Head of School Report to the Community 2023-2024

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2023-2024 Head of School Report to the Community

of School

A key principle of Quaker spirituality that I have quickly grown to appreciate is the notion of continuing revelation, the idea that the Spirit continues to reveal the truth to us to this day. Is a more profound spiritual foundation for a school possible? All learning, too, is an ongoing process achieved through seeking knowledge, gaining experiences and reflecting on them. At the same time, breakthroughs in neuroscience, the social sciences and pedagogy can lead to new revelations and practices in our work with students and each other. It is this dialogue between revelation and innovation that fuels our work at AFS.

With that foundational dialogue in mind, I proudly share this inaugural issue of the Head of School Report with you. The report recognizes all those who have contributed to the many innovations at AFS through their generous philanthropic support. It evidences belief in the potential and promise of our community of learners, as well as the collective dedication to providing robust resources and opportunities that are hallmarks of an AFS education.

In these pages, you will see that we have made significant progress toward the initiatives detailed in our most recent strategic plan. In the coming school year, we will see a direct impact on increased scholarship and travel opportunities. We began critical work in the development of our Campus Plan. And significantly, we can celebrate one of our most successful years of annual giving in a non-capital campaign year!

Growing our resources through philanthropic support enables us to match the needs of our students to the realities of the world they will inhabit as citizens, an essential element of an AFS education. Now and always, we aspire to graduate students who are deeply grounded, highly capable and inspired to make their mark on the world. Each gift to AFS, no matter the size, speaks to our mantra that “AFS prepares students for more!”

I am inspired reading the stories and names in this report knowing that you too believe that a Friends education is one where nurturing curiosity, empathy and creativity can help us grow.

The Fourth Century of Friends Education is Here

Now in its fourth century of operation, Abington Friends School continues to embrace a forwardthinking approach to teacher development intended to more fully unlock the skills, talents and passions of every one of our faculty members for the betterment of our students and our community. Today, these efforts are located in the Fourth Century Center

The Fourth Century Fund was created to provide our faculty and staff with the resources, time and structures to move these goals forward in concrete ways. Some of the extraordinary work sparked in the last year has engaged faculty and staff in projects and collaborations to respond to challenges such as:

• Developing a Culturally Responsive Math Curriculum

• Intentionally Integrating Friends Pedagogy into our Classroom

• Launching a Peer-to-Peer Writing Center

This dedicated funding allows us to innovate above and beyond what our regular school budget allows. The many projects’ outcomes are reshaping many facets of our Lower, Middle and Upper Schools, ensuring that the education our students receive reflects the nature of childhood today, the world our students are entering as young adults and the potential for AFS to be a force for positive social change.

We are deeply grateful to Ross and Lori Shanken P’17 P’20 P’24, two visionary donors who provided a lead gift of $500,000 to seed funding for this groundbreaking effort at AFS.

One Research and Design Fellowship provided faculty leadership for tenth and fifth grade students to write chapter books together.

Activities of the Fourth Century Center


Already underway, Fourth Century Fellowships provide funding for faculty to develop and fasttrack transformative research-informed programs into AFS classrooms.


Beginning in the 2024-2025 school year, this collaborative research group will examine current issues that impact our educational practices in the tradition of discernment in the manner of Friends.


The following individuals have made gifts for initiatives identified as School priorities through the most recent strategic plan, Envisioning the Fourth Century of Friends Education.

Subha Airan-Javia, SC, and Luv Javia P’27

Cindy Balick, SC, P’13 P’19 P’19

Robert Bettiker, SC, and Robert Grundmeier P’24

Marcia Boraas and Eugene Lugano P’10 P’13

Rebecca Ethridge Bubb ’02, SC, and Michael Bubb ’03, P’33 P’35

Regis, SC, and Ana Carvalho P’28 P’31

The Estate of Stephannie Coggeshall ’50

Davatzes Family Foundation

Carl Hemenway, SC, P’04

Deborra Sines Pancoe, AFSA, SC, and Craig Pancoe, AFSA

Jack* and Andrea Platt P’17

Margaret, SC, and Steven Sayers P’16 P’18

Susan Salesky Rudin, ‘57, SC

George Schaefer, SC

Irvin and Marilyn Schorsch P’20

Adam Schorsch ’03, SC, and Melissa Ward Schorsch ’03 P’38

Ross, SC, and Lori Shanken P’17 P’20 P’24

Debbie Stauffer, AFSA, SC, and Carol Palmer, AFSA, P’08

Eliza Taylor P’26

Daniel Woodlin, SC, and Ahashta Johnson P’22 P’30




To learn more about the current teaching and learning fellowships being developed by Abington Friends School faculty and staff, go to www.abingtonfriends.net/fellowships/

A Million Dollar Milestone

Socio-economic diversity is a core value at AFS, a great point of pride and a powerful part of our educational experience. Seventy percent of our enrolled students could not attend AFS without our Tuition Assistance program.

Providing an outstanding education to all of our students is only possible because of our community’s commitment through both traditional philanthropy and through the Pennsylvania Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program.

We are so excited to announce that, for the first time, AFS has surpassed $1 million in yearly EITC fundraising. Growing participation from the Friends Collaborative donors, along with a very generous commitment from Faulkner Automotive Group, has helped us pass this critical milestone.

