Wheels For the World – Changing Lives Worldwide
May 2008
a publication of SILVER PLATTER PRODUCTIONS, INC. May 2008
ABOUT...the River Valley 1
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3105 West Main, Russellville AR
(479) 968-1001 2 ABOUT...the River Valley
We Cater to Cowards May 2008
May 2008
ABOUT...the River Valley 3
May 2008
contents 7 ABOUT Goes Green
n Look Cool in Sunglasses Sunglasses by FENDI FS299
Daiber Vision Care
317 East Parkway, Russellville (479) 967-6113
8 Collecting Wheelchairs, Changing Lives
n Teacher Appreciation Gifts Personalize It – Bake It – Use It. Teacher Plate with matching D.I.Y. mug. Gift Certificates Available
History at Our Doorstep
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n Memorial Sprays Assorted styles to choose from starting at $15.00
Bow K’s
Life in the Fast Lane
Life Can Be Sweet...
River Valley Potters
Having Fun, Raising Funds
Them Bones...
ABOUT Weddings
121 East Harrell Drive, Ste. 1, Russellville (next to Dixie Cafe) (479) 890-BOWK
ABOUT our Cover
Photos by Steve Newby Design by Chris Zimmerman
Donna Cutler (left) and Karen Walters of Russellville volunteer with Wheels for the World, an organization that offers mobility to those who lack it. The women are friends and fellow church members who had suffered injuries and were paralyzed due to a car accident. Wheels for the World illustrates that “all of us have something we can do, no matter what happens along the way.” Please read their story beginning on page 8.
Our Associates Melanie CONLEY
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4 7 9 . 8 5 8 .2 7 0 8 m e l a n ie @ ab o u trvmag .c o m
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Stephanie YOUNG
Kelsey BOYD
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4 ABOUT...the River Valley
May 2008
Dr. Cooper, Thank you so much for giving me a beautiful smile. Your work has given me confidence and I’m proud to just be me and SMILE. Thank you,
Kayla Hendrix
SEE THE DIFFERENCE a DURAthin smile can make
Dr. Michael Cooper, D.D.S. May 2008
ABOUT...the River Valley 5
ABOUT the River Valley
A Publication of Silver Platter Productions, Inc Vol. III, Issue 4 – May 2008
OWNER/PUBLISHER Nolan and Dianne Edwards Advertising Sales Melanie Conley Stephanie K. Young Dianne S. Edwards Graphic Design Chris Zimmerman Zim Creative Contributing Writers Kechia Bentley Kelsey Boyd Jeannie Stone Contributing PhotographerS Steve Newby Assistant to the Publisher Melissa Edwards Creative/Technical Contributors Michelle Hightower Posey Printing and Marketing, Inc. The Nicholson Group
ABOUT… the River Valley
is locally owned and published for distribution by direct mail and targeted delivery to those interested in the Arkansas River Valley. Subscriptions are available by sending $20 for one-year (10 issues) to: SPPI/ABOUT Magazine P.O. Box 10176 Russellville AR 72812 Material contained in this issue may not be copied or reproduced without written consent. Inquiries may be made by calling (479) 970-6628. Email: editor@aboutrvmag.com Postmaster: Please send address changes to: SPPI, P.O. Box 10176, Russellville AR 72812.
6 ABOUT...the River Valley
A PAGE FROM ___________________________________________________
The Editor’s Notebook With two daughters graduating a week apart at two different schools, plus one planning a June wedding, May’s issue is already a blur! Yet, with the collective efforts of our extremely capable and talented associates, you are holding this month’s issue in your hand. I have to admit it sometimes amazes even ME that we make it to the printer! (Thank you, guys, for another outstanding effort!) Oh, and if the publication of our May issue weren’t enough to keep us busy, did I mention we’re moving our offices? See page 7 for the story of how “ABOUT goes Green.” The two women featured on this month’s cover are amazing. It is said, “God will never give us more than we can handle.” At times, I’m sure these two questioned their abilities to not only handle, but rise above what could have been a tragic situation. See what keeps these two rolling along in “Collecting Wheelchairs, Changing Lives” beginning on page 8. Life isn’t always what we expect. See how Diana Qualls took lemons and turned them into lemonade, so to speak, as this newly-diagnosed diabetic learned how to improve her quality of life through better food choices. She offers a collection of healthy recipes in her story,” Life Can Be Sweet...” beginning on page 22. We are proud to include a story by Jeannie Stone, known locally with her former association with Arkansas Hospice. But, this volunteer-manager-turned-writer has served up a wonderful story about other River Valley volunteer efforts. This time, the talented potters of our area donate their time and pieces to a worthy cause. See “River Valley Potters” on page 26. “Having Fun, Raising Funds” offers local residents the opportunity to enjoy an
evening out while contributing to a worthy cause. Please see page 28. At the request of our readers, we will begin a page dedicated to a list of upcoming weddings in the valley. To be included, see page 37. ---- On another note, the staff of ABOUT Magazine would like to wish two very special ABOUT graduates, “congratulations!” Kelsey Paige Boyd, whom I have known personally since she was 7, will graduate with a bachelor’s degree from Arkansas Tech. Her aspirations include a possible move to Northwest Arkansas to pursue a career in marketing and communication. Our regular readers have been captivated by Kelsey’s style with each story she has provided to ABOUT Magazine for the past two years. We’ll miss her but know she’ll maintain her local ties with family and perhaps contribute from time to time as her new life allows. Lara B. Russenberger, our beloved photographer/friend, has been busy earning a masters of science degree in Emergency Management and Homeland Security from Arkansas Tech. While her studies have kept her from contributing an abundance of her talented work, we were happy with what we were able to beg, borrow or steal from Lara. We hope she’ll remember ‘the little people’ as she pursues a new career, one which will probably require her relocation. You will be missed! Good luck to these two and our other River Valley graduates! Summer’s almost here... make it a great one! Dianne Edwards, Editor/Publisher
The Mulberry Bush Children’s Resale
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May 2008
ABOU T Goes Green
Beginning this month, ABOUT... the River Valley Magazine will officially “Go Green” as we move our offices to 417 West Parkway in Russellville. Known locally as “The Green Train Car” located between Stoby’s Restaurant and PattiCakes Bakery, this 1921 Rock Island Dining Car will serve as our “home away from home” as the associates of ABOUT Magazine settle into our new location. The office will begin opening from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday, with additional hours posted and by appointment. We remain available to our readers and advertisers through the numbers and email addresses listed on pages four and six. With more than 80 years of combined experience, the advertising associates, photographers and freelance writers that comprise the ABOUT “family” make each month’s issue possible. We work as a team to bring you stories about those you may (or may not yet) know while offering insight to our area. While we aren’t able to bring attention to every event, person or location in the fourcounty area, we strive to tell your stories. If you or your organization have a community activity, event or fundraiser to promote, please let us know. Deadlines are the 15th of each month preceding publication. To request or suggest a story idea, or to send a news release regarding your next event, call (479) 970-6628 or contact us via email at editor@aboutrvmag. com. Information may also be sent via fax to 1-866-757-3282. ABOUT Magazine is locally owned and published. We are not affiliated with other local or corporate media; we are hometown folks like you who live and work in the River Valley. We’ve chosen to rear our families in this community, and support our area May 2008
merchants by shopping and spending at home whenever possible. Remember, those tax dollars you spend elsewhere go to fund the city and county conveniences of the ‘other guys.’ We feel each issue is a labor of love, a way for us to “give back” to our community. When someone expresses their gratitude for our efforts we confess that we love what we do.” It is true -- we love what we do! We believe strongly in the Arkansas River Valley and the people that make it such a wonderful place to live, work and play! In keeping with the “green” theme, we’d like to encourage you to recycle back issues that you may no longer want. (Although, a number of our readers have mentioned they catalog and keep every issue!) Pass along the latest version to a friend, drop them at your doctor’s office or leave them at the office of your church or local nursing home. While some of the information in each issue may be dated, the stories are timeless. At the very least, drop them by our new location or at to the recycling center located near the Animal Shelter, 3115 S. Mobile, off Hwy. 7T in Russellville. Non-subscribers may pick-up a complimentary issue of ABOUT Magazine from our new office and a number of other locations. Those include: the Historic Missouri-Pacific Railroad Depot, area chambers of commerce, the Lake Dardanelle Visitors Center, our advertisers and other points of interest. Get on board with ABOUT Magazine! Join our growing list of subscribers by sending a check for $20 for a one-year (10 issue) mailed subscription to: ABOUT/SPPI, P.O. Box 10176, Russellville AR 72812. Complimentary issues sent by mail may be discontinued at any time. Don’t miss another issue... enjoy the convenience of mailed delivery. Subscribe today! n Join us as we celebrate our anniversary and relocation. Details of our Open House, planned for Thursday, June 19, will be announced in next month’s issue. We hope you’ll come on board!
ABOUT...the River Valley 7
Collecting Wheelchairs, Changing Lives Story by Kelsey Boyd • Photos by Steve Newby
According to the World Health Organization, there is a need for an estimated 20 – 30 million wheelchairs around the world. Most of the people with limited mobility have little money and are unable to afford a wheelchair—an investment that, in many countries, costs a year’s wages. Two local women have recognized this global need and are actively combating the problem. Donna Cutler and Karen Walters, both of Russellville, are volunteering with Wheels for the World, a program that provides mobility to those who lack it. The program is part of Joni and Friends, a faith-based organization that aids the disabled, meeting not only their physical needs, but their spiritual needs, as well. Wheels for the World collects wheelchairs, walkers, canes, and even car seats and baby strollers (for pediatric care) for disabled people in need. Wheelchairs and other equipment are transported to 17 correctional facilities throughout the United States, including one in Arkansas. Carefully trained inmates restore the wheelchairs to like-new condition. The wheelchairs are then shipped overseas and distributed by shortterm missions teams who custom fit each chair to its new owner. The teams also give away Bibles, sharing the message of God’s love with others—a message the Joni and Friends International Disability Center aims to share with the world.
The disability center was begun in 1979 by Joni Eareckson Tada, a well-known Christian author, artist and disability advocate. In 1967, Joni had a diving accident that paralyzed her from the neck down. A quadriplegic for 41 years, Joni has accomplished much and inspired many, including Donna and Karen. Donna became involved with Wheels for the World in 2004 after seeing Joni on Larry King Live. She remembers flipping through the channels and seeing Joni on the television show, talking about Wheels for the World. Something sparked in Donna that evening and she felt a strong urge to get involved with the program. “God just said, ‘This is the time,’” Donna recalled while watching the show. As she tells people, “God didn’t just open a door, he opened a garage door.” She called to inquire about the program the following morning and everything began to fall into place. “I was never more certain about something I was supposed to do…it was crystal clear,” she said. Everyone Donna spoke to about the program was supportive, from Arkansas’ Wheels for the World regional coordinator to local churches to her own family and friends. Recently, Karen, Donna’s fellow church member and friend, joined the program’s efforts.
