field of beta secretase (BACE), from the original isolation and cloning of BACE, to the discovery of various classes of BACE inhibitors, to challenges in clinical development.
3/1/2010 9780470293423 421.05 zł PO RABACIE: 357.89 zł
Brain Imaging Oxford University Press Lebby Paul C.
4/1/2013 9780199764679 746.55 zł
This book is designed to provide a foundation of information necessary to those wishing to integrate brain imaging into their practice or who seek more training. Information is provided to assist the clinician in interpreting images, determining which scans to order, and how images should be used in the clinic.
PO RABACIE: 634.57 zł
Brain Stimulation Elsevier Science Lozano Andres M.
The field of brain stimulation is expanding rapidly, with techniques such as DBS, TMS, and tDCS moving from the research community into clinical diagnosis and treatment. This book offers an introduction and overview of brain stimulation (DBS).
11/1/2013 9780444534972 911 zł PO RABACIE: 774.35 zł
Case Studies in Neurological Pain Cambridge University Press Zochodne Douglas W.
A case-based guide to the common and less common pain syndromes encountered in patients with neurological disorders and their treatment.
11/1/2012 9780521695268 206.85 zł PO RABACIE: 175.82 zł
Case-Based Interventional Neuroradiology Thieme Verlag Brugge Karel ter
Featuring comprehensive coverage of the developments and technology in the field of interventional neuroradiology, this title provides a review of commonly encountered neurovascular diseases, as well as background information on the rationale for each treatment choice.
9781604063738 548.1 zł PO RABACIE: 465.89 zł
Cerebral Palsy in Infancy Elsevier Science Shepherd Roberta B.
Introduces a new way of thinking on the development and use of interventions. This title advocates early, targeted activity that is focused on increasing muscle activation, training basic actions and minimizing (or preventing) mal-adaptive changes to muscle morphology and function.
9780702050992 262.5 zł PO RABACIE: 223.13 zł
Children with Neurodevelopmental Disabilities: The Essential Guide to Assessment and Management John Wiley & Sons
3/1/2013 9781908316622 337.05 zł PO RABACIE: 286.49 zł
Clinical Neuroanatomy McGraw-Hill Publishing Waxman Stephen G.
A synopsis of neuroanatomy and its functional and clinical applications. It is suitable for medical students, residents, trainees in health-related fields, and clinicians in practice to gain an understanding of neuroanatomy, its functional underpinnings, and its relationship to the clinic.
9780071797979 215 zł PO RABACIE: 182.75 zł
Clinical Neuroanatomy 7e Lippincott-Williams & Wilkins Snell Richard
Suitable for medical and health professions students, this title presents a clinically oriented introduction to neuroanatomy. It features information relating the different parts of the skull to the brain areas, coverage of brain development and neuroplasticity, and also information on stem cell research.
9780781794275 191 zł PO RABACIE: 162.35 zł
Clinical Neuroanatomy ISE McGraw-Hill Publishing Waxman Stephen
10/1/2013 9781259095313 112.35 zł PO RABACIE: 95.5 zł
Clinical Neurogenetics, an Issue of Neurologic Clinics Elsevier Science Fogel Brent L.
Features a review of clinical neurogenetics as it pertains to the following disorders: Huntington Disease
2/1/2014 9780323261081 343 zł PO RABACIE: 291.55 zł
Common Movement Disorders Pitfalls Cambridge University Press Espay Alberto J.
The many powerful lessons in this casebased book convey clinical pearls on diagnostic or therapeutic issues in movement disorders.
3/1/2012 9780521147965 252 zł PO RABACIE: 214.2 zł
Complex-valued Neural Networks Idea Group Publishing Nitta T
1/1/2009 9781605662145 691.95 zł PO RABACIE: 588.16 zł
Concise Encyclopedia of Brain and Language Elsevier Science Whitaker H
3/1/2010 9780080964980 652.05 zł
Describes the terminology in the field of neurolinguistics, the science concerned with the neural mechanisms underlying the comprehension, production and abstract knowledge of spoken, signed or written language. This title is suitable for scientists working with language and the brain. It contains approximately 165 articles.
PO RABACIE: 554.24 zł
Concussive Brain Trauma Taylor & Francis Publishers Since 1798 Parker Rolland S.
9/1/2011 9780849380396 586.95 zł
Offers comprehensive coverage of neurobehavioral disorders in children and adults following impact and acceleration accidents. This book includes comprehensive coverage of consciousness including normal, acute, and persistent alterations. It gives readers a foundation for understanding, diagnosing, and treating concussive brain trauma.
PO RABACIE: 498.91 zł
CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment Neurology McGraw-Hill Publishing Brust John C.M.
11/1/2011 9780071326957 174.3 zł PO RABACIE: 148.16 zł
A handy, practical, and managementoriented neurology sourcebook -- delivering everything you need in one easy-to-carry volume CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment Neurology, 2e provides busy clinicians with practical, up-to-date strategies for assessing and managing the most frequently seen neurologic conditions in adults and children.
Deep Brain Stimulation & Epilepsy Taylor & Francis Publishers Since 1798 Luders H
11/1/2003 9781841842592 401.1 zł
Neurologists and neurosurgeons can now use electric pulse generators to block abnormal activity, ie epileptic fits. With research results that show how electric pulses can help stop oncoming seizures, this title provides the epileptologist and neurosurgeon with a solid background about deep brain stimulation and its application to epilepsy.
PO RABACIE: 340.94 zł
Developmental Neurotoxicology Research John Wiley & Sons Wang Cheng
Neurodevelopmental toxicology has great potential for helping to advance the understanding of brain-related biological processes. This book explains how systems biology, pharmacogenomic, and behavioral approaches are applied to analyze neurodevelopmental toxicology.
9780470426722 581.7 zł PO RABACIE: 494.45 zł
Diagnostic Pathology Neuropathology Lippincott-Williams & Wilkins Burger
Suitable for pathologists needing expert guidance in neuropathology, this book showcases nearly 1,700 high-quality pathology images, including a variety of pathology stains and professionally designed medical illustrations.
4/1/2012 9781931884587 1044 zł PO RABACIE: 887.41 zł
Duus' Topical Dianosis in Neurology: Anatomy, Physiology, Signs, Symptoms Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart-New York Baehr Mathias
A classic text, now completely up to date! For decades medical students and practicing physicians all over the world have relied on Duus' classic Topical Diagnosis in Neurology to help them understand the anatomy, function, and disorders of the human nervous system.
9783136128053 197 zł PO RABACIE: 167.45 zł
Encyclopedia of Movement Disorders 3 vols Elsevier Science Kompoliti K
4/1/2010 9780123741011 2718.45 zł
Focuses on movement disorders, covering a wide variety of topics in neurology, neurosurgery, psychiatry and pharmacology. This work features more than 300 entries, including sections on different disease states, pathophysiology, epidemiology, genetics, clinical presentation, diagnostic tools, and discussions on relevant basic science topics.
PO RABACIE: 2310.68 zł
Epilepsy Mechanisms Models and Translational Perspectives Taylor & Francis Publishers Since 1798 Rho J
6/1/2010 9781420085594 701.4 zł PO RABACIE: 596.19 zł
Offers an overview of the basic anatomic and functional substrates of seizure genesis and considers novel pathogenic concepts that have both emerged and been validated experimentally. This title looks at the state of surgical treatments for epilepsy and discusses advances in the fields of structural and functional neuroimaging.
Epilepsy Syndromes with DVD Elsevier Science Werz M
Guides you through the difficult diagnostic challenges associated with the epilepsy syndrome. Organized by epilepsy syndromes for easy reference, this book features the DVD that shows patient videos running concurrently with their EEG tracings. It helps in evaluating patients with seizures.
9781416048336 533.4 zł PO RABACIE: 453.39 zł
Epilepsy: Basic Principles and Diagnosis Part I Elsevier Science Stefan Hermann
10/1/2012 9780444528988 789.6 zł
Offers a review of our knowledge of field, including epidemiology, basic mechanisms, animal models, and topics such as the role of inflammation in epilepsy. This book offers a fresh approach to description of clinical, electrographic and imaging aspects of the epilepsies, and neuropsychological and psychiatric aspects of epilepsy.
PO RABACIE: 671.16 zł
Essential Neuroscience Lippincott-Williams & Wilkins Siegel Allan
Suitable for instructors, this edition covers fundamental neuroscience topics, integrating essential information with clinical and physiological considerations, providing students with multiple opportunities for review and self-testing, and presenting the relevant developments in neuroscience.
9780781783835 178.5 zł PO RABACIE: 151.73 zł
Evidence-based Management of Epilepsy TFM Publishing Schachter S
12/1/2011 9781903378779 328.65 zł
The clinical management of patients with epilepsy and the associated medical literature are rapidly evolving. This book includes chapters that cover the therapy of seizures when they develop after traumatic brain injury or stroke, and the treatment of concomitant depression and anxiety in patients with epilepsy.
PO RABACIE: 279.35 zł
Fenichel's Clinical Pediatric Neurology Elsevier Science Pina-Garza Eric J.
4/1/2013 9781455723768 416.85 zł
Suitable for board exam preparation, office use, and reference during residency, this book helps you diagnose and manage primary neurologic disorders of childhood with actionable, and, step-by-step assistance. It includes practical and wellorganized introduction to pediatric neurology.
PO RABACIE: 354.32 zł
First Aid for the Neurology Boards McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Cochrane Thomas I. An "insider's guide" to passing the neurology boards and in-service exams
5/1/2010 9780071496223 266 zł PO RABACIE: 226.1 zł
Frozen Section Library Central Nervous System Springer Verlag Prayson Richard
This useful reference, centered on differential diagnoses and primarily by location in the central nervous system, adds a key element to the Frozen Section Library series. It provides a convenient, user-friendly handbook to assist frozen section evaluation.
7/1/2010 9781441975782 748.65 zł PO RABACIE: 636.35 zł
Functional Cerebral SPECT and PET Imaging 4e Lippincott-Williams & Wilkins Heertum van R
9/1/2009 9780781788977 952.35 zł
Reflects the significant progress that has occurred in the field of functional brain imaging, particularly the increased use of PET/SPECT, the use of SPECT and PET in movement disorders and dementia, and advances in radiopharmaceuticals development and instrumentation. This book reflects an appropriate balance between SPECT and PET applications.
PO RABACIE: 809.5 zł
Fundamental Neuroscience for Basic and Clinical Applications Elsevier Science Haines Duane E.
Includes coverage of neuroanatomy, physiology, and pharmacology, with a particular emphasis on systems neurobiology, effectively prepares you for your courses, exams, and beyond.
10/1/2012 9781437702941 325.5 zł PO RABACIE: 276.68 zł
Handbook of Epilepsy Lippincott-Williams & Wilkins Browne T
3/1/2008 9780781773973 141.75 zł
Serves as a point-of-care guide to the diagnosis and management of epilepsy. This book provides clinically focused information on seizure classification, epilepsies with different ages of onset, situation-related epilepsy, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, and drug treatments, including dosages, side effects, and drug interactions.
PO RABACIE: 120.49 zł
Handbook of Holistic Neuropsychological Rehabilitation Oxford University Press Ben-Yishay Yehuda
This practical text with DVDs domonstrate the process of cognitive rehabilitation of traumatic brain-injured individuals.
8/1/2011 9780195341256 485.1 zł PO RABACIE: 412.34 zł
Handbook of Pediatric Neurology Lippincott-Williams & Wilkins Sims Katherine
11/1/2013 9781451175486 223.65 zł PO RABACIE: 190.1 zł
Pediatric neurology presents many challenges to young patients that it is in many ways a different discipline from adult neurology. To help readers address these challenges, this book addresses the management of hospital - and clinic-based pediatric neurological work-up, diagnosis, and management.
Handbook of Sleep Medicine Lippincott-Williams & Wilkins Avidan A
1/1/2006 9780781762380 205 zł
A guide to the evaluation and management of sleep disorders which covers a multidisciplinary range of topics in neurology, pulmonary medicine, psychiatry, and pediatrics. It discusses the major sleep disorders in terms of epidemiology, diagnostic criteria, differential diagnosis, assessment tools, management, and followup.
PO RABACIE: 174.25 zł
Headache John Wiley & Sons Lipton Richard
10/1/2013 9780470654729 318.15 zł
This book is a practical guide to headache medicine designed for both neurologists and general practitioners. Its expert author team introduces the principles of classification and diagnosis, and focuses in detail on the main classes of headache migraine, tension-type and trigeminal autonomic cephalgias, including cluster headache.
PO RABACIE: 270.43 zł
History of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophy Elsevier Science Lucking C
7/1/2010 9780444534750 522.9 zł PO RABACIE: 444.47 zł
Human Brain in 1492 Pieces CD-ROM Thieme Verlag Nowinski W
1/1/2011 9781604065510 1920.45 zł
Every aspect of the brain can be easily parcellated, explored, built, decomposed, labeled, and quantified -- all in three dimensions. Users can dissect and manipulate each brain piece electronically to view an astounding level of detail, from the gross hemispheres to the individual layers of the subcortical structures.
PO RABACIE: 1632.38 zł
Human Cerebral Cortex Elsevier Science Petrides Michael
Provides nearly 200 photographs of 3D reconstructions of human brains in a standard series of coronal, sagittal, and horizontal sections. This title illustrates in detail and labels 95 per cent of the cortex sulci and gyri, and presents images in the MNI stereotaxic space.
9780123869388 633.15 zł PO RABACIE: 538.18 zł
Hypertension and Stroke Springer Verlag Aiyagari V
1/1/2010 9781607610090 748.65 zł PO RABACIE: 636.35 zł
Addresses the epidemiology, mechanism, and pathophysiology of hypertension and blood pressure in relation to stroke and other brain sequelae of abnormal blood pressure, results of clinical trials demonstrating best suggested practice modalities to manage blood pressure and hypertension.
Introduction to Clinical Neurology Elsevier Science Gelb
Includes discussions of common neurologic conditions. This book details the initial examination, interpretation of results, diagnosis, and treatment options.
6/1/2005 9780750675062 219 zł PO RABACIE: 186.14 zł
Kaufman's Clinical Neurology for Psychiatrists Elsevier Science Milstein Mark J.
Completely revised in response to the new format of the ABPN certifying exam, this title enhances your mastery of the neurology knowledge needed for the Psychiatry Board exam.
1/1/2013 9780723437482 477.75 zł PO RABACIE: 406.09 zł
Lecture Notes Neurology 9e John Wiley & Sons Ginsberg L
5/1/2010 9781405177221 137 zł
Now in two colours throughout, this new edition of Lecture Notes: Neurology contains the core neurological information required, whichever branch of clinical medicine you choose. Reflecting current clinical practice, the latest advances in the diagnosis and management of neurological diseases are concisely covered.
PO RABACIE: 116.46 zł
Localization in Clinical Neurology Lippincott-Williams & Wilkins Brazis Paul
10/1/2006 9780781799522 723.45 zł
Provides a systematic approach to the anatomic localization of clinical problems in neurology. This title offers clinicians a roadmap for moving from the symptom or observed sign to the place in the central or peripheral nervous system where the problem is. It features more than 100 illustrations that demonstrate relevant anatomy.
PO RABACIE: 614.93 zł
Molecular Neurology Elsevier Science Waxman
1/1/2007 9780123695093 502.95 zł
Presents the principles and disease examples relevant to molecular neurology. This book describes the molecular aspects of neurological disorders. It provides an introduction to neurological disorders for basic scientists. It is useful for those studying the molecular basis of neurology, or developing therapies in neurology.
PO RABACIE: 427.51 zł
Monitoring in Neurocritical Care Elsevier Science Le Roux P
1/1/2013 9781437701678 908.25 zł PO RABACIE: 772.01 zł
Suitable for neurosurgeons, neurologists, and intensivists, this title helps you use the advanced technology to detect deteriorations in neurological status in the ICU. It offers management strategies and techniques so you can effectively monitor your patients.
Movement Disorders Oxford University Press
Part of the Oxford Textbooks in Clinical Neurology (OTCN) series, this volume covers the basic science and clinical concepts underlying the movement disorders, as well as the diagnosis and treatment of individual hypokinetic and hyperkinetic movement disorders.
9780199609536 645.75 zł PO RABACIE: 548.89 zł
Movement Disorders 4 Elsevier Science Schrader B
Part of the "Blue Books in Neurology" series, this book offers practical, clinical guidance on the diagnosis and pharmacologic treatment of movement disorders.
1/1/2010 9781416066415 743.4 zł PO RABACIE: 631.89 zł
Multiple Sclerosis Oxford University Press Rodriguez Moses
6/1/2013 9780199740468 336 zł PO RABACIE: 285.6 zł
This latest edition to the 'Contemporary Neurology Series' will fill one of the few remaining 'neurologic gaps' within the Series. 'Multiple Sclerosis,' written solely by Moses Rodriguez, Orhun Kantarci and Istvan Pirko of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN will offer proven, effective treatments for specific presentations and symptoms of multiple sclerosis along with a pathophysiological explanation of why they work. It bridges a needed gap between overly simplistic therapy manuals and basic science texts that discuss human disease only insofar as it mimics what is observed in
-15% animal models of the disease in the laboratory.
Multiple Sclerosis Cambridge University Press Kesselring J
A comprehensive text on recovery of function and neurorehabilitation in multiple sclerosis, written and edited by leading experts.
1/1/2010 9780521888325 367.5 zł PO RABACIE: 312.38 zł
Neuro Imaging Thieme Verlag Castaneda R
9/1/2010 9781604061895 208.95 zł
Contains cases selected to simulate what you may see on your rounds, rotations, and exams. This title helps you identify the correct differential diagnosis for each case including the most critical. It also covers: Cardiac Imaging, Interventional Radiology, Musculoskeletal Radiology, Neuro Imaging, Thoracic Imaging, and, Pediatric Imaging.
PO RABACIE: 177.61 zł
Neuroanatomy Lippincott-Williams & Wilkins Haines Duane E. Remains one of the dynamic forces in medical education, delivering abundantly illustrated and clinically essential content in a rapidly expanding field of practice.
6/1/2011 9781451110432 179 zł PO RABACIE: 152.16 zł
Neuroanatomy Text and Atlas McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Martin John H.
9/1/2012 9781259011443 170.1 zł PO RABACIE: 144.59 zł
Neuroanatomy:Text and Atlas covers neuroanatomy from both a functional and regional perspective to provide an understanding of how the components of the central nervous system work together to sense the world around us, regulate body systems, and produce behavior. This trusted text thoroughly covers the sensory, motor, and integrative skills of the brains and presents an overview of the function in relation to structure and the locations of the major pathways and neuronal integrative regions. Neuroanatomy:Text and Atlas also teaches
-15% you how to interpret the new wealth of human brain images by developing an understanding of the anatomical localization of brain function. The authoritative core content of myelin-stained histological sections is enhanced by informative line illustrations, angiography, and brain views produced by MRI, and other imaging technologies.
Neurodegeneration Royal Society of Chemistry Guccione Salvatore
This exemplary book gives an up-to-date perspective on the role of metal ions in neurodegeneration.
