GCCML C/O 2020 Memory Book

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"being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Philippians 1:6


Dear Seniors... Congratulations! You made it! We couldn’t be any more proud of you and all that you’ve accomplished during your past four years. Even though your long and arduous journey has taken an unexpected end, we hope that you can take time to celebrate and reflect on your undergraduate career. Think about it - all those hours you (hopefully) put into studying, all the friendships you made, all the professional networking and connections you established, all the internship opportunities that fell into your lap, and all the extra-curricular actvities into which you invested your time and energy - what precious moments and people have filled your four years of college. However, we also know that there is a side to college that people do not see. We know that there might have been many nights when you were not sure if you could make it. We know that there have been moments where you felt alone in your circumstances or where you felt overwhelmed by your circumstances. We know that there might have been times where you wondered if God saw what you were going through, if He truly cared, or if you measured up to what you might have felt like God expected from you. In all that you experienced during your past four years of college, we want to leave you with this: God sees you, He knows you, He understands you, He loves you, and He is with you. However you feel about your college experience, we believe that this is only the beginning and that God will continue to build upon what He started in you these past four years. Wherever you go, we hope that the love of Jesus Christ, demonstrated on the cross, will continue to compel you to live for Him. It has been an honor for us to have been your friends and partners in the Gospel throughout your time in college, and we know that we are not the only ones who feel this way! Please enjoy this yearbook to celebrate and remember all the memories and friendships you have made at GCC.

In Christ, Hannah & Abi

Favorite Memory with the C/O 2020? The class of 2020 made me feel so welcome, they all made an effort to get to know me and make sure I knew I was cared for. -Emma Garner My favorite memory with the class of 2020 would have to be our "Wednesday" family group! Not only was I able to bond with the seniors and play games with them on game nights, but I gained such raw insight into their spiritual life, and was constantly so blessed by all they had to share. It has been such a blessing to do life with them this past year! -Julia Moon Just spending time with them all at family groups and church! Thanks to Diana and Barbara for driving me to church when I overslept, and to everyone for being so kind! -Sarah Brown GCC Cafe Night on February 21st - it was so wholesome hearing people who I did not even know well overcome their fears and be vulnerable sharing their planned performances with us! -Moroti Adewole When Greg brought bread to the Christmas party white elephant...^^’ -Aerin Lee Christmas Party -Jinha Lee Bubble tea/Wawa runs after FNL -Lois Han I loved when I bonded with the seniors over retreat! It was so fun to jump and worship with them, and I was also very blessed when they prayed for me! I love how loving and welcoming they are whenever we meet for family group, and I will never forget all the laughs we've had on our way to FNL! -Sarah Park

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Mini Olympics -Emily Han Despite the Amazing Bible Studies with home-cooked meals, my most cherished memories are from the van. From sleeping soundly with Julia in the back, making BOBA trips, asking a series of never ending questions to Zerd, repeating "Silang" until we got it right, to filing out of the van at red lights like a clown car, I will treasure every moment spent with the seniors in the van. -Annie Song Family group, talking with them and hearing about their thoughts/experiences with a variety of topics (food, friendships/relationships, academics, home life, Christian life, etc.) -Dennis Li Thank you guys for always being there to show me what GCC is like back even from family groups years ago (I'm remembering the Haverford family group sleep over in Campus Center 207)! Thank you for the inspiring words you've shared in family group, in church vans, or my squeaky car. -Leo Gadicke I loved playing Heads Up during family group!!! And also the Christmas gathering and watching cheesy Hallmark movies while eating Tiffin. Best night ever <3 -Anna Hsu There are soo many...from great family group sessions to late study nights to odd carpenter stretches and heart beat calculations to just warm hugs in erd/haff. I a, blessed in that I have so many favorite memories to cherish :,) -Kai McGinn FNL and Linvilla -Christina LeBlanc

Describe the C/O 2020 in Movie, Song, Book, Etc. Bop it vine (https://youtu.be/0IRzisJj4-U) -Anna Hsu Greg would be Super Smash Bros Melee. The rest of the senior class would be "Revelation Song" -Leo Gadicke The Princess Bride & Hallmark Christmas Movies -Grace Hwangbo "I Am Loved" by Mack Brock -Aerin Lee Fast and Furious -Jinha Lee "We are the Champions" by Queen -Lois Han "All Stars" by Smash Mouth -Emily Han "Who You Say I Am" by Hillsong Worship -Christina LeBlanc "FRIENDS" -Annie Song "You've Got a Friend in Me" - Emma Garner "Don’t Worry Be Happy" by Bobby McFerrin -Sarah Brown "Joy" by Housefires;) -Julia Moon "We're All in This Together" from High School Musical -Kai McGinn "We Are Family" by Sister Sledge -Moroti Adewole The "Peanuts" comic series -Abi Lua Exodus from the Bible -Hannah Kim The Incredibles -Sarah Park GCC MLC | 2020