“All of us have something we can do, no matter what happens along the way,”
8 ABOUT...the River Valley
May 2008
Karen had a similar feeling as Donna when considering joining “It touches their spiritual souls, too, and that’s the whole point,” Donna said. the organization. “It was like God spoke to me,” she said. “I was never so excited. During their involvement with the program, both Donna and Karen have seen tremendous support from the River Valley. The women I realized I was happy.” Things began working out for Karen, as well. She was able are grateful for the many donations, volunteers, time and energy to utilize her contacts all over the world from traveling with her spent on the program. Renee Wright, a friend and fellow church husband, Butch, who is retired from the military. Her former career member of Donna and Karen, plays a key role in local operations as church choir and music director gives her access to many and helps coordinate wheelchair drop off and delivery when a new people and helps her comfortably speak in front of crowds, which is chair is donated. Donna and Karen acknowledged Renee’s tireless help with the program. something both women do often with Wheels for the World. Donna and Karen travel to churches, civic organizations and just The women are constantly pushing the program forward, about any other place that will let them share about the program. attempting to reach more people and collect more wheelchairs for They show a video, speak briefly and share their personal stories those in need. In the future, they plan to hold a community-wide wheelchair drive to raise awareness for the program and bring of their experience in a wheelchair with the listeners. Both women suffered injuries and were paralyzed due to car more wheelchairs, and a message of hope, to a world in need. accidents. Donna suffered a spinal injury 15 years ago, and The women’s passion for Wheels for the World is evident. They Karen, a stroke that caused paralysis six years ago. Donna say it is something they will continue to pursue for the rest of their and Karen have grown close to each other through their similar lives, as long as they are able. Donna spoke on behalf of both women physical experiences, but they have also grown personally in their when she said, “We will do this until God calls us home.” n Christian faith. “God has shown us that for this particular time, for God’s purpose and plan, he is using us best in a wheelchair,” Donna said. “We are humbled that God uses us in a way that touches people for eternity.” Since Donna joined Wheels for the World in 2004, she has had many opportunities to further its efforts, including serving on the Governor’s Board for Disabilities and participating in the Ms. Wheelchair Arkansas pageant. Both women are grateful for any opportunity to speak on behalf of such a worthy cause and to give back to a world that has given so much to them. “All of us have something we can do, no matter what happens along the way,” Donna said. Karen added, “If you’re in the Body of Christ, you have a job to do.” The women also discussed how the program affects each person’s life as a singleAdwheelchair Magazine for About River Valley: 1/3 page horizontal (3 col x 3.25”), 4cp. Insert March 2008 - TFN travels along its way from the giver to the inmates to the distributors and receivers.
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May 2008
ABOUT...the River Valley 9
Summer Subject: Fun, Fitness, Finances with Continuing Ed The regular school term may be drawing to a close but learning never ends. Just ask the Arkansas Tech University School of Community Education and Professional Development as they announce a summer schedule that includes offerings for both children and adults. Children’s classes are designed for ages 7 to 13 and include a variety of subjects including political science, language, communication and science. Adult classes feature four sessions of water aerobics and three sessions of financial planning. Fees vary but include an early bird and ATU discount. To register or for additional information, call (479) 964-3212 or visit the School of Community Education and Professional Develpment online at lakepoint.atu.edu. Click the Continuing Education link, then the class schedule link for details and current information.
Elephants and the Presidential Election, Oh My! Monday through Friday, June 23-27; 9 to 10 a.m.; ages 7 to 13. Fee: $35, (Early Bird discount: $30 -- must register and pay one week prior to the start of class. ATU Discount, $28.) ATU, Witherspoon, Room 127. Ever wondered how we elect our government? Want to learn what role political parties and the media play in elections? In this one-week, hands on, interactive course learn about the role elections play in the American political system. During the week students will form political parties, run for office and learn how to VOTE. They will discuss the current presidential election and have a mock election to choose the next President of the United States. Dr. Michael Rogers, instructor.
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If Horton Hears a Who, Does He Listen Too? Friday, July 11; 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.; ages 7 to 13; Fee: $30*. (Early Bird discount: $25 -- must register and pay one week prior to the start of class. ATU Discount, $23.) Lake Point Conference Center, Training Room B. This class focuses on listening and hearing. Listening verses hearing can be used as an effective tool in teaching students the basic skills necessary to enhance listening and memory retention. Successful students exhibit strong listening skills and an understanding that listening is just as important, if not more so, than talking. Christy Coker, instructor. No More Sticks and Stones! Friday, July 11; 1:30 to 5 p.m.; ages 7 to 13; Fee: $30*. (Early Bird discount: $25 -- must register and pay one week prior to the start of class. ATU Discount, $23.) Lake Point Conference Center, Training Room B. This class will empower your child with proactive, positive word choices! A basic conflict resolution class that teaches students how to use the power of words
Phun Physics Friday, July 18; 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.; ages 7 to 13. Fee: $30, (Early Bird discount: $25 -- must register and pay one week prior to the start of class. ATU Discount, $23.) ATU, Main campus, McEver Hall. Ever wondered how rockets work? Are you curious about how to make a hover craft out of a leaf blower? Would you like to see a banana hammer a nail into wood? If the answer to any of these questions is “Yes” then consider signing up for Phun Physics. Students will have hands-on interaction with some of the most fascinating topics in Physics including electricity and magnetism, hovercrafts, liquid nitrogen, model rocketry and much more! Dr. Dan Bullock, instructor.
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10 ABOUT...the River Valley
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La Fiesta de Ninos! Friday, July 25; 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.; ages 7 to 13. Fee: $30, (Early Bird discount: $25 -- must register and pay one week prior to the start of class. ATU Discount, $23.) Lake Point Conference Center, The Lake House. During this fun filled and informative class, students will discover Spanish culture, food, traditions and language in a hands on environment. Class includes all materials. Danielle Neeley, instructor.
9 a.m. to 9:50 a.m.; Fee: $55, (Early Bird discount: $45 -- must register and pay one week prior to the start of class. ATU Discount, $42.) ATU Main Campus, Hull Pool.
Along the Cherokee Trail (Title and content subject to change) Date, time and fees to be determined. Call (479) 964-3212 for additional information or go to lakepoint.atu.edu for up-to-date course description. Click the Continuing Education link, then the class schedule link for details. The Cherokee Indians have a long and intertwined history with the State of Arkansas. Join us for a hands-on look at the Cherokee journey and existence in our state. Participants will also taste foods, make crafts, and enjoy interactive history lessons. Instructor: Dr. Carey Roberts, instructor.
Aqua Aerobics/Evening Summer I: Mon. and Wed.; June 2-30; 6 to 6:50 p.m.; Fees: $45; (Early Bird discount: $35 -- must register and pay one week prior to the start of class. ATU Discount, $33.) ATU Main Campus, Hull Pool.
Fitness, Financial Classes for Adults Aqua Aerobics/Morning Summer I: Tues., Wed., Thurs., June 3-26;
May 2008
Aqua Aerobics/Morning Summer II: Tues., Wed., Thurs., July 1-Aug. 7; 9 a.m. to 9:50 a.m.; Fee: $65, (Early Bird discount: $55 -- must register and pay one week prior to the start of class. ATU Discount, $52.) ATU Main Campus, Hull Pool.
Aqua Aerobics/Evening Summer II: Mon. and Wed.; July 2 - Aug. 6; 6 to 6:50 p.m.; Fees: $50; (Early Bird discount: $40 -- must register and pay one week prior to the start of class. ATU Discount, $37.) ATU Main Campus, Hull Pool. Financial Strategies for Successful Retirement Tues. and Thurs. of chosen week; July 8 and 10; July 15 and 17; July 22 and 24; 6 to 9 p.m.; Fees: $65, ATU discount: $60. Lake Point Conference Center, Training Room B. n
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ABOUT...the River Valley 11
History at Our Doorstep Potts Inn, Historic Stagecoach Station
They tread where others have gone before, surrounded by the rich and colorful history of Pope County. School children from Pottsville and Story by Dianne S. Edwards Photos by Steve Newby
surrounding towns often stand on the same hardwood floors that the eleven children of Kirkbride and Pamelia (Logan) Potts once stood in the 1850s.
Open to tourists and students alike, the curious come to view Potts Inn. The structure has been identified as one of the best preserved stagecoach stations on the Butterfield Overland mail route between Memphis and Fort Smith. John Kirkbride Potts (1803–1879) traveled by covered wagon to Arkansas from his home in Pennsylvania. A young bachelor, he brought with him two families of slaves and settled in an area south of the Arkansas River. After meeting and marrying Pamelia Logan, Potts moved across the river to Pope County and constructed a two-story log cabin at the foot of Crow Mountain. The home soon became a mecca for early travelers. Following an unprofitable trip prospecting for gold in California during the 1840s, Potts identified the need to supply food to the gold miners in the west. Returning to his small cabin, he soon returned to California, driving a herd of cattle on a year-long trip. The venture turned a nice profit for Potts, who earned $20 per head of cattle for which he had paid $5 a piece. He made a second cattle drive and used the money to build a home “befitting his station and his large family.� Using slave labor, Potts built the two-and-a-half story home of design similar to his home state of Pennsylvania. Most of the wood used in the construction was hand-planed with the marks of the plane bits visible on the attic planks. The wood had been cut on the Potts’ homestead, hauled by oxen to Cagle’s Mill and sawed into lumber. ‘Holiday Inn’ of its Day According to its caretakers, Potts Inn was the only “scheduled� stop on the route between Ft. Smith & Memphis. This was because of the fine cooking and immaculate rooms offered by Mrs. Potts, her husband and their family. The Inn was the center of the community that would become Pottsville.
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May 2008
“Mrs. Potts was known by travelers near and far as having the cleanest beds and the best food,� said Margaret Motley. Motley, along with several dozen others, are board members serving the Pope County Historical Foundation. Describing Potts Inn once as “the Holiday Inn of its day,� Charles Oates, president of the Foundation, oversees direction of the museum. The home occupies a large block in Pottsville and is regarded as a fine example of antebellum architecture. It earned a listing on the National Registry of Historic Places in 1970. (The Pottsville Historic District was recognized in 1978; Pottsville Commercial Historic District was added in 2005.) All nine rooms (the eight main rooms and attached kitchen) feature bricks that were made at the homesite with molds and racks now on display at the home. Built with two levels of four 20’x20’ rooms, the upstairs emulates the same layout and wide hall as the first level. The family or “community� room, was the spot where men would light up their cigars and discuss serious politics and issues of the day. The room served as the lobby for stagecoach travelers. The first post office in the area was located in the wide hall of the Potts home. Known as the Galla Creek Post Office, the
first postal desk used by Postmaster Potts, occupies a spot in the community room. The desk was designed by Potts and created by local artisans. Glass-fronted book cases, made for the first courthouse in Russellville, are on exhibit there, as well. The first-floor dining room, located adjacent to the community room, featured a large table upon which the adults would dine. The children were seated at a seperate table Dinner guests included Governors, military officials and Cherokee chiefs who shared the hospitality and delicious foods assembled by Mrs. Potts. China matching the original pattern used by the family adorns the table. The Potts’ daughters were all married in the parlor, located to the left of the front floor entrance. The most decorated room in the house, the parlor was used for occasions of state, including tea parties and musicals. A unique square piano, an original tall secretary and a number of pieces of gift furniture fill the parlour. An oil painting bearing the image of the late Marge Crabaugh hangs on the parlor wall. Mrs. Crabaugh was instrumental in acquiring the property for the county and was a huge contributor in the efforts to maintain the Potts Inn Museum. Story continued on page 20 . . .
