Abingdon Academic Catalog 2021

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FOR MORE THAN 200 YEARS, Abingdon Press has provided resources that challenge scholars, students, pastors, church leaders, and general readers to faithful scholarship, transformative practices, and social responsibility. Abingdon Academic publications offer a disciplined and balanced approach for a broad ecumenical audience. With a historic commitment to publishing theologically diverse resources, Abingdon has a strategic investment in providing critical and insightful books from a variety of viewpoints. When leading the way with digital texts, Abingdon Academic books are clearly and accessibly written with an emphasis on praxis. Thank you for trusting Abingdon Academic with your classroom needs.

FALL 2021




























FALL 2021


Deep Calls to Deep

The Psalms in Dialogue Amid Disruption William P. Brown Deep Calls to Deep demonstrates a new and generative way of reading the Bible, which looks for differences among texts to engage in dialogue over critical issues that are not only biblical but also are relevant to our contemporary crises. Bill Brown explores uncharted territory in the Bible with a particular focus on the Psalms, the most diverse book of the Bible. By taking his cue from Martin Luther, Brown explores how the “little bible” (the Psalter) engages the larger Hebrew Bible in dialogue, specifically how the Psalms counter, complement, reconstrue, and transform biblical traditions and themes across the Hebrew canon, from creation and law to justice and wisdom. In this deep study of the Psalms, Brown asks What is humanity’s place and role in creation? What makes for a credible leader? What is “law and order”? What is the role of wisdom in the life of faith? What is the shape of justice in a society polarized by power and fear? These and other questions are hosted by the Psalms with the aim of prompting dialogue, the kind of dialogue that is most needed in a time of deep division and disruption. William P. Brown is Professor of Old Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, GA.


9781501858956 | $39.99 | September 2021

God Turned Toward Us The ABCs of Christian Faith Will Willimon

The challenge of the Christian life is learning to talk Christian. There may be religions that arise from within, or accompany your birth, faiths that occur to you after secluded mediation, or as fruit of long walks in the woods, human experience, good and bad, or what you’ve learned from your wounds. Christianity isn’t one of them. Somebody has got to tell us, give us the words that open the door to the faith called Christian. God Turned Toward Us: The ABCs of Christian Faith is organized by the words the church teaches us to use to talk about ordinary life apprehended by a God who is Jesus Christ–short, meditative reflections upon key concepts that guide Christians, new or long-standing. These reflections, which are accessible to all Christians, are also particularly inspiring for pastors, church leaders, and seminarians who want to communicate the faith in entertaining ways to others and who want to find fresh meaning in traditional Christian concepts. A Notes section will refer the reader to the sources that influenced each meditation. Will Willimon is Professor of the Practice of Christian Ministry at Duke University Divinity School and retired Bishop of the North Alabama Conference of The United Methodist Church. 9781791018894 | $16.99 | October 2021

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FALL 2021

MINISTRY LEADERSHIP Everyone a Philanthropist Generating Everyday Generosity Aimée Laramore

Ministry and mission work require money. Changing the culture of organizations is hard work. Fundraising is hard work. Many pastors and other leaders find it to be demoralizing, fraught with anxiety on multiple levels. Adding to the anxiety is analysis of data from the last several years, which shows that our traditional fundraising practices are no longer working. The Covid-19 pandemic has added another layer of challenge, and differences in wealth, race, community and career have been revealed as life or death matters. Emotional and institutional ecosystems for financial giving are disrupted everywhere. It is a lot to handle. But in disruption we find possibility. It is possible to learn new fundraising practices that actually work. It is possible shift the environment in a church or other organization toward generosity without being obtuse and tone deaf to the world around us. It is possible for leaders to raise money for ministry without forsaking their core values and beliefs. Aimée Laramore shows how we can consider everyone a philanthropist—everyone!—and how this understanding can dramatically alter our fundraising and fuel our ministries to improve people’s lives. Everyone a Philanthropist gives a balcony view of new intersections of faith and giving, and provides clear cut introductory steps for making a most significant shift in fundraising and generosity. The ideas in this book unfold through real-world stories. It is engaging, heartfelt, and thought-provoking. And it is studded with tips, tools, and practical instruction, making it immediately useful for pastors, other leaders, and fundraising teams. Aimée Laramore is a sought-after non-profit coach and fundraising expert with documented success in capacity-building and resource development. She is an infrastructure developer, fundraiser, teacher, author, and speaker, working in diverse settings. 9781791018863 | $19.99 | November 2021

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FALL 2021

WORSHIP Will You Pray with Me A Guide for Those Who Pray In Public Anne Williams and Steven Langhofer

Leading congregations and other groups in prayer is a significant challenge for many pastors and other ministry leaders. What to say, and how to say it. Most public pray-ers have received very little training, and have not had the chance to develop deep skills. Some folks attack the task with little or no preparation, simply winging it, and usually sensing they have not quite hit the mark. Others furiously try to prepare, but become frustrated or overwhelmed. No wonder there’s such anxiety about this topic. Will You Pray with Me is a short course, in book form, for all who lead others in prayer. The authors teach methods and techniques for writing and leading prayers in traditional church services, special services, for hospital visits, in impromptu situations, and in many other less conventional spaces and circumstances. They include multiple examples of different types of prayer, with analysis alongside the prayer texts to help the reader understand what the methods look like in ‘real life’. The book begins with a set of basic principles, the essential skills and strategies for leading prayer. Subsequent chapters cover writing techniques, tips and habits for effective delivery of prayers aloud, and guidance for specific challenges, including prayer during times of social distancing and pandemic. Also included is a rich selection of prayers for readers to use in their own church services or other settings, or for personal devotion. Will You Pray with Me is for pastors, chaplains, congregational care ministers, ministry leaders, and students in seminary or other ministry training courses. Anne Williams has served as a pastor at the Church of the Resurrection since 2011. She leads a team of people at Resurrection’s Downtown campus in caring for others in the congregation and the downtown community. Steve Langhofer has served as a pastor at the Church of the Resurrection since 2011, and has been a pastor in the UMC since 1975. He works closely with Resurrection’s Congregational Care Ministers, and coordinates the Pathways ministry for those who are exploring careers in ministry. Steve also mentors Resurrection’s pastoral interns. 9781791013431 | $18.99 | September 2021

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FALL 2021


The God of the Dangerous Sermon Frank A. Thomas

Every sermon has a theology, and a god of that theology behind it. Preaching is more effective, and has more integrity when preachers understand the god behind their theology. Specifically, whether the god is a universal God, like the one expressed by Christ and the Christian faith, or a tribal god, which is sometimes dressed up to resemble Christianity but is something else entirely. Frank A. Thomas culminates his exploration of the Dangerous Sermon with this book, which leads readers through the process of identifying and understanding the gods behind theology, and their connection to preaching. The reader is equipped to discern the metaphors, symbols, and rhetorical indicators which point to the god a preacher is serving and calling others to serve. Frank A. Thomas currently serves as Nettie Sweeney and Hugh Th. Miller Professor of Homiletics and Director of the Academy of Preaching and Celebration at Christian Theological Seminary of Indianapolis, Indiana. 9781791020224 | $19.99 | October 2021 Also Available Surviving a Dangerous Sermon - 9781501896545 | $17.99 How to Preach a Dangerous Sermon - 9781501856839 | $17.99

PASTORAL CARE Body Connections Body-based Spiritual Care Michael S. Koppel

Body Connections teaches pastors and other spiritual leaders to make the connections between their embodied experience and faithful spiritual care. Instead of reinforcing the mind body split that leads to body/selfalienation and impedes holistic relationships with God/self/others, this book treats the body as a central rather than as ancillary subject in care through engagement with the body’s narrative. Michael Koppel engages religious texts and traditions along with scientific insights to develop a ‘faithfully hybrid’ practical theological resource. This unique book offers intelligent and accessible theology plus spiritual practices for the healing and care of the body. Koppel introduces readers to the body as a source of vitality for faith, and the notion that our bodies are God’s beloved and trusted partners. Each chapter illuminates a facet of pastoral and spiritual care with the body, and includes stories that draw the reader into the issues, challenges, and questions to be raised in the pages; body practices that suggest practical skills for use in personal and community care; reflection questions and small group exercises to spark discussion; conversation with contemporary culture to reveal the wider context in which spiritual and pastoral care takes place; and a closing body care prayer to anchor the reader to the wider community of faith. This book is highly useful for individuals and groups. It is for clergy, chaplains, spiritual directors, seminarians, clinical educators, lay people in churches, and those who are institutionally unaffiliated but care deeply about fostering a holistic spiritual path. Michael S. Koppel is the Howard Chandler Robbins Professor of Pastoral Theology and Congregational Care, and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, DC. 9781791013417 | $24.99 | August 2021

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Christianity’s Surprise A Sure and Certain Hope C. Kavin Rowe

At its beginning Christianity was surprising, powerful, creative, world-shaking. Today in the West it is many times familiar, common, and expected, losing its power to surprise and transform. We have developed societal amnesia and ignorance of what Christianity originally was – and what it still can be. We need to recover the surprise of Christianity. We need to ask the same fundamental questions as the early Christians, which will help us rediscover the surprising power of Christianity in our midst. Focusing on the surprise of the gospel message takes us into the heart of what it is to understand Christianity at all, and thus what it is to remember and relearn the life-giving power and witness that went with being Christian at the beginning. This remembering and relearning can, in turn, surprise us all over again and chart a course for our witness today. C. Kavin Rowe is the George Washington Ivey Distinguished Professor of New Testament. He is the author of three other books: One True Life: the Stoics and Early Christians as Rival Traditions, World Upside Down: Reading Acts in the Graeco-Roman Age, and Early Narrative Christology. 9781791008208 | $19.99

The Bible and Moral Injury

Reading Scripture Alongside War’s Unseen Wounds Brad E. Kelle The Bible and Moral Injury offers an exploration (with case studies) of the interpretation of biblical texts, especially war-related narratives and ritual descriptions from the Old Testament, in conversation with research on the emerging notion of moral injury within psychology, military studies, philosophy, and ethics. Brad E. Kelle is Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew, School of Theology and Christian Ministry, Point Loma Nazarene University. 9781501876288 | $34.99

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The Beginning of Difference Discovering Identity in God’s Diverse World Theodore Hiebert

How we engage difference matters. Theodore Hiebert re-examines the Bible’s stories explaining dierence, exposing the inclination to interpret these stories as a negative view of difference. Instead, these stories recognize difference as God’s intention for the world. Theodore Hiebert is Francis A. McGaw Professor of Old Testament, McCormick Theological Seminary. 9781501871023 | $17.99

Revelation as Civil Disobedience

Witnesses Not Warriors in John’s Apocalypse Thomas B. Slater The book of Revelation is a form of civil disobedience that focuses upon sustaining a faithful witness in spite of the consequences. Revelation never tells Christians to arm themselves. Rather, Christians defeat evil by witnessing faithfully. Readers are challenged to rethink and reassess their respective positions given the stress on faithful witness in the book. Thomas B. Slater is Professor of New Testament Language & Literature at McAfee School of Theology. 9781501841743 | $29.99

Holy Imagination

A Literary and Theological Introduction to the Whole Bible Judy Fentress-Williams Most literary works have one primary voice, a discourse that expresses an author’s dominant culture and ideology. The whole Bible, however, should be read by allowing numerous voices or discourses during a thousand years of literary imagination to emerge and interact. This dialogic reading process introduces theological insights that are larger than the individual parts of the Bible. Judy Fentress-Williams is Professor of Old Testament at Virginia Theological Seminary. 9781426775314 | $39.99

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New Testament Conversations

A Literary, Historical, and Pluralistic Introduction Suzanne Watts Henderson Students today bring to the study of the New Testament an increasing sense that its message is one voice among many religious and philosophical options. In this book, students encounter the New Testament in relation to the wider landscape of sacred traditions. The New Testament emerges as a lively conversation partner in the human quest for meaning and purpose. Suzanne Watts Henderson is Professor of Philosophy and Religion and Dean of the Belk Chapel at Queens University of Charlotte in North Carolina. 9781501854927 | $49.99

The Old Testament

Canon, History, and Literature Richard D. Nelson

Engaging and accessible to students from all backgrounds, this book is a comprehensive introduction to the Old Testament. It is designed to equip readers with the knowledge and skills needed to read, interpret, and benefit from the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible in their own context. Using scholarly consensus and current research with numerous examples, this book helps prepare students for further advanced courses related to exegesis, individual books, and special topics. Richard D. Nelson is professor emeritus of Biblical Hebrew and Old Testament Interpretation at Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University. 9781426759239 | $42.99

