Sweet Sixteen & Driving Towards Fame
September 2008 a publication of SILVER PLATTER PRODUCTIONS, INC.
What Will Interest Your Child or Grandchild?
lego league?
public service?
math? leadership?
forming friendships?
Fo cu s e d on O u r S tu de n ts an d C re atin g Oppo rtunitie s for T h e ir S u cce s s in th e 21s t C e n t ur y 2 2 0 W. 1 0 t h S t r e e t , R u s s e l l v i l l e , A R
r s d w e b . k 1 2 . a r. u s
September 2008
contents 7
It’s the Law
Driving Towards Fame
n Tooled Patent - New from Kristine Straight – up clutch, flat or skinny
Gifts on Parkway/Gifts on Rogers
2149 E. Parkway, Russellville • (479) 890-6932 510 S. Rogers, Clarksville • (479) 705-8282
n FABULOUS DECORATIONS FOR FALL Millyns 124 South Front • Dardanelle (479) 229-4144
Cycling Advocates Aid Foreign Student’s
Festival to Celebrate Women’s Life
The Perils of Cell Phone Envy
Real Estate IS His Hobby
ABOUT...the Best Products
Three Cheers for Game Night
‘Life’ Choices
Safe Routes to School
Do the Right Thing
Mistletoe Market
n Children’s Bedroom Headquarters “Sharing is fun with this bunk bed which can be separated into two twin beds. Choose your finish. $748. Free Delivery!!”
River Valley Furniture
2609 E. Parkway Dr. • Russellville (479) 967-9984 www.RiverValleyFurniture.net
ABOUT our Cover
Photo by Steve Newby
Turning 16 and learning how to drive aren’t the only things on the minds of Samantha (left) and twin sister Nikki of Dover. The young ladies are under contract with Warner Brothers Nashville to create their first album. Known as ‘Nik & Sam,’ the pair are loving life, whether it’s on the beach at Malibu, in a Nashville recording studio or their secluded country home in Pope County. Their feature story begins on page 8.
Our Associates Chris ZIMMERMAN
Melanie CONLEY
Jeannie STONE
graph i c des i gn
f re e l a n ce wri te r
4 7 9 . 2 6 4 .2 4 3 8 c h r is @ zimc re ative .c o m
479.858.2708 mela nie@a bout r vma g.com
479.747.0210 jea nnie@aboutrv mag.com
Stephanie YOUNG
ph oto gr a phy
i l l u s t r a t or
4 7 9 . 8 8 0 .1 0 0 6 stevenewbyphotography@hotmail.com
479.970.2215 st eph@a bout r vma g.com
479.890.3630 ma ddsign ti s t@gmai l .com
4 ABOUT...the River Valley
September 2008
ABOUT the River Valley
A Publication of Silver Platter Productions, Inc Vol. III, Issue 7 – September 2008
OWNER/PUBLISHER Nolan and Dianne Edwards Silver Platter Productions, Inc. Advertising Sales Melanie Conley Stephanie K. Young Dianne S. Edwards Graphic Design Chris Zimmerman Zim Creative Contributing Writers Kechia Bentley Dianna Qualls Jeannie Stone Contributing PhotographerS Steve Newby RC White Assistant to the Publisher Melissa Edwards
ABOUT… the River Valley
is locally owned and published for distribution by direct mail and targeted delivery to those interested in the Arkansas River Valley. Subscriptions are available by sending $20 for one-year (10 issues) to: SPPI/ABOUT Magazine P.O. Box 10176 Russellville AR 72812 Material contained in this issue may not be copied or reproduced without written consent. Inquiries may be made by calling (479) 970-6628. Office: 417 West Parkway Email: editor@aboutrvmag.com Postmaster: Please send address changes to: SPPI, P.O. Box 10176, Russellville AR 72812.
6 ABOUT...the River Valley
A PAGE FROM ___________________________________________________
The Editor’s Notebook A recent phone call from a friend reminded me again what a caring place it is in which we live. My friend’s 18-year-old niece had died unexpectedly in her sleep, a believedcomplication of her life-long struggle with epilepsy. Elizabeth Mae Moore of Russellville was not only the beloved daughter of her parents, Don R. Moore and Judy C. Davis Moore, but was loved by countless friends and family. Among those friends were Russellville High School classmates who rallied around the family in their time of need. These young adults rose to the occasion, holding an impromptu car wash to raise money to offset the family’s funeral expenses. With funds generated from the event – and a very generous and anonymous matching cash donation – Elizabeth’s friends offered their gift with love. Our condolences go out to her family and friends. ‘Caring for others’ could be the ‘theme’ of this month’s issue, illustrated by stories such as ‘Safe Routes,’ on page 34 and ‘Cycling Advocates Aid Foreign Students,’ on page 13. Our eagerness to help others, including our families and friends, fill the pages of ‘Do the Right Thing’ on page 38 and ‘Real Estate IS His Hobby,’ on page 18. Both stories tell the story of local residents helping others while ‘doing the right thing.’ The Women’s Life Festival, sponsored by Saint Mary’s Regional Medical Center and set for Sept. 27th is an example of community-wide caring. SMRMC, in collaboration with local medical professionals, proves again their commitment to quality care by arranging this wonderful event focusing on the health and well-being of the women in our lives. Featured speaker will be Peggy Kline, who for the last 20 years has used humor and hope to nurture the needs of women and share her mission of improving their quality of life. Talent abounds in the River Valley and never has it been so evident than with exposure to Nik & Sam, 16-year-old twin musicians traveling the path toward fame as well as balancing a life of homeschooling and the parental version of ‘driver’s ed.’ Don’t miss their engaging story beginning on page 8. (And don’t miss the brilliant photography of Steve Newby, coupled with the amazing creative talents of our designer Chris Zimmerman on the pages of this and other September features.) Choosing to live in the Arkansas River Valley can be one of the easiest decisions one can make. Choices in all aspects of life affect many lives and can sometimes be difficult. Read ‘Life Choices’ on page 30 and discover a little-known support system for those making critical decisions when faced with an unplanned pregnancy. When Dianna Qualls stepped up to become our ‘food editor,’ my heart soared. Not only is she a fabulous cook… she delivers samples! Be sure and check out ‘Three Cheers for Game Night’ for great tailgating recipes sure to score with your family. While many local students headed back to school on Aug. 18th, those being homeschooled never left home! Check out the story of the Thomas family, dedicated home-schoolers who delight in the opportunity to school their daughter at home. Read ‘Room for Creativity’ on page 36. Thank you, our readers and advertisers, for your continued support. For those of you receiving complimentary subscriptions by mail, we’ll be discontinuing our free mailed issues on Oct. 31, 2008. We hope you’ll opt to become a paid subscriber by completing the information on pages 6 or 45. Questions may be sent via email to editor@aboutrvmag.com or answered by phone. Call (479) 970-6628 for information. Cooler weather is just around the corner. We’re ready!
Dianne Edwards, Editor/Publisher
Editor's Note: Brian Faulkner, who was featured in the August story "Makin' Music," graduated from Arkansas Tech University in 1987 with a bachelor of art's degree in music education and not early childhood education as the story indicated. We apologize for any inconvenience.
September 2008
Out and ABOUT Sept. 1: Farmer’s Market – open 3-6, Monday through Nov. 1; 320 W. C, Historic MissouriPacific Depot, Downtown Russellville. Sept. 3: Farmer’s Market – Open 10-1 Wednesdays through Nov. 1; 320 W. C, Russellville, HMP Depot. Sept. 5: Downtown Art Walk, Historic Downtown Russellville, 5-8 p.m. 967-1437. Sept. 6: Farmer’s Market – Open 7 a.m. until noon, Saturdays through Nov. 1; 320 W. C, Russellville, HMP Depot. Oh my, I think we’ve just bumped something!
Nonsense Hun, I just reminded one of those crazy bikers that roads are built for cars
...drivers overtaking a bicycle must pass on the left at a distance of NOT LESS than THREE feet!
It’s the Law!
Readers of the August issue were introduced to the talented works of artist Cliff Thomas, who, at the request of ABOUT Magazine, has created the above cartoon for this month’s issue. While humorous, the scenerio is far too real. We’ve even heard it said that ‘bicyclists have no right to be on the road because they do not pay a gasoline fuel tax.’ Are you kidding? With the continuation of high gas prices and the push for a ‘more healthier Arkansas,’ many River Valley residents are leaving behind four wheels and traveling instead on two -- bicycling to and from work or school, to run errands, or for health and fitness, not to mention downright ‘fun!’ While it is generally understood that bicyclists have the right of way, they are required by law to follow the ‘rules of the road.’ Bike riders should always ride on the right side of the road, with the flow of traffic; must obey all traffic laws and signs, stopping at both red lights and stop signs. They should use reflectors and lights when riding at night and to wear light or bright colors for increased visibility. They should be alert at all times and ride defensively -- expecting the unexpected from vehicle drivers, other bicyclists and pedestrians. The use of a well-fitted helmet is strongly suggested -- one that features a Consumer Product Safety Commission or American Society for Testing and Materials logo inside the helmet. And, that helmet should be replaced immediately if it is worn in an accident or a fall. Conversely, we urge the drivers of all motor vehicles to remember that they are required by law to “pass to the left at a safe distance of not less than three feet and shall not again drive to the right side of the roadway until it is SAFELY clear of the overtaken bicycle.” 27-51-311. Fines not to exceed $1,000 (and additional penalties prescribed by law) may be assigned when such a violation results in a collision causing death or serious physical injury to the person operating the overtaken bicycle. Each year, more than 500,000 people in the United States are treated in emergency departments; more than 700 people die as a result of bicycle-related injuries. Children 15 years and younger accounted for almost 60% of all bicycle-related injuries seen in emergency rooms nationwide. Let’s not let another statistic be one from the River Valley. September 2008
Sept. 16: Senior Health Expo: “Promoting Healthy Aging,” 8 a.m. to noon; St. Mary’s Wellness Center. Health screenings, some fasting required. 858-7863 or 968-5039. Sept. 20: Beans and Cornbread Supper, Pottsville Fire Station, 4-7 p.m. benefits Pottsville Historical Association; (479) 967-1194. Sept. 20: Furry Friends in Need Pet Contest, applications and entry, call (479) 293-4377 or 493-2851 or via: furryfriendsinneed.org. Sept. 20: Warriors Day Festival and Auction, Hughes Center. Information at warriorcats.com or brightspiritrelieffund.com. Sept. 20: Butterfly Family Adventure – 9 a.m.–noon, Winthrop Rockefeller Institute, Petit Jean Mtn. Admission: $10 adults, $5 children. (501) 727-6211. Sept. 20: Pickin’ at the Depot, 4-10 p.m.; HMP Depot, Russellville; public invited to participate; Randy White, (479) 967-3065 or MSR 967-1437. Sept. 26: REEL STORIES Documentary Film Series – 7 p.m., Winthrop Rockefeller Institute, Petit Jean Mtn. Featuring Andrew Jenks: Room 335. Admission $10. (501) 727-6219. Sept. 27: Saint Mary’s Women’s Life Festival, 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., ATU Doc Bryan; 964-9468 or 964-5683. Tickets $15 Brunch; $20 Luncheon. To have your event included in the ABOUT Calendar of Events, email: editor@ aboutrvmag.com or fax to (866) 757-3282. Deadline is the 15th of the month preceding publication.
