A b h i n a y
S h a r m a
A rc hit ec t u re Po rt fo lio
S chool of Planning and Architecture | B.Arch | 2006-2011
“ for me, architecture is a diorama of art ”
Ta b l e o f Co ntents 01
Curriculam Vitae
Academic Projects
Community center
Cultural & Recreation center
Sustainable District center
Housing complex
Hotel design
Competition Projects
Tube City
Manifestations of Memories
Delhi within : Ideas competition
Google shelter design
Pencil & Ink
Pencil Shading
Digital Art
Brush & Canvas
Web footprint
C ur r i cu l am Vi tae name : age : address :
contact no :
Abhinay Sharma 23 yrs / July 10, 1987 176 DDA Flats, Pocket-2, Sector-11, Dwarka, New Delhi 110075 INDIA (mob) +91 987 316 2076 (res) +91 011 2804 2326
e-mail :
website :
education :
software skills :
B.Arch 2006-2011 School of Planning and Architecture New Delhi INDIA
Rhinocerous 4, Grasshopper, Google SketchUp, AutoCad, 3Ds Max, Revit Architecture, Ecotect, Energy Plus, Vray render engine, Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, After effects and MS Office suite.
honours : 2011
An article on ‘Tube city’ featured in the ‘Indian Institute of Interior Designers’ newsletter under Green Solutions ‘Tube city’ published on Inhabitat.com , wired.com and indiatimes.com (‘Tube city’ is a sustainable city model for Delhi) A3 Foundation sustainable design award. (for district center studio project)
3rd prize in National Student Symposium on Green Technologies (survival of cities in era of climate change) IHC Delhi Within finalists. (Ideas competition on urban issues)
work experience :
Vedi Associates Inc. Jan-Jul 2010 Design Intern Architectural designing, presentations, site surveys, rendering, office management and client meetings Nexus Creations pvt. ltd. May-Jun 2008 Design Intern Concept engendering, presentations, surveys, architectural rendering and client meetings
Pecuniary award in sociology. (awarded by SPA Delhi) Multiple awards winner in Topcoder studios. (graphic design contests)
hobbies :
Painting, Sketching and Graphic designing
A c adem ic Proj ec t s
Co mm u n it y C ent er
Cu lt u ral an d Rec rea tio n c en ter
S u st ai nab le D is trict c en ter
Ho u si n g c o m pl ex
Ho tel des ig n
la ru p
ro as g r a p
n nja
k par
C om m u nit y C en t er
Area Site
Nehru Place New Delhi INDIA 32 300 sqf Nehru place is the Asia’s largest computer and electronic wholesale market right opposite to posh residential area of chitranjan park. The site ‘paras ground’ is intricately situated between two drastically polar regions. Where one requires free pedestrian movement other requires restricted access. The proposed commmunity center houses multidisciplinary functions of Library, Auditorium, Food courts, exhibition areas and Offices.
Nehru place has its identity of being a very industrious area with a daily footfall of about 10 000 people. Main reason for this vast number is it being the largest computer market in asia and the okhla industrial area. It is beacause of this identity that requirements of adjacent residential area of chitranjan park get overlooked. The area lacks a large public platform where local residents can interact to share and expand their knowledge. Thus the project of ‘community center’ hold utmost importance in this area where its has to perform two majpr tasks, Firstly, it has to serve the local residents by providing a varied types of space possible to expand the cultural dimension of the region and secondly, it has to create an iconic identity for itself and the people of the area.
Design genesis
Since the ‘paras ground’ is used by the residents as a park and playground by the children, it was established that the structre should impact these two funtions as little as possible, hence the massing was kept together as one huge chunk of built volume. Now as the built form turned into one huge mass it was essential that every funtion inside the stucture had acess to natural light and uniform amount of daylighting levels. For this purpose triangulation of roof form was used so that light can penetrate inside the structure throughout. As the structure has to iconic in nature the sharp roof forms are enhanced and streached in all the three dimensions. The roof form of the lobby area is specially increased vertically to enhance light reception and highlight the entrance
In the following spreads are process of form generation from initial site planning stage and layout plans of the structure.
