Simply55 issue37

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January/February 2017


Southern Nevada’s Premier Magazine For Active 55+

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Hiking Tips & Biking Trips • Flamingo Hotel Celebrates 80 Years Looking Ahead To 2017 • Learning A Musical Instrument


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from the


Publisher Scott Worrall

Editor in Chief

Happy New Year! With an amazing holiday season behind us, we have ushered in 2017 with both enthusiasm and a determination to make 2017 our best year ever! The New Year is a time for renewed energy. It’s time to look forward not back and make every effort not to cultivate anticappointment. So get comfy and settle in with this latest issue of Simply 55+ - we have a lot of great articles for you!

Wayne Morgan

Creative Director Jared Burch

Contributing Writers Mike Henle, Branch Whitney, Paul W. Papa, Oscar Goodman and Sen. Dean Heller

Advertising Executives Sherry Wolfe 702-302-4430 Dan Stern 702-806-4751

Executive Assistant

We look forward to hearing from you! Here at Simply 55+ we appreciate your feedback, positive or negative, to improve our publication at

With Warmest Thanks, — Simply 55+ Staff

Martha Zerblis

Circulation & Distribution LV Distributing Mission Statement

To provide a comprehensive guide for value, quality and affordable ways for seniors. To enhance and elevate the standard of home, as well as senior leisure life in Southern Nevada. While making you feel informed and a part of our growing community.


You can mail your subscription request to: 205 N. Stephanie Street Suite D-177 Henderson, NV 89074 Simply55+ Magazine is published monthly by Fader Publishing LLC. Copyright 2016. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily the opinions of this publication.


The information provided in this publication does not offer, and should not be construed as proving legal, financial, accounting, or tax advice or professional services to any individual or group of individuals. This publication is to provide useful information that may serve as a reference guide when you speak with professionals who can give personalized advice tailored to your particular situation or answer your specific questions. While data contained in this publication is gathered from sources believed to be reliable, accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed. The editor and the publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility for any loss or damage caused, or alleged to have been caused, directly or indirectly, by the information contained in this publication. The staff and writers at Simply 55+ are not medical doctors therefore we cannot give medical advice. The information provided on any topics presented herein is not presented with the intention of diagnosing or treating any disease or condition. This information is for entertainment purposes only. No responsibility is assumed by Simply 55+, the authors nor anyone connected with this magazine, or it’s companion website for the use of this information and no guarantees of any kind are made for the performance or effectiveness of the recommendations and information provided. If you have questions please contact a licensed medical professional.

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January/February 2017

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January/February 2017

Simply55+ 5

Contents January/February 2017 pg 4

From The Staff

pg 8

The Ultimate Workouts

pg 12

Let’s Go Ride A Bike

pg 16

Winter Exercise Myths

pg 20

Cooking with Martha

pg 24

Flamingo Hotel Celebrates 80 Years by Mike Henle

pg 30

Power of Attorney vs. Guardianship

pg 32

Strong Finish to 114th Congress by Sen. Dean Heller

pg 34

Bishop California

pg 40

Boost Health with Meditation

pg 42

Looking Forward to 2017 by Oscar Goodman

pg 46

Calendar of Events

pg 51

Farmers Markets

pg 52

Volunteering in Boulder City

pg 54

Late Winter Decorating

pg 58

Learning A Musical Instrument

pg 62

Date Ideas For Singles Over 50

pg 63

Simply Savers Clippers

pg 24

pg 34

pg 42

6 Simply55+

January/February 2017

Not That Old And Loving It!

Not That Old And Loving It!

January/February 2017

Simply55+ 7

Beauty, Health & Fitness

Are Hiking Entertainment & Food and Mountain Climbing the Ultimate Workouts? Financial

By Branch Witney Auto Travel

To answer the question we have to determine mountains don’t. While an hour on the which components of physical fitness are treadmill or Stairmaster seems long, many important. The following five components are peaks take several hours to ascend and you generally agreed upon by Home most experts as & Lifestyle still need to get down. When you reach the Improvement the keys to physical fitness: Cardiovascular peak, the climb is only half over! Simply Savers endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, balance, and flexibility. Climbing Feedback Traversing two inch ledges hundreds of feet a mountain for hours is definitely a above the ground develops better balance. cardiovascular workout. Your heart rate is Most mountain climbers start by traversing consistently over 70% of your maximum heart two inch ledges less than five inches off the Calendar Of Events rate for hours. Many people from the gym ground. It’s less scary and the consequence of can’t believe how cardiovascular challenged failure is not serious. Abdominal strength plays Calendar Of Events they are while climbing mountains. an important role in balance. If your core is solid, you feel in control of your body. This is Muscular strength plays an important part important when there are only a couple inches Remembering Nevada while hiking and mountain climbing. Pulling between you and a lot of air! yourself and your pack up over large boulders works the biceps, lats, and, of course, the legs. Twisting and contorting your body through Happy Holidays Your body weight and the weight of your pack small openings increase your flexibility, provide the resistance. Many beginners are especially in the upper body. Many people amazed that mountain climbing is a full body stretch their lower body, but you need workout. They also feel it the next day! flexibility throughout your entire body. Walking up steep slopes and slabs for hours improves muscular endurance in your legs. Treadmills generally top out a 15% grade;

8 Simply55+

January/February 2017

Hiking and mountain climbing can help you improve each of the five components of Continued on pg. 10 Not That Old And Loving It!

Not That Old And Loving It!

January/February 2017

Simply55+ 9

Beauty, Health & Fitness Continued from pg. 8

physical fitness and you don’t have to go to Mt. Everest to climb a mountain. There are dozens of peaks in nearby Red Rock Entertainment Canyon, Mt. Charleston, Lake Mead area, and throughout southern Nevada. If you are looking to improve your fitness level, mountain climbing might be the perfect workout. The following hikes are good choices for beginners. Explicit trail directions for the following hikes and climbs are available on my Web site. Lake Mead hikes are perfect for this time of year. Some of the easiest Lake Mead hikes are:

& Food

Financial Auto Travel

Liberty Bell Arch – Thousands of years of wind have formed an arch through conglomerate rock. You eatHome lunchImprovement & Lifestyle overlooking the Colorado River.

Simply Savers

there are hundreds of hikes and climbs around Arizona Hot Springs - You hike down White Feedback southern Nevada, boredom is not a factor. Plus, Rock Canyon with towering, 100-foot walls to a you meet some interesting people with the natural hot springs. same common interest as you. Working out has never been this fun! + For people in better shape or have done some

endar Of Events

hiking recently, I recommend these hikes Hiking Resources for You: Calendar Of Events around Lake Mead: Northshore Peak – The summit has great views of Lake Mead and the Muddy Mountains.

The 52 Peak Club: Safe and smart group hiking:

Remembering Nevada

Branch’s bio here: Boy Scout Hot Springs - Hot springs, waterfalls, and the Colorado River make this the best hike/adventure around Lake Mead. Happy Holidays Branch’s Facebook Hiking Group: Besides being one of the most efficient HikingLasVegas/ workouts, hiking and mountain climbing add variety to your training. It gets you out of the gym and into the great outdoors. Since

10 Simply55+

January/February 2017

Branch’s YouTube Channel: Not That Old And Loving It!

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Simply55+ 11

Beauty, Health & Fitness

Let’s Go Ride A Bike Entertainment & Food by Paul W. Papa

At this time of year the song “Baby It’s Cold a technique in which you vary the weights of Outside,” always plays in my head. It’s the Dean clothing to wick moisture, trap heat, and block Martin version, which to me is still the best Financial the cold. version. Having grown up in Wyoming, I’m a little embarrassed to say that dipping into the The first layer–the layer closest to the skin– 40s and 50s during the day makes me cold, should be composed of a lightweight, polyesterAuto Travel but it does. After almost 30 years in the desert based fabric. These types of fabric are my blood has thinned. When I was little, my designed to pull moisture away from the body. grandmother would always tell me to place a Remember, just because it’s chilly, doesn’t mean newspaper inside my shirt before I went out you stop sweating. In the winter, sweat trapped Home Improvement & Lifestyle into the cold. No kid ever wanted to be caught on the body can become very cold and will make with the Sunday funnies tucked into theirSimply shirt, Savers you cold as well, so wear a layer that wicks (or so I resisted every time she suggested it. I was pulls) moisture from the body. Natural fabrics, Feedback sure it was a stupid idea, but when I was forced such as cotton, are not good choices as they to do it, sure enough, I seemed warmer. tend to stay wet when they get wet.

When I was a kid, nothing Calendar Of Events

could keep me off my bike— except snow of course—and as long as there wasn’t any of the white stuff on the ground, I’d be off for a ride. As an adult, the winter season doesn’t stop me from riding and it shouldn’t stop you either. The first step in winter riding is to make sure you have the proper attire. Layering is the key. If you are new to layering, it doesn’t mean to simply put on multiple layers of clothing. Instead, layering is

12 Simply55+

January/February 2017

Calendar Of Events

Remembering Nevada

Happy Holidays

Not That Old And Loving It!

The second layer should have some type of thermal capability, that is, something that retains warmth. While it is good to get the moisture your body generates away from the body, it is not so good to lose the heat your body generates. Choose a fabric that holds in heat, but at the same time “breathes,” which means it absorbs and releases moisture quickly. Both natural and synthetic fibers (such as polyester) will do this. The outer layer should be a fabric that serves as both a wind blocker and a thermal barrier. Wind block is especially important as cycling in the cold increases the wind chill factor. Nylon is one of the best fabrics for this purpose. Not That Old And Loving It!