ABOUT...the River Valley 7
photos by steve newby
n g
T o w a r d s
additional photos by jeannie stone
graphic design by chris zimmerman
Twins Nikki and Samantha Setian have a lot more on their newly-turned 16-year-old minds than whose turn it is to drive. The musical duo stays on the go between Los Angeles and Nashville, recording their first album, and squeezing in home schooling and driving practice along the path to certain fame. The Setian girls, who go by the stage name Nik & Sam, are the daughters of Richard, fire marshal for the city of Russellville, and Rhonda, an oncology nurse at Saint Mary’s Regional Medical Center. The family lives in a secluded country home in Dover where horses -- and all manner of farm animals and pets -- thrive. “Living on a farm is fun, but it’s a big responsibility,“ Nikki said. “I actually enjoy living in the country; there’s a lot of privacy.” “But it’s pretty cool to have all that city stuff,” Samantha said. “And the beach!” they both exclaimed. The beach the girls referred to is the Malibu beach. They could see the beach from the recording studio where they have been creating their first album under contract with Warner Brothers Records Nashville. “We were recording 24/7,” Nikki reports. “We have four songs down. It was great. I love Malibu. The people are so laid back, and they have horses!” “It’s like the country with a beach.” Samantha said with eyes twinkling. Samantha and Nikki both write songs. “The focus right now is on songwriting,” Samantha said. Her sister agreed. “We’ve got to get our album done.” The girls mentioned they were open to collaborating with songwriters. They have been meeting with songwriters in Nashville, although one of their favorite songs, Goodbye, was written by their producer. The inspiration to write songs struck the sisters early. “We write songs about relationships,” Samantha said. Hence, the song Stupid Games was written when former classmates were giving the girls a hard time for missing so much school. “We were so hurt that we came home and unloaded by writing that song,” Nikki said. She also wrote Thinking of You when she was reflecting on the military families torn apart by the war. Bad News is another song which reflects their concern over crime, war and natural disasters. September 2008
“We try to understand the world through our music,” she said. Samantha observed: “Sometimes I’ll write music or Nikki might write lyrics.” “The part I like best is making up the melody,” Nikki said. “Oh, that’s the part that I like best, too,” Samantha added. “I think the first song we tried to harmonize together on was Amazing Grace. We sang it by ear; it just came naturally. Anyway, we sang it at the dinner table. From then on, I started picking up harmonies and Nikki started belting them out.” “Yeah, it’s kind of cool how it happened,” Nikki agreed. “We didn’t even know they could harmonize,” mother Rhonda said. “They got their volume from me anyway.” Everybody laughed. The girls are well-rounded musicians. Samantha plays banjo and dobra and Nikki plays the guitar and mandolin. The girls were exposed to music early as their father plays guitar and included the girls in his performances when they were very young. Samantha, who began studying banjo at 10, has also been influenced by Bela Fleck (banjo,) Emily Robinson, of the Dixie Chicks (dobro genius,) Jerry Douglas with the Allison Kraus band, and her banjo instructor Paul Rentfro. Nikki’s inspiration has come from Natalie Morris, lead vocalist of the Dixie Chicks; Patty Loveless, Brian Sutton (former guitarist for the Dixie Chicks) and John Mayer, “especially his song Waiting on the World to Change.” “I thought we were going to be on the rodeo circuit,” Rhonda said. “They competed in barrel racing and pole bending when they were 7 years old, but once they started with the music, schedules started clashing, and they ended up choosing music over the rodeo.” Rhonda admits she and her husband are competitive and believes the girls inherited some of that drive from them. “We were glad they gravitated to music together, because both of them were natural performers “and they used to go so fast on those horses!” ABOUT...the River Valley 9
“Plus, I always thought it’s better to put your energy in one thing, so you can excel,” she said. Music wasn’t the only thing on the producer’s mind during their recent trip to Los Angeles. “He thought it’d be good to change up the twin look,” Rhonda said. Nikki responded: “Neither of us wanted to go blond. We tossed a coin, and I lost, but it’s growing on me, and I like it.” “We would have done this on our own, anyway,” Samantha said, “because we like being twins and everything, but we like to be different too.” The girls like to make a difference as well. Every Christmas, the girls entertain the patients and families at Arkansas Children’s Hospital in Little Rock. They have also held benefit concerts for Arkansas Hospice, the American Cancer Society and Job’s Miracle. The eleventh graders are looking forward to their second year of home schooling. “Actually, I like it because we can be flexible, and that’s important since we’re going back and forth between Los Angeles and Nashville,” Nikki said. “Oh my gosh. We LOVE Nashville,” Samantha said, and her sister agreed. “It’s a great place.” And Nashville certainly loves them. What other teenagers have 8,398 friends on My Space, with the top spots belonging to the Dixie Chicks, The Wreckers, the Eagles, Sheryl Crow and Warner Brothers Nashville? Nikki and Sam ooze creative juices and are itching to try art classes this year. “We’re wanting to take an art class at Tech,” Nikki shared. “We love to paint and draw and sculpt,” her sister said. And both girls are looking forward to learning Spanish. Everything just seems to grow better in the fresh air and space of the country. Consider Jake the Dog who jumps on visitors with playful exuberance. “He’s just big boned,” Samantha said. “Maybe he’s bred with the horses.” “Now, that’s hilarious,” Nikki claimed and chuckled. Maybe as funny as finding time in their schedules for their driving exams. “It’s not like we don’t know how to drive,” Nikki said in typical teen style. “I mean we’ve been driving four-wheelers for years.” The girls will be sharing their mother’s Suburban once they earn their licenses. “Sam likes to drive more than Nik,” mother Rhonda said. “Nikki doesn’t really care as much as her sister, and Sam does like to take charge of the wheel.”
“It’s been wild learning how to drive a car,” Nikki said. “I mean, I don’t know why they’re so worried. They were both in charge of teaching us how to drive, and it was so confusing! Mom would tell us to push the gas pedal a certain way, and Dad would be completely different. And all the while we’re saying, ‘Hurry up! We gotta go!’” And they most certainly are going, straight to the top. n For more information or to listen to the music of Nik & Sam, log on to www.myspace.com/nikandsam.
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10 ABOUT...the River Valley
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Cycling Advocates Aid Foreign Students The perfect combination of power and strength, the Lightning Z blends our highest
Story and Photos by Jeannie Stone
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12 ABOUT...the River Valley
Brian and Michelle Moudy, owners of Higlander Cycling and Outdoors
here was a time when Michelle and Bryan Moudy, owners of Highlander Cycling and Outdoors in Russellville, were very unhealthy. But the dynamic duo is a competitive, wiry, philanthropic, humanistic cross between a Lance Armstrong and John Muier -- except their names are Michelle and Brian. Brian graduated from Arkansas Tech University and was a graduate student at the University of Arkansas when he was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, a cancer of the immune system. In a state of shock, he withdrew from school and regrouped. He fought the cancer and endured a year and a half of treatments including surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Ironically, another, more famous American was diagnosed with the same cancer, caught at the same stage and fought the battle during the same time as Brian. That person was Lance Armstrong. And his mirror struggle infused Brian with the belief that he, too, could do whatever he put his mind to. When Brian had regained his strength, he managed to locate a job in a bike shop where he developed his cycling skills. He later contracted with government and private agencies as a GIS consultant (geographical information systems) assessing the Mississippi Alluvial Valley and comparing those findings, such as water quality and habitat destruction, to the rest of the world. The merging of his cycling and his passion for conservation issues propelled he and his wife, Michelle, to open the shop in 2004. “After cancer, I didn’t care about anything else but living my life with passion,” Brian said. Through the shop, the Moudys, along with his parents, Roy and Linda Moudy, are able to promote the personal and environmental benefits of cycling to a diverse community, and a large contingent, dependent on his knowledge and services are located a mere two blocks away at Arkansas Tech University. Brian has taught an introduction to mountain biking class at the university for five years and started a cycling club two years ago based on the enthusiasm of cycling within the student body. Last year, Brian initiated the ATU Cycling Team, the first collegiate cycling team in the state of Arkansas. “We are collecting sponsors, so we can compete in our five-state conference,” he said with a smile. The ATU administration approached Brian when they were unable to house 300 of their foreign students on campus. Considering the lack of public transportation in Russellville, cycling was identified as a potential and viable means to transport the students, who were assigned to various apartments and homes in surrounding neighborhoods. Brian knew many of these students were from more bike progressive cultures, so he agreed to assist students in purchasing bikes at a discount and acclimate them to their adopted neighborhood. He rides with new students, teaching them the traffic laws and how to navigate in traffic, and where to pay bills and buy groceries. In an attempt to promote the endeavor, Brian donated two bikes to the VISTA Place Apartments where many of the foreign students were moved. Wilson Tay from Malaysia won one of the Electra bikes. Tay has a cousin in Little Rock. “He can take care of me if I have a problem,” he said, but, otherwise, Tay is on his own. Although his apartment is only half a mile from the school, “riding a bike is easier than walking,” he said. “But, here, it is totally different. The roads are opposite.” September 2008
Highlander offers free service to all bikes purchased through the store, and that’s for life. “That way,” Brian said, “when they graduate or transfer out of state the bikes are still valuable and can be sold or recycled within the community, unlike a lesser bike bought at a discount store which is never serviced.” Many times, customers take such bikes to the shop only to find they are not salvageable, so they leave them for junk. But Brian repairs what he cans and, every year, donates restored bikes to Friendship Community Center which assists children and adults with developmental disabilities. “It’s all about sharing our resources and enabling everyone to ride,” he said. Brian has been a vibrant part of the cycling community in the river valley and has promoted the Tour de Arkansas since it began (as Tri-Peaks Challenge) four years ago. He has also served as the pro men’s mechanic, often riding alongside one of the cyclists at 40 miles per hour, just to work on their bike because they didn’t want to slow down. Brian admits that he runs the shop much like a non-profit organization. He is, in fact, working on two projects. The first is an ATU cycling internship and the second is a nonprofit designation, so he can continue to spread the passion.
A local orthopedic surgeon refers patients who have knee problems to Brian. “Those patients are considering knee surgery but are willing to give cycling a try,” he said. “Fifty percent of those folks regain full use of their knees - without pain. I’ve seen a few even try running after recovery.” Brian credits his customizing methods, called Body Geometry, to the successful rate of recovery. It is a combination of physical therapy and biomechanics. The couple has studied the rather-new science since 1995 and each earned certification as Fit Masters; they are the only certified enthusiasts in the state. The health potential of bike riding cannot be underestimated. “I have seen, with my own eyes, a diabetic, who was on daily insulin, switched to pills, and now manages the illness through exercise and diet alone. Bicycling did that for him,” Brian said. Brian elaborated, “One of my customers went from 320 pounds to 180 pounds because of cycling. Even my wife lost a lot of weight when we met because I introduced her to bike riding. She now competes in the top expert level.” “Yes, I was pretty chunky,” Michelle said. “Cycling allows you to feel better. I also like the fact you’re not increasing the greenhouse gases.”
Brian Moudy with Wilson Tay from Malaysia
The Highlander sculpture is an alligator snapping turtle, indigeous to Arkansas waters. It was created to mimic its full growth but doesn’t attain that unless it lives a full life which can be 300 years old! Brian confirmed that most of the most dedicated riders he sees are people who entered cycling simply to lose weight. Brian, who can’t compete beyond the beginner level because of lung damage due to his cancer, rides for the sheer joy of it. “When I ride, I’m 5 years old again,” he said. “And if you’re smiling, you’re not stressing.” n
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3103 W Main Place, Russellville AR ~ (479) 968-1323 ABOUT...the River Valley 13
‘Treat Yourself Like Royalty’ Festival to Celebrate Women’s Life, Balance
Peggy Kline
Saint Mary’s Women’s Life Festival 2008 Saturday, September 27, 2008 7:30 a.m – 2 p.m. Arkansas Tech University Doc Bryan Student Center Seminars, screenings and other festival offerings: 7:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Brunch, $15: 9:30 – 11:00 a.m., Chambers Cafeteria West Dining Room Luncheon, $20: 12:00 – 2:00 p.m., Chambers Cafeteria East Dining Room
Dining by Hooker new at
Bethany’s Design Center
Women of the River Valley are cordially invited to a special event held in their honor, celebrating life and encouraging wellness and balance. Women of all ages and all walks of life often find it difficult to manage being a wife and mother, working and shuffling hectic schedules. Saint Mary’s Women’s Life Festival is a perfect way for women to indulge and reward themselves for all they do for others. The 2008 festival is a fun-filled, oneday event scheduled for Sept. 27, held at Doc Bryan Student Services Center on the campus of Arkansas Tech University. Features include a keynote motivational speaker, physician presentations, health screenings, educational booths, a cooking demonstration, Women’s Life and Lifetime Achievement Award presentations, door prizes, a purse auction, a style show, pampering and much more. This year’s festivities differ from past Women’s Life events in that either brunch or luncheon tickets are available. Peggy Kline, an award-winning, national speaker, author and humorist, will present “Treating Yourself Like Royalty” at both meals. “I’ve been to Arkansas a few times,” said Kline, “and am very excited about my first visit to the River Valley. What I want women to know about my program is that it is relevant to women of all ages.” You won’t need to wear a tiara to feel like royalty once you hear her hilarious and heartwarming performance, covering such topics as how to gain a more empowered and positive outlook, reflect on your inner beauty, take better care of your own health, and the importance of family, friends and mentors in a woman’s life. Brunch will also feature the presentation of a Saint Mary’s Regional Medical Center nursing scholarship, a style show and the festival Most Insurances Accepted
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14 ABOUT...the River Valley
“Queen for a Day” recognition. The luncheon will include presentations of the Women’s Life Award and Women’s Lifetime Achievement Award, in addition to Kline’s performance. One of the greatest gifts a woman can give to her community is the gift of service, and the Women’s Life and Lifetime Achievement Awards recognize the winners’ contributions to the quality of life for women in the River Valley. Physician seminars, focusing on issues pertinent to women’s health, are scheduled throughout the morning as well, along with free health screenings and other fun festival events. Arkansas’ celebrated Chef George Desiderio will present a healthy and delicious cooking demonstration just prior to the luncheon, with an emphasis on hearthealthy and diabetes-friendly ingredients. Those present will get to sample his wonderful fare. Desiderio is Corporate Food Service Director and Corporate Executive Chef for Dillard’s Store Services, Inc. Renowned for his culinary creativity, he has been named 2008 “Chef of the Year” by the Central Arkansas Chapter of the American Culinary Foundation. Women’s Life Festival brunch tickets are $15; luncheon tickets are $20. Either option allows guests to participate in all event activities. To purchase tickets, please call Saint Mary’s Community Relations at 9645683 or 964-9468. Tickets are available through advanced-sale only, and will not be sold on the day of the event. For information and updates, please visit saintmaryswomenslife.blogspot.com. Nomination forms for the Women’s Life and Lifetime Achievement Awards are available at this site, or may be obtained at Saint Mary’s Regional Medical Center Information Desk. n
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Dennis Griffin
September 2008
Nominations Sought… Saint Mary’s Regional Medical Center is pleased to invite the women of the River Valley to the 2008 Women’s Life Festival on Saturday, Sept. 27. The festival is a fun-filled, one-day event featuring a keynote speaker, physician speakers, a variety of health screenings, a cooking demonstration, door prizes and much more. A highlight of the festival is the presentation of the Women’s Life Award and Lifetime Achievement Award. These awards recognize the recipients’ contributions to the quality of life for women in the River Valley. Please take a moment to reflect on the women who have touched your life and nominate someone today! Past recipients and their reflections include;
Betsy McGuire – Recipient of the 2000 Women’s Life Award:
“Being selected as the recipient of this award was a huge surprise. My mother just happened to be visiting at that time and was able to attend the luncheon with me at the last minute. I will always cherish the memory that she was with me and I was able to share this unexpected honor with her.”