7/1/2011 9781849730501 702.45 zł PO RABACIE: 597.08 zł
Neurofeedback and Neuromodulation Techniques and Applications Elsevier Science Coben Robert
11/1/2010 9780123822352 310.8 zł
The study of neurofeedback and neuromodulation offer a window into brain physiology and function, suggesting innovative approaches to the improvement of attention, anxiety, pain, mood and behavior. This title includes the practical application of techniques of neurofeedback and neuromodulation to use with patients.
PO RABACIE: 264.18 zł
Neurological Clinical Examination Taylor & Francis Publishers Since 1798 Morris John
This book and video library continues to provide a simple, step by step guide to the assessment of neurological conditions found in routine clinical examinations and clinical practice for all primary care practitioners, neurologists and those taking higher medical examinations.
9781444145380 130.2 zł PO RABACIE: 110.67 zł
Neurological Examination Made Easy Elsevier Science Fuller Geraint
7/1/2013 9780702051777 145.01 zł
Neurological examination is one of the most intimidating procedures for medical students and junior doctors to perform and be assessed on. This book guides you through the essentials of neurological examination providing the relevant background and telling you what to do, what you can find and what it means.
PO RABACIE: 123.26 zł
Neurological Rehabilitation Elsevier Science
11/1/2012 9780444529015 866.25 zł PO RABACIE: 736.31 zł
Covers the basic principles of neurorehabilitation, including excellent chapters on learning and skill acquisition, outcome measurement and functional neuroimaging. This title includes reviews on the management of the main neurological disabling physical problems, such as spasticity, pain, sexual functioning and dysphagia.
Neurological Rehabilitation Elsevier Science Umphred Darcy Ann
6/1/2012 9780323075862 397.01 zł
Covers the therapeutic management of people with functional movement limitations and quality of life issues following a neurological event. This title reviews basic theory and covers the screening and diagnostic tests, treatments, and interventions commonly used in clinical practice. It includes advances in neuroscience.
PO RABACIE: 337.46 zł
Neurology and Neurosurgery Illustrated 5e Elsevier Science Lindsay
An illustrated guide to neurology and neurosurgery that is suitable for medical students and junior doctors.
10/1/2010 9780443069574 279 zł PO RABACIE: 237.14 zł
Neurology for General Practitioners Elsevier Science Beran Roy G.
Written by neurologist and academic, Roy Beran, Neurology for General Practitioners assists in the diagnosis of neurological disorders such as epilepsy, stroke and Parkinson’s disease. It also addresses the majority of common disorders encountered in general practice.
9780729540803 316.05 zł PO RABACIE: 268.64 zł
Neuromuscular Disease Springer Verlag Benatar M
8/1/2006 9781588296276 488 zł
Presents a critical appraisal of the neurological literature on neuromuscular disease from an evidence-based perspective. This book considers a broad range of the published literature relevant not only to questions of treatment, but also to issues of diagnosis and prognosis. It critiques the evidence to illustrate strengths and weaknesses of data.
PO RABACIE: 414.8 zł
Neuromuscular Disorders Elsevier Science Bertorini T
Presents a multi-disciplinary approach to the management and therapeutic treatment of the full range of neuromuscular disorders and resulting complications. This book provides the tools and strategies for minimizing disability and maximizing quality of life.
9781437703726 703.5 zł PO RABACIE: 597.98 zł
Neuro-Oncology Elsevier Science Rees J
5/1/2010 9780750675161 743.4 zł PO RABACIE: 631.89 zł
Part of the "Blue Books of Practical Neurology" series, this guide to neurooncology presents the information on the treatment and management of primary CNS tumors, secondary brain tumors, and the neurological complications of other cancers and their therapies. It is suitable for both the general neurologists and the subspecialists.
Neuropathology Elsevier Science Huttner A
Part of the "High-Yield Pathology Series", this title helps you review the key features of neuropathology specimens, recognize the classic look of each disease, and quickly confirm your diagnosis. It also helps you accurately identify hundreds of discrete disease entities.
9781416062202 883 zł PO RABACIE: 750.55 zł
Neuropathology Elsevier Science Prayson Richard A.
11/1/2011 9781437709490 643.65 zł
Part of the "Foundations in Diagnostic Pathology" series, this title provides information on neoplastic and non-neoplastic conditions of the central and peripheral nervous systems. It offers guidance on the evaluation and diagnosis of a broad spectrum of neuropathic entities using morphologic, immunohistochemical, and molecular genetic techniques.
PO RABACIE: 547.1 zł
Neuroradiology: Key Differential Diagnoses and Clinical Questions Elsevier Science Small Juan
9/1/2012 9781437717211 490.35 zł
Draws upon Massachusetts General Hospital's vast case collection to help you master the skills you need for interpreting imaging of the head, neck, brain, and spine. This book equips you to make efficient, accurate diagnoses and prepare for imaging exams with hundreds of high-quality, unknown cases in neuroradiology.
PO RABACIE: 416.8 zł
Neuroscience McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Tremblay Mathew
11/1/2006 9780071100953 67.2 zł PO RABACIE: 57.12 zł
Deja Review: Neuroscience 1. Histology and Embryology 2. Cerebral Anatomy 3. Brainstem and Cranial Nerves 4. Spinal Cord 5. Electrophysiology 6. Sensory Systems 7. Motor Systems 8. Autonomic Nervous System 9. Vascular and Traumatic Injury 10. Neoplasms 11. Infectious Disease 12. Demyelinating Diseases 13. Seizures 14. Dementia and Neurodegenerative Diseases 15. Congenital Disorders 16. Nutritional and Metabolic Disease 17. Peripheral Neuropathy 18. Clinical vignettes
Neuroscience for Clinicians Springer Verlag Simpkins C. Alexander
This is an introductory text that opens the field of neuroscience up to the beginner and takes them to higher-level thinking about neuroscience. The book helps readers navigate the conventions used to describe the brain that developed through the years.
9/1/2012 9781461448419 197.4 zł PO RABACIE: 167.79 zł
New Insights to Neuroimmune Biology Elsevier Science Berczi I
6/1/2010 9780123846914 544.95 zł PO RABACIE: 463.21 zł
Investigates the mechanisms that and functions of the Neuroimmune Regulatory Supersystem. This book discusses molecular, cellular, organic and systemic aspects as well as the physological, pathophysiological and behavioral mechanisms which are involved in Neuroimmiune Biology.
Non-invasive Brain Stimulation Taylor & Francis Publishers Since 1798 Miniussi Carlo
Cognitive deficits are a common consequence of neurological disease, and there is evidence that specific cognitive training may be effective in rehabilitation.
12/1/2011 9781848727564 417.9 zł PO RABACIE: 355.22 zł
Novel Imaging Techniques in Neurodegenerative and Movement Disorders, an Issue of PET Clinics Elsevier Science Subramaniam Rathan
Focuses on the evolving role of novel imaging techniques in negenerative and movement disorders common in the aged population.
12/1/2013 9780323227353 343 zł PO RABACIE: 291.55 zł
Parkinson's Disease Taylor & Francis Publishers Since 1798 Grosset Donald
Coverage ranges from incidence, diagnosis, investigation, drug treatments, non-motor features of Parkinson's Disease, assessment scales and surgical intervention, to the role of nurses, therapists, pathologists, dieticians, and to the use of complementary medicine.
6/1/2009 9781840761016 237.3 zł PO RABACIE: 201.71 zł
Peripheral Neuropathies, an Issue of Neurologic Clinics Elsevier Science Barohn Richard
5/1/2013 9781455771226 338 zł
Peripheral Neuropathy is a neurologic disorder characterized by damage to the peripheral nervous system, the part of the nervous system outside the central nervous system that connects it to all parts of the body. This title features 12 articles about this disease that are of most interest to the clinician.
PO RABACIE: 287.3 zł
Peripheral Neuropathy Companion Elsevier Science Dyck P
4/1/2010 9781437700015 599.55 zł
Features illustrated case studies that explore the evaluation and management of some of the most common peripheral nerve disorders. This book contributes clues to the diagnosis, clinical features, imaging studies, histopathology and more for each case. It helps you gain fresh insights into the causes of peripheral nerve disorders.
PO RABACIE: 509.62 zł
Physical Management for Neurological Conditions Elsevier Science Stokes Maria
1/1/2013 9780702054693 188 zł PO RABACIE: 159.8 zł
Practical Guide to Comprehensive Stroke Care World Scientific Publishing Kalra L
Suitable for health professionals and managers involved in the planning or provision of stroke care, this book provides a comprehensive overview of the evidence and practices that underpin high quality stroke care.
1/1/2010 9789814299510 492.45 zł PO RABACIE: 418.58 zł
Practical Neurology Visual Review Lippincott-Williams & Wilkins Espay Alberto J.
4/1/2013 9781451182699 510.3 zł
An educational tool for mastering the clinical practice of neurologic diagnosis. It opens new venues for teaching and learning the essentials of neurology by utilizing an interactive patient-based audiovisual electronic format. It also includes 131 realworld scenarios to sharpen readers' critical thinking and diagnostic skills.
PO RABACIE: 433.76 zł
Primer on the Autonomic Nervous System Elsevier Science Robertson David W.
Presents information about how the autonomic nervous system controls the body, particularly in response to stress. This title is suitable for students, scientists and physicians seeking key information about various aspects of autonomic physiology and pathology.
9780123865250 308.7 zł PO RABACIE: 262.4 zł
Principles and Practice of Child Neurology in Infancy John Wiley & Sons
5/1/2012 9781908316356 155.4 zł
This handbook of neurological practice in infants, sponsored by the World Health Organization, is designed to be of practical use to all clinicians, but particularly those in under-resourced locations. Seventy per cent of children with disabilities live in resourcepoor countries and most of these children have neurological impairments.
PO RABACIE: 132.09 zł
Principles Of Neural Science McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Kandel E
Beginning with an insightful overview of the interrelationships between the brain, nervous system, genes, and behavior, this title includes an examination of the molecular and cellular biology of nerve cells, synaptic transmission, and the neural basis of cognition.
9780071390118 260.4 zł PO RABACIE: 221.34 zł
Quantum Magnetic Resonance Imaging Diagnostics of Human Brai Elsevier Science Kaila
7/1/2010 9780123847119 519 zł PO RABACIE: 441.16 zł
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a medical imaging technique used to visualize detailed internal structure of the body. This book discusses the developments in the field of MRI and its application to the diagnosis of human brain disorders. It reviews the emerging concepts and technology, based on the multi-coherence imaging (MQCI).
Rehabilitation in Movement Disorders Cambridge University Press
-15% Provides a broad overview of current rehabilitation approaches, emphasizing the need for interdisciplinary management and focussing on deliverable outcomes.
4/1/2013 9781107014008 372.75 zł PO RABACIE: 316.84 zł
Research Funding in Neuroscience Elsevier Science Strobel G
12/1/2007 9780123736451 225.75 zł
Provides a history of the McKnight Endowment Fund for Neuroscience and an assessment of its effectiveness in advancing neuroscience. This book discusses the Fund's early and steady commitment to basic science as well as it's tradition of leveraging relatively modest dollars to make a big difference in careers and the field overall.
PO RABACIE: 191.89 zł
Restorative Neurology of Spinal Cord Injury Oxford University Press Dimitrijevic Milan R.
1/1/2012 9780199746507 231 zł
Following injury or disease, neural circuitry can be altered to varying degrees leading to highly individualized characteristics that may or may not resemble original function. In addition, lost or partially damaged circuits and the effects of biological recovery processes coupled with learned compensatory strategies create a new neuroanatomy with capabilities that are often not functional or may interfere with daily life.
PO RABACIE: 196.35 zł
Schmidek and Sweet: Operative Neurosurgical Techniques Elsevier Science Publish Quinones-Hinojosa Alfredo
A Journal that examines indications, operative techniques, complications, and results for nearly every neurosurgical procedure.
5/1/2012 9781416068396 1888.01 zł PO RABACIE: 1604.81 zł
Seizure Predicti in Epilepsy John Wiley & Sons Schelter B
10/1/2008 9783527407569 551.25 zł
Comprising some 30 contributions, experts from around the world present and discuss recent advances related to seizure prediction in epilepsy. The book covers an extraordinarily broad spectrum, starting from modeling epilepsy in single cells or networks of a few cells to precisely-tailored seizure prediction techniques as applied to human data.
PO RABACIE: 468.56 zł
Sleep Medicine in Neurology John Wiley & Sons
-15% A new addition to the Neurology in Practice series, Sleep Medicine in Neurology is a practical guide for neurologists diagnosing and managing sleep disorders in their patients. As a part of the series, various feature boxes are highlighted throughout.
10/1/2013 9781444335514 332.85 zł PO RABACIE: 282.92 zł
Specialty Imaging: Functional MRI Lippincott-Williams & Wilkins Anderson Jeffrey
12/1/2013 9781931884938 1038 zł
Includes background in related MRI physics, sequence configuration, and image processing strategies needed to establish a functional imaging service. This book contains portraits of more than 20 common fMRI paradigms, with instructions for implementation and sample activation maps expected from each paradigm.
PO RABACIE: 882.29 zł
Spinal Cord Injury Elsevier Science Verhaagen Joost
11/1/2012 9780444521378 866.25 zł
Part of the "The Handbook of Clinical Neurology" series, this title offers an overview of the evolving science and treatment of spinal cord injury. It presents advances in neuroimaging, surgical treatment and application of electrical stimulation are dramatically impacting the treatment and outcome of these injuries.
PO RABACIE: 736.31 zł
Stress of War, Conflict and Disaster Elsevier Science Fink George
9/1/2010 9780123813817 258.3 zł
A compendium that explains the phenomenon of stress as it relates physically and mentally to war, conflict and disaster. It discusses the link between stress and various forms of conflict. It also explores the stress impact of the general physical disasters such as airline and vehicle accidents, earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes.
PO RABACIE: 219.56 zł
Stroke John Wiley & Sons
-15% Suitable for neurologists and cardiologists, this book considers various topics regarding stroke, including bedside evaluation of the acute stroke patient
5/1/2013 9780470674369 271.95 zł PO RABACIE: 231.16 zł
Stroke Karger AG Basel Bornstein N
3/1/2009 9783805590990 603.75 zł
Stroke is a leading cause of death and the major cause of long-term, physical, psychological and social disability in the elderly around the world. This book offers information on the pathophysiology and epidemiology of stroke, and various diagnostic techniques which allow for better diagnosis and identification of various subtypes of stroke.
PO RABACIE: 513.19 zł
Stroke Care Oxford University Press Harwood Rowan Harold
11/1/2010 9780199558315 132.3 zł PO RABACIE: 112.46 zł
Covering the wide range of knowledge and skills needed to tackle problems that may lead up to, or follow on from a stroke, this new edition follows the course of a patient's journey from diagnosis to life at home, incorporating recent changes in the field of stroke medicine including the latest clinical trials.
Surgical Anatomy and Techniques to the Spine Elsevier Science Kim Daniel H.
Featuring an expanded focus on in-demand endoscopic and minimally invasive spine procedures, this title pairs anatomic photographs and radiographic images with rendered color illustrations and clear, step-by -step descriptions to help you perform all of the effective spine surgery techniques.
9781455709892 821 zł PO RABACIE: 697.85 zł
Swaiman's Pediatric Neurology Elsevier Science Swaiman Kenneth F
10/1/2011 9781437704358 1457.4 zł
Covers imaging modalities such as pediatric neuroimaging, spinal fluid examination, neurophysiology, as well as the treatment and management of epilepsy, ADHD, infections of the nervous system, and more. This book offers downloadable images and procedural videos demonstrating intraventricular hemorrhage and white matter injury.
PO RABACIE: 1238.79 zł
Tethered Cord Syndrome in Children and Adults Thieme Verlag Yamada S
1/1/2010 9781604062410 552.3 zł
Deals with the essentials of clinical management for tethered cord syndrome (TCS). This book contains chapters on embryology and pathophysiology which provide an understanding of the basic science of TCS. It also discusses the functional diagnosis of TCS. It is suitable for residents and clinicians in neurosurgery and neurology.
PO RABACIE: 469.46 zł
The Cerebellum John Wiley & Sons Broussard Dianne M.
The Cerebellum provides a concise, accessible overview of modern data on physiology and function of the cerebellum as it relates to learning, plasticity, and neurodegenerative diseases.
10/1/2013 9781118125632 454.65 zł PO RABACIE: 386.45 zł
The Clinical Neuropsychiatry of Stroke Cambridge University Press Robinson Robert G.
This fully revised 2006 edition covers the range of neuropsychiatric syndromes associated with stroke.
9/1/2012 9781107407428 245.7 zł PO RABACIE: 208.85 zł
The Epilepsy Prescriber's Guide to Antiepileptic Drugs Cambridge University Press Patsalos Philip N. Helps prescribers to easily and rapidly answer questions that may arise when initiating and monitoring an antiepileptic drug.
11/1/2013 9781107664661 237 zł PO RABACIE: 201.44 zł
The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations: Nervous System: Brain Volume 7, Part 1 Elsevier Science Jones H. Royden
2/1/2013 9781416063872 323.4 zł
Provides a visual guide to brain, from basic neurodevelopment, neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, and cognition to classic disorders including to epilepsy, hypothalamus/pituitary with disorders of consciousness and sleep, movement disorders, cerebellum, stroke, multiple sclerosis, neurologic infections, neurooncology, headaches, and brain trauma.
PO RABACIE: 274.89 zł
Treatment of Epilepsy Lippincott-Williams & Wilkins Wyllie E
11/1/2010 9781582559377 1279.95 zł
Provides a broad, detailed, and cohesive overview of seizure disorders and contemporary treatment options. This title also offers access to a fully searchable companion website that includes the full text online and supplementary material such as seizure videos, additional EEG tracings, and more color illustrations.
PO RABACIE: 1087.96 zł
Tumors of the Brain and Spine Springer Verlag Demonte
This book discusses treatment of benign, primary low-grade to high-grade, and metastatic tumors in the brain and spine, as practiced at the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center. The book is written for primary care oncologists, neurologists, and neurosurgeons.
9780387292014 355.95 zł PO RABACIE: 302.56 zł
Advances in Minimally Invasive Surgery and Therapy for Spine Springer Verlag Alexandre A
Presents the different minimally invasive methods.
1/1/2010 9783211993699 854.7 zł PO RABACIE: 726.5 zł
Atlas of Peripheral Nerve Surgery Elsevier Science Kim Daniel H.
A surgical atlas that is dedicated to the field of peripheral nerves. It presents surgical steps that is laid out step by step in a readable and accessible format. It is suitable for trainees and busy surgeons alike.
12/1/2012 9781455709885 841 zł PO RABACIE: 714.85 zł
Cerebral Revascularization Elsevier Science Abdulrauf S Offering step-by-step instructional videos of the common and uncommon procedures, this title helps you understand the techniques and enables you to confidently perform them. It includes a foreword written by M. Gazi Yasargil, MD creator of the procedure.