70 Hebrew Words Every Christian Should Know Matthew Richard Schlimm

The basic message of the Bible can be understood in any language. At the same time, many biblical texts are hard to understand because they don’t quite make sense when translated into English. Something is missing. Quite frequently, what readers miss has been lost in translation. Matthew Richard Schlimm is Professor of Old Testament at the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary in Iowa. 9781426799969 | $19.99

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Jesus Darkly

Remembering Jesus with the New Testament Rafael Rodriguez New Testament students have not always been well served by study of the historical Jesus, which tends to segregate Jesus from his significance vis-à-vis Israel’s scriptures and God’s agenda as this is developed among the New Testament writers in the living context of a faith community’s memory. The witness of scripture does in fact help us remember Jesus well. From beginning to end, the Bible tells the story of God putting God’s family back together. Rafael Rodriguez is Professor of New Testament in the School of Bible and Theology at Johnson University in Knoxville, TN. 9781501839115 | $29.99

Introduction to the Hebrew Prophets James D. Nogalski

Following the Hebrew canon, James Nogalski offers a basic introduction, which includes critical issues such as authorship, unity, dates of composition and revision, and structure. Drawing upon current scholarship, Nogalski shows how these issues are relevant to the theological themes and movements that help characterize the text and hold meaning for us. James D. Nogalski is Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in Religion at Baylor University. 9781426742286 | $29.99

Telling the Old Testament Story God’s Mission and God’s People Brad E. Kelle

While honoring the historical context and literary diversity of the Old Testament, Telling the Old Testament Story is a thematic reading that construes the OT as a complex but coherent narrative. Unlike standard, introductory textbooks that only cover basic background and interpretive issues for each Old Testament book. Brad E. Kelle is Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew, School of Theology and Christian Ministry, Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego, California. 9781426793042 | $34.99

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The New Testament Methods and Meanings Warren Carter and Amy-Jill Levine

In this concise, accessible book, Warren Carter and A.J. Levine introduce three aspects of New Testament study: the world of the text (plots, characters, setting, and themes), the world behind the text (the concerns, circumstances, and experiences of the early Christian communities), and the world in front of the text (the meaning for contemporary readers). Warren Carter is Professor of New Testament at Brite Divinity School in Fort Worth, TX. Amy-Jill Levine is Professor of New Testament and Jewish Studies at Vanderbilt Divinity School and College of Arts and Sciences. 9781426741906 | $39.99

Voice, Word, and Spirit

A Pentecostal Old Testament Survey Rickie D. Moore and Brian Neil Peterson Pentecostalism is a movement that, in a little over a century, has encircled the globe and, either directly or indirectly, has impacted and influenced every quarter of Christendom. In the post-modern situation that has forced all of us to a greater awareness of the contextual particularities of how we see and read things, it is time for offering a survey of Scripture that speaks both from and to the manifold global context of Pentecostal faith. Rickie D. Moore is Associate Dean of the School of Religion and Professor of Old Testament at Lee University. Brian Neil Peterson is Assistant Professor of Old Testament at Lee University. 9781501815164 | $34.99

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BIBLICAL STUDIES The Abingdon Introduction to the Bible: Understanding Jewish and Christian Scriptures Joel S. Kaminsky, Joel N. Lohr 9781426751073 | $39.99 An Introduction to Jesus and the Gospels Frederick J. Murphy 9781426749155 | $32.99 Barnabas vs. Paul: To Encourage or Confront? C. K. Robertson 9781630882778 | $21.99 Biblical Interpretation: A Roadmap Sharon H. Ringe, Frederick C. Tiffany 9780687016082 | $28.99 Christ and Community: The Gospel Witness to Jesus Suzanne Watts Henderson Ebook 9781426793097 | $39.99 Essential Bible Study Tools for Ministry David R. Bauer 9781426755170 | $46.99 From Crisis to Christ: A Contextual Introduction to the New Testament Paul N. Anderson 9781426751042 | $39.99 A Grammar for Biblical Hebrew (Revised Edition) C. L. Seow 9781426789076 | $39.99

The Kingdom of God John Bright 9780687209088 | $28.99 The Life & Teaching of Jesus Christ James S. Stewart 9780687092499 | $22.99 The New Testament: Its Background, Growth, & Content Third Edition Bruce M. Metzger 9781426772498 | $29.99 Paul: Apostle and Fellow Traveler Jerry L. Sumney 9781426741975 | $32.99 The Roman Empire and the New Testament: An Essential Guide Warren Carter 9780687343942 | $19.99 Santa Biblia: The Bible Through Hispanic Eyes Justo L. González 9780687014521 | $19.99 Seized by Truth: Reading the Bible as Scripture Joel B. Green 9780687023554 | $28.99 Studying the Old Testament: A Companion Rhonda Burnette-Bletsch 9780687646234 | $32.99

The Hebrew Bible for Beginners: A Jewish & Christian Introduction Joel N. Lohr, Joel S. Kaminsky 9781426775635 | $39.99

A Theological Introduction to the Old Testament 2nd Edition Bruce C. Birch, Walter Brueggemann 9780687066766 | $44.99

An Illustrated Guide to the Holy Land for Tour Groups, Students, and Pilgrims Lamontte M. Luker 9781426757297 | $24.99

You Are My People: An Introduction to Prophetic Literature Louis Stulman, Hyun Chul Paul Kim 9780687465651 | $25.99

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Ecclesiology in the New Testament E. Elizabeth Johnson

The earliest Christians thought of themselves in communal terms. They did not simply make individual commitments to Jesus as God’s messiah; they constituted themselves as communities shaped by the in-breaking of God’s realm. They likely learned to do so from Jesus himself. When he summoned an inner circle of his followers and numbered them twelve, he signaled that his ministry had the character of a reform movement within Israel. Dr. E. Elizabeth Johnson is J. Davison Philips Professor of New Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Georgia. 9781426771934 | $29.99

The Prophetic Literature

Carolyn J. Sharp This unique introduction to the Prophetic books provides a comprehensive examination of one of the most important, and misunderstood genres of the Hebrew Bible. It examines the nature and purpose of prophetic literature, as well as providing an in-depth account of the origins and development of each individual book. Carolyn J. Sharp is Professor of Homiletics at Yale Divinity School. 9781426765049 | $29.99

Apocalyptic Literature in the New Testament Greg Carey 9781426771958 | $32.99 Christology in the New Testament David L. Bartlett 9781426766350 | $29.99 God in the New Testament Warren Carter 9781426766336 | $32.99 John and the Johannine Letters Colleen M. Conway 9781426766398 | $29.99

The Dead Sea Scrolls Peter W. Flint 9780687494491 | $32.99 The Holy Spirit in the New Testament John T. Carroll 9781426766374 | $29.99 The Pentateuch Marvin A. Sweeney 9781426765032 | $29.99 Wisdom Literature Samuel E. Balentine 9781426765025 | $29.99

The Apocrypha David A. deSilva 9781426742354 | $17.99

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Abingdon Old Testament Commentaries

The Abingdon Old Testament Commentaries series offers compact, critical commentaries on all the books of the Old Testament. In addition to providing fundamental information on and insights into Old Testament writings, these commentaries exemplify the tasks and procedures of careful, critical exegesis so as to assist students of the Old Testament in coming to an informed engagement of the biblical texts themselves.

Numbers Carolyn Pressler 9781501846533 | $43.99

Ezekiel Nancy R. Bowen 9781426704451 | $39.99

Ecclesiastes Julie Ann Duncan 9781501837579 | $43.99

Deuteronomy Walter Brueggemann 9780687084715 | $42.99

Esther Linda M. Day 9780687497928 | $30.99

Psalms 73-150 Richard J. Clifford 9780687064687 | $35.49

Lamentations Dianne Bergant 9780687084616 | $25.49

Daniel Donald E. Gowan 9780687084210 | $24.99

Leviticus Timothy M. Willis 9781426700170 | $41.99

Ruth Judy Fentress-Williams 9781426746253 | $24.49

Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi Julia M. O’Brien 9780687340316 | $35.49

Psalms 1-72 Richard J. Clifford 9780687027118 | $35.49

Proverbs Christine R. Yoder 9781426700019 | $46.49

1 & 2 Chronicles Steven L. McKenzie 9780687007509 | $42.99

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Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah: Minor Prophets Daniel J. Simundson 9780687342440 | $39.99 1 & 2 Kings Gina Hens-Piazza 9780687490219 | $46.49 Jeremiah Louis Stulman 9780687057962 | $48.49


Abingdon New Testament Commentaries

The Abingdon New Testament Commentaries series provides compact, critical commentaries on the writings of the New Testament. These commentaries are written with special attention to the needs and interests of theological students, but they will also be useful for students in upperlevel college or university settings, as well as for pastors and other religious leaders. In addition to providing basic information about the New Testament texts and insights into their meanings, these commentaries are intended to exemplify the tasks and procedures of careful, critical biblical exegesis.

Matthew Donald Senior 9780687057665 | $35.49

2 Corinthians Calvin J. Roetzel 9780687056774 | $25.99

Hebrews Victor C. Pfitzner 9780687057245 | $23.99

Mark C. Clifton Black 9780687058419 | $28.99

Galatians Sam K. Williams 9780687057078 | $23.99

James C. Freeman Sleeper 9780687058167 | $23.99

Luke Robert C. Tannehill Ebook 9781426750472 $35.99

Ephesians Pheme Perkins 9780687056996 | $23.99

1 Peter M. Eugene Boring 9780687058549 | $23.99

Philippians & Philemon Carolyn Osiek 9780687058228 | $25.99

1, 2, & 3 John David Rensberger 9780687057221 | $23.99

Colossians David M. Hay 9780687058020 | $25.99

Jude & 2 Peter Steven J. Kraftchick 9780687057627 | $23.99

1 & 2 Thessalonians Victor Paul Furnish 9780687057436 | $23.99

Revelation Leonard L. Thompson 9780687056798 | $26.99

John D. Moody Smith 9780687058129 | $36.49 Acts Beverly Roberts Gaventa 9780687058211 | $35.49 Romans Leander E. Keck 9780687057054 | $28.99 1 Corinthians Richard A. Horsley 9780687058389 | $26.99

1 & 2 Timothy and Titus Jouette M. Bassler 9780687001576 | $24.99

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Interpreting Biblical Texts series Biblical texts create worlds of meaning and invite readers to enter them. When readers enter such textual worlds, which are often strange and complex, they are confronted with theological claims. With this in mind, the purpose of the Interpreting Biblical Texts series is to help dedicated students in their experience of reading and interpreting by providing guides for their journeys into textual worlds. The controlling perspective is expressed in the operative word of the title: interpreting. The primary focus of the series is not so much on the world behind the texts or out of which the texts have arisen as on the worlds created by the texts in their engagement with readers.

The Pentateuch Terence E. Fretheim 9780687008421 | $25.99

The Gospel of Mark Donald H. Juel 9780687008490 | $23.99

The Historical Books Richard D. Nelson 9780687008438 | $23.99

The Gospel of Luke and Acts of the Apostles F. Scott Spencer, Beverly Roberts Gaventa 9780687008506 | $25.99

The Prophetic Literature Marvin A. Sweeney 9780687008445 | $24.99 Psalms William P. Brown 9780687008452 | $22.99 The Wisdom Literature Richard J. Clifford 9780687008469 | $25.99 The Gospel of Matthew Donald Senior 9780687008483 | $23.99

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The Gospel and Letters of John R. Alan Culpepper 9780687008513 | $33.49 The Letters of Paul 9780687008520 | $24.99 The Apocalyptic Literature Stephen L. Cook 9780687051960 | $24.99


The New Interpreter’s® Bible Commentary Ten-Volume Set Leander E. Keck, General Editor

The newest addition to the New Interpreter’s® Bible brand is a ten-volume set of the commentary-only from the New Interpreter’s Bible Commentary. The New Interpreter’s® Bible Commentary offers critically sound biblical interpretations. Guided by scholars, pastors, and laity representing diverse traditions and academic experience, this collection of commentary meets the needs of preachers, teachers, and all students of the Bible. This easy-to-use format offers a detailed, critical commentary providing an exegetical “close-reading” of the biblical text and reflections that present a detailed exposition of issues raised in the biblical text. It offers introductions to each book that cover essential historical, sociocultural, literary, and theological issues. The New Interpreter’s® Bible Commentary features an ecumenical roster of contributors and comprehensive, concise articles. The set features numerous visual aids including illustrations, maps, charts and timelines to enhance its use. Hardcover | 9781426739125 | $499.99 The New Interpreter’s® Bible One-Volume Commentary Stephen L. Cook, Emerson B. Powery 9780687334117 | $76.99 The New Interpreter’s® Bible Old Testament Survey Ronald E Clements, Bruce C. Birch 9780687053445 | $47.99 The New Interpreter’s® Bible New Testament Survey Pheme Perkins, R. Alan Culpepper 9780687054343 | $44.99 Global Bible Commentary Daniel Patte 9780687064038 | $42.99

