Portfolio 2019

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Abhishek Jaiswal 2019

BIO First year student of master’s in Industrial Design Programme at INDUSTRIAL DESIGN CENTRE IIT, BOMBAY. I started with design as a career after completing Bachelors Degree. Working as freelance Product and Graphic designer, Alongside developing my skills towards INDUSTRIAL DESIGN. My interest in disassembling and exploring objects along with Manual sketching to document beauty of form made me conscious towards basics of Industrial Design. Industrial Design for me is not just generating solutions to some problems but also creating something new every time while doing it.


Abhishek Jaiswal email.



+91 (0) 7007805988


jaiswalabhc9db/Behance abhishekjaiswal1/issue jaiswal1994/instagram

EXPERIENCE & ACHIEVEMENTS • ART OF LIVING (11 MONTHS) Empaneled Merchandise and Graphic designer. • FREELANCING GRAPHIC DESIGN WORK (12 MONTHS) logo designs for various cleints in country and outside as well. • Winner of Godrej Makethon industrial design competition.


• Presentation • Communication • Team Management • Solution Approach • Simplicity




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Professional, Exploration & Hobby.

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1Force Light

Intuitive table lamp design

Light force a utility table lamp, gives a beautiful solution of a major problem faced by every busy mind out there. All of us has faced the struggle to find misplaced keys or forgetting our essentials like cell phone and wallet etc, at home. LIGHT FORCE is a device that promises solution to such problems as it combines night table lamp with pressure pad and features like wireless charging. It acts as a base to keep all your essentials at one place and helps to find them even in dark.

Pleasing both by functionality and aesthetics.

User Persona Problem

Design Brief Solution


As he has requirement for a product that can contain his essentials and which also can perform various functions like.

Graphic designer 26 yrs “I many times forget my cellphone and keys while hustling out of the house with distracted mind. There are days when i waste my time in searching for my keys only to find them at the oddest of places. I would love something which can be my permanent place to keep my essentials that are misplaced often. Something that can NOTIFY me if i am forgetting stuff. There is alot of clutter on my bedside table and work place as well, may be it could be organized by it.

• Communication through visuals on itself (without means of smart phone or some other device). sound, vibration or light emission are possibilities for it. • Making user attentive (if not) so that he/she do not leave there space absent minded. Sharp ended design can be a possibility as mind get active and alert seeing sharp edges. • Product should be providing more functionality than just keeping things. Like ease of charging etc.

Key Function LIGHT FORCE gets activated as some weight is put over it only, otherwise it will not lit up. Weight sensitivity is calibrated to get triggered by even tiny objects like keys or earphones. It will stay lit up until user removes all the objects from it. So while leaving that space user can easily determine as if he/she has left something on it.

Soothing Aesthetics “Not just functional but also visually soothing as it has to act as night lamp also. LIGHT FORCE creates a fringe pattern effect due to total internal reflection of light.�

2 Sturdy

Spice Grinder Winning design of Godrej Makethon 2018

Godrej Makethon 2018 was an Industrial design competition by Godrej Design Labs in order to get solution for problem related to all existing hand-held Spice grinder i.e. to grind cinnamon in it along with other spices. Other design requirements were Adjustable grinding coarseness/fineness setting, ease of wash ability and easy function and measured outcome as well.

Observation User Journey

We observed and studied complete work journey and interaction with spice grinding tools of user and prepared a user journey map, to find out the pain points which acted as design opportunities for our team. Beside that we also felt requirement of clean simple but functional form which can easily be used by range of age group of people.

Features Design Brief

We focused towards more simple basic form and worked on to put every desired feature in it. Our design consisted:


Interface Design Twist band on top to ON/OFF function and also to set coarseness/ fineness of Grounded spice. Twist stop1, Rotate adjusting band beyond this point to Power on and off towards next Grain size setting.

• Clean cylindrical form which facilitated ease of usability and manufacturability as well. Clean form also helped us to prepare appropriate prototype of our design in lesser time. • Majorly Transparent body which provides transparency to function and also helps user to control grinding operation just by looking at it. • Multiple Container attachment along side water sealed motor hub to ease complete wash ability of GRINDER, so no more spice odor in your grinder. • Container attachment also opened way to various design possibilities like one Grinder for various spice jars etc.

Coarse grinding Medium grinding Fine grinding

Multi-container design for maximum accessibility and cleanliness. New Burr design which combines both breaking and crushing actions in order to give best grinding result.

Sealed motor compartment for ease of wash ability. Lower container with Tablespoon scale

Polycarbonate container.




Merger Form generation by merging two primary volumes.

Form generation can be considered as one of most interesting fragment during whole creation process. why? Because it is the only phase which acts as a bridge between engineering and aesthetic phase of any design. Providing balance and harmony between them. In FORM MERGER exercise i used two primary volumes and combine them in such a way that they do not loose their identity whilst forming a better visual balance and harmony in proportion. The understanding of two volumes and merging needs to be worked on and is an interesting segment of the exercise.

Outcome Final Form

Cone + Twisted Frustum In this selected form there are two similar primary volumes i.e. cones but one of them is just sliced down to make a frustum. Both of these volumes are merged in such a way that their center axis are not on same plane. This very property is creating a dynamicity in the form. Form with such properties can be used to portray emotion of DYNAMICITY

4 Design Watch

Exploration of design through aesthetics.

Taking one of very common product and exploring to generate number of forms and ideas by taking inspiration from existing designs and breaking them into basic more minimal formats. Which is Wrist watch in my Exploration Working on idea generation by keeping in mind, current design trend and lifestyle trends of mass. Also designing and shaping most compatible watch design for my individual personality.

More than 100 sketched forms of different watch styles, from which only few can be further worked on.

This design is most appropriate reflection of my personality. It reveals my liking of minimal designs. And details which do not compromise with functionality.

5 Mimicry Form

Form abstraction of organic body.

Nature has always been a prime teacher for me, i try to take inspiration from natural forms and amalgamate them with my ideas or feelings accordingly, in order to find innovative solutions. Form Mimicry is one such excersice in which inspiration has been taken from a natural entity and imitated into a more basic, minimal form. Alongside keeping in mind to extract key features from the inspiration and manifested them into new from So extraction of essence from the inspiration and using it in an unconventional way to fabricate something new is what i learnt from the exercise.

BETTA Fish (Tropical Fish) has been taken as an inspiration for this exercise. As it has unique fins that create harmony and gives the feeling of continuity & flow.

Digital render of finalized form. Among all the possible iterations sketched, I found one which was most exact essence of inspiration i took.

In my final Actual model i tried to maintain proportions to hormonise overall form and feel. Final model made up of Expanded Polystyrene. An attempt has been made to maintain proportion to harmonise overall form and feel.


Rendering Manual/Digitel/Software

Abhishek Jaiswal jaiswalabhishek94@gmail.com jaiswalabhc9db/Behance jaiswal1994/Instagram +91-7007-805988/Tel.

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