1/1/2011 9781437717853 845.25 zł PO RABACIE: 718.46 zł
Craniovertebral Junction Georg Thieme Goel A
11/1/2011 9783131455819 1349.25 zł PO RABACIE: 1146.86 zł
Written by masters in the field, The Craniovertebral Junction: Diagnosis, Pathology, Surgical Techniques provides indepth coverage of up-to-date management principles for this delicate anatomic region. After a brief introduction to anatomy, biomedical considerations, and embryology, the multidisciplinary team of authors, led by Professor Goel, discusses in detail the most innovative fixation and stabilization techniques for atlantoaxial dislocation, as well as congenital,infective, and acquired anomalies in the craniovertebral junction region.
Intraoperative MRI-Guided Neurosurgery Georg Thieme Hall W
10/1/2010 9781604063059 754.95 zł PO RABACIE: 641.71 zł
Comprehensive in scope and packed with practical information, Intraoperative MRGuided Neurosurgery contains detailed coverage of this state-of-the-art technology from the pioneers who developed it. Renowned neurosurgeons and neuroradiologists combine their collective wisdom and experience to demonstrate how MR-guided neuronavigation can be used to view real-time images of a patient's brain during surgery to help remove tumors with greater precision.
Jatin Shah's Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology Elsevier Science Shah Jatin P.
Offers you the guidance on the advanced diagnostic and multidisciplinary therapeutic approaches for head and neck cancer. This title provides you the information on help you need to offer your patients the best possible prognoses and to optimally preserve and restore form and function.
9780323055895 1342.95 zł PO RABACIE: 1141.51 zł
Minimally-Invasive Intra-Cranial Surgery Elsevier Science Teo C
A work on minimally invasive intracranial surgery that covers different aspects of this type of surgery, including repair techniques, complication avoidance, and special considerations for movement disorders, tumors, vascular lesions, and more.
10/1/2010 9781437724691 384.3 zł PO RABACIE: 326.66 zł
Neurosurgery Springer Verlag Lumenta C
While neurosurgical training programs in the EU vary, this manual forms the basis for a consensus and is ideal preparation for exams. Diagnostic and therapeutic procedures are detailed, and each chapter contains the relevant basics of anatomy and physiology.
9783540795643 431.55 zł PO RABACIE: 366.82 zł
Neurosurgery Oral Board Review Georg Thieme Adamson D. Cory
8/1/2011 9781604065404 175.35 zł PO RABACIE: 149.05 zł
This book is intended to serve as a supplement to the knowledge gained during the long years of residency and in the early stages of practice. It tried to focus on the major aspects of diseases that a neurosurgeon may encounter, both in clinical practice and on the examination"--Provided by publisher.
Neurosurgery Rounds Georg Thieme Shaya Mark
7/1/2011 9781588904997 175.35 zł PO RABACIE:
At a very reasonable price, this book will be very valuable to any student or resident preparing for neurosurgical rounds and board examinations. - AANS Young Neurosurgeons Newsletter Neurosurgery Rounds: Questions and Answers is the first guide dedicated to preparing residents and medical students for the challenging questions - known as pimping in the vernacular - they will frequently encounter on neurosurgery rotation.
149.05 zł
Neurovascular Surgical Techniques Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Jabbour Pascal M.
Comprehensive guide to the latest techniques in neurovascular surgery, covering a wide range of neurovascular diseases in both open surgical and endovascular aspects of treatment.
1/1/2012 9789350900888 559.65 zł PO RABACIE: 475.7 zł
Surgical Disorders of the Peripheral Nerves 2e Springer Verlag Birch R
1/1/2010 9781848821071 985.95 zł
Beginning with the fundamentals of the anatomy and function of the peripheral nervous system, and working the way through various types of injury, operative methods, surgical reconstruction, pain, and rehabilitation, this work provides the reader with an understanding required to successfully perform surgery on the peripheral nervous system.
PO RABACIE: 838.06 zł
Transsphenoidal Surgery Elsevier Science Laws E Captures the clinical knowledge on the multidisciplinary management of pituitary tumors, with a focus on surgical techniques. This title offers guidance on natural history, radiologic and clinical aspects, surgical indications, and resection techniques.
8/1/2010 9781416002925 878.85 zł PO RABACIE: 747.02 zł
Textbook of Stroke Medicine
Cambridge University Press Michael Brainin
7/1/2014 9781107047495 80 GBP PO RABACIE:
72 GBP
This concise and informative Textbook of Stroke Medicine is aimed at doctors preparing to specialize in stroke care and strokologists looking for concise but in-depth scientific guidance on stroke management. Its practical approach covers all important issues of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cerebrovascular diseases. Dedicated chapters give a thorough review of all clinical issues. Fully revised throughout, the new edition has expanded sections on topics of rising practical importance, such as diagnostic imaging, stroke unit management, monitoring and management of
complications including infections, recommendations for thrombolysis, interventions and neurosurgical procedures, and clear and balanced recommendations for secondary prevention. Neuropsychological syndromes are explained and an up-to-date view on neurorehabilitation is presented. The authors are all experts in their field and many of them have been working together in a teaching faculty for the European Master in Stroke Medicine Programme, which is supported by the European Stroke Organization.
7.0 Tesla MRI Brain White Matter Atlas Springer Verlag
Zang-Hee Cho
7/1/2014 9783642543913 245.03 EUR PO RABACIE:
221 EUR
The introduction of techniques that permit visualization of the human nervous system is one of the foremost advances in neuroscience and brain-related research. Among the most recent significant developments in this respect are ultra-high field MRI and the image post-processing technique known as track density imaging (TDI). It is these techniques (including superresolution TDI) which represent the two major components of 7.0 Tesla MRI - Brain White Matter Atlas. This second edition of the atlas has been revised and updated to fully reflect current application of these
technological advancements in order to visualize the nervous system and the brain with the finest resolution and sensitivity. Exquisitely detailed color images offer neuroscientists, neurologists, and neurosurgeons a superb resource that will be of value both for the purpose of research and for the treatment of common brain diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and multiple sclerosis.
Huntington's Disease Oxford University Press
Gillian Bates
6/1/2014 9780199929146 115 GBP PO RABACIE:
104 GBP abe.pl
This fourth edition of Huntington's Disease presents a comprehensive summary of the current knowledge of this disease, including the major scientific and clinical advances that have occurred since publication of the third edition in 2002. Completely updated and expanded, chapters in this volume are organized in five sections: * Clinical aspects of Huntington's disease, including updated chapters on historical perspectives, neurological, neuropsychiatric, and neuropsychological aspects, and new chapters on juvenile Huntington's and the premanifest and early
stages * The genetics of Huntington's disease, including new information on its epidemiology discussions of new testing guidelines * Neurobiology, including recent insights into correlations between pathology and symptoms and a new chapter on neuronal circuitry * The molecular biology of Huntington's disease, including new chapters on the normal function of huntingtin, the molecular pathogenesis of Huntington's disease and the peripheral pathology of the disorder, and an extensively updated chapter on its structural biology * An updated description of the 45
Aminoff's Neurology and General Medicine
Academic Press Michael J. Aminoff
5/1/2014 9780124077102 170 GBP PO RABACIE:
153 GBP
Aminoff's Neurology and General Medicine is the standard and classic reference providing comprehensive coverage of the relationship between neurological practice and general medicine. As neurologists are asked to consult on general medical conditions, this reference provides an authoritative tool linking general medical conditions to specific neurological issues and disorders. This is also a valuable tool for the general practitioner seeking to understand the neurological aspects of their medical practice. Completely revised with new chapters covering metastatic disease,
bladder disease, psychogenic disorders, dementia, and pre-operative and postoperative care of patients with neurological disorders, this new edition will again be the go-to reference for both neurologists and general practitioners. Features: the standard reference detailing the relationship between neurology and general medicine; 100 per cent revised and updated; and new chapters covering metastatic disease, bladder disease, psychogenic disorders, dementia, and pre-operative and post-operative care of patients with neurological disorders.
Oxford Textbook of Neuromuscular Disorders Oxford University Press
David Hilton-Jones
5/1/2014 9780199698073 125 GBP PO RABACIE:
113 GBP
Part of the Oxford Textbooks in Clinical Neurology series, the Oxford Textbook of Neuromuscular Disorders covers the scientific basis, clinical diagnosis, and treatment of neuromuscular disorders with a particular focus on the most clinically relevant disorders. The book is organized into seven sections, starting with the general approach to the patient with neuromuscular disorders and then focusing on specific neuromuscular conditions affecting the peripheral nervous system from its origins at the spinal cord anterior horn on its outward course to.
Neurosurgery for Spasticity Springer Verlag
Sindou Marc
5/1/2014 9783709117705 106.99 EUR PO RABACIE:
97 EUR 46
The book is devoted to the neurosurgical management of spasticity. Starting with a chapter on the anatomical and physiological foundations of spasticity and a short history of its neurosurgical treatment, it describes the neurosurgical methods currently available. As management differs between adults and children, the book is also structured accordingly, including evaluation, decision-making, Intrathecal Baclofen Therapy (ITB), botulinum toxin therapy and surgery. Beyond ITB, the neurosurgical options covered include procedures focusing on the peripheral nerves, dorsal roots, Dorsal
Root Entry Zone and spinal cord. Based on surgical experience collected with more than a thousand patients, the book gathers the most important aspects of our present understanding, presented using a practical, educational approach. It stresses the importance of a multidisciplinary approach, including neurologists, pediatricians and rehabilitation specialists. Close collaboration with other surgical disciplines like orthopedic surgery and neuro-urology are also outlined.
Stereotaxic Neurosurgery in Laboratory Rodent Springer Verlag
Ferry Barbara
4/1/2014 9782817804712 106.99 EUR PO RABACIE:
97 EUR
Stereotaxic neurosurgery in rodents is used by a variety of people working at research laboratories (research staff, technicians, students at animal facilities...). The present handbook presents all the steps necessary to complete a stereotaxic neurosurgery protocol in accordance with current animal welfare guidelines. This book will guide surgeons step by step, from anesthesia to the post-surgery recovery procedures, including asepsis of the surgical tools and surgical zone, analgesia, correctly identifying the reference points on the skull and brain targets, etc. In keeping with the current
international trends, the authors above all focus on the following points: the consideration of pain and how to best treat it depending on the type of surgery; and ensuring asepsis. This book will serve as an important reference work and valuable guidebook for the scientific community.
Oxford Textbook of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Disease Oxford University Press
3/1/2014 9780199641208 99 GBP PO RABACIE:
90 GBP
Stroke is a major health concern worldwide, and the epidemiological data is staggering. One in six people will have a stroke during the course of their life; it is the second most common cause of death; and stroke also ranks second among causes contributing to the global burden of disability. However, the burden of stroke can be alleviated: it is potentially preventable, treatable, and possible to manage long term. Despite continuing advances in our knowledge about this disease, there is currently still a large evidence-to-clinical practice gap in all regions. The Oxford Textbook of Stroke and
Cerebrovascular Disease is a comprehensive textbook on clinical stroke, covering all major aspects of cerebrovascular disease including epidemiology, risk factors, primary prevention, pathophysiology, diagnostics, clinical features, acute therapies, secondary prevention, prognosis, and rehabilitation. It makes use of current pedagogic principles, and includes not only aspects on management in the acute hospital phase of stroke, but also public health issues, prevention, long-term management, and silent vascular disease (which is becoming increasingly epidemic in the general
Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders Elsevier Science Publishers
Douglas Goodin
3/1/2014 9780444520012 170 GBP PO RABACIE:
153 GBP abe.pl
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is generally understood to be an inflammatory autoimmune disease of the central nervous system. While we still are not certain of the root cause of MS, research results suggest that unknown environmental factors and the presence of specific genes seem the most probable targets. MS causes an inflammatory response in the central nervous system leading to neurodegeneration, oligodendrocyte death, axonal damage, and gliosis. Over the past five years ongoing research has greatly expanded our understanding of the pathogenesis of MS,
detailed insight into the epidemiology and genetic factors related to MS, the introduction of new technologies and tests to better diagnose and predict the future course of the disease and the introduction of new treatments targeting MS. This collection of review chapters provides a comprehensive reference into the science and clinical applications of the latest Multiple Sclerosis research and will be a valuable resource for the neuroscience research community and the clinical neurology community of researchers and practitioners. It is a comprehensive tutorial reference 47
Neuroimaging of Traumatic Brain Injury
Springer Verlag Potapov Alexander
3/1/2014 9783319043548 53.49 EUR PO RABACIE:
49 EUR
The main purpose of this book is to present emerging neuroimaging data in order to define the role of primary and secondary structural and hemodynamic disturbances in different phases of traumatic brain injury (TBI) and to analyze the potential of diffusion tensor MRI, tractography and CT perfusion imaging in evaluating the dynamics of TBI. The authors present a new MRI classification of brain stem and hemispheric cortical/ subcortical damage localization that is of significant prognostic value. New data are provided regarding the pathogenesis and dynamics of diffuse and focal brain injuries
and qualitative and quantitative changes in the brain white matter tracts. It is shown that diffuse axonal injury can be considered a clinical model of multidimensional "split brain" with commissural, association and projection fiber disorders. The book will be of interest for neuroradiologists, neurosurgeons, neurologists and others with an interest in the subject.
Neuroprotection and Regeneration of the Spinal Cord Springer Verlag
Yoshiaki Toyama
3/1/2014 9784431545019 149.79 EUR PO RABACIE:
135 EUR
Neuroprotection and Regeneration of the Spinal Cord comprehensively covers the most recent research in the field of spinal cord injury. The first part of this book focuses on the latest animal models and clinically oriented work, providing extensive information on morphological factors and, biomechanical analysis, in addition to the mechanism of functional recovery. The book goes on to provide information on clinical relevance introducing analysis of spinal cord injuries using MRI and PET. Edited by renowned experts in the field, this book will provide clinical physicians, basic
researchers, and postgraduate students with valuable insight into the cutting-edge research and progress in the field of spinal cord injury, treatment, and repair.
Neurologic Aspects of Systemic Disease, Part I: Part I Elsevier Science Publishers
Jose Biller
2/1/2014 9780702040863 155 GBP PO RABACIE:
140 GBP 48
Systemic disease involves several parts of the body or the complete system. Neurologic Aspects of Systemic Disease, a two-part volume in the Handbook of Clinical Neurology series, focuses on the specific neurologic aspects of systemic disease. Part 1 includes detailed coverage of cardiovascular disease, pulmonary diseases, renal diseases, and rheumatologic and musculoskeletal disease. Each chapter provides a complete introduction to the neurologic aspect and provides best known diagnostic and treatment practices. The collection is a valuable and trusted resource
for clinical neurologists, research neurologists, neuroscientists, and general medical professionals; a first stop for a focused review of the state of the art for understanding the neurologic impact of each covered disease. It offers a comprehensive introduction and overview of the neurologic aspects of systemic disease. Each chapter focuses on the neurologic aspects related to a specific disease presentation.
Neurologic Aspects of Systemic Disease, Part II: Part II Elsevier Science Publishers
Jose Biller
2/1/2014 9780702040870 155 GBP PO RABACIE:
140 GBP
Systemic disease involves several parts of the body or the complete system. Neurologic Aspects of Systemic Disease, a two-part volume in the Handbook of Clinical Neurology series, focuses on the specific neurologic aspects of systemic disease. Part 2 includes coverage of gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary, endocrinologic, and metabolic diseases, as well as nutritional, environmental, and hematologic disorders. Each chapter provides a complete introduction to the neurologic aspect and provides the best known diagnostic and treatment practices. The collection is a
valuable and trusted resource for clinical neurologists, research neurologists, neuroscientists, and general medical professionals: a first stop for a focused review of the state of the art for understanding the neurologic impact of each covered disease. It offers comprehensive introduction and overview of the neurologic aspects of systemic disease. Each chapter focuses on the neurologic aspects related to a specific disease presentation
Neurologic Aspects of Systemic Disease, Part III: Part III Elsevier Science Publishers
Jose Biller
2/1/2014 9780702040887 155 GBP PO RABACIE:
140 GBP
Systemic disease involves several parts of the body or the complete system. This comprehensive reference focuses on the specific neurologic aspects of systemic disease. Part 3 includes coverage of oncologic disorders, organ transplantation, infectious diseases, tropical neurology, pregnancy, neuroanesthesia and other diseases and disorders. Each chapter provides a complete introduction to the neurologic aspect and provides the best known diagnostic and treatment practices. The collection will be a valuable and trusted resource for clinical neurologists, research
neurologists and neuroscientists and general medical professionals as a first stop for a comprehensive and focused review of the state of the art for understanding the neurologic impact of each covered disease. It is a comprehensive introduction and overview of the neurologic aspects of systemic disease. Part 3 covers of oncologic disorders, organ transplantation, infectious diseases, tropical neurology, pregnancy, neuroanesthesia and other diseases and disorders. Each chapter focuses on the neurologic aspects related to a specific disease presentation.
Brain Injury: Applications from War and Terrorism Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Gean Alisa D.
2/1/2014 9781451192827 67 GBP PO RABACIE:
61 GBP abe.pl
Brain Injury: Applications from War and Terrorism is a single-authored book written by a world-class neuroradiologist with extensive experience in traumatic brain injury (TBI). It features six graphic-intense chapters depicting and expounding upon the complexity of TBI. Culled from nearly three decades of studying civilian TBI and five years of intensive study of TBI sustained from combat, terrorism, and natural disasters, this work is an exhaustive and innovative authority on the current approaches and applications of civilian and combat TBI. The text is sectored into six
chapters based on pathophysiology, each augmented with numerous images and illustrations. The book gives special attention to neuroimaging, but is reinforced with relevant clinical correlation. This monograph is unique because it is first in class as an omnibus for the radiologist, neurologist, neurosurgeon, maxillofacial surgeon, emergency physician, pediatrician, ophthalmologist, and the rehabilitation team. Accompanied by detailed high resolution illustrations with meticulous annotation, Brain Injury: Applications from War and Terrorism contains over 500 curated radiological and 49
The OMICs Oxford University Press
Giovanni Coppola
1/1/2014 9780199855452 59 GBP PO RABACIE:
54 GBP
The OMICs:Applications in Neuroscience summarizes the state of the art in OMICs applications in neurology and neuroscience, attracting neurologists who are interested in the progress of this field towards clinical applications, and neuroscientists who may be not familiar with the most recent advances in this ever-changing field. The book will include an overview of most relevant high-throughput approaches (collectively known as 'OMICs') and how they relate to neurology and neuroscience. The explosion of high-throughput assays has introduced large datasets, computational
servers, and bioinformatics approaches to neuroscience and medicine in general. The reader will be provided with an overview of the application or method, a perspective on the current and future applications in neurology and neuroscience, and a few published examples illustrating possible practical use. Emerging topics such as ethical issues related to personal genome sequencing, epigenetics, network analysis, and role of peripheral biomarkers in disease diagnosis and follow-up will be covered as well.