Don’t forget your head. Heat rushes out of the body through the extremities and the head is the biggest source of heat loss. Also, a great deal of blood circulates through the head, so keeping the head warm will keep the blood warm, which will keep the body warm. For this reason, it is always a good idea to wear a hat when riding, and, if possible, choose something with ear flaps. Just be sure to choose one that still allows you to properly wear your helmet. The hands and feet need protection too. Full fingered gloves with some type of insulation will keep your hands warm, and thermal socks that retain heat while still wicking moisture will work Continued on pg. 14 January/February 2017

Simply55+ 13

Beauty, Health & Fitness Continued from pg. 13

on your feet. If you’re an avid rider, you may want to use booties with toe covers that slip over your shoes. These will work the same as a Entertainment windbreaker.

Paul W. Papa is a bike enthusiast and the author of Best Bike Rides Las Vegas and Mountain Biking Las Vegas and Southern Nevada.

& Food

When not out on the trails, he can be found at

By the way, as it turns out, my grandmother was right all along. As I found out later, many pro cyclists put a layer of newspaper under their riding jersey, in both the front and back, to protect them from the cold, especially on long Financial descents. So, don’t let the cold stop you this winter, grab the funnies and c’mon, let’s go ride a bike. +

Auto Travel

Home Improvement & Lifestyle Simply Savers Feedback

endar Of Events Calendar Of Events

Remembering Nevada

Happy Holidays

14 Simply55+

January/February 2017

Not That Old And Loving It!

Not That Old And Loving It!

January/February 2017

Simply55+ 15

Beauty, Health & Fitness

Winter Exercise Myths Entertainment & Food

Should you exercise outdoors when it’s cold outside? Some people enjoy the cold, crisp air and find a winter workout invigorating, but know how to do it safely. Here are five common winter exercise myths you should know about. When the temperatures drop, some people Financial Winter Exercise Myth: take their cue from the bears and hibernate Exercising Outdoors in the Winter away, promising to return to their workout Increases Your Risk for Colds and Flu Auto Travel when the temperatures heat up again. Combine inactivity and lack of sunlight, which motivates Your mom probably told you to dress warmly so some people to eat more to relieve the winter you wouldn’t catch a cold in the winter. It’s true blues, and it’s not surprising that people put that people get sick more when it’s cold outside, on weight in the winter. Winter is still a good Home Improvement & Lifestyle but that’s because they spend more time time to work up a sweat, and you’ll feel better indoors where they can pass cold and flu viruses Simply Savers if you keep up the intensity of your workouts. back and forth more easily. There’s no scientific Don’t let these common winter exercise myths Feedback evidence that getting chilled increases the risk keep you from getting the most out of a cold for getting sick. On the other hand, if you work weather sweat session. out in a crowded gym where you’re in close contact with others, your chance of getting sick

Calendar Of Events Winter Exercise Myth: goes up. Exercising outdoors in the winter may You Don’t Need to Drink As Much Calendar Of Events actually help by keeping you away from people Water During a Winter Workout who are carrying cold and flu viruses.

Hydration is just as important when the Winter Exercise Myth: Remembering Nevada temperatures drop as it is when it’s warm You Don’t Need to Wear Sunscreen if outside. When you head outdoors to work out You Exercise Outdoors in the Winter in the cold, you’ll still sweat underneath those Happy extra layers of clothing. That means you’ll lose Holidays The sun doesn’t feel as intense in the winter, fluid and electrolytes that need to be replaced. but don’t let that fool you. You can still Don’t depend on your thirst to tell you when to accumulate sun damage that leads to skin drink. The cold temperatures blunt thirst and cancer and prematurely aged skin when you you can end up dehydrated if you only drink exercise outside in the winter unless you protect when you’re thirsty. Use the same hydration your skin. UVB rays are less intense in the guidelines in the winter as you would any other winter, but UVA rays that can penetrate more time of year.

Continued on pg. 18

16 Simply55+

January/February 2017

Not That Old And Loving It!


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Beauty, Health & Fitness Continued from pg. 16

deeply are still a threat. Protect your skin with a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 that blocks UVA and UVB rays even in the winter.

and the cold can irritate your lungs and cause you to cough. If you have asthma, stay indoors.

Entertainment & Food

Winter Exercise Myth: It Takes a Lot of Exposure to Cold to Get Frostbite

The Bottom Line? There’s something invigorating about an outdoor workout in the winter, but do it safely. Keep these exercise myths in mind when exercising outdoors. +

Don’t leave home for your winter run without your mittens. Frostbite can happen quickly Financial when temperatures drop below freezing. Keep your hands covered by wearing gloves, and your feet protected by wearing thermal socks if Auto Travel you plan on exercising outdoors in low temperatures. Keep your ears protected by wearing a stock cap or earmuffs. Your face can develop frostbite too, so wear a mask that covers your face Home Improvement & Lifestyle when the wind chill is low. Watch for signs and symptoms of frostbite such as Simply Savers numbness, tingling or changes in skin Feedback color. If you see them, head back home as quickly as possible, and slowly warm the area without rubbing the skin. You also have to worry about hypothermia endarwhere Of Events your body loses so much heat that it can’t maintain a normal core Calendar Of Events body temperature.

Winter Exercise Myth: High-Intensity Workouts Are Remembering Nevada Good in the Winter Since You’ll Sweat Less When the temperatures fall below freezing, do high-intensity workouts indoors and stick with lower intensity, steady-state cardio exercise outside. You’ll breathe more rapidly and deeply when you work out at a high intensity

18 Simply55+

January/February 2017

Happy Holidays

Not That Old And Loving It!

Not That Old And Loving It!

January/February 2017

Simply55+ 19

Entertainment & Food

Crock-Pot Spaghetti Financial Meat Sauce with

Auto Travel

Some of my earliest memories are of my mom making her spaghetti sauce, pretty much every week – slow cooking it on Home the stove. It was a&staple in our home, and in my memory, I imagine Improvement Lifestyle that I can still smell that fragrant aroma, which warms my heart.

Simply Savers

Nowadays, my husband usually combines a jarFeedback of our favorite spaghetti sauce along with some browned hamburger meat and then calls it good. I however, do not… I think the success of a really good spaghetti sauce is to let it cook slowly, among other things. I’m excited to share with you this delicious crock-pot spaghetti meat sauce recipe, which is like my moms, but with a few tweaks Calendar Of and Events here there.

Calendar Of Events Ingredients 1 lb Ground Beef (or ground turkey) 1 lb Italian Sausage, casings removed (or turkey Italian Sausage) Remembering Nevada 1 cup minced Onion 1 tbsp minced Garlic 1 bell pepper Happy Holidays 45 oz diced tomatoes, drained 24 oz Tomato Sauce 2 Bay Leaves 1 tsp Oregano 2 tsp Basil Salt and Pepper to taste 1. Crumble and brown ground beef and sausage, along with onion and garlic. 2. Drain excess fat. 3. Place meat mixture into slow cooker. 4. Add remaining ingredients. 5. Cover and cook on low for 8 hours. 6. Serve over your favorite pasta

20 Simply55+

January/February 2017

Not That Old And Loving It!

Continued on pg. 22 Not That Old And Loving It!

January/February 2017

Simply55+ 21

Entertainment & Food Continued from pg. 21

Financial Auto Travel

Home Improvement & Lifestyle Simply Savers Feedback

Calendar Of Events Calendar Of Events

Remembering Nevada

Happy Holidays

22 Simply55+

January/February 2017

Not That Old And Loving It!

Enjoy! PS You can also make a double or triple batch and freeze the left overs! +

Not That Old And Loving It!

January/February 2017

Simply55+ 23

Remembering Nevada

Flamingo Hotel may have started out slowly, but things have changed in the past 80 years Happy Holidays

By Mike Henle

Considering the history of Las Vegas, the creation of the Las Vegas Strip is especially fascinating. Long before the corporate types took over America’s version of The Great Adult Playground, there were wizards at work several decades ago who were true visionaries. The line “Build it and they will come” may not have been specifically intended for the oldtimers of the Las Vegas Strip, but it might as well have been placed on an old billboard at State Line south of Las Vegas.

For whatever reason – long before the discovery of mind-altering drugs – The Las Vegas Strip attracted money-types who actually thought purchasing barren land could result in a profit. While the one definite enticement was that there was water deep down in the soil – and gambling combined with water and land that many felt should have been given back to the Indians. The Flamingo Hotel recently celebrated its 80th birthday and the creation of wise guy Benjamin “Bugsy” Siegel, the history of the resort is one of those old-time Las Vegas memories that will live on forever. Opened on Dec. 26, 1946, the Flamingo was the cat’s meow of the Strip as evidenced by the impressive automobiles that packed in the parking lot. A Jewish mobster known as one of the most

24 Simply55+

Continued on pg. 26 January/February 2017

Not That Old And Loving It!



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January/February 2017

Simply55+ 25

Remembering Nevada Continued from pg. 24

“infamous and feared gangsters of hisHappy day,” Holidays Siegel opened the joint at a total cost of $6 million although the opening was anything but smooth. Situated on 40 acres, the facility wasn’t complete and Siegel figured he’d finish the job by raising revenue at the grand opening illustrating the belief that the energetic Siegel had in the Strip.