Words of Encouragement Be Encouraged! Press on! Fight the Good Fight! Jesus is Worthy! -Pastor Kirt Thallman If any class can exceed expectations after graduation, it'd be you guys. You show such patience and strength, so don't let the real world overshadow yourselves. And remember that He is always there with open arms to love and care for you as not only the God of our world but your Father. -Kai McGinn Trust God with all your heart, trust that he has a plan for you and is going to lead you to exactly where he wants you to be. -Emma Garner Continue to bear Christ's light and be the WOG/MOG He's called you to be!! -Annie Song I hope that you guys will have an amazing rest of the year! I will pray that God will be with each and every one of you and lead you into the path He has created. I wish for the best in the future! Be heathy and happy! :) -Lois Han Always know that God is with you. Despite times of sadness, confusion, anger, discouragement, or even times of joy, peace, gratitude, know that God sees you as His precious children. Don't let the world define you because you are loved by God. Y'all are gonna do great and I cannot wait to see you guys again! -Sarah Park

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Your calling is eternal! While the job you either have, want to have, or are still looking for is a significant stepping stone in your life, remember that your calling is to carry out the Great Commission - to love others and to lead others to become fellow followers of Christ. You have all encouraged me and loved on me so heavily this past year. I have no doubt whatsoever that whoever you encounter in your workplace, your churches, or your living spaces will feel God's love and blessing through you all. -Julia Moon You have all worked so hard to get to this point, and I can’t wait to see what God has in store for you! -Sarah Brown Seniors 2020!!! Let's goooo! đ&#x;˜ƒđ&#x;˜ƒđ&#x;˜ƒ God's blessings are on you! And keep in touch! -Leo Gadicke Believe in yourself because God believes in you! -Cindy Chea God is always for you, so trust in Him. -Emily Han They have worked so hard to find themselves, please professors, family, friends, companies, etc. and this is not in vain. I have confidence that all of the seniors will be carry out God's will and find genuine pleasure in whatever path they take. -Moroti Adewole With God all things are possible! I wish you guys the best of luck in all your future plans and am so thankful I got to meet you guys! -Christina LeBlanc

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and selfcontrol. Against such things there is no law." Galatians 5:22-23

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ" Ephesians 1:3

"The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing." Zephanaiah 3:17

"Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love." 1 Corinthians 6:13-14

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"Your path led through the sea, your way through the mighty waters, though your footprints were not seen." Psalm 77:19

You are Waymaker, miracle worker Promise keeper, light in the darkness My God, that is who You are "Waymaker" - Leeland

"Your word my a light on Psalm

I'm lifting up my heart again Cause even when I can't see the plan I know your love is closing in on me You hold the whole world in your hands Still You feel the pain you understand Ain't just a war I'm standing in, oh no It's a blessing I can't see yet "Blessing I Can't See (Feat. brook(e))"- Building 429

"'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.' Jeremiah 29:11

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

Each step I take You make a way "Let us not become weary in doing good, And I will give You all my praise for at the proper time we will reap a My seasons change, harvest if we do not give up." You stay the same Galatians 6:9 You're the God of all my days "God of All My Days" - Casting Crowns

is a lamp for feet, my path." 119:05

"Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world.'" Matthew 25:34

I am counting every blessing, counting every blessing Letting go and trusting when I cannot see I am counting every blessing, counting every blessing Surely every season you are good to me "Counting Every Blessing" - Rend Collective

The Lord bless you And keep you Make His face shine upon you And be gracious to you The Lord turn His Face toward you And give you peace "The Blessing" - Elevation Worship

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer" Romans 12:12

Words of Wisdom

To my Bryn Mawr bbs And really all of ml : our school (Bryn Mawr) is a very interesting place, there will be times when you might feel like a complete outsider or that people are ready to attack you (online ofc bc they aren’t that bold *boom roasted* (lol let me stop)) bc of your faith, or make you feel like you’re silly or misinformed / blindly believing in Jesus and the Gospel. But in those moments of anger frustration and sometimes fear, I find it best to stop, turn off your phone take a deep breath, and start praying or journaling about the situation and for the people of Bryn Mawr (or your college/ workplace), because we are all children of the Lord, it sounds cheesy but it’s true<3 and pls don’t let that make you feel the need to dilute your faith for their comfort!! Because, this road as Christians we walk on is just the one we are on with Jesus (He calls us to take up our cross and follow Him— not anyone else’s) and it’ll be challenging, but the most challenging roads and journeys often lead to the most beautiful destinations :,,,,,,) <3 I love you all!