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Offering Christ

John Wesley’s Evangelistic Vision Jack Jackson After decades of conversation serving up a mosaic of understandings of Wesleyan evangelism (focusing on proclamation, initiation, and embodiment), Jack Jackson offers a clearer portrait of Wesley’s evangelistic vision, understood through the lens of “offering grace.” 9781501814228 | $39.99

The Journal Letters and Related Biographical Items of the Reverend Charles Wesley, M.A. Frank Baker, Richard P. Heitzenrater, Randy L. Maddox, editors

As a primary record of one of the founders of the Wesleyan/Methodist movement, Charles Wesley’s Journal is crucial to an understanding of the beginnings of that movement. It is an indispensable interpretive companion to John Wesley’s Journal, diaries, and letters. 9781501854965 | $74.99

The Letters of Dr. Thomas Coke John A. Vickers, editor

For forty years on either side of the death of John Wesley in 1791, Thomas Coke was a key figure in the development of Methodism on both sides of the Atlantic. His surviving correspondence is the most personal evidence he has left us of a man who “wore his heart on his sleeve.” 9781426757716 | $89.99

A Living Tradition Mary Elizabeth Mullino Moore 9781426777516 | $39.99 Aldersgate Reconsidered Randy L. Maddox 9780687009848 | $21.99 Doctrine and Theology in The United Methodist Church Thomas A. Langford 9780687110193 | $27.99 Early Methodist Life and Spirituality Lester Ruth 9780687342747 | $38.99 Early Methodist Spirituality Paul W. Chilcote 9780687334162 | $43.99 Fellowship of Love Alice Knotts 9780687027194 | $28.99

John Wesley's Conception and Use of Scripture Scott J. Jones 9780687204663 | $29.99 Methodist and Pietist Jason E. Vickers, J Steven O Malley, 9781426714351 | $47.99 Methodist and Radical John Vincent, Joerg Rieger 9780687038718 | $33.99 Our Calling to Fulfill Robin W. Lovin, Timothy Macquiban 9781426700491 | $32.99 Reconsidering Arminius Keith D. Stanglin, Mark G. Bilby, Mark H. Mann 9781426796548 | $39.99 Responsible Grace Randy L. Maddox 9780687003341 | $34.99

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Rethinking Wesley's Theology for Contemporary Methodism Randy L. Maddox 9780687060450 | $31.99 The Journals of Dr. Thomas Coke John A. Vickers 9780687054213 | $39.99 The Methodist Conference in America Russell E. Richey 9780687021871 | $26.99 Theology and Evangelism in the Wesleyan Heritage James C. Logan 9780687413959 | $23.99 Wesleyan Beliefs Ted A. Campbell 9781426711367 | $49.99


Submitting to Be More Vile

The Illustrated Adventures of John & Charles Wesley Charlie Baber On April 2, 1739, John Wesley realized that the pulpits and sanctuaries were closed to him. If he wanted to follow God’s call, he had to give up the stuffy trappings of a Church of England priest and an Oxford don and go to the people. He famously wrote, “At four in the afternoon, I submitted to be more vile and proclaimed in the highways the glad tidings of salvation.” Today we are proclaiming the glad tidings of salvation—and the other things that come with church—with comics. Charlie Barber is a deacon in The United Methodist Church, and serves as a minister to youth and families. 9781501889479 | $19.99

The Sermons of John Wesley A Collection for the Christian Journey Kenneth J. Collins, Jason E. Vickers, editors

A new and engaging collection of sermons that embraces the historic 44 sermons that John Wesley approved, plus the 8 more of the North American collection (52 sermons) and to this is added 8 sermons, carefully chosen, to fill things out for contemporary interests resulting in a grand total of sixty sermons. Each sermon (which employs the text from the Bicentennial edition of Wesley’s works) is preceded by a brief introduction and an outline. 9781426742316 | $49.99

A Real Christian The Life of John Wesley Kenneth J. Collins 9780687082469 | $23.99

The New Creation John Wesley’s Theology Today Theodore Runyon 9780687096022 | $28.99

An Exact Likeness The Portraits of John Wesley Richard P. Heitzenrater 9781501816604 | $39.99

The Scripture Way of Salvation The Heart of John Wesley’s Theology Kenneth J. Collins 9780687009626 | $29.99

John Wesley’s Sermons An Anthology Albert C. Outler 9780687204953 | $29.99

The Theology of John Wesley Holy Love and the Shape of Grace Kenneth J. Collins 9780687646333 | $39.99

Reading Scripture as Wesleyans Joel B. Green 9781426706912 | $17.99

800.251.3320 | AbingdonPress.com | 19


Five Marks of a Methodist The Fruit of a Living Faith Steve Harper

This brief book provides a meditation on each of five characteristics of a Methodist: loves God, rejoices in God, gives thanks, prays constantly, and loves others. Steve Harper is a retired United Methodist Elder in the Florida Annual Conference, and a retired seminary professor who taught for 32 years in the disciplines of Spiritual Formation and Wesley Studies. Hardcover | 9781501800597 | $9.99 Leader Guide | 9781501820243 | $9.99 DVD | 9781501820229 | $29.99 Participant Character Guide | 9781501820267 | $4.99

A Wesleyan Spiritual Reader Rueben P. Job 9780687057016 | $24.99 Five Means of Grace Experience God’s Love the Wesleyan Way Elaine A. Heath 9781501835643 | $9.99 Five Means of Grace: DVD 9781501835575 | $34.99

Three Simple Rules A Wesleyan Way of Living Rueben P. Job 9780687649662 | $6.99 Three Simple Rules for Christian Living DVD A Six-Week Study for Adults Rueben P. Job 9781501840166 | $29.99

Five Means of Grace: Leader Guide 9781501835551 | $12.99

Three Simple Rules for Christian Living Leader Guide Jeanne Torrence Finley, Rueben P. Job 9781501840173 | $13.99

The Method of Our Mission United Methodist Polity & Organization Laceye C. Warner 9781426767173 | $34.99

Wesley and the People Called Methodists Second Edition Richard P. Heitzenrater 9781426742248 | $32.99

One Faithful Promise The Wesleyan Covenant for Renewal Magrey deVega 9781501824920 | $9.99

Wesley and the Quadrilateral Renewing the Conversation Rebekah L. Miles, Ted A. Campbell 9780687060559 | $25.99

One Faithful Promise: DVD 9781501824982 | $39.99 One Faithful Promise: Leader Guide 9781501824968 | $9.99 One Faithful Promise: Participant Guide 9781501824944 | $4.99

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WESLEYAN/METHODIST STUDIES American Methodism: A Compact History Russell E. Richey, Jean Miller Schmidt 9781426742279 | $32.99

Practical Divinity Volume One Revised Edition: Theology in the Wesleyan Tradition Thomas A. Langford 9780687073825 | $33.99

Black United Methodists: Retrospect and Prospect 9781426749162 | $25.99

Practical Divinity Volume Two: Readings in Wesleyan Theology Thomas A. Langford 9780687012473 | $29.99

Grace Sufficient: A History of Women in American Methodism 1760-1968 Jean Miller Schmidt 9780687156757 | $33.99 Key United Methodist Beliefs William J. Abraham, David F. Watson 9781426756610 | $17.99 Living Grace: An Outline of United Methodist Theology Walter Klaiber, Manfred Marquardt 9780687054527 | $37.99 Meet the Goodpeople: Wesley's 7 Ways to Share Faith Roger Ross 9781630885724 | $16.99 Methodism's Racial Dilemma: The Story of the Central Jurisdiction James S. Thomas 9780687371297 | $22.99 Methodist Doctrine: The Essentials, Revised Edition Ted A. Campbell 9781426727016 | $22.99 The Methodist Experience in America Volume II: Sourcebook Russell E. Richey, Kenneth E. Rowe 9780687246731 | $54.99

Reading Scripture as Wesleyans Joel B. Green 9781426706912 | $17.99 This We Believe: The Core of Wesleyan Faith and Practice William H. Willimon 9781426706899 | $17.99 Top 10 United Methodist Beliefs Don Adams 9781501804229 | $16.99 United Methodism and American Culture Volume 5: Marks of Methodism Theology in Ecclesial Practice Russell E. Richey, Dennis M. Campbell 9780687329397 | $22.99 The United Methodist Deacon: Ordained to Word, Service, Compassion, and Justice Margaret Ann Crain 9781426776113 | $17.99 United Methodist Doctrine: The Extreme Center Scott J. Jones 9780687034857 | $33.99 Wesley One Volume Commentary Kenneth J. Collins, Robert W. Wall 9781501823916 | $89.99

The Methodist Experience in America Volume I: A History Russell E. Richey, Kenneth E. Rowe 9780687246724 | $52.99 The New Creation: John Wesley's Theology Today Theodore Runyon 9780687096022 | $28.99

800.251.3320 | AbingdonPress.com | 21


The Works of John Wesley, Volume 32 Medical and Health Writings James G. Donat and Randy L. Maddox

From the beginning of his ministry John Wesley was committed to nurturing in his own life and in the communities he served “health of body and of soul.” This volume provides a window into his concern for “health of body” by collecting all of his writings related to health and wellness. These range from his best-selling home guide to health care, the Primitive Physic, through his recommendation of electrical-shock therapy, to his concern for nervous disorders. The volume will be of keen interest to all who are committed to recovering Wesley’s holistic understanding of salvation and ministry in the present church, as well as to those seeking a better understanding of medical care in the eighteenth century. James G. Donat graduated from McCormick Theological Seminary and the Wellcome Institute, University of London, receiving the PhD in the history and philosophy of science/medicine. He is an independent scholar with work focusing on John Wesley and medicine. Randy L. Maddox is William Kellon Quick Professor of Church History and Wesley Studies at TheDivinity School, Duke University. Hardcover: 9781501859014 | $64.99

All volumes of The Works of John Wesley series are hardcover with printed dust jackets and are priced at $64.99 per volume. Sermons I (1–33), Volume 1 9780687462100 Sermons II (34–70), Volume 2 9780687462117 Sermons III (71–114), Volume 3 9780687462124 Sermons IV (115–151), Volume 4 9780687462131 A Collection of Hymns for the Use of the People Called Methodists, Volume 7 9780687462186 The Methodist Societies History, Nature, and Design, Volume 9 9780687462148 The Methodist Societies, The Minutes of Conference, Volume 10 9781426711909

The Appeals to Men of Reason and Religion and Certain Related Open Letters, Volume 11 9780687462155 Doctrinal and Controversial Treatises I, Volume 12 9781426744303 Doctrinal and Controversial Treatises II, Volume 13 9781426766978 Journal and Diaries I (1735–1738), Volume 18 9780687462216

Journal and Diaries IV (1755–1765), Volume 21 9780687462254 Journal and Diaries V (1765–1775), Volume 22 9780687462261 Journal and Diaries VI (1776–1786), Volume 23 9780687462278 Journal and Diaries VII (1787–1791), Volume 24 9780687033492 Letters I (1721–1739), Volume 25 9780687462162

Journal and Diaries II (1738– 1743), Volume 19 9780687462223

Letters II (1740–1755), Volume 26 9780687462179

Journal and Diaries III (1743–1754), Volume 20 9780687462230

Letters III (1756-1765), Volume 27 9781501806223

22 | AbingdonPress.com | 800.251.3320


Jubilee and Social Justice A Dangerous Quest to Overcome Inequalities Kim Tan

“Impact Investor” Kim Tan challenges the church to ask whether or not the gospel as we interpret it today really embodies the jubilee vision of the Bible. Imagine a group of forty adults living in a community, assisting each other to buy houses, sharing material wealth and releasing the surplus to help others as a practical outworking of the biblical principles of jubilee. Kim Tan was part of this group who defined principles of sacrificial generosity, stewardship, and social holiness. This book is in two parts. First it walks through the Old Testament on the Jubilee program as given in the covenant to Israel at Mt. Sinai. An idealistic vision was followed by the failure of Israel to practice this teaching. We trace the Jubilee practices in the New Testament through the early Church and later Church history. The second part focuses on modern expressions of Jubilee as it has caught the imagination of various individuals and groups working out different aspects of the Jubilee in their lives. 9781791019761 | $14.99

I’m Black.