Singer Dean Martin looks on as singer-comedian Jimmy Durante performs at the Flamingo

U.S. President Harry Truman rocks out on the piano at the Flamingo with singercomedian Jimmy Durante.

Legendary singer and comedian Jimmy Durante spearheaded the entertainment that featured music by renowned band leader Xavier Cugat and Siegel’s Hollywood list of followers included folks like actors George Raft, George Sanders, Sonny Tufts and George Jessel.

Unfortunately for Siegel and his investors, the grand opening and the shortage of money to finish the job ran hand-in-hand. Many won good money gambling but considering that the Flamingo had not yet created the hotel rooms, the customers who won the money simply moved on to properties that had a place to stay. Adding insult to the awful grand opening was the fact that the casino lost some $300,000 during the first week and the investors like Hollywood Reporter Billy Wilkerson certainly weren’t happy considering that Siegel’s partners ponied up an investment of $1 million. Meanwhile, the Flamingo closed before reopening March 1, 1947 with the new name ‘The Fabulous Flamingo.” Wilkerson ran out of money on the project he had hoped the project would turn into the Sunset Strip of the Las Vegas Strip. However, Continued on pg. 27

26 Simply55+

January/February 2017

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Not That Old And Loving It!

January/February 2017

Simply55+ 27

Remembering Nevada Continued from pg. 26

Happy Holidays El Cortez hotel on Fremont Street. He then took over the construction but was eventually forced out of the project before being killed apparently by members of organized crime June 20, 1947 in his Beverly Hills mansion. Bugsy’s Cabaret at the Flamingo still represents the history of Siegel for what was nothing less than a tumultuous opening of a hotel-casino that remains one of Southern Nevada’s most colorful pieces of history.

Today’s entertainment at the Flamingo includes the very popular Olivia Newton-John,.

with World War II already in high-gear, the cost of materials increased dramatically and the hotel-casino that was intended to include luxurious rooms, a golf course nightclub and upscale restaurant was spinning out of control. Siegel started looking for new investors before generating a profit of $166,000 by selling The

The Flamingo is understandably a very busy hotel casino with a full slate of entertainment that includes a long list of talent ranging from the long—standing Legends in Concert to Donny and Marie to the legendary Olivia Newton-John, who has sold more than 100 million albums. In fact, Las Vegas Review-Journal entertainment columnist Mike Weatherford refers to NewtonJohn as “the very definition of crowd-pleaser” in what is undoubtedly the ideal compliment. Indeed, the Flamingo may have sputtered during its early days, but judging by the crowd on a Sunday afternoon, it’s rocking nowadays. Now operated by Harrah’s Entertainment, the Flamingo Las Vegas has 3,626 rooms along with a 77,000 square-foot casino. +

The mystique of Bugsy Siegel can still be felt at Bugsy’s Cabaret.

28 Simply55+

January/February 2017

Not That Old And Loving It!

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January/February 2017

Simply55+ 29



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30 Simply55+

January/February 2017

Power ofAuto Attorney vs Guardianship Travel By Kim Boyer

Many people want to know the difference between a Durable General Power of Attorney a Guardianship. Homeand Improvement & Lifestyle What is a Power of Attorney? Simply Savers A power of attorney is a legal document Feedback where one person (the principal) authorizes another (the agent) to act on his or her behalf. There are powers of attorney for assets which allow your agent to make decisions regarding your property and there are powers of attorney Events for health care Calendar which allowOf your agent to make decisions regarding your health care needs. Your powerRemembering of attorney can be broad in Nevada scope, giving your agent the ability to make any and all financial and personal decisions for you (a General Power of Attorney) or you can limit your agent’s Happy Holidays authority by specifying the types of decisions you would like your agent to make on your behalf (a Limited Power of Attorney). You have a choice whether you would like your agent to have the ability to make decisions both now and if you become incapacitated (a Durable Power of Attorney) or your agent can be limited to make decisions only when you become incapacitated (a Springing Power of Attorney). You must have capacity to execute a power of attorney. If you lack capacity to execute a power of attorney, then a guardianship may be necessary. What is a Guardianship? Guardianship is a legal relationship where a court gives a person (the guardian) the power to make personal or financial decisions for another (the protected person). A family member, public or professional guardian initiates

the proceedings by filing a petition in the proper court. A guardianship over the person gives the guardian the power to make personal decisions for the protected person. A guardianship over the estate gives the guardian the power to make financial decisions for the protected person. Often the court appoints the same person as guardian of the person and guardian of the estate. Appropriate documentation is necessary to establish the need for a guardianship, and the guardian is required to make all the statutory reporting to the court. The Differences A power of attorney is a private way to decide who will have the legal authority to carry out your wishes if you can no longer speak or act for yourself. It is less costly than a guardianship, which is a public proceeding and the person appointed as your guardian may not be the person you would choose. A power of attorney is limited in its authority to the scope of the document and acts without court supervision. In contrast, a guardian has legal authority as ordered by the court, and is subject to court supervision, which provides oversight but adds substantially to the expense. It is good to get your planning in place ahead of time to do what you can to avoid guardianship. +

Kim Boyer, CELA Boyer Law Group

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Financial Auto Travel

Nevada Priorities Addressed with Strong Home Improvement & Lifestyle Simply Savers Finish to 114th Congress Feedback By U.S. Senator Dean Heller

Calendar Of Events Calendar Of Events Reflecting back on the 114th Congress, for the 300,000 veterans in our state and I am proud to report that several of my continue advocating on behalf of our nation’s initiatives made it across the finish line and heroes. Remembering Nevada were sent to the President’s desk to be signed into law. Whether it be through VA Furthermore, a few of my initiatives were also improvements, infrastructure and water included in the final version of the 21st Century Happy Holidays resource accomplishments, or making progress Cures Act, which was recently signed into law toward health care reform, I have continuously by the President. These efforts focused on kept Nevada’s best interests in mind and at the ensuring that Medicare benefits continue to forefront of my legislative efforts. provide meaningful coverage to seniors and protecting important health care benefits for As a member of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs current and future retirees. Additionally, my Committee and as Co-Chair of the Senate VA efforts will provide federal grants to assist Backlog Working Group, I was pleased Congress states in developing programs to better screen passed my legislative efforts that support our and treat maternal depression. veterans. These priorities will advance the needs of our disabled veterans, service members Successfully passing these bills will surely set transitioning out of the military, and every the tone for the upcoming Congress, which member of the Armed Forces currently serving meets January 3, 2017. As your U.S. Senator, at home and abroad. Additionally, I successfully I will continue introducing and supporting pushed to address the safety and quality of legislative proposals that will greatly benefit care at the Reno VA Medical Center by creating Americans, especially Nevadans. Should you or a a better and more efficient system to handle fellow Nevadan have any questions or concerns, surges in disability claims so veterans don’t my staff and I would be happy to assist you. experience a backlog. One of my most essential To reach my Las Vegas office, please call responsibilities is to serve as the leading voice (702) 388-6605. +

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January/February 2017

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Auto Travel

Snow-Capped Mountains and Other Home Improvement & Lifestyle Icy LuxuriesSimply Abound in Bishop Savers Feedback

dar Of Events Calendar Of Events

Remembering Nevada

Happy Holidays

8 Things You Have to Do During Your Bishop Getaway Bishop, California, also known as “The Small City with a Big Backyard” is the ideal winter getaway. Just four and a half hours from the bright lights of Vegas, Bishop provides a serene winterscape packed with all the adventure you prefer. With a town boasting endless possibilities of fun, you’ll want to make sure you get the most of your snowy vacation.

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Bunk at the Cardinal Village Resort

Hit the Slopes

Breathtaking beauty surrounds the Cardinal Village Resort. In fact, they are known as “The second happiest place on Earth.” Whether it’s views of the Cardinal Rock, the deep Rock Creek Canyon or the bustling Bishop Creek, Mother Nature is really showing off at the Resort. Each cabin comes equipped with a kitchen and utensils. Outside you can enjoy a fire pit and grill. Don’t worry, there’s a local cafe with delicious hot breakfasts and hamburgers for lunch if you have no intention on cooking during your vacation.

Ready to head to the mountains? Nothing beats the peaks of the Eastern Sierra. Snowshoeing, cross-country skiing and backcountry skiing are just a few of the adventures awaiting you. You can access the

Visit them online at or call (760) 873-4789. It’s the perfect place to unwind at the end of the day.

Prepare for Your Adventures with the Proper Gear For days packed with ice and snow, you’ll definitely want to be bundled up. You’ll need all the gear too - skis or boards for the mountains, backpacks and footwear for the trails and more. Forgot something? Don’t feel overwhelmed. You don’t need to spend your whole vacation shopping. Stop at Sage to Summit, with Ultralight Mountain Gear, or Eastside Sports, the “Mountain Sports Specialists,” for a convenient one-stop shop. They’ll find you just what you need for any adventure you choose.

skiing area through the White Mountains, through the Bishop Creek recreational area or through Rock Creek Canyon. Looking for a great mountain retreat? Mammoth Mountain Ski Resort is worth a look. There are more than 3,500 acres of terrain for skiing at the resort, located on the north side of Mammoth Mountain. It is the only North American resort to include three different sized half pipes. The slopes even attract Winter Games gold medalist Shaun White. They are truly world famous. Continued on pg. 36

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Home Improvement & Lifestyle Simply Savers Feedback

dar Of Events Calendar Of Events

Remembering Nevada

Happy Holidays

Check out to see all the countless new adventures you can have including the thrill of Woolly’s Tube Park, snowmobiling, scenic gondola rides and breathtaking mountain tours, just to name a few.