Pituitary Apoplexy Springer Verlag
Mehmet Turgut
12/1/2013 9783642385070 149.79 EUR PO RABACIE:
135 EUR
Pituitary apoplexy is a rare and lifethreatening complication that occurs in 0.610.5% of all patients with pituitary adenomas. Unfortunately, pituitary apoplexy is often misdiagnosed before surgery. Furthermore, in spite of all the advances in imaging techniques and therapeutic methods, its optimal management is still controversial owing to the limited individual experience and the very variable clinical course of the condition. This book provides an in-depth review of knowledge of the management of pituitary apoplexy, with an emphasis on clinical and neuroradiological
findings and treatment modalities, medical and surgical. In addition, it supplies clinicians and investigators with detailed information on current evidence and considers future areas of investigation and innovative therapeutic philosophies. Both the editors and the authors are leading international authorities in the field.
Peripheral Nerve Disorders Elsevier Science Publishers
Gerard Said
9/1/2013 9780444529022 170 GBP PO RABACIE:
153 GBP 50
Disorders of the peripheral nervous system (PNS) are the cause of prominent neurological symptoms including weakness, sensory loss, pain and autonomic dysfunction associated with deficits, morbidity and mortality. These disorders may be primary hereditary or cryptogenic neurologic disorders confined to the PNS or part of the pathology of both the central nervous system and the PNS. Most PNS disorders are secondary to other system disorders and may be responsive to treatment of the primary disease. Important advances have been obtained in several
areas including molecular genetics, biochemistry, immunology, morphology and physiology that have enhanced our understanding of the causes and consequences of damage to peripheral nerve. Understanding of both these groups of PNS diseases has greatly expanded over recent years and has led to important advances of treatment both to protect and to repair damages of peripheral nerve. This volume provides an overview of the state-ofthe-art of examination, diagnosis and treatment of these very diverse disorders and will be of interest to both the research and
Sleep and Movement Disorders
Oxford University Press Sudhansu Chokroverty
8/1/2013 9780199795161 88 GBP PO RABACIE:
80 GBP
Sleep and Movement Disorders is the second edition of a successful book that was the first of its kind. Since its publication in 2002, significant progress has been made in our understanding of motor control in sleep and the relationship between sleep and movement disorders. All three editors are authorities on the subject and have assembled expert specialists for their chapter authors. The topic is very timely, the latest edition of the International classification of sleep disorders (ICSD-2, 2005) included a separate category of 'Sleep Related Movement Disorders' emphasizing the
increasing awareness of sleep-related movements and the importance of recognizing sleep-related movement disorders for diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment. This is a comprehensive resource, including all findings from the last 8 years of research. All the previous chapters have been revised with new materials and references. Several chapters have been added to address recent advances. For instance, new sleep-related disorders have been classified and diagnosed, including catathrenia, alternating leg muscle activation (ALMA), propriospinal myoclonus
Neuroparasitology and Tropical Neurology Elsevier Science Publishers
Herbert B. Tanowitz
8/1/2013 9780444534903 170 GBP PO RABACIE:
153 GBP
Neuroparasitology and Tropical Neurology, a new volume in The Handbook of Clinical Neurology, provides a comprehensive and contemporary reference on parasitic infections of the human nervous system. Parasitic infections are varied and some are resolved by the host's immune system, other infections may become established even though unnoticed, and some cause severe disease and death. In our modern world, neuroparasitoses are no longer geographically isolated and these infections now appear worldwide. Outside of a very few well understood pathologies, most parasitic
infections have been neglected in the neurological literature and most neurologists have never diagnosed such an infection. This volume details how, with the advent of modern neuroimaging techniques, improved diagnostic applications of molecular biology, more accurate immunodiagnosis, and minimally invasive neurosurgery, human nervous system parasitoses are now diagnosed and treated, with increasing frequency. The book is divided into six sections, and begins with an introduction to the mechanisms of infection, diagnosis, and pathology of parasitic diseases.
The Stroke Book Cambridge University Press
Michel T. Torbey
7/1/2013 9781107634725 38 GBP PO RABACIE:
35 GBP abe.pl
Designed for use by busy professionals who need quick answers, this revised and updated second edition of The Stroke Book is a concise and practical reference for anyone involved in managing critically ill cerebrovascular patients. * Covers a wide range of common conditions such as ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes, subarachnoid hemorrhages and intracranial aneurysms * Provides focused protocols for assessing and treating stroke patients in the emergency room, intensive care unit or general hospital setting * A new chapter summarizes key clinical trials for stroke
therapies * User-friendly format * Packed with algorithms, tables and summary boxes for immediate access to key information * A color plate section illustrates key pathology and diagnostic imaging Written by experienced contributors from leading stroke centers, this is an essential companion for navigating stroke-related clinical situations successfully and making informed decisions about treatment. Review of previous edition: 'The Stroke Book is concise, well-written, and easy to read ... with excellent sections on basic stroke entities that may be encountered by healthcare professionals ... 51
Atlas of EEG Patterns
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Stern John M.
4/1/2013 9781451109634 111 GBP PO RABACIE:
100 GBP
Atlas of EEG Patterns, Second Edition The electroencephalogram (EEG) is essential to the accurate diagnosis of many neurologic disorders. The Second Edition of Atlas of EEG Patterns sharpens readers' interpretation skills with an even larger array of both normal and abnormal EEG pattern figures and text designed to optimize recognition of tell-tale findings. Trainees will benefit from hundreds of EEG figures, helping them spot abnormalities and identify the pattern name. Experienced neurologists will find the book excellent as a quick reference and when trying to distinguish a
finding from similarly appearing patterns. Organized by EEG pattern, the Atlas orients you to the basics of EEG, helps the reader identify the characteristic EEG wave features and leads you to the EEG diagnosis through a table that organizes all of the EEG patterns according to their wave features. The Atlas includes the full range of EEG patterns from the common rhythms to the rare findings, and it also includes numerous examples of artifacts. New in the Second Edition...Solution Site with full text and image bank. An extensive table guides you from EEG
Barr's The Human Nervous System: An Anatomical Viewpoint Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Rajakumar Raj
4/1/2013 9781451173277 27.95 GBP PO RABACIE:
26 GBP
This classic well-illustrated textbook simplifies neuroscience content to focus coverage on the essentials and helps students learn important neuroanatomical facts and definitions. Among its many distinctions are its organization by region and then pathways into and out of the nervous system, which permits students an integrated view of the anatomy and physiology; level of treatment suited to increasingly shorter neuroanatomy course hours for medical and allied health students; and the author's succinct writing style.
NeuroPET Springer Verlag Herholz K.
4/1/2013 9783642622830 85.55 EUR PO RABACIE:
77 EUR 52
- Authors are all experts in the field; Herscovitch is head of PET Imaging at NIH. - PET is becoming dominant technology for diagnosis in Neurology; books have not caught up. NeuroPET is ahead of the curve. From the reviews: This is the most comprehensiv
Atlas of Nerve Conduction Studies and Electromyography Oxford University Press
Leis A. Arturo
3/1/2013 9780199754632 65 GBP PO RABACIE:
59 GBP
Beautifully and lavishly illustrated, Atlas of Nerve Conduction Studies and Electromyography demystifies the major conditions affecting peripheral nerves and provides electrodiagnostic strategies for confirming suspected lesions of the peripheral nervous system. Building on the success of the landmark Atlas of Electromyography, this new text is divided into sections based on the major peripheral nerves. It contains detailed illustrations of each nerve along with a discussion of its anatomy, followed by a thorough outline of the clinical conditions and entrapment
syndromes that affect the nerve, including a list of the etiologies, clinical features, and electrodiagnostic strategies used for each syndrome. Routine and special motor and sensory nerve conduction studies are shown in an anatomical illustration. In addition, each muscle supplied by the peripheral nerve is illustrated showing the root, plexus, and peripheral nerve supply to the muscle and is accompanied by a corresponding human photograph. Written text provides information about the nerve conduction studies, muscle origin, tendon insertion, voluntary activation
Osborn's Brain: Imaging, Pathology, and Anatomy Amirsys
Osborn Anne G.
12/1/2012 9781931884211 229 GBP PO RABACIE:
207 GBP
"Osborn's Brain: Imaging, Pathology, and Anatomy" is the much-pleaded-for successor to Anne G. Osborn's 1993 award winning book "Diagnostic Neuroradiology" (a.k.a. "The Red Book"), which became one of the all-time bestselling neuroradiology texts. In this highly anticipated 1,200-page volume, Anne Osborn applies her special touch to make complex topics visually appealing and easy to understand. It wraps the "must know" aspects of brain imaging together with spectacular pathology examples, relevant anatomy, and the most up-to-date
techniques in brain imaging. "Osborn's Brain" is organized for curriculum-based learning. Osborn begins with emergent topics, such as trauma, to help the reader learn in the order that is most practical for a resident or practicing radiologist. Indeed, this volume helps readers learn how to think about diagnoses, types of diagnoses, and the various pathologies that can affect the brain. Even as Osborn "takes readers by the hand" to introduce them to the world of brain imaging, she includes new concepts and diagnoses that will intrigue the most sophisticated neuroradiologist.
Epilepsy: Treatment Part II Elsevier Science Publishers
Stefan Hermann
10/1/2012 9780444528995 155 GBP PO RABACIE:
140 GBP abe.pl
"Epilepsy, Part II, Treatment, Volume 108", provides a full description of epilepsy pathology and etiology, antiepileptic drug treatment, the approach to surgical evaluation and alternative procedures to be considered, in both children and adults, as well as brain stimulation and diet treatment. Economic and psychosocial issues such as stigma are fully covered. The special problems of epilepsy treatment in the developing world are described. Chapters are authored by internationally respected neurologists with varied perspectives insuring depth to the content. "Epilepsy, Part I, Basic
Principles and Diagnosis, Volume 107", establishes the scientific and practical diagnosis of epilepsy. The volumes will be a very important resource for basic scientists, clinical investigators, and all health professionals treating patients with epilepsy. This is a volume in the "Handbook of Clinical Neurology" series, which has an unparalleled reputation as the world's most comprehensive source of information in neurology. It offers international list of contributors including the leading workers in the field. It describes the advances which have 53
Migraine Brain
Oxford University Press David Borsook
7/1/2012 9780199754564 94 GBP PO RABACIE:
85 GBP
The Migraine Brain, edited by David Borsook, Arne May, Peter J. Goadsby, and Richard Hargreaves, makes a major contribution to the field, addressing the increasingly sophisticated neuroimaging techniques that have allowed researchers to begin to define functional and anatomical characteristics of migraine and other lesscommon types of headache. Of particular focus is how imaging is changing the way we understand migraine. This includes changes in function, structure and chemistry of the migraine brain. Included are sections that focus on particular aspects of migraine, for
example the migraine aura: those symptoms that cause visual sensitivity (blinding white light), sensory difficulty (loud noises, painful touch, and hot/cold spells), slurred language, and motor dysfunction. Extensively illustrated throughout, The Migraine Brain provides a general overview of the history of migraine, its pathophysiology, as well as in-depth details on the Clinical Perspectives and the different imaging techniques in use (MR, fMRI, DTI, VBM, PET, fMRI, and MEG). It also includes details on modulation of the brain using such techniques as TMS. The book concludes with a discussion of
The Behavioral Neurology of White Matter Oxford University Press
Filley Christopher M.
6/1/2012 9780199743261 48.99 GBP PO RABACIE:
45 GBP
Behavioral neurology is founded on lesions of cortical gray matter, but recently the contributions of cerebral white matter to cognitive and emotional dysfunction have also attracted attention. The Behavioral Neurology of White Matter surveys this broad and fascinating field from a clinical perspective. Stimulated by recent improvements in neuroimaging, white matter has been carefully studied, and its role in the operations of cognition and emotion clarified by correlations with clinical observations. The relevance of normal and abnormal white matter to behavioral neurology is apparent in
every context where this question has been examined: in development, aging, and in a host of diseases, intoxications, and injuries. Since the first edition of this book in 2001, steady advances have been made in understanding the neurobiology of white matter and its clinical significance; this edition provides a comprehensive update on this rapidly expanding field. Every chapter has been extensively rewritten, including a comprehensive revision of the account of the neuropsychiatry of white matter, a particularly challenging area. The syndrome of white matter dementia is
Stroke Rehabilitation Oxford University Press
Carey Leeanne M.
6/1/2012 9780199797882 88 GBP PO RABACIE:
80 GBP 54
Stroke Rehabilitation: Insights from Neuroscience and Imaging informs and challenges neurologists, rehabilitation therapists, imagers, and stroke specialists to adopt more restorative and scientific approaches to stroke rehabilitation based on new evidence from neuroscience and neuroimaging literatures. The fields of cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging are advancing rapidly and providing new insights into human behavior and learning. Similarly, improved knowledge of how the brain processes information after injury and recovers over time is providing new
perspectives on what can be achieved through rehabilitation. Stroke Rehabilitation explores the potential to shape and maximize neural plastic changes in the brain after stroke from a multimodal perspective. Active skill based learning is identified as a central element of a restorative approach to rehabilitation. The evidence behind core learning principles as well as specific learning strategies that have been applied to retrain lost functions of movement, sensation, cognition and language are also discussed. Current interventions are evaluated relative to this knowledge base and examples are given
Neurobiology of Psychiatric Disorders
Elsevier Science Publishers Aminoff Michael J.
6/1/2012 9780444520029 170 GBP PO RABACIE:
153 GBP
This new volume in the "Handbook of Clinical Neurology" presents a comprehensive review of the fundamental science and clinical treatment of psychiatric disorders. Advances in neuroscience have allowed for dramatic advances in the understanding of psychiatric disorders and treatment. Brain disorders, such as depression and schizophrenia, are the leading cause of disability worldwide. It is estimated that over 25 per cent of the adult population in North America are diagnosed yearly with at least one mental disorder and similar results hold for Europe. Now that neurology and psychiatry agree that all
mental disorders are in fact, "brain diseases," this volume provides a foundational introduction to the science defining these disorders and details best practices for psychiatric treatment.
Myasthenia Gravis and Myasthenic Disorders Oxford University Press
Engel Andrew G.
4/1/2012 9780199738670 88 GBP PO RABACIE:
80 GBP
Myasthenia Gravis and Myasthenic Disorders, Second Edition is a thoroughly rewritten and updated version of the highly successful first edition published in 1999. The current edition begins with an overview of the anatomy and molecular architecture of the neuromuscular junction and the electrophysiologic diagnosis of its disorders. The introductory chapters are followed by a detailed exposition of the pathogenesis, natural history, diagnosis and therapy of the autoimmune myasthenias, the LambertEaton myasthenic syndrome, and the increasingly complex and fascinating
diseases collectively referred to as congenital myasthenic syndromes. The acetylcholine receptor is a major target of both autoimmune and inherited myasthenias and a separate chapter reviews its structural and functional properties. The book also describes disorders that often target terminal nerve segment near the neuromuscular junction- the syndrome of peripheral nerve hyperexcitability and the Guillain-Barre syndrome. Comprehensively written by leaders at the forefront of research, not to mention thoroughly referenced throughout and
The Case for Mental Imagery Oxford University Press
Kosslyn Stephen
11/1/2011 9780195398977 17.99 GBP PO RABACIE:
17 GBP abe.pl
"This volume is the most important if not the final word on the great imagery debate. It examines issues critical to all cognition. For example, whether the brain is a general purpose computer and if the brain's structure imposes limits on what can be represented in our minds." Michael I. Posner, Prof. Emeritus University of Oregon |k No "The Case for Mental Imagery is destined to be a classic text in psychology. [the authors] present an in-depth, philosophically sophisticated, and empirically supported argument that clarifies and settles many of the most contentious issues in the
longstanding, decades-long 'imagery debate'...This is an impressive achievement and an outstanding example of the way controversies can be addressed through a combination of sophisticated theoretical concepts paired with expertly conducted scientific research programs."-PsycCRITIQUES |k No "This is an outstanding book that presents a roadmap of the psychological and neural mechanisms underlying mental imagery.
Medical Neurobiology Oxford University Press
Mason Peggy
7/1/2011 9780195339970 41.99 GBP PO RABACIE:
38 GBP
This single-author text introduces the student to the fundamentals of the nervous system as it relates to the practice of medicine and human health. The workings of the nervous system are communicated in easy to understand language. The text emphasizes the contribution of the nervous system to diverse and common medical disorders, some of which are primarily neurological in nature (stroke, Parkinson's disease, hearing loss) and many of which are the domain of non-neurological specialities such as ophthalmology, ear-nose-throat, cardiology, medicine and the like (myopia, hearing loss,
hypertension, sleep apnea, and asthma). The writing style is simple, clear and literary. Chapters can be read in a single sitting. Important concepts are presented both clearly and thoroughly, rendering this textbook appropriate for both the student who is learning about the nervous system for the first time and the student with previous knowledge of neurobiology. Medical Neurobiology is wholly concentrated on the human nervous system. Subjects without clinical relevance such as invertebrate neurobiology, cat or leech locomotion, or sound localization are not covered.
Diagnostic Imaging Brain 2e Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Osborn A
12/1/2010 9781931884723 235 GBP PO RABACIE:
212 GBP
In this Second Edition of the bestselling "Diagnostic Imaging: Brain", each 'original' diagnosis has been revised to include the most recent information, updated references, and new image galleries. Moreover, the book features more than 100 new diagnoses. You'll find thousands of new images, all crisply annotated to reinforce the most important points. Richly colored graphics pop off the page, and both typical and variant findings are lavishly illustrated in more than 300 diagnoses. This updated volume will surely become the new standard reference textbook for neuroradiologists,
general radiologists, neurologists, and neurosurgeons. A new companion eBook offers the fully searchable expanded text, hundreds of additional images, and extensive linked references. "First released in 2004, this book quickly became the must-have/goto reference in neuroradiology. This second edition, similar in format with increased authoritative author input and updated content, is the new most accurate, up-todate neuroradiology reference. The most notable change is the addition of 1-2 pages of text at the beginning of the chapters. "Through the addition of thousands of new
Meg Oxford University Press
Peter Reinhard Hansen
7/1/2010 9780195307238 64 GBP PO RABACIE:
58 GBP 56
Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is an exciting brain imaging technology that allows real-time tracking of neural activity, making it an invaluable tool for advancing our understanding of brain function. In this comprehensive introduction to MEG, Peter Hansen, Morten Kringelbach, and Riitta Salmelin have brought together the leading researchers to provide the basic tools for planning and executing MEG experiments, as well as analyzing and interpreting the resulting data. Chapters on the basics describe the fundamentals of MEG and its instrumentation, and provide guidelines for
designing experiments and performing successful measurements. Chapters on data analysis present it in detail, from general concepts and assumptions to analysis of evoked responses and oscillatory background activity. Chapters on solutions propose potential solutions to the inverse problem using techniques such as minimum norm estimates, spatial filters and beamformers. Chapters on combinations elucidate how MEG can be used to complement other neuroimaging techniques. Chapters on applications provide practical examples of how to use MEG to study
Simultaneous EEG and FMRI
Oxford University Press Ullsperger Markus
6/1/2010 9780195372731 81 GBP PO RABACIE:
73 GBP
One of the major challenges in science is to study and understand the human brain. Numerous methods examining different aspects of brain functions have been developed and employed. To study systemic interactions brain networks in vivo, noninvasive methods such as electroencephalography (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) have been used with great success. However, each of these methods can map only certain, quite selective aspects of brain function while missing others; and the inferences on neuronal processes and information flow are
often rather indirect. To overcome these shortcomings of single methods, researchers have attempted to combine methods in order to make optimal use of their advantages while compensating their disadvantages. Hence, it is not surprising that soon after the introduction of fMRI as a neuroimaging method the possibilities of combinations with EEG have been explored. This book is intended to aid researchers who plan to set up a simultaneous EEG-fMRI laboratory and those who are interested in integrating electrophysiological and hemodynamic data.