Community center : A bird’s eye view
STAGE 1 The design approach begins with zoning and laying out functional linkages. The whole design is a concentrated mass leaving space around for vegitation and playground
STAGE 2 The functional volumes are then rearranged with respect to entrances and orientations.
STAGE 3 The cuboidal volumes are now sliced at different angles to engender a dynamic edge facade.
STAGE 4 This the most important step where roof ridge lines are marked keeping in mind that all the regions inside receive ample amount of daylight and ventillation as the complex is one solid mass
STAGE 5 The roof segments are then extruded to various level according to the amount of daylight required inside.
STAGE 6 Finally one of the three vetices of the roof segment is brought down to create ridge and valleys int he roof form. This procedure gives the roof form much more dynamis and the whole complex an iconic identity.
Roof plan
First floor
multipurpose hall auditorium balcony seating auditorium foyer office library first floor
auditorium stage Ground floor
retail shops central sculptural court office food court library amphitheater
basement parking basement parking
1 Reception 2 Office 3 Sculpture Lobby 4 Basement 5 Lift 6 Stairs 7 Multipurpose hall 8 Auditorium
Community center : A bird’s eye view
Sustainibility aspect
The roof form because of its dynamic edges and proportions creates lively shadow patterns on the ground and the structure itself. This adds to its iconic character and attracts attention from a far. An annual shadow analysis of the roof form by ecotectŠ shows the area of under shadow. The amphitheater as planned falls under the shadow range and can host cultural and musical festivals all throughout the year. (image below left)
This analysis shows the daylighing levels inside the structure. The whole floor plate is covered in orange color which represents the ideal daylighing levles of 70-80 lumens. Thus raising the roof form allowed to have constant and ideal daylighing levels indide the structue thus reducung the need for artificial lighting. The design touches the sustainibility aspect in this regard and reduces lighting requirements which is most enrgy consuming service in public structures. (image below right)
The two sequence on the adjacent spread displays section slice running through the structre in lateral and longitudinal directions showing the sunlight penentration inside the structure at different points. The sections also show the dynamism of the roof form and the ridge valley slopes running over the roof form. The project in all its fulfillment stands iconic and functional which was envisioned at its inception.
13 transverse section
lateral section
C u lt u ral & Rec reation c ent er
Area Site
Dwarka New Delhi INDIA 349 850 sqf Dwarka is a satellite town of New Delhi, the capital of India. Due to its location near the city and lower rates of property it is becoming a prefferd residential area for the middle class of the city. Furthermore dwarka has the connectivity with central delhi via the ‘delhi metro’ transit which forms the life line of the area. Dwarka is still in a developing stage and has a lot of projects planned and awaiting construction. One of these is the cultural center in sector 12. The area lacks in cultural dimension and hence this project is highly important to the local residents.
Site analysis
cooperrative group hoousing society (C.G.H.S) C.G.H.S
plots commercial land power station
30m wide road Radisson hotel
park commercial land
Metro station park C.G.H.S
park school C.G.H.S road no 205 main access road to site school C.G.H.S
The approach to the design begins with the adjacent image. The image shows pedestrian footpaths made on the present site, showing that people from the neighboring housing societies walk through the site to reach the metro station. This movement pattern has to be respected and forms a major design directive. It simultaneously gives following leads into the design process : r The design (a haat) has to provide free movement inside and through the site hence it doesn’t have to have a strict ticketing entrance as bazaars too don’t have such strict movement and further ticketing would hamper free movement. r Secondly this can ensure contineous footfall into the site as regural commuters of metro are going to use this passage. r The idea of having a compound wall free design is challenging with its own limitations and advantages but provides a sense of freedom to the user to explore every corner of the site.
Design genesis
The site had existing pedestrian passage made by people creossing over the site in order to reach the metro station. Hence it provides a brilliant opportunity to explioit this free movement of people and allow them to move through the site uninterrupted this would help in two ways, firstly the residents who are moving across the site to the would create a free flow of people in the site and hence increase the people interaction with the artisans. With this idea in mind a zoning strategy was followed in which stepwise massing was decide.
STAGE 1 Identification of entrance points to the site.
STAGE 2 Placing a grid of 10 x 10m for the conceptual masses and then tracing the movement pattern onto the grid.
