Reflecting the Character of the River Valley
MARCH 2011
2011 Fundraising Dinner Tuesday, April 12, 2011 Russellville First Baptist Church
Sherry Berger CPRC Director
Business Attire (Coat & Tie)
The Dugger Family of “19 Kids & Counting” as seen on the TLC Network
For reservations call 479-967-2255 or online at
March 2011
table of
5 ABOUT…Community
8 A Grand Home Reborn
ABOUT...the Best Products
Secrets in Stone
The historic Brooks home situated on the southeast corner of Fifth Street and Arkansas Avenue, was purchased by Selma Brooks Baker in 1919. The property, recently purchased and remodeled, has a grand history steeped in Russellville heritage.
Hot Rod ‘Show and Shine’
Freemasonry has been shrouded in mystery since medieval stone masons formed Masonic Guilds during the middle ages. They have secrets, but not what you might imagine. Keystones are no longer a best-kept secret, but some still hide secrets to the past.
ABOUTour Cover Photo by Steve Newby
Boyd and Debby Osborne of Russellville
16 16
Citizen’s Police Academy
Valley Salutes MLK
Celebrating 20 Years of Hope
In 2006, the RPD introduced the Citizen’s Police Academy designed to provide insight to the public on the responsibilities and operations of the department. The goal is to open channels of communication between the citizens and their Police Department.
Our Associates Melanie Conley
ad ve r tis in g
ad ve r tis ing
have rehabilitated more homes than they can count on both hands. Their latest, the former
Brooks home located at 503 S. Arkansas, is on historic property once owned by prominent
businessmen and Confederate soldier William
Las Schneider
w r ite r
ph o to g r a phy
Brooks Sr. The home now serves as the
office of one of Russellville’s newest realty
groups. Don’t miss, “A Grand Home Reborn,” beginning on page 8.
il l u s tr a to r
l ayo u t/ d e s ig n
4 | ABOUT...the River Valley
March 2011
Bored? Visit Lake Dardanelle! For dates, times and a complete listing the Join the park interpreters every Tuesday and Saturday at 1:30 pm for their “What’s for Lunch?” aquarium exhibit. The State Park Visitor’s Center features 8,000 gallons of aquariums, filled with many of the fish species found in Lake Dardanelle. Anglers of all ages are invited to join park staff as they feed the fish live food. Other park events include: March 5th: “All Tied Up,” learn basic knot-tying skills; “Critter Crunch,” a kid’s corner introduction to some of the park’s smallest creatures; “Know Your State,” quiz game on Arkansas history and folklore; and “History in a Bag,” travel back in time playing a game dating back to Arkansas’ early days. March 6: “Arkansas Traveler,” Lake Dardanelle is the site of historical events, among them this famous painting; “Melodies from our Past,” Ozark folk music at its finest, and “Going Batty,” learn about the only mammals that can fly. March 12: “The Trail Where They Cried,” learn about the Trail of Tears and the park’s role in era of American; Lake Cruise, and “Fireside Stories,” hear stories, share stories and enjoy the fire light. Bring something to sit on. Other events include: “Wearable Water Cycle,” Trail of Tears video; Boater’s Education, “Marsh Mystery,” “Night Flight” walk on Meadowbrook Trail, “Hidden Creatures,” The Lorax reading, the benefits of “Fire in the Forest,” “Bird Beak Buffet,” “Over the Moon,” and “Buzzing Builders,” plus many more fascinating adventures.
March 2011
of March’s activities, contact the Lake Dardanelle State Park, 100 State Park Drive in Russellville. For information, (479) 967-5516 or visit the LDSP at
‘Most Relished Event’ April 28th
Taste of the Valley, Main Street Russellville’s award-winning tasting party and signature fundraiser will be held at the Russellville Depot on Thursday, April 28, from 5 to 8 p.m. Taste of the Valley showcases area restaurants, bakeries, caterers, delicatessens, coffee houses, food and beverage providers as well as Arkansas vineyards. In addition to great food area musicians will provide live entertainment throughout the evening. Tickets to the 19th Annual Taste of the Valley are $25 in advance and $30 at the door. Tickets provide each guest with the opportunity to sample food and beverage from each of the many participating exhibitors throughout the evening. Ticket stubs provide guests the opportunity to vote for the much sought after People’s Choice Awards that are presented to exhibitors prior to the close of the event. Ticket and exhibitor information is available at the office of Main Street Russellville, located in the historic Russellville Depot at 320 W. ‘C’ Street, by calling (479) 967-1437, or via email at Proceeds from Taste of the Valley benefit Main Street Russellville, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to
preservation, revitalization and redevelopment of Russellville’s traditional central business district.
Win a ‘New Mommy Makeover’
You are already beautiful, but we know that as “Mommy,” you likely spend more time caring for your growing family than you do yourself, right? Saint Mary’s Regional Medical Center is looking for a new mom who has delivered a baby at Saint Mary’s since Jan. 1, 2010, through February 28 of this year, who is in need of a little pampering. Share your family’s birth experience, along with the reasons you deserve a ‘new mommy makeover’ and special treatment. The winner of the 2011 goodmoms New Mommy Makeover will receive a new “look,” complete with haircut or style, manicure, makeup, clothing and other phenomenal gifts provided by community partners and retailers throughout the River Valley. To enter, visit the Saint Mary’s Regional Medical Center page on Facebook, or the hospital homepage at saintmarysregional. com for complete entry details. Stories will be featured on both of these online hospital sites. The deadline to enter is Friday, April 8. The winner will be notified shortly thereafter and will be featured, with baby, in the May edition of ABOUT... the River Valley Magazine. Community Partners: If you or your business is interesting in providing a service or gift for this year’s New Mommy Makeover contest, please contact Saint Mary’s Community Relations at (479) 964-5687. n
ABOUT...the River Valley | 5
ABOUT the River Valley
A Publication of Silver Platter Productions, Inc Vol. VI, Issue 2 – March 2011
OWNERS/EDITOR Nolan and Dianne Edwards
Advertising Sales Melanie Conley
Vonna Marpel
Graphic Design Chris Zimmerman
Writers Dianna Qualls
Kechia Bentley
Connie Las Schneider
PhotographY Steve Newby
MaryAnn McCartney
ABOUT… the River Valley
is locally owned and published for distribution by direct mail and targeted delivery to those interested in the Arkansas River Valley. Subscriptions are available by sending $20 for one-year (10 issues) to: SPPI/ABOUT Magazine P.O. Box 10176 Russellville AR 72812 Material contained in this issue may not be copied or reproduced without written consent. Inquiries may be made by calling (479) 970-6628.
Office: 417 West Parkway Email: Postmaster: Please send address changes to: SPPI, P.O. Box 10176, Russellville AR 72812.
6 | ABOUT...the River Valley
The Editor’s Notebook
Our creative designer, Chris Zimmerman, and I do not share an office right now – except briefly when we are working on a current issue of ABOUT Magazine. Chris owns ZimCreative, a design business which offers creative services to clients throughout the area. However, when we are sitting in the same building collaborating over the layouts of a new issue, we have engaging conversation. Chris and I have been co-workers and friends for 14 years. I’ve long respected his talent and his ability to make judgment calls and business decisions. We work well together and have covered a myriad of topics of discussion over the years. His children are younger than mine. He and his wife still have a pre-schooler while my oldest daughters are now teachers. Yet, we continually compare notes and find a number of similarities in our lives. Having reared three daughters all now in their 20s, I can snicker when Chris relates an amusing tale regarding his own children’s antics. However, on one particular recent day, the conversation of reading classic books arose. I recently decided (during the snow and ice) to re-read the beloved books of my childhood – the Laura Ingalls “Little House” series which I own in hardback. I also own other “old” classics – many which center of life during pioneer days. Any one remember Caddie Woodlawn or Mrs. Mike? We discussed how the books that today’s youth are reading are so varied, often “outthere” and how we wonder how those topics are accepted and viewed by the children of today. I’m sure our own parents and grandparents worried the same, so this topic is probably not new! However, as a parent of young children, one must be concerned about the content of books, movies and video games, and hope that their parenting direction gives them an excellent foundation. (In the Zimmerman family’s case, this is apparent in my opinion.) Still content, even the manner in which we read, is constantly being evaluated - hence my return to the classics of my youth. I still read current publications. I have a newlyacquired copy of 1000 Places to See Before You Die and an occasional Nicholas Sparks edition. As I have said before, I am an obsessive reader – I don’t start a book unless I can read a good portion of it before stopping. As the newest ‘electronic reading device’ appeared on the market, I boldly announced to my husband and daughters: “Do NOT buy me a Kindle.” (Or a NookColor, or whatever they are calling the latest wireless reading device e-book reader.) I must hold the book, “romance it” if you will. I want to smell it, gently turn the worn pages and clutch it in my hands. The youth of today are welcome to their electronic e-reader but give me a good book or magazine to caress any day. Now, Chris, on the other hand, lives in the technological era more so than I. He eagerly awaits each new introduction of techno “stuff.” He’ll have his own preferences. With that being said, let me encourage you to attend the “Friends of the Pope County Library” Book Sale on March 10-12 at Hughes Center. Hours and dates can be found on the calendar on page 7. They will lots of “traditional” books for sale. Cash only, please. I figure this “Editor’s Notebook” editorial will be our next topic of conversation.