While this funding constitutes only a portion of the total needed for scholarship dollars at AFS, it represents indispensable funding to make the school accessible to students across the socioeconomic spectrum. We are grateful to all of our EITC donors with gifts of all sizes that support our spectacular students.


A Pennsylvania state tax credit program through which businesses can provide tuition assistance for qualifying AFS students.


David and Gwen Campbell P’11 P’14 P’21

Central Pennsylvania Scholarship Fund

Faulkner FTC, LLC

Steven and Ricki Fisher P’13

IMC Construction

PEI-Genesis, Inc.


Similar to the EITC, the OSTC program provides tax credits to eligible businesses contributing to an Opportunity Scholarship Organization.


Through AFS’s membership in the Friends Collaborative, friends of AFS now have the opportunity to receive PA state tax credits for supporting tuition assistance for AFS students. This method of giving not only supports AFS students through tuition assistance, it provides a great tax benefit to the donor while maximizing their support.

Alan Balick P’13 P’19 P’19

Cindy Balick, SC, P’13 P’19 P’19

Carol and Bruce Beaton P’10

Marc and David Berman P’19 P’20

Karin Borgmann-Winter P’14

Rebecca Ethridge Bubb ’02, SC, and Michael Bubb ’03, P’33 P’35

Robert Butch and The Stone House Group

Regis, SC, and Ana Carvalho P’28 P’31

Sarah Clarke and Kirk Smothers P’25

Reina and Michael Cohen P’23 P’26

Katherine and Peter Commons P’27

Jennifer Couzin-Frankel and Richard Frankel P’27

Alexandra and Nicholas Davatzes P’23 P’27

Adena^ and Adam Dershowitz P’34 P’34

Rachel and Romano DiToro P’27

Matthew Eskin, AFSA and Kristin Romens P’32

Susan and Stewart Fisher P’13

Kevin and Janet Gift G’27 G’31

Judith L. Goodstein G’33 G’36

Keith and Mary Kate Horwitz P’30

Lauren ’00 and Nate Johnson P’29 P’32 P’35

Mark Kahn ’75 and Lauren Kahn P’14 P’17

Linda Katz G’31 G’35

Albert Kent P’26

Alicia Kent P’26

Bridget Susan McCann and Harry Johnson P’36

Elizabeth McGettigan

Michelle McKiernan and Stephen Conway P’32

Colleen and Mark Mele P’19 P’21 P’23

William Merritt P’21 and Karen Mileti-Merritt P’21

Christine and Dave Moore P’26

Mark O’Donnell and James Delaplane P’24

Hetal and Vishal Patel P’27

Jack* and Andrea Platt P’17

Lynn and Joseph Pokrifka P’15 P’17 P’20

Christine and Robert Pugh P’26

Steven and Marcella Ridenour P’99 G’32 G’33

Marisa Rogers and Eston Griffin P’26

Rodney and Tracey Sandmeyer P’08 P’11

Margaret, SC, and Steven Sayers P’16 P’18

Irvin and Marilyn Schorsch P’20

Ross, SC, and Lori Shanken P’17 P’20 P’24

Shearon Environmental Design Company, Inc.

Joanne Solakian and James Wang P’24 P’27

Anne Moch Steinberg and David Steinberg P’17 P’19

Sue and Rich Tressider P’18




To learn more about how you or your business can have an impact through this program, please contact Cara Palladino, Director of Annual Giving, at cpalladino@abingtonfriends.net or 215.576.3957.

All Aboard!

A new fund honoring retired Head of School Rich Nourie will help ease financial barriers to travel.

We are delighted to announce a huge step forward toward making this facet of our education more accessible! An anonymous family has made a $250,000 commitment to create The Rich Nourie Experiential Learning Access Fund, to be utilized over the next decade for students accepted into AFS programs involving travel.

“This generous gift from AFS alumni parents will help us to provide travel experiences centered on our values for so many more families who would otherwise not be able to afford them,” says Adena Dershowitz, Director of the Fourth Century Center and Experiential Learning. “Gifts like these make it possible for AFS to bring the world to our students, and our students into the world.”

The emphasis on experiential learning — including through travel — would not exist at AFS without Rich’s leadership. We are grateful for our anonymous family’s vision to seed this program for the coming ten years.


The following individuals have made gifts to enhance our campus, provide co-curricular opportunities and strengthen our tuition assistance programs.

Trustees, Abington Monthly Meeting


Jill Berger ’74

Nancy Zurn Bernardini ’74 and Steven Bernardini

Robert Bettiker, SC, and Robert Grundmeier P’24

Amy Lock Buchan ’74

Mary Buckman ’74

David and Gwen Campbell P’11 P’14 P’21

Charles H. and Annetta R. Masland Foundation

Reina and Michael Cohen P’23 P’26

Karin Schwartz Czaplicki ’74

Elizabeth G. Smith Scholarship Trust

Faulkner Nissan

Wendy Hotchkiss Frisby ’74

Paula Webster Grant ’74

Maxine Greenberg P’91

Patricia Happe ’74

Carol Breinig Johnson ’74

Susan and Terrance Lohr P’24 P’24

Lynne Koolpe Mass, AFSA, and Burton Mass, G’20

Ruth Bornholdt Olsson P’86 P’90

Elizabeth Ferguson Rocha ’74

Margaret, SC, and Steven Sayers P’16 P’18

Christa Schwartz P’74, AFSA

Patricia Scott ’76

Mel Evans Shechtman ’74

Lynne S. Sklar

Christopher Stetser ’75

Eliza Taylor P’26

John Younglove and Anne Anastasi




The Future of Our Campus

What should the Abington Friends School campus look like? Where does learning occur in our outdoor space? What do the science labs feel like? Where do athletes practice? Where do students eat lunch?