STAGE 3 A broad zoning plan is prepared with the idea of providing multiple couryards.
STAGE 4 Overlaying the plans generated in Stage 2 and 3 , soa s to identify the interaction points in the two patterns.
STAGE 5 The built volume is punctured through to create freeflowing paths.
STAGE 6 To create more interesting experience through out complex a central green is introduced on each courtyard which splits the pedestrian movement and spreads it out deeper into the haat.
Social sustainibility
Major goals and objectives of the design are as listed : r To fulfill the commercial, recreational requirements of Dwarka sub city and catchment area. r To provide a platform for rural artisans and cottage industry level producers, where they can market their products and services in an environment at par with the modern shopping and recreational facilities. r To provide for a tourist attraction place for Indian and foreign tourists, where they can buy traditional Indian products while experiencing and learning the culture of India in an environment typical of rural Indian Bazaar. r To create environment where people of the metropolitan can interact with rural artisans and folk artists, and learn about the great heritage and culture of India. r This should be able to provide a ground to the artisans where they can put in their opinions and problems and get their voices be heard by metropolitan media and people. This way can spread sensitivity towards rural environment and society, and help improve the conditions of their villages and towns.
Traditional wisdom
India is a land of culture and tradions, which is reflected in its art and architcture. The ancient traditions and building skills are still relevent as they are in accord with climate and the topography of the region. Design elements such as the courtyard, the mesh wall and central holy tree concepts are used in the built form, which being ecologically sustainable in themselves are set as example to modern city dwellers of how historic values are still practical and valuable.
restaurant Artisans movement Local population movement (to metro station) Auditorium and museum visitors
S u s t ainab le D is t ric t c en ter
Area Site
Nehru Place New Delhi INDIA 3 000 sqm Nehru place is the Asia’s largest computer and electronic wholesale market. Right opposte to the market is the posh residential area of chitranjan park. The site is intricately situated between the two drastically polar regions. Where on requires free pedestrian movement other asks for restricted access. The commmunity center has to houses multidisciplinary functions as Library, Auditorium, Food courts, exhibition areas and Offices. The Northern and eastern edge of the site has a heavy pedestrian traffic whilst the other edges of the site remain compertavely peaceful and quiet.
Area Site
Nehru Place New Delhi INDIA
Nehru Place New Delhi INDIA
3 000 sqm
3 000 sqm
Nehru place is the Asia’s largest computer and electronic wholesale market. Right opposte to the market is the posh residential area of chitranjan park. The site is intricately situated between the two drastically polar regions. Where on requires free pedestrian movement other asks for restricted access. The commmunity center has to houses multidisciplinary functions as Library, Auditorium, Food courts, exhibition areas and Offices. The Northern and eastern edge of the site has a heavy pedestrian traffic whilst the other edges of the site remain compertavely peaceful and quiet.
Nehru place is the Asia’s largest computer and electronic wholesale market. Right opposte to the market is the posh residential area of chitranjan park. The site is intricately situated between the two drastically polar regions. Where on requires free pedestrian movement other asks for restricted access. The commmunity center has to houses multidisciplinary functions as Library, Auditorium, Food courts, exhibition areas and Offices. The Northern and eastern edge of the site has a heavy pedestrian traffic whilst the other edges of the site remain compertavely peaceful and quiet.
STAGE 4 Overlaying the plans generated in Stage 2 and 3 , soa s to identify the interaction points in the two patterns.
STAGE 4 Overlaying the plans generated in Stage 2 and 3 , soa s to identify the interaction points in the two patterns.
STAGE 4 Overlaying the plans generated in Stage 2 and 3 , soa s to identify the interaction points in the two patterns.
STAGE 4 Overlaying the plans generated in Stage 2 and 3 , soa s to identify the interaction points in the two patterns.
STAGE 4 Overlaying the plans generated in Stage 2 and 3 , soa s to identify the interaction points in the two patterns.
STAGE 4 Overlaying the plans generated in Stage 2 and 3 , soa s to identify the interaction points in the two patterns.
