Take care when using the Web Some sources such as journal or newspaper articles can be found in both print and digital format but much of what you find on the Web does not have a print equivalent which makes it difficult to determine its quality and, importantly, to separate fact from fiction. Ask yourself these questions when you’re trying to decide how credible a Web site is.1 Who is the publisher?
Anyone with a computer and access to the Web can publish. Most web documents do not have editors, fact-checkers, or other types of reviewers. However, many pages have an About Us section. Check that to see what information is there and then cross check a phone book or business guide.
Who is the author?
Unlike most things in print, it’s often difficult to determine who has authored a Web page. Some sites contain this information, but more do not. Again, check the About Us section and any available links.
Can you easily recognize a quotation or source?
Sources may not be clearly indicated or may need you to further verify them to make sure they are credible.
Is there any evidence of bias?
Print sources are expensive to produce and most publishers can’t afford to cater to special interests. However, on the Web anyone can publish and their reasons for doing so may be hidden. What may seem factual may actually be trying to persuade you or get you to by something. Look closely at a site’s About page (and notice if there isn’t one). Check out who owns the Web address by using easywhois.com (a site that lets you know to whom a Web page is registered).
What are the author’s qualifications?
On most Web sites, you do not usually see an author’s qualifications; e.g., is the author a person who a lot of experience in the area he or she is writing about? Do other people recognize him/her as an expert?
Publication Information?
Books have front matter that tells you when a work was published, who edited it and where it was published. But on the Web it’s often hard to determine. When you do find dates on a site, be aware that they could refer to the date that an article was posted (not the date it was actually written) or the date that a site may have been updated. In other words, be careful that the information is not out of date.
This table is adapted from information at the Purdue Online Writing Lab (http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/553/04/). Accessed 8.2011.