Earlier this year, AFS took the first steps toward envisioning the next evolution of our grounds by hosting a Campus Plan Visioning Session. Faculty, alumni, community members, staff and

students worked together to closely examine how our campus can best suit the needs of our student body, now and in the future.

We have so many incredible opportunities on our campus — from the Berman Athletics Center, Faulkner Library, Headwaters Discovery Playground and Muller Auditorium to our historic Meetinghouse. What else does our campus have in store for us? Let’s find out together.

A Planned Gift to Seed the Future

Many of our alumni discover lifelong passions here. This was never more true than for Stefannie Todd Coggeshall ’50.

As a young learner in the mid-20th century, Stefannie found peace and awakened her curiosity about nature while exploring our bio-diverse campus. Out of these early experiences, she developed an enduring passion for gardening and botany. In her adult life, Stefannie became an avid gardener who designed and cultivated beautiful gardens in each of her homes. She took Master Gardener classes and studied historic landscape preservation at the University of Virginia. As a member of The Garden Club of Charleston, she oversaw the revitalization of the historic garden at the Heyward-Washington House and created an idyllic home on Kiawah Island for her young adult daughters and their growing families.

Out of appreciation for the rewards her AFS education provided, particularly for igniting her love of the natural world, Stefannie supported the Fund for AFS during her life. Her final gift was a generous bequest to meet the needs of our students now and in the future. In recognition of how meaningful the AFS physical campus was to Stefannie’s education, her gift was designated by her daughter Ellen Coggeshall to fund our Campus Planning, which will allow our students for decades to come to thrive in both in and outdoor spaces designed to spark wonder, curiosity and learning.


If you have designated Abington Friends School for a bequest or as a beneficiary of a retirement plan or other asset, please let us know so we can welcome you in the Light Keepers Legacy Society.

Barry Bedrick, AFSA and Susan Bedrick

Arthur H. Bernstein ’80

Mary Helen Bickley,* AFSA

Christopher Biehn ’83 and Julie Biehn

Marcia Boraas and Eugene Lugano P’10 P’13

Allison Boyle, SC

Sally Goldschmeding Branch ’64

Carl Brehmer* AFSA

Carol Brick ’62

Alice Atkinson Christie ’63

Stefannie Todd Coggeshall* ’50

Marsha Cohen ’82 and Peter Lubowitz

Stephen Collins P’07 P’10

Evelyn Steelman Doane ’52

Nathan Gaskill*

David Goodman*

Marion Graham*

Barbara Handler P’08, AFSA

Alexandra Hanson ’74

Robert and Charlene Hills P’06 P’08

Peggy Hurst* ‘42

Julia Cheyney Knickerbocker* ’38

Donald Knight*

Peter Kollros and Barbara Konkle P’00 P’03

Marsha Cohen ‘82 and Peter Lubowitz

Mary Elizabeth Logan* P’76

Elizabeth Mayers ’63

E. Kevin and Margaret McGlynn P’09 P’11

Hilda Notley* P’79

Anne Peterson Ogan ’65 and Nick Ogan

Regina Hallowell Peasley*

Clark Riley

Jane Cobourn Riley* ’54

LaRue Schutz* P’67

Richard Simon ’82

Elizabeth Smith*

Mary Strang ’46

Marian Sullivan*

Marshall Sullivan* ’31

Herbert Taylor*

Anna Taylor*

Evelyn Tyson* 1917

Natalie Tyson* 1914

Richard Wordinger, AFSA

Elizabeth Zeliff*




For information on making a planned gift to support AFS, please contact Cara Palladino at cpalladino@abingtonfriends.net.


is the keystone of the School’s operating budget, supporting virtually anything that you see, hear, taste, touch or even smell on campus. From our experiential learning and global travel opportunities; sets, lighting and sound for our award-winning theatre productions; sports equipment and uniforms for our competitive Friends League teams; oil paints and materials for our talented arts students; equipment for our robotics teams; and everything in between. The Fund for AFS also enables our exceptional tuition assistance program, which makes an AFS education affordable for 70 percent of our students and families.

The Fund for AFS runs on the School’s fiscal year calendar, July 1 – June 30. Over the course of the 20232024 fiscal year, more than 500 members of the AFS community demonstrated their commitment to keeping our School strong by making a gift to the Fund for AFS.