Area Site
Pandara Road New Delhi INDIA 3 000 sqm Nehru place is the Asia’s largest computer and electronic wholesale market. Right opposte to the market is the posh residential area of chitranjan park. The site is intricately situated between the two drastically polar regions. Where on requires free pedestrian movement other asks for restricted access. The commmunity center has to houses multidisciplinary functions as Library, Auditorium, Food courts, exhibition areas and Offices. The Northern and eastern edge of the site has a heavy pedestrian traffic whilst the other edges of the site remain compertavely peaceful and quiet.
Hou sing c om p lex
Area Site
Pandara Road New Delhi INDIA 3 000 sqm Nehru place is the Asia’s largest computer and electronic wholesale market. Right opposte to the market is the posh residential area of chitranjan park. The site is intricately situated between the two drastically polar regions. Where on requires free pedestrian movement other asks for restricted access. The commmunity center has to houses multidisciplinary functions as Library, Auditorium, Food courts, exhibition areas and Offices. The Northern and eastern edge of the site has a heavy pedestrian traffic whilst the other edges of the site remain compertavely peaceful and quiet.
Area Site
Pandara Road New Delhi INDIA 3 000 sqm Nehru place is the Asia’s largest computer and electronic wholesale market. Right opposte to the market is the posh residential area of chitranjan park. The site is intricately situated between the two drastically polar regions. Where on requires free pedestrian movement other asks for restricted access. The commmunity center has to houses multidisciplinary functions as Library, Auditorium, Food courts, exhibition areas and Offices. The Northern and eastern edge of the site has a heavy pedestrian traffic whilst the other edges of the site remain compertavely peaceful and quiet. Aditatem res quatis dolupit inihillantem rae a quamus di nonsedit ut odis uta desent, quis dellaut faccus debis quas conese nullam reprectianto inumquasi rendani hiciam simus, corepudanis dolla dolenie nimus. Am rerum aut aut aut quam consequo et poribus eic temquas eum eaquunt. Vid quiate etur, que nonet videm idunt, sae reiur sus rae se escidest facesequia cum apiduci ut derum quis ulpa consero rrovit qui dem del idus quosapici volor aligenimaio. Ficiam quis a ped eari aliquae exceptat. Tusci ut lignit quamus aut ut as aliquodic tem fuga. Omnihici dolent laborero expligenim dellum faccab iminciandae quam que aute dolorum quiamusam inctatiur ad que occatum, ut et quia de corepti nvenima consed quam ate volorumqui apienem int ut laccab int exercim landi diti te voluptat presequi delenim peligendam intur, si beat eventoreped quis alignatem es sunto es is maiorit atemposam que desequis untur, si quo voluptatas doloria nihilique cullabo. Di sita quis aut officiam dellibusdant quo eosantiist, consenis sollo in pror ariorendebit atia dus magnihicabo. Itaturia voluptatur sum facerist dolupic illuptus et expereniam, soluptas evelibe rehendandita velibus, adi berum
Area Site
Pandara Road New Delhi INDIA 3 000 sqm Nehru place is the Asia’s largest computer and electronic wholesale market. Right opposte to the market is the posh residential area of chitranjan park. The site is intricately situated between the two drastically polar regions. Where on requires free pedestrian movement other asks for restricted access. The commmunity center has to houses multidisciplinary functions as Library, Auditorium, Food courts, exhibition areas and Offices. The Northern and eastern edge of the site has a heavy pedestrian traffic whilst the other edges of the site remain compertavely peaceful and quiet. Erem at eostruptas ad qui beatur reste sit qui quidem exeris as et quist oditendis alibus re ne volum voloreprorit ea nimil in consed quam, quas ad expeditae porpore stotaquo omnist officitem fugita solendi squatem iundipi endamenem quodiss endandi taquibea aut a dolupta esentia tiorrorrupti as int re porendi psanit laut dolectotas exeribus aut et voloribus mod et, aut que estrum ipsus doles et voloria is nihicto voluptur, ut et perrunt iuntiatus sit que mos et debis sitatin nobitas accature voluptaquia cum facitin iminver uptatincim quis es adiorem qui rerum vent et pra natem quaeper chilis erit alignimilit earchiligni doluptur, si asimusa musandelent. Rum eniaest ibuscia sperum is ut landitae quam quiatias ex eum vendit et latis volorum rest imaio. Apic tendaesenda vitatis dolenditatur sum esequi iumentis dolum facipsam re seque nihit eos dolupta core nonsequ odionse quatet lignim reri re consed quasinv enihil ipiendit, inci occum rempori atinvellaut hicium de con prepro molupic tesequias magnia vitas eum et quiat voluptat faccus eos sed mini se veriam ratiis eum rest, toreiciiste nonet reiciam que lam volorro quatisquunda quatas il inis quo offici cus perovid eliquidel iliqui acessequi optatem lic tem harcia aut voloribusci inum fugiam
Hot el Janp at h
Area Site
Pandara Road New Delhi INDIA 3 000 sqm Nehru place is the Asia’s largest computer and electronic wholesale market. Right opposte to the market is the posh residential area of chitranjan park. The site is intricately situated between the two drastically polar regions. Where on requires free pedestrian movement other asks for restricted access. The commmunity center has to houses multidisciplinary functions as Library, Auditorium, Food courts, exhibition areas and Offices. The Northern and eastern edge of the site has a heavy pedestrian traffic whilst the other edges of the site remain compertavely peaceful and quiet.