Bonita Church – Recipient of the 2001 Women’s Life Award:
“My family and I have always been active in our community and state. We take great joy in giving and being involved. This recognition and was greatly appreciated and very meaningful.”
Raye Turner – Recipient of the 2002 Women’s Life Award:
“Honestly, my first response when I received the award was not a structured sentence. It was Wow! What an honor! I also remember listening to the many accomplishments and contributions attributed to these women, and was proud to be associated with those that demonstrated a strong conviction and dedication to serving others in our community.”
Verna Daniels – Recipient of the 2002 Lifetime Achievement Award:
“I was simply flabbergasted – so surprised! I thought, surely they didn’t mean me? What an honor! This recognition made me more determined than ever to help where I can.”
September 2008
Senator Sharon Trusty – Recipient of the 2003 Women’s Life Award:
“To me, the Women’s Life Award symbolizes the value we as individuals and as a group place on the quality of our workmanship. This award is a good reminder that community service has become synonymous with America. There is a distinguished group of ladies who have been honored in this way in the past, and to be recognized by one’s peers with this award is the highest honor in any category!” “A basic part of our character is formed as we contribute to our fellowman and I like to think that I, too, have grown as an individual because of my involvement in community and civic affairs.”
Maysel Teeter – Recipient of the 2004 Women’s Life Award:
“It was a complete surprise and honor. I was at the festival under a ruse to see Martha Williams receive her award. She is such an icon. I couldn’t believe I had won, as I’ve done nothing that another woman couldn’t or wouldn’t do. Women are so pressed to handle everything these days – every woman deserves this award.”
Martha Williams – Recipient of the 2004 Lifetime Achievement Award:
“The award was very meaningful to me and my family. I have cherished it through the years and am still astounded and surprised at my selection. It has been one of the highlights of my life.
ABOUT...the River Valley 15
The Perils of
cell phone envy Story by Kechia Bentley ~ Photo by Steve Newby
I have never been a big cell phone fan.
However, I am now absolutely addicted and don’t know how I would get along without one. I grew up watching the television show Get Smart where Secret Agent Maxwell Smart had a phone in his shoe. For those of you too young to remember -- the first cell phones where just about that big. They were called bag phones because you carried the battery around in a bag. Then, as the phones got smaller -- the size of a pop-tart box -- we began calling them cell phones. Now I would say they are more the size of a deck of cards. We have come a long way. I had my “deck of cards” size phone for many years and, even thought it didn’t have a bunch of fancy tricks like the newer phones, we were happy together. My children would make fun of my old phone but I didn’t care. I knew where all the buttons were and which ones and in what order to punch to get to my information. So, no matter how much they laughed and teased, I was determined to keep my old phone. That was until a few months ago when I went to a training seminar and several of us had our phones sitting on the table. All of a sudden, I had this moment of panic. Everyone else had newer models with fancy options. I became very self-conscious of my phone. I began to think, “They are all looking at my phone and saying to themselves: ‘she needs to upgrade’.” I actually picked up my phone and put it back in my purse. I guess that “keeping up with the Jones” thing can still be a challenge because you guessed it -- I have ‘upgraded.’ My new phone is a hand-me-down from my son who has upgraded to a “Blackjack.” I have no idea what my phone is called – all I know is we are not getting along very well. There are just too many options and I get all confused. They tell me it takes pictures but I have no idea how to use it or what to do with the picture once I take it. It was only recently that I learned how to transfer the pictures from my digital camera to the computer. Up until then, it was as if my camera was a black hole for photographs. They went in and never came back out. Let me tell you, the learning curve for my phone is much steeper. I had always secretly wished that my old phone were smaller just so it would be easier to carry around. Now that I have my smaller phone, it is a perfect lesson in “be careful what you wish for.” Oh, it is much easier to carry around, but at my age, I no 16 ABOUT...the River Valley
longer have the eyesight to see the tiny little alphabet letters on the keys. Seems I need a much larger phone, or at least a pair of reading glasses. Some of you may be confused as to why I am concerned about those tiny little letters, when numbers should be the important component. Those of you who are not confused are probably under the age of 40 and have the position of those tiny letters memorized. Yes, I am referring to ‘texting.’ It is the secret language of the young, or should I say, of those younger than me. I have also discovered it is an amazingly effective way to communicate with my teenage sons. They will pretty much answer as many questions as I ask – but only if it is text. If I had discovered this several years ago I could have saved us all a lot of misery. One of the best things about texting is I can pretend my boys enjoy answering my questions. You can’t see any rolling of the eyes or hear that “gosh are you really that stupid?” tone when communicating by text. As far as I am concerned, we are having a pleasant exchange of information. I have also discovered another very effective way to use texting. For those times that your child refuses to answer your call, text them something like this, “If I do not hear from you in five minutes, you will be grounded or I will come looking for you.” My phone usually rings in less than a minute. There is one gargantuan problem with my newfound texting knowledge, which my children find most entertaining. I am very sloooow. I could have called 100 times by the time I get a text written. I guess I am going to have to go back to a bigger phone or get stronger reading glasses. n September 2008
Warriors Day To Celebrate Emmy’s Pet Project An auction will be held at Hughes Community Center on Sept. 20 as part of the Warriors Day Festival to benefit the Bright Spirit Relief Fund, founded in memory of Emmy Cherry. Emmy, whose life was tragically cut short by the tornado that ravaged Atkins in February, also claimed the lives of Emmy’s parents. Lynn Wiman, owner of Vintage Books in Russellville, contacted Emmy’s favorite author, Erin Hunter, to request a signed book for Atkins Middle School in honor of the bright student known for her genuine kindness and her great loves: family and community, reading and animals. Touched by Emmy’s story, Hunter (a pen name for a team of writers) has made Emmy a feline character in the soonto-be-released Longshadows book in the Warriors series, “The Power of Three.�
Long Term Care Insurance Emmy’s character name, Bright Spirit, was chosen by other fans of the series, along with Shining Heart and Brave Heart for Emmy’s parents, Dave and Jimmy, who were also killed in the tornado. Creative writing contests, arts contests, a pet show, face painting and free books will be part of the event celebrating Emmy’s life, along with a personal appearance by Erin Hunter and a complete series of signed books for auction. For more information, visit warriorcats. com or brightspiritrelieffund.com. n
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Real Estate IS HisHobby...
hen the Arkansas Realtor® Associations held its mid-year meeting at Russellville’s Lake Point Conference Center in June, it did so on the home turf of one of the association’s most influential leaders. Realtor® Cliff Goodin of Russellville has a leadership resume that goes back some two decades. It includes a term as President in 1978, the same year he was named Arkansas Realtor® of the Year, a peer award considered the highest in the real estate industry. Sara Lou Goodin, Cliff’s wife of 44 years, recalls the couple’s move to Russellville. “Cliff was working for International Harvester in Little Rock when he was relocated to Russellville. At that time, Russellville was only a tiny dot on the map, located on state roads past the spot where the interstate ended at Morrilton,” she laughed. “We moved to Russellville as they had begun filling Lake Dardanelle, and the interstate literally stopped here,” she added. “I believe the population of Russellville was about 11,000 then, and that included 1,500 Tech students and faculty.” Cliff, who was born in Bald Knob and graduated with a degree in agricultural engineering from Arkansas State University in Jonesboro, had met and married Sara Lou at college. Together the couple began their early years, moving to Russellville and eventually becoming parents of two daughters – Gaye and Julie. In 1971, Cliff obtained his first real estate license and begun working with Vernon Howard Real Estate – a five-year stint that culminated when Howard entered local politics and sold the business to Cliff. Cliff Goodin and Associates opened its doors as a full-service real estate company and have remained open to this day. One of Cliff’s first moves as a real estate professional was to join the Russellville Board of Realtors®, the local arm of the Arkansas Realtors® Association (ARA) and the National Association of Realtors® (NAR), both of which he became a member by virtue of being on the local board. For Real Estate licensees the three-way membership is indentified by the term ‘Realtor®’ – a membership mark owned by the NAR and licensed to the state associations Thomas Akin Introductory Ad: 3 Col W x 3.25”H, 4cp Inserts in About the River Valley Magazine 1 insertion: Sept 2008 and local Realtor® boards across the county.
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September 2008
Each Realtor® in the United States pledges to abide by the Realtors® Code of Ethics, an instrument that promulgates the Golden Rule as the standard for all life situations, a concept that fits Goodin like a hand in a glove, say his associates. “Cliff has always insisted, first of all in himself, then in others who work with him, on an innate commitment to honesty and integrity,” echoed Sara Lou. And she should know. As well as being married to the man himself, Sara Lou earned a real estate license in 1989 and worked with the firm for more than a dozen years before exiting to spend more time with family. “Both Cliff and I especially enjoy watching the grandkids play golf,” Sara Lou said recently. “As for a hobby, Cliff doesn’t really have one, unless it would be watching the kids and grandkids.” Years of wrangling real estate contracts, including one of his first – the acquisition of land upon which the first Russellville Wal-Mart was built – performed under the auspices of Vernon Howard – have changed dramatically. “Back when Cliff first started in the business, he would be gone on the road without any way to contact him – no cell phone, no computer,” said his wife. “Now, over the past few years, that has dramatically changed the way he does business. Why, he’s even conducted business while on the golf course watching the kids and grandkids play,” she added laughing. “Real Estate IS his ‘hobby,’” Sara Lou said. Cliff has served as President of the Russellville Board of Realtors® numerous times, starting in 1975. He has chaired or served as a member of virtually every one of its committees, and can claim credit for starting many of them. He has been elected to the ARA Board of Directors as Zone Director in 1991 and 1993; district vice president, 1994; secretary-treasurer and Presidentelect. He has served on the Legislative Committee as chairman; the Political Affairs Committee Chair, Finance Committee chair, and as a member of the Issues Mobilization Committee. In 1998, he was elected President of the ARA, a position that took over 1,000 hours of his volunteer time that year. He was a major proponent of getting the Fair Housing message out to each Realtor® in the State, and led the ARA into adoption of the Fair Housing Partnership Agreement between HUD. He was instrumental in formulating a headquarters-financing plan that allowed the $1 million® Realtor® building in Little Rock to be free and clear, paid off in five years. He was also instrumental in creating the ConwayPerry Counties Realtor® Board.