Faulkner Family Foundation

Gail Faulkner and John Oyler P’95 P’97 P’98 P’00

Juliet Faulkner Perry ’95 and Grant Perry

Jocelyn Faulkner Casey ’97 and James Casey

Lucinda Faulkner Friedman ’98 and Scott Friedman

Henry Faulkner ’00 and Angela Faulkner

Mrs. Edward J. Goodman P’99 G’33 G’35, Hilary Goodman Sperling ’99 and Brian Sperling P’33 P’35

Ross, SC, and Lori Shanken P’17 P’20 P’24


TREE CIRCLE ($10,000–$24,999)


E. Kevin and Margaret McGlynn P’09 P’11

Susan Salesky Rudin ’57, SC

Rodney and Tracey Sandmeyer P’08 P’11



Diane Ahl P’01 P’05

Marc and David Berman P’19 P’20

Marcia Boraas and Eugene Lugano P’10 P’13

Coggeshall Family Foundation

Sandmeyer Steel Company

David Taylor G’26

Jane Frieder Wilf ’84 and Mark Wilf and the Wilf Family Foundation




David Arms and Alyssa Davidson-Arms P’19

Carol and Bruce Beaton P’10

Jordan and Deanna Berman G’04 G’06 G’08 G’19 G’20

Donna Bleznak Keller and Stefan Keller P’23

Rebecca Ethridge Bubb ’02, SC, and Michael Bubb ’03, P’33 P’35

April Byrd P’28

Julie and Brad Copeland P’22 P’26 P’28

Paula Cohen Corbman^ and Scott Corbman P’03

Eileen Doherty and Gary Furda P’24

Jay Kadash^ and Bryan Ulishney

Alicia Kent P’26

Maria Kiernan and Salvatore Rotella, Jr. P’20

Mathai and Mary Kurien P’10

Richard and Molly* Logan P’76

Todd and Susan Makler P’92 P’95

Claire McCusker and Jonathan Levy P’19

Amy McVeigh and Michael McGraw P’37

Merck Partnership for Giving

Kimberly and Alexander Mills P’22 P’24

Nararo Foundation

Michelle and Michael Quirk P’23

Victoria Decker Rosskam ’71, AFSA

Jane Rovins and Jonathan Korein P’07 P’15 G’27 and the Korein Foundation

Donald and Dawn Salmon P’06

Julie Waterbury and Steve West P’19 P’22

William Penn Foundation

1697 CIRCLE ($1,697)

Christopher D’Angelo ’98 and Katie D’Angelo

Phyllis and William Gallagher P’98 P’00 P’02 P’05 G’34


CIRCLE ($1,000–$1,696)

Trustees, Abington Monthly Meeting

Thomas Bengtson

Ratesha and Andre Berthier P’27 P’32 P’36

Nina and David Bisbee P’16

Amy Brantz Bedrick and Edward Bedrick P’15

Regis, SC, and Ana Carvalho P’28 P’31

Steven Chadwin, AFSA, and Sherrea Chadwin

Marsha Cohen ’82 and Peter Lubowitz

Robert Cohen and Debby Peikes G’23 G’26

Stephen Collins P’07 P’10

Jeanne DiVincenzo P’07 P’10

Kreszentia Duer ’67

Mary Lynn, AFSA, and Paul Ellis P’01 P’03

Alfred and Pat Fisher G’33

Elizabeth Sears Gadsden ’71

Mark and Heather Garrison P’05 P’07 P’08 P’12

Abby Gatenby, AFSA, and Robert Gatenby, P’99 P’04

Lauren Gold ’13

Gwenn Pavlovitz Graboyes ’72 and Joseph Graboyes

Ann Packer Guillot ’66

Michael Hecht ’89 and Jennifer Hecht

Elizabeth and Robert Henske P’06 P’08

Robert and Charlene Hills P’06 P’08

Nicole^ and Kevin Hood

Charles Kallenbach and Alison Rosenberg P’11

Peter Kollros and Barbara Konkle P’00 P’03

Wayne Kurtz^ and Lisa Treadway-Kurtz^ P’14 P’18 P’22

SC=School Committee *=Deceased ^=Faculty & Staff

Donor lists reflect gifts made between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024.

Fiona Kyck and Paul Rossi P’24 P’27

Bruce Lockman P’01 P’05

William and Susan Lockwood P’90 P’92

William Lockwood III ’92

Andrea and Thomas Macey P’17

Amy and Larami Mackenzie P’23

John McGlynn ’09

Maryrose Myrtetus ’05 and Matthew Nunn ’05

Bernard and Mary Grace Panzak P’17

Jack* and Andrea Platt P’17

Mary and Mark Rems P’26

Maria and Eric Rieders P’11 P’14

Julia and Carlos Rubio P’30

Robert Sanchez P’03 P’05

Devin^ and Megan^ Schlickmann

Adam Schorsch ’03, SC, and Melissa Ward Schorsch ’03 P’38

Arlen and Marijke Shenkman P’25

Morgan and Demetrius Sidberry P’38

Richard Simon ’82

Sarah Clarke and Kirk Smothers P’25

Debbie Stauffer, AFSA, SC, and Carol Palmer, AFSA, P’08

Valerie and Jeffrey Stone P’20

Shelley and Valjean Sylva P’26

Gabrielle Tubach ’57

Diane Vernon P’76

Christine Washington P’94 G’23

David and Susan Wolk P’07


Sonia Adams P’09 P’14

Kathy Adams-House ’65 and Jeff House

Gerry and Richard Adelman P’99

Rachel Adler ’14

Sarah Adler ’12

Jennifer and Kai Aguilar P’21 P’23

David Ahl ’01

Richard Ahl ’05 and Samantha Rothberg

Subha Airan-Javia, SC, and Luv Javia P’27

Jamie and Jeffrey Alper P’27

Jean Nicholas Alsentzer ’51 P’75

Julie Amento ’13

Marilyn Amento P’12 P’13

Analog Devices Foundation

Joshua Anish ’95

Anonymous (11)