Dianne Edwards, Editor/Publisher EDITOR’S NOTE: To clarify an error in the story, “Open Door Policy,” in February’s issue. Mayor Bill Eaton’s acceptance discussed on pages 10-11 was into Tulane University and not into the FBI (which he had intended to apply to following completion of graduate school at Tulane.) Unfortunately his future plans were pre-empted by the Vietnam War. Eaton returned to employment at the phone company upon his return home. Our apologies!
March 2011
Out and ABOUT
MARCH 2011 Su
What’s Happening This Month... March 4: Downtown Art Walk and Holiday Open House, 5-8, Downtown Russellville. Info: 967-1437.
March 6: CenturyLink High School Competition and Exhibit, River Valley Arts Center; Info: 968-2452. March 8: Transitions Bereavement Support Group, 10 a.m., Arkansas Hospice, 2405 E. Parkway; second Tuesday of each month. Info: 498-2050.
Talk ABOUT...Attitude What are we thinking, featuring a snow-themed cartoon illustration while Spring is (hopefully) right around the corner? As most of you know, this past winter has been one for the record books. While we delighted in the beautiful snow falls in February, cringed at the remaining frozen roads and walk-ways, and braved the crowds heading to and from the grocery store, we TRIED to keep our focus forward thinking. (‘It won’t be cold forever,’ I chimed repeatedly.) With eight inches of snow falling the day before our March issue deadline, we could have thrown up our hands and taken refuge from the weather. Instead, our associates approached the task at hand head-on, met our deadlines and delivered this issue to the printer on schedule. (Thank you!) Now, if that’s not a tribute to “The Power of Positive Thinking,” what is? Through his best-selling book, The Power of Positive Thinking, first published in 1952, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale encouraged millions of readers to March 2011
believe in themselves and in everything they did. The book, which surfaced many years before our talented illustrator Cliff Thomas was born, was often debated for Peale’s techniques and attributions, yet the concept of The Power of Positive Thinking remained the same -- create a positive change in one’s life through faith and belief in oneself. Among his principles, gaining control over your circumstances, makes the difference between winners and losers. Hopefully as you read this first ‘issue of spring,’ the sun is shining and the winds of winter are long gone. If not, exercise a little ‘positive thinking.’ Imagine yourself a winner and make it happen by taking one small step at a time. Those who let the “snow” pile up around them will find taking even tiny steps forward will land them on top of any situation. So whether you are shoveling snow, thinking ‘warm thoughts,’ or getting behind the shovel and pushing on, attitude is everything. We challenge you to remain a glass half-full kind of person!
March 10-12: Friends of the Pope County Library BOOK SALE (cash only please), 10th, 6-8 p.m.; 11th, 10-7; 12th, 9-noon. Hughes Center, Info: 970-8048. March 16: Storytime at the Russellville Library, 10 a.m., 116 East 3rd St., Russellville; March 21-25: Spring Break for Area Schools. March 24: Community Bingo, seniors 55 and older invited; 2-3 p.m. 4th Thurs. of each month; door prizes, grand prize, refreshments; Wildflower, 240 S. Inglewood, Russellville; 890-6709. March 25: TAKAHIK River Valley Hikers, hiking part of the Ozark Highlands located NE of Richland Creek Wilderness, a 7-mile moderate to difficult (part bushwhack) hike; meet at Tucker Coliseum at 8 a.m. with daypack and lunch; March 31: Low Cost Marketing Seminar, presented by ASBTDC; Chamber of Commerce; 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. For fees and registration, Cass at 356-2077. *Unless otherwise indicated, all area codes are 479. Visit for a list of activities updated as they are received. To have your event included in the ABOUT Calendar of Events, email: editor@aboutrvmag. com or fax to (866) 757-3282. Deadline is the 15th of the month preceding publication.
ABOUT...the River Valley | 7
A Grand Home Reborn Story by Connie Las Schneider Photos by Steve Newby
Take a drive down South Arkansas Avenue through Russellville. South of the historic downtown district sits block after block of commercial property, cinder block buildings and mini-strip malls. Not much to look at, but examine closely. Progress has taken a heavy toll on most historically significant homesteads on these blocks, but beneath the urban dullness, remnants of Russellville’s pioneer past are hidden. 8 | ABOUT...the River Valley
Did you know Arkansas Avenue was once a rutted dirt road named Oak Street that dead-ended in a field north of the Arkansas River? Or that some of the most influential people in the early history of Russellville homesteaded along this busy and congested stretch of four-lane highway? Long before the Safeway grocery store was built in Russellville on the 500 block of Arkansas in the 1950’s (and later split into separate businesses), this property was owned by the widow of William Brooks Sr., a prominent businessman, Confederate soldier and coal mine owner who came to Pope County around 1838 as a 15 year old from North Carolina. Brooks later became related by marriage to Dr. Thomas Russell. In case the importance of this connection is unclear, Russellville is named after Dr. Russell, an English physician who married a sister of Brooks’ first wife, Sarah Jane Graham. Graham died in 1860 at the age of 38, leaving Brooks a widower with six children. Three years later Brooks married second wife, Rebecca Malinda Cooper Brooks, a young woman 18 years his junior, who had migrated with her father from Stanly County to Pope County. This couple added six additional children to the Brooks clan; four daughters and two sons. Brooks Sr. died in 1883. March 2011
Rebecca must have been a resilient Arkansas pioneer woman as single parent of 12 children. It was said she was determined that her children attend good Russellville schools. She purchased this property in the 1890’s and lived in the two-story house with three of her daughters. A second Brooks family home still stands directly across the street at 503 South Arkansas Ave. on the southeast corner of Fifth Street (then called Franklin Street) and Arkansas Avenue (Oak Street). This home was purchased by Rebecca’s youngest daughter, Selma Brooks Baker in 1919, after her marriage to J.H.A. Baker, a local attorney and mayor of Russellville, ended in divorce. The couple had one daughter, Rebecca Jane, who would be raised in both this home and the two-story home across the street when Selma moved back in with her mother and sisters to rent out the 503 property. Selma’s 503 residence would continue to be rented until the 1950’s when the family’s first home was purchased by Safeway. Selma and her sisters, Lucy and Alta (a school teacher who never married) began remodeling the 503 South Arkansas residence by adding three bedrooms; one for each sister. Sister Lucy died before the project was finished and when Selma returned to Russellville, the two remaining sisters occupied the house until Selma’s death in 1968. Sister, Dora Alta died in 1959. Robert Autry Brooks, Selma’s nephew and Brooks family historian, remembers asking Selma why she painted the house red. She told him she never liked white houses. He has fond memories of visiting both homes and thought of Rebecca Jane as a sister. Living just a block away, he visited as often as his mother would allow. March 2011
“We want our clients to experience the charm and ambiance of this historic structure which has graced Russellville for so long.” Rebecca Jane eventually moved away from home and married Willis Lloyd Stowers, who was a chaplain in the US Air Force. The Stowers would spend many years in Europe and Japan, where they raised their three children, Lyn, Janie and Bill. Rebecca Stowers’ mother, Selma, lived in Japan during this project to help care for her grandchildren. Rebecca helped her mother with the plans for the renovations. The house remained empty until Rebecca Jane and her husband returned in 1973 after Col. Stowers’ retirement from the USAF. They painted the house yellow and made some additional renovations. Back in the family home, they found themselves surrounded by ancestral treasures and collections the couple gathered while living overseas. Col. Stowers died in 2003. Rebecca Stowers eventually donated many valuable family heirlooms to the Pottsville historical site. An old book found in trunk belonging to Brooks Sr promoted the River Valley as “The Garden Land of Arkansas”. Vintage petticoats owned by her mother and aunts were even used to make curtains in the reconstructed bedroom at Potts Inn. After Rebecca’s death in 2009, the contents of the home were sold in a month long estate sale. The ten- room home had been jam-packed with thousands of valuable antiques and curiosities from around the world, many acquired by the Stowers during sojourns in Europe and Japan. >> ABOUT...the River Valley | 9
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10 | ABOUT...the River Valley
Arkansas historian for the Pope County Historical Society, David Vance, who was acquainted with the Stowers family and visited the home, attended the family’s estate sale. Not surprisingly, he said the event took in more money than any other sale in the history of Russellville estate sales. The home was then put on the market by the Stowers’ three children, Dr. Lyn Johnson of Russellville, Janie Raddin in Texas, and Bill Stowers of Little Rock. Soon after Russellville business owner and real estate broker Boyd Osborne bought the residence and immediately began the process of converting the historic home into a real estate office. “We want our clients to experience the charm and ambiance of this historic structure which has graced Russellville for so long, while at the same time, provide all the modern amenities and conveniences people expect today,” said Osborne. Osborne kept the structure as authentic as possible, including the original hanging kerosene light fixtures which are now electrified. The only changes needed were to sheetrock over the walls in the original structure which had been done in beautiful vintage wallpaper for many years. Removing the carpet revealed beautiful hardwood floors. “The agents joining me elected to leave the rooms now being used as offices in their original design, preferring the open and inviting atmosphere of the home,” said Osborne. The newly-refurbished home, now painted green, is still a showplace for antiques. Heirlooms from the Brooks/Baker/Stowers family are gone, but Osborne and wife, Debbie, have tastefully refurnished the home with a tremendous eye for period and detail. Paintings by Osborne, a skilled artist, grace each room along with antiques from their personal collection. Osborne himself occupies the grand parlor at the front of the newly repainted and landscaped property. The conference room holds a collection of
the Brooks/Baker /Stowers family photos furnished by Dr. Lyn Johnson, Rebecca’s daughter. Dr. Johnson told Osborne that her ancestors would have been proud to see how their home looks today and that her mother, who served on the Pope County Historical Board with Mr. Osborne, would be happy to know he now owns the property. Some things, like pride of ownership, never change. This Old House Thinking about buying or remodeling an older home? Boyd and Debby Osborne have rehabilitated more homes than they can count on both hands. “If you are a person who loves old houses like I am, and you have never found your “old house”, these tips might help you in your search and decision making,” said Boyd. Story cont. on pg. 19
We offer special discounts for builders, contractors, and remodeling projects!
