Book Fing English

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think tank

fab labs


digital services and use

What is network om-up Fing? internet R&D 2.0


b labs

internet ces and uses

do empower international

international network think




innovation bottom-up

do tank network european think tank



digital services and empower




network fab labs bottom-up digital services R&D and uses 2.0 fab labs



do tank empower uses global


do tank european


Fing was created in 2000 by a team of entrepreneurs and experts, with the aim of detecting, fostering and promoting innovation in digital services and uses. Working at the crossroads between technology, business, the arts and social change, Fing is a network, an idea accelerator, a think tank and a resource for innovators.

Objectives Objectives Objectives Objectives Objectives Objectives


Play a pivotal role in the emergence of innovative ideas and projects Mobilize stakeholders around the future technological cycles Take part in emerging ethical and societal debates Facilitate bottom-up innovation and collaboration between users, researchers and entrepreneurs

3 lines of action

nes of action

3 lines of action

3 lines of action

3 lines of action

Think/do tank. Formulated around future-looking challenges, Fing’s programs mobilize a wide diversity of stakeholders and innovators in order to share ideas, explore radically new opportunities and stimulate innovative action. Open innovation. Fing networks internationally with start-ups, researchers, designers, students and social innovators, as well as with major corporations and public institutions, in order to accelerate innovative projects and facilitate open innovation.

Intelligence and foresight. Fing reports on new ideas, weak signals, emerging innovations, and trends at the crossroads of society, economy and technology. Fing cooperates with similar initiatives in Europe and throughout the world.

active ag public


Action programs

internet digital identities cleantech

mobility sustainable cities

mobility sustainable cities

cities 2.0

cities 2.0 innovators innovators




design digital identities innovation platforms

mobility sustainab

innovation platforms active ageing

cities 2 public innovation d ageing lab

mobility innovators sustainable cities internet of things public innovation

internet design design

of cities things 2.0

cleantech a


Active identities Exploring the challenges and opportunities that emerge from the new uses of digital identities Digital identity is the pivoting, federative element of most of the new services and practices that emerge today on the Internet. It is also, potentially, a powerful empowering tool for individuals and communities. In order to make the most of this potential, however, we must move from a defensive paradigm to a strategic paradigm focused on projection as well as protection. The «Active Identities» program explores the challenges and opportunities that emerge when identities are seen as a means for individuals to master their lives and, for organizations, as a source of innovation and value creation.

«Active Identities» delivers: Surveys: Individual tradeoffs around the transmission of personal data; Self-display and choice of «friends» in social networks (Sociogeek); Use of microblogging. Experimentations: Twittywall, CV 2020, Serious avatars, Skills and competencies Wiki... Thematic reports: «The Internet of Subjects Manifesto» «Identities in Social Networks» Public events: Project accelerators, Barcamps, conferences Website:

Cities 2.0 Using technology to improve urban life, and urbanity to transform technology Mobility, sustainability, cohesion, competitiveness, ageing, surveillance, participation... In a more and more urban world, cities are changing fast. Technologies are the tools and the catalysts of most of these transformations. Since 2006, Cities 2.0 investigates the potential of technology to help build a better city through open urban innovation: drastically lowering the barriers to innovation, co-creating and co-producing urban services, reinventing urban space and proximity, agregating resources…

«Cities 2.0» delivers: Creative workshops in major cities in France and elsewhere Experimentations: the Green Watch/Citypulse CityWall, CityScan (real-time urban data mapping) Open innovation platforms Books: «The City as Innovation Platform» «Free and Sustainable Mobility» «The Complex and Familiar city» «The 5th Screen» «Technology and Urban Foresight» Website:

Ageing Lab How can technologies change the way we age, and the way our Societies age? How can active ageing change the way digital products and services are designed? The Ageing Lab’s goal is to explore the contribution of digital technologies and services to quality of life, to social cohesion and to economic growth in an ageing world. Today, the encounter between digital technology and ageing produces limited and sometimes counterproductive results. Ageing Lab aims at broadening the scope of this encounter; Moving from health-oriented visions to environments that include health and social services, social links with friends, neighbours and family, lifestyle, etc.; Moving from «60+» as a specific segment to intergenerational services; Using co-design methodologies to inspire innovation...