Hike the Trails of Bishop Creek Bishop Creek runs ten miles in length and has three forks that flow into either North Lake, South Lake or Lake Sabrina. They eventually descend to Owens Valley and converge with the Owens River. Dozens of hiking trails surround the lakes and creek to explore the area. The trails lead to hundreds of thousands

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of acres of mountain wilderness to see nature’s finest. Follow Highway 168 west for about 20 miles to reach the trails. There aren’t any gas stations at Bishop Creek so don’t forget to fill up before you go. The area has cabins for overnight stay, a lodge and a cafe. The cafe serves a continental breakfast for guests, burgers and pizza for lunch and steaks for dinner. There’s also a fully stocked cocktail bar. It’s a great place to end an evening. This far from the city, you’ve never seen stars so bright.

Not That Old And Loving It!

Visit the Rock Creek Canyon 13,000 foot peaks surround Rock Creek Canyon. The area is filled with lakes for trout fishing. Bring your snowshoes to explore the wilderness or hike with cross-country skis. There are also opportunities to take in the scenes by horseback. There is also hiking for any skill level. You can hike through Little Lakes Valley, over Mono Pass, through Pioneer Basin, past Hilton and Tamarack Lakes and so much more.

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To visit the Canyon, take Highway 395 north from Bishop to the Tom’s Place Exit. Go south on Rock Creek Road to the winter road closure. The area also has a cafe, general store and cabins for stay, so feel free to visit as long as you’d like. The Grill is definitely worth a stop. They smoke their own meats, bottle their own barbecue sauce and all the desserts are homemade. They are open everyday for breakfast and lunch and host a happy hour from 3-5 pm.

Take a Break from the Cold Nothing beats a dip in the Keough Hot Springs after a day of hiking or skiing. The pools Continued on pg. 38 Not That Old And Loving It!




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Auto Travel Continued from pg. 37

date back to 1919 and they are still using the well water from the Sierras and stone Home Improvement original pools. At the resort you can relax in & Lifestyle ground unbleached flour. They never use any the water, which stays a comfortable 90-92 chemicals. Everything is baked in state-of-theSimply Savers degrees during the winter chill. You can also art European stone hearth ovens. enjoy a soothing massage while you’re there Feedback Visit to view a if the slopes might not have treated you so menu and get directions to the bakery. well. There is also a campsite with a picnic area if you prefer to enjoy your entire stay at the Enjoy a Delectable Meal dar Of Springs. Events

Calendar Of Events Bishop has dozens of delicious restaurants Get details about Keough Hot Springs at to choose from, ranging from barbecue to and see ticket American favorites, Chinese cuisine to Mexican information. dishes. Remembering Nevada

Happy Holidays

Sample Fresh Bread at Erick Schat’s Bakkery The locals rave about Erick Schat’s Bakkery, home of the Original Sheepherder Bread®. It’s origin dates back to the California Gold Rush. Everything in the bakery is made only of natural and fresh ingredients, including

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Sage Restaurant provides an elegant atmosphere for fine dining. The tables feature tabletop fires for an ideal ambiance. The menu includes steak, pork tenderloin, lamb, duck and more. They are only open for dinner and closed Tuesdays and Wednesdays. It’s a must for a special evening with a loved one.

Holy Smoke Texas Style Barbecue serves smoked meats and delicious sides. Everything served is homemade. The menu includes interesting items such as Hog Heaven, High on the Hog Ribs, Big Bubba and the Texas Ranger. The restaurant is closed on Tuesdays. It’s a must for those missing old-fashioned favorites. The Back Alley Bowl and Grill is a twenty-yearold facility that offers food and fun for the family. The lunch menu includes hamburgers and hot dogs and dinner offers steak and Not That Old And Loving It!

grilled chicken breast. Come for the food and stay for the fun. Back Alley is open until 10 pm Sunday-Thursday and until midnight Saturday and Sunday with cosmic bowling. It’s a must for those looking for a fun night out of the cold. Mountain Rambler Brewery uses local farmers to create fresh food from scratch. The menu includes burgers, pizza, salmon tacos, bratwurst and, of course, world class craft beer. The brewery is open seven days of week for lunch and dinner. There is also a late night menu with empanadas, desserts and bar snacks. It’s a must for those eager to try out the local flavors. Nothing spells winter like snow-capped mountains and invigorating icy adventures. Delicious homemade meals and rustic surroundings complete the scene. Get your trip booked today for that break you so desperately need. Bishop won’t disappoint. +

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Calendar Of Events

Boost Your Health with Meditation Happy Holidays Remembering Nevada

There is no doubt that regular meditation practice can boost our physical and psychological well-being. So, make the effort to learn a simple meditation technique, and practice it diligently every day to enjoy a sound mind and a healthy body. Most people live a harried lifestyle and do not have the time to relax and unwind after a hard day. This leads to accumulation of stress and tension, which can cause physical and psychological harm. In fact, the root cause of many physical ailments can be traced back to a disturbed mind. Thus, it has become imperative to practice relaxation techniques like meditation to lead a healthy and peaceful life. This article enumerates the various physical and psychological benefits of regular meditation practice.

Physical Benefits of Meditation • A research study at Harvard Medical School found that practicing relaxation methods like meditation and yoga has a beneficial impact on genes that provide defense against ailments like cancer, high blood pressure, inflammation, and infertility. • R egular practitioners of meditation enjoy greater immunity against ailments such as joint pain and arthritis.

improves digestion, as well as memory power. • M edical studies have found that stress affects male fertility and sperm count. Constantly harried women may find it more difficult to conceive. The antidote to these problems is meditation, which can improve fertility in men and women. • A research study found that practicing meditation helps patients overcome medical problems like constipation and irritable bowel syndrome. • C onstant stress can jack up the blood pressure, and make people susceptible to many psychosomatic ailments. Meditation has the reverse impact as it induces deep relaxation, and reduces blood pressure. • S tress can cause inflammation which is linked to conditions like psoriasis, asthma, arthritis, and heart disease. Research studies at various universities have found that meditation improves the body’s immunity to these ailments by fighting inflammation.

• M editation practice helps to relax muscles, improves blood flow, and boosts oxygen supply to various parts of the body.

Psychological Benefits of Meditation

• Deep relaxation through meditation

• Seasoned meditators become well aware

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of how the mind works. They are more likely to disregard negative thoughts and feelings. Meditation helps to conquer the mind, which means you can face any crisis with a calm and equanimous attitude. • Meditation can have a wonderful rejuvenating effect on your mind and spirit after a long and hard day. Practice a simple meditation technique to feel refreshed, and be ready for the demands of the next day. • In fact, a research study found that even the tough and rugged U.S. marines gained by practicing meditation. Marines who meditated during the eight-week study exhibited better mood, alertness, and composure. They were able to become more focused, and make judgments free of emotions. • Another study has revealed that compassion meditation helps practitioners feel more magnanimous and benevolent. You are more likely to empathize with other people’s problems and issues. • B uddhist meditation can improve focus, concentration and attention span. You will be more able to concentrate on the task at hand without getting distracted by anything. • Meditation boosts the production of feel-good hormones in the body, which helps to relieve the negative impact of stress. • A n experienced meditator is likely to be more balanced and free from unhealthy psychological states. +

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Remembering Nevada

Looking Ahead to 2017 in Las Vegas Happy Holidays

By Oscar B. Goodman, Las Vegas Host Committee Chairman

The Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority(LVCVA) is tasked with promoting our fabulous city as the world’s premier destination for both leisure and business travel. In 2015, Las Vegas welcomed an astonishing 42.3 million travelers and that visitation record is expected to be broken once again for 2016. Tourism is the lifeblood of our economy, supporting nearly half the jobs in the area and generating $50 billion in economic activity each year.

in North America, the LVCVA is investing in the future with the Las Vegas Convention Center District (LVCCD). Development of the LVCCD is expected to create thousands of jobs, pump billions of dollars into the local economy. In October, Nevada State lawmakers approved Senate Bill 1 and Assembly Bill 1 during a special legislative session calling for a 0.5 percentage point increase in Clark County’s room tax to help fund the project.

It’s important to stay up-to-date on all of the latest local happenings because being a great place to visit makes Las Vegas a great place to live. In 2016, Las Vegas had a lot to celebrate and next year is already shaping up to be another one for the record books! Here’s a look at some of the major milestones setting our city up for success in the year ahead.

In 2016, the LVCVA moved forward with the demolition of the LVCVA-owned Riviera to make way for an important stage of the LVCCD project, the development of the Las Vegas Convention Center’s Diamond Parking Lot. The lot incorporates more than 26 acres of rentable space for shows and events with outdoor exhibits.

Las Vegas Convention Center District

Root for the Home Team in the Entertainment Capital of the World

With more than 22,000 meetings and nearly six million business travelers hosted in Las Vegas annually, the meetings and convention industry is crucial to Southern Nevada’s economic success. In order to preserve Las Vegas’ reputation as the leading trade show destination

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Nevada’s Senate Bill One also included provisions for the development of a $1.9 billion, 65,000-seat stadium that could house the University of Nevada, Las Vegas football team as Not That Old And Loving It!

well as a potential professional football franchise and a variety of special events. Las Vegas is also preparing to welcome its first professional hockey team, the Vegas Golden Knights. The T-Mobile Arena, which opened its doors in the Spring of 2016, will be home to the highly-anticipated team, which is expected to begin playing during the 2017-2018 season. These major announcements add to Las Vegas’ reputation as a top-tier destination for hosting high-profile sporting events, including the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo, Big League Weekend, NASCAR Champions Week, NBA Summer League, NCAA basketball tournaments, USA Rugby Sevens, the Las Vegas Bowl and UFC matchups among many others.