He served as a member of the Board of Directors of the NAR, attending many director’s meetings, legislative conferences, regional caucuses and roundtable discussion. He was named to a term of the Arkansas Real Estate Commission by the Governor and moved up the following year to serve as chairman. (The AREC is the State agency for real estate licensure and serves as a consumer advocate for the State’s real estate industry.) Bob Balhorn, ARA government affairs director recalls Cliff’s work with the Arkansas Realtors® Political Action Committee: “In every political situation, Cliff is fair, sharp-minded and impartial. His decisions are always based on professional, not personal, judgment.” Years ago, Cliff aided a man whom he spotted standing on a street corner with his belongings on the back of a bicycle. As it turned out, the man was trying to get from a visit with his daughter in Wyoming back to his home in Waycross, Ga. He had a lengthy and costly delay, recovering from injuries he had received in an accident in Oklahoma. Cliff took him off the street, gave him lodging and a temporary job on a Cliff Goodin construction site, and bought and brought him food. When the man earned enough money to get home, Cliff bought him a bus ticket and packed his bicycle so the man would not be totally broke when he arrived home. To this day, Cliff wonders about how the man is doing in Georgia – a man who, no doubt, remembers Cliff to this day. A leader in local activities, Cliff has spearheaded industrial recruitment, improved the local retail climate, and aided in the development of recreational and leisure activities. He has continued a number of civic positions, serving as past Chairman of the Board of the Russellville Area Chamber of Commerce in 1997. The Goodin family, which includes a large number of past and present real estate associates, includes the couple’s daughters and their families: Gaye and Bucky Croom and their children, Libby and Tripp; and Julie and Greg Oxendine and the Oxendine children, Meagan and Harrison. “We are a close-knit family,” Sara Lou explained. “We try to eat together at least once a week, and I usually cook. Or, at the very least, we try and meet up after everyone finishes their activities.” Led by the hard-working example of their father, the entire Goodin family continues to make the River Valley a great place to live, work and play. n -- Carolyn Cahill, Contributor
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We have a large selection of New, Used & Program Vehicles on our lot HWY 22 WEST • DARDANELLE, AR • (479) 229-3555 OR (479) 968-6537 September 2008
ABOUT...the River Valley 19
... the Best Products
n 1 New at Millyn’s for Fall and Football!
Picnic baskets, duffles, and sling bags, completely fitted for picnics. Coordinating all-season activity mats - waterproof – opens to 4 ft. by 5 ft.
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ATU Bookstore
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III’s Company
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n 5 Need more storage? Add an Underbed Drawer Box with your new bed. $150. Free Delivery!!”
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2609 E. Parkway Dr. • Russellville (479) 967-9984 www.RiverValleyFurniture.net
20 ABOUT...the River Valley
September 2008
... the Best Products
n 6 World’s greatest soccer seat It completely collapses and has a shoulder strap for easy transporting. It has 2 cup holders and a storage pouch for valuables. It is so perfectly designed, it won’t tip over even with one sitting on one end.
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River Valley Furniture
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ATU Bookstore
209 West O Street • Russellville (479) 968-0255 9
n 9 Fall and Halloween Products Now in Stock Jimmy the Light Up Scarecrow Door Greeter. Stands 2 ft. high, fiber optic lights that glow multi-colors. Intro. Special $19.99.
AVON Beauty Center
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n 10 You CAN Take It With You….. New from Vera Bradley, Weekender in Puccini.
Gifts on Parkway/Gifts on Rogers
2149 E. Parkway, Russellville • (479) 890-6932 510 S. Rogers, Clarksville • (479) 705-8282
September 2008
ABOUT...the River Valley 21
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Story and Photos by Jeannie Stone
Down a country road off Ball Hill, overlooking the treetops sits an art studio, built by the artists’ own hands, created to blend into the wooded landscape. It is here, at Treehouse Studios, where you can find Bill and Gloria Garrison, beloved local artists, in their favorite element. For Bill and Gloria, who have been sweethearts since high school, painting together allows them to express their creativity - he through oil, and she through watercolor. Because of their shared passion and individual skills, they are an awardwinning duo on the Arkansas art scene. Because of their devotion to each other and to the state, Bill and Gloria are esteemed among the citizenry. The Garrisons grew up in Texarkana where Bill was two grades ahead of Gloria. They married right after high school, and he entered the navy’s nuclear program serving on a submarine for six years and moving his family to Newport News, Virginia, Charleston, So. Carolina, Westfork, Washington and, finally, back to Arkansas where Bill took a job with Arkansas Nuclear One. “Neither of us did anything with art because we were so busy with children and work,“ Gloria said. Along the way, Diana, Ronald and Steven were born. Diana is a graphic designer and art teacher in Shreveport, Louisiana. Ronald is employed with the U.S. Forest Service in Utah, and Steven is a woodworker in Arkansas and is single. It was Steven’s allergies, aggravated by the dry, dusty winds of eastern Washington state, that ushered the Garrisons move back home. Within the year, they had begun building their own home. “We built in stages. Most folks don’t do it that way,” Bill said. They don’t speak loosely. They actually built the house with their bare hands. “Yeah,
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22 ABOUT...the River Valley
he still has his old cement mixer out there,” Gloria said as she pointed past the garage. “And our marriage survived all that,” Bill said and laughed. When Diana moved out after graduating in 1982, Gloria took possession of her bedroom and transformed it into an art workspace. “She quickly outgrew that,” Bill said, “and she started hollering for a proper studio.” They built Treehouse Studios in 1987, and Gloria was in business. She dove into her watercolor world after studying under Polly Loibner, another Russellville painter, and various instructors at Arkansas Tech University. Gloria instantly gravitated to watercolor due to her hectic lifestyle during those early days. “You can just walk off and leave it and come back to it because you don’t have to wash your brushes like you do in oil painting,” she said. There have been times when she’s had to drop everything and run. Gloria’s mother is in a nursing home in Texarkana, and her brother passed away recently from cancer. “I can get lost in my painting,” Gloria said. “I can sit at my table, and time just passes by.” After her brother’s battle with cancer, Gloria painted a whole series of paintings capturing his image and gave them to his children. “It’s just something I needed to do, I guess.” she said. “He was tall, dark and handsome with dark eyes, a real ladies’ man.” Gloria can draw on her love for her brother in her current project. She is illustrating a children’s book on sibling love. “She used to paint florals, but I think she’s kind of outgrown them,” Bill said of his wife. “I love to paint ordinary stuff, like a basket of eggs,” Gloria said. It’s obvious she paints what she loves.
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September 2008
Although Gloria is a signature member of the Mid-Southern Watercolor Society, she never felt as if she would be a good teacher. “I had a friend from Fairfield Bay who just wouldn’t take no for an answer,” she said. That’s a lucky turn of fate for many in the River Valley who have studied under her. School, marriage, a career and children created quite a successful diversion for Bill, and it wasn’t until 1990 that he seriously thought about painting as a career. “I could see early retirement down the road,” he said, “plus, I saw how much fun Gloria was having.” Bill who is a self-proclaimed “trees, rocks and water” artist, was encouraged by his mother to try art as a child. “She drew a little bit, and I had an uncle who painted, and he didn’t do too bad, so I took night classes from a professional during high school,” he said. His distinct style has earned him attention. Former Governor Mike Huckabee carried his paintings to Japan as a gift and presented one to the president of the Toyota Corporation. “His aid told me that the president held onto the painting and didn’t pass it on to his personal assistant as is customary,” Bill said. The president of Toyota obviously has taste. “Clear water creeks, reflections, shadows underneath the surface of the water, the movement of the water, the colors of the rocks - there’s so many things going on in my paintings,” Bill said. “You get up close and there’s nothing but brush strokes.” To make it look three dimensional, Bill paints blues in the background for depth, and “exaggerates with an aerial perspective,” he said. His landscapes have gathered an international following. Bill has consistently ranked in the top 100 artists for both the Arts for the National Parks competition and the Art Renewal Center’s International Salon competition. Normally, Bill can complete a small painting in a three hour time frame. The larger ones take up to three days. “But it takes all those years of knowledge, training,
painting to be able to accomplish that feat,” Gloria said. Both the Garrisons were late in devoting their full attention to their art endeavors, which makes their accomplishments that much more impressive. In 1996, Bill and Gloria were chosen as the first artists-in-residence at the Buffalo National River, and in 1998, they were chosen as artists-in-residence at Glacier National Park. Both of the artists were featured in the 2008 Arkansas Artists Calendar which is a fundraising project to benefit the renovation of the Governor’s Mansion. Lt. Governor Bill Halter has chosen artwork from both artists to feature in his
Little Rock office, and both are scheduled to teach weekend workshops as part of the 2008 Art Escape at the Rockefeller Institute on Petit Jean Mountain October 30th. Bill and Gloria are also signature members of the Artists of Northwest Arkansas. The Garrisons regularly attend Art Walks in Hot Springs, Russellville and Little Rock. “There seems to be quite a few good artists in the area,” Bill said. Bill and Gloria are some of our finest. n Note: The Garrison’s artwork may be seen in a number of galleries across the state. For more information visit the web at: http:// pages.suddenlink.net/billandgloria.
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ABOUT...the River Valley 23
Three Cheers for
Photos by Loyd Qualls
Story by Dianna Qualls
xcitement fills the air. Fans gather early at the stadium, not just to get in the spirit of the game but to set up for the tailgate party. Any sporting event you attend whether, college or professional, tailgate parties are sure to be everywhere. With an almost carnival atmosphere, serious tailgaters get into a competitive spirit that is as inventive as it is whimsical and fun. Despite various differences, a common thread pulls tailgaters together: all agree that food, drink and team spirit are essential to “The Tailgate Party”. So whether your crowd gathers at the game or in front of the “Big Screen”, hearty meals fit for a line backer and thirst quenching beverages are a MUST. Be prepared with these tasty plays and watch your score board abound with winning points.
1 (2 lb.) pork tenderloin or Boston butt ½ tsp. hickory smoke salt ½ to 1 tp.. salt free cavenders 1 (12 oz) can or bottle Root Beer 1 (18 oz.) bottled barbecue sauce (your choice) 8 hamburger buns, split and toasted Season both sides pork tenderloin with hickory smoked salt and cavenders. Place the pork tenderloin in a slow cooker; pour the root beer over the meat. Cover and cook on low until well cooked and the pork shreds easily, 6 to 7 hours (time varies according to individual slow cookers). Using forks, shred the pork. Place pork on bun and pour barbecue sauce over the pork and place on the top bun. This may also be cooked in the oven. Bake at 250 degrees in a covered oven proof dish for 3 to 4 hours, until pork reaches an internal temp of 160 degrees.
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26 ABOUT...the River Valley
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September 2008
12 oz. lemonade, frozen concentrate thawed & undiluted 12 oz. limeade, frozen concentrate thawed & undiluted 1 c. powdered sugar 4 large egg whites 6 c. crushed ice 3 c. club soda Lime wedges Coarse salt
1 lb. ground pork sausage 1 (8 oz) pkg cream cheese, whipped, softened 1 c shredded cheddar cheese 1 lb large fresh jalapeno peppers 1 (8 oz) bottle Ranch dressing
2 (6 oz.) jars marinated artichoke hearts ½ medium onion, minced 1 clove garlic, minced 4 large eggs ¼ c. bread crumbs ¼ tsp. salt 1/8 tsp. oregano 1/8 tsp. ground black pepper 1/8 tp. Tabasco sauce ½ lb. grated cheddar cheese 2 T. minced parsley
Combine first 5 ingredients in a 4 quart plastic container, mixing well. Freeze mixture, stirring occasionally. Remove container from freezer 30 minutes before serving. Rub rims of stemmed glasses with wedge of lime. Place salt in saucer; spin rim of each glass in salt. Set prepared glasses aside. Spoon 2 cups slush mixture into container of blender; add 1 cup club soda. Blend to desired consistency. Repeat procedure twice. Pour beverage into prepared glasses; garnish each glass with a wedge of lime. Yield 9 cups. Recipe from Light & Tasty. Per serving; 198 cal, 0g total fat, 50g total carb, 2g protein, 0mg chol, 47mg sodium
RINGS OF FIRE 2 t. cayenne pepper, ground 1 t. lemon pepper 1 ½ t garlic powder 1 (1 oz.) pkg. ranch-style dressing mix, dry 1 (15 oz) pkg. mini pretzels In a small bowl, mix together cayenne pepper, lemon pepper, garlic powder, dressing mix and vegetable oil. Place pretzels in a large, sealable plastic bag. Pour in mixture from bowl. Shake well. Allow pretzels to marinate approximately 2 hours before serving. Shake occasionally to maintain coating.
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Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Place sausage in a skillet over medium heat, and cook until evenly brown. Drain grease. Wearing disposable gloves splint the jalapenos lengthwise and remove seeds. Place jalapenos in a baking dish. Remove gloves and dispose of them. Be careful not to touch anything with the gloves on as the juice from the peppers will remain on surfaces. In a bowl, mix the sausage, cream cheese, and cheddar cheese. Place mixture in a gallon zip bag, close, snip one corner, squeeze contents into the open corner, and squeeze to fill each jalapeno half. Bake 20 minutes in the preheated oven, until bubbly and lightly browned. Serve with Ranch dressing. Recipe from allrecipes.com.