I’m Christian. I’m Methodist. Edited by Rudy Rasmus In I’m Black., ten Black women and men explore life through the lens of compelling personal religious narratives. They are people and leaders whose lives are tangible demonstrations of the power of a divine purpose and evidence of what grace really means in the face of hardship, disappointment, and determination. Each of the journeys intersect because of three central elements that are the focus of this book. We’re Black. We’re Christians. We’re Methodists. Each starts with the fact, “I’m Black,” but to resolve the conflict of being Christian and Methodist means confronting aspects of White theology, White supremacy, and White racism in order to ground an oppositional experience toward domination over four centuries in America. 9781791017095 | $16.99

800.251.3320 | AbingdonPress.com | 23


Exclusion and Embrace, Revised and Updated

A Theological Exploration of Identity, Otherness, and Reconciliation Miroslav Volf Being dierent in some way has come to be defined as in and of itself evil. Reaching back to the New Testament metaphor of salvation as reconciliation, Volf proposes the idea embrace of the other as a theological response to the problem of exclusion. Volf has updated and revised his highly acclaimed Exclusion and Embrace to account for today’s evolving dynamics and epidemic levels of xenophobia, and inter-ethnic and international strife. Miroslav Volf is the Henry B. Wright Professor of Theology at Yale Divinity School. 9781501861079 | $32.99

Active Faith

Resisting 4 Dangerous Ideologies with the Wesleyan Way Paul W. Chilcote Christians are invited to practice the way of Jesus by engaging in four formative practices representing central themes of the Wesleyan way: humility, hospitality, healing, and holiness to resist the growing dangers of Christian fundamentalism, nationalism, dispensationalism, and antinomianism. Paul W. Chilcote is a retired United Methodist elder and professor of historical theology and Wesleyan studies who has taught on three continents. 9781791001728 | $13.99

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Holy Love

A Biblical Theology for Human Sexuality Steve Harper Steve Harper shows how teachings of what the Bible says about sexuality and marriage are more complex than often portrayed. A fresh and rigorous theological examination of the Bible’s teachings is required. This book will help church leaders and small groups make the constructive case that biblical, Christian teaching is compatible with faithful, covenantal love and intimacy amidst all sexual orientations. Steve Harper is a retired United Methodist Elder in the Florida Annual Conference, and a retired seminary Professor who taught in the disciplines of Spiritual Formation and Wesley Studies. 9781501896088 | $13.99

Holding Faith

A Practical Introduction to Christian Doctrine Cynthia L. Rigby This introduction to Christian theology shows how various understandings of particular doctrines play out in relation to the way we live our lives. It explores the content of core Christian doctrines and celebrates the “so what?” of each. Using theological literature and Scripture, but also current events, sociology, fiction, and movies, Rigby shows that theology is key to how we come to understand and negotiate our world. Cynthia L. Rigby is The W.C. Brown Professor of Theology at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Austin, Texas. 9781426758140 | $39.99

A New Church and A New Seminary

Theological Education Is the Solution David McAllister-Wilson The future of the church and the future of the seminary are inextricably linked. Before, seminaries prepared pastors to maintain healthy churches in stable neighborhoods. Now, every neighborhood is changing and many churches are losing their members and their confidence. A new kind of seminary is regenerating to foster hope, wisdom, creativity, and engagement with the great issues of our day. David McAllister-Wilson is president of Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington DC. 9781501858895 | $19.99

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The History of Theological Education Justo L. González

“Justo González provides historical case studies demonstrating the place of theological education in the formation of Christian communities, but he also reveals the connections between theory and practice, theological knowledge and cultural understandings, formation and knowledge, specialization and the people’s awareness, and action and reflection.” —Jack L. Seymour, professor of religious education, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary. Justo L. González has taught at the Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico and Candler School of Theology, Emory University. 9781426781919 | $39.99

Calvin vs. Wesley

Bringing Belief in Line with Practice Don Thorsen The theology “de jour” originates with John Calvin, with an emphasis on “the elect” and “sovereign will of God.” So much Calvinism saturates our air that Christians may not know there is another way of thinking about their faith, one well represented by Wesley. But no matter what people think, many act in ways that promise to change the world by offering grace and hope but also by helping to provide food and shelter to hurting people. In other words, they believe like Calvinists but they live like Wesleyans Don Thorsen is Professor of Theology and Chair of the Department of Theology and Ethics at Haggard Graduate School of Theology, Azusa Pacific University. 9781426743351 | $19.99

Jesus vs. Caesar

For People Tired of Serving the Wrong God Joerg Rieger When we observe a tension between Jesus and Caesar, we acknowledge that a fundamental tension remains at the heart of Christianity. The tension is not between religion and atheism or secularism. Nor is it between organized religion and personal spirituality or between Christianity and other religions. The tension is located within the heart of Christianity itself because it is a radical conflict between faith that is life-giving for all and faith that is damaging and destructive of people and the earth. Joerg Rieger holds the Cal Turner Chancellor’s Chair in Wesleyan Studies and is Distinguished Professor of Theology in the Divinity School and Graduate Department of Religion at Vanderbilt University. 9781501842672 | $19.99

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Luther vs. Pope Leo A Conversation in Purgatory Paul R. Hinlicky

Martin Luther and Pope Leo X awake in the afterlife. It is 2017, and they have been asleep since the posting of the NinetyFive Theses in 1517, the imagined execution of Luther, and the death of Leo in a strange accident. To their mutual chagrin not only does each discover the other face-to-face in “heaven,” but they learn that by divine decree they are roomed together indefinitely. The pope’s first reaction to the news is that this is his purgatory for the sins of the Medicis. Luther despairs that he is in hell: “It was works after all,” he surmises. Paul R. Hinlicky is the Tise Professor of Lutheran Studies at Roanoke College and an internationally known theologian. 9781501804205 | $19.99

A Community Called Atonement Scot McKnight 9780687645541 | $19.99 Counterfeit Christianity: The Persistence of Errors in the Church Roger E. Olson 9781426772290 | $19.99 Counterfeit Christianity DVD and Leader Guide Roger E. Olson, Magrey deVega 9781501806360 | $39.99 Counterfeit Christianity Leader Guide Roger E. Olson, Magrey deVega 9781501813245 | $4.99 The Disabled God: Toward a Liberatory Theology of Disability Nancy L. Eiesland 9780687108015 | $21.99 The Holy Spirit Stanley Hauerwas, William H. Willimon 9781426778636 | $13.99 Introduction to Christian Theology Justo L. González, Zaida Maldonado Perez 9780687095735 | $22.99

Liberating Black Church History Making It Plain Juan M. Floyd-Thomas 9780687332755 | $19.99 Readings in Christian Thought Second Edition Hugh T. Kerr 9780687355471 | $37.99 The Rebirth of African Orthodoxy: Return to Foundations Thomas C. Oden 9781501819094 | $25.99 The Surprising Imagination of C. S. Lewis: An Introduction Jerry Root, Mark Neal 9781426795107 | $34.99 Trinity: The God We Don’t Know Jason Byassee 9781630887865 | $13.99 The Virtual Body of Christ in a Suffering World Deanna A. Thompson 9781501815188 | $21.99

Abingdon Pillars of Theology

Abingdon Pillars of Theology is a series for the college and seminary classroom designed to help students grasp the basic and necessary facts, influence, and significance of major theologians. Written by major scholars, these books will outline the context, methodology, organizing principles, primary contributions, and major writings of people who have shaped theology as we know it today. Augustine Eugene TeSelle 9780687053612 | $12.99

H. Richard Niebuhr Donald W. Shriver, Jr. 9780687657315 | $16.99

Reinhold Niebuhr Robin W. Lovin 9780687646128 | $12.99

Barth Eberhard Busch 9780687492466 | $15.99

Kierkegaard Lee C. Barrett, III 9780687465262 | $13.99

Schleiermacher Terrence Tice 9780687343348 | $14.99

Calvin George W. Stroup 9780687659135 | $11.99

Luther Scott Hendrix 9780687656417 | $14.99

Tillich Donald W. Musser Joseph Price 9780687343447 | $15.99

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Why Salvation? Joel B. Green

When we say “Jesus saves,” we stand on scripture that proclaims a God who, through Jesus, heals, liberates, and rescues. Like each generation that has gone before, we too must find our own awareness and then respond and participate in God’s work as transformed people, serving together as the Body of Christ, who have also signed up for ongoing, personal, and social transformation. Joel B. Green is Professor of New Testament Interpretation at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California. 9781426756993 | $32.99

Why The Cross? Donald Senior

The meaning of Jesus’s execution on a Roman cross is one of the most divisive issues in contemporary theological discourse, because issues related to the goodness of God and the place of suffering in the Christian life are at stake. It is important that we recover the meaning of the cross as a metaphor for discipleship. Donald Senior is President Emeritus and Professor of New Testament Studies and President of Catholic Theological Union, Chicago, Illinois. 9781630885861 | $43.99

Why the Church?

Robert W. Wall; General Editor Joel B. Green The church, God’s herald, with its sacred vocation, every demonstration of the church’s oneness, holiness, catholicity, and apostolicity—each eschatological mark enabled and brought to maturity by God’s grace—is the concrete means to address our theological crisis. Robert W. Wall is the Paul T. Walls Professor of Scripture and Wesleyan Studies at Seattle Pacific University in Seattle, Washington. 9781426759383 | $32.99

Why Mission?

Dean Flemming; General Editor Joel B. Green Recent years have seen heightened efforts at reading the New Testament in terms of God’s mission. This has pressed against commitments to a dispassionate reading of the New Testament books in favor of a selfinvolved, missiological reading. This book harvests recent efforts as well as extends the conversation by an approach that takes seriously the contributions of diverse New Testament voices. Dean Flemming is professor of New Testament and missions at MidAmerica Nazarene University in Olathe, Kansas. 9781426759369 | $32.99

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World Christianity

A Historical and Theological Introduction Lalsangkima Pachuau Non-Western Christianity is reshaping Christianity for all of us. This shift is not just geographical. World Christianity is ultimately about the changing and diversifying character of Christianity and a renewed recognition of the dynamic universality of Christian faith itself: Christianity is a shared religion in that people of different cultures and societies make it their own while being transformed by it. Dr. Lalsangkima Pachuau is the John Wesley Beeson Professor of Christian Mission and Dean of Advanced Research Programs at Asbury Seminary. 9781426753183 | $34.99

Handbook of Denominations in the United States, 14th Edition Roger E. Olson, Frank S. Mead, Samuel S. Hill, and Craig D. Atwood

The Handbook of Denominations in the United States has long been the gold standard for reference works about religious bodies in America. The purpose of this Handbook is to provide accurate and objective information about the most significant Christian traditions and denominations in the United States today. It contains descriptions of over 200 distinct Christian denominations as well as overviews of the several major Christian traditions to which they belong—based on shared historical and theological roots and commitments. The 14th edition is completely updated with current statistics, new denominations, and recent trends. The book has been made more useful and manageable by moving very small groups into broader articles while giving more detail and description to the large and influential denominations. 9781501822513 | $29.99

To All Nations From All Nations A History of the Christian Missionary Movement Carlos F. Cardoza-Orlandi, Justo L. González

Broadly introduces missionary practices and historical figures using three perspectives: missionary activity proceeding from the margins; the cross-cultural, crossconfessional, and cross-religious dynamics; and the view that much missionary activity is generated by national rather than international missionaries. Includes a chapter on the postmodern and postcolonial world. Hardcover: 9781630885762 | $59.99 Paperback: 9781426754890 | $49.99 Church History, An Essential Guide Justo L. González 9780687016112 | $19.99 | September, 1996

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A History of Christian Thought In One Volume Justo L. González

In this revised and updated version of his popular history, Justo González shows how Christian thought evolved from the birth of Christ, to the Apostles, to the early church, to the flowering of Christianity, to now. He takes the reader through Nicea and Chalcedon, the Latin West and Byzantine East in the Middle Ages, and the continuing development of Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox Christianities through modernity in the twentieth century to postmodernity in the twenty-first. Hardcover: 9781630884192 | $59.99 Paperback: 9781426757778 | $49.99

Nuestra Fe

A Latin American Church History Sourcebook Ondina E. González and Justo L. González Spanning more than 500 years, includes sources that look at the way Christianity manifested and continues to manifest itself in the life of Latin American society. Ondina E. González is an independent scholar who has been a visiting professor at Agnes Scott College and Emory University. Justo L. González has taught at the Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico and Candler School of Theology, Emory University. Hardcover: 9781630885816 | $54.99 Paperback: 9781426774263 | $44.99

A Sense of the Heart

Christian Religious Experience in the United States Bill J. Leonard Traces the nature of religious experience from the colonial era to the present, defining its nature while describing common and distinct approaches in the work of various writers and practitioners. Bill J. Leonard is James and Marilyn Dunn Professor of Church History and Baptist Studies at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Hardcover: 9781630885854 | $54.99 Paperback: 9781426754906 | $44.99