Central Nervous System
Oxford University Press Brodal P
3/1/2010 9780195381153 55 GBP PO RABACIE:
50 GBP
The Central Nervous System: Structure and Function, Fourth Edition continues the tradition of one of the most respected textbooks in clinical neuroscience by providing medical students the knowledge and understanding of neuroscience as a basis for clinical thinking. While remaining concise and easy to read, the text encourages reflection and critical thinking of established facts and scientific conjecture and will be of interest to medical, graduate, and undergraduate students alike. Prof Per Brodal provides clear descriptions of brain structures and relates them to their functional
properties by incorporating data from molecular biology to clinical neurology. The numerous full color line drawings - based on the author's long experience of teaching undergraduate students and new to this edition - make it easier to understand complex structural and functional relationships. Thoroughly revised, this fourth edition goes further in integrating material from all fields of the neurosciences. Now divided into 8 Sections with a total of 34 Chapters, each chapter is introduced by a brief overview of what the student can expect to learn.
From Development to Degeneration and Regeneration of the Nervous System Oxford University Press
12/1/2008 9780195369007 58 GBP PO RABACIE:
53 GBP abe.pl
This book provides current information about the three areas mentioned in the title: Neuronal Migration and Development, Degenerative Brain Diseases, and Neural Plasticity and Regeneration. The chapters about brain development examine the cellular and molecular mechanisms by which neurons are generated from the ventricular zone in the forebrain and migrate to their destinations in the cerebral cortext. This description of cortical development also includes a discussions of the Cajal-Retzius cell. Another chapter provides insight about the development of another forebrain region,
the hypothalamus. The remaining chapters of this section examine the clinical relevance of brain development in certain disease states in humans: neural tube defects and the normal and abnormal development of human electroencephalographic recordings during the first year of age. The second section on degenerative disorders of the brain begins wtih details about the dopaminergic neurons in the substantia niger and their loss in Parkinson's disease. Two subsequent chapters describe changes in brain aging, including changes in the numbers of myelinated axons. 57
Controversies in Neurosurgery: II
Thieme Verlag Al-Mefty Ossama
11/1/2013 9781604062328 129.99 EUR PO RABACIE:
117 EUR
Controversies in Neurosurgery II reflects realworld situations where multiple treatment options are often considered for difficult neurosurgical cases. Each chapter begins with an opening case in which experts describe the pros and cons of different treatment methodologies and operative techniques, helping neurosurgeons select the best treatment plan for individual patients in their practice. It is informed with the expertise of more than 100 of the worlds preeminent neurosurgeons. Key features: * Experts from all over the world offer their opinions on more than 20
controversial hot topics in neurosurgery, including a discussion about whether transcranial or endoscopic approaches are the better option for resecting colloid cysts and a lively debate about the optimal treatment of giant ophthalmic artery aneurysms* All treatment options are presented concisely in one volume, so that neurosurgeons dont have to spend time consulting other sources* The moderators conclusion at the end of each chapter explains the scientific evidence about the case and synthesizes the views presented Controversies in Neurosurgery II will be
Neurosurgery Tricks of the Trade: Cranial
Thieme Verlag Nader L.
1/1/2014 9781604063349 209.99 EUR PO RABACIE:
189 EUR
Neurosurgery Tricks of the Trade: Cranial presents core surgical procedures in a concise, highly didactic format, enabling surgeons to quickly grasp their essence from the bulleted text and superb illustrations that accompany them. Expert neurosurgeons specializing in the cranial region describe how they perform common procedures and offer surgical tips and pearls. Key Features: * Distills a wealth of information in a concise, step-by-step format, making it easy for novice surgeons to review how procedures are performed* Includes more than 150 surgical procedures
for the cranial region, each accompanied by high-quality, original illustrations* Presents topics in either a pathology-based or an approach-based manner* Consistently organizes the procedures into the headings Introduction and Background, Operative Detail and Preparation, Outcomes and Postoperative Course, and References, enabling rapid reference Neurosurgeons at all levels, from residents learning procedures to experienced practitioners needing a quick refresher, will find this book, along with its companion volume, Neurosurgery Tricks of the Trade: Spine and Peripheral Nerves, to
Moyamoya Disease: Diagnosis & Treatment Thieme Verlag
Wanebo J
10/1/2013 9781604067309 119.99 EUR PO RABACIE:
108 EUR 58
Moyamoya Disease: Diagnosis and Treatment covers the key clinical disciplines involved in managing patients with moyamoya disease, including diagnostic work up, imaging, neurocognitive evaluation, and surgical options for pediatric and adult patients. The text and accompanying videos provide neurosurgeons and other health professionals treating Moyamoya patients with all the information they need to make the right diagnostic and surgical decisions. Key Features: * Includes online access to videos and animations, narrated by Dr. Wanebo, demonstrating surgical techniques
discussed in the book* Written and edited by world-renowned experts at the Barrow Neurological Institute and other centers of excellence focused on Moyamoya* Covers these dynamic topics in Moyamoya: cortical microvasculature, genetics, neuropsychiatric evaluation, and endovascular therapy* Contains detailed illustrations and descriptions of technical aspects of treatment such as the direct and indirect methods of revascularization All neurosurgeons and neurologists caring for Moyamoya patients will find this book to be an important reference that they will consult
Neurointerventional Techniques: Tricks of the Trade Thieme Verlag
Gonzalez F
5/1/2014 9781604067576 119.99 EUR PO RABACIE:
108 EUR
Neurointerventional Techniques: Tricks of the Trade is a practical reference that includes core procedures used in the growing neurointerventional subspecialty. The step-by -step, concise presentation of procedures along with original line drawings and highquality images concisely distill a wealth of information, making it easy for both novice and expert neurointerventionists to review how procedures are performed. The book includes over 50 specific procedures as well as important chapters on access points, physiological testing, and pharmacology in the endovascular suite.
Key Features: * Written by leading experts in neurointerventional practice* Strong emphasis on complication avoidance throughout the text* Covers both basic and more complex neuroendovascular procedures* Appendices are rich with information on catheters, presented in an easy-to-access tabular format, as well as important guidance on intraoperative neurophysiologic monitoring as it applies to neurointerventional procedures Neurosurgeons and neurointerventionists at all levels, from residents learning procedures to experienced practitioners needing a quick
Principles and Practice of Pediatric Neurosurgery Thieme Verlag
Albright A.Leland
5/1/2014 9781604067996 279.99 EUR PO RABACIE:
252 EUR
Principles and Practice of Pediatric Neurosurgery, Third Edition is a completely revised edition of the most authoritative guide to the management of pediatric neurosurgical disorders encountered in clinical practice. Written by leaders in the field, it provides pediatric neurosurgeons with a clear understanding of the current standards of practice and treatment in the subspecialty. Key Features: * Now in full color, with more than 1,000 images* An increased emphasis on clinical management strategies in pediatric neurosurgery* Seven new chapter topics, including cellular therapy
for pediatric neurosurgical disease, conjoined twins, lipomeningoceles, and skeletal syndromes* Pearls and pitfalls in every chapter This book is an essential reference for all residents and practitioners in pediatric neurosurgery and pediatric neurology.
Controversies in Stereotactic Radiosurgery Thieme Verlag
3/1/2014 9781604068412 109.99 EUR PO RABACIE:
99 EUR abe.pl
Controversies in Stereotactic Radiosurgery: Best Evidence Recommendations is a comprehensive reference that compiles, synthesizes, and summarizes the most relevant scientific literature on the topic. Each succinct, problem-oriented chapter addresses a different controversy surrounding stereotactic radiosurgery. This book saves physicians significant amounts of time by distilling years of scientific research into sound guidelines that will help them make fully-informed treatment decisions.ยงKey Features:ยงCovers both intracranial and spine radiosurgery, providing
-10% complete coverage of this rapidly evolving technologyยงIncludes more than 35 chapters on treatment controversies for brain and spine tumors as well as vascular malformationsยงContains summary tables throughout the text that present the main conclusions of published studies
Seven Avms
Thieme Verlag Lawton Michael
4/1/2014 9781604068757 149.99 EUR PO RABACIE:
135 EUR
"The book is organized into three sections: tenets, the seven arteriovenous malformations, and selection. The tenets establish eight steps for AVM resection that comprise the phases of battle, as follows: step 1, exposure; step 2, subarachnoid dissection; step 3, defining the draining vein; step 4, defining the feeding arteries; step 5, pial dissection; step 6, parenchymal dissection;, step 7, ependymal or deep dissection; and step 8, finally resection. Critical concepts for dissection and resection are covered in the tenets section. In the section on the seven arteriovenous
malformations, the anatomical battlefields for the lobes and deep regions are reviewed, 32 subtypes are described, and a resection strategy is presented for each subtype, step by step. The selection section addresses the secret to successful AVM surgery, which has nothing to do with surgical strategy or technique; rather, it is choosing your battles wisely"--Provided by publisher. It is a valuable resource for residents, fellows, or young surgeons with an interest in scoliosis surgery because of the concise manner it goes through basic fundamentals of idiopathic scoliosis treatment up to the most
Neurosurgery Tricks of the Trade: Spine and Peripheral Nerves Thieme Verlag
Nader Remi
4/1/2014 9781604069143 169.99 EUR PO RABACIE:
153 EUR
Neurosurgery Tricks of the Trade: Spine and Peripheral Nerves presents core surgical procedures in a concise, highly didactic format, enabling surgeons to quickly grasp their essence from the bulleted text and superb illustrations that accompany them. Expert neurosurgeons specializing in the spine and peripheral nerves describe how they perform common procedures and offer surgical tips and pearls. Key Features: * Distills a wealth of information in a concise, step-by-step format, making it easy for neurosurgeons and other spine specialists to review how procedures are performed*
Includes more than 100 procedures focusing on the spine and peripheral nerves, each accompanied by high-quality, original illustrations* Presents all procedures using a consistent outline and covers topics in either a pathology-based or an approach-based manner Surgeons at all levels, from residents learning procedures to experienced practitioners needing a quick refresher, will find this book and its companion volume, Neurosurgery Tricks of the Trade: Cranial, to be invaluable resources throughout their surgical careers. This book has been developed from Thieme
The Human Brain in 1969 Pieces 2.0 CDROM Thieme Verlag Nowinski
2/1/2014 9781626230194 279.99 EUR PO RABACIE:
252 EUR 60
NHP - Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus: Pathophysiology-diagnosis-treatment Thieme Verlag
Fritsch M
5/1/2014 9783131646019 119.99 EUR PO RABACIE:
108 EUR
Often misunderstood and misdiagnosed, normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) is a disease of the elderly that is on the rise as the population ages. Its similarities to Parkinsons disease, dementia and other chronic neurodegenerative conditions make diagnosis challenging, requiring clinicians to be alert to the signs and symptoms that differentiate it. Here is the first comprehensive book on the topic, written by experts who have researched and taught courses on NPH for years. From clinical characteristics and pathophysiology to signs and symptoms, radiographic findings,
diagnostic tests and state-of-the-art treatment techniques, it covers everything practitioners need to know about this multifaceted condition. Special Features: * Describes the classic symptom triad of gait disturbance, urinary incontinence and dementia * Covers the full sequence of the diagnostic work-up, including imaging studies, non-invasive tests, and invasive procedures such as lumbar infusion and cerebrospinal tap tests* Explains the risks and benefits of surgical implantation of a ventricular-peritoneal (VP) shunt to relieve symptoms and restore
Traumatic Brain Injury SPRINGER
6/1/2012 9780387878867 160.45 EUR PO RABACIE:
145 EUR
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major cause of disability worldwide. Each year 1.7 million new TBIs occur in the United States, and it is also considered a signature injury of the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts. Despite the relatively high incidence-within both civilian and military populations-the diagnosis and treatment, particularly of mild TBI/ concussion, remains an inexact science. Traumatic Brain Injury: A Clinician's Guide to Diagnosis, Management, and Rehabilitation is a concise guide designed for neurologists, primary care, and sports physicians and other medical providers, psychologists and
-10% neuropsychologists, and athletic trainers who may evaluate and care for patients with TBI. The book features summaries of the most pertinent areas of diagnosis and therapy, which can be readily accessed by the busy clinician/professional. In addition, the book's treatment algorithms provide a highly practical reference to cutting edge therapies. A superb contribution to the literature, Traumatic Brain Injury: A Clinician's Guide to Diagnosis, Management, and Rehabilitation offers a well-designed, well-written, useful resource for all providers who treat patients with TBI. From the reviews: "This collection
Neurology SPRINGER
9/1/2011 9780387885544 53.45 EUR PO RABACIE:
49 EUR abe.pl
Evidence-based Clinical Practice (EBCP) is the conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of current best external evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients. In neurology, practice has shifted from a rich, descriptive discipline to one of increasingly diagnostic and therapeutic interventions. Providing a comprehensive review of the current best evidence, Neurology: An Evidence-Based Approach presents this type of evidence in a concise, user-friendly and easily accessible manner. The three co-editors of this important volume are linked in their passion for evidence-based
-10% clinical practice in the clinical neurological sciences, connected to a common historical origin at the University of Western Ontario (UWO), London, Ontario Canada and influenced directly by Evidence-Based Medicine teachings of McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario Cananda. The book is organized in three sections: Basics of Evidence-Based Clinical Practice, with an introduction to the topic, a chapter on the evolution of the hierarchy of evidence, and another chapter on guidelines for rating the quality of evidence and grading the strength of recommendation. 61
MR Spectroscopy of Pediatric Brain Disorders SPRINGER
11/1/2012 9781441958631 160.45 EUR PO RABACIE:
145 EUR
Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is a modality available on most clinical MR scanners and readily integrated with standard MR imaging (MRI). For the brain in particular, MRS has been a powerful research tool providing additional clinically relevant information for several disease families such as brain tumors, metabolic disorders, and systemic diseases. The most widely-available MRS method, proton (1H; hydrogen) spectroscopy, is FDA approved for general use in the US and can be ordered by clinicians for patient studies if indicated. There are several books available that
describe applications of MRS in adults. However, to the best of our knowledge there is currently no book available that focuses exclusively on applications in pediatrics. MR spectroscopy in the pediatric population is different from adults for two main reasons. Particularly in the newborn phase the brain undergoes biochemical maturation with dramatic changes of the "normal" biochemical fingerprint. Secondly, brain diseases in the pediatric population are different from adult disorders. For example, brain tumors, which are mostly gliomas in the adults, often originate from
Cognition Beyond the Brain SPRINGER
6/1/2013 9781447151241 101.64 EUR PO RABACIE:
92 EUR
Cognition Beyond the Brain challenges neurocentrism by advocating a systemic view of cognition based on investigating how action shapes the experience of thinking. The systemic view steers between extended functionalism and enactivism by stressing how living beings connect bodies, technologies, language and culture. Since human thinking depends on a cultural ecology, people connect biologically-based powers with extended systems and, by so doing, they constitute cognitive systems that reach across the skin. Biological interpretation exploits extended functional
-10% systems. Illustrating distributed cognition, one set of chapters focus on computer mediated trust, work at a construction site, judgement aggregation and crime scene investigation. Turning to how bodies manufacture skills, the remaining chapters focus on interactivity or sense-saturated coordination. The feeling of doing is crucial to solving maths problems, learning about X rays, finding an invoice number, or launching a warhead in a film. People both participate in extended systems and exert individual responsibility. Brains manufacture a now to which selves
The Hand and the Brain SPRINGER
Lundborg Goran
9/1/2013 9781447153337 32.09 EUR PO RABACIE:
29 EUR 62
This book presents the human hand from an overall perspective - from the first appearance of hand-like structures in the fins of big fishes living millions of years ago to today's and the future's mind-controlled artificial hands. Much focus is given to the extremely well-developed sensation of the hand, its importance and its linkage to brain plasticity mechanisms. How can active hands rapidly expand their representational area in the brain? How can the sense of touch substitute for other deficient senses, such as in Braille reading where hand sensation substitutes for missing vision?
How can the mere observation of active hands, belonging to others, activate the hand area in the observer's own brain and what is the importance of this phenomenon for learning by imitation and the understanding of other peoples' actions, gestures and body language? Why are some of us left-handed and what are the consequences from cultural and physiological viewpoints? Why does phantom sensation and phantom pain occur after hand amputation, and what can we do about it? Why can salamanders regenerate new extremities while humans can not?
Attention Disorders After Right Brain Damage SPRINGER
Bartolomeo Paolo
12/1/2013 9781447156482 106.99 EUR PO RABACIE:
97 EUR
This book provides an overview of attentional impairments in brain-damaged patients from both clinical and neuroscientific perspectives, and aims to offer a comprehensive, succinct treatment of these topics useful to both clinicians and scholars. A main focus of the book concerns left visual neglect, a dramatic but often overlooked consequence of right hemisphere damage, usually of vascular origin, but also resulting from other causes such as neurodegenerative conditions. The study of neglect offers a key to understand the brain's functioning at the level of largescale networks, and not only based on
discrete anatomical structures. Patients are often unaware of their deficits (anosognosia), and often obstinately deny being hemiplegic. Diagnosis is important because neglect predicts poor functional outcome in stroke. Moreover, effective rehabilitation strategies are available, and there are promising possibilities for pharmacological treatments. Attention Disorders After Right Brain Damage is aimed at clinical neurologists, medics in physical medicine and rehabilitation, clinical psychologists and neuropsychologists. It will also be useful for graduate students
Cognitive Remediation for Brain Injury and Neurological Illness SPRINGER
Podd Marvin H.
