Kritya International Poetry Festival 2013

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◊´ü÷flµ÷ √÷°÷ - 11.45am to 1.00 pm Second session Sergio Infante (Chily) Dinesh Kumar Shukla(Hindi) Trin Soomets (Estonia) Basant Tripathi (Hindi)

ü÷Èü÷flµ÷ √÷°÷ - 2.00pm to 3pm Third Session Harpreet Kaur (Hindi) Mamta Sagar (Kannada) Harprasad Das (Odisha) H.S.Shivaprakash (Kannada) Margus Lattik (Estonia)

ì÷ü÷„£÷‘ √÷°÷ -3.30 to 5.30 Fourth Session Mark Granier (Ireland) Aurelia Lassaque (France) David wa Maahlamela (South Africa) Zingonia Zingone (Italy) Rati Saxena (Hindi) Ø÷÷∏¥Ø÷◊∏ç˙ √÷”ê÷flü÷ , Ü◊¥÷ü÷ ç˙ªª÷÷ ãæ÷” √÷¥÷Ê∆ Traditional songs- Amit Kalla and others Poetry films 7.00 pm to 8.00 pm Red color is love story- Annie Zaidi and others films

◊´ü÷flµ÷ √÷°÷ 11.45am to 1.00 pm Second session Annelisa Addolorato (Italy) Divik Ramesh- ( Hindi) Mithilesh Shrivastav -( Hindi) Marwan Makhoul( Palestine ) Rakesh Shreemal ( HindI)

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2.00pm to 3pm Third Session Amit Kalla (Hindi) Anuj lagun (Hindi) Ekam Manuke (Punjabi) Kirpal Singh (Punjabi)

è÷„ª÷÷ √÷°÷ 3-30 pm to 5.30 pm Open forum


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b. ç˙÷¥÷÷µ÷­÷≠÷fl - æµ÷÷Í¥÷Íø÷ ø÷„åª÷ Kamayani -Vyomesh Shukla

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ü÷fl√÷∏÷ ◊§­≠÷ 17, sept 2013

Third Day

Ø÷Œ£÷¥÷ √÷°÷ 10.00 am to 11.30 pm First Session Odveig Klyve (Norway) Gabriel Rosenstock (Ireland) Pawan Karan (Hindi) Prasenjit Gaikwad (Marathi)

√£÷÷­≠÷ / Place ¥÷∆÷ü¥÷÷ ê÷÷—¨÷fl Ü­≠ü÷∏∏÷¬ô“flµ÷ ◊∆”§fl ◊æ÷øæ÷◊æ÷™÷ª÷µ÷, æ÷¨÷÷‘ (¥÷∆÷∏÷¬ô“ ), ≥÷÷∏ü÷ Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya, Wardha, Maharashtra, India



Eminent Poets, Artists And Poetry Film Makers from around the world will converge to celebrate Poetry, Poetry films, Painting, Photo Poetry and Theater Poetry on the theme of “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’’ (Universal brotherhood) Rati Saxena

Ø÷Œ£÷¥÷ √÷°÷ 11.10 am to 1.00 pm

I COME FROM England 3:40 min Daniel Lucchesi, Alex Ramseyer – englisch Gedicht: I come from … Joseph Buckley. A journey to a diverse an misunderstood city in Northern England.

First Session

Sitanshu Yashaschandra ( Gujarati ) Anastassis Vistonitis (Greece) K. Satchidanandan ( Malayalam ) Rituraj ( Hindi) Muesser Yeniay(Turkey)

Vibhuti Narain Rai

Festival Director

Vice- Chancellor

◊´ü÷flµ÷ √÷°÷ 2.00pm to 4pm Second Session

KRITYA K.9/624, Vaijyant Chettikunnu , Medical College PO Trivandrum, kerala , India

Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya, Wardha , Maharashtra

Rakesh Mishra Organizing Secretary & Assistant Professor Department of Non-Violence & Peace Studies Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya, Wardha

Prof. A.Arvindakshan Host Director & Pro-Vice-Chancellor Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya, Ward Maharashtra, India.

An international Poetry film program curated by Odveig Klyve:

Inauguration session 15, Sept 2013 , 10 AM to 11.AM


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Part one: THE ROAD NOT TAKEN’ Belgia. 3 min Film by Swoon for the Robert Frost poem ‘The Road Not Taken’ read by Nic Sebastian for ‘Pizzicati of Hosanna’

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Poetry Films 7.00pm to 8.00pm

25572 BÜTTEL Germany 5:08 min,Rainer Komers – deutsch/Engl. Sub. Poem: [meine heimat] Ulrike Almut SandigA small town on the river is now a commercial area surrounded by chemical and powerplants. This place was once a home for its residents. LIKE THIS Canada, 3:25 min David Martineau-Lachance – englisch Gedicht: Like This by Rumí. This medieval Persian poem is going to take us on a journey with an emotional and contemporary twist. I CALL MYSELF YOU Germany, 4:24 min ,Fatmir Dolci – Deutschland 2012 4:24 min deutsch / Engl. Sub. Poem by Barbara Köhler

Surjit Patar (Punjabi) Udaya Narayana Singh (Maithili and Bangala) Vinod Kumar Shukla (Hindi) Sergio Badilla Castillo (Chile )

ONE ART USA, 3:39 min by John D. Scott. Poem by Elizabeth Bishop.

ü÷Èü÷flµ÷ √÷°÷ 4.15 pm to 5.30pm

Photo Poetry by Sasan Noruzzadeh Chegini and Odveig Klyve Art Poetry by K, Ravindra, Smeetha Bhoumik and Amit Kalla

Third Session Liam Ó Muirthile ( Ireland) Helena Sinervo (Finland) Subodh Sarkar (Bangala) Abhay K (English) Niillas Holmberg (Finland)

ì÷ü÷„£÷‘ √÷°÷ 5.30pm to 6.00pm Fourth Session

Musical Evening by Niillas Holmberg( Finland)

Part two: GEOPOETICON Poetry films by Kari Klyve-Gulbrandsen and Odveig Klyve

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Day two 16, Sept 2013

Ø÷Œ£÷¥÷ √÷°÷ 10.00 am to 11.30 pm First Session Sudeep Sen (English) Pravasini Mahakud (Odisha) Naresha Saxena(Hindi) Chandrakant Deotale(Hindi) Metin Cengiz (Turkey)

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