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personal portfolio 00

01 EXTRA–ACADEMIC (2005 – 2008) Architecture and culture related activities

ECTO (2005) Student Association President

Interactive web portal proposal for architecture students Architecture and design events advertising

INDEX (2006)

professional experience

Student Council Vice president

Film presentation Proposal for student drawing board Idea and development of IMP.EXP congress

IMP.EXP (2006) First interdisciplinary design congress Director



INFO Alberto Braulio Lara Pompa Mexican

22/06/1984 Address Pinos 301-C Jurica / C.P. 76100 Querétaro, Qro. / MEXICO Phone

(+52) 442 2183833 Mobile


(+521) 442 1560305 Web Email arghh.lab@gmail.com

Skype beto.piloto

Architecture, graphic design, industrial design and fashion design

Workshop Selling Immaterials

Development for IMP.EXP 2

SI LEES SE NOTA (2006) Literary web project ‘Life-Style’ section editor

First issue: The desire Second issue: The fantastic

ARGHH! _ Current practice http://arghh.cuartomagenta.com (site in development)

Behance _ Online portfolio http://behance.net/suprm

LinkedIn _ Online resume http://www.linkedin.com/in/albertolara

ARQUITECHNE (2006) Student Magazine Co-editor / Collaborator / Development proposal


Co-editor for issue #7 Co-editor for issue #9 New image proposal Restructuration plan for magazine


Free national distribution Sales & advertising strategy

Bachelor in Architecture

INDESEM (2007) International architecture workshop Participant

Proposal for Rotterdam 2067

MOVING IN FREE ZONES (2007) Social interaction and architecture workshop Participant

Reactivation proposal for Charlois, Rótterdam

ENEA _ coatzacoálcos (2008) National Encounter of Architecture Students Contestant

Group proposal for urban reactivation – 2 days Individual proposal for archaeological museum – 3 days

ALBERTO PANI_ UNAM (2008) Award for the architechtural composition Contestant - selected

Individual proposal (Contemporary art museum) – 3 days

Digital Imaging

Tec de Monterrey _ Campus Querétaro MEXICO (2003 – 2008) Excellence Scholarship st

1 of class 2008 Honorable Mention of Excellence 1st place Graduation Thesis Project

TU Delft _ UrbanBody THE NETHERLANDS (2007)

in urban fields in modular-interactive systems in architectonic applications of materials

On-going development PARAMETRIC DESIGN architectural applications in Rhinoscript and Grasshopper

( XXXX ) ( XXXX ) ( XX·· )

2D drawing ArchiCad AutoCad

( XXXX ) ( XX·· )

3D modelling Cinema 4D 3DS max Grasshopper Rhino Maya Modo

( ( ( ( ( (

XXXX ) XX·· ) XX·· ) X··· ) X··· ) X··· )

Rendering C4D advanced V-RAY


Photoshop Illustrator InDesign

( XXXX ) ( XX·· )

Programming ActionsScript RhinoScript

( XX·· ) ( X··· )

Web publishing Flash Dreamweaver

( XXXX ) ( XX·· )

Languages Spanish English French

( XXXX ) ( XXXX ) ( X··· )



(2004 – 2008)

KITSCH (2003)

Graphic design & advertising

Freelance designer

Graphic design & multimedia development

Co-founder / Creative director Web page design and development Web platform development Interactive presentation Branding Advertising campaign Animated series

G3 ARQUITECTOS (2003 – 2007)

parallel activities

Architecture office

Graphic design / Multimedia development / Architectural design / Rendering Architectural design Installation development and plans Branding Web design Interactive presentation Rendering Product catalog

BASICO ARQUITECTURA (2008) Architecture office

Architectural design / Rendering Architectonic project Urbanization contest Architectural rendering

ARGHH! _ (co)laboratory of interdisciplinary design (2008 – ongoing) Interdisciplinary design practice

Founder / Director / Architect / Graphic Designer INTERDISCIPLINARY PROJECTS ARCHITECTURE GRAPHIC DESIGN Branding / Branding Advertisement campaigns Web applications Multimedia Industrial design / prototypes

Urban derive Hutong mapping Installation at XiDan hutong area Multimedia presentation and web material development

Research into contemporary Mexican kitsch culture/folklore

LIBERINTH _Libertine labyrinth (2003)


Composition 2

ArchitecturalBody _ TU Delft Arquitechne magazine #9 (Published)

Labyrinth – installation

academis projects

(2003 – 2005)

LOST LABYRINTHS OF BEIJING (2007) UrbanBody @ Beijing, CHINA _TU Delft / Tsinghua University / Fine Arts University

Composition 2

Branding Web design Advertising campaign Interactive presentation Product catalog Product rendering




Skin/Fashion research Constructive system development

Composition 2

C-A-P-S-U _Urban Superposition Circuit of Potential Settlements (2008)

New Mexican toy

ADEX (2005) Design Studio 3 Advanced Architecture Contest - ACTAR (Finalist / Published) Arquitechne magazine #6 (Published)