11/1/2011 9781461419747 56.66 EUR PO RABACIE:
51 EUR
The purpose of this book is to teach psychologists with a neuropsychology background about cognitive remediation, the evidence in the research literature, and how to develop and conduct a treatment plan and evaluate the effectiveness of the interventions. The approach is illustrated using the computer-assisted cognitive remediation program developed by the author (NeurXercise). Twenty-nine different cases are presented in depth, following the outline presented in the earlier portions of the book. Treatment planning emphasizes Luria's concepts of alternate functional
systems and double dissociation. Pre- and post-treatment neuropsychological testing results are presented along with ecological validity and generalization to daily functioning. The cases are presented by etiology and each section concludes with what can be learned about that etiologic process from the cognitive remediation results. This section includes blast injuries, which are still being characterized in the literature, as well as effective treatment of patients with head injury, stroke, postneurosurgical sequelae, co-morbid disorders, subcortical disorders, attention
Brain Immune System Signal Molecules in Protection From Aerobic and Anaerobic SPRINGER
Galoyan Armen
6/1/2012 9781461436669 171.19 EUR PO RABACIE:
155 EUR abe.pl
Proline-rich polypeptides - in particular (PRP1) galarmin and its structural analogues - are, when isolated from the neurosecretory granules of neurohypophysis of humans and animals, a new type of hypothalamic peptides. They work against aerobic, anaerobic, gram-positive, and gram-negative microorganisms in vivo, and do not have etiotropic properties. They are unique and capable substitutes to antibiotics, and, moreover, may be effective against strains, such as MRSA, that develop resistance to antibiotics. Galarmin, a component of the brain neuroendocrine system produced by
the neurosecretory cells of hypothalamus, possesses immunomodulative, neuroprotective, antioxidant, antitumorigenic and hematopoietic properties. Moreover, galarmin and its structural analogues are powerful anti-inflammatory compounds. In addition to presenting a full overview of the neuroimmune system, it emphasizes the antibacterial, neuroprotective, and neuroregenerative properties of proline-rich polypeptides. It investigates the mechanism of galarmin's action during different infectious processes, where it targets such dangerous pathogens 63
Autism and the Brain
SPRINGER Glezerman Tatyana B.
8/1/2012 9781461441113 149.75 EUR PO RABACIE:
135 EUR
For years, the typical presentation of autismthe developmental delays, the social and linguistic deficits-has been well known. Despite great variation among children with this condition, certain symptoms are considered hallmarks of the disorder. Less understood is why these symptoms come together to construct autism. And as autism rates continue to rise, this information is ever more vital to accurate diagnosis and treatment. Autism and the Brain offers answers by showing a new neuropsychology of the autistic spectrum, reviewing general brain organization, and relating specific
regions and structures to specific clinical symptoms. The author identifies deficiencies in areas of the left-hemisphere associated with the self and identity as central to autism. From this primary damage, the brain further reorganizes to compensate, explaining the diverse behaviors among low- and highfunctioning individuals as well as autistic savants. The result is a unique threedimensional view of brain structure, function, and pathology, with in-depth focus on how the autistic brain: Perceives the world. Understands and uses words. Perceives faces. Understands spatial relations and
The Brain-Dead Organ Donor
10/1/2012 9781461443032 160.45 EUR PO RABACIE:
145 EUR
Addressing all aspects of brain death and thoroughly detailing how a potential organ donor should be maintained to ensure maximum use of the organs and cells, The Brain-Dead Organ Donor: Pathophysiology and Management is a landmark addition to the literature. This first-of-its-kind, multidisciplinary volume will be of interest to a large section of the medical community. The first section of the book reviews the historical, medical, legal, and ethical aspects of brain death. That is followed by two chapters on the pathophysiology of brain death as investigated in small and large
animal models. This includes a review of the many hormonal changes, including the neuroendocrine- adrenergic 'storm', that takes place during and following the induction of brain death, and how they impact metabolism. The next section of the book reviews various effects of brain death, namely its impact on thyroid function, the inflammatory response that develops, and those relating to innate immunity. The chapters relating to assessment and management of potential organ donors will be of interest to a very large group of transplant surgeons and physicians as well
Neural-Immune Interactions in Brain Function and Alcohol Related Disorders SPRINGER
10/1/2012 9781461447283 181.85 EUR PO RABACIE:
164 EUR 64
Recent studies have provided clear evidence on the role of neural-immune interactions in normal brain function and neuropathological conditions. Neuroimmune factors, which play an essential role in neuroinflammatory response, have been implicated in the regulation of neuronal function and plasticity. Thus, neural-immune interactions provide a new frame work for understanding the role of the neuroimmune system in normal brain function, neurodevelopment, and a variety of neurological disorders. These advances have a far reaching impact on many areas of neuroscience, including alcohol research.
Studies using human alcoholic brains, gene knockout mice, and gene expression profiling have established a clear link between alcoholism and an altered neuroimmune profile. This book integrates emerging knowledge on neural-immune interactions with key discoveries in alcohol research and provides a comprehensive overview of neural-immune interactions in brain function and behavior associated with alcohol use disorders. While "Neural-Immune Interaction in Brain Function and Alcohol Related Disorders" focuses on neural-immune interactions in
Optical Methods and Instrumentation in Brain Imaging and Therapy SPRINGER
11/1/2012 9781461449775 139.05 EUR PO RABACIE:
126 EUR
This book provides a comprehensive up-todate review of optical approaches used in brain imaging and therapy. It covers a variety of imaging approaches including diffuse optical imaging, laser speckle imaging, photoacoustic imaging and optical coherence tomography. A number of laserbased therapeutic techniques are reviewed, including photodynamic therapy, fluorescence guided resection and photothermal therapy. Fundamental principles and instrumentation are discussed for each imaging and therapeutic approach.
Imaging Brain Function with EEG
SPRINGER Freeman Walter J.
10/1/2012 9781461449836 160.45 EUR PO RABACIE:
145 EUR
The scalp and cortex lie like pages of an open book on which the cortex enciphers vast quantities of information and knowledge. They are recorded and analyzed as temporal and spatial patterns in the electroencephalogram and electrocorticogram. This book describes basic tools and concepts needed to measure and decipher the patterns extracted from the EEG and ECoG. This book emphasizes the need for single trial analysis using new methods and paradigms, as well as large, high-density spatial arrays of electrodes for pattern sampling. The
deciphered patterns reveal neural mechanisms by which brains process sensory information into precepts and concepts. It describes the brain as a thermodynamic system that uses chemical energy to construct knowledge. The results are intended for use in the search for the neural correlates of intention, attention, perception and learning; in the design of human brain-computer interfaces enabling mental control of machines; and in exploring and explaining the physicochemical foundation of biological intelligence.
Atlas of Brain and Spine Oncology Imaging SPRINGER
12/1/2012 9781461456520 139.05 EUR PO RABACIE:
126 EUR abe.pl
Atlas of Brain and Spine Oncology Imaging presents a comprehensive visual review of pathologic disease variations of cancers of the brain and spine through extensive radiologic images. The focus of the book is on algorithmic strategies for identifying neoplastic pathologies commonly found in brain and spinal tumors through a visual representation of the variety of appearances that each neoplasm takes, within both benign and malignant manifestations. With contributions from radiologists on staff at a National Cancer Institute-designated comprehensive cancer center, who draw
-10% from an extensive collection of diagnostic images across all imaging modalities, this book will be valuable to practicing radiologists, radiation oncologists, surgeons and other practitioners involved in the diagnosis and treatment of brain and spinal neoplasms in all patient populations.
Exploring Frontiers of the Mind-brain Relationship SPRINGER
10/1/2012 9781461460206 64.15 EUR PO RABACIE:
58 EUR
The conscious mind defines human existence. Many consider the brain as a computer, and they attempt to explain consciousness as emerging at a critical, but unspecified, threshold level of complex computation among neurons. The brain-ascomputer model, however, fails to account for phenomenal experience and portrays consciousness as an impotent, after-the-fact epiphenomenon lacking causal power. And the brain-as-computer concept precludes even the remotest possibility of spirituality. As described throughout the history of humankind, seemingly spiritual mental
phenomena including transcendent states, near-death and out-of-body experiences, and past-life memories have in recent years been well documented and treated scientifically. In addition, the brain-ascomputer approach has been challenged by advocates of quantum brain biology, who are possibly able to explain, scientifically, nonlocal, seemingly spiritual mental states. Exploring Frontiers of the Mind-Brain Relationship argues against the purely physical analysis of consciousness and for a balanced psychobiological approach. This thought-provoking volume bridges
The Chiari Malformations
6/1/2013 9781461463689 160.49 EUR PO RABACIE:
145 EUR
Once an uncommon clinical finding, the Chiari malformations are now frequently seen with the advent of more sophisticated imaging modalities. With more than one hundred years of experience with these entities, medicine currently has a much better understanding of the embryology and pathophysiology of the disorder. Long-term outcome studies are becoming more prevalent and patients are commonly operated on with generally favorable results. Comprehensive in design, the The Chiari Malformations focuses on the two most common forms of hindbrain herniation, the
Chiari I and II malformations. Since the original description and classification of hindbrain hernias more than one hundred and twenty years ago, the Chiari malformations have revealed much of their pathophysiology and have become easily diagnosed radiologically. Indeed with the availability of MRI, more and more patients are being labeled with the diagnosis but without symptoms or appropriate symptoms. Timely and an invaluable addition to the literature, The Chiari Malformations thoroughly details the progress that has been made with our understanding of these
Brain Theory from a Circuits and Systems Perspective SPRINGER
Burger John Robert
5/1/2013 9781461464112 149.79 EUR PO RABACIE:
135 EUR 66
This book models an idealized neuron as being driven by basic electrical elements, the goal being to systematically characterize the logical properties of neural pulses. In order to constitute a system, neurons as pulsating devices may be represented using novel circuit elements as delineated in this book. A plausible brain system is implied by the delineated elements and logically follows from known and likely properties of a neuron. New to electrical science are novel pulserelated circuit elements involving recursive neurons. A recursive neuron, when properly excited, produces a self-sustaining pulse
train that when sampled, provides a true output with a specified probability, and a false output with complementary probability. Because of its similarity to the qubits of quantum mechanics, the recursive pulsating neuron is termed a simulated qubit. Recursive neurons easily function as controlled toggle devices and so are capable of massively parallel calculations, this being a new dimension in brain functioning as described in this book. Simulated qubits and their possibilities are compared to the qubits of quantum physics. Included in the book are suggested neural
Imaging the Brain in Autism
5/1/2013 9781461468424 149.79 EUR PO RABACIE:
135 EUR
Data compiled by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention indicates an alarming and continuing increase in the prevalence of autism. Despite intensive research during the last few decades, autism remains a behavioral defined syndrome wherein diagnostic criteria lack in construct validity. And, contrary to other conditions like diabetes and hypertension, there are no biomarkers for autism. However, new imaging methods are changing the way we think about autism, bringing us closer to a falsifiable definition for the condition, identifying affected individuals earlier in life,
and recognizing different subtypes of autism. The imaging modalities discussed in this book emphasize the power of new technology to uncover important clues about the condition with the hope of developing effective interventions. Imaging the Brain in Autism was created to examine autism from a unique perspective that would emphasize results from different imaging technologies. These techniques show brain abnormalities in a significant percentage of patients, abnormalities that translate into aberrant functioning and significant clinical symptomatology.
Forebrain Atlas of the Short-tailed Fruit Bat, Carollia Perspicillata SPRINGER
Scalia Frank
5/1/2013 9781461470878 85.59 EUR PO RABACIE:
78 EUR
The Forebrain Atlas of the Short-tailed Fruit Bat, Carollia perpicillata, is unique among brain atlases. Not only is this the first quality atlas treatment of a bat species, but the atlas is also unique in its use of NeuN staining. Carollia perpicillata, a tropical species, is the only bat that has essentially been domesticated and can be maintained and propagated in a research environment utilizing simple, inexpensive husbandry procedures. The NeuN preparations used in this atlas selectively stain neurons in a sharp black coloration that fills not only the cell body but extends a short distance along the
proximal dendrites. Thus, as distinct from the traditional nissl stains, which generate a shade of blue largely restricted to the cell body, the NeuN generates a quasi Golgi-like image of the neurons. This provides a more intimate view of the neurons than can be obtained from nissl staining. In addition, the background is essentially white, facilitating high-contrast photography and allowing for gray-tone illustration without any loss of information. The NeuN procedure does not stain axons, and since it does not stain glial cells or their nuclei, the noise ordinarily generated in nissl
Cholesterol and Presynaptic Glutamate Transport in the Brain SPRINGER
Borisova Tatiana
7/1/2013 9781461477587 53.49 EUR PO RABACIE:
49 EUR abe.pl
Glutamate is the primary excitatory neurotransmitter in the CNS and disturbances in glutamate transport contribute to a number of neurological and neurodegenerative disorders. Appropriate levels of cholesterol are very important for the proper functioning of glutamate transport while unbalanced levels of cholesterol have been implicated in the pathogenesis of disorders such as stroke, ischemia, traumatic brain injury, and neurotoxicity. In the proposed book, the author presents data from the literature and from her own lab to address the extent to and way in which
membrane cholesterol modulates presynaptic glutamate transport and whether lowering the level of cholesterol available can offer some neuroprotective benefits.
ADHD as a Model of Brain-behavior Relationships SPRINGER
Chidekel Dana
9/1/2013 9781461483816 53.49 EUR PO RABACIE:
49 EUR
ADHD as a Model of Brain-Behavior Relationships Leonard F. Koziol, Deborah Ely Budding, and Dana Chidekel Series Title: Springer Briefs in Neuroscience Subseries: The Vertically Organized Brain in Theory and Practice It's been a basic neurological given: the brain does our thinking, and has evolved to do the thinking, as controlled by the neocortex. In this schema, all dysfunction can be traced to problems in the brain's lateral interactions. But in scientific reality, is this really true? Challenging this traditional cortico-centric view is a body of research emphasizing the role of the structures that
control movement-the brain's vertical organization-in behavioral symptoms. Using a well-known, widely studied disorder as a test case, ADHD as a Model of BrainBehavior Relationships offers an innovative framework for integrating neuroscience and behavioral research to refine diagnostic process and advance the understanding of disorders. Identifying a profound disconnect between current neuropsychological testing and the way the brain actually functions, this revision of the paradigm critiques the DSM and ICD in terms of the connectedness of brain
Immunological Mechanisms and Therapies in Brain Injuries and Stroke SPRINGER
11/1/2013 9781461489146 160.49 EUR PO RABACIE:
145 EUR
Recent research has revealed the importance of immunological mechanisms and inflammation in delaying damage and/or promoting repair after an acute injury to the central nervous system. This book provides a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of the role of immunological mechanisms and therapies for treating acute neurological injuries such as cerebral ischemia, hemorrhage, and brain and spinal cord trauma. In several sections, the contributing authors provide a review of immunological mechanisms involved in neurological injury and of various translational and clinical
research aimed at harnessing those mechanisms for better patient outcomes.
Principles of Neurophysiological Assessment, Mapping, and Monitoring SPRINGER
12/1/2013 9781461489412 64.19 EUR PO RABACIE:
58 EUR 68
This book provides foundational knowledge of intraoperative monitoring (IOM) and is written for the range of clinicians who monitor the function of the nervous system during surgery, from new technologists to neurophysiologists and neurosurgeons. Early chapters describe the building blocks of IOM in accessible terms and are followed by practical chapters on monitoring and mapping that show basic and clinical science "in action". Anesthesiologists and trainees with an interest in diagnosing and managing pain will appreciate the inclusion of chapters on the electrophysiological assessment of
spinal cord pathology and on the treatment of pain. Principles of Neurophysiological Assessment, Mapping, and Monitoring is designed for use as a text in academic courses or in corporate training programs. It also provides a concise refresher for experienced clinicians and for physicians, neurophysiologists, and technologists preparing for board exams.
Drug Delivery to the Brain
12/1/2013 9781461491040 181.89 EUR PO RABACIE:
164 EUR
The development of new CNS drugs is notoriously difficult. Drugs must reach CNS target sites for action and these sites are protected by a number of barriers, the most important being the blood -brain barrier (BBB). Many factors are therefore critical to consider for CNS drug delivery, e.g. active/ passive transport across the BBB, intra-brain distribution, and central/systemic pharmacokinetics, to name a few. Neurological disease and trauma conditions add further complexity because CNS barriers, drug distribution and pharmacokinetics are dynamic and often
changed by disease/trauma. Knowledge of all these factors and their interplay in different conditions is of utmost importance for proper CNS drug development and disease treatment. In recent years much information has become available for a better understanding of the many factors important for CNS drug delivery and how they interact to affect drug action. This book describes small and large drug delivery to the brain with an emphasis on the physiology of the BBB and the principles and concepts for drug delivery across the BBB and distribution within the brain.
Endogenous Stem Cell-Based Brain Remodeling in Mammals SPRINGER
2/1/2014 9781489973986 149.79 EUR PO RABACIE:
135 EUR
This text highlights the endogenous regenerative potential of the central nervous system in neonates and juveniles and discusses possible ways it might be manipulated for medical purposes. The first section provides a descriptive summary of the salient steps of human brain development with a discussion of comparisons with other mammalian brains. It also provides a historical perspective on our understanding of ongoing brain development throughout the lifespan and serve to introduce the concept of brain plasticity following injury. The second part is devoted
to the endogenous reparative potential of the brain, including its limitations, and articles focusing on defined pathologies (e.g. anoxia/ hypoxia, epilepsy, traumatic brain injury and stress) in animal models and in humans pinpoint eventual ways these pathologies might be manipulated. The third and final focuses on the "dark side" of stem cells for brain repair or of the manipulation of spontaneous adaptive events after injury (e.g. genomic instability, sensitization to cancerous transformation and defective neural networks).
Movement Disorders SPRINGER
Tarsy Daniel
7/1/2012 9781603274258 80.2 EUR PO RABACIE:
73 EUR abe.pl
Movement Disorders: A Video Atlas is a practical and concise title offering an introduction to the field of movement disorders, which is expanding rapidly with the involvement of various disciplines and specialties. The unique feature of the book is the accompanying video content, comprising common cases in each category of movement disorders. The video clips come from Dr. Tarsy's personal video collection at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Dr. Bhidayasiri's personal collection at Chulalongkorn University and UCLA. The video is on an accompanying DVD and can
also be found at www.springerimages.com/ Tarsy. Each case includes expert narration from Dr. Tarsy. Rather than focusing on rare cases, the authors emphasize typical cases, with good history and physical signs. Unique, easy to read, with highly instructive supporting video content, Movement Disorders: A Video Atlas is an indispensable reference for all clinicians interested in the fascinating field of movement disorders.
Animal Models of Brain Tumors
6/1/2012 9781627032087 117.65 EUR PO RABACIE:
106 EUR
Although the available models, whether at the cellular, tissue, or animal level, do not exactly represent the biology of human brain tumors, animal models can offer significant insights into these tumors, providing a better understanding of biological mechanisms underlying tumor generation, growth, angiogenesis, invasion, and metastasis. Animal Models of Brain Tumors brings together developments and discoveries in in vivo experimental tumor research that have provided advances in our understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the generation, progression, and
clinical outcome of brain neoplasms. Broken into convenient sections, this thorough volume includes topics such as animal model insights into human brain neoplasms, the cellular, molecular, and genetic basis of brain tumors, therapies in the treatment of malignant glioma, as well as imaging technologies in animal tumor models, i.e. measuring brain tumor growth and metabolism. Written for the popular Neuromethods series, chapters include the kind of detailed description and implementation advice that is essential for achieving successful results.§Authoritative
Viral Vector Approaches in Neurobiology and Brain Diseases SPRINGER
10/1/2013 9781627036092 117.69 EUR PO RABACIE:
106 EUR
Aiming toward improvement in the safety, efficiency, and specificity of viral vectors for neurobiological research and clinical applications, Viral Vector Approaches in Neurobiology and Brain Diseases covers key aspects related to the use of viral vectors in neuroscience, with a major emphasis on basic mechanisms of synaptic plasticity, learning, and memory, as well as molecular neuropharmacology and experimental animal models of brain disorders. The volume begins by delving into features of the viral vectors currently available in neuroscience and their production methods, and it then
continues onward to examples of successful applications of viral vector technology to psychiatric and memory research, current applications of viral vector technology in the context of neurological disorders, as well as various cutting-edge applications of viral vector technology to neuroscience, including optogenetics. Written for the Neuromethods series, the chapters of this book contain the kind of detailed description and implementation advice that promotes successful, repeatable results. Practical and up to date, Viral Vector Approaches in Neurobiology and Brain
Brain Development SPRINGER
9/1/2013 9781627036542 117.69 EUR PO RABACIE:
106 EUR 70
Providing widely used techniques in genetic model systems and many complementing animal models, Brain Development: Methods and Protocols focuses its expert contributions on two key technical aspects of developmental neurobiology: detection of gene expression and functional characterization of developmental control genes. Covering animal models such as the fruit fly, zebra fish, chicken, and mouse, this detailed book views in situ hybridization, reporter gene expression, and immunohistochemical staining methods, as well as RNA interference, Morpholino, or
-10% transgenic techniques through the prism of these models. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapter include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-bystep, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Practical and cuttingedge, Brain Development: Methods and Protocols aims to provide precise technical protocols but also allows for comparing a wide range of protocols in different tissues and species.