3521 West Main Street Russellville • 479-967-4107 March 2011
Hot Rod ‘Show and Shine’ in April
Best Ride of Arkansas will present the 7th Annual Hot Rod “Show and Shine” Friday and Saturday, April 15-16, at the Pope County Fairgrounds. Admission is free to the public. On Friday, an early registration cookout and Poker Run will be held. Cost is $5 to enter and winner takes all. Inside spaces will be available for an additional $10. Registration begins at 9 a.m. on Saturday. Cost is $20 per vehicle. Categories include, but are not limited to: motorcycles, imports, Corvettes and Mustangs, Antiques, Trucks, VWs, custom golf carts, CatEye custom bikes and hot rods of all kinds. Judging begins at 11 a.m. “Lots of winners” will be recognized, say organizers. A radio controlled car demonstration is planned as well as a “Crank It Contest” set for noon until 2 p.m. A drawing for Raffle prizes will start at 2 p.m. with a Ford F150 Truck giveaway at 4 p.m. Tickets for the raffle are available now at Best Ride and from members of the O.E.M. Dive and Rescue Squad. Give-away truck provided by Best Ride, Advanced Auto, D&M Muffler and O’Reilly Auto Parts. A number of door prizes are being provided by Auto Zone, Hubbards ATV, PDQ, Razorback Tanning, Sonic, STS Tools, Matco and other supporting businesses.
2143 E. Parkway • Russellville March 2011
Booths are available for the Car Parts Swap Meet. There will be ample room for trailers and awnings. Live music will be provided by the Ball Room Bangers with live radio remotes with KCJC radio. Food and drinks will be available. Vendors are welcome. Net proceeds from the event will be used to help provide needed materials for the Office of Emergency Management (O.E.M) Dive and Rescue Squad. For more information call Gene Daughtry at (479) 967-3192 or go online to n
(479) 967-3225
THE COUTTS LAW FIRM, P.A. James V. Coutts Attorney at Law
110 South Commerce Russellville
Spring is right around the corner and we have the mower for you. Check out our selection of mowers. One Family. A thousand Possibilities.
1187 South Hwy 9 South Morrilton AR 72110 • (501) 354-3527 3807 S Arkansas Ave Russellville • (479) 968-2220 ABOUT...the River Valley | 11
Ageless Questions of Childhood
I have been spending a lot of time lately reminiscing about my three boys and their childhood. I guess that is only natural considering we have just moved our 24-year-old son, Adrin, to Tampa, Fla. He is officially out of the nest, tree, and even woods. I am thrilled for him, but I am a little sad for me. It doesn’t seem fair that he is moving so far away just as he reached the age where he is beginning to realize his parents aren’t so dumb. He had even gotten to the point where he enjoyed our company on a regular basis. Yes, miracles still happen. Now he is starting his own life far from home. As a momma I am sure I would be taking this all a bit harder if it weren’t for the fact that he is working for his Uncle Jon. It is comforting to know he will see a familiar face every day. He also lives in the same apartment complex as his 25-year-old cousin. His Aunt Judy, whom he adores, lives 45 minutes away, and several of our dearest friends all live within a 40 mile radius of him. It just dawned on me --- maybe I am not really sad but jealous instead. For those of you who don’t know my husband Donald and I both grew up in the Tampa Bay area, so in some sense Adrin is going “home.” Everything about his “new” life is so comforting and familiar to us. It is
Story by Kechia Bentley / Photo by Steve Newby
where Donald and I graduated from high school, met, and got married. We left the Tampa Bay area at the ages of 26 and 21 respectively. And, now our firstborn will be calling the same area home. Life will often give you reason to pause. Last night I was lying in bed thinking about all the questions we are asked about our children through the years, and how those questions indicate phases of our lives. For instance: “Is it a boy or a girl?” This question starts as soon as someone can see you are pregnant. After the baby is born, this question can continue until they are well into their second year of life depending on how you dress them and how much hair they have. Then a very popular conversation starter is, “Do they sleep through the night?” It is always so good when you can say “yes” to this question! Warning to all you who have infants and small children -- you may be able to say yes to this question now, but when they are teenagers you will once again be saying “no.” At that age they are up all night and sleep all day. It makes you almost as crazy as when they were infants and wouldn’t sleep through the night. Next is “Solid food?” “Potty trained?” ”Have they started school?” “What grade?” “What sport, activity, and how many of each?” “Is it your week for car pool?” “Who are they taking to the dance?” “Where are they going to college?” “What is their major?” “Do they have a job?” “Where do they live?” Just another quick warning to those of you just starting out -- the time between “Is it a boy or a girl?” and “Where are they going to college?” is gone in the blink of an eye.
Oh, I know some days and nights are long and you wish they would end, but take it from the mom who is now waiting on the, “Do you have any grandchildren?” question -- it all flies by in a blur. My hope is that each of you -- no matter where you are in the journey, will find yourself sitting on a couch reminiscing about that precious baby, that you would swear was just born yesterday, with joy in your heart. I hope the late nights of rocking your child when they were sick, and the late nights waiting for them to get home when they have broken curfew, all become memories that can bring a smile to your face. And in your heart you know without a doubt you would do it all again. n
Of all the things you wear XP15 The quietest heat pump you can buy. Compatible with the exclusive Humiditrol® whole-home dehumidification system– indoor air quality you can feel
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2605 S. Knoxville • Russellville Jay & Dennis Griffin (479) 968-8555 License #122314 12 | ABOUT...the River Valley
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March 2011
... the Best Products
embellish your story
snack with us
Aqua is the color
This inventive and imaginative collection offers you a personal and creative way to tell your own story with the quick click of a magnet. Gifts on Parkway/Gifts on Rogers; 2149 E. Parkway, Russellville (479) 890-6932; 510 S. Rogers, Clarksville (479) 705-8282
Want a fun movie night at home or with friends? Serve popcorn up right with this large colorful bowl and matching individual pieces for everyone. Salt shaker, napkins, hand towels and coasters add the finishing touches. All by DII. rose drug; 3103 West Main Place, Russellville; (479) 968-1323
Have you resolved this year to focus more on customer appreciation? Our candy tubs are very affordable and perfect for gifts, meetings and more. Can be personalized with your business labels. We have Snack and Drink machines also. Contact SNACK WITH US; (479) 214-3289 or
From serving pieces to centerpieces, this delightful and delicious collection offers stylish party essentials for every celebration. Gifts on Parkway/Gifts on Rogers; 2149 E. Parkway, Russellville (479) 8906932; 510 S. Rogers, Clarksville (479) 705-8282
These three canisters in large, medium and small sizes are perfect for the kitchen, bedroom or bath. Check out other items in this great color all by I Man. rose drug; 3103 West Main Place, Russellville; (479) 968-1323
The Donna Downey Collection of wall art features vibrant color and simple, yet poignant messages of reflection and inspiration. Gifts on Parkway/ Gifts on Rogers; 2149 E. Parkway, Russellville (479) 890-6932; 510 S. Rogers, Clarksville (479) 705-8282
n7 7
March 2011
Even man’s best friend deserves a nice warm bath. These micro fiber dog mitts and ultra absorbent towels are perfect for washing and drying. They are from “Bone Dry.” Water and food bowls fit securely on a rubber mat. There is also a covered treat jar. All by DII. rose drug; 3103 West Main Place, Russellville; (479) 968-1323
ABOUT...the River Valley | 13
Secrets in Stone Story by Connie Las Schneider ~ Photos by Steve Newby and Dianne Edwards
Freemasonry has been shrouded in mystery since medieval stone masons formed Masonic Guilds during the middle ages. Yes, they have secrets, but not what you might imagine. According to Freemason literature, they are not a “secret” society, but rather a society “with secrets.” So, what are these secrets? The answer might surprise you. Early Masons were sworn to secrecy because they knew the “secret” to building vaulted stone arches. A revolutionary idea at the time, the secret within a secret was a simple wedged “keystone” which allowed stone masons to construct massive Cathedrals with large open spaces filled with light. What must have seemed like magic at the time was actually a common sense engineering solution based on simple geometry. Look at the Freemason logo and you will see a “square and compass”, some of the same tools stone masons use today. Keystones (or cornerstones) are no longer a best-kept secret, but some still hide secrets to the past. When the Masonic Temple #274 was built in downtown Russellville in 1926, and dedicated in 1927, its keystone contained a time capsule. The 84-year-old capsule was opened last September after it was removed as part of a major reconstruction project on the City Hall building. Was this mysterious time capsule filled with arcane Masonic secrets? No. Inside the simple metal box were practical artifacts including a rosters of Grand Lodge Masters, membership of the Russellville Temple, a 1919 penny, a Masonic coin, a Bible and two local newspapers of the day. As ordinary as they might appear, these simple objects tell an interesting story. 14 | ABOUT...the River Valley
Displayed in a glass cabinet at the Pope County Library in Russellville, the time capsule is an authentic piece of Russellville’s past. Both the Daily Courier Democrat from Wednesday, Sept. 14, 1927, and the weekly Tribune headlines reported in grandiose prose the official opening of the new Masonic Temple downtown at the south east corner of South Commerce Ave and West Second Street. “The new Masonic Temple is one of the most substantial additions to the splendid building program in Russellville the past three years,” the Daily Courier Democrat stated. “Whether you have the most worthy distinction of being a Mason or whether you haven’t, you are invited to attend the opening of the new Masonic Temple,” said the Tribune. A special invitation was also given to the areas “elderly women”, who were promised “special arrangements for their comfort and entertainment.”