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The Bentley Family Calendar
LIFE INFast THELane Story by Kechia Bentley Photo by Steve Newby
I am at the point where if one more thing is added to my “to do list,” I will implode. The good thing is I still have my sense of humor, because as I wrote the word implode I thought, “Well at least you would be thinner”. Seriously, how did life get so frenzied? If your family is anything like mine, everyone is going in a million directions. They also seem to be traveling these paths at lighting speed. Just this evening (as I am writing this article at the last possible moment to meet my story deadline), my family and I were to attend a banquet. It was the Arkansas Scholar’s Banquet hosted by the Russellville Area Chamber of
14 ABOUT...the River Valley
Commerce. Our son Dillon and many others were being honored for their efforts during High School. I called my husband around 4:30 in the afternoon to remind him that we needed to be at Arkansas Tech by six o’clock. I told him I would meet him and Dillon at the banquet because I needed to finish a few things at work. Let me stop here and mention that I am in my sixth week of a new full-time job. I have not had a full time job since I got married. Okay, does anyone besides me see the absurdity in that last statement? Let me try that one again. I now have another ‘full-time job,’ this one is just outside the home. The learning curve for this new arrangement has been monumental in my family. We are making progress but it is slooooow. Now let’s get back to the banquet. I called Dillon immediately after talking to my husband to remind him of the banquet, as well. I am trying to relinquish my roll as everyone’s personal secretary, and let my “men” start taking care of their own affairs, but it is hard. I am not sure they are ready yet to be on their own with a social calendar. The following story will illustrate why. I leave work a few minutes before six o’clock, thinking Dillon and Donald will be at the banquet waiting on me. Upon arrival, I discover they are not there. More phone calls. I discover they are taking the long way. Why? They don’t say and I don’t ask. After working all day, I am
really just too tired to care, and besides, they say they will be there “in just a few minutes.” It is at the banquet that my friend Terri fills in all the blanks as to why my family is taking the long way. She, her husband Jim and her daughter Atalie are all driving to the banquet. They are almost run over by Dillon, who is rushing (remember I did mention lightning speed?) in the wrong direction. After this encounter, Terri asks Atalie, “Is Dillon is going to the banquet?” Atalie replies, “Yes.” Terri then inquires of Atalie, if she thinks Dillon knows the banquet is at Tech, since he seems to be headed toward the high school. They decide that Atalie should probably call Dillon and make sure he knows where to go. Obviously, these people have known my family for a long time and know when help is needed. Dillon doesn’t really know where the banquet is, so the help is desperately needed. Here is the kicker, Donald, my husband, Dillon’s father, is in the car with Dillon. He is completely oblivious to the fact that Dillon has come close to hitting another car. Donald has also not clued in to the fact that Dillon is driving away instead of toward the banquet. Why you may ask? He is on the phone with someone from his work. (Mamma’s don’t let your babies grow up and work at Nuclear Power Plants.) Therefore, the “long way” becomes the only way. I could just blame it on the fact that they are both men, but I must take some of the blame. Conditioning over the years, has led them to believe that I will tell them where, when and how to go, and do most everything. Now all of a sudden, I have essentially kicked them out of the nest and told them to go it alone. Like true men, they responded to my rolled eyes with, “Hey, we made it here didn’t we?” Yeah, with a little help from our friends. As the Bentley family meanders its way through this new phase, I have just one request. Actually, I have many but I will only share this one right now. If you see my family headed in the wrong direction or aimlessly roaming around, would you please give them some assistance? I will be at my other full-time job, thinking about imploding. n May 2008
Only One Meal a Day? Summer Cereal Drive Underway During the summer of 2007, hundreds of River Valley residents contributed boxes of cereal and other non-perishable breakfast items during the River Valley’s Summer Cereal Drive. The collection for this year’s drive has begun, according to Rachelle “Rockie” Richardson, coordinator of the local collection. She hopes to increase the number of donations this summer, especially challenging area churches and businesses to contribute to the need. The breakfast items will be collected throughout the month of May and distributed in early June to needy students within the Russellville School District, said Richardson.
Working with the Child Nutrition Department of the Russellville School District, Richardson understands that a number of the area’s homeless and low-income children barely receive one meal a day during the summer months when school is out. “Students on the free/reduced meal program during the school year eat at least two meals per day at school,” said Richardson, “But, those same children often do without during the summer.” Richardson will be assisted this year by other volunteers, including Lillian Green, a representative from the Pink Rose Arts and Civics Federated Club, and Stan
McDougal, who will help place and gather the boxes for collection. Collection points will include area churches and participating businesses, but arrangements may also be made for delivery to the Eddie Colen Activity Center at New Prospect Baptist Church, on the corner of 3rd Place and Houston, Russellville. Additional information is available by calling Richardson at (479) 968-1413, RISD Child Nutrition Office at (479) 968-5959 or Lillian Green at (479) 946-7254. n Editor’s Note: ABOUT Magazine will serve as a collection point for 2008 Summer Cereal Drive donations. Drop your nonperishable breakfast items to: 417 West Parkway, The Green Train Car, before Thursday, May 29, 2008. We challenge all readers to contribute at least two boxes of cereal.
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ABOUT...the River Valley 15
Hamm to Retire from ATU He hung up his basketball jersey in the early 60s but on June 30, 2008, Dr. Jack R. Hamm will end his 39-year career as an educator and facilitator of higher learning. Dr. Jack R. Hamm began his association with Arkansas Tech University in 1959 when he was recruited out of Mount Judea High School to become a Wonder Boy on head coach Sam Hindsman’s basketball team. Hamm, now vice president for academic affairs at Arkansas Tech University, will retire at the end of June. Reflecting on Hamm’s decision, Dr. Robert C. Brown, Tech president, said: “Dr. Jack Hamm is one of the finest and most able colleagues with whom I have had the privilege of serving in my 39 years in higher education.” “His career in many ways exemplifies the quintessential Arkansas Tech experience. He has had a lifetime association with Tech that has resulted in exemplary service to the University. “He will be terribly missed by all of his colleagues,” continued Dr. Brown, “but at the same time we all respect the fact that he has earned many times over the privilege of retirement.” Hamm graduated from Tech in 1964 and has served on the Arkansas Tech faculty since 1972, when he was hired as assistant professor of mathematics. He was later promoted to professor, became head of the mathematics department and served as dean of the Arkansas Tech School of
Systems Science. In June 2001, Hamm was promoted to vice president for academic affairs. In seven years as the chief academic officer for the university, Hamm has overseen an enrollment increase of 34 percent and the creation of more than 20 new academic programs. His leadership in the ultimate mission of the University was demonstrated during the 2006-07 academic year when Tech conferred degrees to a school-record 1,266 individuals. “Many significant accomplishments have improved the institution during these last 36 years,” wrote Hamm in his letter notifying the University of his decision to retire. “I do not claim responsibility for any of them because these accomplishments are due to the work of many people. I only hope that I have contributed is some small measure to the good work that has lifted the institution to its current status. “The tremendous progress at Tech makes me confident that the institution has a great future and that the best times are yet to come,” continued Hamm. “For me, as for many who attend Tech today, enrollment at Tech provided hope for a better life. That hope has been realized to a greater extent than I ever thought possible and I will always be grateful to the institution for providing that opportunity to me.” “I wish to thank Dr. Brown, the Board of Trustees, the Executive Council, the
Academic Council and all faculty and staff for the support that has been given to me,” wrote Hamm in his letter. “I cannot imagine that there could be a better group of people to work with anywhere. Although I will always be proud to be a member of the Tech family, the time has come for me to devote more time to my wife, children and grandchildren.” Hamm and his wife, Charlene, have three sons and two grandsons. n
-- Submitted by Sam Strasner for ATU
2200 East Main • Russellville • 479-890-4848
16 ABOUT...the River Valley
May 2008
Bonds named director of alumni relations at Tech Angela DeWitt Bonds, a 1995 graduate of Arkansas Tech University, has been promoted to director of alumni relations for her alma mater. Bonds has served in the Arkansas Tech Alumni Office as coordinator of young alumni since September 2005. In her new leadership role, Bonds will be responsible for helping Arkansas Tech maintain and strengthen connections between the university and its 28,000 living alumni. “Arkansas Tech is a great institution and I am extremely excited & honored to be named director of alumni relations,” said Bonds. “The Tech Alumni Association has a strong foundation and it’s a wonderful opportunity to be able to build on that
foundation. Having worked with Tech’s young alumni for the past two-and-a-half years, I’m looking forward to expanding my role with our dedicated alumni.” Bonds hopes to enhance the programs and services that connect alumni to the university, and to create new traditions for celebrating their alma mater and its continued success. Bonds earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in speech communication from Tech. She has previously served as program director for the Russellville Chamber of Commerce, assistant to the director for the Arkansas Valley Alliance for Economic Development and information coordinator for the West Memphis Chamber of Commerce. “Angela has developed and implemented new programming to engage alumni who have graduated within the last 10 years,” said Jayne Jones, vice president for development. “In addition, she has assisted with activities of the Alumni Office and has established relationships with alumni of all ages. Her experience, interpersonal skills and knowledge of Tech and the community are qualifications that support her promotion.” Bonds and her husband, 1994 Tech graduate Dustin Bonds, live in Russellville. Julie Morgan, who served as director of alumni relations at Arkansas Tech from 2004-08, accepted a position as assistant to the president at Tech in January. She is serving as the on-campus coordinator for the university’s upcoming centennial celebration. n
-- Submitted by Sam Strasner for ATU
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May 2008
ABOUT...the River Valley 17
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18 ABOUT...the River Valley
May 2008
ABOUT May Fair Features Dover Art The Arkansas River Valley Arts Center, ATU Museum of Prehistory and History, and Phi Delta Kappa Educational Organization will co-sponsor May Fair, an exhibition of elementary school children’s art. Thirty-six pieces of art work by the students of art teacher Katy Crowe will be on display through the month of May at the Museum of Prehistory and History Exhibit space on the campus of Arkansas Tech University. Crowe teaches 1st through 4th grade art in Dover Elementary School. Examples of work from each grade will be on exhibit. The exhibit honors Arkansas Heritage Month, the month-long celebration set aside each year to recognize and create an awareness of our rich heritage so that it remains visible to present and future generations. The theme this year is “Arkansas Arts - Discover our Treasures.” Regular museum hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday. Tours can be scheduled by calling Terry Johnson, Museum Education Coordinator at (479) 964-3221 or Judith Stewart-Abernathy at (479) 964-0831.