Pediatric Craniovertebral Junction Diseases
11/1/2013 9783319010649 160.49 EUR PO RABACIE:
145 EUR
This dedicated volume in the series Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery (ATSN) provides a comprehensive approach to diseases of the craniovertebral junction (CVJ) and their management based on the multidisciplinary cooperation of neurosurgeons, anatomists, neuroradiologists, and neuroanesthesiologists. The contributing authors represent the most renowned clinical and surgical experts from Europe and beyond. The main topics highlighted are embryology, normal and abnormal development of the CVJ, including the
related vessels, modern radiological contributions to diagnosis, genetic and metabolic factors which may impact on the surgical strategies, the opportunities offered by traditional operative techniques, and the recently introduced minimally invasive and endoscopic surgical modalities. Special emphasis is also placed on the evolution of the principles of surgical treatment as matured during the past decade by experiences in the still open field of pediatric neurosurgery.
Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery SPRINGER
12/1/2013 9783319018294 149.79 EUR PO RABACIE:
135 EUR
This volume of Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery is devoted entirely to the spine. Like other volumes in the series, it presents important recent progress in the field and offers detailed descriptions of standard procedures to assist young neurosurgeons. Among the advances considered are approaches to spinal navigation, including intraoperative imaging based navigation, and concepts of spinal robotics. The value of sagittal balance as a parameter for the neurosurgeon is examined, and a novel surgical approach to longitudinal pathologies within the spinal canal is
presented. Developments in surgery for kyphosis are also discussed, with a focus on pedicle subtraction osteotomy. The technical standards section critically reviews the latest evidence regarding cervical disc arthroplasty and pedicle-based non-fusion stabilization devices. The book concludes by discussing the treatment of craniovertebral junction instability as a result of juvenile chronic arthritis.
Multimodal Brain Image Analysis
8/1/2013 9783319021256 49.22 EUR PO RABACIE:
45 EUR abe.pl
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Multimodal Brain Image Analysis, MBIA 2013, held in Nagoya, Japan, on September 22, 2013 in conjunction with the 16th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, MICCAI. The 24 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 35 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on analysis, methodologies, algorithms, software systems, validation approaches, benchmark datasets, neuroscience and
clinical applications.
Computational Diffusion MRI and Brain Connectivity SPRINGER
1/1/2014 9783319024745 106.99 EUR PO RABACIE:
97 EUR
This volume contains the proceedings from two closely related workshops: Computational Diffusion MRI (CDMRI'13) and Mathematical Methods from Brain Connectivity (MMBC'13), held under the auspices of the 16th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, which took place in Nagoya, Japan, September 2013. Inside, readers will find contributions ranging from mathematical foundations and novel methods for the validation of inferring large-scale connectivity from neuroimaging data to the statistical analysis of the data,
accelerated methods for data acquisition, and the most recent developments on mathematical diffusion modeling. This volume offers a valuable starting point for anyone interested in learning computational diffusion MRI and mathematical methods for brain connectivity as well as offers new perspectives and insights on current research challenges for those currently in the field. It will be of interest to researchers and practitioners in computer science, MR physics, and applied mathematics.
Brain and Health Informatics SPRINGER
9/1/2013 9783319027524 74.9 EUR PO RABACIE:
68 EUR
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the International Conference on Brain and Health Informatics, BHI 2013, held in Maebashi, Japan, in October 2013. The 33 revised full papers presented together with 8 workshop papers and 12 special session papers were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the book. The papers are organized in topical sections on thinking and perception-centric Investigations of human Information processing system; information technologies for curating, mining, managing and using big brain/health data; information technologies
-10% for healthcare; data analytics, data mining, and machine learning; and applications. The topics of the workshop papers are: mental health with ICT; and granular knowledge discovery in biomedical and active-media environments; and the topics of the special sessions are: human centered computing; neuro-robotics; and intelligent healthcare data analytics.
Syringomyelia SPRINGER
4/1/2014 9783540724841 149.79 EUR PO RABACIE:
135 EUR 72
'Syringomyelia and Hindbrain Hernia' provides an up-to-date account of the present state of understanding of syringomyelia and releated disorders. Although a relatively rare clinical entity, this topic continues to fascinate neurosurgeons, neurologists and other specialists. Modern imaging technologies permit an accurate diagnosis to be made at an early state in most cases. This reference monograph also addresses new challenges, such as the appropriate management of the increasing number of apparently idiopathic syrinx cavaties that are detected. It discusses
-10% controversies in current practice and provides direction for future research. An important reference monograph for experts in this field and for specialists in the various related disciplines.
Atlas of Postsurgical Neuroradiology
SPRINGER Ginat Daniel T.
10/1/2012 9783642158278 160.45 EUR PO RABACIE:
145 EUR
As a result of the increasing number of surgical procedures on the brain, head, neck, and spine, postoperative changes are being encountered more frequently on neuroradiological examinations. However, these findings are often unfamiliar to neuroradiologists and neurosurgeons and can be difficult to interpret. This book, which contains numerous images and to-the-point case descriptions, is a comprehensive yet concise reference guide to postsurgical neuroradiology. It will enable the reader to identify the type of surgery performed and the hardware implanted and to differentiate
expected sequelae from complications. Topics reviewed include trauma, tumors, vascular disorders, and infections of the head, neck, and spine; cerebrospinal fluid abnormalities; and, degenerative diseases of the spine. This book will serve as a unique and convenient resource for both neuroradiologists and neurosurgeons. From the reviews: "This monograph concerns the postoperative findings using CT, MRI, PET, and plain radiographic means to evaluate head, neck, skull, and brain surgeries. I highly recommend this book with its great depth and scope for neurosurgeons seeking
Diffusion MRI Outside the Brain SPRINGER
Luna Antonio
11/1/2011 9783642210518 139.05 EUR PO RABACIE:
126 EUR
Recent advances in MR technology permit the application of diffusion MRI outside of the brain. In this book, the authors present cases drawn from daily clinical practice to illustrate the role of diffusion sequences, along with other morphological and functional MRI information, in the work-up of a variety of frequently encountered oncological and nononcological diseases. Breast, musculoskeletal, whole-body, and other applications are covered in detail, with careful explanation of the pros and cons of diffusion MRI in each circumstance. Quantification and post-processing are
discussed, and advice is provided on how to acquire state of the art images, and avoid artifacts, when using 1.5- and 3-T magnets. Applications likely to emerge in the near future, such as for screening, are also reviewed. The practical approach adopted by the authors, combined with the wealth of high-quality illustrations, ensure that this book will be of great value to practitioners.
Manual of Spine Surgery SPRINGER
10/1/2012 9783642226816 160.45 EUR
The success of any spinal operation depends on good definition of the indications, consideration of the contraindications, technical and organizational factors, good operating technique and correct preoperative preparation and positioning of the patient. These points are presented in this book as clearly as possible and are illustrated with detailed high quality artwork.
145 EUR abe.pl
Epigenetics, Brain and Behavior
10/1/2012 9783642279126 149.75 EUR PO RABACIE:
135 EUR
Recent years have seen spectacular advances in the field of epigenetics. These have attracted the interest of researchers in many fields and evidence connecting epigenetic regulation to brain functions has been accumulating. Neurons daily convert a variety of external stimuli into rapid or longlasting changes in gene expression. A variety of studies have centered on the molecular mechanisms implicated in epigenetic control and how these may operate in concert. It will be critical to unravel how specifity is achieved. The focus of this volume is on critical epigenetic regulation and chromatin
remodeling events that occur in the nervous system and on the presumed mechanisms that operate within neurons to translate them into long-lasting neuronal responses.
Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury SPRINGER
6/1/2012 9783642281259 139.05 EUR PO RABACIE:
126 EUR
In order to reduce the number of deaths from severe head injuries, systematic management is essential. This book is a practical, comprehensive guide to the treatment of patients (both adults and children) with such injuries, from the time of initial contact through to the rehabilitation center. Sections are devoted to prehospital treatment, admission and diagnostics, acute management, and neurointensive care and rehabilitation. Evidence-based recommendations are presented for each diagnostic and therapeutic measure, and tips, tricks, and pitfalls are highlighted.
Throughout, the emphasis is on the provision of sound clinical advice that will maximize the likelihood of an optimal outcome. Helpful flowcharts designed for use in daily routine are also provided. The authors are all members of the Scandinavian Neurotrauma Committee and have extensive practical experience in the areas they write about. From the reviews: "A unique collection of 72 topics in eight sections contributed by competent authorities in each field and covers almost all aspects necessary for the management of severe TBI ranging from epidemiology, prehospital care to follow up
Brain Imaging in Behavioral Neuroscience SPRINGER
5/1/2012 9783642287107 181.89 EUR PO RABACIE:
164 EUR 74
This volume highlights the remarkable new developments in brain imaging, including those that apply magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), that allow us to non invasively study the living human brain in health and in disease. These technological advances have allowed us to obtain new and powerful insights into the structure and function of the healthy brain as it develops across the life cycle, as well as the molecular make up of brain systems and circuits as they develop and change with age. New brain imaging technologies have also given
-10% us new insights into the causes of many common brain disorders, including ADHD, schizophrenia, depression and Alzheimer's disease, which collectively affect a large segment of the population. These new insights have major implications for understanding and treating these brain disorders, and are providing clinicians with the first ever set of biomarkers that can be used to guide diagnosis and monitor treatment effects. The advances in brain imaging over the last 20 years, summarized in this volume, represent a major advance in modern biomedical sciences.
Towards Practical Brain-Computer Interfaces SPRINGER
8/1/2012 9783642297458 139.05 EUR PO RABACIE:
126 EUR
Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) are devices that enable people to communicate via thought alone. Brain signals can be directly translated into messages or commands. Until recently, these devices were used primarily to help people who could not move. However, BCIs are now becoming practical tools for a wide variety of people, in many different situations. What will BCIs in the future be like? Who will use them, and why? This book, written by many of the top BCI researchers and developers, reviews the latest progress in the different components of BCIs. Chapters also discuss practical
issues in an emerging BCI enabled community. The book is intended both for professionals and for interested laypeople who are not experts in BCI research.
Molecular Imaging of the Brain
SPRINGER Kaila Rakhi
9/1/2012 9783642303012 139.05 EUR PO RABACIE:
126 EUR
This book examines multi-quantum magnetic resonance imaging methods and the diagnostics of brain disorders. It consists of two Parts. The part I is initially devoted towards the basic concepts of the conventional single quantum MRI techniques. It is supplemented by the basic knowledge required to understand multiquantum MRI. Practical illustrations are included both on recent developments in conventional MRI and the MQ-MRI. This is to illustrate the connection between theoretical concepts and their scope in the clinical applications. The Part II initially sets out the
basic details about quadrupole charge distribution present in certain nuclei and their importance about the functions they perform in our brain. Some simplified final mathematical expressions are included to illustrate facts about the basic concepts of the quantum level interactions between magnetic dipole and the electric quadrupole behavior of useful nuclei present in the brain. Selected practical illustrations, from research and clinical practices are included to illustrate the newly emerging ideas and techniques. The reader should note that the two parts of the book are written with no
Inflammatory Diseases of the Brain SPRINGER
6/1/2013 9783642305191 106.99 EUR PO RABACIE:
97 EUR abe.pl
Inflammatory diseases of the CNS are playing an increasingly important role in the clinical practice of neuroradiology. Neuroimaging contributes greatly to the differentiation of infectious (e.g., viral encephalitis and pyogenic brain abscess) and noninfectious (e.g., multiple sclerosis) inflammatory brain diseases and to the distinction between brain inflammation and other brain diseases, e.g., neoplastic or ischemic.ยงThis second, updated edition of Inflammatory Diseases of the Brain provides a comprehensive overview of the field from a neuroradiological point of view. In order to
-10% ensure a standardized approach throughout the book, each disease-oriented chapter is again subdivided into three principal sections: epidemiology, clinical presentation, and therapy; imaging; and differential diagnosis. A separate chapter addresses technical and methodological issues and imaging protocols. An important focus of the book is the current role of advanced MR imaging techniques, such as diffusion and perfusion MRI and MR spectroscopy, in the differentiation of inflammatory and other brain diseases.ยงAll of the authors are recognized experts, and the numerous high-quality and 75
Deep Brain Stimulation
9/1/2012 9783642309908 149.75 EUR PO RABACIE:
135 EUR
Deep Brain Stimulation: A New Frontier in Psychiatry provides an overview of current developments and the future possibilities of deep brain stimulation for patients with therapy-refractory psychiatric disorders. The side-by-side presentation of clinical applications and animal research provides a truly translational approach. Also included is a special chapter on the ethical issues involved in deep brain stimulation in psychiatry. Deep brain stimulation of selected brain areas has been shown to result in a substantial improvement of symptoms and quality of life in patients
suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder, major depressive disorder and drug addiction. Although it is still an experimental therapy and the number of psychiatric patients that are treated is low, its effectiveness and safety makes deep brain stimulation the most promising therapy for treating other serious and life-threatening psychiatric conditions.
Nursing Care of the Pediatric Neurosurgery Patient SPRINGER
4/1/2013 9783642325533 160.45 EUR PO RABACIE:
145 EUR
Nursing Care of the Pediatric Neurosurgery Patient 2nd Edition is a detailed reference for nurses and other health care providers who care for children with neurosurgical problems. The explanations of pathophysiology, anatomy, radiodiagnostic testing, and treatment options for each neurosurgical diagnosis will help to clarify the rationale behind the nursing care. Descriptions of presenting symptoms, history and findings on neurological examination will help nurses understand the neurological disorder and identify problems. Each chapter includes case studies, impact on families,
patient and family education, and practice pearls. Staff and student nurses working in clinics, critical care units, pediatric units, operating rooms, post-anesthesia care units, emergency departments, and radiology departments will benefit from the information presented. Although this book is written for nurses, medical students and neurosurgery residents will also find it helpful. From the reviews of the second edition: "This second edition of a nursing guide to caring for pediatric neurosurgical patients provides upto-date, evidence-based information on the treatment and management of common
Stimulation of Trigeminal Afferents Improves Motor Recovery After Facial SPRINGER
Angelov Doychin N.
12/1/2012 9783642333101 106.95 EUR PO RABACIE:
97 EUR 76
Recovery of mimic function after facial nerve transection is poor: the successful regrowth of axotomized motoneurons to their targets is compromised by (i) poor axonal navigation and excessive collateral branching, (ii) abnormal exchange of nerve impulses between adjacent regrowing axons and (iii) insufficient synaptic input to facial motoneurons. As a result, axotomized motoneurons get hyperexcitable and unable to discharge. Since improvement of growth cone navigation and reduction of the ephaptic cross-talk between axons turn out be very difficult, the authorsa concentrated
on the third detrimental component and proposed that an intensification of the trigeminal input to axotomized electrophysiologically silent facial motoneurons might improve specificity of reinnervation. To test the hypothesis they compared behavioral, electrophysiological and morphological parameters after single reconstructive surgery on the facial nerve with those obtained after identical facial nerve surgery, but combined with direct or indirect stimulation of the ipsilateral infraorbital (ION) nerve. The authors found that in all cases trigeminal
Multimodal Brain Image Analysis
8/1/2012 9783642335297 49.22 EUR PO RABACIE:
45 EUR
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Multimodal Brain Image Analysis, held in conjunction with MICCAI 2012, in Nice, France, in October 2012. The 19 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from numerous submissions. The objective of this workshop is to forward the state of the art in analysis methodologies, algorithms, software systems, validation approaches, benchmark datasets, neuroscience, and clinical applications.
Multiple Origins of Sex Differences in Brain: Neuroendocrine Functions and their SPRINGER
1/1/2013 9783642337208 149.75 EUR PO RABACIE:
135 EUR
In theoretical terms, sex differences in brains and behaviors of laboratory animals offer the possibility of fascinating scientific studies on a range of molecular phenomena such as genomic imprinting, DNA methylation, chromatin protein modification, non-coding DNA, potentially resulting in important neuroanatomical and neurochemical sex differences in the brain. Such sex differences could arise consequent to exposures to testosterone early in development, or to other effects deriving from the Y chromosome. However, this general subject has been treated with much hyperbole.
Historically, sex differences were assumed to be present where they did not really exist, e.g. with respect to mathematics, executive leadership, etc. etc. Under what circumstances do we really care about sex differences in brain and behavior? These circumstances concern human maladies whose diagnoses are much different between boys and girls, or between women and men. Prominent examples discussed in this volume include autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorders and congenital adrenal hyperplasia. In fact, infant boys are more susceptible than
Spine Surgery Basics SPRINGER
1/1/2013 9783642341250 139.05 EUR PO RABACIE:
126 EUR abe.pl
Spine surgery has increasingly become a surgical field of its own, with a distinct body of knowledge. This easy-to-use book, written by acknowledged experts, is designed to meet the practical needs of the novice and the busy resident by providing essential information on spine pathology, diagnostic evaluation, surgical procedures, and other treatments. After an opening general section, degenerative spinal disease, pediatric spine conditions, spine trauma, spine tumors, infections, inflammatory disorders, and metabolic conditions are all discussed in more depth. Alongside description and
-10% evaluation of surgical options, important background information is included on pathology, presentation, diagnosis, and nonsurgical treatments. Potential complications of surgery are also carefully considered. Spine Surgery Basics will be an invaluable aid for all who are embarking on a career in spinal surgery or require a ready reference that can be consulted during everyday practice. From the reviews: "This textbook covers cervical, thoracic, and lumbosacral spine surgery and instrumentation current to 2013. ... Radiographic, CT, and MRI imaging of the 77
9/1/2012 9783642343414 139.09 EUR PO RABACIE:
126 EUR
Over the past two decades, fMRI has evolved into an invaluable clinical tool for routine brain imaging. This book provides a state of the art overview of fMRI and its use in clinical practice. Experts in the field share their knowledge and explain how to overcome diverse potential technical barriers and problems. Starting from the very basics on the origin of the BOLD signal, the book covers technical issues, anatomical landmarks, the full range of clinical applications, methods of statistical analysis, and special issues in various clinical fields. Comparisons are made with other brain
mapping techniques, such as DTI, PET, TMS, EEG, and MEG, and their combined use with fMRI is also discussed. Since the first edition, original chapters have been updated and new chapters added, covering both novel aspects of analysis and further important clinical applications.Since functional MRI (fMRI) and the basic method of BOLD imaging were introduced in 1993 by Seiji Ogawa, fMRI has evolved into an invaluable clinical tool for routine brain imaging, and there have been substantial improvements in both the imaging technique itself and the associated statistical analysis.