«Ageing Lab» delivers: Thematic projects: Habitat; Cross-generation business organizations Innovation, ageing and territories; Social networks Connected autonomy; Serious gaming. Creative workshops for service innovation Thematic reports and events Website:

The 27th Region «The 27th Region» delivers:

The innovation Lab of the 26 French regional governments Supported by the Association of French Regions, the European Commission, Caisse des Dépôts, and incubated by Fing, the «27th Region» aims at fostering creativity, social and digital innovation in regions and localities.

Social experimentation: user-driven projects implemented in schools, rural areas, business parks etc. hosting multidisciplinary teams involving designers, social innovators, architects, researchers, artists (see Prospective design: creative regional foresight methodologies Benchmarking: meetings and seminars with innovators, in France and abroad Events: creative workshops and barcamps for and with the regions Website:


showcase mobile monday

Open innovation



collaborative work




mobile monday





innovators collaborative work


mobile monday detection










Crossroads of Possibilities The Carrefour des Possibles is a series of open events that showcase early-stage projects using ICTs in an innovative way. Each edition presents 10 projects to an audience of 300+ professionals. Its aim is to promote and network the projects and their authors, to stimulate creativity and to help discover new uses of technology. Beyond the events themselves, the Carrefour des Possibles is an innovator-friendly process that includes: a network of people and organizations in charge of identifying projects, a collective briefing method, training in communication, and networking between projects and professionals willing to help them. Since 2002, more than 600 projects have been presented at the Carrefour des Possibles, in 15 different cities. Website:

Mobile Monday Mobile Monday is a global community of mobile industry visionaries, developers and influentials fostering cooperation and cross-border business development through virtual and live networking events to share ideas, best practices and trends from global markets. Originating in Helsinki, Finland, in the year 2000, Mobile Monday has grown into the world’s leading mobile community. Along with Silicon Sentier, Fing has been organizing Mobile Monday France since 2005, as well as taking part in the Mobile Monday network. Website:

Intelligence and foresight

uses and services


new techno

labs arts


spotting ideas

weak signals

uses and services

ak signals

labsuses and services arts spotting ideas trends


uses and services


d spottin

new technologies

weak signals blog

trends concepts



new technologies concepts






Internet Actu Internet Actu is Fing’s main online publication. Both a blog and a media, Internet Actu reaches more than 100, 000 regular readers, and more through collaborations with leading media such as Le Monde and Rue 89 Internet Actu’s motto is «Digital innovation in society; Society in digital innovation». It focuses on 2 kinds of information: New ideas, weak signals, powerful concepts emerging from innovators, researchers, artists, activists and visionaries from all over the world; Major trends and issues, particularly around the use of technology and the link between science, technology and society Website:

Prospectic: New technologies, new ways of thinking? Written by Jean-Michel Cornu with the help of more than 50 high level researchers and experts, Prospectic is a biennial book, a blog and a series of conferences that synthesize the scientific and technological prospects of the next 5-10 years. The 2008 edition focuses on the ÂŤNBICÂť revolution, and highlights its possible consequences, not only in industrial and societal terms, but also on the many ways in which we think, discuss and decide. Website:


Other core activities

French-speaking world robotics


international events

French-speaking world robotics


Lift with Fing: A yearly international event on the creative and transformative uses of technology, and the social implications of new technologies.

RobotcitĂŠ: A robotics challenge open to schools and universities, that intends to invent how human, robots and cities will cohabit and collaborate in the future Le rĂŠseau international

des usages des technologies a worldwide network of francophone correspondents sharing their experience of innovative uses of technology in society, particularly in the developing world

Who’s who at Fing?

160 members 5 key partners

5 key partners

ey partners


staff of 20

160 members


staff o

regional partners

staff160 of members 20 5 key partners

regional partners

staff of


Fing’s team is made up of 20 outstanding individuals, most of them experts in a specific innovation field, managed by Daniel Kaplan. Its Board comprises 15 members emanating from the business world, research and education, local authorities and other associations.

As an association, Fing has more than 160 members, including major firms, start-ups, research laboratories, universities, local authorities, administrations, associations.

ur partners Our partnersOur partners Our patners

Our partners

Get to know our team

et to know our team Get to know our tea

Get to know our team Daniel Kaplan Daniel Kaplan is the founder and CEO Fing. He is also chairman of the European Institute for e-Learning (EifEL). Since the 1990s, he has been deeply involved in the Internet’s development and evolution, on a French, European and international level. From 2003 to 2006, he sat in the European Commission’s eEurope Expert Chamber. He has written or directed 15 books and public reports on the internet, mobility, e-commerce, e-education, e-inclusion and electronic media. Jean-Marie Bourgogne Jean-Marie Bourgogne is the deputy director in charge of administrative and financial issues. He benefits from more than twenty years of professional background in managing projects, developing businesses, engineering and commercial management within important international companies of the ICT area.