Changing Our Landscape In addition to enhancing sports offerings throughout the destination, our city is home to some of the world’s best resorts, culinary venues, entertainment, special events, spas, golf courses and the list goes on. One of the many benefits of living in Las Vegas is the opportunity to experience world-class entertainment and activities 365 days a year in our own backyard! Reinvention is key to the success of Las Vegas, providing visitors with reasons to visit the destination time and again. In 2016, the destination celebrated the addition of a number of stunning new additions. Some notable highlights include The Park, an immersive outdoor dining and entertainment district on the Las Vegas Strip and The Park Theater at Monte Carlo Las Vegas, a 5,200 seat entertainment venue. The destination also introduced several new

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702-623-3096 • 702-239-5538 options for travel accommodations. W Hotels Worldwide made its debut in the Las Vegas market at the SLS in late 2016, while the Lucky Dragon Hotel & Casino opened its doors just a short distance away on the north end of the strip. The Lucky Dragon is Las Vegas’ first casino resort to deliver an authentic Asian lifestyle experience for visitors, expanding on the multitude of options already available to Las Vegas visitors.

Airline Development Considering the ever-changing menu of new offerings in Las Vegas, convenient and efficient means of traveling to the destination are critical to growth in visitation. In order to foster gains in visitation, Las Vegas must continually add new airline routes from markets not only domestically, but also around the world. Continued on pg. 44

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Calendar Of Events Continued from pg. 43

History was made in 2016 when Hainan Airlines’ Guadalajara and Monterrey. Remembering Nevada first flight from Beijing to Las Vegas touched down at McCarran International Airport, If you love Las Vegas and want to stay upthe first-ever flight between Las Vegas and to-date on all the latest tourism-related news Happy Holidays Mainland China. The service will initially operate and events, please become a Las Vegas Host three times each week. Committee ambassador! Anyone from the community can become an ambassador by Norwegian Airlines also introduced service from registering on our website its third nonstop destination between Las Vegas’ or emailing our office at lvhostcommittee@ McCarran International Airport and London, It costs nothing other than your followed by nonstop service between Las Vegas commitment to better our community. You can and Oslo in November. The airline launched also follow the Host Committee on Twitter @ its first two nonstop routes from Las Vegas, VegasHosts. Copenhagen and Stockholm in 2015. As we say goodbye to a successful 2016 and Mexico-based airline, Interjet, also celebrated look forward to the future, we thank you for the launch of new daily nonstop service to your continued support of southern Nevada’s Las Vegas from Mexico City in the fall. The No. 1 industry- Tourism! + airline also offers service to Las Vegas from

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Not That Old And Loving It!

The Young at Heart Senior Expo is a full day of free entertainment, valuable information, opportunities, products and services for today’s active seniors. • Free Admission • Free Entertainment • Free Samples • Free Door Prizes

Not That Old And Loving It!

• Senior Activities • Health Screening • Over 60 Vendors • Much More

Entertainment provided by the Speeding Theatre

January/February 2017

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endar Of Events Calendar Of Events

Downtown 3rd Farmers Market

The Downtown 3rd Farmers Market is Las Vegas’ Biggest Indoor Farmers Market, showcasing local Las Vegas farmers as well as healthy lifestyle classes, art shows, and chef’s demonstrations from famous Las Vegas chefs. The mission of the Downtown 3rd Farmers Market is to be a sustainable, seasonal, healthy lifestyle Center of the City. The Downtown Las Vegas Farmers Market is conveniently located in the middle of the Las Vegas valley off of US-95 and Casino Center Drive. Every Friday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm Downtown Las Vegas Las Vegas, NV 89101

Downtown Summerlin Farmer’s Market

Downtown Summerlin hosts a weekly farmer’s market. The market carries organic, sustainably grown produce from California and Nevada family farms offering the freshest, tastiest, nutritional rich fruits and vegetables. Some of the finest Gourmet Food Artisans join the market lineup as well. Throughout the season, the market hosts cooking demonstrations, live music, classes dedicated to the ecological stewardship and farmers and artisan tasting events. Every Saturday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm Free Downtown Summerlin 1980 Festival Plaza Drive Las Vegas, NV 89135

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Fresh 52 Farmers & Artisan Market Remembering Nevada The Fresh 52 Farmers & Artisan Market is a lively, friendly, open-air market where neighbors and friends come together to celebrate their Happy community. Every Holidays Sunday morning the market features choice vendors with organic & pesticide/chemical free seasonal produce, freshly baked goods, gourmet olive oils, salsas, spices, sauces, nuts, handmade modern craft, artisans & more! Sundays 8:30am-1:00pm Sansone Park Place 9480 S. Eastern Henderson, NV 89123

The Green Chefs Farmers Market

Farm Fresh Produce, Cottage, Artisan and Baked Goods, Honey Gardening Tips & Demos, Recipe Tips, Art/Crafts SHOP “FRESH” Shop “LOCAL” Market Accepts: Senior Farmer Market Vouchers, EBT (Snap), Debit and Credit Every Friday 8am-Noon Boulder City Senior Center

Senior Line Dancing With Marilyn Gray First Hour is for beginners, second hour is a little more advanced Come out and join the fun! FREE Mondays 2:00pm-4:00pm Suncoast Showroom

9090 Alta Drive Las Vegas, NV 89144 Tuesdays 2:00pm-4:00pm Suncoast Showroom 9090 Alta Drive Las Vegas, NV 89144 Wednesdays 2:00pm-4:00pm Rampart Casino Spa Aquae Room 221 N. Rampart Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89145 Thursdays 2:00pm-4:00pm Red Rock Lounge 11011 West Charleston Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89135

Broadway In The Hood Presents The Mountaintop With vivid theatrical imagination and powerful emotion, playwright Katori Hall beautifully fictionalizes the final hours of Dr. King’s life in this Olivier Award-winning drama about leadership, legacy and mortality. January 13-15 $34 The Smith Center 361 Symphony Park Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89106

Cabrera Conducts Beethoven & Mozart

A BUCOLIC MUSICAL POSTCARD marks our orchestra’s inaugural performances of three works spanning classical and modern eras. Saturday, January 14 7:30p.m.

Not That Old And Loving It!

$30-$109 The Smith Center 361 Symphony Park Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89106

Motown The Musical

It began as one man’s story… became everyone’s music… and is now Broadway’s musical. MOTOWN THE MUSICAL is the true American dream story of Motown founder Berry Gordy’s journey from featherweight boxer to the heavyweight music mogul who launched the careers of Diana Ross, Michael Jackson, Smokey Robinson and many more. January 17-22 $29-$127 The Smith Center 361 Symphony Park Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89106

Talk-With-A- Doc

The Las Vegas Clark County Library District in partnership with HealthCare Partners presents TalkWith-A- Doc. Come enjoy a deli lunch as you learn about important medical topics from licensed doctors in Las Vegas. Following the presentation there will be free screenings offered based upon the current topic. Today’s Topic: Lung Disorders with a blood oxygen screening. *** Please RSVP to 702.507.6019 to reserve your place. Free and open to the public. Wednesday, January 18 12:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m. Enterprise Library 25 E. Shelbourne Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89123

Senior Citizens Advisory Not That Old And Loving It!

Commission Meeting

Thank you for your interest in the Senior Citizens Advisory Commission. Monthly meetings are held the third Wednesday of the month (unless otherwise indicated) at Council Chambers Conference Room, City Hall, Henderson, Nevada. For inquiries please contact 702-267-4090. The City of Henderson is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and is dedicated to providing equal access to all citysponsored programs, services and activities for citizens with disabilities. Persons requiring special assistance or accommodation should contact Monica Rivera at (702) 2674090 or TTY: 7-1-1, at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Wed Jan 18 5:30 PM City Hall 240 South Water Street Henderson, NV 89015

George Winston

including Peanuts pieces from his tribute albums, melodies inspired by the New Orleans piano and the stride piano traditions, and additional original compositions. Audiences will be amazed by the variety of styles featured in one concert. January 20-21 7:00 PM $35-$59 The Smith Center 361 Symphony Park Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89106

Winter/Spring Hiking Series – McCullough Hills Trail

Join us for an 8-mile hike on the McCullough Hills Trail ending at Anthem Hills Park. This is a great way to get in shape while exploring the trail. Dress for the weather. Teens (1417 years) must be accompanied by a parent/guardian. Transportation is provided from Anthem Hills Park back to McCullough Hills trailhead. Register at using activity code 641071-58. Ages 14+; $7 January 21 8am-1pm McCullough Hills Trailhead 295 Mission Dr.

