2008 BJCP STYLE GUIDELINES Beer Judge Certification Program (BJCP) Style Guidelines for Beer, Mead and Cider 2008 Revision of the 2004 Guidelines Copyright Š 2008, BJCP, Inc. The BJCP grants the right to make copies for use in BJCP-sanctioned competitions or for educational/judge training purposes. All other rights reserved.
See our website www.bjcp.org for updates to these guidelines.
2003-2004 BJCP Beer Style Committee: Gordon Strong, Chairman Ron Bach Peter Garofalo Michael L. Hall Dave Houseman Mark Tumarkin 2008 Contributors: Jamil Zainasheff, Kristen England, Stan Hieronymus, Tom Fitzpatrick, George DePiro 2003-2004 Contributors: Jeff Sparrow, Alan McKay, Steve Hamburg, Roger Deschner, Ben Jankowski, Jeff Renner, Randy Mosher, Phil Sides, Jr., Dick Dunn, Joel Plutchak, A.J. Zanyk, Joe Workman, Dave Sapsis, Ed Westemeier, Ken Schramm 1998-1999 Beer Style Committee: Bruce Brode, Steve Casselman, Tim Dawson, Peter Garofalo, Bryan Gros, Bob Hall, David Houseman, Al Korzonas, Martin Lodahl, Craig Pepin, Bob Rogers