Area Site
Pandara Road New Delhi INDIA 3 000 sqm Nehru place is the Asia’s largest computer and electronic wholesale market. Right opposte to the market is the posh residential area of chitranjan park. The site is intricately situated between the two drastically polar regions. Where on requires free pedestrian movement other asks for restricted access. The commmunity center has to houses multidisciplinary functions as Library, Auditorium, Food courts, exhibition areas and Offices. The Northern and eastern edge of the site has a heavy pedestrian traffic whilst the other edges of the site remain compertavely peaceful and quiet.
summer shadows winter shadows
light penentration inside the structure
Area Site
Pandara Road New Delhi INDIA 3 000 sqm Nehru place is the Asia’s largest computer and electronic wholesale market. Right opposte to the market is the posh residential area of chitranjan park. The site is intricately situated between the two drastically polar regions. Where on requires free pedestrian movement other asks for restricted access. The commmunity center has to houses multidisciplinary functions as Library, Auditorium, Food courts, exhibition areas and Offices. The Northern and eastern edge of the site has a heavy pedestrian traffic whilst the other edges of the site remain compertavely peaceful and quiet.
C om p et it io n Proj ec t s
Tu b e C i ty
M a ni fes tati on o f mem o ri es : M em orial D es ig n
Rec on p o int : Zero en erg y s t ru c t u re
D el hi wi th i n : I deas fo r a b et ter c it y
Tub e C it y
Area Site
Yamuna River New Delhi INDIA 630 000 sqf (approx.) Delhi, the capital of India faces the issues and problems that every developing nation’s city faces - migration, slums, price rise, unemployment and over that a neglected river ‘Yamuna’. This project attempts to tackle all these issues at once in scheme that spans 21 km over the river Yamuna’s entire length in city. The idea is that to clean a river that is being polluted at every point inside the city a continuous cleaning mechanism is required that cleans the river all along its entire length. Hence the ‘tube-city’ idea arises - a structure that runs over the river, cleans the river, and further is a small city in itself proving food, shelter, employment and transport facilities without utilizing any more city land. The structure holds farms, residential zones, offices, commercial complexes and transport hub, catering to the current problems of city.
During my research I arrived on a conclusion – problems of migration, shelter, jobs, pollution, affordable transport and energy crisis are not place specific. They have a much wider range and are spread over the whole city. Whilst a skyscraper is much more site specific and has a limited region of influence. Hence I was confronted with the question “How can a solution (design) evolving in a different dimension (vertically) serve to solve issues existing on a completely different plane? “
A vertical skyscraper in the current scenario has a limited range of influence on ground and can impact only up to a certain radii. Thus the idea of tipping the skyscraper emerged, which deals with issues more intimately and with a wider range of influence. And the most appropriate place for this is over Yamuna river itself because of the following reasons : - Saves land, which is scarce and invaluable in Delhi, infact the structure builds its own land over the river - Cleans the river by recycling and cleaning its water all along its length - The river runs through the major polluted areas of city and thus the structure has greater impact and in the most needy neighborhoods.