State Park offers Summer Day Camp Lake Dardanelle State Park’s summer day camps have been huge hits since beginning in the summer of 2005, according to Amber Mascuilli, Park Interpreter. “Returning campers have become much like family to the staff at the park, and the activities offered continue to be fun and educational,” said Mascuilli. This year, Lake Dardanelle will be offering three camps for kids 8 to 12 years
Community old, each based on a different resource in the Arkansas River Valley. Each camp will include kayaking, boat rides, and outside activities. The focus of each camp will help the camper delve deeper into a specific, unique aspect of this area. Dates and topics include: July 8-10, explore birds and birding the Arkansas River Valley; July 22-24, jump into the aquatic world of the lake and river, and Aug. 5-7, kids will be immersed into the history of this area through activities and fun. Camps begin at 9 a.m. and end at 4 p.m., Tuesday through Thursday. Art projects, special guest speakers, and programming will be based on the theme of the three-day camp. Fees are $65 and included lunch, snacks, and all supplies. Campers must provide their own hands-free water bottle, appropriate clothing and shoes, sunscreen and a hat. Space is limited so campers are encouraged to register and pay fees early. Final registration is one week prior to the selected camp if space is available. Registration forms are available at the Lake Dardanelle State Park Visitor Center or may be obtained by emailing lakedardanelle@ arkansas.com. Activities are based at Lake Dardanelle State Park, located off Marina Road in Russellville. Additional information is available by calling (479) 967-5516.
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Mustangs on the Mountain “Mustangs on the Mountain” will be featured during “Show and Shine” atop Petit Jean Mountain near Morrilton from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. on Sunday, May 28. There is no entry fee. For more information call (501) 727-5427 or visit website www.museumofautos.com. n Today’s environments can create tired, dry eyes.
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ABOUT...the River Valley 19
‘Potts Inn’ continued from page 13
The master bedroom completes the foursquare layout on the lower level. Since taxes during that time were based on the number of rooms a home contained, there are no closets in the bedrooms. Wardrobes house authentic clothing worn during the period. The Potts family Bible graces a nearby table. An oil lamp sits atop a nightstand. Many of the furnishings in the home are Eastlake pieces. Each of the upstairs bedrooms originally held from four to six full-sized beds. “The Three Sisters’ Room, furnished in memory of Selma Brooks Baker and her two sisters, is filled with authentic furnishings. Detailed attention is given to utilizing period furnishings, many of which have been donated to Potts Inn. At least one pane of original glass can be found in each of the windows at Potts Inn. The glass is believed to have been brought up river from New Orleans, says Emmy Lee, caretaker. The doors were also brought by keel boat up the Arkansas River.
Charming 3 br 1/2 bath brick home in quiet neighborhood. With new windows and updated appliances. Also, a very nice large garage! This house is just waiting to be bought! Listed at $119,900 MLS 08-819 Boyd Osborne 1512 West Main Russellville, AR Cell: 970-0244 bosborne@cgoodin.com
The stairway found at the end of the 12-foot wide central hall is a “flyaway design.” The rounded hand rail features simple square-cut posts. The secondstory stairway which leads to the attic is of the same design. The attic, where the children would sleep upon pallets when the Inn was filled, remains in its original, unfinished state. Other Outbuildings According to historical documents, 14 buildings once were located on the Potts acreage. They included barns for the stagecoach horses and family animals, a chicken house, tack rooms for the family’s leather goods and the stage, carriage houses for the wagons and buggies owned by the Potts’, and a building for overnight stagecoaches. A smokehouse, turned doctor’s office museum, is one of the original structures. Also found on the property were a well house offering the best water around, two servant houses and the main house.
Other structures have been placed there to house additional collections maintained by the Pope County Historical Foundation. A hat museum, believed to be only one of two in the United States, houses a collection of creations by Clarksville, Arkansas, native Michael McLean, among others. McLean served as hatmaker and designer to First Lady Grace Coolidge and Queen Marie of Romania (b. Princess Marie of Edinburgh, 1875-1938.) His collection was donated to Potts Inn in 1970. Mrs. Jean Oates and caretaker Emmy Lee have the responsibility of maintaining both the hat museum and a doll museum located in an adjacent building. “These are not even all of the hats in the collection,” Emmy said recently. “These are the spring hats. I have the fall hats in storage and will put them out in the fall.” The doll museum contains a unique collection of dolls replicating the first ladies of the United States and Arkansas, each dressed in replicas of their original inaugural ball gowns.
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May 2008
A barn donated by Boyce Sinclair displays antique farm equipment. The caretaker’s cabin is a two-story log cabin moved from the Bell’s Chapel area. A one-room pioneer log cabin hand-built by the father of local historical writer and Pope County native Dr. Tate C. “Piney” Page was donated by his estate to the Foundation and moved on site. A collection of Indian artifacts also donated to the Foundation will be housed in another donated cabin to be placed on the site soon. Foundation members say the Potts family once owned an eight-seater outhouse which is no longer standing. “Back then a family’s wealth was often judged by how many seats they had in their outhouse,” added Motley, laughing. “By those standards, the Potts family was rich, indeed.” Earlier reported to be a “six-seater,” Mary Hall, the 93-year-old surviving great-granddaughter of Kirkbride Potts recently contradicted the seating arrangement. A side-saddle belonging to Mary is on exhibit in the hallway leading to the once-detached kitchen. The kitchen, a one-story outbuilding with a large, wide fireplace, was separated from the main house by a covered porch and walkway. It was built away from the main house for two reasons. According to Pam Scarber, board member and former history teacher; “One was the heat; the second, in case there was a fire,
May 17th
the whole house wouldn’t be placed in jeopardy,” she said. Potts Inn was occupied by members of the Potts family until 1970, when it was sold to Pope County. It remains under the direction of the Pope County Historical Foundation. Members include: Charles Oates, president; Margaret Motley, secretary; Bert Page, treasurer; Mary Baker, Marshall Cole, David Duffield, Anna Fields, John Heflin, Bert Mullens, David Oates, Sue Roberts, Pam Scarber, Buford Smith, Rebecca Stowers, Van Tyson, David Vance, Sandy Vance, George Woolf, Emmy Lee, caretaker; Lois Morris, honorary board member; David Garret, advisory; Ike Laws, advisory, and Gertrude Buchanan, dollmaker. The Potts Inn Museum and Historic Stagecoach Station is located on Galla Creek, in the block of Main and Center Streets, in downtown Pottsville. Take Hwy. 64 East from Russellvile or Exit 88 off I-40. The museum is open Wednesday through Sunday from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. and is closed December 1 through January 31. The cost to experience an amazing piece of history is $3 per adult and $1 per child. n The Inn is available for individual or group tours during regular hours or as arranged. Additional information is available by calling the innkeeper at (479) 968-8369 or Foundation board members at (479) 968-1877.
June 19th
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ABOUT...the River Valley 21
Life Can Be Sweet... Even for Diabetics By Dianna Qualls For ABOUT Magazine
In January of this year, I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. What a day of reckoning for me! Since then, I have read books, pamphlets, cookbooks, etc. to help me understand diabetes. My doctor, Mike Kaploe, and his nurses, Lisa and Evonne (from at Russellville Family Clinic,) along with certified diabetic education Bobbie Miller and dietician Ramona Hodges (with Saint Mary’s Regional Medical Center,) paired with my AWESOME Hubby Lloyd and my Mom, Beulah “Boots” Tramel, have all been the greatest support team in the UNIVERSE. I have made a commitment to change my lifestyle. If you or a loved one has diabetes, gather all the information you can about the disease, read it, study it, ask people who are in the healthcare profession and use the information to make your life better. As I begin to understand a little more each day about diabetes, the puzzle pieces have begun to fit together. I see a complete picture of my life with me in control -- that is, “in control or my blood glucose.” Here are a few of the recipes that help me stay in control. Enjoy!
1¼ lbs. chicken breasts, boneless, skinless 10 oz. broccoli, frozen, chopped 1/3 c. cream of chicken soup 1/3 c. cream of potato soup ½ c. milk fat free 1 ½ tsp. lemon juice 2 T. parmesan cheese grated Add the chicken to a large saucepan with enough water to cover the meat. Cover the pan, and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and allow the pan to simmer for 20 minutes (approx) until chicken is done. Drain chicken. Coarsely chop and set it aside. Omitting any salt or fat, cook the broccoli according to the package direction. Drain well, and arrange the broccoli in a 2-qt. baking dish coated with non-stick cooking spray. Top with the chopped chicken. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine soups, milk and lemon juice. Pour the soup mixture over the top of the chicken and broccoli and sprinkle cheese over the top. Bake for 25 min, or until heated through. Makes 8 (1 c.) servings. Calories, 128. Carbs, 5g; Dietary Fiber, 1g; Fat, 2g; Protein, 21g; sodium, 168mg; -- recipe from www.dlife.com
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Wash and trim the ends from the zucchini. Cut crosswise into 1 inch slices and set aside. Heat oil in a nonstick frying pan over medium heat. Add onions and peppers and cook until onions begin to soften, stirring frequently. Add tomatoes and cook 2 minutes. Add zucchini and cook for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add corn, salt, and pepper. Cover and cook for 10 to 12 minutes, stirring occasionally. Serve Immediately. Makes 8 (1/2 c.) servings, Calories, 83; Carbs, 12.7g; Dietary Fiber, 3g; Total Fat, 2g; Protein, 3g; Sodium, 240mg. -- recipe from www.dlife.com
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Coat a cookie sheet with butter-flavored cooking spray. In large bowl, mix together all ingredients. Toss until evenly coated. Spread mixture on cookie sheet and bake for 20 minutes. Makes about 20 (1/2 cup servings) Calories, 133. Carb, 17g; Fat, 6g; Chol, 2mg; Protein, 4g; Sodium, 287mg. -- recipe from: www.dlife.com
2 slices of “Nature’s Own” whole wheat bread, toasted 3 slices Canadian Bacon 1 wedge of Laughing Cow Light Cheese (I use French Onion)
¼ c. French salad dressing, light, fat-free 1 T. mayonnaise, fat-free 1 tsp. fresh lemon juice 2 c. Red Delicious Apples, unpeeled, chopped 1 c. celery, finely chopped 2 T. walnuts chopped Combine the French dressing, mayo and lemon juice in a bowl. Then add in apples, celery, and walnuts. Cover, refrigerate for at least 15 min, and stir before serving. Makes 4 (3/4 cup) servings. Calories, 69. Total Fat, 3g; Sat Fat, 0.3g; Unsat Fat, 3g; Carbs, 11g; Dietary Fiber, 2.2g; Sodium, 213mg; Protein, 0.9g. -- recipe from www.dlife.com 2 whole grain low-fat waffles, toasted 1 T. natural peanut butter 2 tsp. of sugar free fruit spread While the toast is still warm, spread with the peanut butter and fruit spread. Calories, 245; Total Fat, 10g; Sat Fat , 2g; Carb, 31g; Dietary Fiber, 5g; Protein, 9g. Add 1 serving of fruit and enjoy!
