From the crumbs of "official fashion" that dissolves itself into style to not disappear, looking for new opportunities. Fashion has reached a point of no return: the phenomenon of the new millennium is the vintage. "The new old" /Use and reuse back in the future. So our textile heritage, stock always open, seems to have no end but many new beginnings. "A fashion in pieces" that reminds us that our fragility and our trust in her divides us in our turn into many pieces. WE ARE ALL MADE OR RAGS it's what's under, around, inside. It's coalition of pieces in pieces, together in a harmony of contrasts based stability of our being. As fashion and style also human nature turns toward change, toward the next piece to be joined. Tomorrow leading sewn yesterday's pieces. WE ARE ALL MADE OF RAGS happened yesterday, happening today, will happen tomorrow. It's all together, it's all or nothing. It's just a choice or just an excuse. It's just me, and you too.