Some news items of the day sounded like they could have been written today. A headline from one paper read, “Trade Day Attracts Few Buyers Today” and reported that “the financial condition of the county reflects in buyers who failed to take advantage of the bargains offered.” The story later explains that “no one expected much of a response, there being little money in circulation.” The popular movie playing on Sept. 27, 1927, at the Community Theatre, “The Pick of the Pictures,” was Florence Vidor in “The Popular Sin.” A total of 84 years of progress has made a big difference in news reporting, too. A headline buried in the middle of the paper announced “James Colored School Opens New Building”. Bacon was advertised at $.29 per lb, lard cost 13 1/2cents per lb. and an ad for Sewell-West and Company, “The Family Store” featured “overalls, 23 ounce, soft pliable, best blue denim - $1.75. To put these prices in perspective, the cost for building the Masonic Temple/City Hall building was estimated at a whopping $40,000. City Hall rented the first floor of the Masonic Temple until 1943, when the City of Russellville bought the building for $12,500. Being very community minded the Freemasons apparently gave the City a great deal. Then in late 2001, the same year the building was listed on the Arkansas Register of Historic Places, the Masons vacated their beloved Temple. The group now holds meetings at 802 Boulder St, Russellville. The current re-construction of this building is expected to cost the City of Russellville approximately $1.7 million. The Building: Then and Now Since Masonic literature describes their group as a “post-collegiate fraternal” (male only) organization, women were not allowed to join at the time. However, females had their own collateral organizations which were allowed limited access to the second floor. March 2011
Of course, this didn’t stop women from using the building on a daily basis. Many women worked or shopped on the main floor occupied by the Russellville City Hall, Chamber of Commerce headquarters, the city’s central fire station, the Smith-Tucker Candy Company, Vance Electric Company and dentist Dr. A.J. Carlson. As times changed, other offices were added to the first floor. In 1962, offices were added for the mayor, city treasurer and police department which contained a small city jail. The fire department moved to a new location in the 1950’s and the Police Department in 1981. The Courthouse itself is still located in what had been the old Fire Station, its large double doors replaced by large windows to bring in the light. Other windows had been replaced but were not historically appropriate; therefore ineligible for inclusion in the National Historic Register. In 2004, the city installed new windows that matched the original style on the front façade, so the building is now listed on the National Historic Register. This brings us to the latest renovation. Although the first floor was basically gutted, few changes were made to the outside of the building. Freemason headquarters on the second floor were only slightly modified to add a conference room where the old Masonic kitchen had been. According to Russellville Mayor Bill Eaton, who is Chairman of the Building Committee, one reason the building was rehabbed was to make it fully handicapped accessible, as required by law. Another reason was to put the first floor on one level, as various additions to the original structure had caused a series of step downs to accommodate the slope of the property. In addition, the first floor had been chopped up into small offices with dropped ceilings
FREEMASONRY UNVEILED Freemasonry has been a popular subject of fictional books and movies over the years, including The DaVinci Code, Angels and Demons and National Treasure. But who are they really? Although the Freemasons have been linked rightly or wrongly to the Knights Templar, the Priory of Sion, and the Holy Grail, the current incarnation of Freemasonry began in the early 18th century in England and quickly spread to the colonies in North America. It has been said that up to 50 of the 55 original signers of the Declaration of Independence were Freemasons, although recent Freemason literature says that less than 10 were actual members. However, there is no doubt some of the most prominent men of their day were Freemasons including George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Franklin Delanor Roosevelt, Mark Twain, John Wayne, Harry Houdini, Astronaut Buzz Aldrin, Ernest Borgnine and Nat King Cole. The Freemasons slogan is “Making Good Men
to cover up the maze of wires and ductwork necessary for modern operation. When the suspended ceiling was removed, workers found a beautiful 15 ft high tin ceiling. Walls once covered by paneling have been restored to their original plaster finish and floors long hidden by carpet reveal their beautiful hardwood sheen. Modern reproductions of 1920’s style lighting have replaced fluorescent fixtures to enhance the vintage look. Upstairs, the Masonic Temple Hall looks much as it did when it was used for Masonic meetings. A large central space is still flanked on both sides by step-up platforms for seating by various levels of Masons. As a three-tier organization symbolic of the three levels of Masonry, the highest level or third degree are called Master
Better” and their surprising “cardinal rule” is to “never discuss religion and politics” at meetings as “Masons are concerned with neither.” However, the practices of the group are based on “allegory and symbols” and consistent rituals “best communicated in a specific and concise manner.” There are “less mainstream” practices where its members can “investigate personal development, spiritualism and mysticism,“ according to the internet, The Masonic Traveler Magazine and book What is Freemasonry? Whatever Freemasons are or aren’t, one thing is certain; they are a charitable group trying to better themselves and our nation through good works and good behavior. To join a man must have three qualities; he must have a good reputation, have a good moral disposition and he must have a personal desire to become a Freemason. Perhaps this is the magic combination that gives Freemasons its mysterious appeal. n
Freemasons, followed by second degree Fellowcraft Masons and first degree Entered Apprentices, explained Eaton, who was once a member of this lodge. The slang expressions the “third degree’’ and “black balled” both came out of Masonic practices. In order to become a member, Masons vote by using black or white balls put in a box. A white ball is a Yes vote while a black ball means No. One black ball in the box, and the prospective member was out, Eaton explained. While the Russellville Lodge 274 remains all-male, a few Masonic chapters from different jurisdictions now have female members. However, most women today still join other Masonic organizations such as the Order the Eastern Star and a girl’s Rainbow Assembly. Young men of non-age may join DeMolay. n
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ABOUT...the River Valley | 15
Citizen’s Police Academy
Providing Information and Insight Story by Christina Keaster ~ Photo by Steve Newby
When you see a Russellville Police Department (RPD) officer out in the community, you might witness the officer pulling someone over or issuing a ticket. While those tasks are the majority of an officer’s job, there is a behind-the-scenes aspect of the Police Department that few rarely see. In 2006, the RPD introduced the Citizen’s Police Academy (CPA), a free eight-week program designed to provide insight to the public on the responsibilities and operations of the department. The goal of the CPA is to open channels of communication between the citizens of Russellville and their Police Department through training and education, as well as to help the citizens develop an understanding of the police role in the community. The department recently completed its fifth annual program in November, and has graduated 78 citizens from the program to date. “We invite 20 citizens of the community to participate in the program after reviewing their applications. We try to choose citizens who represent different industries in the River Valley, so that once they graduate from the program, they are able to be a voice for the Police Department in their respective work place, church, home, and everyday life,” explains Joshua McMillian, public information officer and program coordinator. To apply, the applicants must be 21 years of age or older prior to the academy start date. RPD officers cover various topics each night and provide many “hands on” experiences for participants as well. Participants learn something new each night about the RPD. The department covers topics including: department responsibilities and history, emergency vehicle operations, patrol tactics, accident investigation and traffic enforcement, special response team demonstrations, criminal investigation, crime prevention programs, and handling mock scenarios. Week one is the introduction, course layout, and department overview. The administrative staff shows participants how the department in organized, as well as the rank and pay structure for officers. After being welcomed and given an overview, participants are given a tour of the Police Department to learn about the facility and its capabilities. 16 | ABOUT...the River Valley
During week two, participants learn about the department’s control division. A total of 32 out of 55 officers are assigned to the control division, which is the largest division in the Police Department. Participants are informed about how officers respond and react to calls, and then get to experience a traffic stop practical in which they sit in a police car, approach a truck, and make a decision based on what they see. “Because each traffic stop we (the RPD) make is different, we make each scenario different for each participant. Some of them might get the scenario where the guy has a gun, or the guy isn’t the nicest guy in the world, and others may get the guy who is the nicest guy in the world,” says McMillian. “There’s a lot that goes in to making a traffic stop and the participants come away from that experience realizing the danger of the stop and understanding the protocol we must use each time.” Week three explains the department’s criminal investigative division. Participants learn how the RPD investigates crimes, including methods used to process crime scenes and the required solvability factors related to each crime. The department also presents information about its cybercrime unit, including how the unit finds sex offenders and internet predators. Participants learn during week four about various crime prevention programs offered by the RPD to the community. “We have more than 57 programs for crime prevention. A big part of policing is not only responding to calls and being reactive to crimes, but preventing crimes,” says McMillian. “Week five is always a highlight for us; it’s our DWI (driving while intoxicated) night. The class invites friends or family to participate with them in a controlled environment where they are administered alcohol. Some participants are brought to a certain level of intoxication, and others do a field sobriety test to see March 2011
how exactly how hard it is for officers to rate that person’s blood-alcohol content level. Again, it is a controlled environment in which this experience takes place,” explains McMillian. Participants get to travel out to the RPD’s firing range during week six. They get to fire the actual weapons the officers use, learning the impact that each different gun has, and why the department uses the guns they use. Week 7 covers the use of force and defensive tactics, including non-lethal weapons. Participants learn how the officers arrest people, and how they make the decision to be “hands on” with that person. McMillian explains that “Participants learn that deciding the use of force is not a situation that the RPD takes lightly. If we go hands-on with a person, it is because that person has created a situation where we have to respond in that way.” Week eight is the active shooter and highrisk incident training. Participants learn about the worse-case scenarios an officer may face. They then each experience a mock scenario where an officer is the bad guy, and the participant must make the decision to shoot the person or not based on how the situation presents itself.