APEX International Student Homestays

Alexis Apfelbaum ’04

John and Lynn Apfelbaum P’01 P’04

Lynn Shorday Appelbaum ’75 and Mitchell Appelbaum

Stefanie Arck-Baynes and Nathan Baynes P’36

Barbara Berger Aronson ’70

Susan and Paul Arruda G’27 G’29

Benjamin and Jane Ashcom P’84

Skip and Naomi Atkins P’07 P’12

Gretchyn and Troy Bailey P’15

Cindy Balick, SC, P’13 P’19 P’19

Nathan Balsham ’84

David and Patricia Baron P’05

Garland and Donna Barr G’25

Nicole Barrick and Brett Naylor P’29

Jeffrey Barudin^

Florence Battle

Joanne Beck G’24

Robin Becker ’69

Barry Bedrick, AFSA, and Susan Bedrick

Wendy and Daniel Bender G’27

Drew^ and Tiffanie Benfer P’24

Doris Benfer G’24

Frank Benner, AFSA and Mary Anne Benner P’05 P’09 G’35

Danielle and Elizabeth Benyishay P’36 P’38

Shane Jamal Bernard ’10

Tomas Bernardino ’77

Robert Bettiker, SC, and Robert Grundmeier P’24

Alex Bezahler ’09

Max Bezahler and Amy Celentano P’09

Christopher Biehn ’83 and Julie Biehn

Kenneth Biehn P’83

Kaci Bishop ’90

BlackRock Matching Gifts Program

Jeffrey Bond^ and Courtenay Harris

Jodi Bornstein and Patrick Cobbs P’24

Colleen and Edmund Bowman P’13

Box Tops for Education

Allison Boyle, SC

Reid Bramblett and Frances Sayers P’26

Kimberly and Timothy Brock P’30

Wendy Browder P’89, AFSA

Marilyn Brown P’96

Katie Bucher and Russell McIntire P’30

Mary Buckman ’74

Karen and Boyce Budd G’22

Bobbie Bullard G’30

Jordan Burkey, AFSA

Jeannetta Burpee ’66

Christopher Buzby, AFSA and Alison McCormick, AFSA

Jeanne Calloway, AFSA and Isaac Saposnik P’32

Lynn Carroll and JoAnn Puccella P’24

Christine Carson P’96

Brian Cassady^ and Erin Bengtson^ P’33 P’35^

Ilka and James Cassidy P’26

John and Deborah Chagin G’29 G’32 G’36 G’36

Carolyn and Erica Chavis P’25

Felix^ and Jessica Chen P’30 P’33

Sean and Song Chen P’28

Arthur and Marcia Chernoff P’01

Kenniah, SC, and Vernon Chestnut P’32

Margaret Christian, AFSA

Alice Atkinson Christie ’63

Christopher Churchill P’08 P’15 P’20

Ayse Cici and Seckin Gokaltun P’31 P’35

Roger Clark G’30

Thomas and Terri Clark P’11

Christine Lapp Clayton ’56

Amy and Michael Cohen P’20

Dana Stott Cohen ’68

Reina and Michael Cohen P’23 P’26

Kathleen^ and Vincent Coleman

Joseph Conahan and Jeanne McMindes P’18

Laura Conkey ’69

Stephanie Copelin and Mark Abboushi P’25

Holly Corn ’71 and Jonathan Kaufelt

Edith Eberly Corson ’47

Rebecca Drees Coyne ’89 and Daniel Coyne

Elizabeth Lamb Creighton ’60

CSL Behring

Lyla Darwin ’31

Rachel and David Darwin P’31 P’35

Alexandra and Nicholas Davatzes P’23 P’27

Joan Ebert Davies ’61

Maggie and Jeff Davis P’26

Paul Davis G’26

Alexis Dechelette and Audrey Djibo P’34

Carolyn Parry Decker ’57

Fred Dedrick and Laura Gifford G’26

Margaret and Anthony Deguzman P’24 P’25

Emily Delany ’11

Robert and Patricia Delany P’11 P’14

Howard Delfiner ’85 and Julie Stern-Delfiner

Donna Delowery P’03 P’06

Lynn Des Prez ’66

David and Meryl Dessen P’00 P’03

Stefan and Terry Didizian P’34

Evelyn Steelman Doane ’52

Theresa Doherty

Shaun Dougherty ’95 and Lindsey Lockman Dougherty

Jaclynn Downs P’29

Sallie Durant G’27 G’27

Michelle Dusold and Fredrick Ortega P’25

Stephen and Susan Dutot P’25 P’27