Composting In Small Areas: Creating Your Own Compost Bin George Winston’s solo piano recordings have sold millions of copies, showcasing his diverse style that includes rural folk, stride jazz and New Orleans R&B. Winston will perform a variety of his favorite seasonal tunes,

Do you live in an apartment, condominium, or house with a small backyard, yet you still want to compost? Attend this workshop to build your very own composting bin using worms! A worm bin, otherwise known as vermi composting is a great way to compost your food scraps January/February 2017

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endar Of Events Calendar Of Events without having access to an outdoor area. ***Please bring in your own plastic bin container with a lid, some newspaper, and we’ll supply the worms! Free and open to the public. PLEASE RSVP to: 702.507.3964 Sunday, January 22 2:00 p.m.-3:30 p.m. West Charleston Library 6301 W. Charleston Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89146

Drumline Live

“DRUMline Live” is a show-stopping production created by the musical team behind the hit films “Drumline” and “Drumline: A New Beat,” based on the marching band tradition of the Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). January 26 & 27 7:30 PM $24 - $69 The Smith Center 361 Symphony Park Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89106

Public Art Talk and Reception with Cat Chiu Phillips

Enjoy an evening of lively discussion from this experienced and talented artist as she discusses her experiences as an artist working with temporary materials in the public sphere and explains the process behind her installation here in Las Vegas. San Diego artist Cat Chiu Phillips is the creator of the “Entertain” exhibit at Las Vegas City Hall in the Windows on First space. Seen by passersby on First Street between Clark and Lewis avenues, the exhibit fills three large windows with art made from

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photographic negatives and slides, VHS tapes and cassette tapes and is part of the First Street Art Trail. Remembering Nevada Friday, January 27 5:30PM Historic Fifth Street School Conference Room Happy Holidays 401 S. Fourth St. Free and open to the public – Registration is recommended, space is limited. Please email PublicArt@ by Wednesday, January 25, 2017 to register.

about the social services, education programs and other resources available and free to caregivers. You will gain valuable information and get all your questions answered. Saturday, January 28 2:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m Free and open to the public. For more information call: 702.507.3964. West Charleston Library 6301 W. Charleston Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89146

6TH Annual 8 News Now Super Recycle Event – Presented by Republic Services

Indoor Sprint Reverse Triathlon

Mark your calendar for the 8 News Now Super Recycling Day Presented by Republic Services. The sixth annual event is once again being held at the Thomas & Mack Parking lot. For more information visit January 28 8am-2:30pm Thomas & Mack Parking lot

Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health: Caring for a Loved One

Complementing excellent medical care and research opportunities, the Center’s focus on caregivers affirms that neurocognitive disorders (Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s, Parkinson’s and Multiple Sclerosis) impact not just the patient, but everyone involved in care and support. Come learn

Test your skills in our non-competitive triathlon. It begins with a 5K (3.1-mile) run on our indoor track, followed by a 20k (12.4-mile) bike ride on our indoor cycles, followed by a 750m (half-mile) swim in the indoor pool. Finishers receive medals to commemorate their accomplishments. Register at at least one week in advance (activity code 151225-24) to secure your dedicated heat time. Packets are available for pickup at HMGC from 4pm-8pm on Jan. 26. Ages 18+ January 29 9am-3pm $25 | Jan. 2-15 $35 | Jan. 16-28 $40 | Day of event Henderson Multigenerational Center 250 S. Green Valley Pkwy.

One Woman Sex And The City A Parody On Love, Friendship And Shoes Not That Old And Loving It!

This loving tribute and send-up takes audiences through a laughter-infused version of all six seasons of the beloved show. TJ Dawe – (Director and co-creator of One Man Star Wars Trilogy, One Man Lord of the Rings and PostSecret: The Show) has comedic whirling dervish Kerry Ipema (PostSecret: The Show) bringing all our favorite characters to life as they brunch, banter, argue, support each other and swoon over men and Manolos. Wed, Feb 1 - Sat, Feb 4 $25-$37 The Smith Center 361 Symphony Park Avenue, Las Vegas, NV 89106

Theater Entrance. Patrons should be bring drivers license or valid passport, social security card, receipts and documentation, and last year’s tax return. For more information, please call 702-507-3459. Thursday, February 2 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m Clark County Library 1401 E. Flamingo Rd. Las Vegas, NV 89119

Broadway In The Hood Presents Ain’t Misbehavin’

Savvy Seniors Scam Prevention Series

Join us as a representative from Better Business Bureau will provide information and answer questions about protecting yourself from falling victim to scams. Free and open to the public, with seniors especially encouraged to attend. For more information, please call 702-507-3458. Wednesday, February 1 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Clark County Library 1401 E. Flamingo Rd. Las Vegas, NV 89119

Free Tax Assistance with AARP

AARP volunteers will be at Clark County Library to help prepare Federal Income Tax as a free service for low-to-no income patrons on Thursdays from 11am-3pm from February 2 through April 13. Tickets will be issued on a first come, first served basis starting at 10am at the Not That Old And Loving It!

The Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s and ‘30s comes to life in the threetime Tony award-winning musical revue, Ain’t Misbehavin’. February 3-5 $34 The Smith Center 361 Symphony Park Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89106

Las Vegas Landmarks presented by the Neon Museum

Join us at the Summerlin Library for a family lecture and activity presented by the Neon Museum and the Las Vegas Clark County Library District. Learn about the history and construction of many of the famous landmarks around Las Vegas. Event is Free and Open to the

public. For more information call the Summerlin Library at (702) 507-3863. Saturday, February 4 2:00 p.m.-3:30 p.m. Summerlin Library 1771 Inner Circle Dr. Las Vegas, NV 89134

A Midsummer Night’s Dream

A Midsummer Night’s Dream is one of Shakespeare’s most popular comedies and has long been a favorite for both professional and amateur productions. The play is a fantasy of folklore and fairies, a medley of poetry, song, and dance, with vivid contrasts between the dainty folk in Titania’s train and the “rude mechanicals” in Bottom’s company. You’re invited to enjoy this condensed touring version with complete costumes, sets, and theatrical lighting. For tickets and additional information, call 702-2293514 or 702-229-6383. Saturday, February 4 2 - 3:30 pm $10 in advance, $15 at the door. Charleston Heights Arts Center 800 S. Brush Street

First Friday

Held in the downtown Las Vegas Arts District on the first Friday of every month, First Friday Las Vegas is a community gathering where all are welcomed and encouraged to appreciate the arts in Las Vegas. First Friday officially begins at 5:00 pm and goes until 11:00 pm. There is no admission charge, and it is open to all ages. You’ll find a plethora of visual and performing arts, live January/February 2017

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endar Of Events Calendar Of Events music, food, and people. February 3rd 5:00 pm – 11:00pm Free 1228 S Casino Center Blvd Las Vegas, NV 89104 United States

Recollections of the Silver State

The 23rd installment of Rainbow Company’s popular Nevada Series features all new stories and songs about Old Nevada. This energetic show will elevate your spirits as it weaves together a fascinating fabric of history, folklore and music. Bring the whole family for 50 minutes of entertaining fun! February 10th 7:00pm Feb 11th 2pm & 7pm Feb 12th 2pm $6 Charleston Heights Arts Center 800 S. Brush St.

Brass Roots Quintent

Local music legend Walt Boenig directs the Brass Roots Quintet- A

50 Simply55+

January/February 2017

Remembering Nevada

Happy Holidays

For more information, call 702-229-6383. Free and Open to the Public! Saturday, February 18th 2:00pm Charleston Heights Arts Center 800 S. Brush St.

In honor of Black History Month

concert experience with a wideranging repertoire that embraces both the classical and contemporary styles of music. Spend the afternoon with the Brass Roots Quintet and enjoy a family-friendly concert filled with quintessential hits and modern classics! Walt Boenig ‘s career as a professional trombonist included such road bands as Glenn Miller Orchestra (under four leaders, Buddy DeFranco, Peanuts Hucko, Buddy Morrow, Jimmy Henderson) Harry James Orchestra, Jimmy Dorsey Orchestra (Leader Lee Castle) and a Tom Jones South Africa tour. Since arriving in Las Vegas in the mid ‘70’s he has performed with the house bands at the many hotels on and off the strip (including the Silver Slipper, Desert Inn, “Lido de Paris” at the Stardust and the musical “Chicago” at Mandalay Bay).

The City of Henderson’s Public Works, Parks and Recreation Department presents Heart & Soul: A Celebration of Gospel and Black History. February 25 10am-3pm Complimentary Admission Henderson Events Plaza 200 Water St.

Not That Old And Loving It!

Henderson Farmer’s Market and Country Fresh Farmer’s Market Thursdays & Fridays @ 9am-4pm Stop by the Henderson Farmers Market on Thursdays at the Henderson Events Plaza, 200 S. Water Street, and the Country Fresh Farmers Market on Fridays at the Henderson Pavilion, 200 S. Green Valley Pkwy. Call 702-267-2171. Las Vegas Farmer’s Market @ Bruce Trent Park Wednesdays @ 2pm-6pm 1600 N. Rampart Blvd. Bruce Trent Park (Rampart & Vegas Drive) Las Vegas, NV 89102 Co-Sponsored by The City of Las Vegas Department of Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Services. Las Vegas Farmer’s Market @ Gardens Park Every Thursday @ 2pm-6pm 10401 Gardens Park Dr., Las Vegas, NV 89135 Las Vegas Farmer’s Market @ Floyd Lamb Park at Tule Springs First & Third Saturday of Each Month 10am-2pm 9100 Tule Spring Rd., Las Vegas NV 89131 Fresh 52 Market (Opens January 17) Saturday 9am-2pm at Tivoli Village 302 S. Rampart Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89145 Sunday 8:30am-1pm at Sansone Park Place 9480 S. Eastern Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89123

Not That Old And Loving It!