“There’s a lot that goes in to making a traffic stop and the participants come away from that experience realizing the danger of the stop and understanding the protocol we must use each time.” The program concludes with a dinner and graduation ceremony in which participants are congratulated for their achievement of finishing the program, and are encouraged to go out and inform others about the RPD and its behind-the-scenes operations. Many former participants willingly chimed in when asked to give their opinion about their experience in the CPA. Roy McSpadden of Burris Office Products said, “The CPA has been one of the most enjoyable and enlightening experiences I’ve had. Every citizen should consider going through this program. We are very lucky to have the motivated professional officers that make up the RPD.” Russellville Mayor Bill Eaton agreed, “I enjoyed the demonstration of the SWAT team as well as going to the range and firing a different array of weapons. I liked all aspects of what was presented to me during the program.”
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McMillian concludes, “The rewards have been never-ending since we established the CPA. It has evolved since the first academy, because we use each participant’s feedback to improve. The program has improved substantially over five years, and it gets tougher for us every year to find ways to make it better. It’s pretty cool for the community to know what we do and what we’re capable of.” Russellville Police Chief Tom McMillen believes that by creating open lines of communication with the community through the graduates of the CPA, the RPD is able to send better-informed citizens back into the community with accurate knowledge of the department’s many responsibilities and functions. Chief McMillen says proudly, “The Citizen’s Police Academy is our “showpiece” for the Russellville Police Department.” n
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ABOUT...the River Valley | 17
Photos by MaryAnn McCartney
Valley Salutes Martin Luther King Jr.
The River Valley Progressive Men’s Club held the 23rd Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday Celebration on Saturday, Jan. 15. The day-long event began with a reenactment walk from New Prospect Baptist Church, down Parkway to Hughes Center where speakers, choirs, and performers of all ages gathered to celebrate the occasion. The Master of Ceremonies, Rick Colclough, began the day’s activities by relating the history and background of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Keynote speaker LTC Marcus R Hatley was introduced to those in attendance, along with special guest 1SGT Doug Newsom. Hatley is part of a unit that provides support and information dealing with drug awareness, in particular, marijuana. May through September is marijuana harvest time, and during this time LTC Hatley’s job is to reduce the need for the drug and get the people responsible for its distribution out of circulation. According to Hatley, there were 15,000 genetically-altered, hybrid plants in Arkansas found this summer and fall that can be directly linked to Mexico and the drug cartel. The crowd enjoyed a lunch provided by the RVPMC followed by music, skits and motivational speaking. The Progressive Men’s Club, along with the female members of the Pink Rose Arts and Civics Federated Club, serve the River Valley as positive role models to the community’s youth.
18 | ABOUT...the River Valley
March 2011
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Story cont. from pg. 10 Here are tips: 1. Get acquainted with the house. Look for its strengths and weaknesses. Strengths may include floor plan, architectural style, details in the character or setting. Weaknesses usually include at least some parts of the infrastructure, ie. Wiring, plumbing, or foundation. If the cost of updating these issues brings the price of the house above the market value, you might consider looking for another house. 2. Address weaknesses first, especially any settling issues, wiring and plumbing. Decide how each room will function and address any negatives, like too many doors or walls. Bump out walls into less functional rooms to gain space for larger kitchens, baths and closets. These areas are generally the culprits in the resale of an old house. Rooms can be repurposed to create a better floor plan. 3. Keep the style of the house correct. Victorian trim should not be added to a Craftsman Bungalow. If windows must be replaced use sizes as close to the originals as possible and keep the style correct. 4. Continuity of materials is important to the overall appearance. The least amount of changes in flooring creates a better visual flow. 5. Keep the basic color scheme simple. Added color in décor will pop if the color scheme is muted. A few striking pieces of furniture or architectural details become the jewelry for the home or the icing on the cake. If you are drawn to drama and bright color, remember a little goes a long way. Every home speaks volumes about the owner. Let your old house tell your unique story with hints of the past but brought up to the present. “Happy house hunting and happy rehabbing.” To contact Osborne at Boyd Osborne Realtor Group go to boyd@boydosborne. com or call the office (479) 280-1999. March 2011
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food BROCCOLI CHEESE SOUP 2 (10 oz.) boxes of frozen chopped broccoli 6 T. flour 1 tsp. salt ¼ tsp. pepper 1 tsp. dried thyme ½ tsp. crushed garlic 1 (14 oz.) can of vegetable broth 14 oz. water 1 quart half and half 1 pint of whipping cream 1 lb. Velveeta cheese, cubed Cook broccoli according to package directions, drain and set aside. In large soup, pot place flour, salt, pepper, thyme, and garlic. Cook 3 to 4 minutes over medium heat. Add vegetable broth and water to soup pot, cook slowly stirring until thickened. Add half and half and whipping cream. Stir. Add cubed cheese. Over med-low heat cook until cheese has melted and the soup is smooth. Add broccoli until heated through. Note: Our son Tony loved this soup served it with a ham steak and brown-and-serve rolls. Tony could east almost an entire package of the rolls. I am pretty sure that meant he liked this meal.
Hot Soup, Fresh Bread by Dianna Qualls About the River Valley Food Editor
s I sit at my computer gazing out my window, I’m watching it SNOW --SNOWING as if it has no intention of stopping -- it is February! I always find the snow very beautiful. It blankets my world in a soft white carpet, muffling all sounds, and making everything appear spotless. Peaceful. My co-workers will tell you I always wish for 17 (yes 17) inches of snow when the weatherman forecasts it for Russellville. However, I must also say I only want it to snow one time but I want lots of snow. On this particular day it looks as if I might get my wish. Hot soup and warm bread is just the right prescription for a cold, snowy day. Guess what I will be preparing for our dinner? It will be just a little something to warm our tummies and satisfy our need for comfort food. Hey, even if the weather is not cold and damp, soup and homemade breads are wonderful anytime. Enjoy!
SAVE THE DATE! 19th Annual
2 c. sifted all-purpose flour 3 tsp. baking powder 2 T. sugar 1 tsp. salt Sift dry ingredients together in medium size mixing bowl. Make a well in the middle and set bowl aside. In separate bowl combine: 1/3 c. oil 1 egg, well beaten; or 2 egg whites slightly beaten 1¼ c. skim milk Pour liquid mixture into well of the dry ingredients. Stir only enough to dampen the dry mixture. Batter should be lumpy. Fill lightly-oiled muffin tins, 2/3 full with the batter. In preheated 425 degree oven, bake 20 to 25 minutes.