TUTU’S CHICKEN SALAD 3 c. cooked chicken, chopped or shredded 2 stalks celery chopped ¼ c. slivered almonds ½ c. red onion, chopped ¼ c. kosher dill pickles, chopped ¼ c. bread and butter pickles, chopped 1 small can of sliced black olives ½ to ¾ c. mayonaise ½ c. grapes sliced in half (red or green) Salt and pepper to taste Combine all ingredients except grapes. Mix well. Add grapes and toss lightly. Serve in a pita, on a croissant, or sliced bread for a delicious sandwich. This can also be served on a bed of lettuce for a light lunch or dinner. In a pinch, use 2 (13 oz) cans of chicken.
FIELD GOAL KICKING PUNCH 2 qts. water 1 c. packed brown sugar 2 c. rum 1 c. brandy ¼ c. peach brandy 1 c. fresh lemon juice 1 c. pineapple juice, unsweetened Combine water and brown sugar, stirring until sugar dissolves. Add remaining ingredients; chill. Serve over ice. Yield 3 ½ quarts. Recipe from Southern Living.
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Drain marinade from 1 jar of artichokes in a small skillet, add onion and garlic, cook gently until onion is transparent. Drain and discard marinade from other jar of artichokes. Finely chop artichokes from both jars. Beat eggs, stir in crumbs and seasonings, then add cheese, parsley, artichokes, and onion garlic mixture and stir until combined. Pour into greased 10 x 6 x 1 ¾ baking pan/dish. Bake in 325 degree oven until center feels firm. Remove from oven and let stand 15 minutes before cutting the dish into 1’ squares. Serve warm, cold or at room temperature. It’s delicious either way.
Your Bonus with any Clinique purchase of $21.50 or more. Begins September 3rd While Supplies Last Limit One Per Customer
City Mall, Russellville 479-968-3001
ABOUT...the River Valley 27
Think ‘Get-A-Way’
PREVIEW: Sept. 22, 6p.m. Pendergraft, Rm. 300 S.
Departs May 29, 2009 – 12-Day Tour – Breathtaking beauty, rich cultures of northern Italy, Greece and Croatia abound on this cruise through the Eastern Mediterranean. Tour Milan, Como, Bari the island playgrounds of Santorini, Mykonos and Corfu. Travel to Dubrovnik, then sail to Venice.
Departs Nov. 30, 2008 – 6 Day Tour – Revel in the hospitality and rich history of Georgia and South Carolina’s best – Historic Charleston, Boone Hall Plantation, Beaufort, & Savannah.
Departs July 20, 2009 – 8-Day Tour – Cruise the Rogue River and visit Redwood National Park, Mt. St. Helens, San Francisco, the Golden Gate Bridge and see the Victorian architecture of Eureka. Preview: Oct. 9, 2008.
Departs September 14, 2009 – 10-Day Tour – Rolling hills, sea-sprayed islands, ancient castles. Tour Edinburgh, St. Andrews, Pitlochry, Dunrobin Castle, Lock Ness, Isle of Skye, travel by ferry to Orkney Islands – many more sites to see! Preview: Oct. 30, 2008.
December 2009 – (5-Day Tour) – The “American Venice,” sidewalk cafes, architecture, beautiful river centerpiece. See The Alamo, Aztec Theater, Mission San Jose, Tex-Mex Cooking Class and create wonderful holiday memories! Preview: Jan. 29, 2009.
ATU Travel
Alumni and Friends of Arkansas Tech For additional information, please contact Dana Moseley, Office of Gift Planning, (479) 964-0532
1 c. ketchup ½ c. brown sugar, packed ½ c. beer 2 (16 oz) pkg of little smokies Dash of garlic powder Combine all ingredients in a sauce pan. Cook over medium heat until thickened approximately 30 minutes. Add smokies to sauce and cook until heated thru. Optional: 1 lb. pkg. of wieners sliced can substitute for the smokies.
This makes a BUNCH of normal size cookies, but fewer if you make “Buffalo Chip” size. In a very large mixing bowl, cream together the following ingredients: 2 c soft margarine 2 c brown sugar, packed 2 c white sugar To the above mixture add the following: 4 eggs 2 tsp. vanilla 4 c. sifted flour 2 T. soda 2 c. cornflakes 2 c. quick cooking oats 1 (6 oz.) bag of chocolate chips 1 (6 oz.) peanut butter chips 1 c. chopped pecans or walnuts 1 c. chocolate candies (M-M’s)
1 c. sweet pepper (red, yellow, orange, green) chopped ¼ c. vinegar ¼ c. sugar ¼ c. vegetable oil Combine all the above ingredients. Mix well. Refrigerate overnight.
2 rolls refrigerated chocolate chip cookies 3 eggs 1 (8 oz) pkg cream cheese 2 c powdered sugar 1 c brown sugar, packed 1 c coconut, shredded 1 c pecans, chopped fine Slice one roll of cookies on bottom of 9x13 buttered pan. Using your fingers press cookie slices together to form a crust. Mix eggs, cream cheese, and powdered sugar with hand mixer until combined, spread over crust. Sprinkle brown sugar, coconut, and nuts over cream cheese mixture layer. Slice other roll of cookies to create top layer, do not press the cookies together on top. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. If it begins to brown to fast, cover top with aluminum foil. Recipe from Firstrate n temptations.
Mix well. Drop by teaspoon for normal size cookies; drop by Tablespoon for buffalo chip cookies. Bake at 350 degrees for 10 to 12 minutes, depending on size. From My Mom’s recipe collection.
1 (15 oz.) can kraut, drained, washed 1 c. green onions, chopped 1 c. celery, chopped
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28 ABOUT...the River Valley
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September 2008
Pottsville Benefit
Senior Health Expo
A Beans and Cornbread Supper to benefit the Pottsville Historical Association will be held from 4-7 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 20. The association would like to the public’s help in preserving the history of Pottsville. The group has entered into an agreement with Mrs. Aliene Morton, owner of the Pottsville Grocery Store, to purchase the building for use as a museum. The store building, which has been a vital part of Pottsville’s town history since the 1880s, is part of Pottsville’s national Historic Commercial District. “In order for us to be successful, we need your help,” say the board of directors. “We have until Jan. 31, 2009, to raise the needed funds. Those who make $50 or more in donations will receive recognition on plaques that will be permanently displayed in the museum.” Information is available from the association or from the club officers. They include: Pam Scarber, president; Amanda Freeman, vice president; Nancy Qualls, treasurer, and Margaret Motley. Donations will be 100% tax-deductible and should be made to the Pottsville Historical Association. Commitment levels include: Platinum, $10,000 and above; Gold, $5,000 to $9,999; Silver, $2,500 to $4,999; Bronze, $500 to $2,499 and Sponsorship (of one square foot of the old store) $50. For commitment forms or additional information, call (479) 967-1194. The Pottsville Historical Association’s mailing address is 845 East Ash St., Pottsville AR 72858.
Area seniors are invited to attend the annual Senior Health Expo: “Promoting Healthy Aging,” scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 16, at Saint Mary’s Wellness Fitness Center. Hours will be 8 a.m. until noon. A number of health screenings, some of which require fasting, will be available. Additional information is available by calling (479) 857-7863 or (479) 968-5039. The event is being co-sponsored by Wildflower Retirement Residence and the Pope County Senior Adult Center.
Pharmacist Smith Recognized Dr. Michael Smith of Russellville was recognized by the Arkansas Pharmacists Association as a pharmacist ‘who has demonstrated outstanding professional leadership.’ Smith, a 1972 graduate of Abilene High School, was selected as the 2008 recipient of the APA “Pharmacist of the Year.” He served on the APA Board of Directors from 1996-2000 and as president for 2002-2003; was UAMS College of Pharmacy Alumni Association Founding President and served from 2003-2005. He is a member of the UAMS Medicaid Drug Review Committee and involved in a number of civic and educational associations. Smith has been married to his wife Margie for 30 years. n The couple have two sons, Chris and Nathan.
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ABOUT...the River Valley 29
Story and Photos by Dottie Zimmerman
Russellville, Arkansas – largest town in the Arkansas River Valley. Those of us who live in and around the River Valley love its variety of topography -- the lakes, rivers, hills and mountains -- and its small-town atmosphere. We enjoy our secure way of life here and the privilege of knowing many of our neighbors. It’s an ideal place to raise a family, as many of us have already discovered. When you think about it, Russellville is a pretty self-sufficient town. It has all it needs in the way of good jobs, quality grade schools, a growing Arkansas Tech University, up-to-date medical care, businesses, shopping and recreation. However, there is a local organization
that’s seldom heard of, but nevertheless a vital part of our community… the Choices
Pregnancy Resource Clinic. It is a haven for women who come to sort out their feelings and fears when faced with an unplanned pregnancy, and to find their way to a life-changing decision.
30 ABOUT...the River Valley
The clinic is directed by Mrs. Sherry Berger, a warm, Christian lady with a heart for the unborn. It is fully staffed by volunteers from Russellville and the surrounding communities. The basis of their love is found in the Holy Bible. Jeremiah 29:11 says: “For I know the plans I have for you”, declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”. This hope is clung to by many, and someone who is walking through a difficult period in their life is definitely looking for hope for the future. Choices Pregnancy Resource Clinic offers practical, physical, emotional and spiritual support to young women in a time of crisis. After moving to the Russellville area in 1990 from Harlingen, Texas, where she worked in a pregnancy testing center, Sherry Berger felt the Lord’s calling. She felt lead to open a center which women could to come to for answers when faced with an unplanned pregnancy. Sherry met her co-founder, Maggie Simmons, at a Right-to-Life meeting, and they shared with each other their conviction that the Lord was calling them to this ministry. After researching on-line resources and visiting other centers, and after many hours of prayer, the pair opened their organization in 1991 under the name Crisis Pregnancy Care Center. In 2004 the name was changed to Choices Pregnancy Resource Clinic (CPRC), offering limited ultrasounds and medical pregnancy tests. Now located at 311 East 3rd Street in Russellville (two blocks past the library), the Choices Pregnancy Resource Clinic is open Mondays, 2-6 p.m., Tuesdays, 10 a.m. through 2 p.m., and Thursdays, 11 a.m. until 7 p.m., with afterhours appointments by request. Choices is housed in a large two-story “homey” Victorian-style home which has been remodeled and affords plenty of space. Included are a work room, kitchen, counseling rooms, a classroom, an ultrasound room, lab, and offices. The garage houses a thrift shop open to clients only. There are three paid staff members. September 2008
Choice’s Medical Director is Vickie items, as well as referrals for medical care Henderson, M.D., and their Nurse Manager or adoption referrals. is Becky Smith, R.N. These medical A mother or father can earn “parenting professionals consider it a privilege to be able bucks” to spend in the Clinic’s Thrift Store. to work in this capacity and are dedicated to They may buy new items for their babies or themselves, such as diapers, car seats the success of this organization. Choices is evangelistic in nature, and or baby clothes, as well as “gently worn” strives to protect the lives of the unborn articles of clothing. Parents earn these from abortion, and to save mothers from the bucks in several ways, by attending ‘Earn aftermath of abortion. The clinic also reaches While You Learn’ parenting classes, or by out to the lost in our community, seeking attending church. Choices teaches that opportunities to pray with their clients and education is essential for parents to make lead them to a fuller understanding of the informed decisions and to do their best for Lord and His plans for their life. Equipping their children. these women to make informed life choices A non-profit organization, the clinic is not funded by the government or United is their aim. Facing an unplanned pregnancy Way. The only funding comes from the can be difficult, emotional and seemly Christian community, local businesses, overwhelming, but with the aid of friends organizations, and individuals. It is and people who care, it can be a joyous, dedicated to saving babies who might otherwise have been aborted. exhilarating experience. Women who visit CPRC receive lay- The organization is dependent upon counseling and faith-based teaching, if they the support of the community. Each so desire. Choices Pregnancy Resource year Choices offers three fund-raising Clinic offers one-on-one support, abortion events to educate the community on education, and medical referrals for their ministry and to recruit additional prenatal care, all done in Christian love. “partners for life” through their prayers, Naturally, their aim is to help women decide time, and financial donations. to “Choose Life” rather than abortion. They On Saturday, Nov. 8, Choices will host a fall Walk For Life at Pleasant View Park on are not an abortion clinic. The Clinic administers pregnancy tests Hwy. 7 North, Russellville. Approximately and is equipped with an ultrasound machine, 200 walkers, sponsored by friends and with a registered nurse on staff to preside family, will walk a one-or-two-mile course. Top: Sherry Berger, director of Choices Pregnancy Resource Clinic. over this amazing “peek” inside a Mother’s The Walk will be a fun-filled event with womb. This exam confirms the viable bands, activities and prizes. Bottom: An ultrasound is performed in the status of a pregnancy, and is important Choices will host a Spring Banquet with clinic at 311 East 3rd in Russellville. whether a woman is considering abortion a guest speaker and client testimonies. The evening reflection, celebration, and(3visiting or continuing with the pregnancy. Upon Magazine Ad her for About RiverofValley: 1/3 page horizontal col x 3.25”), 4cp. Insert March 2008 - TFN decision to “Choose Life”, the Clinic offers will be an opportunity for the community to parenting classes and maternity and baby partner in the lives of their clients.
