Reboot Leadership in Kenya

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Reboot Leadership

and explore the forces demanding change in corporate management, while on safari with Samburu Warriors.

The April 2010 article in the Harvard Business Review "Leadership in the Age of Transparency" is a timely must read for senior executives. Highlights include: - Companies need to be responding proactively to external risks of their actions before being regulated or prosecuted. - Greater accountability for corporations and senior management is unavoidable. - Proliferation of information continues to increase. Stakeholders and consumers have their eyes on leadership in ways unavailable ten years ago.

- Stakeholders regard a company as responsible when it measures and manages its negative impact on society. - The worse of all worlds is to be made responsible (through regulations, fines, etc.), and yet still not be considered a responsible company. - Most corporate efforts are an incoherent jumble of activities under banners of corporate social responsibility, sustainability, give-back and philanthropy.

Consumers know everything about your company – Not just its carbon emissions but its countless other ‘invisible’ effects on the globe. That has changed the rules of business forever.

As the article says “the key to becoming a better corporate leader is to take responsibility for externalities – what economists call the impact you have on the world ... the growing scale of companies and their impacts, improvements in sensors that measure impacts and heightened sensibilities of stakeholders, (means) the demands to operate responsibly are dramatically increasing ... by focusing on your company's own footprint – societal problems that really can be laid at your doorstep – you can establish priorities, set measureable goals and take action.”

Walk Your Talk

but first - make sure you’re headed in the right direction!

“One is responsible for one’s impacts, whether they are intended or not. This is the first rule. There is no doubt regarding management's responsibility for the social impacts of its organization.” ~ Peter Drucker

Lengthen Your Stride with Clarity, Focus and Alignment.

Reboot Leadership

in collaboration with Lengthen Your Stride Ltd., the ResponseAbility Alliance, Wild Frontiers-Kenya and in support of the Milgis Trust, is a 10 day personal, management and leadership programme beyond compare.

Reboot Leadership Expedition Log: Day 1 After arriving at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in Nairobi it’s a midday eta. at one of the six bush air strips in Samburu territory. Meet the guides and camels, lunch then a short walk to base camp.

The camels are settled for the night as we relax with sun downer drinks perusing Reboot Leadership material, aims and objectives while waiting for dinner to be served by candle light, before retiring into comfortable mosquito proof beds in tents. Hot showers and ablutions are available everyday on safari.

Reboot Leadership Expedition Log: Days 2 - 7 Every safari is different. Each one is tailored to the season and territory. The distance covered each day is usually between 1020 kms. You don’t have to be super fit, just a little resilient and armed with a sense of humour.

Most trekking is done in the early hours of the morning, when it is cool and we are most likely to see wildlife. Riding camels accompany us, carrying light refreshments, your personal day packs and breakfast – which we normally stop for around midmorning, often to the concert of Samburu warriors herding or watering their cattle “come hither” they sing “the water is pure” Meanwhile, the camp is packed up and loaded onto the camels. They soon catch up with us and we continue walking with the whole camel train, to our afternoon and evening base camp after mid-day. The camels are then relieved of their burdens and set free to browse for the rest of the day. After a good lunch, the afternoon is free for a siesta. Reboot Leadership discussion and exercises are carried out throughout the days and well into the nights.

Along the route you will be exposed to the social responsibility work of the Milgis Trust. Their efforts to address water, health, education, and conservation issues is achieved by: • Providing security and communications to the area for the protection of wildlife. • Preventing and mitigating the destruction of natural resources. • Increasing local awareness of resource conservation among affiliated pastoral communities. • Supporting and enhancing access to education for the pastoral communities in this remote region. • Facilitating access for pastoral communities to specialised healthcare by hosting medical clinics. • Strengthening the partnership between the Trust and the pastoral communities in the region so that future generations can survive and thrive by conserving the region.

Reboot Leadership Expedition Log: Days 8 - 9 We break camp and walk to meet our plane to fly to our island camp on Lake Baringo in the Great Rift Valley, with its breath-taking views across the lake to the imposing backdrop of the Laikipia Escarpment, The beauty of Baringo is legendary, with the Njemps fishermen continuing a lifestyle little changed for over 200 years.

Reboot Leadership Expedition Log: Day 10 Later in the day after responsible and sustainability ‘How to Embed’ strategies are set, we board our plane and fly down the Great Rift Valley to Nairobi and then home - inspired with more clarity, focus and alignment to make a difference in your corporations, companies and communities.

Reboot Leadership

in collaboration with Lengthen Your Stride Ltd., the ResponseAbility Alliance, Wild Frontiers-Kenya and in support of the Milgis Trust, is a 10 day personal, management and leadership programme beyond compare. These 10 day programmes are conducted all year round, but limited to only 8 participants per trip. For more information on how to participate, visit:

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