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20 | ABOUT...the River Valley
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2 T. olive oil 1 lb. andouille or other spicy smoked sausage, cut into 1/2-inch-thick rounds 1 yellow onion, chopped 1 green bell pepper, seeded and chopped 2 celery stalks, chopped 2 garlic cloves, minced 2 tsp. Cajun seasoning, homemade or purchased 1 can (28 oz.) chopped tomatoes with juice 1 c. chicken broth Salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste 8 unbaked cheddar-herb biscuits, thawed (recipe below ) Milk for brushing biscuits
6 slices bacon, cut in small pieces 1 clove garlic, minced 4 cans black-eyed peas 2 cans diced tomatoes and green chilies (mild or hot) 1 large onion, finely chopped 1 (4 oz.) can green chilies chopped 2 cans beef broth salt and pepper to taste
In a large stockpot cook bacon, onion and garlic over medium heat until onion is tender. Transfer to paper towels to drain; place back in stockpot. Add remaining ingredients and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and serve. Store leftover soup in To make your own Cajun spice mixture: an airtight container in the refrigerator. mix together 3 Tbs. kosher salt, 1 T. cayenne pepper, 1 T. paprika, 2 T. freshly OLD TIME BEEF STEW ground black pepper, 1 tsp.. chili powder 2 lbs. stew beef and 1 Tbs. onion powder. Store in an airtight 2 T. vegetable oil 2 c. water container for up to 2 months. Preheat an oven to 400°F. Line a rimless 1 T. Worcestershire sauce baking sheet with parchment paper. 1 clove garlic, peeled In a large saucepan over medium heat, 1 or 2 bay leaves warm the olive oil. Add the sausage and 1 med. onion, sliced cook, stirring occasionally, until lightly 1 tsp. salt browned, about 5 minutes. Add the onion, 1 tsp. sugar ½ tsp. pepper bell pepper, celery and garlic. Cover and cook, stirring occasionally, ½ tsp. paprika until the vegetables are crisp-tender, Dash ground allspice or ground cloves about 5 minutes. Stir in the Cajun 3 large carrots, sliced seasoning, tomatoes with their juice 3 ribs celery, chopped and the broth. Bring to a simmer and 2 T. cornstarch cook, uncovered, until the tomato juices thicken, about 15 minutes. Season with Brown meat in hot oil. Add water, Worcestershire sauce, garlic, bay leaves, salt and pepper. onion, salt, sugar, pepper, paprika, and allspice. Bake the biscuits. (recipe below) Place the biscuits on the prepared Cover and simmer 1½ hours. Remove bay baking sheet and brush the tops with leaves and garlic clove. Add carrots and celery. milk. Bake until golden brown, 18 to Cover and cook 30 to 40 minutes longer. To 20 minutes. Split the biscuits in half thicken gravy, remove 2 cups hot liquid. Using crosswise and divide among shallow a separate bowl combine 1/4 cup water and bowls. Ladle the stew over the biscuits cornstarch until smooth. Mix with a little hot and serve immediately. Serves 4. Recipe liquid and return mixture to pot. Stir and cook until bubbly. Recipe from from Williams-Sonoma.
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HOURS: Tues. - Fri. 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Sat: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. ABOUT...the River Valley | 21
mixture forms coarse crumbs about the size of peas. Stir in the cheese and chives. Add the milk to the dry ingredients and, using a rubber spatula, stir just until evenly moistened. Turn out the dough onto a lightly floured work surface and press together gently. Pat into a circle about 1/2 inch thick. Using a floured 3-inch round biscuit cutter cut out rounds. Place 8 biscuits on the prepared baking sheet and brush the tops with milk. Store the others for future use (see note below). Heat oven to 375°F. Generously spray Bake until the biscuits are golden brown, 1 1/2-quart casserole with cooking spray. 18 to 20 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack, In large bowl, mix cheese, buttermilk, oil, let cool slightly and serve. Makes 8 baked eggs, corn and chilies; blend well. biscuits plus 12 unbaked biscuits. In small bowl mix cornmeal, flour, baking Freeze unbaked biscuits and bake as powder, baking soda and salt. Add to needed. cheese mixture; stir just until dry ingredients Storage tip: Arrange the unbaked biscuits are moistened. Pour into casserole. on a baking sheet and place in the freezer Bake 40 to 50 minutes or until cornbread until solid, about 3 hours. Transfer the is deep golden brown and toothpick inserted biscuits to an airtight container and freeze in center comes out clean. Cool 10 minutes; for up to 2 months. Before baking, thaw at remove from casserole. Serve warm. Recipe room temperature. from 1 ½ c. shredded Sharp Cheddar Cheese (6 oz.) ¾ c. buttermilk 1/3 c. vegetable oil 2 eggs, slightly beaten 1 (8.5 oz.) can cream-style corn 1 (4.5 oz.) can chopped green chilies 1 c. cornmeal 1 c. all-purpose flour 1 tsp. baking powder ½ tsp. baking soda
4 T. butter 1/3 c. green onion, chopped 1 (8-oz.) package fresh cabbage, shredded for coleslaw ¼ c. all-purpose flour 2 (10 ¼ oz.) cans chicken stock ½ c. beer 1T Dijon mustard 2 c. half-and-half, heated 2 c. (8 oz.) Sharp Cheddar Cheese, shredded Preheat an oven to 400°F. Line a rimless 1 lb. fully-cooked smoked sausage, cut baking sheet with parchment paper. into bite-sized chunks In a large bowl, stir together the flour, baking powder and salt. Using a pastry blender Melt butter in large saucepan. Add onion cut in the shortening and butter until the and cabbage. Cook and stir over medium4 c. all-purpose flour, plus more for dusting 2 T. baking powder 1 tsp. salt ½ c. cold vegetable shortening 4 T. (1/2 stick) cold unsalted butter, cut into cubes 1 c. shredded sharp cheddar cheese 2 T. chopped fresh chives 1½ c. milk, plus more for brushing
2011 Chevrolet Malibu
high heat until vegetables are translucent. Stir in flour; cook 1 minute. Add broth, beer, and mustard. Cover. Simmer 30 minutes. Add hot half-and-half, cheese and sausage. Warm gently until heated through and cheese melts. Makes 8 servings. Recipe from the Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board, Inc.
SWEET AND SOUR BEEF-CABBAGE SOUP 1 T. canola oil 1 lb. lean (90% or leaner) ground beef 1 ½ tsp. caraway seeds 1 tsp. dried thyme 2 ½ c. frozen bell pepper and onion mix, thawed, chopped 1 med. Golden Delicious or other sweettart cooking apple, unpeeled, diced 6 c. reduced-sodium beef broth 1 (15-oz.) can crushed or diced tomatoes 1 ½ T. honey 1 T paprika, preferably Hungarian sweet 3 c. coarsely chopped Savoy, or green cabbage 1 to 2 T. cider vinegar (to taste) ¼ tsp. salt Freshly ground pepper to taste Heat oil in a Dutch oven over medium heat. Add beef, caraway seeds and thyme and cook, stirring and breaking up the beef with a spoon, until it is mostly browned, about 4 minutes. Stir in pepper-onion mix and apple; cook, stirring, for 2 to 3 minutes more. Stir in broth, tomatoes, honey and paprika and adjust the heat so the mixture boils gently. Cook for 8 to 10 minutes to blend the flavors. Stir in cabbage and cook just until barely tender, 3 to 4 minutes more. Season with vinegar to taste, salt and pepper.
2011 Chevrolet Cruze
3300 E. Main • Hwy. 64 East, Russellville • (479) 968-1555 • 22 | ABOUT...the River Valley
March 2011
CHICKEN & CORN CHOWDER 4 bacon slices, chopped 1 large red bell pepper, seeded and chopped 4 c. fresh or frozen corn kernels ¾ lb. Yukon Gold potatoes, cut into 1/2-inch chunks 3 c. chicken broth ½ c. dry white wine ¾ lb. boneless, skinless chicken thighs, cut into 1/2-inch chunks 6 green onions, white and pale green parts, thinly sliced 3 T. minced fresh thyme 2½ c. half-and-half Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste In a saucepan over medium heat, fry bacon until crisp, about 5 minutes. Using a slotted spoon, transfer to paper towels to drain. Pour off all but 3 T. of the fat from the pan. Add the bell pepper, corn and potatoes to the same pan over medium heat. Cook, stirring frequently, until the peppers are just softened and the corn and potatoes are lightly tinged with gold, 4 to 5 minutes. Add the broth and wine and bring to a boil. Cover and cook until the potatoes are almost tender, about 5 minutes. Add the chicken and cook, covered, until opaque throughout, 5 to 7 minutes. Stir in the green onions, thyme and halfand-half. Bring to a simmer over medium heat. Reduce the heat to medium-low and cook, uncovered, until heated through, about 3 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Ladle the chowder into bowls, sprinkle with the bacon and serve immediately. Serves 4.