The Green Chefs Farmer’s Market Free Entrance to Springs Preserve on Market Day Every Thursday @ 10am-3pm 333 S. Valley View Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89107 District at Green Valley Ranch Thursdays @ 4pm - 8pm March 5th - May 28th & September 3rd - November 19th 2240 Village Walk Dr, Henderson, NV 89052 Downtown Summerlin Farmer’s Market Every Saturday under the Pavillion @ 9am-2pm Downtown Summerlin, 1980 Festival Plaza Drive Las Vegas, NV 89135 Downtown 3rd Farmer’s Market Every Friday @ 9am-2pm The Downtown Las Vegas Farmers Market is conveniently located in the middle of the Las Vegas valley off of US-95 and Casino Center Drive. Downtown Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV 89101 Farmer’s Market On The Ranch and Artisan Market Every Sunday Rain Or Shine Craig Ranch Regional Park 628 W. Craig Rd., North Las Vegas, NV 89032 Garden Plaza Parking Lot. 9:00am-2:00pm

January/February 2017

Simply55+ 51

Happy Holidays

Volunteer“ing” Continuing our monthly series of the “ings” to do in Boulder City, we thought it timely to talk about some of the not so obvious “ings”. The holidays are past us where we shopped, donated, cooked, shared meals and spent precious time with family and friends. Now back to the hustle and bustle of our daily routines. Being such a small community, there are many opportunities to volunteer your time and your talents to some of the amazing organizations that help to make Boulder City one of the best places to live in Southern Nevada. Our local non-profits do many things; from helping a senior to their doctor appointments to providing food for a family experiencing hard times, from a few hours of filing at the non-profit’s office to spreading joy to those receiving care at the hospital, your time and talents are welcomed and appreciated. The Corporation for National & Community Service presented research that indicates volunteering provides individual health benefits in addition to social ones. The report titled The Health Benefits of Volunteering: A Review of Recent Research established a strong relationship between these two components; those who volunteer tend to have lower mortality rates, greater functional ability, and lower rates of depression later in life than those who do not volunteer. The Corporation for National & Community Service website has

52 Simply55+

January/February 2017

some great tips for volunteering at any age; youth, baby boomers, college students, and families among others. You can visit those tips at Many of our non-profits are currently looking for volunteers to fill various positions. The Chamber is always looking for volunteers; office and event positions are always available. Emergency Aid can always use extra food for the shelves or perhaps some help organizing the food pantry. St Judes Ranch for Children puts on various events during the year and looks for volunteers to help out. Boulder City Auxiliary and Goldie’s Gift Shop are always looking for helpers to help with long term care outings and gift shop attendants. For more information on these and other opportunities, visit the Chamber website or head down to any of these organizations and let them know you’re there to help! They won’t refuse you! Happy New Year and we at the Chamber hope you enjoy the “ings” to do in Boulder City! Thank you for your continued support at our events, participating in our events and our gracious volunteers that help keep things running. We appreciate you and look forward to another prosperous year! +

Not That Old And Loving It!

Not That Old And Loving It!

January/February 2017

Simply55+ 53

Home Improvement & Lifestyle Simply Savers

Late Winter Decorating Feedback

Moving on to the next alterable element, you days still remain. After all signs of reds and Calendar Of Events will find that it is even greens have been removed from the house, more easier to change late winter calls for a warm, cozy interior. the fabrics to reflect Spend the last few months of winter in the your moods and warmth of your homes with these simple, late Remembering Nevada styles. Once the rich winter decorating touches. and luxurious holiday fabrics have been Happy Holidays safely tucked away, it’s time to bring out your other warm fabrics. Select heavy and warm curtains, bed covers, pillow cases, table cloths etc. Choose colors that will make best use of the scanty sunlight and keep your rooms warm. But for dark corners, use sheer fabrics which will diffuse light all over the place.

TheOf Holidays Calendar Eventsare gone but long, cold winter

Warm Colors

Floor, Walls, Ceiling and Fabrics - these are the four elements which can instantly alter the look and feel of any room. While it is difficult to make changes to floors and ceilings, changes can easily be made to the other two. Paint your room in warm or sober, neutral colors and you will instantly have created a more intimate atmosphere. Warm colors need not always be bold colors. Certain shades of gray and orange can also warm up the walls. Burgundy, gold, rust etc. are other good choices.

Accessories with Warmth Accessorize your home with lamps, candles, crystals and the like. Fill corners with stand-up lamps and side-tables with table lamps. They will light and warm up your home at the same time. Light candles on mantles and hang crystals on windows where they will catch all the sunlight and sparkle your room. Throw extra cushions on Continued on pg. 56

54 Simply55+

January/February 2017

Not That Old And Loving It!





EōS Fitness is a home base for serious athletes and a haven for casual exercisers; we’re accessible to anyone and welcoming to everyone. We’re proud of who we are, but we’re not done; we’re just getting warmed up. EOS CINEMA • GROUP EXERCISE CLASSES • YOGA / PILATES • ZUMBA BODYPUMP • SPINNING • TONS OF FREE WEIGHTS • PERSONAL TRAINING KID’S CLUB • TANNING • STEAM / SAUNA • OPEN 24 HOURS

Some restrictions may apply. Amenities vary by club. Downtown Phoenix location is $9.97/bi-weekly. Call club for details.

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January/February 2017

Simply55+ 55

Continued from pg. 54

Home Improvement & Lifestyle sofas and lounges, in front of the TV and near Fireplace the music system for relaxed winter evenings. Simply Savers

Warmth with Wood

Stock up your fireplace. Fireplaces have it Feedback in them to become miniature family rooms. Winters always remind us of families cozying up in front of brightly lit fires. You can add a rug or even a lounge and armchairs for comfortable seating space. If you would like to create a more personal space by the fire, add an Calendar Of Events armchair, an ottoman and a side-table to hold your coffee-mug, glasses, books, knitting etc.

Bring out all the timber from your store-room and arrange at several dar Ofplaces Events in your rooms. Wooden flooring exudes warmth, but if you do not have one, Sights and Sounds of Winter you can fill up with other wooden furniture. A Nevada Remembering fireplace stocked with logs warms up the scene Winter also has its share of nature’s bounty. even before the logs start burning! Leave the Winter flowers also require less maintenance cane for the fast-approaching spring season. and are strong and sturdy which makes them

Happy Holidays perfect for displaying indoors. You may force

bulbs indoors or display winter blooms and greenery in every corner of your house. Fragrant herbs are another way to fill your house with invigorating winter scents. Wreaths and garlands made of dried flowers, herbs, apples etc. also cheer up the dull winter days.

Rugs and Carpets Spread warm rugs and place rich carpets in every room for creating a warm ambience. They also makeup for any kind of flooring. Place a rug in front of the fireplace where you can comfortably sip mugs of hot cocoa with your family on chilly winter nights. Rugs not only feel good and warm under your feet, but also add color and texture to any room. If budget is not a problem, woolen rugs are by far the best choice.

56 Simply55+

January/February 2017

These ideas will inspire you to make your homes as cozy and warm as possible for winters. Let your own decorating style and preferences be your guide as you begin transforming your existing decor to reflect the changes of the season. +

Not That Old And Loving It!

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Not That Old And Loving It!

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January/February 2017

Simply55+ 57

Home Improvement & Lifestyle Simply Savers Feedback

What Does It Really Take To Learn A Musical Instrument

Calendar Of Events

Calendar Of Events

Remembering Nevada

Happy Holidays You have decided that you finally want to learn a musical instrument. You are excited at the prospect of playing the tunes you love, but you are not sure where to start. Read on to find out exactly how to go about learning a new instrument and filling your musical potential.

1 - Look for a quality instrument

The most common approach to buying an instrument is to pay what you can comfortably afford. Buying the best instrument within your budget is a great start, and you will appreciate the quality further down the line. You want to keep your instrument for many years, so don’t compromise on quality. If you can’t afford a new instrument, there are many second-hand bargains available. Have a look at the adverts in your local newspaper or online; be careful, and always test an instrument before you buy it. If you can take someone along who knows something about the type of instrument you are interested in, you are less likely to buy the wrong thing.

2 - Find a teacher

The easiest way to set off on the right track is to find a teacher. Shop around and make sure you find someone with specific teaching qualifications. It’s not good enough for them to have performance qualifications, or, worse still, no music qualifications. A good teacher will offer a consultation lesson, and will have a proven track record of instrumental teaching. Don’t necessarily go for the cheapest teacher; this could prove to be a false economy, and the more experienced teachers in your area will tend to charge more for their services. A good teacher will not only help you learn how to play an instrument and master the techniques; he or she will also be a good motivator and will relate to a student’s needs and anxieties. The best teachers know when to push a student and when to lay off. Don’t be afraid to ask about the teacher’s approach to learning and assessment, before you book in for a lesson.

Continued on pg. 60

58 Simply55+

January/February 2017

Not That Old And Loving It!

Auto World Fremont (702) 452-8488 3190 E. Fremont St. Autos Unlimited (702) 939-3333 3112 E. Fremont St. Baja Auto Sales (702) 832-0801 824 S. Decatur Blvd. Car City Retailers (702) 459-5700 2117 N. Nellis Blvd. Chapman Chrysler Jeep 1-888-243-2211 930 Auto Show Dr. CHAPMAN VALUE CENTER

Chapman Value Center (702) 432-2406

3470 Boulder Hwy. Findlay Lincoln (702) 558-8888 310 N. Gibson Rd. • Henderson

Not That Old And Loving It!