AD PROOF - Please reply with approval or revisions as soon as po
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September 2008
ABOUT...the River Valley 31
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32 ABOUT...the River Valley
The Bottles for Babies Campaign distributes baby bottles to area churches and requests that members fill them with their extra change. One of the clinic’s greatest needs is for a new location, a building on one level with plenty of parking space. More volunteers are needed to help with the dayto-day operation of the Clinic, running the Thrift Store, or to hold hands and listen. Volunteers work one-on-one with clients, walking them through various programs and offering medical and community referrals. No experience is needed; volunteer training is provided. Having a willing heart and a love for others are the only qualifications needed. Some of the volunteers are the most enthusiastic, generous ladies one could ever meet. Mary Frances Townsend is one such volunteer. She serves as a client advocate, volunteering for Choices about three years ago. She says, “Working at the Center is truly a blessing. There are women and teenagers who come to the Center scared, apprehensive, and vulnerable. It is my job to show them God’s unconditional love and to help them make wise choices.” “Clients come in for different reasons: for pregnancy tests, the Earn While You Learn Program, and some come in seeking abortion education. “We are not an abortion clinic nor do we make referrals for abortion. Our job is to share factual education on abortion – including the procedures and risks of abortion,” said Mary Frances. “An ultrasound is offered to establish a viable pregnancy, and when they see their baby’s heartbeat on the ultrasound, many of them change their minds.” Mary Frances says, “The most wonderful part of my job is sharing Christ and telling them who He is.” Shirley Smith is another volunteer who feels that her experience volunteering with Choices has been a blessing from God. She has been volunteering for four years as a client advocate, and feels strongly that this ministry has changed lives and has saved many lives of the most innocent amongst us. Time after time she has seen girls considering an abortion change their minds after seeing their baby’s heartbeat on the ultrasound machine. One client, in particular, who was pregnant and had a 4-month-old baby came in and shared with them that her boyfriend wanted her to abort. “I encouraged her to bring him with her for the ultrasound. Once he saw his tiny baby, his heart was changed, and he is now bonding with their new baby in the womb.” Another client came in and shared that she already had several children and had an abortion in the past. She said this pregnancy
would be a hardship for her family; but, after seeing the heartbeat and seeing her baby move, her heart was changed, too, and she delivered a beautiful baby. Shirley says that she and the other volunteers have grown spiritually as a result of this ministry. She says, “My heart has softened and melted as we have prayed that God would lead and guide us as we depend upon Him to minister to our clients and the innocent babies, who are so vulnerable.” Volunteer Linda Cadle explains: “Why do I continue to volunteer at Choices? Well, after nearly 8 years, I’ve thought about moving on to something else; but I would miss the joy that I get when I see hope rekindled in a young lady’s face! Many times, girls come in for the free pregnancy test to confirm their suspicions. “When the test is positive, tears begin to fall and she confides that her whole ‘life is over because of one mistake!’… After visiting with her, I begin to see hope reappear in her face that these may be potholes in the road of life, but certainly not brick walls!” Sherry appreciates all who give generously of their time and talents, who she feels are the “lifeblood” of the organization. The CPRC Volunteer Board of Directors include: Ormond Peters, John Whorton, Chairman, Bethany Palmer, David Rachel, Michael Lamoureux, Vice Chair; Jackie Rooke, Secretary, and Maggie Simmons, Co-Founder and Board Treasurer. The Choices Advisory Council includes: Karen Buchanan, R.N.P., Dr. James Carter, Dr. Joe Cloud, Dr. Michael Hendren, and Ruby Graham. For more information, or to volunteer to help, please contact Sherry Berger at (479) 967-2255. Choices’ phones are manned 24 hours a day, or you may email them at cprc311@suddenlinkmail.com. n Writer’s Note: Our town is truly blessed to have such an organization close at hand, run by such special, dedicated people. After sitting down with Mrs. Berger and talking about the Clinic, it is with both trepidation and humility that I attempted to write this article. The dedication and love that I saw in the eyes of the staff at Choices was truly inspiring, and I feel very inadequate in telling their story. – Dottie Zimmerman September 2008
Mile-High Sights While the rest of us were sweltering in the unrelenting heat of July, travelers with the ATU Travel Alumni and Friends of Arkansas Tech group spent nine days traversing the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Members left the parking lot of Tucker Coliseum traveling by bus to their round-trip flight from Little Rock. During the next week and a half, they enjoyed Denver, the Rocky Mountain National Park, the Georgetown Loop Railroad, Vail and Grand Junction, and the Durango and Silverton Railroad. Other sights included Mesa Verde National Park, the Royal Gorge Railroad, Colorado Springs, Pike’s Peak Cog Railroad and the Garden of the Gods – viewing towering sandstone formations and a wonderful view of Pike’s Peak. But, before one feels led to believe that they must be an alumni of ATU to participate in the frequent trips, a quick reply from Dana Moseley, Director of Gift Planning at ATU, will set one’s mind at ease. “Traveling with the ATU Travel group is not limited to only our alumni, but is open to and welcoming of ‘friends’ to join us,” she explained. Anyone interested may travel with the group by completing the necessary application and paying applicable fees. Upcoming trips include: Canada’s Atlantic Coast, a Southern Charm Holiday, Pacific Northwest and California, Discover Scotland and a San Antonio Holiday. To enjoy the sights and sounds of the group’s “Italian Lakes and Greek Islands” tour planned for May 29, 2009, interested individuals are invited to attend the Preview Night set for 6 p.m., Monday, Sept. 22, Pendergraft Library, ATU. Updated passports are required for all travel outside the United States. For additional information, call (479) 964-0532. n
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ABOUT...the River Valley 33
Safe Routes to School
Taking the First Step
eachers, parents and even the principal of London Elementary School are hopping on their bikes and lacing up their tennis shoes. The purpose? To show support for alternative forms of transportation which are kind to both Mother Earth and to the physical well-being of their students. Principal Tami Chandler, physical education teacher Pam Huggins, counselor Kathy Steffy, 4th grade teacher Teresa Parker, kindergarten teacher Jackie Frye and parents Cindy Noble and Julie Scott completed a nine-hour course followed by a written exam to become Road One Bike Educators certified through the League of American Cyclists. The training was made possible by a Safe Routes to School grant awarded by the Ark. State Highway Department and requested by the London Economic Development Committee. “They are always seeking grants for the city and ways to improve life for our citizens,” Chandler said. “There has always been a really strong partnership between the city of London and the school. After all, the school is truly the center of this community.” Safe Routes to School is an international movement that has taken hold in communities throughout the United States. The concept is to increase the number of children who walk or bicycle to school by funding projects that remove the barriers that currently prevent them from doing so. Those barriers include lack of infrastructure, unsafe infrastructure
34 ABOUT...the River Valley
Story and photos by Jeannie Stone
and lack of programs that promote walking and bicycling through education/encouragement programs aimed at children, parents, and the community. “Part of our first step, when school begins, is to conduct surveys to identify where our kids are coming from. We know some live way out in the country and some live in town but would have to cross a highway to get to school. We are developing different strategies to allow everyone to participate,” Chandler added. Along with bicycle education for safety’s sake, attention will be given to the health benefits of regular exercise and the environmental virtues of manual transportation. A school-wide curriculum reflecting these goals has been added to this year’s academic framework. In the planning is a volunteer crossing guard program, to ease the risks of crossing Highways 64 and 333, and fun community family events to draw community awareness and participation. The Road One course itself was created to teach the teachers to promote bike safety. Issues covered in the training included foul weather safety concerns, pedestrian safety, traffic laws, intersection dangers, highway awareness and communicating with drivers. “We have to take time to signal to drivers what our intentions are,” bike instructor Willa Williams said. “That is the only way we can communicate.” Williams is a bicycle enthusiast who mentors community groups around the state through the U of A Cooperative Extension outreach.
September 2008
“They have done an exceptional job, in London, of coordinating the community and planning the steps to enrich not just their students’ minds but their health as well. Studies show that early introduction to healthy pursuits increases the chance for developing lifelong habits.” Proof of the existing support for healthy lifestyles is the recent paved trail which links the school track with the city park providing an uninterrupted half-mile loop. The school already awards key fobs and trinkets as incentives for lap completions. The great kick-off event is scheduled for October 8th, also known as National Walk to School Day. The Wednesdays following will be known as Walking Wednesdays, and students will be encouraged to meet up with the certified teachers and volunteers at designated “bus stops.” These ‘walking school buses’ will safely deliver the students to school. Accommodations are already in the works for students who ride buses of the yellow variety. “We are going to try and have stops for the buses to unload the elementary students, so they can be involved too,” Chandler said. “And we will certainly have groups that cross the highways together.” Walking will be the focus of the fall semester, and bicycling will take the stage in the spring. A bike rodeo is on the drawing board. “I always thought of riding as being just a hobby, you know, something fun. But a bike can be way more than a toy,” Chandler said. “I ride whenever I can,” Frye added. According to Chandler, around 160 students have been identified who live within walking or riding distance to the school. The London Economic Development Committee has submitted for an additional grant to shore up the infrastructure in the community. The requested resources include flashing lights to slow traffic on Highway 64 and sidewalks. “It’s more difficult for us to teach bike safety in London because we lack so much infrastructure,” Huggins said. “Bike riding is more common in big cities where they have the necessary safety equipment,” Chandler added. Still, the community of London has come a long way in addressing the barriers which have prevented healthy transportation alternatives. “The London community deserves to be a showcase to other communities in the state,” Williams said. “Just look at all the good things a few dedicated people can create.” n Congratulations are in order for the exceptional academic performance by the students and teachers of London Elementary School where 100% of the student body scored at the proficient or above level in the math portion of the Benchmark exam.
September 2008
As students, teachers and parents enter London Elementary School, they pass a memorial garden with a large rock featuring the name of a former student, Nick Maurseth. It bears testament to a sobering reality in the history of the close-knit community. Nicholas Harris Maurseth was a first grader who lost his life while riding his bike to school ten years ago. Maurseth was attempted to jump a ditch when his bike bounced unto the highway and was hit. He was survived by his parents, Leland Wayne Maurseth, Sr. and Sherry White and brothers Leland Wayne Maurseth, Jr. and Mathew Maurseth, all from London and a half brother Kenny Lee Maurseth of Arizona. Ten years is not that long ago, and most adults remember when the accident occurred. “Has it been 10 years?” they say. It is surely a comfort to the Maurseth family that the community of London is taking strong measures to prevent such a tragedy from happening again. In the upper right hand corner of the rock is Nick’s name copied from his original handwriting. He wrote in print. He was only in first grade. “The more cyclists on the road, the more we increase driver awareness,” Willa Williams, U of A bicycling educator said. “The best thing we can do in Nick’s memory is educate.”