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SODA BREAD 1 c. unbleached all-purpose flour, plus more for kneading surface 3 c. whole-wheat flour 2 tsp. baking soda ½ c. rolled oats 1 tsp. kosher salt 2 c. buttermilk Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F. In a large bowl, whisk together the flours, baking soda, oats and salt. Pour in most of the buttermilk and mix well, adding more buttermilk, if needed, to form a soft dough. Turn out onto a floured surface and lightly knead into shapeable dough. Avoid overworking the dough. Shape the dough into a round disk shaped loaf and cut a deep “X” in the top with a sharp knife. Put the dough on a parchment lined baking sheet and bake for 7 minutes at 425 degrees F. Lower the oven temperature to 375 degrees F and bake another 20 to 25 minutes. Remove the bread from the oven to a cutting board. Cool slightly before cutting and enjoy warm! n March 2011
Come Visit Our Showroom Inventory In Stock
Granite • Quartz • Solid Surfaces • Tile Residential & Commercial • FREE ESTIMATES (479) 967-0229 709 South Elmira Russellville ABOUT...the River Valley | 23
giving back
Dr. James Carter Citizen of the Year Dr. James Carter has called the Arkansas River Valley home for over four decades. And recently, as Dr. Carter was recognized as the 2010 Russellville Citizen of the Year at the annual Russellville Area Chamber of Commerce banquet, the Valley had a chance to say, ‘thank you.’ Born in Camden, Ark., a young James moved to Little Rock at age eight. He attended Little Rock public schools and is a member of the 1959 “Class That Never Was” from Central High School. (The 1957 deployment of federal troops to enforce integration at Central had created a vast reservoir of popular discontent in Little Rock. At a special referendum on September 1958, voters chose overwhelmingly, to close all the city’s high schools rather than accept integration. For additional information on the “Lost Class” visit Nearly all of the students found “safe harbor” somewhere; a teenaged James Carter graduated from 24 | ABOUT...the River Valley
Photo by Steve Newby
Over these same 40 or so years Dr. Carter has been a member of First Baptist Church of Russellville and is an ordained deacon and choir member. He has been a Sunday school teacher for high school and elementary students, is a member of the 21st Century Group, and has participated in three medical mission trips to Brazil. Dr. Carter served the community of Russellville as a member of the Russellville School Board from 1978 to 1986 and on the board off the Civil Service Commission from 2003 to 2009. Recognized as 2006 Kiwanis International Citizen of the Year for Russellville, Dr. Carter also received the Russellville Rotary Club Vocational Excellence Award that same year. In 2009 he was recognized as Dardanelle’s Citizen of the Year. Beginning in 2006, Dr. Carter launched a tireless effort to meet the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of many of our River Valley’s most distressed citizens -- an effort which led to the development of the River Valley Christian Clinic. The clinic, located in Dardanelle in the site of a former medical facility, was the collaborative effort of a great team of community members who have helped this clinic reach its current state of stability and service. However, there is no doubt that Dr. Carter led the way in this critical creation. He recognized a need, encouraged others to lock arms with him, and then led a team to shape this clinic from the ground up. In the four years in which it has been operational, the River Valley Christian Clinic has provided over $6 million in medical, dental, and eye care services. Under Dr. Carter’s leadership, the clinic has expanded its reach to provide many personal services, such as a monthly diabetic clinic, spiritual and financial counseling, social service assistance, smoking cessation counseling, and various support groups. The clinic’s pharmacy dispenses costly pharmaceuticals at no cost to those who qualify. Serving as current Board President of the River Valley Christian Clinic, Dr. Carter has been instrumental in managing volunteers who have contributed over 33,000 hours of volunteer medical services since 2007. Through the River Valley Christian Clinic and his service to the country and community, Dr. Carter has managed to have an unbelievable impact on not just Russellville, but upon the entire River Valley. n
T.J. Raney High School in Little Rock before later becoming a 1966 graduate of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in Little Rock. Dr. Carter is married to wife, Wanda and is father to Mark, Timothy, Todd and Jamie. The Carters celebrate their lives with their children, their spouses and 11 grandchildren. Dr. Carter is, and has always been, a man of service. He served the country as Lt. Commander and Flight Surgeon in the U.S. Navy during the war in Vietnam. He is a member of numerous professional associations including the American Medical Association, the Arkansas Medical Society and the Pope County Medical Society. Dr. Carter began his medical practice at Millard-Henry Clinic in 1971 and still practices medicine on a ‘semi-retired’ basis at both Millard Henry Clinic and Saint Mary’s Regional -- Information submitted by the Russellville Area Chamber of Commerce. Medical Center.
March 2011
This is the mower that just begs to be compared to every other model out there. The same commercial quality construction from our professional line of mowers is at the core of this zero-turn marvel. With 1/2” steel front forks, 2” x 2” tubular steel framing and 7-gauge solid steel deck powered by high-horsepower engines usually reserved for commercial vehicles, the numbers all add up to the best value in a residential mower ANYWHERE. Featuring auto-neutral handles, electric deck Prices Starting at height and electric blade start, it’s a commercial quality mower in an easy-to-use, $ homeowner-focused Bad Boy orange package.
Listen to 100.9 KWKK weekday mornings April 4-29 at 8:00 during Johnny Story’s morning show • Listeners weigh in live on the air • Teams of two persons will compete to lose the most weight, based on the percentage of weight lost • Winners get prizes – including memberships to SNAP Fitness
Deadline to register is March 25th! March 2011
ABOUT...the River Valley | 25
20 years of
Story by Janice James ~ Courtesy Photos
hoices Pregnancy Resource Clinic, Inc. is celebrating their 20th anniversary serving Russellville and the surrounding area with caring and compassionate support for the young women in our community. Choices Executive Director, Sherry Berger, will also be celebrating her 20th year as Executive Director for Choices. An annual fundraising banquet is held each year and this year’s theme will be “Celebrating 20 Years of HOPE.” The event will begin at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 12, at First Baptist Church, Second and El Paso, Russellville. Guest speaker will be Sherry Berger, executive director of Choices Pregnancy Resource Clinic. The Duggar Family of “19 Kids & Counting” will be the featured musical guests. Deadline for reservations is Monday, April 4. Seating is limited and those in attendance must be 18 years of age or older to attend. Reservations are required and available by calling Choices at (479) 967-2255 or online at Dress is business attire. There is no charge to attend the banquet, however, reservations are required. The meal will be catered by Italian Gardens. Guests are asked to help raise funds by making tax-deductible donations that evening.
T hink Spring Let us help you with: • Landscaping • Sprinkler systems • Fruit & shade trees • Colorful annuals • Gift plants and pots • Perennials & herbs
Taylor Nursery
130 S Cumberland • 479-968-2778 26 | ABOUT...the River Valley
Choices PRC offers educational and counseling support to young women faced with unplanned pregnancies. Along with providing pregnancy testing and confirmation through limited ultrasounds, they offer pregnancy options education, abstinence support, parenting classes, adoption and medical referrals. Choices PRC also offers a 12-Week Earn While You Learn mentoring program in a “support group” setting that meets one day weekly. Earn While You Learn classes help prepare clients for their new parenting role as “mom” and explores life style changes that provide a healthier and safer family environment. Moms gain knowledge about a wide range of subjects that enable them to make lasting changes in their lives as well as equip them as parents; this education can decrease many risk factors associated with teen pregnancies, such as neglect and abuse. Parenting classes are offered to young moms and dads to equip them with practical parenting skills that nurture the parent-child relations. Parenting classes differ from the mentoring program
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479-890-6709 March 2011
CPRC Director and Featured Speaker Sherry Berger
as these classes include dads and their role as provider and protector of their family. Parenting classes offer interaction with other young parents, encouraging and challenging parenting viewpoints. Parenting classes now facilitate approximately 135 client visits. Both the Earn While You Learn program and Parenting Classes offer “Parenting Bucks” to accumulate and spend in the “Thrift Store” which is open to clients only. Rather than just “taking a handout” clients are given the opportunity to work for much needed baby items, which enhances their self-respect and rewards their hard work. Choices PRC provides new cribs and car seats through the “Earn While You Learn” program. As clients are given the knowledge needed to develop healthy relationships, they can become better parents and managers of their households. Choices PRC is seeing more families equipped to become successful members of our community as they participate in these programs. In 2010, Choices PRC experienced 609 client visits and provided 131 pregnancy tests and 101 limited ultrasounds; Choices PRC also saw 48 clients participate in the Earn While You Learn Program and/or Parenting Classes. Choices PRC is located at 311 East 3rd Street in Russellville. Office Hours are: Monday, 2 p.m. until 7 p.m., Tuesday and Thursday, 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. After hours appointments are available. The phone number is: (479) 967-2255. For those interested in making a tax-deductible donation at anytime, the mailing address is: Choices PRC, P. O. Box 394, Russellville, AR 72811. Information is available online at: www. Additional information about Choices PRC is available on their website. n March 2011
outh (Hwy 7 S Ark. Ave. outh)
ABOUT...the River Valley | 27
Colorectal Cancer… You CAN Prevent It
America’s #2 Cancer Killer: According to the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG), colorectal cancer is the number 2 cancer killer in the United States. Yet it is one of the most preventable types of cancer if detected early. Colonoscopy is the preferred method of screening for colorectal cancers. The ACG considers colonoscopy the “gold standard” for colorectal screening. Gastroenterologist Ron White, M.D., of Russellville Gastroenterology Clinic explained, “Colonoscopy allows physicians to look directly at the entire colon and to identify suspicious growths. It is the only test that allows a biopsy or removal of a polyp at the very same time it is identified.” Most people would admit to knowing that colonoscopies are recommended at age 50, but many delay because they consider the procedure embarrassing or are squeamish about pre-exam preparation. Other reasons cited by an American Cancer Society survey for not participating in colorectal cancer screening included lack of time, lack of interest, cost and fear of being diagnosed with cancer. Screening advocates point out that the minor inconvenience of a colonoscopy is a small price to pay to avoid a painful and deadly disease. Consider some important statistics: Ninety percent of colorectal cancers are curable when patients get an early diagnosis. High and moderate-risk patients only account for about 25 percent of all diagnosed colorectal cancer cases. The other 75 percent of people who develop the disease are age 50 or older and don’t have any risk factors. If everyone in America were to get his or her colonoscopy when recommended, 25,000 lives would be saved each year. Though 50 is the recommended age for most people to get their first screening colonoscopy, the ACG recommends that people with a family history of colon cancer get their first colonoscopy at 40. Some ethnic groups are also at higher risk and should begin screening before age 50. Your physician can advise you on all age appropriate screening procedures. If you are a patient of average risk, colonoscopies are recommended every 10 years after your first procedure. 28 | ABOUT...the River Valley
Good Tips for Good moms
Dr. Ron White
Signs and Symptoms: Colorectal cancers are slow-growing, and it may be years before symptoms are detected. Therefore, regular screening is highly recommended. However, knowing what signs to look for can’t hurt. If you suddenly begin experiencing any of the following on a regular basis, contact your physician: Any change in bowel movements: sudden diarrhea, bloody stools, constipation, or “thin” but solid stools; - Unexplained weight loss; - Stomach cramps; - Bloating, gas, nausea, or vomiting; - Feeling full or tired. “Because colorectal cancers are slowgrowing, they are generally curable when found early on,” said Dr. White. “And it helps to remember that in most instances, if your colonoscopy shows no polyps or cancer, you are in the clear for a decade. If there are polyps, or even cancer, you will know, and you can begin treatment quickly.” March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. Join Dr. White on Wednesday, March 30 for a Saint Mary’s “Lunch with Your Doctor” on colorectal cancer awareness and prevention. Instructors with Saint Mary’s Wellness Fitness Center will also offer a “Yoga Stretch” demonstration and information on the Silver Sneakers fitness program. The event will take place in the Saint Mary’s annex, beginning at 12 noon. Admission is $5 and includes lunch and registration for door prizes. Reservations are appreciated at (479) 964-9355.