Goodcarma Auto Sales (702) 707-8035 4280 W. Tompkins Ave. Henderson Hyundai (702) 628-9787 460 N. Boulder Hwy. • Henderson Hyundai of Las Vegas 1-855-696-0746 7100 W. Sahara Ave. • Las Vegas Newport Motors (702) 997-1111 6175 W. Sahara Ave. • Las Vegas NV Cars 4 Less (702) 531-8001 1770 N. Nellis Blvd. Open Lot Used Car Sales (702) 623-4494 4825 S. Rainbow Blvd. #208

R/T Motorsports (702) 202-2637 1104 N. Nellis Blvd. • Las Vegas

Sunrise Auto Sales (702) 944-2277 939 N. Nellis Blvd. • Las Vegas TJ Motors (702) 457-3000 3240 Fremont St. • Las Vegas Towbin Dodge 1-877-228-9301 275 Automall Dr. • Henderson

United Nissan (702) 430-1263 3025 E. Sahara Ave. West Coast Auto Sales (702) 643-4800 1546 N. Nellis Blvd.

Prestige Chrysler Jeep Dodge 1-877-248-3889 6520 Centennial Center Blvd. • Las Vegas

January/February 2017

Simply55+ 59

Continued from pg. 58

3 - Practise

Home Improvement & Lifestyle other people. Embrace your nerves and take

the plunge - your audience wants you to do Your teacher will advise you about the Simply Savers well. Prepare well for any concerts you do, and frequency and volume of practise you need Feedback don’t rush into public performance. However to do to fulfil your goals. It is important to you feel you have performed, be proud of how remember that practising is a central element far you have come. to learning an instrument. You must put the time in, and you will see the rewards if you By following these five simple tips you dar Ofdo. Events A good rule for beginners is to practise will dramatically increase the chances of little and often; for instruments that requireOf Events Calendar successfully learning a musical instrument. developing your lip strength, such as the Even though the process requires hard work trumpet, fifteen minutes a day is enough on your part, the rewards are enormous, and to start with. Pianists, string players and you will learn a skill that may stay with you wind players can practise slightly longer, but Nevada Remembering for the rest of your life. You will also have a make sure you give yourself sufficient rest in greater appreciation of music in general, and between sessions. Four times a week should you will understand what it takes to perform be your practise goal, but if you don’t manage Happy Holidays for other people. + this every week, don’t give yourself a hard time. Life can throw up all sorts of challenges, so be realistic and remain good humored throughout the process.

4 - Buy a home-study guide

There are many study guides available, to help guide you through the instrument-learning process. Some are more formal, and others are informal. Others still take you quickly through the process, while some deliberately take a leisurely approach. It’s up to you which one to choose, in consultation with your teacher. It’s vital to use a study guide that matches your personality and style of learning. The last thing you want is to struggle through a book with your motivation levels ebbing away.

5 - Organise performances

You don’t have to organise a full-scale concert to enjoy the benefits of performing. Even a small-scale concert for close friends and family can do you a world of good and will make you familiar with how it feels to perform in front of

60 Simply55+

January/February 2017

Not That Old And Loving It!

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Not That Old And Loving It!

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Simply55+ 61

Home Improvement & Lifestyle Simply Savers

Date Ideas forFeedback Singles Over 50 delicious wine make for an afternoon or evening that your date is sure to remember. Quick tip: senior can feel like entering an alien landscape. Calendar Of Events find out if you’re date prefers red or white Gone are the days of nervously picking up a before planning your day. And if you prefer girl after school for a cruise in your shiny handsomething with a hint of hops, look into local me-down car and a movie at the local drive in. craft beer tours instead of wine, as many big But just because dating in your older years is Remembering Nevada cities are offering these now. different doesn’t mean that it has to lack the fun, adventure, and spontaneity of youth. Live Theater Happy Holidays In fact, as an older and presumably wiser There really isn’t anything quite like seeing a person, seniors are now at the stage in life play, musical or production on stage. Whether where they can plan and execute the type of it’s Russian ballet on a stunning stage or a intellectual, adventurous, and unique dates that charming rendition ofOur Town done by your a twenty-something can only dream about. local community theater, catching a show Looking for some inspiration to woo the special together will give you a shared experience that someone in your own life? Here are a few date doesn’t require you to deal with awkward first ideas guaranteed to get you noticed, no matter date silences. Also, a live production guarantees what your age. you and your date will have plenty to talk about during post-show dinner or drinks. Sporting Events The competitive atmosphere and high energy Cooking Classes of a sporting event - whether it’s a small town What better way to impress your date, learn local game or a big deal national event - sets something new and get your creativity flowing the stage for lighthearted fun, regardless of than with a cooking lesson? Cooking something your age. Keep in mind that different sports together will help you build a bond and give create their own ambiance, so plan accordingly. you something to discuss when you sit down to For example, hockey games are boisterous sample your creations later. events, where almost all conversation will revolve around the action. On the other hand, Volunteer Work baseball games make for more leisurely dates If you have a cause that your passionate about, with plenty of time to chat and get to know spending an afternoon helping others can make each other amidst the action on the field. for a fun and meaningful date. Walking dogs at the shelter, building with Habitat for Humanity, reading to children at your local hospital or Wine Tasting dishing out warm meals at your nearest soup Wine tours are a sophisticated and romantic kitchen are all ways to get to know your date date setting that’s perfect for mature couples. while making a difference. + A group of like-minded adults, lack of children underfoot, stunning locations, and plenty of

Getting back into the dating game as a single Calendar Of Events

62 Simply55+

January/February 2017

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Simply55+ 63

2950 St. Rose Pkwy 702-228-3041 8435 W. Warm Springs 702-361-3692 1000 W. Sahara 702-341-0563

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Love To Shop? Seniors Save at These Great Stores


Ross Stores

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Town Square Shopping Center 6521 Las Vegas Blvd. S. Suite C-100 (next to Container store) 702-263-7962

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Nordstrom Rack

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20% Off Red Dot/ Clearence items first Monday of every month (55+)

Off Saks 5th Avenue 64 Simply55+

January/February 2017

Henderson 579 N. Stephanie 702-948-2121 Summerlin 2310 Park Center Dr. 702-915-2000

Home Goods 4 Locations

Not That Old And Loving It!

Senior Discounts for Dining Out Your best bet to finding senior discounts is to just ask! Establishments that do offer discounts for seniors will let you know how their discount works – a percentage off perhaps or a special menu and in the worst-case scenario, a discount may not be offered, but it never hurts to ask. As always, please verify with each establishment as discounts can vary from location to location. Bubba Gump Shrimp Co: 10% off for AARP Members - located on the Las Vegas Strip Carrabba’s Italian Grill: 20% off on Wednesdays to AARP Members

Denny’s: 10% off, 20% off for AARP members (55+) Dunkin’ Donuts: AARP members receive a free donut with the purchase of a large hot coffee (at participating restaurants) Einstein’s Bagels: 10% off baker’s dozen of bagels (60+) Fuddrucker’s: 10% off any senior platter (55+) Golden Corral: 10% off (60+) IHOP: Great discounts on senior menu items (55+)

Chili’s: From the Chili’s website: “There is not a single brand-wide policy regarding these discounts; offers vary by location. Please contact the restaurant directly for information on its individual senior citizen, military and/or uniformed officer discounts.”

Krispy Kreme: 10% off (50+) (discount and age vary depending on location) Outback Steakhouse: 15% off AARP members for meals Monday through Thursday (alcohol excluded)

CiCi’s Pizza: 10% off (60+) Sweet Tomatoes: 10% off (60+)

Senior Discounts On Travel Airlines American Airlines: Various discounts for 65 and up (call before booking for discount) Continental Airlines: No initiation fee for Continental Presidents Club & special fares for select destinations Southwest Airlines: Various discounts for ages 65 and up (call before booking for discount) United Airlines: Various discounts for ages 65 and up (call before booking for discount) U.S. Airways: Various discounts for ages 65 and up (call before booking for discount) Car Rental Alamo Car Rental: Up to 25% off for AARP members Avis: Up to 25% off for AARP members Budget Rental Cars: 10% off; up to 20% off for AARP members (50+) Dollar Rent-A-Car: 10% off (50+) Enterprise Rent-A-Car: 5% off for AARP members Hertz: Up to 25% off for AARP members National Rent-A-Car: Up to 30% off for AARP members Not That Old And Loving It!

Hotels Best Western: 10% or more for AARP or senior guests (55+) Candlewood Suites: Discounts vary (62+) Crown Plaza: Discounts vary (62+) Days Inn: Discounts vary (60+) Holiday Inn: Discounts vary (62+) Howard Johnson Hotels: Discounts off best available rate (60+) Hyatt: Up to 50% off (62+) Knights Inn: Up to 10% off (60+) La Quinta Inns: Discounts vary (65+) Marriott: 15% off (62+) Motel 6: 10% off (60+) Super 8: Seniors save 10% off (up to 20% with AARP card) Travelodge: Discounts vary (60+) Wyndham Hotels: Up to 20% with AARP card

January/February 2017

Simply55+ 65

Tour one of our move-in ready homes for a chance to win a 55� T.V.!

66 Simply55+

January/February 2017

Not That Old And Loving It!

Meet our



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