30 | AbingdonPress.com | 800.251.3320



Six Steps for Effective Pastoral Conversations Denise Massey Caring: Six Steps for Effective Pastoral Conversations is designed to help ministers and pastoral care givers solve one of their most significant problems. They are called upon to “fix” all manner of human problems, and this expectation often leaves them feeling overwhelmed, highly stressed, or woefully unprepared. Help is available! Author Denise Massey will teach readers how to coach people to access their own spiritual and personal resources, invoking both God’s help and the person’s own deep inner wisdom. Denise Massey is the Associate Professor of Pastoral Care and Counseling at McAfee School of Theology of Mercer University. 9781501884580 | $18.99

Ministry with the Forgotten Dementia through a Spiritual Lens Kenneth L. Carder

Dementia diseases represent a crisis of faith for many family members and congregations. Magnifying this crisis is the way people with dementia tend to be objectified by both medical and religious communities. They are recipients of treatment and projects for mission. Ministry is done to and for them rather than with them. Kenneth L. Carder is Ruth W. and A. Morris Williams, Jr. Distinguished Professor Emeritus at Duke Divinity School and Senior Visiting Professor of Wesley Studies at Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary Columbia, SC. Carder is a retired Bishop in The United Methodist Church. 9781501880247 | $22.99

Pastor as Counselor Wise Presence, Sacred Conversation John Patton

This very practical book offers no-nonsense instructions for pastors, chaplains, and ministers whose real specialty is the practice of relational wisdom. Patton provides a helpful, step-by-step template for pastoral counseling sessions and clear guidelines for understanding when to defer and how to refer—all while remaining faithful to the basic pastoral calling to connect persons seeking help with the relationships and resources they need to deal with their lives. John Patton is the Professor Emeritus of Pastoral Theology at Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Georgia, and a retired United Methodist minister. 9781630886905 | $21.99

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CARE & COUNSELING African American Pastoral Care Revised Edition Edward P. Wimberly 9780687649495 | $19.99 Basic Types of Pastoral Care & Counseling: Resources for the Ministry of Healing & Growth, Third Edition Howard Clinebell, Charlotte Ellen 9780687663804 | $34.99 Crisis Counseling in the Congregation Dr. Larry E. Webb 9781426726989 | $16.99 Cut Dead But Still Alive: Caring for African American Young Men Gregory C. Ellison II 9781426703041 | $23.99 Hearing Beyond the Words: How to Become a Listening Pastor Emma J. Justes 9780687494996 | $19.99 Pastoral Care: Telling the Stories of Our Lives Karen D. Scheib 9781426766473 | $36.99 Pastoral Care: An Essential Guide John Patton 9780687053223 | $21.99 Pastoral Care in the Small Membership Church James L. Killen, Jr. 9780687343263 | $16.99 What Do We Tell the Children?: Talking to Kids About Death and Dying Joseph M. Primo 9781426760495 | $17.99

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Roots and Routes

Calling, Ministry, and the Power of Place Randy G. Litchfield Why do so many pastors and leaders in seminary and local church ministry feel confused, dissatisfied, or, strangely enough, like they’ve missed their calling? Randy Litchfield’s fresh look at the perennial question of vocation combines theological reflection on the development of personal spiritual identity with a thoughtful look at the significant dimension of place – how the realities of our contexts call for particular responses to vocation in specific times and places. Roots and Routes helps pastors and leaders claim a rich vocational imagination for recognizing God’s ongoing call to partnership in the specific, concrete locales of ministry. Randy G. Litchfield is the Browning Professor of Christian Education at Methodist Theological School in Ohio. 9781501868153 | $29.99

Right Here Right Now

The Practice of Christian Mindfulness Amy G. Oden Growing interest in Christian mindfulness practice is rooted in the rediscovery of ancient Christian practices. Many Christians practice mindfulness outside of church and believe it does not belong to our faith tradition. This book reveals the Christian roots of mindfulness and the actual practices that, when reclaimed, deepen the life of faith and the power of our mission of love in the world. When we understand how radical it is to live in God’s presence right here, right now, our lives are transformed toward mercy, justice and abundant life. Amy G. Oden is Professor of Early Church History and Spirituality at Saint Paul School of Theology at Oklahoma City University. 9781501832499 | $14.99

Reset the Heart

Unlearning Violence, Relearning Hope Mai-Anh Le Tran

Educating for faith and justice in a violent world requires an imaginative unlearning and unmaking of the values of violence. Thinking and teaching for violence-resisting action as Christians requires an on-purpose setting of our hearts in a world that violates and harms with impunity. Against violent “disimagination” and its conscience-numbing instruments, Christian religious communities are being challenged to regenerate radical forms of prophetic, protested faith, the skills and instincts of which must be honed deliberately. Mai-Anh Le Tran is Associate Professor of Religious Education and Practical Theology at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary. 9781501832468 | $35.99

I Wonder: Engaging a Child’s Curiosity about the Bible Elizabeth Caldwell 9781426799921 | $20.99

Teaching Biblical Faith: Leading Small Group Bible Studies Jack L. Seymour 9781630884307 | $17.99

Soul Stories: African American Christian Education Anne E. Streaty Wimberly 9780687494323 | $22.99

Teaching the Way of Jesus: Educating Christians for Faithful Living Jack L. Seymour 9781426765056 | $32.99

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Fresh Expressions in a Digital Age

How the Church Can Prepare for a Post-Pandemic World Michael Beck and Rosario Ricardo During the pandemic, church was forced to only occur in one of the three primary places it had existed, the home place. Through this, a digital place emerged forcing us into recognizing the digital space as its own kind of place, a new missional frontier. Fresh Expressions is an alert, and guide to modern congregations to help them reevaluate what the Church is, where and when it can happen, and who can lead it. As Ginghamsburg’s Executive Pastor of New Church Development, Rosario (Roz) Picardo partners with Senior Pastor Mike Slaughter and the leadership team to dream and deploy new faith communities within the Ginghamsburg community of churches. Roz is an Ordained Elder within the United Methodist Church, holding a Master of Divinity degree from Asbury Theological Seminary and a Doctorate of Ministry from United Theological Seminary. Michael Beck is Director of Re-Missioning for Fresh Expressions U.S. and Cultivator of Fresh Expressions for the Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church. Michael serves as co-pastor of Wildwood UMC with his wife Jill. Michael earned a Master of Divinity from Asbury Theological Seminary and a Doctorate in Semiotics and Future Studies at Portland Seminary. He is the author of Deep Roots, Wild Branches and A Field Guide to Methodist Fresh Expressions. eBook 9781791018917 | $19.99

Navigating the Future

Traditioned Innovation for Wilder Seas L. Gregory Jones and Andrew P. Hogue Navigating the Future explores stories and tips for cultivating traditioned innovation that will stimulate thinking and inspire imagination for more faithful and fruitful living along with the cultivation of more vibrant, life-giving institutions. The Reverend Dr. L. Gregory Jones is the Ruth W. and A. Morris Williams Jr. Professor of Theology and Christian Ministry and Dean at Duke Divinity School in Durham, NC. A noted scholar, teacher, and church leader, he is the author or editor of more than a dozen books, including the acclaimed Embodying Forgiveness. Andrew P. Hogue, serves as director of the Philanthropy and Public Service Program and senior lecturer in the Honors Program at Baylor University. His teaching focuses primarily on social innovation, philanthropy, and civic leadership, providing students with hands-on opportunities to innovate, lead and work toward the greater good of their community and world. 9781791015954 | $19.99

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A Worship Workbook

A Practical Guide for Extraordinary Liturgy Gerald C. Liu & Khalia J. Williams A Worship Workbook introduces crucial and underexamined liturgical and social concepts for students and leaders of worship. Each chapter offers a brief lesson, teaching new skills and inspiring creativity for honest, faithful, and versatile worship leadership. Gerald C. Liu is Assistant Professor of Worship and Preaching at Princeton Theological School. An ordained United Methodist Elder of the Mississippi Annual Conference, he also serves as a Minister in Residence at the Church of the Village, a United Methodist Congregation in Manhattan. He is the author of Music and the Generosity of God. Khalia J. Williams is the Assistant Dean of Worship and Music, and Assistant Professor in the Practice of Worship at Emory University’s Candler School of Theology. An ordained minister, she serves as an associate minister and First Lady at the historic Providence Missionary Baptist church in Atlanta. 9781501896569 | $26.99


A Sermon Workbook

Exercises in the Art and Craft of Preaching Thomas H. Troeger & Leonara Tubbs Tisdale A Sermon Workbook addresses the essentials for effective preaching in our multi-tasking, multi-ethnic, sound-bite society. It offers theological clarity about why we preach, and what matters most. Thomas H. Troeger, Lantz Professor emeritus Yale Divinity School and Institute of Sacred Music. Leonora Tubbs Tisdale is the Clement-Muehl Professor Emerita of Divinity (Preaching) at Yale Divinity School. 9781426757785 | $25.99

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Fresh Expressions of People Over Property Audrey Warren and Kenneth H. Carter, Jr.

Our church buildings, synagogues, and other religious places – which once stood as beacons of hope and reverence for its community – have become a burden for the organizations who seek to keep them standing. What if our properties didn’t have to be a source of pain but one of purpose and profit? Can we as faith-based organizations begin to think collaboratively about how we might further our missions by creatively and intentionally rethinking how we utilize the space we inhabit? In Fresh Expressions of People Over Property the authors reflect on strategies, scriptures, and stories that help leaders faithfully re-imagine their community spaces so that they reflect that God and God’s people value people over property. Rev. Dr. Audrey B. Warren is an ordained Elder in the Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church and currently serves as Senior Pastor at First United Methodist Church of Miami. Kenneth H. Carter, Jr. is resident bishop of the Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church. Bishop Carter is the immediate past-president of the Council of Bishops of The United Methodist Church. 9781791004750 | $15.99

Church Comes Home

Start a House Church Network Anywhere Dave Barnhart Many people remember that the early church started in homes, but they don’t understand that house churches are still a legitimate and viable model today. House churches can create the intimacy so many people are hungry for. Church Comes Home provides an alternative model for denominations and established churches to consider. It will help pastors reconnect with the traditions of community organizing, itinerant preaching, and discipleship training that sparked Methodism and other church movements in the United States. David Barnhart serves as associate pastor of Trinity United Methodist Church in Birmingham, Alabama. 9781791007331 | $18.99

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Five Keys to Leading with Integrity Karoline M. Lewis Pastors and other leaders feel trapped in systems and institutions where actions and decisions often seem to have little to do with the scripture they read or the theology they profess. They are swept into leadership norms that resemble business models more than mission. They see in others and (sometimes) recognize in themselves the disconnect between their own theology and their leadership. They feel unable to fully integrate their beliefs with their behavior. Karoline M. Lewis, holds the Marbury Anderson Chair in Biblical Preaching at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, MN. 9781501899423 | $17.99

The Millennial Narrative

Sharing a Good Life with the Next Generation Jaco J. Hamman The Millennial Narrative is written for pastoral leaders who want to welcome millennials, both inside and outside their congregation. The book draws on the wisdom of the prophetic Book of Joel as a narrative worth living into. Jaco J. Hamman is the Director of the Program in Theology and Practice & Associate Professor of Religion, Psychology and Culture at Vanderbilt Divinity School. 9781501839139 | $19.99 Participant Guide: 9781501839153 | $10.99

God vs. Money

Winning Strategies in the Combat Zone J. Clif Christopher God and Money both make a lot of promises. God keeps all of God’s promises, while Money keeps none. However, Money has better advertising, and we keep falling for it. Here’s how to turn that trend around in your life and in the lives of those you lead. Get practical, up-to-date, expert advice on fundraising—one of the biggest challenges facing church and not-for-profit leaders. J. Clif Christopher is the CEO of Horizons Stewardship Company. 9781501868115 | $16.99 DVD: 9781501891595 | $39.99 Participant Guide: 9781501891571 | $12.99

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Christian Leadership

Speaking to God for the People, Speaking to the People for God. Maxie Dunnam The bedrock grounding of church leaders is in God. This grounding comes through deliberate and explicit attention to God through prayer and self-reflection. Leadership as vocation, Christian leadership, begins with self-leadership, clarifying one’s own heart, one’s whole being, and one’s mind in order to find and show that one’s most basic identity and deepest and most concrete security lie in God—not in success or in pleasing someone else or in being seen as a good person or being loved by a congregation or the faith community we lead. Maxie Dunnam is the author of more than 40 books, including the best-selling Workbook of Living Prayer (over one million copies sold). 9781501883118 | $17.99