Jean-Michel Cornu Jean-Michel Cornu, scientific director of Fing, is an international consultant and European expert on New Technologies and the Information Society. His activity combines strategic intelligence and scientific expertise; dissemination of strategic or technical knowledge towards decision-makers; development of communities and cooperation projects at international and local levels.He wrote several books among which “Prospectic, new technologies, new thinking” (FYP édition 2008) and “Cooperation, new approaches” (Framasoft 2009). Véronique Routin After several years working with Internet corporations such as Amazon, LaSer and Telemarket, Veronique Routin joined Fing where she is in charge of members and partners. She is also in charge of Fing’s communication.

Pierre Orsatelli Pierre Orsatelli worked during four years at the EU Commission in Brussels (1988 – 1990): at the secretary general’s “Relationship with the Council” unit (1988), at the Groupe Lacroix, EC President’s think tank (1989) and eventually at the “Completion of the internal market” unit, DG “Industrial affairs and Internal market” (1989-1990). He produced the first communication from the Commission to the Council on transeuropean networks. He also wrote books and articles on EU integration. Currently, based both in Paris and Marseille, he is a senior consultant (working part time for Fing) and covers the following areas: strategy consulting, project management, evaluation of public policies (economical, political and sociological aspects), European projects and proposals.

Denis Pansu Denis Pansu coordinates the network of the “Carrefour des Possibles”, a concept which he created in 2002 within Fing to provide visibility and networking to digital innovators. As a specialist in spotting innovation and networking digital innovators, he cooperates with many organizations and networks involved in the selection of the projects. He used to work for the Fondation de France during four years on the call for proposals Multimedia directed to NGOs. Thierry Marcou Thierry Marcou joined Fing in 2004 to lead the territorial community. Today, he is in charge of the action program Cities 2.0, launched late 2006, as well as of a number of innovative experiments such as the green Watch. He started his professional activity as a project officer among different services of the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations. For 10 years, he ran the Conjuguer consulting group, where he created, developed and led the first collaborative territorial networks of cities. Charles Népote Charles Népote joined Fing in 2007 to lead the action programme « Active Identities ». A key actor of the French wikisphere from its very beginning, he co-founded Wikini in 2002, collaborated to several wiki communities and investigated the use of wikis in businesses. He benefits from an important expertise in collaborative tools, management of web content and online social networks. His background in ethnology and comparative sociology enables him to take a different look at ICTs and networks.

Carole-Anne Rivière Carole Anne Rivière joined Fing in 2007 to lead the action program « » (Ageing Lab). She is in charge of stimulating research and innovation projects answering to the new digital challenges, needs and uses regarding the societal challenge of ageing. To do so, she leads a network made of more than 150 people (experts of ageing, public and social sector actors, designers, innovators, businesses) using open cooperation as a working method. She has conducted a thesis on social networks as factor of social change. She used to work as a researcher on the use of ICTs in France and Asia for Orange Labs.

Stéphane Vincent Stéphane Vincent launched in March 2008 the project «la 27ème Région», a laboratory aiming at «changing the change» in the 26 French regional governments and in public sector. Through this project, he helps regional/local authorities include social innovation in policymaking, promote a user-driven approach, and use technologies and networks as a means to improve their service to citizens. He joined Fing to implement this project after 6 years in the Limousin Regional Council, where he implemented the RISI programs, and 7 years as a consultant and associate director in consulting firm Proposition.

Charlotte Rautureau Charlotte Rautureau is in charge of European funding in Fing. She has already dealt with the information society and European funds when she worked for OTeN (French Observatory of Digital Territories). She was in charge of coordinating an INTERREG IVC project named IRIS Europe. She wrote a guide dedicated to the French regional authorities to help them better understand the information society issue in Europe.

FING - The Next Generation Internet Foundation Marseille CMCI 2 rue Henri Barbusse 13001 Marseille - France +33 (0)4 91 52 88 26 Paris La Cantine 151 rue Montmartre 75002 Paris - France +33 (0)1 40 13 64 46 / Pictures : / Machine / Mobile Moleskine_The cool paper computer / web2mosaic_nswlearnscope / wikipĂŠ

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