1 lb. whole green beans, frozen 4 oz. fresh mushrooms, sliced ¼ c. Butter Buds 1 T. minced garlic 1 pinch black pepper (to taste) ½ c. chicken broth, fat free, low sodium Spray a crock-pot with non-fat cooking spray. Put all ingredients into crock-pot and mix well. Cover and cook on high for 3 hours or on low for 6 hours. Makes 8 (1/2 cup) servings. Calories, 38; Total Fat, 0.2g; Carb, 5.4g; Dietary Fiber, 1.4g; Sodium, 295g; Protein, 0.9g. -- recipe from: www.dLIFE.com
1 med. Zucchini 1 T. vegetable oil 1 c. onion, chopped 8 oz. med. fresh bell pepper, coarsely chopped 2 c. diced tomatoes, fresh or canned 1 c. corn, whole kernel, fresh or canned 1 tsp. garlic salt 1 pinch of black pepper
¼ c. French salad dressing, light, fat-free 1 T. mayonnaise, fat-free 1 tsp. fresh lemon juice 2 c. Red Delicious Apples, unpeeled, chopped 1 c. celery, finely chopped 2 T. walnuts chopped Combine the French dressing, mayo and lemon juice in a bowl. Then add in apples, celery, and walnuts. Cover, refrigerate for at least 15 min, and stir before serving. Makes 4 (3/4 cup) servings. Calories, 69. Total Fat, 3g; Sat Fat, 0.3g; Unsat Fat, 3g; Carbs, 11g; Dietary Fiber, 2.2g; Sodium, 213mg; Protein, 0.9g. -- recipe from www.dlife.com
4 c. Chex cereal 2 c. Goldfish Crackers 1 c. peanuts 3 c. thin pretzels 3 T. reduced-cal margarine, melted 1 T. Worchestershire sauce ½ tsp. seasoned salt ½ tsp. garlic powder Butter flavored cooking spray
I like something I can eat on the run. So I created breakfast sandwiches using foods I really like, and they fit into my schedule very nicely.
Heat a small skillet, add Canadian Bacon until heated through. Spread Toast with Cheese, add Canadian Bacon. Calories, 195; Fat, 5g; Carb, 19g; Protein, 21g. Replace the Canadian Bacon with a Fried Egg (using nonstick spray) and these are the nutritional value changes for this Fast-Wich. Calories, 210; Fat, 9g; Chol, 223; Carb, 20g; Protein, 17g. Team either Fast-Wich with 1 serving of fruit, and 8 oz of skim milk and “VOILA”, breakfast on the run.
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405 W. Parkway • (479) 968-3816 Hrs: Mon.-Sat. 6 a.m. – 9 p.m. Open Friday until 10 p.m.
ABOUT...the River Valley 23
CHOCOLATE-SPICE BUNDT CAKE WITH ORANGE GLAZE 1 pkg. Devil’s Food Cake mix (18¼ oz.) 1 1/3 c. water ¾ cup egg substitute 2 T. canola oil 1 T. instant coffee granules 1 T. grated orange peel 1 tsp. ground cinnamon ½ c. fresh orange juice 1 tsp. cornstarch Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Coat non stick bundt pan with nonstick cooking spray; set aside. Combine cake mix, water, egg substitute, oil, coffee, orange peel and cinnamon in large bowl of electric mixer. Mix according to directions on cake mix pkg. Pour batter into pan. Bake 37 minutes or until toothpick inserted into center comes out clean. Place on wire cooling rack 10 minutes. Invert onto cooling rack; cool completely. To make the glaze: combine juice and cornstarch in small saucepan. Stir until www.magnoliainnbb.com
Magnolia Bed and
Ask about our Romantic and Gourmet Specials! “Elopement,” “Intimate and Personal” and “Marriage & Honeymoon” Packages Available
Hwy. 22 • Dardanelle AR • 229-0375
cornstarch is dissolved. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Boil 1 minute. Remove from heat. Cool completely. Spoon over cake. Allow to drip down sides. Makes 16 servings. Calories, 164. Total Fat, 7g; Protein, 3g; Carb, 25g; Chol, 0mg; Dietary Fiber, 1g; Sodium, 289mg. -- recipe from Diabetic Cooking
SWISS, TOMATO & TURKEY PATTY MELT 1 lb. lean ground turkey 1/2 packet (.4 oz.) ranch salad dressing mix 1 medium green onion, finely chopped (including both the green and white parts) 1 tsp. olive oil 2 slices reduced-fat Swiss cheese, halved diagonally 1 medium tomato, diced Combine turkey, salad dressing mix and onion in medium bowl. Mix well. Shape into four patties. Heat large non stick skillet over medium heat. Coat skillet with nonstick cooking spray. Add oil; tilt skillet to coat bottom evenly. Add patties. Cook 14 minutes or until no longer pink in center, turning once. Remove skillet from heat. Top each patty with cheese. Cover. Let stand 2 to 3 minutes or until cheese melts. Top each patty with tomatoes. Makes 4 (1-patty) servings. Calories: 239. Total Fat, 11g; Sat. Fat, 3g; Protein, 28g; Carb, 3g; Chol, 75mg; Dietary fiber, less than 1g; sodium, 253mg; Dietary Exchanges: 4 meats. These make great turkey burgers, just add whole grain buns or bread, but don’t forget to add the nutritional values. -- recipe from Diabetic Cooking.
CEREAL TOSS 4 c. Chex cereal 2 c. Goldfish Crackers 1 c. peanuts 3 c. thin pretzels 3 T. reduced-cal margarine, melted 1 T. Worchestershire sauce ½ tsp. seasoned salt ½ tsp. garlic powder Butter flavored cooking spray Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Coat a cookie sheet with butter-flavored cooking spray. In large bowl, mix together all ingredients. Toss until evenly coated. Spread mixture on cookie sheet and bake for 20 minutes. Makes about 20 (1/2 cup servings) Calories, 133. Carb, 17g; Fat, 6g; Chol, 2mg; Protein, 4g; Sodium, 287mg. -- recipe from: www.dlife.com
Editor’s Note: Since her diagnosis, Dianna Qualls has lost 30 pounds and drastically reduced her cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure readings. She has been sleeping better and reports less pain in her knees and back. She hopes to be able soon to reduce the number of medications she has been on for many years. Exercising routinely is still her ‘greatest challenge’ but she continues to find time in her schedule. Dianna recommends several web sites for great information and thousands of recipes. They include www.dlife.com and www.diabetes.org, the American Diabetes Association site. She welcomes feedback and questions via email at: tootieq@ n centurytel.net.
Looking for a great place to showcase your merchandise this holiday season?
November 20, 21 & 22 Don Owen Sports Complex 1-40 & Highway 65 • Conway, AR
24 ABOUT...the River Valley
Join us to get a jump start on your holiday sales. The 7th Annual Dazzle Daze is the perfect opportunity to display your holiday merchandise, great gift ideas and more. We are looking for merchants who offer items such as antiques, gourmet food, holiday merchandise, unique children’s items, clothing, collectibles, original art and much, much more. If you are interested in reserving a booth or need more event information, please visit www.dazzledaze.com, call (501) 513–5771 or email dazzledaze@conwayregional.org. Early bird deadline is June 30. Space is limited.
Reserve your booth space now!
www.dazzledaze.com May 2008
... the Best Products
n 1 For the Graduate Great totes, cases, cosmetic bags, beach bags, and towels.
Front Street, Dardanelle (479) 229-4144
n 2 Invitations Any style of printing for your everyday needs plus any type of formal affair.
Formal Affairs
121 East Harrell Drive, Ste. 1, Russellville (next to Dixie Café) (479) 890-9557 n 3 Diaper Cupcakes These can be customized to fit any theme. These are adorable baby gifts.
SKY Designs
Stephanie Young (479) 968-8289 or 970-2215 skp.young@hotmail.com n 4 Women’s Oakley sunglasses Breathless, Script. Look cool in the latest trend in sunglasses.
Feltner’s Athletes’ Corner 2320 West Main • Russellville (479) 968-6464 5
n 5 Graduation Gifts Children of the Inner Light Mug, Russellville Cyclone Magnetic Frame, Willow Tree Wisdom Figurine, Initial “To Go” Mug Hot and Cold Beverages
Gifts on Parkway/Gifts on Rogers
2149 E. Parkway, Russellville • (479) 890-6932 510 S. Rogers, Clarksville • (479) 705-8282 n 6 Wedding Dress There is no need to travel hundreds of miles for THE DRESS. 7
208 West Main St. • Russellville (479) 890-7766 n 7 Sunglasses Guess by Marciano GU6287ST
Daiber Vision Care
317 East Parkway, Russellville (479) 967-6113
May 2008
ABOUT...the River Valley 25
River Valley Potters: Fighting Hunger in Arkansas Story and Photos by Jeannie Stone For ABOUT Magazine For the last four years a small group of potters in the River Valley has forged an alliance. They have used their talents to assuage the plight of the hungry by donating their handcrafted bowls to the Arkansas Foodbank Network benefit Empty Bowls. The organizers of this year’s event, held at the Greek Orthodox Church in Little Rock, invited the potters to attend as honored guests. The Arkansas Foodbank Network is a member of America’s Second Harvest, the nation’s largest charitable hunger-relief organization. The Harvest funnels resources to all 50 states. This national affiliation allows The Arkansas Foodbank Network the ability to “bring in more than half of the food it distributes to hungry Arkansans from out-of-state.” Empty Bowls is the annual effort to bring statewide attention to the plight of the hungry in Arkansas through art. In its 9th year, the event has grown into quite a demonstration of Arkansas artists. At the onset, the benefit began as an auction of bowls, but it now includes various mediums such as pottery, glass, wood, canvas, and jewelry. Kathy Stottman, a Russellville potter who is in her fourth year of supporting Empty Bowls says, “Many people don’t realize we have hungry people right here in our community. My daughter brought a friend home from school years ago who told us that often times her family did not eat supper.” “And it supports our community,” adds 26 ABOUT...the River Valley
Polly Hardin, a fellow potter. In fact, 96% of funds received are allocated to participating programs. The Arkansas Foodbank Network, through 400 member agencies serving 41 counties, feeds 23,000 hungry Arkansans each week. Creating bowls for the Empty Bowls auction requires several weeks. The potters must create the vessels on the potter’s wheel or by building with coil strips. Even with years of experience not every lump of clay turns into the desired form or with the intended results. The pieces are then bisque-fired, glazed and fired again in an electric kiln. Because the group traditionally meets once a week for a three hour session, the process stretches into several weeks. Raku pieces, however, require slightly different treatment requiring the use of a butane-powered kiln which allows the pottery to fire at a higher temperature. The manipulation of raku after the firing is what renders the pieces desirable. It is the swinging, crackling, smoldering, and intermingling with water, at specific times, that coax the highly desired copper and iridescent colors to emerge. Raku sacrifices its utility for beauty. It is not recommended for serving food or holding water and is purely decorative. The lone male potter in the group is Winston Taylor who has taught most of the participating River Valley women the craft. “This community supports me. I’ve been given a gift, and I am in a position to share the fruits of my talent with others.”