Eight Virtues of Rapidly Growing Churches Matt Miofsky & Jason Byassee

Leaders who are interested in planting or revitalizing congregations often feel discouraged and defeated after leadership conferences, or after reading about the ‘heroes’ of church planting and church growth. Authors Matt Miofsky and Jason Byassee carefully researched, interviewed, and profiled successful church-growers across the U.S., and identified 8 characteristics these leaders and their congregations have in common. Matt Miofsky is Lead Pastor of The Gathering United Methodist Church, Saint Louis, Missouri. Jason Byassee is the Butler Chair in Homiletics and Biblical Interpretation at Vancouver School of Theology. 9781501852732 | $16.99

Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations Revised and Updated Robert Schnase

Over the past ten years, thousands of church leaders have successfully transformed congregations with the principles from the original Five Practices: Radical Hospitality, Passionate Worship, Intentional Faith Development, RiskTaking Mission and Service, and Extravagant Generosity. However, much has changed in the world and the Church. Leaders have discovered new ways to implement the Five Practices in settings that were not imagined when the original book was released. This revised and updated edition of the ministry leadership classic includes a significant amount of new material. 9781501858871 | $18.99

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MINISTRY LEADERSHIP Brain-Savvy Leaders: The Science of Significant Ministry Charles Stone 9781426798337 | 24.99

A New Day in the City: Urban Church Revival Donna Claycomb Sokol L. Roger Owens 9781501818882 | 19.99

Spiritual Leadership: Why Leaders Lead and Who Seekers Follow Thomas G. Bandy 9781501825590 | 19.99

Calling & Character: Virtues of the Ordained Life William H. Willimon 9780687090334 | 22.99

Not Safe for Church: Ten Commandments for Reaching New Generations F. Douglas Powe, Jr., Jasmine Smothers 9781426775765 | 17.99

Strategic Thinking: How to Sustain Effective Ministry Thomas G. Bandy 9781501849619 | 21.99

Christian Social Innovation: Renewing Wesleyan Witness L. Gregory Jones 9781501825774 | 16.99 Church Leadership: Vision, Team, Culture, Integrity, Revised Edition Lovett H. Weems, Jr. 9781426703027 | 19.99 Cryptomnesia: How a Forgotten Memory Could Save the Church Christine A. Chakoian 9781426790607 | 18.99 Just Say Yes!: Unleashing People for Ministry Robert Schnase 9781426776137 | 15.99 Devotional 9781501825798 | 4.99 DVD 9781501825309 | 39.99 Leader Guide 9781501825262 | 9.99 Participant Guide 9781501825286 | 10.99 Leadership in the Wesleyan Spirit Lovett H. Weems, Jr. 9780687046928 | 19.99 Leading the Congregation: Caring for Yourself While Serving the People Norman Shawchuck, Roger Heuser 9781426711398 | 32.99

Pastor: Revised Edition: The Theology and Practice of Ordained Ministry William H. Willimon 9781501804908 | 32.99 re:MIX: Transitioning Your Church to Living Color Bob Whitesel, Mark DeYmaz 9781630886929 | 17.99 Resident Aliens: Life in the Christian Colony (Expanded 25th Anniversary Edition) Stanley Hauerwas, William H. Willimon 9781426781902 | 21.99 Science, Scripture, and Same-Sex Love Michael B. Regele 9781426798290 | 22.99

Switch Off: The Clergy Guide to Preserving Energy and Passion for Ministry Heather Bradley, Miriam Grogan 9781501810466 | 14.99 Thriving in the Second Chair: Ten Practices for Robust Ministry (When You’re Not in Charge) Mike Bonem 9781501814242 | 19.99 Ultimate Reliance: Breakthrough Prayer Practices for Leaders Sue Nilson Kibbey 9781501870934 | 17.99

Servants and Fools: A Biblical Theology of Leadership Arthur Boers 9781426799785 | 21.99 She: Five Keys to Unlock the Power of Women in Ministry Karoline M. Lewis 9781501804946 | 21.99 DVD with Facilitator Guide 9781501842702 | 39.99 Participant Book 9781501842696 | 10.99 Small on Purpose: Life in a Significant Church Lewis A. Parks 9781501827327 | 15.99

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Sacred Resistance

A Practical Guide to Christian Witness and Dissent Ginger Gaines-Cirelli Get empowered to speak out and act in troubled times. In the midst of polarized communities and nations, religious leaders across the theological spectrum are seeking help with how to respond and lead in troubled times. The need for courage to speak out and act is ever-present, because every generation faces a new set of fears and troubles. Ginger Gaines-Cirelli is the Senior Pastor at Foundry United Methodist Church in Washington, D.C. 9781501856853 | $14.99

Our Strangely Warmed Hearts Coming Out into God’s Call Karen P. Oliveto

Coming out into one’s authentic, God-created self fosters spiritual renewal and call to ministry. As John Wesley discovered his true spiritual identity, he experienced a strangely warmed heart. Through poignant stories and wellreasoned principles, Karen Oliveto discloses why and how spiritual renewal and a personal call to ministry emerge in the strangely warmed hearts of lesbian and gay Christians. Karen P. Oliveto is bishop of the Mountain Sky Episcopal Area for the United Methodist Church. Previously for eight years, she served as senior pastor of the 12,000-member Glide Memorial United Methodist Church in San Francisco. She is the first openly lesbian bishop in The United Methodist Church. 9781501858918 | $17.99

Fear of the Other No Fear in Love William H. Willimon

There is a distinctively Christian way to engage the so-called “outsider” and “stranger.” Willimon invites readers to an on-the-ground faith that remembers the God who comes to us again and again through so-called outsiders, strangers, immigrants, and those without status. Beyond welcome, Christians must become “other” to the world, shaking off the dominant culture’s identity and privilege through practices of listening, humility, and understanding. William H. Willimon is Professor of the Practice of Christian Ministry at Duke University Divinity School and retired Bishop of the North Alabama Conference of The United Methodist Church. 9781501824753 | $14.99 DVD: 9781501857249 | $29.99 Leader Guide 9781501857300 | $9.99

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FAITH & CULTURE: ETHICS Working Class Rage: A Field Guide to White Anger and Pain Tex Sample 9781501868139 | $17.99 Christian Ethics: An Essential Guide Robin W. Lovin 9780687054626 | $19.99 A Christian Justice for the Common Good Tex Sample 9781501814266 | $19.99 The Fight for Marriage: Church Conflicts and Courtroom Contests Phillip F. Cramer, William L. Harbison 9781501858932 | $14.99 For the Sake of the Bride, Second Edition: Restoring the Church to Her Intended Beauty Steve Harper 9781630885700 | $13.99 GreenFaith: Mobilizing God's People to Save the Earth Fletcher Harper 9781426781759 | $19.99 Holding Up Your Corner: Talking about Race in Your Community F. Willis Johnson 9781501837593 | $15.99 Holding Up Your Corner DVD: Video Stories about Race 9781501837616 | $39.99 Holding Up Your Corner Participant Book: Guided Conversations about Race 9781501837623 | $9.99 An Introduction to Christian Ethics: Goals, Duties, and Virtues Robin W. Lovin 9780687467365 | $32.99 Moral Injury: Restoring Wounded Souls Larry Kent Graham 9781501800757 | $19.99 Seeing Gray in a World of Black and White: Thoughts on Religion, Morality, and Politics Adam Hamilton 9781426766626 | $19.99

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Methodist Mission at 200

Serving Faithfully Amid the Tensions Edited by Thomas Kemper & David Scott For more than 200 years, Methodists have shared God’s love with the world and relieve human suffering by offering healing, hope, and holiness everywhere. Serving Faithfully Amid the Tensions tells the story of these global efforts, beginning with John Stewart’s ministry among the Wyandotte Nation in America, and what we as Methodists have learned about God’s mission along the way. 9781791015985 | $19.99

Here, Now, With You

Six Movements of Compassion for Life and Leadership Gregg Louis Taylor Here, Now, With You introduces six ways we experience God’s compassion, and teaches us to reorient our lives toward that compassion. The book offers an interactive framework which pastors, faith leaders, organizations, and agencies can use to facilitate meaningful conversations and honest reflection. This leads to growth in readers’ ability to experience and share God’s compassion, and to live as fully compassionate people each day. Gregg Louis Taylor is an ordained United Methodist minister. As a pastor and community architect with Houston: reVision, he shapes the spiritual and communal infrastructure of this innovative organization which connects the city’s most disconnected youth with caring adults and positive peer relationships. 9781501868177 | $17.99

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Sideline Church

Bridging the Chasm between Churches and Cultures Thomas G. Bandy Bandy describes the church in America as “sidelined”—observing cultural change but not participating in the game. He suggests proven provocative ways the church can reengage and empathize with the people within their reach. By mining the lifestyle data revealed by the nation’s economic engines and social trends, this frank and ground-breaking sociological analysis is a must read for every church leader who embraces hope for a fragmented, diverse, and polarized world. Thomas G. Bandy is an internationally-recognized church consultant and leadership coach. 9781501871474 | $19.99

Walking with Nehemiah Your Community Is Your Congregation Joseph W. Daniels Jr.

Too often congregations ignore their neighborhoods. They don’t consider the vast resource of people surrounding their church and seem to forget that Pentecost, the very event that gave birth to the church, happened in the streets. This book will give readers inspiration and practical tools for engaging with their communities in ways that help congregations and communities become whole. Joseph W. Daniels Jr. is the lead pastor of the Emory United Methodist Church in Washington, D.C. He also serves as Superintendent of the Greater Washington District in the Baltimore Washington Conference. 9781426781933 | $17.99

Get Their Name: Grow Your Church by Building New Relationships Bob Farr, Doug Anderson 9781426759314 | $14.99

New Wine, New Wineskins: How African American Congregations Can Reach New Generations F. Douglas Powe, Jr. 9781426742224 | $22.99

The Sacred Secular: How God Is Using the World to Shape the Church Dottie Escobedo-Frank, Rob Rynders 9781501810442 | $16.99

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How Women Transform Preaching Leonora Tubbs Tisdale

How Women Transform Preaching begins with a fascinating survey, including statistical information and historical analysis. Interviewing 16 women preachers/ homileticians, Tisdale shares ‘untold stories’ of women preachers throughout history who are largely unknown but who serve as examples of both the struggle and power of women’s preaching. She then tells the stories of contemporary women preachers. Throughout, Tisdale draws practical lessons for the reader, showing what students, homileticians, and preachers can learn from extraordinary women preachers. Leonora Tubbs Tisdale is the Clement-Muehl Professor Emerita of Divinity (Preaching) at Yale Divinity School. Her research and teaching interests include: prophetic preaching, women and preaching, and congregational studies and preaching. She is the author or editor of twelve books. 9781791013363 | $29.99

George Buttrick’s Guide to Preaching The Gospel Edited by Charles N. Davidson

In George Buttrick’s Guide to Preaching the Gospel, we learn why the world needs competent preachers, what the preacher must preach about, and how the preacher goes about creating the sermon with daily discipline and several practiced skills, including research, charting, outlining, writing, and performance. These writings have never been published before and were found by his grandchildren after his death. Editor Charles N. Davidson, a retired Presbyterian Church (USA) minister, psychotherapist, and professor, was pastor of congregations in North Carolina, Florida, Georgia, and Virginia; a clinician with Pastoral Counseling Services of Central Virginia; and undergraduate professor of history and philosophy as well as the Darrel Rollins graduate professor of pastoral theology, care, and counseling at Virginia University of Lynchburg. 9781791001742 | $24.99

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Preachers Dare Speaking for God Will Willimon

Preachers Dare is adapted from Will Willimon’s Lyman Beecher Lectures on Preaching at Yale and is inspired by a quote from the great theologian Karl Barth. In a world in which sermons too often become hackneyed conventional wisdom or tame common sense, preachers dare to speak about the God who speaks to us as Jesus Christ. Willimon draws upon his decades of preaching, as well as his many books on the practice of homiletics, to present a bold theology of preaching. This work emphasizes preaching as a distinctively theological endeavor that begins with and is enabled by God. God speaks, preachers dare to speak the speech of God, and the church dares to listen. By moving from the biblical text to the contemporary context, preachers dare to speak up for God so that God might speak today. With fresh biblical insights, creativity and pointed humor, Willimon gives today’s preachers and congregations encouragement to speak with the God who has so graciously and effusively spoken to us. Will Willimon is Professor of the Practice of Christian Ministry at Duke University Divinity School and retired Bishop of the North Alabama Conference of The United Methodist Church. 9781791008055 | $19.99