ABOUT...the River Valley 35
creativity Story and Photo by Jeannie Stone
What happens when a mother (who was trained to
work hard and make money) and a father (who was raised by a weaver and a musician) have a child? They compromise. Cliff and Tracy Thomas, of Russellville, nurture their daughter’s natural curiosity and creativity. Together, they offer her the best possible learning environment. They home school. The latest figures (1999) released by the Department of Education list 9,000 Arkansas children who are home schooled for various reasons. The most cited reason parents give for educating their children at home, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, is concern of the quality of education provided in the public school setting. Additionally, the agency reports that 11% of home schooling parents list the desire to offer a more challenging environment for their children. Cliff, Tracy and Summer, 14, fall into the latter category. 36 ABOUT...the River Valley
Tracy developed her educational philosophy through her own business experiences beginning as a child when she helped in her family business in Abilene, Texas. Her family encouraged her to join them full time after she graduated from high school at the age of 17, but she struck out on her own and began a plant care business. “It was very successful, and I made a lot of money for a teenager,” she said, “but I had an ulcer by the time I was 19. The following year, my parents moved to Arkansas, so my father could pursue his dream of raising cattle and living in the country. We were all pretty tired of the rat race.” Cliff, an artist who owns a sign shop located across a field of wildflowers from the Thomas home, spoke of a National Public Radio interview which greatly influenced him and his wife concerning the merits of home schooling. The featured speaker was a dean of M.I.T, according to Cliff, and he spoke on the disappearance of creativity in the public schools. “He said that M.I.T. was aggressively seeking home schoolers because they were incredible problem solvers who had been allowed to develop their own natural patterns of thinking through things. He pictured it this way; babies develop beautiful antennas, always exploring, assimilating, learning, and expressing themselves. But, when they reach school age, the public school puts caps on the children, and it is meant to stunt their individual creativity and growth, and in that, the schools succeed. The caps only allow some of the antennas to grow, but the others shrivel up and die. M.I.T. was looking for students with beautiful antennas, and, according to their experience, those students were home schoolers.” “Going to college is not an end-all for me,” Cliff said. “If Summer was passionate about something that required a college degree, I would sell the house to make her dream come true, but I don’t see the point in her pursuing a degree just for the sake of having a degree.” He is not alone in his reasoning. According to a recent article printed in the San Francisco Chronicle, industry analysts were polled on the relevance of college degrees. Surprisingly, they found that in the fastest-growing industries, like technology, information covered in college classes was already outdated by the time the students completed their studies. Human resource specialists voiced their opinions that more and more CEOs were preferring traits such as hard working and problem solving rather than possessing a degree. The Thomases were encouraged to give home schooling a try. Their only child, Summer, was a visual learner from the first and thrived on opportunities requiring her to use her artistic side. She and Tracy have taken pottery classes together and, according to her mother, Summer also displayed excellent communication skills. She is a voracious reader and has already delved into her literature book for the coming school year and is looking forward to reading Romeo and Juliet. “And I love to write,” she said. Learning is highly prized in the home. September 2008
“We both read to her all the time when she was little,” Tracy said. The highest family priority, however, is that each person respects each other and is present, physically and emotionally, for the other. When Cliff has a huge order to fill, Tracy and Summer help in the shop. “We’re all three together all day every day. We love each other,” Tracy said. “She was 3½ years old, and she would beg me to play school with her,” Tracy said. “She wanted to learn, and so we enrolled in the Calvert School, an online college-bound program out of Baltimore. When she graduated from that program two years ago, we were surprised that she scored two years ahead of her peers in English and Language.” They are beginning their second year with Core Curriculum, which specializes in custom packaging according to each child’s abilities. So, a student might use a 10th grade curriculum for Science, but a 9th grade curriculum for Math. Their goal is for Summer to learn at her pace. “You can’t shield them from the world, but without the peer pressure other kids have, she’s more like a young person than a teenager. Her maturing has allowed us to connect as she’s forming her own world view,” Cliff said. True to her father’s observation, Summer would rather read than watch hours of TV or electronic gaming. Those activities just don’t hold her interest. “Most people seem to watch TV as a course of habit,” Cliff said, “or as a way of keeping up with the culture.” He and Tracy have never felt it necessary to restrict her television exposure. That’s not to say she doesn’t watch TV. Summer’s favorite show is Little House on the Prairie. “That’s not too cool for most kids,” her father said. She has a different taste in music as well. In fact, her tastes are very well-developed for her age. Summer likes complicated jazz and classic rock like Pink Floyd, Steely Dan and Yes. “Some kids think I’m weird because I’ve never heard of the groups they are listening too, but I’m not judgmental. I like all kinds of music. We should all be allowed to develop our own tastes,” Summer said. They are quick to admit that, sometimes, the world is a bit of a culture shock. Cliff related an experience that happened to him and his daughter during an outing to a mall. Sitting in the food court, they overheard a conversation between girls, around the same age as Summer, at the next table. “They greeted another girl who approached them, and when the she left, one of the remaining girls said, ‘She’s September 2008
soooo two thousand and four.’ Summer just isn’t into that scene,” he said. “She doesn’t define herself by her possessions like other kids do,” Cliff said. In fact, Summer has her father’s old cell phone and was surprised when her girlfriend made a comment that the phone was not cool. “It never occurred to her that a phone should be cool,” he said. “She isn’t influenced by what other children think at all.” Summer may not pay attention to what her peers think, but she is deeply interested in what adults have to say, especially senior adults. “Older people have more stories to tell, and know more about life. They are just more interesting,” she said. “A lot of kids don’t have individual personalities. They seem to be into what their friends are into. They haven’t found themselves yet.” Summer certainly seems to have found herself. She easily expresses her goals. “I have three things that are actually my dream,” she said. “Number one, I’ve always wanted to be an author. Number two, I’d like to go to beauty school, and number three, I would love to become a dog trainer because I love animals.” Summer is appreciative of her home learning. “My mom is a very good teacher,” she said. “Dad used to teach science, but now, he’ll help me with art projects for my lessons. And he is so smart. He is like a walking dictionary. What I love about my parents is they have always been supportive of me,” she said. “I have some friends who can’t say that.” “We just want her to be happy,” Cliff said. “I am definitely glad I stayed home for school,” Summer said. “I would be different than I am now if I went to public school, and I like myself the way I am.” n Jeannie Stone is preparing to home school her youngest son (an 8th grader) this year and has schooled another son two separate years. Her children have special needs and have had difficulties with the overstimulation of public schools although both children are bright and make good grades. To the school district’s credit, each of her children have been able to participate in electives, such as band, and the older son was able to continue social skills therapy. This arrangement has truly fostered a win-win situation for all involved. For more information, visit Stone’s blogs on raising speical needs children... http:// childrenofalessergod.blogspo.com and http://preciouschild.contentquake.com
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Their Children Will Rise Up and Praise Them
“Do the Right Thing” Story by Jeannie Stone • Photos Courtesy of the Prewetts
David and Jane Prewett, of Russellville, have been named 2009 Parents of the Year by the National Parent’s Day Council of Arkansas and received the “Dakota Hawkins“ Outstanding Courage Award for their exemplary role as parents while facing personal adversity. The Prewetts are the parents of Haley, 16, and Wesley, 13, who are both heavily involved in their academics, their church and sports. David and Jane have always supported their children by giving of their time through attendance and, often times, their coaching skills, but it is that dedication to “being present” in their children’s lives despite battling breast cancer that prompted Tyrone Williamson, mayor of Russellville, to make the nomination on their behalf. The Prewetts don’t think they’ve done anything spectacular as parents, although there are plenty who disagree. Williamson, who after nominating them for the honor, traveled to the state capitol to present the award to them has nothing but praise for the couple. “The Prewetts are such committed parents and are treasured members of our community. Jane was barely out of the hospital, and she was down in the concessions stands working at the basketball game. I couldn’t believe it. She didn’t let cancer get her down. She just kept living life and supporting her children,” Williamson said. David and Jane have lived in Russellville for 23 years. The couple met while she was attending, and he was teaching at Arkansas Tech University although she was never his student. David made his career as an attorney.
Although the couple had decided to marry, she was determined to work and live on her own for a year. “I wanted to prove I could live on my own without David or my daddy supporting me,” Jane said. That fighting spirit would serve her well as a full-time career mother of two very active and intelligent children and then, again, in her battle with breast cancer. “We talked about carrying out our lives as normally as possible because even if you have a good prognosis at the end of the ordeal, if you have shut down your life during that time, then the cancer would have still won. It would have robbed us of that time.” The normally-active mother managed to stop her life just long enough for surgery and chemotherapy treatments. “Oh, I went to a lot of things feeling really nauseous,” she said. “But I wasn’t going to let the cancer win.” Jane showed a mother’s determination when she danced with her son a week after surgery. “It was a huge thing,” she said of the traditional mother-son dance which was a part of a cotillion social event. “I wasn’t going to miss that for the world.” “It’s great that they’re always supporting us,” said Haley. “During a basketball tournament in Harrison, Mom had to go home for a treatment, but she returned the next day.” The Prewetts have invested in the futures of hundreds of children. Together, they have nurtured countless children through church and sports. They’ve shared the role as Sunday School teachers and the children of the church have fallen under their wings of influence.
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38 ABOUT...the River Valley
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September 2008
David chosen as personal confirmation mentor numerous times. He has served on the Staff Parish Committee at First United Methodist Church, and has acted as chairman, while Jane has served on the Finance Committee. The son of a Booneville coach-turnedschool administrator, David is the president of the Basketball Booster Club and has coached various sports teams for the past 10 years. “I’ve probably coached 300 other kids in town besides my own,” David said. “My father wasn’t able to spend a lot of time with me growing up because of his career. I wanted to make sure I was an integral part of my children’s lives,” David said. Jane had strong ties with her father as well. “He didn’t know how to have fun,” she said. “He was a farmer in Mountain Home, and though we enjoyed each other’s company, our entire relationship centered around farm chores.” “My mother and I bought world map placemats when (the children) were young, and they’d quiz each other,” Jane said. “I tried to find enriching activities for them during the summer… programs like the Young Researchers Camp at Tech really gave them a jumpstart in their learning.” “They’re old enough to know they are blessed with good minds,” David said. “We just hope they make the best of their opportunities and use their talents in life. Stepping back as a parent and letting them go their own way and choose their own path is difficult, but it’s what we’re called to do. We have always told them, do what you want and go where you want.” “I always tell them, ‘That’s fine, go wherever you want.’ As long as they know I’ll be going with them as their roommate,” Jane said and laughed. “I think your job as parents,” David said, “is trying to teach your children social skills, a good work ethic and discipline and keep them in church. And then you have to let them live their lives. Hopefully, we’ve given them a solid foundation.”
“All of our friends and neighbors and church family stepped in when we needed them,” David said. “There was a chairman of a food committee and a transportation committee to get the kids where they needed to be. Everything was organized. We are forever grateful for this community.” “It was really overwhelming,” Jane admitted. “One man sent over a lawn service because he couldn‘t think of anything else to do, and he wanted to help us.” “The faith and prayers from the people of Russellville pulled us through that hard time,” David said. Jane was touched by another experience. “The whole basketball team had the most beautiful t-shirts made with my name printed on pink ribbons. I walked into the game after my surgery and everybody, even parents, had on those shirts. I almost lost it right there.” she said. “I’m always reminding (the children) that the money isn’t the most important thing. The number one goal is to do what you love because that will make you happy.” “I think it’s really exciting that out of thousands of people in this state, my parents were recognized,” Wesley said. What he failed to explain, however, is that the merits of the children are considered during the selection process.
The criteria for the award, which is sponsored by The National Parents’ Day Council of Arkansas, state that “the children be of the highest moral character and involved in positive activities within their communities.” Haley and Wes are modeling their lies after their generous and civic-minded parents. Haley has been involved in Vacation Bible School, mission trips, church and basketball camp counseling, school service organizations, and other civic associations. Wesley is equally engaged with church and sports, having assisted with VBS, being on football, basketball, track and soccer and QuizBowl teams, and having received Grand Recognition on his ACT. “I think this recognition is mostly about the fact that we just kept going,” Jane said. “I just didn’t want to miss anything in my children’s lives because of the cancer.” The last thing we say to them when they’re walking out the door is, “Do the right thing,” David said. And, apparently, they have taken that to heart. “Russellville has been a wonderful place to live and raise a family,” Jane said. Mayor Williamson responded: “I speak for the people of Russellville when I say it is people like David and Jane Prewett that make this community such a fine place to live.” n
Price’s Town & Country Store Seeds & Grains and Western Things
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September 2008
ABOUT...the River Valley 39
Tour guides at the Betsy Ross house in Philadelphia.
Amish clothing hangs at a home in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
Fountains of Longwood Gardens, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania.
From History to Mystery; Royalty Tours offer a Bit of Everything The traveling family of Royalty Tours, Inc. took off once again in August, headed northeast to Pennsylvania for a 7-day visit to some of the most historical sites in America. Thirty travelers boarded one of Royalty Tours’ luxury motor coaches at Saint Mary’s Regional Medical Center on the early morning of August 4 and headed through Arkansas and the rolling hills of Tennessee. After overnighting in Knoxville, the first “official” site-seeing stop was at Gettysburg National Military Park in Pennsylvania. A new museum and visitor center, just opened in April of this year. After viewing the film “A New Birth of Freedom,” a park guide boarded the coach for a guided narrative of the area and the Battle of Gettysburg, which ended Robert E. Lee’s second and most ambitious invasion of the North. After Gettysburg, it was on to Valley Forge, Penn. The group visited Valley Forge National Park where George Washington commanded the Continental Army of the United States for six long, cold months. Jaunts to Philadelphia included visits to Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell and the National Constitution Center. Travelers toured the Assembly Room at Independence Hall, where Washington was appointed Commander-in-Chief, and where the Declaration of Independence was adopted July 4, 1776. Longwood Gardens, about 30 miles from Philadelphia, was another stop and a highlight of the trip. Longwood was the country home of Pierre DuPont, who turned a small family business into the corporate DuPont Chemical giant. He purchased the property in 1907 to preserve the magnificent trees, and today Longwood is one of the world’s premiere horticultural showplaces. Exquisite flowers, majestic trees, dazzling fountains, an extravagant conservatory and a starlit theatre are but a few of the displays enjoyed by Royalty travelers. The Amish Experience of Lancaster County, Penn., was the destination after leaving Valley Forge. Thoughts of a more simple time abounded as the group witnessed homes without electricity in a place where transportation is limited to the horse and buggy. Royalty guests perused an Amish farmer’s market, a furniture workshop and community store before boarding the Strasburg Railroad for a quaint journey across Amish farmlands. The last leg of the trip led to Kentucky, where overnight accommodations were at the restored Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill, a living history museum where tangible reminders of an extraordinary society are preserved. The Shakers played an important role in American religious history, and developed the longest lasting communal society. Janet Thurber of Russellville, a traveler with Royalty Tours, said: “Everything about it was great. It was so well-planned, and we were so cared for, all we really had to do each day was show up!”