Susan Roy Dymek ’81

Anne Egan G’21 G’25

Elizabeth Egan P’21 P’25

Doreen and Bruce Eisenberg

Laura and Riad El-Dada P’15 P’18

William and Carole Ellerbee P’93

Colin Ellis ’01

Charles Ellison ’92

Andrea Emmons^ and Won Yoon P’24

Mary Eno, AFSA, and Dan Wagner

Matthew Eskin, AFSA, and Kristin Romens P’32

Jane Esslinger ’07

Susan Esslinger, AFSA, and Scott Esslinger, P’07

Robert and Doris Fanelli P’04 P’07

Sharon Feiner P’22

Karen Feisullin and Stephen Chrzanowski P’24

Sally Fenley P’93, AFSA

Alicia Fernandez^ and Elda Perez P’22 P’24

Cicely and Norse Field P’26

Anne Fields^

Carol Fine ’79

Harris and Ellen Fishman P’18

Alexandra and Jude Flannery P’29

Lana Fogelman G’27

Joseph and Bonny Forbes P’06

Phyllis Ford P’97 P’01

Deborah Fox Walsh

Susan Fox ’64

Stephen and Barbara Foxman P’07

Dawn Gordon Franklin and Kirk Franklin

Laurie Toll Franz ’88 and Jeffrey Franz

Lori and Glen Freedman G’27

Jennifer French ’69 P’09

Carol Frieder, AFSA, P’76 P’80 P’82 P’85

Sindy Paul Friedman ’75 and Oren Friedman

Ashley and Michael Fusarelli P’27

Michael Garfinkle and Terry Levitt P’07 P’11

Colleen and Tom Garnevicus G’29 G’31

John Garnevicus^ and Courtney Vowels P’29, P’31

Leonard and Kathleen Garza P’13 P’14 P’15

Hannah Gibson ’04

Gabrielle Giddings, AFSA, and Glenn Giddings P’17

Sigrid Wasum Gilbert ’57 and John Russell

Tony Godwin, AFSA, and Amy Godwin

Grace Gonglewski and Eric Schoefer P’21

Lindsay and Joshua^ Goodstein P’33 P’36

Angella Gordon-White and Charles White, Jr. P’27

Margaret Carr Gossett ’88

Marian and Steve Graber G’26 G’29

Glenn Gray and Jillian Howden P’25, P28, P’31

Joyce and Glenn Gray G’25 G’28 G’31

Beverly Green^ and Stephen Green, P’85 P’88

Gregg Greenberg and Jamie Goren P’02 P’06

Maxine Greenberg P’91

Barak and Lisa Greenwood P’25

James Gross P’05 P’08

Philip Vinogradov, AFSA, and Diana Gru^, P’21

Margaret Guerra, AFSA, and Frank Fisher ’79, AFSA, P’19

Tara Gupta and Seth Goldenberg P’30 P’32

Ariel and Mark Gyandoh P’32 P’35

Donna Haines, AFSA, and C. Michael Haines, P’90 P’93

Ashley and Douglas Hall P’36

Jennifer Bornholdt Hammond ’86, AFSA, and Craig Hammond

Barbara Handler P’08, AFSA

Karen J. Hanson ’72 and McWelling Todman, P’10

Kirsten Swenson Harris ’83, AFSA, and Maury Harris P’27 P’27

Brian Harrity^

Victoria Hartung ’58

Stephen Havel, AFSA, and Elizabeth Havel, AFSA

Stacy Hawkins P’26

Maureen Hayes P’28 P’33

Carl Hemenway, SC, P’04

Melissa Henry P’27

Meghan Higgins and Shawn Matson P’34 P’37

Amanda and Jonathan Hirsch P’30 P’34

Tonya Holloman P’19

D’vorah Horn-Greenberg and Alan Greenberg P’06 P’09 P’16

Letrice Howard and OrTelin Zahairagunn P’29

Benjamin and Karen Hoyle P’00 P’03 P’07

Clifford Hudis ’77 and Jane Hudis

Bonita Huggins, AFSA, and Anderson Huggins

Chris Hunter^ and Lawrence Mass P’20

Suzanne Sachs Hunter ’59

Barbara Breinig Hyde ’68

Maija Jansson ’56

Marcellus Jeter ’25

Donald Goldcamp and Carolyn Johnson G’24

Joyce Leonard Johnson ’60

David Jordan G’18

Carolyn Julye G’22

Mark Kahn ’75 and Lauren Kahn P’14 P’17

Kenneth Kaiser ’85 and Denise Kaiser

Rachel Kane, AFSA

Laine, AFSA, and Fred Kaplan

Justin Kaplan and Diana Brody P’05 P’08