Sustainibility aspect
case A : typical skyscraper
The design has a three pronged approach of social, economic and ecological sustainibility. The zone specific offices and residences; transportaion; farms and river water treatment are the three process serving the purpose respectively.
case B : a horizontal skyscrapper
Design genesis
VERTICAL SPLIT The complete length of the structure is divided into multiple functionary zones based on the surrounding area’s work pattern. Beginning from the outskirts of the city, here the major function remains farming and agriculture based. The commercial complex comprises of large wholesale markets that deal in buying and selling of the food crops grown inside and around the structure. As the structure moves into the core of the city the focus of the structure changes from agriculture to housing and open spaces. The top level changes its function from farms to vast open public parks. Since the area surrounding the structure lack in open grounds the structure acts as a breather space to the area. Moving into the core of the city, the ‘ITO’ complex, the structure now focuses only offices and commercial complexes. Thus changing its functionality with respect to the area it passes through inside the city, and integrating itself into the city fabric. A similar pattern is followed by the structure on its way out of the city towards the southern side. HORIZONTAL SPLIT Similar to the vertical splitting the cross-section of the ‘tube-city’ consists of layered functions. FARMS / OPEN GREENS Starting from the top is the open parks / farming plains which remain a constant function of structure throughout its cross-section. The vast farming area supports the food requirement of the settlements inside the structure and of the city. Towards the interior of the city the farms change into open playgrounds, gardens and parks, which is the requirement of the neighboring areas as they lack in open spaces for children and the aged. COMMERCIAL COMPLEX In the middle of the farming plate runs a vertical slit providing light and ventilation to the commercial complex in the middle. This complex also runs along the whole cross-section with shops and markets on both sides. METRO TRANSIT Below the commercial complex is a vast metro transit station complex with 12 platforms. The metro train service runs all along the length of the structure
and serves as a major mode of transportation inside the structure. RESIDENTIAL ZONE Below the farming level and towards the periphery are the large residential zones. These are vast areas which are deliberately kept towards the edges so that they get ample sunlight and ventilation. VEHICULAR LEVEL The level below residential zone is a dedicated motor vehicle level, consisting of 16 lane highway. SERVICES / OFFICES The lower levels are dedicated office zones and service area for the building. Here in the bottom four levels water is purified for reuse inside the building. This water is absorbed from the river below via ‘capillary’ action hence no energy is required to pump the water up to the structure for further distribution and irrigation. SYMBIOTIC RELATIONSHIP The whole structure works as a self sustainable organism that only utilizes river water while benefitting the river as well as the region around the whole 21 km stretch. It also gives more employment opportunities as well as residential and office space to a city that is suffering from the issue of migration and space crunch. The farming land provides more employment and food for the city as well as for the structure. The mass transit system of roads and metro rail form the soul of the structure, keeping the whole 21km long mass reachable from end to end. The purpose of keeping the structure all along the stretch of the river is to keep the cleaning process of the river active all the time while its inside the city. THE OUTPUT From the amalgamation of all the above ideas and processes the building turns out to be a life support system for a city that is suffering from the issues of migration, slums, population, unemployment, energy crisis, food shortage and high price, river pollution and traffic congestion. Vertical split
pyramidical steel truss frame (with capiillary tubes)
photovoltaic panels
terrace farming
offices commercial area residential area highways mass rapid transit system offices
service level
waste water treatment
M an ifes t at io n s o f M em ories D EJAvu
Area Site
Pennsylvania Av Washington DC USA N/A Manifestations of memories - a memorial design competition was organised by the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, School of Architecture to honour the hardships and atrocities of the american slaves. DEJAvu - a feeling that someone has experienced the present events before.