Brain Informatics
10/1/2012 9783642351389 57.38 EUR PO RABACIE:
52 EUR
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the International Conference on Brain Informatics, BI 2012, held in Macau, China, in December 2012. The 34 revised full papers were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the book. The papers are organized in topical sections on computer science, information technology, artificial intelligence, web intelligence, cognitive science, neuroscience, medical science, life science, economics, data mining, data and knowledge engineering, intelligent agent technology, human computer interaction, complex systems, and
system science.
Surgery of Cerebellopontine Lesions SPRINGER
Samii Madjid
3/1/2013 9783642354212 181.95 EUR PO RABACIE:
164 EUR 78
This book covers the entire spectrum of cerebellopontine angle lesions, from the most common to the rarest. All aspects are considered, including biological and radiological characteristics, neurological presentation, diagnosis, treatment options and follow-up care. The main focus, however, is on surgical management, which is presented in detail with the aid of numerous figures and images documenting technical particularities. Emphasis is placed on an individualized approach tailored to the particular tumor type and extension pattern. Both novice and experienced surgeons will
find the book to be an invaluable source of information and guidance. It will enable neurosurgeons in the initial years of training to understand and become familiar with the main steps in surgical management while simultaneously providing their senior colleagues with details and technical tips that will help to improve treatment results.
Brain-computer-interface Research
3/1/2013 9783642360824 53.49 EUR PO RABACIE:
49 EUR
Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) are rapidly developing into a mainstream, worldwide research endeavor. With so many new groups and projects, it can be difficult to identify the best ones. This book summarizes ten leading projects from around the world. About 60 submissions were received in 2011 for the highly competitive BCI Research Award, and an international jury selected the top ten. This Brief gives a concise but carefully illustrated and fully up-to-date description of each of these projects, together with an introduction and concluding chapter by the editors.
Neuroelectrical Brain Imaging Tools for the Study of the Efficacy of TV Advertising SPRINGER
Vecchiato Giovanni
5/1/2013 9783642380631 106.99 EUR PO RABACIE:
97 EUR
In this book the authors describe their original research on the potential of both standard and high-resolution electroencephalography (EEG) for analyzing brain activity in response to TV advertising. When engineering techniques, neuroscience concepts and marketing stimuli converge in one research field, known as neuromarketing, various theoretical and practical aspects need to be considered. The book introduces and discusses those aspects in detail, while showing several experiments performed by the authors during their attempts to measure both the cognitive
activity and emotional involvement of the test subjects. In these experiments, the authors apply simultaneous EEG, galvanic skin response and heart rate monitoring, and show how significant variations of these variables can be associated with attention to, memorization or enjoyment of the presented stimuli. In particular, this book shows the central role of statistical analysis in recovering significant information on the scalp and cortical areas involved, along with variations of activity in the autonomous nervous system. From an economic and marketing
Advances in Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems SPRINGER
5/1/2013 9783642387852 66.34 EUR PO RABACIE:
60 EUR abe.pl
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems, BICS 2013, held in Beijing, China in June 2013. The 45 high-quality papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 68 submissions. BICS 2013 aims to provide a high-level international forum for scientists, engineers, and educators to present the state of the art of brain inspired cognitive systems research and applications in diverse fields.
Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery: Vol. 38 SPRINGER
12/1/2011 9783709106754 171.19 EUR PO RABACIE:
155 EUR
Advances: H. Duffau: Subpial dissection and subcortical mapping with vasculature and white matter pathways preservation in surgery for brain (low grade) gliomas. - F. Scholtes, G. Brook, D. Martin: Spinal cord injury and its treatment: current management and experimental perspectives. - M. Sindou, M. Messerer, J. Alvernia, G. Saint-Pierre: Percutaneous Biopsy through the Foramen Ovale for Parasellar lesions: Surgical anatomy, Method and Indications. Technical Standards: C. Raftopoulos, F. Waterkeyn, E. Fomekong, T. Duprez: Percutaneous pedicle screw implantation
with robotic intraoperative 2D/3D fluoroscopy for refractory low back pain. -- I. Zemmoura, S. Velut, P. Francois:The choroidal fissure: anatomy and surgical implications. -- I. Timofeev, T. Santarius, A.G. Kolias, P.J.A. Hutchinson: Decompressive craniectomy -- operative technique and perioperative care. - S Fauser, J Zentner: Management of complex cortical dysplasia in epilepsy From the reviews: "This volume in a series established in 1972 and sponsored by the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies reflects on major advances in neurosurgery. ... Practicing
12/1/2011 9783709109229 192.55 EUR PO RABACIE:
174 EUR
The contributions in this volume, presented at the 5th International Hydrocephalus Workshop in May 2010 in Crete, Greece, give the present state-of-the-art in timely diagnosis and treatment of hydrocephalus. The topics covered include advances in management of both pediatric and adult hydrocephalus, identifying shunt responders, clinical experiences in endoscopic third ventriculostomy, clinical trials, pathophysiology, experimental studies, and the new classification for hydrocephalus. From the reviews: "This book presents recent updates and new concepts in the
treatment of hydrocephalus from the fifth international workshop in Crete, Greece, May 20-23, 2010. ... The audience includes adult and pediatric neurosurgeons and neurologists, family practitioners, biomedical personal, and neuroradiologists. It is good for university and department libraries. ... This is a major contribution to the literature on the progress in the management of adult and pediatric hydrocephalus. It is timely and written by well-known authors in the field." (Ramsis Farid Ghaly, Doody's Review Service, June, 2012)
Intracranial Pressure and Brain Monitoring XIV SPRINGER
3/1/2012 9783709109557 234.33 EUR PO RABACIE:
211 EUR 80
Nearly 80 short papers originating from the 14th International Symposium on Intracranial Pressure and Brain Monitoring held in Tuebingen, Germany, in September 2010 present experimental as well as clinical research data related to the naming topics of the conference. The papers have undergone a peer-reviewing and are organized in the following sections: methods of brain monitoring and data analysis, methods of invasive and non-invasive ICP assessment, the role of autoregulation, the role of tissue oxygenation and near-infrared spectroscopy, hydrocephalus/IIH imaging and diagnosis,
management and therapy of hydrocephalus, management and therapy of traumatic brain injury, management and therapy of subarachnoid and intracranial hemorrhage, experimental approaches to acute brain disease. The book gives a good overview on the latest research developments in the field of ICP and related brain monitoring and on management and therapy of relevant acute brain diseases.
Cerebral Vasospasm: Neurovascular Events After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage SPRINGER
8/1/2012 9783709111918 213.95 EUR PO RABACIE:
193 EUR
The book contains 48 articles presented at the 11th International Conference on Cerebral Vasospasm held in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, in July 2011. This collection of papers represents a cross-section of the enormous progress that has been made towards a thorough understanding and effective treatment of neurovascular events following anuerysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage, effective treatment of neurovascular events following aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage, including cerebral vasospasm. It is of interest to clinicians who wish to apply state-of-the-art knowledge to their
management of this devastating condition and to basic scientists wishing to expand their understanding of cerebrovascular and neural pathophysiology related to subarachnoid hemorrhage. From the reviews: "This book provides an extensive review of the current understanding of the topic from well-known authorities in the field. ... The audience includes neurosurgeons, neurologists, intensivists and neurointensivists, emergency room physicians, internists, family practitioners, and neuropathologists. The book is appropriate for libraries in neuroscience
Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery SPRINGER
12/1/2012 9783709113592 149.75 EUR PO RABACIE:
135 EUR
The contributions in this volume cover recent advances and changing concepts on diagnosis and treatment of resistant epilepsy in children. Topics treated are new insights on mechanisms of epileptogenesis in developing brain, multimodality imaging in pediatric intractable epilepsy, pediatric intractable epilepsy syndromes, pediatric temporal lobe epilepsy surgery, critical review of palliative surgical techniques for intractable epilepsy, treatment modalities for intractable epilepsy in hypothalamic hamartomas, contemporary management of epilepsy in tuberous sclerosis. From the reviews: "This
-10% volume in the Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery series focuses on research, imaging, and treatment for children with medically uncontrollable seizures. ... this volume is a nice precis of current problems, evaluation, and treatment. ... It will bring readers up to date on the topic and provide a nice introduction to and primer on this highly specialized surgery, which might be beneficial for the approximately million children afflicted with medically uncontrolled epilepsy in Europe and the United States." (Robert M. Arensman, Doody's Book Reviews, February, 2013)
Brain Edema: XV SPRINGER
4/1/2013 9783709114339 213.95 EUR
More than 60 papers written by internationally recognized experts cover the broad spectrum of brain edema. The main topics treated are: ischemia & hemorrhage, trauma (experimental and clinical), cerebral hemorrhage, tumor, hydrocephlaus & intracranial pressure (ICP), neuromonitoring & neuroimaging, treatments, blood brain barrier, and miscellaneous.
193 EUR abe.pl
Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery
5/1/2013 9783709114810 171.15 EUR PO RABACIE:
155 EUR
Since its introduction about sixty years ago, stereotactic and functional neurosurgery has evolved into a fascinating and interdisciplinary endeavor that combines modern neurosurgery, neurobiology, and neuroimaging with innovative diagnostic and treatment strategies. In this collection, acknowledged experts from Europe and North and South America present their scientific and clinical experience in stereotactic and functional neurosurgery for movement disorders and brain tumors. The contributions present a wide range from the beginnings of human stereotactic
neurosurgery to the most modern molecular and restorative strategies to treat diseases of the human nervous system. They clearly demonstrate that the discipline is still young and dynamic with alternative and sometimes competing strategies whose evaluation is underway. They also document that operative lesioning techniques such as thalamotomies, though still chosen under certain circumstances, have been succeeded by novel neuromodulation techniques such as deep brain stimulation in the great majority of clinical cases.
The Intervertebral Disc
9/1/2013 9783709115343 160.49 EUR PO RABACIE:
145 EUR
The intervertebral disc is a complex structure that separates opposing vertebrae, permits a wide range of motion, and accommodates high biomechanical forces. Disc degeneration leads to a loss of function and is often associated with excruciating pain. Written by leading scientists and clinicians, the first part of the book provides a review of the basic biology of the disc in health and disease. The second part considers strategies to mitigate the effects of disc degeneration and discusses the possibility of engineering replacement tissues. The final section is devoted to approaches to model
normal development and elucidate the pathogenesis of degenerative disc disease using animal, organ and cell culture techniques. The book bridges the gap between the basic and clinical sciences; the target audience includes basic scientists, orthopaedists and neurologists, while at the same time appealing to the needs of graduate students, medical students, interns and fellows.
Brain, Self and Consciousness SPRINGER
Menon Sangeetha
10/1/2013 9788132215806 106.99 EUR PO RABACIE:
97 EUR 82
This book discusses consciousness from the perspectives of neuroscience, neuropsychiatry and philosophy. It develops a novel approach in consciousness studies by charting the pathways in which the brain challenges the self and the self challenges the brain. The author argues that the central issue in brain studies is to explain the unity, continuity, and adherence of experience, whether it is sensory or mental awareness, phenomenal- or self-consciousness. To address such a unity is to understand mutual challenges that the brain and the self pose for each other. The fascinating discussions
that this book presents are: How do the brain and self create the conspiracy of experience where the physicality of the brain is lost in the subjectivity of the self? Sangeetha Menon's well-documented work is underpinned by the (too often underrated) observation that a knower is presupposed by anything known, including the known brain. It is extended to a study of agency and responsibility that gives practical ground to the challenged notion of a self. By weaving the lived and the observed into a synthetic picture of the mind-brain, the author also succeeds in making sense of the task of self-
Diseases of the Brain, Head & Neck, Spine 2012-2015 SPRINGER
3/1/2012 9788847026278 96.25 EUR PO RABACIE:
87 EUR
Written by internationally renowned experts, this volume is a collection of chapters dealing with imaging diagnosis and interventional therapies in neuroradiology and diseases of the spine. The different topics are diseaseoriented and encompass all the relevant imaging modalities including X-ray technology, nuclear medicine, ultrasound and magnetic resonance, as well as imageguided interventional techniques. It represents a unique experience for residents in radiology as well as for experienced radiologists wishing to be updated on the current state of the art.
Nanotechnology, the Brain, and the Future
8/1/2012 9789400717862 106.95 EUR PO RABACIE:
97 EUR
Our brain is the source of everything that makes us human: language, creativity, rationality, emotion, communication, culture, politics. The neurosciences have given us, in recent decades, fundamental new insights into how the brain works and what that means for how we see ourselves as individuals and as communities. Now - with the help of new advances in nanotechnology - brain science proposes to go further: to study its molecular foundations, to repair brain functions, to create mind-machine interfaces, and to enhance human mental capacities in radical ways. This book
explores the convergence of these two revolutionary scientific fields and the implications of this convergence for the future of human societies. In the process, the book offers a significant new approach to technology assessment, one which operates in real-time, alongside the innovation process, to inform the ways in which new fields of science and technology emerge in, get shaped by, and help shape human societies. From the reviews: "The text goes through a review of new technology relating to biophysical, electronic, neurophysiology, and cognitive enhancement pertaining to this
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells in Brain Diseases SPRINGER
Heine Vivi M.
11/1/2011 9789400728158 53.45 EUR PO RABACIE:
49 EUR abe.pl
Brain diseases can have a large impact on patients and society, and treatment is often not available. A new approach in which somatic cells are reprogrammed into induced pluripotent cells (iPS cells) is a significant breakthrough for regenerative medicine. This promises patient-specific tissue for replacement therapies, as well as disease-specific cells for developmental modeling and drug treatment screening. However, this method faces issues of low reprogramming efficiency, and poorly defined criteria for determining the conversion of one cell type to another. Cells contain epigenetic
"memories" of what they were that can affect reprogramming. This book discusses the various methods to reprogram cells, the control and determination of cell identity, the epigenetic models that have emerged and the application of iPS cell therapy for brain diseases, in particular Parkinson's disease and Vanishing White Matter (VWM).
Reading, Writing, Mathematics and the Developing Brain: Listening to Many Voices SPRINGER
6/1/2012 9789400740853 123.04 EUR PO RABACIE:
111 EUR
This valuable addition to the literature offers readers a comprehensive overview of recent brain imaging research focused on reading, writing and mathematics-a research arena characterized by rapid advances that follow on the heels of fresh developments and techniques in brain imaging itself. With contributions from many of the lead scientists in this field, a number of whom have been responsible for key breakthroughs, the coverage deals with the commonalities of, as well as the differences between, brain activity related to the three core educational topics. At the same time,
the volume addresses vital new information on both brain and behavior indicators of developmental problems, and points out the new directions being pursued using current advances in brain imaging technologies as well as research-based interventions. The book is also a tribute to a new Edmund, J Safra Brain center for the study of learning Disabilities at the University of Haifa-Israel.
Brain Aging and Therapeutic Interventions
12/1/2012 9789400752368 160.45 EUR PO RABACIE:
145 EUR
This book brings together most up-to-date information on different aspects of brain aging and on the strategies for intervention and therapy of age-related brain disorders. It includes 18 chapters by leading researchers, and each chapter is a comprehensive and critical review of the topic in question, discusses the current scenario and focuses on future perspectives. The target readership is the undergraduate and graduate students in the universities, in medical and nursing colleges, along with the post-graduate researchers and practicing clinicians who would like to know about the latest
developments in the field of neurodegenerative disorders and their therapeutic interventions. This book will be of much interest to pharmaceutical, nutrition and healthcare industry for an easy access to accurate and reliable information in the field of aging research and intervention.
The Long Evolution of Brains and Minds SPRINGER
Roth Gerhard
6/1/2013 9789400762589 42.79 EUR PO RABACIE:
39 EUR 84
The main topic of the book is a reconstruction of the evolution of nervous systems and brains as well as of mentalcognitive abilities, in short "intelligence" from simplest organisms to humans. It investigates to which extent the two are correlated. One central topic is the alleged uniqueness of the human brain and human intelligence and mind. It is discussed which neural features make certain animals and humans intelligent and creative: Is it absolute or relative brain size or the size of "intelligence centers" inside the brains, the number of nerve cells inside the brain in total
or in such "intelligence centers" decisive for the degree of intelligence, of mind and eventually consciousness? And which are the driving forces behind these processes? Finally, it is asked what all this means for the classical problem of mind-brain relationship and for a naturalistic theory of mind. From the reviews: "The author examines in detail the structural/functional differences in the ring nervous systems of Cnidaria, diffuse nerve nets of bilateria, and the complex invertebrate brain of cephalopods (especially octopus), among others. ... This book is highly recommended for anyone with
A New Foundation for Representation in Cognitive and Brain Science SPRINGER
Gomez-Ramirez Jaime
11/1/2013 9789400777378 106.99 EUR PO RABACIE:
97 EUR
The purpose of the book is to advance in the understanding of brain function by defining a general framework for representation based on category theory. The idea is to bring this mathematical formalism into the domain of neural representation of physical spaces, setting the basis for a theory of mental representation, able to relate empirical findings, uniting them into a sound theoretical corpus. The innovative approach presented in the book provides a horizon of interdisciplinary collaboration that aims to set up a common agenda that synthesizes mathematical formalization and empirical
procedures in a systemic way. Category theory has been successfully applied to qualitative analysis, mainly in theoretical computer science to deal with programming language semantics. Nevertheless, the potential of category theoretic tools for quantitative analysis of networks has not been tackled so far. Statistical methods to investigate graph structure typically rely on network parameters. Category theory can be seen as an abstraction of graph theory. Thus, new categorical properties can be added into network analysis and graph theoretic constructs can be accordingly
Functional Bladder Reconstruction Following Spinal Cord Injury via Neural SPRINGER
11/1/2013 9789400777651 106.99 EUR PO RABACIE:
97 EUR
One of the most common problems for spinal cord injury patients is urinary system dysfunction. The book Functional Bladder Reconstruction Following Spinal Cord Injury via Neural Approaches introduces how to solve this problem using multi-disciplinary approaches. From animal model studies to surgical techniques as well as successful case reports, six kinds of surgery are presented in separate chapters. This up-todate monograph will be a valuable resource for surgeons, urologists and neurologists caring for spinal cord injury patients. The contributors are a group of surgeons working
in the fields of orthopaedics and microsurgery. Editor Chunlin Hou is Professor in Changzheng Hospital, the Second Military Medical University, Shanghai, China.
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