Beyond the Tyranny of the Text

Preaching in Front of the Bible to Create a New World James Henry Harris James Henry Harris introduces interpretation theory and continental philosophy as a resource for preachers to resist and overcome interpretive oppression, and lays out a new theory of scriptural interpretation. He develops a five-part method for preaching that stretches from preparation to proclamation, and demonstrates how this method for interpretational creativity emerges from fidelity to the text. James Henry Harris is the Distinguished Professor and Chair of Homiletics and Practical Theology and Research Scholar in Religion at the School of Theology, Virginia Union University. 9781501889066 | $24.99

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The Artistry of Preaching Series Preaching to Teach Inspire People to Think and Act Richard Voelz

Be equipped to teach through your preaching. Preaching to Teach merges the related functions of preaching and teaching, and equips the reader to accomplish both. In a divided and weary world, preachers struggle with the choice of any number of “images” to describe their preaching identity. But there is an ancient image of the preacher that may help: the preacher as teacher. Richard Voelz is an Assistant Professor of Preaching and Worship at Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond, VA. 9781501868078 | $19.99

Words that Heal

Preaching Hope to Wounded Souls Joni S. Sancken Preaching can encourage connections to foster healing for wounded souls. Using the stories of wounded biblical figures is helpful, as is addressing the wounds that have been caused by the church. The book showcases worship practices, sermons and ministries that are actively engaged in supporting healing for those with wounded souls. Joni S. Sancken is Associate Professor of Homiletics at United Theological Seminary in Dayton, OH. 9781501849688 | $18.99

Preaching with Empathy Crafting Sermons in a Callous Culture Lenny Luchetti

Preachers can find help from many resources to get the text right, the structure right, and the delivery right. Preaching with Empathy aims to help preachers and homiletics students learn to deeply understand and love their listeners, in order to get preaching right. Lenny Luchetti is Professor of Proclamation and Christian Ministry at Wesley Seminary of Indiana Wesleyan University. 9781501841729 | $19.99

Preaching in Pictures: Using Images for Sermons that Connect Peter Jonker 9781426781926 | $19.99

Preaching as Poetry: Beauty, Goodness, and Truth in Every Sermon Paul Scott Wilson 9781426764042 | $19.99

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Actuality: Real Life Stories for Sermons That Matter Scott Hoezee 9781426765933 | $19.99


Surviving a Dangerous Sermon Frank A. Thomas

Preachers increasingly see the need to deliver sermons that are “dangerous” in the ways they challenge hearers’ comfort levels and challenge established powers and hierarchies. Author Frank Thomas helps readers understand those dangers— especially the forces of power and hierarchy that are so intrinsic in our everyday lives and in society as a whole. He teaches how to anticipate and navigate those forces, to open opportunities for dangerous preaching, and to mitigate negative impact on congregants, the preacher, and the preacher-congregation relationships. 9781501896545 | $17.99

How to Preach a Dangerous Sermon Frank A. Thomas

Learn to use four characteristics of “preaching with moral imagination” to proclaim freedom for all. The author describes the four characteristics using examples like Robert F. Kennedy, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Prathia Hall, and the Moral Monday Movement, along with musicians and other artists of today. Moral imagination helps the hearer to see what they cannot see, to hear what they cannot hear—to inhabit the lives of others, so that they can embody Christ and true freedom for those others. This book equips and empowers preachers to transcend their basic skills and techniques, so that their proclamation of the Word causes actual turnaround in the hearts and lives of their hearers, and in their communities. 9781501856839 | $17.99 Frank A. Thomas currently serves as Nettie Sweeney and Hugh Th. Miller Professor of Homiletics and Director of the Academy of Preaching and Celebration at Christian Theological Seminary of Indianapolis, Indiana.

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Practicing the Preaching Life David B. Ward

Preaching is a way of life that can be beautiful and good; however, it can also be anxious, self-focused, and destructive. Preachers and teachers of preaching need a holistic view of preaching that not only paints the way to good preaching, but also to good living. They need a comprehensive practical theology of preaching that combines the ‘why’ and the ‘what’ with the ‘how’ and ‘whom’ of preaching. David B. Ward is Associate Professor, Homiletics & Practical Theology at Indiana Wesleyan University in Marion, IN. 9781501854941 | $29.99

The Four Pages of the Sermon, Revised and Updated A Guide to Biblical Preaching Paul Scott Wilson

This completely revised edition guides readers through the sermon process step by step, with the aim of composing sermons that challenge and provide hope, by focusing on God more closely than on humans. It has been largely rewritten to include an assessment of where preaching is today in light of propositional preaching, the New Homiletic, African American preaching, the effect of the internet, and use of technology. A chapter on exegesis has been added, plus new focus on the importance of preaching to a felt need, the need for proclamation in addition to teaching, and developing tools to ensure sermon excellence. Paul Scott Wilson is Professor of Homiletics at Emmanuel College of the University of Toronto. 9781501842399 | $34.99

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The End of Preaching Thomas H. Troeger

The End of Preaching is equal parts instruction and inspiration, offering practical help for every preacher and seminarian, and providing a new way of thinking about the purpose and craft of preaching. Tom Troeger explores the end—or purpose—of preaching as prayer. He gently reveals layer after layer of meaning for the preacher and the practice of preaching, giving deep insight into the preacher’s approach, the task of preaching itself, and the impact of preaching on the hearers. Thomas H. Troeger, Lantz Professor emeritus Yale Divinity School and Institute of Sacred Music, has written 24 books in the fields of preaching, poetry, hymnody and worship. 9781501868092 | $15.99


Preaching as an Outsider Lisa L. Thompson Ingenuity introduces a theology and practice of preaching that emerges from the faith and wisdom of black women. Preaching has been resourced and taught from a narrow field of cultural or gendered experiences, historically. Without much support from established channels, black women are left to “figure it out” on their own, and others discern how to preach from a limiting scope. Lisa L. Thompson is Associate Professor and the Cornelius Vanderbilt Chancellor Faculty Fellow of Black Homiletics and Liturgics at Vanderbilt Divinity School. 9781501832598 | $29.99

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Stories by Willimon Will Willimon

Will Willimon is known and read throughout the world for his riveting, edgy, witty, and provocative stories or parables. His most beloved, memorable, and impactful stories are presented in this collection. The Stories of Will Willimon will expose readers to joy, agony, thankfulness, greed, trust, fear, healing, suffering, laughter, weeping, yearning, irony, hatred, and love. Will Willimon is Professor of the Practice of Christian Ministry at Duke University Divinity School and retired Bishop of the North Alabama Conference of The United Methodist Church. 9781501894138 | $19.99 Hardback: 9781501894145 | $24.99

Exodus Preaching: Crafting Sermons about Justice and Hope Kenyatta R. Gilbert 9781501832574 | $21.99 A History of Preaching Volume 2 O.C. Edwards, Jr. 9781501833786 | $49.99 How to Preach a Dangerous Sermon Frank A. Thomas 9781501856839 | $17.99 Introduction to the Practice of African American Preaching Frank A. Thomas 9781501818943 | $34.99 The Practice of Preaching Revised Edition Paul Scott Wilson 9780687645275 | $29.99 Preaching Fred B. Craddock 9780687659944 | $25.99 Preaching and the Human Condition: Loving God, Self, & Others O. Wesley Allen, Jr. 9781501818905 | $24.99 Preaching Truth in the Age of Alternative Facts William Brosend 9781501870248 | $17.99 Preaching Without Notes Joseph M. Webb 9780687090884 | $17.99 Say Something!: Simple Ways to Make Your Sermons Matter Charley Reeb 9781501874390 | $15.99

50 | AbingdonPress.com | 800.251.3320

The Sermon without End: A Conversational Approach to Preaching O. Wesley Allen, Jr., Ronald J. Allen 9781630883218 | $29.99 A Sermon Workbook: Exercises in the Art and Craft of Preaching Thomas H. Troeger, Leonora Tubbs Tisdale 9781426757785 | $25.99 Speaking Well: Essential Skills for Speakers, Leaders, and Preachers Adam Hamilton 9781501809934 | $14.99 Thank God It’s Thursday: Encountering Jesus at the Lord’s Table As If for the Last Time William H. Willimon 9781426743375 | $15.99 That’ll Preach!: 5 Simple Steps to Your Best Sermon Ever Charley Reeb 9781501835476 | $12.99 Unleashing the Word: Preaching with Relevance, Purpose, & Passion Adam Hamilton 9781426707001 | $29.99 Who Lynched Willie Earle?: Preaching to Confront Racism William H. Willimon 9781501832512 | $17.99


Will Willimon’s Lectionary Sermon Resource: Year A Part 1 and Part 2 Will Willimon

Will Willimon is widely acclaimed as one of the top ten preachers in the world. For each Sunday of the Christian year, Willimon provides just what you need to begin the journey toward a sermon. This guide will stoke, fund, and fuel your imagination while leaving plenty of room to insert your own illustrations, make connections within your congregational context, and speak the Word in your distinctive voice. Guidance from Willimon is like sitting down with a trusted clergy friend and asking, “What will you preach next Sunday?” Year A Part 1 and Year A Part 2 is part of a seven-volume set that includes years A, B, and C (2 volumes per year) in the Revised Common Lectionary. Part 1 includes the First Sunday in Advent through the Easter season, and Part 2 begins with Pentecost through the end of the church year. Will Willimon is Professor of the Practice of Christian Ministry at Duke University Divinity School and retired Bishop of the North Alabama Conference of The United Methodist Church, after serving for 20 years as faculty member and Dean of the Chapel at Duke University. Year A Part 1: 9781501847509 | $24.99 Year A Part 2: 9781501847523 | $24.99

Will Willimon’s Lectionary Sermon Resource: Preaching the Psalms Will Willimon

Preaching the Psalms is part of a seven-volume set that also includes lectionary-based preaching resources for Years A, B, and C (2 volumes per year: Part 1 and Part 2) of the Revised Common Lectionary. Willimon highlights the Psalm readings from the Revised Common Lectionary in order to give particular attention to these important texts are less often used as sermon foundations 9781501890963 | $24.99

Will Willimon’s Lectionary Sermon Resource: Year B Part 1 William H. Willimon 9781501847233 | $24.99

Year C Part 1 William H. Willimon 9781501847271 | $24.99

Year B Part 2 William H. Willimon 9781501847257 | $24.99

Year C Part 2 William H. Willimon 9781501847318 | $24.99

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Kairos Care

A Process for Pastoral Counseling in the Office and in Everyday Encounters Aaron Perry Kairos Care teaches a theologically sensitive, practically formed framework for providing focused, time-limited pastoral care and counsel. A diagram illustrates the key steps and decision points, making the model more tangible and memorable. Aaron Perry is Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology and Leadership at Wesley Seminary at Indiana Wesleyan University. Perry holds a PhD in Organizational Leadership from Regent University. He has 15 years of ministry experience as an ordained pastor and educator in The Wesleyan Church. 9781501899119 | $19.99

The Caring Congregation Ministry Implementation Guide Karen Lampe & Melissa Gepford

The Caring Congregation Ministry is a model for ministry that’s proven to work in small and large churches across the U.S. It is a laity-centered ministry, where laypersons receive rigorous training and then are commissioned to serve as Congregational Care Ministers, caring for each other in their own congregation. The Implementation Guide is the main book for getting started. 9781791013387 | $19.99

The Care Minister’s Manual is the personal training workbook and reference guide for Congregational Care Ministers (CCM’s), who serve a central role in the Caring Congregation Ministry. CCM’s receive in-depth training, where they learn the theological foundations of congregational care, plus the behaviors, habits, and practices they will need to follow in order to serve others well. Each CCM-in-training should have a copy of this Manual. It serves as their training workbook, which then becomes the CCM’s personal reference guide. 9781791013400 | $14.99

Karen Lampe served as the Executive Pastor of Congregational Care at The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, Kansas, where she developed the Caring Congregation model with other pastors and laity. Melissa Gepford serves as the Intergenerational Discipleship Coordinator for the Great Plains Conference, UMC. She launched Caring Congregation ministries at churches in Kansas and Nebraska.