Experimental housing Modular prefabricated construction system

Taller de Final de Carrera Tutors // Alfonso Garduno and Eduardo ‘Chaco’ Hernández Guest critics // Miquel Adriá and Isaac Broid http://c-a-p-s-u.blogspot.com 1st place

Urban investigation on Santiago de Querétaro Urban renewal proposal Architectural project development

CAS.ARQ (2005) Design Studio 3

Cultural center for architecture diffusion

CASA EXP (2006) Design Studio 4

Experimental housing Flexible structures

LIEU _Laboratory for Urban Research and Experimentation (2006) Design Studio 4

Proposal for temporal urban research laboratory Temporal low-cost construction system Urban renewal

REI _Informatic Exposure Network / Mexico 2010 (2006) Design Studio 4 Arquitechne magazine #7 (Published)

Development proposal for Mexico 2010 Inter-city informatic and cultural network Low-cost construction system

FLOTS (2006) Design Studio 5

Historical site restoration Housing building (lofts)


projects and activities




projects’ details

G3 ARQUITECTOS (2003 – 2007) Architecture office Graphic design / Multimedia development / Architectural design / Rendering

MEXPULLEY (2003) Branding Product catalog (printed) Stand design Web page

EL SORGO Residencial (2003) Branding Web page

QUERESON Instalation (2003) Interactive presentation

VALLE REAL Residencial (2004) Branding Web page

LA LADERA Conjunto (2004) Branding Web page

GDG (2004) Housing development catalog (printed)

LOFTS at 106 (2004 – 2005) Branding Web page

ICEHOUSE LOFTS (2005) Branding Web page

Conjunto HIGUERA (2005) Web page

VISTA SANTIAGO (2005) Web page

G3ARQUITECTOS (2006) Branding Web page

CASA MILENIO (2006) Installation development and plans

CASA X (2006) Architectural design

CIUDAD DE LAS ARTES _contest (2007) Renders

MUSEO _contest (2007) Renders

ADD SISCONS - BURMESTER y ASOC. (2004 – 2006) New Branding Advertising campaign 2004 Advertising campaign 2005

BLANK (2004) Branding Advertising campaign Interactive presentation

KANA (2005) Branding Product catalog (printed) Product renders

BASICO ARQUTIECTURA (2008) Architecture office Architectural design / Rendering

PROCESA (2008) Urbanization contest

SALÓN JURIQUILLA (2008) Architectonic project rendering

CASA JURIQUILLA (2008) Architectonic project - design proposal

MOBILIA (2006) Branding

HIDE (2006) Branding

INDEX (2006) Branding Advertisement campaign

IMP.EXP (2006) Branding Web page Advertising campaign Scenery for conferences

IMP.EXP 2 (2006) Branding

ARQUITECHNE (2006) Proposal design for new image

EDA _School of Architecture (2008) Branding Web page Advertising campaign Logo animation

EDA _ School of Architecture ITESM CQ (2008) Branding Website proposal Graphic applications

Book promo on cereal box

Portón de la Peña (2008) Restaurant renovation proposal

Punto te pone una lana por leer _ Punto de Lectura (2008) Public reading campaign Branding Printed applications

Tollan (2008) Rendering

VCTRZD (2008)

Apartments _ Xochimilco (2008)

Proposal for new web page/image

Branding Web page layout design

Interdisciplinary design practice Director / Architect / Graphic Designer

Branding Multimedia presentation

GITANI (2005) ECTO (2005)

(2008 – ongoing)

Almah _ Nutridia (2008)

(2004 – 2008) Graphic design & advertising Freelance designer

ARGHH! _ (co)laboratory of interdisciplinary design

Low level apartments Economic proposal

INNOVANTGARD (2003 – 2005) Graphic design & multimedia development Co-founder / Creative director

INTERTRADE (2003) Interactive presentation

INB – UNAM (2003 – 2004) Web page design and development

GRUPO SID (2003 – 2004) Animated series of operating manuals

AQUA SOL (2004) Proposal for advertising campaign


MALLA QUER (2004) Web page for products and services

MARSH / ING (2004 – 2005) Web platform development for accident insurance control

CS9800 (2005) Web page for office building advertising

Mesa (2008) Table design

Bruno _ Professional tennis player (2008) Website layout design

Herrera House (2008) House renovation proposal

Cuarto Magenta (2008) Branding

ImmunoNutrition (2008) Website proposal

La Emperatriz de los Etéreos _ Alfaguara (2009) Promotional website for book Branding Web applications

Garher (2009) Branding

Pregúntale a Silvia _ Santillana (2009) Promotional website for book Branding for promotional campaign Web applications Printed applications


projects’ details



Award for the architechtural composition (2008)

Contestant - selected Individual proposal (Contemporary art museum) – 3 days




REI _Informatic Exposure Network / Mexico 2010 Paula Noguer贸n Will McIvor Alberto Lara

Design Studio 4 (2006) Arquitechne magazine #7 (Published)

Development proposal for Mexico 2010 Inter-city informatic and cultural network Low-cost construction system





ENEA _ coatzacoálcos

National Encounter of Architecture Students (2008) Contestant

Group proposal for urban reactivation – 2 days Individual proposal for archaeological museum – 3 days






