Ways to eco friendly landscaping

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Ways to EcoFriendly Landscaping

Great landscaping is so inviting to the eyes. While it boosts the overall aesthetic appeal of a house, good landscaping generally costs a lot. Often times, the materials used are not generally eco-friendly. With people becoming increasingly concerned with the environment today, they are coming up with ways to be more eco-friendly. This extends to their landscaping designs.

Here are 5 ways to beautiful ecofriendly garden landscaping 1. Go Solar – Solar powered lights can cut back a household’s electricity consumption by a significant amount. The sun is the most abundant source of energy. People have to make the most of the fact that it is free.

2. Go Native – Homeowners who incorporate native plants into their landscape do not need to worry much about maintenance. Native plants are more suited to the area and require less care than other more exotic plants.

3. Go Organic – The best way to being eco-friendly is to go organic. Homeowners can make use of organic pesticides and fertilisers to make their gardens safer for their pets and the environment as a whole. There are many reasons this is the most preferred method by UK residents.

4. Go & Grow – Plant organic fruits and vegetables. Growing and harvesting your own food is a great way to save money. When homeowners use organic gardening methods, they ensure that the food they grow does not lack the essential nutrients they need.

5. Go & Compost – Help nature by composting. Collect fruit peels, grass clippings, and fallen leaves and make use of them as fertilisers. By doing so, homeowners help to return nutrients to the soil.

Eco-friendly landscaping designs minimise the input of resources as well as the output of waste in gardens and yards. They make paths and parkways so much more appealing in a costeffective way without doing harm to the environment as well.

Sources: http://www.landscapingnetwork. com/landscapedesign/sustainable/

http://www.jetsongreen.com/200 7/03/green_building_.html

http://home.howstuffworks.com/l awn-garden/professionallandscaping/alternativemethods/landscape-design-moreeco-friendly.htm


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