A memorial is something that reminds people about an event , a person or a place important to them. There are two approaches to design either it can be abstract or literal. However, I feel that for a memorial to fully accomplish its purpose, i.e. to impart knowledge and wisdom, it neither has to be abstract nor too much of literal. Hence my approach is subtle, self explanatory at some places while intriguing at others. The idea is to design a form that unravels the story of slaves from the beginning and uses the present memorials in the vicinity to create a link between them. The site chosen is near the Washington monument, as it is surrounded by important structures that best define the American history. The form is of narrow pathways, interconnected at the ends that go up and down at different angles. These pathways are plausibly oriented, each one provides a panoramic view of the monuments in the vicinity,
in a sequence of events which unfold inside the structure. The experience of the visitor changes as he proceeds from one part to another. At the entrance the heavy steel frames and the narrow concrete passage way bring a feeling of suspicion and fear, much like what the first slaves would have felt. Going further down it opens up into a small courtyard of dark, rough concrete walls and floor with metal beams overhead, this is to invoke the feeling of helplessness, fear and suffocation. Further ahead now, the climb starts, the struggle begins at the end of the tunnel, the opening provides light which guides the visitor towards itself. Reaching there one gets the view of the white house : the laws : the passing of rules that curb the moral rights of slaves. All this is etched on glass which is fixed on the ceiling , the text coming alive from the sunlight. Moving on to the next tunnel ,the
visitors move to the next beam of light at the end of the tunnel. In between there is a slit of glass, ,from which the Washington monument is visible, just like the slaves had the resolve to improve their condition, it’s a goal, a motive now. Moving again at the end of each tunnel there is an opening and in between the glass slits that remind constantly of the motive, the ultimate goal. Walking up the slope is a daunting task but the slits of glass in the tunnels inspire the visitor that the end is going to be good and he follows on. He reaches the openings which face the capitol building; here the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments were established. Finally the journey comes to an end when the visitor reaches the last tunnel, the grand front opening shows Washington memorial in all its grandeur, the semi glass floor allows a complete view of the monument. A sense of achievement and exhilaration takes over, now the road is downhill and easy.
Throughout the journey a person learns from the writing on the glass, contemplates about it at the ends and moves ahead to the next tunnel. The objective of the design is that not to make the structure so much abstract that it becomes aberrant to a common man, child or tourist. Neither make it too much literal that it becomes a museum and loses its purpose. A bit of information in textual form, majority in experience and visual is the main motive. The structure further invokes curiosity about the nearby structures and thus doesn’t acts as a sink to visitors but it gives out more information seeking visitors in the end. The memorial is like a time machine that takes the visitor on a ride of the past, reliving the moments, feelings, and the struggle of our ancestors, knitting in between the present monuments and urging the young to understand the importance and relish this fruit of freedom. Anyone coming out the memorial is sure to have a feeling of being there in the past with the slaves, more like a - DEJAvu
D elh i W it h in : Id eas c om p et it io n
Area Site
Vikas Marg-Laxmi Nagar Road New Delhi INDIA N/A The Vikas Marg and Laxmi nagar road is a vital arterie for the people of west delhi as it connects to the commercial center of delhi the ‘ITO complex’ which has a number of important government offices. Currently this streatch sees long traffic jams during peak office hours mainly due to mismanagement of the roads and the shear volume of traffic.Following is an attempt to rectify and propose solutions for these issues. This competition project was a group effort, done incolaboration with another student collegue. The competition specifically asked for innovative ideas for problems reignhning in Delhi
To derive a more ecologically effective solution an approach was taken in which the presently overlooked reources of the site were to be identified and reutilized to generate solutions. The first step was to identify the problematic nodes in the region. These turned out to be areas where there was a contineous interaction between different modes of transport. The Metro stations drew large number of people towards them and thus number of cyclerickshaws parked on the main road eating up a whole lane. The subways located were way off from the bus stops and were rarely used. Red light crossings quickly turned into source of traffic jams as the volume of traffic increased durin g peak hours of the day.
The adjacent image shows the region under consideration with the major problematic nodes. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Problem Zone Laxmi Nagar red light Laxmi Nagar Metro Station Subway Shakarpur red light Nirman Vihar Metro Station
2 3 4
TRAFFIC CONJESTION Presently traffic congestion occurs when people leave for office and in the evening, because of the shear traffic volume the average vehicular speed is reduced and thus causing long hours of traffic jams. The solution thus suggested is that if we could spread the traffic volume over a longer period of time we can increase the average raffic speed and lower the conjestion. The adjacent graphs show a compartive study of the vehicular speeds during the peak traffic hours of the day presently and under the proposed scheme.It can be easily derived from the graphics that a little tweaking in the time can vastly improve the traffic flow of the region.