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Better Sundays Begin on Monday 52 Exercises for Evaluating Weekly Worship David W. Manner Reviewing game film is a discipline that sports teams often incorporate after each game. The goal is to facilitate improvements that will positively affect subsequent games. So why aren’t pastors and worship teams incorporating similar evaluative practices? Better Sundays Begin on Mondays offers foundational worship considerations to help leadership teams ask questions evaluatively. These weekly reflections encourage worship leaders and their teams to think beyond style to biblical and theological worship content. Dr. David W. Manner is Associate Executive Director for Kansas-Nebraska Convention of Southern Baptists. He holds undergraduate and graduate degrees in Church Music and Worship and a Doctor of Worship Studies from the Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies. 9781791004736 | $19.99

The Purpose, Pattern, And Character Of Worship L. Edward Phillips

Within the broad range of Christianity we find diverse understandings of what makes for “good worship.” This book develops a typology of Christian worship to provide a method of assessing the decisions of congregations and leaders in forming and changing the orders of their worship. L. Edward Phillips is Associate Professor of Worship and Liturgical Theology, at Candler School of Theology of Emory University. He is editor-in-chief of the journal Liturgy. He is an ordained elder in the Memphis Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church. 9781791004682 | $39.99

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Liturgies From Below

Praying with People at the End of the World Claudio Carvalhaes This book offers a wealth of resources from forgotten places to help us create a new vocabulary for worship and prayer. It is a collection of prayers, songs, rituals, rites of healing, Eucharistic and baptismal prayers, meditations, and art from four continents: Asia-Pacific Islands, Africa, Americas, and Europe. Cláudio Carvalhaes, theologian, liturgist, preacher and artist, is Associate Professor of Worship at Union Theological Seminary in New York City. He taught at McCormick Theological Seminary, Lutheran Theological Seminary in Philadelphia and Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary. His is the author or editor of five books and an ordained pastor within the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). 9781791007355 | $29.99


The Ancient Way to Do Contemporary Worship Lester Ruth This practical, how-to book will help churches plan and implement passionate and invigorating worship. Step by step, Flow will break down the process of re-thinking what the official or recommended order of worship is truly suggesting, so pastors and worship leaders can plan and lead a service of Word and Table that feels genuinely relevant and attuned to the congregation’s culture. Lester Ruth is the Research Professor of Christian Worship at Duke Divinity School. Ruth holds degress from Notre Dame, Candler School of Theology of Emory University, and Asbury Theological Seminary. 9781501898990 | $19.99

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Worship Like Jesus A Guide for Every Follower Constance M. Cherry

Worship Like Jesus guides Christ-followers through the essential features of Christian worship, transforming the reader’s understanding and experience of worship. This leads people—even entire congregations—to experience worship in exciting and profound ways as never before. This type of worship also leads people into deeper and more committed discipleship. Imagine a community of fully engaged, deeply committed disciples! Constance M. Cherry is Professor of Worship and Pastoral Ministry at Indiana Wesleyan University. 9781501881473 | $17.99

Protestant Worship

A Multisensory Introduction for Students and Practitioners O. Wesley Allen, Jr. Students and leaders of worship strive to plan and lead worship well, in all sorts of circumstances. They and their fellow worshippers seek to experience a deep connection with God and with each other. In some ways, worship is about just that: connection. Protestant Worship: A Multisensory Introduction for Students and Practitioners teaches and actually demonstrates how the actions, reactions, outpourings and responses of a worship service are all part of a powerfully interwoven and everevolving whole. O. Wesley Allen, Jr., is Lois Craddock Perkins Professor of Preaching at Perkins School of Theology, Dallas, Texas. 9781501842658 | $39.99

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Curating Church

Strategies for Innovative Worship Jacob D. Myers In Curating Church, readers learn how curation can reorient and sharpen the ways and work of the church. Curation can inform how we connect with cultures beyond the church, preserve what is best in the rich history of Christian thought and expression, and nurture spaces where contemporary persons may be transformed by the gospel. Jacob D. Myers is Assistant Professor of Homiletics, Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, GA. 9781501832482 | $29.99

Lovin’ on Jesus

A Concise History of Contemporary Worship Swee Hong Lim & Lester Ruth A compact—but thorough—history of changes in North American Protestant worship that occurred in the second half of the twentieth century and that came to be known as “contemporary worship.” This scholarly but accessible work reveals a fascinating and complex lineage, which led to the worship forms that are now so common in many Christian worship services across the globe. Swee Hong Lim is the Deer Park Assistant Professor of Sacred Music and Director of the Master of Sacred Music Program at Emmanuel College, Toronto. Lester Ruth is the Research Professor of Christian Worship at Duke Divinity School. 9781426795138 | $29.99

African American Christian Worship 2nd Edition Melva W. Costen 9780687646227 | $19.99

Prayers for a Privileged People Walter Brueggemann 9780687650194 | $24.99

A Brief History of Christian Worship James F. White 9780687034147 | $22.99

Worship Together in Your Church as in Heaven Josh Davis, Nikki Lerner 9781426788062 | $22.99

Calendar: Christ’s Time for the Church Laurence Hull Stookey 9780687011360 | $23.99

Worship Ways: For the People Within Your Reach Thomas G. Bandy, Lucinda S. Holmes 9781426788079 | $23.99

Introduction to Christian Worship Third Edition Revised and Expanded James F. White 9780687091096 | $33.99

Worshiping with United Methodists Revised Edition: A Guide for Pastors and Church Leaders Hoyt L. Hickman 9780687335268 | $17.99

Let the Whole Church Say Amen!: A Guide for Those Who Pray in Public Laurence Hull Stookey 9780687090778 | $21.99

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Come Back

Returning to the Life You Were Made For Roger Ross Are there places in your life you need to come back from? Maybe it’s around family brokenness or a friend’s betrayal. It could be classmate drama or a family divorce. Perhaps money problems or health issues have caused a loss. Whatever the case, it feels like life has been against you. Come Back: Returning to the Life You Were Made For offers five elements that are crucial to renewal. Each element is paired with an ancient practice that has helped people for thousands of years in countless cultures navigate the tricky waters of transformation. These five practices are designed for everyday people. It’s not too late and you’re not too far gone. You were made for a turnaround. You don’t need a spiritual pedigree to start the journey. Here’s what you do need: A heartfelt desire to see your life change and an openness to the process. That’s it. The rest will be revealed along the way. Roger Ross serves as director of congregational excellence in the Missouri Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. He is the author of Meet the Goodpeople. 9781791008185 | $16.99 Also Available Come Back Participant Guide - 9781791016944 | $12.99

The Healing Practice of Celebration Elaine A. Heath

The act of celebration has deep and ancient roots among God’s people, who throughout their history have joyfully celebrated God’s deliverance and faithfulness. In life’s high and happy moments, celebration happens naturally. But what about when life’s experiences are dull and flat, or worse, when they cause us to hit rock bottom? Does God expect us to celebrate then? God does, and we can. The Healing Practice of Celebration explores celebration not as an isolated event or an occasional occurrence but as a response to the reality that God is continually present, always faithful, and ever loving. Celebration as a spiritual practice involves a posture of living so well-anchored in the fuller story of God’s involvement with people throughout history that anticipatory faith and hope, regardless of present circumstances, inform our thoughts, words, and actions. This book shows us how to embrace and live into this posture. Elaine A. Heath is a theologian whose work is interdisciplinary, integrating pastoral, biblical, and spiritual theology in ways that bridge the gap between academy, church, and world. Heath is the author or editor of numerous books and articles and an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church. 9781791007386 | $14.99

Life in Christ

The Core of Intentional Spirituality Steve Harper In Life in Christ, author Steve Harper helps us recognize our tendency to search for life through rules and dogmas rather than in relationships with other people and with God. By living in relationship, we live as enlivened Christians, the abundant life God intends for us and the life we long for. Harper encourages us to see the spiritual life as a movement, where we are always on the way, taking steps forward to continually align our lives with Christ. He shows us how Christ can be the goal and pattern for our lives, motivating us to live as God’s beloved and as instruments of God’s love. Steve Harper is a retired United Methodist Elder in the Florida Annual Conference, and a retired seminary professor who taught for 32 years in the disciplines of Spiritual Formation and Wesley Studies. 9781791004705 | $18.99

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BIBLES The Common English Bible is a new translation. One hundred and twenty biblical scholars from twenty-two faith traditions worked as translators. These women and men balanced rigorous accuracy in translation of the ancient texts with an equally passionate commitment to clarity of expression in contemporary English. The result is a clear, direct, and powerful English version of the scriptures for use in Bible study, devotional reading, and worship. Find out more about the scholars involved at: CommonEnglishBible.com/explore/our-scholars.

Large Print CEB This new thinline, large-print edition of the Common English Bible translation is packaged in a classic black bonded-leather cover, with the words Holy Bible stamped in silver, making it a timeless Bible for personal reading or to give as a gift. 9781791008147 | $34.99

The CEB Study Bible

Written by leading scholars, the CEB Study Bible helps readers understand the biblical texts within the larger historical and literary framework of the Bible through book introductions, thousands of notes, more than 300 articles, and full-color images throughout, revealing cultural contexts and exploring relevant background information—while always seeking to inspire. Sometimes we need a little help to understand ancient meanings and to line up the rich layers of history and revelation. The CEB Study Bible is a readable, reliable, and relevant invitation to grow in God. Hardcover 9781609262167 | $49.99 With Apocrypha Bonded Leather Cordovan 9781609261900 | $89.99

The CEB Women’s Bible The CEB’s Women’s Bible provides an invitation into a deeper conversation with scripture—to question, wrestle with, explore, and receive the words and witness of the biblical texts. This deeper conversation helps readers discover their own voices as they listen for God’s voice. The editors and writers who have created The CEB Women’s Bible hope that it will come alive for all readers as a truly living word to change their hearts and lives. Decotone 9781609261894 | $74.99

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The CEB Lectio Divina Prayer Bible Reflective reading of the Scriptures to lead us into prayer has been a practice in the church since the earliest centuries. The method of Lectio Divina, or “Divine Reading,” is a systematic reading of each section of a book with pauses for reflection and prayer. The CEB Lectio Divina Prayer Bible makes it simple to do. For every chapter of the Bible there is: • A recommended passage for slow and thoughtful reading, •Q uestions for guiding a time of reflection and meaning of the text, • A prayer, • Suggestions for putting your new insights into action. This Bible is perfect for personal devotion and reflection and for leading small groups. It will guide you to a lifelong source of fulfilling prayer, a conversation with God. Hardcover 9781609262174 | $34.99 Bonded Leather 9781609262181 | $52.99

The CEB Storytellers Bible Jesus and the prophets taught through story, and The CEB Storytellers Bible helps readers see the big themes and important truths of the Bible while also guiding them in how to tell these stories in contemporary language. Key features include: articles about reading and telling Bible stories; extensive commentary on all best-known (and many less common) stories of the Bible, including Jesus’ parables; “Learning to Tell Bible Studies,” a self-directed, nine-step workshop to help speakers learn to tell stories to make them come alive for listeners. Improve sermons with better storytelling and with better understanding of the Bible’s stories. 9781609262082 | $39.99

The CEB Student Bible Reading the Bible will change your heart and life. Living the Bible will change the world. The CEB Student Bible will help you to read and live by asking challenging questions, connecting the Bible’s words and today’s world, and showing you how to participate in the story of God’s people. Includes introductions to each book of the Bible by leading biblical scholars, more then 350 articles by scholars and youth pastors from a diverse representation of faith traditions, and much more. 9781609261795 | $29.99

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The Wesley Study Bible

Experience the depth of John Wesley’s perspectives on scripture presented for the 21st-century disciple. The Wesley Study Bible highlights the depth of John Wesley’s perspectives on scripture and features accessibly written notes and articles contributed by pastors, theologians, and Bible scholars. Easy-to-understand explanations of core terms encompass the following themes: eternal life, forgiveness, grace, heaven, holiness, justice, and mission. CEB Wesley Study Bible Brown/Burgundy DecoTone 9781609261108 | $49.99 Clover Honey Bonded Leather 9781609262105 | $59.99 Gray Cloth 9781609261979 | $39.99 NRSV Wesley Study Bible Green/Brown Decotone 9781501881237 | $49.99 Charcoal Bonded Leather 9781501847554 | $59.99

CEB Bible Map Guide

Explore the Lands of the Old and New Testaments The CEB Bible Map Guide opens up the Scripture by placing the events of the Bible in time and space with 21 full-color maps by National Geographic. A brief narrative accompanies each map, describing what is being shown and what chapters and verses of the Bible are being illustrated. 9781609260743 | $19.99

The New Interpreter’s® Study Bible Walter J. Harrelson, General Editor

The best of biblical scholarship to the service of the Church. Sixty distinguished scholars have provided background and insight on the biblical text in the NRSV translation. Features include extensive historical and theological annotations on the biblical text; brief introductions and outlines for each biblical book; excursuses giving further background and insight regarding particular themes and passages. Walter J. Harrelson was University Professor at Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, and Distinguished Professor of Hebrew Bible emeritus at Vanderbilt Divinity School. Hardcover: 9780687278329 | $49.99

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