Norma Alesbury Kelley ’48

Hossein Kholghi^ and Victoria Mikus

Frederick Klein ’00 and Jennifer Klein P’31 P’35

Dawson Knoblock and Kurt Knoblock P’37 P’39

Karel Kovnat and Lee Adler P’12 P’14

Brian Lackman ’05

Doris Laiss G’30

Claudia Lewis P’17 P’20 P’22

Gordon Lewis, SC, P’17 P’20 P’22

Bonnie Libby P’16

Roseanne Liberti, AFSA P’15 P’16

Lauria Lindesay-Llewellyn G’23 G’26

Jamie and Melinda Lindsley P’27, P’30

Margaret Lockwood ’90 and William Ross

Charles Lockyer

David Loder

Michelle Lofton^

Christopher Logan ’76 and Heidi Logan

Harry Longenbach G’08 G’15

Kathy Lopez, AFSA

Daniel Lubinski ’88 and Melissa Evans Lubinski ’88

Matthew P. MacNaughton^ ’11 and Christine Guaragno P’39

Betsy Madway and Steven Goldstein P’23 P’27

Helen and Stephen Mallon P’07

Rachel Marcus^

Virginia R. Martin and Robert Comis P’98

Lynne Koolpe Mass, AFSA, and Burton Mass, G’20

Cris Maxwell P’07^

Colette Mayfield P’10 P’11

John McCabe, AFSA

Pamela and Skip McDowell G’25 G’27 G’30

Carolyn Anderson McGuckin ’53

Alexander McKiernan Conway ’32

Michelle McKiernan and Stephen Conway P’32

Julia McMillan ’09

Christine McPeak, AFSA, and Christopher McPeak, P’12 P’14

Anne Medrano P’27

Paige Menton and Michael Mrozinski P’20

Charles Meyer ’77

Kimberly Miller and Kiongoza Sullivan P’24

Tracy Mills and Kent Julye P’22

Louise Schutz Minor ’67 and Albert Minor

Rosanne Mistretta, AFSA P’09 P’12

Ferne Moffson, AFSA, and Phillip Moffson, P’94

Frederick Mogul and Adrienne Teleki P’27

Richard and Deborah Montalbano P’07

Christine and Dave Moore P’26

Rebecca Phillips Morehouse ’62 and Stephen Morehouse

Amy and Carlos Moreno P’13 P’16 P’22

Sandra Scott Mraz, AFSA, and Dave Mraz P’09

Jazmine Mueller and Glenn Mueller P’28 P’31

Ewange and Manokia Musonge P’27

Francis Napoli ’20

Suellen Fisher Newman ’58

Barbara and Ken Neuberger G’19 G’22

Shira Neuberger and Kelly Durand P’19 P’22

Lindsay^ and Paul Newlon P’27 P’31

Shayna Nickel and Joe Kauffman P’30

Jason Novak, AFSA

Richard and Maureen Nunn P’05

Alexandra Nuzhdin ’13

Anne Peterson Ogan ’65 and Nick Ogan

Kittson O’Neill^

Stephanie Ott-Inslee and Oliver Inslee P’30

Cara Palladino^ and Isabelle Barker P’27

Deborra Sines Pancoe, AFSA, SC, and Craig Pancoe, AFSA

Kenneth Patrick P’03 P’06

Roberta Penniman P’09

Augusta and Preston Peoples G’24

Katherine Pesce P’33 P’36

Katherine Peterson G’29

Ruth Peterson

Jane Piecuch and David Fine P’20

Ralph and Cheryl Pinkus P’92

Deborah Pizzi P’93 P’06, AFSA

Jeffrey and Ellen Plaut P’23

Cameron Plenty P’18

Michelle^ and Thomas Podulka P’18 P’25

Matthew Pohubka ’16

Lynn and Joseph Pokrifka P’15 P’17 P’20

Jeffrey Purcell ’79 and Laurie Purcell

Patricia Lapp Radey ’54

Jennifer and John Raynor P’30

Kim Raznov Coon and James Coon P’28

Gail and Jerry Raznov G’28

Jane Rech ’81

Susan Burich Redding ’67

Shalimar Reddy ’98 and Carl Ridenhour, P’18 P’33

Diane Benson Reed ’49

Russell Regalbuto P’02 P’11^

Ann Fleming Reid ’68

Catrina Reinhold ’25

Lindsay and Ross Reinhold P’25 P’26

Tristan Reinhold ’26

SC=School Committee *=Deceased ^=Faculty & Staff

Donor lists reflect gifts made between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024.