-Kat Mallea, BMC 2020

Appreciate the little things that BMC has to offer while you can (classes, traditions, dining hall food, living so close to your friends, weather, etc). College is definitely not easy but learn to enjoy every moment and opportunity you get. Don’t be afraid to take risks! Study hard, but also take care of yourself, spend quality time with your friends, find new hobbies, try something new, travel, and just make a lot of memories. It's going to fly by really fast. -Nicole Nam, BMC

GCC MLC | 2020

I think there are times when college life can get pretty tough, emotionally, spiritually, academically, etc. It's okay to be sad or angry. God sees you and your heart. I think its also very important rest!!! Please rest my friends! If you're having a really hard time for an extended period of time, then please take a day or two to just rest!!! -Elizabeth Cho, VN You don't need to be/act/serve/respond in the ways that you see other people doing. Sometimes you need to figure out the ways that you are gifted and work using those instead. Also, having friends is pretty important -Gregory Shang, VN

-make stir-fry kimchi fried rice at Erd!! -work hard but play HARDER yet pray the hardest!! -time is so limited!! enjoy everything while you can!! you can rest when you die!! but also rest when your soul is tired -its all about ~balance~ -Yelin Jung, BMC

Don't try to be cool, it's not rewarding Try something new Read your Bible Bring Tupperware to dining halls Go to GCC~ -Solu Rajan, VN

On Fridays, the coop throws out a lot of food at the lunch shift. Make friends with Norma and Shannon and you can get groceries for a week that day. -Lillian Alonzo, HF

Don't waste your time, four years go fast. -Solomon Kim, VN

More Words of Wisdom! be faithful even when you have all the reasons to be faithless - sweet fruit will bear. -Joanne Hwangbo, VN

I guess three things: spend time doing fun stuff with your friends, call home, and spend time reflecting. I feel like I spent a lot of time doing school work and I was waiting for senior spring to have fun with my friends (welp that didn't happen). Make time for fun during the challenging semesters because before you know it college will be over. Call home because your family* misses you and they give great advice. Spend time reflecting on what you want and on where God is leading you. Sometimes a lot of different people will advise you to do different things and you'll get a lot of different opportunities. You don't have to take every opportunity that comes your way and still be fine. I guess what I am trying to say with this point is that at some point you don't have to strive and be blown around by what everyone says. You should take time to be rooted in Christ, -Taylor McClain, BMC

seniors' favorite memories

I really liked the holiday meals we would have after church

The times I've spent with the GCC Mainline worship team as a keyboardist and an overall member.

-Lillian Alonzo, HF

-Anna Yoo, VN

college retreats -Joanne Hwangbo, VN

Wow can I pick only 1?? Hmmm :,) let’s see, out of “church” would be the time Kai, Princy, and I (first had to pry open Hannah’s bike lock with the jaws of life and spirit- to only find that wheels were so flat and unrideable that we had to borrow I think Abi’s bike I don’t remember) anywho.... we (Princy and I) biked joyfully all the way to kungfu tea in Ardmore listening to music (while Kai RAN THE WHOLE WAY OH MY GLOB — QUEEN), as we took a shortcut through the haverford apartments my speaker caught the Holy Ghost and started BLASSSSTINGGGGG music (Princy And I thought it was hilarious— Kai on the other hand was very embarrassed heheh) anywhooo again... we get to kungfu tea drink that which was good and I think I had a Pulso performance rehearsal to go to :,( sad, but luckily for Kai that meant she could take my bike back instead of run heheh!!! AND THEN INNNN “church” setting would def be my first mini o’s Prep (and comp hehehehe) but it was so fun and chaotic and I think I also was sick at the time I was running and doing all that comes with mini o’s so the como itself was a thrilling ‘will I die’ day :,) ahhh I love GCC :,) -Kat Mallea, BM

mainline linvilla orchards -Nicole Nam, BM

GCC College Retreat 2020 -Elizabeth Cho, VN


-Yelin Jung, BM

GCC Winter Retreat 2020, spending time with my family group -Greg Shang, VN

All the fun times at family group -Solomon Kim, VN

I loooovvvee Mini-O's. Prepping for it and being silly with my friends. I don't think we've won, but we've always had the best t-shirts. I also really enjoyed retreat. Waking up early to see the sunrises, playing dodgeball, and jumping around to real love with everyone. I think the memories that I will cherish most are from family group. Reading the Bible with my friends and deepening our understanding of God's word and love. -Taylor McClain, BM

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Practicing a finished Cafe Night performance with Wednesday Night FG -Solu Rajan, VN


thank you seniors for being there for us through good times and bad!Â

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for the jam sessions

for all the fun games

for feeding us

for all the prayers

for the late nights at the library for investing into each campus

for the laughs

for the smiles

thank you seniors!

We will miss you :')

Congratulations Class of 2020!

GCC MLC | 2020

“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.� -JEREMIAH 17:7-8

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