This generosity epitomizes the Bible quote by which Taylor aspires to follow. “To whom much is given, from him much will be required.” Luke 12:48. Taylor is a 2008 Arkansas Living Treasure nominee, an award presented annually to an individual in the state who has shown mastery in their chosen art form, has taken steps to preserve the art form, and has impacted the community with his or her generosity. Fellow potter, Anita Allen, agrees, “I get more joy out of giving than receiving.” Stottman concludes, “There may be someone who reads this article … and decides they’d like to help with this project. Maybe that person is not a potter. Maybe he is a painter or maybe he wants to make a donation. Everybody can help.” And hunger in Arkansas impacts us all. To obtain additiona information about the Arkansas Foodbank Network log on to www.arkansasfoodbank.org or call (501) 565-8121. To find out how you can join the River Valley potters, contact the River Valley Arts Center at (479) 968-2452. Jeannie Stone is an Arkansas native and mother of four children. Her husband is a small town physician in the tiny town of Deere. She loves to discover the hidden secrets and people who make the mountains and River Valley home. A graduate of Mt. St. Mary High School in Little Rock, she attended Lyon College and earned a degree in Liberal Arts from UALR. A certified volunteer manager, Jeannie recently retired from the nonprofit sector. n
May 2008
(Top Left) Potters Kathi Stottman, from left, Madeline Simmons, and Anita Allen have supported the Empty Bowls Benefit for several years. (Lower Left) Jim Collins, of Russellville, and Madeline Simmons, of NLR, enjoy the music and food at the 9th annual Empty Bowls benefit in Little Rock recently. (Top Right) Russellville potters Anita Allen, left, and Kathi Stottman hold the pieces they created for the silent auction portion of the Empty Bowls benefit, the major fundraiser for the Arkansas Food Network which funds several charitable organizations in Pope County. Allen’s free-form design is titled Standing Tall; Stottman’s bowl is a raku piece featuring etching at the rim. (Lower Right) Enjoying good friends, good music and good food for a good cause are, from left: Kathi Stottman, Anita Allen, Kristen and Winston Taylor. Stottman and Allen are pottery students at the River Valey Arts Center in Russellville where Taylor has taught them for several years.
WILDFLOWER Senior Living
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May 2008
• Wood • Brick • Concrete
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Having Fun, Raising Funds Helping kids and having fun... that’s the goal of the upcoming fundraiser, Monte Carlo Night, planned by CASA of the 5th District. The event, scheduled for Saturday, June 14, will be held from 6 to 10 p.m. at Hughes Center, 1000 East Parkway, Russellville. A fun-filled evening is planned, say the sponsors, and will include a silent auction and a raffle. Items featured will include items such as a 3-day, 2-night stay at Clear Creek Guest Ranch in North Carolina*, an autographed Razorback Ball, Backyard Batter, and many other items. Tickets are $35 per single and $55 per couple, and will include food and the chips used to play the games. “This event is a great way for the community to get together and raise money to help abused and neglected children in foster care,” according to Genney Baker, director of CASA of the 5th District. Items are still being collected for the fundraising auction and sponsorships, which may include tickets, a personal dealer, and tables and recognition, are still available. “We would be grateful to any individual or business that would be willing to donate an item for event,” said Baker. According to the organizers, every dollar raised will stay in the community and directly effect the lives of abused and neglected children who have been removed from their homes, due to no fault of their own. “Thanks goes to the Knights of Columbus for making this event possible. They have helped out for five years now, supplying equipment and volunteers.” Main Street Mission will be donating again a large majority of the food “which will be cooked to perfections by the Entergy Cook Team,” added Baker. “This will be the second year in a row that the Entergy Cooking Team will be joining us. We still receive compliments on the wonderful food they cooked for us last year,” recalled Baker. Danny and the Other Guys, a popular band, will provide entertainment again this year. “If this event continues to grow and raise more money each year, it will greatly increase our ability to reach our goal which is to have a CASA waiting for a kid instead of kids waiting for a CASA,” stressed Baker. According to Baker, all donations are tax deductible, but most importantly, the more children that CASA volunteers are able to advocate for, the less time children spend in foster care.”
“Every extra month that a child spends in foster care costs (taxpayers) about $2,000,” stated Baker. “Falling behind a grade in school costs $7,000, and the reoccurrence of abuse costs (the system) between $30,000 and $125,000 per child.” “It currently costs CASA approximately $800 per child. We currently have 20 cases involving 38 children awaiting a CASA volunteer in Pope, Johnson and Franklin Counties.” “It is a great way to get out and have fun while raising money for such a wonderful cause,” stressed Baker. For more information on the event, contact the CASA office at (479) 880-1195. *Visit www.clearcreekguestranch.com for a description of this auction item. Become a Friend If you have a passion for children and are looking for an opportunity to help children in your community, Friends of CASA may be for you. Individuals who are not at a point in their lives where becoming a child advocate is feasible may be interested in becoming involved with the new committee. The organization is looking for quality individuals to help further the mission for abused and neglected children in the 5th Judicial District through the new “Friends of CASA” program. The Friends program is a membership group and volunteer opportunity dedicated to supporting the mission of CASA by strengthening community awaremenss and public appreciation; by contributing to its financial strength; identifying potential CASA volunteers, and providing appropriate service to CASA staff and board. Friends is a standing committee of the Board of Directors with a chairperson providing the link between the group and the CASA board. Opportunities involve public relations and outreach -- which covers brochure distribution, volunteer fairs, community events and public education -- and fund raising, which includes assistance, planning and event organization. Membership is open to those supporting CASA’s mission, who represent CASA’s values and have a desire to help victimized children. Fees are $25 annually and require the completion and approval of a CASA application. An orientation meeting is required and the applicant must be willing to complete a minimum of 10 volunteer hours per year. “Any gifts of time and skills are greatly appreciated,” said Baker. For additional information about the Friend of CASA program or to request an application, contact the office at (479) 880-1195. Applications must be complete and will be subject to a background check before approval. n
Come See the NEW 2008 Bikes
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28 ABOUT...the River Valley
Get Superior Performance With A Mahindra
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May 2008
Some to Plant, Some to Harvest Russellville Area Career Center
Since 1971 when former instructor Lee Griffith began the agriculture program at the Russellville Area (Vo-Tech) Career Center, area residents have had the opportunity to purchase both bedding plants for their gardens in the spring and Holiday poinsettias in the fall. This month, as they have done for more than 30 years, garden enthusiasts will both shop and support the center’s vocational/ technical program by purchasing a variety of vegetable and bedding plants. Selections include several varieties of tomato plants, zucchini and squash plants, and watermelon and cantaloupe plants, among others. Larry Thornton, agricultural instructor and FFA advisor, says the students begin planting for the spring sale in January and February. The sale generally begins around April 15 but this year has been “usual, to say the least.” Because of the excessive rain and cooler temperatures, a number of gardens were not ready for early planting. Gardeners are encouraged to take advantage of the Career Center’s bedding and vegetable plants now to supply their gardens. Plants are sold in individual cells at 50 cents a piece or six for $2.50. Hours correspond with the school hours of 8 a.m. until 3 p.m., Monday through Friday. The greenhouses are accessible by taking the drive behind Russellville High School and turning on the road between the football stadium and Career Center building.
Poinsettia root cuttings are ordered in August and grown to full-size plants that are sold prior to Thanksgiving each year. Information about the Poinsettia sale will be available in November, said Thornton. The sale is sponsored by the agricultural program at the Career Center. Funds generated through the sales are used to fund FFA activities and trips. The students and instructors are grateful for the community’s support of their program, say participants. For additional information, call the Russellville Area (Vo-Tech) Career Center at (479) 968-5422.
The market will be open to the public from 3 to 6 p.m. on Monday, from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. on Wednesday, and from 7 a.m. until noon on Saturday. Approximately a dozen local farmers will have a variety of seasonal produce and local products for sale. The Farmers Market is held at the Missouri-Pacific Railroad Depot, 320 West C St., in Historic Downtown Russellville. For additional information, call Rick Holland, president, at (479) 964-2252. n
Pope County Farmers Market
The Pope County Farmers Market began operation of their spring and summer market on Saturday, April 19 and will open from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m. on Saturday only until Saturday, May 24, when the regular season begins.
Beautiful Mother’s Day Flowers! Everything you need for your landscaping & flower beds.
Taylor Nursery 130 S Cumberland 479-968-2778
May 2008
See our Full Line of Branson Tractors from 21 HP to 65 HP GREAT DEALER FINANCING AVAILABLE NOW!
EQUIPMENT 4200 East Main • Russellville • 479-968-5900
ABOUT...the River Valley 29
... the Best Products
n 1 Barefoot Contessa Assorted goodies to choose from that she actually uses on her Food Network Show. Full line of products for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
Bow K’s
121 East Harrell Drive, Ste. 1, Russellville (next to Dixie Café) (479) 890-BOWK n 2 ATU Products Picture frames with mats for diplomas Perfect frame for that perfect graduate.
ATU Bookstore
209 West O Street • Russellville (479) 968-0255 n 3 Dresses Cute and Fun Dresses by Patagonia and Lole available at Feltner’s. Models - Sarah and Paige Griffin
Feltner’s Athletes’ Corner 2320 West Main • Russellville (479) 968-6464
n 4 Lingere Surprise him tonight with DreamGirls Lingerie.
208 West Main St. • Russellville (479) 890-7766 n 5 Unique Candle Lamps Fragrance without a flame
Front Street, Dardanelle (479) 229-4144 n 6 Show Your Style with Coach Sunglasses Style: Charlee – Black
Daiber Vision Care
317 East Parkway, Russellville (479) 967-6113 n 7 Graduation Party Headquarters Most School colors available, Everything from napkins, plates to décor.