Nutrition for a healthy pregnancy was the main focus of a recent goodmoms seminar at Saint Mary’s Regional Medical Center. Obstetrician/gynecologist Michael Escue, M.D. and registered dietitian Katie Whitlow, both of Millard Henry Clinic, presented “What Eating for Two Really Means,” offering advice on healthy weight gain and good nutrition for mom and baby. The event offered light refreshments and door prizes contributed by The Mulberry Bush Children’s Resale and Pile High Dessert. Dr. Escue began by stressing the importance of proper nutrition before pregnancy. “Nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are just as important before becoming pregnant as during the pregnancy. Obese women are more at risk for developing gestational diabetes. Underweight mothers are at risk of delivering a smaller, pre-term baby.” Whitlow offered a variety of recommendations to accomplish nutritional goals. These included establishing an appropriate weight gain, understanding changing nutritional needs, creating healthy meal plans, managing morning sickness, and reviewing the latest food safety guidelines. According to Whitlow, underweight expectant mothers should gain 28-48 pounds, normal weight mothers should gain 25-35 pounds, and overweight women should gain 15-25 pounds. The pattern of weight gain is as important as the total weight gain. The first trimester should be three to five pounds total. The second and third trimester should be three-quarters to one pound per week. “Don’t eat twice as much, be twice as wise about what you eat,” stated Whitlow as she continued. Each trimester requires a different calorie intake. Up to 150 extra calories per day should be consumed during the first trimester, up to 340 for the second trimester, and up to 450 for the third trimester. There should also be an additional 10 grams of protein added daily, especially during the second and third trimester. This is when your baby will be growing fastest, meaning a higher demand on you for his or her essential nutrients. Prenatal vitamins are also essential throughout pregnancy. “Extra vitamins and minerals are necessary throughout pregnancy,” said Whitlow. Some of the most important nutrients include calcium, which is found in milk, yogurt, and cheese; folic acid, found in beans, peas, and orange juice; and iron, found in meat, fish, poultry, and eggs. Cravings and dislikes are completely normal during pregnancy. “Splurging March 2011
on an occasional treat is perfectly fine, but don’t let cravings for ‘empty calories’ replace nutritious foods,” said Whitlow. If cravings are very frequent, try to find healthy alternatives. For example, replace a large milkshake with 1 cup of low-fat chocolate milk and a large banana. Crunchy cravings can be satisfied with one cup of carrot strips with four tablespoons hummus and eight whole grain crackers. Whitlow provided an assortment of tips for managing nausea during pregnancy. These included having a high-protein snack before bed, snacking on carbohydrate-rich foods before getting out of bed, keeping drinks at a very cold temperature, and trying products with ginger. Heart burn usually occurs toward the end of pregnancy. To control heart burn eat light, more frequent meals, try to eat two hours before lying down, and avoid fatty foods. Food safety is another important consideration for expectant mothers. Whitlow advised avoiding all raw meats and high mercury fish. Caffeine should be limited, as high amounts may increase the risk of miscarriage, preterm delivery, and low birth weight. Alcohol should be completely avoided throughout pregnancy. “Alcohol has extremely detrimental effects
on the mental and physical development of the baby,” concluded Whitlow. Saint Mary’s ‘goodmoms’ program is designed especially for expectant parents and families with young children, and is a comprehensive source of research-based advice and information on pregnancy, childbirth and wellness from infancy through adolescence. The next goodmoms event, “Kids Act Fast…So Do Poisons”, will feature Saint Mary’s emergency physician Richard Young, M.D. More than 2 million poisonings are reported each year to Poison Control Centers across the country. The majority occur in children younger than six years old. Dr. Young will offer information on how to actively ensure the safety of children at home and in the community. The seminar is scheduled for 6 p.m. on Tuesday, March 15 at the Saint Mary’s annex. There is no charge to attend. Light refreshments and door prizes will be offered. To reserve your space, RSVP at Saint Mary’s Regional Medical Center’s page on Facebook or call 964-5333. Also visit for an online registration link for the goodmoms weekly e-newsletter, and stay apprised of upcoming events and hospital services. n
Warranty C ho Warrant y
Protec tion Plan
Dr. Michael Escue with guests Jennifer Enos (left) and Natalie Smith of Russellville at a recent Saint Mary's goodmoms seminar on healthy nutrition during pregnancy.
Expectant mothers and guests from around the River Valley enjoyed a goodmoms presentation on "What Eating for Two Really Means" by registered dietitian Katie Whitlow of Millard Henry Clinic.
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ABOUT...the River Valley | 29
Largest selection of in stock prom and wedding in the River Valley
Calendar listings of engagement, wedding and anniversary announcements on the pages of each issue of ABOUT … the River Valley are available at no charge. They may be mailed to: ABOUT Magazine, P.O. Box 10176, Russellville AR 72812 or sent via email to: (A phone number must be included for verification.)
Prom Dress & Tux Specials for couples who purchase both!
Danielle’s Bridal
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Free with any Estée Lauder purchase of 32.50 or more. Worth over $85.00.
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–March 5–
Destiny Keville and Nicholas Payton Amanda Garner and Brian Griffin
–March 6–
–March 12–
– May 28–
Sarah Fink and Donald Johnson
Alicia Chivers and Ben Woods Jennifer Fall and Nathan Peters
–March 15–
Darla Hancock and Bob Harper Danielle Smith and Kyle Hayes Christina Keaster and Cory Williams
–March 25–
City Mall, Russellville 479-968-3001
– May 27–
Sarah Milligan and Chris Lemley
–March 19–
FREE with any purchase of $60.00 or more.
Kalli Anderson and Zach Bluhm Laura Monfee and Larry Shingleur
David and Mariel Kurtz Reception
Laura Buford and Marcus Aynes Dana Callaway and Mark Crouch GET MORE
– May 21–
Whitney Landon and Cole Lewis
–June 4–
Whitley Robertson and Albert Martin Doriane Woollery and Scott Wray
–June 11–
Anna Pabian and Matt MacFarlane Carmen Estes and Tim Sherman Tiffany LoPorto and Cody Kraus
–June 25–
–April 9–
Lindsay Williams and Kyle Dixon Brittany Tippin and Geoff West
–April 23–
Sarah Taylor and Josh Jones
Monica Bell and Jason Irwin
–July 9–
Katy Scott and Jared Winston
–July 16–
– May 7–
Marissa Hawkins and Tyler Wells Jilliann Jacimore and Matt Johnston Jessi Hoelzeman and Brandon Turner
Judy Dillon and Justin Renfroe Erin Howard and Jeff Green Registry listings courtesy of Gifts on Parkway/Gifts on Rogers and Millyn’s of Dardanelle
To have your engagement or wedding published in a future issue of ABOUT Magazine, send your information, photo* and a check for $57.50 to: ABOUT Magazine, PO Box 10176, Russellville AR 72812. Word count is limited to 225 words. Deadline is the 15th of the month preceding publication. For additional information, call (479) 970-6628. *Digital files are accepted and will be published upon receipt of payment.
by MM Couture
Morgan’s Fashions Where Fashion is a Distinction Exit 58, 116 E. Main St., Clarksville 479.754.8130 • M-F 9-6 / Sat 9-5:30
30 | ABOUT...the River Valley
"Healthcare For Women By Women."
Shanno n CaSe, MD o b St et r i C S & G y n eC o l o G y 1100 East Poplar Suite A, Clarksville, AR (479) 754-5337 • Fax: (479) 754-5348 March 2011
March 2011
ABOUT...the River Valley | 31
Lucas Andrada, M.D. Family Medicine
Leading Physicians. That’s Our Promise. Saint Mary’s Regional Medical Center and Millard Henry Clinic are pleased to announce that Lucas Andrada, M.D., has re-joined our skilled and experienced Family Practice medical staff. Dr. Andrada has most recently practiced Emergency Medicine in Fort Smith. He previously served the River Valley at Millard Henry Clinic-Atkins, and has now re-opened his office with the main clinic in Russellville. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Andrada, call 479-968-2345.
MILLARD-HENRY CLINIC | 101 SKYLINE DR. | 479.968.2345 SAINT MARY’S | 1808 WEST MAIN ST. | 479.968.2841