40 ABOUT...the River Valley
Thurber, as well as several other travelers, found the visits to Amish country and to the Shaker village to be most interesting. “I went primarily to see the historical sights in Philadelphia,” she said, “but really enjoyed experiencing the peacefulness and reality of the Amish way of life. That was something I knew very little about.” The journey ended August 10, with many passengers anticipating the upcoming annual “Mystery Trip” in October. “Everyone loves our October Mystery Trip,” said Sandy DeVore of Royalty Tours, “it’s always great fun and a great success.” The destination of the trip is, of course, a mystery until guests arrive at each location. “Wherever we go, we promise it will be a new adventure with new attractions.” This fall’s trip is scheduled for Oct. 2-5. Costs are $839 per person single occupancy, $689 per person double occupancy and $649 per person triple occupancy Many guests of Royalty Tours are also members of Saint Mary’s Regional Medical Center Vintage Club, and travel each month on Vintage Club and Royalty Tours “Let’s Do Lunch” day trips. Upcoming trips include tours of Wiederkehr Wine Cellars and Saint Mary’s Catholic Church in Altus on Sept. 11; a Gentry Safari Adventure on Oct. 14, and Graceland on Nov. 11. This year’s Christmas tour will explore Fayetteville, and is scheduled for Dec. 9. Cost per person for the day trips is typically $69 and includes lunch; some trips may be priced differently. For more information on upcoming trips, call Royalty Tours at (479) 890-6774. “Let’s Do Lunch” day trips are not exclusive to Saint Mary’s Vintage members. Through the Vintage program, Saint Mary’s provides River Valley seniors with health and wellness information as well as social and travel opportunities. Call (479) 964-9355 for information and an application. n
The “Founding Fathers” at Independence Hall, Philadelphia.
September 2008
Royalty Tours travelers listen to a guide at Washington Memorial Chapel in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania.
A.G. Edwards Is Now With Wachovia For 26 years we have proudly served the investors of Russellville. Although we will now be known as Wachovia Securities, our core values remain the same … putting the needs of our clients first.
Recognition of Union sharpshooters at Gettysburg National Military Park. Independence Hall at Independence National Historical Park in Philadelphia.
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Independence Hall Assembly Room, where the Declaration of Independence was adopted.
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Beautiful stained glass at Washington Memorial Chapel, Valley Forge, Pennsylvania.
All aboard the Strasburg Railroad for a view of Amish country.
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September 2008
ABOUT...the River Valley 41
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Russellville Among Best Russellville was listed as one of the 10 best places in America to buy a home in the August issue of the CNN Money Magazine. Ranked 10th under the annual issue’s “best places/most affordable” category, Russellville’s appeal gained national recognition. The CNN survey found the average price of a home in Russellville was less than a third the average price in the other best places to live. It’s something that companies considering to relocate will likely keep in mind. Jeff Pipkin, CEO of the Chamber of Commerce said, “We’re far enough away from those metro areas that our housing costs are a little bit less per square foot. The uniqueness about Russellville is we’re not in the metro areas, but we’re close enough we can get there in an hour.” According to Russellville Mayor Tyrone Williamson, “fishing, hunting, whatever you want to do, it’s just a beautiful place to live. The people are really friendly and laid back.” The CNN article specifically mentioned the recreation potential in the state and city facilities. Mack Hollis, the Parks and Recreation Director agreed. “Once they get here and they see the gorgeous lake that surrounds the city, the beautiful mountains we have mountains on three sides of us, when they see all that and the cost of living and the cost of filling their car up here opposed to other places, what it cost to eat opposed to other places, they stick around.” CNN reported that the median family income is below $50K, but their purchasing power is more than $65K. Mayor Williamson added, “the cost of living is cheaper here, low crime rate. And we have new jobs, new businesses coming in.” n
Band Support Sought The Russellville Band Boosters are encouraging community members to “make the difference in the lives of the young people of Russellville” through their annual Community Sponsorship Program. The Russellville Band Program is one of the largest, most awarded and best band programs in the state, say members. “However, providing enough funding for a program of this size is becoming increasingly more difficult each year,” according to Becky Bauman and Sandra Klemmer, chairpersons of the group’s fundraising committee. “The price of instruments, instrument repair, uniforms… even the “Pride of Russellville” t-shirt continues to rise.” Band students participate every year in a fund-raising event to try to help create the funds need for their band. The student’s efforts are simply not enough to meet the financial needs of the program, say the committee. To help the students, the Russellville Band Boosters formed the Community Sponsorship fundraiser which allows patrons to show the students “that they truly are ‘The Pride of Russellville.’” Tax-deductible donation levels include the “Friends of the Band” at $25 and continue to the level of “Conductor” for contributions of $1,000 or more. Forms and additional information are available by calling the RHS Band office at (479) 968-3153. Donations may be mailed to: Russellville Band Boosters, 100 Woodland Drive, Russellville AR 72802. Those made prior to Sept. 30, 2008, will be listed in the Russellville Bands concert programs and on a display board at Cyclone Stadium (specific levels only.) n
FOR YOUR NEXT SPECIAL EVENT Historic Missouri-Pacific Depot
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42 ABOUT...the River Valley
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Noelle Weldon and Kimble Linch
–Saturday, December 20– Ashley Clements and Tanner Stahl
Calendar listings of engagement, wedding and anniversary announcements on the pages of each issue of ABOUT … the River Valley are available at no charge. They may be submitted to: ABOUT Magazine, P.O. Box 10176, Russellville AR 72812 or sent via email to: editor@aboutrvmag.com. A phone number must be included for verification. Deadline to include information in the next issue of ABOUT Magazine is the 15th of each month preceding publication.
Note: Additional bridal listings compliments of Millyn’s, Front Street, Dardanelle.
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September 2008
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ABOUT...the River Valley 43
Furry Friends in Need Furry Friends in Need is a growing group of volunteers based in Russellville, “doing what we can to help the local animals,” say organizers. “Our goal is to help animals in the River Valley through prevention, education and adoption,” says volunteer organizer Janet Plant. The group presently conducts adoption events on the parking lot of Hastings Book Store and at the Russellville Animal Shelter on alternate Saturdays, according to Plant. In addition, the group works with Mr. Gerry Laswell with Dardanelle’s K-9 Hospice, a non-profit rescue group for older, disabled animals. K-9 Hospice also operates through donation and information is available by calling Laswell at (479) 229-1091. “Hastings has been very kind to let us set up our adoption events in their parking lot.
Please stop by if you are interested in one of our Furry Friends, or call the numbers below if you are interested in seeing a homeless friend at any other time,” added Plant. Adoption fees are $40 for dogs and $20 for cats. All adult animals will be spayed or neutered at no extra cost. On Sept. 20, Furry Friends in Need will host a Pet Show and Pet Adoption on “Warriors Day” in memory of Emmy Cherry, the young Atkins resident killed by the February tornado. “We are looking for ‘Warrior Cats’ -those that will be judged the Best Kit, Best Apprentice, Best Warrior Cat Male & Female, Best Queen and Best Elder,” say organizers “If you think you have a cat that fits into one of these categories, please fill out a form. There will be a winner in each category.” A pet show for the Best Mixed Breed,
Best Pure Breed, Best Condition, Best Personality, Cat and Dog Erin Would Most Like to Take Home, Best Junior Handler and Best in Show will also be held. Anyone interested in participating in the Pet Show may obtain an application form at www.furryfriendsinneed.org or from Vintage Books, 602 E. Parkway, Russellville, or the Arkansas River Valley Arts Center, 1001 E. B Street, Russellville for additional information. For information, contact Janet Plant at (479) 293-4377 or Rosemary Page at (479) 493-2851. Email contact may be sent to: furryfriendsinneed@gmail.com. Donations for the non-profit may be sent via Furry Friends in Need, P.O. Box 1905, Russellville AR 72811. The group has website information listed via furryfriendsinneed.org and also is listed through petfinder.com, an organization that has helped arrange over 12 million pet adoptions through 11, 742 pet adoption groups since 1995. n
SHOP FOR A CAUSE Mistletoe Market, a holiday season shopping event similar to the Junior League of Little Rock’s annual ‘Holiday House,” will be held Friday and Saturday, Oct. 10-11, at the L.V. Williamson Boys and Girls Club in Russellville. The newly-organized event will be a fundraising activity for the Boys and Girls Club of the Arkansas River Valley. Organizers hope to attract merchants who will offer merchandise including art, antiques, beauty, books, clothing, Christmas, decorative home and garden, food, gifts, jewelry and toys. The purpose is to allow shoppers to enjoy the variety of wares and experience the uniqueness of Russellville as they ‘shop for a cause.’ Admission will be charged at the door. Ticket sales and booth fees will benefit the Boys and Girls Club of the Arkansas River
Valley. Booth applications and letters of commitment are available from the Boys and Girls Club, 600 E. 16th St. in Russellville. Booth spots range in price from a 10x10 space ($250) up to a 10x30 ($650.) Corner booths are available for an additional $100. Participating merchants will retain 100% of sales made during the market. A Preview Party will be held on Thursday evening from 6-8 p.m. and will include a fastpaced runway style show by IIIs Company. Heavy hors d’oeuvres will be served by local establishments with booths open for business during the evening. Separate tickets will be sold for this event. Marie Biggers and Gaye Croom are serving as Mistletoe Market co-chairs with the assistance of a dozen planning committee members.
For information on participating in this fundraising event, contact Cathy Andrasik, executive director, at (479) 9687819; Biggers at 968-7329 or Croom at 967-3945. n
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Libby Ashburn
Executive Broker, CRS, GRI lashburn@rivervalleyrealty.com www.rivervalleyrealty.com
208 s. arkansas ave, Russellville
(479) 967-4838
Ofc. 498-2107 Cell. 970-6778 River Valley Realty, Inc
River Valley Realty, Inc 800 East Main • Russellville, AR 72801 800 East Main • Russellville, AR 72801
September 2008
ABOU Your T Needs BUSINESS DIRECTORY Dance With Joy Offering classes to ages 2 through adult and a variety of dance styles. We offer DJ/Karoke/ MC services on and off site. Also, we have special event rentals available. Go to our website for more information. www.DWJstudio.com www.myspace.com/dwjstudio P. (479) 968-1620 or (479) 264-7287 E.M.T. GUTTERWORKS We specialize in the installation of seamless gutters. Free Estimates! Mark Signor (owner) P. (479) 331-4140 • C. (479) 880-6759 MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION Specializing in acute and clinic care. Very competitive rates. Your patient’s care is our number one priority. River Valley Medical Transcription (479) 858-2708 or (479) 967-4899 SKY Designs Custom design your special baby gift! From diaper cakes to pacifier and ponytail holders. We can coordinate by theme and color. spk.young@hotmail.com (479) 970-2215
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Complimentary Subscriptions End October 31, 2008.
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Tint World Auto Glass & Tint We specialize in auto glass intallation & window tinting. Lifetime guarantee against bubbling or peeling. 20 years experience. Bobby & Robin Looper (owners) 1700 South Arkansas, Russellville P. (479) 890-9532 Be the first service professional that comes to mind when your prospective customer needs a product or service you provide. Have your business or service included in the next issue of ABOUT … the River Valley, contact Melanie Conley at (479) 967-4899.
Please Help! Hundreds of Animals are waiting for a new home!
Furry Friends in Need
P.O. Box 1905, Russellville, AR 72811
(479) 293-4377
Donations are Tax Deductible Adopt-A-Pet held alternate Saturdays at Hastings Book Store
September 2008
ABOUT...the River Valley 45
“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Photographer’s Gallery
Photo by Steve Newby, stevenewbyphotography@hotmail.com