Let’s Celebrate
916 South Arkansas, Russellville (479) 967-0541
30 ABOUT...the River Valley
May 2008
Volunteerism stressed to Tech students By Sam Strasner ATU/Director of Communications, Univ. Relations
It was the evening of Sunday, March 16, and a group of people were volunteering in the Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans, an area still trying to recover from the devastation wrought by Hurricane Katrina in 2005. The group was in town for the 2008 Clinton Global Initiative University (CGIU) meeting. CGIU is a branch of the William J. Clinton Foundation that works to engage college and university students in volunteerism efforts that can make a difference in their communities and around the world. Jeff Aulgur, director of the Arkansas Tech University Professional Development Institute, and three Tech Emergency Administration and Management students --- John Kennedy of Russellville, Brad McLaughlin of Benton and Boyang Zhang of China --- were present on that evening when a woman with a photo album approached them. “She pointed and explained that this is where her house had been, and this is where her new house is going to be,” said Aulgur. “She opened the album and showed us photos of the barge that had come over the levee and what was left of her house. She said it was six months before they could even return to the site. Speaking with someone who had actually been affected by the disaster made this three-hour project a little more tangible. “When we first got there, it felt a little like it was all for show. But meeting her, and knowing that those three hours were going to make a difference in her life, made it real.” Those experiences are why the CGIU met in New Orleans this year, and why ATU President Dr. Robert C. Brown not only
joined a group of 40 college presidents at the conference, but invited Aulgur and three students to attend as well. “The most important lesson among our student body is that they do have an obligation to society,” said Dr. Brown when the Tech CGIU delegation was recognized at a recent Board of Trustees meeting. The conference included registrants from 46 states and six continents. Aulgur said that the diversity of the meeting was one of its greatest strengths. “When people from New Jersey are meeting people from Arkansas, and Southern Baptists are in the same room with people of the Jewish faith and Catholics, it creates a real melting pot and breeds some interesting conversation,” said Aulgur. “The most fun we had was trying to first explain what crawfish are, and then how to eat them.” McLaughlin said that he benefited from the opportunity to hear varied opinions from varied cultures. “I was able to learn about how my small efforts, when combined with the small efforts of others, can make a big difference,” said McLaughlin. “Hearing people’s experiences from all over the country gave me a different perspective from what we have every day in Arkansas. “Getting to know everyone at the
conference was valuable because you get an opportunity to make contacts with people all over the country, and really all over the world,” continued McLaughlin. Tech students have consistently demonstrated a desire to volunteer in recent months and McLaughlin said he senses a real desire among his peers to become involved in their communities. “When President Clinton spoke to the group, he commented on the record number of non-profit organizations that have been established through the 1990s and this decade,” said McLaughlin. “It makes me realize that as a generation, people of my age are making a difference in the world. Our students want volunteer opportunities. They just have to be organized.” At the Tech Board of Trustees meeting in March, Dr. Brown said that Tech is in the exploratory stages of determining how it can participate in the CGIU and carry out its mission in the Arkansas River Valley. “Technology has put so many things in front of us that we never saw before,” said Aulgur. “I grew up in a world with three television stations, so when I see what my daughters are exposed to, they are and will be much more aware of problems in the world. “If people can find something they are passionate about, something will click and they will want to get involved.” n
Opening In May! Knitting and Crochet Supplies ~ Yarn ~ Needles ~ Books ~ ~ Patterns ~ Knitting Bags ~
Classes coming soon! Mon- 10-6 Thurs- 10-6 Tues- 12-8 Fri- 10-6 Wed- 10-6 Sat- 10-2
Knit 2 Together
317 W. Main St. • (479) 968-KNIT May 2008
ABOUT...the River Valley 31
NICE PULL QUOTE: “Growing stronger is important at any age. The oldest baby boomers are now 60, according to the U.S. Administrations on Aging, and are expected to live longer than any other generation before them.”
Radiologic Technologist Karen Tucker conducts a bone density test on Cori Williams at Millard Henry Clinic. Photo by Steve Newby
Them Bones, Them Bones, Them Strong Bones T R E AT I N G A N D B E AT I N G O S T E O P O R O S I S Submitted by Leann Pacheco For Saint Mary’s Regional Medical Center
The knee bone’s connected to the thigh bone, the thigh bone’s connected to the hip bone, the hip bone’s connected to the back bone – unless one of these bones is fractured due to osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a disease that weakens bones, increasing the risk of sudden and unexpected fractures. According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, osteoporosis is a major public health problem that has both a medical and economic impact in the U.S. Fractures caused by either osteoporosis or low bone mass can lead to chronic pain, disability and even death, as well as psychological symptoms, including depression. Each year broken bones due to low bone mass or osteoporosis cause over 432,000 hospital admissions, almost 2.5 million medical office visits and about 180,000 nursing home admissions. Osteoporosis is most commonly linked with aging and the decrease in natural hormone levels. One in two women, who make up 80 percent of those with this disease, and one in eight men, will break a bone by age 50 due to osteoporosis. The most common osteoporotic fractures are in the wrists, hips and vertebrae. 32 ABOUT...the River Valley
Joe Cloud, M.D., Obstetrician and Gynecologist with Millard Henry Women’s Clinic in Russellville, identified osteoporosis as the “silent disease.” It progresses with out symptoms, and often goes undetected until weakened bones cause painful fractures. And while a family history of osteoporosis is a key risk factor, “we cannot just depend on family history to identify those at risk,” said Cloud. Other risk factors include: 1. Being of Caucasian race. 2. Being thin. 3. Having gone through early menopause. 4. Having undergone surgical menopause. Despite the damaging affects to the body, there are lifestyle changes that can help prevent the onset of osteoporosis and even stave off further deterioration after developing the disease. Some of these are: 1. Get the daily-recommended amounts of calcium and vitamin D. 2. Engage in regular weight bearing and muscle-strengthening exercises. 3. Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol. 4. Talk to your healthcare provider about bone health. 5. Have a bone density test and take medication when appropriate.
Russell Allison, M.D., orthopedic surgeon and partner at Arkansas Orthopaedic Institute in Russellville, elaborated on these steps. “All adult women over the age of 55 should be on calcium and vitamin D supplements,” he said, “and should have a bone density test, especially if they have a family history of osteoporosis or have suffered a previous fracture.” He added that people who have been on certain steroids or thyroid medications could be at an increased risk for thinning bones. Allison emphasized the importance of follow-up care once osteoporosis is diagnosed. Even if patients are on prescribed bone-building medication, they should continue taking a calcium supplement and should have a bone density scan each year. “It’s not uncommon for a patient to remain on medication long after it’s actually needed,” he said, “simply because they have not been back to their physician for follow-up testing.” While all forms of exercise are beneficial, weight-bearing and muscle-strengthening exercises such as weight lifting, jogging and even aggressive walking are the best forms of exercise for building bone mass. May 2008
“Inspirations is a place where I feel accepted just as I am.”
Assisting Seniors Adults in Handling Life’s Changes.
SilverSneakers class at Saint Mary's Wellness Fitness Center. Photo by Sherri Swain
Owen Kelly, M.D., orthopedic surgeon and also a partner at Arkansas Orthopaedic Institute, explained, “Bones adapt to stress – they become stronger and denser as demands are placed on them.” And despite so much pressure in society to be thin, “Carrying an extra 5 to 10 pounds of muscle mass is very beneficial to bone strength,” Kelly added. Growing stronger is important at any age. The oldest baby boomers are now 60, according to the U.S. Administration on Aging, and are expected to live longer than any other generation before them. This factor, along with dramatic reductions in death rates among cancer, heart disease and stroke patients has already pushed the American life expectancy to 77 years. The concern is now not only how long – but how well – we will live. “Most people know physical activity is beneficial for older adults’ well-being. Yet the majority of seniors in our country get relatively little exercise,” said Chris Draggs, director of Saint Mary’s Wellness Fitness Center (SMWFC). Concerned for seniors in Russellville and the surrounding area, Draggs and the SMWFC staff began searching for a comprehensive senior program to incorporate into their own. About two years ago, the fitness center established the SilverSneakers program, which offers free memberships to seniors with certain secondary insurance plans. Pat Hagemeier, a SilverSneakers member, commented on the increased level of strength and balance she enjoys because of regular exercise. “I know if I were to fall,” she said, “I wouldn’t worry about not recovering quickly.” In recognition of National Osteoporosis Awareness and Prevention month, Saint Mary’s Regional Medical Center and Saint Mary’s Wellness Fitness Center will host their Strong Bones – Strong Bodies event on Saturday, May 31, at the fitness center. This community-wellness event is sponsored by May 2008
• Counseling Groups & Group Activities • Transportation Provided • Morning and Afternoon Programs • FREE Screening
the hospital, fitness center, Millard-Henry Clinic, Arkansas Orthopaedic Institute and Russellville Family Clinic. The event will feature health screenings, physician speakers, clinical speakers, cooking demonstrations, exercise demonstrations, nutritional information, door prizes and more. There is no cost to attend the event, though in addition to the free health screenings available, a fasting cholesterol screen is also offered for $25. “Saint Mary’s is proud to partner with area clinics and physicians. Our common goal is better health for our community,” stated Mike McCoy, Chief Executive Officer of Saint Mary’s. “This is an excellent opportunity to learn more about bone health and the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.” Dr. Allison, Dr. Kelly and partner Robert Garrison, M.D., orthopedic surgeon at Arkansas Orthopaedic Institute, will present a panel discussion on bone health and osteoporosis. Free osteoporosis assessments will be offered at the clinic’s booth as well. Millard Henry Clinic is one participant providing free bone density screenings. Representatives of the clinic will be on hand to answer questions and to provide information on the extensive range of medical services available at Millard Henry. Ramona Hodges, a registered dietitian with Saint Mary’s, will present on nutrition and ways to incorporate bone-healthy nutrients into one’s diet. A licensed pharmacist will speak on bone-building prescription drugs and the benefits and side effects of each. A cooking demonstration will close out the day featuring preparation and sampling of bonehealthy foods rich in calcium and vitamin D. Strong Bones – Strong Bodies is held at Saint Mary’s Wellness Fitness Center at 3808 West Main, Russellville. For more information, call Saint Mary’s Community Relations at (479) 964-9355. n
If you or a loved one has had recent changes in life that make things difficult to handle, call today.