STREETSCAPE Under the present scenario the road is divided into a number of parts which eat away the road width. Inheriting the ‘street bazaar’ character of delhi it is proposed that a 3 meters wide pathway for pedestrians adjoining the markets with street furniture be created for a pleasing ambeience. A parking belt of 5 meters running along the road will include parking space for cars, cycle ricksahws and auto rickshaws. and would also act as a buffer between the road and pedestrian pathway. Thus giving a clear 3 lane wide road for the vehicles with defined parking space on one side and green belt in the middle
service lane cycle rickshaws parking road green belt divider road parking cycle rickshaws service lane
exsisting divisions
pedestrian parking road green belt divider road parking pedestrian
proposed divisions
CYCLE TRACK Cyclists face problem in using roads as often there paths intersect with pedestrians , bus stops and moreover they have to wait at the redlights, and wherever cycletracks are made is mostly used by bikers (BRT ,vikas marg, Nizamuddin bridge) The existing Metro structure could serve as a base for adding light weight cycle tracks running along the metro line. Cycles could be loaded on the track by a lift or could be hired at the metro stations for short journies. This would provide a contineous jouerney for cyclists and would reduce the safety hazard and conjestion on road.
SHELTER FOR HOMELESS Shelter for homeless is a major problem in delhi as lot of people migrate to the capital every year. These people sleep under flyovers, footpaths and public parks. The night shelters provided by government are insufficient to handle such large number of people. A number of government structures like schools, colleges, community centres remain vacant in the night. These structures could be used as night shelters. Basic amenities such as blankets, medcine and sanitary facilities could be provided at nominal charges in these shelters. The revenue generated could be used for maintainence and other welfare works. These solutions vary from office timing to transport planning to social services. Here the approach is to make the city adaptable to change by adding an element of intelligence to maintain social sustainibility. For a city to survive in future it has to be sustainible and intelligent at the same time in dealing with its problems.
Zero en erg y : Th e Rec o n p o int
Area Site
Line Of Control (LOC), Rampur Jammu and Kashmir INDIA 160 sqf The competition organized by google earth asked for the design of a one room structure located anywhere in the world but with a restriction that it deosnt uses electricity of any other means of energy to function. The site chosen is the Border of India and Pakistan in the rampur district of Jammu and Kashmir. The structure will be a residence to the soldier posted at the border. Since the structure is zero enrgy building it is well suited to the environment and the function it performs.
above : exploded axonometric view left : structure assembly diagram (read from left to right then down)
Area 1
3 4 7 5 8
Grap hic s
Pen ci l a nd In k
Pen ci l s had in g
D ig it al g ra p h ic s
B ru s h an d c a nva s
M i sc ellan eo u s
Pen c il and Ink
121 squares : an expertimentations with graphics in cubes which flow into adjacent cubes (pencil on paper)
evolution : a graphical journy into the source of life (ink on paper)
Pen c il s hading
the last battle : illustrartion (pencil on paper)
call on me : illustration (pencil on paper)
still life : capturing the dynamism of tranquillity (pencil on paper)
outdoor sketching : the play of light and shadows on textures (pencil on paper)
character sketch : a rendition of the types of contractors (pencil on paper)
D ig iit al g rap h ic s
1. the designeers (graphic designers) 2. cannonball club (supercar club) 3. facemax (dental clinic) 4. KLC trvels (travel agency) 5. chill’m (sheesha lounge) 6. teagames.com (gaming portal) 7. RS tiles (tile manufacturers) 8. Pushpak (metro train) 9. Pushpak (metro train) 10. Bellacore (10th anniversary logo)
B ru s h and c anv as
‘the touch’ ( oil on canvas) expressing the sensation of touch
‘freedom’ ( water colors on paper) the feeling of wind, speed and infinity
‘foliage’ ( oil on paper) a vignette of colors of sunlight in a deep foliage
‘life’ ( water colors on paper) searching the meaning of life in two exteemes
‘hope’ ( water colors on paper) the scintillating effect of light in darkness
‘metaphor of love’ ( water colors on paper) contrasting colors and lines defining love