Cherylann Rider

Clark Riley

John Rison^

Mary Kay Rohlfing^ and Rob Napoli P’20

Susan Rose ’80

Elisa and John Rosenwinkel P’19

Donghee and Mark Rosser P’23

Andrea Routzahn P’10

Darcy Clark Rowell ’71 and John Rowell

Donna Russo P’05^

Andrew Sage ’17

Melinda^ and Stephen Sage P’17

Polly Sanford, AFSA, P’06

Alan and Suzanne Saposnik G’32

Aram Sarkisian and Sandra Laiss-Sarkisian P’30

Robert and Sally Sarkisian G’30

Kenan Sayers ’18

Margaret, SC, and Steven Sayers P’16 P’18

Sandy Sborofsky and David Calloway G’32

Martha Scache^

George Schaefer, SC

Steven Scharf ’79 and Renae Scharf

Christine Ward Schmidt ’67, AFSA

Jane Jordan Schmitz ’55

Peter Schorsch ’75 and Bonnie Dawson

Schorsch ’75, P’03 P’10 P’13 G’38

Deborah Schrager P’06 P’10

Randy J. Schwartz, AFSA, and Jay Finestone

Gail Rosenau Scott ’64 and Thomas Quinlan, P’85 P’87

Patricia Scott ’76

Judie and Paul Seibert G’24

Hope and Jared Shafer P’27

Robin Shane and Jonathan Shandell P’22 P’25

Anita Sheares ’10

Ora Sheares G’05 G’08 G’10

Shannon Sheek P’26

Fran and Hal Sheppard P’16

Elmira and Jerry Shorter G’27

Elizabeth and John Silbaugh P’16 P’19

Jacqueline and Jay Silverman P’19

Robert Silverman and Randi Leavitt P’05

Matthew Silverstein ’96

Robert and Beverly Sitrin P’02

Matthew, AFSA, and Antoinette Slagter P’17

Cyd and Stanley Smith P’13 P’17 P’18

Frances Smith

Mark^ and Sarah Smith P’32 P’34

Moon Smith and Susan Saxe P’17

Oscar Smith and Desmona Durant-Smith P’27 P’27

Oscar and Mary Smith G’27 G’27

Phyllis^ and David Snyder P’25

Justin Solonynka^ and Courtney Gable, P’29

Richard and Elizabeth Soltan P’08 P’10

Tom and Carolyn Spencer

Brian Spiewak ’03

Doris Spike, AFSA

Justine Stehle and R. Tyson Smith P’24

Lisa Steiert^

Debra and Stuart Steinberg P’18

Carrie and Scot Stone P’30 P’32

Mary Strang ’46

Carolyn Blount Street ’44

Justin Stuhltrager^

Jeremy Sullivan ’94 and Amy Widestrom, P’27 P’30

Lillian Swanson, AFSA, and Dave Warner

Sarah Sweeney-Denham

Ginger Hamilton ’60, AFSA, and Russ Bishop, P’83 P’90 P’92 G’27 G’27

Susan Gerlitz Tam ’64 and Phillip Tam

Eliza Taylor P’26

Peter Taylor ’76 and Roger Saint-Laurent

Stacy and Claiborne Taylor P’28 P’30 P’34

Stephanie Thaw P’98 G’35 G’38

Arienne Thaw-Bolton ’98 and Kristin McClure P’35 P’38

The Pew Charitable Trusts

Azlen and Herbert Theobald P’24

Deloris and Raymond Thomas P’18

Wylie Thomas P’30

Anne B. Thompson ’57

Erin^ and John Timmer P’27 P’29

Eugenia Timmer G’27 G’29

Nicole Toizer ’89

Kristin Tomko ’90

Robert Topkis ’87 and Jamie Topkis

Frances Conkey Trafton ’66

Drew Tucker ’83

Joanna^ and Nicholas Upmeyer

Carina Urbach, AFSA, and David Urbach P’19

Toni Vahlsing^ and Antony Dugdale P’18 P’20

Rebecca Van Buren ’68

Wayne Knight and Tina Vance Knight P’25

Vanguard Group Foundation

Ginger Gable Vitty ’53

Maani Waldor and Mark Fallon P’25

Bridget Warlea ’15, SC

Katrina and Martin Washington P’30

Gordon Watts ’84 and Kathleen Watts

William Weary, AFSA

Maureen Weiner P’07

Linda Hano Weintraub ’55

Justine and Michael Weiss G’27

Macy Wendler and Mathew Turner^ P’36

Virginia Wilkinson, AFSA, and John Wilkinson

Brandon Williams ’07

Deborah Winokur and Hanan Fishman P’26

Janice and Raymond Scott Winters P’36

Jacqueline Wolchko

Carol Wolf^ and Ana Maria Garcia P’21

Susannah Wolf and Douglas Gauck P’21 P’23

Wesley Wolf and Catherine Hunt P’09

Luca Wood ’26

Daniel Woodlin, SC, and Ahashta

Johnson P’22 P’30

Janet and William Woods P’14

Richard Wordinger, AFSA

Wenman Wu and Hongbo Li P’22

Rachel Yakobashvili ’16, SC

Robert and Susan Zaslow P’24

Courtney and Jeff Zemsky P’26

Zhao Shan and Dongxu Xiang P’25 P’26 P’35

Amy and Michael Zimney P’29 P’36

Laura Zingle ’99, AFSA

Robert Zingle P’99

Patricia Rosenau Ziplow ’78, AFSA

Marianne Zurn ’66

SC=School Committee *=Deceased ^=Faculty & Staff

Donor lists reflect gifts made between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024.

Thank you to our generous donors and supporters! Every effort has been made to accurately reflect donations made between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024. Please contact Cara Palladino at 215.576.3957 or cpalladino@abingtonfriends.net if you find an error or omission.


Joining the Circle

The Fund for AFS was bolstered this year with community fundraising in honor of our retiring Head of School, Rich Nourie. During a springtime week of giving in Rich’s honor entitled Join the Circle, friends were invited to make gifts to The Fund for AFS to commemorate his nineteen years of dedicated service to AFS. This drive culminated on May 4 with a Worship Circle in which AFS dedicated a future Rich Nourie Green.

Three hundred and thirty-one gifts to Join the Circle in Rich’s honor totalled $117,506. These funds, along with many other gifts to The Fund throughout the year, helped the school build up the many initiatives Rich prioritized as Head of School, including strengthening our faculty, enhancing our campus, expanding experiential learning and supporting a diverse student body.

Thank you to everyone who made a donation and Joined the Circle at AFS last year. You don’t just make a contribution — you make a difference.

The AFS budget draws on three major sources of income: tuition revenue, other income and charitable giving. Without donations to the Fund for AFS, we would not be able to cover the final piece of the puzzle that funds our beloved institution.

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