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River Valley Medical Center 311 Union St. • Dardanelle, AR
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ABOUT...the River Valley 33
L-R: Beverly Cooper, Susie Kroencke, Nancy Milholland, Jill Brown, Mike Cooper, Irene Edgar, Lawrence Fletcher
L-R: Employee at Keukenhof Gardens, Maree Lewis, Irene Edgar, Rita Duren, Donna Horton
Springtime in Donna Horton & Irene Edgar
Beverly & Mike Cooper
Dana Moseley & Betty Humphreys
Alice Fletcher & Rebecca Badon
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141 GOLf CLUB LANE, POTTSvILLE (479) 890-6653 34 ABOUT...the River Valley
Jill Brown & Alice Fletcher
Photos courtesy of Dana Moseley Director of Gift Planning/Arkansas Tech
Travelers participating in the “Tulip River Cruise” sponsored by the ATU Alumni and Friends Travel Group left for Springtime in Holland on April 4. Gathering at Tucker Coliseum and traveling by bus to the Little Rock National Airport, the 20-member group began an overnight flight to the 800-year-old capital of Holland, Amsterdam. They began a 7-night cruise about the MS Amadeus Princess. Led by Dana Moseley, director of the office of Gift Planning, the travelers began the third day of their adventure absorbing Amsterdam’s sights and diverse architecture with a morning tour. A visit to the world-renowned Rijksmuseum included a tour of the Dutch master painter Rembrandt’s famous collection, “The Masterpieces.” Mid-day, the group cruised to Volendam, a small fishing village where the fisherman are still dressed in the traditional caps and baggy-legged trousers, and where travelers can view the small brick houses with green wooden siding and traditional Dutch doors. The quaint town of Edam, renowned for the delicious round cheese that bears its name, was next on the tour. Later, fields of colorful tulips led to the charming port of Enkhuizen. There the group enjoyed the rich maritime past and 15th Century buildings before resuming its cruise to the river Ijssel.
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May 2008
L-R: Rita Duren, Alice Fletcher, Lawrence Fletcher, Maree Lewis & Irene Edgar
Daisy Robinson, Lawrence Fletcher & Jill Brown
Betty Humphreys & Beverly Cooper
Susie Kroencke, Nancy Milholland & Wava Cox
The group arrived at Arnhem, the favorite summer retreat of the Dutch royal family, on Day Four. Optional excursion time was available for those wishing to see the town and follow the course of the September 1944 battle that resulted in one of the major tragedies of World War II. The ship docked in Antwerp, a city best known for its diamonds. The second-largest city boasts beautiful Gothic and Baroque architecture and lively cafes and includes sights such as Liebrauenkirche, Belgium’s largest Gothic church, the legendary Brabo fountains and the home of Peter Paul Rubens. The area offered leisure shopping and independent exploration. Day Six began with a tour of the Imperial city of Ghent, lined with typical patrician
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houses conveying the splendor of bygone days. A sightseeing tour of St. Bao Cathedral and a walking tour of Bruges, one of Europe’s most perfectly preserved medieval cities, and an optional occursion to Brussels, followed. The ship sailed overnight to Zierikzee, a little Dutch town featuring a well-preserved medieval center including 14th century city gates, the fish market and 16th century town jail. A visit to Kinderdijk, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, allowed group members to view Holland’s largest concentration of windmills and to glimpse into Holland’s age-old battle with the sea. The evening concluded with music and dancing by a local Dutch folklore group. Paul Evans, manager has 15 years of experience at Leonard’s Hardware. Paul is very friendly and knowledgeable and can assist you with your lawn & garden needs.
A visit to the world-famous Keukenhof Garden, where more than 70 acres of tranquil ponds and tree-shaded paths, followed the cruise to Utrecht. More than seven million tulips and other flowers are on exhibit making the gardens a kaleidoscope of color. A farewell dinner followed celebrating the end of the river cruise through Holland and Belgium. The 2008-2009 travel schedule has been updated and includes visits to Canada’s Atlantic Coast, historic Georgia and South Carolina; a 12-Day tour of the Italian Lakes and Greek Islands; a cruise and tour of the Pacific Northwest and California; a 10-Day tour of Scotland, and a week-long Quebec Holiday tour. For information on these and other travel opportunities, call (479) 964-0532. n
Your Lawn & Garden
Amy Gray (479)967-3521 209 East 4th, Russellville
May 2008
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1319 S. Arkansas, Russellville • 968-2142 • Store Hours: Mon-Sat 7:30-6:30 • Sunday 12-5 ABOUT...the River Valley 35
ABOU Your T Needs Holiday Histories: Memorial and ‘Mum’ BUSINESS DIRECTORY
E.M.T. GUTTERWORKS We specialize in the installation of seamless gutters. Free Estimates! Mark Signor (owner) P. (479) 331-4140 • C. (479) 880-6759 NEW BEGINNINGS Specializing in all types of home repair and remodeling needs. Interior & Exterior ~ Free Estimates! Bill Casey (owner) P. (479) 857-1161 Poppa Wheelies Bicycle Shop Sales and service, tune-ups, flat fixes, custom builds, race info, etc. Over 300 Golf Discs in Stock! 217 N. Denver, Downtown Russellville P. (479) 890-6665 Be the first service professional that comes to mind when your prospective customer needs a product or service you provide. Have your business or service included in the next issue of ABOUT … the River Valley, contact Melanie Conley at (479) 967-4899.
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Although the carnation, and not the mum, is most often the flower associated with Mother’s Day, we would be hard-pressed to ignore the month of May without a small tribute to two significant holidays. In the United States, Mother’s Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May. First observed in Philadelphia, Penn., in 1908, the holiday was based on suggestions by author and activist Julia Ward Howe in 1872 and by Anna Jarvis in 1907. Jarvis, a resident of Grafton, West Va., campaigned for a national Mother’s Day by persuading her mother’s church to celebrate Mother’s Day on the anniversary of her mother’s death. A memorial was held there May 10, 1908, and in Philadelphia the next year where Jarvis had moved. Jarvis began a letter-writing campaign and with the assistance of others, worked diligently to create a national Mother’s Day holiday. In 1914, their efforts resulted in a proclamation by President Woodrow Wilson. Mother’s Day became a national observance held annually in the United States on the second Sunday of May. While there were days honoring mothers traced back to ancient Greece, in the 1600s Englanders observed a day called “Mothering Sunday.” Other countries, such as Australia, Belgium, Turkey, Denmark and Italy observe a mother’s day on the same day, as well. So, in honor of “Mum,” here are some interesting facts which may impress her. -- There are 84 million moms in the U.S. -- The odds of a woman delivering twins is 1-in-33: odds of having triplets is approximately 1-in-539. -- About 4 million women will have babies this year. August is the most popular month. -- The median age of a woman giving birth for the first time in the U.S. is 24.8. -- Daughters keep in closer contact with their mothers than do sons. -- There are more phone calls made on
Mother’s Day than on any other day of the year. However, the number of people calling their moms on Mother’s Day has declined in recent years due to e-mail and other electronic means of communication. -- Mother’s Day is the third-largest cardsending holiday. While nearly 80 percent of Americans will buy a card for mom this year, 83 percent of the cards will be purchased by daughters. -- And finally, Mother’s Day is the busiest day of the year for restaurants. Just as the carnation is significant to Mother’s Day, the wearing of a poppy is linked to Memorial Day. Inspired by the poem, In Flanders Field, Moina Michael conceived the idea to wear red poppies on Memorial Day to honor those who died serving the nation during war. It is more than just a day off; it is a day of remembrance for those who have died in our nation’s service. In 1866, as the United States was recovering from the long and horrendous Civil War, a drugstore owner Henry Welles of Waterloo, N.Y., had stories of the returning soldiers and had an idea to honor those killed and buried in the Waterloo cemetery. On the morning of May 5, the townspeople placed flowers, wreaths and crosses on the graves of the Northern soldiers in the cemetery. About the same time, a retired general decided to honor those who returned. General John Logan, national commander of the Grand Army of the Republic, proclaimed May 5th as a day of observance. Later, on May 30, 1868, flowers were placed on the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery. Although there have been a number of attempts to “reschedule” the holiday, Memorial is currently celebrated on the last Monday of May. n
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May 2008
Since the publication of our premiere issue, ABOUT... Weddings and Special Occasions on February 14, 2008, the staff has had a number of requests to begin including engagement and wedding announcements on the pages of our regular issues of ABOUT ... the River Valley. Calendar listings are available at no charge and may be mailed to: ABOUT Magazine, P.O. Box 10176, Russellville AR 72812 or sent via email to: editor@aboutrvmag.com. (A phone number must be included for verification.) Deadline to include information in next month’s issue is the 15th of each month preceding publication. Saturday, May 3 Erin Leigh Bryson & Michael Ray Glover 6 p.m., Point Remove Lodge, Hattieville; friends and family invited, reception to follow. – Sunday, May 4 Rachel Joy Kinney & John Daniel Appleton ll 7 p.m., Mt. Nebo Pavilion; friends and family invited, reception to follow. – Saturday, May 10 Krista Powers & Richard Athey – Saturday, May 10 Brandi Tritt & Luke Rogers – Saturday, May 17 Nicole Wade & William Tarvin 7 p.m., The Lodge at Mount Magazine; friends and family invited, reception to follow. – Saturday, May 24 Kristen Jackson & Brad Bland – Saturday, May 24 Chelsya Knoernschild & Angelo Welihinda – Saturday, May 24 Emily Sprott & Jonathan McIllwain
Saturday, May 31 Vanessa Molina & James Patrick Eckart 7:30 p.m., Basilica de Nuestra senora de Guadalupe, San Salvador. – Saturday, June 7 Stephanie Daigh Edwards & Jesse Douglas Lane Mount Magazine; invitations will be sent. – Saturday, June 7 Caitlin Roach & Heath Whorton – Saturday, June 7 Danielle Thomas & Neill Roshto – Friday, June 13 Kristin Keaster & Peter McNulty – Saturday, July 26 Alisha Cooper & Kevin Huddleston invitations will be sent. – Friday, Aug. 1 Jessica Elaine Teaff & Christopher Grant Horton Captiva Island, Fla., Invitations will be sent. – Saturday, Sept. 13 Stephanie Yoshida & Chris Barnes
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For photo and announcement rates, please call (479) 970-6628 or stop by the office of ABOUT Magazine located at 417 West Parkway in Russellville. Limited copies of our first edition of ABOUT... Weddings and Special Occasions are still available. The 32-page issue serves as a guide for area brides and features the products and services of 42 participating advertisers. n
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May 2008
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ABOUT...the River Valley 37
Photographer’s Gallery
“Mother’s Last Bouquet.” Photo by Tom Doan “My mother loved flowers. I took bouquets to her at her home in Pocahontas. She always wanted to come and see my garden but was not able. She preferred my garden flowers rather than the ones from a flower shop. This picture was her last bouquet. I have made copies for all seven of my sisters... we never glance at the photo without thinking of our precious mother.” ~ Tom Doan
38 ABOUT...the River Valley
“There are always flowers for those who want to see them.” ~ Henri Matisse
May 2008