Design Studio 5 (2006)

Historical site restoration Housing building (lofts)





ADEX Paula Noguer贸n Alberto Lara

Design Studio 3 (2005) Advanced Architecture Contest - ACTAR (Finalist / Published) Arquitechne magazine #6 (Published)

Experimental housing Modular prefabricated construction system




CULTURAL CENTRE - CHARLOIS ArchitecturalBody _ TU Delft (2007) Arquitechne magazine #9 (Published)

Skin/Fashion research Constructive system development





C-A-P-S-U _Urban Superposition Circuit of Potential Settlements 1st place _ Taller de Final de Carrera (2008) _ http://c-a-p-s-u.blogspot.com Tutors // Alfonso Garduno and Eduardo ‘Chaco’ Hernández _ Guest critics // Miquel Adriá and Isaac Broid

Urban investigation on Santiago de Querétaro Urban renewal proposal Architectural project development

Lucía Espinoza Perla Arteaga Alberto Lara






LIEU _Laboratory for Urban Research and Experimentation Design Studio 4 (2006)

Proposal for temporal urban research laboratory Temporal low-cost construction system Urban renewal





Design Studio 4 (2006)

Experimental housing Flexible structures




_Ole Bouman

A famous oneͲliner goes: he who can, communicates; he who cannot, writes a theory about it.

_Bruno Zevi

Este trabajo tiene la ambición de cualquier acto herético: suscitar el disentimiento. Si desencadena un enfrentamiento, habrá conseguido su propósito: en lugar de hablar hasta el tedio de arquitectura, finalmente hablaremos arquitectura.

_Kojin Karatin

Although I’m neither an architect nor an architectural theorist, for some time I have been thinking in the context of architecture. This is not necessarily because, as Plato put it, architecture is the arché of techné – the origin and master of all knowledge and technology – but rather because architecture is the most impure of arts.

_Peter Eisenman

[...] looking for an architecture that is far more real than architecture ever is.

_Rudol Arnheim

Una persona inclinada a la contemplación [...] puede afirmar, como Edmund Husserl que ‘la consideración de las esencias es independiente de la diferencia entre la percepción directa y la mera reminiscencia.

_Alejandro Zaera-Polo

[...] continuos research on the possibilities of a contemporary critical practice, a practice whose product is fundamentally architectural knowledge rather than direct architectural production.

La teoría (general) bien podría estar de acuerdo (sobre arquitectura) con John Ruskin diciendo, a finales del siglo diecinueve , ‘no construyas si puedes evitarlo’. La teoría es lo puesto en práctica, la acción transformándose de idea a efecto a través de ejecución. Su efecto, resultado o consecuencia, debido a que yace en el mundo de lo físico tiende a ser palpable, incluso cuantificable. Entre los efectos yace la construcción, la edificación o la mal llamada ‘arquitectura’. Efecto mal llamado, sí. Porque la arquitectura no se construye con materiales, sino con ideas y acciones.

en fin

La teoría no se edifica, se ejecuta. Se pone en práctica. La teoría es sólo la intención; mas la trasgresión y trascendencia precisan de acción. La arquitectura se construyen con acciones. Aquí es donde la teoría se desvanece. Tanta especulación, confrontación y definición de lo real desde lo posible y supuesto no existe si no se hace. Sus efectos/reacción serán lo único perceptible, lo único que exista. La teoría no existe sin acción.

en acción

La teoría es el mundo de posibilidades, es el verdadero laboratorio. Ya después probará la realidad, el espacioͲtiempo y el hombre si se logró o culminó en fracaso. No importa, ahora existe. La teoría lleva la informaciónͲanálisis, producto contemplativo, a la acción imaginaria. Es la confrontación de lo que existe, insuficiente, y lo que debería ser, tampoco suficiente pero quizá más real. Es la ficción efectiva de la realidad.

en ficción

La teoría, para la arquitectura, es el termino de unión entre otros dos, evidentemente más perceptibles en la práctica arquitectónica. Análisis, el anterior: la contemplación subyacente en el estudio, catalogación y diferenciación de fenómenos, situaciones y manifestaciones. Acción, posterior: la ejecución, la realización. – ¿la realización de qué? – de la teoría. – ¿qué teoría? – la de lo real, de lo que aun no existe. – La teoría pues se difumina entre ambos, es el único modulador de información y las decisiones ejecutadas. Es el entendimiento de dicho análisis y aquel instante antes de dar el primer paso. La teoría es la exploración, la experimentación en ideas, en supuestos; el en el que existe la decisión personal, fuera de la respuesta predeterminada, puede emerger.

en medio

La teoría es todo aquello que la arquitectura no logra ser. Es ese ámbito de especulación, la configuración y maquinación intangible de lo que no ha sido aun. Es ese proyecto de cómo se deberían de hacer las cosas, porque aun no lo son, porque aun no se han ejecutado. La teoría es la idealización de la arquitectura, de la práctica y el efecto.

en arquitectura

en teoría

essay/manfiesto (spanish)



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